15 V-? t Si JvCSf . E, S . SJ 5 Moon I Callender, )UE.IJ.rS IN( General Merchandise, Dry - Gooils, Groceries, Scot. A Shoe?. HATS AND CAM. 2rngM. ITfcdiciiiew, Oils Varziinlie, l;:infs "Etc. GFeASSW RE, QUEEXSWA HE, HARDWARE & HARNESS ETC., ETC.. ETC A fiul line of pvorylhinjr, kept in r jjoii- e-al alyie, Jit lhcUHVJTC.UH I'RICIa. llf-liuftfiillr, Moon & Callender. rGWMW, XKHKA5KA DE. SHEEEE, Proprietor of tlio City Drug Store. AKO PEALZK m Drugs? Medicines. Paints. Oils and Varnishes, A full supply df LAMPS, LAMP .SHADES, "WICKS, COMHSIJItrsJIES'AC. I'atronnrc fulicileJ a sxl thinkfully received. rrci-iij'li"n5 can fully CGinpjuncd3 One door south of Oarhi'i-V store, KE CLOl'I), NEH. Nimble Six-pence. G. . Dow, UEALKR IN- Groceries & Confectioneries, Choice Tran, CoCcc Suc.tr Sc. White Fish & Mackerel. lircn. Dried ar.ii Cnntitd Fruits. The lii't To baccos and f"icats. I'lottr and meal con-t-antly on hand. Krza, Mutter ai.d Wood Taken in Payment. J'vcrythicc warranted to be n represented. (II VK MBA CALL and I will do vou good. ' lit door noitb of nrcu office. Red Cloud, - Neb. Flour & Feed ' STORE, CHAS. E. PUTNAM, Prop. DEALER IN FLOUR. FEED Cera, Meal, Bran Chopped Feedand GROCERIES, Ylit the ltol Cloud Grocery. Feed and Pro vi'inii .-tore when you want supplies for lean or beat. Highest market price in cash pnip for icrain AH kind (.rriiunlrr produce t-ikcn m exchnnco lore-i'ul-. (Suodi delivered to nil p.irts id" town Ircu fcharcc. St-ire romh ol Heed's How Factory. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. n. l. tiistker, (Successor to O. A. Drown-) nn.VI.EK IK Parfor, Bedroom . AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, Brackets, Chromos, Picture Frames, Mattresses, Etc. C. ffioe always or hand and trimmed on short notice. lTrioi a low is any in the alley. Repairing or all kinds done pronip'ly and SitiHJctor. I'.mial Eobes Annulled at rsasonnblo rates. HED CLOUD, - - - KEB. Harness Shop, J. L MILLER, Keep constantly on band a full Line of JIAHXEKS, COLLAES SADDLES 1I0K?E-BLANKETS, WHIPS, COM15S, BRUSHES, IIAKXESS OIL, .. And everything: usually kept in a first chts shop. two doors south ok the bask. The Highest Cash Pries Paid tor Hides and Fcrs. coivse Eor Your LUMBER. X Y LUMBER A SPECIALTY. "X -BY- . "I. e- HEB. THE CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS, R V- It R Tine Table- Takinr effect Eondiy. Oct 17. HftO. Eastward Paircferle......M ". srriref . 7 'Jft p. SB. . -2k p. gb. J9 :40 a. ra. freight Irsrre.. Wei I ward .deeonv leave ... srrirr.,. f. ') r. na. EASTERN DIVISION Eastward Acrcin. tnrtr... arm ....... Trains daily nrt)t Snndar. "r f . B i a. ra. o 36 . tu. ti. IV. Jl Liecnc. A. K. ToriALtjf. Stipcnwendent. Gen'J. Manarer. 3Iiner I5ro. soil Superior Hour. Tbe counly comrnrioneni ;iiect to Iay. A. S. Marli .-ell-i lied Cloud Mill? patent llour. The Holidays pa..ed oir rather qui etly in this burg. The recent "cold snap" wan rough on the houe plant. Hon. II. S. Kalcy departed Ia.l Sat urday for the capital. "ov they write it I8S0 and hiile quently change it to S1. We are happy -now, we have tbe promW? of Home more wood. Mr-J. Sarah Watt, of Guide Rock, renew ri her Milrriptiou for a jear. EvHitYmDY Welcome; Social at Rev. fierx O. Yeibcrs next Tuc-day evening. The meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held at Mra. Rent's on Friday nt at three r: ;i. We iituiiljor Mr. Jamas Watt, of Guide Rock, among our new subscri ber this week. H. A. R.-tird, dcnt?.t, will be absent from his office until about the 20th, of the present mouth. Rev. J. M. l'ryse will leave for his new field of labor, Blue Spring", Fri day of this week. The mercury was reported to have been as low as 28 at this place one morning Inbt week. (Jo to Roby'.i for your tobacco, he has the thirst .vsottiuent in town, also the bc.-t lot of cigaih to be had. The sultry (?) weather that we have had for the liu-t lew weeks has been death on coal and other fuel. Lat Saturday, the fiit day of the new year was a very pleasant day, and Red Cloud was full of people. Tho-e whoe subcription to rlie Chief expired with the advent of the new year are respectfully invited to icnew. , Mr. John McQuilkin called last Sat uiday and inflated our currency to the extent of a year's subscription in ad vance. Co to Roby's for canned fruits, dried fiuittgieeii fruit, rai&ins, citron, mac aroni, farina, tapioca, or anything else that's nice. vMr. Keshncr, of Clovcrton made ,g1ad tlie heart of ve editor bust Mon day -by the presentation of a handfull of Mlver, on sub. The sheet of ice which covered everything on Wednesday morning rendered pedestiianism any thing' but