i i ' U f i I 4 V x f V ? '. X I 2? THE BED CLOUD CHIEF. M. L. THOMAS, Publisher. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. WHERE IGNORANCE IS BLISS. Is unvr. contajrlous? I don't know; Hot this I am prepared to wty. That I have felt, for many a day, A great desire to make it bo. Doc shi vouchsafe a thought to mo? Hnietlme I think she doe: and thes I'm forced to irrope in doubt ajroln. Which scums my normal state to i- Why don't I ask. and aklnr. i7f7"" I jrrant perhaps It raUrbt '" ' Uut wncn I look lnvl. And hear bcr voice thrU1, mo " i ihi.i, . - iitf whole I won't; I-1 hSJhJi dJS "an know rt-don't. , I d rather tMJ" scrtfrfier JentMv. A rllANKSUIYI.VG STORY. So one should be mean enough to ask if this is a true story. All stories are true stories, and it isn't likely that any one would lie about what happened on such a good day as Thanksgiving. TO BEGIN WITH, The widow Du Shay lived in a little cot- lagoon the ground nowoccupicd by the - - House of Correction. The facts in this story occurred many years ago, but they were salted down at the timo and arc now taken from the barrel in splendid condition. Thanksgiving day had arrived. The Governor of Michigan had issued a proclamation as long as a hoe-handle, the turkey-gobblers had been gobbled from market and grocery, and every body was ready for a short .sermon and a long dinner. That's how things were, and a war map would not give the read er any clearer idea of the situation. IlETKOSrECTIVK. Tho widow pat down In her rocking- chair. And Kite drew up nearer the stove: And the north wind blow with an awful "whew," And the snow Hakes came down in n drove. "He thankful for what?" mused Mrs. Du Sl-ny, ' I'm u widow, rheumatic and poor; And 'twouldn' be iuecr. If before tho New Year, I was bcKxing from door to door." She wlpod a tear from her sparkling nose And t-lie thought of Du Hiiiy in his k'ntvo And her children three, who wcro drowned at nea. Under the foam-crest wave. NOTICE TO THE AUDIENCE. The public will please keep their seats ns tho performance is not yet half through. I've worked like a fclave," tho widow went on, " I've toiled lolh early and late, I've lessened my food that I might get wood. And my conduct bits ever been straight. uMr husband is dead my children arc gone, My hou-o needs many rcpairo; home white man or nig h:ts stolen my pig, And my head It Is getting gray halis." SAME ONE. Every adult person has read of the poor widow who was compelled to make shirts for six cents a piece and furnish the buttons and thread. This is the one. " I've nothing to eat but cold pancakes. And a sip of three-shilling tea." And the widowshc wept, while thesnowllakes crept Under the door for to see. ' I've nothing to wear but an ll black dress. My liounet Is teven years old: And to add to my woes niy best pair of shoo For n shilling couldn't be sold. ' 3 hankf giving! The day is nothing tome 1 wish I was under the ground I wi-h I wils dead, and this s.irmwful head A rest in a rollin had found." rEKFECTLV NATUKAL. You would have wished the same had you b?en in the widows place. Thanks giving is a big thing with fowl, and oysters, and cranberry-sauce to back it; lnt when you come down to three old chairs and two old pancakes, it's anoth er matter. And t he widow sho wept and rocked away, And the wind continued to blow. While the uindow-pane it shivered again At the touch of the Hakes of snow. A CHANGE. Human nature is licklc. If it wasn't there would bo no brea-di-of-promise suits or divorces. The widow Du Shay finally concluded that cold pancake was Letter than nothing, and that her old house was superior to a coal shed for comfort. She decided to observe tho day as well as possible. She was warm ing her feet in the oven preparatory to skirting for church, when she fell asleep. She fell asleep, and sho sighed and snored, Itut never a pain did she feci. As the room grew balm and tho oven got w arm And almost blistered her heel. And she didn't dream of the better land, Where widows have raiment of gold She heaved not a slab tor entice and pie, And tlauuels to keep out the cold. THE KEASON WHY she didn't was on account of tho sur roundings. It's no trick at all for a rich widow to dream of Heaven and angels and second husbands and weeks of bliss, but a poor lone widow with her feet in tho oven is a different story. However, The widow T)u Phay she opened her eyes On sights she could hardly believe There was wood at the door some ten cords or more. As she could quite plainly perceive. A barrel of pork a whole chest of tea, In the shed with a barrel of Hour; And it bonnet was there, with n dress of mo hair. Selected from somo fairy bower. A pair of new shoes (she wore No. five's), bhawl, stockings and other dry goods. In fact, such a store as she ne'er w before Since tho day sho moved out of the woods. OF COURSE, Her amazement was intense, and it was half an hour before she could fully real ize that Providence had thus rewarded her for her resolution to keep Thanks giving day, and be thankful for what sho had. Just as she had finished in specting the last article A gallant knock was knocked on the door, And responsive to her "come in." In walked a gent, as slick as a cent, Or as neat as any new pin. He smiled a sweet smile as he took a chair. And bis clothes were tltting and lino: And this he did sav to the widow Du Shay: "Oh, widow, will you bo mine" Sho blushed a bit, and she hung her head. And her hand ho took inhis'n: And he stoic a kiss, which she didn't miss. And but it's none o your bizzen. They were married that eve by a parson tall. And the storm cleared away very soon: And they rode for an hour on n bridal tour, in a sieign oy me ngni oi mo moon. THAT'S ALL. But this article should make a deep impression on you. Whenever you feel like saying hard things of Thanksgiving because '..you have nothing to be thankful for just re member what a narrow escape the widow Du Shay had from falling upon the stove in her sleep and increasing her misfortunes by roasting her hose. She happened to come out A 1, but fairies don't take to everybody. De troit Free Press. . . A Nebraska Snow Storm. We pitched our tents carelessly, "in tending to take an early start next morning. Butalas, for our expecta tions! During the night a strong wind set in- frcm the! northwest, and about four a. m. it began to fow. None of us could judge JR'ell of weather indica- -tions in Nebraska, and our guide did. . not susne&t anvthine serious, for the "oldest inhabitant" could not recolleclH a blizzarddtt October, and it was now only the 15th of the month. The guide thought, and the drivers believed, that theormSwould cease at twelve m., and we, oi-56urse, trusted to their judg ment, Bit! Instead, the storm grew fiercer, the snow fell more rapidly, and lhtj north westgale increased in fury. Before night so much snow had fallen that if it f adlaui as it fell it would have beenatlSastorie foot deep, but now it had bej piled into drifts so that our BHU.es stooa ivuu uieu icuir umj S3 the wagon tops, and. tue s &- - i2l ?3VKl 2VHHH r- t .2ttE 1 Hi 11. 