The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 21, 1880, Image 4

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    -i. 5!j J
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mmmi wri i t
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-- - 4eiMe
se-wwaa!?- S'gv,a'
.jNtewy- tir.wii-int(iriwJ .. '..
loon i Gallender,
General Merchandise,
ry - Good,
BcotM A Shoes
ittigf, jneuiciueN,
OH VurniMlieft,
Paint Btc.
full line ufcvcrythiiiK fct-'P1 ncn'
-.-nil store, nt the lowest cash nut-is.
Moon & Callender.
sum! in HEST&BRAHT.
A. Laulerljacli, Propr,
Warm Meals :il nil hums, 12.j cmiIs.
Freli Oyt'i always mi hand. Web-
-!! ."SllVI't. ulir ll'r Mitltll of
KED C1.0F1).
Kaliy Ui-.i-. fllnr.
Proprietor of the
City Drug Store.
All local wlcerlincMcuU ordered in for
n indefinite time, will be regularly charged
up each iceck until ortlcrcd out.
Miner Bros. Hell Superior flour.
Fine weather after the storm.
Live hogs ure worth from $3.C5 to
Three button opera, kids for 75 cento,
at Mrs. Fowler's.
Call nt Miner. Bros, and fee the
Full tock of winter millinery goods,
nt Mi's. Fowler's
The B. tfc M. pay car parsed up the
road bust week.
A nice line of beautiful ties and fi
chus, at Mr. Fowler's.
J. V. Short, a "print" from Hastings,
called the first of the week.
Two wood heating .stoves for sale
cheap, at the Ciiikk office.
If yon want a second hand wood
heating stove call at this office.
Messrs. Vandyke fc Sodday take
charge of the Boys' Home this week.
If there is any one thing more detes
table than another, it is street politics.
The W. C. T. U. will meet at Mrs. M.
L. Thomas' next Friday afternoon at
four o'clock.
They are "all tore up" at the court
house, but the work on the vault goes
bravely on.
If you want to keep posted on load
affairs, subscribe for the Ciiikk. Only
$1.50 n year.
Judge Fisher addressed a larcge re
publican audience nt the court house
hist Saturday night.
Dr. Idornnvillo and Squire Bayles,
of Cowles, were callers at these head-
Drugs, Medicines.
Paints. Oils
and Varnishes,
A full supply of
l'fltrouncc solicited anil thankfully received.
arFmrii'tiotis carefully couii'oundcd"SO
Jnu door jjoiilh of CSnrberV .-tore,
Nimble Six-pence.
G. W. Dow,
Groceries & Confectioneries,
Chcjice TeaB. Coffee Sucar Ac.
White Pish & Mackerel.
Urceti. Dried ami Canned Fruit. The be'tTo
bnccos nnd Ciffat. Flonr and meal con-
rauiiy on nnia. kkks, uuhw
aud Wood
Taken in Payment.
Everything warranted to be ns represented.
and 1 will do Tou good. as
1st door north of arms
Red Cloud,
Flour & Feed
Corn. Meal, Bran Chopped Feed and
Visit the lied Cloud Orocery, Feed and Pro
tImoii j-turcwhea you wami supplies for uia"n or
beiti't. . , . ,
Uichest market price in cash paip for itrain
AH kind. iifcnuntrv Piodure tnken n exchange
ioric-ioJ-;. liuoili delivered to all part if town
lro !" chartr.
i-.rc of Recti's Plow Factory.
red Cloud,
6. A. BROWN,
(Successor to W. H. Keed.)
Parlor, Bedroom
Brackets, Chromos,
Picture Frames,
Mattresses, Etc.
C IB"1 always on I and and trimmed on ehort 1
notire. Trice low ns any in the alley. 1
Itcpairins or ail Unas aone prompu)
Ihtrial Robes furnished at reasonable
quarters last Monday.
Hon. A. S. Paddock, U. S. Senator,
will speak at the court house this
(Wednesday) evening.
Blooinington is working tooth and
toenail to get the Central Branch ex
tension to that place.
The first snow of the season came
last Friday a regular nor'-easter that
lusted all the afternoon.
Say, why the deuce don't you follows
bring us some wood, you know it's been
promised for a long while.
The speeches of Messrs. Hawley and
Davis, at the court house last Thursday
night, are very highly spoken of.
Copies of the Chief neatly wrapped
ready for mailing ean nearly always be
had at the otlice, at live cents apiece.
"Curley" Burris is in town again.
How would it do to get up an oldl'ash
ioned foot race anil have a little old
fashioned fun.
Hon. T. W. Tipton, democratic can
didate for (Jovernor, will address the
people of Bed Cloud on Tuesday after
noon, October 2Gth.
We suppose that arrangement in the
Ilivcrton luujle last week was intended
for a rooster, but it looked more like
the imp of darkness.
John Xoyes has leased Mr. Ovcrlces
share of the blacksmith shop and will
"go it alone" for a while. Mr. Overlees
will engage in some other business.
Gen. George II. Roberts, "the silver
toungued orator," will address the peo
ple of Bed Cloud at the court house next
Friday night on the political question.
