The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 11, 1880, Image 4

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Moon I Callender,
)de.leks ix(
General Merchandise,
Iry - Gm.s
JBcotn A Shoe,
Drags, Wedlciiief,
Oils VftrniMhea,
PalnfH Ctc.
A full lino of everything kept in a gen
eral store, sit the wwtsr cash mucks.
Moon & Callender.
vm us EsswiiT.
A. sLauferbacli, Propr,
confectionery, rrc:
Win in Mc.tN at :ilHiour, 25 csnl.
Freeh Oyster- ahvay.s on hand. WcIh
ater Sirrrl. kic dimr south of
Ksilrv IIrn-. cilice.
RED C!.On.
Proprietor of the
City Drug Store.
Drugs? Medicines.
Paints- Oils
and Varnishes,
A full supply of
I'atronncc jolicited and thnnkfully received.
Jt-Prefriiiti(in carefully compounded"
One door south of GarherV stote,
Nimble Six-pence.
G. W, DOW,
Groceries & Confectioneries,
Choice Tew. Coffee Sugar &c
White Fish & Mackerel.
Grce. Dried and Canned Fruits. The best To
baccos And Cigars. Flour and meal con
santly on hand. K-rg, liutiar
and Wood
Taken in Payment.
Everything warranted to be or represented.
and I will do tou good.
1st door north of arena office.
Red Cloud, - Neb.
Flour & Feed
Corn, Meal. Bran Chopped Feed aad
Vi-it theltcdOoad Grocery, Feed and Pro
Yuionf tore when yuu want 5Uplie for man or
Uighe-t market price in cash paip for grain
All kinds ofcountrr produce tiken sn exchange
for good, iluodi delivered to all parts vf town
frco of charge.
t?tre outh of Heed's Mow Factory.
Red Cloud,
(Succea-or to W. II. Read.)
Parlor, Bedroom
Brackets, Chromos,
Picture Frames,
Mattresses, Etc
O (5ns always on band and tnramed on short
Botice. Price-as low as any in the a alley.
Repairing of all kinds done promptly and
Burial Robes furnished at reasonable
EED CLOUD, - - -
Harness Shop,
Keeps crutanUy on band a full Line of
And everything usually kept in a first
class shop. -
TaeSgtet Cull Prica laid for Hist
WL V. R. R. Tiaie Tafclc
Taking affect Bandar. Oet. 17. 1880.
Eastward Pimnfu l-Te6 JO a. m.
,7 " arrive!- 7:35 p.m.
Freight leave.
Westward Aecom- laara .
.9 :40 a. m.
Jt -JO p. m.
Eastward Aecom. leaves... ... 0 a. a.
arrive 6:S5p.m.
Trains daily except Saaday.
O. W.Usldbkdok. A. E. TmuLH.
fiBpcricundenL Ota'L Maaager.
All local advert isemads ordered in fot
an indefinite time, H-illlxtrgtdarlichargat
tip cuih icndfe until ordered out.
Miner Bros, sell Superior flour.
Apples by the barrell at miner Broe.
Live hogs arc worth from $3.25 to
Thanksgiving Thursday, November
Election is over; now for the Holi
days. Girls, look out leap year is drawing
to a close.
Last Saturday was a lively day for
our merchants.
Now is the time to plant trees, and
"don't you forget it."
Hate cheaper than ever lcforc in
Red Cloud, at Mrs. Lutz'.
Two wood heating stoves for sale
cheap, at the Chief office.
The "Poor House Tax' was. inglori-oii-dy
defeated at the election last Tues
day. Mr. Z. E. Parker, representing the
State Journal Co., looked in on us last
The Riverton Kngle Inn been en
larged and greatly improved in appear
ance lately.
Come to the Chief office and see
thoc nobby invitation cards and enve
lopes just received.
Isaac Hummel, of Batin, has moved
with his family to Iowa, where they
will spend the winter.
The election of Mr. Stevenson gives
very general satisfaction. He will
make a good commissioner.
Mr. S. Star has moved to Silver Cliff
Colorado, where the Chief follows him
with its budget of county news each
Two more lawyers in town Chas.
Gilliam and James McNcny were ad
mitted to the bar at the last term of
The hotels arc all crowded every
night since the trains lay over at this
point. It's a bonanza for the hotel
John G. Potter has opened up his
store and is ready to wait upon his old
customers as of yore, and to welcome
new ones.
The Grand Jury farce was cut short
by Judge Gas in at the term of court
last week, the jurors were discharged
the first dav of court.
The B. fc M. have enlarged their
station house at this point, not having
room for the immense piles of freight
that is daily received.
M. E. church, Nov. 14th, S.S. at 10 A.
M. Preaching by the Pastor at 7 p. m.
Prayer meeting every Thursday eve
ning. AH arc cordially invited.
