The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 24, 1881, Image 4

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jj---ay -pxaW) ai''"--w.f'- --
v. t"" aC-vss- . x.
n .K- feul,.
i , i
Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars
&c, &c.
"w kf P na & ' find a line of rroe rria ani
tobaccos 21 otn be fotixl tn the sailer.
A food
Is run in connection with the f1re. wliare a
UDIIy or lrh bread and pies are ul-
lrays kept on hand.
Onrffacilitietirorbsndlirs; bii tlsif of Rnod
are the be-t in town. Give me a call, at
If osher'a fc&sUnd.
ie Tafcfe-
Takiag effect Psmdar. Oct. 17. 1M0.
Enilward Pawtrstcerl re.-
" arrive s..
Frclfht leat
Westward Xeeosjr leare .. ... 9 :n a. a.
inw. P. a.
Earl ward Arc nra. If rre.. l a.
a rrf res.. 6 i !
Trains dallr except 6adar.
U.W.IIitnarncr. A. K. TorisM.
gaperinteadeat. Meal. Manager.
MARRIED. On the evcuinc of Feb.i
12th, 181. at the residence of
Adnlphus Bon, by Rv. Lewis Barr.
Samuel Bnmer and 3IL- Mildred
Crawlev nil of Webster County Nob.
TilK Burlington Hatckry comments
nt length ttM)n the recent speech of
Manager ToVZKUS, of tho B. & 31.
railroad, before the Nelnwka legisla-
Fcrest and Timber Trees.
I will furmh
rir iImi Isbm mrtwtteaw
in btrad Rutking kmtr. torn thing f j
LirtcfJsnrra'sTafsr is Steti&u rf
lh TUU rmm t Tff r.. I. .- ... ... .....lllt
Mia ji.1 w ww turiifii iirc in ai 'i'"" ' tiir uiu,tikv in always- crturtg me
to smit purcrmer. I have Bos-EMcr jt rrtit tUring lb wtmr r.a.Mn
Guni Jurors "'' "' MI "' "" figure, 1 will : mJirn tu,, -pj c rhlHrd" tsd thr
t iit ... in..;'. ro!a- Jr wll UiiUpuwiiod -edhng at II Wpjdouch woxA orktat ngbt TltWt
Leonard II. Rift. 1 hihp Rock Jr, 0,lehrwo at Kwlc!.w.l Neb. thins vow ran do nncrr Mrh rtr-
Hui Mclntyrt-. fiut (J. Evan. tran-N. c M. IIamcltt .unraii to Hiy yotjr brrd ot
vU Ho'irhin. A. If. Gillette, C.J - - - - Ijutcr!nch ho mi- onht Enl Cloud
1 sjaaaB gsaat
rruitt Aieta.
Dwver. John BolliKin, Janum McCoy,
Kd.".S,RcI,Viii.T. Ikirnham, fttry-
Hirv, n'ainxt the proiMscil law reguht- don Craar, I.i:k FWi. Oia. Bnelnmr,
Flour & Feed
Cocn. MsaMJran Ciiofped Feedand
Visit the Itcdf trail Oraeetr. Jf "
ulm store when you want ui files tor man or
TliithcH market price in msh jmip fr rrain
AH i.rwuiitrr i-ioducc tikcn n csrlianK"
lor i."l. UtMnli delivered t all i-.iru ! tuwn
(riifif t'harei. .."... .
.trc fuulli ul HCCJ i 1 low rarinrj.
Miner Bro. fell Superior flour.
Roby has pleiity of Kero-iiie oil.
Dnn. Rice, the great hhownian, i-
A. S. Mnn1irlllit Red Cloud Mill
intent flour.
Rohv'x Ktorc i.n head-qarter for (Jilt
Etleif Butter.
Proprietor of tho
City Drug Store.
Drugs? Medicines.
Paints Oils
and Varnishes,
Jt full Mipjily of
Vatronnpc iditcJ and thankfully received,
rrwriptium? cart-fully compound ed"
Oho dour south of CJarhers tie,
Moon Caliender,
)pf-vi.rjtB in(
General Mercliandise. .
Dry . Goods,
Scots 4fc Shoes,
Drngs, lliedfciucfi,
Oils Tarnishes,
Paints ISte.
A fu.1 line or cvvrytHK kept in ft gen
cnl store, at the i.uwkst cash wttrfss.
H0011 & Caliender.
See notice of house and lots for sale,
in this column.
Mr. Kurd of the Alma llrrabl cullcil
last WMlncsky.
Ex-ov. (iarber and wife have gone
to Hot Springs, Arkann.
DiM net Court ronvene at Red
Cloud on the 22d lay of March next.
Dr. Kendall's "horse looks" for sale
at the Ciiikk otliec- at 'j cents
Will D. Jenkins of Smith Co. (Kan.)