Beginning November 1st, the B. it
M. R. 1. makes a general reduction in
passenger rates from 5 to 4 cents per
mile and issue return tickets at 1J fare
for round trip.
J. W. Moore, of Blue Hill, who was
arrested on the charge of selling mort
gaged property had his preliminary
trial before Judge Willcox last Tues
day, and was acquitted.
The renegade democrat who edits the
Argus didn't draw a very large audience
at Batin when he went up there to
make a republican speech. Less than
a dozen turned out to hear him.
The column of advertisements to the
left is stereotyped by our new stereotyp
ing machinery. By means of this pro
cess we will be able to make most all
kinds of job printing at least one fourth
cheaper than formerly; business men
bear this in mind.
Mr. & Mrs. Towne, formerly of this
place but more recently of Ashland,
arrived from the latter place hist Tues
day evening. They will tarry here for
a couple of weeks and then go to
Florida where they expect to make
their home in the future.
The new B. &. M. time table went into
effect last Sunday noon. The passen
ger'trains now run no farther west than
this place, and travelers going west of
here have to stop over night here and
take the mixed train west the following
The Orleans Sentinel says that those.
who beg, borrow or steal the county
paper every week should remember
that it will only cost them three cents
a week to get one of their own. It is a
pretty small business to beg, borrow or
steal three cents from a neighbor every
Mrs. Lutz is taking measurement
and orders for ladies cloak, which uhc
procure from Chicago manufacturer,
at very low rates. I-w
Died: On Monday night the 18 inst.
Chriwc, voungeat child of Mr. fc Mrs.
C. W. Springer. The funeral M:r
vicc were conducted by Kev. Geo.
O. Yeier.
It is paid that a young man came in
from the rural district, recently, and
applied to the county Judge for a mar
riage licence, Hiking that it be dated
back to as to "kivcr" accidents.
l'eople who from laziness or other
ciitiHc neglected to dig their potatoes
before the recent cold weather will
probably find that their "taters" are
the worse for leing left out in the cold.
Wo refrained from placing our roos
ters over the telegrams published last
week from Ohio and Indiana, for fear
there might be some mistake about it,
but we give them a chance to crow this
Miner Bro;, arc haadquartcrs for
sewing machines of all kinds. You
can get any kind of a sewing machine
at their store that you want, and they
say that they will trade for anything
that is portable. Call and look at their
Borin, of the Osborn (Kan.) Truth
Teller was in town last week, but for
got to call on the Chief. Mr. Borin
has got the biggest kind of a libel suit
on his hands, and the days of the Truth
Telh'r arc said to be about numbered.
The change in the running of trains
on the Ivfc M. necessitating the stop
ping of all pascngcrs and train hands
over night at this place is making lots
of business for the hotels, they arc all
crowded every night.
Speaking. Hon. H. S. Kaley will
address the people of Oak Creek at the
school house on Friday evening. He
will also speak at Wells school house
on Saturday evening of this week.
Turn out aud eivc him u rousing
E. C. Hawley will also speak at
Harvey school house next Friday eve
ning. The latest style of committing mur
der is to throw a piece of glass at the
person you wish to extinguish; hit him
on the neck and sever his jugular vein.
A boy in Manchester, N. H., tried it on
another youth, and it worked to a
charm. The hitter is now in jail and
the hittec is well, probably in the
"Summer Land," as the Spiritualists
call it.
The democrats met in convention
last Saturday and placed in nomination
0. C. Case for representative from this
county. Aside from his political
ailillations Mr. Case is a good man, aud
well qualified for the position his demo
cratic friends would have him occupy.
Personally Mr. Case is a good friend of
ours, and we feel sorry that so good a
man should be led like a Iamb to the
The Red Cloud Baptist Sunday
school is making an ellbrt to get a S. S.
Library, something they have long felt
the need if thev have decided to raise
a part of this by a free contribution of
books from our citizens. A committee
of young ladies has been appointed to
solicit any books they may have to
spare toward a library for this purpose.
Look out for the committee about
The boys had their fun last Thursday
night, and built a rousing bon-firc with
goods boxes and "sich" which they
gobbled up wherever they could find
them laying loose about town. This is
all very well, but when it conies to
burning up valuable property, such, for
instance :is was taken from Brown's
furniture store, it ceases to be fun and
becomes a serious matter. Boys you'd
better look a "leedlc eout."
The Republican Valley Association
(Baptist) Avill hold its annual meeting
with the Guide Rock church, com
mencing Friday 'next, at 10 o'clock a.
M., and will continue its exercises
through the Sabbath. The new church
EEI. MS i. G.
Zuai Trts. Iiiia TntSxi.
Batin, Oct. llth, 15S0.
Will Thomn. luu moved lack to
Ca.H county, midt the regret of hi
many friends. X. I fancy atnl family
have also gone to Ca5 county to vwit
Brother George Hummel, preached
to us two good Mrnnons a week ago
last Sabbath. Bro. George L always
welcome at Batin.
Hen cholera is depopulating the
chicken hous in this cctiol. Mr.
