J " "v I & i 1 i4ipapspanmawwcMMMaMai fi V JOB "WOJRK. ? Cloud Chief. f The Red OiH HW, fcM 0' ? tt 1 CLCflD, muni BY ' U. 1, THOMAS. l tttrrratci&cB fcti mr- aar Sim J KSUTSST AttftVATtm H&M& "Eternal Vigilance u the price of liberty," and $150aytarU theprice of the Red Cloud Chief. 4XJ. jt RED CLOUD, WKBSTERCa NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1SSL NO. 33. VOL. VIII. ------ - - -- -jt - - - jit .i -4ltlft" fLHa yettixveUit Airiass, GO EAST XORTH-EABT OR SOUTH-EAST -VIA TH1 B.XM.R.R. UaRas4tefatkerwiuitaeC.B.q wbick is eallee -THE- JBurKngton Route ! FmN the Bsatteeesatetaliar betweea Nebraska aetata m4 all aetata Bast or MlseoC.i ?Ur. ftimitn takiac thia Use erase tka JSe. Biver at PlaJtsateatk H arar tka Plattsmoutli Steel Bridge, Wklak hat lately saw eaapletaa. v Thr gk awy Caachca AND ARE RUN TO yj KarliHfftBjreori.Chica.r ssmai . jwaiiPj Wkere close eeaaeetloaa ara aiada In salon dcpoi far all peteta Aertk East aad Hoatk. Tralas by P 1 tklt roata atart in Nebraska ara tkcre- fere free from tka Tarioaa accMaats wklch to frequently oVlay train eeatiac tkroaak from tka saoun taUs, and passant ers are thui are of asakiaa; rood con aeeUons when tkey Uka tka B. k M. reate east. Through AT LOWEST RATES la tort In tka Bute, at wall aa fall aad reliable w jBfomatioa reeaitad, eaa be aad apon applica W Won ta B. A M. K. ft. AgeeU at any of the riaeiaa! statioa. or ta niCB7AL LOWILL, lttf Oaaeral Ticket Ageat; 4MA2A SIB. u o V o 0 a h p 9 5j e8 4 . ad 4 & a 6kD CHICAGO 'Lumber Yard Yard soath of Hampton A Ralston'r hop, on Main street. Case astea Uy aa kaadaa aatortaient at Lata ear. Lata), BMssa;Iea,a)aere Wla. elewa, Um II air Jaaaaat. Pteatcr SalMlae; Paper ale. ,PLATT &HFREES Proprietors. Holcomb Bros., Dealers U MARiVfARlc fallklala. rkar m& CHI4T far CAS IT; aad If tkey kate rt wkat yea waat, 1 aava year niar aad tkajr wiU fiU iU CALL ON THEM Oaa U awik ffataat'av aad Kt. HOLCOMB arOtwaitasyas. aarltf RED CLOUD. NJEB. ROBINSON Wagon Company, JtAJrCFACTUREM OT- auiinniio Buggies L Phaetons. xx lCJ Faim Wc do not Want Agents WE OFFER OO -7Stuiaard Trade Vehicles, TO THETRADE.- -. IToA ihat fcaa an established reputa- -J. tioa; and that aan be handled with aat is&ctibo, both to buyer and seller. Send forcans and prices to ' iXT JOIWBON WAGON" CO. JKa-i X -aQF" Cincinnati. Ohio. -ceJWy-iS liUSTNESS DIRECTORY. 0 . C. Cibe. Ja MeKaar. Case & McNeny, A TIORSEYH XKD OOUN8ELOM AT LAW. WIU araetiea la all tka Cearti of tfcla fiUU aad Nortkam Kaaau. Collection! aa well aa litla tad kaaiaera earfa11y aad ealeieaUy alteaded to. Ortioa:- Oa Webetar Street, oaa dear aertk ef Oar aar'a Store. KKP CLOUP. EB. , J. S. GILHAM, A TTOITNEY AKD COUK8ELO AT LAW. Office om door north of Kaley Brot. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. W. C. REILLY, Attorsbyakd counskloeatlaw. and laaai. aaTATi aobtxt. Bed Cload. XaV. am.Prespt AtUatlon Oirea ta CoUeettaaa. Office- wltk C. B. P0TT1. at Bad Cleat Drag Btore. Edwin C. Hawley. A TTOBHBr AKD COUHBBLOB AT LAW. Office orer Farley'i Drag Stora. D CLOTH), m. James Laird, attorney and c0u58el0r at law. Hactisos, - Nebraska. Will practice la all tka Coarta of tke State. Proaipt atUaUea tUea ta all kaaiaeat MtratUd to kia care, Jalyl-7 U. 8. Kalbt. C. W. Kaliy, Red Cload. Nab. J. L. Kalst. iilooasiettda.. Nakcaaka. KALEY BROS., A TT0RNEY8 AT LAW A REAL XSTATB I- AOKNT8. Will pracllra la all (ke Coarta la Nekraaka cd northern Kaarac clleetloat aroaatly at tended to aad corretrondeace loltclted. EED CLOTO. Kckaika, AIM. AceaU for B. A M. B. B. Lasde. ELBERT A. MALL M. Physician & Surgeon, RED CLOUD, NEB. Aeslttaal Baraeoa B. M. R.R. R. a Ollee Tl... V PMtii' Avm maai itnm. nun dence over Perkina Jt Mitekell'a atora. 