,m-.vm, ru toinm$w&mmmm- r tummtpr -tww'!w: rf-r CHIEF. Cloud The Red IBD EVERY TnUKSIUT AI MB CLCTO, ITSSBABrA. mmmmmmmimmwmmlmmm'm i ' Chie L. THOMAS, .-- 51.53 a 7c&r if paid la Advance. 0 -via Tin:- pctgo I KoriK - Mwi Kairwny- 130 MILES OF ROAD. he MIO J.T ture au J SA FE route between Council Bluffs CAGO, MILWAUKEE and all point KAFTand hOKTII. Ycri, IHladclthia, Bcstea, Wach- fctcn, Stifftlo, ritistersh, Citciaa ti, . loatrcsl, Tcrcato, Detroit, Clcave- iard, Ccluntar. It ftZ-Tt t!c traveling i-ubllo eater Facilities I r AM Mors Advant'ges Than any other road in the writ. It is Uif O A l. UOA I) between Uiiicil lllulV:iiui Chicago l in which it run rLLMAl? HOTEL CARS ! nHiiinnn tu tlu-np und to lilcm-enllrliii'i'c. of Fclcii". nn c Mllrl C .VS .MK.tl.d utile LlU 5 I A l IV. at M ctuU csca. frac Is Steel Hail ! Itc ecaefces are tho Finest I Its Equipment Firct class ! Itrxinr lire nil liquified with with airbrake. MilliVf i t ui Ireland nil modern innruv- iqci.u! all ul winch couiLiucil. lit Fastest Bpccei! Sure and c!c:o Ccnnecticns 1 Ind ever ihiiic a 1 aw.-r jr-r can desire to uiukeajuurnry IICK 1'leas.aiit & O.MKOKTABLE! lllci&u Sleepers' on all Night Train ! it is TIIK jople's Favorite Route. It Pcuncil IiltilT the 'llirnucli Train uf the lirsKu A Nortb-W-Mi rii aim the Union Ha be ltailwaj itrnrtlroiii,HrmeiLi iuu uro mc jejoiiit L liuu m-pot. If you virh the ."-ft trat.lii.c acrommodatiom i will buy. jour tul.ci.-t by tliif Hcutc JjtAiiJ LIjIj iAlu AUU .'llllil.. Ticket Agents can sell you Tarouga Tisictz ria this Road and caeci usual Earxaga Free ef Charge. I ah l TicKkT CJrrirrs 1324 Fnrrtain Street, for. 14th. and nt Union I'acilir Hcuot. luticil Blulli Ticket Oflicic Cor. 11 rod way and Pearl Street. C, ic I..-W. iry Depot, and t'nion I'ucilic Transfer Itri.ol. driver Office Iti Colorado Central and Union I W-iGo Ticket Office. n Fraucisco Office - New Mnntcoiucry St. 2-.f.- ... CiAA.a ... il atl .!.. ..I.. Kti.hlo ut llnmn Ticket Oihcu. ucdic3 any .....- .-..-- . Lrnt ot me i ompany. ur VIi HUGHITT. W. H. STEliNETT, Oeu'l I'atg. Aeent Uen'l Jianiucr. Chiciv. III. 1HBXE3SR BI55TK5-. rTSSv hi:a: (iartj:ks roit HrTT fi?Ji?iLteHi8fisaa EAST lfW iaa u j ui --sea r- j ijiijii a.. . w"ipo-Jtjqicaa-a-i-M-a C8 ! K5 o """ res .H s, -iJ C3 S m 5c! cs : 5 gji r S 2 J3 c& 9 2 a o ?' ROBINSON vWagon Company, . ilASUyjJCTCREKS OK Farm 5Jfl PARI C Spring ifVinu ' Buggies & Fhaetons. oC We do not Want Agents "3 1VE OITEU oui: Standard Trade Vehicles, TO .THE TRA"0. t 1. lw Vqc on rtMllihfd rfTiiifrr- I-4K"ttHl th:it can he handle.! with sal- fvgractioiij ootlt to buyer and seller.- Send for debris nml nccs 16 llOSIXcON WA50X CO. j'.j.ru.i.,. Uiiio. "-w. e- VOL. VI IT. Bt'SIXESS DIRECTORY. Case & McNeny, A TTOKNEYS AT LAW. Oftcc oc o'r or of Curler's Store. i:i ci)ri, nkh. Collections made fe promptly remitted. " j7s."gilham, A TTOUNKY AND COUNSEIMt AT I-VW. Q7:c' one door north of Kalcy Brox. HE!) Cl.OrP. - NEBUASKA. W. C. REILLY, TTOUNKY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. ANO HeL E9TATCAOEZT. A Krd Cloud. Neb. t-a.Promrt Attention fiiicn to Collections. Orrtcr- Trith C. II. I'OTTEU. at KeU Cloud I)ru? Store. Edwin C. Havvley. ATTOIINEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office over Farley's Drug Store hsd cioro, 1JZB. James Laird, A