The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 24, 1881, Image 2

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, r
M. L. THOMAS. Publlafcer. f
Thk ScDtch kavo a queer old tinllad.
which iBcamoni'oncoiujaxorrcr, i
Except these two linos of the chorus,
Wale arc llntrerioff with mo rot;
Bo sJrapIo and wlo In taelr wUdota,
r'i- n i
I think they are worthr to con
"Tho iroar that is Rifted. It nuvcr
Will wear like tho scar that is won."
Now ictus all rend it and learn it
If ire Work? with our band, wo arc wise:
Thcihlnra that wc tnako will bo precious,
Tho tfaTwa that we-oamVe-sfiflTprtte:-'
The naying- is full nf true wisdom.
The linos nro well worthy to con
"Tfiojrcar that 1 .rifted. Itnercr
AVU.Yer Jilutbe gear that Is won."
Tho .Sjlrid 1 all full of kind helpers.
An IDC 1
AruTlhc IMT can casilr shirk:
mart mci ito v
Andtotuy lakes J(
urcnasca witn woncr.
ess lime than to work:
jiiu rMBcmBertnis proven. 01 wukioeo.
Of wtadora well worthr to con
"Thejfcar th&ls girted, it never -4 ' ,
'Mhrcar Ifco the (rear that U won."
NomatUtf-Ifwvfaavcour millions
They cannot Tks counted upon:
The days may be ncarthat are rainy,
Tho days when our million . nro xony:
Thenrrmember this proverb of wisdom
To live by. as well as to con
"ThCjrcar that Is trifled, itnercr
Will wear liko tho gear that is won."
Youth' CompanUnu
O.vtbo 4th day oL October, 1822f-rf
love to be particular in dates a coach
and si drew: up before the shop of tho
well-known jcw'o!cr,lkL,Ku2 Su Hdn
orc. The equipj-ge was' covered with
u profusion 0 gilding and heraldic de
vices, and ilib iivenesof tho footmen
indicated high rank in the possessor.
The itepst being adjusted, a lad',
splendidly dressed, descended" and en
tercdtfj'e shop, where aU the attend
ants, and oven M. himself, were profuse
in their nttentirns,..anticipating every
look and step, arid 'displaying, beforo
herthe tnpst costly diamonds and '.'pior
rcries." Thoiady, with the most lofty non-"
chRlanctf, selected jewelry to the 4
amount of about 5,000, which were
immediately placed in a casket by the
obscqnious attendants, when, handing
her purse to the jeweler, ho fouud it
contained a sum somewhat exceeding
3,000, and short of tho requisite
amount. The lady; with many graceful
apologies and a Momentary Hush of
vexation, begged pardon for the tnis-takc.-desireuMl
io lay tbo parcel. by
until she. should call again' with the
monoy, And giving her namo as tho
"' - T , TfllM Hi' lj- .1 lll II
and lastly tho Corateswr-Tbe-deetor
making a'sign to his myrmidoms. they
remained in the hall, while the lady
ushered tho icweler into an anteroonr
until the Comto should be apprised of
tho arrival WTns:;. visitors. f After .t
short interval alio returned, an, dircstcd
them to follow- her. kseendiii-jr a
salcndid flight of stairs., she aaintcf to
thorn tho apartmcntlof hp. jfcmtatj
tuo same time receiving irom the jew
eler the package of diamonds, hinting
to him to present his bill to tho Cointc,
who was ready to satisfy him.
Upon entering tho room, an elegant
chambro carrec. they found a fashionably-dressed
gentleman engaged In writ-,
ing at an escritoir. Ho arose at their
approach, and seemed to regard them
with a loolnrf-astomslimcBtr" -. r-,
"Symptoms to a hair," ejaculated
the doctor, in an undertone.
"To what am I indebted." said tho
Comtc, " for the honor ot this visit?"
" I believe I am addressing the Comto
do L.," said the doctor.
"The same," replied he. with a
.slight bow.
"My name is N.," rejoined the doc
tor, after a pause.
"I have not tho plcasurcof knowing
you," said tho Comte.
. To be so coolly and sensibly received
by a madman was a circumstance be-
vounu the doctors comprehension.
1 he Comte. shrank not from his fixed
gaze. yhicb,-frpni enstom immemorial,
.had been'known to enthrall the insane.
tnor did any 'gauchcrics" betray tho
"compresstba of, the caPebditMr"
"However, the idector. dcteahlnaUio
persevere, ufilsj pr& f jaaipTfrtn .shawld
ianifestlteirto. jastlfyv calling ia Ms
posus coreitattis.
wore you never mat is to say,
have you ever been hem Monsieur
iLc Comteaiflicled with a-fiolenf
vortiro. orh&Cdnhho. nmnandtnry fm-k.
aiiem prcssuro of tbececbrafbarf(-1.lav
i v. . - -. . 1
cles? Jnuced, sir, you look pale Jet
and l4o are worth f 1 each.
cents of 1810, 1S42, 1815 and
worthg 1.60 each."
" How about American gold pieces?"
TfiK other night Drs. Saort and
Bilkins, twooX-the oldest pbraictans ia
the countBrTmet'lai a hotel in Cleve-
jUndTacy wcrtapn a journey, and
Jiicirftetin'r wasBcidental.
f " Wo must ocenflt the same room."
Mnsistad Dr. SnorV "it has been so
rrHincc I man old-time doctor
thartnroccaiK shall retain pleasant
memories. ont tn f Tho nrim nr.V. .iw.f.1
"Nothing would give 1 me greater ing u, tho coinage, with the large or
pleasure," answered lhvBHkm.- uti - lp T1-T-7n TTp i,,f jk -y
room, where, with a bnzUt-firetaev Mt7A w .k-i. Um.ilL...
built an ad
gun when (
grt-at, aunu
the medical professa
Snort; " these upstai
ing the peonlo off at
"It wasn t so in
Dr. Bilkins; "a boy
Is Mr$. Amelia LcwU reccat paWt
catioo, "How to Lire ir Wiatrr" there
ggwtloaa well worthy the
e cia known a " braia
he -fays: "Them
em under prewu:
1 irona it, tc-j rrrt
sponsJbilltr to retn
; we take, and kem
tV UD to its mart.- TKr Ti4iuin
character of our bra?n work carried on
mi mil lmi of tbti.dxT "'' rUi,t u t
rnMQTit. tn iJTniET.
fc '" 7 , .ySJHiy W'IMI1''1'
- ni -Mik mMJhm thi-j-""" "ra
tmfr. M,o 0 nmiWU Jknu vMf rker,,
Ml thAlOlraldKaiX froMlTttt tMPut our S
01 nflst sTtireiAnXr froSlD o-ntfl nore we
mt Mrflnr (Ailni.i .XI trM comes thofll
i7VTrKierrifrt hmJ&mtlthllb1iJnct
TMC 5saitko-M IatiUr-telfcM f-
Ii(Hl a memmr of JaaMX vauu. m
a a a tBfcjf ft m . a
I UlalHVI Vf-j
Tmk nmmWamt bcS.
W" a . 1 mk . B:
m be-a w . jl .m.
to iiisvT: Mr.::mzm.
jm. vua vt w w W' vtbih
lAUI'B.f.l jk 1JI K;f
Irw la
wVll iXMHiJPftwfcrjw jxiiii'
tO htTB h
KazUad tk&a
th mjkfxusn
pot together.
raor. IkirKjox hx bcn enjaxrd by
anxiotiii smxuTat7oHnrf'Tbin?oiann?naal 'P L0c1 lasUtste of lkm u4
VrlmxtiMmA. t&miimimK. vr..t.,1. JVvr a-coarw of Jwiarxt oathc"5rJ
-l - - P . 1 f f .. . ... . ..!
n to an afXuaWWraclort? ata rnavyTc-nl x to "tfeg-gte--wwier. iSe- anikKSar to.t
f Pr, tr.,mn a ..- r T '' MrV ah und6Van?ooWw4 Afil'Ioal
-mairy-mctainT '"SHxallsthe --' '"-x. IRUlallUamiMJii mi !. imnf rnunn r tn.acy trTt-?VT,Vs. ! t,.,.,,
now," said Dr. coinV- .5 . r , ,p miller To be c2ectivBv particularly SontcK.v. the a
doctors are kill- .. t n&ri&fr Z&cF&g' ftjrtiUittiimdo
shameful rate.' .uii. t,ini, i. ...i.nnriyvi t-i and aaifU ajkurtkn MackiaLa'tuMm. who snrr tiromGTi
.L.-.... r. t J... "' .rz'
tr rt
vSt s
. a 'k V
50 & dld. Aul nftbiy wa . Vu
Uw.wtniwi fc,itbA MawselL
I wal bk MImAa Uici.a.-i k,xwx
J M4 f-t jyi jrj ,Wei -
Wlwm Hn p?rr f" fc-
hf Iht JtotP. "a54'H V
tr09 hf
ISj,ir tnjfrsl Rt fl trr hmn .
wha jidnlr -iHiff1, ll Im4 t
'k :
-r.- ,
mvm. ,
iJL & - SbL.
.14 VJ t ir wi r"f r
!. raXtrtf?r ,t-- s ,, . i--i
-tVtrIMM4 w-r"Fi'wViT IT' J '
iw,Mh t 4 rwi rvmd at rwist NiHar i
9 a ? llttMrii rw7. sri
ac wasn t cnjrajeu
our day," replied Wcr4
nineteen years or 'yjic1
as a lamuy pny- '---' '- ,ul-. r-,; r,.