a safe or pleasant exercise. The Chief is about the only paper in the state that refrained from ma king some idiotic expression about the ''beautiful snow," last week. Owing to a great rush of Job prin ting at the Chief office the last week, we have not been able to give as much attention to the paper as we would like. The defaulting county treasurer of Franklin county has gone to Can ada, and the defaulting ex-auditor of the state of Nebraska has gone to the devil. There will be a teacher's association held aj. the school house in DK No. 24, south-east from Cowles, on next Saturday, commencing at 1 o'clock r. M. The Naponco Banner and the Bloom ington Guard, have consolidated under the name of the Banner-Guard, and under the management of Zedikcr !t Hoffman. The Holiday issue of the Smith county Kan., Pioneer contained more original reading matter than we ever before saw in one issue of a county newspapex A number of friends of the Rev. J. M. l'ryse, surprised him at his resi dence last Tuesday evening, after church. The manifestations of kind ness, were, for the most part, of a substantial nature. When you hear a fellow denouncing a newspaper you may "bet your sweet life" that he is in debt for the paper and the publisher discontinued send it to him because he was not honest ? enough to pay for it. Mr. AY. T. Masters, an attorney from CuIBerton. Hitchcock county called at these' headquarters .last Friday. He was on his way to Lincoln to be pres ent at the convening of the legislature. He. says there are a number of desti tute famili'ts in Hitchcock county that will suffer if they do not receive aid from soma source. The Biverton Eagle claiius U h.ve the nobbiest "devil" Fn tho valley, be- couse he wears a seal-skirr cap and f carries a Russia leather pocket Book. That s nothing, our devil wears a genu ino old fashioned Continental cocked hat and an ivory handled sword, while a string ofscalps a yard long dangles at his belt, Tiie census shows a surplus of near- T 'v f ivi'ntv ntr otr.t mnrfl women tnArl men in our'population. TKe . cfty bf , . .. .,,.. Xew York has more than twenty-five CllUll-4&till JllUiU 1VJtUTIl LtlCtLfc Jrfrumr while Massachusetts lias sixty-thon- S4ind extra maidens. In these 3"cars of general prosperity can it beUiat we - are getting too much of a fgood tiling. Zltj U Stj. Timt jocki'-s-rabbiti are scafce thia winter. Hint Red Cloud will oon have a oa factorj. Tlmt porkera will bring audi when nothing cle will. That the circulation of the Chief is rupidly increasing. Tltat the merchant had a good trade last S;iturday. That :ls a lecturer James S. Gilliam our Jim w a Mtcctva. Tliat there is a new Laundry jmt openeil up in thi city. That "peg-leg" miller has found a new tenant for his house That the entire valley will jupjort 11. S. Kaley for U. .?. Senator. Tliat Henry Cook lm- rfie largest .stock of books and dniga in the valley. Tliat the mysteries of the average boarding houe hath are p:ut finduig out. That Bcslcy t 1'erkini have the 'Mead wood" on tbe barb wire busi ne. That boils and corns are a luxury that can he enjoyed by the poor as well :ls the rich. Tliat Moon fc Callender, of Cowles, do a good buiiness notwithstanding the hard times. Tliat Red Cloud will experience a building boom in the spring such as she has never yet enjoyed. That the Argus editor ha.s longer cars than those that adorned the cra neum of Balaam's ass. That two families from Virginia will bring into this county next spring, a bundled thousand dollars for invest ment. That this is the coldest winter that this country has experienced within the memory of the "oldest inhabi tants." That some of those who "swore off" last Friday evening "swore on" again before the first day of the new yea had closed. That the conciousness of being well drest-cd, affords, to the average woman, a tranquil enjoyment that religion cannot give. That owing to the snow and ice on the liberty pole the signal for starting on the march to the wolf hunt, last Thursday morning, was not given. That the B. & M. railroad company will make this a permanent division and erect a large depot and eating house and machine-shops, in the near future. That more real estate will be bought and sold in this county next summer and fall, than has ever changed hands during any previous season since the settlement of the county, That original poems are unusu ally scarce for the time of year the writers thereof havieg fortunately been, for.the most part, frozen to death during the recent cold weather. That the dreary legand, "no trust" conspicuously displayed in a store by the heartless proprietor has been known to cut