Heed ha. !o"t about one hundred fowls
with it. Geo. Martin has lost a large
number of hens and turkeys, and II.
F. Crawford has Ion over thirty large
Brahma fowls. The disease don't ocelli
to show any respect, as to the size of
the fowls.
I. Irwin has the best pig of their
age (G months old) of any one in Batin
precinct. They arc perfect beauties.
We did not attend the republican
meeting !a.t Saturday night at tin
Batin school hott-e, as it was none of
our funeral, we would rather w.-ut and
attend a jubilee meeting after Hancock
and English arc elected. Rrrtl.
It will be a long while lefore you at
tend a jubilee meeting, then, Huth.
Crows For
Gen. Chester A. Arthur.
Spcrt of the Si Cloud Schools; fcr the
tenth Efilitg Oct 15th, 1S30.
To the School Board and patrons of
tlt.fc TP.wl Mruijl lu.ltftttlj tint t.if.!irtr
Our Hoiwters crow on general pnn- ' , '
lwir lf!IVt Til TIl'.IKf Illf Ilftllllll 111" riMllin
ciides. Thev think thev see in the .,... .. ,., .
near future the defeat of the money
shark, the Shylock English of Indiana.
Geo. H. Roberts,
"Tht Silver Toungued Orator"
Will Address the People of Webster
Countv at the
for the first month of the ?es.-iou.
Primary, 72,
Intermediate, 61,
High School, 51,
Average Daily Alt.
-Pupils whose punctuality, diligence
and deportment entitle them to an
average grade of 95 or over,
Hattie Cline,
Next Friday Night,
Everybody, including the Ladies, are
cordiaily invited to turn out and hear
building at that place will be dedicated
on Sabbath morning at 11 o'clock. On
Thursday evening previous the Rev. I.
W. Reed, S. S. missionary for the state
will preach on S. S. work.
Ohio has gone republican by about
25,U()0 majority, Indiana has gone the
same way by about 7,000 minority,
Garfield and Arthur will undoubtedly
be elected by an overwhelming
majority in November, so you may re
joice over the prospect of good tunes
in the future, but while you are rejoic
ing over election matters you must not
torgct tnat it is a tluty you owe your
selves and your families to do your
trading at Miner Bros., where you can
get the most goods for the least money
and at the same time get the lest goods
in the market. Miner Bros, have an
immense trade, and all because they
keep their store filled with what the
people want, and sell at bottom figures.
Harness Shop,
Jdj ct.nH8.nt1j- on hand a fall Liae of.
And everything usually kept in a first-
class shop.
TheSiiaert Csh Price Paid fcr ffides
. nt Pars.
The half page advertisement of
Besley & Perkins that.has adorned our
local page for the last month is now
out, which gives us a little more room
for reading matter. Besley & Perkins
arc not out, however, but can be found
at their old stand ready to sell stoves,
wire or anything else in the hardware
line a little cheaper than any other
jfirm in the Valley. Call and see.
Daily fast freight trains. are now run
on the B. & M. from Indianola, the
preseut western terminus of the road,
for the speedy transportation of stock
from the plains to the eastern markets.
Cattle men cxpressthemselves as being
highly pleased with this arrangement,
as they can now get their stock to
market without the usual loss in
shrinkage consequent upon delays in
As will be seen by a communication
published elsewhere in the Chief this
week, Mr. Stevenson has concluded to
accept the nomination for the office of
county commissioner. This we arc
glad to sec, because the nomination of
a good republican in this county is
equivalent to election, and we believo
that Mr. Stevenson is possessed of the
requisite ability to make the county an
efficient officer, and we will gladly vote
for him:
It is generally supposed by the
people, and conceded by the newspaper
men, that .a considerable amount of
cheek is one of the essentials in a suc
cessful newspaper career, but the most
sublime exhibition of cheek that it has
ever been our fourtuue witness, was
displayed by our contemporary of the
lower end of town last week. A num
ber of citizens of Red Cloud, the editor
of the Chief included, who were anx
ious to hear the news from the Ohio
and Indiana elections "chipped in"
and paid for telegrapluc news from
those states, which the editor of the
Argu appropriated and published
under the head of "special dispatches
to the Ar$K$." A man who canun
biwfegly appropriate as his own that
which is paid for by other is mean
Guide Rock, Xer.,1
Oct. lith, 18S0.)
Editor Chief: This point was
reached without the occurence of any
event of consequence to your corres
pondent. The first circumstance which is apt
to strike a stranger is the old and set
tled appearance of the country, con
trasted to the bright new look of the
town. This fact of itself insures a sta
bility not common to new western
towns. Generally where towns are
built in the midst of a wilderness, and
thelnisincss of the population ceases
when the houses are erected.
Room is insufficient for the enumer
ation here, of new buildings just con
structed or in process of construction,
from the fact of all or nearly all of the
buildings belonging to that class. But
in passing by the improvements gen
erally notice should be given to the
beautiful church just completed by the
Baptists of this place.