1 1 . ..... . 1 1 . sl-1 umaaammHmmimimn nrmmimfHmmi iraiwulM' iiiihthii im , "k ' 'JLiJ..X-.'', fetfs5 Efese34kQiiSm9F3BR&ic iiSijC2HB9HFHE3flDi2Kj 1 W1 ''itwimW'''n'iF TT'tlf T1iieii tU1 tMiiTli'"' F w 1 r- i5t- J' KPVS:'"5K3iir 3uBBiBBp s &'&f3PBi&&iir wlfMvfti:'"i KWfWl'tiWil"11 T'WFwlMfflfiWTSF,ffTgiif1irWi Tfflf nltf l lTff" T THI '" ' iliriiiri'- P pyBssSi IAfcgt? TTiiiTn(TTn,WiT''TTnTT'innM iiiiy i irTTri itrnir''--3nriTi 'rti'-xi-- -rif stove and itirnilureit. our cook's tent were completely hidden frMrn view. s The night eel in ujkju in' gloomy rft awfnl. We had two light canva1".1 in each or which slept four w" w,ln just blanket,-enough to kp them com fortablc in ordinary we""- .jut now we must provide J" ,.. ,!.:.. ..,... ...rrtrV who had Usually slept in the w"; - ' -:y but simply provided with clothing, w .. .-ru our stock with them, h . . . .. '.mrm ami n thV WiTil were we ...... t --.ru our sioc So :... thn lanrcr tent we took them. Tiicro was but little ?lecp in the tent that night, for tho cold was intense, and the wind was so terrible in its effects that we feared every moment the larger tent would fall, though we had .strength ened it by poles and cords in every con ceivable way. With the morning light it seemed a if all the spirits of tLe air where let Ioojo, and all day long the storm roared with ever-increasing fun. The snow had ao beaten in that when we awoke we found ourselves buried beneath it, and now we were obliged to gather all our bedding into the middle of the tent to keep it from being wet through. No man could long endure tho storm outside, and we stood hud dled together from morning till nijiht. stamping our feet to keep from suffer ing. Even then wo could not keen j comfortable. For hours together we - w aw m w iiuiiiti ufl'i:i.iil:i i slo0(t with onr backg brace,i against tl ic tent to keen it from irivin wav under tho great weight of the snow and the territic force of the gale. I know of no language which can be used to convey to any person inexperienced in such a time any adequate conception of the fury of the storm. During the second day we succeeded in digging our little stove out of the snow dritt, and setting it up at the entrance to our tent wo managed to keen a little lire through tho rest of the day and night. But our store of wood was vory small, and there was no more to be had Within we knew not how many miles. The other tent's company 'had no stove and no lire. During the second night of the .storm it was impossible that all should sleep at once, even if they could sleep despite the cold, for what with the fetove on one side and all our provisions, brought in from the wagons, on the other, there was not room for all to lie down. Be sides it was necessary to keep the lire going, lest we might all perish together. So we stood bending over the st ve all night, two at a time, while the others tried to sleep. It was an awful night. To add to our anxiety the guide and drivers declared that the horses and mules were likely to perish. They were a pitiful sight, indeed. Two of thdm had no blankets, and the others wore little better off. At times it was difficult to conceive that the creatures before us were hor.-es, so literally cov ered were they witu a coating of ice. After two days and two nights the storm ceased. It was now Sunday morning. We kno"w not where we were, and we doubled if the guide had more definite knowledge than we. Kverv man was desperate. Some dcelared itdangerous to attempt to move through the snow, and that our only safe eour.-e was to re main, and, in case of necessity, ue the wagons for fuel and the horses for food Others declared their purpose to move at all hazards and without delav. Final ly we determined to move. We threw away all luggage that could be dis pensed with, and in grim silence started m the direction which we thought would bring us to the nearest hut. It was dif licult traveling through the drilled snow, and it was bitterly cold. But all day long we pushed on.nevcr .stopping to feed a hor.se, breaking through the drifts with our ponies so that the teams could follow, till 'about live), in., when we came in sight of hay stacks, in the vicinity of which we knew there must be a ranchman's hut. I never saw a happier set of men than were thoe when it became certain that what wo saw were hav stacks, and not the terri ble sand hills which had so often de ceived us during the dav. Grave men. merchants of Worcester, swung their hats aloft and shotted for joy. It. had been a march for life. Cor" Worcester Mass.) Sj)t. Workmen's liiots In Russia. A Russian papor gives the following account of tho recent great strike at Smolensk: " On the 2 1st of September the manager of Khludoirs Cotton Mill, where three thousand workmen are em ployed, issued a notice that on the 1st of October wages would bo reduced ten per cent. The weavers thereupon struck work and collected in a mob to discuss their grievances outside the mill. Cossack police inspectors endeavored to make them disperse, but were com pelled to retire, followed by a shower of stones. The workmen then marched through the 6treets of Smolensk, smashing indiscriminately the windows of tho houses en route, hooting the Jewish Synagogue, and compelling the public house keepers to servo them with spirits gratis. In the evening, when the Governor sent one of his suite to the scene, lie was roughly handled by the mob and had to retreat, severely wounded in the head by a heavy stone. The next day the Governor arrived, and, with Khludoff, held a conference with the workpeople, resulting in tho withdrawal of tho obnoxious order re specting the decrease of wages. Tho Governor then returned to the railway station, but had hardly reached the platform when a Cossack came after him with tho intelligence of a fresh out break. It seemed that the weavers were about to re-enter the mill to work when a body of refractory workmen placed themselves before the doors and drove them back. The Governor there upon summoned three companies of in fautry to occupv the mill ami prevent disturbances. Tho next day, affairs being still in an undecided condition, no weavers entered the mill. The day passed off quietly, and in the evening Khludofl" announced that, as they had not accepted his offer yesterday, ho should, in punishment, withdraw it aud confirm the October order. On tho 24th the machinery was started in the morning, and a few of tho weavers re turned to work. On the 25th about "one third were reported to be back at their work, the greater number of the remaining two-thirds having demanded their discharge. Seven men have been arrested for rioting, and the strike is now considered to be at an end." Agriculture: ia the Limekiln Club. The Committee on Agriculture re ported that their midsummer estimate of crops had been more than realized except in the case of buckwheat, which is always a deceiving crop to estimate on. There was no special cause to thank Providence for the big crops, for it was just as easy for her to turn out big crops as little ones. She wasn't a cent out of pocket either way. The committee recommended that the Club offer a premium to any person who will invent a flat-boat with a plow attachedT so that farmers may not be delayed by wet weatherl Also, that farmers pay more attention to natural history. The committee had conversed with a score of farmers not one of whom could ex- plain,why cows did net sit down to rear uiu auao u uus, uui nuy i uucu uiau too tired to tackle the "wood-pile for fifteen minutes could walk two miles and dance all night. The committee estimated that 8.650 mowers and reap ers, 25,000 scythes, 58,000 plows. 