down a prospective bill of goods to the purchase of a nickle's worth of tobacco and a clay pipe. Tliat when a man owns a cow of his own, and chances to spill a little milk on his clothes it dries up and leaves a grease spot, whereas if he buys his milk, and spills a little on his clothes it dries up and leaves a chalk mark. That the infernally cold weather, together with the scarcely of coal and the unwillingness of unfeeling parents to allow it to be used for courting pur poses, has facilitated more than one sacrifice on the Hymenial alter the present winter. MARRIED. Davis Morris, at the brides father's in Jewell Co. Kansas, Dec. 23rd. 1880, by Rev. Lewis Barr, Wm, M. Davis and Mary L. Morris. MARRIED. Verry WATFr at John Watt's in South Guide Rock Dec, 25th, 18S0; by Rev. Lewis Barr, Frank Terry, and Miss Bell Watt all of Webster Co. Dr. Marshall's Lung Syrup has emi nently proven to be a safe, reliable and cheap remedy for coughs, colds, etc Try it. Price 25 cents and 50 cents a bottle. Vtck's Floral, Guide. Of the many Guides and seed and Plant Cata logues sent out by our Seedman and Nurserymen, and that arc doing so much to inform the people and beauti fy and enrich our country, none are so beautiful, none so instructive as Vtck's Floral Guide. Its paper is the choicest its illustrations handsome, and given by the hundred, while its Colored Plate is a gem. This work, although costing but 10 cents, is handsome enough for a Gift Book, or a place on the parlor table. Published by James Vick, Rochester, N. Y. The following letter was written by a plain old Irishman to his son at col lege: "Dear Son: I write to send you two pairs of old pants, that you may have a now coat made out of them. I send also some new socks which your mother has just knit by cutting down some of mine. Your mother sends ten dollars without my knowl edge, and for fear you may not spend it wisely I have kept back half, and only send'you five. Your mother and 'I are well, except that your sister has got the meaele9.which we think would have spread among the other girls, if Tom had not had them before; and he is the only one that is left. I hope yon will do honor to my, teachings; if you do not yon are an ass, and your mother and aayself are your affection ate parents" TomDwtol ' Time is-money, but health hap piness. If- you- have a .bad cold, or cough, use Br. Marshall's Lung Syrmp, i will cure vou. rwemty-iive .cents- bottle, large sisc 50 cents. Sold by UllD uru2Sne- .t : j- & Hi Stvi Wffir Cmk. A merry Christmas and a happy New Year to Mr. Editor and uUff. The time ha been fully occsrpicd by the people along the creek for the past two week. Considerable eickneaa jiwt now throughout the neighborhood. Mr. Hamilton Burton of Deadwood i spending the winter with his uncle. Mr. Parke, He ban recovurrd from his injuries received on the way home, at Sidney. During lat week, Mru Strain ami Mera. Modlin and Lamb, of die So ciety of Friends, from North Branch, fvanL, have been holding a series of meetings at the school house in Dut. No. 24. Through their influence ev eral person have experienced the love of Christ, and the church has len greatly revived. They returned home lat Friday but they arc expec ted back in a few week. We hope the meetings will continue to be sus tained in their abence. The great event of the season for the little folks was the Christmas tree on the eveniug of the 24th, a fine tree, full of presents greeted them a they came. Right royally did they enjoy hearing their names called, and seeing the dolls, apples candy, and more sub stantial things too numerous to men tion, which were handed out to them by tho-e who unloaded the tree. The exercises began with a song, sung by the audience, reading of the scripture, prayer by Rev. B.irrr afterward sing ing was carried on. y the children. Rev. Barr addressed the children in a colloquial style and the interest shown was commendable. Then fol lowed recitation by members of the Adamson, Norris, Barcus and Mutts hang families, and the praise given was fully warranted by the good taste shown in selecting, and the life and animation in delivering their several parts. WeouId like to speak in special commendation of some, hut as they were all so goodj we fear we should take up too much space, Here followed the distributing of the pres ents which were not a few. A turkey hopped down from its perch twice, but was finally captured and secured by Rev. Barr. The exercises contin ued with a select reading and closed with prayer and benediction by Rev. J. B. Potter. Christmas was more especially the old folks day. Mr. and Mrs. R. Adam son wishing to meet their