The Rev. Geo. O. Yeisor will preach
next Sabbath, at the court house.
Church and covenant meeting of
Baptist church at 2 v. M. on Saturday.
A large stock of envelopes, letter
heads and printers stationery just re
ceived at the Chief office, Come in
and see samples and leave your orders.
We are glad to place the name of
Mr. Wni. Shirley of Thomasvtlle, on
our subscription list and number him
among our list of cash in advance
The festival at the M. E. Church on
last Thursday and Friday evenings was
a very pleasant affair and was enjoyed
by al.l A handsome sum was realized
for the benefit of tlie church.
Last week was court week, and the
town was crowded with people for two
or three days. Judge Gaslin, however,
rushed the business through and soon
closed the court business up.
A patriotic member of the Congre-
o"""1"" xceuuiuuuu iiuiu in jiasunss
hist week said in one of the prayer
meetings that he was for the- Bible,
Christianity, Christ and Garfield.
Mr. E. Anderson, of Batin, sent to
this office last week a couple of the
largest radishes that we ever saw. He
said that the past season was so dry
that he could not raise any very large
If you like the Chief wc would be
pleased to have you come in and sub
scribe, and help to extend its circula
tion. If you don't like it, will you
please come into the office and swear
at the editor.
The election is nvoi- ami i.n m.n.
is safe, and it is with a feeling of relief
V,nt . 4. r .. . .
w.i nun irom me excitement of a
hotly contested political campaign to
the more peaceful tranquility of every
day life, glad that the presidential elec
tion conies only once in four years.
Although it may be rather earlv to
speak of the matter, we would suggest
that the oven in our range is sufficient
ly large to nicely roast a fine fat turkey,
on thanksgiving day. Of course the
above will not be so construed as to be
taken as a hint for some friend to
furnish a turkey for the occasion.
The thanks of the trustees of the Red
Cloud H. E. church Are due, and are
hereby respectfully tendered to the
ladies of the committees, and to all
other persons lrho by their industry
and patronage so kindly aided in mak
ing the festival such a grand success.
Joay A. Dnceev, Pastor and President
of the Board.
For several weeks past counterfeit
money, ranging from a nickle up to
the standard silver dollar, has been in
circulation in Red Cloud. The coun
terfeits were well executed and deceived
a great many, but the fraud was dis
covered and suspicion fastened upon
one W. H. Reed, who it will be remem
bered was for some time proprietor of
the fruit stand south of Slierer's store.
The 17. S. Marshal arrived on the scene
last Monday and arrested Mr. Reed
and conveyed him to Omaha. A num
ber of witnesses were subpeenied and
went down to Omaha yesterday. We
cannot give the result until next week.
The earnestness with which the edi
tor of the Arfjtu combats the proposi
tion advanced by a correspondent of
the Chief, recently; that the interests
of the railroad company and that of
the people arc not identical, approaches
the ridiculous. Thai any man with a
thimble full of brains could not see
that the only object of said correspon
dent was to make political capital
against a candidate for the suffrages of
the people, passes our comprehension.
It does not require any great degree of
mental ability to comprehend the fact
that this country would be practically
worthless without a railroad, or that
the railroad could not be self support
ing without the people to raise produce
and stock that must be traasportcd to
markets in the cist. Thus we find that
the railroad company and the people
are mutually dependent upon each
other for their very existance, almost.
Anyone can see this at a glance, hence
the proposition of the Argus to "argue
the point" seems absured and ridic
ulous. CtMXl
We very much dislike to engage in
a newspaper controversy, but inasmuch
as the editor of the Argtu has saw fit to
allude to us as a "democratic editor,"
we propose to very slightly review the
past political history of the two editors
of Red Cloud and see which, in the
light of past events, would be the most
likely to be a democrat at heart. In
the first place, the phial of wrath that
Mr. Kcnncy has so relentlessly poured
upon the head of Mr. Case and other
democrats of this county, and the
malignity with which he has followed
them, even after the election was over,
is wholly due to the fact that the demo
crats did not see fit to patronize the
aforesaid editor in the matter of cam
paign printing, but, on the contrary,
had all their printing done at the
Chief office. So much for thaL But to
go back to war times. During a part
of the time the grcatstruggle was going
on, Mr. Kenney was publishing one of
the vilot copper-head sheets that was
ever circulated in the north, whose
columns was filled with abuse of union
soldiers who he sneeringly termed
"Lincoln hirelings." In the columns of
that vile sheet Mr. Kcnncy each week
gave vent to his joy over confederate
victories and sorrowed over their de
feat, and was loud in his protestations
against the war which he declared a
failure. In 1864 the editor of the
Chief, at the age of sixteen, actuated
perhaps by the remembrance of a
brother who went down beneath con
federate lead and steel on the bloody
field of Shiloh, and of a brother whose
life was at that time being slowly
wasted away in one of the rebel prison
pens of the south, went to Uncle Sam's
recruiting office at Merietta Ohio and
offered himself as a target for rebel
bullets. But where was the immaculate
editor of the Argus at that time? Skulk
ing about the thickets and byways to avoid
the dral!
