rS?SB553wg p faw m -r- -iSS"?-- 4T .'-.. !: .. JS -jaV" 4jm Mooivi Callender, JPEALEUS in( General Merchandise, lkry - Goort, Groceries, BcoIm A; Shoe. HATS AND CAPS. ftrugft, MccticiiieH, OiU Varuislieft, lainlH IStc. GLAFSWATTE, QU EEXSWA UK, HARDWARE&HARNESS ETC., ETC., ETC. full line of everything kept in a gen eral store, at thel.OWiST CAflli rfiicis. Resspcctfully, Moon & Callender. i.'GWLES, NEHItASKA DE. SHEEER, Proprietor of the City Drug Store. AKD MALM IK Drugs? Medicines. Paints- Oils and Varnishes, A full supply of LAMPS, LAMP SHADES, WICKS, COMBS BRUSHES AC. Patronage olicitfd aid thankfully received. -Pre.ripUi)m carefully ompounded" One door bouth of Garber'a ktore, KED CLOUD, NEB. Nimble Six-pence. G. W. Dow, -HEALER IJf- Greceries & Confectioneries, Ckoica Taaa. Coffee Sucar Ac. White Fisi & Mackerel. Jre. Dried and Canned Fruit. The bt To baccos and Cigain. Flour nd muni eon anlly on hand. Kent. Butter and Wood Taken in Payment. Kvcrythlnc warranted to be ns represented. GIVE MK A CALL j ml I will do you rood. 1st door north of arfrui office. Red Cloud, Neb. Flour & Feed STORE, CHAS. E. PUT1TAM, Prop. .. DEALER JN FLOTJE.FEED Corn, Meal, Bran Chopped Feed and GROCERIES, VUIt the Red Cloud Groeerr. Feed and Pro virion store when you want U plies lor man or heart. . . , Highest market price in cash paip for grain AH kinds of country produce nken rn exchange for finds. Uoodi delivered to all pans vt town lrc if charge. St'iretouth nf Reed's Plow Factory. FED CLOUD, Nebraska. R. L. TliSTKER, : (Sucee.""or to CfjA. Brown) WJALER IK Parlor, Bedroom AND K1TCHF.H FURNITURE 1 .Brackets, Chromos, . Picture Frames, Mattresses, Etc. C " waya o hnd and trimmed on short nntiee. JTfee as low n any in the alley. Ilepairinc of all kinds done pioinpUy ana Satisfactory. Barinl Robes furnished at reasonable rated. BED CLOUD, - - - NEB. Harness Shop, BT J. L- MILLER. Keeps constantly on hand a full Lino of HARNESS, COLLARS, SADDLES, HORSE-BLANKETS, A'HirS, COMBS, BRUSHES, HARNESS OIL, And everything usually kept in a first- ciass snop. TWO DOORS NORTH OF THE BANK. TSrEghist Casi Price Fail for Hides aad Fars. COME For Your LUMBER. DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. XS BSXT IS ?H SiHIlT 5lti m !. rriee - r.y- &9 fBEOCL0nD NEB. THE CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS. K V. R. R. Time Tabic Taking effect Sonday. Oct. 17. 16S0. Eastward PaffniserleiTer.... Freight lrrt...., ..." :V p. fa. Westward .decora Imvm ......S :4ft a. m. EASTERN DIVISION. Ear tward Acrom. leave...-. . 5 0 a. m. arrir e.. 6 :55 p. in. Train daily excjt Sunday. Q. W. H Lrrri;r. A. E. TncisT.rx. tiuperintesdent. Cent. Maracjer. Minor Broe. sell Superior flour. Another blizzard iat Sunday night. lite "January thaw" took place last Saturday. A. S. Marbh selli Bed Cloud Milk patent Hour. 0. C. is. a. newly commissioned Notary Public "Betsey" favor the Ciiiet with an interoting letter this week. A valuable lot and busine.-ri hoti'.e for hale. Address this office' The ('mr.v received, four new tmb scriplion last Tuesday afternoon. Mr.. H. S. ICnley accompanied her husband to Lincoln la-t Tuesday. WANTED: To buy seed wheat. Apply at the Ciiikf oliicc, Bed Cloud. HOtf Mr. 0. It. Downs, and a number of others extended financial aid to this office last Saturday. "Women's Christian Temperance Union, will meet with Mrs. E. II. Jones on Eriday Feb. 4th. A Compel meeting will be held at the Kirbv house on Sunday at half J pant 3 o'clock, all ate invited. Wonder if those seven hundred dol lar .stealings have had anything to do with bringing taxes ftp to 3 per cent. Mr. Z. E. Parker, the long man of the Suite Journal company, spent last Sabbath in town. We don't know what church he attended, John S. McClelland of Blue Hill, the genial proprietor of the Central bouse, culled hibt Monday and aided us finan cially. An exchange truthfully remarks that a man who is too Mingy to take his home paper would follow a crow a mile for a pumpkin seed. 19 suit to call for Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrnp if you are troubled with a bad rough or cold. It relieves after taking the iinbt ilo.