f V 'S '""'l"tt J. 8VERLEES, DKAMX IX Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars &cTy &c. TVe keep un hand find a line or srocrriw and tobacooR u can bo found tn the sailer A fcood It run in connection with the More, where a . lupiily of froh Lretd and pies are always kept on hand. , FRESH OYSTERS Our facilities for handlirj: Vn claw of amm!. arc the bert in town. Oire me a call, at lfoaher'i uld atand. ........ ,.. .7 .0 hKLLL.. .ttD CLOUD. NEBRASKA Flour & Feed STORE, CHAS. E. PUTNAM, Prop. DEALER IN FLOTTR- FEED Corn. Meal. Uran Chorpod Feed and GROCERIES, Vir.it tho Hed Hoiid Grocery. Feed and Pro Tiion store her. jou Mf.ini.hUplie lor man or bc.it. . . , . !lis;hct-ioarkct pnre in cash patp for Kpun All kinds uiVi.unlrr pioduee taken m cxcliaw-o Jur it'H.J. ioJi dcltverid to all i-.trts of town rci 'A clinrru. jt.tre tnuib I KccJ $ 1 lo r.iciry. red Cloud, Nebraska. DR. SHEEER, Proprietor of the City Drug Store. AKD DEALEtt I! Drugs? Medicines. Paints- Oiis and Varnishes, A full aupph of LAMrS, LAMP SHADE?, WICKS, COMBSBKL'SHKSivC. Patronage solicited and thanlgfully received. jB5"Trccriitiuns carefully ctitui'ouutcrCi One door south of Carber's r-tore, RED CLOUD, NEB. Moon Callander, ) DEALERS IN( General Merchandise, Dry - Goods, Groceries, - Scots & Shoes, HATS AND CAPS. Drugs, MediciiicN, Oils Tarnishes, Paints :tc. GLASSWARE, QUEEXSWA HE, HARDWARE & HARNESS ' ETC., ETC.. ETC. A iiil line of everything kept in :i gen cml store, at tho lowest cash wuces. Ite-ptvlfully, Moon & Callender. BOWLES. - NKBUASKA E. L. TINKER. .. (Saeccssor to 7 . A. Drown.)1 ' DEALER IN Parlor, Bedroom AXD KITCIIEX FURNITURE i Brackets, Chromos, Picture Frames, Mattresses, Etc CffnnF nlwaya on hand and trimmed on sfc'iirt notice. I'rice as towns any in the alley. Repairing of all kind done promp'ly ana S&tijfaciory- Burial Robes furnished at reasonable rates. UTTD CLOUD, . - - NEB. Harness Shop, BY J. L. MILLER, Keeps constantly on hand a fall Line of HARNESS, COLLARS, SADDLES, JIOBSE-BLANKETS, WHIPS,. COMBS, BRUSHES, HARNESS OIL,- And everything usually Icept in a first class r-llOp. .'- -bwovDoors xoirrn or the bank. TaeEigtet Cash Pri Paid for Hides and Fcrs. 0 COME For Your LUMBER. J)RXLVMBER A SPECIALTY. .'TBS BJ?'T 15 TBEK-5AttS? .' t ? S11 nt lowest I'l-ice , - U i s$g mm :"' te& t, sum! mm , i& 'RSDGgOHJJ HZ 4; THE CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS. R. V- R- R- Time Table. Taking effect Sunday. Oct. 17. I8S0. Eattward rarcBcerIejr. irrirr(.. Freiiht learc . ti 0 a. ra. ..-" p. m. . .-5 ito g. m. - " mfrt. .- Westward j4ccom- leave 9:40 a.m. arrire..5 vQ p. m. EASTEU5 DIVISION. Earl ward Aeeem. lenre - CO a. m. M arrfres 6rp.m. Train daily txrtpt Sunday. I. TT. H Lnrir. A. K. TncrAtnr. Superintendent. Gent Manager. (Jot ready for court. More "beautiful .now." Miner Bros, sell Superior flour. Uoby has plenty of Keroine oil. The ciretii- senson comctli or apace. Our correspondents are evidently all dead. Live hogs art woith 4.2u in this market. A. S. Marh k-IIs Red Cloud Mills. patent Hour. RobyV .-Ure is head-quart er.s for Gilt Edged flutter. Dr. H. A. Ifctird, the dentist, will erect a dwellini; house in tbe .jn-in. liny your fruit trees from the Crete nurerics A. Kaley ij agent at this plan. 'lw Dr. Kendall's ''horfe books" for sale at the Chief ofliee at 25 cents apiece. For pure cursedness this winter sur passes anything of the kind avc have ever experienced. The present winter has been an ex ceptionally good one to cause henri to lay around dead. Guide Rock will build a ferry boat to take the place f their bridge, "re cently deceased." Lost: A printer's gold "stick.'' Tift fmder will be rewarded by leaving it at the Cheif ofliee. We are indebted to the daily State Journal for digest of laws published on firt page of thi paper. Next summer if we have any mhii mcT will undoubtedly be a prosper ous one for the farmers. Lost: A gold sleeve button. The fmder will be rewarded by leaving it at Span ogle tt Funk's oilice. An exchange says that the weather i beautiful overhead, but that don't do us any good, few of u-s go that way. For cough and cold take Dr. Mar shall's Lung Syrup. It. has cured thousand.