TiswSs'- .-- --., rv." T'"!- a IE -.?;- 'WMlVRjiS!Bew (i -5 f -3ssr3 MMWfMMMteiWMMM ww -. -.j- i pfTumMiMiinwgBaigiiri jm iMK IM1- ! I nv - THE CHIEF. rcSLTEBD EYKftT YRUMDAT AT us cloto, nsiioi. BY M. L. THOMAS, The flTrvrm ( Ihtef U'h --. a ', J - -"- -I 7" t -J . Red ' . y m w my m s y m m m, - w ! r.un-rr nM t tc W ,!.- - KS.TSSTASr.rXPlUT KASn "Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty," and $150 a year i.s the price of the lied Cloud Cuaf. I ASP t- RED CLOUD, WKBSTERCQ. NKBRASKA, THURSDAY. MARCH 31. )SS1. NO 3. , wr4f Mew - i' rXSKS:- $L60 a jtu iJald in Airae. VOL. VIII. warv 3MM3t jf-' v-A? . ..-L . '?" "iS-TZr- "" . Jeaa? ' " " cifC 5'- -v y (f -- " !wj. -c- h MM------------J-'P1 -" "-ge - WefJ? - ' (C: ,m - m, ! U V ' s GO EAST NORTH-F.AST OU .SOUTH-KAST VIA THE B.&M.R.R. Tbii Itoad totclhrr with tbe C.D.JKi nhich in called THE Burlington Route ! ronntL tnontcompletelinrbftwern Nfbrafk jioibU and all r"int Krtf MiMnnri KWer. l'aitenaer taking (bin line cr4 tbe Mo. Kiver at J'laltnnoutb orcr tho Plattsmouth Steel Bridge, "Which has lately been comi'letcd. Through P onche AND FwllMmw Slee piwgr ARE RUN TO BHrlfngtoa.Fecria.Cliieag m4 St. LHi, "Where clotr connection arc wade in anion drno for all j ointi JVorth Eat and Houjfa. Traia by thin route Hart in Nebrafka are there lore hf from the tarioui accident! nhirb to frtquently d lay train coming tbroujcb Irutn the moun tain, and prrnger arts thus ture of making good con nection when tbey take the B. k M. route iat- Through Ticket AT LOWEST RATE8 I n force in the State, at well ai tail and reliable infm motion required, can be bud uion applica tion o B. A 11.11. K. AgrnU at any of the priiicii-al itatiom. or to PSIICEVAL LGW2LL, lilt Ccneral Ticket Agent. OiUBA KBB. EMIGH BROS. MEAT MARKET RED CLOUD, NEB. The choicest of Freak meat. Santaer Fowl and ercrytbisg in the line that the tnr ket afford, alwayi on band. -6hop two doon iouth of Smem'i drataa A CenffK Cold or Sere Throat hill be jtoppeJ. Neglect frequently result; In an Incurable- l.unir Ph'-jo r Consumption he.wn'j Ilrjnchial Troche are certain lu:io ftlWln AetbuiJ. Ilronchiti. Cotiiib. CaLirrh. COomniptiiennd thmat HWew. rof thirty esrii the Troche hare been resoiirncndeJ bj thymic! ia. and alwa5 give pcrlert jlif.i,etion. ah-:j arc unt ulu or untricl bu' hiiiiigborn c.ii-4 by wide and eoruunt ufo for nearly an entire geueration. they have alt unci wen- erited rank aiming lite lew mti reuicum i to clear and ftrensibcn th "ice. ol4 a. twenty firo cenu a box even where. a -a JO z U o . P CO tt g-8 s or - g I2 S3 k K CD S N r .f . t Ct & " " s as S3 Holcomb Bros., Dealers Im MA&QW&tt f all kloli. rkty Mil CHEAP for CAS IT. and If the kaT uH what yoa want. leave yoar tder and they wiU fill it. CALL ON THEM Om deermorth ofHukec'f. uJ Mr.UOLCOMB will wait ob yoa. aprltf RED CLOUD. NEB. ROBINSON .Wagon Company, MAKUrACTUnEUS OP &ufnn.uc Snrins IfMUUIlO Buggies & Phaetons. m We do not Want Agents Af WE OFFEB OUE Standard Trade Vehicles, TO THE T1UUE. Work that has an esLiblisliod.reputa- ttoa, and that am be handled with sat fiction, both to buyer and seller. Jcud for designs and prices to JiOBINSON WAGON CO. 13-jy Ciadimati. Ohio. nrsiXEss ihiievtory. O.c.CASt. J. McXarr. Case & McNeny, ATTOKNEY.S .NU CXiLNHELOUS AT LAW. Will practice in all tbe Court of lb! Htate and Northern Karuaji. Collection aa well bj litit ted hvitintu car-tolly and efficiently attended to. Orrict:- On Webttcr Street, one door north of (iarber'tfilore. J. S. GILHAM, A TTOKSEY AND CiiVSaKWtt. AT JJIVT. Officr oiir dvor north of Knlry liroi. HED CLOrD, - NERRASKA. W. C. REILLY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND NCAU BSTATI AQIZT. Bed Cload. Neb. 9.I'roB)pt Attention (lifen to Colleetiona. Orrjce- with C. 11. 