The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 14, 1881, Image 3

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M. L. THOMAS, Publlaher.
My lips seemed swirt enough with words,
'.Mid school-mates. Homrand story,
That, ever a her street face came,
I-ostall tbolr wonted clur.
Bomtlnuiour In tlio deep blue ere
Iivu's nn moles, i coder token
Draw close the golden yatcs of speech,
Andlcft the word unspoken.
Tl 11 use rare, morning, when the year . .
AVus jriy with lenry banners.
And Nature" tuneful troubadour t
Vcrcia4flnjf blithe hnsfuiBfts; .
A hen overy sound wa In the nlr - i ,
Thoawoyl-v.oloedFprlmr'could trttnry. t
fc'lie plucked n Uliur-cup from the hedgo.
To cc It I liked butter.
A coldon chalice, cloxed in enow;
'J'hcblue gj-ci pocrinx tinder
K'enjiny.jB sober rolddlfHitfc, ,;CC
1 flxul no room for wnndor.
Thnt, when youth's happy vlntaoboro
Its ttititile-loeUei wlnev- -Tlio
pcrrlco vesta) ponslvo faco
Scorned more than half divine
Dir, ciiilcloss Kirll Kho clearly meant
Thfjjroldcn fruit or dairy:
J licaril ntouo a pronoun sweet,
Tlmt stool for winsome Mary.
And whlln tho swift, impetuous tides
Set-all life's vnlvo n-ll utter.
Tho cooler brnln found strength to pny,
Iy fond heart did "lovo but her."
"Your heart your heart I meant I
The toll-talo blood came fl'i'iifiiK,
1 nlr : Above tho tiiorniur hills
Tlio roy dawn Ilea bluhblnir.
So ent tho Toticrinn uliophcrd-tKir,
Souio inotiutalu oath pursulnif,
rjuked,-lUirmiw.iJlfo'ProwtUujf JT.
" HJsflwcet Oinmleoo1nJpf, - '
Adrift upon tho tldo of years
'iiir tnyailo. tiiiunmrin river
Soft) ellm on udsi tlH-MitiJislit piny,
The cypress Ktnrllt over.
A ul aluuyM up tho MiiKini; troam .
Ono fair il.ivn(flu.'iini uiur.
Tniichi'd with tho roo of early day
I'l-ncntit tho morning star.
And irnt times. In sportive mood,
She holds tho klntr-cup under,
Dcmuco as -when flic Itmko tho spell
That held our lives niumler.
UoVi-ry sure, a tcln-l heart bids
The fond lips more than utter
I low. tlnousti the lapse or happy years,
Her old;Umc LiVOjovc lut her.
-. Scrtimtr'M UuMldy.
m Jf '
mr9k t- 'I-
Wliat dojjs sliQ think I asked her hero
;orif it wiiin't to fall in lovu-wtthhiiii?
Wiwl docs he think I nsked him here
for.lif it wasn't to fall in love with her?
lyo no p'jlicuco with such stupid peo
)lo? Don and I met, fell in love, and
wero married inside of tiircc months.
Thkt'H tho lvay to do things. I'm so
mad I don't know what to do. She
was mad '.this morning, too, only she
doesn't show it as-1 do; she never Hies
intpragesr -"'Ion't have it, Kitty!"
that was till she said, but it was more
effective thaii if I had Tzivcd and torn
round by tho hour.
They look so well together, too a
regular pair of Saxons. Even their
names match, and L had set my heart
on 'it His rca'lyvcry Tttdo to me as
hostess. There! I knew I should cry if
1 got to thinking of it again.
They are such a lovely match. Don
nnd I don't match; we contrast, which
is Just as well. He is Spanish-looking,
which is one reason whv cverj body calls
him Don. Ho has a clear olivo com
plevion, velvety-urown eyes, and thick
brown hair that he keeps very short so
people may not know it's curly: he's
ashamed of it. I'd just as soon anyone
should know my hair is curly, which
makes mo think I am naturally more
Btrong-ininded than Don. 1 nm very
fair not particularly pretty. Of course
1 know my good points, and 1 do thor
oughly understand about contrast and
She doesn't think about such things.
Luckily, though, sho is one of the peo
ple whose clothes look us thougli they
liad grown on. If she appeared at n ball
itva night-dress and. night-can, ail tne
men would rave about tho classic sim
plicity of her stylo, and all tho women
would sav. "How frightful!" and the
ndxt weok tho price of night-drosses'
aiid night-caps would go up.
Tve ahvnvs Joved hor. buo s so'
stronir nnd steadfast I like to bo.with
hor. Sho couldnever bo " popular,' '-
though I don t know why; people call
her prond and peculiar. But E shall
always! ovo her, como what may, though
other peoplellovoin tho morning, hate
nt noon, and am indifferent to at night.
15ut sho was unkind this morning.- Any
oilier girl would have been "delighted
with all I have done for her. She said:
"Lwotft have It. Kittyf If you don't
stop, 1 shall go homo." And so 1 shall
have to stop. ' " " , ,
X felt-.eo low-spirited I had to go to
t owu;autLL luivo.only, just gotfback.T
feel better now. 1 have bought tho
loveliest pale green dress of some
gauzv, shinimeryr stuff, y, and ynrds
of "the most . perfect "ribbon.
There is nothing like "ribbon, if
n, person is small enough to year
it, to make a dress pretty- and grace
ful. A bin person with ribbons "aliSraAV
makes me think of i r ,'( "
"Decked with tlas and streamers pay.
l'crhaps I could have got. along without
the dress, for I have a good many. Wo
are not rich, and so I thought" as long
as Lhad bought tho dross I'd be cco
nouitial, asl nlwaysSam nowi aud cnt
it nrvlclf. '1 went to work. I cut it all
wrong. Wasted completely wasted!
1 am 'tho "utihappicst, 'tin luckiest person
that ever lived. Why was I ever born,
Then ho and Don came homo, and
Don came running np -to find me. Ho
always docs that thalirst thing, thpugh
wo are an .old'imarricd. couple'.--We
have been married nearly a year now,
andive liac.neverJiad;aaxmrrel and
never shall. " We" VcspecV each other,
being unhappy or jealous r about Du
than than ho -would of inc. We are"
both too sure we adore each other.
W.hy, what s np?" said he,' for I
dare sav I looked melanoholy.
An I Ihcu I told him all about it. "It's
nil her fault," I said. It's such a com
fort to have a .husband to tell.aU your
woes to. "I have done everything lean
to make them fall in love' for the last six
w'C( imjyyhjjnitogeUat thetoble
3 ;aUvaysleave them to each otScr on
thc piazza, , and there hasn't been
picnic:.or"tfcating party that I haven't.
&ecngtb it - they were together.. No
one can say .they haven't had op
pop ATTd'then my ffcelings pvcrcamo
me asvl thought how ungrateful shehad
been.x - c - -.
Kokwhistled. I wish he wouldn't:
I don't; think. it is iqnite respectful. AM,
just tnen'l looueii out 01 tne wmuow
and saw that Mikehadn't raked -tho
drivevay. And, someliow, ilwas -too
niuch for. me, after all lh"ad"beeir
JfthroughMhat day, and I burst into tears.
To this minute I don't know whether it
was my;ru"med-dress or Mike's stupidly
xr ni her "norvcrSitv that did it. Thca'
Don lauo-lied, and the moro I cried the
harder Ee laaghed, till -by -andbyiie"
said.; -" Would yotf
....... ...:Mw tAi .nm ,ba
'mmrt toTltnn' Wia
what "It's all about?
for l havcnTtan
idea:".- - "-. '.
Heis stupid about some, things, Cna
afraid, for mr statements are always
very clear. Then I told him tbat.lho
zmuu " -" "".
him in it: and ho is just the man to. suit
her, ho is so-manly nd.dead ha earnest
about everything;-if it's only aTow.-!
Ana tney maicu sjjieuuiuiy. xju iucy
won't have a thing to do with each
other; the closer I bring them together I
the more they fly apart. Sho doesn't j
liko hm, ana ne cant near ner, ana
would he please discharge Mike and get
another man?
Don laughed again; then he said,
"They would suit each other admira-
t i
bly. But there's no hope if yon pursue
your maddening tactics any longer.
VLcry.excnyjjwiis, wecis navciii.uccu i
trotted out onTTiV cliffs for no earthlv
reason but that ho ma' avoidjjicr soci
cly, aad.jleada-s I inaythenk my
trcary' legs are about oflVHo"noebc
induced to retarri till all thr lights In
the drawing-room are out.
