urn! aih ammi?. A. Lii?rfeficlij Prepr. DKALKH IX AM. KIXPS OP CAJWED GOODS. FItUITS. XI.TS. FECriOSERY, ETC. FlSEflEAX,HES. CASES. Ererr Hcon. "Vfarni Meals at all hours, 25 cnt.. Frcsi-yjlen always on hand. Wcb- uter "Street, one door south of Kaley Bros, office. BED CLOUD, - XEB11ASKA. y7-9 DR. SHEEER, Proprietor of the City Drug Store. XKD BIALEE IJC Drugs, Medicines. Paints. Oils and Varnishes, A full f upply of LASH'S, LAMP SHADES, WICKS, COMIiS BIIUSHES AC. ratreaar aolicited and thankfully received. Prescription carefully eomponndcd" Oue door south of (Jarher's .store, It ED CLOL'D, NEB. lirflble Six-pence. G. W. Dow, -DKALKR IN Groceries & Confectioneries, e Tea, Coffee Suitar Ac. White Pish & Mackerel. Green. Dried and Canned Fruits. The be?t To bacco' ami Cigars. Flour nnd ineal con santly our hand. Kkcs, Butter and Wood Taken in Payment. Everything warranted to bo as roprcicnted. (SIVB.MC A CALL and I will do ou good. 1st door north of arpus office. Red Cloud, - Neb. Flour & Feed ' STORE, CHAS. E. PUTtfAM, Prop. DEALER IN FLOUR. FEED .s Corn. Meal. Bran Chopped Feed and GROCERIES, Visit the Red Cloud Grocery. Feed and Pro Vision store when you want supplies for man or beast: HiRhcstnariret price in cash puip for grain All kinds ofconntrv produce taken to cschango fbrgood. Goodi delivered to all parts of town freo of charge. Store south of Reed's Plow Factory, RED CLOUD Nebraska. Moon 1 Callender, )l)EAI.KKS IN"( General Merchandise, Dry - Goods, Groceries, Boots fc Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, Drugs, Medicines, Oils Tarnishes, Paints "Etc. GLASSWARE, QUEENSWAKK, HARDWARES HARNESS ETC., ETC., ETC. ' A full Hue of everything kept in a gen ral store, al Uiclowkst cash riucES. Kcspcctfully, Moon & Callender. COWLES, - NEBRASKA. G. A. BROWN, (Successor to V. II. Heed.)- PEALKE IX Parlor, Bedroom AXD K ITCHES FURNITURE, Brackets, Chromos, Picture Frames Mattresses, Etc. Coffin always on hand and trimmed, on short Bunco. jnwMiuxjfwi""- .7i" j Bepairin of all kinds- done .promptly and Burial Bbbes furnished at reasonable rate:. RED CLOUD, - - - 2EB. Harness. Shop, BT J. L. MILLER. Keep constantly on hand a full Line of HARNESS, COLLARS, SADDLES", HORSE-BLANKETS, WHIPS, COMBS, BRUSHES; HARNESS OIL, And everything usually kept in a first class shop. TWO DOORS KORTH OF THE BASK. TheSiriost Cash Pries Paid for Hides THE CHIEF, LOCAL MATTERS. R. V. R R. Time Table. Takinic effect Sunday. May 23, 16S0. rrsT. STATIONS. tiST. ;10m 7 -.V) 7 tSi C -A'J C-M r. iS) 6 n 6 ill pin 6:07 6. -23 7:05 7 23 7 aa H .-(10 8.15 ! :l 9 jO 9 S I:41 9 CFj 7 ca 9 10:10 11:50 1 .-00 pm 11AST1NOA'. AYK 3I.UK1IIT.L COWL1-S AM HOY BED CLOUD IFAVALB K1VKKTO.V FHAXKLIN liLOO.MI.NOTON NAl'ONEB KEI'UBLICAN ALMA 0MLKAN4 OXFORD AKAPAIIOR CA.MbKIDOK I.NDIANOLA 32 :3) i& J3) .00 .-a. :40 Ynrt and Ked Cloud wert bound freight traini meet at at 1&I5. Traini daily, except Sundayi. A. E. Touialin. O. W. Hoidrrdse Gen. manager. Snpt. ZAST2SN DIVISION, H. V. 2. B, Wwtwanl. STATIONS. Eaftwartl. HAHDY. SUl'KRIOR. GUIDK HOCK. AM BOY, BED CLOUD. i :10 r. M. 3 i) J:15 1 ::;0 1 .-00 Train daily except Sunday. U. V.llLDttt)oa. A. K.ToKiAt.ix. Superintendent. Gen 'I. Manacer. All locnl ailrertinrmrnlg ortlrml in or an intlrfiiiite timr, will brrryularly cluirynl up each week until ortlrml out. m Live hogH are worth from $3.05 lo $3.80. DiiHV's cidar vinegar for Kile at Itoby'd. Jf The tlavd arc growing shorter at loth end. An abundance of hay has been put up in this county this fall. David Lutz orated at the Hummel M'hool hone I?h;t Saturday night. "Vc notice that a number of our far mers ate sowing winter wheat thin fall. Hon. Martin Garber, of Iowa, arrived last week and is visiting relatives here. Work on the court house vault is in jirogiess; the foundations are already laid. The W. C. T. U. will meet at Mrs. M. L. Thomas' next Friday afternoon at four o'clock. The Greenback mcetimr held at the court hou.c in this burg last Friday niglit was rather Hiiuly attended. Work on the round house at the depot commenced la-t Tuesday and will be pushed rapidly to comjiletion. AVe notice that a number of our citizens are taking an interest in put ting down hidewalks, which we are glad to see. Trade is livening up, now is the time to advertise vour iroods. and in the Ciiikk is the place to plant your adver tisements. The price of hard coal is so out laudi.h high that people who have hard coal stoves wish that they had some other kind. "W. C. Gilham, familliarly called 'Charley," is our authorized "agent to receive sub.