-e. Sold by drug gists. Chancellor Fairfield of Lincoln will conduct the dedication services at the Congregationali&t church next Sab bath. He will also speak in the even ing. The .sheriff was around last Satur day getting feigners to a paper pledg ing'themsclvcs to go down and asNt in watching the bridge go out when the ice breaks up. Mothers need not be kept awake nights by the incessant coughing of their children, if they have Dr. Mar shall's Lung Svi up at hand, and nive one or two tioses in season. Price only 2.1 cents and oO cents. Hon. Ceo. W. Dorsey, Beceivcr of the U. S. Land office, died at Lincoln last week. A letter from Mr. Switzer, the Register, informs us that the Land office will be closed until a Iteceiverits appointed four or five weeks. The clerk of the county charged the county $10.00 for making out the minutes of the commissioners meet ings for publication in the papers. Where is the law for it? What is his salary as clerk of the board for. An other steal, eh? Hufus Mickseh, the manufacturer of the Excelsior soap, says that the great est difficulty he has to .contend with is the seeming scarcity of materials used in soap manufacture. Farmers and others who have "soap grease" to spare would do well to call on him. At the last meeting of the Board of county commissioners, tho county clerk tried to bulldoze the commis sioners into allowing his little claim of $700 for clerk hire a claim that was unjust and unlawful, and which the commissioners promptly rejected. When the county clerk made out the proceedings of the last meeting of the board of commissioners he inclu ded in the minutes a $G claim of Dr." Hall which was rejected and forgot (?) to include in" the report his own little bill (or attempted steal) of $700 which was also rejected. For a man to who has robbed the county for a number of lerars, to say that he would sign the petition for an investigation of comity affairs if the instigators of the affair would agree to pay the cost of the same, is an exhibi tion of pure cheek that is seldom equalled and never surpassed. Webster County did an excellent thing in the election of II. S. Kaley of Red Cloud as a member of the Legisla ture. He is one of the- ablest as well as one of the fairest men in the House, and is making a record that will stand to the credit of himself and the dis trict he so ably represents. riatte Valley Independent. From, exchanges we learn that the B. fe M. railroad company have defi nitely determined to run their line through to California- At the same time it appears that Jay Gould is fig uring to checkmate this move.. Gould has generally come out ahead- We shall see whether he has met bis match in the managers of the C.rB: fc Q. The two-men who robbed the safe at Bloomington last week, and for whom the Manager of the B. & M. offered a reward of $200 have been captured and are in jail at Concordia Kansas. We are informed that they passed through Salem, Kan., and that Lute Mick who had obtained description of the parties, followed up and cap tared them, as above stated- Concerning the claim of Mr. N. C. Clark, of royalty on bored well-, we have obtained but little information that is reliable. That Mr. Clark has a patent on the well auger and extendi ble road, there r-.ut be no doubt, whether he can collect a royalty from tho-e using wello made by an infringe ment of hU tatent Li a question for the court to decide. All the deci "ons of the higher court involving similar questions seeing to have been given in favor of the jmtentei- on the persons controling the same. It -oi'iih to be the intention of tho-e own ing bored welU, with whom we have converged, to await the decision of the courts and abide by the same, which is doubtless the wisest course to pursue. Some of our exchange are publish ing a-, a curious item, a M.itemcnt to the elfect that a howo in Iowa pulb-d the plug of a barrel for the purpose of taking hi." thir-L We do not s.e any thing extraordinary about the occur ence. Now, if the horse had pulled the barrel omof the bung hole, and .slaked bin tUr.t with the plug, or if the barrel had pulled the bung bole out of the plug and tdnked it- thirM with the hor.