3T r&&r&!&r V-er - --.fr - " j :e chief. Cloud The Red KVE&T YRVMDAY At US CLOTS, VXllASti. v - .. - QW " 0G - - -r- U L. THOMAS, tt- $1.60 ynr if paid In Ain&et. 0 EAST -VIA ME- VOL VIII. "" . ,7 nfTihirtiianilloO a year is tlic pried bf the lied Cloud Chief . "Eternal Vigilance us th vnce of Liberty, ana y ju . r2 rTTXmKX, NOVBMBfcK .. NO. 10. BI'SJNESS DIRECTORY. iio It Inft - Weiiiri JRairway- 180 MILES OF ROAD. the BHOHT. sure andBAFK route between Council Bluffs AND HCAGO. MILWAUKEE and till niint EAST and MJlllll. fcrk, XfciladalpUa, Bcctca, Wash- i. Buffalo, Pittsburgh, Cianan.tl, Hoatrtcl, Tcrrato, Detroit, Cleara land, Coluatui, It offer the travellm? publlo treater Facilities! - AN1 More Advantages Than aDj- other road In the wreU It is tlieOA'LY HOAD between leuMcil lllufl and Chicago tVm which it ran TILLMAN HOTEL CARS 1 lid addition to these and to pleaae-al! class of avelcrs. ItKiu-i tinDiui.Aao mr.nwnu. iTINU SIAXIU. ai. crm -jacu. :TnelE is Steel Salll Its cc&cies are the Finest! Its Equipmint First class I trains are all Equipped wun wiinairor. Miller's Cinplertl and all modern im -Bients! all of which combined. tui Fattest Bpeeedl Sure and close Connections I And aTery thing a pajsenjer can desire to make a journey WICK Pleasant &, COMFORTABLE! illman Sleeper on all Night Trains ! IT IK TH K People's Favorite Route. . '..,;i Din, tint Thraurh Trains of the il: t. vnri..v.trn rn.na the Union Pa- Ri. HailwaTF depart from. arrlTe at Midline the iBtne joint Lnion De-ot. T-V. !. !. ...r.llnir HCMltnllOUIUIina roii will buy jour ticketa by this Koute WAnd . e ratl ms 7 l 4 IT II fit ) XltU lAivr- iUl& VA. all Tictet Agents can sell you Through Tickets via thir Bead and cheer usual laggacs ree cf Charge. Omaha Tjckin Orrirsa i324harnam tre. Cor mit. ana m iMiinii mmic I'epui Council llluas'lJclcHJnieM-Cor.Broilwayaiid Tearl Street. !. A NW. RV Dei-ot. and !'..:., 1,.i. TiKTranOr llri.OL. Denver Office In Colorado Central and Union Kan Fraaoisco Office 2 New Montgomery St. o :nrnrmQi;nn folder. mnis. etc. uotob- f.iinble at Home Ticket Office, address any agent of the Company, or HABVIH EUGHITT, W. H. STfifcUfi Geo 1 Manager. "" a-"- Chicago. III. Case & McNeny, A TTOBNXYS AT LAW. Office one door north of Garbrr't Store. RED CtJOVJi', KEB. Collections, made & promptly remitted. J. S. GILHAM, A TTOHSEY AKD COC58ELOR AT LAW. Office one door north of Kaley Bro. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. THE CHIEF. The not citi-for- J. A. Dillon, ol iecunr.cn, w... c-p. irn hoase on the Blue at Beatrice th inter to iho noxt Pres'ulcntial count. ,..n nf the Caoit.il have not for- . . tnlJ,r u, accommodate 'JOO.OOl " gotten the weary montli" of 1ST6, when tons 0f ,ce. F I the Dcacc of this great Nation vw ilii- wafion Miu of turkcyn. 235 iri turbedovcr this same question, mc hII, paici inrouKn 1U,IW,"V'V;"":L wonderful bulletin ported by order 01 , day morning ui it -., , Chandler. M. L. THOMAS, EDITOR. THURSDAY, NOV. 25, 1880. Law week St. Lotiin luxury of a $125,000 fire. enjoyed the' " W. C. REILLY, ATTORNEY AND COCNSKLOIl AT LAW. ND HBAU -TATSt AOltT. Red Cload. Nab. W Prompt Attention Giren to Collaetieaa. Orficr- with C. II. POTTKB. at U Clond Drugstore Edwin C. Hawley. A TTORNEY AKD COOMSKLO AT LAW. Office over Farley's Drag Store. BED CLOTO, ' i:ES- James Laird, k ttorNKY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. " IlAftTINOS, - NEIJKASKA. "Will practice in all the Courts of the Bute. Prompt attention given to all business sd to his care. Julyw J. L.KALtf. BloosBiagton. . Nebraska. Gen. Gaukield celebrated his 49th birthday at Cleavcland on the 19th of the present month. Mark Twain, lecturing on the Sand wich Inlands, offered to ehow how the Cannibals ate their food if any lady would lend him a baby. The insane assylum of Minnesota was burned to the ground last week. Twenty of the poor unfortunates con fined therein lost their lives in a hor rible mauner. II. K. Kaucy. O. W. Kit.tr. . Kcd Cloud. Neb. KALEY BROS., A TTORNBY8 AT LAW a BBAL KSTATt ACIENT8. Will practice in all the Courts in Nebraska and northern Kna: collcctbmi promptly at tended to and correst-ondence rolicited. BED CLOUD, Nebraska, Alio. Agent for D. 1 M. It. B. !