ar 3 - -ttftftm mMlWWWWMWWKW i'iHHW ; x namnwHMi yj JOB WORK, 'HID CfJBTXEIBV Cloud Chief: The Red bpUBUED EVERT tKVXSDXT A3 i BNaJib, & i aVr ! M EED CLOW, KBBA8KA. I. L. THOMAS, 1 $mmtr "Eternal Vigilance is tkc price of Liberty;' and SJoO a your is the price of thn lied Cloud Chief. KED CLOUD, WEBSTER CO. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1SS1. NO. 2-1. ElKS:-. $1.50 yearifpcidinAdTKice. VOL. VIII. 4Ttr r rif Ctw v r h H 0 EAST 25RTII-EAFT OH SOUTH-EAST -VIA THE .&IYI.R.R. ail Road together with the C. B. A l which is called -THE- 'urlington Route ! "onr the moktcornt'lrtcline between Ncbraka V'M-f mid nil point Eattof MiMnuri Kiver. i'aasencers taking thin line crow the Jo. Ktvcr at 1'iattsmouth over tho PJattsmonth Steel Bridge, Licli bus lutcly be en completed. iThrongli Pay ;onchc AND Pullman Mecpiiigrnrw 0 ARE RUN TO I BurliH?ton,Pcoria,liicaso a ami St. LOtiif, Vhi4re rU re coiii.t-ctions are timdo in union depr? lor nil loiiilSiiorlli J-in aim.raiu. r " tbiK route rtart in Nebraska are there for tree fmiii the various accident which o Jrcqocntly d lay train commit tlnougli from the tnoun taidd. and pnn"enK:n nro thui Hire or muKliiK roiu cou nectiuiis when they take theB. A M. route east. Through Tickets AT LOWEST KATES In force in the Flute, ui well as lull and reliable infottnntiou rmuired, can be had upon applica tion to If. A SI. U. it. Agents at auy of the J riiicipal Mixtion?, or to PSECEVAL LOWELL, 16af Oentral Ticket Asent. OMAHA KEB. J0 o . W - JD fe 1 g sS o 3 ft ! M si CHICAGO L Y UMBER ARD BED XOUI, Xeb. r Yard south of Hampton & Ralston' shop, on Mam street. eor constantly on hand an assortment ol Lumber. Latki, HU Ingles. Doon Wla- dsiri.LlBe Hair :eiueut. Plaster , llalldlitir Paper clc. i'LATT &FREES Proprietors. 'lolcomb Bros., Dealer In $ n w a of all kind. j- i11 CHEAP for CASH; and If they have not what yoa want, leave your f ordar and they will Till it. CALL ON THEM o door north of Qarher'f. and Mr.IIOLCOMB :1 wait on yo. aprltf RED CLOUD. NEB. A ROBINSON il agon Company. f-a k MANUTACTURERS OJ- :3?SfWAG0NS Buggies & Phaetons. )o( 'Ve do not Want Agents 4? WE OFFER OUR standard Trade Vehicles, TO THE TRADE. "xVork that has an established repnta- . and that can be handled with sat "X'tion, both to buyer arid-seller. Send for designs and prices to EOBINSON WAGON CO. -.GRsrnati, Ohio. MUSTXESS VIllECTOItV. 0. C. Cam. J- McNwy. Case & McNeny, A TTOKXKYsJ AND COVSSEUtt3 AT LAW. "Will i.ractice In all tho Courti of this State and Northern K'nw. Collection a well a httea ted hufineisuu--fultyand effecticely attended to. Owe:- On Wcbitcr SUeet, one door north of Garber'c fetoro E1) CIXH'P, KEB. T. S. GILHAM, A TTOItXEY AND COfNsEUm AT LAW. Office our, door north of Iuilcy Bros. ItED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. W. C. REILLY, ATTORN CY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND riBAt. caTATC AQBZT. Red Clood. Neb. t3.Pronpt Attention Given to Collection!. Orricr- with C. II. l'OTTER. t Red Clond Uruic btore. Edwin C. Hawlby. A TTOKSEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, Office over Farley's Drug Store. SED CLOUD, i;eb. James Laird, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Hastings, - Nebraska. Will practice in all the ConKa or the State. rrornpt attention given to all husineia cntrostcd to his care. julyl-7 U.S. ICii.rr. C. W. Kalkt. Red Cloud. Neb. J. I,. Uluoiuiogtoa, Nobraika. KALEY BROS., A TTORNEYH AT LAW REAL ESTATE V AOENT.S. Will praclim in all tho Court in Xcbrnilca und northern Kania: collcciioiif pnjiuptly at tended to and corrcM'iindcncemlicito 1. USD CLOUD. iTctrwi. Alio. Aitcnti for B. A. M. It. II. I-ind!. I. W. THLLEYS, H0l(E0PATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Pension Surgeon. 