t-.-sf- --v wSsW r- -.. xiaKMtK nvreCTPji' f IHtnUWjk'i i HUH-mhi 1 1 ijnu . n j w? t- -jtumv ftr- X 'pE.'-iiiVT'-- " &' 3S"- 1 x ft-1 -t V Ml J A V Moon i Callender, )DEAU3tS I( General Merchandise, Dry - Goods, Grocerlcii, Scots & Shoe, HATS AND CAPS, Drag, Medicine, Oil Tarnishes, Paints T2tc. GLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE & HARNESS ETC., ETC., ETC. A fif.I line of evcrvthing kept in ajjen- e.al otorc, :lt tllC I.0WB5T CASU PRICES. Bespectfully. Moon & Callender. rOWLES, - NKBBASKA. CITY sum! USD miMffl. A. Lnufcrb.iclij Propr. DKAl.FK IX -l.l. KINDS OK CANNED GOODS, FRUITS, NUTS. CONFECTIONERY, ETC. 7BZSH BBSAD.PIES, CAES,Erei7 ITcsa. Warm Meal at all hours, 25 cauls. Fresh Oyster- always nn hand. Web ster Street, mil! door Miutii of Kalcy Rros. Hire. RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. DR. SHERBR, Proprietor of tho City Drug Store. ADD DlattK IJT Drugs? Medicines. Paints- Oils and Varnishes, A full supply of jamps, lamp shades wicks, comrs brushes &.c. Patroiincc solicited and thankfully received. -Frcscritt)s carefully comtouudedC4 One door .south of (.jarbcr's store, RED CLOUD, NEB. Nimble Six-pence. G. W. Dowr -DEALER IN Groceries & Confectioneries, Choice Tea. Coffee Sugar Ac. White Fish & Mackerel. tJreea. Dried and Canned Fruit. The beU To baccos And Cignts. Flour and meal oon canUy on hand. Ere. Butter mid Wood Taken in Payment. Everything warranted to be as represented. GIVE ME A CALL ' ami I will do vou rood. V tt door north of crgn oGec. jIed Cloud, - Neb. .--Elour & Feed STORE, CHAS. E. ETJTITAM, Prop. DEALER IK EOTJR. FEED Corn, Meal. Bran Chopped Feed ud' GROCERIES,, V!it the Tlci'CTnnd Ornccry, Feed and Pro ifiwrstSr when vou warn jnnntiej for man or beatt. Ilidlcf market nrire in eauh nnin for srnin iAIl kiti'le o! country ptodure tnken m eiclianjo rr-oj. (ivodv delivered to all paru vl town I charge. re nuih of Keed'c Plow Facmry. Cloud. Nebraska. G. A. BROOTItf, (Eaocceor W. H. Red- '" PCAZ.SR IK lor, Bedroom ASD KITCHES FURNITURE, it- Brackets, Chromos, Picture Frames, Mattresses Etc. CT aUrayg on Mna na '"'X viluV noiic rnce us iw ? "J -;; '- j notK.U"TCC v-;- -."' 1" :" -w .! 9 Ill Kino? uuuo yratur. - i Kotes furiusbcif at reasonab Jk rules CLOUD, arness BY JL MILLER, KetmJ XESSr 00X1' AI)I)LfiSJ Will am, BEU3BESj OIL,- And everythyf: usn-ally kcpfwaL first- TWO DOORS XORTHF 1ME B.VXK. TfctSigtat Cult Pri:VTii- fcr Sides aci Ftrs. "-'- r j ' Iron hand a fall Linear -11 via THE CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS. R. V- R R. Time Table. Tk!nr effect Sunday. Oct. 17. 18S0. Eaitward Pawengerlenvf. trrivrt .. 6 :.") a. tn. . 7 Y p m. i in p. m. Freight leaves Westward decora- learn ............. 0 :J0 a. m. arrive" .. 6 :0 p. in. EASTERN DIVISION. Eastward Acrom. Irave....... . 8 Oa, m. arrive........C :55p. in. Train daily except Sunday. G. W.IILiiRricit. A. E.TnxAM!. Superintendent. GenH. Manncer. arriTcn... PAIS VAS2TIK&. On the first day of January next, all notes lield by us, that are due, and all accounts due the office exceeding three dollars in amount, will, without crea tion, be placed in the hands of Caec fc McNcny for immediate collection un le?s an arrangement for exteiiMon of time is agreed upon before that dale. Those interested, who do not heed thi? notice and call in ami make some dis position of their accounts, will suiely have coits to pay. Ib-t4 Elinor Bros, sell T'titnani sells Superior flour. Hour superior to .Superior Ihuir. Cold weather for cornhusking. For cheap hats, call at Mrs. Fowler's. Live hogs are worth from $r.C0 to S3.S0. Bead the notice at the top of this column. Thirty-one snows arc predicted for this winter. Now id the time to advertise your Holiday goods. Don't forget to lie to your children about Santa Clans. Get your printing for the Holidays done at the Ciiikp office. The Nebraska legislature convenes on the 1th of January next. Teams are crowing the Missouri river on the ice at I'lattMiiouth. Bead the letter from New Mexico on tho first page of this Ciiif.k. Corn wa .-elling for 22 cents a bushel on the streets laM .Saturday. Mr. Gottlieb Wegmann, of Blue Hill has become a reader of the Chief. Guide Bock is soon to start another newspaper. It will he printed in Bed Cloud. Bev. Geo. O. Yeiser will preach at the court house next Sunday, morning and evening. Mrs. J. M. rry.se returned last Thurs day from an extended visit to relatives in Ohio and Michigan. The Hastings Guzctlranil Journal, two of the oldest and best papers in the county, have consolidated. (J. A. Brown, the furniture dealer has moved his stock into the building formerly occupied by Mr. Calvert. The Kearney Nonpareil come.