The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 25, 1880, Image 4

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    w tot. . . .- T
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Moon i Callander,
Gtuertl HarcLandbe,
rf Sl Mm,
Drags, 3f eiUetmen,
OIU YaraUhe,
Pais. IKe.
A full line of everything kept in a gen
eral store, at the lowest cash wucia.
Moon & Callender.
ft. V. ft. ft. TNt TaMe.
Teklag effect Baaday. Oct. 17. MM.
Beetward Pafaeager Iwtw.
Frelekt leaee
Westward jleeoav leare
.5 ;..
... HS a. a.
initi.,- .5 J p. aa.
Ear t ward Aeeeg. learn 1 .
arriee tMm.
Trade daDr eaeeat flaaday.
O. W. llMarie-t. A. I. Tmutnr.
Seperinteadeet. OaaT. Mi
Sim? Am nuin.
A. LaMterfeftcfc, Prpr.
7K1SI 11ZAD, PIES, CATO, Zrery Kwa.
Warm at all hours, 25 Willi.
Frch Oyster always cn hand. Web-
iuf Jkrert. if"T south of
Kulcy Upi-.. iWluc
Proprietor of the
City Drug Store.
Drugs, Medicines.
Paints Oils
and Varnishes,
A full supply of
Patronncc solicited and tkankfally reeeired.
4aV-pMrtfttuiae crtfal e peaaaadt
Ohe door south of Garber's stoic,
Nimble Six-pence.
G. W. Dow,
Groceries & Confectioneries,
Ckobre Teas. Cefee Bass A.
White Fish & XackereL
dreea. Dried and Gassed Fraitt. The bet T-
kaccoj and Cigar. Floar aad aaaa! ees-
ewUy ob haad. Tgas, tatter
aad Wee
Taken in Payment.
Krerytkiac warraated to ke at rcpraeated.
and 1 will do Tea good.
lit door aorth of argus office.
Red Cloud, - Neb.
Flour & Feed
Com. Meal, Bmb Ckoaaei Feedaad
Tfait Tke Bed QmbA Rremr. FaesT aad ltw
Twiatra whet ye waatMfiaHaa-Jer teas er
II icheit market irtea ia ek raia for giala -All
kiadt ofcoaatrr prod ace ukea ia exrkaare
iora-toJi. leJi ddirared to all iartvf.toWB
free f charce.
tre fuMik of Beed's Flow Faetorr.
Red Cloud, - Nebraska.
(fimeemn to W. H. Reed.)
Parlor, Bedroom
Miner Bron. sell Superior Hcmr.
Putnam elU floor uprior to
Superior flour.
Thanksgiring to-day.
Apple by the barrel, at Miner Brw.
For cheap hata, call at Mrs. Fowler's.
Live hoga are worth from $3.40 to
Everybody aaya prepare for a hard
Cash paid for wheat and corn, at Red
Cloud Milla.
Felt hat from 30 rente p to $1.00,
at Mrs. Lutz.
The B. & M. par car pawed through
this place last Sunday evening.
Skating has been a favorite pasture
with the boys for the last week.
The B. &. M. company will put up
200 tons of ice at the depot this winter.
A fresh supply of "White Rose"
Atchison winter wheat flour, at Fut
nam's. Mr. Xavier DeMars, of Wheatland,
called laat Monday and subscribed for
the Chief.
A fresh wipply of ladies cloak, direct
from Chicago manufacturers, for sale
very low, at Mi. Lutz.'
We are pleaded to number Mr. Wm.
Waller, of Cowles, among our new sub-
I scribers this week.
No apples superior to thoae told by
Putnam splendcd for eating or cook
ing Bottom figures given.
W. H. Reed, whose trial for counter
feiting came off in Omaha last week,
was found guilty by the jsry.
Judge Willcox has moved his office
to the court hon and now occupies
one of the cosy rooms of that building.
Mr. A. 8. Marsh was called to the
bedside of a sister at White Rock City,
Kan., last week, who was dangerously
If vou want to increase the quantity
and quality of milk, feed your cow
ground feed. Putnam will send it to
Mr. J. II- Helton, of Tliowawrflle, has
gone to Indiana to spend the winter.
The Chief goes to hi addrts each
A law suit between two Willow
Crcckitcs occupied nearly the whole of
last Saturday in the Coonty JorTge's
A choice eelectron of groceries,
canned eoods. notions c, afinrja on
hand at Putnam's flour and feed store.
Goods delivered free.
Mr. I. O. Martin, the- gentlemanly B.
fe M. station agent at this point is
building a new house which, we under
stand, will Re for rent.
Some people always look for the dark
side of everything they will turn a
blcswnc over a dozen times to see if
they cannot find re ekwk aide to it.
The court house vault is completed
and the county's- books and records
have been stored away therein, where
it is hoped they will be safe-fe all tiwe
to come.
ymy op arrearage and a year ia ad
vance, between now and Jan. 1st, will
receive credit up to Jan. 1st, 1882. You
will thus get the PPcr OTer month
frtt. Call in at once and avail your-
serve of tbk offer.
We are sorry to learn that Kev. J. M.
Pryse will leave us in the spring, he
having concluded to remove to Blue
Ppringa, where he ha received a call
to preach. The Blue SpringH Motor
contains the following complimentary
notice subaeuqent to Mr. Frysea visit
to that place a few weeks ago:
"Rev. Prje, of Red Cloud, Nebraska,
a Presbyterian minister, delivered two
very interesting sermons in the Metho
dist church, Sunday, to a large and at
tentive congregation, and efforts are
being made to induce him to stay
another Sabbath and fill the pulpit
again. It is honed that the Prcaby
tcrian society oi this place may be
fortunate in securing a man of his
ability for their regular preacher.
