' HE RED CLOUD CHIEF. m M- l THONlVsT PubHhorT 2d cloi'd, vMoemaiia. T272: IE 02 THE WEDDING. JPTlHJfotewepnrtto-nirtit. .-.... !. ., mt " J9 nimkcn t""u uh: nuR- uns touc-iiou my nami, Pure. tnie miller love the token -'JOrO thrt Ohllrvli M-lt. I...1.. -It,. , , - -..... iiuij lint :r bio4ln(r oannr love hiw irtv't, , ok straight Into m j cyc-i wit hjours, : .u man a- rau m gi(tnio ucaven. . - thcro Within rnitr linnr-t iT hnlH lo Ijns-rriii(r shit'Iow or n-Rrct ti- iiimnaii mm y0 llave chorion 1117 11 MK'Ilk t!Tinf Inn Inln ix'i.ii ril tthcre In n'l this world of ours. lie you hnvt- -vt known or srcn. nom, ii you luul farliir fci-n or known. iu would buvo crowiunl your choieu qucexu there? I pray you. tell mo now.I id I will hoM you bound no itioro? vlll not 11 nt-h to hcjir tho'truthT COIlbl lint l-fnn.l. wir. know It nw. ii It would bo by unci by a filiation- fHI Imu thosiiuxhliiciirour home; , ', u you ever lot eu inu telL 1 hold you pure from blame, ilctir lovo; ml I wool 1 lew you free in nlr, 'Woo iiinl w.n Unit bsipKieroiie. n i .nit nip our near (nk id Dejp-. iu not say how I tronM tirayjf? f af CmhI miirht have voti in HI caro: M lint would lieeiMy hen I think '- ' iou, my licart Is all one prayer. It coil'd I io'n her name with vours. tid mil driwu blc-isin'S f nun alove i her wh' li.i-l r dibcd rue of my all y me niv liirht invotily love '! ewti th.-t I d trv to do: T lllioijirli my Ioik-Iv heart should break,T 1 try to mi- "Cod lili ticrl" too. k i .. . .... .. - . - ,-.. iiuiikii luriunixieara, ior yourswocutiim;. m looklnir up into your eyc: Jit thouth mv own'with liin arc dim. read th it Pi tlnir true, ele.ir depth. hlth t-l mi-. mi may trim in linn, will 1 will It neili no wonH. Iioiivh i-uirs an liou-in? wmn and fast. nd eloquent with trutli and love. irgne my doubts tlu-y are the Imt I i mimiifia jourimi. - slf- HOW CIIEKUY THOOUIIT'OFJIT. Siik was tlunl;inr so Intently, this tile lrovn-evtl, hmwn-hairu'l teaeher. tat .slio scarcely nuticcti tin; irroiiji of iris on the steps until, as thev moved side to let Ipt im.st. she canht a frag- tcnt il their conversation. "Melted lea-1 is lots of fun runs into kith queer shapes, you know, an! tells 'liat ins occupation is jjoiiij; to be "Uli, tipple.' parings are hctlerl lhcy most le-ll the name." interruiitcl an ther. "Throw Vni over vour shoulder, nd the" 11 fall on the floor all curled p, and make, the iuitia's as tilain as an be. Why, I saw Iluih!" The l:ul word was duo to her own icar anpro.ieh, and she walked on. mi ling faintly at the; idea of consulting nch oracles to duciele. her future;, and ettle the epiestion thalvexcel hur. one liael promised, rather wejanlv. fhen John Alston asked her the ni;ht icforc that she would think f it. .Slu aight have-lluuight. witli rosy hlushes nd swift jrlad heail-throbs if it had lappence! in a elitterent way if hi; hal lorni- as a str.i'i re-r t (jlcnnvillo, ami here hid Irmm the romance of a first lee-tin.r, the sweet .surprise eif an ae- maintain e-!iip growing gradually Ivanncr ami eli'aror until tlu'recame the hidden knowledge that, though. "Two p tlie worhl, for the; weirler.s works lake," thev were "eaeh unto each, :us In (lod'sight, one;." lr, ( he'rry aeknowledjre'd to herself. Hie " diel l.ke John, of euiuse" That lv:vs the trouble -there was .so niti-h of rourse about it. Whj- she had known linn ve r uee Hie cotib-i rememocr. i'hev hael built muel-eivcns ami limited inter greens tojre'ther. ami he had; vhittled horrid woodi'ii elolls for her villi his tir-st jackkuife. And neiw he uul ake'd Iht to bo -his wife. Asketi icr in juM one of the;ir familiar com nouidace chats by tlie little; back rate;. .vithout eeu the irlamour of nioonlight er them! She was keepmir hor prnmiso most horoiighly. Aunt llarbara helped her O W'rm its ftilliilmeul at the breakfast able-. 'llearel some one coinn home with ron last nisrlit, Charily. Was it John 'Yes'in." saiil Cherry, meditatively. "Jlost folks think yon two are keep- Injr company. f'lext folks ccruiuuy tnouglit correct ly -lat niirut. 'ion am t elumo when vou elon't kvant to be. Chanty. xm know what mean well enotigh," sail Aunt Uarba- ra. AMin a sagacious mm oi ner ncati. Yon two elon't go together no much for not hiii":." "No" in: it's forooinnany, generally," i:swcreil Cherry, serenely. ')'; ami vmivc learned prcttj kvcll how m.invit takes to niakeeompa- n'. Well, 1 don t know but you might lo worse. Cherry's worn kid boot bejran to t-ao ineasuy on tlie carpet under tlie tabic. jo ne sure ne s not as rieu as some, out men no more are you, tttinucel Aunt l'aroara, considering e mauci in us pros aim ions. J ou o nave to ucgui jiiaiu. but that wouidn t mirt you: vou re )oth common-folks, lou could easy make a rag-carpet of evenings between and Christmas: and unbleached mulin has come down three cents a" "Aunt Uarbara!" interposed Cherrv. & Well, what now?" demanded Aunt Barbara, with an injured air. "I elieln't know as it was any great crime to no lanning what s bct for you." My whole life has been nothing but ra""-carpet ami unbleached muslin. 1 l like a change!" burst forth Cherry, stormilv. " Ami there's no use in planning for what never will come." "De-trme. what a Hare up! Many tr fo'ks than vou haven t fared as 11 all their lives. Charity Holmes." That was true enough, but ulicrry was in no mood to hear it just then. Hordes, she conldn t endure her full name; it always made her " feel like Ian orpuail ayiuni,, suu aiiiw, auu she made no answer, nut began icring up her school-books and pa irs in silence. Our thoughts ara very like our bodies in tins, tliat. it uiey start ofl on a wrong train in thciajuorn in" they are scarcely likely to have ar rived at'a proper destination by night. Cherry's wandered to the ends of, the onrih that day. . t w .. -. She knew what John s proposition ot In "little home ' meant a quiet wed' ldin-iu that quiet little village, theset- Bjfc eraveiy m some plain uttie nouse. lul then a monotonous round of home ly cares and duties, year after year, for a life-time. Just the rag-carpets and unbleached muslin that Aunt Uarbara had begun to enumerate in her dis