friends extended an invitation for them to oome to their house, snend Christmas; and dine with them. Glad ly accepting, and bringing with them something to make the table groan, Messers Parkes, Sawyer. Wm. Waller, Dr. Moranville, Moushang and Springer with their families, "their wives and little ones," over thirty in all. met and passed the time in social converse, and most of all eating. Such a table! Well it is the same old story of "groaning under its bur den," fcc. Messrs Moushang and Mor anville, with carving knives, one at each end of the table, carved roast pig and turdey, while the rest of.us masti cated, insalivated, (but slight fear) and "swollered" what they server to us. To sample all the cake was to much for us, we gave it up, after siting at the tahlc an hour. Seeing and eating such a dinner no one would desire ever. "To tremble under fortune's cum mock, On scarce a bell-fu' o' drummock, Wi his proud, independent stomach "Could ile agree." To say that all enjoyed themselves is not necessary, for whoever docs vis its Mr. Adamson's family and does not enjoy himself, has none but him self to blame. Mrs. Adamson has been very ill this fall and winter, but she was able to receive the congratula tions of her friends, that she is yet with us, and we hope that she may be spared to enjoy many a Christmas in the future. Creekite. Item From East Xaanl. Ed. Chief. The past week has been so cold that we most froze out, but it got warm enough to get the Chief on Thursday, and Saturday was warm enough to gather with a few neighbors at the residence of Mr. N. A. Avers where we had a pleasant time. Our Christmas tree was a complete success, and all the children of the Sunday school were made happy by some present. The speaking by the children was well done, not one of the smallest that hesitated a moment when it came their turn to be called. The singing was first rate. Let no one say E:ist Inavale has no singers after this. All seemed happy and "Peace on earth, good will to men," seemed the motto of each. The children were inclined at first to be afraid of Sante Claus, but soon some one whispered it is Mr. Judson, when they began to crowd around him as happy as they could be, for no one is afraid of uncle Jud. Our Sunday school was re-organized yesterday sad the following officers were elected for the ensuing year. Mr. Henry Eoesr Supt. Mrs. Hale Asst. Mrs. If. A. Day Sect., and Treasurer, Mrs. Judson and Mrs. Day are selected teachers of the childn's classes A. Rr. a runt, A Mdostsk of Grundy Centre, Iowa, was recently taken sick and thought he was t bout to die. Calling his fami ly and members of his church about him he confessed that on a recent vis it to Chicago he had forgotten his call ing, had been enticed into a free-and-easy representation of the garden of Eden, had. been aproachad by an un godly worn i who-offered him forbid den fruit, and he did eat. He got well, and his wife promptly kicked him out doors and the-society bounced him out f the church. Here is an argument ainst death-bed. repentance. Apple by the barrel, at Miner Bro. 15 pound choice Mich-ran apple, at Miner Bro. for fl.00. Roby has juM received from Chica go a me aortment of Pac U-l caodV. Bnnjc along your poultry. Highest S rices paid for butter and rgg, at liner Bro. A fresh supply of "White Rose" Atchison winter wheat flour, at Iut nainV. Teachers' contracts for sale at the Cihet office at 5 cents apiece r three for ten cents. tf No apple nuporinr to tin; sold bv Putnam splcnded for mating or cook" ing Bottom figures given. If you want to increase the quantity and quality of milk, feed your cow ground feed. Putnam will cnd ft to you. A choice tclection of groceries, canned jtihhIs, notions Ac., always on hand at Putnam's flour and feed "store. Gooda delivered free. niriL noon. Farmers who contemplate proving up on their claims will learn something to their advantage by calling at the Red Cloud Chief office. tf It ls generally conceded that A. I -inN.rbiu.h nilN tho lw.-t i.p,.i ,.. iw. found in town, and the tccret of his nuecesi in the bread making line lies in the fact that he uses the superior flour, which is the bet flour made, and i for sale only at Miner Bro. Call and get a sack and be convinced. Every woman who has experience in bread making know some thing of the difficultv in always getting the best results during the winter reason when the "yeat gets chilled" and the dough won't work just right The be.t thing you can do under Mich eir aimstanee is to buy your bread of Lauterbach who u-es only Jial Cloud Paten! Jlour. C. K. Tutnam ells it. A' Farm to Rent ! Of 150 acres, with good ? tone house -. -....... .