November J5th, having been ap
pointed by the President of the United
States, as a day of thanksgiving and
praise to God for the mercies and bless
ings of the year. The Ministers of
Red Cloud nave concluded to hold
union thanksgiving services in the M.
E. ehurch, at 1 1 A. M., on that day. All
the ministers will participate in the
services. The pastor of the church has
been appointed to preach on the oc
casion. It is earnestly hoped, that our
business men will cloe their places of
business at least in the forenoon, and
together with all the citizens of this
place and vicinity, attend the services.
John A. Dixos,
Geokge Bent,
Geo. O. Yeku.
J. M. Prybk.
taU&sa caxi.
Secretary's Office.
FfaUaamoaHa, Keb.. Oct. 25. 18). )
Hon. R. W. Furnas, Brownville, Neb.
Dear Sue: I have the pleasure of
forwarding to yon, by exprew. with
this letter, a cane, which your friends
desire you to accept from them, not on
account of "its intrinsic worth or
value," but aa a token of their kind
regards and esteem, and as a slight
memento of their appreciation of the
valuable services you have rendered
the agricultural and horticultural in
terests of Nebraska in the twenty-one
years you have been oonnected with
our state board of agriculture as an
active member. We trust that in years
to come you may find this cans as val
uable to support you, and upon which
you may lean, in your declining years,
as you have been a support to, and one
upon whom we have been able to de
pend in even' emergency connected
with the material interests of agricul
ture or horticulture in our statu.
Trusting that you will accept this
token of regard in the same kindly
spirit it is given, I cm, on behalf of the
donors, whose names are inscribed
thereon. Yours, faithfully,
Damei. H. Wheeler,
Sec State Board of Agr. of Neb.
There will be a meeting of the Webs
ter County Teachers' Association, at
the school house, in Red Cloud, on
Saturday, the 27th day of November,
Opening exercises 11 o'clock A. M.
Theory and practice of teaching by
C. W. Springer,
Geography Lesson by
Jay C. Otis.
Grammar in our Schools by
Fred Chaffee.
Reading by
A. L. Funk.
School room Duties by
Miss E. W. C. Hawlky.
Primary Teaching by
Mrs. A. H. R. Dixos.
U. S. History by
Frank CoorER.
Ungraded Schools by
Joh Makeksox.
Misacellaneous Exercises.
Brackets, Chromos,.
. Picture Frames,.
Mattresses, Etc.
C-JIimi atwara ea kaad
suttee. Jree
ea alert
!.!.... ttla Valla
KVm mw .w - m - 9
of all kiads das vwemauj aa
Burial Robot furnished at itasonable
. . UEB.
Harness Shop
Keef cnaateatlyaaasada
And overtime usually kepfc ui a fist
class ahop
TatXIfi4:t Caji Price Fid & Xte
The Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser will preach
next Sabbath morning and evening, at
the court house in this place. The
Sabbath School immediately after
morning sermon.
Mr. Feani informs us that it was a
mistake, his being arrested and taken
to Omaha on a charge of selling beer,
and says that he was onlj' notified to
appear there within ten days.
Mr. McNeny was very fortunate in
securing a partnership in the law
practice with O. C. Case, who is ac-
knowledced to be one of the leading
attorneys of tike western part of the
M. E. Church, Nov. 28. S. a at 10
a. M. Preaching by the Rev. J. M.
Fryso at 11 a. m., and by the Pastor at
Tk-m. This will be the commence
mentr of a protracted meeting. All are
cordially invited to attend.
During christauavweek, the ladies of
the Congregational church, with the
assistance of friends, will give a supper.
In connection with the festival, will be
a fancy table well supplied with gifts
suisabie for the season. Further notice
will be given.
We learn from a reliable source that
the acreage of fall wheat sown in this
county is large and that more acres of
spring wheat will be sown next season
man any previous year since wesvauw
ment of the county. We hope that a
good'yisld will be realized, but we are
'of the opinion that small gsaiK-iaaot
the crop tfia should be defended Bfeo
by the fiu-mers of tha state. If they
would plant mem- earn, raise more
stock of all kinds and1 buy lass ma
chinery they would undoubtedly Be m
better circumstances at the and of five
On the local" page oflaatweVavJryr
there was, by actual cowat, jas 250
lines of reading matter aside frostr aaV
vertisements, and of that nomW IKrt
lines was devoted to the Cmr, only
lacking ten lines of half the local page
being takes um.kt abuse of the editor
of tke- Cubf. Anyone can satisfy
themselves of the eetrectnese of the
statement by refering to last week's
issue eftbat delectaUe afcectv If she
few deluded aersoaa- whe- take t&at
rHirjecaaaToBd ?? their money
for a paper that, metead of gpriag the
local iiens, devotes its columns to abuse
of a rival publisher, we can stand it-
Nothing, perhaps, contributes more
Co the-general hcaUhfulness of human
family than docs an abundance of good
ri fruit Hinn fruit of all kinds has
been recognized from the earliest times
as a great promoter of health and has
been used by the American people with
the greatest of freedom ever since the
settlement of this continent Our fore
fathers, when they planted the first
settlement at Jamestown, also planted
an orchard and vineyard, and the new
settlers in every new country on the
globe have made it one of their first
duties to plant an orchard that they
and the generations to come after them
might enjoy the health giving luxury
Fef aw abundance of fruit. Ot all the
causes that have been instrumental in
retarding the settlement of the new
countries into which the hardy pio
ne8 have pushed their way, none,
perhaps, has been more potent than
(the absence of apples, peaches ana
other fruit, as a farmer who has be
come possessed of a few actcsof ground
in one of the old states, upon which
there stands an apple orchard, is
naturely loth to part with it and move
to a new country, where it is generally
supposed apples dfor not come. There
are many new settlers in this compare
atively new county of Webster, to-day,
who, as the holidays approach, arc
seized with a longing for the old fire
side in the east, with its accompanying
luxury of an abundance f apples for
winter use, supposing tha as they are
in a new country in whS orchards
have not yet developed, that they will
be denied that luxury for many years
to come. Friends, allow us to suggest
that you were never more mistaken in
your lives; if you would but go with us
to the large and commodious cellars of
Miner Bros., where apples by the car
load are piled eight feet high, you
would cease to pine for the orchards of
the east, and would immediately load
a few barrels of those excellent and
Neb. State Horticultural Society.
