The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 17, 1881, Image 3

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M. L. THOMAS, Publisher.
M I am romlr for tvorlel
Intnnvifly forworkl"
PosnystliOKrmit -niono whon 'woBtnrt,
.Ami the ?ioini conivs up from Its pulslno-
IVi h li Iuini!re Iron nrmi anil hitndi
1- is wuitlna- to tako in to foreign lauds.
An ! it s ij-j. in tlo vhwirU-a sort or way,
IVhile our frioiiUs-nnj -watching-us down tho
" 1 nm rcjiriy for work 1
I nm ready Tor work!"
" I will carry you ovorl
1 will carry you ovorl"
It scms to nay on tho ocean wldo,
hen no land can be aeon on either aide;
Aw! wo wonder how It can ovor Imj
3'ihU wo oifn bo .trnhrht o'er tho trackless
1 sua.
And wo wirtcb tho onsrlno day ly day,
inoouni'4c iy what it oorni to Bay
I wilf carry you over
J will cury youoviTl"
S'ccp ?nfc till mornlnjtl
hlfcp Halo ll inoniin!"
ArcthoivonH wc lion-at tliodoad of night,
Whon only tho s illor a llt'ht: a
lint tho split hlp riixlifS nlon? nilruo -A"it
ilK-MiT-tilni) win onlhoHiii,
An I wo ro-it tJcroro nr-ir tho li'-iitfrur hearts!
Ol tho cnjini- iloliur lit nnlilo p:irU
H"-pniio till nrrnliil
Meop salo till morning J"
" It Is all rlsrht nnwJ
It In all riiriit notvT'
Arc thfwonlj wo hoar when the inn peeps
And tli lonilon cloud entrh a tint of hi no,
lnl the iron anus work hard and fat,
VorucaruJn hllitof theliuid utl.ut:
An 1 1 ho i-iikIuc looms as jrliid a wo thu rtlup U a w I ruin all danger froo.
' It ii til! r.i;lit now!
It Hull rlIit now:"
O liravo ciikIiio. von llttl-s know
What t' -iir fnl'thrul loll w-owol
Vni !l your doty ly ln- and nlirht,
A- well In tho dnrkiiesH n ihe lUlit,
"Si"v r lotting an hour so lv.
Never Mopping to :tik th" "Why?"
And liowel u w h:it hotiuty and jrraco can bo
la h me Hi toll mid il.lelit v
Ytiuth'i CoiniNinfam.
, It was on that fine- edge of night
g which goes by the name of morning to
those early risers whose day ends at
sunset anil begins before cock-crow
that Mrs. Ann Dustin, rising from her
ir'i :s 'Itm.'j ", addressed herself to
the task of lire-making. Why Mrd.
Dustin shonjd awake at such untimely
hour it would have been hard to ex
plain. Dustin, hor late husband, was
"late" only in a coveutional sense,
having died years before. It was not
for the sake of neighbors, for neighbors
fc there were none within three-quarters
of a mile. There- was nothing cheer
ful in tho raw November darkness, lit
only by the twinkle of the distant light
house. Nobody needed, no one waited
for her. Had sho chosen to lie in bed
t till noon, not voico would have been
rai-ed in protest, and truly "Heaven
M'uds nuts to those who havo no teeth;"
for all this charm of privilege which
T-rrtain laz' people would so have val
ued was utterly thrown away upon
her. I'linctual as the clock, at four in
Mimmcr and live in winter, anticipat
ing the earliest hint of dawn, up rose
Mi's. Dutin, and from that time for
ward the wheels of her day drove busily
n till suiiM't. when she went to bed,
thus -aving lire, candle and the infrae-
vlion of old custom.
vT .she bad just got her lire well under
I w.iy Allien a knoek. fell ujion tho door.
Jvnocks have chanicter. This w:us not
lo'td, but quick, imperative, as given
b one whoso errand might not brook
'-t'ome, in," said Mr.s. Dustin, sur-
jirised, but calm. Then recollecting
th-it the door was still fastened, sho
0 stepped forward, drew tho bolt, and
v Three ligures stood without, dimly
deiined ag.iin&t tho darkness of tho
"Oh, Mrs. D ." said a voico,
"may we eonio in.' iVo are hiding."
On the mainland such statement
might have sounded odd and startling
rtiougli. but to Mrs. Dustin. a Nantuck
et woman born and bred, it had quite a
different significance. She was familiar
with the isdiind custom known as "hid
ing parties" when a certain number of
irirls and young men. having a dance in
contemplation, settle who shall give
mid u ho pav for it by a preliminary
game of hide-and-seek." Twelve hours
jfoi 'he day, from six to six, are allowed
t'.ie latter to dicovcr the lurking-places
to which, before dawn, the former have
betaken themselves. It is an exciting
ame, :is nv.iy well bo imagined, with a
whblc i-land to range over, the forfeit
:m equilly pleasant one to pay or to
win. a since of adventure involved; so
fit is no wonder that it should provo
p qmlar, and girls be willing to shorten
their beauty sleep for the fun of indulg
ing in it. "Mrs. Ann had been of many
a hi ling party in her time, and knew
aall about them; so with ready wit sho
hurried tho girls inside, shut tho door
lot some llash of light should go forth
, to guide the seekers, and proceeded to
discuss ways and'mcaus.
" "Jain't no use your trying to stow
away in none of my rooms," she said.
"The boys' 11 bo all over them like a
ll.-u-h. 'Taiu't tho lirst time they've
come here. Onco they caught 'MandyH
Tike behind the Hour barrel in the but-
"X tcry: ami another time Lucy Smith fcho
l.T)t in under the shelf of my closet, and
Tset the tea-chest, with my best bunuct
in it. right afore her; but, law! Jack
Sperry he's as quick's an eel, and ho
had the client and the bunnet, and
Lucy atop of them, all out on tho floor
' before you could say 'Scat.' Hark!
ghat's that?" as another knock, hesi-
! tatin- but vigorous, fell on the door.
" Who's there?" softly stealing for
ward anil slipping the bolt.
"Any girls iu there. Miss Dustin?"
"Well? I declare, if that foolish old
custom ain't going the rounds yet, I
want to know!" replied Mrs. Ann, at
jtbc top of her voice, signing the tittcr
inr oirls to silence meanwhile. "I call
" itliard if quiet folks can't get their
chores done up at this time of mornin'
without vour coming rouud like this. It
ain't six" neither. You'd ought to bo
ashamed of yourself, Mark Coflin 1 de
clare you lied."
"'Taiu't six that's a fact," said one
of the young fellows. "Come "along
"biys; Mis Dustin's right. Seo you
litfer." With this and a laugh they
walked away.