6,000 scrapers, 91,800 hay-rakes and 22,000 cultivators would be left in the fields to winter by the thrifty farmers of 'this country. Detroit Free Press. - :Mr.Bobekt J. Buudette, the Bur lington Bawheye humorist, and Mrs. Burdette wiU live in Philadelphia thui winter- - - - w I psilic KBnrie4jre f l!ine NeceMary '' te Um4 HHeieepIajr. No LAiv can manage her houchoM affairs with dicretJO.i, or comfort to herself, without uuch knowledge of business a wi.l enable her to kinjp all her accounts correctly. In buying or selling she will soon learn the import ance of "making change" with facuitv, aud yet with perfect correctness and never receiving it from other without a careful yet not oatcntatious examina tion. We havo heard lad cs ay they would be ashamed to stop and count their "change" after receiving it. It would look like suspecting those with whom they were dealing of dishonesty. A very foolish idea, which may often occasion serious lo or painful misun derstanding in case it is afterward found incorrect. Ladies should also be competent to discriminate between true and false coin to detect a counterfeit bill, if not with tho quickness of an expert, at lean so far m to be on their guard against receiving bills at all doubtful until submitted to home one whose judgment Is trustworthy. Mothers ought to be able to teach their daughters the steps necessary to the proper trans action of such business a naturally comes tinder a housekeeper's care. It is a very convenient as well as a most desirable plan to have such an amount a one can afford to use in household affairs deposited in bank for the use of the mistress of a family. It will give her a delinite idea of how much she can safely spend, and she will take pride in not only keeping within bounds, but also in seeing how much sho can save out of the allotted sum without being miserly, or reducing the comfort") of the iamily. In short, we believe, whenever possible, tho husband should alw.iys give his wife a stated allowance for fam ily expenses ami a separate one for her own individual needs. It is the greatest safeguard against extravagance, either through sellish carelessness or ignor ance. If such an arrangement can be made, then the wife and mistress of a family should have a bank account for herown use. and for the necessities of the fami ly. In that case every lady must un deratand how to make out a check cor rectly, aud also understand definitely the difference between a check and a draft, and that both, when drawn, must be presented during business hours, if they are to be cashed at the bank. A check is drawn on a bank where money has been deposited sufficient, at least, to cover the amount drawn. A draft or letter of credit can be drawn on a bank or business house where the drawee has such business connections or transac tions as will make the acceptance of the draft safe aud justifiable. Tho differ ence between tho two is slight moitly in the wording; but of .sufficient im portance to make .a correct understand ing of that difference very desirable, if not absolutely necessary. Many arc careless in dating letters; perhaps la dies are less careful than gentlemen. In common family or friendly corre spondence it may not be of much im portance, though often a source of em barrassment and uncertainty, that brings discomfort, to say the least. But in business transactions, if the date and year are omitted, it may prove a source oi great mischief. If a check or draft is sent without date, it will, or should be, returned for the omission to be sup plied, and in business such delav may prove disastrous by causing distress or loss to both parties. The mistress of a house should know, not only ho.v to select tho best as well as the most economical articles, accord ing to the state of her finances, but also ki3p well posted in the current market prices. By so doing, giving carcftd at tention to the rise and fall of prices, she cau obtain the best, with less ex pense than would be incurred for sec ond or third-class provision if she does not possess this knowledge. If, on the contrary, a housekeeper simply con sults her own case and present conven iencemaking her purchases in places near of access, or trusts to the dealer to send what he chooses without examin ing the quality as well as the price her felf she will surety not only incur needless expense nut very unsatisfactory provisions. The same mistaken idea which ladies are often governed by in couuting change is too common, unfortunately, in marketing and making any house hold purchases namely, that to exam ine material and compare prices, as well as quality, will leave tho impres sion of being sordid and miserly, or in very straitened circumstances. For the last there need be no shame. The first is mean and contemptible, and opens a large Held for reformation and improve ment. But there is an honor in hold ing one's stewardship with scrupulous care and exactness, using tho good things which God commits to our care "as not abusing them." Of course all with whom the mistress of a family deals are to bo supposed honest until proved the contrary, and would on no account Like advantage of a woman in a bargain. But the honor of securing the patronage of a lady of distinction, especially if that distinction is gilded, or the pleasure of waiting on a bright, active young matron, just blushing under the dignity of being the honored mistress of her husband's house, may beguile them into a little exaggeration in presenting their wares. This will seldom be repeated if they see that their attractive customers perfectly understand what they are seeking, and intend to use the privilege of forming their own judgment by carefully examin ing other establishments before, making their purchases. A woman who under stands business sufficiently to protect herself from making ill-advised bar gains has also the double advantage of giving no temptation to those with whom she deals to exaggerate or mis represent while at the same time her knowledge shields