" I know-itJ I,sMd, disjeintely.l
"And fdelways1ij"a Jetterrtopfrito
if they're1 loft aloac Araishu aayi
slio'U co homo if I don't don't slip."
1 don't wonder at it,' saiitDon, de
cidedly. 7' f't.
" I suppose you t&iBk jou tcpuld do
better," said 1, anlKUdon't carcif I was
cross; for men are absolutely lacking in
tact, yet thero nerer wm a man who
didn't think he had lots of it.
" I haven't a doubt, of it," ho answer
ed calmly.
"Then try it, try it! I wasn my
hands of the whole aShit; -Tit have no
thing moro to do with them. She can
a mm m m w aw a 9 J wm m - r 1 " -" ' U
And I fairlv hate him. If Iwere dying
mnrri' mnrrv iiiikf! xi HI115 wajiis lu.
I wouldn't have him for my doctor. I
care absolutely nothing about the whole
affair. Don, dear, what what do you
mean to do?"
"Never mind, my dearest Kitty.
lVithttlic bust intentions La-tho-world,
AisorUiat Urcalicr6i!TncjDor1of yours
would'u))3ct iriydeepcst plaiw."
"Very well, Don." I replied, in a
dignified tone; and I can be very dig
nilicd, indeed, when I choose. "Ishall
ignore everything; . I'will njevcr ask a
ueslion or try "to understand your
blans." ,
"Arid Twill waj:eC-;.feaion-fickctSifQr-i
tho opera next winter that in two weeks
they- nro hn engaged eourdojVj ; ;
"And if they are, I will get the Tick
ets," 1 cried. f,.
Don laugiied again. I could not tm'-J
derstantt why. Sometimes I fear that
Don is hopelessly frivolous.
I would have been tm
manly.rbut.I should have run if Mrs.
Blake had "kept iturvariy'longor. But,
thank Heaven! sho has at last given itm
as a bad job. Doa'g pretty little wife fa
the mosrcharmingTio5tig;iaajjinable,
but it u'ilnguihirhowthebestbf women
particularly when tlio bliss Joftthc
married state h.nenrto them are ad
dicted to match-making; Don is a3
desperate spoons as ho. was when en
gaged and used to bore mo with his
raptures, but, man being a different an
imal from. woman,' he is not bent on my
entering the paradise he is in.
Miss Arklay is tho last person I
should ever bo smashed over. Sho is
not the style of girl I could care for,
though she is everything 1 must admire
in theory. But ah, tho diflorence bo
twec'n theory and practice! She is un
dcniablv pretty moro than .pretty.
lovely.. Butl liaveecn; honiely.gjrls. I;
liked better, one ureases to penection,
with a classic simplicity -Don's wifo
would do well to copy, for if she have a
fault it is an absolute passion for rib
bons. She is clover, but I don't caro
for clover girls. Sho is attractive, but
sho doesn t attract me. I could live
with her for years on the top of Mount
Washiugton and never care for her. ,
At last, after six wcoksof unmitigated
miscrv. Miss Arklay and I are left iir
peace. Wo aro no longer hurled at
each other's heads in tho evening; The
moon no longer suggosts to Mrs. Blake
the desirability of a stroll. Don and I
can start for our nightly smoke on the
cliffs without awakening in her the! de
sire to accompany us. I want to snioko,
but don't like to, and it so infuriates
me to see Don puffing I could .find It iu
mv heart to pitch both my host and
ho'stess over the cliffs. Sho won't talk,
for fear, I really believe, of appearing
to lend herself in the smallest dogree to
her friend's schemes. Sho, need riot
fear; I never could think that of hor.
Our conversation proceeds thus: 'Nice
night." "Very." Interval of ten
minutes. "Pretty tho moon looks."
" Vcrv nrctty," fervently. I think sho
is laughing, aud it makes mo more orit
of temper than ovor. Another interval
of ten. minutes.. "l'm afraid you're
t'cold!" "Frcczing,J? with-a violent, a
very violent, shiver, "bhall wo go.
in?" trying to say it .slowly and reluct
antly. " Yes," with unconcealod alac
rity. - .
Thank Heaven, it is ovor, and I am
free to enjoy tho delicious country,
with tho stimulating sea-breeze; to row
in the evening till there aro miles :qf
moonlit water about mo aud I call
dream as. it never occurs tomo to dream
on tho land. alone as though 1 were
really the only being Tin the world, arid
the sea and tho moon and Uvery star'
saaiehow.bclQUgod to tho samn plan as
myself, all parts orsolmTvasiruRkiTbwnr
uukuowablo whole. Thero I am a
.dreamer.. On land I have no time for
it. Ofall professions a physician's is
'th5"busicst,, the mqst practical, and yet
in aomo waytko evenings and tho days
seam to fit into cacltothcr.
"Don evidently adnsires Miss Arklay.
'Evouvif Jfwero 80 ihblincd which I am
not it would ;be dffllcultto get a word
with her. IIols by her sido on tho
piazza when tL.c'people begin to drop
in; and the'lilakcs aro both very popti
larHo insists on her trying ills now
dog-cart; it is she jvhonnist stcervhilo
he tows. And it is prctty-tb rsbc how
pleased Mrs. Blake is that ho should
liko the friend Tvhom she adores. What
"a child she is! w
tSKo has. bcenrjinusnally quiet to
night. I thought sho wouldbe pleased
to'liavo'heV'friOBd spokotroiit is asub
ject7of which hitherto sho has never
"Miss Arklay is charming tfc-night,"
I said. "DontovideutlyTinilsrh'cr so.
What a comfort it'inust briWvori, Mrs.
.est menu so. wen msposca towaru oacn
tother! - 1: know a-fellow who has a
pitched battle withlhis wife's cherished
friend" everytimo sbe.witerstho-Uoue,
arid1 a stormy stimo !RithbJB wifewien
"How stupid of hiha!" she said no,
she appea.:.-jHwas astonished I nev
er kncW'Mrs. Blake to be out of temper
before withoutanycause, eitherVThen
itmoccurred to mo it was "probably the
hot day. "I'm'afraidyourhbadacncsiJ'
T said, plcasantlv. i Yoajrlookllpak.
Don doesn't takocniugh'care of' "yoti,
I'm afraidV' SS ) HM I
"tieaoes. jjimaot ..pawv aijrqeaa
-doesn't achoj'yndthercwasno dOut
she wasia.adownright-passidn as she
got "ap"andrflewintaTtho house. Hvs
teriareviaiBtly." n J "
iMrsfBlakchasnotnuch power of
self-repression. IfshCwereihurLboully
ormentauheuld.ilvray . qyit.
PresefiUy Jiiis.Arklayjvennn tbo,; anil
Dqu 'proposed ouri 'usual strbllan3
fSmoke'Fretty .SQQgJie'heganJn a c5j
fidential toner ('Pm glad,you'"ro juh
'truck.with Miss Arklay. lAvas afraid
you wouia oe wnea xuity toja. ma-sae
;hadasked,hertdowji. A'doctoxLihojald
"jSwa.vs marry aricjkjwomanj.ajid Miss
.! .. nr m nmM.r -drniii nay.'ian
ias aot a.oiiht Avoid. herny
JlrtwnnWP.r.,, i
llluchSbKc'cd 'iorT-our interest in
my afiairs, Faaidbnt all the'samej
WJrVthenfleSv, jt . ..
'Oh. ii'aaT3ghZ.$aidmhfe
. - r-r-. . . .,
'Xou'.ve no business to marry for
xaaxa. Hava .anothercigar? and we
tglatfcedbaek'at'thr cottage; The
curtains' erVi'-dratro, rid I 'could
see plainly -tnrougftrtac Moao, low win
dow. Mrs. Blake w, moving about,
arranging or disarranging everything
on the mantel and tables.- Miss Arklay
was t the'piano. Though I do not'like
her. sho is an undeniably lovely, grace
ful girl no, woman: insensibly the
broader, ft nor word connects itself with
U f Ilk. . ... mm.mnn ... s-Uttn
-.i .t. .i.trtm -,,, it. .,?.
on got impatient, and took my arm
lb go on. --
"Let's go ia, Scnor Don' iiW V
I 1 was iiunicing 01 uv. sncuieiu 01
rather of hi looks. I have always had
a fasoy'that people erow-ta fit tlir
names, and I should anywhere have
guessed his name to bo Arthur. If I
were an artist,! could not rest till! had 1
nntnlnA UTm -i thii lfl'mil--Ktnl
And than hcrcane fat tbtbok-lfct epor
window 0 suddenly asVto aUrlla ihc, it
came in. so on my thoUghts.". Thtjiext
gfuity, for he Is the last man tw- sJWoeP
ate with x. dream. That' is aoawUita
of which he doca not know the meaomg.
do not'belleve he ever thinks of any -
dng outside of his prbfossloa." Venns f
Herself would bore him unle alwpra
tientcd herself with
plicated disorder.