-ds. I. W. TCLLEYS, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Pension Surgeon. JsaTOffice over Kaley Bros. law office. BED CLOUD. KEEBASEA Thanksgiving Prcelamation. 8fT OP NVBEABgA. ELBERT A. II A IX HI. D. Pkysician&Surgeon, RED CLOUD, NEn. Awiftfliil Surceon B. f; M. H.Jw Tt. C. over Johuhon A- Crep.' dry good store, denee over Perkins Mitchell's storo. Office Kesi- l&6tn niER BROTHERS. HKADQUARTERS FOR 3 stiS jsk)K,ai VHvHn PasWssssRlaV'CCW ia sT -SSssssssssssssssssssssssf Iu lR-4 Skm. r Jf ijs JBr'iPrsTTgrfxWJssslKssy sssssssssssT J. Id. mOSEWA, M. o. ELECTIC Physician and Surgeon, HUD CLOUD. NBB. Will pay special attention to Obstetrics and Jiteates of women-Also wneral and PeiI .ureery. DWesiea of the Rye and Kar. Cnargee inodrrito. Offica oT.r Sharer's Drug Store. Hrsidence 4th hoM north of school bouse. JAS. M. CALLEWDER. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, (ALIAI'ATIUC school.) Trorapt attendance on all calls in the practice of medicines or surgery. CXmi.ES. - NEBRASKA. Again, as a people, we have cause to be thankful for the many blessings ehown us by an indulgent Providence. In harmony with the proclamation of the President of the United States, I would recommend that Thursday, the 25th day of November, be observed by the citizens of this state as a day of thanksgiving and prayer. Let us give grateful thanks for the blessings of the past, and beseech a continuance of the Divine favor to us, as a state and as individuals. While all have reason to be thankful, let us not forget the children of sorrow and want, and out of abundance remember them. In testimony whereof I have hereun to act my hand and caused the great seat of the State of Nebraska to be affixed. Done at Lincoln, the 10th day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and eighty, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and fifth, and of the state the fourteenth. By the Governor, Almnus Nance. S. J. Alexander, seal. Secretary of State. tho lamented Senator "Have has 185 votes and in elected" w framed and still hangs in the rooms of the National Congressional Committee. There will be no 8 to 7 minncss year. The presidential electors will meet at their respective nUtc capitals the first Wednesday in December for the purpose of casting and certifying their votes. The votes so cast and certified will be opened by Vice Presi dent Wheeler in the presence of both houses of congr&s on the second Wednesday of February. The vote will be canvassed and the result then declared. The new president will be inaugurated on March 4, 1881. Ar rangements are already being made that will make it by far the most im posing inauguration that his ever taken place. Military organizations, stato delegations, legislative bodies, excursions and visitors to the number of 100,000 are expected to be present on this grand occasion. Kelley, Barnum and Hewitt will do well to go slow in their attempt to throw out the votes of the great state of New York. There are bristling bayonets and brave men to use them in numbers like the leave? of the forest, who will tolerate no such outrage. It is a cool piece of impudence to cry fraud in New York to call off public attention from their fool hardy perfidy in countenancing the writing and issu-ino- nf thi fopjred Morev letter. It is hoped that the iniquity of this wicked transaction will