herself from mistakes and imposition. Afrs. II. W. Bcccher, ia Domestic Monthly. m Some Old-Fashloncil Punishments. From the many references to the ducking-stool in the ancient records of many boroughs, we have ample proof that "at an earlier period this curious mode of punishment was the common instrument of justice for scolds and incorrigible women apractice, indeed, which continued till within the last century. One of the last cases on reconlin which it was resorted to is recorded in the London Evening Post of April 27, 1745, where we read: "Last week a woman that keeps tho Queen's Head Ale-house at Kingston, in Surrey, was ordered by the Court to be ducked for scolding, and was accordingly placed in the chair, and ducked in the river Thames, under Kingston bridge, in the presence of two or three thousand Eeople." That this cold-water cure ad a wholesome effect upon unruly women is agreed by most of the old writers who mention it. Dr. Johnson, in a conversation with Mrs. Knowles, said: "Madam, we have different modes of restraining evil stocks for the men, a ducking stool for the women, and a a pound for beasts.1' And Gay, in his "Pastorals," is very decisive on this point: I'll speed me to the pond, where tho high s:ool On the long plank hangs o'er the muddy pool: Thar stool, tho dread of every scolding quean. The popularity, too, of the punish ment is further shown by the fact that corporate bodies were required to fur nish themselves with a ducking-stool, just a? they, are now forced to provide and maintain fire-engines. Thus, in the'parish accounts of Mortlake, 3 7 shillings appears to have been paid in I6G2 "for erecting and painting a duck-tng-stool for scolds;'.' and among the Corporation Records of hmwjbtirj. 16fy. we read of "aducking-5Uol to bo erected for the punixhuwnt of all scold." Various perinicn of thec in- ; trumcnt of correction ace still In ex- itcnce. preserved in local mucumc ' One, which for many year wa in th-! J CutonvIIouc at Ip.wicu.Lt now in lt-i I museum of that town; and another. which w formerly neti ia Iiiccster. ' i.i still preserved in the Town Mueam there. The term cucking-tool i sometimes applied to the ducking-stool the resemblance of the names having apparently led to an idea that they me int the same thing. A learnnl writ er on the subject, however, has pointed out that the cucking-stool was specially ucd for the expoure of llagitiom women "at their own doots or in ome other public place, ns a means of pttt- ) ting upon them the la.it degree of igno miny." In the year 1157 we are told of a scold who was put ujkjii the "cuck ?tool" at Leicester, before her own j door, and then carried to the four gates of the town; and Itlomctield in hb History of Norfolk" tells us of one Margaret Grove, a common scold, who in the year 1597 was ordered to be car ried, with a basin " rung before her, to ' the cucke-stool at Fye Bridge, and then to be three times ducked." Again, in days gone b3 the "ducking pond ' was a common adjunct to any place where a number of habitations were collected together, and was in general u-e for the summary punishment of pot ty offenders of various descriptions. The ducking-pond for tho western part of London occupied the 5-ite of part of Trafalgar Square, and was very cele brated in the annals ot the l-omion mob. Another mode of punishment, which was formerly carried to a cruel extent. ' was the whipping of vagrants and thotu ' guilty of slight offenses. By an act I passed in 22 Henry VI 1 1., beggars found , wandering about seeking their subiNt- ence from the alms of the benevolent were to bo "carried to some market town or other place, and there tied to the end of a cart naked, and beaten with whips throughout such market town or other place till the body should bo bloodv by reason of Mich whipping." In the thirty-ninth year of Kiizabeth, however, this act was slightly miti J gated, and " vagrants were only to bo stripped naked from the middle up ward, and whipped till the body should . be bloody." Kntries in somoot our old church registers remain as witnesses of the operation of this law. About tho year 1596 whipping-posts came into use, and at the time the writings of John Taylor, "the water poet," were published, they appear to have been very plentiful, for he narrates how In London, and within a mile, I ween. There are or Jails or prisms lull eivhteen, Aud sixty whlppliiK-iMtsts, and stocks and caves. It is also on record that on May 5, 171U. the corporation of Doncaster gave orders for a whipping post to be set up at the stocks at Butcher Cross for pun ishing vagrants and sturtly beggars. Then, too, there were the parish tock.s, which were either put elose to the churchyard or in more solitary places. This was an arrangement for exposing a culprit on a bench, confined by liav- I ing his ankles made fast in holes under a movable board. In many country places these may still be seen, although 1 frequently little more than a stump of them is left. Even women were pun ished in this way; and, as an illustra tion, we may quote the subjoined ex tract from the parish register of Croft, Yorkshire: "Jane Buttrey. of Darling ton, was sect in the 'sto.xe' at Crofte, and was whipto out of the towne the :l tday of Jan., 1672." The whipping of female vagranLs, however, was abol ished by statute so recent 1 as the year 1791. Among other modes of punishment formerly in use may be mentioned the brink, or scold's bridle, of which one of the earliest notices is that preserved iu i the church of Waltou-on-Thames. Sur rey, dated 16:5:1, to which is affixed the 1 followiug rhyme: Chester presents Walton with a bridle To curb women's toiiKUi-s that talk so Idle. According to tradition this instrument of chastisement was presented to the I parish by a person named Chester, who. IL appearn, nau lost :iu esuiio imougii the indiscreet language of a mischiev ous woman to an uncle from whom ho had considerable expectations. Tho apparatus was made, says a correspond-, cnt of Chambers' " Book of Days," of thin iron, and bo contrived as 'to pass over and round the head, where the whole clasped together and was fasten ed at the back of the neck by a small padlock. Tho bridle-bit, as it was called, was a small piece of iron, about two inches long ami one inch broad, which went into the mouth and kept down the tongue by its pressure; while an aperture in front admitted the nose. Various specimens are still t ) be seen here and there in local museums, it was much in request in Scotland, aud is mentioned bv Pennant in his "Tour in Scotland" in 1772. In St. Mary's Church, St. Andrews, a famous speci men still exists, known as the " Bishop's Brank," of which a representation is given in tho Abbotsford edition of the "Monastery." In the time of the Commonwealth the Magistrates of New:vtlc-upon-Tync punished drunk ards by making them carry a tub, with holes in the sides for the arms to pass