4-Office over Kalcj- Brofi. law office. EED CLOUD. 2TES3ASSA ILUFJtT A. IB A II, iTI. D. Physician&Sureon, RED CLOUD, NEB. Afcistanl Surccon B. . M. It. It. It. C. Office over Johnhoo A- Crcj is' dry p'-ods itorc. Ri detice over Ptrkius .E .Mitchell' etoro 190:u J.'lfl. MOSEiw A, M. I-. EMICTIC Physician and Surgeon, Rr.D CLOUD. NEB. Will pay special nttcntion to Obstetric and dieccj-e if women Also central mid rfecial gurscry. I)iel'sc of the Kyc nnd Enr. fhares tnodrrute. OITice over Slier cr Drue Store. ltcsidcncc 4ih house north of school hours. iW-y JAS. ;T1. CALLEKDEK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, (ALLOPATHIC SCHOOL.) Prompt attendance on all calls in tho practice of medicines or eurscry. OOWI.ES, - NEBRASKA. J. W. MORANVILLE, C. V. 3IOKANVILLE, COWLES. Kltl. AMBOT, S2B. MORAXVrLLE BROS., Homoeopathic Physicians. aWLES A AMBOY, NEUItASKA. All prnfetsinnal calls will recoivo our prompt and careful nttention. 40mti L Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDENT DENTIST. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. W. N. EICHARDSOU, -DEALER IN LIVE STOCK. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA, 'lichcit market irice paid for hogs and cattle. J. K.Smith S. C. Smith M.B.Tiiorn-sos. Pres. First Nat. Cah. First LatoTMler First Bank. Beatrice Nat. Bank Nat. Dink Beat Neb. Bcatrico Neb. ri.e Neb. rors& Thompson, BANKERS, RED CLOUD, NEB. Will make collections in any part of the Unitnd States Sell oschanco upon tho princi pal eastern oitic5 Loan money upon improved faros Kcceivedepo iiseubiect to sicht drafts Allow interest upen tiuio deposits, and trans act a pcncral Banking business. ItKFERKNOKS: Omah National Rank. A. S.PaJdock.U. .S Senator; First National Bank New York, Canjhridco Valley National Bank, Csmbridce New York. OMAHA Sample Room, JOE. JACOBS. PKurnitToa. TWO D00US WEST OK BOY S HOME. Keeps on hand the best brand of Wine. Liquors. Beer. Ale. and flno Cigars. Aaharof the public patronage issolicctcd. HENRY COOK. PROPRIETOR RED CLOUD DRTJGSTOEE, And Staler la- . " - Drugs, tV!edicines - Paints, OILS VARNISHES All roods ia my Line kept cocrtantly on hand: and to which I invite the atU&Uva ol Jh pnhlio. laal - HCiNKY vUUtvBe6 THE CHIEF. "b':c5MKlKjy M. L. THOMAS, EDITOR, THURSDAY, JAN. :!0. 1FSI. Can tho Icdfas Veto. Elk vh. "Vilkin. was an - ... JI lIUIII'lll. 1., .,.. t. ..!..,.. "V'..r,.. -.. nn.l II I.i uo,uo -uu -HV-...J -.. r.f yesterday, llie question jnvo!vei u ; jHOcmcnU duimg tho pa.-t year, the right of an Indian who had evered ( Tj, jjap,.r miij . on , i-s his tribal relatione and redded within soon to be crectetl m West l'oint. an election di.-trict, fol!o;ving civilized j Wahoo font 'J4.050 letter? and 34, uvocation?. to vote. 