-, or if tbe plug bad pul led the horse out of ihc barrel Mild da ked it-i thir-t with the bung hole, or if the bung bore had pulled the tbir.-t out of tbe horse and slaked the pllig with the barrel, or if the barrel had pulled the horse out of the bung hole and plugged his thirst with a .slake,, it might be worth while to make a fuss over it. The Omaha 7V- take occasion to abuse our townsmen, Smith Uros., of the firm of Smith IJros. it Thomp son, because they worked fur the re election of Paddock to the U. S. Sen ate. Though Smith IJros., were "fur nenst" us in the Senatorial fight, we do not propose to see them maligned without rai.-ing our to utter a protest. Smith Bros. & Thompson are business men of our town, and are gentlemen, and if they saw fit to work for the election of Mr. Paddock they had an undoubted right to do so. All who are acquainted with those gentle men know that their efforts in the Senatorial contest were manly and honorable and that (hey were not act uated by mercenary motives. The "cent per cent Bank," sneering ly alluded to by the tar, is one of the fix ed institutions of Bed Cloud and is con ducted on purely business principles, and is not influenced in anv way bv the lT. S. Senatorship. A petition to the Board of county comniis.-ionets, asking for an investi gation of the county a Hairs is being circulated in town, and, we under stand in most every precinct in the county. We don't know who is the prime mover in this matter, but we consider that it is a move in the right direction. Tbe petition that is circu lating in town is being signed by near ly every one to whom it is presented, as all feel that it is due to the tax payers and to the county officers that a full investigation of county matters should be had at :is early a day as pos sible. The interests of the people de- maud it. For eight years the county has been running deeper and deeper in debt, and as all residents know, has comparatively nothing to show for it, and it is but natural that the people, whose taxes are enormously hiich. should want to know what is being done with their money. We hope that the invcstigi.tion, if one is granted, which it undoubtedly will be. we hop that it will be carried out thoroughly and in a business like manner, showing the exact status of county affairs, and we hope that no spirit of malice or ill feeling will be allowed to influence the actions of anyone, but that in justice and fair ness to the people and tho county officers, alike, tho investigation be speedily and thoroughly accomplish ed. If everything pertaining to coun ty affairs are found all straight the people will cheerfully pay the small cost of an examination for the satis faction of knowing that such is the cac, and the Chick will gladly pub lish the fact. If, on the other hand, there has leen crookcl transactions, and tho county has been unlawfully defrauded, the people want to know it, and they will cheerfully pay the ex pense incurred and feel that they are putting money into their pockets by stopping the leaks and bringing the guilty parties to justice. Let no oue who has an opportunity, fail to sign the petition. MARRIED. At the Bos Home, in theeitv of Red Cloud Neb., on Jan. 29th, 1SSI, by the Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser, Mr. Lewis D. Wells and Miss Ida Mr. Croxton, all of Webster Co., Xeb. The sweeping tide of prosperity is 5hown bv the immense increase of business in the Patent Office, General Laud Office, Pension Office, and other Departments of the Government. Patent eases, Tension claims. Con tested Land entries, or other business placed in the hands of Presbrey & Greene, Attorneys, 529 7th st., "Wash ington D- C-, will have immediate at tention. Enclose stamp for information. Just- received at Baby's, Silver Thread Sourkraut, Xew Bacon, fresh Shell Bark Hickory Xute, Black Wal nuts, Sib pai of lard, and Boss syrup in kegs. Everv woman Tvho has experience in bread making knows some thing of the dilficultv m always getting tne best