He came toward the piano, to my sur-
risc. for it has been a- mutual-ease of
)c. Fell,. and ha made' me tWnkmorB
4Uan iivcrot King Arthur, Ju itplic of
mv ausuruityoi 11. , twonuvruow it is
;fctj face hathat look as though ifeould'
Tifiver be really old? " You did not go"
far to-night, lias net MrurUlako bceK.-
as attractive as, uual- said J. Jl.nev
or saw him look haudsomcr."
"He quite turned my head with his
liointtr ' nn4U'rr1 Dr. KhAfllfttil. trrmvf.'.
lv. "ills charais imd Uio jaooiiUeiiV.
were fast gcttuig; too, much forsme."
00 you jjuu lo.wiieruiueru is nciuier
Bi9onlight nor " ' -"" "w - 5
He really looked iaterestotL I don't
Jiolicyc he was thuiking-of a.;cac. v But.
'lic'fore he could speak h(v. Blake's voice
said, "I say, Arthur, hunt up Mrs.
Blake's shawl ior hen Yon were with
her on tho piazza, and my wife' suspects
you of having purloined her property'
"nd Dr. Sheffield obediently went,
whilo Mr. Hlaku took his place
I like Mr. Blake, but jnstthen I do
wish Kitty, would not lose her things so!
lie uegan itraeoBiiacnti.'uuiiuvr-NOLCQa.
fidential araJigc5r'iight,liiyo(Wioii
he was'maklnglbvo: " f hf ariibitldi
for Sheffield. It's too hot to bo, ambi
tious for myself, so. like Mark Twain, I
employ wCagnga'je g&KtjSfa lM
ruiur, particularly aa io"K " uv c"
mains single." ;..!'" s
" What would Kitty think oMbatjen
timent?" raising my .voice HOsUwcould
hear. I like to see: the' dim pies como jn
her dear littlo baby-fac; bat she was
talking with Dr. ShelUeld, and did not
'"Oh, I'm different. Shofliold. is a
biggcrjman, butjjic's just tiy? fellow to
said, Indignantly.
" It would bo a bad thing for her, too.
Doctors Taroly got rich, and the iwife I
a poor doctor has an uncnviablo lot
No; my ambition by "proxy dies if
Sheffield marries.'
Arid then it- Hashed upon me that ho
meant to warn mo. 1 glanced suddenly
up, and saw that 1 was right., It was so
idiotio to torn scarletl ' '
"The wifu ofapoordootocl" ha went
oh, meditatively. " What a cramped,
wretched life it-would. bet- .Household
worries, no society, no 'pleasures, a con
stant struggle from haud. to mouth"
"I am tired, and think I will say
good-night," 1 said, and "took partic
ular care it was .simply to show1 him
1 Tcscntcd his wcll-ineant bnt mis-
'takx-n coim'sels to say i good-night as
s.weetly as 1 could to lung Arthur.
1 i 1 .iiTOumwl'liwi
f Qv wIIAT: !XAtT'TSAlS. & rf
day.. 'Kitty iikl iot ipeak' l it'.'J ii
courso I could not let tlio day go by un
noticed, so rbronght home a pearl cross
I thought sho would fancy.I supposo
you've forgotten what IjkJsSmll I8:litI
as I laid it m hor lap.suvi
d; "Ihavo
boon thiniiiaiir of itall
"Do yottflltoVUrSHlliriM0"0
uiu not say aworrapquu.upjeross, on;
sat looking a it;'licii sl6T6o1tedat
me, nnd,Hcgiyastaitmieatt, her oyes
wero full. " - -
"It's a year ag9,Don,"sho began,
in a breathless, earnest way. "Havo
you ever regrottcd it? If it wero this
timo a twelvemonth ago, would you
still say to mo what you did then?"
"Why, Kitty!" was all I could say,
and for" a moment . I thought tho hot
weather had affcclcU her brain.
"If, it' Is" so, oh, Don,1 dear1, bclievo
me, I would bear it ; She is so inueh
more worthy 3our love than I, and how
could y6u jia hplptd caringfoHcr
My only yja?, ddjbo2fcf fioiutjiap
pincss, for tfio uanpincss orm both,
and that I might die to give it you, - I
could live then,-you know 7s
" Ivitty, "Kitty !" cried, half frigat
cned at' .this solemnity fronV Kitty j
whoso .dimples 1 are never abacnt-rcytjo.
though I. oOidd. notnuudorststbd'Thcr
"Dear, m' ono prayer ia.-regzird .te',
death would lie-that I might die lirst,
if it wero not that Tkdbw "tho blank it
would'mako-litcto-voo. -As-it-isrohf
mv dcavict-U3-pca-that wo, jjiajr die
sTueitU-fmHi El
CdveiiMrMP'iMu t1
absurdity of tho idea burst upon mo,
and, though I didinybostto-kcep seri
ous, I could not spcac tor laughter.
uc HwaumuuBy a'wawviK iMnw;
yOu kn..w:LliM .j $ig?g& fc&sfcfetj
.?"A11 women arc not Rosamonds," I
ff' ..
rM7a9BHif v
. w.... . 1 - . . - 1
joined me. Her arms wero about my
w... .......- -, .. . ,
neck as sho whispered, "Don, dear.
forgive me; Ileft?9ittl6en. It
was only because I loved you both so
dearly. You wero both so perfect to
each other;" and I did not feci like
laughing as I thought of what my littlo
wife Had jaenOyif iljfkkstflf d
and purt&cii&tf vWS4$WtVr.
Sheffield?" she asked, half an hour
inter. "JJiunqt ne conMnome wuu 1
vou?'ii' fio 3a m
mm - A..kW I... 11.
: aioiu avuvw. ajhr?JL&r:ji'j'z-xTL-zs
"No farther than the beeches. TSlca-.
oyes wide open, "you don't mean "
' "I think I do! and if .my tpno was
a feriM .ielAfetrlb.JljnatakaJ,4
tvuaii was uaeniaein juiparu wjui
mo? and was not Tallevrand himself a
bungler? It is a I; : b fe
Mother Eve and it people only under
stood itamlpracticediiasIkaTenJono,
there would bo fewer misalliances and
no running
- rr3 r STinf
4Wiestwo ahorikl appear
coming across the lawnpift Arthur and
and gudty? " My dear, I
begin in ucefuv, so
wager3Cafionest? tti7,it
Est&Wmkf&in 2
Nearly tweliryTlTvears ago the
people of Brattlcboro, Vt, were sur
Drised one dav atmiinathe-.figure oi
an aegei-moiaea Mv-anow- si
orifee eir sdeea?. Itlfes
- - a. . . i ... - .jKL'jir.
that a Brattleboro youth, Larkin G.
Meade, had done the work, and he was
helped to pursue tii Inartistic studies.
To-day, as his studio in Borne, this
Americaii sculptor:,is makmf prrajhi
tleborp.a marble copy of tnesnyQWjiagel
wmen nrst Drougnt mm mtonouce.
There have been but eight re-elections
among, ,tho ,wenty-5v2 Ignited
States?6eworsiwhMeuJbriiuj jnbtf on
tho 4tE of "March. Of these, four are
Republicans and four Pemocrats. The
Rhode Island, DaweSibf Mas
sachusetts, and McMillan, of Minneso
ta. The latter. aro-f Bayard.! dilDela
ware, Jones, of Florida, CockrelL oJ
1 Missouri, and Maxey, of Texas.
tacks aro hand;
mar bo placed oa the backs of. chairs
to prevent injurr a the walU. and In the
rabbets raHifiig wHi4w v ttQ tke
Boie. or ia ike jambs ol 4eor fee ft
similar purpose
ProL KnaDn. hi the Jowa toc-
li&ad, ay:s in reference to the iJaracedl
nMedy for hog cholera, that aa an ah
tefetive to keep the blood In good con
dition thero Uwitklajt eqaal ta ax
iced, bu that as aourc waea aahnals
are diseased, there .. nothing In it.
' ' s-For toilet noap. make the Iyo and
m nice lard or ecf 'tallow; add eight
ounce if glyoerlitf Just before taking
up. and stir until nearly cool, i'eriwna
with o'dM alnwDd5.aai.,ciiiJiuar urn
the oU'ofcassta wuH" d3 of Bcrgambt
ficjoiic1 geranium. JrTUo Kan Tnaybe
colored redrwit nine-tore of Tdr3fol's
tl6odcr:iylijr ifUUa LuW.aimatta.