For 43 years was this man a demo
crat, and for two years a republican:
A republican for the purpose of draw
ing a little patronage from the republi
cans of this county, and yet he has the
sublime check, born of jealousy, to in
sinuate that a life long republican, who
has never voted anything but the re
publican ticket, has been guilty of the
cowardly, tho debasing act that he
himself was guilty of two years ago,
viz: To become a contemptible turn
coat. In the light of the past political his
tory of the two lied Cloud editors, let
the honest republicans and the honest
democrats of this county decide which
is the most worthy of their confidence
and support
Items Trem Satin Precinct
Batix, Nebraska,
November Sth, 1880. )
Homer Hayze is back from the
eastern part of the state where he went
a few montlis ago in search of better
crops and more money than could be
found in Webster county. He has
come back and settled down on his
homestead perfectly satisfied with
Webster county, he said the best wheat
he saw wliilo gone was in the eastern
part of this county, and that the corn
crop here will average with the corn
crop in the eastern part of the state.
Henry Laverty is building him a
large barn, part dug-out and part sod,
he is determined that the prediction of
the neighbors shall not come true if he
can help it that is, that next spring
he will have horse hides and calf skin
for sale.
Chester Fuller lost a horse a few
days ago, it got down in the stable and
choked to death.
Al. Hummel left some two weeks
ago for the eastern part of the state to
obtain employment for the winter. ,
Isaac Hummel and family left to
day for the casL They intend stoping
in the eastern part of this state for a
visit with their daughter, Mrs. Hold
ridge, then they- intend going on to
Michigan to make that their home.
Mrs. Benj. Reed, Jr., has gone to
Red Cloud to stay for the next three
months, to gire lessons in avsic. We
regret her absence even for so short a
time, we shall miss her in the choir at
Batin. We mm Rni w;il K fit
subject for the lunatic asylum before J
the three months are gone. Kern.
Tit Vnr
It turns out that the round house
which the B. 31. Co., have just built
at thin place is not to be such a tempo
rary arrangement after all. It is to lie
bricked up on the iruddc and made
substantia and lasting, which fact may
be set down as an assurance that the
company, ahich lias already shown
considerable favors to Red Cloud, pro
poses to continue to treat im in a man
ner becoming our position as the prin
cipal town and the "gateway" to the
great Republican Valley.
The democrats got a change a
change in the weather Tuesday morn
ing last. '
The following is the vote cast in
Webster county, at the general elec
tion, held on November 2d, 1880, for
persons whose names appear below:
pbesidextial. maj.
James A. Garfield............. 1006- 617
W.S.Hancock,... M 359-
Albinus Nance, rep 1009- 617
T. W. Tipton, dem.... ...... 392-
A. T. Ash, rep 1005-
C. B. Coon, rep 992- 587
E. M. Allen, dem 505-
II. S. Kaley, rep 8-15- 319
O. C. Case, dem M 526-
J. R. Willcox, rep 1328-1319
Scattering, M 9-
Hugh Stevenson, rep 1355-
itiurt 594 oSi
Total vote cast in Welister
County, 1414-
"Boss" Syrup, at Roby's.
Mammoth assortment of millinerv,
at Mrs. McBride's.
Totted Toungue and Ham, at Roby's.
"Tidings of great joy." New goods
again this week, at Mrs' McBride's.
Elm Creek, and Buckwheat flour, for
sale at Kohy's.
The Subscriber has a lot of fine
French Merino Bucks for sale, bred tin
from Vermont stock, which he will
sell on reasonable terms. For further
information inquire at the Livery
Stable of J. C. Warner.
12-W-4 E. B. Warner.
Dated Red Cloud, Oct. 25, 1880.
Wanted Everybody to come and
buy lumber at the old reliable Chicago
Lumber Yard. 14tf
Public Sale !
I will offer at Public Sale on Mon
day, November 15th, 1880. My farm,
and also my entire personal property,
consisting of 2 span of horses, 1 buggy,
157 beau of hogs, 200 acres of corn," 1
set of harness, 600 shocks of corn fod
der, about 8 ton of hay, one new wagon,
household and kitchen furniture, 100
cord of wood, 8 goats, a lot of fowls. 1
milch cow and many other articles too
numerous to mention.
Terms Will be made known on dav
of sale. Sale will commence at lp
ociock on my tarm 5 miles south
west of Red Cloud.
13-w2 A. J. Rexsecker.