through, along the streets of that town a punishment popularly called tho " drunkard's cloak." I must not omit to mention tho "pillory," that igno minious and barbarous means of pun ishment which was finally done away with only in 1837. In early times in England it was the punishment most generally inflicted upon cheats, thieves, scandal-mongers and such-like culprits; but later on it figured conspicuously in political disputes. A pillory is said still to be standing at tho back of the market place of Coleshill, in Warwick shire; and another is reported to lio with the town engine in an unused chancel of Rye Church, in Sussex. The " pilliwinkles" was a mode of torture formerly used in Scotland for suspected witches; and that horrible practice of "pressing to death" was in force within the last two centuries. According to Norwich SKctator this cruel sentence was parsed on a man accused of high way robbery at the Old Bailey in the year 1720, and there may have been still later examples. Stamcs Gazette. m That Horrid Hat. A young wife recently went shop ping, and among other things she bought a new hat a Derby, tho first of the kind she had ever worn. She stood at the counter with the hat on, when her sister came in, looked at it very hard, and said to a friend. " How much that lady looks like my sister!" It required a personal explanation to convince her that she was her sister. On the train she spied her husband, who was buried in an evening paper. He glanced at her and returned to 'lis news. She sat near him, and af-er a while said, "Charley." He looked up. grinned, looked a little undecided, and again returned to his paper. When the train stopped she went up behind him and said, "Charley." Bnt he, the food boy, didn't even look around, 'hen she touched his arm, and said in despair: "Charley, don't you know me? What is the matter?" At this he stopped, gazed at her steadily, and said: "I beg your What! Oh, the deuce! Come, now! Is that yon, Min nie? Whv, what's come over you?" "I suppose it's this horrid, horrid hat. rU take it off the minute I get home and never wear it again. Didn't yon really know me, dear?"' Of course not. I thought it was that girl across the -street trying to scrape acquaintance with me." A Chinese Adage Love 'oo little, love Ooolonjf. FkJ Setm. Au. cuf! are narrow. Tra'n are greatly hortipd. Matador l the newest h,vle of red. PrrM: are not bort to exaggeration. Wide or deep cuff art not fathion ablo, Glorcs for full drcs arc as long a over. Satin do Lvoni tales the place of faille. Stripes arc very fashionable for chil dren. Oros grain silk and faille hve gono out of date. Driving cloaks are long, Ioom; ulsters of cheviot. Matador red Is the most vivid shade of that color. Tho driving cloak is to take the place of the ulter. Large leeres, or elbow sleeves, are worn in cloaks. Sitin bonnets are ornamented to ex cess with beads. Little jeojlo are again drused In bright, gay colors. The " Pilgrim" Ls the form of tho polonaise :n Taris. Green and brown are favorite combi nation of color. PInh Ls the favorite trimming for jackets and cloaks. High rxiiU of lace, both black aud white, will be worn. Woven feather baudi will be Used for trimming drc.y wraps. Fichus of white net will take the place of tho-; of mull and lace. Figured and rough-surfaced clothi are preferred for winter cloaks. Silver and gold woven and spangled tulle will be worn for ball diesc. Even the plainest wool drees are trimmed with ei-eIoor brocaded velvet. Bengaliue i- the name of a new adk fabric which closely resembles Sicili enne. Very dark bottle green will take tho place of navy blue iu popular favor. The garments called poIonatc are not much like tho;o worn several years ago. Feathers and flowers, in mixed garni ture, will be worn on evening dres-.es. Fur- have not attracted the attention of the world of fashion as yet this sea son. Tho most fashionable bonnets are either of plush or heavily trimmed with plush. Heavily embroidered and jet beaded wraps will bo worn in the mildest win ter weather. All sorts of designs, including littlo pigs, big bears, dogs, cats and elephant are seen on buttons. The latest color for evening wear is a shade of pale, rosy amber called cham pagne mou-sctix. " The full, plain skirt grows in popu larity in New Vork. but it is not seen among French importations. Chenille, mother of pearl, and span gles are used lor embroidering tho handsomest tulle ball drese.s. Heavy repped Sicilienue has not gone out of vogue for cloaks, but brocaded cloaking stuffs are the moat fashiona ble. Scotch plaids of the darker lints ot him and giecn aud black are much in demand for waterproofs and traveling wraps. The " Pilgrim" polonaise is a long, loose garment with a deep cape and a hood, (leep cuffs, and a cord anil tas-els or wide belt holding in its fulness at tho waist. The difference between ciselo velvet and velvet broc tdu consists in the first having a satin ground upon which the velvet pile forms the figures, while in the broctde the reverse is the case. Exquisite, light, all-wool fabrics, in evening colors, are brought out for drc-ses for young girl--, the skirts being of these materials and the corsages of polka-dotted or snia'l-tigured brocaded velvet or satin, matching the color of the skirts. The laces worn with such toilets are either Breton or Valenci ennes, or Italian imitation. N. V. Sun. Anecdotes of Stonewall Jackson. As is well known, Jackson w;ls care less iu dtess, in gait, and when astride a horse he was just as apt to have his No. 9s dangling out of the stirrups as in them. A thoughtful man, with ob long features, kindly gray eyes, somber in looks, with a mind never at rest, ho appeared often in what may not inap propriately be termed "fits of abstrac tion," and apparently oblivious to every thing passing around him. but at the whistle of a minie ball, or the boom of a cannon, how his whole face lit up with expectancy. He was suddenly alive to "coming events." Of Jack son's rigid discipline I will here put on record an instance. While a boy I was coming out of tho post-office in Lexing ton, Va.. one morning, and, as I came out, a youth of some seventeen sum mers passed in, clad in a black suit. I stopped for a minute on the pave ment at the post-office door, with my face toward the Virginia Military Insti tute, of which Jackson was then a pro fessor. Jackson was coming up tho street at the time, and only a few yards from tho door. The cadet was in citi zen's dross, and had "run the block ade" to get a letter from "his girl," and had thus violated two rules como to town in citizen's dress, and without leave. He was coming out, uncon sciously, into the "snare of the fowler;" but ho chanced to spy Jackson within a few yards of the office, and instantly sprang back, jumped over the counter. Hew past the postmaster and leaped out of the window, cat style, on "all fours." Jackson took in "the