----'- - -" I "'i: "WW " rfvw wwarm -
sicianthcn." ,..,.. , J at the New Orleans Mint tor the ins
rio; nor mere wasn 1 mat jeaiousy
existinir between doctors that
now. It's nil right to talk about enter
prise and younj; blood, but a doctor
incra iaoji1. aua-atwiftk' UAiiarar wan . ... ..t. ..inii..
--fc --t . trvtfA.frtt fUkH 1 tl.A J. kA k,.-kft &. .fc, WL4-V i tfL
--JM V .v.Mt4 .k.. .V -J -. t. v .v . .-. ... w. - -- - . ,
f .mm,ntmWmK!t - .-r- . -F .. cAfe4 Mtcr fcv.4t ; xfeH
t. .. .J-..J. 1 , -.. .. r -. -.7'mmm'K'T&pElFi?m "" aJrT .in a&j iwhhk n..
rn--n-TTrw nniT-riTwaita raiMrtTi ratu u-iranaaottii Kf.-Uter'jsr -, , . .. . ti t.i .inmti.
PnVlnw nninti mini lxr ..-iln- ..... U. ... I . . 7Eta&n,' t'jif f. mLi tmiiit tui Ik flw tvt
'... .. ... ww. -. .....9. &j ir b ibi .aa. 1 11 ni 11m iiv zmm. v.wi.v' .. .bM .. . .. '! . v - "--. .-' '
iatrti ?tiA-r. -.u.i .v-.. xh3UW(lM..JiVU acrealiallac- to sav.
.- vw...,jyuPnBi,IJ4. 1. -?" V i5i-:-T TT tL 'T!
nnnfn.iorato l.n.l tliA tll.C OWy WCQ a UST and tlOTQI TnVl
VV..VVV.H.V . w . w..v. - -fr-. -j - -rrrT .- w - j
r-t- rwoTJt 'miwein "ihowriimfcit- aahi -
tif nnlnr. I. -., m-
vprin 1 nrt mnn ur.rc fmntiT '.tii'itM ain.7Mtri iin rrtTriihi--J
should not be too enterprising." ( coins oa his pcrson wjica ie wa, cap HJ,,r rftnedeiciawTph!Jfd. on bscrratioS.
After talkinguntil the hrehad burned urcdJbafcso rike bmikt pm4cM "nJoctt,3f- tekftraihwluw Swi.vo.Sf X
uui, iiiu iwu iiicnus rciiruu. oi)ca.
injr about younc: doctors,"
" I have alwavs he
best physician is he who 1
It is all practice anyway, an
said Dt
it he does not know
who. rojsibly itr
Hm a Mty'jar-flib$yorm mie j
lialle than one'lortf yrs jg '&M
x ; flaBirAiJi&i'ji iuH.iBkftV
WUoiip&nich AJF
me, feel your pulso-r-therc; itw-rOJn-J
steady tremendous acceldrati)i-ili!"il
'Sir11 unirl flirt f'imtn loVn iiv
t4v ra
f T
"YesritulocfJ 'A
doctor is naturally moro
H ! ton
h Wl Ti.4jl "
sd iva4 ;'iH ?'' fi W
M U HWf p-pi Ut
i V Mai W " "
CVimh.; .. i.
HowSnJy M 94 fa - la,
bo gradtta jOd naturutlSfetrMt t. 'f.tTf.'LT- .rTiJI IU 4ttr HftS'aj: -.
tie 01 cnltuii! in 5cw CairUnd. whdo wuiMtuuwiMmA. ?wiwt-f rwr,-lir. ,, -, -
conjtjMHiya'iaif.ariil'iuciat of er- -eM.tKI t "WhlfH. wIrTT, m?"
crylhU)FTeoaceni4ng nature jfc V , , . - )dibtu 4 'iTff V I 'D1
tl?JlTT 1i al", ..v. i 'r
brotea l Ur ifCP.
TBI: MRU 0i 1'AK,1WE.
?s!uay m bfiUm
Am rtow
Kt a.iA i-j- a- jpi'f -t.'. r - 1 a w . .
,. i, 5,. ,jo.:r, -, ... -,.:- xnausieiij)ari5kouriienin''in!m ont or "i.".-. .. ... ...t-i. rrr . 1 muuri anexx-wi
nbTffi. iiinEsra: w .1 ripwafTh3-H.Afitf..ww t?cu i4 ,r" .?vJi"r" towt. b7 pu
ion!,, m, i KSftrf,"ifiTr? J.J 'A 9reitrfC 'dviltiatkia "flWsmuiV 1 .-5 ZT " .iZi.4.; .1. "'TT Jo4jll
' "JTI "ILII" T. --'. . ... .- ... . -. . -- OTU 0V.IIU 4A IhAUSB I . I 1 J&LS; tdwirj.vv.... iiLj'i.'iiri'',x rcnutnr kiiiLa in ini ..! ta t r . .. .. .. ' Tl -
armu U3i in iiiu nciv vneans.-tjinvw. -X.TT" . '" .'- . r .'r.-.v--E-r - (wum UiAiliU) LQenu ''
.; n ii-Niaa'.jirj iu'-iTia.mmiM.j:! .asaiiirtnir inu urnun mmfTii nr f tin i- '
Diris-u uu unuucF' suites anvcrTioirarr 7 J"Jrr:xnjnnc'-.7.'VT?:v.rT-W,' '.W"V. -;rf.nM Kt hit lt.l r.. . ..t
" v. UIM
4 Mt'Of-at
. ITf.. l.l tl I
uuu luranwww 121 f 3 f
thajHfeieI uiUfJUf tiDMk
are noout niiv-uve.
XrefMumtk'oJiMliivc be
.thn niirnrvniTlUCnliaitfwd lrVS'y"matfef b
i I -r i... . fAm. j.. -.-- . . . t t !".
ohfedcrafe UUd AerH4VrUf ' '" " nHMop naana 1 i llm,v .
,.. . , , a shield, witU.Urt and jfeiJraOnti 5J.J '.W"WJP aH j lie JlrBig w nr
s? -sEiffvc A?:mtmL
shielil b
ro, j didp'Ltiik of th(r.
caso it
TfHfo WrcnkVWV-mnnlA'r: auitta?al tprerratUfat.reaueut to- ..f -""'" . iHi.oi'otci.
- ..., -. w- - r - Vwwr . - wV.- r, . . . . -r
tcr tocdunwWeit'ithaU a'ttmiAoTTT1!
pnin'Ujl niLtil ill !. 7 iuTt w fJ - .moffl
"No; a couBrtBrfeiCJwealdi beeaiiiw t2iiMlP
ilnlitfiK.V .. .., t ,?c;l
-"-'' "e-yi13lim. u ui'JH p"j u-rT nnri n 11
fPlion oa a .m(ii) if f-.-t rtr TC
i- fc
m j j"sMr ws MVHnHAwwe
vieldedhia liAmL in liasqivo-TLsroaish-. "Jonwy 10 crawi onvoj uK.Mcwr; Ukn iur Vnnt ' fa nr?i,-;.r.
ment, "yonV lanffnac is cntirfelf in- 4 "mktat as in. innuion. k yQUyjX,cr Wo thin'tli'o aL&'tmJM.
nomnrnlinnsihli' Krnlain vnnrsnlf. nir. Can't pull tll WOOl OVer my OVC3. for I l.TOTrl nt ti'JJVl ROTJtJJi C
or 1 shall order mv servants to show can doctor the life outofyouany time." Jvm? li. ?a i Cmmu-nll ai.nt;nr
you the door." "No doubt of it. Let s go to sleep." that rntf oiWn9ll5ru TIkn
"Now. don't bo rettinjr warm." re- "Sleep, tho deuce," said Bilkins, AthnvT&iltJrAr&K MrJA. cdl Mi.
Comtcsse do Lm departed with all the
ceremony and splendor that marked her
first Sppearaace.
Thf-eoacHpassod up tho Ruo St.
Honore'ifi the direction of "tho Barriero
Ncuilly, turned by the Place-do Louis
QuinprfAad .finally stopped at tho
house of .a celebrated physician in the
splendid Roe de Kivoli. ' Tho lady
alighftitFliore, and was shown into the
presence of-UJiO well-known Dr-N.
whokrising; from Jus .seatjat a table
covered nvithanatomical projmrations,
fialuttddier.with his usual courtesy; and
begged to know why ho was honored
with this unexpected visit. -
"Thp. lady, assuming an air of settled
melarfblfoly; fonlied:
"lean hardly command ray feelings
to tojbyou the cause of ray unhappi
ncss. My" dear husband, tho Comto de
L., duryig.dfe early years of r Car
riage, was all(tbat a fond wifo'cbnld de
sire; my slightest word, hint' or sign
was sufficient inducement for him to ob
tain any object of my wishes; but lat
terly the sccno is changed (hero her
voieebecarae nearly inarticulate through
grief$)?hj Jias becomo moody, sullen
and reserved at limes breaking forth
intoriolont fits of rago without any ap
parent cause, thus making my life a
perpetual sceno of misery; in short,
dear doctor, I more than suspect ho is
toudied 'With insanity, and it 'is on his
ncct that.I'now visit ou to obtain ,
mB?.iil...rj-k,nl I nt.e ... pt m-.m.. '
AveiSiit thaa that of any other member
of tapjirofession (hero thadoclor.much
ilattcrod, "mrtde a low, disclaiming bow.y
especially af thp'dreadful secret has
been concealed from all his family, not
even his brothorsiuid sisters having tho
slightest Intimation of it.