Though Hancock is lehind and can
never get there, Miner Brothers are
always ahead, and you can get there,
and when you get there you will find
the largestand best stock of goods in
the valley, out of which you can select
what, vou want and be sure of getting a
good article at the lowest figures. It
will pay you to give them a call when
you come to town.
Buy your table butter of A.S. Marsh.
Cool as Ice. (Best in the market.)
If you are thinking of building a
house, a barn, a fence, a corn crib or
anything else, don't fail to go to the
Chicago Lumber Yard before you buy
lumber and get prices and examin'e
quality. v 4tf
Not the Crown of Kings, nor the
Crown of Glory, but the Crawn Sewing
.nacnine, the latest ana best machines
in the market, it will pay you to call at
the Post-Office and see it before you
purchase! For Sale by M. B. McNitt.
ii must ie inie oecause ever)' one
says Kendall's Spavin Cure is tlie best
imng Known, jteau the Advertisement
Kendall's Spavin Cure is highly
recommended by Prof. Williams the
wonderful horse trainer. Read Adver
Kendall's Spavin Cure is used from
the Atlantic to Pacific Coast. Read
It perhaps will be good news for the
public to learn that John G. Potter,
after several months of retirement, has
again ouened un his store and is selline
goods cheaper than the cheapest. If
you want bargains for cash don't fail to
call on John G., at ttie old stand. 2w
Some papers are not much account
as to appearance, but I never took one
that didn't pay me, in some way, more
than I paid for it. One time an old
friend started a little paper away down
in southwestern Georgia, and sent it to
roe and I subscribed just to encourage
him, and so after awhile he published
a notice that an administrator had an
order to sell several lots of land at pub
lic outcry, and one of the lots was in
my count'. So I inquired about the
lots, and wrote to my friend to attend
the sale and run it to fifty dollars. He
did so, and bid off the lot for me at
thirty dollars, and I sold it in a month
to the man it joined for a hundred, and
so I made sixty-eight dollars by taking
that paper. My lather told me that
when he was a young man he saw a
notice in a paper that a school teacher
was wanted away off in a distant coun
ty, and he went there and got the situa
tion, and a little girl was sent to him,
and after awhile she grew mighty sweet
and pretty, and he fell in love with her
and married her. Now if be hadn't
taken that paper, what do you reckon
would have become of me? Wouldn't I
be some other fellow, or may be not at
all? Bill Arp.
Mr. J. 8. Holleran, formerly of the
Central Houac, Orleans Neb., has ta
ken charge of the Commercial hotel at
thia place.
TiiC Scirnti fie Amrricn of thU werk
contains two full ag illustration of
Captain Ead.n' propped railway for
trausiiortinjc ship with their cargo
aero continent.
Captain Eada claim by his plan to
be able to take loaded hip of the larg
est tonnage from one ocean to tlie
other across the Intmus of Panama, as
readily an can I done by a canal afW
the LesMip plan, and at a much lex
coat for engineering construction.
The project i certainly bold and in
genious, ami the projector antictfiatcs
no serious difficulties in carrying for
ward his enterprise. Tlie engravings
referred to in the Scientific Arrieun
show tlie proposed construction of not
only the railroad, but the appliance
for transferring the shijw irom tlie
water to tqe rail.
In addition to the large numWr of
engravings, illustrative of engineering
works, inventions and new discoveries
which aptiear weekly, the Scientific
American has, during the past year,
devoted considerable space to illustra
ting and describing leading establish
ments devoted to ilitR-rent manufactur
ing indu-aries.
This feature ha added von- much to
the attractiveness and ucfulne of the
paper. More than fifty of the most
important iudusUial establishments of
our country have lecn illustrated, and
the processes of the different manu
factures deseritted in its coumns. Tlie
Scientific American ha lteen published
for more than thirtv-four years bv
Muw.v & Co.. 37 Park Row, N." Y., anil
lias attained a larger weekly circula
tion than all similar papers "published
in the country. Tlie publishers assure
the public that they have not printed
less than 50,KK) 'copies a week for
several montlis.
Gillctts Washing Crystal. Save lalnir
and soap. For sale by A. S. Marsh.
Everything in the millinery and
notion line, at Mrs. McBridcs.
Hard coal, soft coal, and blacksmith
coal at the Chicago Lumber Yard. 14tf
Great Bargains and nice goods, at
Mrs. McBridcs.
Lauterbach makes the !cst of bread,
reason why, he uses Red Cloud mills
Patten t flour. Putnam sells it.
Roby has received a full stock of
Calnornia Fruit new packing.
Crown Jewell Patent flour, can al
ways be had at the store of Chas. E.
Putnam. The best flour in the valley.
The woman that hail tho lightest,
whitest, sweetest broad, was the woman
that used the Red Cloud mills Patent
flour. She bought it of Putnam.