Pioneer, U going to New Mexico to
start paper.
Hie saloons have opened again, tho
city council issued license at $2.50 per
annum to each.
Prof. Funk delivered a lecture on
physiognomy at the M. E. ahurch laM
Tuesday evening.
Fon Sale: A good JwcnTng houe
and lots, in Red Cloud. Cheap for
e:ih. Enquire at the CiMEPolnce.
The Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser will preach
next Sabbath morning and evening in
the Congregational church. Seats
W nm ilfbived somewhat in issu-
inir the tianer this week, on account of
our paper having been snow-bound on
the road.
We acknowledge receipt of a lengthy
and intcrestingxletter from our old
friend and townsman, Rev. J. M.
Pryse, now at Blue Springs.
The Republican Valley Sentinel has
nased" into the hands, of Mr. L. E.
Martin, who at one time held ca.-eson
the Chikf. We wih you abundant
Charley Ros lm been found again,
tins time-he I'siving- with a (Jennan,
farmer near Aldbonatigh, Qiitario.
The papers say there i- no mistake
about it this time.
Mr. W. C. Wade who has sent the
Ciiikp to his father-in-law, Mr. II. Bur
gher, at Glen wood Iowa, for the
last year, lifts concluded that he wants
to read the CiiiKFhimself, so ho takes
two copies, ontfor Mr. . Burgher and
one for himself.
ting railroads, and says that fowu has
listd exierience in that line, and will
watch with considerable interest the4
progress of the di-cuion in thin tate.
The Jliiu-krifc goe?. on to say how the
railroad legiulation in this state will
eirect Iowa interots, and concludes
that the citizen of that state will look
with apprehension upon any movc
mi'iit in Xuhrnkn ctlciil.ited to so
seriously efl'ect the prinperity and fu
ture of Iowa. Journal.
The Lincoln Joniagivc the follow
ing good advice to newpaper corres
pondents: "Let your contributions lie
composed of items of news. "Write
every item in plain Enghrb, without
any attempt at rhetorical flourishes.
Don't mix tH much political h:ish in
our letters. Steer clear of cutting
personalities, for while any display of
spleen might pleac one or two of our it will in almost every in-
wtfinei. ofTeiid a ereat many more
Don't advertise atdiotlv'a grwery or
dry gootN toie in your letters. Don't
send us any idle rumors that have no
foundation on fact. What we want is
news mention of marriages, deaths,
birth, accident-, live Mock and farm
items, personal, social and lit entry
notes in fact, anything that will inter
est the reading public."
The following is Prof. Tice's weather
predictions for the month of March
1st. probably fair; 2d. and 3d.,
clear or fair; 4th. to 7th., clouding and
threatening weather, with heavy
storms; 8th and Jth clear or fair: 10th
to I4th clouding, threatening weather
with heavy storms; 14th and 1 5th clear
or fair; IGth to 18th clouding and
threatening weather, with rain storms:
PJth and 20th clear or fair; 21st to 25th
clouding, threatening weather, with
ftorms 25th to 27th clear or fair; 27th
to 30th clouding and threatening
weather, with heavy storms. 31st
The comparatively warmer days
will be about the Gth, 12th, 17th, 23d
and 2'Jth. The comparatively colder
days will be about the 2d, 8th, 14th,
20th. 2fth. and 31t.
Earthquake causes exist on the 0th,
Kith, 22d and 29th.
Atiroras will probably be visible on
the 3d, 0th, 15th, 20th, 26th, and
Ed MeFarlawL awl Franci J1. Lum
Win. R. Ryker, Win. A, Brown, Hi
Ilisnlett. Jamca M. We-t, Lei Al-hri.-ht.
JoM?nh Garlier. Wni. 11. Mid-
dleton, Anthony Armon, A. D. Karn-.
Edwin M. Pearson. George Bailey. D.
1). Moani", John Markley, J. A. Smith
Hugh Hunter, Frank Leonard, Geo.
Alii-on, P. M. Cgelrran, John llol
brock, A. C. Hale. John Polnicky. W.
W. Hogale, Peter lr. Grawburg and
David Carpenter.
Rxn Cicn I
February 22d, I8S1.)
Eihtor Ciiikk. If, in the light of
past events, the editor of that ador
iforous shet in the hotith siileof town,
will tell whether the tax-payers of
WeUter county or other parties ollcr
ed him that $500 to come to Red
Cloud and run a paper in their inter
est, he will confer a favor that will be
'- highly appreciated bv an
I will makeadrlivcnr ofFmit IrwrJ
.1-. . . .V... I ...! II1 t
tins spring at ncu vtowi. aim -
tuiL-i. it lit flio int-ri-. nf all Ithn
wih anything in the minery line u
buvofme. I. 31. lUKBtTTT.