"Tho following circumstance, doc
tor, has, especially influenced myr pres
ent Jsitl My dear husband, the' Comte,
wishing to support tho honor of tho
hoifse, soht rae last spring to tho noted
jowjsler M... Rti'e-St. Honoro, with a
carte 'blanche to select ornaments to
wear .at the approaching festival. I at
first hesitated, but linaUy, urged by his
earnest protestations, went to-day and'
ehqsqalow, t(f "a trifling amount, more
to please liim, than myself, as ho dc
lighls, tho dear Comto" (hero tho ' latlv
sobbed), insccing mcsplcndid'y dressed
and suppprting my rank. But, from
thc""man' similar instances I have ob
served, I have not the least doubt that,
on hoing reminded of the fact, he will
protdna utter incredulity, and, on being
assured of its truth, burst into those'
terrible paroxysms which but too clear
ly Indicate the cause of his disorder.
Therefore, dear doctor, favor mo with
your'best, kindest advice, and and
oxjne the feelings of a wife." (Hefo
thdtlady applied her handkerchief to
her-face and was silent)
The doctor, crossing his logs and
suMorting his chin upon his gold-head
plied the doctor, coolly delighted at
what he thought equivocal symptoms;
"don't lly in a passion a little touched
Cpointing to his head), just as your wife,
tho Comtcsse, said very sensible at
times" (aside to the jeweler).
'My wife!" almost gasped the Comte;
"this i3 beyoud all endurance. I have
no wife; and, sir, let me tell you "
"Poor man poor man! Just as she
said, forgets his mother's friends and
relatiou&wl suppose akoa,,..aLJo,
Comtc, you do not remember the jew-
Lels you ordered -for the Comtcsse
again.t the coming feto of Id.? M.? nor
your repeated solicitations against her
wiJl?nor "
"Mon Dicu! almost yelled the Comtc
leaping up and throwing dowtiylii cliairl
in his iuiy, as luu jovmcr jiwvuiuuvi,
1- - .. '. r? I fc.
obsequiously, with his bill a loot long
in his left hand, making it sweeping
courtesy with his riht.
"Now, now, fialdjthordofiter.TfirStin
a deprecating, then in a violent toe.j
as tue incensed Comtc approached him,
"you had better be quiet all ready to
seize yoa-jn, tho lutfo-iajubcr;" twnf
as he rushed to" ificbcll hntrrfchgltfiu-'
riously " no use, no uso servants
know yonr;situation-HWonH;c9me."
And the Comto, fairly exhausted by
passion, sanK imo:a cuRir. "- -
"By what authority do you invade
mv nouse.' ana who, are -.your ne .ex-.
claimed. i.Mih, :i b
nbngh got 'em
turning over. "Stir a man up and then
tell him to go to sleep! I want you to
understand that I stand higher as a
phj'sician than j'ou do."
"No use to talk that way when you
know that I can doctor the socks off
"That's tho trouble You can doctor
the socks off anybody. I suppose you
arc not aware that Bilslcy tells it all
around tho neighborhood that you
killed his wife."
1 """SccTKcrc. snarcnSnoHr'yotntTr
getting too internal insolent for an old
man. fnever intenffiW'toayKftything
uuoiiL it, put 1 Knoty ope inincicern
ing your medicaVcarecr "thar4 a blot
.onUho profession. You poisoned Glax
.U' ;i.!i,r..t t , :.... u
lnnd refuUmatkl ox the ' urZ-SfiZTn .
M JtfcSJHliat thlA'denAnd U al-kT 5 toJ "?
onb that
e a:wav. reiuaca
re fcrm!4 to- one 6? W?r o?n
It Is the nett'kntma-ftttrv
... , u i . i
6tf the
xlrmxm ti'miil.-.tit. In HQV
-TTBi T" W f ? -T " a mm . .v. -' r
itEa ronstantMinplv IS Tir?H--.Jl.r?rS JuucU on mpzvi
rtore than in4 the iraw1"?01: peng nonn metimci oa a
the mlweaingjprocc.-vil3rTi.HI Jn As an example, he is nf-iC-jNaWtof
CTtfplacfjWlii&r'!;1 to havo "' vi nine Into the
later. Java .iu .oixin to be Tardcn. Maud." in hw tiocm of
&trariy'iTfoLted'l- Temperature; ahiffMM!. entirely bvfty nrnifea. aad
'joJtrBrtie(iiartV 10' Tirto tho hinsiort Soi wwiavo eciitja btvn wolu, Uaw Cm
Itorityitrtfirirt iw ' well M aiie'.bnilH. I " b' Uo !"
Uhxl.'rtiia-wtll-ali-aj's'b feUiQr in j Ciuut-itf DiCKcx.iJia! a sharp eye
lUa h vary tat fur
Tha h ahl to hxoy If MMi
tin.ta .f-.ln k.7 tMhrMM iX .
- . . , k, I .!' ... ..... .'.Ml.. S " W ' - - -vw j
Kooi-hflaftati.'ail4iacrl M(J .ux it rt . t -f.
fftt the duiilr of bciOtr Indeed. lh?y j, 0f,pncl J,U mouU liW kU,
riralihc ifewcn la variety aal Maaiij ut wj tt ht tn i.
cv f chc, rpcaiiy our trtpri wjnftK, tm fij,; teA: U Z$X. '
lliea. too, the grace of their wotr meat $u nttifcim a rKajt
aad their swtet npiraa added id ja hl? Uwtft an4 fmt r ife.
iBdccnbbkhriH. tf rral trffa?l pin.
I Aauiajc th tJHMt bri!liaatetnVridj yt Uxn il ht (iniU
thn feathrnjd lrb are tnt cwm jWQ.r.jKu bUh ww stdt ittWtiv
WV. I. . V !. . .-.... ",.. .... Ilrfll ... !. w.-" .
mini ui i a uin. juvuah.ih "" .l.ntn.llr
fa I Mlecca IsUuiU fir tiirtu tho aattic of .i . .
Ue iwrcrw (J uatd. ftod. W Cod' Birds, a feelae tHtwrivr to U He .v,,, u.
wauc ".nu even tnr jjw rrrtM.d and JVOttd th nu. ktmUg
bird themMjlre." nays one. "present and iHbMfliX. ' i'f
aim ivi ?' ii U'uun hhiwS " vw- wI(ih .fitf OtwntHl l& i!oT- llHirf
hy ! k .Wfr I vlS-JtL-hh
.M Wen? IMt-Si-al'fmfkmt f. akLpijfcg
v . MUr Uiui LniNin. aim u ncr tmm
l! . " 1
i's child uLof pure ignorance."
."You are a rheumatic oHz-lrtrl'
claimeiLBilfcins, "springing xtjL vYeuj
arc avheczirig old scoundrel.' "-- --
TV)"Li0U old -carrion crow!" yelled
iSnort.r'tlvpttldnt iMteAk:
jfatiifeii rf m jar-r
"lake yonr n.inds otr. rn
tho life out of you. Take that,"
;om rav
hQsrruckathc.waU wiJLkAis
tSiur stmi
.1 i.,
II mIII'11I-1L I. I 'r.iMi. --., M r.MirV.Ml I .I1UUiUU Ll M ihrT .1 k
tlng'aVchiclft' fldVrrilinarv n.t n mi in,.ntW7frfianfidlii: VhinJnwUArtlflCr WJHiiC.fiwJi.
- r 3 - " . -...-..."-... . -- r- ...r..-.... .... ........u,.
cd cane, began to comitate, with his
eyesjhalf-olosed and his body inclining
fortvaid at an angle of forty-five de
gree?. "Hum- madame, confine him in
deeefwemust; aclearcase, madam the
humors, which, had they been pituital
or salivary, -would havo been expecto
rated, having becomo sanguineous and
melancholic having retrograded upon
thorebelIum hem but excuse me,
madame, while I make the necessary
So'saying the doctor arose, rung a
bell,-and directed his valet to see his
chariot at the door, and to order'John
lc norteur and Francois le cocher to at
tend' him immediately. "And, Jiark
ye;'' said he, in an undertono, "toll
them to bring all my apparatus Jes
lunatics, depeches, and let tbenf follow
in my chariot. I will avail myself pf
the carriagd-bf the Comtcsse (the lady
made abow of grateful acknowledge
ment); and be carefaltore-QainiK'3ie
autroon4lU I call alend?'
So servwxt retired,, and in a few
minuteT announced everything read-.
ThVdoctoKoatered the cwriare of th
CoteteOTc; hie own ehariotTioUowed at a
shoft distance behind. Daring tho ride
hensedevery aegumentfto 'assuage tho
grie qf the lady, which would -Burst
forth at times . with increased vche
meate, until the honest" "medicin"
hiBKb?' hardened as he wis to the do
taibjfhisprofelsion, became aflected
oysympatny. it seemed as if every
timcjuil moment only added to tho vio
lence of the succeeeding paroxysm.
- Passing down the Rue St. Honoro,
they reached the jeweler M., beforo
mentioned, when the lady pulled the
string of the coach and alighed. Upon
entering the shop sho desired M. to take
the packet of jewels, and. accompany
her in her coach, assuring him of his
payas soon as he reached tho hotel of
the Comte, adding, with a fascinating
smile, that he could have no apprehen
sions, since tho jewels werestiil in his
keeping. The jeweler, with a smile of
flattered vanity, took the parcel into
his hands, insisted upon haading
Madame la Contesee into the coach,
sprang in -"himself, and the coachman
KruppingJui. whip, the equipafe rolled
, wificenUydown.theRtteStlrlonore.