- Now, girls, set right down by tho
fire, and let's think what to do." said
their hostess. "That Mark Coffin's a
rcntlar high-flier for spirits. Did you
-4car him laugh? Draw up closer, Miney-
You'd better; you look half froze"
ilffoev. or Jessamine, obeyed with a
little shiver. She was a delicate, pret
tv creature, with fair Tiair and sweet
blue eyes, and looked quite unfit .for
the exposure and chill of the early
I How'll wc manage?" pursued Mrs.
son. "There's the cellar; that's the
tiling. I'll fix you up there. It'll just
hohTyou, and the boys won't be likely
to suspect, 'causa there wa'n't none till
last summer. 1 had it dug in June."
Cellars,. be it known, are not the cus
tomary and matter of-course things in
Nantucket as elsewhere. Many houses
dUpcnse with them altogether; in
others the cellar is merely a small pit or
cave du" beneath the kitchen for the
storage of butter and other perisnable
commodities, while tho walls of the
-, house rest upon tne ground, or on piles
connected by a lattice-work, Mrs- Aus
tin's low-browed cottage was of the
foAner description.
5" trap-door .and ladder led to the
cellar, which was about. eight feet
square. Lifting the trap, Mrs, Dustin
now proceeded to line the space with
feather-beds hastily brought down
from tb second story. Various guilts,
comforter and a couplo of buflalo
rubes wcro tumbled in; a hasty jorum
of tea was browed; and fortified thus
by warmth and food, thu jjirU de
scended the ladder, well wrapped in
blankets, and couched, a laughing heap,
in tho billows of tho friendly feather
beds. Mrs. Dustin taw them well es
tablished, then with a nod rcclosed the
door, drew ft square of carpet over it.
net her sewing-machine thereon, hasti
ly cleared away tea-cups and plates,
brightened the fire, washed her hands,
unbolted the door, nat down, and bo
pan to ntltch vigorously. As she did bo
she glanced at tho clock. It wa ex
actly six.
Half a second after came another
quick knock, and, without waiting for
answer, the door was dashed open, and
three young men hurried in, and with
a rapid "Excuse me, Mrs. Dustin, we're
after those girls," nread themselves
.1. .. .1. i.i:... .l
tivcr Hie iirciiiiaca witxi a rajiiun.jf uuu
thoroughness born of long practice.
Mark Coflin, a handsome fellow, with a
daring glint of fun in
his eyes, hur
Mayhew rau-
ried to the attic Sam
fiacked the buttery, ami opened all the
cupboard floors, while Issachar, or
"Czar," Pike dived into the secret re
cesses of Mrs- Dustin'a own bedroom.
w . . ,. , . -- At..
sen minutes huiuccu to ransecK iiiu
small house; each bedroom was
searched; cvory closet the dresses on
the wall wcro shaken and pounded; tho
logs of the wood-pile dislodged and
thrown aside: Sam even liftad the lid
off the churn and ncciiud within. All
was vain, and the discomfit?d search-,
crs relumed to the kitchen, where the
mistress of the houo still plied her
whirring treadle, and slipped the long
white seam beneath the glancing nee-
die. She looked up as they entered,
and remarked, dryly, "I hope you' re j for looking unprepared seemed thrown
hatisficd, anil you'll please pilo that i away, for no Mark came. The time
wood up again just where you found ,ay i,aVo appeared long to Mincy in
it." I the cellar: it certainly did to her hostess
" Yes' m, wo have. Why didn't you , above-atairs. She fidgeted, she could
let us iu whon wo first came?" j settle to nothing, and nothing went
''Cau'-d'twasn'tsiv:' straight. Her thread broke, tho ma-
At that moment Mrs. Dnstln's quick chino was "contrairy." " Drat the fel
eye perceived that Czar's big foot had iow; w,y don't ho come?" she re
turned up a corner of tho carpet, thus . j)Catcd more than once, her eye turned
leaving vislblo one hinge of the cellar to the window which commanded the
door. With u rapid movement of her ( roati ovcr the downs which led to town.
Oivnshevrcplaced it, still sowing steadily , it was not till the dinner potatoes were
on, ami fixing, at were, the gaze of her C)Ili an,i tj,0 pot-pic beginning to send
visitors, while sho added: " Old ways is forth savory fumes from the lire, that
old ways. There's a difference of opin-1 at ja8t the gate swung violently on iu
ion how good they be; but if six is the . hinges, and tho long-expeetud Mark
hour, I keep to six; so it ain'tjio uso
coming a-knocKing ai my uoor at twen
ty minutes past five, ami that you fel
lows cau remember another time."
"Well, that's no more than fair,"
declared Sam Mayhew, with a laugh.
Tho three stood debating for-a mo
ment; then, " Come on, ' we'd better
try the houses down to Trot Hill next,"
wild Czar. They moved, toward tho !
door, -Mrs. Dustin watching them with j
secret satisfaction. On the very thresh- j
old tlio asiuie inane paused ami que
ried, "Has this house got a round cel
lar to it?"
Mrs. Ann's heart stood still for tho
space of oifo second, then her auswer
came readily ami bold:
"No, it i?i'f." "And no lie
cither." as she aftcrwanL explained,
U...iA flwt rw til.... ,,'na iMiiniii "
i;4lll3U lliu i;i;iirtt i ia oiiiiuu.
suuaru. i , i . i ..
'f'hen, "Come,fncw,what
icked, they were ' he4roT the"' -v,.n ss
ur a few minutes' ' " l s?z -"" Jhin'
Another pause.
along." Tho gato clicked
actually gone; and after 4, .!. it . f.j llt.itn wt,trwl
. J ' ..
ed cheerily on tlie trap and called, "All
safe, girls;" to which A burst of laughter
snonded from below.
it.... n -.i ,... t ....-?. t
:..;:... i .u-r" .""..." ""i
nno was liisMlicd
sleulow fell
u 111:11. :in iiiiiii iiiLi:i. ii. ciii.iviii ti iuii
1HS lltl I fkl lttt lit CI
, .. , , -- -
l. f.Ai;t. .it.i.Itltwi oMil T,.
. . ...
across Lliu cwiu;-iuaeiiiiii;, .ion .mi.i.
Ann. turning, csiught a glimjiso of Sam
i. iiii .rn iiii"iiiiii iiiiii;. iiiin a n
"- -. ..-.- - .---- --
Mavhcws head retreating noiselessly
from the window. Evidently tho
searchers wcro still on tho alert, and it
behooved the sought-for to bo cautious
and circumspect.
Some dinner found its way down the
ladder at a later hour, and during tho
course of thu afternoon the girls ven
tured to steal out, one by one, for a
warm at tho kitchen fire. Still they
were chilled and cramped enough when,
at last, the safo hour of six having
arrived, they emerged from tho under-,
ground retreat, ami made ready for a
return to their homes. Jessamino
looked very pale, and Molly Grccnleaf,
with many yawns and stretches, de
clared the gamo not worth tho candle,
and protested that this vas tho last, the
very last, time that ovcr sho would join
in the like.
