iei Jf."n,lw. MimUii'Jgi" "I 2CJ- .-' a , "V - -f s -j j-is 41"": PtW(Bi5-r't-iy.-il-,- - Hi . ?.- "- tf ""a-si ''"5" rafcATpapa ' iaiwi i j. -r- r I- A'' u Moon E Callender, )dkjulksu w( General Merchatiidise, Greerle, . BcU A BhtM. IIATV.ANB CAP. Dnqpi Medicine!, Oils Varalahea, Palats Btc. GLASSWARE, QUEENSWAB.E, HARDWARfi&EARNESS ETC., ETC., ETC. A full line of everything kept in a gen eral store, nt the invest cash nucaes. Respectfully, ICoon & Callender. COWLES, - KEBKASKA. DR 8HEEER, Proprietor of the City Drug Store. AD BBaUa M Drugs. Medicines. Paints. Oils and Varnishes, A full supply of LAMPS, LAMP SHADES, WICKS, COMBS BRUSHES &C. Fatroaafe tolicitee aad tbaabfally reeelree. 4srPrtcrit.oni carefully coa.poHuded"SB One door south of Garhcr's store, RED CLOUD, NEB. Nimble Six-pence. G. W. Dow, -DEALER IN- Groceries & Confectioneries, Choice Teas, Coffee 8bit Ac White Fish & Mackerel. Oreta. Dried end Ceased Frails. The bet To baccos and OgUB. Floar asd bhI eea- saur oa naaa. ant. uaner and Wood rood Taken in Payment. Erwrthiaf warraated to be as reoriented. GIVE MS A CALL ad I will do tob food. let doer aorth ef area , Red Cloud, - Neb. Flour & Feed STORE, CEAS. E. PUTNAM, Prop. DEALER IN FLOUR. FEED Corn. Meal. Bran Chopped Feed aad - -GROCERIES, Tlett the Red dead Grecerr. Feed aad Pro Tkka tterc wkea 70a waat sapplies for waft or beast. Hirbett narket price la cash palp Tor grata All kiads efeoaBtrr prodaee taken sa exraeatw far coed. Ueedi delirered to all parts fttewa free T ebarge. . Store aeath ef Reed's Flaw Farterr. Red Cloud. Nebraska. It. X,. TINKER. (Saeeeawr to OAi B rears) DEALER IK Parlor, Bedroom AKD KITCHEX FURNITURE, Brackets, Chromos, Picture Frames, Mattresses, Etc CbSaa always ea baad aad triaiaied ea short lenaariar or all kiads doae promptly as Satisftetorr. Burial Robes furnished at reasonable rated. , mem as sow a uj tn iv RED CLOUD, KEB. arness Shop, J. L MILLER, KeeeasUatlyeabaadafkULlaeer HARNESS, COLLARS, SADDLE3, HORSE-BLANKETS, WHIPS, COMBS, BRUSHES, HARNESS OIL, And everything ueunlly kept in rst class shop. TITO DOOM XORTH OF THE BAKJt. ntSgtei OaaV Wh Mi ftr Wm Mi rm. I'orYour -!Z? j- r- '- T1Y TTTafsUaat ASrtCI A Jl X .! -I t -: .Mae JV1 s AjiVk?ajrfjj evsaj -' - -- - & '- .- " vfV-U-. .'rM-. vS- -BY- CO ME aj fl'S'Saaaaal PSaa aaBv aKaalaH KS'K JpW ' aT aPpBaw 1 am DrrVri mm MP1 Dtaveris-littIelethan;a0OUes. THE CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS. WL V. at- R. Time Table. Takla effect Feeder. OeL 17. 1S0. Karl ward Fama-er lu 6 CO a. as. arrirci.... 7ap.a. freight Iraves .6 -r'Aj p. m. 7 arrives Westward A'eeeav leare , -. 9 :fl a. at. arrires- 5 M p. m. ' SAfTIRN DIVISION. Eastward Aeeeau JeaTw. .8 -JO a. m. Tralas daily azeapt Saadar. U.W.HiLBKiaeB. A. E. TnrxALiy. SaperisUadeaL Geol. Manacer. Miner Bros, eell Superior flour. Lct' move to a wanner clitnnle. A. S. Marsh hcIIh Red Cloud Milld patent flour. A valuable lot and business houfc for Kale. Addrew thin office- Tlie daily papcra are all full of the dry proceedings of the legislature. Last week's Thayer Co., Sentinel was printed on fine tinted paper and chock full of reading matter. Go to Roby'g for your tobacco, he has the finest assortment in town, alo the icgt lot of cigars to he had. Hon. H. S. Kalcy came in from the capital last Friday, and returned to his dnties on the Monday morning train. Go to Rohy's for canned fruits, dried fruit, green fruit, raisins, citron, mac aroni, farina, tapioca, or anything else that's nice. The snow storm last week played Jiob with the running of trains on the B. & M. lines in this valley. Last Friday the merry jingle of sleigh bells was heard on our streets a sound that is rather unusual in this latitude. If there is any virtue in snow and the prognostications of the prophets, this part of the "footstool" will be blessed with an abundant crop next season. Charley Walker, of Bloomington, and president of the Nebraska Live Stock Breeder's Asssocialion, was a pleasant-caller at the Chief sanctum hist Friday. If vou have a friend who is troubled with'a cough or cold, tell him to trv Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup. He will thank you for your advice. It only costs 25 and 50 cents a bottle. The Lincoln Globe says that J. Gould never paid a hundred dollars for a Nebraska legislator's vote unless he felt certain that he could make a clean thousand by the operation. We'll wager a 25 cent dorg that not more than one editor in ten knows how to spell tho word "supersede." The local editor of the great Lincoln Journal has not learned it yet. Rosenthal Bros., have moved their goods from the lower store, and now occupy only the store room south of Bank. They had the hard work to get their immense stock in one building. The season for coughs and colds is now upon us. Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup is the greatest specific of the day. Call at the drug store and try it. Onlv 25 cents and 50 cents a bottle. Sold by druggists. In last week's Argus there was a sly hint, amounting, in fact, almost to an insinuation that the editor of the Chief was not an honorable and up right cirizen of this great common wealth. An unusual number of newspaper men are in attendance upon the legis lature at Lincoln this winter. They are presumably, after "phat" takes United States Senator to be elected, you know. Mr. John Miller wishes us to say, for the benefit of thoso individuals who take occasion to make remarks about his affairs, that if they will "keep their own door yard clean" they -will have enough to do. The editor of the Chief has gono on a business trip to the eastern part of the state, and will take in the Editor ial Association meeting at Lincoln, look in on the legislature now in ses sion, and return the latter part of the week. The Chief will keep its readers pos ted on all the changes in existing laws and on all the new laws passed by the present legislature. Wc shall from time to time publish -in full all laws of special interest to the farming community. In the Unite States court, which convened at Lincoln last week the counsel argued a motion for a new trial in the case of the United States vs. Dauthet and Sutton, convicted at the May term of court, of robbing the post-office at this place. We publicly charge Mr. J. A. Tull eys, county clerk, with wilful disre gard of the law in the discharge of the duties of the office to which a confi ding people have elected him. We know the foil import of our words and axe prepared to prove what we say. TV'e have received the first number of the St Edward Courier, a new paper published in Boone Co., Neb., by E. H. Thomas, formerly of the Dallas, His., News. It is a neat 7 column folio, printed on new type and presents a very creditable appearance. We wish it success. It has been too blurry the last week for the local scribe to hustle around nd hunt up news, and there has bgaftbttt few people in from the cfmritrybring anything In the shape of Wewsitems, consequently we baTenotimich newjaive our rea-;. 4er3 this week. ? A,;corpsofB.4b M. surveyors have located" tbeRepublicatt. Valley line from Indianola to Denver. I touches Colorado SpriaigsrrVeaja there it runs along a divide to Cherry Creek and J domfihat valley to Denver. The dis- io "? nm tM "Drwatteraaisima to Wc have received a copy of the Ne braska Herald's Almanac, a Christmas present to its patrons Mr. John A. SfacMurphj, the editor, displayed con siderable enterprise in getting up that pamphlet, which is, but bears un- mmataijje evidence or "patent sides." in- To the crcbit of Judge Max wall be it said that he filed a discnting opinion in tlie UIivc case. We have heretofore understood that the decision wa. unanimous, but it appears that the en tire honor and credit of that opinion belongs to the other two members. Lincoln Globt. Wc arc glad to read the alove, for we had about made up our mind to forever disown any relation to our gray haired uncle of the Supreme Bench. On Wednesday night of last week, owing to the severe storm that prevail ed, the pawenger train from the cast did not get any farther than Hastings, where it stopped until Thursday morn ing, and resumed its journey, but got stuck in a snow drift in the large cut this side of Blue Hill and was finally compelled to back out and return to Hatitings. It came in on time, how ever, Thursday night, bringing two days mail. The proceedings of the body of law makers now assembled at Lincoln, are to volumuous for publication in full in our columns and would not be of intcret to the general reader, hence they arc omitted, but wo shall keep our readers posted on all business of importance transacted by that hotly should they by any chance depart from the old and time-honored custom of such assemblages and transact any business of importance. Married. At the residence of J. W. Sherwood Esq., (the brides father) in this city on the evening of the 8th, of Jan. 1881, by the