-criptions to the Chikf ami receipt for the same. The new school house at Cowles is a strongly built commodious building. it win aiso no used lor cnurcii anil Sabbath school purpo.-e. The woman that had the lightest, whitet, sweetest bread, was the woman that used the Red Cloud mills Patent Hour. She bouirht it of Putnam. Ladies vou will find it to vour inter est to call at Mrs. Fowlers for millinery and notions, where you can always nave a good variety to select irom. Messrs. E. C. Hawlcy and Albert Davis of Guide Rock wiil address the Garfield and Arther Club at iLs next meeting Oct. 14th, at the court house. The latest addition to the Chief ofiiec is a complete Stereotyping outfit which arrived last week. It is the only machinery of the kind in the Valley, we believe. Red Cloud, Oct. 1 1th, 1880. AVc will receive cash orders for the next two weeks for hard coal (nut size) at $15.00. per ton at our coal house at the elevator. 10-w2 Wiggins &. Son. From the Cleaveland Ohio Lauler we learn of the death, at the age of 82 years of Mr. Horace Scovillc. Mr. Scovillc was the father of Mrs. Jacob Wiggins, of this place. Mr. Daniel Mearns left at our oflicc a sample of sorghum molasses last week, of his own manufacture, that surpasses anything in that, line that we have seen. Mr. Mearus has evidently found out the secret of making clear and pure syrup. We acknowledge receipt of an invi tation to the wedding reception of Mr. Jescph Cadwallader and Mrs. A. A. White, G. W. V. T. of Nebraska. The reception was given by the Temple of Honor and Good Templars of Lincoln, last Monday, and was doubtless a grand a Hair. Sorry we could not be present. The hungry crowd who went to Cowles from this place last Saturday night to talk polities, had the good for tune to enjoy the privilege of partaking of a most excellent supper prepared by the skilled hands of the accomplished Mrs. J. M. Callender, and all come away feeling that we had been enter tained most royaly, and secretly wish ing that we might soon have on excuse for repeating our visit in the near future. To whom it may concern: It is ex pected that J. B. Finch, the champion temperance lecturer will be in Webster county the first of November, and will hold temperence meeting in diferent places in the county, the lodges now organized are requested to correspond with A. Wells, D. D., also temperence men if there are any who would favor the organization of lodges at Guide Rock, Amboy, Blue Hifl anil Cowles please correspond with the undersigned at Cowles. A. Wells, D. D. A large and appreciative audience greeted the speakers at the school house in Cowles last Saturday night. Mr. Stephen Bayless was chosen chair man and Mr. S. C Smith opened the meeting with a short speech. The editor of the Chief wis then called upon, and made a fewsemarks, excus ing himself from making any extended remarks on account of-the arrange ment that had becu made allowing Mr. Thos. J. Ward to occupy his time in the meeting. Mr. J. S. Gilham then delivered a sound and logical address of an hour and half, after which Mr. Ward made a short speech and the meeting closed. Everyone seemed well pleased with the speech of Mr. Gilhani,and went home to ponder over the facts therein set forth, until next Saturday .sight when they will all turn rtnf in "the democratic rally at that nktce ad hear the otiier fcide of the ! 7 :l.1 a. M. 8 M HhOO 10:10 1HO comssioxsss piccikbtos. Oct. 1st, 1SS0. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Full board present. Official Ik.ihI of Jonathan Clinc. conMuble Red Cloud precinct, present ed and approved. Claim of David Lutz $23.00. taken care of court houe square and furnish ing trees wa ulloned. Sixty names were fcelccted from which to draw Grand and Petit Jurors for the Novemler term, district court. Treasurers annual statement ex amined and found correct and ordered that said treasurer should bt allowed credit as per ouchew on file in clerks office. The Welter Co. Argun and the Red Cloud Ciiikk both having proposed to puu?u me proceedings oi inr iwaru free of charge for the ensuing year, it is ordered that a copy of said proceed ings be lurniaheu to eacli paper. Board adjourned tint dir. A. Tt'LLKYa, L. II . Lcce, Chairman. Clerk. OcToiu:n, 5th, 1880. Board met in regular session. All present. Minnies of last two meetings read and approved. Ordered that a proposition be sub mitted to the people itt the general election for the levy of a two mill tax on the assessed valuation of the county for the year 1SSI, for the purpose of building a Poor House. Ordered that the road be opened for which consent Was tiled in clerks oflicc bv J. E. Smith. 'Ordered thatTalbet, Be.il and others be notified of amount charged agaitt them at Insane Hospital. Ordered that ailuplicate warrant be issued to M. L. Thomas, for one lost, on his compliance with the law. The follow inir accounts were al lowed: J. A. Tullevs, salary, clerk hire etc. "- - - - $275 00 Omaha Rep. Co., stationery, - 35 59 State Journal Co., books and Mationerv, - 38 37 Omaha Rep. Co., books and stationery, - - - 02 05 Board adjourned sine dif. J. A. TCLLKYri, L. C. Llvk, Clerk. Chairman. Little Blue Items. Wklls P. O., 1 Webster Co., Neb. J Word was extended to the people of the north part of the county that there would be a republican meeting at the school house near Wells P. O.. on Saturday, Oct. yth, 1880, lo be address ed by some of our most prominent republicans of Red Cloud, and o inter ested were our people in the event, that a large crowd gathered at the two school bouses, the one east and the other west of ells P. O., to hear fcome of our ablest county orators, but after wating till past eight o'clock and no one appearing at either school house to nddrcM the largo crowds that had gathered at each place, the crowd at west school house dispersed, some going home and a large number going over to the ca&t place, aiid just sis the crowd was dispersing here, and some had started for home, were met by the crowd from the wcM school house" and in the mean time a large number from Cottonwood preciut Adams county bail arrived with Charles Coinan. " Mr. Coman is one of the line young men of this section who is very well conver gent with the two political parties and, who can command the attention of his hearers. Mr. Coman did entertain us for nearly two hours with as good a republican speech as 1 have heard in many days, rehearsing the history of the democratic party from 1850 to the present time, making comparisons of the two administrations with abundant proofs of his assertions, and handling the issues of the day with that judge ment and tact not often found in men even who are much elder than he. Mr. Coman was followed by Mr. Frank Coyle. Mr. Coylc has always been one of our strongest demo crats. Now he told us hist night why he could no longer vote that ticket, and when he told us that in November he would vote the republican ticket for the first time in his life, I thought the house would come down with the demonstration in cheering, claping of hands and stamping of feet, and Frank's many republican friends in this county as well as Adams, where he is now living will rejoice with us to hear of his being on the right side once in his life. Mr. Covle was followed by Mr. John May, of Wheatland. Mr. May said he had rather sing than speak, and ac cordingly sang one of the best cam paign songs of the season. From the Toledo Blade. "The democrats do not want the soldiers at the poles, they are afraid." John gave us that in good style, with his excellent voice. He made the old school house ring, Everyone went home well pleased with liimsclfand everyone else, with a full determina tion to give the largest republican majority, or vote, ever polled in this part of the