196ai J. 1H. MOSENA, HI. D. -ECLECTIC- Physician and Surgeon, RKD CLOUD. NBB. Will pay apecial attention to Obatatrtea aad disease of woaaea Also aenaral aad special snracry. Dif esses of the Eye and Kar. Ckargaa moderate. Office over Sharer's Dru Store. licsidenco 4lk boaie north of ickool koase. 2W-y JA8. M. CALLENPER , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, (ALLOPATHIC SCHOOL.) Proaapt atteadance oa all calls ia tke praetke of medicine or snrgery. COWLES, - - - KEBRABKA. Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDENT DENTIST. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. W. H. RICHARDSON, -DEALER IN LIVE STOCK. BED CLOUD. KEBRABKA. .-0. ilifhett market price paid for kofe aad eattle. J. E. Sam S. C. 8mith M.B.Tnoaioir. Pros. Firtt Nat. Cask. First Late Teller Flrtt Bank. Beatrice Nat. Bank Nat. aaak aaat Nab. Beatrice Nab. rise Neb. mtompson, BANKERS, RED CLOUD, NER. Will aaaka collections la aay part of tka United States Sell ezchaage upoa the priacU d1 eastern oitie Loan money udob imnrorad farms Receive deposits subject to sight draft Allow in tares t open time aepositst asa traas act a general Banking- basiaaas. RKraaKKCK3: Omaha National Bank, A. S.Paddeck.U. .8 Senator: First National Bank New Yark, Cambridge Valley National Bank. Cambridge New York. EMIGH BROS. MEAT MARKET RED CLOUD, NEB. Tke ehoieeat of Freak meats. Saaaagc Fowls aad erery thing la tke liae tkat tke mat ket affords, always aa kaad. Shop two doera soatk of 8karara drag ate a HBIUTRT GOOK, PBOPRIBTOR RBB OLOXTB DRUGSTORE, -Aad fiealav Ia- Orugs, Medicines) Paints. OILS 0 VARNISHES AJlgaeaa ta ay Xiaakaat eeaaiaaUyea kaad: aadU vatahl Urita tka atteakVna at tke BakUa. iu HENRY COOK. A Cnga, Call er San Tknat Asll be ttoaaed. Kcarlaet fraaaaatlY nssMai a laearakla 1-aac lHaeaee r CaaaasapUaa, Browa's BnMiekial Treekaa ara eettaia ta gira S lief la Aetksaa. BreeekirJa. Oeagk. Catarra. latamptlre aad Tkraat Disease). r thirty ear the Treekaa kare keea raaaauaeadad by pkyaiciaaf. aad always hre aarfeetaatiafcitleaip Ik ay ara aet aaat ar aatiiel hat aatia aaea 58B m rors Mated br wide aad cataat ate tar aearly aa atire gcaeratioa. tkey hare attaiacd watl saeritedTaak aasoagtba few ataple raaasim af la aga. Pablio fpeakers and Singers aae tkaas ' clear aad treagtfaen tha Voiee- Said at ItTfft" fee C '"t t hi THE CHIEF. M. L. thomab; OtTOat THURSDAY, MAE. 94, 1M1. Thomas L. Bbrbharot, one of the oldest engineers oa the B. k M, teU from his engine at the company's yard in Flattsmouth last Saturday aad was run over by the cars aad killed. It it the epiBioa of city Manderaon, Omaha, that attorney the sew akhlicaaelawanaukaU sued under the old law a Bee aa it goes into elect, which iaoai the lJak of Jane. Hexrt Stork, a Burt coanty irtock man while on his way to Chicago with two or three car loads of cattle, fell through the railroad bridge at Flatta mouthto the ice below, sustaining injuries that will prove fatal. W. C. B. Allxv, Esq., of Omaha, has stepped to the front with a special pre mium of a thoroughbred short-horn bull or heifer (as the winner desires) for