. j
The follv of allowingcorn to remain
in the field. through the winter is fully
demonstrated this scar-on. The fann
ers who allowed their corn to remain
out will have a good time gathering it
in tlm mud when the snow goes olV,
and at a time-when they had ought to
be engaged at their spring worfe.
A., r..i;rkrc liirinvsa" saVS Josh
Billings, 'is to write editorials, grind
out poetry, sort manuscripts, keep a
might.v big w.-retebaskct; Meal matter,
liirht other peonies battles, taKC wnite
beans and apple sas--for pay whcji he
can ect it. work nineteen hours out ol
twenty-four, and be damned by every
(Stsrconarto O.A. Urown.)
Parlor, Bedroom
z Brackets, Chromos,
Picture Frames,
Mattresses, Etc.
CTffins atways'on hand and Vi,i"jort
ni.t'tce. rrieo as low ns any in the "V Hey.
ReKrinr of .11 kind. -P-' ni
Burial Bolus furnished af reasonable
r - raiv.
nrdB88 Shop
KciVct nftntlx.n nanJ a fM LiM
AmTcverytluug usually kept m a irst
ela5fehop. TWO TXWRS S0RT11 Of THE BANK-
Xht ffigiisi" C Prica Paid ivt d
s- ' tai Pnrs.
Jor Yur
'r vnr lumber a specialty.
tMltl sit lmt irie9
- nv-
The Thaver Countv Srntinrl gives
the experience of Joseph Lamb, of
that eounty, who commcncetl stock
raising in 1877 with three calve, and
1i:uj steadily increasctl the business
since that time. He now sells from
5,000 to $10,000 wictlu of fat cattle
per year, and now owns 1,000 acres of
well improved land.
Senator Van Wyck, remains at his
nost and .verves his time out as. a mem
ber of the State Senate, faitRfikfto the
interest of his constituency to the last.
iMnr a an under like circumstances
would' Save hietl hintscU ofl" to Wash
ington, "forgetfiri of the duties of the
humbler nositioiu Tlie Senator has
proved himself a man of the people,
and a man for the people. t
Tlie County Clerk of Wcfister Co.,
Xeb. knows how to make that office
pay (his) expenses. At the lai-t nicet-
of the board of county commissioners
he nrescntcd a bill of $700 for clerk
hire, and'one-of $10 for furnishing the
manuscript of the proceedings for the
county papers. Tlie people of Web
ster county ought to vote lum m for
life. Burr Oak Kan.) JS-triflr.
Tlie following cure for hog cholera
'is said to have been tried and proved
to bo ctncacious: A taiiiespoomul of
flax aeed for each hog, boiled in water
three or four hours and mixed witT
the food of the animal. One man re
ported that ho doubled the dose with
good results. This is a very simple
remedy and fanners will do well to re
member it when the necessity arises."
Colnmbm Jottnil.
Last Thursday morning, the town
was aroused from its lethargy by tsVe
aimcarance of a large jaekass rabbit
which apparently came into town to
have a little sport! Ifc dashed down
the centre of the street through town
and then turned and carac baek with
all the does and bovs and half thciwen
! ja. Y - - - - b Irrkl
111 iown arter mm. n w !..,,
chase. Amotifc th dogs wa one- old
greyhound tbat made it interesting
forthe naUHtrand the rabbit made- it
interesmR foe Hw By kadfag Km
such a chase as he- never expenenceu
before, and finally escaping into- a
corn field.
The colunis of a newspaper are the
publisher's stock in trade, and the pur
ties who ask to ue them for their
special benefit muM expect to pay for
the same. Every public, spirited citi
zen of a place should have a pride in
seeing his town and surroundings im
proved. Every new house, every road,
every new manufacturing establish
ment erected, every new business
opened, enhances the value of proper
ty in our midst. Every reflecting
mind knows this to be true, and it
should not be forgotten that the local
now.-paper adds much to the general
wiMiltli mill nrosncritv of the nlace. as
well as increases the reputation of the
towns abroad. It benefits all who
have business in the place; it enhances
the value of property, besides being a
dcsiniblc public convenience, even if
not conducted in the interests of the
ruling power. It increases trade, it
cautions against imposition, it saves
vou from loss, it warns you of danger.
it points out different advantages, and
increases your profits. Tlfe'loeal press
is the power that moves the people;
therefore support it by advertising m
it liberally, subscribing for it, and pay
ing for it. Kc
Cattle oa tin Stages.
