The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 31, 1881, Image 4

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' - awaaaiwysaaaAia mi ..,a-.iiai'ii jnatt' - fcjtjiMBiitaSpi ?m hw-
ii aaaiaa faYMraatn iSa-lmba aaMiiMfBBaaBMBBaaBBii
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VI Iff FBI If! ?- TfelliJ : VJ l-l I ii1" ?-w-
H , U I CHI. c c
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SroMJM, Tobaccos, Cigars
' ., IC.
Wkwf bM4apto4llMrrrMrUtUMl
iirai ill IBHfllR
I ma is wBttiaa with tb rtar. where
MpfJr f frsfk bn4 Ih ar
lwa krpto ka.
Oar fiwlkiw for babwKm tkk elan f km4
ara tha Wat ia towB. Qltt sm a call, at
Flour & Feed
CEAS. E. FVTir Alt, Prop.
Cora, Meal, Bran Chopped Fwd and
VWttaaKwICIcnd Gracerr. Fl awd Pra-
tMui Kwrawlica jou waatauipUci tor aaam or
iirhtpiwmkvi pill tm imm
All LiaJt vrnianlrr (ibdura t
lr fvdt. iluudi tlelirered to
IliKheal aiarkei price ia cash iiai for train
cu fn esrtiance
all fart til tuwa
Ire -4 charar.
jt-fe ruuih f Kaed'a 1'low Karmrr.
Red Cloud, - Nebraska.
;)lKAlIt8 L(
Qeneral Mercluiidise,
lry GowmIs,
Drttgm Mewllciiie,
Oils Varnishc,
PalutM lite.
A fiwl line or cvcrydiiiij; kept in n pen
ral itore, sit- the i.our.-rr cash rucw.
Kc-pei't fully,
1Ioon tCallender.
Proprietor of tho
City Drug Store.
Drugsy Medicines.
Paints Oils
and Varnishes,
A full Mtpily T
I'atroflate aolidted and thankfully reeehed.
e-PreriptIuBJ carefully coeaponttdeaVM
One door isotith of GhHkt tore,
(Sacaeaeor to G. A. Browa-)
Parlor, Bedrosm
Brackets, Chromos,
Picture Frames,
Mattresses, Etc.
Mu alwaya oa aaad and tdwiaedoa akort
tiee. rrJce aa law a aay ib tka allay. '
raainaa- et, ail aiaao awae atwaaany a
iroriat Sbbt furnished at Yensotialilc
Harness Shop,
Keep eoaaUiitly on haad a fall Liae of
And ercrtliinn usually kept in a first
cl:is shop.
lMBffctit Cm Prica Pali fce Hi
mi Tvu
- PorYour -
SIi at Iameet frleea
&mm &
ft. V ft. ft- TH-i TM
r. Oft. 17. Stat.
laaHrara Paffraawr lat.
FniaJit lrH.
. arriTat
Wattwara Atnm3 !
Kart wart Aereau learae , , Jw a. i
arriret 6&p.i
Traiae aUUv axeeat Kaaaav.
U. W.tltLDBKMK. A. K. TflVMLI.
8aBerSateadtcU Oeal. Maeactr.
P. ?.. at 1 a. ai.. aad prestatef by tke 1'ae
tor erery Kabaatk BMratac a a-l eveaiac.
Prayer aieHiaa; tnwn Tbwaiaa afrala.
All are cordiall? iavHed.
Miner Bros, sell Superior flour.
Town election the 5th of April.
Roby ia Belling Lauterbach'fl bread.
Choice, carlv, seed Potatoes lit
Clothing 'til you can't re, at J. G.
A ery Hg-t wow fall 1M Monday
veuing. -
Live hoga arc worth $4.25 in thin
Hon. Ja.. Laird npent Monday
night in town.
Rby has received Garden Seeds in
bulk and in paper.
The county conuuittrioncrs meet in
regular session April 11th.
A fine healthy girl baby arrived at
J. L. Miner's last Monday night.
Skedeb for Salk. Cluvp. Call and
fee it at Bekijsy & Plrkiks
Roby has onlereil a supply of the
celebrated Wanhburn rupprlative
Hour, the bet flour made in the U. S.
II. S. Kaley
laat Tuesday
went to Bloomiugton
morning to attend
" a
Turn out to the town election and
elect good men to fill the different
Dr. Kendall'M "horcc book" for ale
at the Chief olfiec at '23 cents
You want to ntoj in at Beklky fc
Perkins, and co tiitxe Gum. Tliey
aro marked low, to sell at Rock Bot
tom prices.
