r- j - "-''- heTReiT Cloui C Tl-IIG Cl-iilgF. n:nr.ifnr.r Evtnv tm'hrday at 2ID CLOUD, HE2BA5SA. M. 1, THOMAS, Editor nnd Proprlcler. TESliS:-- $1.6 St. yeir if ptld in Adnsei. P. NEWHOUSE, -DEALKlt IN- VOL. VIII. BL'SrXESS DMECTOllY. . jr.- ...;,. i V rniifJ ('hist. tudYigttancc U the price of UUcjniyilJ- . .7,.777;. .nlk-A. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7. 1SS0. II ED CLOUD, w mm nit w n .- - NO. 9. DRY-GOMS, Groceries and Notions, RED CLOUD, - NEHRASKA. The public generally are requested to call and examine my e,ood and prices, as a fluu-'e of the patronage is holicited. Store, first door north of Mother's meat market. 14-20 F. NEWHOrSE. 7 W KEnDAlSI tSRAVIN CUjjEf M O. C. CASE, TIOUNT.Y AT LW. Office one (lour north of Gurber's Store. I:EI) ClJOVV, SKll. Collcctiuii- made fc promptly remittal. J. s."gilham, A TTOHSKV AM) COl'N5l:UU AT LAW. Office one noor north oj Juttry urot. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. W. C. REILLY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AIMO REAL EbTATE AOBZT lied Cloud. Xeb. S Prompt Attention Given to Collections. :.. n II. I'OTTEK. t KtJ Cloud IlruztStorc. Edwin C. Hawlry. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office over Farley's Drug Store. BED CLOUD, THE CHIEF. ? EI AIIAS7. Pattern at MLs Hale's. mil Jersey ?wcet t . .1 ....!.. .....I ,rirtir flf atlicul-' C.1ntrit fltitllc a! inuiviii ... r.- - . v-jm",,v"t." , f thmp, pcrnap-. hiu. r)0Uitoerf at nouy a. 4..r.k Oldt-lt 1- llO ! "I...I-1.1 wl iirnriillL' tliail tht" ! 1UI1UI.I " " -. ---rt , tiling pertaining to the queen work and Queen rasing, it..!.- out. rinofMi is allowed to re main 'in the colony Ions, and by ber potatoes Miner Hro. hae just received a car load of new tail. m i Ten barrel" of I Jock salt jut re- M. L. THOMAS, .: I ... t: 11.. 'the colonies existence h perjrfuuaieu, co,vcu at .Miner i EDITOR. J for "no Queen," is the Mire omen o , T ", " , .i . 4i... M,,,,.,. luv- tliH ess for all IV Ilohy ha THUItaDAY, OCT. 7, 18S0. 1'the bees in the colony. After' she has Tobacco in tho eity. nietancicoupleu wun me imw. ..- lilliUltn Uie finest line of tf FOULKS & STINE, ebrisskn- Hastings. .! j;r-. Vv l , l . i:n M wurArri rkks ok the T" . Vw 1 ) 4 M tf..stt ;eb. James Laird, A TTORNKY i - -ll'VtATA. . . ! LAW. Kendall's Spavin Cure. ThciuOHtFurPCMful Hfinrdy ever dincdvcre'l. n it i certain in its tflw.U aiid docs not blif tcr. Head woof be-low. Kuom Kr.v. 1. N. (JKANCSEK, 1'reMdini Elder of the Kt. Albans Dia'riet. fct. Allaim, Vt.. Jan MUli. 1SS0. Dr. B -T. Kkkdali. a- t'n.. !rntf. In rei I to ourtetlorl will riytliat my experience villi !.ndairSiavin Cure' b.i been very patiffitR tury indeed Three or fmir jeirc apo I procured a lottIe ol your aecnt. nud with it. cared a horro of lamene!" by Hfpnvin. l.afl seaon my noire became ver' lnuie and 1 turned bim out for n few Tveekf when he became bitter, but when I put hirn csi the rosd lie (rrcw wor?e. when I div eovcri-d tlipt a rincltonc was formini:. I pmcured u buttle of ICcndaH'n Spavin Curiiaiid wi'h lef tbfii a bottle enrcd him to that he is not ljnie. neither can the-bunch be found. JCcjpeotfully yuut. 1. N. OUANCLK. PEKSEVEKAXCE WILL TELL. StoiiKbton. Ma.. March 10th. l'sSO. B.J. Keidnll A.ft, Cmtf: In justice t ym nnd nijfilf, I think