"alter a d gve of ajnile and kalf , and
crossing the Boulevards, they, stopped
at a splendid hotel in the Place da
Thine, celebrated in history as the ake
oftheBastile. The jeweler, with his
cket, alaed first, the the 4tew,
. . rt
"xou'll know soon en
outside strait-jacket, all here
the doctor, stampm? his foot.
The man stationed "without .buyst in
with cords, canvas, and all the appa
ratus for confining lunatics, and firade
a rush upon tho astonished Con-tc
who, at tho moment of , their en Iran ca,
drew a concealed pistol and fired nttho
doctor. Tho ball grazed, tho leftside
of his head, carried off a 'curl- dfhlsl
pcrriwig, and so jirred his "cerebral
developments" that ho foil, .completely'
stunned. .
The rest rushed upon the dofcaiseleSS
Comte and overpowered him. They
then slipped a straight-jacket iip;cm
him anl bound his legs with ropes, pre
paratory to carrying him to the; doctor's.
ma-son ue santc.
The doctor himself trecoyorod inimcY
diatcly from tho stunning eileets of tlie
shock" aud superintended tho bpora'
lions wun an proiesiioniu precision,
" bearing," he said, " no, ill-will to the
pauvrc Comto for what Je .dulcjnont,u
non compote, and labbr.n'g'' untler.'-a.
mental Aiplothora jaf sensibility,- .
But the cries of tho Comto were long
and loud; fho roared, ..foamed, and.
rrrinnnrl nf. hrt lifinninlni-f i.rkntm oml
was in a fairl way ttdt 02cujyi'cell,el-, deimahdnst.
any maison no santc witn duo lunatic
propriety, when tho neighbors and
passers-by, alarmed atrlho outrageous
cric3, poured;ini" iBo' chamber from -all
quarters, and among them his intimate
friends, tho Duke de C. and-tho Yi
comte de S. "
On seeing them, the Comte suddenly
burst into tears, and entreated them to
freo him from his confinement, assuring!
theni of hie sanity 'of mind in.-suehtcpn-.i
hardly bo restrained from drawing his
sword and making an example of tho
.1 .... Ihn r.-rN,' T "I
UUIylul UU IUU SjlUir. , ,
His story was told the jeweler's co
incided; but where wcro the lady and
the casket?
tjaro cpins the gjher, day, the reporter
asked: "What is iho oldest coin you
Alien tuov gra
rolled out of bed. got up, braced, gra
nlcd-and fnll wnrg.n. Fin
lidrtci'' brdlrdiJpeirtlio door,rn3
aim is tno nw. &norK Hood in one
m&bfiliMiachair. Dr.
tEO&aglth a boot in
his hand.yrj
"Drlvo'tnat madman out!" exclaimed
Snort. 7'He.has, becnTtrylpg to murder
M UViUUI.V1U Hill. vu uuuiuiuu iJll-
3tiSHf- "hoined to poison me. Shoot
him.allthcjpducc aodjet them kill
iiimij iFWf S'V
Several uWtirtiCby tho noiso,
entered tlM N.yf4Sftho two old
frictras were cxlirrpclre(Wo occupy dif
Jeronttpartniautg. -TJio-cAffair has cre
ated a prbfourfd sehsalToh "Knd warrants
f fUTfishayo-bbfcn. issued for the old-
fim6)iiysfcIfins.-tVerca;it. Leader.
Rare Ancient and JCotlcrn Coins.
no i : ,:hizr
-Looking over a .largo collection of
worth ftlO. lliniirrli if. !.nOO vnnra nlil.-
U.iMi A u-i,..UJL.k. Ur.. Lt.I.r.rta. 1. -4
Sl5.y-JV..iiSlUna xfhmot di t ?!irtKW V- -wi
.. J CO
IJrstrnnnrsl nf f,utn'liin - - lull
. . . !. r
TnzVo4tfaJbtthrofChmi4titn? W
Alotlern science has let in a Hood o
ip.Mjryw, anil uju uu vuth, ui ,yu iic.-ui , " 'imian urvuiiariuav un January
U. (hen 'cl.nraun1fiJeitelf ? U IKbW 18T whW Oehro KHol'Aex wan
imM? Tfifr-.l!'riiirtVsV ; -ilitiilUHl.-ii.i'pri.t iA2rm..fMt. 1
lighteupoiittMe-JBrtuso'-ef' many: IHntfttet lay
ami fkrftfatwo .afiiMMf- coatngion
r .....
-to I iJViU
you by
-fiaad-ibum ward
rateti mfjiu a sumkAmriw niwii.ritKl .ami mctnoiL-t a mav undent ihunndvc
Igc.tion.siJs in.tfita.vini? Uio nroccss ' - c(nrtrlfie Bofu of thiiitk-i ritiVti.
i-v('.j i tjj ir.n'ii.vr. r.iiM.i. . "... . .. - ... .
nuinuon.,. ine necessary supiMVjor-noiimTauiuor uisceuts of UIericl
4-rfWH wttfte WftfeViiforS a' fjASvo-f Llfi.J wko,a l5rt two stories I cau
r Tnpn:B'oewro-t)aK.'iirJwinter alar uoTr. aav nour i or. L lh nk tbc
ftbitj-PSWieit.ngMmurrtdUraicju. But. t tluo
liciiimnairui? onr Jienlth, reufrnllv Volume, or nart of ikint.
itiackirig ftohlh special' organ, in-' writ ten by a woman thua
rfW r(tTf1?tiffnMlflHiaMt4.i.f InWn "rJ t liu'rlll til lli.lii.t-r. tl.f I nm u-
stiMRMiu) rtWaxai.
liiWn ',
aHlipl.VuHt., self.
Hnil nf 'tlm mitf vi .rT. .r "W 'A tl ITU'in ArtL:
a-m fx.n,nx4ii5 k . . ""m" -
'' "fc, rs m mr i, aa . 1 l.) k L. 1 II lil A 4. L . i .
n!4u.''-4rATObiiiriAitiirf rYuWLt I . AC
111 M)
; were not
nhould 1
otuau tuy-
WMin- MH
which their propagation depends. Not: ;oH
lmyA)MiH caifseiif imm. Uvn ;je
rtmceajto ageou exienai MinUttr-i boUv.v
I....I.17.- "V ""t" .i J-"" .iV. ..(.'
uuuiu-.xit.i lorni 01 iuec cusinuuL-.
l it . if-
llirr nr:rnninni Ins Iiomii tuiintiwl rit
-"l-l "." "'..Ir1.. ...-.V...- M."..' . -"
Thcv:is6toei8X5nlnWeWtf6lln4tf HI
nature: they are therefore non-gasDOiis Tsfrjiiftxliwgi haithr.Tttegilaiw erlyd- hq won t be in for half an hwir. Jess
and 5nK-oreftctl"eomport TOotiiR'lTe" ;ical nnPPy5n.Qd.i.'rej)ared"kfJ'It J.ttr,.eTf iIow" '" lIe parlor wtf wait a
iiL-n MwiMt KNiua 7 tij r , rtir-i rvi fi '!.. lima .Ki ,......! ...I . :r I...7: .. i' ..: ' ... r n.iiiimfi ififvcr! 4 ttnrir.'
....-, sgu.i, inniioj. - -- in va.Sma'1" tv-..' iuii ;nu l:itl-ii. i -v r ..-...
The best method to disinfect clothing Wdlf'Tlfrf hffiifl.roc'dss'i? rnWcHrn'
. i '. ..ii . I iv .. ...- i
is Lheatn((i(riauiili lu vdcrefod'a.itii.) winter 'erusoH' nHnbr
l,i:i;ii!-,.'VV!ial Is.j.lorov Mr. Birch-
ro,". ,'jeapher (Mr, B.rcbom) "A
It ifiowerer,'!! jriferiofcitii siihikaroasi IthokiHitltl eoplaie
giut'tuis wfiD-.mo3t.valuabIe.t. agent nti -- t-rttv r
u uiiu. uiib uiiiuriiiuuiuiv.'iHds auB-.- 1 v. -.ii.,..j .... i ,
- -, u: am i -- i bb l .' -
-. rLl-ViJs -T. t, i Jn'tJA; I .JjP IVi r.
i;i !.- lllU LIIUU lIKlb nuiuu UlIH
t.?!liftll.C!. i.rJ..,.tl' Tx i
liltoithh:.. -,i .-'nn, i .uiniWMU
pamtlrofyfewpecre of th UU ef
k. . - .(.... ...
raraduo- in all the icstnen glow wun tn.uuv- with tArx.hd AW' 4
nwltftiltfrtt rdmJiV, Ittntwrly all there j,r Heautlfnl Jlb otPthw Wlft ral,
uMiiMranse anu anojjciner uwqf; 6 ittec VtA'M Ci,
arralippnient of tho plum,x. aad la .. ---. -.. ,.-
many the featitr4 are modified into ' i, 44 K -.
pluiaoji, ribbout AndntrtrauterM that pro ,
ihice ti piatt urprijmgly Joyely ct- i ff kkk are four Rtwtd ndm Mieh I
fecu." want j u U to study well;
The Great Kmerald I'aradUe Blnl. I . tho L. alwav t'lk at th pfM
deseribel at a mot bin!. r itu ljHaW tv h?Rjrvu are ..Wr4,
"Iriwm the tip f tho bill lo the ead ! ' lovl.
the long fdo feathers hi about two feci. to
but to the end of the real tail atKftlt
twelve inuhr; ikelxe of th blnl br
ing thaf of the thnuh. Tin Wll
tnisiit a i,i'ron who tava
vitu.slltflu4ijk-l lliiilStlOin
Another W, siKak jutifd lr
slightly hcntr-tttitl of, a gtcil'li clon
tho bae sdrrourided.' for the itUtartcw Kt
half nn luch. with c!9 et. velrct-Uke
black plumes, with a varylHg luter wf
lyoidew tureen, r 1 head, together wjth
Do not mutter mr mtimb. II t
wtHrtJn are worth a.tlj6 thejr are rtJi
pruutmneinjf i4lHtictly an'! elearl. .
