"rgy ' ! ..,. -. .. J-i- 'j'iyV'Tw ii"i . vs !! VJM Cftz ' "V v" B 9T' -riff "-SS c""' '?i jifeJ s- rte?v?-'t -j r-H&Seftv'S 1'" ;ilft:' e- -'- 5?- - S .A JOB WORK. I CHIEF. CTKKT VKCMDaY iff Chief. The Red Cloud f- CLOTO, K1IUIUL " -w Sti-Jr Milk s- , - - x It kt BY f Mi THOMAS, 1 RlXff I1.E0 a ynr if pill Is Aln&ci GO EAST KOItTH-EAST OR FOUTII-EAST -VIA TIIE- B.&M.R.R. This Rotd tofctiibr with the C. B. A Q, which t it called TJ1K- Burlington Route ! r'onnn the Bicut complete Una between Ncliraika poiiitB and all r oinU EBtf MUouri Kivtr. 1'iuscnreri taking this line crou the Mo. Hirer at I'lafUtnoath over tlio " v Plattstooutk Steel Bridge, Which hai laJely betn completed. Through Pay 4-oftclicn AND PnHmmi McepingCarw ARE RUN TO lrliHftoP.Peona,Clucago and St. Lui, ' "Where eloie connection arc made in union depot for all point Aorth Kat andSouth. Train by thin route atnrt in Nebraska are there fore free from the varbius accidonU which o frequently d-lay trlina cominjc through from the moun taidi, and paiKnger are thus t,uru ot tuukitiK KO"d con nection when they a tako the U. k M. route ciut. x Through Tickets T AT LOWEST KATES in force in the Etato. as well a full and reliable information required, oan be had upon applica tion to B. A. W. It. K. Agcnta at any of the principal stations, or to PERCEVAL LOWELL, 38tf General Ticket At et, OMAHA KEB. 9- ii I U .2 J3 U u o C3 4 M a H n w e w P i'l s eJ C O " 8 S -g a a o o g is o B U a. o a rt c Sd 4 &9 fcxo CD CHICAGO Lumber Yard f BED CIiOIJD, BTeb. Yard south of Hampton &, Rnlston'f shop, on Main street. Eeep coBktactly on hand an assortment ot Larnbcr. JLatb, Sbtavles. Users WIb. dews. Llae Hair Cement. Plaatar SBll.dliir Paper ate. PLATT oHfREES Proprietors. HVERLEES, DEALEK IS JOIUITS, CIGARS, TOBACCO, CONFECTIOEERY, FRESH OYSTERS d THEIR SEA80V. Green and Canned FRUITS ETC., ETC., ETC. i8H Paid fob FARMERS PRODUCE Fruits Sold so Wsioi. A, share of the public rmtrona'ge re- spectfuly solicited. I tifee pArticular pains to keep on hand the very best of everything in my Hue of business. .BED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA Mothers! Mothers!! Mothers!!! Are you disturbed at nicht and broken of row Vift bT a sick child u-.crms and cryinit with the ?crati rain of cuitin? tth? 1 f so. , ro at oncTandgeta bottle f .Mr. Wmrtow's Sooth inr Syrup. It will rciicce the poor liUlcsuffer S imuiijiately--lepena upon it: there is no f-;take aboutit. There is not a mother on earth TJLjhatitwillreKulate the towels, and five UHfceaotheKandrclierand health to the ihlM I apwitlDi like magic. It is lrfcrtly safe tr i Trail cac. and pleasant to the tast&uA "Kibe preriPtionofono ortiie ?d"nId.b, ftae lrician and nurico n the United J5Su Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. A Cflufc. Cald or Sore Throat jshall rtenped. Neirlect frequently resnltr 1a aa Iaearabla Lang. Disease or Consanipuoa. Brewa'a Rroacfcial Jroches. are certain to give faUefla Asthma. Bronchitis. Conrbs. Catarrh, toaniaptive and Throat Dbeasei. Kor thirty Er the Troches have bees recommended by Hweiaar. and 8lwavs-iTC perfect satisfaction. 'Xheyarenotaew or nntnei hat having been teatcdir wide and cooftant ase for.neirly an entire ircncration. they have attained well aaerited i rank amonr the few ttnple reacdies of Ue are. PWc speakew and Smxcri u them S clear and strengthen tb oicc. bold a: fwesty-five ceats a hex everywhere. VOL. VIII. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 0. C.Cais. Ja.McNmt. Case & McNeny, ATTOnNKYS AXI OTUXBELOKS AT 1W. Will practice in all the Court of thU State and Northern Kama. Collection! a well aa HU ci ted butineucarelullyand effectively attended to. Oinct:- On Webter Street, one door north cf Oajber'a Store. HKD CLOUD, NEB. j.'s.'gilham, A TTORNEV AND COUNSELOIl AT LAW. Office one door north of Kaley Bro. RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. wTcTreilly, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND REAL KB-TATB OE2T. Red Cloud. Neb. wPronpt Attention Given to Collection!. Orncx- with C. II. POTTER, at Red Cloud DrmcHtore. Edwin C. Hawley. - A TTORNEV AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office over Farley's Drag Store. BED CLOPD, 5?j James Laird, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Hastings, - Nebraska. Will practice in all the Court of the State. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to his caro. July w II. S. KiLKT. C. W. Kaltct, Red Cloud. Neb. J. L. Kalky, IJIooininifton, Nebraska. KALEY BROS., Attorneys at law & real e6tatk AOKNTS. Will practice in all tho Courts in Nebraska and northern Kanras: collections promptly at tended to and corre'ponde nee solicited. BED CLOUD. Nilraixa, Also. Agents for B. A M. R. R. I.and. I. W. TUt-IiEYS, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. 8. Pension Surgeon. Office over Kaley Bron. law office. BED CLOUD. KEEBASKA ELBEKT A. II A LI, ITI. D. Physician & Surgeon, RED CLOUD, NEB. AssiManl Sure eon B. A M. U. R. K. a Office over Johnson Jr Crops dry t-";ods store. Resi dence over Perkins .t Mitchell's store. 196m j. m. mosEKA, m. i. eli:ctic Physician and Surgeon, " RED CLOUD. NEB. Will pay special Attention to Obstetrics and discuses of women Also general and special surgery. Discares of the Ec and har. Charges moderate. Office over Shercr'a Drug Store. Residence 4lh house north of school house. 25-1-y JAS. n. CALLEKDER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, (ALIjOPATHIC SCHOOL.) Prompt attendance on all calls in the practice of medicines or surgery. COW1.ES, - NEHUASKA. J. W. MORANYILI.E, C. F. MORANVILI.E, COWLE3. KEB. A1IBUT. XKB. MORANVILLE BROS., Homoeopathic Physicians. COWLES & AMROY, NEIIKASKA. All professional calls will rocoivo our prompt and careful attention. 40mf Dr. H. A. Baird, EBt RESIDENT DENTIST. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. W. N. RICHARDSON, DEALER IN LIVE STOCK. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. .-0. Highest market price paid for hogs and cattla. J. E. Km itit S. C. Smith M.B.THomsojc. Pres. First Nat. Cash. First Late Teller First Bank, Beatrice Nat. Bank Nat. Dank Beat Neb. Beatrice Neb. rite Neb. ompson, BANKERS, RED CLOUD, NEB. Will make collections in any partof the United States Sell exchange upoa the princi nal eastern oitie Loan money upon improved farms Receive depo'its subject to sight drafts Allow interest upen time deposits, and trans act a general Banking business. IIkfebkkcrs: Omaha National Rank. A. S. Paddock. U. .8 Senator; First National Bank New York, Cambridge Valley National Rank. Cambridge New York. - OMAHA Sample Room, JOE. JACOBS. Pbopbietoe. TWO DOORS WEST 0 BOY'S HOMB. Keeps on band the best brand of Wines, Liquors. Beer. Ale. and fine Cigars, A share ot the public patronage is aolioeted. HENRY COOK. S&OPRIZTOR RED CLOUD DRUG STOKE, And Dcalsr la Drugs, Medicines Paints, oils - All goods ia say Line kept constantly on band: aad to which I invite tae attentioa of the public "' HENRY COOK. wi rotlrrs&jh "Eternal Vigilance Is RED CLOUD, THE CHIEF. M. L. THOMAS, EDITOR THURSDAY, JAN. 13, 188!. Mu. A. E. Skaiw, a. lawyer of Hall county is tlic youngcht member of the lower branch of the legislature, being, 20 years old, and Mr. Chas. Gale, a far mer of Richardson county w the oldest member, being S'J years old. Mb. II. II. Shkm, of Ashland, Saun ders count', was elected speaker of the house at the convening of the leg islature last week. Mr. Shedd is paid to be a young man, with plenty of en ergy, and of a