--Scsd Cake, One. pound oi but
--Scttd Cakiv One, wound oi butter 1
eaten to a cream, oao tonnd 01 eiucu
Jump ngar.'oneJ' iKJtmd of flour well
drictl. eight cgw (yelks and w1rit
beaten senarateryl -atpf csrawav ?ccdi
tbtaatteu -Alir thnrdjeatj; auid b.iU
uivweii toguUMsr tinur., t'ut .mo
batter intoavUn snapnncdwUh"iifapT.
anl buttered. Bake1n" a moderate
ot'ea- i V L J
J rrcsud Beef. Boil beef of any
good kindill tho boae.- fall out; AaH
it -over carefully, removing all grwUo.
and inedible suLstnnce, chop it hue,
season wkkealt and Buctj herbs as tasto
sn'ggeats, press .in a pan with a heavy
weight. When cbld cut in slices anil
nerve'. Very totigh ami cheap mcos of
hue! may be made really vdolitae3 oy
"fhTs mode of iirei)aration.. ,....
When you want to find out "1
truth nt thi bottArn'of -n Well" -and
somolimesVferv diflagrecsble truths He j
there Lake, leokiag glate at least a
footsriuare. and at moruuig or.,cruuuiic
torn tne"slantipg,rais of the jun down
'into thbwcll. - Whatever it contains
may then J readily 60. scrfn and nshed
out. With. Ordinary pen welU, ssjh
tho American Ajriculturi$lt this should'
1 e ione often, as, a lcal animal iu tho
ttu:a$m the family. -
Bavarian- Croarn. One' quart "of
cream, four eggs, sugar, half miucu, of
Isinglasi,' "vanilla extract. Whip to a
still froth one pint of rich cream, and
place it on a sieve;, boil another pint of
.cream with theisinglwu, tho yelks-of
.th eggs, sugar and "flavoring to taste;
when it comes jp.-a; boil akpittthe
fire, put it on the ice.jyhetTit begins to
tkjeken, stir in a spoonful at a time
tlio whipped cream, arid beat it until it
is tho consistency of sponge caku, then
. ?... " ii.. 1' ... ! 1. ;.!..
jiui into jiioius uuu suiviuyn juu fv;i--.v
A correspondent of the. H'cxlcm
Yllural savs: " I have procured a water
proof blacking for harness, boors antl
Jshoes which seemsu bu just the thing
needed, for Ijhayd-tustedJL for several
months. Bce-wav, two' pounds, resih,
ono-half a nhtirid, fish oil. thrce-fonrths
tof a pint, ncat's-foot oi!, throe-fourths of
a pint, spirits turpentine, twoanua'uaii
pint3,glyccrine, ouo-u:ilf ounep., lamp
'o!aek,(ioue-fourth pound. Melt the wax
nnd resin, fthcn stir in the other-' itr
gVediCnts, wheH it'isTeady for two.
Apply with a brush, and polish with a
wet brtuh. . ..
Ilominy bread is very delicate, and
as the recipe Is ciially good with co!d
rboilel rice, which- i3 olten at hand, I
give the manner of making it:, A large
cup of cold boiled .rice or homiuv,tas
much Indian corn meal, and the same
of flour 'and milk, 'to -make thick :bat(cr,
then beat in three eggs, a tcaspoonful
I of salt and a? dojsortspoonful of sngttr;
stir in a lauicspoouim 01 uuuer meueu,
.and bako in a shallow tin pari in a hot
... .a" " -.
oven; cut it out m .squares, and serve not
5m a napkin. This and all breads hav-
'irig corn meal need to bo liberally but-.
PfnlcEyo in Horses. "Pinkeye" is
tho common namo for inflammation of
tho eves, caused by cold, rhounmtism
or uhraqicoptbaJmia it should bo
troated by local applications" and cool
ing medicines. Bathe tho eyes in cold
waterV-iri which four grains of Bulplmto
of zinc to the ounce of water is dissolved-
Bepoat this . twice a day and
inject a small quantity iu tho eye. Give
.one pound ofEpsorii sailsand the next
dav begin ono ounce of Hyposulphite of
soda, to bo givcnrdaily for two or throq
weeks. Feed no 'corn during this time;
give instead scalded oats, and wheat
bran. . -' i ' "
f v 1 m
' . 1 -
ntJIcalthy irbmes'for Animals.
Tho ftlarminrimiviiuincc of an ftnl-
zoottc affection among tho horses of this.
country nnd tho serious amount of sick-
ncss that is said to be racing ainongtiie
milch cattle should, show. 'to tho owners
of living beings of anysprj, that mau'is
riot.-the only animal that is sensitive to
His .surroundings." Horses, cattle, sheep,
dogs And tho (uglier 'animals in' general
Wavo; vital systems exactly like" tuosojofi
marir and" seemingly- as sensitiyey top."
A doso. of any particular poison 4s just
Jas falal to. a largo dog as to a manoL
similar- wcigm, uuu jiuisuiia uuib aLtx
breathed in by, the, lung j oi a liorso nnd
their way inst'as nuicklv to tho-blbod1
Their way nnsr'as nutcklv
s they would if irihalcdby man, woman
r child, while bad food is just as mis-
fchievous in its effects upon tho health
01 animais as 01 uumans. J.110 inmates.
of stables and sheds" need llghtnd ven-
tilaUoaJullyas much as' tho denizens 01
kntiilcnmnat Itmicno Anil xit t ri nnc
uuL..UiUiuJViuuouiiv;iuu m-Tv My
nf, innuiirw fii
and families depend for tlfelr livelihood,
aro-stabled in close, dark, tilthy hv
elbsdres; whilo cowv of Whoso life
thousandsof.chUdreniare partakcrsa
tho most litc'ral sense, Htro far worsoin,
sXi that pertains to health. It is believed'
fey manjrcareful observerj-that animals
are as-eensitive asmancvien-tp mialarU
ops influences certain .it is that. in. man
laridu'sxegTdns the Horses and attleafe
alwanthrbbitttid spiritlessi' Epn
demic diseases that are not infectious
M .vltK,,f fl . .r.
anihiabj snonld?rif6rmjtTicfs 6F livinj
piopercy wis 1 a expensive tis eu;u jive dmproper: food and un-.
clcanjwusmg- fow ana
West., .
Thinning TntlF.
" k
I. SUUf ol fruit-growers have .long beesi
fruit 6n ovcTbea'frng frees," both for tho 1
. .. , ...,..... .. ... iulUUlUk 4 IBU IVUU1L,
0 .... .. 'J J, V.1T.. .t ,
jiLfcav.MhaPrBveHVXIH!iaBM0"'0 no irces,aKiaTre-
Uaye otvea-flad,
occasion to urge the im
portance oi tho practice, whichia ,ad;
tiotted, saves" much febor ra" Batid-piek-'
ihg afterwards numerous: imperfect
specimens and. Touch .time ia assorting
after they are gathere3. Before, orby
the'tiiiie thejrsri'n inch 'in diain6?er.
the finest 1 specimens may be see,n"fer
leaving, as the smaller and poorer toaes
aretaken out. Some.jyaluablQ .hints
ontmsTuTijectrwere given at the last
Titerv-tmrln('-'ririli 'WUtfirTr"Wr
YorkHeticaltand Society. W. CL
BarryfaidtheyooHld not getjjood ax-,
hibition pears, witboiit. tmrining the
elusters. They used a polo with a
uotcS 4k otteieaI. -wkch enabled the
operator to twist theaa'ff rapidly. E.
ltoody,-iir-epeakiag--f the -NertherB-
erowd"trWsjsard Sirtrald2
f. vefi tnuBtfcbw whea We1 make "ne
3-LT".t? .' a r i. . t?,J- "- n
1 b. .t ra w um - mr r mi in 111 m" mm kub
ls.J'"si''"'"wtTi "1f
wcs4 eW aearlv 'aa 'BHeh
3W1SIB, V Tjr aaTjtaeT MM T
mrm Aft "ViA.'Kinb.4knnhr'tha!
Spy-ceuld be best thkiBed'bVoattbxg
"ft4f" Jjv i.wi jAwugU w?
oaterowuea braacaee. Mr. yicirfleta
wao woaMDe?tiunta:
ftwi r
The 6eaM Tesmt EailraU.
Texa. AcalLwaawwie t&!