Another I, do not v di,'(,
Ihingn If Vou.kavutliitUp!cVMHt to
ikav, keep rttleftt.
A foiuthHandohleMfdri'n. nmm'
siiovn.lttWnolorm..oourAia(-nfr beuMftt V) tori uero is a man who conquers hluMeif.
withstand a temperature of 2i0, degrees" .trap.Wtiioj.f J'iniiSjSjiverjiigjput- rPuBil "Ah, 1 see; a man who can "sit
Fanomhctt; jU.profore, bUung, placcdr Jde and ovcrlientctf uisldebur dwelt-' down on a tin.-, mml nulyleel sad
in iJ(4TjpyttthuurjptJi &npplvTnheVtJilf h? about it." Jwrwi' Jlazar.
above that 'orb'oiling water, is tllbr- far' HW.rSne'f.8jiVy thA nihatioUiderj vAN&vr Yohk lady recently aecldent-
?uflitei!i?f0teJ,Say rfkVfnliJlUy ilroppc 3I.W0 w.irthof iliawottdii
in berfaftJfnTth the samJftf- 'tieilly ab irf the great auqsttonaciC Tip tho JiastJCivur. Being tho wife of
' n -ilmcl in,i iiijiI . tirirt !. I V. W i.:lTi I-l. .i . 1. rri...i .t ..1 .
iitti iiu eniiiir, auu iiiurviv niuucu, ineii went
About two weeks afterward I made-
an official visit to thp concicrgerio to
attest tho dying confession of a female
who had been arr.estwLbvHjio police
an-ag&toftheaTlisfa? hisd taSW
poison at tho moment of her apprehen
sion. She was evidently sinking fast.
'oMmIowii to Tiff's and ordered several mill.
-.. ion -dollars' worth tnorD.-ril-(i
u , 4. Tabic
, .
i3.Y$ Mr-i. Simpklns to Mr. Shnpkinx,
a returned' Arctic traveler, Whtit lo
you tliinlrof the f now, dear?" "O, it
7 7
other "inter-
ri ..
niicrmf i.'rtii'v-f I nur-nA.-niiwiii.n ..- ... '. . . i. . .1 ti .,...
it , , , ..C'V. RiA ..,! ITi lK..(vj. .. . 7 z : r" r . . r1"01""" ,uu icimn.-i.-i. inni.
.1 Silir tUi?.i"U, r '? uwratpWsme;iiMi JWWRtt!c was the night it snowed hcn.. ami then
greeablo anlffirres)1rle,'4riiiit in J .flaw o.Pihes5iibJec fthourdyeHd T.0 ;-.fri.,nn mn -l.n -iijVinf- nr
catitio seary,j,Ut3 iwon . .alljdlfr. tfm.TJre.nuIgl.slatuTe Vvill rfiSSg J1 TfoMoi S
. FejntioMtariitlwd vboked to repeal all law And OT1V iflSS. nni
iniecumt Having, i-wwtrs. ol iqrts and substitute the following: r '. Wn.i,il' if ihrf nfeni. fi,i.
hielLcanabilkv. buLit mnswliQ used in InvhM.nAr.fif Aikotnl! rtiSmnt. n I get Wo-thlnts f tlitf proniS. haln-
.iLTi Vi.:rf7r'ni '-1 --rv '1 T i- r 1 1 .'. . .. put in tno i:kw capital, anu vou get
mucli: larger auantities than arcusiuilrv. hninliQir.iiniis.. wlin Kiilmtitntn .muttrMi ' . ". .' ..,, '. . : .. - t .
ffi:i6fflMft qS -btf if rhnvoBs
gjS hCwsa? ww "SSkSsT i t;SC aifiiiJii ' .'r- 1. 1 7l.i and WOtKeh we are t0 dWde the prof.
i,S.ffiafeSS :SSS' ?itefeflf sB nhiFcommi tedto tho Us c-Vbn:"-(7afre .V,. l
flUlllfnornrtmttirrT-, ..I4aiar.O.J?l SU . A.... ..KI: X-,!-... .. ....- 'l l. TIK
...........Uu.r ... "1II.UI. U ..l.u 111
3VIIU.1U1J. 1 1ft
agenthntflvdi-tlff rtotfde
point it should be stated that
o much aniinuitv? acidf ifiidU1e irtefallTc ,WlIltvrJii
i notaccnHbecome 8mAH"MqrtRtititros,t uforVefncprcseTvatiw
? , .. mi nmlhlfe IA . I f Jll f .. m 1 1 iri-KklH
.iuicio, rmu--iimjr' avviiuiijK iiiwjfl
lite ot contagion by proventm
structionjorouga natural
haveP" ,' ,tr-fno-?
'"-Hcrois'kn'iLginacpIn dating 700
years beforo Christ. "It is adidrachma,
aBdwawi very common Greek coin.
It is wotm about G
How is that? Doc3
rnnrODmlUirtllnnrPr.lilno-.r. ki n rr !) '
. v- . ? "ww v. n v'"j" ain
"Ilymo means, jtrtless is roiind
detaahdasT; 4ldWManllo!d
coins arc comparatively plentiful. Hero
aro coins at least 2,000 years old that
can bo bought for 75conts, $1 or $2."
"How "do you knoScftuSy arofeea
uino?" 6
""By the saiuojests that manuscripts
and traditions and historical facts of all
kinds aro authenticated. There aro
societies..notj esdyda Ifcw rk bvtjdi.
i,h!kiuiiuiii- ijosw) iiiuHHra amio
-?i ,, .r .- or "-ittt' .rrm
inkier pyipeA wacre raey nuKfc$ra
-Ann 1. . -. '. "Z 7TT r
ui incau uiiiij;-. aneru is no more
trouble in authenticating an ancient
.coin ..than any other object of an
"Havo you any specimens of tho
widow's mito' spoken of in Scripturo?"
."Yes, -they arc not very scarce.
JEfcWli a-3itfssdaMS FejitiuVf ilate.1'
"lou have never found any of tho
silver pieces for which Joseph was
C8Sul. ifrigdialltaftRntittes ill sick TOoms"
or sparlnlspTlnkled in' dralBsjiuhos'
out siign confluence :as'a aesnoyor "or -jju
contagioiiij Cajioltito ojJimo-wafUef.a 1
anu-goptf, (li?;nipcxanuut- lt,jivjt: c
usoct -In ;lrg$junpiutf3 ;toba. iflsftfuli,
-several ot tlie metallic salts havo.
adyoctiscs riuaH, on to.-Tst', aul fh"n sub-'
Rtittitu&TiKm. oiiTViscKlt. sRill liB'ttcfinrf
eight-v.iiar-blil daughter of a
family who'ha. the decorative craze tho
worst way. Svas di-covcreiI the other
liw. back nart Of tho week. L a rwdrt rold lmr If atl tmr llvt thtnli thrwe UtN
color, tbo threat aud foo: part uf tlm leftire6pHratH.t',w'lM "" "
neck oT'thffYlehet ch.-mseablo s'd Have ou. Mimclhjin: tu do thnt jtni
green. The' whhle remainder of the ' thid hanl a;d wrtuhrpiwfer nut to d?
plumage on tho IxKly anil the tall !. of Then Ute$? Do tHe har.1 lUUtg UrC
a tipo ipV-kli&;stApV m itu aiid gel It dver witlu U)gu hn.e tim whit !i U a ilceinjiirnlilL color. wronr. iroaml .smfai It; If vour tcJJ"
Krotiu&e.tipper part ot ekjlf.d)lj nf ,. ion l touh. untr iL y thrt Kkr
the ImmIv. beni'at.h the wng, nrlrigi a U fo ba weeded, weed lt,6rt an I pw
vnt anetnblagu of extrwuu-ly long, afterward. io the thlgy you d"t
lmse, broad Hunting pluuieit of the mutt' like to drfnrt; and therith ft ftgjTjr
delicate tcxtnrti and appearance, in , ocacIcncedo tho nsi.7S LittU fo
SMBio upecjnieus of a Jtrlght, deep yol-J i yj
of thee marked by a few longitudinal J WlHslaii .'iirUr,
dark rrdjwU. And from the middle, QirnojrSi of etIqueU4 af o'Z
of tho , Jv"pKlr of bftkeiUftfmc very trMibleonie liiVft.hlngmr
shafts, considerably exceeding h length and all the mon tHenue vrr"in. (
even UiiHnng looe plumea of the itide. tho detiKen nt that csty. uho eoma
"This bird U a native of tho Molucca front dUUul aid TiimHiouw-, know
Iftlfjul., and Uie bland hrutmd New , and care mnhbig about eihiueUit If
(iuinea, particularly In Uiu Aroo. Ln. little the hotiorsbNi geMtleiin frt?II
tbam hicntions that a NN!ctmen wa Synunen' Hole ttfcrU, m he U altml
oueo broygjit nlly .lo KngJamU and It to take Mtji, Senator Ut Velvet to dhu
U oecaenarljbfoHght ti MacwiTln f uer. that the chulr la which httJahalfcisJl
China. i mid the lady whom ho Knll hainl-H
"Tho chief- of the countries where have been subject of lort and niuR.!?.
they arc found nxe them In their tur- tIelilwratW. It U eMy to oall3
bain. And in many parts of tho East, j Woniiley, or V'oIker, jr rjnnrd. ir
as well a in this country. Uiey aro tucd some other cAcf, and and order a rimnue
- a f.. i .. si t.s.B... w a j t.
im orBimcnu in lames naui aim neau- . ior tweuiy, nut who una'i t wt;
Y - ,, 7, -y , . ...-w..v... ...v. u.i.v..