'Hie question in f"6 postal cardd ih.nng the rat brief it, whether or not an Indian can be a citizen of the United States. Tho question is creating a great deal of dis cussion in the east, and this U likely to be as famous aa the Tonea Indian cade. Journal. Char!e7 Ec:s' Father. Christian K. lioss, Charley llosd, who is the on father of a to l'ittsbiiR! iu innfnfl oa cit'inip 'Vn ,,, .o l..,... . .v...0. ..w ouly tidings I have ever received of Charlev hincc he was stolen wan tho demand 1 1 $00, n" "o'lDK'ytl " "IU"; UCIUVIIIU VIII Lftlll fltW.r.fVwl wl 1..I..1. .l,kf ..., . ... M ..... ployed, and hope in time to find him. I have examined over three hundred lost children in the Ecarch, some of whom had been stolen, hut none of; ,. ,,11 tii them was Charley. I would not pay for a ransom of $20,000. If I riattuiiioiitli h to have a Driving li...,,,, nlir new ,.,- al weather ma- ind rmid that would have had him ,'i,rX Micmtioii with a capital etock ,. , , , .. . ,. lot ' 00 " ong before tin?. As it is 1 have ..pent .V''. ' . r ,,nwIlon P!ll. or interest dwellers at the Capital. .000 and have not got him. I am ,,. ,lV, "...lndtmni'id!,, .lnil.lM.,. ii.r. New Year'd dav bitter cold, and tho ransom; I wanted to protect the Work on the hrill,c a(.riMS the Rcp. community and secure tho thieC3. ublican at Indianola has been temio As it is I have lost my fortune and ! r.irily suspended, my boy." The divorce suit of. Senator Christi nncy has bottled down to a case of ac cusation and recrimination that livals the Ileecher trial in its mistiness. The main evidence against Mrs. C. consists in a series of letters which a man nam ed Giro, had publidhed, and which he says were written by her. She pro nounces them a forgery and has the credence of the public, on the ground that a man who would make public the private letters of a lady, received when he wad on terms of friendship with her, would not hesitate to com mit a forgery. In one case he is a uiiminai in me eyes ot tne law, and in .. , - . ..... ... tho other he is a coward anil a erimi-'det nal in the eyes of all respectable pen-;? pie. The legal penalty should be the j same us in cither c.iseaud capital pun ishment would be a ben efit to Giro, whatever may have been the conduct of Mrs. Christiancy. Mr. Giro. Sena tor Christiancy and Senator Sprague are champion warriors when lighting women, lilobc. Things toDisjellevo. Wiien a man advertises for a part ner, and wants a young man to put in a small investment of 100 or $500, and promises to pay him in realization of fifty or one bundled per cent, prof it, don't believe it. When a man of fers to give away knowledge of the utmost value for the cure of consump tion and any and all other diseases, by merely sending a three-cent postage-stamp to prepay postage, don't believe it. When a man prrposed to make every one else rich, and looks to other people's interest more than to his own, don't believe it. When a man oilers to give you something of great value, for something of less val uein other words, give something for nothing, don't believe it. Many persons advertise on purpose to filch men of money gained "by hard labor, and before entering into any specula tion which may be offered to you, take advantage of the many means at your command and ascertain the facts with reference to the proposed busi ness before you invest, and thus save your money as well as assist in cflect ually breakitig up all swindling estab lishmcnts.Ex. r!WT!.-P l,it-.l .,-. e?;M ,-.1. n...l -..'.A uunuc &. CLlll tlb nuilk ttUU i every day produces a new candidate I for the several portfolios, but General p,Ri.i ,..i, ,1 .. . i i- Uarhelu who docsu t smoke his ceir viuwu i .luuhv- iii Lls-ir is about as reticent as a sphinx, listens to all comers, salts down the recom mendations and keeps mum. One thing appears settled and is that Senator Elaine will have a chance to refuse the portfolio of state. In this section of the country where Senator -Blaine has so many friends this an nouncement will be hailed with