the Nebraska boy who shall raise the most corn on one acre of ground during the season of 1881. Now boys let us hear from you next fall. Bend to the Secretary of the State Board of Agriculture for a premium list and after reading the gentlemen's oier go to work at the acre of corn ground; manure it at once and use every means possible to grow a big crop. See if you can make your acre pro duce 200 bushels. Thr following remarks on bridge building we clip from the Lincoln Journal. They aro very appropriate just at this time. Bridge building will soon become a subject of absorbing interest in such counties as are traversed by our nu merous little rivers. Heretofore the management of this business has not been the most judicious. Some of the Nebraska counties had not a few years ago, the best of credit; the need of bridges has been urgent, and officials have listened to the clamor of those incrested, so that bridges have been constructed on a cheap plan, and without such guarantees as would pro tect the counties from loss if the bridges were swept away by flood or ice. We are forcibly reminded of this by noting that the company which pat in the bridge at Guide Rock, Webster county, are just now busily engage in putting it back again. Contrary to custom, tney nad been induced to give a guarantee that it would stand three . ' .a - .." years. and it didn't. Most of the bridges on the Ret Republican river were just stuck on piles some iron and some wooden thriven into the sand, and the first heavy ice swept them out like weeds. There was not a suitable ice-break on the river, so far as a casu al glance at most of the bridges has shown. The bridge at Rivertou, only one beside which is standing on the river, happened to have a heavy stone pier in the middle of the stream where two spans met. Had it not been that an immense quarry lined the bank at one end of the bridge, this would also have "stood up on cornstalks." and would have left an aching void in the value received for county bonds. Oa the smaller streams, where one span sufficed, the loss has not been great, but still sufficient to warrant a refor mation in the manner of contracting for bridges. The bonds of most any county m this state, at seven per cent, interest, are worth dollar for dollar. and they should not be expended mntil every dollar of their value has been re ceived in exchange. In building bridges hereafter, let one point be in sisted upon: That the contractors shall guarantee by suitable bond that the structure shall remain in good ser viceable condition for at least twenty five years. This will not, aa might be supposed at first thought, enhance the cost to any appreciable extent The differenece to the builder between a bridge that will go out at the first rise and one that will resist a deluge is comparatively slight, while to the peo ple who pay for it the difference amounts at least to a whole bridge. A sound iron bridge superstructure will stand a century, with only an occasion al re-planking. The substructure can be made equally longlived, and the shortest and best way to do it is to have a sufficient guarantee from the builders. - -e OUB WASHTwrosT D. C. March If, INI. The influx of visitors to the Capitol for the 4th of March was far than was expected. Trains in direction were m in auctions, aad ex tras were put oa for several days, prior to the Inauguration Thoawande of people who desired, to