IwT Loailrt of five lines or more
are charged 5 cents a line each inser
tion, no local inserted for less than
25 cents.
Red Cloud is on the eve of a flour
famine, occasioned by the waybill; out
of so many of the mill 'dams through
out the country.'
Splendid weather for corn buskin;;
Inst week, and the farmers who did
not gather their corn last faill have
been improving the opportunity.
Wc have a second hand settler,
which wc offer very cheap. Call and
ee it- at, Beslky it Perkins.
Covered wagons are beginning to
make their appearance, headed west,
which means that the annual tide of
immigration has begun to move.
Just received a large invoice of
Pumps, to supply or spring trade.
Wc can do you a better job and at
lower figure, than amy lutuse in the
Valley. Bewxy & Perkins
Wm. B: Tliorno, Treasurer of Adams
county is said to be a defaulter to the
amount of .$51,000. He lias- turned
over a sufficient amount of property
to secure his bondsmen from loss.
Besdey fc Perkins will soon erect an
Eclipse Wind-Mill, on their premises,
as-a ham pie. Wc invite you to call
ami examine it, whether you are
thinking of buying a mill or noL
Quite a numfcer of feme lave
Ihjcii established at different poinLsr on
tho river in this county biuce- tlte
bridge went out, Mx. Martin estab
lished a fern' at Aauboy the first of
the week, we learn.
The Blronarngton Guard published a
column oTuvairy note-" last week, in
which wc noticed! nv less than twelve
items of new gleaned from the Chief,
which goes to prove what a great
meiny already know that the Chief is
the only live local paper iu the
The citizens of Red Cloud have sub
scribed over $1500 dollars for the pur
pose of building a bridge. It U expec
ted that the B. & M. campany will
assist, in which cae the success of the
enterprise is assured, and Red Cloud
will soon enjoy the benefits to be de
rived from a bridge across tho Repub
lican. Tlie deputy sherifi of Qaborne coun
ty Kansas was in town hist Friday
looking for one Columbus Bonn, who
has been engaged in publishing a
paper at that place for something over
a year. Mr. Bonn did unto the peo
ple of Osborne wluU his name indicates
until they could stand it no longer,
and he is now afugitivc from justice.
Farmers, in buying a wind-mill, get
uiw nun- niu stnnu yon itmtfy years
of Nebraska's wind and storms. 1P
sell that kind, and its iron work alone,
weighs over 100 pounds more than
any other Mill made. Wc refer to the
Eclipse, and it does Eclipse anything
in the market to-day. You have Fair
tank & Co. the scale men, to back
your guarantee, when von buy an
Eclipse. Besley & Perkins.
The B. fc M. railroad company ad
vertises for 2,000 teams and 1,000 men
to commence work aa aoon as practic
ablcon the Republican Valley exten
sion. The wages offered are $3 per
day-for teams and $1.50 per day for
men. The road is to bcTputhed right
through, and through trains are prom
ised to run into Denver before the
year 1882.
Ou the evening of March 24, 1881,
the I3th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
William Norris was celebrated at
their home on Willow creek, by alittlo
company of children grand-children
and neighbors. PJcatyof good ring
ing, sc-isoncd with a royal supper, lent
a magic charm to the evening enter
tainment which was closed with
BruW-reading and prayer. ....
earn, m
tow Urn wcefc. .
"Let he (tr afce) that n witht tin,
cart Ue lira atone."
GwoiintiaHve 6M. Call at Jbha
Q. Patttaa aaj get rjavptina.
Tfeaare. Ppmttoffc'k FarrK"c
qmtc a eiafflay ot farm jaacainery
Tat fiatarfay. ,- 1
6utarribc for the Oiikt and make
youraelf and your neighbor, (alio bor
rows your pajM.'r) hapy.
Hat Sc Cap, Boot it Shoes and
cvciythinjf ehe yoiiineedat rock
lVttom price, at J. G. Potter.""
Several new sabecriltere have enroll
ed their name on the Chikf'h sub
cription hooka in the hut aeek.
Oor farm machfnery men have com
menced to reap their harvext. We sec
machinery going out of town every
Dust, the eddying, whirling dUagrc
able dimt, has made it appearance on
thcatrects. This nuisance k iu iu
infanry, a it were.
A number of the prominent farmers
on tbeaouth aide of the river propone
to help build the bridge at this point,
and have .Htilucribcd liberally.