satis- faction. Mr. Blainn is one of the fore- most leaders of the republican party, i auuvauiau ut nmu icpiunnuii auu va ried accomplidlmients, a bold aud bril liant parliamentarian, and a man who for years has taken part in every ques- ,.. r -j ..: i .. tion of state policy brought before the national legislature. ASiue irom nis ..!. , . . -, , political quahucations, persoual con-. president should; be chosen-from tlie representative men of the party, and that due regard should be given to the element which, ikihtig to-secure the nomination ot its ownrandidate, threw its strength to, wards the siirwMfnl nnminpo Mr. Lincoln recognized this rule in the a p- poiutment of Win. B, Seward to the state poruono, anu jir. uarneia in ioi- .PLLI" Iiniu unruiiuuu ji ecrvitu wuicii nit-v I wiu-noi oesiow to auurccnue-umana siuerations strong.v urge ins noraina- nen Dotfcosi a It has always been, the jule that. the. L?LfCIU'Sif advisers of the Jie'.v J rer:Xtear ?r aU crcr tio Ste. Oakland has a free library K. I..... ,..-r ...-t CC Auni hUU... .,t ..", . ww . marriage hcen-es. i Vjomiifit'rt iTiniiiirv will bo starlwl !on tho 15th iitftant. j at ui M-uhincnt with tho coinnnK-iion- The Clarkfcon in&tiiuto at Beatrice, ' era at ihvir gruj value. L to be tiuifoiitiniivd. I An J4wl rouplo :irflr lhi, cltv nro 1 St. Raul's new l'rcibvterian church soon to onsngo in the litxurv of a I to dedicatutl 1:l-1 iMindny j l,roarl of proinUe htnt. Tw Would-U'- J A company to ltore for coal h:w bride i a gra-s widow of -otnc fifty . be;ii orauiuw! at Decsitur. I (he -untuter!. wiulo the wouldn't-b ' IJutJor rouutv ha4 71 71 .choo! dU - 5 'teacher?. , It m W.WW, U..W V.J-.jn .V- Albion ha made $15.H0 of mi- uiir. Columbus' city ting means to lilt council are dci the citv indebted- 'o nesd Five thousand Mtlmon have been placed in the Xemaha, near Tecum heh. The shipment of cattle and hogs from Wilbur station for 1SS0 foots up 17 o cars. The citi7cnd of Crete have had an- j other mill proposition, and $S00 will CCIIIC it. I . . ... ... ... . titionre . L.nitlsev. ol Juniata, doi- '.soued himself lxit week with slrych- . nine. provemnntd. One hundred thousand California Salmon have been depustted in the ...... ,.;,.... I . i ., i- i t ""." T,"',""1"-,, ""' ,.' ere tcd in ftt. Edward, Doone countv, ,i,iniiL the nasi iar Thirtv-oiio buildings have been The dwelling house of Mr. David Sampson, nine mile-j eat of Fremont, I wad burned last week. Lincoln'.- new steam engine had ar- I rived. Jt has been christened after the chief of the department. j Five hundred and six ear load of baled hay have been shipped from Schuyler during the past year. Two more run of .tonc will be ad ' ded in tho spring to the llouring mill at SJ. Edward, IJoone county. i v.i ..... w,..vw ... ...... ---rt ---- Alexandra shipped la-t year seven has developed our resources as an ae car loads or cattle, oighty-two car- of tivo people in a wonderful wav. To grain, a tiille over 100,000 bushscls. 1 8L.C n i:;tizcn gnicufi,nv throtigh the One year ago Pierce county war- ,nm,rel,t j,vinna,t;t: position;., while rants sold at :20 per cent discount. , , , . .- Now the county does a cash i,ai.j hampered with a pair of Artie over new. j?hoedanla market ba-ket and um- I The wagon shops of P. G. Mason 1 r. -,.. ... t.v.ii. ,:. ., .:..n.. ;tV Co., at Kalis City, wore partially --" ---,-,--.- ,;- -- -- --- -.-.-- roved by lire last weetc. l.ov The Grand Jurv of York countv is stirring up the gamhhng ileus. Already two have been unearthed. The agricultural implement ware- house of Mr. Witte at Crete was dc- stroyed by lire last week. Loss $1, - the . 