Rev. Geo.O. Yciser, Mr. Lewis I'. Albright, and Miss Eugenia II. Sherwood all of Red Oloud Neb. The Chikf acknowedges receipt of samples of wedding cake, and as is usual in such cases, wishes the couple a long and a happy life. The adjourned meeting of the Board of county commsssioners last Thurs day could not properly be called a suc cess. Mr. Luce's term of office had expired and Mr. Stevenson, his succes sor had not yet been "sworn in." while owing to the cold weather or other cause, Mr. May was not present, leav ing Mr. Crary the only one of the board on deck, and he being a rather small man could not form a quorum, consequently no business was trans acted. Mr. Wells and Mr. Hagar, of Frank lin county stopped in town bust Friday on their way home from the capital. Mr. A. Harvey, living south of town, near the line between Kansas and Ne braska met with quite a serious acci dent last week. Our informant states that Mr. Harvey assisted by a neigh bor was engaged in trying to induce a rabbit to come out of his hole and be shot. The neighbor held a gun ready to shoot when the nibbit should appear, while Mr. Harvey with a long pole was agitating tho rabbit with a view to induce him to coino out, when suddenly Mr. Harvey's foot slipped down the bank and the neighbor thinking that it was the rabbit making Ills cacape, fired with acuracy, filling the foot and ankle with shot. Dr. Mosena went over and extracted a few pounds of lead, and the patient doing well. is Tlie Lincoln Globe gives the follow ing for the consideration of the small boys who may aspire to become legis lator: By close attention the small boy may see what are the necessary quali fications for being elected a member of tho legislature. The figures arc accu rate for they arc the average in both houses in joint session. Height, 5 feet 10 inches; weight, 1478); brown hair, thin but" not bald, either moustache or whiskers but not both. He must be able to laugh at all times, talk all the time if necessary, and think when he sleeps. Possessing all of these qualifi cations, he only needs to secure the nomination by the strongest party, and then see that no one bolts or scratches the ticket. Then he will be entitled to come to Lincoln on the 1st day of January with a clean shirt and a clear concicncc. Both will be dirty when ho returns home forty days later and the condition of either on any day will indicate the exact amount of busi ness that has been disposed of. From a Census Bulletin just recei ved from Washington, we learn, among other things, that the popula tion of Webster county is 1,108, and of this number there are 3.S7G males and 3,232 females, native, 6,120, for eign, 9.88, white 7,103, colored, 5. In the state there is 18 Chinese and 233 Indians and half breeds, not inclu ding those that are in tribal relations, under the care of the government. 'In Cedar count there are 6 balf breed Indians; in cumming county, 38 Indians; in Dakota county, 3 Indi ans; in Dodge county, 1 Indian; in Douglas county, 14 Chinese and 37 Indians; in Gasper county, 6 Indians and I half-breed; in Jefferson county 1 half-breed Indian; in Knox county, 64 Indians -and half-breeds; in Lan caster county, 4 Chinese -and 3 Indi pe?m Nemaha county, 7 Idnians; in chardson county. 3 Indians: in Sar- si. c t.: : o: : ouvuij , v iutuus, iu oiuua vuuuty. SeVlfediaas and half-breeds. ThetotaVpopulatioii of the state k given at 4543$ , A-flWltC DVJCVtjiUU V KtlsFVr4Ta, tsUVr n n "ctvIksV -vw -is fwn anwin i iau. uvninsD afV ajae w aar a nAfinn & aiYits r at Putnam's flour aadised store. .Goods "delivered free. Her. If. M. Gates, of Omaha, and Rev . S. C. Ilarrwon, of York, arc ex pected to be present at the dedication of the Congregational church in this city nrxt Sabbath. Services morning and evening. We are forrj to learn that Mr. Dr. I. W. Tullcys and Mrs. J. S. Gilliam have leen verv ill for some time. Lincoln, Nim. 1 Jan. 8th, 1831, J Eo Chief, Dear Sir: Tlie follow ing is the form of amendment decided upon by the temperance caucus. Six. 1. Tlie manufacture and sale of all intoxicating liquors i forever prohibited within this State except for medicinal, mechanical and scientific purposes? and the legislature shall enforce this provision by sufficient penalties. Six:. 2. The manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors fur the purpos es excepted in the precceding section shall be regulated by law. I am directed by the gentleman having charge of the bill to a.