I oiiuht t.t let yon kix.w that I have removed two bone .p:nins with "Ken dall's Spavin t'uee,' mie ery Inrxe one. don t ilnnnr Ikiw lntiffp llie Mi.iviti bad been there. I have owistd ihc horre tijtht mouths. It tood me l.ur inorih to tate the Jiirife ot.c off and two fur thefOiHll one. I linto uyed ten bottle.. Tlio liorio i cntiro!y well, not at all Miff, and no liuncb to bo "en or felt. This is a wonderful medieidc. It is a new thinj: here, but if it docs for all what it his done tor mo iii !nlc will be tryrcaU Ktaiicctfully jour. Chak. i: Parkkr. .Send addrer for Il'intrnted Circular which wa think kiu OMliv proof of it irtuej. No remely lia cer met with ?tich unqualified ?uc cc. ? to our knowledge, lor beat a? well an man. Price SI. per bottle, or ix bottles for $5 All llmnili h-tln it fir rn ircl it Tor OU. or it Will bo sent to any addreM on -tceipt of prie by the proprietors. U. J. KIjMALL .1 CO 7-7-Iy JuoJMursh rails u AND COUXSELOP. AT LH- W51I ,,r..eiice iii all the f'ourt- of the State. Prompt attention ivtn to all U'intw "'t: to bis care. Olbto on the east tide J inrita Avenue. jmji- J. L. Kalft, JSlooininKton. Xebrarka. Wk aeknowlixlt;e receipt of a little iKH.k entitled, "The lif: and public j-ervicc of James A. Oarficld," by Unndy, n work that should be read by all vomit: americans. Tun Deinocnitic .Suite Convention at Hillings Inst week placed in nomina tion the following gentlemen: EorCon- giessmnn, lien, l-evnigaion v.-- county; Governor, T. W. Tipton; Lieut. C5ov. M. Calhoun, of Otoe; See of Suite, Dr. Living-ton, of Otoe; Auditor, T. C. l'atterori; Trea-. K. Fold.i; Att'y Gen. t. E. I'litchet; Laml Com. E. H. Andnu-; School riupL A. Bear; Elctors: Oeii. ViHquin, of Lancaster, M. Doyd, of Douglas, IJ. J. Hiniium, of Lincoln. . -t ... I.i.. Ii.itir.MMl.ltl'lI IMTlTS llfli. I tl IMIl?I lllt.. l f'" - I -- ". a which develope into Workers, nnd al-o Hli fcoap. b or sale uy .. iri.-itkri - " V,i-hiiiL' Cn'rtal. Save lalor v.r fcfiL bv A. 5. ilarsh. ii..i..it.r.'n:i!Hl ws wium ' .-'i-v. , """'l"vf ..1 .-i . ........ ,f..- tl,- ,-Ai.r Xx ;;-;, Vvoi;,ico. ,.... i .... .) uill be onlv Drone, aim u canyi . ..:.. f. ....:., A fi.rtilp Otleell roIdOttl LftCll dt-positf? Drone okrs except "hen there i.- approach demand- for awainnng. ... . 7"AN?lX,I!MATI .i... I xw Ifol.ms. California Sainton in " W w . 1 . -I I a lll.ll.Mllllll11lllki IIII.V Pk. . . 1ta w - - nniMTini ii.iiDMiiiiiaiiMi- -.. - , - - - , ....--- .t . t . . i irH.-.ti.ii u. m uie1 Kct". ai '" Ul,b- butter of A. S. Marsh. ; ill find it to their interest to o to Miner Pm., for cloaks nun an uuolbhauls. nine U.S. Kai.lt. C. W. Kali.y, Kcd Cloud. Xeb. nhii-i in the e"'. Die heiH egK, and in two or four days a tinv magot id to be seen in the bottom of "the ceil called Larv.x the word means marked. The time that insects remain a T.rvn. i varied, some onlv two ilays The apple tree borer work- away fhree ve.irs noon the tree while cicada remains a Larva for sixteen vears, feeding upon root-, only to come forth to a few daya of Sun-bine to die. l..irt ixiiiinltl. 