000. T!wk Tl'i.nrti itt clirkl Kid iiiprnoc u , and have been feeding on the stored hay of the , Kearney. armers from Cozad to 1 armors on the Loup arc violently ;i; i ,.,..... ei. ,. ..r i w mi i llalljjllil III. i;Ui IIll u,ii; MX A si- ive. who, on his ilischaigc, took the, train for the west. to such an extent ! to require an the day for tho meeting of the first additional room and an additional , Congress, only eight members of the teacher. i Senate appeared. From day to clay Thousands of head of cattle drifted they met and adjourned, no new mem by tho late storm into the Flatto valley hers aoneariiiL'. A circular wa.s sent Wm. Tidrow, a resident of Aspin- counted and George Washington hav wall, Nemaha county, committed sui- ing received 69 of them was declared cide last week by taking strychnine. ccoC(1. joh Adams received 34 financial trouble. . ., . , . . and the balance were scattering, each Falls City is happy oyer the incor-, dcetor thwi hal t b u Q poratiou of the Kansas Citv, Nebraska . . it Western railroad which will connect fathers, wiser than their Democratic it with Kansas City. sons had no use for an elcctorial com- Thc number of buildings erected j mission or Wattcrson's 100,000 to scat during the year at St. Paul, Howard the man who wad not elected. The county, is one hundred and three, at oath was administered to the Trcsi a cost of about $100,000. dent-elect in presence of both Houses, Thomas McDonald was found dead (hc Chancellor proclaiming "Long eighteen north-west of Fort N'iobrara. .,, r.,,rrt ;-,,- ..., r-X,: i . r He is supposed to have a brother in "" ashmgton, President or Estonia, Saunders county. State pa- the United btatcs." after which the pers arc rexuested to copy. 1 1'rcsident, Yice President, Senators and The Polk county court house at Os-jI,Preaenlativcs retirwl to attend di ccola was destroyed by fire last week, vine services in St. Paul's Chapel, iu Tho numerical index court record, accordance with a joint resolution of county commissioners' proceedings . ,., ,r1,., ir.i. r ,o. .t- I nnd warrant, honks worn is, in thr . .. ,w . , ilamcs. The B. &. yi. management have deci ded to distribute an additional 1,500 bushels of seed wheat among the counties- of Franklin, Harlan, Gosper, Frontier and Hitchcock. A fire at Bancroft. Cuming countv. !:lst week on Thursday dest: house of in. II. Mever, th . i i m ;. - , barelv escaping wnth their hv dest roved the e inmates y escaping wnth their lives. After a great deal of labor, the B. fc M. IU 11. has secured the right of wiv across the corner of the Otoe reserva - tion for the sum of twenty-six hundred The steam flouring mill at wahoo owned bv Roberts- it Gregory was par- tialiv destroyed bv fire Saturday after- nooii. The fire -broke" out again dur - ing the night and consumed the entire ibuildimrs and contents. Trio loss was I $12,000, witTi al)oin$3-,000 of insurance i ill ousjieiii coiiJOiiuius. rfpanies. ' Pawnee county has 7,000 inhabi - tants. The total value of real proper - ftv is $1,390,995; ycrsonal, $6: 22,770.50; railroad projerty, $IS,S96.Go; total, ?2-- the Union numbering fullv fortv m'Vl$hJCKnJiied?rierl men. The old Maasacl ., ..Anfi -t 1 . ..- , . catsie. ju.uuusueep ana zi,wv nogs in the county (w it .m r:; VrV tuit . both of Niobra - .