-rf fc If Hfe b -ri t!' .-ft."--.'- V it&. urn? in rmrait. A, afamterback. Frpr. DEALKR IN ALL KINDS OF CANNED GOODS, FRUITS. NUTS, CONFECTIONERY, ETC. FUII IMAD.PITS, CASES, Story Noes. Warm Meals at all hours, 25 cwils. Frebh Oysters always on liainl. Wcb tcf Street, one door nouth of knley lrod. oiiico. NEKRASKA. y-S RED CLOUD, DR. SHEEEE, Proprietor of the City Drug Store. ASD XKLEJt IJf THE CHIEF'. LOCAL MATTERS. R. V. It R Time Table. Taking effect Sunday. May 22. 1W0. WSST. STATION. 6-Vpro HASTIMMf. C ;07 iYK . 6 Iss J I.UK HILL 7 -05 COWLKH 7 53 AMBOY 7 bs KED CLOUD g ) irAVALK 8J5 KIVEKTON 9 hf, 1 RAN KLIN -0 BLOOMINGTON I 3fl NAI'ONKE 9 Ml REPUBLICAN y -SO ALMA 7 So ORLEANS nst) (iXKM'.D 10:40 ARAi'AlIOK 11:50 CAMimiPOB 1 rttlr.m INUIANOLA. Tnii titmI wrrrt hrmnJ freight trainl Red ClouJ at lil5. Train daily, except Sunday. A. E. TouzMio. O. W. Holdredge Gen. manager. r.xvr. :10a ra 7:40 7 .-20 6:49 6:12 6 :20 G.-0 &:l 5 :W 9:2) 4 :2) 70 6 A) f. :f0 3:40 2:50 meet at Supt. EASTERN M7ISIW7, 2. V. 2. B. STATIONS. I Westward. I Drugs Medicines. Paints. Oils and Varnishes, A full supply of LAMPS. LAMP SHADES, WICKS, COMBS BRUSHES kQ. r.ir.n.ffH 6lieitcd and thanfe folly received. Prescriptions carefully compounded- One door south of (Jarhcr's store, RED CLOUD, NEB. Nimble Six-pence. G. W. Dow, -1EALKR IN- Groceries & Confectioneries, Choice Teas. Coffee Sugar Ac. White Pish & Mackerel. Greea. Dried and Canned Fruit. The bet To bacco nnd 6iKttt. Flour nnd mtal con santly on hand. Ekcm, lluttcr und Wood Taken in Payment. Xveirthinc warranted to be a represented. (JIVE MK A CALL and I will do rou good. lilt door north of argus office. Red Cloud, - Neb. Flour & Feed STORE, CHAS. E. PUTNAM, Prop. DEALER IN FLOUR. FEED Com. Meal, Bran Chopped Feed and GROCERIES, Visit the Red Cloud Grocery. Feed and re vision utore when you want supplies for man or beast. Richest market price in cash parp for trrain All kinds of country produoe taken mi exchange for goods. Uoodi delivered to all parts of town fteo of charge. Store south of Reed's Flow Factory. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. 7 :!' a. it. S .CO VkOO 10:40 11:00 HARDY. SUPERIOR. GUIDE ROCK. AMROY. , RED CLOUD. Eaitjrard 4 :10 r. x. 3 -JSCt I :15 1 :20 1 .-00 Trains daily exctpt Sunday. O. V. II tumtvat, A. K. Ta aupennienurnu FZJLIK. a 'I. Manager. ) U i't ' red in fur . bj charged All load adrcrth an indefinite time, ir mi) cadi ncek until ord - -- Fro.tv niirhts. A ml pleasant dayn. Corn hulking will soon be in order. Live hojM arc worth from $3.75 to Ladies you will find it to your inter est to calf at Mr. FowJer'a for millinery and notion, where you can always have a good variety to eelect from. ..I Messrs. E. C. Hawley and Albert Davii of Guide Rock will address the Garfield and Arthcr Club at it next meeting Oct. l-Stli, at the court houc. IJcv. Geo. O. Yeiser will preach next Sabbath morning Mnd evening, at the court hou?e, in Red Cloud. Subject for morning: "The Lord' Supper." Cburrli and covenant meetini:. Satur- dav at 2 o'clock v. M. Republican campaign meeting will be held at the following place on Saturday evening, Oct. 9th, 1SS, to be addressed by the following gentlemen: Guide Rock f H. S. Knley, J W. r. Rilcv. Cowle". cidar vlnega.r 8-iToat 9tf tZ.'Jli. Duffy's Roby'fc. The new chnrch building U t.rogrc ing finely. 