A part of the U. P. bridge ou the
Old Muddy at Omaha is reported
gone ami the new Plattnimith Steel
bridge is said to be in an unsafe con
dition. Our state exchanges nearly all say
that Montgomery has leen appointed
to fill the vacancy in the Bloomington
Land Office, and "what every body
says must be no."
Card., bill-heads, letter-heads, note,
circulars, and in fact all kinds of prin
ting done at the Chief office at low
prices and in a neat and attractive
manner. Call and sec sample.
At the request of our Tady friends
we have concluded to vet apart a col
umn for their especial benefit, and
presume that it will le devoted princi
pally to the women's suffrage ques
tion. It will doubtless prove interest
ing reading,
Two worthies of this village who
don't like the independent tone of
the Pioneer, and accordingly have
stopped their paper, were noticed by a
vigilant reporter to be carefully purg
ing (jointly) a neighbor's copy. Wc
wanted to laugh or yell, but fear of ex
asperating them to deeds of violence
caused us to remain ''as silent as the
ghosts were, and as gloomy," ponder
ing over the defrauding of $4 per an
num from our coffers. Ampahoe Pio
neer. The same thing applies here.
We dropped into the store of J. G.
Potter the other day and found him as
busy as a bee arranging on his shelves
a large and select stock of mens' and
boys' clothing which he had just re
ceived. Upon inquiry we learned
that it was not his intention to keep
those goods, but was going to mark
them down so low that the wavfaring
man though a fool, could .not help see
that it was money in his pocket to buy
a suit while they could be had at bot
tom prices. If you need a suit of
clothes go to J. G. Potter's and if you
don't need any, why, go and buy any
way because they are cheap.
Wc notice that some of our exchan
ges aro denouncing the "Only Lung
Pad" Co , as a fraud that don't pay its
advertising bills. The "only Pad Co.,"
tried to secure advertising space in the
Chief, but as is our invariable cus
tom when contracting with firms that
we know nothing about, we demanded
our pay in advance, which brought
I the negotiations to a close. No for
eign advetising firm can get an adver
tisement into the Chief without pay
ing in advance unless wo know they
are reliable. If all newspaper publish
ers would adopt the same rule and
stick to it there would soon be no bo
gus advertising firms to be exposed.
It appears that the agitation of the
question of an investigation of county
affairs, by the Chief, has accomplish
ed some good already. We have been
I informed by reliable men that the
county clerk 1hs acknowledged that
he has collected fees from the county
not authorized by law, which conces
sion on his part coupled with the " fact,
tliat every bill presented to the com
missioners must be sworn to, as justr
and true," places Mr. Tulleys in a pe
culiar light, to say the least. A man
who would defraud the county by pre
senting and collecting false claims
would defraud it in anv other wav that 1
he. could. Let the investigation
go on.
We arc informed that the French
man who owns the herd of camels
ranging on the eastward iu the valleys
bordering the Carson river, will utilize
his "ships of the desert" this summer
I in carrying goods from the tcrminiis
of the Carson and Colorado railroad
into camps far out into the wilderness. I
The camels now number about forty,
all but two or three of which are na
tives of Nevada. Iu our deserts these
animals find grasses and bitter and
prickly shrubs and plants suited to
their taste, and probably the same or
varieties of the same plants that grow
in other desert regions tL the earth.
It is-less trouble and coats much less
to grow camels in Nevada than to
rear cattle in tlc Atlantic states. Vir
ginia City Enterprise. "
Xotiee is hereby-given that or Tues
day the 5th day oTApril next, "at the
CourilfoQse in Red Cloud, Nebraska,
an election will' he iild for the pur
pose of elating iiveTnastews.of. the
village of Red Cloud which" election'
will be open at 9 o'clock in the morn
ing and" will coutinue open jUutil 7
o'clock in the: afternoon of thesame
DateUthis 25th day of March, A. D.
1881. BownraHAWLEY,
- Clerk of hoard of Trustees,
The sew lav rcgulatttig doctors, is
thus explained by the State Journal.
It requires a diploma from some
chartered medical college, for all
practitioner who have not practiced
their profession ten year in the state,
and gires thnac who have practiced
two years or more, until 18S3, to get
such a diploma. At the expiration of
audi time, none can practice without
a diploma, except thue who have
born in the practice twelve years in
Nebraska. All the future importa
tions of doctors muxt be able to file a
copy of a diploma with the county
clerk of the county in which they net
tle, before they commence operations.
It prohibit traveling quacks, ho ad
vertise their panccas, from doing bui
ness in this state.