- to us in an entire new dress and present? a much better appearance than formerly. If the Ciurr has been a little "thin" in local matter the last few weeks, charge it up to the blasted? cold weather. W. W. Harvey caught about ft hun dred and fifty pounds offish in a" ripple at the mouth of Walnut creek lit Saturday., Mr. L. Olmstcad, of Inavale, called last Monday with some cash and a feu items of news, all of which was thank fully received. Although last Saturday was an tin usualybad and disagreeable day, the town was full of people and our mer chants enjoyed a good trade.- The ladies of tho Cungregat1oiMl church are to give a festival Tuesday evening, Dec. 2lst. I'cn-ons having contributions for the fancy table are requested to leave fhem at the resi dence of Mr. J. C. Warner. The weather has been extremely favorable for the developemcnt of the ice crop which promises to be an un usually large yield the present seaon. Some have already commenced the harvest of this product. Seward Garber informs us that his father, the Governor, has entirely re covered his health and feels much bet ter than he has for several years. He will return home from Philadelphia about the first of next January. Noah Harvey, who lives up on Far mer's creek met with a serious accident lat Saturday. He wa- riding on a load of hay which tipped over a bank 20 feet high, throwing Mr. Harvey down the bank and breaking hrs leg. An egregious blunder occured in the W. C. T- U. notice last week, which our compositor swears was the fault of the writer thereof. The proof reader is to blame in the matter, too, for he never looked at the article in question until the papers were worked off, and then it was too lateto correct. We learn that Mrs. Waller, living near Cowley, died last Saturday night. She had been very feeble fur s-ome time and was troubled a great deal by a can cer on tho fare. Her death may bo looked upon a a. fortunate relief from, suficring, as the cancer was said by the physicians to he iucurabhv rctermary surgeon- of I array sends the 2?ew York Times- ihe following Biple and safe cure for the epizootic:' Take one .pound gum os afetida, mix it with one gallon boiling water Stir the mixture' constantly ofltil the asafetida is dissolved. Let the mixture cooLstrain and- give one-half pint every tKre-j-hQure. Tliis will re- iieve the hor?e within twelve hours, and give him a good appetite.. ' " lH NEE.M w II U aHc1 m la aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai 1 'tm Chriritman it coming. A wolf hunt Ls talked of for holiday amusement. GBEAT BARGAINS in cloaks and hats, at Mrs. Lutz. IS pound choice Michigan apples, at Miner Bron. for f 1. 00. Mr. Geo. Lybargcr. of Thomasville was a caller last Tuesday. Another invoice of dry goods to ar-! rive at 3Iiucr Bros, store, to-day. Send us the news from all parte of the county don't be backward about it. For the finest assortment and be-t qualitv of gloves and mittens in town. go to Miner Bro. Bev. I. W. Beed will preach at the court house on Fridav evening next. All are cordially invited to attend. The Ladies' Society of the Congrega tional church will meet Tuesday after noon next, at r. at., with Mr.-. J. C. u nrner. ' For patterns, cutting or making, call on Mr. B. S. Bet, an experienced and . fashionable dre.- maker, located at Mrs. Lutz' millinerv store. The State Kvangeliat of the Christian church will preaih at Ayr the second' and third Sundays in the present j .i. n -.i:..u.. : :....! i iiioiiiii. .-in me vuiuiiun mi nun to Hi tend. If a newspaper .-houltl contain all the thing- that all its readers want it to print, it wotdd have to be bigger than a bed-tead. If it should leave out all that each of its readers dors not wish to read, it would be n blank paper. Rrchaii'ji'. Fi-h Commi-'-ionor Kaley can have a salmon or carp for bteakfa.