tressiney practical way the way that jftcji made t berry rebeliionsly remark to erseu mai. sue uiun i ueuevu sue gwpild ever want to see paradise liseu if Tmce Aunt uarbara nad described it to her. what otucr lite did "jnerry ex pect? She could not have answered; only there arose vague bright dreams of "far-off lands of grand old moun tains under the glow of foreign skies; of wandering amiu rare oia paint- in&k&nd marvelous sculpture, ana glo rious nights filled with music, the tink lin" of fountains and odor of flowers un known. There 'was one narrow door of possi bility opening from Cherry's life toward these " kingdoms of the world -and the Rtftof them" a door wmen .aiiss ibsi'lby's hand, yellow, withered and .... ' V t1, iliwninmlc liolf? ttio toir gllttenug ! "-""-- - J- Vtr;Cc -Prwilbyror at least her house and crrounds, wereythb pride'of Gltinnville? Stiff, staieiyM,u.ui.ay"s - ""- "y tatious 'costliness; tKe jwerecompla centlv ppjntctl out to .every new comer. tKSSS OSHUyJiuu. luci uuu utmuii with Cherrv, anu, ulliuulvu , ie brio-ht young face, had graciously inti mated that she had sometimes thongnt JJe should lik a" companion, and how would Cherry like to livo with her and travel with her? That last was the charm, lor. Miss, Fosilby visited mountain! or lakes or falls every year, ami wjmctimcs sirajcu even to tfrlle!iinM?lh Should htrTitoSnrkciidi dran come true? John loved her. ami .Mi Fosilby would only hire her, to put it plaiiUviJJuUAuuu? AinUso the plain little fiome and the Alhambra by moon light jotlcd each other odelly in the dingy ohl schoolroom that day. v De"cide? Jlotrcouldotifi Iaiorwhat one did think iixsuch a bnbel'of founds? flhe riucsttoned. leanfng her -head upon her hand, while a boy in a ragged jacket rerountvel HstIosly, as if he wore used to such in.osions ann they had grown a trifle monotonous how "a banel of fierce barbr.rv-anns came down-fromlhc-Korth'-andlittietow- it.- Jhoso who coulei commit such a lieadfiel girl.'Svith'BloUtlf half lilled with crime would acarculy hesitate to con yic "apple she wis snrremti.ioiP.ly ceal it at the coat of one frail life nmnchmgrrcmrlv'ed'bTilmlL'rnfokn wholly at their mer.-r. How utterly in suniMwedli contain Pitt's7 celebnitcdTTireir power she was she renlizedniore speech "If I worry 'rnerican Simon , neccn "11 t worry Knglishman I'el never laden my arms The stranding lines of fijjurci on the . diniry hlacklioanl leoKel HKe some in ... "m ia nJlllU III- J tricato puzzle to Cherry's eyes that day, gleaned forwanl with a thought of call ;inel thr ohlfRlockmb'ore her IeJk licked . log for help, bnt who would hear her 3'WeII? Well?" wittf a marked aml Joxcept thoie whom she most dreaded? querulous interrogatiem that was ag-! Then came a wild impulss to spring "Tavatiii"-. She was glad wiii'ti the J slow hands, crent i around to the: hour of Tclease; tMielfwhcii the ehrken- lingroom haeijitjgMl tuej,sy occupauia. uuel the last whoop aa niu away ireuu the school yard. sheTlonued her wrap- pins with a sigh of relief, and hurried into the open air. It was not a cheer ing atmosphere. A cedel gray mist en foldcel her at once; elark e-louels hung low with no hint ef a sun behind them, and up freim the river swept a chill fit ful wiiiel, whispering atiel complaining like an uneasy conscience. tw.it. nr J.nu-or tint. urmniMi ( herrv from h-r elreaming. and c mp-lleel her ! to quicken her lagging steps into the 1 ungraceful little trot that a woman cans j runnine. Up the street a blaeksmithji shop stood invitingly open, with its fiery glowing heart showing warmly within; anil there she sought shelter, elropp ng upon a ruiie seat to rest. "EU? is it you, Miss Cherrv?" smiled the old man at the anvil, auhe he.ul Tif the small watcr-jiroofed figure" emerged far enough from.its hood to become reje eiirni.ab'.c. " Got caught, di!n't you?" "As usual. Uncle Xa'.; eu of the i place I beleing to. aud not 'tib'o to r:nd J the other," saie! Cherrv, elcspoiulently j inclined to class all eitvirnstniiec utieler j euie head, and give uiem a gener.u label., i . YVHl " Vou seem te fit in right well where you arc,'" said the olel man, with a "kindly glance at the pretty lludied face. " We; mostly belong .where we happen to be.-1 lake it" . " i 'Xei-oh no!" protested Cherry, vigeirously. " I'm suro we tlo not. I have; hcarel it s.iid that neirly all the I rouble and unrest ef the weirld is be-t-au-e we areall out ef emr Jown Tight llace-. and are cramping ir stretching' lo fit t-omebody's eNej. I believe it, too' "Think we are all shork down here like the pieces ef ;i elisected map. eh? and I'rovielence can't put us t igelher slmight? That's peculiar now!" com- uie'ute'd Uncle Nat. with an oelel twinkle in his eyes. "Well, if I an in snim either man's smithy I'll trv aud turn out ininil lmiii-nt wnrk for him: :iml I lioiift 7v nnii in-tin. fr,..ierjlrlrfim foundaJiomu" she had snoKen of only last niir v..tit in fi lit- nf wIm taltiTdroir? iffitilillnever be now. And she couh f..ll kIowI? At lirstaneLtheiT.in araniel IJiayo made it such a bright little nook . -.... ....-..--. ..-.-. .., - in my shoes? I might sit in h'T car riage; a bit. and see whether it seems natural. 'Twas left here thisafteTiioou to have a whcelJixed. and impose thuy haven't come fen it em a 'count eif the rain. Wo don't have such finery, often." "' CheiT.v. half vnvedat his reception of her theory, glanced at the e lrner to ward wliiedi he nodded. rnusual finery indei'd. with its rich velvet and silve-r mountings, was that luxurious carriage. She walkeel over ami exam ined it niorocIosoJjS'iuid lwsyntly' when some men fTeim theback",pa"rT e"f the shop came forwarel te talk with Uncle Nat, she entered it partly to b secure from observalieni and undisturbed in her thought-', partly, also, with a half aeknowledgeel desire to see if it wouM. "seemi natural" to her. What a sense of wealth and comfort there was in the very nestling elown among the cush ions! She pillowed her head em the velvet, and looked out at the blackened jV;ill.S' of the old shop, lit up by tlie fire gleams here ami there the glowing furnace, the red-hot iron, and