commanding presence, and will undoubtedly make a good of ficer. The poor Indian may be a person of untutored mind, but in one instance, nt least, has developed a busines abili ty that would do him credit on the Rialto, and an exalted opinion of the value of real estate which would fit him for active service as salesman or a i Pine'fitreet agent. Two oi tno grcai J .4 . I railroads of the northwest are anxious to buy the right of way through the Sioux reservation, and conferences have been arranged in Washington between the representatives of the railroad companies and of the tribe. The companies offered nearly $5 an acre for all the land they needed, which, as was carefully explained to the Indians, was nearly four times what the government received for its wild lauds. Rut one of the chiefs, by some mysterious process, had fixed upon $7,000,000 as the sum to be paid for the land perhaps because he knew the mysterious value of the number seven, and felt sure there were millions in the speculation and refus ed to be moved from that magnificent position. At this figure the compan ies would pay more than $35,000 a mile for their lands. Four Rears, who made this blood-curdling proposition, and that aggressive financier, Rattling Rib, who supported him and said in a sagacious manner that "we must talk it over slow," are throwing away .1 . time as Indian chiefs. They might come to New York and speculate in West Side lots, or take a contract to convince the public that the Inwood site has been specially designated by Providence for tho Worlds. N. Y. Tribune. GATHERED IN St Paul. Minn.. Jan. 3. At a late! hour to-night Gen. Burke, adjutant Pi .for the present. The drill stuck , " , ' , J, in the bottom of the hole and can be general of tho department of Dakota, 'got out onv witu Krcat diniculty. received the following telegram, from A shaft will soon he commenced Major Ingles: The sum of $132,311.52. school mon- Oamp 1 oixt, roi'LAR Rivkr, Jan. 2, ev.has been apportioned to the coun via FoitT Bufoki), Jan. 3 After my ties of the state. Douglas, with 9,559 talk with the Indians on the 31st of PP51. gcts $,878.40; Lancaster comes December, which led mo to believe '"SjJif"15 7'4 ,M,I,i,s' und gcet8 1.n... .:........., .1 l i. m .:.r n wiii. aiiiucit;, iiiuj tiiivillll iiiici UfOW , sent me yesterday a very important message that they would not move and would fight me. I moved against them to-day, surrounded their camp, shelled them and compelled their sur- i Howard county, two years ago, swal render; killed one and wounded two, ' lowed a needle. Last week it appear and lost no soldiers. I have now at cd uml.er thc S" " tl,c i"1' "ml il the agency about 300 hostiles and about 300 and forty guns. They threatened fight, but showed none. They deserted their villages and burn ed up about sixty of their lodges, which will hurt them badlv. Will start at daylight after thc hostiles who have gone to Yankton. Six of their principle men assisted me to-day, aniljTjiavcr COunty, and were of great service, and I will give Wcro bJoulit to Webs them some ponies. I have Gallas a prisoner, and will have The Crow to- morrow. These people are in great distress for want of food, and I will do what I can for them. Thc thermome ter is twenty degrees below zero. The following is an extract from a letter written by the editor of Omaha Bee to his paper from the present scene of political carnage, the capital of Nebraska. It is characteristic. Last night thc Commercial presen ted an indescribable scene. Every inch of room in tho office corridors, stair ways and passages leading to thc var ious apartments were jammed with surging humanity, pushing, gesticula ting and full of excitement. The all al sorbing topic was thc speakership, the division of