-jt every day in the year, and yet have thousands of fish to i-ell and give away. Who says it don't pay to raise fish in Ne braska? State Journal. The above is undoubtedly all true enough exrept the "sell" and "give away' part. - - The Commiioiiers of Harlan county appointed a committee to examine the county records, and thry found upon investigation that some of the county officers had been guilty of swindling the county to the extent of $1,G74.S7. Now let the records of Webster county have an overhauling it is the opinion of two thirds of the taxpayers of the county that there is a 'Vcrcw loose" somewhere, eKe taxes would not be 8 per cent. The undertaker and the doctors and druggists of this place have ''chipped in'' and purcha.-ed a bycirle for the young and active blood of Red Cloud to break their nerks and their bones with. It will undoubtedly prove a pay ing investment, and while we commend the busiue-s sogacity and enterpri.-e of the purchasers, we are also getting onr self in shape for writing feeling obitu ary notices and chronicleing accident, in the latest and most improved style of the art. We have received from the State Journal Co., one of their sectional Maps of Nebraska which is the best map of tho state yet published. We have made an arrangement with the Journal Co., whereby we are able to oiler the Weekly State Journal, the largest and best weekly paper in the state, and tho Rko Cloud Cimi:f to gether with the map spoken. of above, for the exceedingly low price of $;.it0 per year. Now i.s the time to subscribe and g?t the map free and tho two weekly publications until Jan. 1st ISS2 for only $3.00. tf The Webster county Anus and a few other papers throughout thestate seem to be very a-nxious to have the legila turcpass laws rripliring the puhli.n-J-ion of the laws in the newspajier, the same to be paid for by the people, of course. In other words, they are anx ious that the law makers should legis late a little more money out of the peoples pockets, into the pockets of the inpecuneous newspaper men who find it a hard matter to get a livelihood out of their business. In our opinion, and we believe (hat a majority of the taxpayers will coincide with us, it would be better if thoe newspapers that find it ncecssarv to howl for legis lation in their favor, in order to exist, would supend publication rather than that the people be compelled by the lawmakers to contribute to their sup port. If the newspapers cannot live, why, let "em die, and let their editors and publishers engage in some business whereby they can make a living with out the laboring clases being taxed to support them. The Ciiikk is not in favor of class legislation of any kind. A PICNSES QDNS. It becomes our sad and painful duty to chronicle the death of Mr. Edward W. Ed-on, of Cowies, who died at his residence at that place last Sunday night, of typhoid fever. He had been suffering for some time from a lame ness of the back contracted while in the army, but was not thought to be in a dangerous condition until about a week ago when the fever set in and his friends began to realize the he was near death's door. Mr. Edson was one of the pioneer settlers of Webster county, having settled on Elm Creek in the winter of 1S70-71, having removed here from Illinois, and formerly from Pennsyl vania. The deceased leaves-a wife-and three mall children and a host of friends Mid relatives to mourn his outimely rt He was indiustrious. and economi- il, and has left his family witlto- conv- ctencv. The editor of the Chief tmT Mr. on have been close friends for the tost ten years, having spent the first iason of our pioneer life in this county together in the Elnt creek etockade; auawhile we deeply sympathise with the bureaved family i their affliction-' we laily attest the trne worth- ami $ Kmauniss oi wie aeceaseu, auir .m t tliat one-jf the bravest and truest of ' hearts v stilled when -the soulf . -JMward Vl Ed-:on passed away. ' '' "Bo" Syrup, at Ruby's. More new goods, at Mrs. Fowlar J. Apple by the barrel, at Miner Bros. Potted Touugue and Ham. at RobyV. CjisIi paid for wheat and corn, at Bed Cloud Milla. Klin Creek, and Buckwheat flour, for sale at Roby'. For the best Hue of millinery goods, call at Mrs. Fowler's. Michigan and Uhnoi- A pples, whole suit' and retail, at Boby ,. Tho latent nov-Jtie in millinery and notion", at Mrs. Fowler's. Roby has received a full ,-toek of California Fruit new parking. Buy your table butter of A.S. Mar-h. Cool as Ice. (R.t in the market.) Gillrtls Washing Crvetal. Save lnl.or and toap. For sale by A. S. Mamh. Fir elegant and styli-h hat. call at Mr. Fowler's, you will be.-uited. Hard coal, ?oft coal, and black-mitb coal at the Chicago Lumber Yard. IJtf A freh supply of "White Rn-e"- Atchison winter wheat Hour, at Put nam's. Bring along your poultry. Highr-t price.