yet be fastened upon the guilty parties and that they will hereafter exercise their Democratic genius inside the grates at Sing Sing. This crime can never be adequately punished. It hits been one of the most disgraceful affairs ever known in the history of American politics, and, if there is no other fate in store for them, its originators, aitlers abettors will bo consigned to everlasting infamy. Maryland Ls emphatically a bourbon State, but Surnittsvillc the home of Mrs. Surratt, hung for her participation in the assassination of Lincoln gave a majority for Garfield and Arther. The ( rate 0f 40 bushels a day. The coal is A ST2AKQE MALTOBMATlQl?. Whiis, Di:i:, Eo7j: J; Aiefican W. MOHANVILI.K, Cowi.rs. XKR. MOKANYILLE C. F. MORANVILLE, AMBOT. KKB. BROS., Homoeopathic Physicians. COWL1S 4 ASIBOY, NEBRASKA. All profeMionalcalls will reeeive our Prompt ana carciui auenwuu. 40in6 Death of a Person who was Phyplcally of Eoth Sexes. A strange story comes to us from a reliable source, and it is so full of in terest, especially to the medical profes sion, that we give it place. A few weeks ago, there died a voting man near Riverton, Franklin county, this state, at the age of eighteen years. He was singularly handsome, with gentle blue eyes and soft hair, and had the kindest disposition and manner, and to Denver. Thus far there has been sixty-tight applications for eced wheat in Red Willow county requiring 814 bushela to fill the orders. The demand for mechanics at St. Paul is o great that it U almost an im possibility for one-half of those demnng to build to secure builders. A proposition to vote bond in Pawnee countv was voted upon on election dav and carried nearly four to one. The bonds arc for the B. k M. The banner republican precinct of Nebraska i Olive Branch, in Lancas ter county. It cst 1 05 votes, every one of them for Garfield and Arthur. A rattlesnake mine whs discovered at Willow springs, Valley countv, from which ten large snakes wcrCdug one day last week with more to louow. It is said the B. it M. folk have secured the transiMjrtation of about 3.000 head of stock directly from ter ri'torv which was supposed to be con trolled by the Union 1'acino loins. The boiler of a Siotix City & Pacific en-'ine exploded at Blair last week, blowing the engineer and fireman some fifty feet distant. Both escaped with a few bruises. Two young men of Boono county, named A. D. and Lewis Ralph, while out hunting became lofct, and, with their team of horses, were frozen to death near Swan Lake. Their bodies were recovered. Pierce county went democratic by nearlv fiftv majority. Cedar by one hundred, Holt by about the same, ami Dakota bv lift v. These are the only democratic counties in the aixin uis trict. Unoccupied houses and farms to rent are hard to be found in Washington countv, but new houses, barm and other outbuildings meet the eye in every direction. Dr. Matthews, of Brownville, while going home lost Thursday with a load of lumber, was thrown under the wagon and his head and breast severely cnisu cd in. His injuries may prove fatal. A Bohemian namad Martin Hanza, livin" near Schuvler, was thrown from bis team hist Monday, tire loaded wagon passing over his body and in flicting injuries from wlrick he after wards died. The Witver coal mines, south of Umiilinldi. are shipping coal at the -- . good seed it is hoped may spread until the whole State itself is redeemed. Many of our notable citizens were at tracted to Fortress Monroe to witness the great naval review. The President, members of the Cabinet, officers of the Army and Navy, and government offi cials, were among tho distinguished guesLs. Great preparations had been made. A score of naval ships with Hags flying, bands playing and cannons thundering, made it a scene long to be remembered. The ball in the evening, at the Hygcia Hotel, was a grand affair. The next day the training ships were visited by the presidential party. was of course a universal favorite. The , and a four-mile boat race was rowed, SEWIW MA MINES M H si kS) B C9 n m a w m Z 9 O .5 3-S -1 5 CO ! 