TTOUNKY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. J I AMINOS - N'EHUASKA. Will I ractice in all the Court of tho State. Prompt attention ichcn to all businesa entrusted 4o h cnr. WW'1 U.S. Kiln. C. W. Kalky. Hcd Cloud. Neb. J. L. Kai.t. UlooiuiriEion. Nebraska. KALEY BROS., A TIOKNEV.S AT LAW i. REAL ESTATE A AOENTS. Will practice in all iho Tourtk in Nebraska mill iK.rtbiro Kaiiif: cllctiou iirmupily at tended to and corrcji'ondtiice folicited. BSD CLO'JD. KobrasSa. Alfi. Aecnt f.tr 11. A M. H. U. Landi. I. V. TB1LLI-YS, HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Tension Surgeon. &-Ob'YUr. over Knley Hros. law office. KED CLOUD. NEBSASSA "TiBICKT A. HAIL SI. D. Pty sician& Surgeon, RED fl.OUD. NEIL Aitan! Surreon IL .f- M. U. It. It. a Office over .li.hm-on A Trer-P dry g-od toro. 1'M tienco over Vr rkini & Mitchell' store. HHjui j.'m. wosewa, m. ir. KLKCTIC Physician and Surgeon, 1UD CLOUD. NKII. Will ray special ntientii n to Obstetric and ilijcae of women-Al'o Kcneral und special mrctry. DIm-i tvs o! the Eye ami tar. Charues ino.tciRt". OftiteocrShorcr' Driiir .Stnro. Hciidtnou Hh houso north of school hono. 'iS-l-y JAS. HI. CALLEWDKR. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, (ALLOPATHIC K'HOOL.) Prompt attcndHnco on ull calle in tho practice of medicine or iur;cry. COWLES, - nei;raska. J. W. .MORANVILLE. C. P. .MOKVNVILLE, COWI.KS. NKB. AUBOY, hkB. MOIJANVILLE BROS., Homoeopathic Physicians. COWLJ-S X AM1IOY, NEIIRAKA. AH profeMnnil e.ills will rcccivo our prompt nd careful attention. 40mG Dr. H.'A. Baird, RESIDENT DENTIST. KED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. W. U. RICHARDSON, -DCALEn IN- LIVJi STOCK' KED (LOUD. NEBKAAKA. luhett market price ..ivl !..r Iocs and cnttle. - J. K. Smith S. C. Smith M.n.Tiiotn-sov. Pre?. First Nat. 'ash. First Lnte Teller First Rank. Beatrice Nat. Hank Nat. nank Beat Neb. Heatrieo Neb. rise Neb. jrors & jfhompson, BANKERS, RED CI.OCD, NEB. Will make collection in any part of the United ?tatc Sell exchnnce upoa the princi pal eastern oitie Loan tnoney upon improved farmi Receive depo'its subject to Mght drafts Allow interest uren timedci ofits. aud trans act a general Ranking buiness. itrrncvcEs: Omaha Xntional ank. A. ?. Pa Jdnck. U. .S Senator; First National Rank New York. Cuuibrilgo Valley National Dank, CjiubriJco New York. OMAHA Sample Room. JOE. "JACOPS. PEorntrroB. ' TWO DOORS WET OF HOY'S HOMB. Keep on hand the best brand of Wine. Liquors. Deer. Ale. ami fine 'irari. A iharo o! the public patroneie i soliccted. HENRY COOK, PROPRIETOR RED CLOUD DETJGSTOEE, And Dealer In Drugs, Rfiedicii.es Paints, OILS g VARNISHES j - All roods in my Lin. j hand: md to which I invi re kept constantly on invite the atteativn ol the public' ,s3i HENRY COOK. 'u Jggj&g EloruuSr,iUiWca is WnlnfTmfrAVKBSTER CO- NKBKASKA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1SSU. THE CHIEF. ;: Z I ' LD170tL M I-. THOMAr, TIirKSIUY. DEC 2, 1S80 THE Union I'sirlific and the Pnciffie niilroails are boon boliduted. Kii roilrriuil itri'Uii'nlA oeCtirfcQ HI the virinitv of Huflalo, New York, on i- the liTth in-st resulting in the death several jeron.-. Of; Sixty laborers were hurried in a fiiovv slide on Thanksjiivinir dat-, on . the Kokome extension of the' Kio Grande railroad, in Colorado. The new line of sleeping crt be tween Lincoln und Chicago will eon.