-v , "u 10x28, one .Mory high. Moat ot the land is in a gotxl htate of cultivation. Also one brood mare for sale or trade. Apply to 1). S. Hki.vkkn, Seven miles south-weal of Red Cloud, Nebraska. l9-m3 cRcrwisr! Not the Crown of Kings, nor the Crown of Glory, but the Crawn Sewing Machine, the latest and best machines in the market, it will pay you to call at the Post-Office and see it before you purchase! For Sale by M. B. McNrrr. MONEY TO LOAN! Money to prove up with on final re ceipt, or on deeded land at S per cent., anul-fili per cent, commission, or at straight 10 per cent, no commision. J so. R. Wii.loix. Office next door to Chief office. 30tf Great Bargains. At greatly reduced prices we will offer for cash a large surplus of winter goods. Hats and Caps. Mens hath, i boys hats, bovs caps, mens caps, BOOTS AND SHOES, MENS SHOES, BOOTS. WOMEN'S SHOES, BOOTS. BOYS BOOTS, SHOES, Undershirts, ovcrshirti, fine shirts, laundered thirts, unlaundcrcd sdiirt.-. flannels, waterproof, and dres good-, way below the market. We have also in stock a lot of forks, spades, shovels scat-springs, well pulleys single-trees, double-trees, iron, Ac, Ac. The Ward A Everett stock which we want out of the way and will offer very cheap, for cash Wc mean business. Call and ft c mean business, Yours Respectfully, see. lJ-4t MOON A CALLENDER. Imfortant, The fact cannot be too often stated, or too stronglv urged up on the public, that the majority of the Saleratus and Soda in market is not only very UNiiEHLTiir, but actually is a slow poison, causing teeth to decay, and bringing on disease generally. Thanks to scienco, skill, perseverencc and energy, t'naC 9 rnan still lives who invented J. Monroe Tavlor's" Gold Medal, which and is still dofng such great wonders in the culinary depart ment. We say that one trial will con vince the most skeptical that there is none other to bo compared with it. Most of our merchants have it for tale. Their depot is 112 Liberty Street, New York. Final Proof Notices. uana voice at iiioominrion..eo. ucc ... ivw - . . . . . .... TTotice is hereby ciren that the following named retUer ha filed notice of his in'entio . to make final proofin rusiport of bi c itin.sn I e eu re final entry thereof before Jatncs A. Tul leys clerk of court in Webster county, at hit office in Ked Cloud Neb., on rfaturdjy iebru arySth .SSI. rit: WlLUSM II. STCiKjr. h'd No 20OJ forth outh-et quarter of Sec. 32 town 3 rantje 10 ewt. and names the follow iac M his witnesses to prove continuous residence upon and cultivation ol aaid tract, vtx: Edward It. Keener. iViliiie. Crouch and Bneo II. France of Cowles Neb., and Merna L. Tbo3vu of Red Ooui Neb. dec3Qjana S. W. SWITZER. ResitUr. Land OfSeeat Blootoiszton Xeb. Dec 17. ISiO. Notice it hereby ciren that the following nased sett'er has filed notice of his ntentiiu to auke fnal proofin tupt-ort of hit claita and se cure final entrr thereof before the clerk of the District Court in Webttcr county Neb., at hit ofJee ia Red Cloud oa Sat a. "day 1 anuary 2?th l31.ru: PrrxB L. UoijtBfci. Vd entry 30. for tbe SWMslSte 20 tows 4 ranrell weUaad name the followinc at bit witorMea to prove continuous residenc upon aad cultivation of said tract, rix: John McJj lons of Caihertoa Neb. WiUUa K. Thome Jo seph L. UrandsUff and Nottaaa Spricrer. all of VelU Nebraska. dec3SaB27 8. W. SWITZER, Remitter. Land Office at Blocinrton Neb. Dec Zl. 1VO Notice is hereby circa that the followine; Lamed eetiler hat fled aotise at hi inter tion to txak final proI in tepport of bit claia acd e cai final ex try thereof before tbe cl'rk of Dit- eoart lm Webster county at bis oSee ia Ked Qti Neb. a Saturday January S. liil . Tit. oaoaos w. KytcHT. H'd sjsatn Na. Sill, for the Soata East aaartar JtcNTm 2 Kasc 12 wastes, aaate the wbsjit a ai witaanes to arore ccBtaaoss residesce apoe aai caltiratioa of said tract. ik Lwwm C Ulautead. aad William J. Vaaesj ef lairaJe Nea. aad Jitnry Xass aad Sara H. Jo net of Ked Cload Neb. decarSjgT S. W.SvTITZKR. Reister. LasslOCee at Bloosiatea. Neb. Dec II. lfK. Ifetie i kctwW cirea that the fenowia aaae4slsjraatHsraetiesf kUiaUatiea to aaak faal eoef ia scpsort of ki ekiiai, aad seisulssl aster thereof. pttT to be atade he teas J ass A. TaUerr. Clerk or tie Ceart of wTittsaar rissty. at hit eete. ia Kd Cload. Sefc. ea t5ataraay. Jaaaarr 15tk, XM1. to: AutzijTBBa Rtaarsa. H'd'ratryNo.asaK. for the aeatk-weat naarter. 