resnlts.duriiig the winter season when the "yeast gets chiijed" and the dough won't work just xighv The best thine vou can dt under such cir cumstances is to- buy your bread of Lauterbach who uses only Urn Cloud ralcntjldur- C E. Putnam sells L m A fresh supply of "White Eose" Atchison winter wueat iiour, at rut-nam's.. More fanner were in town last Tuesday than c hare seen n the street-! for a lont; time. They, for the mo:t part, came in, in rfcpoo to a notice published in theCm.:rIrtt wck l.u.lj;ot of tew mch r I my hnt" on Mating that an arrangement eoukl be hand. The ct?nlre of mic?ut of Stdl mnde by nhich stel wheat could !. wnter, ctailew at D. D. Mtkarn. Ironircd for spring 'owing. To .-siy that a general U'vlinz of dirut pre vailcl among the farmers after the meetifig wa- over, woubl but faintly express the sentiments of tho-i with whom we talked. TJiey came in w ith the expectation that an aranmseniciil had ben. made by which the wheat would be forthcoming. r.:itl went awy with the conviction firmly rooted in their mind-, that if any ed was procurfd it would have to be done by individu al ell'ort properly diiecte! toward .-omc lucky individunl who hrd the articbj for rtde. We did not 5etid the meeting, ami do not know cau-etl their hope to le prematurrir blastwl. We lire of the opinion that a limited amount of seed can . procur ed for the farmer of this cmrniy frma the B. t M. Company, Itud wo hope that the matter will nt be sllowoi to rest here, but that lhHo who have put themselves at the head of thiv movement will pu.-h the nrntier and -ecure all the j,eeI that they can al on tbe be-t terms po-i-dhle. While there i- no suffering among the farmer.- of thin county for the tiero-rtri' of life, a great many are in loo straight ened cireum-tiince-i to pro-irc the nece-ary seed for their field--, without a.-sistatice, and the fault does not lie with them; but was ocea-ioned by the failure of the crops l.-t y:ar. A great many of our farmers, if they could procure 'eed for the present scavm, would, if crop are good, (which we have f cry rea-.m for belie. ing will lie the cjis) be placed "on their feet" again and could go ahead and culti vate their fauna without asking fur ther as-d-tance. The H. A- M. com pany realize thn and are ready to a-si.-t. Let the matter be pushud for ward without delav. Iravalc Itss: January 30, I SSL En. ClHKr: Von have had so many correspondents from this place for the last three or four month'!, that I thought it was 11 necessary for n:e to write, but a gossiping correspondent of the Argus intimate- that I am dis pleased with the Ciiikf. That brinti me out. Tbe Ciiikk. (besides being one of the first settlei-, whiih mom-mend- it to me,) has always been a friend of mine, and I never de-sett my friends. I have always mantained that in wiitiug to ones own county paper, it i beM to keep as near the truth a.- possi ble. Our Sunday schools have not been snowbound, neither have our cheese meetings congealed, or the farmer's club frozen. The last men tioned institution grew small by de grees and beautifully le- and finally was snuffed out, by the e-ty on grasses. The cheese meeting- stopped because they had got through with their work, having appointed a com mittee of thrpe to build the factory, anil they are only waiting the arrival of a man with the- apparatu- anil tbe capital to commence operation. We are quite--ure he will be bore in the near future, for every week we hear that they expect him in a few days. If the factory i-n't buiit within the next si months, we -hall have to call another meeting an appoint a new committee. There hasn't been snow enough to prevent any one from going to Sunday school, as I know by experience, but the most of the people here lo-t their intere.-t in that as well as other reli gious services. Inavale would bo a good field for a mi-si.mary now, only he would b-. oMiged to tr.ivel around to the houses to reach the people. The snow has done no damage, only in drifting- into the cornfields and pre venting the dilatory farmer from Junking hnvorn. Some of the bli7?ards commence altogether too abruptly. One of thorn caught Mrs. at the fxt of the hill where she had slid down on tho boy" sled, and she was obliged to go back up the hill in the teeth of the gale, .