-i-l of the "Calcmi," "Xow York," "I'rin-ce-3," antl "Wayne." They are good onei and will -nrely he well patroniml. Tin: Lincoln Clobc puts forward the name of J. F. Zediker, of the Xa ponce Banner, for a.-tirftant clerk of the House. When the legislature meets we hope it will give Mr. Zediker a show, as he is a good man for the polish. That terrible projiheey hy an erudite professor, that the most terrible seven years in the biloty of the world are before us, excepting the deluge, does not bother the inhabitants of Seward county much, as we live in a healthy section of country. From 18.0 to 18m there is o be universal mortality. Asia depopulated, and Europe nlmift a dej-erl. America will loe 15 million inhabitants. There will be tempcsM and inundations, titc, according to this modern fccer. lirimi'ler. The meanest trick we remember to have heard of for a long while comes from Kentucky. A handsome young lady wa engaged to si handsome young man, and the twain were t be married shortly, when si "handsomer man csime along in the peiaon of the grooms-man who was tent to the bride's house to arrange the prelimi naries of the marriage. It did not take the young lady long to discover that alio liked the groomsman better than tho bridegroom, and ho eloped with him, and a minister of a neighbor ing town made them man aud wife in short order. Amono the congratulatory received by President-elect Garfield was one from Judge Tourgee, the author of "A Fool's Errand," who tele graphed: "The family of fools send greeting." General Garfield replied by letter: "Dear Judge: I would have stnswered your kind telegram by wire, but for the fact for the past two or three days the wires have been to busy to give mc a chance. I thank yon for your kind greetings from the, 'Family of Fools,' sind in return express the hope that the day may come when our country will be a paradise for all such fools." The bonds voted by Furnas county in 1S75 to fund iLs indebtedness, that had so mysteriously disappeared and could no where be found, have at lat turned up and demstnd payment. It seems that they were left with a New York house to be sold. Said house busted," managers "skipped." and the bonds, and the money for the same, where were they? It is claimed that an innocent party had purch.ised them, held them and received interest regu lary from some unknown quarter until they have come to maturity, stud now turn up for payment in full on princi pal, which is $8,000. The commissio ners of that county are sisked to forth with decide as to what they will do in the matter- lilvonunyton timirti. In a newsy New York letter received last Saturday wo find the following: Mr. James F. Jerome, a young and brilliant journalist, who has held" fir?t. class positions on several of our leading dailies, and who is at present connected with the staff of the Tribune. leaves New York on Sunday, the 2Sth inst. He goes to Omaha to take the position of managing editor of the influential Herald of that city. Previous to his departuie his newspaper friends will give him a splendid farewell banquet at the Sl Nicholas, on Saturday eve ning. Dr. John II. Wood, late night editor of the Sim. and known to the profession as "the great American con densor," will act as chairman, with H. Clay Luken s. of the Aor, as secretary. The committee of arrangements in cludes that tmmes of seventeen gentle ninn nfthonrs, ,.o..fo,l .: I. .,.,iv leading paners. and no more could be 1 said for Mr. Jerome than that he de serves the send-ofl' he will receive "We met Church Howe- at Lincoln the other d:iy. He was affable.