-. KcJcommcnd it to your friend and neighbor. Price only 25 and 5l) cents. Turn out and witness "Among the Breakers." at the court house this (Thursday) evening. It will be a treat well worth the price of admission. Last Saturday was a dull day for our merchants compared with previous Saturdays. It is needless to say that there was no trade from the south side of the river. Snow is reported to be from three to six feet deep on the level in Wisconsin. Numerous farm houses -and railroad train's are said to be entirely covered up in the drift--. "A friend in need, is a friend indeed." Such a friend is Dr. Mar shall's Lung Syrup for coughs and, cold-', etc It imlv cots 25 and 50 cent's a bottle, add mav save manv a dector bill. Sold bv all druggist. As a business manager of a theatri cal troupe Mr. G. W. Houghton would command a princely salary. His abil ity and peculiar fitness for sueh a posi tion would insure success. If you want to sell your farm adver tise in the Chief, and if you want to buy a farm or town property, call on or address the Chief ofliee, wc know of those who want to sell. We understand that some of the en terprising farmers on the south side of the river have rescued a portion of the bridge from the surging waters of the turbirtcnt Republican and are utilizing it in the construction of cow sheds. Nebraska Grown fruit trees are the safest to buy, as they are more sure to live and thrive than those shipped in from other states, A. Kaley is the local agent for the Crete nurseries, and can be found at Miller &, Ball's office, Red Cloud. 2w According to the new postal regula tions all bills, statements and other printed matter containing any writing whatever, will be charged three cents per half ounce instead of one cent its formerly, and each sealed drop letter will have to be paid with a two cent stamp. The River-dale diary from which jRed Cloud received its supply of milk is unfortunately located south of the river, and the-washing out of tho bridge cut off the supply of the lecteal fluid, which caused much grumbling un til Mr. Montgomery took" pity on the people and generously supplied their wants. A postal card was received at this office last week from Eld. Theo. John- sctv which conveys the inlormation 'that he is at Greenwood. Neb . holdine- ar meeting. He says that he is glad to be able to say that the fsctioir- in- the Lost Creek congregation has been ad justed, and that he takes pleasure in reccommending Eld. Jas. Young to the confidence of his brethren and all the- citizeas with whom he may be "called to :yoeKtteu The In.-walc bridgo has not gone out but for all the good it is to the people of the county, if we aro to believe what is. said by persoas living: near it, i& might as well be in thor Gnifof Mex ico. When the river rises they cannot get near Uie bridge for the water and ihen lb? rivrr i low the fovd answers I;voiy pmpoift. lhen h tax-rmueu "people vote $7,K)0tobuild a bridge on , a cow path where Jravcl never goes, .'.they must be a "JitUo.oiL" Remember Perking L Mitchell' Superlative Flour. The mail from Salem, Kan., comes by way of RiverUm now. Perkins fc Mitchell sell a Superlative. Flour made in Fairmont. Don't forget "Among the Breakers," Thursday night at the court hottso. It Is about time the land ofliee at Bbomington would open fur busi ness. Some people look for the river to be higher than ever nhon the final thaw out comes. Squire Hawley says that he can't stand it any longer, and f cut for his wife last week. Every body who has used it is Wag ing on that Fairmont Flour fold by Perkins 0 Mitch II, oay. We understand that an effort fs be ing made to induce Rev. J. M. Pryse to return to Red Cloud. The Rev. Geo. O. Yei-er, will preach next Sabbath morning ajid evening in the Congregational Church. The farmers in the vicinity of Gowk will receive a car load of seed wheat at thst place, wc are told. Remember that Perkins & Mitchell have a general assortment