Buffalo county ha an anlMiorc
thief society. The secretary, writing
to the Kearny .VtrtixjrmV, iay: "The
object of the organization U to protect
our horc and mules from outlaws
and thieves; and arc pleaded to tato
that we have thus far met with grand
succo, but cannot always judge the
future by the past; and it is for thi
reason we prepare for emergencies.
Twenty mci would In; much
more liable to capture a thief and re
cover a ftoleu animal than one, for the
rcaon they can search in more direc
tions in less time, and again it i
much easier for twenty-two men to
loso a horse than for one man."
From this, it seems that when a horse
is stolen and not recovered the lo-s
is made up to the owner by the
Too much cannot be said on the
subject of tree planting. There U a
crying necessity for more timber all
over these prairies as a protection
against the Wind, as a beautitier, and
for the general influence ou the cli
mate and rainfall. There seems to
be no good excuse for a man's living
on a farm year after year without
planting out forest-trees in consider
able mimlcrs. There ought to be
five acres of timber on every 80
acres of land. Iu costs but a small
sum to plant an acre each year,
which will soon produce a nice grove.
No work done on the farm will pay
auy better in the end, besides the
present comfort and satisfaction
which raaj be derived from it. The
coming spring will probably he very
favorable for tree growing. Now is
the lime to make arrangements for
the work. Prepare for planting
around your peniiscs, on the lines,
and in every nook and corner which
is unoccupied. If you cannot do
better, plant cottonwood, but be sure
to plant something. By and by,
when your neighbors have valuable
timber growing around them, and
their farms are much more valuable
than yours, you will regret your
present neglect.
Eighti of tit Seal
A legal authority, iu an opinion as
to the rights of the road, ays if a farm
deed is bounded by or upon the road,
it usually extends to the middle of the
roadway. The farmer owns the soil of
half the road, and may use the gnu,
trees, gravel, stones, sand, or anything
of value to him, either on the land or
beneath its surface, subject only to the
superior rights of the public to travel
over the road, and that of the highway
surveyor to wsu such materials for the
repair of the road; these materials may
be carted away and used elsewhere on
the road. No other man Inis a right
to feed his cattle there or eut the grass
or trees, much levs deposit his wood,
old carts, wagons or other things there
The owner of a drove of cattle that
stops to feed in front of your land, or
a drove of pigs which root up the soil,
is responsible-to you at law, as much
if they did the same thing inside the
fence. Nobody's children have a right
to pick up the apples under your
trees, although tho fcanio arc wholly
outside of your fence. No private per
son has a right to cut or lop off the
limbs of your trees in order to move
his old barn or other buildings along
the highway, and no traveler can
hitch his horse to your trees by the
sidewalk; without being liable, if he
gnaws the bark or otherwise injures
them. If your well stands partlv on
your land and partly .outside the fence,
noneighbor can use it, except by
your permission. Nay, more, no man
has a right to stand in front of your
door and insult you with abusive lan
guage without being liable to you for
tresspassing on your laud. He has a
right to pass and repass in an orderly
manner; a right to use the road, but
not to abuse it. But, notwithstanding
the farmer owns the soil of the road,
even he cannot use it for any purpose
which intcrcferes with the use of it by
the public for travel. He cannot put
his-pig-pen, wagons, cart, wood, or
other things there, if the highway sur
veyor order them away as obstructing
public travel. If he leaves such things
outside the fence and within the lim
of the highway, as actually laid out,
though some distance from the travel
ed path, and a traveler runs into them
in the night and is injured, the owner
is not only liable to him for private
damages, but also may be indicted and
fined lor obstructing a public highway.
And if he has a fence or a wall along
UtClughway, ho must place it all on
his land, and not half on the road, as
in the case of division fences . between
neighbors. But as he owns the soil,
iftheroadis discontinued or located
elsewhere, the land reverts to him, and
ho may enclose it to' tlte centre and
use it as a part of his farm.
' "Every woman who has experience
ia bread makon.knows some thing of
the difficulty in always, getting, the
hcst'resulWditrmg the winter season
when the ycasi gets chilledand the
dough, won't work just right- The best
thing you can do under such cir-
.... .. aJ .. ? -... .. V..... vv.. X-.i pi .. -1 j.f
LaHterbach who uses skAt Med 'Csau
Putf'i' f?Kr. C. I?. Piitnnm kTVil '
CjtaiaeuauK Nca, March !, l&l.
En. Cliltr. Dear Sir. I am rit in
Red Willow Co., sawn the hepherd..
mum hot bciuje oarncr of seren hua
dred aheep, which haw wiatered
through with gfaod success, cot.derirg
the severe winter wc hve had.