Some idea of the terrible suffering
among cattle on the ranges in the west
ern part of the state may bo gathered
from the following article taken from
the Dawson County Pinnrrr of the 17th
hist: "Notwithstanding all reports to
the contrary, the mortality among the
range cattle is very heavy up to this
time, and with the cold, ehilling rains
of March the most fatal to thin cattle
yet to be encountered, it is reasona
bly certain that more of the half-famished
bruits will then perish than
have died previous to that time. All
the cattle are thin now, and with the
ground covered with snow as it has
been during the lat two months, and
with not a mouthful to eat, except the
food taken from farmer's fields and
stacks, it is wonderful that one of the
poor brutes is alive to-day. A great
many have died in this valley, ami a
farmer from Buindo creek, north-west
of town, mivs that there are now in
that locality over one thou-aud dead
animals, and other t say that in the
county the number dead will reach
twice that many. The snow storm of
4 last Monday completely covered all
the bare places if there were any, and
the snow covers the ground now at an
nv.riir. rli. nth nf 11 foot, with an icy
cru.-t under it next the earth. Since
the last storm, in view of these fact, it
is quite probable that many more cat
tle have, perilled. In town during the
past week at leaM twenty have died.
They are said to belong to cattle grow
ers on the Loup range.-., ami arc strag
glers from the large herds that infested
tlii-s tiortion of the vallev about two
weeks ago. Inquiries a re already being
made by farmers as to what is to be
done with the carcasses lying on their
lands. As soon as the weather moder
ates the dead animals will become of-fen-ive.
and they want them removed
before that time.
Tax mr 2311 tjrai iro'x.
Tlie new version of the New Testa
ment, which h.ts been so many year
in couito of translation, and which i
unquestionably the mod important
litvntry enterprise thi- century ha
ecu, is living waited for with curiuu
anxiety by hundreds of thousand. It
i not generally known that a firt edi
tion of 500,000 copies ha already !ven
manufactured in England, and 100,000
iulrs re rfniil to lo alreadv in New
York City, not one of them periuitusl
to lie sold. They are awaiting a tele
gram from the authorities in England
authorizing their i-sue. The first cop
ies can only lie had at the cxtnnagant
price off 10 per copy. Hie Literary
Revolution proposes fully to meet the
demands which its army of friends are
making himhi it by doing probably the
quickest work in Iniok-niaking which
has ever vet lieen accomplished. Ar
rangements have lieen fully made to
put the entire taxik into type inside of
24 hours from the time a printed copy
tif the English edition can le pna-ured,
ntid within three days at IcaM 10,000
copies will Imj bound ready for delivery
to waiting purchasers, and at least
5,000 copies will lie manufactureu
every day thereafter until the demand
is met. It will lie printed in large,
beautiful type neatly and strongly
bound in cloth, a volume of about 500
usees, and sold at the nominal price
nf :ai rents. A line edition in half
Russia, eilt top, will be sold for CO
vents, and one in full Turkey inoroc,
gilt edges, for $1.25. Of course, the
popular demand will be enormous.
Orders will be Hilled in the order in
.which they are received, with remit
tance. American Book Exchange,
New York.
iW lloar, V E. Putrum fell t.
Money to provr up ith fn fatal rr
rript. or on deeded mini at per cent.,
unit 1-fci Ir cent. cnmminm. or at
straight 10 jier cent, no vommin
J M. K W tLUliX
Otfice next dxir to tltief idTicr. 30tf
The Proof of tho j ron:o
I Broadcast Ssed-Mwer.
xon:x to mras site;:) ::ii3
n .
Notice U hireb gnm to all tMro
having lKred well torallon W. W
Hove, nt Judge Wi!vi old office.
C.'t ,l,u. tw.rtli .if ill iVilt e nf!ic-i.
and settle for the right to uethcame
, .... t . . I '. .1 .. t .!. '
l nc utuivriKiii"i niv p.i"v ir
well .Miser and exten-ilile n-1, aiHl no i
other ieroii h.ts the right to tt-e them
All ieru UMiig lunil wells will x
requirol to pay $5 in eah or gie a
note for $fi due in mx motith from
late. to dnw iutercrt at the rate of
ten per cent.
Owner of well augers are nlo nott
funl to call at the ame place to make
arningcinetits for the future Use of the
sutue, Red Cloud Jan. IS, $l.
N VTM iMEl. C. Ci.iKW, patrtiitee.
Mr. N. C, Clark, the patantce. w.
the tirt man to eoneeive the idea of
tlie well-lioring machine wiib the ex
tensible rod, the advantage of which
van be seen at a glance, a- it hs eim
bled persons ettling in this and other
western States to obtain an inexhaust
jible suimlv of water at a iiuall ivrcent
of ubnt it en-t to eet the same III the !
u.tilmv of HHiioH and Iow.i. and It i-
n ow conceded to U the only practical
way to yet water here. The roltyi
tha'l be charm's, be consider, to be
v.rv ri.iiiM!ilile. as the roVallV lltioii
the Drive wells is, ami ha been, from
$10.00 to $I5.n per well, therefore he
coniders that he is jutly cntitlol to
the amount charged. 24tf
You have only to en II
on us and vc can easi
ly convince vou that we
do sell
A little BILLOW the
so-called "Bed rock pri
ces" advertised by other
Beley& Perkins.