situation" at a glance, for, as the cat's heels were dis appearing out of the back window, Jackson's stern countenance darkened the door, and he cried out in a stento rian voice: "I recognize you, sir! Go to the barracks and report yourself un der arrest!" Many a mentor would have been blind to the" escapade, would have tried not to have seen his pupil, would have "winked at it," but not so with Jackson; on the contrary, he quickened his pace and was an interested spectator to the lively movements of his pupil's heeli But ft has been a mystery to me ever since, how in the world Jackspn recognized that cadet by bis No. 7 boots as his heels were disappearing out of the window. When 1 saw Jackson again he lay dead on the field of Cnanccllorsville. To show Jackson's listlcssncss on important occasions, I will record another incident. It is well known that "Stonewall" was not a mere map fighter, or attacked the enemy on scientific principles. He made war as Claiborne Mason made his (Jackson's) bridges, by intuitive knowledge and common sense principles- And when many a General was planning a battle on maps, Jackson nad fought and won them by the celerity of his movements. But to the point: On a certain night, near the banks of the Rappahanock. a council of war wa3 be ing held, at which, as a matter of conrse. General Robert . Lee presided. Jack son was the last to enter the Commander-in-Chiefs tent. He sat down, crossed his lank legs, folded his arms, and was lost in thought in a few minutes. The subject t id manner of attack was elab orately discussed in all its detail for nearly an hour, on the maps and plan of battle, and a conclusion nearly ar rived at, when General Lee. wishing to hear Jackson's opinion he had not opened his mouth during the entire dis cussion asked him for his views; but, mirabile dictu! Jackson was sound asleep, and, when roused up, his an swer to Lee's question was (without so much as opening his eyes): " Oh, run them into the nverl" " His suggestion was adopted, and a bold, stand-up at tack was made, and the enemy was not only "ran into the river," but clear across it. American Queen. rLRMIMt. XM LITER IRT. 1C! FKEtEr ScKonx. iM Frvoeh painter, U dead; sv! Tratr-lx- Two ntMr.r and fifty thoawuhl dollar I the um bih dlt! tmVltc h rUl JoIm Wrns for nUa impoild torir -with aa air of wira Uftc proVabUitr, The mbl notrrkw "OaW" ha sard Mr l.afcsHwbrr. the JHor if London mi. for HU4 pwt br ftd bcr Ut fonr. "Mtk. live b.A. it U tatod. bare Won ordcml by tb Edinburgh l"htiwpfttral IttUtuUun front thir UUrarr hlrot. It i a nnticoahlo fact thai Lri numWr of wutxtra of pie have in our on tun en Bt v marrf mB mar year youagor than lti-nwrc. promt tient among thetu twa lrt.a Eraa, Mi Thackcrr. K Ttrry. (!rac Grcenwod and Dtaah Mufook. Tun cortvfodas of Peter tho Groat is aMit to tj publt)(xl at t. Petersburg by Imperial authority- Tb work of editing ha been Msten year la progre. and the tlrt volume uattd ouiy awaltrd. n: olr on account of its intrintte intercut "but it expected elegance. . Mtts. Jt'UA Wjmi Ilowc. who in a recent addr ba jkrn severely of tho slaver of wrun to thosr dns maker. drua ery richly her.oW, al though not tfeowilr. Me talweju in appearance, f.wr and pale, with dim blue eyes, and miu oho once called her an " arrangement to black and white " A. though her full fact? might bo called pLxiu. her profile Is cxquMto a a cameo cut on a gtfm. Tin: late Lydia Maria Child' i choice of literature m a profession was purely accidental She had been bring in the ilds of Maine, and wa on a vinl to her brother, a Unitarian clergwntn, at Watertown. Mas. One unday non she took up a copy of the XtrtJi Ameri can, and read a paj-r bv ir Palfrey, showing tho titnoss of the early Iuto?y of New Knglaud for the employ mint of fiction. She had never written, or dieamed of writing, for print; but. thn spell being upon tier, sho immediately began what was afterward the fitM chapter of her fir-t novel ( Iloboinok'), and bv the time of afli'rtioon servi. o the chapter was complete, showing the M. to her brother that evening, ho was .surprised; he could scarcely believe she had done it. His doubt wm the betof encouragement. Sho continued, and her story uasjint-hed in ix week.. Its publication sea'od her fate; the wa never fairly out of ink afterward. II UJ! OHM'S. It has been said a Might blow will break the no.,e, but with nil this epi zootiu weather we have failed to notice any peculiarity iu the shape of the nasal organs about here. 1'hiiadcljJtitt Sun day Truinenpt. A woman a lovely woman, it is to bo supposed had her first political trouble at Port Jervis. A lion id and wicked man challenged her n.s not be ing twenty-one ears old, and intead of swearing her vote in she commenced to weep bitterly, and tore her ballot to tatters. If a woman has got to swear to her age before -he cau vote this fe male ciiffragu won't go vory far. ltoch ester Herald. Man is not a bundle-carrying animal. He can luck a few stray pun el- iu lit pocket, to be sure, and lug a package under his arm, perhaps but on tho whole, a a common carrier he in a fail ure. Hut a woman! well, we should hate to say an thing that wasn't abso lutely true; at the same tituw a woman can carry parcels enough into a horse car to till up one side of it. am! pick them all up in one arm when she gets off a ear at a crossing, aud lead a pair of twins, carry an umbrella and liolu up her skirts with tho other hand. Sew Haven Ucjister. A tirri.i: live-year old girl in the city asked her father one day last week if it would do any good if she should pray to God to let it rain. She was to.d per haps it might, ami nothing more was thought of it by her parents till after Sunday evening's shower. When she waked Monday morning she a-ked her father if he knew what made it rain. He said no, and sho replied that it was because she had prayed "last night and the night before."" Her mother re marked that .sin- did not pray hard enough, for it rained only a little, when the child answered, "well, t didn't want to wake up tho baby." Sjmny field Republican. A snn.Y-i.oOK.iso darky .skulked past the News office yesterday afternoon. A peculiar feature of his costume wa-i a straw hat without any crown and very littlo brim. Old Mose, who was stand ing on tho sidewalk, snickered right out The sulky darky clutched his stick, and walking right up to Mosc. said: " Was you grinnin about dis hear hat?" " What put dat ar in yer head! I wasn't studying about uo hat. It was do big hole in yer hat what made me smile." " It was mighty lucky, ole man, you wasn't rellcctin' on de hat, bekase do niggalt what suits dat hat i gwine to die. He is flingin' graveyard dirt on hea-elf. Miah. ijnlvcslon cws. Some Correction. Thk campaign is over. The fight is finished, and we embrace thi opportu nity to make a few corrections. If any thing we have said has led anybody to believe that the Concord, Monitor