Brownville, Neb. Nov. 1, 1880. j
D. II. Wheeler, Eq., Sec. Neb. State
Board of Agriculture:
Dear Sir: I have the honor to
acknowledge the receipt of your very
com pi i m en tary favor of the 25th ult.,
together with "the token of kind re
gard and esteem" refessed to, presented
by Messrs. M. Dunham, Chris. Hart
man, J. T. Clarkson, J. B. Dinsiuorc,
R. Daniels, G. W. E. Dorsey, E. N.
Cornell, J. F. Kinney, A. Humphrey,
W. B. White, Ed. Mclntyre, and your
self, active members of the Nebraska
State Board of Agriculture.
I beg to assure my associates that
this manifestation on their part is
highly appreciated, both for intrinsic
worth and as an evidence from those
intimately engaged in the agricultural
weal of the state, that my humble
efforts in that direction have been to
them acceptable.
I have endeavored to give to the
agricultural factor of Nebraska's great
interest near a quarter of a century
of the best years of my life without
the hope of fee or reward, in simple
discharge of conceived duty, and be
cause the labor, to me, has been plea
sant and in harmony with inherent in
clination and taste. The wonderful
development and advancement made
and witnessed since my first connection
with the board actual transition from
desert to fruitful fields, orchard., grrf
dens and happy homes has been grat
fying beyond power of words to ex
press. If I have aided in the least at
tainments soglorious, the achievements
of themselves, in a common cause and
for a common good, more than com
pensate. I trust others, more able, will take
my place and catty forward more ef
fectually and successfully, that which
of all else must make Nebraska, ag
riculturally, second to no other state.
As secretary of the board, be pleased
to convey to members my sincere
thanks for their kindly consideration,
together with devout wishes for all the
future cau bestow. With great respect,
I am, Yours, truly,
Roh't W. Furnas.
cited than in the production of Christ
mas gifts. If ere for inaUnce is a lift
like image of a bird iiponaperch. At
tached to it U a flexible artificial wind
pipe, into which when Uw ierformer
blows, the ftrd oen hi beak, and
pour forth a flood of melody that
would make the heart of a canary ache
with envr. And tht for a sincie dol
lar! Or here xin L a ferocious look
ing bull dog hungrily ited on his
haunche. The jotithful proprietor
invito an older friend to place a coin
upon the do noc : when hay '
presto! the coin U flung into the air,
the mouth gaiw expectant, and
"Before a man hath power to say,
Bt- hold !
The jaw of darkness have devoured
it up."
Ia a lady found of fancy work? Be
hold an aortment of designs, com
menced sufficiently to show the stitch
and pattern, and srnt with all material
for finishing on receipt of price. Or
longs her soul for peraonal adonunenta?
On thoir proper pages she may pee the
veriest love of bonnets, the latent
things in jewelry, the )att style in drr-aa
nay, even the proverbial rainy day is
tirovided for, and an assortment of um
irellas fiinm- in its place. Are the
younger member of a family aeokiiig
presents for its beads? Let them look
at these silver tea-ets at all prices,
these dinner services of French china,
these janliniere. and coffee cups, and
shaving tsets, and walking cniies a
never ending catalogue of things that
mama and papa will dolight to pos
sess. And as for the children Heaven
bless 'em our columns re too Mhort
to convey a bare idea of the wealth of
good thing described for their delecta
tion. Page after page the record runs,
as though it would never end: and
Jennie and Harry must bo hard indeed
to satisfy, if from among the long dU
play of dolls, and doll house, and pic
ture books, and skates, and cons that
low, and steam engines that do real
work, and silver forks end spoons,
and magical tricks, and Christmas tree
arnaments, and candies, and goodness
knows what else, they fail to And the
very things their hearts desire.
And for this wondrous book how
Final Proof Xotic$.
Lead Ode a lleadagte Jafc 9e.
5 at (re W krfcy r Ckat tke
aatae-J ' a aaea u f a tat
stake fe!rrta aaeft t lie eh
UT taereof fcatof Jaaia A. Tat
rf Ia. rmmn t Wkcr &.
!. etoffe of
.. eta raw ia nm uf. ziae. a
4 ay, Iff kec Tt. ISSO. h.