Generally it may be said of the town
that it agurs well for a town that it is
not built while the country is most
prosperous but only as the advanced
interests of the surrounding country
I demands. And certainly no precinct
- , . 111
in me county can ciaini ingiier, gener
al improvements.
The best and most successful firms
of the city are those which have been
longest known to the community such
as Messrs. Garber and Crary. The
new branches of business which could
not exist outside of railroading facilities
are well represented by the firms of
Proudtit & Marsh, dealers m hardware;
C, F. Allen, of the New Chicago Lum
ber Yard, and E. L. Grubb, whose
firices and terms appear to protect him
rom competition.
The most urgent need of Guide Rock
is an elevator. Owing to the past fail
ure of wheat in this section, it would
hardly justify any one individual to
invest the necessary capital, still the
best interest of the town demand that
some regular channel be opened for
the marketing of farm produce at
Guide Rock.
Guide Rock claims to be at the head
in the sheep raising interest of Webster
county, and well she may, having as
she has proliably as many sheep as all
the rest oi tne county cominneu. And
from what conversation I had with the
sheep raiser I would suppose that sheep
raising was the best paying industry
that is carried on in the country, and
something which the fanners generally
should work in to. W. C. G.
Amanda Cline,
Darley Sherer.
Nellie Hampton,
Montic Tu I ley.,
Willie West,
Hugh Minor.
Euiogeue Downs,
Celia Garber,
Lena Jones,
Clarence Jones,
Etta Lerch,
Eva Munsell.
Carrie Newhouse, High School
r retime Kichardson,
Gertie Sherer,
Eva Walker,
Bessie Walker,
Emma Smith,
Cordie Sherer.
Although the school is much more
crowded than last year, a decided im
provement is noticable on the part of
pupils, both as to diligence and deport
ment. In but a single cae hm cor
poral punishment been iuilictcd during
the past month. Pupils are inspired
to cultivated a fpirit of honesty, gen
tility and self-control, without which
the highest form of school government
cannot be obtained.
Much credit is due our honorable
board for the interest manifested in
cnchancingjhc comfort and facilities
of both teachers and pupils, by secur
ing new desks in the primary room,
banking up the houses and other repairs.
We earnestly desire the co-operation
of patrons in securing regular and
punctual attendance at school and also
study at home." Every pupil in cither of
the upper rooms should spend at least
two hours in study out of school.
A few pupils in the high school arc
already beginning to fall behind m
Duff cidar vinegar for talc at
Rr4iy. Vtf
Splcndc! apple ami Jersey iwcct
potntoc at KobyV. " tf
Gillette Waiiing Oytal. Save Ubor
and joap. Furle by A S, Mrh.
Buy your table butter of A. S. Mrb.
Cool a Ice. tBet in the market j
Mi Lvdc Hale ha tvtumed to Kh1
Cloud and i ngatn jreprvl t dn
drewmaktng. 7-3t
New Raiia, California Siihntm in
kclM, ami French Nou-at Candy at
Kuhj'. lf
Laiiterbrtch make! the lest f bread,
rerton why, be w.o Ucl Cloud null
Pattent Hour. lu(nam nAU it.
Crown Jew til! Patent lUmr, can nl
uay.tltclmd nt the Mure of Cha. E.
Putnam. The Intt tlour tit the valley.
Tile woman that had the lightiM,
whitot, cwcirt bread. va. the wemmtt
that a-ed th Bill Cloud null. Patent
llottr. She bought it of Putnam.
I can say the Acme Steel !Urd Fence
Wire U ju-twhat it i advertised to be
pig tight, bull strong, and bore high.
IIkxkv I-av:i;ty,
Batin, Writer Co.. Neb. 9-tt
We will deliver col for fuel with our
own team, to any plaee in umu for
tl.OO. per double box load.
lo-wj WioitNs A- Son.
Eed CKnid, Oct. llth, KM).
We will receive ca.h order for the
next two ucck. for hard coal (nut j-ixel
at 1 15.0V). k.t tou at our boiii-e nt
the elevator. lO-wU Wiot.iN .fc Son.
1 would say to an wno want to tence. I
buy your wire of Fotilks t Sttne. r a I
man can depend upon their wonl ami
their wire i- the strongest and bert
wire manufactured. H. Lwkktv.
l-l4 Batin. Neb.
If you want the hot Hour in the
market you should go to Cha. E
Putnam's and get the celebrated Full
Wheat Flour, from Ateht.-ou Kaiii-a.
called ttic Wnito ltoe. 7tf
Bed CixtiD. Neil, Skit. '21. lSO.
WiiEtKAS, my wife Huldah J NorrU
has left, my bed and board without ju-t
eau-e )t provocation, notice is hereby
given ti) nil perons Hint I will not pay
any delta of her contracting whatever.
813 Wim.iam J. Nonitt.-.
At the Flour A Feed store of ('has.
E. 1'u bin m von will find a tir-t ebt
stoek of grocerh-s. ami when in town
you should not fail to call on him, re
member it will be to your intercut to
do so. tf
Are not only in the KicW. !t l Frwi.
ltorr to our Stork
We mfce tJ M
jmiBfJM ZS. 1
Whtvh wo are prejwred t- v at
for the Crlrbratol
RcataMiAMo FijTnre. v r' A
Ke f ley Barb Fence Wire
Kiauiui'aiu M
Which, for Quality and Tit lnmb n1thmt a BtvaU
Final Proof Notices.