get away from the rigors of a stormy March planned their visile so as to remain far weeka here at the Capitol, so that the city k raU of lingering Tisutors. Tkreaslof snow-blockades and buuahb at tka north, while here they April weather in rides to the and promenades along our streets The days preceeding the foartk were baay aad actava owes aad after it all over, and President Hayes had turned over the Nation's White Hi tank a calm, tired look aet- tled.upon the faces of and strangers. The gash aad wasgoaa, thegarlaada aad wHaerm, the zaneie aad died away, tmatiatr had lost its brightaesa and beaoty, aad lappil laairy m W ral chspsat ca aW brow of eae Dt wiaery eaaeva tinin aa was the Hatfoa'a choice. Taeflaatethfetkrwiacwasa arigaa. beaatifal aay, aad caarch goers, to aae aad hear the toi I the Capitol afforded. Several thoav determiaed to woraara ia the little Campbellite caarch where Prest dentOaraeldhm every iabeaUh wor shipped daring hie loag eerrtce iaCoa- The new President aad family tkraaghthe great crowd late the charch and task seam ta his eld pew. To pat 5,080 into a apace that would hold leas than 400 whan packed like sardines was to much far the good natored tubers, aad the crowd scatter ed; and away of them to ether churches. The Coagregatkmal Church was packed to oreriowiag with aear 2,000 worshipper. This church has the best arranged aadience roam, and the largest organ in the city Doctor J. W. BiachoaT the celebrated blind organist and music composer presides at the organ and conducts the music, which is notably ancqualed in any city. The raetor, Rev. J. D Ran kin, D. D., is on of the atost able and eloquent preachers in the denomina tion. Daring his twelve years' miaia ry, this church has increased in membership sixfold. Your correspon dent was delighted to see Secretary Windom, who had taken the oath on Saturday, eater the charch oa Sabbath morning, and with his Brethren par take of the bread and wine aa aa em blem of steadfast allegiance to Christ the head of the Charch. Dr. Rankin is widely known as a writer of hyraaa, and composer of music. Asa potent instrumentality in the mission of thia church of the Congregatsonal polity here at the Capitol, Dr. Rankin edits "The Pilgrim Press," an eight page monthly paper in the interests of his church, which has already secured a large circalation both at home aud abroad. A hard worker himself, he has the faculsy of setting others to doing, so that his church is most ac tive in every branch of christian ef fort. The men who planted it ia IM7 builded better than they knew. Out of it has sprung Howard University, Lincoln Mission and Lincoln Memor ial Church. All honor to General Howard and a host of noble men who laid its foundation. The control of the Senate is to be se cured to the Democrats by any means, fair or foul, Common decency would lead them to wait until the Re publican vacancies now are filed. They are not willing to risk such a venture and Mahone "the sphinx" give them no assurance that he is to affiliate with their crowd. Having se lected his seat with the Republicans they fear he is to take his politics from that side of the house. Should the Democrats attempt to steal the patron age by fbreiag an early organization, they will find "Jordan a hard road to travat." There is a great speculation as to the probabilities of an extra session. It is understood that, the President does not favor