- He was, if possible, more intensely jock- eyish hands a than ever. He was shakhiiThe demand is constantly increasing indiscriminately, and he ) Was llffor fllO s,?winL-orcitn .r (n l,n...n. He" undoubtedly wants the little end of. Pehnsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Missouri, the gavel pretty bad-and isn't leaving a ' Minnesota Wisconsin, Michigan, Con-' stone unturned t'tf get it. We sincerely Uecticuf; Tennessee, Georgia and hope that a better man will preside Texas.- These young carp were about over the house" fliaii Church Howe. J six ihclies long, and Prof. Baird has in-No-doubt he isr st man of ability, but formation that at recent State agricul- wx vys. . - .1 -- lT.il . 1 ?,. - . HiticiajustiUMuue oouot mat he is tural fairs whejc they ivere exhibited wiUwito7o one of the most unscrupulous politi- they weighed from' one to three and a'i ciaiii in tne state- u thritwomeiabers .:..... :.. .u-... . s . . .... . V prUtjJJlw 1 of the houee from 1'awnee county opeu lat year one ngnt traveled 16,dJ their record bv voting forChurchJHowc nubft and delivered 7.000 irp, mostly Z for dft&aker they may c .poet the -wrath , of IC, taking receipt Uich arc ofari indignant people desoendtni: on always required, giving name and lo their head; inside of twenty-four hours. ' cahty, of whirfi a record w kpt, in In thi-j connection we may say that we order that corrfc-iHUidenco may Iki 'hi.iMnl no better candidate ?ug-i held when doirable to leani ai to sue- jested for the .-peHken-hip than Jmlj;c Knley, of Uetl ('loud. Hei experiene-j ...... .. - - ., Ide, i honorable, ne has a .splendid re-( ajj--aaa j putatioti, he i- m even- wny lute he CVntral!thcP,ace- 0ll,er ?00il mon :lfe to he con- j '"cntion. 't'ce EntTprisc fitted for; also The burphi- of wheat which will rc- -. ..-... i .:.. nr t ' veiirV han'est, t-5 estimated at 150,000. 000 httsiieli. A-- the price which our farmers will be able to obtain for their crop during the "arly pari of next year are largely dependent upon the foreign demand for America's surplus produc tion, it deeomes. interesting to learn the probable requirements of the Eng lish and continental com markets. From latest .-tatistics it appears curtain that England's demand for grain will fully equsil that of last year, if it does not exceed it. Driti.-h home produc tion for the present year is estimated sit 8 1.030,060 bushel and her consumption at PJO.OOO.OOO. This will leave a deficit of 112,000,000 bushels, to be supplied from abroad. The greater part of bis must come from America. Last year ! four-fifths of the English foreign sup ply was .-hipped from tho Tinted States. This propottion will probsibly be increased during the present year owing to the fact that Russia U practic ally no rivsd, her crop falling below the home cou-umptioii. 