" That's nonsense," said Susy Lock.
"You'll forget, and bo as crazy about
hiding as ever by next week. That's
the way Lucy used to go on before sho
was married: but sho hid just the same;
she never would lose a chance."
"Well, perhaps I shall," admitted
Molly, with another yawn. " Girls, wo
must never let on whero we've beon to
day, not even to the other girls. Mrs.
Dustin's cellar is such a good place,
we'll just keep it to ourselves."
" Wo may come again, mayn't we?"
plcadod pretty Jessamino.
" .Law bless you: yes; come just as
often as you like, Miney. 'Tain't a
mito of trouble to hev you. I've boen
young myself, and I know what girls
" Oh. thank you; that's first-rate;"
and with a sudden impulse Jessamine
ran back and kissed the "widow's com
fortable cheek. "Wo'll bo sure to
come," sho said.
" That's right, Mincy; seo you do."
Mrs. Dustin rather built on this
promise. More than once, when cal
culating her day's provision, she said
to herself. "I'll get another pound;
them girls may be along." But
November waxed to "the Christmas-tide,
and Now-Year gave place to March,
and still tho promise remained unful
filled, till at last Widow Dustin ceased
to expoct-
It was late on a cold night in early1
April, and she had been long in bed,
when at last the summons came, in tho
shape of a tap so faint that it was thrico
pepcated before it roused her. She
threw on a shawl and hurried to the
door. i
"Girls is it you, girls ?'! she de
manded. "It's only mo," and to Mrs. Dustin's
unspeakable surprise, Jessamino May
hew, wrapped in a fur cloak, stolo in
alone out of the darkness. "You said
I might come."
"Why. yes, and welcome. But
whero'sthe others?"
"Oh, they they've gone over to the
Starbucks at Smooth Hummock's."
"Well its' funny you should separate
in this way. I thought half the fun was
in bein' together."
"Oh yes, so it is" confusedly. "But
you know, the Starbucks' isn't a bit a
good place to hid in. They're sure to
be caught; and Molly wants to be,
because her mother's gone over to
Sconsit to Sarah Jane, you know. Her
baby came last Tnesaay, and while
Mrs" Greenleaf s gone is such a good
time to have a party that Molly's rather
counting on being found. But I"
blushing deeply "I didn't want to be."
"I don't see why not, if Molly's to
have tho party anyhow. 'Twon't'be no
trouble to you."
" Oh, it lstft'the trouble. But but,
you see, me and Hark Coffin have a
sort of a .private wager j-and-if he finds
me, he'll m"
" Well, tchat? I declare, Miney,
von'ro coloring op so I should think
twas tQ.gitjharrieL What! 'tis realty?
J declare! I never did! Well, Miney,
I'd be canght, if I was you. Mark's as
good a fellow as evr stepped: and your
ina she was a-telling me once' that he'd
been after you forever and a day ever
sence you was old enough to sav, ' Boo'
to." - : "
"Oh, I know," said Miney, half
laughing and half crying. "Nobody
need to praise Mark to me. But, can't
you see I don't want to be caught
easy. He'd think I 'Boost did it a-pnr-
Kso if I'd gone to the Starbucks', and
-" A deep blush linUhed tho sen
tence. A droll look came into Mrs. I)utlns
eyes at this naive explanation, but she
preserved decreet silence. It was
barely ten o'clock. o eho took Mlney
into her own bed for a preliminary reit,
ignored the fact that the girl wa lytn
awake, fvigned slumber herself, .and
was ruwarded when she roajctl sharp
at four bv finding lier fast ailccp. Very
quietly she rcwo and dressed, raked out
the fire, filled and hung on the kettle,
and when at five Jessamine sprang up,
tcrriCed at the sight of the gray, on
coming dawn, breakfast was ready, and
the kitchen warm and cozv.
Don't you be scared." paid thu
hostcs. "Mark Coffin nor no onu else
' is a-cornin' in hero till aflcr six has
struck. You've moro'n three-quarters
i .. t.nn.,nn.,n -,..... I. .... .I,-.,.-r.
ut nu uuut luajMit.wiwujuiuft uumi
and cat hearty for the cellar's cold still.
and it ain't no place for you, as I rcrv
well know, only" there's no helping it'
Adding, in her tirivato mind, 'And I
just hope that Mark'll be along early,
before you get your death of. cold, fur
you're bound to be found this time, and
found you shall be, as surc's my name's
, ana uuuu:
An., llii.tinl"
J There must have been tome lurking
I mischief in her eyes, for, after she was
comfortably established in tho cellar,
j Miney looked up apprehensively, and
I said:
"Uu, :irs. jJutin,you won t tell mm,
will you?"
"Not I; I'll not say a word," was the
reply; and Mnu Ann slammed down
the, trap. r . . ,
-o'clock fetrucknine, ten.
, eleven. All the elaborate nrcnarntion?
j rushed in.
"Oh. Mrs. l)ustin.'"he panted, "have
you seen Miney Mayhew? The girls
are hiding to-day four of them, and
we found threo over at the Starbucks';
but Hho wasn't with 'cm, and sho' the
only one I care about catching."
"Wa'n't .she with the rest? Do
toll!" said Mrs. Ann, enjoying tho sit
uation, .j ,
"No, and I don't call it fair," re
plied Mark, stamping angrily about the
kitchen. "1 mane Mire she'd bo with
the rest, of course, and I btaid up all
night in the meeting-house steeple with
a gla-s, and saw them stealing oil to the
Hummocks, and then I went after.
Sho's gone away separate, and none of
'om knows where. Molly'd have told
me in a minute if she d know, lor t-no
knew what I what wc . Sho ain't
I sca look for your
self. 1 ain't one to spoil fun bv tellini
mm wnv nr tlm ntlinr ' mil. nvnn nt
. . . . .. M, ,
I f.hl; spoke-oh treacherous Mrs Dus-
, -r ' " ' K" " ' " "'.
reciiy at inu iiap-uoor, vviiosu iiiugcr
. were distinctly visible. Terhaps Mr.
' Dustin had not f.iken thenains to covet
. '" -
' lliem as circumspectly as on previoin
. . .- .
, .. .;,... Tl.itilr iir.ia.iilflr lit n
uiitii3iiiii3 'iaiE tt.ijMiiiun. ah
i (inciciniia M-irlf vi jinlclr lllfill'mh
. - -. -.
. .i....i..j lir:ti. -..