of new garden and field reeds, both in bulk anil package. Call and see. The net receipts of the B. fc M. Com pany will not pay running expenses this winter. They have had a fear ful time with the snow and water. A great many miles of the B. &. M. track on the Republican river bottoms was under water last week, which played the deuce with the running of trains. Perkins tt Mitchell arc just receiv ing a large a ortinent of genuine good Boots and Shoo- particularly for sum mer wear, which they will warrant and sell at very low figures. Some of the farmers tell us that corn husking and seeding time will come at once with them this spring (if wc have any spring,) the corn having been snowed under in the fields all winter. The "soulless corporation" that stretches its iron arms across this state has had a serious time the present winter with the drifts and the high water, but are confident that the worst is over. Go to Robv's for Big Gun, Lorillards R. R. and ("old Rod. Red Roe, Nobby, Horse-shoe, Corn Cob, and New Fruit plug Charm, Fine-cut and Durham, and Poy, K. K., O. S. and Chubby smoking tobacco. Mr. D. G. Walker, a practical boat builder, secured the contract for build the ferry-boat. It will be operated on the mill dam, where low water will not interfere with crossing at any sea son of the year. The most beautiful snow fall of the winter occurred bust Sunday evening and Monday morning, there was no wind and it remained where it fell, covering everything with a nice even sheet of pure white. That great and (perhaps) good man, Henry Ward Beechcr says that "the man who complains the mo-st against the newspaper wants the mot to have his name mentioned in it, and would consent to be bombarded for a week to gain that end. All who are owing tis arc respect fully rerpiestcd to come in and pay a part or all of the amount; not that we need money ourself, we have no c for it, but then our creditors would love us more if our delinquents would make it possible for us to pay up Commissioner Stevenson called at this office last Tuesday in company with Mr, Poppe of Crete, who has come out for the purpose of erecting a cheese factor at Inavale. Work will be commenced with the opening of spring. This will be quite a boom for Inavale, and a good thing for the county. Mr,E. L. Grubb, of GuidRock, dropped into our office last Monday to say that he had just returned from the eastern part of the state, where him self and Mr. Allen have purchased two or three car loads of seed wheat which will arrive in a few days. It will be dis tributed to farmers tributary to Guide Rock. Is it possible that the little towns of Guide Rock and Cowles have more "get up" than Red Cloud, the metrop olis of the valley. Each of those little towns have secured, or about to secure a car load or more of wheat for the farmers, in their immediate vicinity. Red Cloud has, however, done its share of talking about the matter. In vew of the fact that the old rattle trap bridge that has totteringly span ned the river at this point "for a few years has departed this life very sud denly though not unexpectedly, the question naturally arrises, what will be done; when will we have another bridge ? The Chief" has witnessed the erection and the collapse of two "phantom" bridges across the river at this-place, built upon poles stuck in thesnaid, and it will, even with its hist breath, oppose the squandering of any more of the people's money in like project-- to be swept away by the first freshet that comes along. If the coun ty cannot afford to build a good bridge, one tha will stand, it would be far better to build none at all. The peo-ple-of this cotmty, if we mistake nbt, have no' mortj- money- to throw awav. Thc-swecnincr tide of rrneritr is- shown by the immense increase- of uusuiess m inc raicnc timce-, uenerat Land Office,. Pension Office, and other Departments of the Gorenment. Patent cases, Pension claims, Con tested Laud entries, or other business placed in the hands of Prcsbrev A: Green, Attorneys. 