4.kflt1r Hot 11KZM HJIIII - ' Xonsut Candy at ACME STEEL Barb Fence Wire aur: ssivs TMADK A3 7)tt nztvs. . ,. TAtSM THKCMfl-Y jTKi ' - iW M r Hob's. tf for the TiiAcu kotezi:ks, IIKADQUARTKRS FOR KALEY BROS., A TT0RNEY3 AT LAW & REAL ESTATE - A ID: NTS. Will practice in all the I'oiirt in Xebracka mid northern Kanaii; collection promptly f trmifA to anil correspondence solicited. LED CLOUD, Netrasia. Aloo, Apenti for B. & M. R. 1L Inds. I. W. TWL.tEYS, HOMtEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Pension Surgeon. B'0kfice over Ivnley Hros. Inw office. BSD CLOUD. NEBRASKA elbi:i:t a. ii aix ii. d. Physician&Surgeon, HKll CLOl'I), NEIL Austin! Sureeon II. X- M. It. It. It. 0. Oflico over Johusoa A Crppdry Kods jtorc llcn dtncu over F. Xowliaie'a store. lii'o'u J. HI. 32 OSES A, ITS. V. IXKCTIO- Physician and Surgeon, RfcU CLOUD. .Nli. Will pay special attention to Ob'tctrics and Mirncry. Difeiucs of the Lye and l.ar. i-harges modtrato. Office, over Shore rV DruB Ste.re. Hoidtnce 4th house north of school houe. z.-iy TflLS. ill. rALIiENDER. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, (ALLOPATHIC SCHOOL.) Prompt attendance on all calls in the practice of medicines or Misery. Tin: Judicial convention which con vened at I la-tings last Friday, placed in nomination Mr. Ash. oflh for the important oUice of I llnniiit' Tliif nwill:lillf Mlire aituiiiw. .m. .. v ... ....-.- . . Ash is Himeuh.it limited, but from the I'upa what we know of the gentleman we feel jiifetified in saying that the choice of Crown Jewell Patent Hour, can al-wiu-behud at the ftore of tliw. h rutuaiu. 'Hie be-t Hour in the alley. I would -hv to all who want to fence, bnv vour vi'ire of Fonlk- .t Stme, as a man "can depend upon their won! and their wire in the stronj:e-t and be-t wire manufactured. H. Lavkmty. y.t4 Jiftiin, .eu. ich con- rich pabulum for six or .-even day-; t,u, ftl U,nr ;n lh -, placed whentheLanvcisgrownsoa- to h 1 . ,(1 to cu. i: hi;t citv, the -ell about halt ful the bee. co Ht, nwrU r . M over. J hen as its la-l loll tne i..ir.u ,. , vt.-hUoii kan-a-. ,)wlnrt spins a tine tillc like cocoon around , ;t J. " "if with Mr. idf and then n-ume its rcMfuc state,, called the W mtc uj .o frnm 'ttif I'liuii. Iii thi- state the I'upa bee , , , .i..w tin. Li-t of bread. Wire that will make ;i Visible Fence Pig Tight, Bull Strong Hi Horse High. Factory near B. 5c M. Depot. $ V k Jtk It i itisuTAiiie ,, -i - nw TiiiM. iSax I r iw . . ii. & i... !...,- ..3.... -.fc.. ..io U.V I tr-H . j trt: .. " r.: U nt 4tf-St fcf o.at " GO TO W. B. ROBY'S 10 u- the convention w:us a ;ood one, and the nomination worthily bestowed. Mr. Ash will discharge the duties of the ollice with abilily and with credit to himself and the District. Editor Ciiikp: It is with feelings of the mo.-t profound gratitude, and with a conviction that the interests of the state of Webster county, are under the care ami guidance of a power and wisdom for superior to the average mortal, that I for the second time ad dress von. Has. it ever aceured to you wli-ir mi irrenariali e mistortune it vimlit" be to Webster county, .should ,. ,.. ... i i...... remains irom eigm. 10 imr o.ia while the transformation- are taking place which gives it it form as a bee, called Imago, which means the image is complete t ...iii.rl.nih make- the bc-t oj bread, reason why, he u-e- lied Cloud mill. ratteiit Hour, rutnain .-ell it. t the Flour t Fcel .