LamiOSre at Iilootuincton Neb Oct. Hth. WSd.
Notice is hcrrl.r rirrn that th? following
named etllrr has filnl roller afhU intention to
make finpl proof iu rupport of hi claim ml -ear
inal entry thereof bofore .lame . Tullera
Clercof (urt in W l.ter ronnty Ntb. nt hi
office in !(e.l Cloud Neb. on Saturday Decern
Thidca AaxoLP.
bnme-'tead N. 2181. for tbe outh-aPt quarter
of ree'inn 2 town 3 ranee 10 weU and name
the following a hii wltnec to prore enntin
uou residence upon and cultivation of id
tract, viz: Thorn J Ward. Abram Well.
DaviJ Francii and Joha Smith, all of Cowte
oct3aovJ- 8. W. SWITZEK. KrcUter.
Lao I Office at Woomlnrtnn Neb Oct. 4th. 1M0.
Notice U hereby riven that the following
named et!lcr ha filed notice of h' intention 'n
mak final proof in upport of hi claim, and
erre final entry thereof before .lamea A. Tut
Iey. clerk of Iit. court of Wr..tCr enunty.
N.V, at hw oflee in Itcd ClnuJ. Neb., on Mon
day. November Blh. 10. vii.
Ok(h n, Hixwirsnx.
hoaeueid No. ills. lor tha north-weft qaarfer
otfectjon 21 lown 4 ranee 9 vtH. and name the
fallow in; a ht witnene to prove continuous
residence upon and cultivation of raid trae. vii:
Ibward Haines. John Ileilly. Henry Maine and
Jelin A. Harmon, all of NeutnN. Nebraska,
octlnovl S. W. SWII7.KH. Renter.
tind Office at Hlooraincton Neb.. Sept. 2S. 1.1H0.
Notic i hereby iren that the followine
Bimed nettler ha. filed notice of hi intention I"
trike final proof in rnpport of hi claim, and
eenre final entry thereof before Jamr A.Tal
IfTi. tier- of the court in Webjter county at hl
cSce in Red floud Neb., on Saturday. No
vember 6th, ISW. vi.
Jinn II. Hki.tov.
Somestead No. 6130, for the outh-wcrt qnarter
of ( town 4 ranre 9 wet. and nainet the
followinr a bif witnese t- prove, rontinuou
renidrnce upon and cultiv tion of (.aid trnct. vii
Jofet'h Winfineer. Richapl .lhnon and Wil
liam T.Smith of Thomaville Neb. and Arthur
A. Pope of Ked Clou 1 Neb
ep30-oct2S S. W. SWITZER. Kegiiter.
BMj WKmk .afaMK.W'T7laaa1
Land Office at lUoorainirton. Nb.Sept. 21. IW.
Notice 1 hereby g-iten that the following
named (Mllerhsf fileil notice of hi intention to
., . i .i .: make final proof in nprrt of hi. riaiwi. and
tneir eiasses, oecaunc mey gieno niu.KBr(! fiMj entrr thereof, prorf to be made, be
nt Immn in tho nmnnnitioii of tlmir I Inre Jan.cs A. tulle v. Herk of the f'oiirt of
..v ..... . ... l,.t. Webster county, at hi office, in Kew ciouU.
I Neb., on Saturday October 2T.1. 1S0. viz
I M'.. ..... r.nXKU
. - iiii.i.iaai lwoLt.n.
The earnest endeavors Of the teach-1 homestead entry number SWl. for theSJNK
crs will continually be directed to tlo-feJtnj?f
N '4 SE!'4 of section TO town 3 raoce 10
fending the rights and promoting the
best interests and highest welfare of1
even pupil.
Patrons and friends arc cordially in
vited to visit the school and give sug
gestions wherein improvements ean be
made, cither in management or
methods of teaching.
Even with the utmost care on the
part of teachers it is Ksible that some
points may be overlooked, to which, if
the attention of the teachers were
called, improvement would be made.
Very Respectfully,
A. L. Funk, Trincipal
Miss Hawley.
Mrs. Dixon
me the followinr a hi n-itnee
to prove continuou residence upon and cultiva
tion of paid tract, viz. Itancan I.arertr. John
Laverty. I.orenio D. Thomas anl Tboma IMnnt.
all of'owIe. Nebraska.
sep-SodS! S. W. SWITZER. Uenrter.
It. Vricen To Suit The Times.
Wc arc Headquarters for Iron and Wooden
Pumps of every Description.
(Jl'NS, UKVOLVKIIS IKON" and Ti:Kl.rMtltl.ii: and W VCO.N PuCX
ail'I'KK and SIIKMI' IIUN WOltK on hand
and Made ( Order
CaU'aud ree ue, we ran save yi money.