'Iliis is good news for American farmer-, who, if their crojm have fallen below their an ticipations, ate likely to receive better prices before the winter is over than they at lirct expected. Omaha lite. OUIl WASHINGTON LETT32. Washington, I). C, ) Nov. '2C, IbSO. Eoitor Chief: Unusual interest i& already manifested in the coming in auguration. The event will be the oc casion of most lavish expenditure. The people of the whole country seem to hiie caught the inspiration and ap plications for rooms and board in im mense numbers are coming from all sections from individual military or- . i gaui&ilioiis and excursions. Special rates are expected on all railroads lei.d- ing to the Capital. Not less than 100, 000 visitors will be called here to wit ness the magnificent pageant. Those who propose to be present should lose no time in securing quarters. The Bureau of .Statistics report a niot marvelous increase in our sigri-' f cultural interest showing si gr ivinir si growth of cereal products from fi 1 5,000,000 bushels in IS 10 to b0-0)0,000 in 1850, l.-JoS,-000,000 in 1SCU, l.::S7,0()0,OO0in 1870, -',17S,0OO,000 in 1S77 and 2.4151,000,000 1879. The annual product increased fron $3, 1, 000,000 in 1S50 to $7,077. 000,000 in 1800 and $11,000,000,000 in 1S70. yielding exclusive of labor and wages, a net amount of $2,170,000,000, being nearly twenty per cent on the a material reduction in price. Main total. There are still 400.000,000 acres ' tabling the same high literary ststiulard of li.n.1 MVfiilnhl.. nnrlii nf the Obi., river which can produce in wheat or other cereals at least 4.800,000,000 bushels annually to meet the demands of our rapidly increstsing population. It is such information at this that inspires the people of the old world to seek homes in this republic now just in its infancy. Nothing but a Chinese wall around the monarchies of Europe can ston this ceaseless title. .More than 14,000 emigrants sailed for America from one single English port in Octo- . owi utir- The U. S. Fish Commission, under the direction of I'rof. Haird. sire now '. distributing the carp hatched here this ' among the latter. Lippinooit's will aim . i . i- i i to furnish entertainment and a healthy season m the carp ponds to individuals iimiinnt to thwi. of i,olh -exes who stud tish commissions of the different fid their best mental rcfreshmciTt in States. Two attempts were made in LIGHT ATTRACTIVE READIMG. 1870 to bring a few of these fish to this its new scheme will embrace a great country from Germany, both of which variety of topico. giving special protni- failed. In the spri-ig of 1877 130 carp ' I"1 to ,h,teC !l,' concern actual life. , , , e " i- . its interests, social aspects, and its viv- wcre landed for breeding purposes, ;(1 picture- am! ,,,,! fetches. The and from these have sprung all the fish , jjt 0f writers will include many new of this kind now in this country, ami it contributors, fresh editorial depart will not be long before' thev" will be ic,,l 'vin be '"M'I. d illustrations, . - o. .- .i . i't c .'cstrefullv executed, will continue to grown m everv fctntc in the Unfon for , ., -.!. . . - , ,: ,r , . hold a place, fish food. Dr.- lesscl, the veteran I superintendent of the carp ponds, saw j fK se by all 3:ci z t"ewsealer3. in Luxemburg a ctfrp 300 years old, so I TKRM!BYwiriv Subscriptions. $3.00; old that the moss grew on its bach, yet Single Numlrer. 