'ji "J " Wi FBsBsBsBsaWlBssV St
Ikr -w-c i:sBsBsBsil'
& fr 'isBsBsBsBsBsfSv
fmet f7rfH, Or St9
tfrmtu JVs JtnfhtHc
It U Ump wr & men
cri-ml FIrl rrrUw IXI l
rlnUi,r. Ckr--aww
KsikMe Mdd4aJ, wm4 l -
OM b ckivi for K.
SepX iu ( lt1fU drrW
0rr. lit
kie MwlctrtTs.
Final Proof Xotiers.
The Fakmkk has been too attentive
to other matters to examine any of the
bills introduced in either house of the
legislature but would be glad to sec a
law enacted amending the present
t!itnte on the wolf ouestion. In the
first place the bounty should be dou!-
led, at least, and should be pant by
state instead of leaving the question
open for each county to decide wheth
er a bounty should be paid or not.
No efficient bounty law has lieen in
effect-in this .state for Jive or six years
and in the. interval wolves have in
creased to an alarming extent; even
the most populous and thickly settled
counties in the state arc over-run by
them and destruction is daily wrought
by them among the sheep, pigs, poul
try and even calves, and disabled hor
ses and cattle. More than $1,000
! ivMi-tli nf stnek lias been destroyed by
j, ua.a .-. -
FOK MA ltd I.
This number is one of remarkable
excellence and the new editor, Rev.
Mr. Taylor, has catered most success
fully for the edification and entertain
ment of his readers. There is as he
remarks, ".something for everybody, of
whatsoever class, or whatever age.
. . . Bible students, and sermon
reader, and temperance reformer,
and lovers of stories will all find thi
issue something to suit them and to
help them pass tho time pleasantly
and profitably." Among the distin
guished contributors are the Revs. J.
M. Whiton, R, C. Houghton, W. T.
Wylie, T. H. Vail, Bishop of Kansas;
C. F. Deems, David Swing, H. Bonar.
Bishop Feck. etc. ; Alfred II. Oucrn
sev. Hattic W. Arnold. Mrs. J. (t. Bur-
nett, Jnephino Pollard, Frank
Converse, Louise C. Moulton, etc.
The opening article by the editor,
"Our Home Heathen,' is highly in
teresting, and equally so is "Scenes on
the Danube," by A. (tucrnsey; both
are finely illustrated. The serial story
"Out of the World,'' is continued and
the several shorf stories, sketches, etc.,
arc renlate with interest and well
written. The numerous poem are of
singular merit. Dr. Deems explains
"Hard Flare in the Bible" ; the ser
mon is bv Rev. C. N. Sims, on the
"Supernatural Success of Christiani
ty." But it is impossible to convey to
in a brief notice any idea of tin4 rich
literary and artistic feast prepaml by
the editor. There arc 12? quarto pa
ges and over 100 engravings. A single
copy is only 25 cents; a year's u!cip
tion, $3; post-paid. Address, Fkask
Leslie's Pi-bushing IIocse, 53, 5o
and 57 Park Place, New York.
Land OCiet at Illorwinclon Jn. ?J. 1"0.
Notirtb hrfcjr ln llist lh follnwlns
t.amol ettler ha fileJ ootic of M IntrrlHn to
makflnal pni-r in nnft of liU clua i.l -uiifinl
entir thrrrf Lrruc Hi cl rk r
l)it.rnrt In Wrbilrr rountr t hl 'm- In
ItsU CluoJ Nrb en HWI7 Sl.lrn 1-, l?oi. i.
JiMSn Klitt.
Ii S No. fil'.J. for thr nonh-wr.tiujrt'rjf s
It tiiwo.1 lt weit. auJ H lnr ihr fi.llow
iuc .1 his wltnie to rro cort!lnuo r-l-denes
nin ant cultirailon pf H t. lt:
WiliUm CUl'P. Thnnais J. want, w hitmn
I.Winin ai.d Willlita ArnotJ. all of Ccwm
Swraai?' S. W. SWIT7.KK. lUlit.r.
Ln10fficaat IUomtnton Nch. Jn SI. W0.
Nolle is hrrtby rn thst th folloln
n.rasd .eitUr hi filed nolle- ofl.l. ititrntif.n lo
ak final proofln opKirt r his rUim. '"
ear Unal enajr thcrrof. I'elj'f, "' ; '
lsjs.rl.rkof the curt of WVUtrr wonlr. t
his itHca In Kr,l Ctou.l. XrU . en inrJ-r.
Hritr .ccoTr.
II. s. Ko. t-2i. fr lle sontli-siMtntisrtrr jf.K.
n.wn rsSMe 11 wrst. and nm the f..nrlns
M Ills w nnt :"". -- .-- - . .
on and cullI.ii..o..f s.1.1 tr.rt t ;
Hnielssr Kiwini aii-i-au. """r'.V v-i.