the legislative offices, and the question whether Cams was to have the appointment of the senate committees. The railroad forces were on hand with a large lobby of republi can and democratic cappers. The fed eral brigade is on hand in full force. The entire postal service is on the ground, with Furay, Siebolt Vander vort and a quintette of postal clerks, Scores of postmasters, land office receivers, and other disinterested pa triots arc button-holing members, pnll ingtiiem up and down the stairs, whis pering promises of reward and promotion into their ears' The vul turers and birds of prey are also here in large numbers. Frank Walters. Han- Ion, Thurston, and other shvsters and cappers are hovering around the mem- hers. The mrand army of Sharks, jobbers covered and hot by the daring hnn ana middle men is on the ground in -rr- r ... , .i ..., full force. BarnacleBarnes, of Cass,lters' e are informed that the cattle who sold out Thayer six years ago; owners m the vicinity of the Fort arc the blancLand Smilinp- Rill Stmit- t !, ' raisTno- a. Tmrsp fnr trmrr us a rwnri urbane JDan Wheeler, are all dwnK- moved with anxietv to assist onr law- makers in arriving at a proper under- standing of their duty. tltz price of Liberty' and WKBSTERCO- NKBRASKA. THURSDAY. ireTsIicss Frca aUsreriis Sute. St. Paul ha litre wheat-huving finiiM. Wolves ara immurotu in Clay coun- ty. OiirfcLttc jienitentiary Iia. 270 in - niatei. Realricc was acvetl last Sjiring at It ay.iAfu. w t rr Reaver are numerous in the Rupul lican river. Harlan county's cxpensej for year aggregated f 12,000. Valparaiso charges $500 saloon cen-e and has but one bar. the Five thousand vomit: Salmon have been placed in the JJluc river. 1, and Huflalo hones have advanced ale now worth $11 per ton at lnilianola.vprcvcnt an election. llieii itcrhaj Three saloons were hvt week t will be Weaver and Dundy or rlocd in Hastings owing cense. to high It- A factorv for the tools and mining machinery ia to be toon erected at Rlair. n iMnn,u..,i..'. .r ...i...i i. ..,.' been shipped from St, Paul this hea- son. Snow is very heavy in Custer county and much hiitl'ering "among the cattle is reported. The Fremont and Elkhorn Valley ' road will be built to Fort Niobrara . next Himiner. Rcatricehas an electric telephone, ,, i , ....... j,,; ()f w;rc s.mi r.att. iitJtriun.iiWj J u e are inclined to believe this mora Peter S. Duller, of Colfax county, (han reading carefully the sold twenty head of hogs, averaging . , ? 451 pounds each. (governors message. It reviews bnelly ,,., . c i i . the industries of the state for the past Tho postmaster at Schuyler says . four turkeys were sent by mail from .vw,r. an fortl1 ' t,,wr 8hl tho that town to San Franci.-co. jiossibilities of the future in all the v.i- Gagc county has 40,000 head of . r details of Mate, county and muni sheep whithin its boundaries. The cipal growth. The reports of tho sev wool clip for S80 was 250,000. oral state institutions nNo encourage The Methodists will sooii have a the belief that the State will continue chucrh edifice at Sitlney. having pur- to prosper, and that the vear 18S1 will chesed an old hotel for the purpose. not ,,e be,,incl the yoar m -m m it. j. jciauo. oi .uacoii nrerwiri, Franklin county, realized t40S for hi? crop of broom corn, above all expen ses. Mr. G. T. Carlwrii'ht, of Colfax county, in boring a well, cut through i a log of wood at a depth of thirty- three feet. A number of black wolves arc ranging through Dawson county. They are a rare breed in that portion of the state. Ed. Griffin, a Decatur barber delib erately shot himself last week, first rockine his child to sleep and exnlain- mi; hi ii niii; im; vii-jiiiiimiu iiv iiai- : i.: :r. .i. ,i:...,.:i:.... t... ...:.,i. cu ukuic oi ins propun . A Schuyler collector sent a dunning note for $1.75 to a man living twenty five miles from town. The next day the debtor came that distance to pay fifty cents all he had. A Hastings young lady, who was in sulted by a "ma-dier," last week met him on the street and proceeded to spread him out on the sidewalk. He has not been seen lately in that locality- ihc coal dnlltngat Ponca has slop- Iui-" Six hundred car loads of stock have been shipped from Indianola since jjunc ast; also t hones. 