the sparks Hying from the anvil like spray .fremisomo fountain of lire. Tho plaeei jlookeel like some elark ''CavemV in that half light; and the twejjor three figures, with bare brawny arm's and grimy faces, grow shadowy and weirel as thev move 1 to anel f n. Tlie gray ilavlight must be failing f:ist, but she could not go; the rain was still falling steadily, ami even while she wished for its ces sation its sound lulled her into pleasant fancies. , With her eyes fixed on tho fiery bod' of the furnace there came visions of far off volcanoes, aud lakes gleaming in lurid light Then, in strange, contrast, arose snow-tipped peaks, ami beautiful cities with the yhl-AVorldsiuilight.iipjjii,; them. The hannnarmg eif the sledges- grew faint and low so low aud instant That she could hearthc: musio-frqm granel olel cathedral organs. -After tKat she became a very Wandering Jew. traveling across elreary eleserts. ami through valleyslikethe garden of Eden;, over continents' and -.oceans, on, and -Slid on ior uieiiiues. xue iJurcsLMjuiies grew old, and her eager feet weary, but they had no power to pause. At last prison walls shut her in.-and -stayed her wanderings for a little. It would be but a little time she knew; they would begin again with her release, and even now the bolts and bars were sliding back. With the sound of opening doors Cherry started up ami looked around her or tried to look, for she was in darkness. She felt cautiously for tho stone walls of her cell, and touched only velvet. Slowly she comprehended. She was still in Miss Fosilby's carriage; she must have fallen asleep there. No one had Tcnown It, and "tlicyliael gone away and left her loeked in the black smith's shop tor the night "How late' was ltr it nau scemea a long.ximo.in her dreaming. But hael it been all a dream? for there came again tho sound of an opening door. Could jny one Jiejcoming Jorhei-?-Uncle Nat had sorely not known where she was. or liq i wpuld.not .have ilejft .her;. and Aunt Barbara would think of-lie. as having sougut sneiter iroin the ram in the house of some friend. "But tho sound of footsteps near the door was unmistakable, and she heard voices in whispered consultation. Then the steps drew cautiously nearer, and paused be side the carriage. "This is it," affirmed an unfamiliar voice, "Make sure," was ans.cred.in aJow tone. There was a moment's pause, then a match was stnickMlamed up for auin stant, B.nOwas'' qui&kly3f:tfufgittEua.' liyits brief- light Cherry caught only,a glimpse of several headi; she disebv- ered noone-clearU-.- But the strangers were appareun mujucu mai iiiuv iian found the-objectof-thcireareh.. There "V;;a muttered "JVII xighc," aud tlie carriage was slowly fumed around. -if ili nrtTri mne mi nnisci" -.vie whispered waruingly, and the carriage was drawn carefully forward, out of the ; shoo and into the road. he won't be too hard withnyStonants t upon the road another hgure uucv if he's ruinliifr anyr7at eslate of pecteelly confronted her. aud she drew mine. Mav belt's iisf Fe.silliy tliat's ' :' '" breathless torn.r. Another momentary paue ocnirrcel. as if some of the nartv h.-vl gone back J99J)&jkm;wnZUU cwuuhd. low on me scai. tii.covcrca.naitacraui hael ceaod. attt.throoli the witttlow caught a gleani of stirs. She fcarct to' raise her heail for anv farther observft tioni lest she should lie eli-jcovereJ, as. frighteneel anI betvildered. ho tried to ("omnrchend her sitnation. It ww a particuktrly unpleasant oaej. The rriag; had evidently boon stolon, and j.ho was being borne away in it, sho knew not whither or bt w!tfJrt. These person, aware of in I'ltnaAiilnil rrmntitt in fTn.?A tf ho.-nnel coveting it silver trapping, perhaps, had s-Mzcd th; opportnnitr to steal it, never dreaming that it hoel an occupant. If they shouM find her there Cherrv shuddered as she thourrht of fully a tlie e-arriage rolled oa again Missro?ilbv's luxurious carnage, out it could scarcely have Hcemeil more terrible had it been a hanmin's cart ww... ... .-. . ..... .. ...w irom me moving veuieieanu aiiciupi v- eseape; but that also was abandoned as futile, ami she sank hick to await tho issue in trembling eu.spcnso. r It might be miles before they reached their elcstiirition, bur. if nothing be tmyeel her presemee before, daylight must surely reveal it. How many hou would there be first? Oh if they o:iy. knew! Aunt Barbara, Uncle Nat. or John poor John! How he wouM won ehsr ami search. Would he ever know she wemdercl. She lialf forgot herself in a strange pitv for him. That " little lit I Ijiic was very sweet even the Old homely work and waja that she vieweel so s ornfully that day: and if hew were emi iioiv-nj icinuiij me m- ami glamour it had misled mattered little. but the truth ami love it might have helel were priceless. It seemed an interminable time that passed in th.itstrange journeying before there came another halt, and a slight oun I as of taking elown b.irs and un fastening a gate. Then, h the uneven motion, she could tell that the wheels lr.ul passed from the beaten road on to rougher greuinel; anil at last they stood still. It lriel come now, the supreme moment. There was a breath of prayer, a wild lunging to look into John's eyes onee more, and then she collected all forces of mind and body to do or bear as she might. Again she heard a whispered colloquy, a low triumphant laugh, aud then all neiLse elied away. The carriage eleior remained closed.'liut'a elim light shouu upon her, an I ho saw that she was op posite the window of a house a cur taimiel wimlow. across which shadows flitted a? of persons moving within. A .Midden hope arose in Cherry's heart. It was possible that her cantors had all emte're.l tho house, ami there might be a chance for escape. She could scarcely increase her peril by the attempt, anil hurriedly but silently she sprang lo the groimel. No one was near her, ami she Hew with such speeel as only despera tion could lend back in the direction from which she fancied she had come. As she reae:hoeI the gateway ami passed "lleiioai" exclaimed a startled out cheery voice. Wiih that word she threw herself into his