Sheep men have not suffered as
much Iixs as cattle men ou account of
auuw. and atockstcn generally do sot
consider it rudont to depend on a in
ter range for feed. While tocktacn
arc fueling blue over the on of cattle,
tho fanner are quite jubileul over
the flattering prospect for croj.
Wheat t5 being nown in aiuall quauti
lie by all the fanner, it being furnish
ed by the B. & M. Co-, on long time at
75 ct. per biuhcl.
A great many horse have died the
paat winter in this and frontier coun
ties from the Texas itch or mange, a
disease quite common to ouiea from
out on the range. Persons who take
care of Mich ponies are apt to get the
dUcasc, but it doe not go hard with
them. The poor licasts on the range
have no grain, and the cold winter
with such heavy tnonn has caused the
death of many a pony. One m.ui up
on the Medicine lost 50 rcr cent of a
herd of forty.
Inclosed please find fifty cents for
the Chief, for the few months I shall
remain in the land of shepherd..
E. F. Bcrto.n.
To' Stockmen.
The attention of parties own
horse and Jacks in called to the fact
that the Chief office is well supplied
with appropriate cuts and well prepar
to tlo printing iu this line ou the short
est notice and at the lowest figures.
Notes opceially gotten up for your
business can aUo be had at the CHIEF
office cheap. Call ou us before you
place your order.
Lost Son.
Joseph M. Kiersey, on of Bartholo
mew and Mary Kiersey, aged '2S years,
left his home seven years ago, and his
parents have not heard from him
since. They are now old and unable
to do much work, and desire his pres
ence very much. His parents live, at
present, one mile south of Clifton,
Nemaha Co., Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Kiersey.
State papers please copy.
March 24th., 1881.
The April number abounds in high
ly attractive features, prominent
among being the first instalment of a
new serial novel by the popular writer
Frank Lee Benedict, it is entitled "A
Late Remorse," and promises to Ikj of
intense interest. The is and article on
"Thomas Carlyle," by A. II. Guernsey,
with II illustrations; "A Journey
Through the Dismal swamp." by
Alfred Trumbie, 4 illustrations; "The
Charitable Side of New York What
it does for the Young," 11 illustrations;
"Cricket as Played in England," by
N. Robinson, 8 illustrations; "Glimp
ses of the Rhine," by Lady Blanche
Murphy, 13 illustrations; etc., etc.
The department of fiction contain',
besides Mr. Benedict's novel, several
brilliant stories and sketches by popu
lar writers. Among the poems are
"In the Bastille, 1750," by Etta Pierce;
"After Many Years," by H. Welling
ton Vrooman; "The Fairy Revel,"
An April Song." "The Rose," etc, etc.
mot of them tastefully ilhislratek.
Professor Duncan has a most interest
ing article on "Earthquakes," with 12
illustrations, aqd Janet E. Ruutz-Uces
one on "George Eliot," with 8 illustra
tions. The miscellaneous articles
afford both entertainment and iustnic
tion. The are 128 quarto pages iu the
number and over 100 illustrations, to
gether with a handsome colored fron
tispiece, "The Maniac Mother," from
a painting by Merle. A Single copy is
only 25 cents; annual sultscription, $2,
post-paid Address Frank Leslie's
Publishing House, 53, 55 and 57 Tark
Place, New York.
A Farm to Rent!
Of 150 acres, with good stone house
16x28, one story high. Most of the
land is in a good'statc of cultivation.
Also one brood marc for sale on
time. Apply to
IX S. II elvers.
Seven miles south-west of Red Cloud,
Nebraska. iy-m3
The red white and blue float for all
and Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup is
made for all. It cures couglis, colds
and influenza, Aak your druggists
for it.
It is unpleasant to be contiuuallv
hacking and coughing. One bottle of
Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup will cure
you. Price twenty-fire and fifty cents
a bottle. Druggist sell it.
No apples superior to those sold by
Putnam splendcd for eating or cook
ing Bottom figures given.
A fresh supply of "White Rose"
Atchison winter "wheat flour, at Put
nam's. If you want to increase the quantity
and quality of milk, feed your cow
ground feed. Putnam, will 'send it to
The sweeping tide of prosperity is
shown bv the immense increase of
business in the Patent Office, General
Land Office, Pension Office, and other
Department of the GovernmeaL.