Jaa Wrr.
k'd retry 42 IS far tka wta-t qartr f Se.
S towa 1 rmc 9 . aad U fIUla
j aU itaa to rrre ft! laUno
! aad eahliafWaef aid tr. it; Jk
DanW AUhi JoVm Uk Wwiar4 ! C
F. Ifenada-eii all 0.I. R-ok Va.
aarSdecS 0. W. W!tZER. Raarfxef.
Lead Office at WoailBrtoe.Na..N tX. IB?
3ra U kffcr ffraa tkat tk faJlovia
aivd arttlrr kaa tied aottr ft kU ia'eatii t
ataka tea! pnf ia paftaort abU elalaj.aad a.
ear laal entry tkeraof fcafera Jbw A. Taj
tare dark of ewart ia WKt- cty. at kat
Jkaa ia KrI Qoad Neb a tke Zfck day t
VKtmhvr. 18M9. ria:
Crara Reaar.
k'd aatry IMS far tke Milk-tut aartar ef Bt.
S4 Ua I rBa 10 tt.aJ aaaaee tke Wlowla
arkU witBee to pfxra eUaejet readaef
area and eattiTatioa at aaid trat. vis: Dallat
SUtkardaoa Jaaiea frrtua JaaJ Sfartla aaJ
Ptaiaal Martia. all of Krd na-l 5abraka
BoradrS 8. W. JJW1T2KK. RrUr.
Are not cmTy in the
FicULbct at tW PrtmL We
Buyers to owr Stock of
tarite the attfntton v4
UTiich we are prepaml to eU at
for the Celebrated
Kcaxmable Fgurr. Wa air Ajrrnte
much? Why only fifteen cent. It is
the winter' number of tho Fashion
Quarterly, and Ehrich Brothers, of
Eighth Avenue, New York, nre the en
terprising publishers who oiler it to an
appreciative world.
LeadOHcaat Biooalattoa Nak. Oeu SX It.
jTotira la kareky giita tkat tka lllaa
caaiad antler kaafllrd aotWw n( Kb iatrattoa
to aake teal pnf inarrrtof kit elle. aaS
ecare teal retry tkrrrot. kfr CIrrk af tka
District C'oart of Watetrr foanty atkUotlrala
Red Ooad. Nik.oa Satordar !. Itk. ItaV.
rata Bcrrsaa.
Preeeaatioa D. 8. .No. JSBf, ear tke aoatk-eaat
qaarter. aetia 4. towa 4. raaee 10 wraC aad
aaairi tbefollowiac m kU attaeaaca. to ao
eonticcoa rval-lenr an I cattiratioa "f
trnct. h- OotfriJ WrichUaaa. Lwi Tetter.
!; Durdia a. d Fdvrd ParPia. all of Ulae
Hill. N.r.
Boldrr2 S. W. S WITZER, Raier.
Land Offie at lilooiai&stoa Nth.. Oct. 30. ls.
Notic ii harabr airen tbat tba followina
aaaie'l rettlrr h-i filed aotfe of hit iDtrnUoa to
aiaka final proof In aupt-irtnf ki claim, aad
secure fiaal eatry tkereof bafora Jaaiar A Tal
leya. elarK of tka court in Wabter eountr at hi
oSce in Hd Cloud Neb., oa dataraaj. Dacaia
bcrllh. 1M0. vi.
Jti CAMreiLU
llomrttead No. KOI. for tha aortb-raat qaarter.
arctinn 4. town 2. raaae M aad aaoiae tka
folloviasaa kU oitaeiaa. to arora coallaaoaa
reatueaceoB aad caltiTa'inn of eaid iraec l:
Jrka Harrajr. Willie Rickar. Joaaaa Daridaea
aad A ad raw Kicker, all of laaala. Nabc.
Bor4dee2 H. W. 8WITZKR. Raciater.
astonishingly cheap Michigan apples
into your wagon, and with them you
wonid carry the sunshine of health
and enfeyment into yoiu family, and
as the little ones prattled gleefully
areuswl yeur knee, you would bless us
for suggesting this to you, and Miner
Bros., for selling you the cheapest and
best apple you ever bought in the
For December WilliawCry closes Vol
ume IV. of thir meotite periodical.
Ihe opeamraaticlr is entftlenV Savo
narola, the Kcirenemr Reformer," by
Alfred H. Guernsey. There is a most
interesting one by M. F. Vallettey4The
Buried Cities of tWEast Excavafaons
Around Nineveh attd Babylon.
"Christian Enterprise m New Zea
land," by Jte Mwards; 4C?."
pr ar noiAworthv arvicles; Tke ad
mirable aeriab, "Hester, Morgan'a
Heebaad" aad "Maid MarioryV, eoB
clowei; tae-ekapartment of mset con
tains, besides tkees, some exeeueai
short stories by pop-alar writeie. There
avsrseveral descriptive articies- replete
witsV iaatenei and infonuatieti; the
poeMaaS arr of Adelaide Stouty T. R.
Havergal. Mrs. iTsmens, etc., etc It
is impossible, however, to- convey aft
idea of the vast variety contained in
the-J quarto -sages, literary and artis
Uq the illustrafaeeas rmmber some 100.
As the next number coammeBees a new
voraBM. turn ia the tune U suseeribe.