1'OTTEK. t ReU Uoud Drug Store. Edwin C. Hawley. A TTOBKEY AKD COUK8ELOE AT LAW. Office over Farley's Drop 8tore. BED CLOUD, NTS James Laird, ATTOItNKY AND COUNBE1.0R AT LAW. IlAriTlMM, - XEIIBAA. Will practice in all the Coart of the State. Prompt attention glrea to all baiineri vBtnuted to bU care. Jalyl-7 II. 8, Kalit. C. w. Kalkt. Kod Cloud. Neb. J. L. Kalcy. Xlloouiiogloa, Nctnuka. KALEY BROS., A TTORNEYH AT LAW 1 BE.VL ESTATE ''- AtlKNTS. Will practice in all tho fourt in Nebrka and niuthirn Kan': cdlectin promptly at tended to and correspondence solicited. ID CLOUD, NbIti:-. AIw. Agent for B. A M. R. B. Landc ELBERT A. AIX M. P. Physician&Surgeon. BED CLOUD, NED. i..!.i.i s..nn n ill ItLlLd Office over Johnson ic Craps' dry geod store. Resi- nit.. flaTVa 1 tit .. lflMTt denee over rrrgms jc jsiicneu im " j. m. mosEiA, m. . KCLKCTIC Physician and Surgeon, IIUD CLOTJD. NEB. Will pav special attentlnn to Obstetrics and disease or women Also general and special surgery. Dis sre of the K e and Ear. Charge moderate. Office o er Sherer's Drug Mtnre. ltuidcnce 4th house north of ichool house. 25-1-y .JSBl Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDENT DENTIST. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. W. IT. RICHARDSON, -DCA-ERIN LIVE STOCK. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. .ligheit market price i-uidior hogs and cattle. J. K.Smitu S. C. Smith M.B.Tftom-noH. Prc. Firat Nat. Cash. First 1 .ate Teller Finit llank. Ueatrico Nat. Bank Nat. oank Rcat- Ncb. Beatrice Nob. ruoNcb. m Srors & Thompson, BANKERS, RED CLOUD, NEB. Will make collection? in any part of the United States Fell exchange upon the princi pal eastern oitie Loan money upon improved farms Receive depo its subject to right draft Allow interest upen time deposit, and trana act a general Banking basinet. ItgriKKXraa: Omaha National ttaak. A. S. PaJ4eck.IT. .8 Senator; First NaUoaal Bank New York. CamhrlJge Valley Natleaal Bank. Cambridge New York. HE1VRY COOK. VBOPRIETOR RED CLOUD DRUGSTORE, ad Dealer la Drugs, Medicines Paints, OILS VARNISHES All geed im mj Line kept ceaataatly ea haod: and to wkiek I bivite tke attaatiua et the aablia. iaaJ HENRY COOK. CHICAGO Lumber Yard BED CIaOITD, IVcb. Yard south of Hamptoa A Ralstou' shop, on 2f am street. Keep eaartly aa kaaaaa aeaarwaeat ai , aMale. mrm Wlra. WW.t4wa Hair aet.t; riMlcr MmUUmg rapr wic. PLATT & FREES Proprietors. THE CHIEF. 'aftaSeKfr M. L. THOMAS, EDITOR. THURSDAY, MAR. 31, 1881. l'ltlDENT (iAUKIELD ll.1 takctl a derided stand apa'nwt Monnnn Polyg amy, and siaya that thateursc ls gt to lx: wiped out. J. M. Kku-ocii, the intirderer of Chan. 1). Young, a Snnfraneisro editor, hiw been noiuitedf the jun finding a verdict of "not guilty." Bot Stoot, who, by the way U a pratical bridge builder, makci the pre diction thnt muuy of the bridges oh the Mixsouri river will go out when the high water romca. Tlie Ked Cloud jmpers are at lat agreed as touching one thing. Re ferring to Mrs. Holyokc'.s lecture there, they vouchsafe the ."nine com pliments, and in precisely the name words and punctuation points. Juni ata Herald. Hastings can claim the youngest married woman in the state. The Mchool enumerator, in going his rounds through thid city, took the name of one young lady who ha-i a humed the cares and responsibilities of married life at the early age of thir teen years. Journal. Nebraska may escape drouth and starvation, this reason, but she is just entering upon tho horrors of a female suffrage campaign. Tho hordes that have been devastating Kansas will soon be upon them. They are equally handy at temperance and woman's rights. Troy (Kan.) Chief. Lincoln Journal; The following turkey story comes to us from Una dilla, Otoo county, and is vouched for by Alfred P. Seymore: "Yesterday a bronze turkey gobbler camo out afc and sound from a deep snow drift where he had been imprisoned since the gieatttorm of Feb. 11th. He is lively as a cricket