, . .
ue i-aw, ue coiiiiireueiiuua. uu one
bound ho was across ih kitchen, had
seized, raised tlio traj and vanished
down tho ladder. A girlish scream
came from below, then a low murmur
of word", and finally a little sound,
slight in itself, but full of suggestions,
and with a wonderful knack ol making
itsolf heard at a distance tho sound, in
short, of a lover's kiss. After that came
silenco and more low talk, broken upon
by Mrs. Dustin, who, chuckling inward
ly, and pink with excitement, popped
her head ovcr the edge of the aperture,
and remarkod: " Folks cnu'C live on
air, if they arc courtln', and they can
die of damp. Miney1 s been quite long
enough in tha. cellar, Mark Coflin.
letch her up. The pot-tile's ready, and
it ain't so bad as it smells, and you and
she'll be all the better for a bit, "if j-ou'll
consent to tako time for it."
Tho "round cellar" was not, in truth,
a ramantic frame-work for a pair ol
lovers. Still it was rather a pretty
picture that Mrs. Dustin looked down
upon from ovcr the edge of tho trap.
Mincy and Mark sat side by sido inthe
midst of tho buffalo robes. Her pretty
head was on his shoulder. Sho raised
it, dyed with blushes, and Mark mut
tered something very liko "Hang pot
pie!" but they ascended tho ladder
obediently all the same; andonce at
table, dinner did not seemvso. objec
tionable or so unreasonable as might be
supposed. " I can't think how 3011
came to remember tho cellar so sudden
ly," Miney taid onceaud that menda
cious Mrs. Ann replied, " One of tho
hinges must havo como uncovered, I
reckon," whilo Mark whispered in her
ear. "I could havo found you in tho
heart of a stone, I think. Miney. I was
so set on it;" and, happily deceived.
Jessamine asked no more. "Mrs. Dustin
stood at her door and watched them
walk away together. Tho afternoon,
though bright, was fresh and cold, for
a keen sea-wind blew in, flattening the
faded grasses and rustling tho dry
heather on the plain. Mark hold Jes
samine's flapping cloak tightly togeth
er, she leaning upon his arm. They
disappeared behind a low thicket of
evergreens, and with half a smile and
half a sigh Mrs. Dustiu turned back
.into her kitchen, saying to herself:
"I'll free' my, maid about hat wink
when shels been married a year or two.
She'll forgive me easy enough, or I
miss my guess. It's natural for a girl
to want to hide, but she'd bo sorry
enough sometimes if she wasn't found
out; and Tm a woman, and I ought to
know." Harper's Bazar.
Little Girl Scared to Death.
Last week tho children at public
school No. -3, nearCarsia's Run, pro
posed to play ghost and selected Annie
bicable,, a little girl about eleven years
of age. as their victim. They accord
ingly organized, and without the knowl
edge of Annie posted one of their num
ber in the pines enveloped in a sheet
To this place they led the unsuspecting
little girl, and at a given signal the
sheeted figure made its appearance.
The children who were in the plot ran
and hallooed "ghost!" and with them
ran little Annie, believing she had seen
a real ghost She reached the school
room door and fell insensible, literally
frightened to death. She was taken to
her father's house, near by, and died
tho same day. Hartford (JJ.) Demo
crat. k Horse Talked to Death.
It was at a sale stable on Fifth street
and a tired-looking horse was brought
before tho crowd. A dozen voices arose
in a bid of twenty-five dollars, and in
the noisy wav in vogue at horso auc
tions, th"e bidding swelled to a perfect
din. The bidders were hoarse, and the
hoarser they became the more vocifer
ous were their bids. The. poor animal
looked completely bewildered. Tfic
auctioneer at last shonted: "Going for
fifty dollars; am I offered no more"?'
Gone- for fifty dollars. Here's your
horse, sir." Before he could ask the
name of the purchaser the exhausted,
deafened, bewildered beast dropped on
his side and kicked his list Cincin
nati Commercial.
Charcoal powder U good for pol
hing knives witboor dcrtroylng tho
oladeJ. ltw alo a'eood tooth powder
rben finely pu'renzed.
Extkactrd hrmflr l much more
aeallbful for children to cat than corab
aoney. Tho wax catca with the honey
ts very indigestible It clog the toro
ich and constipate the bowels.
Mica in utovci (often wrongly called
"bdnglati.") when moked. n'readily
;leanvd by taking it out and thorough
ly washing with vinegar a little diluted.
(t the black dfx: not conic off at once,
let it oak a little.
Aftf.u buttering ymrr cake tin scat
ter a little flour over them, and the
cake is absolutely certain not to stick to
the tin. If your oven in likely to bake
hard at the bottom, put a paper in
the bottom of the tin. Butter it well
TilK New York Timet sava to kill the
lice on cows every part infested should
be thoroughly rubed with the mixture
or lard and kcroenc oil. Only those
lice will be killed that nre touched by
tho grease, and, unless a thorough job
is maJe. tne lice will Increase as fast a
they arc killed o!F by the eggs remain
ing and by escaped lice.
Anokl I'rnmxo. Two onncc of
flour, two ouucot of owdered sugar,
two ounces of butter incited in half a
pint of new milk, two eggj; mix weL
Bake the nliove in smrvli patty pans
until nicely browned, and sent to table
on a dish covered with a .serviette. A
littlu powdered Migar should be sifted
over each pudding, am! slices of lemon
served with them. Tho eggs must be
well beaten before they are added to
the other injredlecu.
Rj:kadind Buttkii 1'rninsG. But
ter a shallow pudding dish well, and
sprinkle thickly over the bottom dried
currauts, which have bfen previously
fjf toned with warm water, and small
bits of lemon peel. On this place al
ternate layers of thin slices of bread
(with the'cniit oil") and butter and the
currants and peel, having a laierof
currants 011 top. Then pour over this
slowly a custard of sweetened milk and
three" egz?. flavored to taatc, and bake
iu a moderate oven for about twenty
Stl'kkino koi: Gkksk oh Game.
Two .ounce onions, ono ounce green
sage leaves ono ounce of pecans or
walnuts, chopped line; a spring of
fennel, thime or a bay leaf; four ounces
toasted bread crumb-, (made by putting
crusts in an oven and, when thoroughly
brown and dry, grating them), one
tablespoonful of" butter, the yelk of one
eg well beaten, a minced apple, one
dozen raw oysters, one or two bird pep
pers, black pepper and salt to taste; a
few mushrooms and a truffle or two,
chopped line, adds to the delicious
Wiikx a House Siiouo Diunk. It
is best to give a horse water before
giving oats. The water hlays in the
btomach a very s-hort time, but is very
quickly absorbed or paod into the
bowels, where it is nbsorbed and goes
into the blood. The horse secretes a
very large ijuautity more than four
quarts of saliva while eating a meal,
which is sullicient to reduce tho food to
a pulp suitable for its digestion. So
that to give water soon after eating, ex
cept in very small quantity, would be
apt to cause indijjoition and waste of
the food by excessive dilution. -V. Y.