- paid for butter ami eggs, at Miner Bro-. Call at Roby' and take a look at hi splendid winterappies before you make a pureha-e. Wantrd Everybody to come and btlV lllllll mber at tho old leli.ible Chicago :r ard. J-lt t" Luiube Trarhrj rnntrart. i.ui.- mr .-ale at the in Nrbra-ka pohtir; a pajn-r that ha- . .ecre final rntrv thtitv.f h,Kt, Jaw. ,. Ti :cnts :i)icco or three alwavs opito-ed favoritism and dt-rri-' lf el-l (. K,,",,H" "r. xV.'.,,rr'?.r"T" ll iniuntiou i public ratlin-- ami re-i - ,0- lMcUrr:ih. 1m tii. Ci!ii:rolliceat5 cent. for ten rents. No apples sujirrior to tho-o sold bv Putnam spl.mtled for eating or cook ing Bottom figure,- given. If you want to iurrea-e the quautitv and quality of mill:, feed your row ground feed. Putnam will "send it to you. If you wi-h the larg-t and best stork of millinery good- to .-elect from, rail at the leading millinery store, one door north of the Bank."" A rhoire selcetion "of groceries, canned good, notion 4vr.. ahvay- on hand at Putnam's Hour and feed "store. Goods delivered free. PARENTS. Make home and the little ones happy, by buying their holiday gift- both useful and plea-dug, of Bij.kv Pi:i:ki.vs. If you are thinking of building a hnue, a barn, a fen re, a corn crib or anything eke, don't fail to go to the Chicago Lumber Yard before oti buy lumber and get prices and examine quality. l-itf It is generally ronredrtl that A. Laiilerbach make. the best breal to be found in town, and the -ecrel of hi, success in the bread making line lie- in thefart that he uses the superior Hour, which i the be-t Hour made, antl is for sale only at Miner Bro. Call and get a sack and be cominred. Makiukd: At the resilience of Mr. Win. C. Laird, in Oak creek precinct, by H. D. Ranncy, J. P. Mr. Jame. R. Laird andMissMaryC. Murdaugh. Though the local scribe of the Ciiikf eats no cake and smokes no cigars, (owing to the great distance, nodoubt.) he hartially wishes the happy couple a pleasant and prosperous journey down the stream of life, and hopes that their matrimonial barque may never be stranded upon the shoals of domestic infelicitv. Dyspeptic person, would you be cured of this dreadful di-ease, and all other arising from the ue of common saleratus or oda? have white, light and healthy Bread and Biscuits' Do not fail to procure a paper of J. Monroe Taylor'.- Gold Medal; after which you will never Use any other. It is the be-t in the world. Try it. Gallon your Gro cer for it. At wholesale bv all dealers. Frank Lsz'.is's ?ap clar tTontb'sy. The December number closes brilli antly the ninth volume of this, appro priately named magazine, for it.- popu larity is stupendous and that it should be so i not surprising, in view of the great intrinsic merit of the publication. The present number contains a vast amount of admirable leading matter, entertaining and alfording much infor mation. "The Indu-trial Progress of the South." by J. B. Killebrew," is the opening article, profusely embellished, and among other highly meritorious contribution.- are "Anne Boieyn." by A. H. Guernsey; "At a Norwegin Wed ding," bv David ICer; "A Short Trip Around" the World." by Tho. W. Knox; "Studying the Weather." by J. Munro. C. E., and which are all finely illustrated. There are interesting hort stories by Margaret Blount, Lillie D. Blake, Helen W. Pierson, George A. Davis, etc., etc.; several sketcher and adventures by popular writers, poems of more than ordinary merit, and an abundant miscellany. As the next number commences a new volume now is the time to subscribe, and a nio-t Annual subscription, $3; single cony, 25 cents; sent postpaid. Addre-, Frank Leslie's Publishing House, 53, 55 and 57 Park Place, New York. Peterson's Magazine, for Januarv, is berore us, in advance; and liasouu one ltselt even. Beside? two beautiful teel-engraving. a double size colored steel fashion-plate, and a superb colored pattern in Henri III. embroidery, and some half a hundred wood-engraving- of fashions, work-table patterns, etc.. it has an array of tales, novelets, etc.. etc., such as is rarely seen in any magazine. Rebecca Harding Davis, for instance, has a story, one of the most beautiful ..... ;,i.-ic- ..... ,T-t-tt.-, !.