arms. "Oh, John! John!" ?UWhy, Cherry! elid I frighten jou so? I was only walking tip street in a wofnl hurrv, with no tliought of meet ing anybody, least of all you, until 1 nearly ran over you. Have you been spending the evening with Mrs. Mur- ray:" " " Mrs. Murray?" Cherry looked back atthe house she hael left, anel its out lines slowly grew familiar. It certainly was the parsonage. "Oh, 1 don't know! I thought it must bo somo el read ful place. I've been stolci and not epiito murelered!" she cried, hys terically. And John, listening to her storv, grew as bowilelered as she. " 1 slioulel have thought no one would be so insane as to steal that carriago with a hope of selling it; and to select Key. Mr. Murray's as a place to bestow tlie'ir'booty " 1 Hojjpaused, then laughed as a sudden light burst upon him. " Cherry it's All-llallowecn!' All-Halloween! And tho village bo3s always celebrated the occasion by stealing gates, carrying off signs, and working all manner of mischief. Cher ry unilcrsto.nl it all at once. They hael doubtless considereil it a magnificent joke to leave Miss Fosilby's carriage in the minister's yard. "And it isn't nearly morning. John?" " It is only nine o'clock; I "was just going homcirom the office." jOh!" saiil Cherry, with a long breath, and a tone that said unutterable things. 'CI lerry," said John, as they paused it Aunt Barbaras gate, "this is the night to try fortunes, you know, with hot lead or " . " Ugh! I thought I was about to try 'mine with cold steel," interposed Cher ry, shuddering. "JSut, Cherry" "Tos. I know. It came out all right, John formed tho initials J. A. as plainly as possible." she addcel, sliyly. T John informed Uncle Nat of the whereabouts of the missing carriage; and the next day Miss Fosilbv called upon Cherry in that same resplendent eejuipage. The blacksmith informed me that you first learned where my stolen prop erty had been "bestowed: I 'did not quite understand how, but I am greatly obliged to you." she said, graciously. "Aud about thatotlicfjiralt6rwatdkod of one day I have quite decided that I should like you for a companion-" "Thank you," said Cherry, elemnro ly, "but I have accepted tha't situation with another person, ma'am?' Miss Fosilby's uplifted c3cbrows scorned to ask who else in the sphere of jCheiry's knowloelgo could offer such a position." but her lips were too polite to tput the question. 1.1 a11 ff n.I.l ....4- T..l.nMA - 41.., rf eU, K11U UlUb -UU.I U J4. J, ilS IIIU iVT:.. ,,lll ,-..- . I mm.-.- ,...,! siiii;tu iuulu tiu.ij. a. iiiiwc ,tiii better build a fire- in the bacVyarel and make some soap to-morrow. Plenty of soft soap is a good thing for a young -housekeeper to liegin with." Kale IF. Hamilton in GooiCCompany. Ik their treatment of the insane the ancient Egyptians showcel a wisdom and practical sense worthy of their high civilization. At each extremity of Egypt was built, a temple to Saturn, where lunatics of various degrees were brought bj- their friends.. The tem pies . were surrounded by beautiful shady grounds, and patients were provided with every form of amusement and recreation that could occupy the mind and invigorate' The bo'dy. Here also the finestwbrksofartwefebrougbt.. Music, wiue, emolovmenk fiximr the MEeiuion. and exercising "the memory were tho principal remedies used, ami none buttheni03t violent maniacs were put uudeYanypei-sonarTestramy " AVEAif a y CliTeago grainmerchant, . now in 'Europe, was examining a paint ing of a heavy thunder and rain storm. Do you call tnat from nature?" he aked. "Certainly-," replied the agent, "Well, he must have been a fool to sit iu a snout like that." HUME, FAR3I ASD UAIIHE5. A rocxn of cmho-l wheat, when 'jiroriorTr'cobtc'l worth taar pShtid oLbreul. Deans anl tiea affjnl the radH't-nourishm nt iejr the leajt money, five of the but lhin? in the worM I to give a horse, after he hn ben drir n. uaouartef oiUnal st nrel into a psil of water. It refreh? an I tron 'th- ... !.!.. ..!!...-..., Iota ImmclU! Ollrt- aatl preparui his stomach for more 30I1 J i ir Wakvrd oveu Bi3C0rre.-SL-Ue; ' -im biaito caa be so nieely wm2 iii,cnit caa be so nicely wanuei Thev may bo brake sport, and crof'anhinr before tea. should orcrlhat none can odjc; u asuac j them ?t nifrrtfr "Ki. Imi.i! Mtimiu'.r Into a bowl of clear wter, ami repla-rijd m the b iking j 1111 ii l.ivui'ii. auv avm -i-"f'j i heated Ihrough. but t brown or eriap. A-i a rc-ncJyforgrub'Wunm. a corre- spqnleatof the Kvinuty lui re-'o'n- ! 1H ,1. ..r...... Tl.r kln,l.f urr,,i V 111 mend the uo oi coire sail, tica "fat autuam I sprinkled over mv t .L..1.1,. i ...:,t. .t... ! Java. wliieb wa inuoiei wiui urn j i.Dllija' 1 iwt mi; white grub (that ot the June bu;), abont a buhcl of aU over about ejvury I hundred fiet square, and as muta more this spring-before or during a heavy , rain -ami notwith.unding th sum- iner's lon' elrouirht JUV lawn U in i(. . cellent con lition." j w . w- TV. ... C.r, Tl- I-r 1?rfT or I of salt, and a quarter of a tejajpoonfuJ t Of-pCppT; set on the lire t s'ew sJo Ivr when it has bu'.ied until the twinv toes are inorojgn y uuo. .wu ..-"- ., ... i i ...t.i.. .-jpOJBlill et Hour. Hall pimoi urtMuana ii little cayenne peppor; hhiu u-j throu''h a sieve, nut back in caucopan. i and let it stew until it adheres a little to the stx-on. SBCntK i'Kitrrxrr Wiiekt Skkp. George Ceddes, of New York, says: "Thegrading-mill s.tves trouble, but I .i .i.:..i.n:J ...r...:-., ..i.,..,. t n... i uu iiut iiiiur. n suuivino "' " ' j complish all wo want. My plan is t i firs select the best heads, shell and ( then grade them, throwing away all the uinall s-ed-i. Sow this selected see I and do not allow a weed to grew with it Repeat the seh'cting proees and continue to do so. In this way we not t only retain great vie-hls but combine j ....i. .i .i... : - i i;t,. Ti.:. ' wiui liter iiiu iiiiini'v v"4 m""iij .. Tirocess involves s'jiuq labor, but It is a .il,r t!,.,t will be well reoaid." ..,... l'l fl.,. int. 1 il titrriw gradua'lv into it sufficient Hour to form J a thick paste: then take it off the lire ami we.rk into it about h iiuartor of a , IUIIIV1. II ll II mi; i- " ' ' --. tuiiinil of .rr.ite-1 I'.irmesau cheese, and . - -. - m proceed to iry oy eiroppmg jiicces of it the size of a walnut into j plenty of lot lanl. servo sprniKieu with very fine salt. Si'ANisii I'icki.k. Four elo7."ii large cucumbers, four large green peppe'r--, one-half peek of onion-, one-half pec': of green tomatoes. Slice the whole and sprinkle over with one pint of salt, allow them to remain over night, then j drain them. I'ut the whole into a pre- j serving ki'ttle and aeld tho following j ingredients: hlico horse railish accorel- ( ing to your juelgiucnt.ne ounce of - mace, ono ounce of wlnte pepper, emo ounce of turmeric, one ounce of wh'te mtittanl seed, half an oun eif cloves, half nn emnce of celery seed, four tnble SDOoufuls eif elry must.ird. one and a half pounds of 'brown .