The following method of washing
crewel work, so as to prevent the col
ors running, is recommended in the
Loudon Queen: "The water must bu
warm, not hot, with the soap dissolved
into it. not rubbed on the material or
tho colors will run. Put a little Epsom
salts in thu water and wash your ar
ticles; rinse in cold water with a littlo
salt; ne.xt squeeze through the wring
ing machine and dry out-doors. When
quite dry press with hot iron. Quanti
ty of Epsom salts, three tablespoons to
one gallon water. If tho articles re
quire starching Epsom salts must also
be put in the starch.
It is a small matter to tako the horses
across the field for their water; it seems
to cost nothing, yet il a farmer's time,
or that of his hired man. is worth any
thing, it costs a great ileal in tho course
of a year. It is a small matter to chop
each day's wood upon the day it is
used, and thus have it all fresh; but
fifteen minutes in harvest time is worth
more than in January; besides, there
arc vastly more economical methods of
making fire wood than with an ax. It
is a very little matter to tighten a loose
nur, but it sometimes costs life and
limb not to do it. A pear tree hero
and a peach tree there cost so littlo
that ono is inclined to think they arc of
no account, but when tho fruit is ripe
they are appreciated. A single step
from one room to another is " only one
step." but the thonght of a stairway
made out of these steps during a life
time is enough to almost make a wo
man's back ache. Look well to the de
tails, that the littlo things are right, for
it pays in the end. -.-iHtericcm Agriculturist.
Water for Stock Daring Winter.
A i, a roe proportion of Western fann
ers make very poor provision for sup
plying their stock with water during
the winter. Springs that afford a supply
of water that is moderately warm are
scarce, and few of these that exist are
utilized to tho extent they should be.
Generally tho water for the supply of
farm stock is procured from a well in
or near the farm yard and is raised by
means of a hand pump. The water is
often nearly at the point of freezing
when it is drawn, and is ordinarily con
veyed into a trough that is lined with
ice. Animals that drink this water
suffer severely from cold. It is often
tho case that there is but one trough in
the yard for the accommodation of a
large number of horses, cattle and
sheep of different ages. It is generally
surrounded by ice ou which animals are
likely to slip or receive injuries. The
younger animals suffer most because
they arc hooked or pushed by those
that are older and stronger. "During
very severe weather many farmers only
allow stock to havo access to water once
a day, and as a consequence they drink
so much that they suffer from the cold
produced by taking so large an amount
of water into the system at once.
If practicable; stock should be sup
plied during the winter with water
furnished by a spring, as it is generally
several degrees warmer than that drawn
from a well. The well should be cover
ed as should the troughs into which the
water is conveyed- The practice of
bringing water into barns and stables
has given excellent satisfaction where
ever it has been introduced. When it
is not practicable to convey water into
the buildincs where stock is kept, the
troughs for holding it should be under
sheds, and surrounded by a spacious
platform that can be kept free from ice
and snow. Youag stock should be al
lowed an opportunity to drink while the
animals that are liable to molest them
are out of their way. In severely cold
weather it is better to carry water in
backets to colts and calves than to allow
them to suffer the exposure necessary
to obtain it in an open yard. Unless
during storms of long- continuance ani
mals should have an opportunity to ob
tain water at least twice a day. If their
only food is dry hay, straw and corn
foddeflhej require considerable water
in order to digest their food properly.
Dairy cows mst be supplied with wa
ter at frequent times or they will fail to
five their usual amount of "milk Chi
tago Tmex.
The latest reportorial triumph is call
ing a revolver ball "a leaden creator of
Cwfil TkiW t Kw.
HorsEXKErxits arc often greatl?
troubled ami perplexed by mildew frorc
darap cIoku and from rat. By pet
tiog an eartbea bowl or dp plate ftdl
of quicklime into the cWt, lb hnw
will absorb the dampness and alK
sweeten and disisfrct the place. RaM,
aik aad may bor that are apt to cta
gregate In damp place have a dilii to
Dice. A often a the lime become
tlacked throw It on the cotapot heap If
in the country, or into the ah barrfi If
in the city.
i yjiixn 3iutiv- ut auu t.t i'-. ...- i . ;.. . i t
Often articles 01 valua tn poiioi
moved without ilclactng toe aruc5v.
But if they have lain long unnoticed
asd the rut has mule lt wav through
the surface, they mustbe taken to tome
manufactory where there b an cairrr
wheel ux-d for polishing, or orno jcwrl-
er will be able to unisu tnctn on as
good as new. IJul in the caw of knivc
and forks they will never be quit a;
.trong, becaUMi in removing the rut
thev muu be ground down before repol
iihfng, and will ottMjquently be thinner.
If your ooal tire U low, throw on a
tableipoontul of .alt acd it Hill hut it
very much. A little ginger put Into
sauNagc-meat iinprotjjs the flavor. In
icinr cake, dip the knife frequently in
to cold water. In boiling meal for r-mp,
use cold water to extract the juice?. It
the meat is wanted for itself alne,
plunge in boiling water at once. ou
can get a bottle or barrel of oil off any
carpet or woolen tuff by applying dry
buckwheat plentifully and faithfully
Never nut water to such a gre.v .jot
or liquid of any kind. Hroil teak with,
out .-.alting. "5 Sit draws the juice in
cookintf ; it b desirable u Vp the?1 In
if pos-iblc. Cook over a hot tire, turn-
ing frequently, scaring ou both iide.
I'lnccon a platter; salt nnd pepper to
taste. Href having a tendency to be tough j
can bo made ery palatable by Mewing
gently for two hour, pepper and salt,
taking out about a pint of the liquid
when half done, and letting tho rest boil I
into the meat. Hrown tho meat in the
jKit. After taking up, make a gravv ol
tho pint of liquid saved. A -mall piece
of charcoal in the pot with boiling cab
bage removes thcMucll.
Clean oilcloth with milk and water; a
brush and soap will ruin them. Tum
blers that have had milk in them chou'd
never be put in hot water. A spoonful
of stewed lomalois in the gravy of cither
roasted or fried meats is n improve
ments The skin of a boiled egg Is the
most efficacious remedy that can be ap
plied to a Iwil. Peel "it carefully, wet
and apply it to the part affected. It
will draw'off the nutter and relievo the
soreness in n few hours.
We sometimes hear it
said: That man's father wa n boot
black; or that lady's mother was a
washerwoman. '1 he !ncer, of course,
are directed against those, who are try
ing to make Mime figure in the world.