Patent cases, Pension claims, Con
tested Land entries, or other business
placed in the hands of Preebrcy fc
Green, Attorneys, 529 7th st, Wash
ington D. C, will have immediate at
tention. Enclose stamp for ia&rmatioo.
JOTTCT.SawafgrBBjaaB' GfcU'i
TaacaariOti:: A5PTIS-
vrvnox jwat
Tn fi SeraR Saana, Ti
SMbiCreajtofjclMaagca. I
v'BaaBaaBaaaarBB ajaraac
Z!'K.US EXO AS". tcartS, Sua.
HatSa Caps &
f?ry Made Clothing
Wt bivt tfau Lirgtst
Sttck in tka Valley ana will
nit ba uadarsald.
Give u a call, one and all,
Sam'l Carbeis
Bed Cltmcl Xcb.
Notic 1 fcrrtkr fU.-i. tht t will Mintii
all Mf"h who our J t tkmia
ai caadldaUt tor iarhrt f ibr rritaarr tr
cosaurca cala of Wriwirr eoaatr. t lt4
CUa4 oa lb am HaturJir In (& a atk
r'atruarr. Jtfar Auaiul ail .uttabr. At
ttla Hill ca ttaBrrt slar4jr la tar n.octhif
aaoarr. Aj-ril. July an4 . Iff. At tlU
Soak aa taa (tit aturiliy ta iLv tuutft el
Mafh. Jun. Sj.ttia.Ti at I I't-crtuUt.
Kxa'. isatiuut t ruu.tEti.- at ?, vlock a.a.
A. A. 1'ora.
Ceaa y Sui-cr!b(rt4rct l i'ablic lanmcUoa
Money to prove up with on final rc
ceipt, or ou deeded land at 5 per c-nt .
amM-ft! per cent, commivtiou, or at
straight 10 per cent, no commission.
Jno. It. Wilixox.
Office next door to Chief office. 30tf
Not the Crown of King, nor the
Crown of (ilon. but th Crnwn Sewing
Machine, the fatc.t and l-M machine
in the market, it will puy you to call at
the lt-Oflicc and .c it iM'forr you
purchanc! For Sale by M. B. McNitt.
Mitchell A Morhart have for sale a
aupply of inage need al a very reasona
ble price. Tho-'o who rvutcmpliitc
growing a hedge should give ihcm a
Durham Stock!
The Fine Durham Hull,
Owned by J. M. Fi-dier. i offered for
sale. "Andrew Johnson" will le three
yeara old the 25 of May, Iiik pedigree i
registered in the Boston herd lxok and
can bo !ecn by calling on Stephen
Baylcs at tho Fihcr farm, one mile
east of Cowles, Neb. 34tf
Atiiniiim Bmdin of Eorses !
The fine Stallion known as "Tom"
the property of David Boexrh will
rttanu for marcs the present aeaaon at
the following rates, viz: 8 to inxurc
ninple mare;two mares, ll.r; more
than two by the same owner, $7 each.
For the seaaou tfi; Single service, $4.
Will stand at Bed Cloud on Friday
and Saturday of each week; nt Guide
Hock, Mondays and Tuesday h of each
week, and al Amboy Wediietlay ami
Is a fine horse, being of Percheron
Canadian and Bluehcr-Morgan utoek,
beautiful ilapple bay, .aixtccn handa
high, weight, 150fl poundi.
34m3. Amlov, Neb.
oliat, the Albright Horse.
Will stand this eaon at Bed Cloud
at last vear'u rates, iz: 8.(X) to injure
Hingle mare; Two mares lo.iJ;more
than two bv the same owner, $7aH each.
For the season, $5.00; inglc service,
This hore ncecU only to be known
to 1m? admired. He has leen acknowl
edged by many good judges to be the
ill kjfi. of i ism"
seen in thia. section. Weight, in flesh,
!50ii pounds. Beautiful Bay, Symmet
rical form, good life, high carriage and
lKt of all as kind as a kitten. His owner
also expects to stand a -good Jack with
him. Until further notice will le found
at the Commercial barn.
D. LUTZ, Proprietor.
Hants! Blanks!!
A full line of State Journal Cos.,
Blanks (the standard blanks of the
state) are always kept for sale at the
Chikf office, and at the same prices
that they are Kld at in Lincoln ami
Omaha. The following is a partial list
of blanks on Iiand:
Warranty Deed.
Alortgage Deeds,
Chattle Mortgages,
- Search Warrants,
Mechanics Lem.
Power of Attorney.
Bilk of Sale,
Quit dakat Dcsds,
Summons (original),
Summons (copy).