8eti M. tsswa 2. raaaa 10 west, aasi sasae the foUovsc a kis witaasav. t arers esatataoat itiUtaea oa aad eattiTatioa of" said tract, ric dwacsi 8, Foe. Tkesae J. wfard. Milaaa aliiy laadJaase jialpa. ofCewlesu eo a. ofCewlea. Aeo. aeiajBBii ffflLTOE Wr ukc picture in calling Harthsrare It is our mirrw tn VMn . - market. nd to wrrp .11 emtomer, in Stoves. Pleae call and rr our stock of ft nd HwUor ,torr-tb rrv Utt ?..?' ills!? 'rnuM,!j !' 'a jK-tatiun You ;S gad oufprict? ll coiujHiUiiori. Builders' Hardware. ..k.J !Ti al ::c:u' ' Ci l o ou- a m- t i tr-- wK id m p,r chaing o. u, you w ' , , 4. ,OHC ,KJCt Jian ui Table and fn this line c ca p-r f tnr fnm - .... . . t .. muuuri anu pf.ee ci te Blacksmiths' Supplies. Our stock U cotuplctc vm r.. t.;i II 1 iv . '""' ."" l" -WI, tl, (IIHC u naib . H rvliow. Drn ,tel (V cb.n.n. T mblcout. FTIa.Jm.trtMe. it Mil i ...i r .. Wagon seasoned, and we imit. wagtui niakem Barljtd We offVr vou tbe i-rli-irtlv ti. .1.- "..-., I. c S le,'.rt1 "i - mc !- iTicr n nirii niiii-r inm. ..i .....-.. . uj iqquie. IHMIt MHIHK t.K w el -, ter County for the., matiuiketiiron.. Farmer htiv HArUd Wire tltat you are Mr ,,, ujwf, look out for law control all Barb wire patent. Pumps. Wc are the aeknowlrxlge,! lenders r""" . CA" M,,! -vou. anv kuul w ... . ii'i .nu uyi (H, j WWW Wit fc"- Jlal.A a.i.B , I . . k e urn show-you C-teni Pumjw, Stock lining Force INiuitv.. brtve wll lumps W iiid-mil! Punip, Deep xxell Pumj. Wooden VnmJ Ac .&. C.ll ai t get our estimntei if you are thinking of putting in a pump. We nirni Wind Mills. We are slo agent fur tbe Kehpe Wind-null- Wo ran m-iko ) eitw figure and -.how yvHt n few tbiupi nloul wmd-uiH which pvrhajM ym lave never thought of Come and see us amwav, ami we will give mmi iwuiw. f ovr 50 ruilrtHid companies u-ing tho Kchj.y "mtll. Wlwit ;Air wind-mill oiMiMit can show one fourth as many. Farmer" and the public generally, we are here to eU vou g.wxU, and we have the goods to cell. We solicit your patronage, ami will gunranteo to !ati'fy ou. lied Cloud, Neb. Lftml Office at liloomlncton. NeV.. 6f. t. 1M0. X:ic ii herel.r Wen that lollnwtnr nuran.l vltlrr ha file 1 notice of bli intention to uiaLo final imxif in iuptort of bl rUitu. anil ccnr final vntiy thrrrnf. trfurc (.Irrk of Ii-trl-t t'ourt nf Wrtntcr cntinir N . at hi 6fBc in KmI ( louJ Nb..on ilcuday. Januar Ulh. Il, tii: l'nn S Kiip. KM cntery No. 3311. for the knih-n.i nmrt.r Mtion 22. town 3 N. -anta 10 cit. anj nam tha fullowinr aa bli witneurj. to imve contin- . uou rriiirncr on ana cuuiTation of IJ tract. ; rit: W ilium II. Wilkinon. AJm I! Traibrr. Iltr-I Morrw aai Dat4 .. franrl. all ol Lowlr. eb. drcl-jn33 8. W. SWITZEIt. Kcfltr. a a . .. a ii .iLii, .. a a m a LaoJ Office at Ulooiainf ton Neb. Hoc. Sth. tHO, Notice i hercbr cn that tha followtm namcJ rettlrr bai 6lc4 notice of bio intentiou to make fical proofin uptort of hip claim, ami cure fin l! entrr thereof, before Jame A.Tul ley. clerk of the -court of Webittr coooty, at hu efflce In Kr. C'loml. Neb" on Saturday. January loth, ISSl. vU: KitasciL AwDiaaoir. HM entry No. VjG. fer the north-eot quarter. fctlon S. town3 N, ranrelO wet. and names the followi a hli witnefie. to prore contin uuus reilence on and cultivation of H tract, rit: Kniek Nuttine. Wilbur Nuttinr. 'urtle He a and John Stack, all of Matin. Neb. deelfijanU S. W. titii. Urilittr. Land Office at Olnotnlniton Neb. Dec Sth. IM0 Notice i hereby ciren that the followinc named Pettier baj file! notice of hi Intention to make final proof in support of hi claim, and recure final entry thereof before James A. Tal ley, clerk of court in Webfter county, at is of fice in Heif Cloud, Neb., on if onda, January 17tb. mi. vit; Wim.mii II. Itcatl. Preemption D. .S No. T70. for tbe north-west quarter. ect on ". town 2. N ram II west. ad niu es tbe following at hit witnesses, to rote continuous residence and cultivation of ai 1 tr ct. Tit: John JcQuelkm. William Ifoltworth Andy Meacs end Ai tferibner. all of Ked ClouJ. declfijanl I S. W. SWITZER. Uei.t.r Land Office at Dloominrton Neb. Dec. 3. IMi. .Votiee is hereby tleen that the !olIown named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final proof in tupportof hts claim, and secure fitiM entry thert. before Clerk of the District Court of Webster county his office in Ked Cloud. Neb on '1 bursday Jan. Clh, IMI. Tii: Robkrt C. Lsisp, h M No. 3301 for the 3 4 S K l and H H W Y Sec. 2 Town 4 Itanre 9 west, and natnr th fol lower at hit witr.cMcs to prove coctintinat retideme upon and cultivation of ( ii I tract. tik Alfred U. Sjnjpeoo. William II. IloberU WiilUnJ. Simpson and Alcetat Kiley. all of nesrunaa ebraika. decijan? S. W. SWITZER. Ketitter. Land Office at Hlooraintton Neb.. Dec. 3. 