If you want the best flour in the
market you should go to Cha. E.
Putnam's and get the celebrated Fall
Wheat Flour, from Atchison Kansas,
called the Wnite Rose. 7tf
Farmers who contemplate proving
up on their claims will learn something
to their advantage by calling at the
Red Cijocd Chief office. tf
Miner Tlnw. have received a car load
of annlcs which tbev will ell bv tlie
barrel at verv low rates, as tliev have ;
ordered another ear loud and will not
have room for so many. Call and get
two or three barrels while they are to
be had cheap.
At the Flour & Feed store of Chas.
E. Putnam you will find a first class
slock of groceries and when in town
you should not fail to call on him, re
member it will be to your interest to
do so. tf
Miner Bros., arq hsadquartcrs for
sewing machines of all kinds. You
can get any kind of a sewing machine
at their store that you want, and they
say that they will trade for anything
that is portable. Call and look at their
Money to prove up with on final re
ceipt, or on deeded liuid at 8 jcr cent.,
and 1-02 per cent. commission, or at
straight 10 per cent, no commission.
Jso. R. Wh.ijcox.
Office next door to Chief office. 30tf
Honey to Loan.
At the Bank in Red Cloud, on best
terms vet offered.
From and after this date Smith Bros.
A Thompson will make loans on im
proved farms at straight ten per cent,
interest payable annually at the end of
each vear.No charges for commission,
examination or appraisal. Nothing
deducted in advance and no second
mortgage required. Parties lorrowing
from us avoid the customary delay and
uncertainty of sending application"
away for 'approval. Our facilities
enable us to close a loan the aame day
the application is made.
At the Hardware store of Besley A
Perkins is the place to get your Barb
wire, your stoves and everything else
in that line that you need, for there
you can get good goods at the very
lowest prices,
The above is the text of the lament
ed Horace Greely s advice, and at great
expense our artbt has endeavored to
illustrate the force with which he said
Gold Medal Sod and Saleratus is
makinc a great sensation among con
sumers, as they find their health de
pends upon ia use. It will strengthen
weak stomachs, cure dyspepsia, ssre
one-half in the wjoontaty of shortening,
make one-eighth JBore Bread, Cakes or
Biscuit from the same barrel of flour.
and withal is perfectly health. Try it.
The Grocers and l)ruggistd sett it
ucpox, nz J-iDcrry otrcei, -ew a or.
Final Proof Notices.
LmmIOSm at MssmtactM tfc. Oft. Jb, UN.
jr4lm amVr ci last ii fetfewts
aasa? MUsn!4 le ate to !(
I satis taaJ -rf 1 nrptt cf at Uls. w4
Mrar tai ratry taarwt. bUn CVra f t
fttri Ctmrx 4 WWretT at tSW
Rl CWJ. XtV. Sauriar !. ta. IWt.
Taaa HcrTtaa.
PreraKloa !., 5a. SMB. fr ta ntrM
aaartrt. icllS ft. ! . ta 19 wmt. aa4
mm la fallawlac aa aU iIiiimm, u t
eeUaaa r44ae eat rluil .(mM
tract, vsu 0tlr4 Waiaatfaas. LU Attm.
laaeDarUaa4 E4var4 Uartfa. J f Ms
1IUI. Xtr.
oU2 S. W. 8WIT2EIU KUttr.
Laa4 OCe at Bloctalactsa NtV.. Oct. . lata
JCeUr U arrW fit taal la fUwiaa
aasant Mttlr kaa tl4 slW fau iatatf u
auk SaaJ proat I rarrt f aU rlala. as4
trf taaJ Miry tavfafr Juar A Tal
ler. tvk ( ta coart ia Wttr coaatv at als
Sta ia 14 Ui 'v. SaUMay. Par
rtta. U. via.
Jaaaa Cawraau.
H sBstd No. Mi. tot i n&-aat jmartr.
ctla 4. Uis Z. raaa 12 wmu a4 uan t
follow la a fels wiia. to rov etlat
rwUnNMi eHivalof mM tract, vis:
Jrha Uarvr. WUIias KW-krr. Jora tMa
aa4 Aadraw Itkkvr. all f lasts!. (.
t442 S. W. SWITCH. kcwtr.
Laa40Sc at Hlooaalotloa. XtVOvt. &. I3l
JCotie U arb7 (Wa that th followlac
tHtdMtUrriLB4 filed ihUc of hit latraltca u
taak Snal proof ia tapi-ort of bis claim, atxl
tor JaJLra A. Tallrs, Clerk of tk L'oart of
Wsbster eoaair. at ai esse, is iv vieao.
Nk. oa Taiar 3vbr 5th. ln. vie
I-crasa L- Lass.