-k you to editorially endorse the movement in your paper next week. Tlie struggle is now in progress and you can help very much by giving a considerable attention and space to the subject for the next three weeks and sending marked copies to each of your representatives and Senator and a copy to me. Publish the Amend ment but not this letter. Please move at once. Respectfully, S. H. King Sec. Pro. Committee. The above letter wc - received last week, and cheerfully publish, as biiring Mr. King that wo heartily en dorse tlie sentiments contained there in, and humbly begging his pardon for publishing the letter iu full, offer ing as an axcuse for so doing, the fact that the "devil" was hounding us for "copy," while we was busy negotiating with a granger for a load of green elm wood and a sack of potatoes on sub scription. Wc endorse. Wc "editor ially" endorse, and we have taken the proportion to "move at once," under advisement. Apples by the barrel, at Miner Bros. 15 pound choice Michigan apples, at Miner Bros, for $1.00. Rohy has just received from Chica go a nice assortment of Page's best candv. Bring along your poultry, prices paid for butter and Miner Bros. Highest eggs, at A fresh supply of "While Rose" Atchison winter wheat flour, at Put nam's. Teachers' contracts for sale at the Chief office at 5 cents apiece or throe for ten cents. If No apples superior to thoo sold by Putnam splcnded for eating or coolc ing Bottom figures given. If you want to increase the quantity and quality of milk, feed your cow ground feed. Putnam will send it to vou. It is generally conceded that A. Lautcrbach makes the best bread to be found in town, and tho secret of his success in the bread making line lies iu the fact that he uses the superior flour, which is the best flour made, and is for sale only at Miner Bros. Call ami get a sack and be convinced. Every woman who has experience in bread making knows some thing of the difficulty in always getting iC best results during the winter season when the "yeast gets chilled" and the dough won't work just right- The best thing you can do under such cir cumstances is to buy your bread of Lauterbach who uses only RM Cloud Patent flour. C. E. rutnam sells it. For Sale.? A buisiness house and lot on Web ster street, good central location for saler at a brgain. For particulars call at the Chief office or address, Tlie Chief, Red Cloud Neb. CBOVNl Not the Crown of Kings, nor the) Crown of Glory, but the Crawn Sewing Machine, the latest and best machines in the market, it will pay you to call at the Post-Office and see it Iefore you purchase! For Sale by M. B. McNitt. MONEY TO LOAN! Money to prove up with on final re ceipt, or on deeded land at S ner cent.. and 1-62 per cent, commission, or at straight 10 per cent, no commission. JXO. It. IL1XX1X. Office next door to Chief office. 30tf Great Bargains. At greatly reduced prices we will ofTcr for cas'h a large surplus of winter goods. Hats and Caps. Mens hats, boys hats, boys caps, mens caps, BOOTS AND SHOES. MENS SHOES, BOOTS, WOMENS SHOES. BOOTS, BOYS BOOTS, SHOES, Undershirts, overshirte, fine shirts, laundered shirts, unlaundered shirts, flannels, waterproof, and dress goods, way below the market We have also in stock a lot of forks, spades, shovels, seat-springs, well pulleys, single-trees, .double-trees, iron, fcc, &c The Ward & Everett stock which we want out of tlie wav and will offer very cheap, for cash. "We mean business. Call and gee. Yours Respectfully, 104t MOON & CALLENDER. Would you liave sweet and bearthy Bread, Biscuits, Cakes, and puddings? Use J. Monre Taylor's Gold Medal Soda or Saleratus. It takes less in quantity, will not malce your Bread or BiscuitVeHow. is a sure preventative to the decav of teeth. i3 perfectly healthy, and makes one-liAh more Bread and Biscuit from a barrel of Hour. Never use anj- other if you can procure this article. Try it; MoH all good Grocers sell it. ran rock Farmers who contemplate prtmnj: up on their claims will learn romcthirtg to their advantage by calling at th Rei Clocu Ciiiu office. tf A Farm to Rent ! Of 150 ncrr. with cood ,tone hone 16x23, one story hislu 3ht of the land is in a goc-l'Matc of cultivation. AIo one brood mare for falc or trade. Apply to 1)1 S- Hrj.vnjLv. Seven miles south-west of Red Cloud, Nebraska. 