it, although it is true that the administration will be some what embarrassed by the failure of the act providing for refunding the bonds falling due ia May. Had Congress passed the bill without making war upon the National Banks, the loan would hare been taken rapidly at even three per cent. Soch a bill would not have been voted by Press dent Hayes. The judgement of the country approved his action; and the veto turned back a tide that seemed likely ta sweep the bosom of destruc tion over the aasiaem mterests of the whole country. The Cabinet appointments give gen eral satisfaction. It is a fact that no previous President has made choice of svisirs which have been so aniver sally commended by the pram of all sectiona. Tbiskaboon of rich prosa ise and will bring a rich harvest of great prosperity to the whole land. The people, let as hope, win have more business and less of hitter part isanship than duriag the last foar years. TaaiaeoaaiBgof the aew aaaunis tratioa ariaga hither a host of patriots, who like "aUcawber," are ready for to tara aa. There k at feeliag that the heaoaofboreaas wiUbe largely chan ged. " rr"i'W swat oat U the cold, lam mU that ahare wiU toaregnlarscramUesorgeod places, andaaeasywillhe General GarSekl's head natal the ias ara oat a patriots ara feeding from the meatcria. iathe awtaalaaamW.T.Uaaaa emr- iagtaahaaamaraaxm week af a life sim aactare of Mrs. Hayes which ia harssflsr ta aava a alaca aaaaa that of Martha Washington ia the House, in honor of the noble taken by Mrs. Hayes ia wine from aha table at State The ladies have determined ta lead Coarmwithaetiaioaa from al oftheeoaatryaakiagthatalaw ajmai sate af lienor m the District of Colathia, The feed time is smralv God Amiea fata aava a ta aava a mil way. kiaaeed of aae good attorney. Hamlmltk sadly in need of sosae vaaMoaal dwell tug hoaaaa. Ksaaeatthas lea iahshitaak, two hetek aad aixteea daalhaaa. aaaarser sasTnrsil $10400 by the rise of the Repablicaa. A ledge of the Knights of Pythias has haaa organised at Syracuse. The river at Alma during the freshet was aearly two miles wide. Nebraska Citey's telephone com pany will shortly begia operations. The Platte river k higher thaa ever known before in twenty y One haadred grists ware hf the wither amilk oae day last hfoaght to it week. A sled drawa by a team of elk created a sensation recently in Beat rice. A, colony of Germane will soon locate on the aaae, eoath of Daven port. The Colnmeie msannercbor cele brated their fourth aanivaraary last week. Grand Island k destined to grow more thk season than in any previous year. Church Howe was hsaged ia eengy on Shrove Tuesday, at West Point. ,. A new station will he estalkhed beta Pa City Blue Springs. A charch. school and new bank are prospective i provemsnts in liuwseil. Amos C Pes, of Atbioa, was found froaen to death on the prairie oa the latiast. A penasaent fairground is talked of by the Washington County Agri cultural society. The lose of sheep will not be as great in tne Republican vally as was expected. The dtiasas of Oxford are amoving toward hatldaag a bridge across the river at that place. Sixty barrek of alcohol k manufac tured daily by the Nebraska City brewing company. A Daokta county stock dealer re cently sold a car load of cattle which averaged 1,570 aouads each. It k supposed that aader the new license law requiring $500 license, Co lumbus win have four saloons. It k