3lr. S S. Wclk, P. 31. at Wells, P. 0. called ml weet. A roA lnt rsmnaicm i exnected in Thayer county this fall. Reed is still making improvements in und about Ins popular trim stanu. "MiniT Hnw. have cornered the dry oods market, "and don't you forget E. L. Grubb. 1 .1. S. Gilham. M. L. Thomas, S. C. Smith. IAHiert Davis, Jo. Garber, Dr. Smith. !D. I. N'ewcomer, Fraud R. Gump, W. JCStmhrn. (E. C. Hawley. L. P. Albright, A. J. Kennej. ( J. R. Willoox, I. B. Hamptonp, (Jolin Harvey. Hummel JVdev' school house lSW.3lImmel. I.Iamc,- IcXenny, David Lutz, Jacob Miller. ( A. A. Pope, J Prof. Funk. ( H. D. Banner. Noticed At a regular wwion of the Burd of County Commiioner3 of Webster Co., Nfbrafika, held on the 5th day of October, A. D., IbW, it wai by aid Board. llwvi.Yia, That the following question be and the fame U hereby submitted nt a proposition to the quali fied elector of Webster county, e bra.ka to-wit: Shall the Count v Commissioners of WeUter county, &braika levy, a U of two (2) mill on the ai-ed valua tion of naid county for the year 1881, for the purpose of ."ending in the con struction and completion of a l'oor House, on the west half of section 5, town 2, range 11 wot, in said county. The form in which said proposition thall be submitted shall by ballot upon which ballot ahull be written or printed or partly written and partly printed the words "For Poor House Tax" or "Again.it Poor Hou.-e Tax", nnd all l.nllnti. liimt tlurnm tin wnnls "For Poor House Tax" shall be taken to in lavor ot tne uroitouion, ana hallow Blue Hill. Rutin. Tnavale. Wells. Oak Creek Diat. No. S. By order ef Bep, CX). Ccn'I. Com. ' W. H. Stsomv, i haviui: "Against Poor taken to be be all thereon the words House Tax" fehail Ikj uinst said orODOsitiou. and if two thirds of the votes, cist in this behalf shall be in favor of the pro position it shall be deemed and taken to be carried. The said proposition shall be voted on at the general election to be held in the county of Welister, on the 2d day of November, A. D., 18fc0, at the vo'ng place? in the several precincts n AUm nounced by the election noticeJ posted in said precinct.-. Which election shall be opened at 8 iV.u-L' in ilu lniinttntr and continue nn until A o'clock-in the evening of aid day- By order of tlic Board of County Committionera. J? T A TllI.liYB. ?t,A ' Covaty Clerk. S Ot- JC It. Moon I Gallender, )dcam:rs ik( .General Merchandise, Iry - GJooils, Groceries, Boots & Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, Jrug8, MecliciiteH, Oils Tarnishes, Paints Ete. CJLASSWARE, QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE & HARNESS ETC., ETC., ETC. A full line of everything kept in a gen eral btore, at theLOWiT cash trices. Respectfully, Moon & Callender. COWLES, - NEBRASKA. a. A. BROWN, (Saecewor to W. II. Reed.) DEALER IK Parlor, Bedroom AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, Brackets, Chromos,, Picture Frames,. Mattresses, Etc. Cfin always on band' and