Kr of n.defhe.indrand; KtirillHea'lA-t??" wi, .!? n,,,.mn'. ,a'ft?
ntet Jfeis tlia;jjlij: ..! ,'iu il h
..face of th3 photograph of her parent,
'brother-. ana'slters. with water colors.
'Trhch'Hiie- little -InrtosttitSv
rshe replied 'that 'sho wai "
i oaiiioj oqya&ix iisvuig.)
-hjmself .shjUJ be .deqnied j.
JUStm-Ql b lawful. foe, inpns.Jlhaa.
... ...... .!.;: r. -r":.r--t
UIU UlUll IU. III5UU lUWi iratK ui uuc
.uobk-Tdhe- rat'bil Wtfi Isvll Aifimf.-
...v .-..v . T ... v T""-. . ".
on thi iMitn i ,7 it was in tin?
hintijeif shiii in iioomoii Atlantic steamer that a Worthy Teuton.
Hhe- little -Inrtostttt'wa scolded:
only deco-
snioking-room of an
JJ1 iu-i -. ri .-.'.
. Aiinis ciuity ox pirauy, ami pumsiicu accent- "" ".i ....(, ..wu. "-".'
carholie-',inly UJV i-iiMi''-i inn i 1 forecasts. " look iicre," said he, "I
edKn iny person or persons discovered4!6!1 T" V1'1 : ,'You Pc.ttdr !ont
icnpturing deer or elk by means of pound ' HaK.0-neLn,0C,c. ,n ' ,m ,VC3!ncr PJIC
iaAf .(. l , ... : :i;t. . i; n n.T ii,.i-..r.J. 'at --r w r ' riim.- ifftHr Tifni iftiin r imnw nmimn
ijg' ctt -i;.i in senium nu.iu vmj unuiu iu n nuo ui- " i ., ,j, v" ? T -. -... ,.,
g itsdenot.lcssp.ian.85'nornibrohan850, 7 wjriani ncii-no-inawr m i can.
ndi lljsaxlipsrqiuedtaf carer Tou"lTt . ffa.i p.
atK, -Ami Dur.uell. takes, xefugo under a !"?. "'Mhfey foretold the storm
mt.n....n'iie. taiirnTi-v. i..4t' i'-,t wa .whn.!iHwo''.nvct,'l( encountered."
-4 - .-
. -ViVKijq IO U"XI t
tsygy.'g rfafgrfj it,
lucre are numerous patcnteu 'Vw
cnntinoHaMii rIEiinfaitnnlj.1l uil.Tol. ..
nerfeetlv worthless sn fur ' nnrinllu. tenW fld'.UtVttKTlbh 1t.l.t r 'eH dftt isli' ; iiSid theTcilton.
Jerico upon sepUc germs is concccnctC hik'ji-iS-iiKjeriBftW:cafiire.r'?Ad nr n-tSonnJPt,5Tc1Jr; ',u,t! lc.1, 'r,,I u
it isvcry pnporwnc iiiroaaarw'ftrt imajupcfii ijtljojUijljdawcif
lies, and tsmecially WiysjciarisiJ shrmld: Bp.rMuirin2.aU,persp;ift.togivc coons
clbarW'lnndcfstand-fwhaS feiuW (10?thctftefdWnSiinSrlfti
... 1 .:. v i ' rtmr.tlsiE'irWir..lnB,?.-J !i...ri !.... - -Jt-I JS1' I 1
nu.u.c;.uux an airuut lor nracucar mient loICT.,lleTT;uvTeeftloI. ' ti. .... m.. u-ui. .-
i-. i. . - ... . & aui- x buhi .iaoii niui kxii;
ri-IT ..,-.,.- ..... & ATnr , Tmrn!i-hmnrfrm'ti-OTir.r-M.. - ,.-....
m vi -n. ii in wi,i uiu .i- r-"7 t''.-- -.i . ,, v . ' i , i
My fW7,t0.hotLoto atloQkiof, ., TifE Jtcxs .troubles begin to cul-
K)bau .aW. ducks ug.ijUl b(j deemed guiltv.bfa piinafeatthW point., rbo heavy pold.
TE season ia near flt hand when man,- so.eraMnor anu pumsiica oy a-nmj ot' carilftgMJpmA wecM.ago, Mi never
fWrf.uu-.-;iu-7-.JtZ,. -r. ,i7J narfwsfiiao'fl.vf Howl ivaa - n - '.: feftL " aim; and by tno lirao the
tSoirSSlihTW,1 s fcrrT'SS ,rIn-sMH-hallecho;vs,t bamclswdrcfed'at AVareaw, the ap-SSlSSSBBSS-J
palling hoarseness which ha, changed
..:."i f .T"?i" . "i:z ... . .. .t. i: 11
Tliere in one
of l'arid4..Til
smallest of all
Mze ost-iri v
IdT .1 'H.k
anu vfim snail nana wnaw ieri
upctile. called King Bird ttno nwHo blch cauwt rctatHin tud.
t is tlmight'te bethej',,2t'- A dUUngtildird ollloint jcl-
uieo Dim., aoont iuh ( mwh miimzieii trave n inn. i r.
It -4'.-v
to give aaneoquato idea of Ihe bTilWn,,5rtt, " projwr purveyor
iancy of it velvet-like plumngo of " Now," afd. th boat, when h had
blfKMl.reir;.Xrcen, white, gold, chestnht J dejsltoJspreC HP"
brown, etc, which Is exquUitely
rangeu upon-ueau, orcast and
aw....... Mrnillirr linill
",- iviu-ayi uVAni JUKI 9 III IL i------ -, ."..... -
pre9cntJMr)4uegioS Hka rich satHM ena to tiiat, Uw." I he
iowyriitebAB llw JiiTntt.t
aUngieTpln ctfSrretJyflei eHni J
tend to that, Uw." lhe tnirvr.or
The tail of tilt hint U rnm.rl-iliU Wetlt straight UtfaMdtinr
short, and from It spring tiro naked "". wlw jliiolM-ej.Jttlu3iJ('ii4iy
foatheTsVhhprceII j:l ., spifamsatior Mncr W-alMt HUsyktirii
at the end. 'The legp aro moIeritcIyu' ' orne other dUtlnguUhed man
stout and of sTVcllowkh brown co!or. ! wuo ac hnited, sdidkUagiibhMti
This specie, called tho King Bird of the " in-uinc otltt1 VaS 5lmiie,ltf)
DutchfcfmMwot to iioc!ato with oth. tamosed that he was valltMLtiixiii t efit
,er bird of tho genius, but to Im of a l9 gucts alsadlnner to which ho wa
o1itiirv n&ltirfl. inedltiv , tin,--!.. ... not klmtelf fnteil - ..-.
solitary nature, feeding on berries, unr-" Bot imelf fnvheil.
uculjiriy thofo of, a red colon ddom or
is.t Datshtorm.vdiild have come yut de
samcrt'II-'ithtI not been brctlictcd."
Zcuijyi'z i i t?
yet her eyes seemqd to, grow mows lus- wnieu dudas betrayca Jus Master was certain cases of dlnessduo to this guisi
...... . J L. . .. .1- . I..T II." .!-... IT. . PV l- .'. H
miuiquuiuuoj. - t '.
trous, tmd her spe'ecli -moro Brt.cul.tto
an( "What, arc the chief coins of th mttffieSsaVl
nor beautiful countenance. United Stafeslhat are worth AoRTAM. cts' icouctTUW:
There was a wild and fearfulcnergpin. .thejracoralue?"
ner manner, as u sne ureauea.xnatLuo;aTh .
would failere sho .could Hnbuxdonlifer1 incf iKF
? -.-.-.iT. ll-u', :jtivi ti -w rr ".
mmafctr lvrft r-iY.tcrt
Vln 19V 1117 VTUUL-lbVOSQ UU -aJM
aciii amTKnnwin'snnieLBHiKrBii Asnnr
nm Jliir.rfAr Th r0itrLttlVJo rw TBTif. i
Yienrltm'ftS'o t.UUmnnft niSrv $1
uuun 4 twiux p asa Lci'Ua
"aai" ..'
Li.x'jbnaiisn !.
2.4 & W'
i -. -Tfcl --j.ii-fm -Jl :- . iwk!
iinriiinirv nri,nxrxrn,rK- .-ioii!.
11 7 J55-"- Of -IOTJIT
v- fovTTTm ?of.:,w. if; 6TI79B:
i -; a"iiv i. ?..i -jpiarv
I v.
vuw caa. vuw vv-
termination of'pharacter. Tbo wa'
rwhioh a; van dashes flba.lfHecss v
Vn'rioV. tliVir.;n vliM.1Vn.mlae
rUiuui,fuw . n wj. iu puiVMs Miwu-yL jwai
voicei-'oaerovis fa moclu
,thc tone of.
certainhr tter a General idea of char-
..--.. .V. C m i. - . ,-
acterirom,-laetnaBawritmg. A mm- v
pv,si-;j .jj
,.!' '"i
"T.' ''
m m m m mfmrn- r n
Cft UH aXk lfi fcttS!S iJ
JpO; and 1797y10; oj
-Mqi-g.-iv tsonameasf-W tats in
i33filhJh.o llKAd 1&7.