Appeal Uadertakinc,
Order of Attachment.
Affidavit of Vendor or Lessor,
Assignment of Mortgage,
Xoticc of Canstahk Sab.
Clank Becripts,
Blaak JN'otes
Relsaae of Mortgage.
Agreement for Warranty Deeds,
Complaint u keep the Peace,
And met all kinds uf UaAU Ucd by
NulanCS Public
It aa eaaa
'The Proof of the
You have only to call
on us and wc can easi
ly convince vou that wc
do sell
A little BKLOW the
I so-called " Bed rock pri
ces' advertised bv other
Besley & Perkins.
Taa Jaa( ja rearal Kmlr far4
aait b aertala (a la fat at Ja mM Ultr.
AUo ciMliaat fr baaaaa Saaa. Sra fttmt VeUw.
Trsaa a PrjwsIaKt PiytkUa.
W..klalonlll Oslo. Jaaa t?ta IwaJ,
Da. n J KnpiiLjIto.OtnU: KaJterr
adrartUauianl f KraJall'a Srla lif. aaS
harlaa a ralaabla at4 rlj' b" ealfW kJ
ba lain (rum iarln ai(Btaa atnaltia. I ral
to joa'af a txtttl bf aipfea. wbUb ia l h
reear4 111 Umtuaaw an I alaraiat a4 a
lartra irllut froiaaantnar tavrta aai bate trrt
mlUr - f m ll- Taa aa Will a
au wata a a ana banrlr -4 .UUar. jlljr Yoar. II A. SaitaMl M D.
Xeaiall't Sparia Cart ca aamaa f Ma.
Bkrt(l.l Vt ta. n. 117.
II. J. KaflpALLA CoUtiUJ t It a-14
my trtt tuoar la Uror of Tuur InfalaaMa lial
ran. Knlll Srln l aa la te triac f
IU I lppct oa ih iiHi .! (prataa-l nr rliat
limb at taa kaea joint I mu irr Una ant at
tioiaa ialTrrl lha taott icrafialias pala. I
wnr a lanlaJca an It for orr a yr. aaj
lrlvi m-tl atarlblnf in tar rrab, bat fal4
9al noiblna
Iblna tbat wuaM m aafittai
Whrn I urrof.. It wal4 aa
rall.r U'kai
vanrmurh. Id Anrii liCH I bacaa to taiaB t
almuld bo a rrlfpla (r llf; but blaa aw ol
"KnJll' SfTtn Cura" tboagbt t waal I try
It. I a. on tbtrl of a bottle. al aaaariea
rol rrllaf at ultra. Tba ln laft a e baa
nut Imabtwl mi lnf. 1 fal vary aratafut ta
uu anJ woull ttrvmmmd 'KaoJaJI'a 6rla
t ara to all hu tulfar alia -rlat or rwa'
tUui. Vor tralr.
Jfaa.j. Xuiiill
I tara (q ll afrrU. wllJ la ila atla at it
loc not blbtar. rtll l raaatratinaaa4 -rrful
to rtnrh arrrjr tei aatf I aain or t ra
biot any bony aruwth ur. otbr aa!araaaaU.
aca m (taviua. elnu. carra.ealloat. ataiaa,
iweUtnc and any latta an.! aalarta
atiU ol tba joint or lit, or fnr rbaaiatlm
In man for any rtoio for whlaa a liaaaiaat I
ad for man or bat. tt la kawa to be
the btt Hnttnrnt fur ram ar arJ. aaJat
nlM a'l yt certain in IU aSati.
Srtxi xtdraaa (or lUaaUala.1 Ctrvnlar hlia
think tira (xitiva proof of Ite tlrtuaa.
No remedy hai vrar mat wita aaa aaeaallta4
faraaai twoar kaoatolf. for beaataa waU at
I'tieafl. rr Wtla. errx bottlai for St. All
Irurf bar it or can fat It foi ywa. r it
will beaat la any add raw on roretBt of rU
br tba iftTirVif,li. J. U. KaaBikt. X Co..
Knottiurcb YU. Vt.