and weighs- eleven pounds, ju.t one-half as much as his brothers." Chicago, has also developed a faster in tho person of Win. Cooney, of No. 95 North Clark street, who came here from Sturgeon Bay, Wis. He claims to bo the Holy Ghost, the successor of Christ, and is a remaikably intelligent lunatic. He has fitted twenty-live days, only drinking water during the time, and he says lie will livo on faith until Easter, April 17th. lie has been in an insane asylum at Worcester, Mav., where he indulged iu a nine dav fast on one occasion. Omaha, March 26. The ice started out of the Loup river, in the central portion of the state this morning and carried bridges before it till it reached Columbus on the Platte river and Union Pacilie railroad, where the gorge flooded Columbus and inunda ted Benton, seven miles below, reach in there at three o'clock this after noon. A tremendous body of water moved dowu on Schuyler, Sogers and North Bend, which must be doing im mense damage, but as the wires are down nothing more can bo learned. Several persons were drowned at Col umbus, and great damage was done to live stock and buildings. There are apprehensions of more destruction in the lower Platte valley. The new prohibition law of Kansas is meeting with the strongest opposi tion from a quarter where trouble was probably least expected. Tlie law ab solutely forbids the uso of wine in the sacrcment, punching the minister who so administers the sacrement with two year's imprisonment in the penitentiary, and shutting up the church itself as a public nuisance, ac cording to the interpretation of the Rev. Dr. Beatty, rector of tlie Episco pal -church at Lawerence. Last Sun day that clergyman administered the sacrament as usual regardless of the consequence, having previously an nounced to the congregation his deter mination so to do. lie said: "We are -willing to render unto Ctesar the things which are Cesar's, but we will stiH gire to God the things that arc His, I say as did Peter, 'Judge ye whether we should obey men rather than God.' Of one thiugyou may be assured, we shall never recognize for a moment the attempts of human legis lation to destroy the great sacrament of the Christian church." It is prob able that Ihe Rev. Dr. Bcatty's action will be imitated by other clergymen and the result is hard to predict. It will be argued that the clergy cannot permit the prohibition law to be open ly violated by clergymen without arousing a storm of opposition from those to whom its enforcement is a pecuniary loss, and, on the other hand that to consigu the Rev. Dr. Beatty Co prison, and to -close his clinrch as a nuisance would place sharp weapons in the hand of those 'who want to sew the new law hewn down root and! branch..V. Y. Tribimc. Among the Aztecs. Ccrtas Xsits cf Agricsltirt. KKli ATS men. Brilliaat Latter frcm (hr Wtctan Milla, New Mkxicv. March 7. IfcSl. The denizeiw of tliw strrtiigc city and the Mirrnunding country are u ciinutio studv. litis letter will be devoted to giving your readers .-ome idea of their habit of life mid their mode nf agriculture. The Mesilla valley from which this city takes iu name is one of the most famous in New Moxico for its agricultural product. It extends along Ihe Rio Grande for seventy five miles and having an elevation of near 4.000 feet the air is permeated with electricity and ozone making it a sani tarium which is visited by thou.