93jfc&-Jfy&'jLwLm vfcenty-
s warn ov cenisgrQray, IlVSuwu.
PVv MMaiS rAi -arts.- llM(vm HWTtfT'
1 ,efitiHipf iemivjiaweSfiHfc JbK been.
PS .itfciir-f S.M,-2WvV --v- - r.'tx- ;
ef tZOijzr ""rr v":i-.. itv?TT" Iv' ;
saiMtrjear. vau UHrWjpn)i
andhe othJtwelJjfcjfctifuL ,
T&ovllf wayjfb BeteSaH-nW IHfjs :
4M-f1annMsJLaf n rnAA mt ttPeMUBlH BK
UfvaAyuaauViff) aa usiih y Pf f w-. -
rMVkAnlAiT i onj JQAtkiL3 abai t
-or-ojn.f.aovi, M7u-viurHvrtuvi.
.' . u x . fc.: ? ri . ufrihaiBaa
oaossjiH umshxmupmwmmmimvm.ia
IttdnHk nf a(Wf,'3PuftiFBPMt
lltVoentjnpr pkBes from
x&&&-zjr .Jrjr
&erajBaaMriwieLyjli-jWI 111 tr.
' IkCTVrarBe nmaXM iHBkJk'-l-Hn-llBi-ain'
andsir Vrait girt. tbtttvSSBKc
P"" uoerT- ca-PTfif wai ir in
lcereajIevioB. iteacicker
cJe-Ue-earle or. lsoC whicb ia
179i, with flow-
XfiuTmlver dol-
ttOD. The
wntfti f 71-ftf,
thevnahdwriting. Tv Uh'
torofeesmfir to be experts- like.
Cbabot anUINetherelift.-Tve ean-
:ister-"was TOrBffuBngtwaert
dispatci hi; the presence of' Ids
eign. -," Iho language i strong,"
the statesman" but the wrilrtioejyiqt'
r v-- . ,. r. - . -. . -- .-r - "w
yoti(koTic;-siloX tiran
In Ws-rca irVs. Siiie-veaV
esty..Olylrs:.toiaid tHfcjk.!.
srreat deal of hambWaviis of en' talked' hv .
,i-fcf- -' v d.r?jtfiT-. "-: :ak.L. a--n.!..
nSwISSpwTd afeSer'of to.ttfiTe
wlichirjiid ri5 53
coiveo,fc oeoc .averyinniaTO
view of :tH5ha"i.irr;timr. Tt-ifi
. i-,.. .V. - "-a- . ?
nanawntiBsrr9tasaaK witnout
iag, -withoat.naMiwr withoat ielin.
' Am, nnw, -a -T -t will -y
look at the signatare'-It-Tho -Jetti was
writteS)y-TLjwaJ Maoaulay.--ZeacfeM rpwiy
CA.V.. . .. . -- - .. .!..
S4ciebfw 'st
iGtnamu.rauii size, oi iisu py. nissil
htfkt Sni- ttf- Whin t ,dt"Vwit hi.T,
rrrr-i.."' . . -i7.j.rr.j;".".. "".
years snaii'oeneemea'guuiy oTTatsiio- audience
aieaner ana.-WHsflcaBK-BT.y:uiaia ear-acno.
n31y QeofiK7 said the. fat passenger,
factured in this cQu-WJtbi:4he.J4t ofr
arsenic, oux iuat nasjioc oecn miicaj
iii ;En!M?cently T'lawsuiV JS
.:rl. -oril.iinfC-JIa: -Di .1i$l:2L
uciiiiiiii luo ua. iiivai acnii. u' n ..-.-. i:i ..:.!.-.... -i:r n..-i
OiCSf"10 -uuuiikv nivuuui iuiiv----r4Ci'A.
!ys .iw. !... u- .-..-. -.-.-;--,.ti -...-.,-.. -. :
flltf " J -JTS. w-jr. ,.ir.-f-j.,..f- -..,-! . T .it. -L t: .. -- Tl..i-.'A;-.
?atoM 'ML'
lucntiyingtuem, oecausc .raoy wcrffnot WsnalfeiwrtJtoraittjrij, , u bDfa5a??gfbT33wliote' ;Vn elter onir'rtr; un
coined or stamped. Tho silver for tho bcrinniHflr.-if,.th. vanvllrt2k. ,i..---LM-rt-SLt-ljL-.i-i.t.i- ., 1..nS.?Vnck.eP ',e-iWr onT. "JF??.0 UP
. - . 1 a -, - wa jb r v 1 hi r v.ri ibiiuiu xvi w v.ri n rm fwz ii-rn & n v vb - v a -. .w i . h - - - r . v vbtkb--hw
2.-1-.- tii j .1 .- s i o -ri : jiiiii uirnrii mi. ruuiii in uuinni b il-ue,
iBss"ai-ifioeuT5 iDCMjaatccyi T, .vpfiHi'iuit. roasted onion in
very vojee intoa terrifying croak,
makes . all tho children in tbo
icry- was supplemented oy tne
serves siflRistrH
Pf.wH-'j- j:iiu u. MUMM4- :noinin- wilt do
rli.. L-mrolhor. ;if K-tTTi r i-lI. I .or. - . icr? : !: 1. fcrjt !?'- i. -.!- "
r7- .3"?,'T ,n?7'T?1rt' 'W aawyers, aociors orBomemrag-cisffinsri-ii- t,p
went to reside in a newlv-budt. freshls 4ik nrr.rAG8;.in-i m.nv fn ;? T,;4H?r cne
, hnnsn Tho ,wr.-r. , "TT ".r T ... . , .".TOUr
r.- mms&jBsSmMi jsmsssrvmme
;osiieTencpaueTns,.cuTHT(' wnfclx-'Wcre
1. rr
. f "S -"' ',"-
v .
Dk. Parker, a London physiclaa.
says that hurried catinsr is not conda-
civo to dyspepsia. He offers a reward
ot fow to any one who will prove that
bolUaf ose's food knits his stomach.
- - .-! m -
weruHS0eats. ZEke aasrsnaoers made
soTaeehfta of theT devfee that it was
withdraw- from circnlatkm very aeok,
and k now scarce. Thetsost valaable
half ceat is the iase of 179S, which k
worth 9 j. The half-awt ksae of 19M.
1S43, 1817 Mtdl&2 are wki fMck.
Jt is all the more nemferlnf liemtii.
ncjreif siUkig on lofty treef, but frenueHt-"fegb Urah Ingum alwayi. full of
ly on siiruns and bushc. omctl persons wrho aro really iuiljffcr.
4 TbSro-J? a!if ,uo GoUcn-brcad t to M&f iaU aad jrhgrtxit il,wti
Bird -KiTsif-UlUe, aad the Sutwrb Bird! f henrty.iWcratic Uwrh. vet b.MuiM
of Paradwc, each 'of a difleritt form it olftcial popnlatlqa ihcr has been
and aili-MtQMAt of-Ilia brilliant faath. i froar the tint csoceial -ulientton nald
ky expert i? th subject. V'nhing
took gnivc counsel rijMin it. at
Hamilton gave him some canons of be
IiaTiorU wrkihr. muI thent t Wll.-.l
blnl by anekat writers, it was tkoosbU to be a more rlirid svstem of oeinl ntl.
to hate no legs or feet, but toww its quette amons olHcial perwm ,h a ('
time JjoaUpg irt the air, and only occSr- ington than ti tbc found in any nfo! ,.
sionaliy take a. Iittla rest by stupead- elsewhcre-Ja Ufi. country, 'iltwr are f
ing Itself from tho brantbea of a tree by asserted to Im due ru!tf fer the "tlrt 1
the long feathers of Us tall. IWegjn, calllHg' of Senators' wfye,aHd' thfl
were euppose.1 to be laid la the hollow lre ot mcmbr of the Cabinet and
formed by the plumage of the ! of Ju.tiee of ikn .Ki,.u-nif-ll. i.
-'- -. -.. ' -- I --.-.--- -..,-),. ryiT.MfM ii wimi a m w
I aiMttMAl ottiM briUiant feath
: a!f-l a fcw. of 1 "!-" !,,.-.
riNng tbim. , . .
Iany rge laleV were tecPof thU
iPour in
in so
said tho
r T-rr
rfiifihrrKaiteeu oJ to"-t :r
.1 ..;.. :-. .-.. -r.-. .