A airaa copy is only 2S cents; the
aimualmibscripdon, $3; tix montlie,
$1-50; four morsths. fl; sent poatnaid-
Address, Frank- Leslie's PubhVhing ; in cotatempiation. there i
House, W, 65 and 57 Park Place, New J interest in ja iv ork of this
And now the season is approaching,
when the earth shall be filled witn
questionings; and secret communings
and councils shall, in appearance at
least, divide each family against itself.
For while the younger generation is
conjecturing, with aspirations in
various directions. What shall we re
ceive? the elder is deliberating, with
anxiety born of responsibility, the no
less important question. What shall we
Slve? While one enamored swain pon
es within himself whether a ring
should seem too pointed an offering to
his fair, another studies whether a
locket will be sufficient evidence of the
desperation of his state of mind.
Young ladies lay cunning plans to ob
tain possession of cast off boots and
shoes, wherefronv the measurements
for slippers may be taken; and wife
and children invent snares for pater
familias, to induce hfmto express, un
thinkingly, his perfersiace for a mous
tach cup,'or a set of sharing tools, or a
warm and cozy dressing gown. Even
that hardened miscreant, the eld bache
lor, becomes sensible of stranee move
ments in oseous formation which he
terms his heart, and mutters- uncom
fortably to nimsclt tli at he suppose?
Lizzie's or Tom's young ones will be
expecting something from him.
The wisest of books declares it to be
more blessed to give than to receive;
and really, when one comes to think
of it, it decidedly should be so. For to
find the right thing to give to discover
the precise article whose moral shape
shall adapt itself alike to the tastes of
the recipient, the purse of the donor,
and the conventionalities of society
is a labor so great that indeed it 'de
serves au exceeding great reward. The
range of articles-is so vast the poiuts
to be considered so numerous that it
is no wonder the intendireg giver often
site down in despair,, and piteously ex
claims: 'I don't know what to give!'
But for every evil there comes in
good time a remedy. A great New
York house, whose special ousiness is
to minister to the wants of humanity,
has hit upon the happy device of ar
ranging the different articles suitable
for gifts to all classes-and condition of
men, women and chikben, each under
its proper heading; and of publishing a
complete series of illustrations descrip
tions, and prices of the samev Some
idea of the magnitude of this work may
be gathered from the fact that it occu
pies S4 latg quarto- pages, most of
which- are- positively crammed, with
iUustratiotks and deecriftions. With-a
work ef this- kind one can sit down- and
eaamine at leisure the whole ramm of
Kssible gifts of every land; andean
select a present for the one he delights
to-kenor, witheut the haunting, tear
that toHaorrow, when too late, he- will
be sure to see something tbat would
have been more suitable. Or, if it be
desired to learn- the spec iai longings of
any individual, itwilf be only necestarry
to leave this book on the- attains room
table, and to be gaided by the emeosa
iuins passed upon any particular article
bv the individual fit question-.
And even to one who has nopresearss-
i no lace ot
kindr for in
uu direction is more ingenuity excx-
"Boss" Syrup, at Roby's.
More new goods, at Mrs. Fowler's.
Potted Toungue and Ham, at Roby's.
Found: A pair of mitteas. Call at
this office.
Elm Creek, and Buckwheat flour, for
sale at Roby's.
For the hot line of millinery goods,
call at Mrs. Fowler's.
Michigan and Illinois Apples, whole
sale and retail, at Roby's.
The latest novelties in millinery and
notions, at Mrs. Fowler s.
Robv has received a full stock of
California Fruit new packing.
Buy your table butter of AS. Marsh.
Cool as Ice. (Best in the market.)
Gilletts Washing Crystal. Save labor
and soap. For sale by A. S. Marsh.
For elegant and stylish hats, call at
Mrs. Fowler's, you will be tuitcd.
Hard coal, soft coal, and blacksmith
coal at the Chicago Lumber Yard. 14tf
Call at Roby's and take a look at his
splendid winter apples before you make
a purchase.
Wanted Even-body to come and
buy lumber at the old reliable Chicago
Lumber Yard. 14tf
Teachers' contracts for sale at the
Ciiikf office at 5 cents apiece or three
for ten cents. tf
Miner Bros, will receive in a few days
another car load of apples be ready
to buy one or more barrels while
they are cheap.
If you wish the largest and lest stock
of millinery goods to select from, call
at the leading millinery store, one
door north of the Bank.
LaadOSce at Blooa-iaatoa. Neb. Oct. 2. 1Mb.
Notice U keraby giea tkat tka following
aaaied eeulerkaa lied aoUre of kit intention to
take laal proof ia rapport of kit rUia. aad
Af ka.v iLif Mt.r .a k. baiIa k
lore Jaavaa A. Talleye. Clark of tka oart of
Webater county, at bit et. ia Had Cloud.
Neb.. onTuwday Noreuber Jmh. 1SS0. rir;
I.trruaa U Laaa.
borsritead .V.31l. for the eouthweat ', rootk
call ii aruth K uthwrt M and nortbaeat -
aocth west J hi firtioo 3( on 1 rabf a 9 waat.
and Damn tba fillm- a a hU tattnrea a to
prorr conlir.ui-ur rridrnca upon and cultivatioa
of aaid tract, vin G mm I'ool Andrew Hardy
Henry Cntilry and John titration, all of Gatde
Rock Nabraaka,
oeCSaoY2S 8. W. 8AVIT7.KR. Reg Utar.
LaadOSce at Blooroinaton Neb Or. ISth. 1M0.