-ands rlfeeted with asthma bronchial and pulmonary diseases. The climate is superb, the thcrniomctor never reach ing zero. Snow rarely whitens the earth, ami hot and -sultry nights arc unknown. To an Eastern travel er the novel sights and experience he encounters are so full of interest that he is loth to depart from this laud of the Aztecs. I came here "in the full of harvest time," when thi- beautiful val ley along the Rio Grande was yellow- as gold with its carpet of ripened cer eals. Since then I have learned much by being brought into contact with tho people of this foreign country who un til within a few months have been so isolated and shut out from the outside world as to know nothing of its nuxles, styles and hioderu civilatiou. Let me show your readers a picture of this valley. On either fide grand old mountains rear their peaks high up iu to heaven's pure ether. Coursing along at our feel in sluggNh quiet rolls thu Historic Rio Grande which ries in Colorado, runs into New Mexico be tween the two chains of the Rookie-; and continues southward through the whole length of the territory. Ju-t there on its bank is gathered a large number of Mexicans bedecked in gay and bright array. Hilarity and mirth rule queen of the hour. Men and women join iu dances and strange sport-. A little distance away a gay fandango is going on to Ihe time of a monotonous music. We approach and in our "half-grown Spanish" ak why this merry-making, and tiro told that it is "the harvot festival," The God of tho Aztecs has smiled upon the cereals and the harvest has been abun dant. At a little distance to the left the process of threshing out the grain is going on. Shades of Cornando! How antiquated! A circular cnclo--ure is made by driving poles side by side close together into the earth. The hard ground has been swept clean and the wheat to be threshed is spread upon it. Within are a dozen goats and as many children who aro shouting and laughing and driving the frightened animals round and round the arena, while now and then a halt is made to allow thu master of the har vest to turn over the straw, when on again scamper the goats and children, this is kept up for several days when the straw is removed and the plump grain is gathered into bowl-shaped grass baskets, to be picked over, win nowed and cleaned by the women. The harvest time is nlway a gay sett son, and all the young people join in the festivities. Now let me show you one of their agricultural implements. Yo will, I fear, laugh but you mut not let them sec you for these arc a sensa tivc and unforgiving people. Here is a plow, a long beam, to one end of which is hitched a single steer or ox. while the other end i smoothed off for a handle. Fastened to it about midway in a sloping position, is a stick pointed at the lower end, which t cratches up the ferlilo and mellow soil. This, is the chief implement of Mexican agriculture. Imagine it, yon farmers on the prairies who ride upon your sulky plows and aow your wheat with drill. This condition of tilings, however, is soon likely to change, to be superseded by American implements. The fertility and mu nificent climate of the Rio Grande valley, the great demand for agricultu ral products owing to the advent of the A. T. & S. F. R. R. is settling this val ley with a better class of farmers who will not only open the eyes of the Mexicans but make fortunes for them selves, I had s.xmer own a good farm (and they can be had for a song) in this valley than any place I have visited in the west. The vsist mineral interests and the mining ramps are creating a great demand for cereals and vegetables. Fruit grows here luxuriantly and is found in great abundance. Apples, pears, plums, apricots, quinces, figs, pome granates and all small fruits are grown in great perfection. The grape w.as introduced by the Spaniards long years ago, I never tasted such luscious fruit and the clusters rivaled those of Eschol in size and beauty. This is surely the garden spot of the sooth west. Mines in this region are being rapidly developed and the yield of wealth found is wonderful. The ex- citement is like the furor over the J early discoveries in California, aad many a miner w going back to ht ca-t:rn home in tt few jean with hi nockeU full uf com and a healthy bank account. I would ndrtn: any young man