LandOffiftat Dloominfton NfS. Jan. is.lWl.
Nnticw is bsrehr airn lhl the fJliwins
namrd ssttlrr h filrd nolirr of his Inlcnlli.n M
wake final proof in ,u,.Port nf his fUim .n-1 f
Ji" entry ibMwf htfow J-n TulUss
aernof (Vurt in W,Mcr c.-un'r ,. t l'i
offire In Utd Cloud Xtb. on fc' lar rebrnarr
SfiUhSl. F.A,C1. Ueccruic
t.M Vo. .-.T.fuf the North cart, qoarlfr Sr'-
HlJirownlN Hiv'IolO Weft. n.l nam-s io
I !Lii-?-V.s his t I-rrr c..Hlii,u..os
roldcnce on and culliralion f s ill 'IV 1
IIcbAo. Andru..Jhn , Mwl J.hA C?m1'
in I Jhn W. ""l, "Wynt nVii.ler
jan'JDIrb'il s- w- IT.hii. i.raiicr.
Ovy Goods mn
Hats- Caps. Sl
tt'ti'y Made Clothing
We havt the Largest
Stock in the Valley and will
not be undersold.
Gie t a call, one and all.
SanVI Carber.
Kcd Cloud IVeli.
A, Cold cr 5cr Threat
A.llloilTP.I. Nrc'l frriaeniSy rell lu
in tntiinbl I nrs lisJt r Cuhi.
ar.-o'. i:rifhil lr-Kie r fftn I-!
tl..rin. Iii.ii rrintHu. f-flch. Gt'i,
-n.uTiliai.I 1ht jMei". rir tools
eMth Tiwlisi hare l.4n rriNNicill b
byuU4. an.lal4TSiv ? ,Vr,'
th-r ars nt ntw r onlflrl Hut htflirc e
ihl I., i at I e-niitt :f netfr
ntlt. tntr'-n. they has ainticl tll
i0'r4rn j.Hnclhs few Hiil' fiwrli M
Tie j;t I'ut.lw !' en M ilisi
o rlrtr -A .lientlken b- X iis. fIJ
ariblj ho fn'. l erUre.
Wllh this Paint old hln8l- can lx
made to louk lrrraml Ut Un&t than
sew sbioetn tor Be.tlilrd the cost ef
Kriitsttlr ri1 fr tin or Iron; ti I
pon btK wall hunruaUeL m
It 1 rtneltc wtll ettad or eooUart
wltUhenlrtrrM. TbUl an Indistsw
aWi itutl'T in a dmaW RwOn; Ilst
It w II ii't crsck, or K&U?. bHosi
alule. til le I rut of !
lib a bmvjr Ul)-e wl
citl lo tlm1 i-f ay Ut
It is aM rt a rle tHt ttvU
ctrrjHReM bvea C!,t2.r".r litndMtmn shade lrsiigssr
Biowh, Red ati.1 ItrteHt Ht4.
Pilce In biml I & n'l""
oaVfrtreutiriHll .
"Aflrr a Hat IksroHajh mo r
this !ilt. u wnd ffUJ,.r',
rMTMrH4 It. d am saINHsh! llut
irmreituul It wHI bo HrJer4 a
srel aad thtrl tlwf- III, l. tU I ''. fVj -,.,M
l'tol , ,W
Snid for ctrctilar fl m?br ats-l
meittiirtt tJih ll w,
Ii. E. PAINT fc OIL CO.,
SHinv A-rt.f-ir BMiih04 Pew
llh tor Iban.i upper.Cnvn.
ojiat'3 srrcrc xj-mciv
rnaoc mam Ta CrtT"A0
SStJtS CS' is'tA
Frank Saiblek, a Bohcmicn living
on Preston's farm about ten miles
north-west from Red Cloud, commit
ted suicide last week by shooting hiin-
snir:.. it mmitli with n Kiti"le barrcl-
led shot gun. Ho leaves a wife and I tncm jn tlscs past vear within fifteen
.? I'l 1.... :.. illm. nniir ilPl'lllll .. -.i -..- rri . ..... ..r ..l'Z,
miles oi mis city. sui .-uuc ui nu.ui.--
W heress default hn tesn mats In the ray
n,.n?"f th,sum due in eh-lil. of.
IrVra .laird on thelOlh day .f ..
f-"'.n" dollied in th- nfic. of tl.a c-untj
elerk e-r Websicr eonn y Nehraska, on lha J.lh
Koire. nod fercilU .or to I. II. ""'( J"
ileum the payment or r,ne h-i s.irs-1 and slitr
eiht ttim and inlef.t nrn -hirb
onWcbstsr iiwins l'7ft.ll n wi
il!S!i.::?Ktt-""'- wagon. c H poTTfB Mortojjs..