11 Is i 5 u o & a tj P O a il fjgjffr Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDENTJDE1TTIST. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. W. . HICHARDSOH. DEALER IN LIVE STOCK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. '.liithett market price paid tar hojri and cattle. J. E. Smith S. C. Smith M.B.THom-soK. Pres. First Nat. Cash. First Late Teller First Bank. Beatrice Nat. Bank Nat. .nnnk Mat Neb. Beatrice Neb. nseAeb. son, m ft )i Srors&pomp BANKERS. RED CFLUUlf, NKB. "Will make collections in any part of Ike nn;u states Sell exchange upon the princi pal eastern oitie--Loaa BJ PV;iIl farms Keccive aeponi. uw. '"m J.H Allow interest npen time deposits, and traae- frm Receive depoilts su weci i? mn Allow interest npen time depos: act a general Bankinc business. immediate cause of his death was a tumor in the groin, which had greatly annoyed him for years, and was repeat edly opened by physicians. Each in cision would result in considerable flow of blood, and the temporary relief of the patient. But he gradually sank under the pain and the effect of the surgical operations till death ended his sufferings. A post mortem revealed the strange fact that he was a double being the upper half of his body being that of a perfect woman, and the lower half that of a perfect man. The bosom, womb, ovaries and glands were those of a fe male, while the organs of manhood were completely developed. The cause of the tumor that caused his death was the suppressed men struation, which it was physically im possible could escape in the natural way. Strange and unnatural as this story sounds, it is strictly true, and may be verified by inquiry of the mem bers of the medical profession at River ton. Journal in which all the vassels were interested after which the entiro fleet formed an escort to the President down the bay, on his return to this city. Senator Ben Hill would like to see another political party formed. We think any reasonable man might make a choice out of the five which contend ed for mastery at the late election. He says he wants a national union party. If he is sincere he should at once join the party which elected Gar field. That is a good enough national party to last Hill his natural life. Phaks. ni,nt ! itirhns thick on an average The mining beneath the coal is soft, requiring but little labor to take it out. The State Reform school at Kearney is being rapid Iv put up. The walls of the building are completed, " " frame work, and the roof is laid, wlwi completed according to plans, it will fiirnmmridiitQ about 50 boys. The building is three stories in height and stands 46x53 feet on the ground. OnSaturdav last a farmer named Ilavward, who lives on the bottom north of Blair, was on the river with a' companion hunting geese, and in at tempting to pull his gun from the bot tom of the boat, muzzle foremost, the hammer caught on something, causing the gun to discharge the contents striking Mr. Hay ward in the thhigh. The gun was loaded with buck-shot, and the consequence was that the bone was badly shattered and broken, and the tlesh'was badly torn. News Items from all 07er the State. a dfe 1Ufi:ekces: Omaaa Ssttonu "" S.Paddeck.U. .8 Senator: First National Bank New York, Cambridge Valley NaUonal Bank. Cambridge New York. OMAHA Sample Room, JOE. JACOBS, PaoraiiToa. TWO DOORS "WEST OF BOT'i MOJIB. Keeps on band the beet brand of Whue. Liquors. Beer. Ale, and tne Citart. A stare of the nublio patronage is solioeted. ROBINSO Wagon Company, MAMJFACTCfcERS