.. lf- k 1 CoAJ.rl l 4H
J a u.wiUn.vt.A& 4oTkia.
iLt. totem if the trim aadTrci4 hp
tk xdatttian W tmr Bear tdaa in ir-
execce to, the GooUi lises. Mr JTalwax
said the trip was oae of isjuxctloa. Mr,
Gdacdr6ebif olSeiais derfrtd f
tt-f wkat nrtAtieMlndl
atftVMrj' - - . -a:
--',-. - - . t
- Vcre any step takta tqifKu ptth- 4 fr
a the creral extea.foair ti$isi
mztheicreraleJtlea.roair " '
T. xi .1. . i- i- .ImuIv .W
and uWe waa artlikn- to 4a te aoe
" -f t mwrr l.rrTW nric mt-n m tmmsmx-
aum. f
r"." . . .. t. ( 1'
? when wul ifoaw xxi ai, i-um
I "oi IniMr. JYofcibH be kMT
knowhiineell" t a
r :?": r .". et-tt-ttt- ,--
t-t' 7..-1 --i l-- t.-'t... .L
yass gS'js Bf wfw u ,' u-a .121. tttt: : ei
wM ?, :jzz. r.-3 4
"-Tie "MLwad, Kaawand Tew
viue toulh to connect with the Interna-
tioaal and Great unJ:exn tjUcsi.
will give the Miwouri Pacifies Jn-.
cbendent Une into HoaVtuar. Atbtia, !
UaiTfiWD BBU OH .BBJU.W, i l '
-.. j.c i. l.ii..- . I
Vka wiU thi coouection - bo
mai?" '
rlJytho-tirJtof Ifay." Then we are
biuldleg aaotikT exteim IroiDAVMte
bbro leForl Werth. rihiswill beaev-
ehtj-four tuiiea in length and will Jxj
completed by "May 1 . Thc'o again tho
grattfng 6 ' ncariv' all 7dono from Fort
Worth soaUi U w vo, aad ia-a, -eryH
short na track, -laying will eonuneace,
at Port Worth." -
" Does this complete the lwt of cxtcn-
OHnotJieeBgiBetT aro now lo-
eating aUae ffont Waco toGorxtowa'
at which point coonectpn will be
made "wjfh 'the international and
tlreatyorthCTnitnaklnjr a direct through
liao to Saa Antonio. TVom 8an Anto
nio toward tho ItiaOraade, twunty-Ave
miles. have been already gradcf and
tracklavinrViM begin ueit week at San
Aatonlo." ' '
1 " Wbem will the satire Una be opened
" the first of next December. Al-
l V T ri. -.m 1... ...ti. : t. c.i.t
lir'vuiur iuciu nm uu uuiu iu uiu ouihj
ol Texas 400 miles of road thia year.
f Texas 400 miles of road thw year.
lesido tlio aow road several huadrvd
dies of old road will have been consol-
latcd under tho Gould management." j
iuatcd under the dould managem
Tho reporter at this juncture was just
settling down to ask aboat fifteen more
MThat is all the taffy J can
givcyou to-day. Good morning.",
Irom whal-nas been given, however,
it is evident that tho Mexican project of
Gould is no myth, and, ,that i( will bo
pushed to a uucb earlier completion
than any one Jiad supposed possible.
8t. Louis PotDijil- '
f 1 1
1 Tomatoes. . ,
A com men mistake in tho culUratioa
ot this plant is to imagine that it. re
quires nil enormous fcp.ico to perfect in
growth ia. Of conrse. If It Is allowed
to wander at its own sweet will it will
occupy a great deal of ground. Dut this
is not at all tho best wav
to get rino
fruif, though 'any amotmt of leaves.
14 -
talks and green toawtoes may bo pro
duced by it. 1'Iease give tho following
a fair trial. Set the plants in rows two
feet apart,-and ilftecn inches between
tho plants in tho row.
When the lirst bunch of buds -lias
fairlv. mado its appearance nip olj" tho
whole of tho. shoots growing between
the stem and branches, but allow tho
main stem to grow.on until four, or at
most, live, buuche of buds arc formed.
Then tho plant being, probably, "about
three feet high, pinch off 'tfio main
stem, thrco inches from the highest
bunch, and contiuuu to nip off UicfhJots
as before, as fast as they make their ap-
Iiearance; just as in the culture of to
tacco. If this is properly done,, the -greatest
amount of .ripe fruit that the. cliuiatu U.
capable of producing will be secured.
Stakes, abonO four feet long, will be re
quired totie tho plants. They ihonld
be driven. lirtpby into the aground aud
the stem sh'ojild nVt bo too tightly,
bound: I Have practiced this mode of
growing tomaieiis fbr twolve icanflnd
havo never failed to eaelyjcrop.
ef well mattin;ljr,uit.. Kc,epthegroUid
well stirred an:l millcli with halfrottcd
manure".1 Uie'lot oMf'Jfild matiurU '
JUualratakJoum'HOf Agriculture
A Chicago street fruit pcd
r : . - . - iii. ar.'k:
was'glviih twoinvcloilar5 gotd
piece? In
jBMtakefoT.'peanics Sno.' avealnrf bne ted'
a Iu caMomec-jiLe ncAttinoraiDg .?d
reeiiucutno, unsyikc. jub ujuuiiirv
Chicagoan5, muH ' loSkaaptfh thsf; f nt
peddltr wide cjcd'Mlonishlhent.
'l'o cure corn's, takp one measure of
coal or gas tar, ono of saltpeter, aud
oae of brbwasngaT;:miXweU? Take a'
piece feTan old kidglorefind spTcatl a
plasteion'it the-shse of the corn and
rl J o park nntnuj uiuu vn uuu
'leavo two or thrcemftTs" and then re
move, and the corn will como with it.
Dr.-FoeWs UeaUh ' MputtijJoKfllardL
nr -'.l - mf -. , ' '
'.Upaod adilem! as the school-'
tcaehec said to the boy who was sleep
ing over his examples. Salem Sunbeam.
Ir Arkansas Is Arkansaw then
rassafras b
1 Tnk cliaphatVu.lfi?1tacatJnt6 th brico
'b the real corner in Met.' "-4ir
Ik . v.. , l"
... f -:
jiiAR-nUnil sixteen
chances tote killed by Jlchtninrto
llghtnlnrto one ot
boln; worth a leitlfcw o wowrr.UMriHiJ-'re4
:tiatcu over
Diet of
rertence. -Jlotteii TrmmriaL i 5 fa A
', -I -A
Did jou cvcr-Boycoyhow ranch more you
jralk on",tberoot with the corn on It than on
the biher bn?.Y6ti h'JWHyiiKitfee'ttie dtfcer
one xa.j.-nuaatipiua jSHUtun. JLjUtZ.1 . I
Aj now a Detroit phjslcian has rnblljheil,
a trcatisc1 on ;flcMriacirtrefnetMi:uceiarinC''
rdcal09 tbae? AlsetMtoef to be pain fid,-bat
ey.paMa.yafefeaucerHA siaco teca
, -xnaswaa.'oca aer latiMiTcston .no. wia
never oe a musician. Aciiinmui!tmiciiu
reach wav'otWWeTe on too lJim1W
.pot rigbt-","! jruess I'll reach where I please
nri ftTJ.Tmt.Aii "IrTI. '!! ii tlit. iiI.ti T TMfear2
I'll MtsnxIeetuopaiMIA.aa AK'-W'f
Is a tratlrosj trial lift aas-chdaed. thai a:
brokra raUvhad? caused an accidenL The
'railroad comaanv, claised tfcatr the rail was.
.broken br'xheccraent cThepta3ntlff relied
muca upon uie isci tnaiTnr iraciure laowea
rust twentyrttwv hoar veJUc , the accident,
provlnj, atfem!mcfdv-tWt " lt-mest' bare
broktmiosBe time hefo. .Jfr Brips testl-r
ncu as ma cxicrt icr iaic nuni cumaj.
in raetxarniaaoa
'put this
exDeneaceaca in au'Tour
crex saw aear at alias ton aot Irso
or steel jtaktns place m twea'ty-fonr nbors'.
exposure V1 Mr. B.-ic?s replied: "Tcs, I
tare read of such a eeeelw hes-words:
'An there Iarc rtaer dhacrtcd aedaale;S4
.With the dewaa ftXalwaxaBd the rase oa -hie.