-tore of Cha- t. i... fitu will linn a lir-t ria-.s In 21 days from the time the ting egg - ', . whcn in umn placed in the cell the bees u.icap , ;, nflt fn , , ,,! lrtl him. re the cells and a perfectly formed Imago J -n h i,,terc-t to bee comas lot th. It then remains in i ' l"u c tf Staple Fancy Groceries, THE it EST- T M A0 & (02 AMS IN TOW . ALcO Choice Nuts, Fruits, & Confections. iarKresh Fruits and V.gct.tbN Nd I vi Commi-no! ihn liiv.. for about two week- before it ventures out to try the perils of the wide world and gather food for their dear ones at home. The average life of the bee i- claimed to be about 40 or .")dav5. I introduced a pine Itallian Queen into a hive of black bees about the first of Augu-tand the 20th day of September there were but few of the blacks to be found, hut the hive aboun ded with beautiful Itallians. The time thev live depend- much on the activiiy EOAD SCRAPERS. Mitchell Jc Morhart have on hand and for sale a large lot of road rrnners. Call and be convimed ili.it it wdl be to vour interest to pnreha-e of them when ou want anvthing in that line. tt MONEY TO LOAN! iK rS:hlW dnl1 e -Sm tS daS Monev to provTuitl inal re- not, by his own admission, draw the g? hive ,.,.-, of on deedel land at s j.er cent midge contract for the ronmur. u ,.fl2 ,.,. wlll. romm.-.on, or at Eii wSiX asjf ssass i p - iU , & & w ,-. .,. :;----x. weiegrave doubt of the integrity f j "'WcJifecMi i-s iiirst aclivo in the de- Office next door to Chief office. 30tt 111HU-- ill Hi- iivii i r-r' - ,..--- the WH COWLI-S, NKHKASKA. J. W MOHAN VILLI'., C. P COWI.K3. NSB. MOKANVILLE MORAXVII.LE, AVIBOT, NkB. BROS., Homoeopathic Physicians. .! i . ... .r. . c. .. iiiiiitfi fjiilt linn Vi'r..1;.::.:.;. .::.. ,;..,r;r....,riti. luring the winter so here inay oe x , ( Crwn ,lf Kmg-, nor T i...i;. itii ..II 'fnreiini eoiii- voung bees ready tor spring lahor. 1 he CroVtU ,,f (,Iloi. but the Crawn M-wiiig ;"n " i I So s Drone hatches out in 21 day. The Mrhine, the iale-t and be-t machines pani.s or cor por " '"' ' - Worker in 21 days. While the Queen . , I11!irk,,t jt w mV von to call at M "".TiS.'V. t 1 h fell upon the royal pabulum comes (!' .n and J it before you ": 1r;",.a..J" ';:':,.:. V.:;.r . .I.. . i... J forth in her beauty in about 1G nay.- , . . Vur s,lo iv ,m. H. Mi'Mrr. lO (leirailll, I.IW m ? mu "-. .. , ,.. - ...,: ..rnanut ' l"" - neglected to insist sioners setting amnl il,mr I'lilmi. in iln the ,-ame. did he Hot ...... ......... - -, . . I . . . . 11. Kl.l. liews Items lrcm an C7cr tae aiaw. his ihitv when he ' lonn in m -i ncm i. ...... . t S cmnii" when the proper ton.,.or:uM,rei, present i . :.. ! in tlie hive. 1 HKO. JOIl&o. le security, or in l" tnt- ""L- COWLKS A AMI10Y, NLltUASKA All profeMional.calls will receive our prompt and carciui aticniiun. 40inC WhiieDavisSowels American SEW1KG iriAfHIKEN. co CD t a - c3 PH C9 o a o c. o be c 4 9 e. 9 m a o O o o o a Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDENT DENTIST. IlED CLOUD, . - NEBRASKA. w CS IT o - & g Is C3 c o o 0 2. esri) (Lfe o) llichanlson. S. Garber. Richardson & Garher, DEALERS IN LIVE STOCK RED CLOUD. NEDUAfclvA. HiRhet market price paid for hogs nnd cattle. " il K Smith S. 0. Smith M.B.THorasov. Pre's. FirtNnt. rnh. Firt Late Teller First Rank. Rcatrico at-IIank Nat. Dank Boat Kcb. Ueatncecb. rue Neb. m Jrors&homp5on, BANKERS, RED LOlW, mKU. Will make collections