--;.., I. Allen's Wife" gives a humorous sketch, J that will make anvbody laugh. There are two novelets, both, powerful: one by Ann S. Stephens, the other by Jane G. Austin. Beside these, are other talcs, poetry, etc.. etc. A profuel illustrated article, on 'London In The-Season," will interest every fair reader. There is no question, that, in liter-try mserit, this magazine excel all the other lady's books. It always perforins', too, all it IWIIkSf ii iiniiiy ii;iiuiuu vrv, .... promises, and even more. As a jc mil offashion, it stands first. It is. jour- tin- questioually, the cTieipest and best. Evervbtwlv" ought to- have it. Tlie termc aro'liut fivo Dollars a vear. with great deductions to clubs, "and hand- some premiums-to-persons acceiiiame iioiiaav-gius win oe a vears I iiea-aiii i iku mm mi: in.v; is iuii.-u- ......- --- . -- t . i subscription to tli'i !elihtful pe'riodi- liable. Ask your druggist. janiatenal reiluctton m price. Mam- cal. Eich number contains P2sqario ' - tainmg the same high hterarv standanl pages, and over It).) illusti-ations, with TOYS! TOYS!! TOYS!!! a- in the p.utf but presenting a hand-ome coloretl frontispiece. Beslev & Perkins have a complete i NEW t AT niACTI L FfcArOBEn, . it , ,? . . r.. .--?,, . ..!..! ... A ...i... .....i i.....;.... i ........ iiKrT.(Hi fi iii:iii iiiii.x.i diiu....- i... !s'jsj eta. i ?i!!?!i "i'g MKsi'ssii1 sou, 306 Chestnut Street, i'iiiladelpl nia, Pa. 5".b: We will furnish "Peterson antl the Chief, for one vear. for $3.00. cash in advance, to tfioec wishing to take both.. Tie 2aHrci: ltd & TtIi. The late PresidemUl election haa for cvr settled the im- that divided the country ince the reMhon of bl J The decree ha- gone forth that tin i a ' nation and not a mere oufrder.i- of atf. JvCTtWnptlOtl w nn RCCnjpllh- rhuuouing is-ue of the future L- the : I ... .1 . . jiiim . , Shall corporation kitgH rule free ' Ameru-H? .-hall r.,ily ino..Pli.- dictate the laws made bv ottr ttuti.ial Hntl kl:lt. I.w.l.l..,!...- ...! ;..i........ - - .- , ...... . .... i Hitii.iiiv ...t. unci iiirL ...... t-i.w: n-j;i-iiiiim.- ajwi iiiit;iiri.'v them through eiial tudgiuf their imu ..I. .. . --1 it .1 '. r!niu-eT rhall the giant coriHtraUon- that control all thj ntililu tn-hvn over which Ameriraii jirtnluei.- must n-- -. go to utarkri n.x arlHtmry extortionate ions dure eu lart. . pajK-T dollar - a- g.i a- a ;;, v" ""- " " . golddciihir. The national cr-hl inm Rr C I ns, a-ohdlm-L- and all financial etpcr-' VJ ; '-'" ; H vi " S" w iment.ng at an end. The oU- .IZzlZV. K:,V.! 'Jjrl'?-" '' Us utHjit tran-trortattoti and thu r.. i H i f ". tl mm i Mu(n ic. t ... i...i.m. ...lii. .. . V.. 1 i' bu t" cniiB-tt. riUM. icetljetoilHuiniHion.f Am.-nc-.i to u,B4n.Ualiitat.6t.f .iJtrt..f am,m ere nerf-and dependent.- or sliall the' t Maj.B. w i:Um 11 itUft. .nuB mere nen.- antl ilet Iieotde whoaf italitv to th.... -.r. poratton-by granting them ehrtT, who. have built titr great tra-r t.t.-! nental rtnd, with nnnrelv -uboidir in laud and bom!-, eu-rr their ,-..r 1 pass Jaws lur thetr .iIf-irot..tti.Mi. and -uy to thu-e arrogant mouutMd.es. thus I f"rr Ml tBl" th Ufer, ;., . T.U-t. r I ,'., .. . t .- i . ' t'rrs ml Vutt In Wikvnitr .. ot h far oii ran go and no larther! .,,. Hl Ciood .N.k . n iUody Jury In the coming irrrpresiible rouilut Ifth.lt.ux. U-tween thr p,opIe and the railroad- ; ,, N.. r:jf ilVt?nxr ,f tl.' people are bound to win in thr cud. J b ton .: k . ai him., ikr fU What thev now nntl t able and ft-ar-! 8 tl,f t rt r'iau Ie- rxjionrnt.- ot ih.-ir right-. swlt a wjl..tn Butr-.m sro, H rlwH,S.. Jmi rhampion tliov will find m the Omii. lint nd Joch W. Kc. !l f Me llut Uki:. A Repubhcan ,aprr tlt ha-jaN;- . w swiT7.. UcrfM.r. roll r.ttir on v and ron-i-t.iitIv :ul.' ratt.nl lailway regulation for W'ar-, and ito - dav .-lands allium: alone a.- a Immri i. it... .. ..U....1. .. .;.... ..r i. i ....!. i ... ...i .....,....ii -mi.iu.1,1 .,i jii, iMi. ted everv attetimt of eonioratioiu- to evade their just share of the burden- of taxation; a paper thai bit- never lliiieh- vi from exposing and denouncing job-; i,... ,..l '. . . i . beiy and corruntiou- wherever it Cxi-tS. nor.lcr.3 !J. W. W I rKH.UrfitUr. The battle ha.- only just hegun. The utrft,7Vl7i Jminst.n. Nei. N . preliminary -kirn.isii will take place m NilM1 ,, hwhj fUro hat lhe ,..,, the next legl-latllie. nninnl rttl.r h tll notice of hi inenti.a to The moemetit for emancipation I wmkr final tr.H.f in m.i-.rt of b. euitu.an.1 -from the mis rule of , orporation king- ' k rLn rVh!: h.i Hi.-i been started bv .-turdv tanner- in South-Western Ncb'ra.