J "matt." " r1--' v-'
h This was a case of otWttloa la'-aicch less
. anfw.Cin laaatcai "
c t
j3. ae
t rrf --'.t
e?-5ciu vt
The Blaeteeath CeBtara. above a3 other
Telephoae, the Electric light aad faaaer
ahhi'oaeer dsManriea; atthliiii' hsf
taeetji eaeji day briaaiaa; a
ta hare becesae eo acewteaaed 'to the
cxtUBtoess ot
ol the' geates of oar ceatary; that
r ad aataral ceaae oaeaee aad aaoat pee.
a wal sisaalT icmerk. VI tQAd ram so." -As
aa teetaiee of tlia'xaet, we woJd ealr call
atteajaefita that weadarfal .ajaeorery St
Ecaorc,Becin,unnecsirHr aj
tnculnosis, bat.Uien.she nai oaione'
AVormsJ,anffloes'tibtt'cre to" renetl
lace-amwMi'a eeoosei jlT -Zi-. . T2 . T .7- --
quesUon: Mr, Eipervin all four orce, weTaasu, jaw: -aarpruias re
rfTe-fc tafeaAa
jrfieatioM. the
IU 03. 4 f ! tM Tft
kM rrJ k4 ntr p m
itii vemut x
tUOi k tt T7aKff
ho fcu act ttM,jai
,a M r
rl. m i W-A14. kU K
fefer- O- ? M K
at rtsly. Ux, K. I ! I
taa.Tiai4aJtta!t Uta-ccwstry MJ
t. '. teaa ttiTxt&ai far)(litatwt
br ikt Jlcrwi, JJcnsw. luJU. & j
J .-- w-. ... ". t l.KrAlia
iwJi. rrteca.
rt . A.
It eay t Xrra&i ti caTt
Wiitfi te U
mw- IL krrreeu a4 ti tttJfU3, U
w - - - u - m
" J
lww fvrt. Vr
.St. JmsAm OH
Ilwlu ..VMiBtneu bmftirA. tS tt .
i W--- v " "m m J
I Jk f. iimAm
mmti. e w isuMtssranArr rsrw
iv t4 ia cscSwd to taif j
jrW ua. tt umw , i
,. -k IAD . .
Utr 4i, j
ajMfV r4
itexAtnuz. trr wra 23
r" a ?? f tt" zrZll'J
jim"T . ', t . ... ,. .t .
..,K, - . .. . i..
"1. Zl. -iV. ;r.. nl. ZT.
r:,T7 "7 1TV, .ZlZZ. " .
-w-a.. 4M. - u. t, w: -
mA.(. i Vl,.l..f V.!'.. .. m.. ww
t .Ji.fjrtH. , . r.,4,. .,,., ,..,
eator tiirwta U .Sfth-r.t. ti rw-
ftuer b4 a narrow rcxj Jriea tse trio4 i
coed2cacct ol oilia aa4 trrr ilxetr-.
etit Ular. tb rrticalxr et airh ks tbai
xrtcr to: Tbo ! After coachidUr 7 I
eoarve o.' ltur V UarSiaiUn, lo. . 1
j iwri.wr ia.l i a m4io ua'
S M a
crxtif ra tle eartt, '
udiea AtlACX or re
riricr w U KKat cxcraciUa
Ua t
ai Aioioit ptrTcntUr btttlilax.
pulac, ttiailty f rjbtj, Tell to UtfrtyS; !
eac tiausr of ib tumsch ceJ?l. i4
axtU, clamj skcaV eoreroi sir eoUra
fcoOj. The sitemtin; pht!dn teU do i
cutalnj; to rtllere tne; ktler taBtring tat J
tftM'boarm, Jltesskt-- t i tx aittif
St. Ja&Au Oil with jofri ctUct lac tLcumlia j
rain I wouja try u I AAtoratca tJe or
rctel lxrre enonrh to corrr bjt chit, lth
tt Oil, aJ ajfJ-t It. The rclfcr w 1- I
IMH IniUnUsrotti. Id & hour. li ca
Vtc'.j- Ucn IsuM jitn, atol oull birr lice
the train to fit! ri apotatment t&it trshl ta
a nefcMrlaj town, had tar trienJi not
dUtciJed nuv At tt xu, I tooV than gtl
, flntla for tay hdme, St. Loui. anI Ue
v J
' ,
EOl LTCil irOUUirv IMlt lire iwren-v.
sayt Chii. K. StrickliBil, . CuiU-
BojHlon tUtel nl tiS lia rtoa
aveour, uojuo, ma ncx me iicaure
which I hrrebr attempt to rxpres can oa'r
beliiU courtred br word. I'liTtieUtii ot
vcrj hU;h ciuracUr uH ucttrir t.hi htri
urfwc declared mj rhcniattxa iccart e.
gjjcciCc Jlniott numbrrltii, hats faifeJ to
cure or eren aIIctUk tho intentllr ot tho
y!q, which ha (rcqarntljconflnnl rae to rajr
krwvajfor threa atouthi at a tUue Otw eck
t t rav cizrl vlth an a!Uck of scute
rhectnallsm of the knee. In few hour th
entire ktieo'lotat terttmj y!en to rn-rm-
ou proportixiaa antl ra)k!a roderc41ro J
tlble. Nothing rcculaod'or tn, acI 1 la- tj
tended to rc!n tnjrelf, as bc4t I ttiULl, to
another mouth's agonic. Hj chance, I f
letrned of the vrpnlerfut caratlve roer- '
ties of St. Jseobi O.L I elutehed it as a
ttra. and Ik a few hoKta-was free from 5la
In kace, arm and sluiuklcr. As Klatc sta'o 1,
1 cannot find wonls to onTcj ray prl and
aratltuJe to the UUforcrer of this king: of
thcuraaUim. ThoChleaso Titntt styi: Krtry
txxly on tha SouUi Side knows J. I). L.
llirvej, Ym., who has been a resident of
Chtcaso for over twenty years. Mr. Harvey
cxiiresicJ Mmsetf on tie "oil subject" as
follows; "I hare spent ovrr IJ,0 to euro
tny wife of rbcuroatUm. Two bottles ol St.
Jacobs Oli accomplished what all the med'cil
treatment failed V brln about. I, rcjard It
as a Rrester dlfcivcry thin clcctr city It
Is a boon to tho human race and 1 am
very glad to have this opportunity of teitl
fylnj to Its remarkable, cfficjcy. 1 cannot
, peak too h!;Uly of It, and Iwould be recreant
to mr duty to thottf atlltctcl did I not lift my
voice In Its praltc." ThBriilladlpb)afr
Bars: Mr. Oeonje L Orsham, S Nineteenth
street, rhllailelphla. Is a JoaroaUit of many
yesrs cxprlcncc, snd Is actively connerto'l
with the rhlladelplil XunJy Jirro. a Icad
tflj: theatrical and musical Jourusl. During
the "Iste onnleasantncss" Mr. Orthxm was
Caplaln of Company K, Ono Hnndrcd and
ElChVTfthlri I'cnmylTsntft Itcslment snd
through, exposure In the fleLl he contracted
variety 'of illsaud he ays a very troublesome
esse ot rheumatism In tho right Jrg and foot
was ft war Inheritance that he had In rain
tried to cet rid of, until ltbu recommended
to try "St. Jacobs OIL" He states that befell
slfeht relfcf even on the first sppllcatton of
the OfL Before the first bottle lie pnrcbae4
bat bsen used up he had but lew traces ot
bis ihcuinatlsm, and at Uits time he says the
disease has entirely left blm, which he at
tributes entirely to tbe'tise of St. Jacobs OIL
rBetaurkis "No person need suffer with
iriieumatlMaltSt. Jacpba Oil can be obtained;
go those who axe affUcled wlththatcomplalrtt
Ills worth IU welcbt In cold." The Chfcajo
IiUer-Dctun says: Gapt. I'aul lloyton, th
world'-rcnowuod swimmer, thus speaks of the
Old German Remain From constant
exposure 1 am somewhat subject to
rheumatic pains, and nothta? would
ever bsiitat jme, until X Rot hold ot
"this Old German Remedy. Why, on my
'travels I haTe met people who had
txen 'rBircrtnjT 'wltti rheumatism for years;
by my adrlce they tried the Oil, and It cured
them. 1 would sooner.4l- without food for
days than be witLouttbJa r&mdy for one
hour. In factTVotild notatterapt a trip
Trltbent-St. JacoH Oil as I do nor see howl
.could iret alon without it, Eu Jacotui Oil
bas been indorsed by persons of Rational
reputation; who would not lend their names
If they were not convinced that It was a duly
they owed to suCeriair humanity: they bare
fexperienced the wonderful ollect of th?
Ureal. German remedy and they want their
fellow' creatures to know the result. VVe
weald only mention In' this connection the
III. Bet. Bishop Glirooar, aereland,
Ohio: fxccl!cnt for rheumatism and kln-
,dred diseases. It has benefited me creally.
,Mrae. Mirfe SalrotU, Prima TJonaa WHielmJ
Ceaeert Troupes "Nothlaz can compare
with It as a jirompt reliable care for the. aQ
jnents named." VfvL. II.. JVarelnr. Eso..