529 7th St.. Wash ington D.C., will have immediate at tention. EaclosQ-starnp for information. TSZTLWD. The prtnrcrbial "oldest inhabitant" never witnessed uch a rise in the Republican river a wai experienced lt week. The ice gorge cnttp.d the river to overflow iu bank and the damng to property along ite course in this state lias iMX'ti great- Every bridge acrona the river from it head maters down to Kiverton luw been washed away, and the Red Cloud, Guide Rock and Superior bridges met same fate. It was reported that a great numler of cattle had been drowned on the river bottoms alove here, Init wc have lccn unable to learn anything definite in regard to the mailer. No lives, we believe, have been lost, though many families living on tle low bottoms near the river wn cotnelled to move out, many families beating a h.itr retreat in the night toanve themoelvcs from a watery grave, l icing forced to leave all their effect: to the mcrcv of the flood. Though many private individuals lost considerable property by the tlood the greatest lo-s occasioned by the high witter U the bridges that ipnnncd the river. The lovs to this county on bridges alone will amount to tbou aaudit of dollars. Fears were entertained that Potter it Frisbie's mill would wash away, but fortunately it withstood the racket and ii now con-idered out of danger. The I(Ht to the business men of Red Cloud by the washing away of the bridge at thi point is very great, as it had the efl'ect of cutting off the entire south river trade. The business men of this place however, have proved themselves equal to the emergency, and will have a ferry loat in operation in a few days, or tv soon as the condi tion of the river will admit of crossing, which will in a measure supply the place of the bridge. The lo-s of our bridges i a serious calamity to tins county, as owing to its present financial embarrassments, they will probably not be replaced for some time. TSS HTE&AE7 BEVOLVTION. Chug of Btfte. This very remarkable enterprise continues to make such progress as to astonish its friend- and astound ib enemies. Its greatly increasing pro portions have compelled the removal of its head-quarters from the Tribune Building to the very large and beau tiful building, No 74G Broadway, which is in the very midst of the "look dis trict" of New York City, and, therefore of the puplishing enterprise of tho na tion. This building though six storits in height 25 feet front and lOi) feet deep, is xntlicient only for the offices and retail store of the Company. The manufacturing is carried on in several large buildings located in other parts of tho city, though it is contemplated concentrating them soon in one im mense factory to be erected. Their, list of recent and early forth coming publications arc extremely interesting to all who enjoy what is choicest in literature. The Library Magazine is inique in both form and character and altogether delightful in the richness of its content-. Of the books announced, Green's larger "History of the English People," re duced from $10 to $1; Carlyle's "Histo ry of the Ereneh Revolotion," reduced to 40 cents ; Carlyle's "Heroes and Hero Worship," 25 cents, and the "Revised New Testament," which is manufactured with rapidity heretofore unheard of, will attract special atten tion. It is worth while for every one who has not already seen it, to send and get the illustrated phamphlet. "Book making, and Type Setting by Steam," which will be sent free upon application. Address, the American Book Exchange, 764 Broadway, New York. Be it enacted by the Lajiilature of the State of-Sebrazka: Skctiox. 