Would it not bu well for us all tu put
on tho robes of humility? 'Ihe an
cestry of the whole human
were only savages. The ances
tral beginning of every onu of us wis
hardly worth bragging about, ami what
is woItmj, we greatly fear, that our pos
terity a thousand uanj from now will
be heartily aJfamcd of u.I)r. i'votc's
UealUi Monthly for January.
A Sunday-i-chool Superintendent,
who was in the habit of using tho black
board after the most approved methods,
one day found the following on thu
blackboard. The caligraphy will havo
to be imagined : Fi.Kh .Mr." Sutkrik
Tkkest don't KiKKoFFSTorics. cvrY
Sunpav at Us boys wiTh an awFuI
ExAiupul of a bAii Boy in cAch ol
IV t"8 A KEST!
A number of the mining parties re
cently organized for developing tho cop
per region in JS'orthwct Texas, return
ing from Hig Wichita section, report
rich findings, the average digging being
over five hundred pound of ore daily
per man. The mineral is being shipped
to Chicago.
Tho wife of Dr. Charles E. Iif"u
of Anderson, I nd., while athcrfathl
residence for the holidays, was wnunS o
in the palm of the left hand by the jrade
tents of a tov pistol, with whfch a ll rU-
brother was amusing himself, and I
since died of lockjaw. t was
The ancients believed that emerge ifc
worn in a ring protected the wT
againt dysentery, epile?y and ,nLvi:n
tee!. Darticularlv knlrr-. are left damp P V.'' Ll.T ""TT & -Kr
M ' m ... - BVT BIT W1UUE lX WV W i WS t '" K f II fllJI
j or water b unfortuaxtrly itnllfd eixm ..- h.tnMir wMi t &i. tbrc.s
I . L- II .V.1- !. .C...-.! W.. .r tV, . . , n . lit !-!. .,? ' .. ,-.
! rustba catca. thtoogh the plaUng or a ifiwvexwy thti Out , I lt irn
11 ""r """.". . . ' . . Bn-iJ 11 to a orru"
nam icvcrs. -inu uccuu power uii
gem was supposed to be increaseif
engraving some astrological deif o it
-- IniG-
A Hay City (Mich ) philosoi; jqq
tried to stop a runaway horse by tipg
hold of a wheel of the carriage.
ho .topped revolving he wasn't any I
tnr lookinf than ho was before. buP'troy
knew more.
...... . JP
hornet sttni; ate nnioii tlic Lottcsl
1MM ia-3 l.llllr-i;il(lllll;l, U4hru 31JIT
knon. -V. U. J'icayune.
A rAsmoXAiii.E ladv uncictcillr.
without u servant, the uiulcrtoo!; to r
her litntun 1 a cup of cotf-u. but it tn
loin: lie asked wuatin the Halifax wa
matter the collcc. I don't know,'
said, bunting into tear; Tve boiled !
beans lor it lull hour, and tlicv ate no -Ol
now than they were when I trst put the
tli- ml -,C.ilr.i!,ln Vif. '
A xicn jonus man at a church fair rc. IrOH
Ir took tl.e place of a Tonn lady whfi
icl litis: fcijes at tenty-riTe cents apiece j r
doin: much toward rerIeiilhiu'' the clt
treasury and promoting rehcion and so tag Q$M
He said leap- car sanctioned the caanc-'f.ri
only customer lie had duritis; the cext 1 T
were two old tn!d, one with a wartoi Uty
nose, and the other false front, teeth. ioC
nice vouui: man thereupon raised the orl
his wares to ?1.000 per kiss. Some thins JpOn
be done belter loan
; belter than others but younchjp are
the parties to do lhem.Xvrrirfmlnuig
arc not
A SIilwackeb policeman has fallen he)
fOJ.uu i
A TOCXG lady who lately care a millini hnllo
ler tor a bonnet, raid: ''Yon muit Ac I iat
It piiin. hut still attractive and smart, aJLI sit
Id a conspicuous place in church."
No won deb a man bates to hare hU pic
ture taken. When he cets seated the photog
rapher tells him to look perfectly natural
is the fellow makes a desperate effort to
twist his face into its natural expression.
The effort c en orally results in an expression
like unto that of a madman trying to look
cross-eyed and plan a murder at the same
time, and when be sees the picture he thinks
that if it looks natural he must he too mor
tally homely to bare h s picture lyln g
around. And be doesn't submit to 'the
process aain in a hurry. Bo ton 2'otL
All the-year round Th earth.
"WnAT a merry sound the scrape of tha
snow-'hovel has upon thu morning air.
Especially If you are snnc Iu bed, and toae
bodT else' is doinc the shoTelinr.
WaHa Walla Watchman.
Wis Wards Ta Wtmmm
At the close of a buss Eeeting; aeeordinz
to the report of the aame-pebiished ia a La
Grange paper, reference was made to the
phenomenal efficacy of fit. Jacoos OQ la tat
many painful diseases to which mankind Is
subject. We refer to the abare aa showing
how strong a coll tae Old Germaa Remedy
for RheumaB has oa the, experieaca aad
good wiskei of tbefreat public.
"AeKrrsare aot ancels." says. Dr. ITep-a-srta.
fie aaeans land ajrents; of coarse
bsok ageats aad lIhtaiBg-rod agents are.
angels; tottim Cornier.
CDaaTtaeiliL) Keirs.
Joaw Stdx, Esq, , Qty Br.'wer, refcrriax to
Its Taloable aaaHtlea, said toaJTmi reprc
sentatrre: I bare used Si. Jacobs Ol in my
fatally aad recommend It to my acquaint
ances. It bat always Rirea tee beat satlsf ac
tiaa, aadk tral j a voaaarfal raawij.
A tistri. rt. &: rrmfJj. tl! rtrf
it Uii jmn. Mc TH&tr. kfctn ,
jrd is-3 esta. fUn KUt l
Tim&j. 4 iu rnirtew r Isrtax U4
fcr iiii i felt ttf-rm mt sJ rem!
m '
A TKe I7r v:44 u rtto an m
tt es. b C!Ctl.'.C l4 93 fe
lr to ttmns? It &i ?sl irtliisj
xemfctk!, Taws k4 U !. a w7
ii i
nrrao H 1 v all-l FtiVm
Srxilt 'WO l-Hc. T' m
Ult ulr8 vsd w tMuet
i iu niciu la tt wtt . ; y
& -mllx 1 ttuii C jjxrl'i TV t
', tTrw?SEL,i a iT
Ihsjut, Vilc'ja. IX C
k ;lce ;c-u ttr;u, o-l tr t-
Cxcm Df. bAteftt 16i tW4j, : T-
Tbe J tt the lraT AH rr rr
lBcre&lQ cv ctj vU.f, luo It 1 M '.xJ
at rcptrratfL
Rxnsixo V !! .4tvJj the tutter!
rcoctljr t jt IzniK clla, cat. bnilct. rte,
Or tat
in mi this
NI'rrrtSatrtlialj t JnM Oil .
tc.n.l ctr ll(r.lKJr. A UUlu.'i
kullh f;mi'!-,'' ' !' ef Ail'n, 'T
lUdAltu. unjdiox M LiXV.ltl.nL
llaUitiwrr, Xtt., U.S. A.
benifit. ggSJs
"Up Town SIot.""