-u.ir. Cover the w 10:0 vinegar ami bail it one hour. .butt ful e nitel teasnoonfuls of cream of tirtar. er two teaspoonfuls of yeant powder. Hake in three parts on jelly-cake pans, or in one wholo cake, to he cut when cold in three parts. Spread a lavcr of choco late mixture between each lavor of cake ami on the top ami side of the cake. Make the chocolate-mixture as follows: Adil to.1ivu table-spemnfuls of gr.itcel choeolato enough cream or milk to wet it. one cupful of sugar ami fine egg well beaten. Stir the ingre iients over the fire ipitil thoroughly mixed, then llavor with vanilla. How ta IJ-.tise t'eirn.- "S.VN MAltCOS.' this question. We of Arkansas, -puts answer it, not be cause we know more than he eioes on tho matter, but to reiterate what i al roaety known. We shall say little that is new anel little but is true. Corn has been on the improve for 59me years pisr, bAth in quality and ejuantity, and the limit is not yet reaeheJ in either. Corn, ami not wheat, is the stall' eif life here, and its prod-ice per acre is susceptible of being in creased from thirty to fifty per cet. The increase will depend not so much on knowing more, a3 in practicing what we know. The seed should bo picked in the fall when "in the don-h." The germ is then vigorous as it" ever will bo. and on planting, the grain will soon reit, and quicker be out of the way of squirrels ami vermin. The earliest cars of corn in the field this year will produce the earliest next. It must be stripped anel hung up in a dry place, not in bunches, but by twos, and not touch. The kind most 'suited to, the locality., Southern Missouri corn will not do'for northern Iowa. If a paper cup Ue" Titletl cloe around an car of ma'urcel corn, when shellcel the corn should fill tho cup, if not the cob is too large to be called first class, corn. "Fall plowing is better than spring plowing for corn (and. indeed; for ev ery thing else). If the plowing bo dono shallow, and withj'Jcut and cover." no after culUvaWm "iy'dl make amends for this fiMtrmistakh"! If your lanel has been wejl pleweA"i?thc "fall, do not be afniid'ln tfo.apringbecatise it may look rough and unpromising- Harrow ambulant or plant t tho rough ground or; if you prefer to do 7 so, shovel, and harrow and plant. 1orhofc fdant too dcop.noV to3 shallow. Never ess than two inches deep, nor more than four. Thcro are special seasons and soils that may justify cither ex treme. Four feet apart is too wide, be cause the plows will often leave a.ridgc of weeels'bctw-eeu. the rows. Three feet eight is a better widtli. When four feet apart aim at three stalks in a. hill, w ucn tnrec iees eigni aim at two stalks. The latter will make larger corn and more bushels to the acre. Do not wait until theJcorn is tip before beginning to work? it A harrow put; over just before the corn is up is good farming, so as to have it--clean in the hill. When it is up a few inches stir! deep and slowly," and .near, to ,the hilli without covering it up". TJon'taitpat too many acres per day at this stage of ;st:rring,"bnt do it welC When the corn gets to be two .feet high and upward, do not stir deep, but merely keep the gFOund mellow and fret from weeds oa the surface. Having done this lay by the corn anel trust to providence. But don't, trust to providence" and omit much . of tile foregoing. A word on " replanting." Those who dp as above will seldom neeel anv tc- planting. Replanting is usually labor- lost. If yon suspect wire-worm, orcnt-' wo'rm, orsgtilrrcls are going to trouble, stir lierbscne "Oil in your seed so as fo wet it all.' A ga'loii will wet two bushels, and the " Philistines" will let it alone. 6lir. lowt iroin-McfitL AViiat better time to be btirictl In slumber than at the dead of night? ..;,.. V . .i sow thre iieck-s p-r acre lotuad oi live. " eightsaiall, niio tornato-; cut tlteai u. lnUf . ami rn-lr u. , ri.m)rtcd J","t fM-nitlTM. peliVat r-ailr. Nar. tdllm-a smal onion, alittle celery, aa 1 1 J 1U f u am , "?A, , , r, k -bs M-mirr . a.. e-UUira. rI lie iJ , n !ll? tJ.vrne labliHtNionful of butler, lh,, fa" aK .Wbca f0.1 lh ilr"' "Vr J r nt Xzr Mill ,IUr.. WrrrJ l- ifcc Vt,i a little thyme. ta'ileitNMUiui ' uullr; t0 nmc , contlelence in tlie rottlt pt thin n,iUr iwanr, u. u ,Jr-i a run.; ' . . ...-..f- . -- m, - - w cntHtt 1 I -III IK -IlII'iaSB lllllll L nil" .k.A kllVi k W a . .. A .... , t i.... ..i :..i eouii-iiuii ;ia nic tu Hu3j.un- r.i.. wiiei-.ii-. r ui 1 1 r,..--i hi, ..uwu-. , t y supposei lhat tho sentenco will be , e,f water into a saucepan with a mecui , o ilJipri,onmont. for lifCt on ( bulter the s..e of an egg. the lra,t f ,. v0tlthftlllicsj. I bit of eavnnno, ninl plenty of black ' J then the velk3 ot three or iouregg--ani , .---., - -... t.. -..-.-. ihc whites of two beaten up to a froth. I cni-c, used the wordn V-! ,.ajHl Let the pa-te ret for a couple of hour j 'likewise" m a way which implied a .i i.J .. .,i i,. fv hv .lr...iiiir difference of meaning. " DtTTOii ktiotv ...... ..... ,..UVVU.. w-- -- , --j , t - n hole with .. .-. -.. .. uv uiemseives. ine.-e IvIIOOlLATE WKK.-UIID CIipilll m ,...,1-,fl m.ntm..n trl... er, iwocuniuis m mig.-u. win-.- tin- i ,,,., ., , ,- ,,,, .i,;i n. A r..1- .t . 1.. ,... i t" vt I , i . iv a-v m.i " " s oi uour. one cupiui eu iiiik, nuir ,, ,,,., ,,. . - . ' e II. r t lULllLli all Ml 1111 aia. lll.ltl 1IV. i.'a.lV .1 . 