1. All persons arc prohib ited from treating or giving away any liquor, beer, wine or intoxicating bev erage whatever, purchased and to be drank in any saloon, or other public place where such liquors or beverages arc kept for sale. Sec. 2. Any person treating or off ering to treat any other person, or ac cepting, or offering to accept any treat or gift of any intoxicating drink what ever in any saloon or publice place where such liquors are kept for sale, shall be deemed guilty of a misde meanor, and shall upon conviction thereof be subject to a fine of ten dollars, or imprisonment in the com mon jail of the county for ten days, or both, at the discretion of the court; and in addition thereto shall pay into said court the sum of fifteen dollars, to be paid the attorney prosecuting the case if there be one; and if no attorney prosecutes, then to be paid in the school fund of the county in addition to the fine. T5SCASZNXT. Washington, March 5. President Garfield sent to the senate the follow ing nominations: J. G. Blaine, of Maine, to be secretary of state; Wm. Windom, Minnesota, secretary of the trcausry; Wayne McVeagh, Pensylva nia, attorney-general; Thomas L. James, New York, postmaster general; Samuel J. Kirkwood, Iowa, secretary of the interior; Robert T. Lincoln, Illinois, secretary of war; Wm. H. Hutit, secretary of the nary. The senate in executive session confirmed all the cabinet nominations and ad' journed until Monday. Every woman who has experience in- bread making knows some thing of the difficulty in always getting the lcst results during the" winter seasou when the "yeast gets chilled" and the dough won't workjuftr right- The best thing you- can- do- under such cir cumstances is to- buy your bread of Lauterbach-who uses only Red Cloud Patent jtovr.-C. E. Putnam sells it- Saloon kecj-r realize 1clUjr than any one dc the paralyunx influence that tlr abolishing of the American utom of treating will have upon their btftincx. Moat men who go to -aToon to ejet n drink would not ndi for more than one, and. if thev could do .o uithnct violating the o-cal!cd courtev of M-' loons would lake a drink, par for it. , , . M. . , . ' - " and pa about their bunne. There I are, however, alay a crowd of pco- ! tilx t.tu-utl a.lin. 1....... ..,. .4.1 i ..v .."v.n h.aiii- niivdiv Jlti Ur.lU- beat-"but are WK-I...ble frlln ,,.. , , , , ' quamtancw, and always ready to tnke . a drink. The man whogt-M up to the bar very naturally raks the crowd to ,trll- T.. a -...i r. .: ! . -.vkr. -la 11 Z -Lfi flll 1 drinlcs are taken. After n few mo- " T I menu of converaation, another pernm, j cent. vld by nil Ntw-denb r. U .ishingloreciforate thecourtt-v,teir niit by po.ul order to .MINN A CO. tlio l.-srV-.wiM.r i,,",,.! ,.,,, n .".-; Pubh-hen. 37 Park Row, ' Ywrk me oarkeper io jet em up again. . rtviv t . i v -., . .. ., , ' . PAihNTX In ootincctH'ii wth the This continues until the treat Iwj.,,,, American, Mn Mia gone around and instead of one drink S Co are Solicitor t" American, and twenty-five or thirty have Ix'en taken, i All tin is the result of the alurd idea, which h practiced nowhere ele in the world except in America, that it b hoggih for a man to take a darnk without a-king up the crowd. To preserve thin custom without violating the law, aloon-kcepers are proposing to i-uc cheek which thev f will sell by the dozen or dollar' worth i , ... i and will expect each cti.tomer to c:tr-1 ry a supply in hi pocket anl pwldle them out to his friend who will then, ! each one seperatelv, walk up to the' , i . i i - , bar and take hi wi.skey, paying for it with a check. This style may serve to evade the law to some extent, but it will probab ly be too hmiliating to mot people to accept donation. of fifteen cents in money or its equivalent in the shape of whiskey-check, and oceaionally, too, a man would over-step the mark and find himself held up for $25. The enforcement of the law will de crease the receipts of many whikev counters at least one-half. And manv men who now go home every night in a very mellow mood, simply through the influence of good fellowship and treating, will astonish themselves and their friends by retiring while they are comparatively sober. Lincoln Ulobe. Pkteiwon's Macazin'K for April, just received, is an unusually brilliant number, especially in its engravings. In addition to a beautiful steel-plate, "In the Balcony," illustrating a tale by Frank Lee Benedict, it has a charm ing little love story, by Ell.i Hodman Chuvch, with numerous engravings. There is also a very able article, on the late George Eliot, the