I Of
Wire that will"
Pit WiM, Bull
Factory nj
Cfifi A WEEK Inyouro-srn town. Terms and
A DAT. Jletetomaitit. Sartklywfo
AG torn. CoK,YoxoACoSi.LonisJa
f C la fin perdaTathoase. Samples worth tS
tO II iZUfrf AftrMi3roaosa(&.PurJaat.Ka
C 70 A 'WEEK. tl2 a clay at borne easily raade.
J) I & CmUj oat tre. AddfS-rraa Co. aaMta. Um.
ACEVra VTAWTmZB tor t&- Bt asd rwne
StOLzx PVaorUI Bo tad Eaei. men r'tf'sces
Tercesu KtUanal rcUatssCo.. '- LwU. Ma.
T 0 Cfl A MOMTH ! AGtxn V
IB Far Cata rxnn wUfc r. ttait'i Xew
HIM I Kfotpl Bt. CKT'i-ettTtrarco-claf.
EjeuXC. Aiii-oCiaelMi'sCo..JokC3,0.
PHOIO CQPTI5C4lCE5rTS. Wewaataa Mta
Soi f r oar sr Cutjuf al . jrtee tti wB
slSjTm- AASrrR.Cr,aiirCoA2iBa.S.T.
ta ra wotW teTrr prtata
harxai Uu; la Afrt-r?
tasaSy tscrtmttex si- wtairi ertTTwVji! teat
B4creai- I vmse ttae tsA UrtSrcteae.
fcOTWXLlAVTSi.X-r. F.O.BoiaK.
nLrle zlfmf TTTb Tim eoa-
T9C50 1U5 OS OL.
..mmmtm,rmt-m i innniB. t.
WW 196
My inul Cotaiyjvt jaC taawdrBAttij 200 trntrta
aad &S08 ICaacratfaes: jcKw Se; i'nm ut riciiTar
8. : ATHAtiT M9niaraldt Iraiae
jamcaiB; or ia aatsn: sesa ibt nrcatar wo. v
W. X. EUXOCK. LoeasC SC 9t Loibs. 1
a . . z- . r w. . . --
Ii set let jotir c&Udmt crowspwnk; ast
wsrs I: iom ca iMuma K rnrn
TLWWW- mmmm
tBMmm "
Factory n J I
s-LmYsmm. '
ILft &i-YtJZ
XhEl. Uxii. kUWI. W JJ1tLM.l.lmB-
k. iVwaoslroeatasCKlu.
wuouuca go., a
Tim. rw ft tv iw rBBHHI
arf W Vk
I '
k! "
tliio S fc"r
, jin.irf)1; ::, " 'TLI
. iw jt m T-. - . i, . a... & mr i
. j , rr wfc - - r
. -' . ? V.". - fc . . .- l
m k rx- n
4wJ .V - "J
trfv. AMlll 4 tUl
niri ,v n vrf Mji4 &alr t nHMt
!riva Vrja tfnfiMn rV-t ft-h iJ--k
fcr liirMI to rt4 r W - lfc XH
best llHnnn.
rr Vj .4 tVAtu !iM
UllUiiit rf a tr h .
riC a x n B. rv uv
I rH .
Zi m? 1 mAf A
m4im..v Stml. lUAt
t rv v ,w w U tj lnU .e.
. ... W mymrrt taU? TntwM
l'iJt(J J T 'V -1 1 .
Y MmU aL I'Jt-.-tu U imJ m
iirriMAi i-ikL, v.ktor, la
of iMirnl .! o4rn I n.-. i ! 'e 4 KiMr, f
lt tUr a4 f . i f U Orrt r4 R ai tm, rr. tb
X w.Oi rrJ, th rc4l tr'OLtV rf r
mll-B, Ih dltrvtrtj b4 rU.l(Xl mt ti )
Wfl4. 1 rtr
Iirc' r,.07 CD !,!: rt-S -.-rtv'l to 114
lMr it, f lit. of, f ik W ' , rl vnWI.fcp.
Ifc.l fuf lH.Blr ,-tf" "1 I '' lM
JUJrrM AtlUALnillUlMI(. lit
Uts.a, Ma.
FOH tAtn UY j
R all full r lltonttitatn r-.IHJ tfmM trr. $
MinwMJot. IURNITTA CO., H.lUa.
Sterling" Music" "Books.
Ik 1 nvu: tch. fl St or rn V7.
ft"tKJ of iJltli'l fTT-urt.B. wht h h bcn a
a li rnrfi-r" kan a4 t!jit Jt rr.l?t.l
d.cUol xmrJ't.t'ii Xrofa Ue lt irt.rrt '"
liiiTioM.iKV or acrftie.ii. i.xron-
MATKI.V. LS rrj ca?foto;bakof r(rf
fiitovr.'i iic.Tio5Ar or Mtim
AMI Ml IC IA.5H. Vj. L .QT, A (rul
t.i is ex it amrrri miTior.
aifii A IifTKOt a-i av'oi w-rk
KintTcrw ivrs"rr.n.rtitXT. rnom.
mtjrrcx'i rvtivm. . ToctuuH
wvrkton Cem4iiia.
Tiik WCUOMKrHoma, r.). tar iti
&rnV7i.o4 0.0 HT.t.t. 3itrnt.,.t'T Cjo
Kciiont..BoaMbv In !! mtt of tr UmctHt la
Bonlpf new ho-k
joit.voT Jtnr MKTMOt roat nab
ACO.VT. UU Bf X, X.Jumttx. I asxcix for
fi.tropitclt an4 tSoroortn-o.
TRMIKKA3irn LIGHT fn cwltl. TK f
rKRAXCR .IKH'CM miti. s4 Hl'LL'1
TEMrCR.lXrK HtNlKrOonU), tn
ea-UirtlTopTooenKkj Tr ntstu
Xaj bonlt :&.. totMr". for mborivfltxtx.
LYON L HEALY, Ckicaft, Hi.
OUVER DITSM ft CO.. Itstti.
YmEiWm i
VA ,
Vrr llH i
Colniile Sao Iron.