Uoihtnl Ketainll Xataenlll
Art yen d!taild at afbt ani brxkra 4 reaa
rrtt kf firkcbild au rn.j and eryta with the
xrm'lallrr rain t r-iltc tatb? If . M at
oftra and fat a botn f Mr: lntl aoa
iagrrut. It will r r ibe pr lltilaaafcf
tr lnnJiilely-trir:i u-n ItMHrta la ae
mtiiaVt il Thrrr Hut a nttitbrr aa aaiih
wbo hat rr ur) it, ) will nt tall xmi at
eci tbat It ll rri-iUit the t'twclt, aad lv
rrt lo tba mllirr. a a-1 f.'i"f aa-l bailtb to tbe
child. aritit lik n.jir. It i rerfeftlr tafe
to ueie Hr4.aA.l laaaito tba ta,aa
j lb Kaerii.tia wf n ( tea aUt aaJ bt
kmt .hyiciio an-l tieraa ia tba tlaliwf
fuu. selaVeratywaaro. S teata a boHla.
lATZ jvts aOjriT,
. fAlQPa.luCAwaag.
eaaw"" awafawp 1 BawaaawaaBB m bwBf eBBwaaawVBaBwaVPaSV(lBP 4
a.a.-w-1--a. .. j '-fri Tata Iibi iIIbb, Tri afkijasiaa atuau...
CayefaBy etswtae taai Xsp.
wavaaaroeau iim aaaaaaai
avaa alaajs
TNK OlltCawalO a
. -' - i r " .
-V ' ' ,. .- - - ,f g,aaBaBJawaTaaaeaaaaajaaja
CDJ SL-- 'BTaatIw
kWaaaJKLV rataCr7a"BgaA . ar5CoM
vn frTii
FwTIalJsawUir myEB,rVJXQ GLiaafaC
MawaatfrjkfarTkaetavUfUaaaf v... .
sraaiiii - ----- . ""-""'-aee'ww:!.asaasaaaB?.. ,
- - a .aiaBBB, w.M.matmBt
New BarbarShop,
mam rut n
KmCLOUi - SEWlAitatA
TW tc e"May "
a4 r a CJsawi Hfcarr, gfeaat tt
n tb hi tyJ af &
c Cm aUr MH. aW C34.
Samuel Wesf,
fUU& t
rKtn rnvrrA,
CRACaTI, CtfltaN
ar i rrt ttc v s-
ALar? fjnr Ct
los Orataiam Fau-Iar,
Wlfe i rn jlerajs
prt a mve drb tf Kv Ort duri
tlr &",
ha re e4 the 14 rvttrottAa;
JM tint. rirt Ut
MHt!ttNttUeU A M"Hrt'a.
Rrx CWH"t - - NiaaMfa.
or ALL
TO MAaf aUP Ilaaawt
raw awaes ttaaa a eMraleafai
Ittaw) eexMT i
aw aana raseaf mt
aavt mHl n Is a Bawawaawel
fan ttrtew aawl aratea aae I
tvr rey Swat 4 ei
Mtaatant Ltateaeait l wbreM m .
II ataHrtiii aVaa aaa4 aaaaula
Ike ear Bane tnabfwg ta waaiiea.
rm ef r taaeaHMiaUan eaa-a
atbtn, Itarwwetaajaaw Nwmeo STa, al
thoaruteCrraitnat are tXf
ful. TIM Mvaveaa
IJiilaamt la aaaJaa br jaaaliaity I
rryiHte araryaey anHeaawwai
ae aayaieir eafaai awfal eaaM aw bar
itUttta!, uf tSaeaaaaaSea) aajaraftw
atnrtol. tr a ealtaaMe aeaaa aw eal
taaid Wy Ow U1 feerer wrtate
tWh saanttftr etee anaa aita -
lu.r KL'aAJI tnSJtil aa .
fce m aaantl a aa mnrUlitmt
aa4 awetMe. Caaa, rw.taae aS
aWalae. felaaae)a)a wMaee aawi
weeaaae. aHrSBteee, UawMtt, wHal
awawa, raaara, raweiaiiee.rfctiaieaae
aew atawlaa, (adae Breaet. eaaal
taxlaea taarr aaaaa mm aitiraaai saw
eaee. It fceaJs waHaaail awn.
rwUaa Bwsrra caeuTwar m 'area
wf S. ? I
aralla, aatartia. Tarataav, BHeaf
I Para a.
KtM, rMaa
i waaran
r awaew -
eHaaiia m aaa
MiH aatel
Venl aa laaade.
Tbe Met
I always cart eiwt sjawar
ami ft la, peaKira),
CWasef aVa
Jeffwwaa aa I
WMawfWaFaw m m
?-. tea, v i
'" awavaaw w aaaawaaW lJ
aaaaa) aaeaaw aaajaaj aajajajawaaaaai wsai BBW anaaaa aa aJE nlm ia
- o-l- :... " wii swmmmmmm
flcairaw taarQaaSJa
j .
- - - '-