novelist, with illustrations. The powerful nov elet, "The Twelve Great Diamonds," by Mrs. Jane G. Austin, is completed in this number; and will be followed, we see, in the next, by "Held for Kan "diii," by Sidney Trevor, said to be even more thrilling. There are two colored patterns; a colored steel fashion-plate; and nearly half a hundred other illustrations. Unquestionably thh is the bci ami cheapest of the Uidyn book, and ought to be taken bv even- familv in the land. Terms are but two dol lars a year, with great deductions to clubs, and handsome premiums to the person getting up the club. It i nerer too late to mbfcritte. Back numbers, to January inclusive, can always be sup plied, if wished. Specimens are sent gratis, if written for, to persons wish ing to get up clubs. Addrc-s, Ciias. J. Pktkrson, 300 Chesnut Street Phila delphia. MONEY TO LOAN! Money to prove un with on final re ceipt, or on deeded land at 8 per cent., and 1-G2 per cent, commission or at straight It) per cent, no commission. J NO. It. WiLIjCOX. Office next door to Chief office. 30tf OEOWK! Not the Crown of Kings, nor the Crown of Glory, but the Crawn Sewing Machine, the latest and best machines in the market, it will pay you to call at the Post-Office and sec it lefore you purchase! For Sale by M. B. McNitt. Forest and Timber Trees. I will furnish trees in any quantity to suit purchasers. I have Box-Elder and Soft Maple at low figures. I will sell Cottonwood seedlings at $1 00 per 1000 delivered at Red Cloud. Neb. 3w. C. 31. Barkltt , Fruit Trees. I will make a delivery of Fruit trees, this spring at Red Cloud, and will make it to the interest of all who wish anything in the nursery line to buy of me. C. M. Barrett. Xo apples superior to those sold by Putnam splendcd for eating or cook ing Bottom figures given. The famous Havana Cherootc can be had at Ruby's, 5 for 10 cts. Roby has just received 500 lb, more of those nice Sugar Cured hams. A Farm to Rent! Of 150 acres, with good stone house 16x28, one story high. Most of the land is in a good state of cultivation. Also one brood marc for sale on time. Apply to D. S. IlELVEKy, Seven miles south-west of Red Cloud, Nebraska. 19-m3 OSAGE ORANGE SEED. Mitchell & Morhart have for sale a supply of osage meed at a vry rea.oua ble price. Those who esutemplate crowing a hedge should) give them a calL 26tf A fresh supply of "White ICoee" Atchison winter wheat floor, at Put-uam's. 'iAr Release of Mortgage. rAMiisC' rqbto u . - WuZ, L Agrecn-cnt for Warranty Deed,, li.r" $& UitLlZ . - -.Wwi-j complaint to wwrp u.c i eat, i . iliiw KrAjSt-3rt Z lJlr-,-r Notaries Public- I j'gt?"! M THE BEST PAPER! TRY ITi BEAUTIFULLY ILLLVrUATKD. XtiYEAS. THE SCIENTIFIC AMKUICA.V. The S nvrt tk Amkkic i j a Firt n.. WL1 NetubT at j.Hpmi l'"- pnntil in nio-t Uxttitind tyl. im'a-w-v M iofitf J mjM, repreenuns the iictnv; im o ,,. ,,. il,- mA.t ,..! a.K-l.. , th Art and Svciictr Nn ami Modi- ! I'nvrt-. -fta-tt i-rsotv. rt Viltin) - " " "fyw -,-,-.-, ..... , "i-lr. '!W, A-Uwuomj. The, mtrt 2uuable practical icr, lv clIMnent writer, in all dcpartim!. V Science, idl be found m the Numitific American. Icriuefaai lKr er. 51 CO hahi 1 t . ..- V Ft It lit IltilMH. t f -m la counts to orent. Sintcw- fifun, ten Foreign Patent, have luul &vnr v j jH-nciu e, ami nmv lmc the lrv-t e- , talhlnuent in Ihe nond latent are , ohtuttH-d u the lvt term A -jovial notice t made in the ScirtitiriV Auten- i can of all I mention patenUtl thrvush tin nguticy, vith the name ami rui dence of the Patentee By the mi- - mcne circulatiuti thti gnen. miWci attention i direetei to the tm-riu tf i 'be new patent, and wile or ititriKiiu- l,, vUv'1 wto-,.v l , I .nv ie-oii wim oh uiaoe a new lH,C4lvl.ry or invention, can a-rertatn. - of chanr. whether n (tnteiit can probably ! obtained, b writing to v!UN'Y (V' )V H,; ";'.ml fa'V Mr Hand Bx)k about the Patent I-uw. Patent. Caeat. Trade-Murk, theif eots, and bow procurela with hints for procuring advance- on imeution ' Addn fir th Paper, or conconiiug km!: k CO.. 37 Park Sew, :;ev Tcri. Bnmeh Ollire, cor F A-7th St- tth ington, I. C KOriCZ TO ?ASTISS HA7II!Q BC3ZD WZLL3. Notice i herebv given to all ierons having bored well, to call on W W Hove, at Judge Wilcox old otlice. oilice. first door north of the Ciia: r,,ul fvute- for the right to uuthcnm The under.