25 cents. Clpr Rtes: us active, ns those x year old. These Three copies, $7.50; Five copies, $11.50; fish grow to weigh 30 pounds and up- Teh copies, With an extra copy to the wards. Only 40 carp were put in Gov-1 ClSScMBEn mailed, post ern nient ponus nere sit ine capital. and the product is over 100,000, which are now sibout six inches long. The fish are distributed in trn cssses by four travelling agents, each can containing 100 tish. The rsiilroads make no charge I tlr t lairlif tYtfk ilirnrii t'i bhVi.2 -,. ?. '"' "'" "" !,"ul". ---- fare- The applicants, are retiuired to be at the nearest station, with- suitable vessels to remove the fish to pools pre pared for them. Two more hirgcT ponds, covering thirteen sicres, arc now being prepared in the Monument lot, to give increased hatching grounds. for this, species of fish food. Shipments" kirn luuin m.nl.1 ntun.l.. n Ynn- V-J-..l o . . - - - half pounds tach. During ntty dcys tiejjnceafjhr dCioudChl ..... il. ttr or otherwise of nil the Stntto have c. ine inai. .uariv cnimisioii"', aim si genentl intertot n oeon uuitkcncti in . . . i. . . i ... this inda-lrv over the country miicc Prof. Haird hzus inaugurated his system. Candiduto?i for sjKatker and clerk of the next House are coming to the front in jufHcifelit number to sati-fy the most fastidious. Pennsylvania ha three aspirants for the speakership and two for clerk and it is said not to be much of a year for candidates cither. The Cabinet and heads of Jbireaus are now engaged in preparing their re ports for subim-sion to ( 'imgrcai to be in session in a hw days. Matrj Mem bers are already here arranging their win'er ijuarters. The old pjstcm of leaving the family at homo while pater f.tmihsLs was having a jolly time at the Capital has fortunately passed away. and the families, of large numbers of Members form a part of our cultured winter population. The pastors of our city churches have opened a formidable cru:idu against the District Commissioner who have in the p.ut been very lax in the matter of granting liquor license. They sire sei.oiitlcx antl sustained in this movement b)' ull the law-jmd-onler loving citizens, 'tis high time that a halt was called and that this city shoutd be freed from this iniquitous, tratic. It wits here that tho dark curse of shivery received its first staggering blow, by a provision that involuntary servitude should henceforth be no more in this District From that hour until Lincoln's proclamation it became a city of refuge for the slaves of all the surrounding country. Let Congress following the examole of the noble htate of Kanasf provided that liquor f hall never be manufactured or sold in the District, and then there will be a smile on the stolid face of the figure of Justice on the dome of the Capitol. Then will this beautiful city be an aslum for tho tempted, a safe habita tion for innocence and youth, like unto "The city of the Lord, The Zion of the Holv one of Isisiel?' Cod .speed such - .. . a day and the people fcsiy Amen Phaks. WUpWM KEDLCEU IN PRICK TO $3.00 per Annua, 25 cent: per Kuabsr. M( VI I . .. A POPULAR ILLUSTRATED MONTH LY of Literature, Science, art and Travel. Announcement for 1881. With the January Number Liitin cott's Moa.inf. will enter upon a Nuw Series, si change which will be marked bv manv improvements and :l uif pai, nut picM-m...; NEW .t ATTRACTIVE FEATURES', rendering the Magsrine somewhat lighter in character than hitherto, its conductors will spare no elforts inse cure for it the distinctive reputation of a thoroughly