By w'. C. Kiilt. his Atty. - wa'
v-...-..t..f.hT rWen.thstl wilt sxamla.
Cway Surerimtad.n. t PuMie Iastraetloa
- WITIf- -FOR-
is by far the be,t fastae. nd cll 'at
llanl-l'.x')c er rJ,,"l' Maeh lh Utrrt
II KM' trim ln rviyyi.ifi ,. .. ,, - I
thin in the best r Ho tn " a Uwn.
.... ll- , .1. ltu.inv.s t'.ifrrrtlr nl
m ivi. .... . ... ..-.--..--. --
ir epai i'."". h-- i - .
valor aad attraction .-lis t ttr lht any l r
aprlr rer trms i n. a. " ,.
gS Zsilss Ss
i3l i7. AnM
Til XJ w-nsl W.k.
tS4, VSf
fblH. l-
l-ey. aa-1 a
IHsSfe. Ihs
tUMI TAIsH.eljrss is.t MUX lAU
sWue as rwt (if mts"f. aies
I. . 'h Mea. JKoVSt s m - .
vt . t . sn-l isnyetfcerd!s's ' I i"
n ly n t)Hiflis a4 ssaie
ujt I .1 ittl.ulsfi in r i-se'e .'
j. ... i.a.l ti .r &,il uttnr -' m
five children in rather poor eircum
stances to continue the battle of life.
It appears that Mr. Saiblek was at one
time in very good circumstances, hut
owing to unfortunate speculations was
reduced almost to poverty, lie came
to this county from the. old country
hist fall and secured a piece of land
and had built a sod house on it hut
had not yet moved in. He was very
despondent, and it was during one of
these despondent moods that be took
his gun and said that he was going out
to shool rabbits. He failed to return;
and search was commenced which re
sulted in finding him in the house
(unoccupied) on -his place, dead.
When wordSreachcd town. -thcsheritT
went "up 'and cmpannelled a jury,
which after due deliberation and ex
amination of witnesses returned the
following verdict.
State ok Nebraska,
Webster County, f '
At an inouinsition holdon at South
west t of Section 30 Town 3 Bange 1 1
in Webster county on the 17th day of
February A. D. 1861 before mc, Joseph
W.Warren. Sheriff, and acting as cor-
onorofsaidcouaty. upon the body of
Frank Uas-Mclc lying dead by the
jurors who names ar hereunto pub-
scribed. " ThejMmt jaeora poi their
ojtth do say, that the said Frank Sadi-
lek, came to hi death at hs on
hands by shooting himself in the
mouth with a: shot-cwa,- n the 15th
iliv of Fcbrsaanr lsWt. hetireen the
hours of two audfive,o clock in; the
afternoon JoaETH W. WAKiuarr
SncrifT and actin5.oronor
D. U. SxclsesV
jJURr. A.2f.WtigoK,
v 3wiS VoiSKSXf
althrough the eastern and central part
of the state, aud no doubt they arc ful
ly ai troublesome on the great prairie
in the western part of the state, as
they arc here about", and great appre
hension is felt by grazers in that sec
tion least thousands of their cattle,
already much decimated by the hard
winter and heavy snow, and wholly
unable to protect themselves, shall
fall easy victims to the horde of hun
gry wolves that dog the steps of the.
half-starved cows day and night wait
ing for starvation to make thcin an
easy prey.
A bounty of sufficient size should be make it an object to trap
pers and sportsmen to hunt them with
dog and gun or to thin them with
poison of the trap. . '
The late meeting of the sheep-raisers
and wool-growers developed the
fact that sheep husbandry is suffering
from this incubus and the united voi
ces of those engaged in this industry
was for some remedy that would re
lieve them from the wolves tliat
threaded their ranges day and night
destroying all tliat came in their way.
Neb. Farmer.
The famoiH Havana Chcrootc can
be had at Koby's, 5 for 1(1 cts.
Koby has just reccivcdv 500 H.
more of thoc nice Sugar Cured hams
... m
A Farm to Rent f
Of 150 acres, with good stone house " ' vr ' k t fur faie ftt the
10X28, one story high Moat of j gJSSSS 3 tho same prices
!...! w ;i o rrrtrul t.ltl nf (MlltlVlltlOIl. ' t-HItF OUHtr, J"'", . : r:...ln am!
Alo one brood marc for aale on
Blanks! Blanks 1 1 ,
. ! i:nn Ktatf Journal CoV.