-igned i the patantee of the well auger and extenible nxl, and no other peron ha the right to ue them All persons using lKrcd well will be requited to pay $5 in cash or gie a note for id due in sit mouth from date, to draw iuterer-t at the rate of ten per cent. Owners of well auger are also noti fied to call at the same place to make arrangement?, for the future use of the same, Hed Cloud Jan. IS. 'hi. Nathaniel C. Ci-auk. patantee. Mr. N. C, Clark, the patantee, was the first man to conceive the idea of the well-boring machine with the ex lenible hmI, the advantage of whn.li can be seen at a glance, a it Iuh eti.i hled persons settling in this and other wetern States to obtain an inexhaiM able supply of water at a small percent of what it cot to get the same m the settling of Illinois and Iowa, and it i now conceded to be the only practical way to get water here. The roalt that be charges, he eoiiiders to be verv rea-onable. as the rovaltv upon tho Drive well i. and has been, from $10.00 to $1...(X) per well, therefore he consider tliat he i justly entitled to the amount charged. "Jltf If you want to incrcae the qii.nutity and quality of milk, feed your cow ground feed. Putnam will .end it to vou. New Barber Shop, SOAH VI'JIHY, I'm,rittr. HEDCLOL'D, - NEHUASKA. The public is cordially invited to call and get a Clean Shaxe, Shampoo or HAIB CUT in the highest stvle of the art. Shop at Joe Carr's Billiard Hall, Hed Cloud. CHATrLE MOTGAGE SALE. Where default h j been m4e in the pr raeat uf the uia lu in a ceruin chttlnnort- fare.riated on the ICth iny of OctflW A. It. . unit dnly file." in tho office of th county clerk of "Tebrtercoun-r Nbrak on the l"'lh dy of Octu&er !. executed by Jnrih W. ffoore nnd HercilU Moore tot-. II. Cotter, to ecare the faytn-snt of one haodre-t and iixty eicht t$ltS) dcllr nnd interet upon wbirh there is now due the suta of one hundred and ninty one dollars and ntnty cent. ij!9l'.'0.i I will ell at publi; auction in front of wy ofliee on Webtcr Uet Ked Clou! WeUter county Nebraska on the IS h lUy of Jfareb A. D. I'M!. t 10 o'clock a. la- the property dej-nkl therein: ir: One jrrey taarc. ne drx brown h..re. Ouoietoj double harnew. One twu CJted W4(on. a II. Pottk. Mort-acr. By W. C. Kiilt. hb AU'y. 'it S. :;otics to zzzzzzzs. Ncticei hereby (riTen.'al I will exatcict all iron who rmy de-r to cCer tbeiBle candidates ir leachei of the j-ruuary or common ehool of W tb.tr county, at Hed -!ii on tie firt Saturday in the :o ntbi ot I ebrciry. iUr Ancut aad Nuremberg At h'ue Hill on the 6rt Saturday tn tb wotiiht ol --iury. April. July and tMobar. At tiuile '.loci or. Ihe Ciri t aturdJy in tbe raontfti ol March. June, aerteinbrt and PccetaUr. Examination tcom-cene at 5o iloek a.m. A. A. Ton. Coaaly Superintcndcni oi Public Imtractioa Ccsgh, Cell cr Zszi Thxzii sail be stopped. Net't freqaeatly rtioltx in n tqcurtbl- I un Dije or Camaiaptioa. rfr.wn Kronehial TrotSe" r ceruia t" fire 'elnn A'tbmi. nronebith. Ooxb. Catarrh, ronuntptire and Throat Iie-". '"t thirty ran the Troches have been recmn.ncdel by phyMci-3. and alay tire perfect tjtitfirtctn. thiy are not new or nitriH but bariar been tr.l by wiJo and conuni ute fornearly n 'Ulire ecntratius. they hare atUoe-l well entetrank amnccthe few tsHe retueJie ol he as. I'ublie peaketi 9"d 5incer oe thern o cler arfl tren:tben th Voice. Held a: ajcnly fire cent a hot Terywherc. Blanks! Blanks!! A full line of State Journal Co's Blanks (the standard blanks of the state) are always kept for sale at the Chief office, and at the wmc price that thev are M)ld at in Lincoln and Omaha." The following is a partial liat of blanks on band: Warranty Deeds, Mortgage Deed, Chattle Mortgage, Search Warrant. Mechanic Lcin, ' Tower of Attorney, Bilk of Sale, Quit Chum Deed. Summons (original), Sumruoiw (copy). Appeal Undertakinc, Execution, Order of Attachment. Affidavit of Vendor or Lessor, Assignment of Mortgage, Precipe, Subpoena?, Notice of Conj-tablc Sale, Blank Receipt, Blank Notes The Proof of the Puddingis Inthe Eating." ou have on I v to call Oil US afltl WC VXH CUM- I t T, ,,,;, , rti, ,l,f w ! ' COIl IIlCC yOU UlUl t 'Ill ! UU ttl HARDWARE A little HHLOW the so-called "Bed rock pri- rj'j" HClVCrtlSC(l l)V OtuCT irrn: Besley & Perkins. MwlcJ-nif t O H 0) V) sti I . CO 5 o s. ' ! u "If W r V C O zi O V JuT" r&0 rw , "?' nf """'. iHfitfK rs .. ( nm ' . ' -T.2S - Jr . iAi- 5- . .