-he will not go sliding again till she is sure the weather will remain pleasant until she returns. Another one caught Mr. II. as he got off the train and took his pipe away from him. and he had to go four miles facing the storm to get where there was another one, so he could smoke. Surely these men are slaves to their pipes-. W. W. Harvey is jubilant over the thirty-five dollar prize he received with the Omaha Republican, and Clraries Hunter thinks he got more than his money's worth in the nicely bound and illustrated book he recei ved in the same. But the Bach who received a cake of pepermint toi'et, soap wasn't so elated about it, tho-ight he should have prefened soft oap The sleds have been Hying about here plentifully of late, and every man who didn't have one was considered out of fashion, but to day they would have to go out of the road to find snow to run on. Betsey. OSAGE ORANGE SEED. Mitchell fc Jlorhart have for sale a supply of osage seed at a- rery reasonable- price. Those who contemplate growing a hedge should give them a call. 2Gtf Eo"by's Price List. Sugar 7 to lOlts. for Coffee 3 to olbs. for "Dried Apples 3 to 2ofts. for Standard Oil, per gallon, Headlight oil, per gallon.. 1. 00 J. 00 1.00 .25 .30 2o anoles superior to those sol i ' . ( Putnam splended tor eating or ing .Bottom ngures given pmi aj l Ei-rronC.i:r.-IwiUro,ueapain the -.mctum of the Oust, with a A where Stiilwater'. talut tn"t wire . t w-ek in a lTcjnn. it Iht alimct fijry ulijert that cv.dd be thunrrhl ui'u die cu!!!, loth :ir'.r arxl old. THi rtok the wlije-t wa-f "rec4vcl tlurt it woubi I better for a roune man : the ae of tve.y-ojic Ut have a good ethnatiu. than ten thottasuMl iblnr-"." f 'ITh llr! jialte'r ws 4l fatlfr T'n-- ier with ju-tcnosi-h Iri-h to make h- Jlnw-vlni'tm- up vi:h ,k Anal r talk fuanv. The nxt va- I. D. liaUmm e"P; "r1 dv" wn1 rat spuuennx d mixiiat; ht- wonl W,.,w.rtt Jui-rcnrt tM,N,mh.Mn mafce Mit -plit Ji-5 .-xks lansttinc. I might tell of Ad -Ciucta lira. W!U rsVtS. tlwit i I. W. Wa atsd 12. W. Wik and other, Utt apace arsa!d fail m to tell f a1! wb St:Ww.T WiHl!d lr pruud of, atM mhiuk th :fl aon f will bare iia fruit torn Usu in ih fu tuw. hr theiudde I:.s!m w. of Mm & ,v jr.'", " ' ' mim Ullr Franca sod Mr. llenrr ' v- 'i'i.wi' jn-r f w 1 owier Hlio stfte for Kanwn on ir .. t st n rt iuea.T n:tf Mixting tn the matt iiti ci.. r ..! j ..4. ?!,tm e ! than a wile from the ?oun Luly' sS?4 wmam Ar4- M " -hotne. It m'.niif. to hav- beon phtnurd j is. .. W. $i ITXKH, JUtfW. ' atheymmKiH' met un-Vr nr-!, j. "a.t'i eiiiuManctw that would jHTrfr rt their y w i h:.r jm o ii - .: ' i.Imii iin.t u'u t.w.m. !.-.. wi. jrr....t ...i. rt v f viiv taatfe Tl - heiinl from ttcxi, liuy will & man and I.'e. Uncstj Divid stsrtel the next moruins in pursuit of the little m;.v. A. Well bus shiiqiwl one ear load of broom corn. G. W. Francis expect to ship three load- oou. C. Fuller has juit gt)t a now wind mill. C. A. Tael liiu n new wind mill anil a new correli. Com b mnx; hauled tf the load in larve qttant":'..;. which shows tl-it tite t ; ' 3 no: . a starving t"vi !t iov. Ionium the Cn:::t or-"..:ae one de vise a plan, how our farmers may get M'?i win at, for if we cannot be helped 10 the feed, there will be but itn'e wh-at owu this -pring. I tbiik tl.:- could and shotlM be done. ' .-,..,... ..!. r. . ,1 1 .1 . ""'K vii-. .1.111, in uiriiinwi Miiti.i,. be intere-ted in the next cars crojf could lurm.-h the seed and let tV titers replace it in the fall, I should ?!, like this to be talked up in time. Since writing the above, I learned that Miss Francis and the girl stealer has lelurncd, and have give the old man the slip. The young couple are 'pending their houev-moon at E. UeedV. Esn.RpBtsr. We would bo glad to fttrni-b the fanners of this ami adjoining counties with ?wt wheat, and would do i; were it not for the fact that nil our money i- at present tied up in a for eign -peculations. En. rai;s le:lis'3 topulah iI0:iTHL7. The February Number of thi- favcr ite i- even more than usual ly inieiestintr. The leading article, "t-'port and Sport in America." by 1)1 iver.Ioht'sou, ha--ten excellent iou of Winter outdoor sport5. Another admirable at tide also fully illustrated, i ontitlnl "London Ifo-pi-tnls and scciHs-in them." bv Janet K. i i ikii-i ,.