estimated that a loss of $2,000, 000 in stock will be the result of the unusually severe winter. A fracas in Blair last week result ed in the stabbing of Frank 8utton by John Turner. Turner escaped. A movement to secure a telegraph office in the business portion of the city k in operation in Hasting. Nemaha City k certain that the near futare will see a railroad bridge across the Missouri at her banks. Seven two-story brick business houses are to be built on the corner of Seventh and Ninth streek, in Lin coln. The cigar factory at Indianola k in full blast, aad supplies the trade west of that place with a good arti cle. A Mr. Strickler, whose home was three miles from Lincoln, fall dead last weak while unloading coal at the yard. The atone of which the Franklin academy will be erected is in an immense quarry two miles soath of town. The Omaha aad Wiaaebago Indi ans are beinc supplied with 2,500 buehek of aeed wheat for spring sowing. A fire last week in Albion destroy- ai,uuu or. property. rue re- mainder of the tawa ly eecap- ed. OaeD. W to have fred a barn and in Unonln in IBTa in Lin. 1b, indicted nad Will White and Chris of are the the State board of agriculture, laying oat a large stock; a Blackbird, ia Bart coaaty. An engine and four can at He hraska Cfty had a narrow eacaae- from jumping the transfer boat and itating thssnsilvss ia the mar. Cat Hvdraaue Gas Light and Coke eceapeny have entered BUtaaminettheeitvof Nebraska Gtv rorasiajsjior a --- a r have aaaotn- tedacoamaakteetoaeewhat steps are railroad at that the arm aaai have atovided th sms lives with hollow walking canes, iawhieh mar he eoa cealedaBiatefwhkkyorotaer anaa- Bart county was oisaaiseil by act of the territorial legkiatare Pebraary lath, latt. The town aim of Taka- eth, 1854. a 184. bv act of taglsgaaniMie approved March 14th, lean. ive I slaw ia which the oil k aOtorn lanei, wan resides atasa miles aoath af tawa, has fenad aatra leaaaeilea ak farm. He aagsaTto bore for aaiar aad near the same stracfc slati. sad at a aaath af fcrtw. faaarn aia-slsaaa aal Tie Thasatspsaglils of atasam'itj k shown by the immense aacraaee of Dmiiisiik af taw German, eat BBaaaVsasaas - -T.raasaai affaam XaaaaVaaaaV amaaaata mnBaaaaaMaal CeaaaataaafL Ca0amv daBBBaaal1 aT m Aa m a paaeed ia taaaaasis af Pisslii A Graaa, Mfaiinjir5a$Taa aL, Wasa iagtaaD.CwaiaaveTaimsliiti at- Re I T lenaf fm m fsams Hi f . 'i .H4' J. 1881 1881 SPANOGLE k FUNK, HEADQ UARTERS FOR ' AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, Two Doors South of Bank, RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA.. Go To W. Staple Fancy Groceries, THE HEST TOBAGCO & CIGARS IN TOWN. AI-SO Choice Huts. Fruits & Confections. star Fresh Prune and VeeUals Sold on Commiasion. RKD CLOUD, NER How Can I save Money by buying my Fall and Winter Goods op MARSH! Y9 I buy all my Y III Goods at what they are worth in Cash. I sell them at a small profit. I make no book account. I have but one price. Clear cash buyers get the knif- Come and Examine Good snd ret DCUint.. pri at UMy a old stand, the "Up Town Store." Yours Respectfully, FOULKS Hastings. MANUFACTUREBS OF THE ACME STEEL THE Wire that will make a Visible Fence Ft Tight, Bull Strong Horse High Factory near .ssaaaaaaaWStjnBllaW K smF-mmLKP aSaaBV--- iMif aaaaaat( BaaaBB W"aaa rBBanBamamTaBmBBaVamW BBamaT - BamamaaaaaTamavW 'V eWiSai ilmV "J &p;PS BaWaBBa aBBSai I BaBrraT aaBBBaBaalaTBBBBBBBBBBBTa1 &H TwVhk pat t . . Y aaaaBaaa ga-jlMBaBaaaw aBaej ' ' wemenaaBBa w B aBTLaP BBBT aaml amaaVXaam aBamwaaaV aaBBB ami W rlCjaBBB samamBBaL .aaaBaBVaBBmamaaBW "-L afWamai F2-1 tBBaaBlBBf W W I? J n JrIBTT" -aVw A tF PaTmaafaal 9 II had S Ji aaaaaaaaaf 7 laW. lJaaaf fiaf9 JMLKfl ' II M H B "tsbV1" lB fwU I S 3aaS5amBma J aa1 m " aami 3 aBV I aa 1H l -" Af 1 TArWvaBaaBBBaw 1 9 1 BM Ff r I an Bi e M afflas I aawvBBBaa. I a PI JJJ lie laaAJssVA PalSlff Jt WrQtfm. 