--wi GUIDK to SUCCF.SS WITH- - FOh phiims iik Uiiiriy AND StM'IKTY I by fer the l.et Iluinef end ."eil '.'wide and Hfin-I-Hook err pubHhe. Much tbe 'alert. It tebolh mim euinpUteiy b'iw tdiery thliiff in trie bet way. Ilnw to t Vonr ln I.twyer. How t, d' Hatn CVrrelly and i.eeefolly Mow t t In Swetr and 1t eirery part of lf. and entin cW win" -f rarieil inform aiti.n in hri en-Ue t all el f.jr coniant rtferenee Aent W'an-e.1 r all 'or pare time r kno why tbl rxiek f re l value d atlravUon eU b -tlee thn aar lhr apply fr term, to II. U HCAM.MI'OL A H . 7 .3i M Mnl : LA i I - tn a u : i - m &H w 5. 0 W Nc CO FINE CARRIAGES AND ROAD WAGONS or USTi:rTOR.JM: EXCELLENCE, Xaigjla t mTlmx I 'Wn.x-xrnxxtiycM. I 8A7S jzzt Z3XZJ, vxitt fsr Citilsrsa ir.i r-2ICS HUT o JUao SOLK Vaaafacturrre et Vb cliUdtd Iortf BuCtaoiru- or KJ22AT WiSr.f. The THIS HXW AND CORRECT MAP rroree tycwi tn j TiozzbUi tjzfjtHua lht ti5 CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN R'Y Is hy sU o-lU tbc 1-Tit rorul fcr jroa U tale xfcn trat' z ? 'i Vr ttcVo k-iwwn Chicago and all of the Prindpa! PeiaU in U Wcsf, Worth x-d Henfawest. -jtTrfanyemnthfafap. -The rrladrv! en UiU rtxvl. I j IJyouh lain Riake tloe-s JlniKeeVU yjlmk THE CHICAGO NOTH - fjnf jf wfcrtpsj Ka.r8BJ sdi nr faly fr- t9 u la.urt, v. v W1JMAN MOTITL. HXKTKn .-o Tf t f i An f v m J tli n.jN ;Hsa rati ?Kcto jcjitii PEARCES lantern; rAitoo Broadcast Seed-Sower. "t3 .. & tftur Ontln Grs th Ilemp, tlltc WjtffAIe No n n do It -o rV tjf Jt It2r tk wrl of a s". It h ! th Ijj- rf Jtart, U. crtxl rtrt IrIta t 21 Mt I'alr la "2 jr. IhU t3&0, KrtuM Mrltrt. w-fcrr&Jxl t I K tut U ciaimnl JOT tt Prc obf 5.00. Srl tap tx dwtti , t.ca N !taat Atvat. CMc IK. (JOODKLL COMPANY, ssnuvt, Tl H . Mo M-Au!ctarTi. Slate-Roofing "P-rVlIN'T. savks iirsiit(iiMf. rim: ami wati k ntoor. . CONTllNS NO TVlt. airi RiMiiv roit rsc A.NYIUlUV CAN AW-LY IT. Ytii lUU iSlnt oJd ic c U tn4 t r U er am! ent lscr tlH urw kWtaHfa fvr OBC-tMrd tho rut f rr-h!tiffllrta:. KrffuAr jnm1 for tlo r rMt. aaU tm ptatOTta rwick yll t noitv!id. It k cWtr vil niatnl r ortrtH wket)MtrrUI Ta mlfe aMa caJitr la a larW KIm I HfA It v. ,! s4f rack, fxx'l K xala. wna; thttm. m M wA ret r vutrv4r It K. a Wa J - " fl rfK;l lo tatrw t( ajr rihrr It h 4d a ivir- llMt r tlttm etrrjone k b- a ittlt aa4t rtaaf Vvmr i4M. dta4e- ItpofSlatf. Itronn, HesI aet ltrlicllt Un. Irtr In hwr'U ( IS to 30 fattein. oay ODcmt frr pill m " After a tuoal tlturnnrli tw f tbU paint n nul ctitWally- rn roramnu! It. and at" natUtlc! Ilidt If iitirt ncil It rtlll Im onlrrrj a M-rond and tlilft tlnio li. (' lUwtH, m 'U- J:- fJtit. ifet Ml. ,N-4 f t ir'Uf u ui-iift. a4 H. K. PAINT &, Oil CO., 7 INDIA T., DOvHTON, MASS. JvMrn-r Ajt a fr IJeei-am a tt p. llrh for l$c.l afnv.('mpHkBH, fca-. rnAoc mart. 7jje CrtfttTHAOiiuix !.! :s Es i7 Att-t- r "- - wv W j ..:v. ?i ' ai-l -I .. . ' &&' r I-., . . mast iai;i3.-. . i ,., UIU ?A5C. I - a . !. Ji 4 . - r . i4-l r ! Mr " (. -b-1 1 1 l. a' "f t ..irttjHn -i a Htwdoi. ttl -Me ti tf h'MiM k , - dtr.ir I., ot ff b Ml .. mm fit -eiWl mmtxin -tit Vy il 4f-'- l !- hj-. r 4t th lfi -i .. el le .y iiu f..,( lVr . ., .J. itv THK'.HAI KtrfMMr V 1 Jm . TV V , I f .. Uh. "1 Itii.i. ..). I k Utu Omaha. !.. ttbliulc am. -tj Boston BucklNKird Co., NEW HAVEN, CONN. 0'le,e.f thrVTt Vt h-rr n. cmtctiau ta u. uUu nt tnl WtVe ttfi kt WETTU n.ifw.v" .- m KarfW : Sk-rs aMkf'HtttK3lM1K'liBr?M,baiJatfa3ltt SK A ' r' p s1 L jJX &. .---? t-r. i-rr-'t - iivr . tsr