Notice ia hrrcbr aireo tbit ibe fallowint
aimed Mttlcr ha filed nnttca of bia intaotion to
mak fiapl proof in rafpirt of bi claim aad "
cure final entry thrreol bofure Jamai .Tull'7
Clara of Clmrt in U abater cnuuty Nab. at hU
office in Hrd Clond Neb. us Saturday Pacea
bar 4lb, 1680. rit:
TaAOts AiwoLn.
homestead Ne. 21sl, fur the onth eat qaarter
of section 2 town 3 ranee 10 weat. and aamee
the fullowinf a his witnesses to proe contin
uous rcsideace upon and cultiratioa of eald
tract. Tit: Thumaj J Ward. A brass Wall.
Daid Fraacto aad J oka Saaitk.all of Cowlee
oetnaor M. W. 8 WITZER, W later.
Kef ley Barb Fence Wire.
Nhich, for Quality and Ttft stand without a Knsl.
Notice I kereby firea that en Ihe lllb day
k r. aa. in
Ked Ootid.
of December. A. I). 1M0. at So.cloek
front of air effice In Ihe towa of
Webxterconcty Neb.. I will offer for ! at
publio auction Ibe following described propetty
to-wit: One small horse nine or tea year old.
about 15 hand hich. litlsk maaa aad tail, nbt
bind foot while, white spot between eyre, white
strip on nae. one set doable karaee. keavy
Itather in rood order. Tbeieme harinc been
crnreyel to C. 11. Potter br rhattel mortfaa
by one Nathan W. rinee and Kdwin J. boloman
on the 2d day of March 1M0. the data of aaid
mort(a;e. aud said mortraf a baring bees re
corded in the county I'lerk's cmce ia the county
of Webster and stale of Nebraska, and there
being due at tbe time of the firat publication of
this notice on said mortgage the sum of one
hundred and thirty-nine dollars and twenty eta.
(S1TO.2QJ and interest at tbe rati of ten per cent,
per annum from tbe date of tbis noii-e.
C. H. 1'oTTs.a. Mortgagee.
By W. C. lUiu.y. hii Mt'y. l&M
Dated at Red Cloud, this 17th day of Nor. ISM
It Frice Tm Suit The Time.
Wc arc Hcadqnartcrs for Iron and Wooden
Pumps of every Discription.
llAUD-WfJOll LI'MBKK MAC, All kind- ol TIN,
COrrilU and SIIKKT 1HON WORK on ImimI
aud Made to Order.
Csll aud see iui. we can save on morrey.
BeMey I Peridbuus
If you arc thinking of building a
house, a barn, a fence, a corn crib or
anything else, don't fail to go to the
Chicago Lumber Yard before you buy
lumber and get prices and examine
quality. 14tf
Lauterbuch while at Omaha, saw no
flour to suit his bu.-ine.s so well as that
lie has been using he makes a "bos"
loaf from the Red Cloud Mills Patent.
Notice is hereby giren tSal by rirtne of a
chattel mnpgsge dated on the 7th day of May.
180. aad duly filed and rrcnrdrd in the nflee ot
the Register of Deeds of Jewell county Kansas,
on the 10th day of .Way. 1M0. at 2 o'clock P- .
of that day. and eiecutd bj Samol W. Ran
som to J ob won Jk Crt-ps tn ecu re the payment
of the sum of twenty-six dollars and forty-two
cent HZHlt and upon which there ia bow due
tke sum of tweaty-arren dollar aad serenty
one ceut (127 71.) Default having been made
in tbe payment ! said rum. therefore I will sell
at public auction, at tbe front of tha store build
ing occupied by Johnson A Creps. in the town
of "ed Cluud. in Webster county Nehraka. tbe
property described in said rsortgagoa follow,
to-wit: One gray horse tea year old. eixteea
beads high and goe by the naaja of -Jita". ea
the loth Jay of December 180. at 1 o'elaek p.
m. ol that. diy.
JoHasoa jus Carr. Morlgaftea.
I y O. 0. Cea. tkeir AU'y.
Dated Keel doad. Nek.. Fer. 3d. 1890. 14-v4
Not the Crown of Kings, nor the
Crown of Glorv, but the Crawn Sewing
Machine, the fatest and best machines
in the market, it will pay you to call at
the Post-Office and pee it before you
purchase! For Sale by M. B. McNitt.
Money to prove up with on final re
ceipt, or on deeded land at 8 per cent.,
ana 1-62 per cent, commission, or at
straight 10 per cent, no commission.
Jyo. R. Willcox.
Office next door to Chief office. 30tf
Money to Loan.
At the Bank in Red Cloud, on best
terms yet offered.
From and after this date Smith Bros.
& Thompson will make loans on im
proved farms at straight ten per cent,
interest payable annually at the end of
each vear.No charges for commission,
examination or arppraval. Nothing:
deducted in advance and no second
mortgage reouired. Parties borrowing
from us avoid the custofaary delay and
uncertainty of sending applications
away for 'approval. Our facilities
enable us to close a loan the saase day
the application is made.
Notice Is hereby giren tbat on tke 2d day of
December A. D.. 1). at 2 o'clock -. .. ia
front ol my office, tn Ibe town of Ke-i CloaJ.
rTeiatcr county. Neb.. I will offer 'or sale at
public anctir.n tke folio iae described property
to-wit: One black mare, with white strip in
frehrad. one white bind foot. about 7 year old.
One black horre. with white spot in forehead,
about 8 yea.- old. One act of double Jiaraea.