,otavstai JVO.310. for tat soaihwaat lI oath
east t U aoBlhasi aad anat H
aoatBVMt ! fsrtioaS4 un 1 rbf9 wast.
a, aaaar lb follnwiac as hU witar- to
trov coatlnaeas rUarc a pan arxt ralOvatioa
of aJ4 tract, via: 6rorc I'ool Andrt Uardjr
Ilea IT Coaley aad Joha Slratloo. all vf UK1
Rock Xraska.
ocCSaovd S. W. SWITZBR. Xesbttr.
LasdOficcat Blooviactoa Ntb Oct. Mth. lvX
Notir Is hereby civvrt that tb fotlowia
Bamatl Miller has tied notire of hi lntelUn to
make Add I j'roof ia mri-ort of M rlaim sad se
en re oaaf entry thereof bofor Jaaet s. Tullejrs
Clerx of tbart in H tbster eoantj Neb. at hi
oBee in Bed Cload Neb. oa tratardar Decs,
her 4th. IM). vie
TNAtca AcaoLP.
homestead N. Z1M, for tba soath east quarter
of section 2 towa 3 range 10 west, and aatae
the followiac as his witnesses lo prove rontin
aoas residence upon sad cultivation of said
tract, viz: Tboiaas J Ward. Abratn Wells.
Pavid Francis and Jobs taith. all vf Cowles
oct21aov25 8. W. SWITZKK. Kefl.ter.
Notic la hereby aires that by vlrta of a
chattel saoricaa dated on the 7th day of May.
mo. and daly filed and record! ia tb ofic ot
the Register of Deeds of Jewell county Kansas.
on th 10th day or .Hay. I MO. at 2 o'clock p. a,
of Ihnt day. and execattd by Samuel W. Han
son to Joonwn Jk t'reps ta secara the payment
of tha sum of tweoty-six dollars and forty-twi
cents rN 2) and upon which there is bow due
the sam of twenty-sevea dollars and seventy
oaeccau (IS7 71.) Defsalt having been made
ia th rajBicnt at said sum. therefore I will sell
at public auction, at th front of th stor build
ing occupied by Job won Jk Crepe, ia th town
of Hed Clud. la Webster eoanty Nebraska, the
property dercribed ia said mortgage aa follows,
to-wit: Oae gray her a tea years old. sixteen
baads high aad goes by th aame of "Jim", on
the 10th Jay of December 18). at 1 o'clock p.
aa. of that day.
Jobbbob abb Cbipb, Mortgag.
y O. C. Csbb. their Att'y.
Dated Red Cloud. Nab., 'ov. 3d. 1-W. ltwt
Notice is hereby giern that on the 2d day of
December. A. D.. 1WU. at 2 o'clock r. .. in
front of tny office, in tha town of Hod Cloud.
Webster county. Neb.. I will offer for sale at
public suction the folloaiogdeicribed property
to-wit: One black mar, with while strip ia
forehead, one while hied foot, a bout 7 years old.
On black horse, with white spot in forehead.
aboutS yea.-s old. One let of double barar.
One wagon with spring seat, whifllctrers and
neck yke. The same having beea convayed to
O. H. Potter by chattel mortgage by one J. L.
Frame, oa the 1st day of December A. I. 1T9,
the data of said mortgage, and said mortgsge
having been recorded m th county clerk
ofic. ia th eouaty of Webster. Ftate of Neb.,
and there being due at the time of the Brt pub
lication of this notice on said tanrtcaga tha sain
of two hundred and nineteen dollars and nine
teen cents. (Jl'19.19.) and interest at th rat of
10 per ccuL per annum from the dats of thi
notice. C. II. Porrae. JVortgagce.
By W. C. Kkillv. his Att'y.
Dated at Ked Cloud this loth d.iy of Novem
ber. 10. ltwt
Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a
chattel mortgage dated on tb 2nd day of Au
gust, 1M. and dulv file! and record 1 in Ibe
office of the county clerk of Webster eountr Ne
braska. n the 2nd day of Augurt. ltv). at
2 o'clock and 20 minutes p. m. of that day. ami
ex uted by F.. L'udd to Johnson Jk Crept, to
secure lb paymeat of the sum or forty six dol
lars and forty cents (KM0) and upa which
there is now due the sum of 'orty seven dollars
and filty six cents H7-VS.) default having been
made in the paymetit of said sam. Tberrfor
I will sell the property tbereia described.
to-wiL The undivided two thirds interest In
twenty-one acres of growing and standing earn,
on the north-west quarter of section twentyfour
town three ranie tea west. The undivi led two
thirds interest tn seven and one hilf acres of
growing and standing corn on the south-east
quarter afsection twenty.six town three range
tea west, and are undivided three fourths in
tereslin In three acres of growing and standing
corn, on the south east quarter, of section thirty
one. town three, ranee nie west, having the
entire interest which the said . b. Isuddhai
in and to the several above Jescrlbed prices of
corn located in Webrtor county. Neb., on the
aid 2nd day of August, 1M0 at public auction,
at the front of Ike store building occupied by
said Johnson k Creps. in th town of Ked Clond.
in Webster couaiy. Nebraska, on th 10th day
of December, ISO. at 1 o'clock p m In of said
day. JoBjraos d Cbim, Jortgages.