19-m3 Final Proof Xoticcs. LanJOfie at BlccmlEston Neb. J a a. 5. ivq. iVotice U brrW rirra tbat the 'olloarlst namc-1 tlr ha fild rwtle of bU iaUaliao to mak final prtxf id support of bu claim, and kT9 ioal tatty thcrtol. before lrk of tb DUlrlet Court of Wctxter man! it bit ofir in Rl Cloud. Nb, 00 ?atnrd7 Ftbr, 19th. 1SS1. TIM PtTBtCX 3(cHt.. h'd ntrr Sn. lWu. for the 8 M S E xi au4 S li N w li f tattoo 2 towa 3 racre 11 wot. aoJ BiBtc the Mlnwie hU witrM to trora rontinuont rrideero upas nj rulttraUon of ld tract. tIk Nicholas Huntr. AIIkti O. Granrr. Curtis Deal nl WillUm Girlish, all of Btln Neb. Jaol3IeblO S. W. SWITZER. P.eItcr. Land Offie at Bloomlnston.Xeb. Dec Z7. KW JfotW I, berebr siren that the followinc nsnied icttlcr ba filoJ nntlro of hii inivntion to make final proof In support of hU cUim.anJ -cure final cntrr thereof hefara Jaiac A. Tul lejrs clerk of court 10 WebUer county, at bis office in Kcd Cloud Neb., on atuniay Feb-n axjithlSJl. tic Willum II.STIABy, b'd No 2P06 for the Soath-cajt quarter of Pec 32 town 3 rsnee 10 welt, and name the Inllow. inc a bU witncwcn to prove rontinuou rriJcnc nton audcultiratinn ol aid tract, viz; Edward If. Keoey. William Crouch and llrc H. France of Cowle Neb., aad Merrin L. Thostaj of Hed CIouJ Neb. dec30jan27 S. H". SW1TZKK. Rexlfter. Land OlSce at Illoomincton Neb. Dec. lT.llsij. Notice hereby elven tht the followiot named ett'er baa filed notice "f hi Inteoti'iu to make final proof in turrort of hit claim and cure final entrr thereof before the clerk of the DUfrict Court in Webaler county Neb., at hi office in Itcd Cloud on Satuday J aauarr th 1S?1. vit: I'ma L. HnaxatcK. b'd entry 3059. for tho N W J of See 20 town 4 ranee 1 1 Tcit. and nauiei the followiuc ai hit w!tnee to prove contlnuou rciJeno ron and cultivation or aaid tract, viz: John lum of Catberton Neb. William K.Thome Jo seph L. Orandtaff and Norman Sprinter, all of WelLNebrajka. dec23jan27 S. W. SWITZER. Ftf i.ter. Land Office at Ulocincton Neb. Dec. 21. ls-S) Notice i hertbr civen that the followlnr Lamed ettler ha filed notice ol hi intention to make final proof in upport of hi claim and e cure final entry thereof before tbe clrk of DUt. court in Webster county at hii office in Ked Cloud Neb. on Saturday January '), lHil, vix. Ormoa t7. KiniiT. H'd entry No. 2111, for the South Fast quarter Sec. 3 Town 2 Kaase 12 weiUanu name the followinc a hi witneiic to prove cont'nuoui reJidenee upon and cultivation of laid tract, vii: , Lewit C Olmtevl. and William J. Vance of Inivale Neb. and Henry Rom and Ezra II. J one of Red Cloud Neb. dtc2flan27 8. W. SW1TZKR. Renter. Land Office at Illoomincton. Neb. Dec. 11. 1W. Notice is hereby rhen that the followinc named pettier ha filed notice of bU intention to nae flnnl proof in support of hi claim, and secure final entry thereof, prosf to be Dvin be ?r Jaae A. Tulley. Clerk of the Court of Webster connty. at hi office, in Ked Cloud, Neb.,onHaturdy. January 15th. 1S31, viz: ,, Alkxahokk Kkodiko. II d entry No. iW. for the outh wet quarter. Section 10. '',wn 3. ranve 10 ttest.and name the lollowinc a hii witncn. U prove continuou residence on and raltiration of said tra ct. viz: hdward H. Foe. Thonn J. rVanl. Milam Jlidy and Jamea Italph, of Cowle. Aeb. decl6janl3 S. W. aWfTZEK. RecUter. Land Office at Blooraincton. Neb.. D. . 18S0. Nolle" is hereby liven that the followinc named rettler ha filed notice of hi intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof, before Clerk of l)i trict Court or .Webfter county Neb., alliia Office in Ited Cloud Neb., oa Monday, January 17th. 1381. viz: Knn 3. Hkid. H'd entery No. 33!!. for the f-uth-eajt quarter, section 22. town 3 X. -anico 10 west, and uamts the followinc as hi witnncs, to prove contin uous residence on ind cultivation of said tract, viz: William It. Wilkineon. Adam U.pracber. Uird Morris and David it. Francis, all ol Cowle. Neb. dccKJanl3 S. W. SWITZER. Rccister. Land Office at Illoomincton Neb. Dec. 8th. 18S0. Notice is hereby c ren that the followinc named settler ha filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and se cure final enirr thereof, before James A. Tul leys. clerk of tho court of Webster county, at his office in Ked Cloud. Neb" on Saturday. January 13th. 1SS1. viz: KxavccL Awucisot, H'd entry No. V., fr thn north-can quarter, ruction 8. town 3 N, nnirr 10 west, and names the fn)loinc as his witnwes. to prove contin uous residence on and cultivation of siil tract, viz: Knick Nuttinc. Wilber Nultinc. Curtic Beal and Joha Stock, nil or Hatin. No'. declUan!3 S. W. Ekitzm. Keci'ter. Land Office at Illoomincton Neb. Dee 8th. 1830. Notice is hereby civen that the followinc named settler ha filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof before James A. Tnl leys, clerk of court in Webster county, nt is of fice in Rcf Cloud. Neb., on Jfonday, January 17th. 18S1. viz: . William II. Rush. Preemption D. S., No. i'JTn. for the north-west quarter, rect'on 8. town 2. N ranee 11 west, and mines the followinc as his witnesses, to roro continuous resH-ni-e and cultivation of sail tract, viz: John .IfcUnclkin. William HoNworth Andy Means and Ai Scribncr. ail of Ked Cloud. Nebraska. declGjanl I S. W- SWITZER. RegiVer LandOfficeat Bloomincton Neb. Dee. 8. 