trimmed on s-hort sotice. Irice aa low nb any in the Valley. RrMJri'P of all kinds done promptly and Salis&otor?v. Bttrial Robes furniRhed at reabonable rats. KED CLOUD,- - - - NEB. Harness Shop, BY J. L. MILLER, Keeps constantly on Land a full Line of HABNESS, COLLAKS, SADDLES, HORSE-BLANKETS, -WHITS, COMBS, BRUSHES, x HARNESS OIL, And everything usually kept in a first class shop. TWO DOORS XORTH OF TH E T1AXK. ..t-v- nh Pries Paid for Hides '- and rurs Seward Gaiber is learning to stick type in the Chief office; he is an apt scholar. Moe Rosenthal arrived from New York City hibtTuoduy and will remain with his in others indcliuitly. luilfro f'rnmmo ililivprpil u fnoil cam)aigu speech to a crowded house, in mis cay on veuucsuay cciumjj ui last week. VIr. W. C. Rcilly rejoices in the pos hension f a bran splinter new baby girl that applied at his house for board .....I In. I. ...... I..rt U.t.i.l... unit lui'iiij i.u-i. oiuni.n . The Central committee have made arrangements to have republican speaking in almost every preciuct in the county, next Saturday night. Ladies call at the leading millinery store one door north of the Bank where you can get the latest styles and lowest prices in hats, bonnets and notions. The Chtei-' secured the contract, for publishing the county commissioner's proceedings for the ensuing year. They will be published free of cost to the county. In addition to their large lot of hard ware, Holcomb Bios., have recently added to their stock a supply of heat ing and cooking stoves and tinware. Give them a call. In Lincoln the keepers of houses of ill-repute have been compelled to close up, but m Jieil Llouu the social evil is allowed to Haunt its brazen affrontcrv with impunity. The hotel property long known as the ,'Bovj' Home" was sold at auction hist Saturday, and was bid in bv Mr. Levi Moore for Messrs. Vandyke and fcomly, ol hteel City. Consideration, $3,975. Mr. Holland retires from the man agement of the Commercial hotel, to ' tho privacy of hi former restaurant strmd on Wibsfrr fctroot M .1 ltnc. -. v. w - .. v.-- .v. . .w.. .. V . ....W.- I ses, of Burr Oak, Kan., takes charge of j uiu vuuiiiiuiumi i nc nrsL ui inu weeK. The comte have decided that for a subscriber to refuse to take his paper from the office without paying up arrears, or to leave the country without settling for the same, is prima facie evidence ol intentional fraud, a crime that is puiushable by fine and imprisonment. Mr. James Young and wife, of Pon- tiac, J lis., arrived bust week and are stopping with their relatives, the Laverty's, on Elm Creek. Mr. Youns; will purchase a couple of good farms uchiiu ni lciiuii iu ins iiume in .11 is. wincu win be occupied m tne near future by his two sons. Messrs. Absalom Butler and S. S. Wells, of Wells P. O. will soon open out a stock of general merchandise at that point, under the firm name of Absalom Butler & Co. Their advertise ment will appear in the Chief in due time, and we bespeak for the new store a liberal patronage and hone it will prove a bonanza to tho owners. Mr. Knight, of Inavalc, brought to our omce lasi Jiomiav a stalk of corn from the field of Mr. Bodling, who is farming his place this season, thatmeas 1... 