in acy part of the United Statco-Sell exchange upon the princi pal eastern oitie Loan money upon lmpioyei farm-IU-cchoiIepo!its subject to sight Uratio Allow interest urcn time deposiU, ana trans act a general Banking business ItsFKRKSrFs: Omaha National, Hank. A. S. PaJdeck.U. .S Senator; First Rational Bank XVnrk. Camhri lee Valley ational Bank. Cambridge Kew York, OMAHA Sample Room, still fail in his duty when he neglected to enjoin the contract and call on the courts to protect the county. Why sir, the Hon. Gentleman did not fail in his duty when called upon in a somewhat similar case but lacking all the ele ments of fraud in first case mentioned. Did he not in the interests of some few dissatisfied ones over the location of the Inavale bridge, and who made no claim of fraud but simply on the ground of location, draw petition for said parties, and in drawing the same did lie not completely oeceivc our most learned Judge G;u-lin, by drawing the petition in this wise. "The said location for bridge is removed a long wavs up the river, to-wit: 1U0 rods, and located oil' from a. section line," thereby very naiurciy leaning uie juugc io suppose that the location had been changed lrom a section line, wnicn was not true, and in his zeal for the above mentioned injured individuals did he not carry the papers to Judge Gaslm and with his n-ual abilitv and in ex plaining the circumstances show the Judge that the case was of such trilling import that the bond was fixed at 1, 000, to enjoin proceedings in an $S,U00 contract. Did he not in 1ST4 after the commissioners had completed their contract with Mr. Clark for the present budge over the Republican river draw Money to Loan. How Can! save Money hv i;riM. my Fall and Wivitr Goods ok MARSH ! .I?i I Knr .ill inir -4 w f iu .111 ... 3 I h Goods at what thev arc worth in Cash. I sell them at a small profit. I make no book account. I have but one price. Clear cash buyers get the ben int. . 'Tp'Iown Mor A S. MARSH, W. H. REED, r t-u i HRUnf, CIGARS, TOiLAOSCL CONFKCTIORERY, FRESH OYSTER'S is Till IB l t' Crvohn nnd Canned FRUITS- i.ii- vu ri nnd rxnniiue (mo1s and .. at I il! old sl.-.tid, Y 11 R -pi i.u '. prt the B'n ROBINSON Wagon Company, MANUFACrrRERS OF WAGONs JOE. JACOBS. raorRiirroB. TWO DOORS WEST OF BOY S HOME. Keep on hand the best brand of Wines. Liquors. Beer, Ale. and fine Cmtrs. the public patronage is solicctcd. A sharo of farmd K Buggies & Phaetons. m We do not Want Agents WE OFFER OUR HEIMRTT COOK, PROPRIETOR RED CLOUD Drug Stoie, And Dealer In Drugs, Medicines? Paints, OILS: VARNISHED All poods in my Line kepi constantly on hand: and to which i invits the attention of the public. HENRY COOK. JAUl Standard T.rade Vehicles, TO THE TRADE. . -. - Work that has" Xti established reputa fion, and that oun te handled" uith sat faction, both' Jcfb.tlj-er and seller. BOBDCSON VAG0X C&- -fe-3v . Gincianati, Ohio.