. rA
r n-
Pel I
c -A lUf.ixn, jr
guidh to sveenss
-WITH- Ylll-
Vocal ni Instrumental; PJE MS "Ymi"
Land Office at Eloomincton Neb. Sept. 17. ISSi.
VaIi Sa Itrrkv rir.n Cnt the followtor
namoi se'tlerha. filed notice of hi intention!
to make final prootin support oi m claim, ana
seure final entry thereof. Lefore tlerk of the
District Court of Webster county at hi office in
Red Cloud. Neb., on Thursday Not. llth. V&).
David Hhm.
hometcaiI entry number 30W. fcr the utheat
Groceries and Notions,
ItEI) CUl'l), - NKIHIA.SK'A.
The public generally are renuctiNl
to call and examine my gtoI and
prices. :w a shae of the patronage L
S'tore, lirst ibr north of Mfi-ber
meat market.
A CTagh, Csli er Zen Ttrtxi
an Inrnrable I. one or Con'tttartion,
shall be stopped. "Nerleet frefaently result in
an Inrnrable I. one trf. or Lntiojption.
Brown's I'ronehial Trc he are certain tn five
relict In Asthma. Ilronchiti. Conch. Catsrrb,
r.iMM.flv. 1k,At Tlllaafc Fnr thtrtv
quarter or section 'J town J ranie? wen am j year the Troch kav Uea recommeid1 by
names the followinir tt his witnesses to prove , phyiteiaas, scd alvajs five perfect satrfArtion.
continuous residence on and cutivatum or aid t Yhey are not new or untried but havict ben
tract, vii: William G. Love. Jame K. Allen.! ,e ,j by wide and conrUat m for ne.rJy an
Klia w. vieit anu J.ewis i. neu. ao oi , CD,ire reneration. they
Cowies .eorasaa. ,-- r .
fci'.3oct21 S. W. SWITZER. Reruter.
Notice i herebv ctven that on the 6th day of
November. 1S0. at 2 o'clock r- ta. , at my stable
in the town of Ked Cloud Nebraska. I will oner
rn, ..i. .t nnblic aaction. one rrar mare rente
about ten years old. one irray hnrwr male about
ham attainerl well
i merited rank amonc the few stat le reosH' of
the ace I'nbtie (peakert and hfinsers oe ibeot
to clear and trenrtiien li. cie. cmw a.
twenty firt cents a box everywhere.
Editor CnrEF: Sir: If it is true, as
we have been taught to believe, that
brevity is the soul of wit, what a mas
todon'the bold "Rhoderick" from Ina-
vale must be? Has he not. in a single
sentence, completely demolished your
humble servant and demonstrated to a
mathimatical certainty that the Hon.
Mr. Kaley is not Mr. K. at all? That
he had no connection with any of the
unfortunate contracts drawn for Web
ster county; though K., the commis
sioners and old residents all agree that
he had. That notwithstanding his ad
vertisement in the Chief as agent for
B. & M. Lands, it cannot be true that
he has any connection with railroads.
In fact, that all the county records,
contracts, commissioners proceeding,
Ae., Jeje mere myths, and not worthy
of belief under" any circumstances.
Would the valient Roderick devour us
at a. sin?li renin think von. if wo ifftre
to suggest that probably the people of
wis county woum preicr 10 nave jur.
Kaley demonstrate his non-connection
with 'the matters alluded to, in some
other way than by having his mastta
donian friend say "you are another."
Or than writing articles purporting
enough 1o ncrdwmc on the grave of ihlin himidf nm! without sb-mature of
las departed ancestors. -anv kind. Cmas."
At a regular session of the P.oard of
County Commissioners of Webster Co.,
Nebraska, held on the 5th day of
October, A. D., 1380, it was bj eaid
Resolved. That the following
Atinwtirtn 1kr oviil tri flfimo 1 hproVat
M... -v. """,:.:"- H..7" i' A. D. 1SS0.
suuuniieu ju ii juuiM?iii.jii mj "iijuaii- jo
lieu electors oi weneier couni-y, Ne
braska to-wit: j
Shall the County Commissioners of
Webster county, Nebraska levy,' a tax
of two (2) mills on the assessed valua
tion of said county for the year jggl,
for the purpose of sending in tlje con
struction and completion of a Poor
House, on the west half of scrtion 5,
town 2, range 11 west, in said ctmrtty.