POPULAR AND FIRST-CLASS FAM- 1LY MAGAZINE. The rapid developement of period ical literature during recent years liar been attended not onlv by a vast in crease in the number of readers, but by s proportionate advance in their re- qmrements. home .Magazines auuress i themselves to particular chisses onga- Iged in spveial studies, other-, seek to , meet the general demands of the mass intelligent rcsulers. Rsinking itself p;ljd, on receipt of 2-3 cents. J. 3. UPPL'COrT & Ca.. ?ab:l3her:, 17 715 & 717 Idarist Si SEiidJhia. Holcomb Bros, Saalers bt 53 Si R 9 m A R cfallLIuij. " ' CHEAP fcf CASff; ui If tktj Kara set what you want. lernr jeur Order aad tkx wiU fill it-- CALL ON TEtEM Obs door aortk f GuWtV. ui Xir.KOLCOMB . iltf RED CLOUD. NE& Ul it swim THIS sPlCE I.s KESBtiVUD WR ROSENTHAL BROS., or Tin New York Clothing House. WHO WILL (XXI V IT WITH IS .I IN A I l-V. HLEM. fin Tn UT UU 1U VV, f Staple $ Fancy Groceries, tin: II rT TBAC55llD & me Aim IN TOWN. Al0 Choice Wuts. Fruits. & Confections. ir Fresh Fruits and . ' tb!s S!d How Can I save Money HY Hl'VlNG MY Fall and Winter Goods of MARSH ! WW Bill Goods at what they arc worth in Cash. I sell them at a small profit. I make no book account. I have but one price Clear cash buyers get the bnn i fi t 'nnn and Examine Gol ami get C11I11L. .rjc a, i.j,,yV 01,1 etantl, tho "I'p Town sjtorc." Yours Hespectftilly, A. S. MARSH. FOULKS JlastingSt MANLTACrrKEItS OF THE ACME STEEL THE Wire that will make a Visible Fence Pig Tight, Bull Strong H Horse High. Factory near s-.atrd aeriurs MM tt C itrfmi, 1m o- T,ft NO. IT. "R PlPVjQ JU. 11WU ) 1 yj o i:- ..i . nr. i;ld crot d. vkii & STINE, lSrebraslva- i Barb Fence Wire, ONLY B. 8c M. Depot. novltf 9myit 1871. fcr OU5E X f& i rrHnrj rr rv.-y- frf trirrlr H ti r tiit Xt KMKHI BROS. . MEAT MARKET H5l lot I MR ins .',.. . Vs,l J I i. tW . Ai ' S. ... S ..s rrsAor sau vt 3ri;TAdc t-,v,- ?. l" "s l- JW' V4 ' in:, j TAti.t -?- mu5 inn. ' . fcXft , 44 lV. Va:- untm kM - tt Mt lk ! fc m ! .. .r; t.'l ati fWitfkbM M a rsWMr'ri l lM).wti i!- - 4nyt .& v.Mt .l h ll .. -4 M f-wr t.4i m t - !'-. m " lnAt Hi U V t U -' ! J -M.t. J J.fc J, OVERLEES, - lt tA tt - Rl'irs, C!u R, li)BACCO, CONHv IIOM-RV, FRESH OYSTERS Grcsn nud Canned FRUSTS- i:ic i u i re i.n I'unr r. i !.Mrii rnDUCSf Fruit; ';ii ti lm:m, v slwire of the riM'- ttrwt f tnkt pnrtkKUr mum tu k. mi uMmi tb n Iwt wf io-iu ir m be vt buotntPM. .F.r CI.OI I - NKRHK. GOME LUMBER s inv u'MitM: v s: ' iaity tUL H3HT H Tim ilABttT .Hlil (It I.mI rtlrtcs) 37IEB & WMZ7 "PROUDFIT "& aARSK,-" Ot-Nt.lt.VI. UKlLLdii IS II. I 11 D W.i U Mi .vso( S T O V 12 S. SiixUU: KOcU. - Jrh Krrttfe. &i?,r Vtf f Cft 4m HanUvarc St or a come and sec us as vtfc will not be UNDERSOLD CHICAGO Lumber Yard Yard toutli of Jarnj4ctf i- HaUtouV hop, on Maiit trect. alt4liic r mir. PLAIT & FRKKS Jro3rietdrs. SAM'L GARBER, -liZZUZZ. tu Dry Goods and Groceries BOOTH and SilOIr Mats Caps. 60 lb at ij Made Clothing. We have tfttf Larfletf Slocfc U te Valley and wif ntt b mdersild. 6ire us a calF, oo'tfsndf al).r rSam'l Car her, m& MiKi ri m JtJ mrm li 'S' lit S W kN F. H, CORE, Jewoter, Rd CkmW t'5S, k s, t. -x. . "" X ..iwr 'f. jv - ,i i--mzzi z 5. m: M izC .Ji - j -r-vi-CG, r"c .J.-&J- !-- .O? J jr- -ghcAjft- - n ri --y,- lrtll -- 's, f fter-A 'JSsl- 7f-m4&m .. sz.. '"W-- ?, VoH4 K& 9mEmm9' Tap