county. We would like to hear our friends in Red Clouh speak, and any time when they can make it convenient to ad dress usat either school house, all the advertising they need is to arrive here about two hours before the time, and we will get a goodly number out all any one house will hold. News items, like hens teeth, are scarce. A. Hoffman formerly A. Hotl man &. Co., is doing a lively trade. He is selling goods cheap and is comman ding a large trade. The new store of A. Butler fc Co., is now open with a good line of goods, they are having a good trade. Mr. Sopcr, our blacksmith, has been sick for some time, he is eonveleseent now and will soon be in the shop again. Mrs. Hoffman is iu Iowa visiting her many friends. Old man Wells took in the state fair, he says it was a big affair. Mrs. Dickerson, mother of Mrs. John Wratten, and husband are visiting here. I have met Mr. Dickerson and think him a genial and pleasant man one we would be proud to have as a citizen among us, but I presume he will not think of leaving his large farm in Illinois. Mr. Win B. Thorne, fatlicr of W. E. Thorne, has been very sick at his home in Juniata, but is slowly recovering. e fiopc to see him among us soon. The broom corn harvest is nearly over, it is a paying crop this year, there was a large acerage planted, and the fanners are happy. Mr. N. Yenson and son had out 160 acers of brqpm corn, they have sold at sixty-two dollars per ton. Corn is better in thb locality than any other part of the county, but it is not an average crop. Our old neighbor, Lecrand Thorne. brother of Win. E. Thorne, is back to. Nebnska again, and is living in Juniata he, like all the rest of the good men that have left Nebraska because it is too. far west to ever amount to any thing, hvc found the state removed much father cast-, or rather the east moved to Nebraska. Mr. .Auzusta Budlowr of .North Franklin, Franklin Co., buried his j little daughter Saturday. 1 -TILE luYXT. Thcgentleniiui signing Iihwdf "Citi zen" publUhed in the CillEi but week another letter reflecting upon the rwxt conduct of Mr. II. S. Kaley. A Mr. Kaley k the nominee of th republican party of thw county, for the office of representative it v to In? eectcd that he will le asuivd by his political ene niie?t, and of couie it i understood that the charge! ngaitmt him are made for the purpose of taking voles from j him and to give them to the other ful low. This being the ou-c. and Mr. Kaley leing well known throughout the county, it would In superfluous for us to say anything in extenuation of his conduct m the pa.-t or of hU honor able intention for the future, and were it not for the fact that there might be some recent coiners in the county who-e vote might be influenced by those misrepresentations we would not make even this cbort denial of the charge that have been t rum pit I up agaiu-t one of our moit honored and tru.-ed eitizciH. The corrcajKindent is evidently a l.-liever in the theory that anything U fair iu politics. U'e are willing, as is Mr. Kaley, also, we believe, to leave the result with the fair minded citizen? of the county, confident that hi- character i an upright and honorable citizen will be fully vindicated by an overwhelming majority at the coming election. I can say the Acme Steel Bard Fence Wire is ju-t what it is advertised to be pig tight, bull strong, and horse high. llKXUY LaVKKTV, Batin, Wclxter Co., Neb. y.t4 We will deliver col for fuel with our own team, to any place in town for $1.00. per double box load. 10-w2 Wiggins Son. Final Proof Notices. ' Land Office at Bloominirton Neb Oct Jih. 18S0. Notice w hereby Btv-n th.tt the followinc named settler hai Gled notice of Irs intention o tnnko Bnnl proof in Miprrt of claim, nnd jecure final entry thereofliefore . lames A. Tul- N-U..athi!.rn1rpin !tl Cloud, Neb., on Mon day, Noveml.rrSlh. IS. via, . prnnrj (I. HRxnrKgn. nomrrtead No. 7m. for tho north-west quarter ofection 21 town I ranirr 9 wet. and nainr. the tallow inc a Ins witne-r to prore ronlinuoue residence i upon and cr.ltii-Mion of aiI trac. vi- llritrxril Ilninrw .Inl.n I'.Tll.. M II--' . John