Assh'eGeneral SaTcrlatcndc"nt, New Tork
PostOflee-: "Preved all thatiis claimed tor
'the, pttaad .found , eflcarioai., RaJt pellet
'for rheumatic complaints." Hon. Thomas
L. Jabel Postnuster, "St tork1: Rcfer
rinjf JU Saperhrtendeiit l?arefnjr"i report
eoncwrntesr EX. Jacabs, Oil: - "1 eeaear."
-Frof. C.tO.'Dupe.'s, Minster Chicago Gyta-
tlu'nrn. Oliril'nL 'TIL: "'Otir nrnfina.
fcislum, ChlcaRo nL: a"Onr profesiloa-
i.Ib and amatcurr use-ft da prefereece to
e7errblsr ttsty.fccvt rrertried." ilejor.
T. A. Hilllerj No. 2255 ilastcr street, Fhila
delphli, suflerei so with riuumatlsa that he
was' cWl!uedJtorlnU:bed'far weeks 'at a t'tae,
absoeatelf.helsiesar hapyeaed So hear ot' EL-
Jacobs OU, .UUd U..aad m
iTY. Waning. Esq., East. Pol'-eel New Tork
atyr1- Metsbef ortM Department re
Ileved'oC.rBenieHam fry Ma wse." Staewy
HIU, Jka, XLAabsrs. IncJlced Blue Sail
road, Cincinnati, Ohio: ,rUndoBhtedly It Is
a Venutrkable" ' mediclae. D. B. Cooke,
Esq., America SrsrearCo? Chfcaeo, 111.:
Gladly bear, testimony to IU eScaey."-
Jfcktv PlaaJstiaad coareoser, r.Chicaxe, L:
UIU electa are lafcaxaeoBy with Its dslrai ,"
Inconciisrfoawe woaldt say, thai ft Is ihe
taniilTedoty of ereryJaasSy to hare a
feoitte ot favJaeebs Q ca headier all easer
fraciAA; r.4h resedys a traa fricadla
aced, asd the oecasloa for IU issasedCate
aae'auj caaewhe'a It71 least expeded.
IToHi tMa advice, aad R aiT-aet he Soar
before joawtU jeiaBa. I ama St, J,
OJ-Natloaal Ke.ajr,r
- K
" i BBW
jj .
tWeraeater fa ail Say-1
Certaialy atreae orlalos, said'oae'of ear
repevfarsTtvaaeaa the fsioaisc wardetaad-f I
ier.Ks Mau.atxeet, this dty: I aaZered aa
awoij,wiu raeaauueaa y l jst wiaier.
HhaCIvaa aaable fb attesd ta wrr work.
he&te; coapietely helpleaf. I heard etfci
Jacofea OH aad basht a hettle, after aeiae;
whsea I felt creatiy rcMered. Wiah the
w. saw muua aawisaj.waB eaaajninaiT eared.
Ia asy eaaiiaaMaf .there ta scthie oa earth aa
gmitBTimtimmaufm aa av rfaaaas ti. 11
f rVr HVnrv V TTnTnrnriti n.-f n.(wlH
reading did voa Iiet Aort-er raoi" PrcC Edward
ft Cr JfcrrvMtoui tfrt .
nvr W ear! iy 8. Je CKt. I
mMMMt4 h--w I9 a9 HillKI 14
JtirsmiU, mj t Mr. L. SUSaua, 1BH CJ-
MM4 rra; C
-.- - '
' . t-n m..i. 1. Ia iaiii m T'iaali H Ll
TVrr ! mr
MwtJ cu awr.
,HliL-.-i?rV: u
rjt m
wm i iwew w! w
' UT.rTAt4rtJI,,r
... -It k.t ..)iU HiMM. A Bt9
of M & u t st - U1
mtXl ta to tea p?
I v.
MrT&l r .
tWt tV Va
? ..
ras i .veiVftf
Z-Z -....-. Imt A ,ir -AW tH t
laTTfS ttar. tUlr mwfi
E" M r j. TrL tH "Wi J
- r-w . - .' ' - -. -. j- .m j K
.sui,jtf cgm w, - v . v
,.sujt, fcljairVU ..?,
M "t iVllt .1 U I u tU A 1
earV t u ttMi I Cj XmtL. f
HM ttr tU iisin vi4 1 J m& U mf ,
Jltlcf vi Uc - r,'ri,
tut A trwtmX VM Kkt t. VTn. ItUl i ;
)irwtltiv 1 r trtt-. v
.... ..... 1 uJl
i :ii, ihur .jru.UvsiU.t4ri
uAlx., BiU, nx?tia Lea. maJH.?
k4 ., (uixrTt"i ( tXA"
;m aretrl Jor wWa. t tv '' t "
kl wt4 Lux &. 1 lJ 4tUi1'
""" """" --- J
lt ,""; rT'r.r?",r!U
t.tAJt'k tirt r At kitr Wll b '
t rtrL T At u t4 i
"".rrTrj?:,T "rrr
)brtlUwa tot lii t&rsttm. '
U'oeu tl N; Kil IUhJUss KaW
f a!rr, U lis. verdict l li bo um IU
m a sasst -. -l
I.:fiT rx.t.AtH t Ailliinwni
ears Uct tfcr graai l"rs
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, r
Backache, Sorvntu of tha Chatt,
Gout, Quins, Sort Threat, $-
fag and Sprains, Sums ani
Scalds, Genaral tadifj
Taotfi, tar and Hadaeh, jfW
Ft and Ears, and all other
Point and Achat.
V rmnnlli n miVtt fX tt. Jpps Ota
A a ffr, 0urr, lnI a elmftp Kllrl
an4r. fill .stAfl twt U.. rirMtAlr
trlSlft( tUf vt M Oats, aa4 ; aa sSif
Wld: Ala caa Bat catsp aJ tWAlUts va l ttf
DUtctJtnt ta Errwi tAC((A.
TdTAtU ho ha tt tt r rrcotft test tim
tt.4rtKtntTutil trrnAHtrpsUAt U
SMTttiu Atcsicof Iluttrttrfs mja'Ii atur. Kt
oo!7'Kfwrttr'fet1lttttK ao
Imrttl" rtlsislsAf ttsstossAfa.msars ttb4Wls
set st ptvprr lal'rr!, gtttt ! !& wh r
rrooi nrwaAile- a4 Ij7 troeMr. aaJ cvwtvcse as
weC a pretrati frtrf aa4 at.
rur ulc 17 n Ir:1 a4 D:rt
Teste ana,
mm m . btrati, Kim
I IHsl arsfraats a asMUlV AMlel HMOTtfM
UHrdivrM4Kti Hrti pv pa
.TiV.riUrTM,rUul A"y. Bos SMl WAAtejta.l.C
"iorsrra traaxra fcr ubA am rr
jx sb riet.rtAr .ofc a4 nu. rn
a ptr ccsu 3 aUosaI tBssUUs I
u.( n. iim.
GCMTt rl bmat tU r. ?
AaCR I 9 at.tri Ha. nrVfjnA.McA
kmd. Br mtllCMdntCbt Ia s CA..To4a.O.
A COT Wasife4-lB
ererT dtr
rsc. Oaabks' Cm OBAia axcwAjiMa.
ua .aocajMurrcnw. AOAraas. ma
YE A AUF Baa 1 lOTTl MStaais
I wrAtk..
lr nsff am
Socavc rorfafl ITTh-.rA.
C. At. I i
Jolisoi'i COMKECIAL CHJece.
Tar ebeaiars xatAJW.i,
Actata-WaatAi. M
w rjuaTTwus raacz
wriAfca Mkai
I tAU prVw.fft.SA.Trnm wybira.
r Ceiune scaui Co.. PmiiM. ov
? i ?n
fr r(Srs, wstta,
SktMA. CftMrfC.
a. TfcArt
cf rrAtew Nwtew AaeAAStSAA. TtecBarfgj.
a. c;a AJtirv7. Bs 78. Wrttes, . &
AatAt wtrA ia rrrrr
Casniy. D where
hare w& ;( wta.atjj
sass4s wfcolosJ-
i bWMII IllfW III!