-Ua whose rail for organization i the bugle b!a-t that will ere long rallv the prmht'-rr around one i.imtiii.M f u.,r.l '!. tl... .. v 1... oneioinmon st.uul.irit. lotho-e who siiipaiuise wan nil movement :um .111 w ho desiie to be enlightened about . ,i i .i ... .. ! very other living i-.-ue, the ,IA,lA Bki: cannot fail to commend itself. j The fact that the circulation of the, jski: is larger tnau that ot any papers north of St. Louis and we.-t of Chicago, is the be-t testimonial of it- r.M-ellciue a a new-pa,.er, and the fart that Tin. Bkk it circulated and iiationi.ei! more extensively in Omaha the stronghold of the Union Pacifir than all its riai. eomhiucd atte-t -nlTn iently the popu lar confidence it enjoy.- where its aim are be.-t known, and where it- elVbris on behalf of the pioducing and indus trial cla e.- are most appreciated. In order to extend the circulation of the Wkcki.v Bi.i:, the publi-her.- have placed a large number of useful and valuable article on their premium list which are to be distributed among their subscriber- in the-atne impaitial manner in.it cnaracieri.eii men nr-i premium distribution last winter. The 1 . i .- .i aggregate value ol these premium-l- over . JIS.OtM). Among these at tides ire -L.tii'iiltm-i m-i,ln iiliv iiioito aie .igiiuiltiii.il m.u hinet, miple- ments, household goods, mu.-ical in- striimetits, silverwaie, watches, jewelry, books, itc. The most valuable premium are: I J. I. (i.-e Threshing Machine with power complete $1)50 00 1 Marsh Harvester and Binder () 00 1 Grand Piano,.... 1 Parlor Organ,.... I Elegant Buggy, 1 ' . 1 Farm Wagon.... 1 Molinc Botary 1 Wind Mill,....... I Gold Watch, 1 41 ti sou on n ' if., i in 175 00 105 00 100 00 05 00 Corn Planter t0 00 r5 00 Also one 40 acre farm within five miles of Grand Island valued at .. .. 3-0 00 Sample copies and full premium li.-t ! mailed tree to any addiess. Subscription price. Weekly $'2.00 per annum; G months 1.00. Every person that remits prepay ment for one year will be entitled to one premium. Direct letters to the Omaha Puiusiiino Co.. Omaha, Nebraska Boby is celling prime cigar. 10 cts. cigars for 5 cts., two 5 cts. for a nickel. EVEKYBODV. Come and see what we can show you in the line of Christmas Good. BKSI.KY it I'KKKt.VS. Pleasant to take; it give the desired relief in oases of coughs, cold, etc. We mean Dr. Marshall's Lung Byrup, Pride' 25 cents and 50 cents. t BOYS AND GIKLS. We oflcr you an immense variety of ; Tov, Skates and Cliri.-tm.is GoimL, from which to select your holiday gifts. Call and see them. Besi.ky &. Pkkkins. Tir Tiv.l,ir T.iiM-S-nti..nvr.5ifl. t atisfnefioii when once used that it soon ' ."",-ii. 'becomes a household friend. it is'Nuw Series, a change which will beict a n;.c dr-J," of In- Crcim durias assortment ot Toys and Lhrittmas Gootls. Come and see them. ; , , ! J lie nice, lislit. sponiry nreau in:we,,.rc ,-or i the distinctive reputation! iv iuiteriiacn (ami none win oukc a tH'iier loai mail ne; i- man" iroiu i I Sitnorior flfiur r.-ni uinrinr Hour the! . f .1 l ". I c . . H ,, d - - rulnani ,elt .. ' ' ,e ..,...U. ..V .------ - , it. tf CROAVISr! Not tin .-. . T-? .1. - ! e crown oi iving-, nor iui,,,r -, - Pr.u-n nfflUxrv Kilt tlin fVm-n ...m'li!' Machine, tho latest and best machine Lai-ia --x- a w . '- uu-- T . in the purchase! For Sale by M. B. McNnr. HONEY TO LOAN! Money to prove up with on Itn.-tl re- eeipt, or on deeded land at S per cent., amll-C2 per cent, commission, or aij straight 10 per cent, no commissirti. a. no eoii-iiiissini. . A V V - . "r " to Chief office. ojtf j Z77x j J no. K. u ilicox wmi; mm uwir u vim-i mihiu ojii ! The publisher of the Omaha It in I order to encourage immigration to I Nebraska, invire all residents of this State, to send them names of parties-in free: 9eml address- name, Post Office; County and Suite, This offer will be open from now until ! ill IUII HIUIHIUIU Januarv 1st. Direct letters -.cards with these names toAV umana. eoraKa. iVIIIllV. UIL atl'Li 114 4-l--l II Jail 4 I U- ; , t i" I the market, it will pav vou to call at ' moei tne --'cneral deinaniLs o. the may ; Post-Oflice and sie'it before xountelliseut reatleH. itonk?.. getting lip, in Jast in-wnorn-Kinipie copies oi ine . . c f Final Proof Notices. Us40ct ma!B'j N.i De. i int ,vt u krr ti ttti tfe. rj j,t f '""i ,JlU,r hM 0'.4 Mlr 'fv1"' '" I .,M s-j try kJLUfrr. rurk Tf tJ.. t jHHl'rtf W.tttrr tnnty t . I ro-J- r-n rl Uit-. ( . M !. V"r- Alfrxi I. .n.i.,K Vl?l4. II II. k . rnJ Vriv S Swrr2ER.Rrl,tr. UM o o,,, .v, i, , bw u . .. . . , , .. . . . t ni!r nrr a aj ti t ! l811 if"naM-rtf ! ktpi' Sal Mry iori ,rT,.iery of th.ntt it. w.Ut ,. l.lJ.. ,'i . . ."""17 -m r-r . r m rnr r-m w & h iil. . i niTn nrr av sin Mil bi 911 IM.11H.. 1. r Jtarr A Tl ode In KeJ Isl ek. en IhanJai. Jitun l6lk, l51 tU j-.i .. i- P.cl U I.. its. hd .NV 33Kfr k tonbfM q't- f Sw rP tiJ -Its Kiler. M t Ntrte4t Jncjtr s W. SWITZKK. Krirr. v . LoJOfi Vvwwi - I v tx &XVtfvJLK?u!Zttl ' . ftcH rmfn r-Tt ( r!. mu! i- j I.an.1 0&r t IUmlnion Nefc N. a. lv. ! Ntir it Lry ei.en that th f-iu-i "' ftii'r b fcir.i riu ik i miH.on ., . ..