1M0. Notie U heret'T firen that tbe following aamen eeU?r h" "' ""J" of hli intention to make final proof in t?9Tt "r LiJ claim, and secure final entry thereof before jr-r A. To! Iey. elerc of tbe court in Webster county at hit oficein Hed Cloud Neb., oo I hjrtaay. January 6tb. ISrfl. Tit. PaacnaL L. Lsiao. h'd N. 3.T02 for the north-west quarter rf Sec It town 4 range 9 wet t. and namrt the fotlowinr as his witccset to proT cociinuout residence upon an 1 cnltivation of said tract. Tit: Alfred I.. Simpon. William II llobert. Hlllias J. .-i Epson and .-(Icetai Riley, all of NetooJa dccOjaDTi S. W. SWITZER. Refitwr. LandOSceat Dlooroinfton Neb. Dec. UW. Notice ! herebT slrtn tint tbe followinr ...l ..!.. iimm fl.t nrl1m nt lAm tnf antlnfl tu 4iU.i.V. . -w ....a.v"- .- .-- make finpl proofin support of hti cleim n-l rnr" final entry thereof bofore James a. Tull'jr CeTKtf 'urt n W biter caniy Neb. at his fjfio ! Ctuad Neb. 'n Monday January Uts.lfel.wx. JjitiM II MlUra. h'd No. 3TT0fjr the north-CA't quarter of S s. 30 towo -t 'fccce 10 west. and imt the follow nr at hit witnesses to prov coatmuous residence upc.n and colfratioa fad tract, rit; William l.arnatn. Simeon 0 haaib-js. John Harnett and Josh tt . i'tt j. all ef Elue Hill' Nebraska- ..... . . derfjn5 S. W. STVITZEU. Rejitter. LEGAL SOTICE. Jaxes P O. Winrert will tke aotiee that on the 2'th day of November 19 Joht It. ",f cox county JuJof Webster cuety Sute tf Nebraska. Jstucl an ord'r of atJacb3eat ?& uoi of fifteen dollars and forty 5vceoU155 In an action pendiar b-f'.re bias wherei l Osrbcr is platntiffand Jasne P- G Wtart U defendant, that property eooii'tiar or oi ar tih eotr b &ecn attached oader t-vi ? Said caue waa continued to the 12th day ol January 1S31. at 2 o'clock p.m. Ssa'L Uaaasa. IlalnUir. 1SU Py c McNsxt. Att yt for Wit. lated at Bed Goad Ieceber3d.l. PROBATE X0T1CE. In the matter of the estate of N. . Liddy. do- eeajed. . .. NotW U hereby ytTea twaTI penvn ioterwted that I bare appjjafedaad ttb 1 tbe ltt!J day of Jaaaar A. I.IVl.!sr the final .etUesaent of eakl eitatr anJ that o that dy a final dividead of taeartetu of sat J estate will be made ad decreed 6y e aad raid byJ. E.Sxitb eaeeator of tks rtato f aniel Z.Uxnb deceased, foraerfy adasiasstra tar of the estate of id N.G LsdJy. J R. WiLtevx. C Jtrwi EedCtead. DocISth.MBa. ? CHATTEL JIORTG AGE SALE w.L ( nVr cieta that kyrirtaaof a chattel sartar dated oa the 12li djyof I- ceeaber 1571. aad awr aiea i . tmvmu efice of the eoaaty elerk of Wbeaty Ne braska. a tka Utk day of Ieebr 1CT. aad exeeated by Jmpk W Jfoora ta Aalrmaa U- ... v rv. t ww ska mi eat or tka to at m oaebasdrad dollars (11606) aad poa wkiek- there is bow ae ta saaa ot oso tea dollars aad tweety-eiaat eeaa (51U J81 to rctfcer with, tie 09 as aaeraey't fes. atd tk rests of the feraclosare. defoait aavia koaa atadiata payaieatof said mm. Uereiore I wEU sear ta sio petty taareia esterjkt. tg-wtt: Oae acje isarrestar wkh Osnti Kador No. 2178. Oae Xaeksy Grata Ir9l. clerem koea. at yMt aaetiea ac JKaa 831 ia tka eocatyof Weeeter aad twrrf 5erka. ea tkolSti day of Jssaary 1 t the koar of lo'dock jL-ofiidy-Iat4 ties 234 darof DoeeaxEer. W8. liltnsMillsr it CMsKTa ljA.L,CIdt4rCs 3it3- FUBIICJ jour attention to w frrkf Uc f and Tixnme. .i i r ... t i nuch a soaW thl tW 1 dl Pocket Cutlery, o: nd b?t lec:ed tj wldok. ,... jrU it 4-J j,0Otc m V! !' ' -"-- - -..v- .sv.. i --. .. t . . i iti. ii . . i . . . . - Stock. to ftimitw our sUhjV. and pri. Wire. ... i -i . .i - u m i . and aUo the htHy Barb Ulrr., awl at - .. - - .I. - ... ....- . .1.. .. . We are the tmlv agTritU . huv ltrbl Wire that ui"ls. Tho Ghddcn Rarb Feneo CV in the pump trad-. We make it a lp wm want. We enrrv a full Hue a " w iceii id eml to tlit nut.ir -ini ,i,t ,. i.iii. 1 a hhia Besley 6c Perkins. SilKKIFF'S SA LK H tlrtn.of an oelrr of pal ImJ out of lhr Fifth ioJltl DUtrlct In anJ fr WrUt.run tr. SHr.kv ui-oti Jl;mrbl Io an artlvn whrrrln W V Jarfc.an La Uiitll9. an-l llerr W . llrnler anl Lltib H.fif.r r ilf.n'itil'i. I thaM offr fur al al I'uUltc Au'tiott. at lk Rat door of the court bouaa. lb Ki Clou I, In ftiil nmnty. that twine lb lt Ha h. the tail Irrtn of !! mcrt hM on tha th lr at January My at u x, clw It tu.lh. in lncilrcr)Dc-i rmi.rrl; l-H l.il tt i a a. a i In I lV ten ! otKaieyanJ Jakn a-ldi' ttun io K1 ' luii. Wrtwtrr rMUnty. Nebraska. (ln under my hand this tb day of Pxeiu ber. iw) M i J. W WAHItKN.rfheria. SHKMFF'S S I I.F Hy virtu of an eteeutlon tssaed by J A Tulleys. els fk of the District Court Hand lor the county of Webster and Hute of Nebraska, and to m delivered, in favor of tUltodlftsT k Co . idainlltr. ami aint I W llrown. J.fd ant. I hare Uriel on the following deeerlLwl I roods and chattels u the f rnlxrty