- .1 .. ! iv. ines. .uatiagn-car, ny Ai'.nn ."-. douthworth, "A llu:iing Tarty in I'lnrulu," "5I:iere and hH World." by II. J1.ii ton Riker. 'The Frf vova-je Around the World," and "A 8olow,,l:-'!'ks 1"- -'andnrd Wank-, of the ' ' . - 1.. .. I.... f .!. .1 flu. by William Aikroyd. etc are full o; , iiitetest and infonualion. The serial, 1 "The Amber Wiu-h," i continued, j and are numerous bhort sUrie , .ind sketches by popular writer of great merit. Among the many excell ent poeiH, "Angle visits," by Charles Miiekjn, and "A Tlaby Song," by C. A. Imske, are epecjailr goo 1. 'tne inl collany, of which there i an abuu d;i nee. embraces a variety of subjects, and aiford a va-t our,e of entertain men! and tn-triftion. K.ieh number of the m.igazine catuains 12S quarto pages and ovi-r 1R) emieUi-hnients, with a hanil-ome colorel fronttspeace; the nbje't in thN number is "The ick Ciuld." fiom a painting by Trr.yer Single copies are sold at 25 cents each; iTm j.i.lKi-rijjiion for a year, $.: or ?' for six; and $1 for fo'ttr month', pot-frce. Addre.-, Fnink Leslie's Publishing Hoti'se. 53, 55, & 57 Tark PIacc, New York. irencs re pasties eatiss scssd STILLS. Xotice is herebv riven to all nelsons- having boreil welU. to call on W.W j Hove, nt Judze Wilcox 5 old office. tir-t door north of the Ciuf.k ollsce. and settle for the right to use the ame The undersigned 1.- tbe patantee of the well auL'r and extendible rol. and no other person ha- the riglit to use them. All person Using sioreu wens ijt oe nofe for 6 due in six months from -;tS date, to draw interest at the rate ot ;, !o a. rre ,y mu locre-y -se- Tt ten ner cent I r-fii6t meJtein.i M y Ji.i at II Owner.- ot well angers are also noti- rrltbTuwU n rc-M !! minry. r -a-tied to call at the a:ne place w make &?; J THt ohm 1 tOciNtf do amuv-men for the future ic of the ,tr3f -JS"? JSJiiKTrkiS' slime. Kvd C'ioud Jan. 1-, 'Si. . 0aia.ab- Ifoolcwlc ajrau -! 2fATMAStEi. ('., pauntce. ... 1 Mr. A. U. .laric, tlie patante was the first man to conceive the idea ofi rhiTt ho i-l?nr"fvj h ro'isiders to be very reasonable, as the royalty upon the Drive well.-Ls and ha been, from J 10.00 to 5 I5.n0 ner well, therefore he considers that he is justly entitled to tlie amount charged. 2Itf CP r "XT f .Not tiic rown ot tvings-. nor ine, Crown -Own Ot (.Ion. but tne t.TaW71 sewing the well-boring machine with the ex-! i0-rab! bss . ihj.' 6r'1y"r,?; , tensible rod, the advantage of which ! Jj-n.'. Si'pW' cSa! ; can be .-een at a glance, as it nas ena- roABnjpme aid Ihm ; Mw- .lfc,"r'' ", bid persons settling in this and other JFS&& western states to obtain an ine.xhau.-t- tSlj.,rVaV. or mu.d fcu i o able supplv of water at a small prcei.t .tc 1 by i:e .ci csaiUBi j"9,;?' .I'T,' ?,! ' of what it'eost to get the same in the jaa ".frfS' it ' ?cttlin-; of Illinois and Iowa, and it 1 peWsp'iesi .sajjifcio ; wav to ret water here. Tne royalty weni' " f I V.-inp rh fitr-t fliiil beer machines fr constant ref d I,v I in the maricer. u ttui pay you to can si 5 .JTied iTirsHs b-uer th xxt 1 .- ----. --- - - -- . . m - M-r sar WAir I.. IT .k SXM TTTTT a . Id I rU W SIL.I fc ' purchase! For Sale by 3L B. ilcXrrr. -a 3- I f you htsh t Mrratf . fKsU tui mtmlti f milV. iVsxeai rt raw F - lum vH fetaluw. A Farm Id Rent ! Of 1M1 err nrth mnJ tim Kaum- i&xn,. oar urv brh M-st at tW hutd i its a cl -uif J natUTstUon. At una bnM4 mwrt for le r trJ Ajflf v DS. !!n.vttaov. 5ren Mtte -oith-nc?t f KsJ ftaet. ttONEY TO LOAN! 2s K nui (!lie !rxt ti.i r t' tln htr SJ f Fin (i I Proof .Ynt ict. u4 i b..i t , t t .: lr f t t k-liT tl .! ikr !? "m ' ! :,cil wt'W Im ' ' Mat , tnk tWi : ' t ii .! - ;aet - l b- il4 V- .1 h it trtUMi W atvr ietal tm m iMMrt ' bu -! - mi SimI nr? tkr f. Itefr Jk T'-l-If. lrk f tse o"ir' tf f V'tfr wr. t km in M-4 U4, .'