A. Harmon, all of .NrtumN. Nebraska oct.novt S.W. SH'ir.KK. Kri,ter. Land Office at ISIoomington Neb.. Sept. 23. fiSO. Notice it herchr jrircn that the following named pettier ha filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hi claim, and 'ccurc final entry thereof before Jamr A.TuI lev, clerk of the court in Webster county at his office in Hcd Cloud Neb., on Saturday, No vember Cth, 1SS0. vir. James II Hki.tok. homestead No. 6130. for the soiith-wet quarter of sect ion. "it town 4 runtre 9 wc.t. and names the following as hu witnc.cs t- provo continuous residence upon and cultivition ofsaid tract, rix: Joseph Win-dnjrer. Kichiirl Iohnon and Wil liam T Smith of Thoin.uvillc Neb. and Arthur A. Pope of KoJ Cloud Neb scpM-octa S. W. SWITZER. KcKister. Land Office at Hloominifton. Neb. Sept. 21. 1SS0. Notice is hereby civen that the following nnmcdfcttlerh.is filed notice of his intention to make linnl proof in support of hs claim, and secure final entry thereof, proof to be made be loro .l;in.M A. Tulloys, Clerk of the Court of Webster county, at his office, in Ked Cloud. Neb., ou Saturday October 21. 1SS0. viz: William Crouch. liometead entry number SStil. for thoSJNK 'A and N JS h of section 20 town 3 unite I west, and names the following as Iih witnesses to prove continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said tract, vir. Puncan l.nverty. -John Laverty. Lorenro D. Thomas and Thomus Hlunt. all of Cowles. Nebraska. sep23oct21 S. W. SWITZKK. Renter. Land Office at BloominRton Neb. Pcpt. 17. 1SS.. Aolicc i hereby Kivcn that the following named settler has filed notico of hi intention to uuike final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereol. before Clerk of the District Court of Webxter county at his office in Red Cloud, Neb., on Thursday Nov. 11th, $$0. viz: David Mkrns. homestead entry number 30W. for the southeast quarter of section 2l town :! ranjrcO west nnd name the following as his witnesses to prove continuous residence on anJ cutivation of said tract, viz: William ('. Lovo. Jame R. Allen. Kliaa W. Wells and Lewis I. Wells, nil of Cow'es Nebraska. sei.23oct2I S. W. SWITZER. Register. LandOfficcat Illoomincton Neb. Sept. Hth.lSSO. Notico is herehv given that the follnwina named settler bus filed notico of his intention to mike finpl proof in Mipnort of his ul.iim and se cure final entry thereof hoforo Jam'-s a. Tullevs ClerK of Omrt iu W rbster county Neb. at bin office in Red Cloud Neb. on Saturday October lCth.18.S0. viz: Klias V. Well, hd 3871'. for tho south-west quarter of section 20 town .'t range 9 west, and names tho followiug as bis witnesses to prove continuous re.-idineo upon and cultivation of said tract, viz: John Smith. John Mearns. Charles Teel and Abrain Reeves, all of Cowles Nebraska, seplooctlt S. VT. SWITZER. ItegNtor. Land OOicoat Woomington. Neb. Sept LI. 18-80. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notico of hi in'ention to make final proof in support of his claim, and so eure final entry thereof before James A. Tnl leys clerk of court in Webster county, at his office in Red Cloud Neb., on the 16th day of October, ISM), viz: Howard Haines, hd 4270. for the north-west quartet of section 22 town I range 1 west, and names the following a his witness s to prove continuous residence upon and cultivation of nid tract, viz: Henry Robert, Austin Reilly. John p. Reilly and Alfred Choat, all of Negun da Ncbrajka seyl6octH S. W. SWITZKR, Register. C1IA TTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Notice is hereby given that on tho Cth day of rvuvemher. ISS0. at 2 o'clock p. m. at my stable in the town of Red Clond Nebraska. I will offer for sale at public auction, one gray mare male about ten years old. one gray horse mule about nmo years old anil one Marsh sulky bre king plow, the same having been conveyed to me. J. C. Uarner. by chattel mortgage bv one John Campbell, on the 22d day of April. 