3,000 tons of bullalo A child of Mr. Blessing, of Fairdale, was cut out with a razor, it was one inch and a quarter long and much corroded, Tho fish commission have distribu ted fish as follows: 5,000 to Robert, of Butler county; 5,000 to Taylcr, of the assylum; 5,000 to R. C. Brown, of j Johnson county; ' Seward county 5 5,000 to Cams of 000 to Alexander, of the other 5,000 tcr county. A few days ago your informant visi ted the recently discovert! coal mine in Spicer precinct, and found nineteen men actively engaged in taking out coal. Erom 500 bushels of coal are mined daily, yet the demand is not supplied. The main entry to the mine opens at the foot of a blufi, and has been drivon into it a distance of 160 feet. Side entries, or rooms, have been driven upon each side of thc main one a distance of 120 feet, The vain is twenty-six inches thick, and fields a superior article of coal. Humbolt Sentinel, Two mountain lions, a male and fe male were killed last week by two hunters, on an island in the Platte riv er, four miles east of the old military post, Fort McPherson. These animals arc the most ferocious anil dangeroos to be found in America, and are dreaded, and avoided, when possible, by hunters acquainted with their sav age character. It is 'very seldom that the Unites get so far-east as were thc two killed, their haunts being on the slopes of the Rocky mountains, and in the surrounding country. A Texas steer stands but a poor chance for his life against the attacks of these animals, and the the two just killed j liad coralled one and were preparing to have a feast urion him when dis- r-i-:n: t.t,- j i. : ., . f . . , ,...'. ine neiftortiooar ana that a sharp loolsout is being kept for them-lEx. $1 50 a year is the price The Thavcr countr Sitmr! gy'v the following prediction.' m regard to the r-enatorial fight. J Paddock will lead. Hut he can not c in on the lift ballot, and not at j nil. Nance i really in the race, after , his usual style, and nil! eventually t I loom up. i an yck will start out o. 2, anrt t . .. will hold hi forces bettor tiian. rt dock. Hut it i doubtful if He can unite all the nntis, '.ho bltvo tliey have force enough, when combined; to elect thoir man. Atfirt it will be Paddock and Van Wyck, with Dundy, Wwer, Nance etc., on the ouu-kirls. Then it will he j Van Wyck anil Nance, or Dundy, with similar couting forces, enough to Nance, etc,, with more than likely a black horse to win the race, at last. Tiilkk is everv indication that the present year will be as proprrotn to i the people of Nebraska a. the one jut J 'lo--ed, and if such be the cum?, wc as a people will have no cau-c to complain , Dunn" the vear 1550 ewrv branch of ' business and industiv within our Imr- ,it.rd um0 raj,;,j n,i puiHtniitiiii ,r.,i. .....i ,.,.-,. ,-..... r.i. ,!... ii.n ii-iiiii! 4uiu v- i unv tt,n unit t4 'same measure of good fortune will be frtiMii!oil In tln Tirftjitvit vnnr ' hm activity anil sulwtantial alvance- ment. In fact, if indications go for anything, the present year will be to Nebraska what no other year has ever been before, greater in wealth, greater by many thousands in its population, greater in agriculture and greater in substantial improvements. If we mis take not, the year 1SS1 will make a record for Nebraka of which she will ever be proud. Lincoln Journal. OUU TTASHIIWTKI LSTTSB. Washington' D, C, Jan. 3d. 1SSI. On Wednesday next, on the reas sembling of Congre.