. m tit.tUj. TifMUjfy jmL.IVI, .it. s-w5 iiitir1 . enrr a tltl,fT M"li .Vtrlf Iti-hf't IloMfil u4 .4i;u" W. itHiMfrtin ill m ili-lOtxil eb ijs-Tfctt ?. W. :r.KK. Urti.ur. Lil0',-at !ll tiitetti Nl Jm I'.lvit NbIk-- hrrK firm iKal tlr fi.tlowln. n 9iHit'- 'i-h1 '! HilM 1 lt t 11.1) ul, ii" ft j i- - ' l'lt iikI i- 1 m" . . ' ' ht' r- Jaa . Iulit mlirt 1 1 -it' r I -tb BS.uri) Ktirur t'4 1" UrirHi" h'J N"f. 3T7. fr Xh- Nnta t inartT ?-. R own 1 N H&rf 10 W v t -t.l naifir lhi flltlHlI(4 H hi- WtB . It prOl1 fk- IiS'IIMI rt'!nir 111 anil cultf'toon t ll fr't. (llfir-C. A-.ihtM. llii str t J fcn .(. ru tin w. null, li "I :-! t l.-l i. ' i I'Wf at lM-om?r?'.n N'(. Jaa. tl. .. "-r 1-rc'v r n t kt t th 'Hiriiii , .. .,. l ,.1.., ..,, .1 ti. 1.,. fv.r f!- al iinwif m il'tr ( h 'liiu. K- J liklsirtn 1 "i Hi . trl rr 1 iiti ; i'rHriisui-i r W r Wr y t ti ffl tn ilt! Cluul. -Nt . on -itur lay b KHh.ll. m: 1 I'lTB'CK Mcni.. hM r rtry Sit. lli tr hc ', S K i anJ S VC N W ' f cli'in 2 tn i rc 11 f I. i'l nstoc thr :illoini; us lits lt"'-t l rT nmtinuiiiH i-iirt.c tn-.n 1 eotlWt'wa of at l tri'l. rit: 'S'rhn'ft llnti'y. Atrft it. Or i.k'T, 'rti nmi William (i trltich. atl i.l It t 11 ' Ht.l til) S. W ?WlT7.:Jt.H.clr. SIIKIUFF'S SALK ?i'Ik:i" heli j-n that it 1 VIlc ui .b ilia -ll 1 iiay .f t-n-m-r A I'. lil.iti)o r, ritrf Wi'. itr -nrn na-i louMh Atrntin, is IUtiYi)tlriiitrrui.i, A r.iV I wl I Mil at tu Mr io l mi lush ! lilr fur ca h i'ii ." "wii.X 'l-r b'.J iit,Hrtr. t ail. . walcr taaV. wiml. iintl atft nwrr. tr i iV 'i.i. vt r'tri Uuiwm lv an irilrr 1,1 1 -n.t iihi f ih OtrrK. lBe f th Ii;rici Cuurt in an l lr WefcflT etHuty ' (1-1.A1 in hvr of I. t. I'- '! . -M. liircn nmttr lay hiail tho - Jjy ! He ceiuhcr ISM1. ... ,, ,ll. Jo.. V . W ss. hcrB. N'olicri' te-rehr irir-n. that I wtll xi!rt h pnf wu mtr -Si. 1 J" r th.u it tvr ia; ;. ..t ihs in"wy ."iunn nMt.f. t ti.f eati. ji .led .1.1 eu it Cut imi.j-- m ib' w ntb .t 'hiri. iUr Auicn-l " J .'htT At ' wr loll m uttrii ; 11 th mmiih el .mury. Ainl. uy nwl ' r. A: Oiao n on tin iit -JfrJa ia thr awnUu ut tich. Juh. --tHii t-J t'crhr. KmiUitiB. ti- in t to .-Ivk .m. A. A. I-. Conn r Sm trmi'mlrM i l'uww lntniclio Blanks! Blanks IT A full line of rta'c Journal Co'e.. r-. . .. ... 1 .., ..,. ...,.. .... I .Mi.t uiini, mt't ., i'iv - pi'" ;, j,rv are -.iit al in i.iiuoui aim Omaba. Tbw tollowiiij; ia a paitial lint ot blanks on hay.: Warranty HecK Mortize I'ced, " Qrnttld Mortfiaffw. Search Warrant. Mechanic Leiu. 1'owar of Attorney. Quit Claim IHmia. Snmawww (ornrtnal'. Summon ey1. Appuni L'ndi.rakinc, ExwtiUon. )rder of Atiflchmont. .Mu.larit of Vtfmlor or I-r. Assijiimciit ui Mwrtgage. Procipe. SttbiHstta5, Notice of Con!ab'p !. Illank He i'lt-. lilank Note : .! n of IfrWge. Agreeing for Warranty Peed-. Com f ' t to ktep tlie Peace Ac. Ac. 1.1 n' , .ivti of blanks KifA by ot..iif s X U'.i.'. G2A7-S s?z:inc icrr '- fRADC MARK 7ie 5-5 j. TA0r ?AH 3r - CiT. A nifill- si f-lk' infnra r 21'Y rrmal Wrak- nr. prim- WiNJW torrhsa. J-np"-i w te-iy. atii a - k ll.xa.M lis. V V i.i HiV t l t ASIK5.4U of 51 ATIE TASI3S. j - - h - dltn3M. 0f rw. Hie- Tz .v... . ln of metaorr. oitr?-ci a.. 1 .--j. ..j-. .,--.", Vested freuMy re-att iu 13 Inrurabl ' ' j TTT t? TTflCESS GUI U& TO DUV.OJOO wiTit -tuu- BUSINESS If fl ;ua ' i br far the Vt Ssitseu and 5l OaV.e i it tells bnfs ? coar-l'te'r b to lo r-rx- Jlsirye'-. ito to d CaMBe,CVrreuy a- - - f yif; S sBttiaiwU-iaef Jr4rjJ inforralins taJL reaise. .Vnfj Waz'ed f'.rau 01 rai -etaer CO L3.if. asv mMf : -e S . Nested frrquJy re; Ths Proof of the Puddingisinthe ""ZS:-" Eating." s t o v m s. f;HJrlr i:0ck. k- You hare only to "iiaritrre Xtort,. on us and wc can casi-comc an(j scc s ns wc ly convince you that wcj will not be do sell UNDERSOLD. HARDWARE A little BKLOW edred rock pn- ces' advertised bv other firms. Besley & Perkins. Mi.tMti! MITCHELL I MOUUT'I ti THE- OiVLY PXiACH tN TIKD CLOUD WllkCK VOO CA uvr Hardware, QffiVDO T.'nw-P k ill u .x: acnsnss AT Bed Rock Priccr. , r-if-rr -r,ij-C2uw Kendall's Spavin Cure. Th n"' 'u r '"' w l ' f l"ntefi. St film f rkTri t- I nl Wlf .ti itTfrMi W Fkom iu v y ;r: r;KR. Vmv-Unt l."l rfihSs iir iO'rtt I ll..V-. j. , ;a te II 1 Kio . ' it- I. 1 Kutrlv'irr 1 will !) " ,. i' l.rn l' "irnitw Ctr' a. - 'ttf -.