1SS0. tho date of said mortgage, and said mortgage having been recorded in tho County Clerk's offiee in the county of Webster and state of Nebraska, and there being due at the time of the firtt publi c?.'',0Ji "ft"' notice, on raid mortgage, the sum of $1(5.00 and intcres t at the rate often per cent, per annum from date of mortzage Dated at Red Cloud, this 12th day of October, A. D. 1SS0. J. C. Warxr. 0t3 Mortgagee. CHATTEL MORTGAGE SALE. Wmkukas. On tho 19th day of June A. D. 1S one N. A. Christian gave his certain promisary note for two hundred and nine ($209 00.) dollars, and interet at the rate of ten per cent per annum payable to D- C. Metcatf or order on or oeiore me isiaayot January. A. XJ. 1SSI. And whereas, on tho 19th day of June. A. D. 1880. to secure the payment of the above described promisary note ana interest the above named N. A. Christian mortgagor executed and de livered to D: V. Jetcalf mortgagee a ch-ttle mortgage dated I une lSth. 1SS). and duly filed in the office of the county clerk of Webster ;o., Nebraska, on the 2Sth day oi June. A. D, 1HS0. And W berras. theaid mortgagee D. C. Jfet ealf deamingand feeling hims.lf unafe and un secured, took immediate possession of the here inafter described property, tcconiing to the pro visions of said mortgage. There is now due on said note and mortgage the sum of two hundred and filteen dollars anrf ten c-nts. We will sell at public auction in front of W. C Ueilly's office, in the town of 'ed Cloud. Wets:er countv. Nebraska, on the 4th day of November. A D. 1SS0 atlclnck r. m.. the prorerfr described therein vix: One mare seven years old. with star in forehead, color sorrel, and one light bsy mare, seven years old. with star in forehead. Onefourth Oi) of the small grain now growinr on the suuth-c-ut onefourth Q. of sect on 34. town 2. rang 11 west, and one third (14) of th con crop now growing on the south-ca-t K. of section 34. town 2. range 11 west, one set of uonoie nsrness used on said mares. By W. C Rwllt. 1). C. Mktcalf. 10-w3 His Attorney. Mortgjges LEGAL NOTICE. Robert R. Sherer. Plaintiff, l xi. V Williara Hilton. Defendant, j ,.. . . .... The above named WiUtaxn Helton wiU take notice that on the 10th day of September. 1SS0. Abram Kaley. a Justice of tho Peace of Red Cloud precinct Web ster County Nebraska, issued an order of attach ment fcr the sum of S1&S5, in an action pending before him wherein Robert R. Sherer Is plain tiff and William Hilton is defendant, that prop erty consisting of two one year old heifer has been attached under said order. Said cause wa extended to the 15th day of October, A. D. lfrSO. at 10 o'clock a. m. Sined. Robert R. Sherer. 7U By O.C. Cask, ilia Att'. Red Ctoad.Neb., Sept. 22J ISM. NOTICE 70 T2ACH22S. Notice is hereby given, that I will examine all persons who may desire to offer themselves a candidates, for taaehen of the primary or common school of "Webster county, at Red Cload ob tho first Saturday is the m-nths of Febraary. Jay August and Norember: At Blue Hill oa the first Saturday in the months ol Jaauary. ApriLJuly and October. At Guida Rock on the fiirst Saturday in the month of March. June. September and December. Examinations to commence at 9 o'clock a.x. A. A. Pora. Ccasty Snperintendeat of Public Iaitnictiaa. ARE YOU G0IN6T0BUY aSTOVE THIS FALL? B Tow Want The eATestfliatest Styles? Do You Want The Largest Assortment to Select From ? DO YOU WANT TO BUY AT LOWKST FIGURES5 Notice Our Styles! Igr&'ZP'Sy?- OXSs 0 xT) SB o GAELAND. 02T-:Q'C:S?-?) jrjrr - tS - CO o O O ro- v Si i? DC 4 Qo Zo l CO? oo SPLENDID. &seo&-eoQQsr RED CLOUD, UJ C9 i sf r5"::vrr3:SrS! Mm. V Hn BHBk i wssBBEm B2BKnHM' f to FOR HARD COAL! FOR SOFT COAL! FOR COAL AND WOOD! WE CAN SHOW YOU MORK STYLKS OF HEATING AND COOK STOVES THAN EVER BEFORE SHOWN IN THE VALLEY. 55 -? y0 ty - - OCF - l I f: S CR0WNI1TG GLORY. Q -3.WOOOvvavai So H Fsrgei Sir Ccmplste Stock 9f HARDWARE, TINWARE, IROISrWIlTi, AI PUMPS, . AXES, REMEMBER THE NAMES i. - jt- v" ' !X? vJ' i OK?rO&MKJK0000 Wiliir il f V i- h 'r r ft I KvV ft r S iff) r f v n a f A ZmW I N g - Cy-Gr-i 2-40aJr?-O'CIni 3HHi-?MHP v 9 9 c. m B sles HXx ixy&o 0 ARGAND. QOOX H IN k OO oo -A, -- -!? SO y m oo1 rn . M 0 0 o RANGE. I Q . " v &f m J fc " 1 9 1 & Pw&iiis. NEBRASKA ? T, J -ai -,. , ga?;.! --' V-