OT- 073 WASEXNGrTOXLETTEl. Farm WAGONS Buggies & Phaetons. )o( We do not Want Agem wb orrtR oxnt Standard Trad Vehicles, 1. -TO THE TRADE. " Work tfcrt basati established reputa tion and that cafn- belhandled with satisfaction-, both to buyer and seller. Send for designs and prices to KOBINSON WAGON CO'.. a. t Cincinnati, OhiW. HENRY GOOBS, PROriUETOB USD CLOUD DRUGSTORE, -And State la Drugs, Medicir.es Paints, OILS 2 VARNISHES Atf ceodi in my Haelte eeMleauyotV kani: an ft' which I ivt k ctteaftiev the psbller HENRY COOK. 3 cf Washington, I). C, Nov. 19, 18S0. J Editor Chirr Among the throng, these bright autumnal days, promenad ing our beautiful avenues, are disting uished personages from the Celestial, Empire, with their strange dresses, long cues- and little feet. Sixteen of the highest dignitaries from that won derful lrmd, sent here in the interest of a new treaty, have leased for their win tcr residence the elegant mansion known as Boss Shepherd's Home. In Virginia as well as other southern slates there is marked disposition to abandon the old bourbon ideas, and to adopt the progressive policy of the Re publican party. With the exception of Florida, every southern state has fal len below in2 s majorities, the" voW cast for Tildcn in 1876. For the past two years sports show that the south has enjoyed unprecedented prosperity, and their crops have exceeded those of anto bellmn davs. With this improv ing tendency, it is natural that tin? people of the south should be thinking more of money ranking than President making. It will be' A happy condition of aflkirs when adf interest becomes stronger than ptfrty ties. Let us hope Chat the dawn of a better day is appeaf- jng, when the comron sense of the' people will rebel against the dorainar tibn of the bourbon' l'eiwlcTsv Great imprest is being manifested in Falls City ladies arc engaged in raid ing liquor saloons. Johnson count cast 1647 votes at the November election. Wild geeso at Grand Island sell for twenty-five cents a piece. Wahoo has laid the corner stone of a new Methodist church. A large number of sheep aro being" brought into Harlan county. The Hebron Library association will soon build a library and reading room. Grading on the Republican Valley road is completed to Blue Springs and Beatrice. A young man named Patterson, was last week killed near Hastings by a runaway team. The Nebraska City distillery is once' more in operation. The improvement? have cost about 30,000. Four hundred and seventy-two grists were ground in the West Point mills during the month of October. Dakota county is enjoying a genuine building boom, which is confined to no one section of the county. St. Mark's Episcopal church, at Hastings, now approaching comple tion, is one of the largest in the dio cese. The corps of B. & M. surveyors have located s line from Indianola to Den ver. SerenA other trial lines will be run. A farmer named Koeberg. living near Madison, accidentally shot his son 1 J - 1 T1 1 vriiiie ragr weeic wnue out aeer nun- ting. Blanks T Blanks 1Y A full line of Stato Journal Co's., Blanks (the standard blanks of the state) are always kept for ale at tho Chikk ottice, ana at tne same prices that thev arc sold at in Lincoln and Omaha." The following is a partial list of blanks on hand: Warranty Deeds, Mortgage Deed.'!. Chattle' Mortgages, Search Warrants, Mechanics Lcin, Power of Attorney. Bills of Sale, Quit Claim Deeds, Summons (original), Summons (copy), Appeal Undertakine, Execution, Order of Attachment, Affidavit of Vendor or Lessor, Assignment of Mortgage, Precipe, Subpoenas, Notice of Constable Sale, Blank Receipts. Blank Notes Release of Mortgage, Agreement for Warranty Deed., Complaint to keep the Peace. &c, fcc, &c. And most all kindJ of blanks ued by Notaries Public. Holcomb Bros., Dealere i- Nebraska- City, is to have a new morning paper WnSch will be published eartv in March. Its politics will be re publican. Twofhirdk of th$ grading on the line of the Elkhorn Valley road between Neligh and O'Neil City is already com- pletea.