-r... ....... ..I !. -1.. -.1 "" - "' - ,-.--". ... -. . .. . .- -.,. M.n. I Jh Wrr. f SL'i'lSSft i nTlrXitL'c ! t.i idniu t. .rc mim.' rfiH j iM n vlUrmiir.n -i " ''' , J-'Su t'tirbnr AlfDW J-bn hlliihi. Wu4HlarUi.lt ( v. iir..i.n .nin...i. u wi. v.k oifico in Kcl CI-h.! Neb., on iUkjihU Uy ol J 'caiher. lssa. u ! i,m ,ntrr 1". f..r the f.nth.mi ouirtrr f Pre ' ,,wn 1 rmp lo ro.t.nl namt. tfc fvlim( ' '", w'Uif"- to rrerp rnntinuou tfuirnt llMin ,lllt f uniatn.n r i. tr-u Mv luiU. KimaiUf-m .imnr. Mnum Juri .Mnrtm ana murl .Vrlin nil of '.'tA.1T.il?'T.b,.VV norlcct t. It. few I IZr.lt, ltcitr. mmmmnmemmmmm I.KCAL NOTICE j.m- p. o. vini m t.u AttM tv,t ' "on the suli Jay of Ni.vnubr is.' Jht It. Wii i i ,rco,Ln,jr!J'il''. ,VV"h,,f",.r"Ui,n,r Tv,,c.i"f ' J VfiuV in an action iM-ruling brf-ire bint liTln Sbi rbrr i t.la.htifl tnl Jn.nr 1" C Wmcrtt i ilffntiilnnt, that t rofertjr c nltmj of ont Ui-n-heowhnf trtn atlc!i"l ui.ler nil or.ler. S.ti'l cr.u, wnii rnntmucl lo tbi Uth Jaj ol Jaumry list. t 2 o'clock t. tn Sin'i. l.nm 1'laintitT. 1M4 l'jr uh .k McNr. Atf) for ITtJ. Datvtl at Red Cloud Uccrinber3t. IsN). SUM I IT'S SALE. Uj- irtn of nn order of al i.d out of tf Kiftb IiiJi il Il'ftriot in nd fr W'ebt-r ennn tr. Nclir.ii'kii. iiiou a ju lsrin'M in n cliui wherein W. K J kion i i-Iiiuti tl. n. Henry I W. llenter and Libby Ilenfer re defendnt'e. I I "liH offer for falo at Public Auction. t the fnit ilnorof tnec 'Hit houtn. in itnl Tl u '. tn i iiu coiiiny.iuiai ifinc in mt Mare Miftf : V,c '' :,'nu of ,,',Vi,art. ,"',, ''"'i1' 1a ,h" fih ' l.i- of .i.i:iu:it. l--). it ooo o Vlick p in tho I MiowinsdwinbeJ ,.rot.ertr to-it Lucxi... ' in block teti H0. of KnNiyand Jockton ldi I tmn. in Ul Uoud. w elutir rounly. Nhrk. ,vrI1 Ulljermy ,ian1 th ,.,, 3, of t,NPln ker. I'so. n-u" J. n. w.ahhkn. sheriff. (7.1 TTEL MOUTH A GE SA LE Notice In hereby ziircn lhat on th 11th day of Dccrmhcr. A. I. InO. at 2o.cIorV ,i m. In 1 front of my oilier, in Ihe town of Ittd Cload. ' Webter C'limty Neb.. I will offr lor ! nt ' public auction the f'.IIowinir decribed ir-ictty I to-wit- tine utall hor nine or ten yearn old. ! ' atwi.if W It.-intlv liitrb. till., mine anil t4ll. r.bt I ' , ; . : .:: "'.I.:. ... i .. ' ... lllllll loot tzilin. wiuic .pi 'iciia 'ir. none etrij. on none, one jet double h.-fnei. heary liathrr in roo'I order Theiame h-tvini; been conveyed to C. 11. Potter btr rhattr! inurlKzi: by one Nathan W. Snee and Hdwtn J. Soloman on the Sillily uf March 1KM. the date of raid j rorded in 111 8 county t erk" ofbee in the county j tnnrtsiice. and data inortjrusB luirtni: l.rcn r- s.ilHltoi nticr nni iatc in .iror.uhJ, mi'i inrrr . ... . . .... i hein duo :tt the tunc of the (irt tiubliration of thu notico on Mid tuortirtge the uui ol one hundred and thirtv-mne dollar anil twenty cu. SFRi ISO and intTt at the r-t" ot ten i-er ceut. per annum from the lte of thi nntice. C. II I'iittkk. Mvrttajree. Uy ir. C. HriLt.y.hf tt'y. !'' Dted it Hei Cloud, tin 17th day of Nor. I8S0 a'l..tMri). Notice 1 her-y .- b-.t I w.ll iarolri ill croSi !. J t trr thMier ij cauuidstif tor t. . f the priwjry r n.:ulL0C chi o' . u'ter ctitv. ji Ktl I'.uii on the Crt Hli.rlay lit t'.e in Dlb ol 'ebitiori. Ja" Alien: and November: At ;!i.c iiill on tnctirji si'inla ia tb inomlocl ,.,..-. rv Ai.nl. lull- iir..l OrT-.ber. At tlutJe ;wl. octhuCirrt .-turly in tbe n.jiitSj ol j !ureL. June. Sfi'teinM-t .1 I'rtimUr. t j Lxa'uiu-tiut'i to commenr at VulcV a, a, , a. a r.ipi. i Couny ut erit.t'txKut i I'uWw Initritet on & First Class Ihguiu for 3 00. ui:ifcn in fKiri: to $3.00 por Aii'n. C5 cert: per Icisrer. imm mm. A Popular Illustrated Month-j Ly of Literature, Science, , Art and Travel. Announcement for 1881. ttli the January .MtmiK-r i.ii-i-i.n- roTT . M.Ui.iziN'P. ' ,?'