1 11 I a , . i ei llfa allll aa Hf Ill4trvi II 11 4U gs, the whites ami yolks beaten sepa- ' , ... ,., y, one tcasnooiiful e,f seida. two """-1" "" ---' "" This Sf t4lf Wket. 4M.. itm the folknrmr a the AmcH- am farmer x the rtHtfc &jnt9tf-ie lycsrs' experieow: Trtp., thsn twrentv rears jot. ween i , """ 77. ' -' L . - kf . K- i nn i ranix mill nc nvm. m w lb ttramre. artruiocnU la thdr favor w iL.i.. ..1.1 ..u l,1f . lwti.l nf nhn! . isv . c uiu-w M . v -. - --- - ----, btwbejla jwr acre by hand) by OMn, .l,:n T riht xt-a -in crntvi raxn .-v .- --.: . . f -ri i i --i ii'jnm.irTU)W"f i . jwr acre oy nanu oy u.-m u 1 coald ec no jpood rtxmn whr t x Ici quanUty woald notdo pw "jW-1 i; """jL V ft Z r "l I c"1? conscquenuy i ,-u ? i ao-l four quarts per actv, at the Me time eloiibling the qtmMilr ioni onooe I j i..- P -"X --", iiiuwif, . -i""... . , The ywld was twntj-tx bubel j land per acre on the field , 1 Owl not keep the one land separate, bat the l.ff ervnee wa very percvplible- That sowed at the rate of two bo-heU per 3&v" much i Unckr than the part toned with I Is buihelt, atxl the L-el'" Wt-re not much a n ha I a, long, bo auuru was 1 with thi5 trial that I have con- - , , . l 11 ttuued to sow 1 1-S bilihcli Per aen? for I the Jat twen tv ycar, anI have rawed, I think, (julte as gorjl crops aJ nut of J nctgnoonr. in Thomas bad mt pu nelghbor?r. ui .-vine .-" K8-' W3-v' arni:, y"n " " i.' proeceK-ei to miw n iweiTe-f acre ue'iii. i ne ucju nau ,uec in otru i that, vear, and the nett ajiring Oa" ") I -" i.i t .1 ...l . L..-.. k-.l ! rf. i il & t.l I A 1 ! k no one wuiuii u.-ne suuijvivu iwivmm bpon h . . lue.- lt ra3,ie M 1!ttIl. , . . harve-it it Mwd pretiv thick, and the telling part wa. In the 1 long and wcll-filled head, making JW ; bushels on the field per acre." , M. i,i i, l,,- bov onlvll yean I 1 1 h been ptnce.l to .leath : n t C. Ua4 n, ( ,-u His name is Clayton Hjllsmnn, he is bhick, ami his crime wan the ven bru- . tal murelcr of an infant, whom lie was , set to watch. Tho mother left them to- j gether while she took tv nap. On awa- j kening the baby was tnisxing, nnd hho j finally founel it in a well. Iliilsniau had thrown it there, after pouiuhng it to death with .-tones. No motive for the deed was brought out on the trial, and .. . ,, . 11 the priMmer would give none, though he ' conf.o.l a premeditated homicide, and , , , !.! ,r-J, nmw ner, wno succ.-e ,, Mr- Q"V "mnic.pal bench of Beiston, was a man of stern and un- uenuincr lemper. une oi ms prisoners. yf anv elifferenco ler.eeni the .wirs 'al.-o' anel likewise?' "asked the Judge. " l'ejs, your Ilemor," replied the priou cr. ' .'ludgo Quiney wut patient, kind, courteous aud gentlemanly. You are .ludgc also, but not likewise." The mother of a bright little girl was in the habit of curing the little one's hurts and bruises by kissing tho place, and milling lovingly, " llos it, hies- it." One elay the little ono came in with a pitiful face;, holding up a hurt linger, saying, "Mess it, mamma, bless it. 1 uskcuhod tn hlecs it, but He up to high I toodu't make Him hear." Incident of the drg davs : Pcoplo ' on the Ilou'evard Mont mat re, tlie other day, were con-iderablv astonisheel to ee a pair ot uoois waiKing graven an hoots helongcei ad for ay A wife who hael been lecturing her husbaml for coining heme intoxicated became incensed at his indifference, anel exclaimed, "Oh, that I could wring tears of anguish from your eye'.-!" To which the hardened wretch hiccoughed, " 'Taint no use, olel woman, to bo-bore for water here." A young laely from New York saw fomc men dres-ing a lamb at Muunt Desert, uuel exclaimed that they were peeling a lamb. " Di'llue a Keiitlemnii," youny? AVell, yew, I think J can! IleV a- gentle a- it woman, anil m manly as a uiun. 4 m '" A young laely with a taste for fancy nceellewe)rk says that she.eioes not see whj ("encral Koberts slioulel be so highly nraiscel for defeating Avoob Khan antl his forces. "Afghans worstcel," she remarks. are. generally Master D. has a horror of school. After essaying all manner of excuses to sty away, he opened the door of the class reioin one morning and saiil: "Teacher, I can't come to school to day; it rains. i "Does the conversation and car- riage of your new minister become tin Gospel?" asked a" learned bishop of: simple-minded farmer. "Well," wa the a ampic-minucu larmer. "vtcn, was the reply, "his conversation is rather fluid aud he don't keep a carriage." Tnr. lnilLC5-tib"e character of younc beef Ir suprosce! to have -tijxsesU;.! the phr.i, "Louie weal, wjuiu woe." Seie Jlnvt.i hej UUr. "Isqcikiso ItnioEti" Is Informed that, the Cleali i Houe i not Miinected nlth the Weather Bureau. 1 'hilaJelc'tin Bulletin. A OKNTtnMWLT yrttnj- djatcr op",ncr aikel a rural customer if he vroald take his raw oysters oa the half shell. Ttie customer feemeil to think there iniht. he something mean ami small about that style, aui he sai.l: 'Half of the shell lie handed! Set up the whole thlnj;.'" A". O. Ptarjnn: Yoc.no Mr. Latchoars war Blttlnr on the pore.h the other nliht watdiiiu; a aeveutefin- ear-ohl girl tiyin to keep a-xaKc looi eiiuuh toee the moniia rtar ri-e. They Uilel astronomy. I wish 1 was a star," he 5 int. t-m lin ai h s own poetic fancy. "IwemM rather you were a comet," she ealcl, tlreami y. His he-art beat timu.taously. "And wbvl" he asked, temlexly. at iLc same time tak'ns her unnrsi-itSnir httle hands inh. own, "and uhvf' he repeated. hnperiou'ly. Oh." she said, with a brooding earueoiues that fell ujioa his mjuI like a bare fojt on a co d e i.-cloth. "because tjeti you would only come around onc-j every l.SOl years." ll didn't say anything until he was ha f way to the froutV-Ue, hen ha turned around and 'shook his list at the house and muttered be tween his teeth that " by the dads. It wou-d b a thundering shrht longer than that before hetcame around aain." Bat by that tiiu -tlie j-oor -:Jrl was in bed and sound asleep. m . The sprinjr chicken chanses to the fall hea, tut the tranc-lion mskej no change on the restaurant bill of fare. Aew Orbaus rc yune. Isn't it funny? The man who has abuut forty-seven hairs crowlnj; on his fa is al w. vs possessed to wear a fall beard, acd ;ees I about with a countenance like a thin'v ttt- t ed huckleberry pasture; while tb? man that can eat Aarou of o!d clean out of s.phl with a lull besnl shaves elt tw'ce a week, and the rest of the time his face looks like sheet of 2. 