1580. Notice is hereby civen that the followinc named settler has filed notice of hi intention to make finpl proof in upi.ort of hi claim and se cure final entry thereof bo fore James a. Tulleys Clem of Court in Webster county Neb, at his office in Red Cloud Neb. cm Monday January 10th, 1881, viz: JaMX3 II. MlLN'CR. h'd No. 3770 for the north-east quarter of See. 30 town ranee 10 west. and names the follow inc as his witnesses in prove continuous residence upon and cultivation ofsaid tract, viz: William Unrnara. Simeon 0. Chambers. John Barnett and Jocb W. yets, all or Blue llill Nebraska. dec?jan6 8. W. SWITZEU. Recister. SHERIFF'S SALE. ByTir'ueofan orderof sale issued out oftbe Fifth Judicial District in and for Webster coun ty. Nebraska, upon a judgement in an action wherein W. E. Jackson is plaintiff", and Henry W. Benfer and Libby Benfer are defendant's. I shall offer for sole at Public Auction, at the East door of the court houe. in Ited Clou J. in iid county, (thit beinc tbe lit place where the last term of said coert was held) on the 6th day of January. ISsO. at one o'clock p.m. the followinc describe! property to-wit: Lot six (Gl. in block ten (10). of Kaleyand Jackmn's addi tion, in Red Cloud. Webster county, Nebraska. Given under my band this Stb day of Decem ber. 1889. 18-15 J. W. WARDEN. Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE Nor whereby civen that at 1 o'clock p. a. on tho 4 th day cfKebrairr A. D. 1SSI. at tbe corner of Wehcter Street and Fourth Areaae, in Red Cload Webster ceant JTe'iratka. I will ell at psblic auction to tbe hichwt bidder for cash tbe followinc described property, to wit: A water tank, wind.-mill and tower, taken a tbe property of Ezra Liaison to satiifv an order of sale beued out of tbe Clerk's Office of the District Coart in aad for Webster county Ne braska la favor of I. M. Plait and B. 31. Free. Given aader y band this 23th day of De cember 1860. 2115 Joa. W. ffaaaur. Sheriff. PROBATE A'OTICE. la tbe matter oftbe estate of N. G. Liddy. de ceased. Notice H hereby civen to all persons interested that I have appointed and craated taellta day of January A. D.1S1. lor tbefaalsetUeaeBtofsaii estate aad that oa that day a Coal dividend ef tbeimtts of aiil estate will be Bade ard decreed by tee aad tid ey J-E-Saaitb uecator of tba rotate if Iaaiel . Marsh deceased, formerly adraiainra ter of the estate ofs-i'xi N.O. Liddy J. R. Wtirxox. Co. Jadxe. Badaaad.Dae.13tb.18Sa. SK?w CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALK Vetiea ia hereby cvvea that by virtae of taaTltl rtaKa dated oa tbe 12th diy of De cember 1879. aad daly tied aad recorded is tbe Sea oftbe eoaety clerk of Webrter coaaty Jfe-lifeaj-a. oa tbe 15th day ef DeecBsber 187$. aad eceeated by Jasepb W Jfeer to Aaltaua MU ler A Ce. to seemre tbe payaieat ef tbe mm at eae bodied dHrs (tmitt) aad ape which tbereJaaewdaeOienwi of one aaadred aad teaeMJanaadtB-eaMHtbtaeats (tiMISJ to eUktr witaf WN a aueraey'a fee. aad tba eeeta ef tba fuiatfeaaia. defaoK awriac bees aaada ia the payaieat of aaid sasa. therefore I will sell UMpreparty theran described, to-wit Oae Baekeye Manr eater wkh Gardca Btadar Ne. 2Dt. Oae Baekeye Srala: Drill, eteeaa hwa. at fdUie aaarJna at Mae HW ia tbe eeaatyef Weaatar-aai atate ef yeeraska, e theWth day ef Jawaary M81, at Ike hear ef T'daa.sLdaaeH. JMad that Si day ef Deeeaiber. im. AaJaiaaJafflar A Co-, Jiortca'. yA.L.CWrtCe. 