-r upon a i rendering the Magazine -omewnat lighter in character than hitherUi, it conductors will spare no etfort- V ?e- 0f. thon)ii'hlv - . - - - - j-, DMii'i k r i -v-n rrniT.ff icypwf.' I Ul C I.Vll .l.il' i iu.'1-v...i.. ..- . I LY MAGAZINE. i-l Tiie ranid develoiiement if perio ical literature during recent years ha.- lieen attc-ndetl not only by a va-t in-i crease in llie number of readers, but by i te advance m their re-J Some Magazine addres i particular cla e cnga-; .tMreinprttS- tneill'I".lS U ?" in -peciai muuh-. owier- -ee. ,t to furni-h entertainment, and a healthy j stimulant to those of 1-oth .-eJtes who find their bc-t mental refreshment in nnioncr ine laiicr. ui-i-i.mui i a m dim LIGHT ATI KALI i v r ur.Aii.-'it.f. Tf cheme will embrace a great l r of toiuco. giving sjK-cinl promi-i n'enc.-to lh0s-c tlutt concern nctunl life,' . teres8t? joeiai .apect-"", and it nv- j 'l pictures and graphic sketches j,1 0V writers wilt include man contributor.-, fresh editorial i t: ." r -. -ill inclnrirt manv new letiart !.,.,..... -!! l.f nddivl. and illu-tration.- carefully executed, will continue to hold a place. la Sal tj all wi tzi yryritaZtn. ubscriptions. $3.00; ClteKatkc --- - ' , ,. "- I clubtter, 322.00. Eif "roi"P -i CUBE!, mailed, post v, I er portal f Paiat on re'P1-u' -" " '.-., ,.t I w T T9"BTvT.'ViT' tilt . ? 'S tT. - r . iv v. rt rruv.iiSt if ! f rt-- ' -- ATTENTION rr m tolr in he nM tt M tW IVf Bmcr to jr i. , . , . ,. . i Iwh w p',H''l al fir ih oui.--! ,un xm' ifirbrl Kelley Barb J fM...IlXl.lAlJlC3.'l VJ Which, for Qviaht and l',t taii w.th.mt a lto' WK MAKL A Sl'rVl L1 Y OF STOVES 9 cr-pw"- ''or. w tn &&ttJJ$r mmmvmrm K'HJi' "rsrTiaK? iwftSfsa&rAM V-rj'' WT-rSSP " 9 .'It i rices To Suit The Tintrs. 7 it 1 SlfC H O.ldq IKirtCrS Pumps of every Diseription. GUNS, KKVOLVP.liS. IKON and STKKLJ'AUUlAn: nud WAGON dTOCrC HAUD WOOD l.r.MUKIt At. AC AH UiimU of TIN, Cori'KK and SHKIfr IKON WOHK hi hand and Made to UruW. Call and see u, we cm wie you mutiny. Be.ley J?'e;iklw.s RliD CLOUD, - NKBRASKA. F. NEWHOUSE, -DKALKUIN- DRY-GOODS, Groceries and Motions, BED CLOUD, - NKKBASKA Tlic puMic crticmllv are retHv.ted ' to cm n mid e..irmn" mr good nod ' prices. a- a !ha of thu ptttiunugo in tohfilvil. Store, fint door north of Mother meat umrkrt. n-2G r. NEWiioiVK. - . , , Samuel Wast, I dlallu r; Tobacco Cigars. C01TFECTI01TERY. r.NNKD FBCITr, Villon FRITR5, riiACHEibs, ciu:jp., OBANGIv". LE3fONH, as: a jti.i. nsr. or iaxy Ice Cream Parlor, Where voi r it a'n'jv .hi :ert'll. V fhare of the j.uMb- patruiMgc U icpeitfitlly oliiitofj. Kir.t door iirtith of 31ilc!id! A Mortarfe. ?.tu ClKi, - - NiiMtisst. mm & Momin a thz OIVLY PLACE 15 -j--, -rr-y-v piy jj-p, XtJliX -LU U AJ WHE2E TOt; CS UCT Hardware, Stoves, Tinware Sli 58ftinR macinnss -XI Bed Rock Prices, COMPANY! rM. rtPEHKES s th untia I ,, ,vi ti3, KowW Fttfwo. t C ! AW Fence Wire. 13D and RANGES. tTB?'- rZZiZZJ ?&$ - n i " - . :?r ii v P P i t 1 r I . ioT ItuU lUUi WOOdcil gui Die to suc;ciiss - WITH KK-. FORMS nl I V-r fr 'b brt l?HO- . 1 rtm ffnb attt Mrtnl-rW r t'liMtofcr-l S'hC ih ltt It lI Wis 4nlll r t.w liadeTe- tMijinU'lpMi wt lUp u W 'r l.iwyer liar. i , rtiHf. C.,f fK .f Ml tino$rffu'f II H V m Hi fl I , ery pr. uf hf-. an-1 -. r4 1 mta ( , thrift tnfratl,n lf.li MtU t a't !. fr runt tfM Aem Wst l rH or J"r tune TW klH. wjr ! rvt li nd aUreitiM -! ar 'km tthve ply far Utm t II. U tjCAMMR.iH 7-tn rit. !... (, F'irm r- bo t fii'eutptute prorittif tip mi ll.rir !mm will bmrn -otnithix t their ad oit4Ke l.n- m,ni( tl tk Bnt fun n Onti ,,'Ae tf Holcomb DaJM JB n a u b W-& 9 - I all kl&il. a.y Mil CHEAP Ut CAM. .a J f U, Lara art !it ya n. !, i., rJr tid iUr lil All it. CALL ON THEM HMD OI.O-JD. NKJJ. rr-r-r- Kendall's Spavia Curs. T' ra vt:M U,rlf , dw-ra'. IV'l i:,:v J X f.r NGKR UK. I, J K rt4. . r.. ,to . f-.-.,, . !.';" r-L, v h - . ,-,ijurf. ,' " 5" fcciL ..cp-t'3iir73r. j . GK.ltIvJt. i r.tjr. EKANf-E WILL TKtt, rillv!utif .. . 1 r " iris.J iCTTZituL. -"riBwy ?tti. ,iA.Jl.- r .;. ak ,!:' ""'!" Fir hh X j r I - .- ' ' ' - v -tia. i. ti ifi ..: .,. . ...i. .. niL"J,r ?' t-r Att trie n. zu.:::,' rz"r.v --1 ic fSl t ZrtV , lTLI 81 " "f J U1 Tnun 7?SrJ.' wvrlf lia J. KESDALLi C.& -S-Ji i.i'jr.Str-K.V.. Bros.. FKENDA LL'S ISRAVIN CUREf .v ,,.t" ' v.ti: &sm- lHo a UtU mrvl fc,- .... .-.. ..l!r I t L ". H r l V 1 ? 1 It v T ? Z 0P f & . ' : V 5 r J - a JL. . - J .--..'- j.. c'S.-.t.-ii. J-.-it-iJ?SsC--,. 5sri