-aj lory '! TttMt ' I i'-r t I '! uf jrtrmt tt. ol wiH l ill-l 1 h ' lio"- ly a SMm. I.awf t' y - Hmtm rtj Im f I umW hiM 1 -f few irV hra li ktai ltr . it Srl I Mit hiia ti the rm'4 b r ir, whe i 'jit- 1 rmir 'I lat. fWi- f"ftuiaj. I sr -rvm I VlMi it Kn U!i" -..H "ui .in-i n( h vo lbft h"itl rijr.l hisn i h 1 rl l'ii ' bcita r rat thi buixih h tol. i t llfier fatty ,-f.. ' .N ORIN'HCII PIIIWEVKKXNCK WILL TKLL. SlHBihW.s. Vars.. Alarti h. ItW It J K" tH i 1 . 0n In mie 1 y I. ah't u)'. I Ibis 1 01111 I lt yii rv.w Ihil I hare r tutvi n Irf.m rtn Hh K-t il! Si'irm t'ar ' r rry tr ,& dau'l dtnw 1mi Utngt ?h. riTin hi-J rti ihffij. I fiat- MWH1 the h r 'tkt inaitft It tw j m four n th to Uie lh Urir tu,o nC jvl (,t ti imill nn t tne uiel trn htll th Kf ti entitt'y t. &t at a'lttllf anlnv '.anm l It eo r Irll ThO it a vr-ltrful mciwil';. tl it a fw tctr. tmtirt'l. r ill wht it b. f-ir w iu a! i bt crycrut. Ktieiluily yuf. VfnJ al Irril 'Ju,rsil Clr'ylar htrb hmk 'Tt ro'iT pntl t lit virlars ....... f. I..-., r.. ....r . .1 1 .j(. . 1. 4 ! a.. :cn t- our knw!r-ir. t-r Lrtt a tll a t4(i. ro"ci ir imiiie rc tKiila V,t $'t All Lrojr-t ba's it or ' tU tt for you. ,r it ill 3coi tu ny ajaroi rn ri- tk by ths rrotr.etfcri. 11. J. K l.SDALl. A 0 'SMr Lo.t,rta fatU V't. ' I i rii SWVIN CUREfaj t THIS 2TEW AHD CORRECT MAP 2WTta tjosd aa j rtcsooaMe ;nttloa that th CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN R'Y Is b7 .1 oWa tic tt read for joss, to tak ta trtTJtej: Is crt-Vr dlrrttUm tctw Chicago and all of the Prfedpal Polnla in ih Wt, North Kartrett. CorrfcDr rxztsn tM Vap. Tft JVIrJpal Ci'l nf thi TTft rl ynrih-rt rt-s fttATVsM onUitm&d. ll iLnxtlt ink. mxus ua ouimactita it nti-ifiir y,i nr;r i Junction porctv aHHsysaMSajJ B 1 Lk rai. mm m kj 1 sf mMZmmm m 9 THE CHICAGO A MOfiTH-WttTEBM itiwiv TaI!oqtrTta4! vardallrrnratwa to Cae?a--o rr.. - a.KJXtU VXiZTSZTZr. ll7! " S7teC atr'i-SiJ SKf? ?. ? , ' " ' -r m at a. uj aaaMB . IL Ifinn .. nii .. . Tket cme? tiii rail a- iAi - rrfi.tra&C - AJmS rcesOTr,aj2a33s-.OJeia. :vSf 1H 1- ... . U&? Julian ? V;iinIU P.t. nt;H. . ii. irjV4 ! W l Vl J ! K t t'a4 t i VHt. Slate -Roofing tJ , . s-s- -mm.x j. SAYES UfvSIIINGLINO. FIRE AN wati:k PROOr. CONTAINS NO TAtt. 31 1 XEB KIMDV I'OK USR. ANYBODY CAN ArrLY IT. With thU IMnt old hlaf;ir can Jx taadc to Irtnk Utter aad last luajrertbah new shlnclcs for oae-third tke ct f rr-hlRffUar. M , , , Kiualiy eood for tin cr !rrn. and fr porou brick wralls Is unequalled. It is eU!ic will pxtnil or coatrsfl with bat or cold. Tlitt l an lrailsrxa ablo quahty In a durable Rooaas; IVlnt, Ifwillnotcrark. pecloracale, bdajg !ar. wilt not rui or corrode It has a braTy boJy one coat lJB equal to tbrr of any oilier It U aold at a prlco ttit cnbl errryrtno to hivo a wrll patatfM! r).f. Kour JnDiloro h!r Koof-Hlatr, Drown. Ked and Brltfht Krd. Prira In tncl rt -O to 50 gallon, onlr CO cents per calltL 'After a moat IhoreHirh mo of tkU paint, we wet cordially rt commrnd it. nd am satUMrd thai If oaro Hiril It will be ordrml srcoail and thin! tlrar."- (II, V. llowcn. la tho I-UpiJt. 8rpt. 50. iiU-nd f r circular an J r.impsw. aol nrtltloll tbii JMifr N. E. PAINT OIL CO., 7 INDIA ST., BOSTON, MASS. St'lliiu; Atnu fr IWrtrtunatbl IV. lbh for Umjia,Lop;cr.CmKMltlyR. JO : Co CIS. K2W 7. -. 8 0 - CO DIMIM& CAJtSL yta or 5tlrwr ry Tt tfcjCt-Eoi T -1- i ' . w -- lclm idaadknai aaaaai a a a w a. . tte.- te'atea auI "TJt.i ta3aMJ. W.JLSH rt Cics. rtM w ,flpn, t -w u r "w,".,"!l' "JTTi.i t h e rr. u it. - z JS; sssfc, "?T v'"'ijR' - LkXH isHHix9 mm .a. ft- VJ4 I 8 r j IO P fftf p - W-'m m . f I : L 1 u .- J SBSBSBSBSaKaSVV1 rf! SBSBSBV j5 gt ml Q- P f av4 vri?-. x VbSSf y MMMaaasasi - im Jtias-apeli 143 rTt. -" -2 """ T lAKe .SarNfior 7 i icpea jt; su fei o L'ou4 a 1 M : I li' 2 ' Nw I. k jfc. S-s kf,-tv; -? -. 'fT rrisL.. - . - , - " . --"liK.--..,, t - . ' - -v t t -i'-sri, . ATiA 5 3- g - v v