BtMsBBBF" If -sm
0T$ ff HVaBaaaBVPJaBBBaaaaV
r BSS3BBBaUcauc. . w a, aa- sff?SfSJ??A" 1
17 VAtABiw.n.sA.T.nMCAfrtAA4A. 1 THI IarJ.T BslBuMDBaam-aai' ' BBl
Fn WrMtac Bra. IaB Bnn,
BajirA.raaca. .. tvj
ajUjSAlfAtAAf WA alll Hl'H-
l jSa. awaAAAf touw. iin A SSi m.. I II - "w ".wl BBJ BBJ
ytTKHaf0 CA.r.t?a Sv-pa. aW I U aTB BB
MJBaMir II fid the HkJney . II
m 9M OMmmm. u afafaa t-i sSafk afaB eWtaPCaEaBv" . awM aa ahAAA asBacBAA WTelJmm - Tr U Hfl
PENS OHSHi Ussgte5?---i I
- ...... - - - " BI araapasAasa awy us ' aapaA. aaj
. Bb? ak "aBBfeaTfceaar aBBBBBBABV a .! aai aff fat BBs?saBBBBAfaBBtaB aBBkaBflfejataaHA- ? 1 s s a 5 ?? aaTsf 4t
-zajnra; BMZASiai - U STHCa-JSBC-CV 1 f jf 1 i
mmrmm 'Amm9. ri awpm fl awr -wia p ".y T?.yr aa
ivmrt aas sagjJBJiBea (tyaaesa 11 isiissifi TiainT-n '4v fl
BBl IBP ll aiJSHft""""" L"'"" l ' '. BB - wzua. apemaaawa m vm.. rvaarsv BB
flBlpe'AVfX'a1 Awwg.iAAwMBBAaaaaaaAAB. I aj 'WTL A 1 -- . AAAAtAAAAaAr V BB
WWySS aaa iTafSaSffliff 7J11- - SBBaMBasaapaaajasa
.paBfaa?aagIjir"y Wsbbbbt Wavrrx AaiaaliliiBBBi
Bat--, ,. f aT-C7SA .mTTmZr .- adaaeaaae lea aaa ah aafisstieisaiaeaa
dsaawav AaBaiaaiaaBs;aaaaBaBaABAaBfbava aaaaaMajaa aaatt - js'",.
aaarV HUaaV
Va, 5 mfmmmmmm-'
i1 laaiiT-'rf'-faaaaaaa
' LTafS23S
Na timwm ywt fN-r.fcii m -riAn .iiP
B-avaaBBBaaat v 9w -wm '-i"
mi ti, vw fwMar ' "
o itr 4 1 1 i
Cm lAiin.'v t'l4.'
H M g,wT.A "S,
(Kaxl tAVS
TV FmS f W Aim iii,.Hf VK
AM S.'t min, W Af- I"." ' A t '
iT" ;
nsai4A4K.WM ArASI.gwi'WBW"r S-i
rimt trf.i..1 ms? 4at
r. njx" i
lVct r. sfcjsAW.iUAfutrasf.. (M)
r9X.U'r,&-4 mtm A? m w jm 'tfV&w
UrK4BA' fatt.'4tMVUeN nt&t&m
'Ij4 t VV. f m K t AA IVtyV
fw--AWAAvl-t. -A M-A- - ,
b AAiA A - ASrA f
.fMj Si4 M Jw UM a, ts.-s
UV rtUA tX T .Si mfmm
aa4 WMMf l ShA SAy at M M
UUj XtvXAJldsOS a CC at Ui. Xt
H. W. Cw. State m sfr ttt. . ,:
Boliool of Drawing and Painting
A. .-. v, M. "- '- 1 "'"
i. itrtm
M-- & J" "- 41m
A . t ttwMlj JV 4 1
4 MK W.- 1
t- tW fr
m ff AjJ :
sxAii umnw jUjh m irp i; x
Jse at Apittl, Hawli ftlA. t'Ala !-
ta ilAA.UrMhadaaMattaxUtA
part, rata under th aROiMr ttaJ. fail.
waa altar eattnt. with a iuinenntw
wi)h a iLiietinutt u
r wtsi. IrrUabiMtr tf
cirtWlor botlf
r, Lowstnrn
mrn. wttn a raaiiaa oi 5
aliA.AA BVl.
lAtt sum a ttulv. WaartaM. J
xora t a wrea.
i iiirva. mr
ttrit aj IKa ItoAJrt. lHrfe
vellrtw- aalo, MA.lh
(aratly orsr the riHt "t Mrthrfe
wtUi BWnl (Irm.m, I
mA.nirfir frA.i urwte
r MtHl AtA4 ia Aa i , ja
ataft Sam ! .. a .aaaa fAS
Mst aa a.iaaI.u ia w.rir.
Kiui tvarsrwujcnx rutvu aa cayrta,
rriva. evs m . 'THa.
KM P4!!
e f- aj
,A M. V
f 4 n.i.r
dr.. B t AT KM. In
ktAlUr -! 1 11. rvt KMHMif
Faaree's Iaiprorei Caaaaa Jhf4ut
! iiSaaV - Aak
.A IM AWinul ..T WA'A.
.Mm .i.l Ml.
A4rtABJ. ff
tWilU to . a.t.-..a.Kj.jHr
Km Ivab a4 ta SwA th aatmI . W) I
l&aHtlK .AA AKlt.nM .ATA4. .Ail tl ofW U
ItHIt AUAtar jAflW 1aUi
tIA9 r t;t1A ttifrM1 AAAfftO, AA4 I
lafSAl mJ Uk Ktt' tr
"Mr Ha.r At4fTrtfiffrwA 0 le
Artfrm. 7h f A)waii rit!t fSr a?i
SAifnmiiiMiHMfiifit. Jftukd
l4Sl SrM It A3 fvrikwW Mi. 4, tit tti
r.dMr.mnr" bua. jin. a. HHV.tithA
Ar I AntfU Utb MitUIHfi Av,
"twtme at-rrcataa aj aarMM;
asssttncHi ri. sua. i ia Hur .'.
a. Aib
BslaUtTa4Aj( bVaa . r.A.hrtC..tA
MASON Hamlin;
Ate;rst,IHtrtt !
A M A fL IM lata
aa4 m;i t,
Aa4 hhM . MAMrr It
is aMAt Aiar frt am t
biiut wt pjM a
fr n ftwm ft- ai m
BSW AA4 VSt MM lirrn. rn mwt
Hnw aa. j AAA! v-A
aaarr . fW. iK- krt tiStr
AKa. At 9r
aa4 hr.fcfc i t)AUWH4 fM
ab4 iiiiW aat
Urit7,WA aja!;
faivr a Si
at w Tae woat,
. at . tf. Am ... .jr.. rim .4vf .iaai r M
arrM KVT
XnL'sfrif wruklJra axaWttKiS i
tnriM TI4-K CliAJif 4wrtArAA w
Maor MAJiu
K. tWAAiJL,i5?t"
TUaXl IU Walart A,V'-w.
s,u v"- r- '
- vt ka .ty'vfst jrat
a. at-js
m. ht.jfii a.Ai
ii.i r .kiJA ).-
TUTT'S " , "
ffllfsatt am TlHsM'
t ff r 3ftAi m-TtanaSWr-
ii-. ataaaal'v-.
' iMaWrj
r -..alBaaWS'
f ' Jl
a. . i aAAMar "rt-n a w
M AWA-MM A AAt'SAi.atAliA. JiW. WJ,
. ma innwiHri.,iiiwA
K4t ttrr AAbAtA KK t,(. n: T,
sBBBaaAAraaTwsl aBh aaapsasapa'CfBapaa aaa
BBI aAiba f AAAaassA AWA-aBhAAAB-eASAAak, mjaj aaa
n imttmDa,viwrwmM? m j m
U ThrtAetaetttoaaAMXltMaa II
II Tftaa PaafsalaTJ - H
J a MAraaA' mrmfr a-BAaASVAAA. aa baj
Q Jtf asi uar. S4tU, Jstffpml4.JwKi. H fl
Osaaaaittfsw. !&, AUuy Cwjf (!. Q A
11 aswaaastatfc.FBMAtaManitltAiiiAit Aa 11
Wew Osier aaaa. BB saw aawy aasfaai a4 aT bbaa) itr-mrmM
aaaaayae alaaa ana a SaAABaAUaaaSaSfaaaAAA' jwa aa M
aaaaaaaaaaaaaajaajaaaAjAi 1 11 waflajs v aatfrr. -' n B
aABfwa.Aat as bt jS BBJ j BiafiAAAtAAAArA. Try W aaa saa 1 1
BafcB Bi B i V BhaBI j BB 'eM maiinWAi aamSfr. 7aaMa MM -
bImIImmI Bo I
' aafVI' BB iiasr ja a.Anasaai rmasawfaii iyu BJ fl
TaaAaaaaaaHaa. II sJ2SEdT' iAweaw2"fTSaaiW ll 1
iaaaSuCascaaa. Bal .. . .-r - . -
F -,V'- ,--
:vS -
ar -a
. -