man is a wild-eyed, fiery and untamed ink gpattercr and a man whom it wouldn't be desirable to meet in a dark alley, we hasten to state thaUiich is not the case. He is a gentleman with whom it is per fectly safe to play poker without insist ing that he tie up his .sleeves. If. in an unguarded moment, we have given any body tho itnoression tbatthecommenta torof the Philadelphia Acre Ls the port of person who would like to set tire to a barn and cremate a lot of homes and cattle, the mistake must be laid to the excitement caused by the heat of the campaign. He is as gentle as a turtle dove and an ardent admirer of Mr. Itergh. If wc have spoken of the gal lant'Coloncl Men and Thing3 of tho Herald as sitting upon the fence and kicking his feet out on both side, wc wish to state that he got up there in order to get a better view of the field. If we have persuaded anybody that they had better lock up their bens when they saw Commodore Jottings of the Journal about, it wasbecansa he is such a genial and attractive cuss that the hens would follow htm away of their own accord. And if we have ever ex pressed a suspicion that any Chicago editor intended to block np the Hoosac Tunnel by sticking one of hi feet ia it, we now state that the suspicion was groundless. Boston Post. Stare Epls4e la 5ev4a. Tbavf.ling by stage coach in Nevada is freanently enlivened by incident. For instance. Fried and Sloody sat in the same seat of a crowded coach on the Bodie line. Moody surlily said that Fried was taking more than a fair share of the space, and, when Fried re plied that he couldn't move any farther, coolly shot him- " I never take anv nonsense." he remarked, and Fried fell dead from the seat. The driver got down from the box and told the mar derer to get oat. A defiant refusal aad the flourish of a pistol was the answer. The driver jumped upon the wheel, seized Moody bv the collar, dragged him ont through" a window and threw him to th? ground so forcibly that his arm was broken- The passeagers helped to tie him with a rope, and he was stowed away with the trnaks be hind along with the body of Fried, after which the journey was continued.- Providence (&. I. J Journal. Our Young Headers. - khjiii i mi in ni " ' - r" n-tttcx ts ths rAtsxxi T- mt rr frf9 1 i a o mil Mwrh t" wk j t& ' f" itai-f f rv nj h wr tt-t TJ".,. oi T liwcr Vrjr e . J w.s . kk H l f w f " ZSTZJi xuZJTU t r-v FRO) 1D JACK S THJLVKMIVIM1. yi!t m! JxaY iltnsrrl wl OT i tart tfe fffYnd 1-aU Jfi, la kilt .krt ad SR: erK H4 grrat n I! and admiration r hi brwtfcrr FtrL cho w. UoKtl and roor. and hvl ju.l arnrvd at th dignity of boot. tUoogb. mamma hd Hl W mold l cAr thorn "tl w ears." Tht wa tbe rrao tbey walW tb iinntud eaciriv. talking bofly rwaa WfttlA. "Frvd. when U Thi-nk's0 a k ml Jack. trln? t ntak a f?turw on the indow nb hi ftnsrcr. twjfcf ting mamma reproof th dy Ulv. "Nevt Thursday.' prtnupUy rU! Frrsl. hu Ha almot ala . !!. I" anttter Jack wtia. w hk. U the truth crc icry nuranu. la fo. papa called htm a ilr httJ. interro gation join! but FrtiJ loel Wru, and bctidr. hkrl to b apjooled to, a If wimt than Jack " How many daj till then?" contin ue! Jark. jKUlmg wtti frightful born on thn animal whK'b had bvvn Usjrun fur a rat. ... . . "ii."ttenUyan.wertHtTU. - mgoui. hi anim m u . . .- )Hncii. "Iay, Fnsl." jerevernl Jasik. "tdl me what ThanVj.gilug fur, any way " " Why. Jack, it's to go to cbnrcit ami haie a god dlnnor." aid Fml. who had broken the nice tont to lit Ienctl and wa cowUng a lltlU. "And go to grandju'. If he only hadn't died." added Jack, turning away from his "art tudb" to watoh Fred. "IK. they keep laakjglving lit Heaven. Fmir "es, Jai-ky, I think thejr do. of courM, butwegt to ohureh uuilayn. anI wc have tin-ton dinner tmt everr day, if nothing hapten, ami wo used I to go to grandpa'it inautntuertiinr. tot, I m I don't jut know what Thankglv- I I I I -II I t.-.l.l ... !.. in or. uecoHcjuoei. reiiieiami. "I'm pretty sure about the eating; part." said Jack, triumphantly, "for Hridgel'n making miner meat to-day, and 1 had a t.ote," laughing to think of the ue d tho "tnt," "but that can't be all It' for. Jut nee. Fred, how It Miow,"' and awav went both Imvs for coat . rapt and mitten. aho11 a. bHit.. for the ground was now a white a Hridgeta fntel cke. the l.i..r little fellow had not hnard their mother come into tho nom. In time to near in. .a.st o. uimr wmrrauuii. co was a pretty mamma, "the nattiest a.ly In town' both U,(. stoutly main- tamed; a loving mamma, too. an low wiawiersou m.ouiu grow nuo pi. ' ,IU'"- I hey Ion tttnilerlnnilwhat lliatiK- l fiey ig r , giving I lor: Mie snut to lieioll. in j Mirpnse. ns ne urcw uer niewr nearer the bright, open tire. " rhoy mut llnd 011L and how? I hankgi ing moniing dawned bright ami cold, not miow enough for uleigh - ing. but enough to deck tho fence and trees In a beautiful now winter dry. ami make homo sem learer th in ever. Iho Howard family gathered happily aruunu me orenKiast tauie. tempting with chicken, roll, entice and dough nut, and attractive with some of mam ma'. tlowcr at each plate "So glad 1 don t havo to go down town to-day, littlo woman," said papa, and mamma smiled back her pleasure, when Fred said, eagorly. "Mamma, who L the company we're going to have to-day? When will you' tell 11?" j ,, .,, , , . "Hieywdl be hero when you come from church; wail patiently till then. dear, mamma amwered. and pn.ng to catch Jack n coblel of milk, which .... rv. -.... ... v " h""r, "- "" .'"', " "iv.iiw .orame ncgovnocicarmea.womlcf. .ng what " hrrcU.- "yellow fever." iTS-n ' w "I'1.";0"" . ,iaI o with"Ihanksgiv,ng." Jack occupied himself with counting the button on Charlie Scolf. coat, a?.d whouM-rcd to Fred "what comen next to iwelvo?" when mamma hand on 1,1 reminded i,:. !,. u 1. n .1 iu ' : f . 1 . . 1 ft ;.:;. ::;. : , : : :'t ,.v" time, it jicvmcd Ut Jack, church was "- ' - uw- m ' ua & 111 '' . ... r over, and they wcro on their way home. Papa and mamma walked in front, and talked about tho sermon and the in" ing. Fred and Jack, behind thrm, wondered who tho "company" wa. waning lor mem now at home. It can't bo Aunt Helen anil the overcoat, with so many pockets! I "Nor Uncle John, for he' gone to sec that pretty lady who wa here laat spring." said rrcb ' Wonder what ' i,V nn. ..... i, .. .. lovely, thoughr' and here Fred fornit " i""- " "- iuw niun l mill , 2er a-d'o in whiS ck Ined. " A. t,v rf .. il .'it- .. .. ... his dignity in a good-natured efeiuu. ,i;m,iK. : - .a . pretty, comfortable home, tbero wa na osld little milc on papa' face, and up the walk to their ia.si mo oovs pwse. ino urn. 1 in playing 1 an. K,WM volatll.i uUtahMt. nu with tho baby, till they all went to , ,y hiin l)uff,lotrb" (o-!orvw nub. church together, r red gave Jack a tanrc,), whWl pny a Im,M,rtttt reminding punch when to miniver j part. yet undlvlnod. Ho rtuUnm read "In everything give thank. ly how'iat t,,,, aclloni of onr mind and whM.rcl "now I gue we f ar ,nocInlwj hy llm4 u!MlnnM. nh.i liml out; bnt though he listened well ti.i. u..v r.. .,.m..