who ha nerve and grit to come to New Mexico. More fortune will be made here in the next few ycan than m any other locality in America. K. S. P. TiiMlStct AtCzM. In IKiking over the reconU, we find thnt tJe Senate nmendeil the "High License nill" w :t to take effect at osn. jjm the ou. COIJcUrre,, jn tm. nmcudment. Tlie general imprtion ' nil along has been that the iiroviaiona t,f tlto bill would not go into effect until June. This puts a new feature to the situation, and forms the ground bjMs for immediate action pro and con, in stead of a long look ahead filled with its varied speculation. I: may Ik? all for the be-t, and the quicker the nut ter b. tented the sooner we will know what it will do. as its constitutionality, we understand is to be tried. (itmnl. Skventy-skves thousand immigrants from Canada to the United States in eight months will startle Johnny Bull considerably. The policy of England has always been to encourage immigra tion to Canada at the expense of the United States, But if, after i-ho has got 'em there they take the first oppor tunity to jump arrows the line to thin republic, it rentiers nugatory all the ellbrts of English stateeiiufii to build up the Dominion, and they might a well let them conic here in the first in-taiice. Except Germany, which sent us eighty-three thousand ciliztna in the same period, Canada stands at the head of the li-t. Ireland with all her trouble and distress only gave us thirty thoitMiud, less than half of Cana da's eontigeut. England, Wales and Scotland together sent us thirty-fix thousand. Lincoln Journal. The Omaha Boo gives tho following particulars of the murder of a babe in Furnas county, mention of which was made some weeks ago. About two week- ago an item was published in Tur. Bkk regarding the discovery in the Republican valley of the dead body of an infant, the evi dent victim of an infanticide. Later details now reach u of the discovery of the perpetrator of this unnatural crime, and they will cause a thrill of horror in every mother's heart, for they form the history of the most dreadful crime of the kind ever com mitted within the confines of the state, The hKtory of the affair in brief is a follows: A man named W. R. Whitney, liv ing about ten mi les south of Cam bridge, in Furnas County, Isccamc en gaged to a young woman and subse quently formed relations with her more intimate than legal. Fear of public condemnation spurred him to a sudden marriage with the girl and the two left together for tho east and were abcnt some weeks. On their return they brought with them as far n Orleans a young infant, of which the passengers were informed the young woman was the mother. The next morning after arriving in Orleans they left on the train for the wot, their destination being Cam bridge. As they neared their destina tion and the train slacked up the young man took the baby iu his arms, telling hi-s young wife that he was go ing to give it away and would see her iu Cambridge. He then proceeded immediately to tho Rcpuulican river, which flowed near, without attracting notice, passed on its frozen surface to the opjHJsito side, when he stripped the innocent littlo babe of its cloth ing, with the exception of a band alxxit its body, anil with a devilish coolness threw it alive into a snow bank. It is supposed that he after wards burned the clothing, in order that no traces of his crime might Ixj produced in the future. It is also be lielievcd that it was his intention to put the babe under tlie ice in the river, but that the thickness of the ice pre vented his doing so. He then .returned to Cambridge, in forming the mother that be had given tlie baby away, aad the two kept se cret the fitct that they were father and mother. They soon after left Cam bridge for their home A few days subsequent the dead body of the infant was discovered by a party who clmnced