4 emery paper. They are each reach tor for the impossible, acd miss It by a Liar. Seta Szvet Mtgi&Ur. iJacksoaTatriot-l -A. Kcsilalaeeaoe oT 1071. In 15T4, Dr. Jacob Meyer; S.nt Louis, Mich., rave the following opinion: The JIambunrT)roiiS deserTc tote rscomrnca le.1. I Ti&ve prescribed -'them for irregalarities of Pnet and FItrnrf-. Every one of the more than -400,000 Cilxn tei: Oak StoCt:3 now in the hamL- of a. maiir E great V Kui'l iWktuiMS - -. . .;... .- ... . I ,Krf. r in renewing it one of the rZmT.T & P am.1.1 MMtt, 1,, d,i!i fr, rf .- . .i...-., vu-..i. , ...... .w nr;-r;r " . a .... ...a... i-iniii iinrFiiti.i .. 1111 , ,w, . . 1 tt aliltrrt.cttii'T f 111! I itrf trT"lnt1J til ektfifi.. i . . . thcliver, Oiwrdew of thejtonuci Twl.dis- t-,,NTo LOA-ir-odcrVflj-eases euii-urin? from three, djtaibancet, 4 Jmt.7Ttnt.xiicfsziiLsiuu&irt. AeVKiUftv!, and have ob.4rred the ooat ytrfjl' .jgTHrgia srfrclrfv . suits. Tielln,niidbcan!fefs3pl.y short tlme ' - . '-' BC. -. . Cmmcl aaaC. &CjUmCtm: TaKCfToi-OL ImtiseLceperi have proved eminentlr i,V?,V f.!."-':' " rAiatCR. 1 racticable, easily kept In onler? dirj; si! ln'ellSxSZ'xiS.1 in tis of cookInr quicklv, d?anJr -u:d" with I "fra-aa-He ar-r iil . rtritrtcBrMitfTtrrt I economvotluclandkbor. J 'iTai27rJ1ia.Ma- I lDrtruS Wcirra Itot Jnll 5t JiriM Oil. U a txttJtai tslxi-. !efcSl. , .-jrw trn . . - - t-r"rr .7 .!.:.-.,-... lr .N- a ,5- ": r Ttr I .rtJ rl. t-iArJV I A.-mmalkt. J cbuUtM a fa! . ko -r-r-r;,- w jf .a c- .t v. -- - -..-.... j .. imMWir ii wr. isnuw - Ujwj iJw u WwWy ut itL Vtr tnit Ja iur 1aiC -V Atra.m. - - r ntnOxxU J jjp 'n Ur-t htrJ OMI th- 5tt- iwarw m y AH eor rutoxarr crc tn uts tJaiS tie. Stint OfcUii ia " Ua r Macil. vr- ltre it Urit pira our. mi-? ; cjo,t, aha aa ntttint JUntr. eW n tbr ut tJlr.Wt tt thai a b,iVpr i ea Irtty. Tbf UJ' J, ?r:.. .V Y , I 111 Jv3 m (toot. lttdb lU MltS rttrrt ti rut cdlr a: rtduJ t- i-H.it a' tjLtatK) tft. Jv B tt -rtl It litl IbrK jrtJ- -t b 44 .' tvuiVJ Sa')U UtMa eritn.M llikr. I'rrf rlj'. Th fiinHHi".Co!t arovn m uoontmnx j-b; m ;wa or lacuio&t ciu mmrtaltlfil'n.? ! r - . m , , ni itur ar i.'rrr rJ. ... t.M.t After minr rarv- inu. w "irT" m3ni ... lbc , UU1KK MV u the it IO,r wo r ud. aud cbrrrrulir tr.tttr tbt It I : r,tr,l,!T:.f?:.WKrBr" ruuilct,i i . ., .- A Ws-rmt. Coosh are cu.ti.cJ jt It cliacrMe i wcAllier o! antuwa. .!, H ec't:tl. r J a; t to cmtluar U Inter. If ftr-a ik- Uw luJii lt S1B rrns;th tu .thtaiMj lb? MTere trial of winter 'b t pt1 - r.M'i I U the 14-t reined. . cent to'.lK re J Mia for -jr. cl.--i KvrMT Farta-r and Teamtrr hejJ4 Voc-w tht Frjijf r Atl? (iri curr orc rrcK acd a ntc.ct oa bon-a. Uujr It. dj ticre. 1iT!mn ItnrtiPtK Hk t lbc ttfr taarkirurl ". tsawi4c tl tv KHt 4tilil Ii.rajc.Ut F H ttodiijiJ.Setiiiiiiiyu fa- ji-ur dru?lt ir KnUlnti'a l!ia hcrp It In ti 'Uc lu cac of acvtdcitU. Wiiiiorr'a Fovcr aad Arno Tonic, lli Old ic.Ubtc leutcdl. uw acl.a at one dooar. T ii K twl bread, uc at o il 1 a t Mrnv .mLfj i. mmmm, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, ' Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Smell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Xo rp-parxtli'n en rarth njualt St. Jiitm On. a, a tjr, turf, uttnttlr tiul rlimp I'.ttrrul ltne.!y. A trill rntalll 1'Ut th tumfran,ly trKting outUj nf iO tcnll. -J cfiry wi tihlrrlnc llh join on Lata ch-j oJ lllTe frutf cf lu claims. Mrrlloti In rjMn lADQaf m. BOLD Br ALL DRnQGISTS AST) DEALEB3 IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., licit ilHorr,MiL, U.S.JU "A MEDICINE WITHOUT A RIVAL." S3L13S THE OItITlJ5T AND LIVER MEDICINE KIDNEY i:VKK KNOWX. ntXTS KK-trmr U. xr frmi Vrsr. irs icaa and iKatli lit.mlml wIkj haTe tK-en given up I y r'.y. r to dl. 1UT.NT." UIIMCDV ttirr nil Dln-aaea nf the Klilurj . ISIaililrr, t'rlnnrjr llrcann, lrwjy, T:rnl, llinltr, ami inrontl ticiicp a-' 1 K( ti'titlnil nf I rinr. IHXT i:i..M I.I)Vr-.ft.ursvWji.rrrat- noppcutr, Iritti up U-jum, an J rrtrd bcaUli ! the rca!t, HOTS KUlIKtlV ctirra rln In tli Slili, I tittle, or 1.4ln, Oiirml Ilrbllltjr, yrmalc lJIraM-. DUtttrlil fI-rp, I.ina of jtl-tit-. ISrlKlit'a liiira-, aad all Coinplnlnta f lbc CrncM;rnllal Oixan. hlt.- i:i:.tit.i)Y (; !.iy leduaa U:e tiitJ-tr 11 niwi T.iTer tn bcaltl y actj that nroiar-B Ulllnun II Iliadarlic. Ilianruala, Sinr totiia-li. Coatltcnraa, Pllr. Ar. By U nw? of HOTS- lUCMI'DV t!x Etxnieh and IIowcU -w:i-tnlili- rraia thIr itrrrs-h.an.l t' e niool H3 bcTlly piriRl.. HUNT'S i:i:ili:iir U purely Trfrullc. and roTt a want rrrt r l"fnre fuinifl.td to tlir jmb lie. and th utrno't rclinnrt may U- Ucrd In It. HUNTS T:i:.1Ii:iVIprcpaTlepiTaa lyfor tli nbov' Hlaraata, rim! liaa nntr hern knotrn to Call. Onr trial will convince yon. For Fl br nil frujrclt. Snd lor l"npht lo 1V3I. f'I.It!:i:. I'rnvlclrncf. It. X. IVleca, "i ccctt. acd Cl.S (brc tlzc). rvrtb Crf( d5Jis Cl" !tU-a . A-fjai. Bro-T. :u. Craa. laiurttrv iTa vt,-CJ?5i. laO? lest Cjaaasirtfcja. fc. iri oar 4-S Ciau a ttt). ADLfllO arLoci. 3IO. WANTED RIIJUC Kcrolvcr. nirs. CatAlntroe f ;er CCC A WEEK in -rcur own town. TenmxniJ, 4)UUlioctianjdrttlUltlaj.Jj-JalJiA tC ti ?0n PrelaTathcsis.SaranIesworthSJ U H iZUXifi?T--i3rg0Wtto.lra-ai.at C70A UXEK. ?l2ada;boreieeanyrIdZ Jl6Cat3Tr;frAikli3Tr3rCo.Ao-ta.'t-. HAIR a&J VTly, KztCO. 0.aaj-"rc. WVatC tal 2eaiL ITteeame. Ood f-aaru-Ztta. Ue.STtJiif.157 WaSaaa-ar.fMraaT-t tet-anwattoic Ul iUIW IiaW.sriru 2r jtratxa. l-aaoa. Vhie. 3a5U&r MONTH? JGfVT?iriTfa! r Xnrrl9$ Anlrir. tn lApvartl; aaaaa- .-.. inc Mis j-fA01T?ljr-k?VAV3f:D-TO SELC - lSiQ lirotaer a. r. I hit kltrh Ui t-wi tti t -. jmm rchaed a dnil, and , tV wrftxtir wth ! fn-! thn nr fero ... ,i .... Hi:. I La if: U fcrftM-tlr cku. o Jut r K -v- tv dut r K in afc THECHEAI nmeMMDr UiUH1 ', B00I13 by Mail. k T1" 7v nnii'. tfc-rarrw r.rtK. u. raxD rt mrx "M nr- -- i. Mtcn Htirr rxTtm. ? Jmnm irK err- j - - - - -, m . - 0 U. WU ' i - I CATARRH" Mil PAD.' S T t,TW- - NCYCLOPEDIA o TIOUETTEs BUSINESS tr- . i..k.. lub ia finLwM4a a. i. h.ui. ii - - tlja4rarr' -t ,. '. A,',r jut-. n.i.ri n. t. DR. a i rt tiM'fl ' Bffl?CATHARTICw . -.tml - . av4 . A - - ' -vk.K .mWl f-. mt4iilVn I & A w"!