1.11 v. : 1. :!.. 1 .l . mw ii2 ii iu iiuiym, aim uie siaiK four feet from the ground measures 51 inches in circumference. This. Mr. Bodling thinks is a very fair sample of com irom a neiu ot corn tliat wassaid to be "principally sand burrs." "On to Denver," is now the watch word with the B. & M. folks. Should the weather nrove favornbln tliia win. ter, fhey will close much of the space between Indianola and the beautiful city on the plains. The work will be dona almost entirely by the home steaders along the lino of the road; the to givo the poor homesteaders a chance 10 Keep me won irom rneir doors this winter. , We leam of an unfortunate accident' wmen occurett' as the rfisidenpf nf a Mr. Brown, in the north-east part of "'VUT" ,nst "- resiuung in tne aenous injury ot two of his childrsn. :ie lamp that wr,s left burning dur- liiu me iiiuu aim wmen stood on a snen almost directly over the bed where the children slent. pvninrJoH .,n !, burnins oil snread nwr lo Karl u,, :inv,ni:ii i-.ii - i . . .b mo nwj ibuows in a shocking man- Aai.. We had the pleasure last Monday evening, m common with tik miimrih- of the citizens of Red Cloud, of listen- "S io one Ol mo best rnninai.m speeches that Ft has been ourfourtune- io near. c allude to the effort of """ -u- xnurston, who delivered a very elonuent -iml -nnft,- o,i.i , - k - . .. liny iiuiutas ai uiu kI0.0". flowed o.f:tV -"" "-aowe who also amust and instructed the audience. We hoi u.wsu Kwiuiunieu will again visit before the campaign closes.. Mtock of canned pcxw, winch the p( iu-o invited to call and purchase. Tt hatea luullrre Ls, which the public I nrfl reasonable. land purchase. Terms Miner Bros, havn insf rnvnivnri w.. the east the largest stock of water proofs casinets, casimiers Ac. ever brought to Rod Cloud. Ca) ti.n. v- - v.a vraa vav.al when you want anything in that line. ARE YOU GOING To BUY ASTOVE THIS FALL? Do Ton Want The 3N ewcstlliatost iStytos? Do You Want The Largest Assortment to Select From? DO YOU WANT TO Hl'Y AT LOW1-ST FIGURUS' Notice Our Styles! 'g&&$yz$ Horse owner can not. ntVnni in nvr. pook the wonderful success of 'Kendal's spavin Lure' Advertisement in an other column. Kendalls Snavin Cur rv ; oi !. convinced. For man or hi'nut Hn,i ladvertisement. I Can S.1V tlm Ann C..l T) 1 T? ire is just what it is advertised to be P'K tight, bull strong, and horse high. Batm, W ebster Co., Neb. 0.t The Woman that lm,l i. i:T.i. whitest, sweetest bread, wa the womn that used the Red Clond mills Patent Hour. Sho boutrhL it of Pntnum Remember that 'Knnrlnli'B K,Q,.r Cure' will do all fhev olaim r u t. lalottle. Read the AdvcHiapmfln'f -, Final Proof Notices. Land Office at Bloominirton Neb Oct 4th 1V0 - Otire 14 hAr!v rftwAM l i - ?" p.I'nu '?. M claim, and . .....m.im,. iiciwuoiiure.uiiKi A. Tul. &?.' c'pffc l icourt of WeMe r connVi. j..,UuMioBiin tiea Cloud. Neb. on Mon. day,NoTemher8th,lR.S0.vii. ' n Mon . . . 