-.4r.l TT ' ':"Tr."Vt. ,.". "'v V'" I " ' 'lr . JV i" Tnt stnu:Sere mu TC P16"1 anu P"""' I P??loiL S1 JSS. Si lJe. Railroad companies are expeo x ,. h iafuriarci lhbos. h d - . . . . TTrcrnr Roce rrf Fm-nss rmmtv sacked 27.000 pounds of -wool in six hours on last Saturday. Tliey have Dougni iov,uou pounas aunng me eea- oenis. -j.wvu iiuuuua wue uuuui. wit ineir own crcut anu tne r-mamuer iv. ether parties. ! Tin- c.oi.ty tiwurw nf! ttnk"" ninW f Wnnjr the tib counlv i4 cllsrjr! lv a number of jn-t f f)itrtrr to Ht uld ftftof liNrU ! U'ddinz cittzn? of tho cennty nith IMllHSWHUill. IMl.- havmj; contrary to thf law, jmcharu warrant and auditol bllb fsunt ttu county, which warrant and bilh br now tirorxt, to turn into the county jgrtKHit kicK" thu U'ani nt a'out fi j ihrt-e winters.Thaer County S fltV enti- net Among the curi-wties. of western life may be mentioned the peculiar combination at Lockwood. thui coun ty. In one building, and controlled bv one family, are a .-tore, iotlliie, r h oo rhop, aiid htit, but not Iemt, a neuiiiKiper cttablishmonL How i this lor a land otllce businc3.Ccntial Citv Courier. C73 TTisnnrsr::.' WA?HiMrro.v I), C. 1 January 10, 1SS1. J Jin. Ehrrou: With Congrodd adjourned for the last two weeks and the mercury fool ing around anywhere below zero, the now deep enough to fulfil Vennor'u nrognoitic.itions. with diigttdl at (Jen. was good, the cal- ler were far less than tisual. Many gentlemen sent their canU through ' the mail.", iw much as to jay; "Dear madam 1 can't take the time to call '"'"""i L-1" - l-ir- - ""- " ,-",, i upon vou, but, if vou give a lurty this year, pray do not forget me." The Smithsonian Institute is to re ceive from France some live .-peci-mens of the tench and roach fish, whieh""aro to bo cultivated as fish food by l'rof. Uiard. The uceesd thus far in pisciculture warrantd the conclu sion that all our lakes and rivers will eventually be stocked with all kind of fish. The late unpleasantness in the way of weather has hail one singular ef- I feet upon Washington pedestrians. It brolla, never fails to bring forth the .. ..... . . , enthusiastic remark: Look at mm: Only three days out of a circus. The inauguration of Gen. Garfield, I II l ,-. Bkv & Ssit m B-k XWB ." ' l""l '"""'V ""' j differ very materially from that of ( George Washington on April 30, 1779 jn the city of New York or that of , ti,. .,.,., i..rr..,.. :.. !.:. :... xi i. i m iwii4i ;i muun in i in;? ii j . til I ill 4, 1801. On the -Itli. of March 1770, ' !.,. i.... r.. !... .......;..,. ...- i... 4i rMi ntiil eu!' ilnikuo 1 tnwl iwi i-uk . ., , , . , j rum. Another circular was despatch- , ,, . , olnnsoa neiore :i ouorum was bccurod. - " icngin ootn nouses met in joint session, the 138 votes were ul" li"u-'- -'xaii.ii u, leui, mis infatit citv presented a spectacle of unusual animation. The scattered in habitants of outlying regions had gathered to witness the inauguration of Thomas Jefferson, A single milita ry company from this city and one Alexandra with the citizens weTe an escort as he entered the Senate Cham ber at 12 o'clock to take the oath and deliver hid inaugeral. Ilis dress bore no distinctive badge of office or rank. i After these ceremonies hc retired to lll3 lodgings accompanied by the Vice I President, the Chief Justice and the heads of departments. The dav and . - A. r ,. . evening were given up to the festivi- 'ties, with ttn illumination of tallow dis music and dances of ye olden time. In contrast with these cere- .w.w - ......j r.., w.wv I rtiittrm nnw liovo ntvio tliaf milit-irv i T - - - . t ;"1" .