to be crossing the river at that point and taken into Cambridge, where it created a pro found scusatlan, especially among the wives of the1 fanners. Among those who came to sec the infant was its young mother, who had not for a moment dreamed that ft could be her child. She recognised the lody at a glance as that of her child, and not suspecting that her husband could be the guilty party, and forgetting their plans to conceal her indiscretion, gave way to lier feelings, and said tlie babe was hers. An imnediate investigation fol lowed, the resuh of which was that not a doubt of the busbaod's guilt was left; and fie was arrested, and taken to Lincoln for safe lteeptng. His trial will take place at the April term of the Furnas County District Court, to be held in Beaver Citv The murderer is a wcll-to do yoans fanner. mm is8i SPAN0GLE6FUNK, HE, I DO VA R TEES EOli AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Two Doors South of Bank, RED CLOUD. - jSTEBRASIwY. Go To W. F Staple Fancy Groceries, -THE 1WAGC & CM A IRS IN TOWN. ALSO Choice Nuts, Fruits &, Confections. Fresh Fruits and Vcgetabls Sold on How Can I save Money BY BUYING MY Fall and Winter Goods of iff ij V 9 l bllv a11 mv (ff llli Goods at what they arc worth in Cash. I sell them at a small profit. J make no book account. I have but one price. Clear cash buyers get the Lnjr Come and Examine Gools and get ULIlUll. j,r;(.Mf Hl y,lllv. C)11 MnmL lno "Up Town Store." Yours itcNNitfiiHyf A. S. MARSH. FOULKS & STINE, Hastings. - - Nebraska. MANUFACTURERS OF THE ACME STEEL Barb Fence Wire, THE Wire that will make a Visible Fence Pig Tight, Bull Strong Horse High. Factory near F. K.CORE !! mmfrtmmiHklmmmrmMm.rCMXAm fc..A.,. , -i-r-isfni ii Trait, i. B. ROBY'S O R- BEST- CommWi.in RFI) CLOUD. NEB. ! ONLY B. & M. Depot. novJtf Jeweler. Red Ctowf. itn irxsnr Kttr rSASC SAH?! . tat ? , w- i t m m 1 a k ltt TAl,. 4 rt MTM I . w. t r - .! t-f - Carta a a -tfn,R, jt LANDHETHS i PEARCE'S iaiRoviu CAI Broadcast Sd-Sow. tCrn, C aHTCeSJPj avSeS No man cia do It as- wxtl by aL It dsrs tlM wart T ft It aaai atasd tke trst sf rtara, crlTrU Flrtt rrvmliui ( f 1 I fairs In ysars. Good. KdlatOe MacUse. to OoaJI tfcat la claimed for ft Bred tarap for ilcHrHlro clrctiUr. (Jao W lluown, Agtat, Catca. 111. 600DKLL COirANY, AJfrnrM. ir. .. Eoto Manuf scuirsrs Slate-Roofing turns ni;sHiN(JM.G. rim: am) WATm-rKOOF. CONTAINS NO TAK. 3fIXKI KKAPY TOR THE. A.N'riMlDV CAM ArrLTIT. "Yilh tbU Taint Id aklagb-a caa lv made to look Mtrraftdlaatlosx la" aew MiIdkIcj for -Uilr4 Iks cst sf rsHhlaillaa. riaily pwnl frr tin or Iron; aad tor poron brick, wall J UBital!L It U clartlc will rstMsd or rca'rart with bwt or cold. Tkia U sn latHtrars. aWe qiialiiy In a durable ItnoAac; i'aiat. It will not crack, prcl or aoais, hit slatr. wills' roa ur corrulTc It bu a avry bo-Jy M cost beln sotaal to tkrvs of aay etfccf. It it sold at a pric tact rna!4ra rrrysse m hire a weU-paistM nof. Four bislvis4s hades-Kssf-IUts, Brswa. Urt aed Ilrht 4. Frkwln ImhcU it 4A loMpltaM, aly 0 xati jr pAWtL Aflfr a MMt thsrssfk mm sf tkl sslnt. w met crd tally rr rswwrad It. d are satfi4 IWi If sne Kant It will to rsVrwl a T34 aad third tlsac. flf. tt Itnwra, la hn IlrjrrvkAt, Sctf. St, fVtnl for r!xrt.Ur taJ rsplr, os4 rrvcattoa lhl faprr JT. E. PAXHT Olt OO 7 INDIA ST., tOrrOM, MAM. ficllb Apcntvfor lkrtra'aOlI Fo Utb for iJraM.ipr-rrtCoKpoaiUo, 4c. T 13 tfc BMgsa 4S MWB8SSM mm nJ 1N - -it it i i n.iMaMJa "' 1-MM.f fM iiAtiIitUtfttiitai atavejevrem ""eWVfawKLaUaC agliapSMaaga.ar T - ,?-, BBBBBaBSyiteBBBBH afBP1 SmbbbbB aaeaaaaai bbbbbT4 '?SrBBBBSf a"t Ce7i BTaTaTE-aL. .firjaatBBBBB' L J jjF cp!&j Vassal aiBft akL wa H S O a O fj I P I H S ll to 'f aVl M f ' f ' 2 It 81 If 5 SS BBBf am IbM a - W bbbbI Jt5 iS 5 mJj4m r i 25 JPI 7sr ' ie V t aaa . A IIS g y bbbbbbbbbbbS $ 3 i. H S vBLaf' .'W-Jpr tcaf-- -iSbh-w.