Blank, (the atamlard bWnks of the
r lWwBET m J
time. Apply to
I). S. Hkt.vkrx,
Seven miles south-west of lied Cloud,
Nebraska. 19-"3
Tfi-Aii irant fn inrrefle the OliatltitV
and 'quality of milk, feed your cow
around feed. Putnam will send it to
Go to Kobv's for Bis Gun, LorillaroV
R. R. and Gold Rod, Red Riwc, Nobby,
irrtrM-dlinn rm Cub. nnd New Fruit-
plug Charm, Fine-cut aud Durliam,
and Posy, K. KM O. S. and Chubby
smoking tobacco
MWMmll .t- Mnrb.-irl lrirc for sale a
stinnlv of osace seetl at a. very rcama-
. . x - m 1. .r,tn.,...t.ll.
growing a hedge should give them
call.' aold at in """"
Omaha. Tl.e following w a partial lut
of blanks on hand:
Warranty Deeds,
Mortgage l)eeLa,
Cliattlo Mortgac.
Searcli U arranU,
Mechanics Iin.
Power of Attorney
Bills of a!e.
Quit Claim Deed".
C.lllll""1'' . -"
Summon vcopvj,
A ptieal t ndorlakinz,
Order of Attachment.
Affidavit of Vendor or lfr
Assignment of Mortgage.
ilOiltT Oi ...' - -mT
UTX jnt XOVXT, vrtU kt OaUlafM ui PXICX 12JT
He Boston Bnckbonl Co.,
I i aiss 1 Ti - sL 1&m
m- asajF V asaas apaj j ayaaaaaj; iSSSBy rKSBmmmmW UJM(7a Saaaaa ran7
Is ty aH ciuus Uso Vest naA Im yssji to tb was trasXcrtOdirprtlwRltn '
CsjfrrxaslatldKii. T)e rrfecfscl CUUrf tiw VsM X1hw-trness
wi t&ftra'L lla tsmst laahaf assskc atese comsaakua uttk UUuUil t
Blank Kectipt.
Blank 'otc
A fresh supply of "White Rose"
Atchison winter wheat flour, at -Put
nam s.
No apples superior to those sold by
Putnam splendcil for eating or cook
ingBottom figures given. -
. m
"Vnf tltn frnwii sf Ktnry. nOT the
Crown of Glor but the Crawn Sewing
-mr 1 .1 !-...- M..J 1rs .v...li1Hf4
.Haciune, uie ia3. imi .i- hipmi....
in the market, it will iv you to call at
the Post-Omcc and sec it lieforc you
purchase! For Sale by M. B. McNrrr.
Woxkingmcn! bok to your interest
.! qvv ,tn,.nr ltill.4. br USitlZ Dr.
M:irshall's Lung Syrup for all cases of
wul 50 centra, bottle.
Sec what the drtiggists say about Dr.
jrarslialPs Lung Syrup: "It never
fail to cure the worst case of cough or
eoid nrotnntlv and effectually."
( Price only 25 cents aud 50 ccuo a
botuc Soul ty aH urugs151-
Tlic sweeninc title of prosperity L
shown by the immens increase of
business in tlie Patent Office, General
Laml Office, Fenenon Office, and other
Deoartmonts of the GovcrnmcnL
Patent cases, Pension ciauus, Con-
S . 4.-. Saa - a -m m s ST
testctl Aanu cnines.or owie pushup
placed in tlicliands of Fnsbrcy &
isreen, Attorneys, 529 7th sU Wash
ington D. C, will have imaicdiate at-
1 tcntion. -
Enclose stamp for mforraauoa
Agreement for Warranty Ueeas.
Complaint to keep the I eacc.
- kc Atv kc.
Ami rawt all kind, of blank used by
Notaries Pnblic
iCles-Pat8at Safety Pin.
UV ftrrn tbr be 'L rt w'n' "
m tssc skafe est x nwd sts-M.
,Wl ,, the wholcleC a
imiliiiisa 'i SmOsrri.
TTm, ps i Vcfert s2 ibr cast ia tt
y? a!- c-wrt an v.v f tm FiTtll
iiriSitflTIHi. -Thr- Hr.k air sax'
loaiibe tetsol. L-"a Wc. S -xmiu.
Uarfcrii. Tssry arc ralj dswca asr
m cserBent ariCcc Wit tWy are n
1e, We 2ie t!c rsdi- wjwtfactsvrer'.
ie ahc-raeas rsi l ii Cau lies
Onrnj- iiA-fe tgt-
5 ' XhizSfSm
ir3 "-4TfcrtaJ -- i IT I X I m 'i V J3, Jr W,i
M EJV?J sssB"MJlVlssMaaasSaJ4gtTfEcMi
I lsnmL TiasS " TTITl ifc J I I I I 111 iTWiasi aami I hi n fTi 'T I
t!Zmmmm . "
iW& T Sew W J.Hx-
sTnisssiliiTTsf M rv
Taaar s-iaasn a s-i s a. ... .
n.., , " TTmTw "TifWslTsBIJst HAILWAT,
egg 3StSs?Js
--? ?