-s, it is not believed that thete will be a quorum of Repre sentatives present, very few have ar med so far. If however a quorum can be had, the committee on appro nriations will assert its command of the lloor, and push the army bill al ready reported, and the others made ready for report during thc recess. Just when Mr. Wood can secure action on his funding bill is uncertain. Mr. Reagan will fight hard for early consideration of his Inter-State com merce bill. Observation in thc Hou.e makes me confident that five-sixths of the members agree that some mea-ure asserting the authority which Reagan's bill recognizes in the Federal govern ment should be passed. Rut this is legislation upon a new line, and both House aad Senate will act with delib eration. Meanwhile, at least one of the railroad companies doing business lelween this city ami the east shows by wilfully delaying thc traffic of a rival company, to thc great damage of the public, that it has no fear of early final action on any bill like that of thc Texas Representative. It is said here that Senator Conk ling will during the weeks call attention of the Senate to the much written about campaign speech of Senator Bayard, but nothing is said as to the form of his reference to it. Senator RIainc is credited with the intention of making, and the author ity to make, of an early day, a speech which will indicate in some respecfe the policy of the next administration, Thc prominence lately given the Sen ator as prospective Secretary of SLitc, makes the story plausible. President Hayes is credited, now that he cannot keep on reassigning one Cnbinct officer every ten days to the Navy Department, with thc inten tion of assigning first one and then another to the position. A careful calculation shows that thc supply of omeers win not quite iioui out even although "February has twenty eight" days only this year. There will be a time, perhaps from the second to .the fourth of March, when only the six or seven Bearean officers of the Depart ment will be present for duty. It ia to be hoped that nothing serious will happen to our gallant but rather limi ted navy during those two or three days. There is no Secretary of the Xavy. It has been decided that thc President cannot legally appoint Secretary Ram sey any longer, hence the probabili ties are that Garfield will be called upon to choose a Cabinet officer in advance: The weather has moderated within the last two hours, and the :hermom ater markes a tejaperature above thc freezing point.' 'Ksox, " ticatnee cneese lactory is ma- ting about TOO poonds of cheese p fo anj finj a rea,jy for j U. J of the Jtnd Cloud Cutrf. JAXUAKY 13, 1SS1. 1 & FLasi G1&:: M&f iiist for s5S 00. KElUIt IV I'KJCE TO $i:C j:r Asrrs. 25 cists ;c? iJitr. upon mm, A !t)PULAR Illustrated Mo.ntk-J ly g? li7era7jre, $cie,nce, Art and Travel Announcement for 1881. With the January NumW I.irnx' currV Mk.ahvi; mil ntT-tipn a Nuw Sen, n cltaitice nhnh will 1k? mnrked bv many improvement" and a liisUt-nitl rtnliK'tWHi in pcic. Main tniiniiK the .mr bijh htsrary sUitahmi a in the jm-:. hut preiuuj: NEW A- ATTKAITIVE KKATrtfKS, rendering the Mapazme nncwil lighter in character thmi hitherto, it. conductor- will ,-jniro no etrrt to cure for it the ditmcite reputation of a thoroughly POPULAR AND FIRSTCLAS3 FAM ILY M. VGA.! NE. The raMd develoju-ment of peri" ical literature dunng reent yetr ha liecit attended nt only by a vat in crease in the numlMr of iwider. IrtitUy a proportionate advance in thcrr r ouirenients. Some Magazine nddro tliemsvlvvp to jiiiti utar cl-"vs enga ged in special