-! - UiMUlU' T vi. a. t!Ji -."rv WAHKANTCO IN ALU CAkC. ) aAvf I a-r i '. j 'J "',- ' cu-ui iiixb r -to-v - -. '". For FEVER and AGUE use! FIEBBY DAVIS' j AIN-KI1LER f ' X" V V FOU CHILLS AND FEVER .A.XVD J-a.L.TU IlIAf' oru ar Malarial Paittfilnf OF THE BLOOD. A Warrantta Cara. Price, $1.00. fjr roa 4,b t aLL paraonta. uil ra m if wa ki i itr m rr mi.s.j ... Uua y lr rvr'7 iwlMar trf lh It; H-vU Tarntnfa KiTcru-.irent SrlUcr AjHrirnt, tud f.rt tJ. r""n II lMcia1 'llTM f Ii n.4 iwMc n.1 r4 wrlto !" hl rcr i i- "i -r-'iMC " ' ' 'j.l.U-4 II ,lt.jHW U.. mti-iM. M- ,t.n,iw. ..! tlv WTh. f l4 ll.a t-rl Ji ! null. I. laVx ! ,.- t4 tm nl TN ! nrt U o tUr ai 1 1 tr fc - ! I . Ihrrl!lina.llc ,. r -i r tat tU If - HiLlf II V ALL IKttiO.aTa. THREE OFTHE BEST IOOKS FOR SINGING CLASSES. THE TKMI-I.I". t. .r r tr drn. V.j Ha. W O. rraa!--. hutb a fuUUdl.all alwt ! thi(ta"f I iTrtmiure' Aflr -oa " t" ." t if.:iet r;amntary li. ha ii- Ha r'.arfi.l Sonc aod :li. Ila M4llol taa(. Ha Itti-P-, Taaat id J Aatbam. ju b LiJ a lars cUiuo hli-Tll Jn.lUtWwr Iri2rir ptrlf. i !- Kr Horn Infloff. Dr t'aikic ta U lnra now cf at outl aailfal MsmpiUn. Tin: voicifo7woiwiiir. 1, air fH rr dnr. 11 I. O, nxcaao. TJaia Uli et,f prflr tJ m ciwtnd a4 lh Taurxx. aad ptl nl bm mi nt tit oU.rt Iboyfanry tba mamla vrtbvatU ct tbl or lfcfetr inlUattomroMr, Mr. l"mtHi'a tV ? Iut-bI-, rj bouasboM anltr7cboo, abJMbi lxt lntD1t tob an ajta rr tb Ibal jwcl It. joiinao.v Mirriir rim Mi-iuixo Cl.ja.--l3. M Cla.,or &6 prr tlarvn. 11 A. Jnrao. oTltrtfl tbftoin th ftfrtlari 4 irepJidlr f biafipUnaUunaatd lb llioowthttt tt of 111. well. Tb lrlir ho awa lhl matbn.1 Ja tn bat In hl baml th Caoaca twrt larrcTo Uoon1.3.t.l.T th. aam aatbor. Tb r' pon.J. ant tb luctr Una fly (!lcta tut lb ih at thntalr. OLIVER DITSON I CO., LYON L HEALY, nvror. Ca-KalK). C.uh la s)i4 from a 'rnpr Tropical L-f a-wj ! a f1MF. TIVE trrorT tor Tain in tb Dark. &rrr lit al acbr. Dtzxtsm, InAacaM T.jtt, R.vatt-i. 3Ciht Sarra!, Torp'4 Urrr. ralafat Crtottlon. tfratrt ao4 an Wrac f ifc KMa-7. Utrr or CrUar Ori-asi, ll la a aafr aa4 certain tor rr IerrJia. "t"otb Ilj-a al all tr'nsato ConiTUhi!. A a tKa4 JnrlSr tt la nyrjsaX, far Ii carri Uk ra&j tftat tatke tb Mo4. Tti' lanrrat lMV! la Oy tatrtc. a"r1, all.SS. TuT aak Vjlirjrf.O isd aJJ inra. U. M. TTA K. r.K Jk. ero . aVcb-raf4pr XT- 70,000 SOLD YEARLY. TV cranial aaariljr mn nrfatra af CAMIXCT ar PA RM1X OROAXa It alMwa by IW far! Ual ErUTrTMOl'aA.IIara aoldjearljr lathe rallvdHtaf-. TkeWtlart tka MASON & HAMLIN ORGANS wild tur?b'rnarardr4xttnreirltrncT03ar? wiojimro arrxaoaiTT as intr ux. oi ijm CIX.VT "SfOUtirS Uxtsrtilal ZiXXKos t9T tX Utb jean. raI nu tlijii xtfpiiva- NEW STYLES Arr mUj jhUaoa-Ki UtrytrUMi jtk-mrrearsU. TO JJ L.1R0E CR Cnni t ?t-5!-4 rxa. Hi rrzt power al rartaji at "5t BX fDl vH Wa prSc; FOBSMAX.IXS CUVRCUXS. SCHOOLS. c ei t tU ail erarfi. SVrtZB WiAtCfyc EOOJi aTrtES at U) Ta asal mKiu X GUZAT VX' CIETTof ZiiALLZR 0KGA5.f vsi turCcscr. ftassb kacaaetr. or la peats eaa-a. at tt V ere laiaynsli- XotanUUfi x9XTaU.TrtSax TrctT r-aTxxm. C aa4 c3nr3r.lt. fa price or moc naea. - Xis Uor aT rytao-iurIUtrBri:c ' B-tore pontaaisr aay orrvn anrf for i-r?J.tCS-JSATD CA7AlOGXK 5 p? (; rasrSi-as- rt2 etocrijaiaaa aafi -sion, larfaitai ac fr. aa4 rfiil tssa:ii for & jrwt&ir f aar rxa. laitl'al'SvJa- aBE fffOCpliLL Ttl$OX- HAu4.ixonn.vx co.. m Traa3t..-t jscsjuy. arttse.--Eirvt3C; ie-ib?r3t' ClCClco. .1 ! ifftff w:tboi hi.iu Ik Willi ' . - 4Owi-"Mt.l-'l Ar .tfBI-4 ir---pi-v m mmm. ii w K 7T1 5h. f AFH KfiMMffl grojjISMSES. .5l5lgpSfflP ..... . - .- .. . . r . - 3 a-.B-z.r''r-: l. : rrjz:!.:: -"a -. laavaiosa-.. -"- - ..-M ! Ml ,pltaia ti !set e-rzaa. aat ftsn3a adats -pcarcr. yakaa-aAbo:-jRHtfa.-rhiaii to S3C W - MK - TOT.asaiaaaaBSaqtisas CW3 aeaat poat paiS. j iunrs IOCOAINE V ttttmum 30l -, 6n. OCOAINE o li'in ! - Jff T I TMOTOMa or A TORPID LIVER. X-. at Art". ! fvl.,;ri tt. ! 4f v " t', rit fiu(Mit ti w miU jlTiiJ io., rjt s v ! -i .-. Tela--- h,iJiviiil inrJ'riT(t.S('ilrn .ivJ!.. HACUi4Uf.ME.,i J -' vi CONSTIPATION. TUTTS PILLS - & i lata m .IwtttaH 4 MVil.4t1V'fPf'm U ."trrF -U " " am r.t AHNTr to Bto F.rf.ct Sitiificlw Ewjibsi. MY AGHARTEROAE MAnniM.YSY Excelsior ManTg Co., NT. i.oriN, M IMrOllTKU-i AND UKAt.Eltt IH TIN-PLATE, WIRE, SHEET IRON CTfBT fLivs or t.oot ire o mimi nx TIN AND STOVE DEALERS. seso ion nt j 01: LISTS NOW BEADY. THE FOURTEENTH SEMI-ANNUh tf MME. DEMOREST'S Fort-Folio of Fashions A Ur ' nau.tV .-ti af rurr-. ruBLiauo) ix kaxck 4 lEritioiKa. cataTAtalXu ra 700 LARGE ILLUSTRATIONS, pf lb- ljl-t M Ht My. XJt att tt, e.1. ara n4 fl tr tm ft aw! CM-a"a ". wit rrDb n4 -4i 4.trm. MHMI t t-rUJlnlrrt .. a.fla mvtHUBjM. l'lJW, 1 4 Wa. f t Ur. -t THE TWENTIETH SEMI-ANNUAL MME. DEMOREST'S What to Wear rvnuxuEi vt majicti ao tr,rnnttin. eniln tlS I'' tltrmattWa o-a rry 4trtamt of ID1" aa4t t"". KwM XrUl Trhm. Tre-. WreVSajf a4 M-rB'Hl, Ctn-rl4-rlt,-. J'.rr eISfM.tSI' Kry rt Mr . larlit ff Mf rtwa-a. MBUnrr Vv aifT a4 L tfTVj. rxtvtu i5.r..Tft mT tkkk. aVre MOE. OCMONEST. 7 Cot tain trU ? -MRS. POTT8f- THE HARDWARE TRADE - I'll 9 1 1 Fruit.WineandJellyPress Prleer;. 3.00. Far SMtVas aa4 Eitraailif Ja4a ILLFMlfs'uTrKWilS, QTETERT FJLXILY $ 0.E.p Tr Bia-zsm;, nM;?i. f ftK8ALEBTTWg 'UlUMTlVX TaUC Wllar -trTKinXO TO AWZKTtHKU ptrn. tmj jwi H ra4irttnj-ar Ira j 1taU pupcr. .idvriinr H3a, Ut kaow wbea jaacl wScrn ffcHr auH rrtraftU Xt payirttf taea. II . .. .. ... . Tiaaiawm-: cata 't ySs e aAarzU aatoSaa 7M- aa arae w ?a a?teM m aaana - niiioJ. Crt It of tckp frt-anrt.'rtc.l. TUTTS I Dll I ft iS?al bV aa" Baj"BBBapifetTI!aBBFaBia.Bf aal H '-afla r. .teT'fak at. H 'CoHaDi Sail Iron aBBaaam. WTtttt. KJCTfiy-Wwa CBL. lrVTairyaa.1 . 1 i 4mI t 1 If H T tJi. "J? 1-i I l -I n 5 j I H: aT - :i 4 ."ri-f tr h: -- if a! 1 rrsf g""-:-g5q " TT 7fBnsaBMasa4 i -fjatrrisg