By O. C. Uasb. their Att'y.
Dated Red Cloud. Neb.. Nov. 3d. IPC. 13-4 w
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
(if ii rhuttcl mortf:iL' dnttil cm the ITith
day of September, 18TU, and duly filed
and recorded in the office of the Kegis
tcr of Deeds, of Jewell county, in the
State of Kansa, on the 2oth day of
September, 1879, at 10 u'clinrk A. t., of
that day and executed by J. C. Hunt
ington, to Johnson fc Crops to .secure
the TKiyinent of the sum of One Hun
dred and Twenty Five Dollar-, and
upon which there i.t now due the mm
of One Hundretl and Eleven Dollars
and Eeghty One Cent, ($111.81) de
fault having leen made in the pay
ment of aaid sum, therefore I will pell
the property therein described, to-wit.
One brown "horse mule evcn year old,
one lumber wagon partly worn, one
set of double harness partly worn, at
public auction, at tlie front of the tore
building occupied by said Johnson v.
Crens. in the town of Retl Cloud, in the
county of Webster, and State of
Nebraska, on the 10th day of Dei-ember,
I860, at I oYloek i. x., of .'aid d.iy.
Joh.v.-on t Ckws. Mortgagees.
By O. C. Ca-e, their Att'y.
'Dated Ked Cloud, Neb., Xovemlmr
3d, JWUI. nov4-decl
Notir is hereby givea. that I will cxasniae
allpersoBS who may deair to oCrr tbtmsclve
as eaadidatea for teaekets of th primary or
enmmoB schools of Webeter cousty. at fUd
Cload oa the first Hatsrday ia th m'alhs of
Kebraary. Jfay August and November: At
Blue Hill on the first Saturday in the mostka of
Janaary. April. July aad October. At Uaid
Rock ob the fiint Saturday ia the months of
March. June. Sartem bar aavd leeember.
xxmiaatias to commeaee at o'clock a.a.
A. A. Pop.
Coanty Saperiateadeat of PaWicIastmctioa
k UuX CM or Ssrs
shall BwaaBd. Neglect frenueaUy reealts ia
aa Iacarable I -a Eg IHeeaae or Ceaaamptioa.
Bmwa's SroackiaJ Xraewea are eertaia to gire
relief la AsUmbb. Broach Ki. Csvsrbs. Catarrh.
Coaramative aad Threat Disaa e. Vr thirty
years th Trwehes have kaaa recemmeaded by
ehyrtdavu. aaa airays give vcneci rsunaruoi.
They ar Bet aew r BBtried bat bavisg bea
tested by wid aad wastaat km for. a early aa
eatir geaeratiea. they hav attaiaed well
meritasl raak asaoag th few at) reaedsra ul
the ag FaMie rkers ad Sjtgers aa Utes
ta clear aad rtresgtha tb 4tec bs4 at
tweaty-iv cwats a bax everywhere.
Kitksnl Kattei!! Itftk-n!!!
Are yea distarbed at aght aad broke of ytwr
res by a sick child laf ermg aad eryiax with tha
erBriatiB ai t5LiL.--St
eace wltsti wtl of Mrs- ;. :
iag-Hyraa. Itwfllrtliev tk aw IsrtJa -ar
faiBs5utalT--dea4 m ta there la ay
mistake ahovt it. lra U est saathet .wath
who kaw ever d It. wh wjllaot tUyoa
na to the aether, aanrflefassd health to taw
eBJJaulikaBaasrie. It i arfeety mrfj
.ri wTall eaawJL ami aicmmaC U tba taafa. aad
iatayusmiftims-aatB aMaats
bma. 1 1 ill I t mad aarasa ia tha
u smM rvearvaara. aeeamtaa
Try Kendall's Spavin Cure. a. rore
rratedv for Spavins. Curb?. Ringbones,
or any enlargement of the joints, see J
Arc not only in the Field, !ut at the Frnt, We lm1t the aUmlS f
Bjct t vur jHo-V; of
Which we are prepared to "H at
for the Celebrated
Kelley Barb
Which, for Quality and Tit tanU a Kiv4l.
.It Price T Suit The Time.
Wc arc Hcadqnartcrs for Iron and Wooden
Pumps of every Discription.
HARD-WOOD U'.MUEU &lM All kiiU nf TI.V.
and Made to Order.