UetalJ, .tnuiDM.ennr
- a.r zi.rai - j
to heal
wira the
iinini Unitl.tha nnnirml ornmiti .
soectivclv.raa was..jnseanc-B tin. tkn LHJ?X.Ffci.t. JSf5 5 Jvvi!?-?.--?C--
.-,- - -" v--vi m? rsv- ..lira in i-n-iiuci uv, ouu ia iiiu sauiu .t
bv4-iaAaalvs-S.or-Dr.'Tritma &-: .0ii'4suTlilfc21-z -- TS-..1
S' rrii-.i a j ui.-..,i.--rJsvT'Tii- our iP mmuwrncic eiicu iirsonnroii
4iroviuincr.rriixinnr--i etiaiiM.aviw . . . t .. .. .-
rf"vJ-fi"TiKT."UMiWi wewpaaws n
W-fiiw yftytj-uyjsgifcyj
hare r it
.,trr.f w-u. A-Ti.-J, ifT.i;;.f jl'?r:TT' ?--A'i4vr i-wu-y, :biaff er;-sai, -a aoetoneieeies
iiHMillHdOMrf .raltaeli jSTfi .Vr:' .v" -rr-uaSaSKf -?- itaawtnecs-ypraA
; ofA1ii-Wyetto-slibirfsuiPlft8Ji-rf? IfegatTcog sn-gyvrfa cT
ZSTtJTJ.i?? ! wjxsi&iiwtiWii ;
wjuaitwo cwwuiar.iw wgir mi g- .. c .r. a- ,-. . .. .. .... Trrj:. r: . r: .-'. - r - . -
SSfi!U!!Hl!MHB5! 3SZo.SiS-.'2-S2Sn22
um-"a. mwBa..iaBRMawnviiM L J., itla-. -J-.-I.iVl-'i.lri'-'r' -fi . T. --. . .- . . -
timed by stffflwisrtwiarSI-thek rWt5Sf"4ii?Si,s t..yHifcrr'??aM:
the walk were stripped, aad in a few S!edeWf
rs avn rKLH TH nnrar z .r-M-Pva Eaai - . kw .. . . .-. " - -
Xrr7151 a5J-w.5T that he conld staad ittoledMwb
&---------- fl rmt 1 r .--' fc.i" -I1'EIL.L . 'iT:.ikJ
. x y-s.ik viwr i'ar uu niuiiintVMii
:T SSSSS& KS- fff?i!tfUNfc-rf
;;LE,'OTJ vGe: to-sokr.deatist'i. hL
:ta3.S". tUiiUf, 4tbe mo.
iseWarits was so ill thatcrmlstress"kl. il ufid ifairi m i m-kii-in Pr -i -rtjt ., ? ., ?
u 1 c?i at -- -"i : r. wrvt-' -veaw x -n, jvstpr ncmiinT on io bh
iKr 11 111 11 1. rjiit iriHii nnnrnnui tti . ipw ai--ia ax... . t -- - v -r- .. -
v. rr
. -. - . , - .,
5:wP"f34L1X:i. w'
t to eslcr
. -ti ; U-jrttiL jt ZJt.-Jg 1
i --, -rr .uin u-Ni toe uciaiuu aou) hidc
"f.iUe.nfJilirtC-tfiJt ttifi if1lfiiatifc-iS : iwirS? " t , . . ,"
--- d r in 1iiT 1 Milt. Ifca i f,:i .. --
" lifclfcWi. ! vv-rB j...i4-u4.ii.huBV L I 1 3 L !. TV -.'- -.
l.rll,.f lm.f !, k. ?.. nf .- :i. Tn W.!. m.. !. lt..'TT.r.;I Ci7...
(U k5 saTd'to'lie'MtCTahdrife-L-
Of the dtkefsMTr. HitV&Km.
ec; 'Siitf- tbw ;ieiiaoJt thar-sW ietitac Mr. IZumUtr'n fertsMk k
loefodshHiiiHiitiectigQac v 'OMe.-stk. wealthiest. Messs-JtiJJiiKV
- tojLafc.-AS,m. a r3x i ftVfUwniPW Pf v,rfM a
rr a . .tvrip nr ntuwittn n n mi Titti
I PT1V : H.UI l w
"" T TT!.
er.strnctnrel'J,,, TheJ- 'outJooe Sesu
aAimW to cktt'a wonfeF5 -etire iA
that the
It k reported
Grande Railroad. CossDaay have'seat
check forl0.t)00;asa wsenefo'SKt.
Henry Greenwood, of Dannwrstoa,
v u, waose Jiasbaad was eas-rdered wkBe
U the eesploy of ttyu coaspaar la Max
uiru, ana mat the mother bin! lt.
npon theix:.whik?rQstirtipe Wie back
of her husbsadf botlj bird flokKog lut
urio5'lii WiekreeM, aad Jecjfajr ua
the iwftMeiM Un&m. ABIer
the fact that:. jJac. , ifr which
tley.yj;re--receiveJthe 3falai Archi
pelago were thy, llUle kawa. awd as
all the i specimens of. the bmiwhwi
reached r Europe"' were h.e, they
iiT f? - -. WOblUQS.
1 ? s fn"n"r f
on uw jcjjs: nnr am the owt
waica unert np iae iBternal moisture;
VKitnen. niiiegtse cavity with salt
and pice.tllicy idtWeriio'tlH.-ftiro.
peans for a mere tride.
talMUiacMmmiihtiMWufartlKtTom poliUoit c. l.M.,.,.
ft -- .,H-rwiL -v
cedeace at table I Ik a knotty point
awi.iHrca(trounie cm sow. some
Jp" stot gave a dkMertlo
rlifck ka i Secretery of State t".
vited. When dlaser wa announced,
the host tamed to the lenlor Sinalor.
the dean of the Senatorial Chamber.
aad aked hfm to take the of th
honse to table, The senior Senator
Kesiutecf. sajlrig to UU coMeagtw that
the becretary of Skrte wai ia tiv rwm.
"i'shawr' vre 8niMnrt mW KM.r.1,.
-fc?9' ? ?ut'" ww t wer;nd the
should rw.ed. rf-s of Mii
body. -A'rfifew's iT-wy raflf r. f fi
?y ,
LrrLrf aaui w --. as...
i-w-l Rim IBCI HTilS l.MF IB0 MeMA SJVAVa a ... I . lT f rr
u. -I of God's bird. From the .ii77 . Caal"fc?". TJF"
dVl said tbeiright. as well as their beia- eoal X ikrJXSJTJa'VA?
"and then tisually oa the wis" ia Dsrm'a'kfltii 1- e t7t Mi wnramreri-
vsai-4 wmmMMm n j rv G-kiaa-i mm & frBTi ! ii ir n ! tjT. '-"-.-. . i x - 7 -v-.
"" - - "r - w r: h LHBMmrw a.B-1
ey were
aWI tKn tli in at that ni UTt Buir
kif' minlnafuh oPtIV'cr-aelM.ikd
a .! . ..
yte4 wiThSpuci iSSSJl
bsntsare seldom seea at sack t (..
,-j - . .,. .. ---
unaj:fupni UUt4. UMT ZMtm
sosbki ia rreat abaUace: fee. kv.
swallows, tkey kavc their "aMonti
mwiu or jaii4 . .
wflsMd&r ntttin mrr.?.iA
oat of ire. Of the Kre cases la which
cot4Wwxeg5ea. beka.gbt
as ?&jfiasa!Sss
A Kaagkly R.
r -Iii'iiiii .ii . - -....
rrv'"" T ?irji
iTBuaojos tataK se eM?
-smd cosae, the
a C-.fcr . r v en..t 11 ..
CToaning we-wrjiuieu h kwi wxa
Sawyer, 01 Wisconsin,
amfi6easfeS There are
rick-asesi in that body.
are ''store than
many otaerl
, " Oxs diftcully aboat a chip oft'a the
old block," said Deacon Searchly. k
tkat iff s of ea of tke oW Irlockkead.'
A ae sW, eC
eoratofoCoFltk fcVaaelfejP lnpPPkers4stfkeitka
tam staffeaPkis earraaet eaetoa, aad
pataeClhe. eaef aadV.JMis aa4eroskl
aad.coaeked aad iawardiy roaaed aad
was is iay a ae'kaewjjow'fobe. ' "
' Then, atl3 sv tsL, we boarded tke
tXem are mmrrji mr lerd said the.
sad paa .eager, as a slight aua with aa
ear fall of cotton, serosa Med, with tke
aaoa! voroas gyrktoas, kite) tke cas
toasary apper kertk.
"I assaserry. groaaed tke Jester.
At least it soaadediike "1 am Burrr."
with tke iSalic eaaDkssk oa tke "" I
izrs'rifrsyygy? w.wiawt t
loketke weakr mhv ft.-,- ...
Wr'.10. rttmtn. la'tkedd
beiweea the Cot rf ju .4 tj,
Jtarnais oe Gi ffr fHfi.r , l .
swa kHIed; and a that ketweea3f. Jio-
Mvrdtttc, in the Bmtirjie.
sray. or SSM Wa lefc aye im
-fat,of scais.satk iiaasaaltkU j
C ?
- " &
fR. aaasweiMKir&itl
taea tere was toe? awck. (TkirakMn
kke, fer wko ever heart U a ekld kar"
CaC ft. Wmhr r.I .. m 1
Iwoakte'L -'
eaatMr sfcai-wai
niui aaararr
WelLke did aljaost evetytki4ui' tfei fe-?.4tia 2.i pf,
ssuBusakiara: mt lmmJJrZzlZZ ?Tefaeci tke fbni2?wiHWfe"trtir
y u m )i
, iw8 mrKaace aw Mm1 .il!.
rtok keiag-te
L Wad-
dSagte feaeke wkhTw-lr rf
rj1Wraa wasedk aKser
frr. Thisirs)Jsuaitktt'
J52rorea,nrt)i tkedaeUsg
tegike;o. laaek wkkthr fer tin
o ef key: Itk aieettoo awch
?g a tweniaartfaaae! ia a tkrec
eaace viaL
,?5I'S,,PUWr of Keaaett, Cks.
&J&Vth9 dfc J seold
aWfk Wttt ke w okaaia;.
1 '
-A ft
i -'' ,'it X.
"'v -
L&Ti4fcr4l.-:lal- ". .- -- 'aijisii J? jl '"f- '541 i -.-w-3
- te.
I'&'-V -.r--. .j