of the sat I I . W. Drown, to wit: One MrCoriaak Harvester nne Kmpire Slower, one Fannin mllf, nn llrreklnr plow one ntirins: plow, one , i one set doable harness ml one Hay rake which I tkell eltH.se at FubUo Hale fn tbe bljasit ''! drr. for rash, at Ked ClotH Nebraska. In far u tbe lied iuuJ CHUr effiee. on tbe 311 day of December. HvO. 1VC1 J9. W ffi a t. Sheriff. Slf MUFF'S SAl.F Notice is hereby riven that at I oVlok o clock v m. on Iko 4tb iUt of hsbmsri A U IMt.atthe corner f Webter Mret and Kottrth Avsaue ill Kd Cloud Wehtr count .Vesraskt, 1 will WmiMWa sell at public auction to to niftiest hiddsr for cash the lollowinc deribt property, to wit A water tank, wind 'dill and tower, taken as the property of Kir llutiii to satisfy an ttrdr of sale issae-t oat of the Clerk's Of&e of the district Court In and tor HeUter evunty hV bruk in Javor of l. M. I'ialt aai II. .M Kiere. (tiven under tsy banl this 3lb day of lie rf ruber nS). 21ti Joe W. traaatw. Sheriff. luetics TO TZaCHSaS. Nitice Is hrby riven hat I l ttamlnt alt Mroiit wko umt dcir to olTr Ibctatrtres is candidatts lit teaebet of the pniaary er otnii-ou ho.t of Wjirftr county, at lied I' mi on iLe trit Saturday in tbe it cLs el ebruery. Jay Aucu.t tt4 NoTcntber. At , tt til on the (tu luday in the tbostbs of -.uary. April. July and October. At Udtde uck on the fiirst Saturday in tbe tuoUs f tarrh. June. Set teter and 1'eceuiUer. EturulnatieUI to ctEUK-te atVovok t.M, A. A Ior. Coaa'y Supcribttcdeta. of I'ublie Istrlion Holcomb Bros., Dealers I ftARSWAftg, fallkiaw. bey tell CStAP for CM Hi aad U tkey tare net what you want. leave yew osier ati they will fill tC CALL ON THEM Ji! doerBcrtkfOetfWr'afbd JCr.KOLCOMa will wait oa ye. rtltf RED CLOUD. NEB. Blanks! Blanks!! A full line of Statu Journal Co'., Blanks the alawbirt! blank.- of thj ytatel ar alwsrrkept fur salts at the Cure otfi.e, nwl at tbe aanie price tbat they a: roM at in Lincoln and Chruhn. Tbi kdlowmp is a partial liat rf b!ank on fmnd: Wurranrr Pr Mortgage JJeI, Ckattle ilortj!jr w . . . Search Wammti. Sechanics hcin. ro-Kcr of Auorn e v. - Jills of S!e. . . . . Qait CU:m Deoua, tornnions (original). fc'ummona- (sxir)f Appotf Underlatane. f Order of VUichreeat. Aftwla-jtof Vsjodor or Tsmor PreHoc. 'SSotrf '. Siibpcenar 2oUte oiConuBls Sale, t IAoik Rcdr, e. r , J Ulank Setm CeHeue of Mortgage?,. .frgreexaeat f WarraBty Bcxi, CcsmpUbt to ksp thy Vtmcs, etCi.C oVc And mt !all kin. of Wank vtcd br Xctanes ruboc, - t J - ..,rf.. GUIDE to SUCCESS ' -wrfH- -!- M9Ut B THINK , p artlTTT K W&feJ ' W tM I'tO. iun tmim,- mk i. i. Samuel West, t Tobacco, Cigr C0HFECTI0KEP.Y. cuAfKims. nu:K OKi:AttM.MKY Um itnr t Ice Groam Parlor, , V !t-fw ! rn lii ) Ci men ttik 4 U (a Jktm Uh ? A Wtre W tttt HMt fkalfUMafo i,foc1ll' lMihpL Mt lir Urn CtHV ,'itinij. Mit:e:ll i M:: ; t lit t& ONLY PLACE t RED CLOUD WttUnt. VOU CA Hf r Hardware , Stoves, Tinware ttls - Sewing Machines AT - Bed Rock Priccj., ;isZZ2JifZZt- I Kendall's Spavin Cure. 4 The snt 'km, fill -.ne-lf , dls'se'e4. j It Iss-ertjtln s. Us tfeW el l-j avt Mist It e a urtrtt Wet-. Kkom Kr ! N t.UWtir.I PrvsiI.Nt nWer sfthf Al.s Olt.He r. r. i i- H AII.M,. V'.. i.-, -eHb sV ','' Utter I will sar that r st.tre m Irn 'a'l's ioavia Cure H. ... ...iw.. t tety inie. Thf ee r tr t ,. i, f v,- I s 'te Irr Btrll. and Willi it mtr4 a k-e MUoisne. hf asfs.in. l-.t setx., ,f s,t,m Jei.ne very lt, ,B. I mtt4 hi . t, fen-weeks wheat bcwe KUr l . : i" "" '" e re-. r ?... XK X Jl- iiwrefully ysMiit. H ;t naAHiiMR i'J-eU.-fcVKANrE WILL TEI.L . ..... " "' - --. tttm .ixH hut montui to Uke the larean. ,.. t ... .- IJ' "? welt. ut ,teHT.,o4ew ey treat. Ksjrc(.'3ll rtt. . ..L.Zt. ...."" rr" l lu itesf A ft 7 W KENDALL'S IB spavin cure! m . IZ..I ,Y ""Fr"' w" ". p'-sura "s-HIs ef KendJi'. 5m CsJf x with tj l.MUiUenrH hit M that he , venb.rcjinihebu.wbbe treat: hi. .iL.a. i ..a - i r. I ,flf. I think I ,ht it ,,, , fc-,w . Well t Spavin Caee.' eoa fT, Uft1l , 4e't dn how Ion,. ,he IM,ix, hl bee lb.- I kv woe.j the her e.xkt ..L. it ?LJ . t 'M"ll a ITl rVSB .. i. .Z. fcVJi t . , aaie-aMis s-e-ese . oar ka4wle-l.. r. (.,. .. . .. Trie perJ.vtUe.orel battles hr t AU XlZX'Anr Ji?r '-J Ta. writ sAfr A e st nt to tnr address ra scim f ftf- by las f errieto. j j He.Si,ALI.Tcu. C Jy Kofr.lM.r, tU Vt. fi sve lgflHjH aeeK FasakaKaKm S tf pa j ywL t .. wswa. VA t ksisf . la est ' rn i, yM J OCT saB e tJBBBaa sW j eksaV k BKaKaKaKaKBKaKaKaKaKaaV efosf JaaaafWir BT 0-K at 0 J. 1 k !2! 5&r I CO ii r ' eii lattf.S, P Ir ' . io-ao11 , l-"0& BtO - r-s -3f y X 2Sa'' . ,. J. r t 1.6 - . ,- 5i. ? ---. - 1 V Py" .. T tefg n.,czt ,Vr . t"Ci tyty4fe' - .. - -