2t3 "The Proof of the Puddingisinthe Eating." You have only to call on us and wc can easi ly convince you that we do sell HARDWARE A little BELOW the so-called "Bed rock pri ces" advertised by other firms. Besley & Perkins. SdwirJantf MITCHELL & MOWS la TUB -- ONLY PLACE 1 RED CLOUD AVUKKE YOU CAN UUY Hardware, Stoves, Tinware AND Sewing Machines AT Bed Rock Prices. .Holcomb Bros., Otaltri la iAR9!il tf all blade. rtty tell CHEAP for CA31T. aad if tbe) bare net wbal you want, leara year order aad they will fill it. CALL ON THEM One doer north ofQarbfr'f. and Mr.UOLCOMB will wait oa yos. aprlif RED OLOUD. NE13. Blanks! Blanks Tl A full lino of State Journal Co'a., Blanks' (the stnnthml Wank of the stttc) arc always kept for sale at the Chikf office, and nt the tamo prices that thev are sold at in Lincoln and Omaha. The following is a partial list nf blanks on hand: Warranty Peed, Mortgage Deed?, Clinttlc Mortpnccs, Search Warranta, Mechanics Lein, Tower of Attorney. Bill of Sale, Quit Claim Deeds. Summons (original), Summon. (copy). Appeal Undertakinc, Execution, Order of Attachment, Affidavit of Vendor or Lessor, Assignment of Mortgage, Trcrijie, Subjxzna.-, Notice of Constable Sale. Blank Receipts, Blank Notes Release of Mortgage. Agreement for Warranty Deed, Complaint to keep the Peaca. Ac., fcc, Ac. And most all kinds of blanks used by Notaries Public HJKCZ 1073:2223. Jfotiee is hereby rien.tbst I will ezaasici all person who may deire to efar taemseire ei eaa4idatta for teaebets of the primary cr com bob eehooU of Welter ceasty. at B4 Clomd oa tie ftrrt tatarfay ia tae atis e f Febraarj. iay Aasast aad SoTesaUr: At Blue HUt oa taeirrtsatnnUy ia tbe atoutat ef asaary. A-ril. Jaly aa4 Ortaber. At Catle Ro" a tbe Ei'st Saturday is tbe awaUs ef i3arrb.JHue.SeHekeTal Ieeeaibr. xa!aicatioas to coaisese at 9 a clock a.m. A. A. Tor. Ceeaiy SarertBtesticai ot PaUie Iastract.aa GUIDE to SUCCESS -wrrw- roE H A m H p soClETTi. is br t r ibe teVt Xmiaetf as4 istfUI 7aif aa4 HaaH-Iokr erer waMieO. Mssb tie latert. It telkbetk sexes eeeip.ete'r bow tadoeTery tbiacistbe be way- He to be Tdr Owa Lawyer. IfiMr to do Basiaa Correeyy aad ererr part of liCe. wmA eeatala a gaU auae er Taried raratB ia4ireaeMe t ail eiaam feceoaeiaatrefcresee. Ae9 Wa.e4 ijr all or spare tiate. T kaenr -war tiueekeral aelyltTaet ssUatSCAMMKOLAOOj. - 1 Tae.e afe BE 1 a till kg at awajami BaeTaameWasaHiaaMTsWaBeaw, 7 TnlSiSI ISMVIN CUREf jji m 1 111 aaanajB B m I r am. M M -rr T rf-er t T" dKpbiSSp1!" awwewyBBawCv jgaaajaw--jaxigwv Kendall's Spavin Cure. Te wl l X It 4. Ttt V i it t MMJS 4iff Ke.4 hm(WW Kn lUv I N tR WOKR. rrU( KM 4ist Aim lrwi. rt ,UUu. V; J.e a. 1V D S J KttkU'tN. u -I ttlr inrltUti I "HU .! tVM r trr H L-aH 5a- Cvr h1 ey lJr-l TkrHrr f 'rttt ifOr4 t fcwU ! yt ift. a-l i H rt4 V Lrcaia vy Isa 4 I lfKi fi . Irt fee wk aea Wut tjf - et "S" Vt bta the r4 b ft , i I 4l fJ ta.t a ltWt v foaikc i -r-iJ a WmiU f k"J Jr V Ck 4 t b te taa a UU rar4 ai m Ut W ie a ! HliftftuUtNwtU lal. rWrifallr yt. I 5 ORASuKR rKKSEVKRANCK WILL TKLU JljStt. M im. Masrblta.tvtt. H J KeadaltaC. tiru !e )HW i v-v aj tayxlC t ikiek i xt t . Ui ym t I bate r.TJ i l4.e ftia 'it a Xa dir rt CWee, mi U i J daw baw Ir ! Mte aaJ k lVr t aate oal t br sitbt abi It l-i fc lor teuBlhi tk tie tare t mt ! ' N tfce malt ea. 1 bate d t WMil. Taa S-iK i eetlr!? welt. m at U Ha iIm .r t be et fril Tal t a Mk4rfl ktHleiJe. It U a laias acta, WillfttJ' vr alt wbal It a J far m iu ai wilt be (crycteat. MctUtty r- .. K rac "rod aJ4r tr U trated ClrUi r i aiak ! rutt ir t it. irtaa . " rentaty bat err Met H seem eannaitteJ itt It oar fcatvlrJfa. l.f Vt wttt tei. Irr II. i-er tattle. rU kwttlx I All Urasct't hale It r rtt att it Ut i, vr tt !! aa eai l any aJJrM ra vaiH T -fa r lb f rerf tetvri. 11. J K . t LI. . Cv 'till fwtercb Call i. Samuel West, DEALER IN Tobmcco. Cigars. CONFECTIONERY. CAN.VKl) FUUITC, FRESH FKUrW, ci:ackku.s, cheese, oua.nuks, lemons, ANIJ A TIX LINK () TANCr ai. a ni:r Ico Cream Parlor, Wlicrr oh fan ithrnya t;ct n nico ilioli' of Iro Crcttia iliirlti); I lie S'liinii, A eh;ir of tho, (witronnso U rcvt fully tn!it itot. Firt hir notitli uf'.Mitclall A- MmlinrtV. Rkh C')l. - - N.IIRlK Slate-Roofing SATES RE-8HIN0LING. TIRE AND WATEKPIOOr. CONTAINS NO TAR. MIXED KI.ADT FOR USE. ANYBODY CAN APPLY IT. With this Paint old shingles can lw made to look better and last loagcr than new shlDgles for tfte-tfcir th ewt f re-klBsllr. Equally god fr n or nTti & 'or porous brick walls is uneqaalkd. It is elastic will ezpasd or eerAnci with htat or cold. This U as ia4ispesrv able quality ia a durable Roots Paiat. It will aot crack, pad or saak; keiaf late, will sot nut or corrode It has a heaTy body one coat tttsag equal to three of any other. It Is sold at a price that eatables teryeae to bTe a well-palated roof. Four haadaOBae shades RfUt, Brawa, K4 aad Brirht R4. Price in barrels of 45 to 50 galloss, otlr 00 ccsts per gallon. 