-ik. .1 1 rrirW fur tlicv' ri pnt llm nmnu .l Sn't t Vooft nbL " 7' r. oPiwr of cot 'cm. Fred." aid Jack. kh.in !!?,.." locn alonz backwanl to admire Fred a sow , !?"..- '.-. mamma aid. a they went in: "Boys .i. V"U,"K hwicoi plant nicrJavws go directly to the nursery and take off . accUH'lHin ol lIie oflinive b- your coat, and then come down." , tancej of dwlikc." with all their vil In a twinklimr the bor, t ,um con-quenccs. Krea with mialUir wr- .... rr . j- .. ... .ua osity. Whom do tou think ther sw? I r eri.n u5cC9 a dUtinctlveJy rc SiUing bv the fire. 'In their own pretty I i ,,or' hHe oo'Jea clothing. camp cnairs. were two boy of about urai?r wuen evaporation m their size, thin and pale and dirty; la 8lroa?' only Uie tour mll of ragged, scanty clothes. socrais4y a "P"101 sw never aecuaulatai much snqiriscfl at being there as an- - r ofresiv meil. ThUncemiuglv' one else coald be. lastantlr mamma - oail9Portot 'ct. the racatlon of which said, in her sweetet vox holdiajf oat i ? "icufed by was. k, aevertbe her hands to herown boys: WfOXthe greatest raba to medical "Jack and Fred Howard h.r. - . fcjence, aadh proreI of the nlzhci Bob and Tom White, who harp m. " om White, who have come to visit ns. happy day. ired and Jack were Terydear chil dren. but ther were sarprised a4 dis appointed. ForgeUiag "the law of lore" and the -goklcn rale." which ohicr people forget mo mdW, too. rred tood eyeing the guests with "euju,K scorn. 1 am sorrr to --... - .., loraiBr away irom ha mother's oautretcheefhaad. crfed out: here!''1 UketeI3; "' 'ea Bob and Tom fidgeted aci tsrned w, gia ua awe at tae ptctiires. ttbcj. Btej caairs, asd Biostot all at Mrs. TfnwaT'B K:r..i ... . kindly toward them. Thtn stegpo rred asd Jack, my darlings, lit sw little boys down os Park-st.. that first . ' , "owe.i. sbzj tart: no home they have bo father or mother. Tl ouiJSiSlJ - SircMt FTranc . A. .. . a r- - "jfc". ji uvea aBIBIH4 ltt can to earn a liule for To awl hiSf! A woman down near the esgi8.wS leu them sleep her wcodsfiOTSr ri"" mmf id of yeL'ow fever Ps-" Here her voice faUeredTfoJk 0Or a r jntM -r '- wtift lMf fWMMfci- Afd wHIJir a -- r 4 . HWt is J bnf" ? dr ia & ?M, rsjr Um t od WfcrM hm . !.krd rjsM ". .'ar , I' meat w4, & If K wwW h4m xi ' j Ttr r4 l I : - NW M !. i UnC wr a rvwb. dttt " tMmmmX W Mji .. Twttt , , , .. . . . ,. -aWdfcsi 1 ifaw i bo in Ub TttksM !? dfcsi rt- IVw,- Mllla JatsX? Ifec titter, in rw & fttair. " vrf i tki. n (. tuak. lkrlfttur f k ! out. cUjdasr at rm hvr tsrtj . "Via, mrom.v h wm wrrr fr hm. V&& I rmi ifeiH lr ihmT FtM wa laif S - fcJ1 U W4jw wi .44 . ' m mmmt ., , tWwn2h Ua?, Hrr tot f lrawr Fw " u h9T- ' la ksr her bad wtt JiX tj h Us s her band wo Ji wnj bunrsl ta her Up SH wp iv llicm m g ckt. and when lbv ar mfc p 1 drMd K 1T r ' ,M MiU ? fcaM w' fcw4 babt, ad lt tbw hM W lnmM ' . in t br ? . P J" luy " ' rftli ti aftr dinner, and tne w 'llwtt att, Xl uf ty f A . . RwHr dark ftH $ with thtm to a kind man. flarv t them. d nVf ll horeefeMor huHxry any jiHteur ,S thk na tho ny IVrl and JV lrtnHt "wkal 'llwnkstita H"a fitr V. Trun. Per III .Xvthrr. lliuiuri., na)ll nt t it t'mV-H ...- 1 ...I omM Whn tliif it Ul ,narwijy uteon r wwnljil"l ' aK oatuVln ami wnnteil a wufc fi f u(AHt I ha trk wiui th wrtiMnitiM anl goneraf ajtjKirnf f th Vsiy, ! Impilrrd cd him tor w hom ka w mt ehaing the land. "For mvU. ir." I then inquired whero he had gt Un ntonev. lie auwerrl, "I nanwlil' Fooling then an luurcat'd dlr f knowing uithitirarabmt the t, I aked nbotit hhliU and iHnnt. It took a at ami gave mo iii foUvwlng narrattvei "I am tho oldet of 1h thildren. l-athrr I ft drinking hh. and often return homo drunk. It! Ing that lather would iil alxtnln from , J , ,ml u Vfl n M ,,..,, w . nM , tl r nit vHtt im iothr nmt got an aait nM I : t ,nn of he WMUirr Ut . k , Um ( , m Mrw J, b U,rlY nmM o( . j j A f .." ' j ..W(, w,r w,,at an, i going to do with the kuidr ..1 vt.,ii ....i , ltftii bii Immi.m ai wuvn u , nll reBd, wWl Urx " ----- -- - ----- T- - , '- --' - fnljlPn mother, hrullmr. and lUr Wi ' nVl, witU , .p,.. in, j ,Vttlll ttH. u Umih.r l.o.l. will .nunt b.r tmi. f wmt , Jlur iM ftl.H . . ...M,i wlftl Hl y,Hi do with ymr j fftljM,r. j( H eotitluuiw to drink?" ,.() wj,rI1 w j,t j,, tm trt fnnt iV wU foi nt jl0,lo ttn,j i,,, bo,,.. ' aM(l x hoMt jM,ootl, n inr man Voting man, tiod bin you." Br thi time the receiver linndd Wmi ; hi receipt fur hi forty aero of Wiml A ho wa leaving thv ollleii h nl. "At lat I hnvt 11 home fr my inothvr. ' Exnmtmr ami Chrwiiclc. ThpXotcI Tlicery of afirrman C'htttiNt. To Tin, other Important properti ..f .......I .t.l..l. .... . ,,!!. .!..... f .1 "l. "lllt.M iltu rillllWi;ill IPMWI . n,, HUltabilHy for clothing, a new ... 1 ia, ,n ttli)Ioj ,r VntU JBgr's mt t , investigation, which wo wilfully man I ton briefly, a an oxidioit dHir!ifufi woum occupy loo much lipaco. .fn.'jr! , n, pnivetl tlia iV nrt mint iMimlTu ln Ulo tJI 0f brcnthmg and inimmr. nff. fUcrnw two iTiffcronl gnitn ' ofo.1or.Hi, ubtance, -I.,t and iL lust Stoffo", (ubtaucc,of HairvM,d .11 iik,., n. . n . , , , trim. S'foA ? ?ff " ar11 S Sfnd 't "rl b C " ? " mii 1 IMnK Ll 'TJ IT. tk" 1' , OI ,,,m, Inhaled. Jt the rvnso M ' ' ''J Vtiill f trve ? w,n.i one, whrer wm take the paini eau discover for himlf that tho emigration differ according U the condition of the wind a well a tin condition of the body. During Joy and happincM tho odor of jcrpiraUon u not disagreeable, whilo during angukdt and groat uervont excitement it ountve. Tint substance of dfeHktng nave, uicrciore, a bail odor, in an at- tlicfo substance tho vUl- i and duadvanlagQo(Jy 1 hi account for tht fact 't"L wpiiun ami lanr lu 51, m?n f T V V lc ?nla;j'T ???:, JliVfW . iho .""" Iw,'. '. , V uc,m7 ",B v,,u" actions and Improve tho riUu- 1 , ,aJs'a'nt ick- m W wwmr v-" ;-P'-f " the " fltancCSOf llbturu" ft lis ltmn.rtv 1 - r --"-. ...... .miwic Hlb- muAt "ft f0 "& & oniity i.fMofc'odowiDgeooral;. on-t, cHton and linen clothing, after .?ona"c.fw " "rsmstibtHty oi the rTr Uc " mtatlbtlitjr ol the Br the liclenU, irM Gnhu Ma" " B" Keai1,xo h prcsfttuvwlto Yc aeueaj of bcwawsi, oit inkill of i- t iJO ? SWoa Cunty. a ette of Eadt rock, ooad Kino feet tglon the surface of the earth near tb uregwj Dogmtarv Vtmm. tv. ..u !.J,d'tfc aaBt native race f rt tae purpose of goading grain, and Ja u top. slighUy raked abont the edge oa tm7two idei aadattheapperead. aI is twniv- b? tki che in Sil. Jt Uf Parted by three leg. IhL K0118, iacfiorjo longer Sw, T lh tfc grain. hedtoWbj men af ft Tieary - - i5. WSC 1 ;. ." uatrarpo. T.- r. lir ? TtuMb. Pa., cele- 5PJ!1 i8 oe of a eeatarr of life br SlS"?, aftr AttfiJ Thfe for"- Z -Jt IT1 afur the ac bn Ot BRlil k dirwi wa eeraed. wae aissared that tho all con aoceptable to I in our organwm th r 1"' V I V t r A