One wagon with irring seat, whiflletrars and
nerk yoke- Tbe same baring been coarayed to
C. U. Potter by chattel mortgage by one J. L.
Frame, oa tha lt day ol December A. D. 1S79.
the data of aaid mnrtgat. aad said mortgage
baring been recorded ta tke county clerk
oBce ia the coaaty of Webatar. State of Neb.,
aad there hetag dae at tbe Uas of the Im pak
licatioa of this notice on aaid aaortgagatke ease
of two kaadred tnd aiaetaea dolkara aad nine
teen eeets.t2l9.1. aad iatereet at tka rate of
10 per cent, par aaaaai from tke dale of tkie
aoUee. C. H. Porrae. Afortgag.
By W. C. RmtLT. hU Au'r
Datad at Keel Ooad tkie lOtk day of Noreea
ber. la 14-wl
'S olice is herebv given tliat bv virtue
of a chattel mortgage, dated on the 1 5th r
day of rseptember, 18 1 9. and duly filed
and recorded in the office of tbe'Regis
terof Deeds, of Jewell county, in the
State of Kansas, on the 25th day of
September, 1879, at 10 o'clock a. m., of
that day and executed by J. C. Hunt
ingtoo,"to Johnson &. Qreps to seure
the payment of the sum of One liuu
dred and Twenty Five Dollars, and
upon which there is now due the sun
of One Hundred and Eleven Dolhu
andEeghty One Cents, ($111.81) de
fault having beer made in the pay'
ment of said snm, therefore I will sell
titer property therein described, to-wit;
Ohebitywu hot-se merle seven year old,
one lusarrber wagon partly worn, one
set ofefeuMe harness partly worn, at
public auction, at the front of the store
uw-flaakj-f, ocewpied by stsid JohnssstA
Creps, nr the fsjn of Ked Cloud, in tbe
county of lVebsterr and State of
Nelscasdcaota-10th-day cf Decea--ber,
1SS0, at) o'clock p,m., of said day.
Johnson &. Cbeps, Mortgagees,
By O. a Case, their Att'vv
Dated Bed Cloud. Xcb..
kA 1Q
OU, lOiM-
Notice i kereby girea tkat by rktae ef a
chatul mortgage daUd oa ike 2ad day ef Aa
gst. 1SM. and dale Slat aad rwoorded la tke
office ol tke coaaty clerk of Wahettr eoaaty Ne
braska, en the 2nd day of August. 190. at
-2 o'clock aad 30 minute p. m. ol that day. aad
ezerBted by V.C. FuJi tn Jnkaann A Crepe, to
secure th-payment of tbe sum of forty six dol
Iira ard forty cent (ftioVtO) aad apoa which
there is tow due tbe sum of forty scrcn dollar
and fllty six cent $ft3A.) dcfaalt kariac been
ad ia Ike payaieat of aaid aaaa. Tkerefore
1 will sell tke property thereia Heecribed.
to-wit. Tka aaSirided two tkird iatereet ia
twenty-oae acre of growlag aad euadiag cra.
oa tke Bortk-wwat aaartar ef aeetioa tweatyteur
inaii tktM run tn aaL 1 ke aadrei-ied two
thirds interest ib eevci aad oae k.H Tee ef
growing ami i-'Acdmg oors na tke aealk-eaat
qaarter efseeUoa twenty-ix town threw raage
tea west, aad are andirsded three foarta la
terrrtia ia tkre- acre ef growing arri staadlag
core, ea tke eoath east qaarter. ofaaettoa tktrty
oae. tears tkree. raaga aie watt, baring the
eatire interett wkick tae aaid t. .,-. LuadkaJ
inaadtaikeeereral ahore ieaenbed pneaa of
cora located ia Wekrter eoaaty. Nek- a Ike
V 2ud day of Augart. 10 at puHte aactiea.
attskerroateftke atere baiHiag o cat 44 by
aaai Jekaaacreav te tke i twa ef EedOaad.
i.Weeaaar eaewty. Kekeaaka. aa tkeMJdy
af Dwaeaaker. lawk. at 1 a'eteek .! aaid
4m. Jaa-caaM aaa Caere. jTirtswsea-
ByO.acaaa. taetrAU.
Dated Ked Cloud. Nab., Nor. 3d. MS.
i'OTICE 70 ;SiZ231
rtl U aerwkr rirta. tkat I will
aliperoawhoTayde-ire to eSar tkeeaaaiTce
a caadiSatc lor teaeret T tka atlaaery er
aaw Beaeataef ewarrty. at Had
C.-.a em tke tm JManlay ,ia . tke m
i eVraary. Afar AagaM aa Nenreakwr: M
lueUUl aaaacimsatardairiBtkesaeatkgaf
aaary. April, laly aai October. At Quida
cg an tke kiret Saturday a tka await at
.i. i. vniMtMiti I Ha. s saber.
zamiaaiaa a oMBJaaare at a esaaek 4. SV
A. A. roaa.
Ceaa'r Saperiatcadcat vI"ifaUiItractas
Xat! TLtJxzzt! ILtiunlll
Xre yea ditarleel al afkt aad br-ae arejr
mtbyaMrkckildsw erJnyaaderyw wuktka
excraHati3graia of wt'jag teeikr Ifi ea. gw a
once aad get a fcwi filr- aaaVrr -J-etk"
iagyraH. ItaiiH r-.e ikeawar lireafer-
9 ( sjohb it tkerW BT a
aaitase akwattt. There b aaatker eaaarUr
kt bL H,r aaai it. wkoanll Bat teU MU
vece laat U will resvUie the kn !. aad aarer
renta tke talker. ae4r,HieO. wealth tm uar
eSIId.eriagiaaagvc. ixra
it. le all euaa. aad i Iriasat tm
? ik mwtntWm afuaj af tba
female pkysiciaw aad aaesee ra tka Uaetai
Stater. Said ertTywkare. Si cwatta a wattta.