4 P M Is o 9a ilaasTlpalaW j ffl S - I S W" CEHSamTaBT' I ami I 2 S feaBBJtSZWABBBa IIS Pi Tvtir n aaaaaaaiaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaT a partem w aaSamT aaaamaa aiaa f aa araaaaaaaa S3 sss A g aaPllmalaBaaBTWa, i Ct f 1 1 s3 W il aaaaaaaaaal aaBBaaaamaaaaaaBBamaaaBaaaa maBaV3Bwal SS m amaw. - a aW I! BBBBsWaBBmBnBBmVawsBaaBBBBmT aaTaVaTarial m BBBa T rJ'' IPitf b pi SSSb ina g HI tMBBamaBaBBBaaaBBaBBBB BBBamBmBmBmBmamBaBaT aW aaa-af . -.. m, TM"MIPI,B' BaH ajBaaa ji-h .aal F. K OOK!da7aN saaaaal 'w- aaaBaaaaaW' a if -L B. ROBY'S & STINE, Nebraska. Barb Fence Wire, ONLY B. & M. Depot. ;un srscs-s wz aaaaa aaaaa ;j, .tl : IfUt tarn "t i , P IVi, ' " - " k . rf. trvwi iuaiv4 tl arM s. ' a4 4 )4 .. r p .i tvva4a Jt k vt . i as-, f w.. asWd Hr .- ! ? v tv aa. a.ifci tta ivli LANDBETHS i aiaaatarfgf- aval lA.tWttTM aaJnaveWa mm aaa. aaa as PEARCES larafovctf tiAiioox Brc4ieut Sd-Sower. rfJK.. .AJ?W IT , mm i caa de H aa wall fey latest. ltdeas the warhefa ! eaaaV tWaaaWI aaww aaaBn W WaaaraV famw catvad Firm rrHBtaai at ft aaata Fairs la t veer. Qaad. aniiaiBMit, rUeVaate Machtaa. nejisaaaa ta deal t&attedalsaodforlt. Pr4 eatf tCeaV 6eai! sUaap for daaarisUve etiwakr. G. W. Baow9, Afeat, Cataaf. 11. OOODELL COMfiXT, AxrmrJaMr. bl. AcaaaB WaBJaAAaaamattJaaamaV OaBBBJ awasBBBjaBBiaaBaaBkerBBsam Slate- Roofing KATX5I KE-KKINGUM). IIRF. AN1 W ATERPROOf COSTA1NH NO TAM. MJX19 REAOT Ft ft VIOL ANTaOMt CAN APfLT IT. With thia 1'alat e4d saJaaVw as tetoek swtM4Bdaet) tssstkaifar salaries for SBSthaTl tie aWfC of raah I bat 1 1 asT. Equally fmod far tin er kea; aad er toroai br kk walk U aaaqaaHedL It U claatte will esaaad er eaatract wfca heat or eaW. This Is aa Jjaikf abta quality la a darshte Kwaf JVat. ltwUlB0tcraa,eiereaJ; fc4af sUtf, winarwaterefineak. It ha a hrtvy B4dy iat tsstaf nwt to tarta ef aay etaer. It if sold at a rie lat aaaMes evrryaae to hare a w& jxlaV! tjL Weur hnmmm aaa1 Raaf-iJate, Brewa, MM aad Btifht Red. Price ia barrels f it l M falSaas, ealy t ecau pv aaUnn. ,4Aftr a metl taataatli aae af thta fl. we meat tara tally tp eaanaaad It. aad sre eatlatW that If ana aard it will W aratrvd a peeead aad third U a '.'- (M, C. Bowa. la tic aaVwMcA, myt, BfP 18K) gaad tvr drewkr tn1 raatfiles, aad teeslka IbU japtr. k. xl paixt at ozx. Co, 7 INDIA ST., OrrOfe, MAM. ScUlxtt f?t for Brtnuaa OH Pa nah for UrM.Upfkrr,Cfea9SXM&at. At AarnV awaaa iaaa Mifill aaa ami tS .in tm '! mm& - tana Hi -law-msi 1 v " i. Vtv'J taaa mt 1 WBBe- MM t V BH k m A. . "UI5 H 'fpTiMHMrA'STT r JsjJ-aBjaaaBaBamia' jk ' .'-TTnTaBaBBBBBaaES'' - C.?at. - e i-tiS Y ZaBBBaBKBar -F- t ; . k . zarveaBaaT asaa i fc i Jff'i- aaaaf-rilt-yRf j? fi sasaara arvaaast asnaaa aaaasa Be man sssssssssssBamBmamw-MMIm 'JaaBaBBaBmaaaBBamaaB gama PAINT, .-f1 r.r mv aaBBBBBT sa BOTltf tf 1aS& CD -4 J 3i S? fe vJor fW V"r2d? ? 1!r ft" red it. vig '1' PWAXSV jii fr sn T A - , -- , ' -;-' , , '"Ji . , j ,'" - '" .n? - T Ss --