- an additional contract or agreement which gave to Clark or his agent power to use any part or all of the old bridge. lleMilting in a total loss to the county of all material 111 the fnt bridge, sis what was not used in our new bridge wa taken to Franklin and Re public counties, where Clark the con tractor was building bridges at the time, so that out of our .superabun dance of material we helped Republic and Franklin counties construct their bridges gratis, a thing all very proper considering their poverty and our wealth. Though some "are foolish I enough to think that charitv in this case should have comenced at home. Of course the commissioners were to blame and intended to defraud the county. No matter if they did reserve some $800 from Clark's contract price. Did they not have to refund the same or stand an expensive suit with every probability of being beaten. Of course it was not the fault of Mr. Kaley's papers, but a clear case of the com missioners bulldozing the county out of the bridge, for the sake of giving it to strangers. Did he not when emploved by "Web ster county in our tax suit with the It. fc M- K.TL, return from trying the case, as agent ior tne company winch he had been sent to fight, and for which purpose Webster county was spending her money and paying him fees. Judging of the future by the Dast what is impossible to us, with the home talent which we now poteess, can we not draw our injunction and replevin bonds giving but one eighth security of the amount enjoined and us to contracts we can bait the world, or Webster county. What can we ask for more, let us not be unreasonable in our de mands or ungrateful for past favors. Let us when we walk up and pay our 18 mill tax, not forget the noble patriot whose unselfish labors helped us on our way to b:tnkruptcy. Citizen.- feed Sale Stable &e &t JTOsiy nop.- nut istrvux.- A large, force of men are at wm-tr filling in the trestle work on the cast side of the Plattsmouth bridge, from the cut on the west bank of the river. A steam plow is u&tfl which unloads the car with marvelous rapidity. Steam shovels are employed on the Plattsmouth bid. The V. P. has built a stock yard at Valparaiso. Adams county has a watermelon weighing 129 pound". A Hock of 3500 sheep is on the way from Colorado to Kearney. Xiobraia has ordcied a survey m) that the streets may be graded. Naponce mills receive large lots of gram from rhelps county, Kansas. A iinik-iiaekintr establishment in Fremont is among the probabilities of the near future. The railwav line will be completed to Clinton, iii Pierce county, by Octo ber 1st. A Hastings firm i arranging to build a brick block, -14 by SO teet, and two stories high. A bit ire force of R. it M. engineers are now at work running preliminary lines west of Nemaha City. The Piatt river bridge at Fchuylcr has been declared unsafe by the com missioners, and will be closed. Feed cattle are in greater demand this fall than ever heforn known in the history of Otoe county. The bishop refuse- to permit the Catholic church in Lincoln to be con secrated until it i- entirely finished and paid for. Keaniev's new Presbyterian church is to be ofhrick, to cosf$E,500, and will be finished this fall. The. contract is let. Over 100 men are now at work pre paring for the U. P. shops at Grand Island, and more arc constantly em ployed. St. Paul's new elevator is completed. It has a capacity of 1?00 bushels, and is receiving as last as grain comes in. One of the bet improved and most valuable farm in Lancaster county, is about to be sold to a New York party for $12,000. The transfer boats have left Platts mouth. The 'President" for Sioux Citv for work there and the "Vice President" to