--""'' ii. ; tlie 4th, of March from even- State in forty thou a.wT)t?tfnf a a cnuu UK.U. AUW VT ...W..V.WWM.C Sixth will march again through the Tery street hi Baltimore where twenty T T 19 x i T jy5113 aS reDei uuucv ent nnning t thwinnn tfiniT- T-Til-c "P,,llv lfWVfWl t """" .-.--. - '"TT ted to sell escnrsion tickets overall trunk lines. Miles of side track arc i ,- ,r. . ... .. . nmTnatn "Cicg iaia in inw i i auummv. sleeping, cars that will come from all parts of the country and be used here jr lodgrg hy those diarterine them a'nd Alexandria, will be .,.,, , jcw.-u u.v rj.v. ........ ... .. ...v bands of iyd,jiags, Xo one should although lcighing f i arrival A ord to lb wt s u!ll- ClMlL Th r,'KKrau are frttty iU an av irtx up th next appurtaotutttmt. rr1 to thl wl tlwy ara wtlltii; to lot the jipprojHatwvn bill Me tkrigh i ab mft'l any hA. u gir thR a ciwucr; to nvr a fiiriurn !(, of vt) lime I apnin in Uii fuwtrr- xutUig a nmoH of tho bKxxus ami (lh. Tin; apfxMntjnent of XaUtau GnSC of Wcn Virgimit Scrtiry of the Na vy wa a ?tirprt.40 to ry one. Hj was a Union ;olHer. ervB! under 1! aye, look to be ahuH 15, witii a einooth lxv-hko faci u . liable ami ploamut, and lia. Iwon for jonr U. S. District Attorney; and ha made a njv. utation . a 0r'. cbviS otrunal It h haul that tho nomiitdtton wn mado with tho concurrence of Gyn. Cinrfiokl, and that lie will be the Cabinet mum ber from the South iimlcr the ineom iug udminiitnvtton. HauuiUil Hamlin i a rare old fjioo meu eventy-two years i!, w!k boa.ts he never wore an ovor-coat in lti- lifo. Tie lat wtn-k the obi Senator has been on the treet eery day with out ovon-oat, mulllcr or initteu. while hii old spiku-tail coat wa. whiikol about by breezed with tho mercury 13 below zero. I'll IKS. There are two aides to the question of regulating th practice of medicine by law .-n the doctor nro clamoring that the legislature shall do. We be lieve there is some sort of "ngul.ition" about the praetico of law. But it practically amounts to nothing thai an oyster supper cannot overcome There b also room for tho question, whether it U so indipcnMbly ncce ary iu medicine. Itcsidc-d, the fact that it i so eagerly sought by the. "regular-," a a sort of mojiupoly, ralher than by the people themselves, is a little Ftt-pitioud. The doctors seem to bo a good deal morn aniioin to "protect" the dear people, than the people are to receive their protection. Why not let doctors stand or fall, on their own reputations, the same as most other professionals? Nebraska!!. PROUDFIT & HARSH, GENERAL HEALERS IN H.IIZD W.IK B )and STOVES, Cuirlc ROcli. - Ntb. V.vtTi thine ucoallr Vrt t in a first tit ,t Hard iv ft re &'torem. t Ji come and sec us as wc? will not be UNDERSOLD. EiMIGH BROS. MEAT MARKET RED CLOUD. NEB The eholeet of I'rwh incaui. Eowrc tnniMna CTCirininc in inr uuc inai in mw( krt niTords. alway. on b-triJ. -hop two dw south of Sherr' Jrnt tt 05A7'S 5?2CinC JSUICIUS. rADE mark 7kc Cre at tbaoe makk Zssllts 2ea eiy. Aniwi- Injceire fr ?c tnioat Wtak r.t.. Sotrmx- torrhea, laj- tenty. and all L)ir2'cs tba. lEFORe TAtWB.qncDce of sU UTtl UKI3I. abtic.a lau of Bicmory, onlrfivil. Ur:iuI; tain in the tactc. Uimatr cf vt'i'-i. I'icinatoi oM arc. and macr other diicuc Ih4t tctl tu la canity or Conaruitin an J a i-rcmaiure crat. 