- . !the round" house, built at' tferfblk for'the' Sioux City and Pacific road wuf be 80x126 in size" and will contain five stalls.- AftiftARg, f allUs. Ibey atit CRIAP Ut CASWi atel If tkey karer.nwkat yea want, leave yew' tier A tkey will fill H. CALL ON THEM Oee eW-urtkefOrVf. ae M'r. HOLCOMB will wait os ye. ayxitf RED GLOtlD. liEB- THIS SPACC ff stEStRVTC 0 ROSENTHAL BROS., or THK New York Clothing House, HO WILL OCCUPY IT WITH A.V "AD" IX A fW WIXKS. GO To W. B. ROBY'S -F O R- Staple i Fancy Groceries, THE BEST TOBACC & CIGA&S IN TOWN. ALSO Choice Nut Fruits & Confections. jFrcflh Fruita and Vegetable 8old on Commission. RED CLOUD, NEB. WHY? How Can I save Money BY BUYING MY Fall and Winter Goods op MARSH ! I buy all my Goods at what they arc worth in Cash. I sell them at a small profit.. I make no book account. I have fjut orie price. Clear cash buyers get the b, r i - Come and Examine Goodx and get Cnim. ivjCft at Ltddv'a old stand, the "Up Town Store." Youra Kespcctfully, A. S. saauLoor. -Atr tt OtAtttasr T" p is G TiStaBW WBr FOULKS STINE, Nebraska- HastingSi MANUFACTURERS OF Tllfl ACME STEEL Barb Fence Wire THE ONLY Wire that will make a Visible Fence Pig Tight, Boll Strong Horst Hih Factory hear B. & M. DepotV F,N!IGH BROS; MEAT MARKET It ED CUU D NErt rtMi ius. tiiai u sn 4r f lkw ir ours srtn: t:vt. rAct ? sr,iTwawa ij, Art m.kaI Wm irk. hi B ! 4 ', hHm is-. i ABB. au inn tuwi r writ Tatitf. iWu, a lva ( aieiiry rU uts f. w t tt. 4'ieae U W -ti... li i, a4 ? Wt e il 4 U (. CVeeameasae ea4 m: t. ')! trtkrtrr -raM vm etr i 4 tt t ? 1? ritj irfUi. -u f n itMMi.n tt t-r- hM eV. N 4msiM " til? MibiCIXC i.gi OeMt..NV. tiese eu avii J. OVERLEES, iCAixa f-f fRUlTS, CIGARS, TOBACCO,' CONFECTIOBF.RY, . FRE8H OY8TER3 r" Tiixta juo. drosn Canned FRUITS ETC . irrc , KTO 0. riuroa KAUMEltS PKODCCH Fniti Soli a Ssaiiuin. V share of the public patronage re pectfuly tohcited. taVc particular paina tokex-p on htmi the very Uvit f ov'iyUluj( In my lute of ImtineM. ItED Cl.Ori), - NEBRASKA " c onTb" For Yonr LUMBER. DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY Tit BUT I TM HAtiLtf MM ftt littral rrlcee -nr- " PROUDPIT L KARSH, OE.VEltAL UtALKRS !." Ii.lMtD n.tn H STOVES. GHitlc Rck. ?itU; V.rrrjCtlat oiaaltr ksft l e ant lae Hardware Store- come and see lis as we will not be UNDERSOLD, CHICAGO Lumber Yard BED CIV14 If el. Yard fouth of Hampton Jk. KaionV kop, on Main atrtcL nonrltf See A Ce3& Call ar fert Thwfr IiaII be stopped. Reelect freaaeatiy reeelta ! re Iornrable l-oar Urease or Coeeeaietiea. Brnwo Uroechial Troche are crrtaia to tie reltrin Anhma. Brooch it is. Coaxkt". Catarrh. Confaaaptire awl lhrat DltntKS. Kor thirty jeers the Trecees bare be receeiirjjlei bjr pbrnciaa. and slvays fire perfect eatiaceeties. Ttfcf arm mo at or mtriei kt kariac kee teetr4 fcy -rfHe aad co Uac see far aeartr a' eetira aeettstkK, tfcy kare Uaiee4 wafl eriteirsak awoectk few staple resa Hi net ike ace. PaMie speakers and Siereri te tkese to clear atd ifrerttita tie Vohe. Ecii ar NfctJtr lTee lrtrrrj-ir. - lr 1 1 ifirTiTrir sRTt r rTiWi .siiiiiiiiiwVtfBK.siHBBiiiiiiiiiiiiiiPIVIkiiiii H f ffV ''T ! t -a 09 r tk i.rhrria ef C ere . at TaeitHW seeaseWr H leilei wn,Mt W Uaskt,iisk,IMHeJ,ilW Wist." wa, Usbm Ooeease. reaM PLATT fc FREES rd9rierai. SAM'L GARBER, !UtMtC H COREf i4t Rid OtoUt Qrmceri RrmJy Made CtsOimj. Wt Itvfl tfc Ltrftci Sttck i tfM Vaifcy and wi 05Tew stcalLofe'i Smm'f 6mtHf, Mm GM&& iUab JMeV y I r m j o- r y i- ii V. &J -e-- 4 J TSy?- "JiT jfti iirii jsnew if r " ' s fctaey-.Sg.j