Tl form in wliieb paid TrOtyiinn
shall be submitted sliall by balfct upon
which ballot sliall be written ocprinted
or partlv written and partlylprinted
the words "For Toor House Tax" or
",gainst Poor Home Tax", land all
liallots: having thereon the woals "For
Poor House Tax" shall be takn to be
in favor of the proposiuon,! and all
ballots having thereon th words
"Acainst Poor House Tax" 1111 l,e
taken to be against said prs-jsition,
Tiiiii ii mu iiiiiu? u sue uit rmi in
this behalf shall le infavor olfthe pro
position it shall be deemed aiid. taken
to be carried. j
The said proposition shall jbo voted
on at the general election to l held in
the countv of Webster, on tlfe 2d day
of NovemTser, A. D., 1880, at Jhe votii
places in the several precinju an
nounced by the election notice posted
in said precincts. j
"Which election shall be opened at 8
o'clock in the morning an continue
open until 6 o'clock in the periing of
said aay. l
By order of Uie Board (of Countv
nine run old anl one Jiarsa sniay ore a
nlow. the tame havicc been conveyed to me. J
h. Warner, by ehatul mortrsje by one Joh on they'd dav of Ami. I"), the da
i ..;.) mnrinn and said mortcase narirr
been recorded in tbe Coanty Clerk offiee ia the
countv of a etster ana sxaw 01 .orwi. uu
Kcthtrj! Xtctiertll KrtierslU
Are you JttcrbI at alcbt and rrken ttrtnr
rest by a siek child sof trior aad erymr wstk the
eicmriatinc pain ot coltinc letbT If so. cost
ocee aad ct a botUe tf Mr. icIw' Hoota
incyrop. It will relieve the poorli'tle taffer
er laamediately depend nf-on iu there tv
mistake about. There is not a mother on earth
who ha ever used it. who silt net tell yoa at
otee tat it will rental tbe bowel, and rte
restlo the mother, an I rciexaa-j neaitB in ib
. .I.IU ...t.r.. iik. nir if l eerretiT sale
there due at iuhm "" rv?B,' I tow in ail ea and plaint to the lte. ae.4
Hay i
J. C VllllIL
WntBKaa. On Use 19th dy of lone A.D 1AC.
one N. A. Christian rave hi; eertain promtsary
note for two hundred and nine FJS CO. dollar,
and interest at the rate of tender cent per
annaa payable to l- C MetcaJf or order ua or
before the 1st ay oi January, si. v. s.
whereas, on tbe IStn day of Jane. A. I. 1W .to
a .. A 1 1 &a .1 i t.aa4
seenre tne raymeni oi m "" . i-j
W. B. Koby haa the finest line of
Tobacco in the city. tf
Money to Loan.
i by fr the het Tinc and 8eUl aMe i.t
Hand Hook ever llbe,r. ljett I, Mh.
It telNbnth 8ie eonMdt r niw t ! '
thine In tb b. wy. Iw in tin Vir h
Ljer, lli.w ! d- tito.M tirrr!r ho I
tn,X.ful r ll'iw It A t In f"l'tt I
ttrtr ('rt of life, an-t evntalft a ctd inM (
varied Infnr-oalwo lndii.nLa t alt
fcr cijnt rvfer.nee. Ant W'un'irl rr ti
or vr T know why thl l-wk mf ewJ
value and aifraMton U b tt tJn anr ler
aply for term to II, U M0.MMKl)l.,V C
i .m M. Lal. .
Quick Tin: ef Throtijjh Traiaa!
Close Connection. No IhUy f
Burlington Route !
To Chicago and The East.
T,awet rale f Far will b made.
TbroMgh Car "til b ran fwo a. A W.rJntl
in hoiitbeen aebraaka t tblec.
A ten tntno'e fitariKx will b mvla t I'a
eiffie Junction.
AT I HtCAtJO el t-K-ts's w5H alway
b taade to the st, MrwtbtH etxl iwrta,
l4azrr bertU rerrl at tbi LiJa
tljktoBc. hr Tdecrafb ar on ai-tdstatUa.
from M'nut Hirer t t.1jjert.
The burlinrten Mntubafe a systeraof ihrvacb
l.(.er and riot efiBrlw. btto the
liMur hl'tr rt t fiil
l'uMkr ukinc ibis lino bare tbe Lt ef
aecotatsodstion. I'ollrosn sletr ran -aly
(rota Mloiri Klver tu SU UvnU.
r-Tht ttb onlyrelUbl ronta ttb7i'b
. l'.iKtioRj ar ! 1'iSflt wltW th
T. I'. A W and 1 LAW Railroad f-r IndUn
aroll Ctncinnati. otatsbus. a I all rtrt
anbtstbrs Obt. Ken uey. sotker I4i.
jVJTSQ 7A23. ad XtiCs ti 73 :xl;.
When yMi ro ent b re ! trtJ er ifc
B.AM I f if ra wUh to SArK ail a
lortabte and Jr Vt travt rtri&T.
Uenl waaac.r. UesT Ft TtAVt
At the Bank in Red Cloud, on bet
terms vet otTered.