The Literary Revolution
Tv att t-r yfrtml. rA irm
tmrmlmUen t U fntarr. U It tw mitw Ob mm tonntl t ll kru k mVu
mil wmm mmyinlm Otn. ,, .....
tw.M INw. Thm Brjrmh- "
m mum wtot. k Mm- iwiHri'ninv wjrw i -- i
mVmtT lt Vmfatmm 9t tmmjmrd TCfll, Umi IS B"lr U
rt fU cr!tl olkM jv aa L2Mrls3 uM. irfOimt U- U- w f Mrt etmvr Urne-m-
rr.... U.S. t.. ft trim hrflm. trm aot iuWIm. mtmi tMiurrt ij. tarW(Thw.lM
-Jl'-wvlUll, iMufiar itunifHrTtarrtrf
warUr "TVadaTof cbu aad - tank Wr. vrr
sv&aes nsrti um rw lor av - A
turtL.'-ff mm! t.
' tmmtl. iumUm. m
tw oaa to mnr
r nmirm Is wwiSn
Wf MWtTWtifllliMt
UwJu Ur Ua Bxrmtv UMt
mliwtl fsrtsoa vkirb Tvn r rptrmttr ttpauawrl4 InX
arairsj (s pTMHiwlaa 1r tXm jta A-wixl yi :f
Amazing Offer irrS
jvtr una. jrat wa wo t-i
HMunfawiri U rk
; (MUl ! Ktnrj
eaiT bvtfiliBiml Lhn9fc.
rsad." T3 a Sowtirm rAormttrr, TVlwliMfc.
Coatoo. "OtrpUWwTaaB7aaMrr at &. tnaVMWU
ml -mtiA U Is tfftrtii r.sT.iiimaaac4tsi-tOna.- t
tjtlzfm&mx ao w.m rrmm, ESasrrU. X X.
Tra r" jn Clt rntat Qrk nra)4 im ba mt fur ttm ShN A at, TS Vnrj ?jnav frti
-Wim rvsrlat nt tba SaC Lnadaa mmVUm ta a aiaaaat umi XOtT irbO . W. wa8 rm rtr.. t,
VJ. la taia rtTH B fr tun casa- a-l.
rij-T-iM Imamm rt " afffllV
iftti tn Urv irp.tstr tb at
Kit. I fT "m9
Iiarc Type.
4-laUUatavtipaa.Ja5rjB U OAll
" DjK-saaa
tj ..ZZT-TF . r!JtlL! g .
.Pl U aiaptaitoa ta ItanoU e rmJ
la tta awisaaCaaarfrr-s.ttaa
w man W,! iril. Ii
taafaifcGf Ifcat r
fUIlU Wy An-iraiaf. gasgvw rwtaa
Jaasarr UUT tlA.aat for & k ttmms. r
y l? ' tgy-
IT-ala rlnTaWI lis Sllaa ail la n ii.n i - n r-
aaim imwi nej say
ly wli jm hm
at eor. sad tha rva.
"I.""r" Thet Vnrf'Bdlaw''
ATM! aaarSlfcSah.a1Bau
ta pcmMft jcssBfo. i iMriai
CtlirnKXHim. : 3Mtis3la1sla,tXirYai
. t.
r p.s caSRssn. Aides a
'OVVBJMr.fV BkBf at4asM
.aXAaliaaaVJ ACTS WRICTLV at m
aVy AIOttl
j&r Ariia
sIaWW Si alCafli ua
VaBaT-r aakaawv fcy alw aww tiaaac aaaaa aajp
mmmmZl.mmW mW .H LWmmAwW SM 1 jLaaMaMVBS flLMM
MS ajSf PKTOa sWaj JlaJciWT
tBBBBBBaBaaaBa bf aamssav araaaaa aHBaaaaBBC aBaBaaawaii saaaa airaf spiiw ta
lILILIba.ftnrr FMCks & Ymmhw eat CMmm4 Oxyi-m.
m afafafa-wa-- saVjBBVTCrT flaBat AiHM MBBrtt rf Ml-VA JPsBptaWfc-Waf CVfWL
wit.t, i . a mirr
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IMTIIEIilM MjiUii kU .w ..ft..... I
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Urtto MI s-.l i . . - I HtAUKkT
TO, rtAfcA. Kttt UJ. , VJ
tin. cash Pni' n itt 'r w-v. a
wUHfi'h'tv''- t r .
.iIho .ttM ma rt'ttla. it
KtmtrrikTTir.i Min,M.o(..'f -Vf
iu w-v a mut.H oi. tt BAr
ono 4.1 i trv u it co.wtT ori- .
txn .v it ti rtt.rrt i atau vrK i t
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xuitr visuus,
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. ljmfmmmtor)TimMt.ttinirm.
mlmmarmttmi4-rmmmfr!tnlUmT 4tSr
mmrf Vwutf, ttawiwwi, Jmtt. O.Tn
Vmilmm.ini. mr la Ki-i0, X
tr lite rut flo B ti,tU rm. u
1W m tmr mmr
r mimi-i. tMrm
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rr'Akw trn t Aati Tm
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3fttfm. tt)mtmnnntf,mjmfif
arm ATnts wtroo?x rstrrt-.
WfLW, HlOUKfrvfl A ro. rty'.
f"13warf rn.?mM i TttlT, rt
Mjr a t , 24
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plrmmm MM" T " mttrrUmrit In
istto pmpr. JLr TtU-i Kh ti Iwm
whra Mini bf Utr lrVlMt
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mvwtijmm . rf
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" - r , . -jtw "mtv " "ft fv a
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k . skilatvu tm-t
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mvmr TJ
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.imf.Am t A... . 1..
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L9 W mnfm '" Tlwaaax. -. HhwVof
ue Mac tttSd. ( as "4 fcwia.r4 U 3M 1
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arnmni.lKf ICaai'lt nMM).VnI9
w JTf f , Majffsyy. A Hit TIC JIM
naaVrmfan n Saa SMUf tJ rjtti
ttJ 'rr tfaS.
nrmtx HOafMIff 1 ft mrw
WV r Vsrtaaw mart as
wtini rfrr r wa rrft
niw a.a jat f
linim acrt.
t t TW t
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aaV ,iSaaaa. yM0
otaam aa.l ar- ;
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---- - .. 1!. lr iillY
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U- IMS I tray &
Jair ay srrraaC n
aaaa!j3aKaTgajlaaVrSeJaT" JC u t-
i paa aai jaa rasaaaw ' agaviaiaiaiy .aaswaa av "riutl Wm
wsaas i'lantiiyf u r hi
rrcCTCO KlaaJaiCAsfLat c
llOi aMMaVatfaataab.
Was. Waaaa aa..
VMS SY Ja. 0 3a J.
Z(as. Sbftw f
r.t tit f . wi
caoaaf ifaam aaaar s
at BW3T
Ma tn(ataBiawa SaSatat
Hi w a dbwe to fttim'i i
mf rnar.
artaa-aS asstv nr f taaa saw
Tmfwa. a fit
3s !