0om (1. IfijfDMnojr. .ti . " . mc j n rL9 ana natiim iha Si"STI"5ahi wilni to prore rSKoni . -o.uoiiiDupim ana eciiiraiinn orraid trac vft- Howsrrl n.in T,l. 1?.tit m i. .,V.lV,D T,x- !, i II. ' V , V." "enrr Mainland lohn A. Harmon, all of NVcni.i U. Nohrapka oetMWTl S. W. S WI fZEH. fiSirter. tx?Ng ffLSFHHv CBBaVaBBBBBVBPBaBV GARLAND. &45 --ff-5- rtts u; FOR HARD COAL! FOR SOFT COAL ! FOR COAL km WOOD! WE CAN SHOW YOU MOR.H STYLES OF HEATING AND COOK STOVKS THAN EVER BKFORF, SHOWN IN THE VALLKY. OCK-KOOOOC jf rH 1bW vsmi &b&fri&r&i 4) fi -r&-r7 AR3AHD. g.ooudtoao ;j 3 0?-0KJ(W K O O O 1 ro -- Land Office at BToominftton Neb.. Sept. 23. 1SK0. NfttlCP la linrnlil- t.itAn f.l .!.. r1 : - ... ; w: - iifc inu itiiiuwinir natned jettler ha filed notice of his intention to make finnl proof in .upmrt of hia claim, and 'ppure final entry thereof hf fore Jarar A.Tul- is. uiernoi mo conn in Webster county at hi office m Ecf I I'loud, Neb., on Saturday. No vember 6th, 18S0. viz. r k ifra If IT v waw homestead No.6i30. for thr nou'th-west qnarter or section 34 town 4 ranee 9 west, and name the lollnwine aji hu nritn f.- ...n. .: residence upon and cultivition nfsaid tract, viz: uboi'u it m.-inrcr. uicnari .)otinon and Wil liatnl. Smith of Thorn wille Nob. and Arthur A. Pone of Kud OonH NJ, flnour iep30-oct2S S. W. SWITZER. Reei.iter. Land Office at HIoominRton. Neb. Sept. 21. 18S0. Nntirn in hrrahv vStron k.f tt.. rll: named xelllpr h4 fUl nnilm nf liis ;nM:. ... : . ;--" . M ..w..v ... in' iiiiquviuu in make final proof in support nf hu claim, and flecnrfi nnnl nnlrr thnf .McA 1.. ...i. l. - ---- v a. .. j ...b. ...... u I. ... SJ.T1I.UI... r. . lore .Ian.es A. Tulles. Clerk of tho Court of tcoBier county, ai nw oniec. in lie! Cloud. eb., on Saturday October 23-1. 18S0. vix: , Wiu.uM Crouch. homestead entry number X61. for the S H N K H and N 14 SKK of section 20 town 3 range 10 wett, and names tbo followinp as his witnenies to nrove continiinus rriiilnni-o tmnn o.. ...i:. nnn of said tract, vix. Duncan Lavcrtv. John ..averty. Mirenro D. Thomaa and Thomas Hlant. all Of CowIm. Ni-lirncln gep23oct21 .S. W. SWITZKR. Ri.tr. Land Office at Eloomindton Neb. Sept. 17. 15). JvbtlCo is linrnliir trivnn !.. v. i.tt 5 named settler has film! i.nti. r u; .....: to make final proof in support of his clam, and 5J.c"r.e .fiJ5I entr- thereof, before Clerk of the Zzi ni Avi " BnSIi:r copnty at hU office in Red Cloud. Neb., on Ttmndtr Kn- iiih lean Tix: nomestean entrr nnmk.r nnuo r. v. .....1..... Quarter nf Miinn ii n '.-n i names the followinit as his witnesses to prove continuous residence on ani cutirationof said irfE. t "'inaaiy. uore. Jame R. Allen. fep23oct21 S. W. SWITZ1?R TL.; LandOScsarBToominrton Neh.Kun. liiK i7. NflticA ! blri.f irn tti.t Ik. -.M-T namediiettler hss filed notice of his intenUon to make nnt.1 nrnnfin innnA.. nl.;. .1.2. jure final entry thereof bofore James a. Tnllera Jif'J1 C,oud Neb- on Saturday October WU. iTO. TIK Elias W. WeII.. hd 3JT9. for the onth-wet anarternfimHnn ., . . . -J names tne followiup as b'w witnesses to prove iwuiiuuuu! rc-iuiuco upon ana cultivation of said tract, viz: John Smith. John Mearns. Cnarli Tml ni1 at.-n. U.... .11 . -. 1 ! NebrwkL "" " -' fpl6ocU4 S. T7. SWITZklt: Reei.t.r. Laud Office at Bloomineton.Neb.Sept.13. 