'After a mm. tlrtrttrli me tf this f, we Btett eeri tally re eMui4 It. a4 are aettsftH that if eaee asesl It will he tlerH a aecert aat thlra) tl ."-( 1 1, C. Bowea, ia the Independent, Sept. , im.) Bmd for circular aad sasapUe, and Taentioa this paper. V. Ea PAUTTefc OJXOOa, 7 INDIA TM lOrrON. MAflC Sclliac Ageato for Ikrtraaa'a Oil Po Vah for Bf,Cppcr,Cowpos4tk, dec. BbaaaMaaanape4Br7fl9awVK fJr far eVtl StteaaaaBaBBaaBBBBa! BBBBBBBBBBBBbW. AJ'fS elir EaaWJaBBBBBBBaVBalBBBBBBBW aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBwaikMrr'lBF 4bBBVAbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbI BaaaaaaaaaWBBaawsWaaaaaaaai aaaaaaaaaaaaaaNBaPv PAINT. . - "3 32 H 3assswf k - s til ' 11 p9 mlUkM esaf. 3 rT 1 LJ Bea SATBBBwaw aaaaw HH wF H P B iaaBBBBBBBHaVBBBBBBBCa aaaHaW H V mmtLikW&W&t y eaC af jAaTTsseaBr3aaaiaeW a9 Bat Paaj M B j J Jrtjmi effTTk Jk..Mata C TOaaBBeaBBal S Q.HP f 0 -y S a a0 TOTtXJtoaastelVaiaaadaasfa' aaaHiTawBos." 9--J " 1S' Vaaaaaaaaaaa Sar ateaae awe aaaaaaaaLBa wi m a Bwajaaaaaaaaaaw eiea asa. aeaaaj aawaaav aaaaat. 4a2a3a"anHllha&awakf haaSaaa. Bl aarw CeaeavTrMaaTaa tBL JRRR Basat S eaaSa Bar aS aawaa. - SBBaSRmjBrlkaU3Bt aPBerVB. iflaaaBt. saaaa J". sssr jirrjLSTi. n5&; ? atatT . ! ' (HO filOSS ' $5T!l&r4 ,VlraaV .- flaJf tnV JSVV. awaa tV rv W " UflC iUA -w43-.- IOt--.! TVh -4 "Jfj -. .... Atu i.i.-aa, rr " ..- pb. CA9 V aU ai St !H lST WISH H IHS W)P10. t fA a a k " a v - -a f KM4.aixlMaM:l.vriM) b A mA ..A iA &. fcl ?). A a 1 LMMM.aMati 5-o --e a a rat -liU i UaJ( UUI WWk WOMEN MAIDHN3 a UUCORRHU. .11 a T t JUt -. mmr .. .- . i a .. t- it af S a uri -" . CT3.t-. .-' m- . ... i a ' w t W-- r f. s lwluiti t.'M a. !' a aat A la., Mlww) - ' ,.. t INl.llMWAM ,-4-,..- v-.itHal ,. -fi ' M-a--a (aa a. mmi a tant. ej 1 ini.i a a . m a J a Uakhmji,.,).!)! a tawih Mlrn-f" a. a.s.-aa.aia Mhl-4' -.. w.b"1 wMlHi. I a aa. a h aa I. a awawta. i H,)H l,HauHllmtwli .. r .8. a4 f . .. .. A . . , . k. 1 .. .1 tlNbM1t t4 li M It Ilia!)!'' Natl i, k.)l" m a - Wt lUaiMini.ri.H a ,wi-a i"Mr t M.,M. ' r!tV.M MM' if HARRIS HCaVCOV CC.rTC C1t:T5. Mrbe at tth) , trai.outt.Ma. V .WJU Ja fa i-W I a, .2fUa V MK -AI -A. -. abV i .y& I ; a Ja a a. iJ W- .TV-Te'aai ' - - -" V a aYsaa faaf, SJS2: fjuov: V.SSSm tri 1PT1 ft tnn&Tiitf f 17 IH. Charles Strait, Bt, Lia, He. iiii"eaa)a" Saaae . aaawaawmara peajiaejaghaamt BWst? m N fri' JaaaaeaaIaW TVAa alba-. rWM M f an4,aa4 a4 re a aaMSla m aa'laaaA t tM- Ja a-Oafca. M 4llaM l1 .4ra aaalav W V Mil N A fca.4aa-afa Mtla! (. kMkaxa ! m-mr Uaatanl afafl Va;aa aWvai fM4 CBM n.e J . f V. a .a r atear ntauaaeaiav LmUt, ea rRy tatar . tc 4ttl4 risaiaae 8arphll.CM.BWra.iat.auut,eraaHaav ami, er atstmr .. trtarr !:. aa4 rMHUmr Maacnrlai Affar-'af ta1hraa lHa afUaaSVi at, or pca. ' vaai t a.afe Uaaav tBr-a ajl FnUf raiatmtk. Sau) lUitir aad Imfy a l af VMHai j. tt . J a. tencai acrr a M aaaaa aA):fn i,MaxwHa),ti4 .Uniaa(a SM .ilf eaaaa. aVl4fa.v. t,,tm if. aW.taa ae ta taw, . aaf la af . U.M cavaaMa at Max, a mt mwi aaa.i. rt ra-aWe arnaa-a lnnrpr r r ar ramir aaaia. C-aaaHa-laa tt aaOf, a af aaaH f-aa. at la.Ba I. Wan N ta a ilMfttM; k'aiavax, Saatxiaa. ra W rm ia !. a .. aataaaaaaa, t.. ae nm famial, V aVaU t tf n i faaa . aicasS rta;t:r. Mr ae. 1 fai f- VjaMS. X bMava ;. Vaas, iW twu. t J-a? (I Itf a. MARRIAGE I OOu rfflia ! nun IDE. . aUaet Ol auu rflt Hadlr.a CaWM Sv Caa, 1 aiMn a tM taVal lw 17T " r" a. iiii V" T7TT w.i ia pa aarjaat aaaaa(4iaaaiaa t4 faiaalaa aaaa Wktaiir "' aiaW aaaery Haa Caa aa aaaaaaasa af a laaraaaa. -JVa ra.,aea . JUaMCM., M wmm- aaaaa. TKaac ata m taaa rae mtrmm ataaJ MM U.ksa kf aaa laa aa4 Wy fana7eaMaT aMMtWn,M see . jas aaa, M ew kaaa gjaOTi2jaxiJC ? "f ' ar f f 4aasTa PRESCRIPTION FREE ri faaev aaarfyeaaaaf . W-aa at. LaaJ MaeeaeeV a M j WILGOX&WHtTE OBGAN CO. Mcridtn, Clin. U.S. A. gr.-.. ',-iaii5ei :aae,a- 'Ciiiidrss's Biot Psdi.!,"! djus'EfJ orrsmo?9clrRstantt. 'a.ii!sd 23d EiclusiTe.! sed bj this Ccjrf. ihe most popular Organs of the day! mrnum IX QUALITY. "pa J7i!o at White STesaatf? V! bjT- r v 4 & Y r naWUWsaVW7 .aTWaaV , && S, .. rf uil' ri4 v. Va- 1 r i r- v?A.f ? ih i BaALu ' -aBYsl asaV 'VW S"ZZZ. . T-j'1 r .TbJ thA? . V 2w.- 4 - -ft! -. - - " - rtt "W. -"" .-w- " . t j. ... j -j "a i. jc -r . - -ii- T" .'i , - - tf-et J ifr-P" y - an-tsrsir; rH. a --" i r- .3t-Z ; a "-s,- "-," V . -riX.',- '-A,... L-rf-Se . ,lff'ftira.Tiaaear ill J3 . jTE . ajaaBai SMi Baaaaaaaaat&k;, '--- .rnfMtlMitV tn----