'hull prticultr in our r-nnt'hlot. rhc 4!irr to t-nd free ly mail ioeT one. ?T1if TiCc1 Medicine it iM hi all Jruit M ft I-er paekac. or lis lackasea fur $. ur will V ent free by wail n rcca1-t f the money. Ir 4 drcicr THE CRAY MtDICINE iO NV .1 Jcehaniea Work. t'etriii. Mkh. MfSoM by li-J5siM ren.raUr. ! K. Ii Osaka. h'tbH tfhcieiile sstaU 3 Uaorxl ITrthsr:!! Sfcthers!!! Are jcu JMnr! lat n'irt a-l tr.5cra if rnr ret br a aiek eb:li u"rrmr and eryin with the czerueiatiaj lain cjcxttmcleeth! If to. s once and ct bt:lcff Mrt. tVJnstow'i Soh inc -yrui'. It will riec ihcpovr liutefuffar er taJiale! 'Uret cpoa it: there U no uihtave ah at it. There ; not a mother on earth who ha l ercr wed it. ahoTi!! not tell yoo at oote that it will rcxs!:e tba koweif. asUcira ret to the mother, acl rc'ief asJ healiU ta the child, operatios 1ib taa je. It il perfc-tly af to ine ie all eae. anJ rleauat to the tae,asd ji the prescription of ou of th oldest aol best feotale t'hy.Mciaa? ani rnnee ia tho Unitta fetates. Soli ererywhsre. S5 eeeU x bottler A tezsh, Ccli :? Sen Ttrui AU te itopi-i. 2ei'ert frequently retail m a lsrarahle l.nna IHae or CoiraspUoa. Sr.wa"e il.-oithisl Trswho are erru:n t fre eK-f In Aithuu. rroa-hitrt. iv3-a. Catarrh. vosi3nrtiead Tbrwat Pite3e. Kor thirty ear theTrcche hTe bees reiaxedeJ b fbyjiciaaf. ad airayj ire pefert -rtLfictl03. Ihcy are rt ceTr'Se ootrtei hut trawtjrbeea Kj-r-iJe acrt etaat nu fwr,, nearly an ijUtb pesr3iiuo. they hare a'tiroel wetl-ente-i rank amosc tho few L..rl rcmetlfS nf Jbe se TaUtc tpcaketi p-1 Sniser ae thus .o eiear :renr;6ea the Vwte. tyali a: wenty-Cra cent a lx - erwRre. VOTICS T0T2ACE223. !otiee is hereer rtTea.t&at I will exawlet tJleroM wbxy dc-'tre to ofer thaeueires ai caidjiatta lor teaeheir f the pnxary cr COKBCS refcoots er eouer cosaiy. :i;i asucrjr. Ayru. -intr "eiooer, j".i u-jwa Pukx oc theJCint iatardar ia the ssvat&j ,l i!rei.jH6c.pUiaVtraa'l hnemlr. xanisatl9BS to comsesee 3tOvht a. a; A. A. Vnrx. Coaaty Sat-erintesdcsi it PaUic Iutractlea For Sale.! A buisincss honsc and lot cm "Weo ster street, good central location for salcr at a brgain- For particulars call at the GirrET effio? or address. Tltc i Cnrrr, Red Cloud JJVb. w 4 -r S4 Go To W. Staple $ Fancy Groceries, -Tin: TOBACCO & CIGA3BS Choice Nuts. Fruits. & Confections. arFrth Krut .d Vj;Hbb S,4l How Can (save Money HV m'YINt. MY Fall and Winvhr Goods of MARSH ! WHY? thev arc worth in Cash. I sell them at a small profit. 1 make no book account. 1 have but one price. Clear cash buyers get the kfii(Tt- f'ome nd r'xamtn Hood undent UC III II I. pm, at j,j, ,Sd und, lh -Up Town Store" w.r ltMjM-rifvjlly, A. S. MARSH. FOULKS Hastings. MANUFACTURERS OF THE ACME STEEL TIIEOKI.Y Wire that will make a Visible Fence Pig Tights Bull Strong H Hono High3 Factory near rJSkC i -? X A-tT iffiW.U i UxU Ki aooardlng to JUt -K Comtrm. In -' F. H, CORE, 1 FINE CARRIAGES Hm ITTTIORleX U7I jx: 3UXX7r vxito aim iolz xe Tke GC ts eUtre4 ivm XccKaaier X323AZ T71i:X C?5 3 CO 2. S" V 3 - o a. - ts s . r S ft. c r" ii 2 ?. Cm 3 H Him h-JiJJiTv-tr IT -Ts!v JtmMVEWtGl M&M ri? ,-'.S -: WiII v"V.W MI 9 ?.?'iL,t!; v o mvjs z w Afr tZr fltrsf . a SSr 3? 2 . V&&TMKTXM1tt mtt'llNJ M IU Wf I VrftfNrr "lil 1LI1 l(E'mT?y ZU ft f3 -wm ki&,.j r . iKiik. nw'iu 4.1-v r t n .- tvj B. ROBY'S yon- itjr oa t v-mr i - hu ctoiD, ,vnn. . I buy all mv Cioods at what & STINE, 3STebraska Barb Fence Wire D. & M. Depot. riiTrltf r?Rr rs yej't71.trCn' t ; .. r( -, - . . - ' vv Jeweler Red Cloud AND ROAD WAGONS ey EXCELLSNCE, fcr CatibfM ul TtSZZ 123T U Ikif on Bnckboard Co NEW HAVEN, CONK, w5 c 9 0 e t X 9 t er et t v X ic I a & 5 dyirs - KcfiK. Mr tf l V j ( m rV 1? - U ti l -feft-ar - 4feS iu3& . 3" 5 V Hi illlwHalJWHatj 'r-.XV-L "" ?, :,- " . ,- -. -a Hfowmm -eimii i' xiiig3 & i.