1880. named settler has filed notice of hw intention to malm finiil nmnrin cnnin. .ri.:.i .ir 1 . - ,.-. . ."ri . ui mi uisiia.Bua se cure final entrv thrnf KTni. r... a t-i LeLc!"H $ S!SS 4wWe.b!,e.t-'!?. h4 October. 18S0. vir: Howard llainn hA 1-rrn fn- it.. .. . qnartei of section 22 town 4 rane 9 west, and names the following i his witness s to prove sid tract, vix: Henry llohert. Amtin Knillr. John O. Reilly and Alfred Cheat, all of Necua- i.tnurvu- I6octl4 S. W. SWITZER. Register. LEGAL NOTICE. I Hbbert R. Sherer. Plaintiff, William UUton, Defendant. J ix"n- it i. ... . The above named William Helton will Uke notice that on the. lO&dstr of September. 1SS0. Ahram Kaley. a ster Coanty Neoraska. issued anordprorttlS. meat for the rem of J18J5. ia an action pendinr !IorJhm.,T.hereT,x. Room R. Sherer is plain tiff and William Ililtnn U Htfr..n n...., erty coBiutingof two-one yeafotd. heifers hu oeea attacbed andei-aaid ordr. Sail eaae wS.'x.t?i?d?,toJthelitk Uyof October. A. D. ISSO.'atlOoclocka- m. "tl Br O. C. C. hii'lU'r. Red CIoBd.Neb Sept. 22J1W0. bd m Va 9? X - 0 3 91. A- t "C X JTtXaaMal ' X bSHbbwA fe ad- . ilmfm lM aialLUalB " (f jjm ih jaNaaSaBaBBBaBi ZfVaHUfaaaaaBaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV T l 1 1 aWaLaf JIVJaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV 0 Fl ..iilBaaSfflaaaWJfflSaHaaaaaal 6 ff" J aASBaailBaaaauLaliaaVaVilaBBaaaaaal h i aaaaafaaW llaalBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHr Z l T i99?VaB4aBHBaaal-lBaaaaaaaaawBBaaaaaaaaal V CW'J BaaaRNKawaBEMlaBaaaaaaaL X V lS3aaBBfifciWifl'.J fe?SaalaaaaBBlV3'V' "r'- 6 t. 2 5S9i.SaBSEiH KaHaaaaaaVaBbvB f--? .. J 1-S 1 Xaai7"tvBBBat9aalaBiaBaauBaBBBBBBwlBiiiaaBBB - --tVW" j U'-uw 'bv JBV?IBBBBBBaaZ7aPVBBBlBBHBI'a'SwaBBBBBBBlSBBy ' ' P) BBM VV-S2aBBBBBaaaaaLZSiaBWBtBflBsBBBBW fit. -V ' Irf rn fty aaaal"!,aBapattHGBB3Bsaaj;Bv . - iSc 01 1J it" V BaflJEi37!lBBBBBBa3aBBBaaaHBBBBBBBBBBB f Ubm' ll BaBaaBaaisBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVR llrryaf TBaaSaaSzS l FTH X WBim UrwSaaaaaaaaaaaa T " i aar fmUBPSBr V By 4 PDnTsTsTTlfft rTftT,Tr 0 V2 t. uibuvviuxtu uiiunr . t. CO ITI HTJii 4VO Beiaw u k 1 z Hi m BjBaagBB -; : CROWNING GLOT? V S V " - . ay NOTICE TO TSACSS2S. Sarcaaa who but danra ta nff idmuiro I canitdatea for teachera of th . n. eosBot sehools'of Webster coanty. at Red CtmamA . k. 41.. Cn... X.. .L T .- - - BluwHUl ea the firrt-Saturday ia the moutaJ ot Jaaaary. April. J sly and October. At GaUe waon-inesirst Saturday ia tie aoaxai of hxaOHiation? to eosaeace at 9 o'clock a. v. 2wa4X Sapertatend'ot of Public InttracUoa. aaVaaaaV aaaaV I HV Yaaaa9HBaaSaaaaaaanrlaaaaaaaaf 1 nBiWWWaPw rHSsKsa PBB.3bM.wWIB 0 Vaa29BHB y 3 Io lot Forgei Our Complete Stick 5f HARDWARE, TINWARE, IR02nVA.RIU, iiaij 0 SI BTT'aaaaaaaaaWaiaaOaamFyJ'BaSiaW- f"fcar rBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaaaJWaa3aaaatfc F j- 3 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaf. jafaBlt"! -w Mbwi7 EgJ? IyfcBaW' -aWaWaaaaWJ SELE1TBID. PUMPS, AXES, i 0 RAKGE, CcP aj aw'taBBaaaawaB -vamw-vBaBBW v REMEMBER THE NAMES 0 Hlt- -WJ red cloud; Jvl BMly : lftitlrf w NEBRASKA, Ft J U f&Li- 'fe--' " -s-1 fiCj "aaS vC?! r fl IfcJMK.. in-- - yvm