studies, others seek tu meet the general demand of the itiiim intelligent reader-. Ranking itelf among the latter, Lutimvjtt'.s will aim to foriith entertainment and a healthy stimulant to tho of lwth Mn who find their bt mental refreshment in LIGHT ATTRACTIVE RKADIMG. It new Mhunc will tiiilinuT a great aricty of tojiico, giving -pet ml promt dsnee to those that concern actual life, ite interest, -octal aspect, and it vtv iu pictures and graphic sketches. The lit of writers will inchnle many nevr contributon. freh editorial depart ments will bo added, and illustration-, carefully executed, will continue to hold a place. Fcr Sola by oil Scci &sd Xoxcde&Iirc. Tkkm Yearly Stibx ripiton-. J3.00; Single Number, 25 cent-. Cm it RiTJ-s -Three copie., $7.50, Five copies, $1 1.50; Ten copies, with an txtra copy to the club-getter, $22.00. ft?Si,KCi.Mr.N Nl'MiiF.u mailed, pott pnid, on receipt of 20 cents. J. B. UPPIKCOTT & Co., ?-iVddwrs, 17 715 & 717 Morist St. PhiUicl?hIa. PEOUDFIT & MARSH, O K.N ERA I. DEALERS I.S II .1 KIP IfVIf JE ).YNI( STOVE& Guide KOch, - KcJi. Krrjtln'c uiji' Vrrt In n Cntcl?t Hardware Store come and sec us as wc will not be UNDERSOLD. KMIGH BROS. MEAT MARKET RED CLOIT), NER. The ehoiert of Kreh tnea". K.infnrr FowNnti'l Try!hlnc in th line that tuo ran Vet af!bnl. always nn hn 1. 'Shoi two doun outh of Sberer' Hrne tn? G3A7'S SPSCinC 2ISD1CP-? fRAOC MARK 7Jje CrOitTIIAOtMAUK agl!n Sea- tij. A nnfall inenra Uri?f minal Weak rif. .crrm'- tnrrhta. laipo leney. anJ !' l)icaM tna' m:..i TAXIR6..jc-nce of Sol. Ulll TAIIlt. b'i . Imi of iretnorr. vnter?4l, I Jc. j a" ' the back, dimaex cf tmi'o. Ic 'nr ull "z.nnJ many fiber lieaiM thaf Irx I In sti tr or Conjumptina anl a prciflatnre ra e I u'l particular in our painbtct w e dt'in i jn-l free by mail tercry nr. r-Th Teciric-1 medicine i -M I'T all lrucj;it at il Kf rackace. or lix i-arkaseJ lor ? r will cnl free ty mail on rciM i.flhe money. I,y vl dreaias THE ORA f .v.tDiCINli CO a..13cchanrrr !&. iKstroii. Mith. 4V5oU ly lJrarxi'H generally, I. K. lik Osiha.2eb.. H'aoluale auU 8-ly rMllM..if im . .a. SAM'L GARBER DEALEU XX Dry Goods atul Groceries BOOTS and gffOEtt Hat 9? Caps, 8b Rta'ly Made Clothing. We have ths Largest Stock in the Valley and wiU not bt undersold. Give as a call, one 2nd aB. Sam'l Carber Bed ClMid 3Tefc, BAsrs mmi uwwcmxi Tk. KS3T TJUWi VVT. wis caw Hraviw b vm wn WW zrii,k r Tm' war -5 mvx HK .- ii WaB iiMf mmm !: rbPlK 1 ACCMTS WAMTC. NO. -'3. GO TO W. Staple Fancy Groceries, -TltK Choice Nuts. Fruits- & Confections. jtrKrrh Fnut and VrjjubS .s4d HowCanl HI Vm.l nd Wintkr Goods ok MARSH ! WHY? thev are worth in Csn. 1 hell them at a small profit'. I make no book account. I have but one price. Clear cash I '.nn leniiit. i.r. . :nilit. rp'FoHii Slfv A. FOULKS Hastings M XrFACTt ACME STEEL THE Wire that will make a Visible Fence Pig Tight. Bull Strong H Horse High. Factory near ntrl ecerdioa- to A, nt Costm. la tv ih- On"- f F. Hf CORE. Jeweler Red Cloud FINE CARRIAGES TTNirFOxfcM U7I jssr JC31ZT, vriU A, tou. CAsatHfutm SccfMiwir The "fTAKX en c-- tr. - z. n O Z. S 7T I - s s c rt - 1L ... c 1 rr o O Z. 2. "5 SB 2 m ay C ft I B. ROBY'S rou- tlT- t l.ti. - mu it r. saveMonsy MM. M I Imiv all n 4 J (Jootls nt whnt buvers ijet the ,uf Killl itii- (( utt.l rrt , i ,a. ., .i,i -i,,. i iif 'ri -- If ' , S. MARSH. & STINE, Mm , uiguunwwW "Nebraska- Rr.RS OK TIIK Barb Fence Wire, ONLY B. 6c M. Depot. ta. jmr 171. hf Cn.. ni. h X. trfn e t f rr ' AND ROAD WAGONS or EXCELLENCE. kt fetalis lU T11ZZ ZJS7 to Boston Buckboii-d Co., NEW HAVEN, CONK, W Oq nn sS 9 O f 'A. fa 38 m 7 3 V sr 'TR'.i FW nmlif j 'Vl H L I t z 1' j M 1 14 IE l n I H I V i S -?- - i3-r. -4. ' ...-, t- ' : VJiaStrfi-rfLs. -i-o . v t. v - "i57 -srz . . 7rr. f1- 'v " '.-sig