Groceries and Notions,
The public generally are mractdJ
to call and caniiu my good and
price, a, a shasc of the putronagc ia
Store, Brat daor north of Mia sear's
meat market.
14- 7. 5EWUOU01
Samuel West,
iu!.es w
Tobacco. Cifwtrs.
fresh rmum,
akd a rcu. Lurx or rxxcr
also a natT daw
Ceo Cromin Pavlov.
Where you can always
;et a nice dtrh of fee Cream during
the Hcjivm.
K ahsre of the public pafroosfc hi
rcfpertfully r-o!idterl. Firat Jowr
south of Mitchell 4 IfoHtsrt's,
Rrn Cut?i,
MiTB i Miuur.
omvr pivaoB
i at
wiTit- -ro-
la by far Ike best Pettnee aad Hotd 'M aad
llat1-Ktfok erer rabltsbeO. MH I6 lata!.
It tells both ! eoraplataly hrw t4'erry-
thing la lb bt way. How In ms THr Uf
t .... If.... a. . . UJ r,....n ..I
...Wl, .V l-F , . fw, ! " ,f. . .
rlaeeetifaUy l(-w to A I ft IVt ! It
arsnrr txri or lire.
rariaU latoreetwn In'lirinitUe Ut
and mtH egrd'f antne tf
lisrentila Xm alt alattaa
far enaalaDt refrreaee. Aeait Waaat f-e all
r spare tlat. T knjv tby tkiat''k ef rl
ealae a4 etUVKU'.-n ll bltr tUn mitt yOuf
aaalr fr tana to 11. B. flCAM MKOU QK.
14m HU UaU. U.
QutckTimol Throurjh Tralael
CktM Coasecliosi ! Ne Delay I
Burlington Route !
Leaaat rata of Tare will kw .
Tkreaah Cars wil be rue ttm a. M M.Felaft
la SetkeB aebrka t- Chlrtg.
A lee) eataefe eoaarr1ic will be wade at Fe
dffst Jwallm. ...
AT CHIOAtiO tl-xe eaaeti-aii wlH alwar
aw aaadt t tk at'.aawtkeaH ead rtk, ,
fdeeetita jt kertbe reaarrad at tdx iiwetB
litketoffse by lalcgraaw "t tm aaadeaatsaa.
fraea Af'aari Klr Us CMres
TTaa wMltagte mawekase a erstawief tkewaak
afeaajeaa aaJ etaee atW-j ketweta ike
M majrl Kiree aad St. LBee
ig 'ki hae Mr tt n i
Uu. rallaaaa Utr ran M(
ray fraai Mtaaeavi aUear wr8e. knab.
sNtjrii KMirr.
wrTkt Ulka ealyrelUU roate ta tke !
eaet. t aaeetlfj are at ftria wlik tke
T 1' itW.o4l. a. W. lUilre! Pr ltiiaa
aawll Ciaciaaett. Cetasakatr, amd all reatrsJ
aak seatkera Okie. Kaar.asry. mukwra Xadiaaa.
somfffl cau. tisc xgss 75 mttu
Wkea yva g waat ke Tsars aad Mere ater tU
mewiHieiariM cetar
eaira t traret t MwdMy.
flea! saaaacae. eul ft A TtdaT!
I M. ha tr
ier fakf aad d
i. 1 1 BHBaBMwBeBBMeaaaBMaaBaBiaBWBeBB.aaBaBaw
IwAwbLll's Spavin tart,
'1 1
Fanners who eontesplate pcovp-a;
up on ineu ciaaawa bthi temzn weereuHBg
to Uieir advantage by caRing at Ute
Bl ClXXlr CwaTaET ewM T - tf
Sewiig Machifres
Bed Rock Price'af .
.A?." rV1 lee-r rar daawaeraCJ
Ffcoj R.v. V. X GRANGER,
-fJfftww-M. aaats kTSjiLL
a. Alkaer.Vi. JjeTa Igsmt-
ar va. i.w.h;- rejaay
tkat saw s.s Ji.7Jari
mr - - - -
? wt. Swwwaar tWrrear a 1
Ly yaBSwt, .ad win, t. ri s
Si!1" ".- IiMraMa ear
fear JLVSLi!? f!? 1 ' wa.aajrW a
2-SAit-r -
. J. ar4sV;C- '2? f--
WP (9 I"W
wrtk Ka-
Tker. I
la asw: zz raH. T&
-ij--'arneaV"r 2 ''fLZl
uaiABau&.'Tlr .W."?T7
saa to aaa wrfi be
I WSBBSJ-ilBta"2TS"'"w'
r i .aa. 11 TT"aeaea !
VB-tatftC aV.t:T V-
gfwaaB-eal ' wBT wllwwal JaBf1
Wy flRgaaaTgaL --1- - - -
ktedt &ZrZSil-1M Ctrajir wkiek
weTy.Sffc!!Lr?L-gwah emaairfeJ -
Iff bbI r'lT Mmtn'- - " ?t- vr t A
a fY.
- X
n ,v