Call and -ec in, we can save you uinnc.
Besley I Perkins
Mm & Mmm
-is THE-
onrLiT pi-aoe
I s
Sewing Machines
Bed Rock Prices.
Groceries and Notions,
The public generally are reiuetid
to call and examine my gwa and
price, a a fhase of the jatrouagc U
.tore, first door north of Mother's
meat market.
Samuel West,
Tobmooo, CicttirSa,
"Where yon can always
get s nice diaa ot Ice Cream 4orisf
tlse SemtOBv
A sbmre of tke JpabUc rw'i'L-Bamf,!!
rpcctfanT 5oacittL Tint wor
south of Mitchdl L. 3forfaans.
En Clocd, - - 'Szsmxrc.K.
Kcaaon.llr rjpuv UV r Ajjftu
Fence Wire.
- - - " -
I s by fsr the bst Easiness aad Sll 'U ft
llaad-ltouk etrr rablUbed. it ash tb Ult,
II trllsboth tetrs com(detety hw lid
tales In the bt wy llw tu be Y"-r '
Lawyer, IImw o 4t Htslaess Cwrrstty i
haeosrully li V A I la ttHr avl a
every pri f llf. nl eBfaln a ax'd ls -f
varied InfonaaiUM in.tsrnsbU t all rl
fur constant refsrene. A.ts Wan'ot ff all
nr sHire litis. Ta klww why this byafc ef fl '
vela sad aiiretlnas sslls b-ttr bn i fbr; rr terms t II. H. SOAMMKtH, lOL
Urn ISV lais. .
Quick Had Throwjt Trala-I
Cloae Connectlosa ! No Ddy '
Burlington Route ! .
Iiwsjst rales of Kare will b mad.
Through Cars will be raa frt a. A M.T-IbW
la cVtetbera aebraska t t.'bi.
A tea mlaWae eaacrl will be mad at Pa
clfftc JbHWb.
Art'llICAOO close enaaeeltns will always
be mad lo the east. suthtt 4 starth.
leaping car berths reversed at the Urveola
ticket a jTk by Telegretdi ev oa ayH'". 'V
from J'ari Xlrer In Caieeg.
Th barllaitoa real hav a system flhre3
eleBrs aad ! eoictl(.s bt-r Ot
tissH River aad St. ll
I'aaseagers Ukiajr this lis have th bst
aeeoMsaa.Iattoas. fallmaa ltff ran '
arly irom Missouri Klr to fit. Loals.
v-This is the aly reliable rt t thesvath
af. t 9attas are at 1'eorla th tb
T. V. k W. sod 1 a. A W Railroads Ut ladUa r
acwlis Clriaati. stlambas, aaH all rrntral
aabsoutberB Uhi. Kestary. satbem ladiaa.
Dnraf3 CA13. 9M -CaAli st 75 :stx.
Whea yoa fi east b saf aad trsvel evev tb
B. A M.liaeifya wish to teAAfKaa-i m-
lortable aad dseire I tratel Steadily.
A. K.7t)UZLt.V. P. fjnwKM.
Gea't maaager. (seal Ti. A 7'lA t'l
Zenrlairs Spavin Cure.
- - - OaJm . ' I
a It is eertaia ia U eaV-ts aad ds t Uuur.
Kcsd aroof blaw.
Fstrn-RKV p ' ORNOEU.
rresUiazEXdef'lbeHc Aba lXtrUl.
., , rUAIhwme.Vt.Jsm 3Kb. 1V.X
Db-B J.Ksjfastx-t-,f;es'-Iar-sJrt
TF'I'SFJ ?' J?y !f "" rl witii
LaSn a 9 tsr tat Ommf kuLia .-. .t.
bsry iaead. Threw wr IWryaars ays I r-rtr-i
a bottle f yjar aaastt. 4 wlrt 'A. rwre.1 a bsw
of Ismeaeas by a sevt. Lsast satt say Im
b seam i very tasa aad 1 tawaea hssa at far
r k lia r4 he grrw ,. .v. J
TS54 ft ?&? wmla. tptrr4
tha ahatwa ewrtaf Mat abat IhIim Urn.
atRMrmweate tsad.
KsteariaMyywts. r.X.QKASQZ.
a4 mysaef. X tak I wufct t. let y, aaw ts4
dahMUth4ik laad W there. I
tWtsaaH am. 1 he mtad ism Vajtiln TV
ka ia auareir . se at m. staf. ad a-r
JhaJaJJawga Start man 1 1 FrVf1' "
rmankaTs fTfTi JVh 9
wwsawy awvrw BBX Msj ! SSSjaMSpllaal Bit
iwyiawaiis. -J.K5DAlxT .
-r1' lmaewarts. all. Vt,
7 FKHDALlist
M I aW M '
s- -
Z-L.-' -3