From and aftr this ilatr Fmith Brrc.
pini.arv not.. Td interest tbe above named ,& Thnmrs-on will maice loan- on un
N. A. Cnristian-aBortcacor exeented and de- roveI farnw at jtraisht ten per cent,
livered t?j Di lietcair rnorwee m ei-tUe . wt vaynUe annually at the end of
raori-azenaej iojciiwii.j.'. "".v. . ' t. .1 . -
ortgage requ
i avoid tn
iid note iv-d mortaTe the ma of two fcnndred , uncertainty of -ending apphratinn
nafterdeaeriaed property. aceordiB to tne pro -I - vn;,i tK. rnttmnarr delaV and
rr 1 .m Aefaa. i riar Lai haw aneoBi""'" ' -
and filUB dollar ai ten ets- Wavrill sell I fo annroval. Our fiwiIltlfM
ptemetotof?!"L?-!i21'2UnfAn ,,4 inVlrw a loan the ame dar
V -m- - - - --r "
in h lOVB OI CU VIOBU. " o v.-.-7
Nebraska, on tha 4th day of ovaabr. A . V. JIC application V mad
ISSOl.'dkr. ..Ue prerertvdesrO ,r gvcTXH BROS.
lkerein tie u Btr ji w "
in forehead, color
naare, seven yean eld.
torrel. and one nxsi bay ;
wtta ftar ia tercaeaa. i
Oaefoarta t) o( the raaall mia bovt Bjowtev
n t. octb-sjt onefoBrth J4T.of eM.03 34.
town Z. nf 11 wt. aad one third XQ of the
com ercip now ftewir oa tha ata-e.t yi. o
i action 34. tonn 2. raaa U west, one act of
double barneaa a! oa aaud Bare.
Hr V. -- Kwllt. U- C Mrreair.
Vy-mZ U' AttotBey. Jtarta;ae.
Kotiee is hereby ftT. taat I will xari
allpeTaowwhoataydesnre to ofer tieawetvea
a nvJ''" tor teckei of Ue priBaaryor
Oo3 aa tha fm Barariaj.iathe -atka !
Kebraaxy. JiajT Angwm. aaa jbi;
SlatlUN thaim daNar ia the ah?(
JaliTry. AariL Jaly aad October. At Ga!Ja
Koek atkettrat Satariay ia the ot of
UMttk, Jaaa. 8aa.taih- ami DeeembeT.
pf.rniAi to weave at 9o clock a. a.
a A Pnri.
C4mv Clerk. Coanty Snrtriateadeatof PaWielastractioB
31oney to prove up with on final re-
Kendall's Spam Cure.
Th jaost ttee.fal Itraaedy rrtr 4ltr?i,
a It t eertala in IU tfrtU 4 4o UL fiur.
Re4 prrf !!
Fkok Rrr, V S ORANGKIf.
Prei41s JSder ef tbvMt. Albaaw IVrM.
ft AJkaoa.VL.Jaa Sh. li.
D. B J. KcosU. v lo.. Oeur-aj lr v
jwtr lttin J will ay teat say rt-er1i HU
LesdattV ? v'ts Cre haa been tny K"
tory Ialed. Thr sr Pfttsrtr I Hrrt
a -Xt.fyiirratrJ with )trfiW"
of lameftcaa by a v . Las! rvn say jtnrti
rrJa verr tasae aJ I Uravi blsa ut fur
f-w ws vhes be bw-aa Mt. bstwhI
rut hsaa ce tk rwd be rr hea t 4U
rvert?ht a HafVr w fonalar. ' trvrrl
a, bottle f KeUlt' ifmrH Care od wr b !
thsa m hottU rarest hUaso that h U o Ue.
rither us the taeh W Cw-I.
ltepft!yr W( . P.XOrUSflitB-
B.J. KrdiU M. Ov. 0t la tsiiva Tn
fcd ntyawir. 1 thssk I osixht t tet 79 kr that
I bava reBrr4 iw avi vkh K-
Xot the Crown of King, nor the
Crown of Glorv, but the Crawn Sewinjc
Machine, the latest and Tet machine
in the market, it will pay you to call a
the Poat-Office arul ee it Ifbre toh
1 ptirchaM-! ForSaiV by M. R. 3IcNrrr.
Iaw hw Watn the soavLa sA lra ikrt. t
hav orsi the Sef rit mth. It
aaoatka to take tie Ue fml t t-c
,b mH 6a. L have at earn tsotttea. T
hr it atKirriy "wlL 9 at ail vtiS. al ft".
be fa h r Mu Thia i a iuUtUl
KdW4. It ia 9r ihia her. hwtifnie
feraMsrhalJ&haJatoae Sraaa to saAx will b
verrrreac tUtrn)nUr T.
.... . Cj.SL,Pu-
Rrsd Ur $t IK aKrat4 -ae- srhkh
think rrre cittiTe pryX f lie vLrts- -
r"Sy hs aver wet with th askta&a! a&s
esse 1 ear kso-atetlav. frs hew a vM a aaaa.
Pr fl. per bote.orMX hett Ut Si All
DrxambtM ht ic ot u tt ic Isrroa. r it wiit
hat t aay aiinii oa .-vseaiat f rV by tho
cettit, or on deeded Und at 8 per cmL, . uam8rH c tmrr lre A
and 1-62 per cent- commton. or ai
tstraight 10 pr cent, no commiin.
Jso. 1. Wiixcox.
Office next door to Chief office. 30tf
V' 'r
.Ti- W'Sj?
7fc- -
s. XAa - -V
. TJ
- - rfsrua, - f-'z-: -2
- . -Jt - - Jl
, . , - ,- . -- vi- .- :,--
inLy"' .-'2---w3l
'aaJHBraW -X-r-' -.
iDsllaHHflHflL. ""- ...-. -. --..-.