St. Louis for repairs. It i stated that the corn crop of Richardson county never looked bet ter tlian it noes 10-oay. ami me. iamiers have plenty of cattle and hogs to cat it up. A large force of men arc at work near Arapahoe, repairing and rebuild ing the R. fc M. track and bridges that have been washed out by recent heavy rains. The bottom lands north of Rrovrtiville are said to be overflowed and the standing water forms a stagnant pool that must produce a large amount of sickuess. Fremont citizens are circulating a subscription paper to raise a fund to indemnity the owner 01 uie opera house from losses, provided he will keep it open for two years io come. A two thousand acre tract of land1 three miles south of Vinton. nicy Co, belonging to a man named Gark, of Lincoln, is being improved for a farnr and cattle ranch. Grand Island" is jubilant' overths' prospective increas of population that will fdllotf the opening of the U. P. mhchihe' shops, now in" process 6f con struction. These shops will give'steady employment to about 500 mechanics anii-laborenj.- At the Rank in Red Cloud, on bc-t terms yet nUered. ,,... From and alter Hip usue jmuhh -. x. 'ri..uiin.m will make loan- on mi- cent. proved farm at straight ten per cent ,,t,.rest navable annually at the end o - - - - 1 . j,- .iii.ji(iii each war. oeiiarge- iort-wiim-'. examination tr apprai-al. othing deducted in advance and no second mortgage rei.uired. Parties ''Orrowing from u avoid the customary delaj ami uncertainty of sending applications awav for 'approval Our facilities enable ns to clo-e a loan the same da the application i made. ,-.-. rn, SMITH lIKU.d: lliu.uiow. PAT TAXES. All holders of B. & 31. IL R- Contracts for Land purchased of that Company dur ing the vcar 1879 and prior to that dato .,.. UnlilT. fnr tlio 187'J tax. Thev became duo January .1st, 1850, were delinquent after May 1st, 1S0, and if not raid bv the first day of November, 1880, the land will be sold for taxes. The Coiiipnnv'3 Agent, for the purpose or paving Delinquent Taxes on 1U fold lands' will visit tho County Scats tho tat of October, nnd all purchasers of L. in lands should pay their Taxes by October 15th, if not before, in order to save addi tional expense. .,,,. x-r J. D. McFARLA.D, Land commissioner B. & K. B. E. ta Net 1880. 1880. We call FARMERS ! isso. 1880. Best, Cvm Imr.'K FUtVlKK ntODLCl? Ffiiil: Ui i-a t:-":i::i:i. A rtre f U r pn !. pair p-itniit 4hi(4 I takr jmrtie!' r pit U V- ha III r r l-'t I rrrfili.i lit mi !iii ! ..ms. TAT. H. REED, iskd nt 1 r.unK CHICAGO Lumber Yard RK1 C'l'OrD.Xctb. Varl .ith of ltarnt -1 A KaVton'rf jh. n ll P'l'srl. Samuel West, DEALER IK Tobacco, Cigars, CONFECTIONERY. CANNED FRUITS, FRESH FRUITS, CRACKERS, CHEESE, ORANGES, LEMOS, your attention to the Largest, and Cheapest Stock of Agricultural Machinery, In the Republican Valley. Years of experience in the trade, has taught us the wants of the Farmers of this great AGRICULTURAL STATU. Convinced that in your Success lies the interest of all, we offer vou the best products of Eastern Manufacturers. Drills. Seeders, Corn Plows with Seeder attach ments, Sulky Plows, Stirring and Breaking Plows. Marsh Harvester, 1 w 4 Whitney Marsh Binder, the best machine in the market, Randolph Pleader, Newton Wagon, Buggies, and all kind of FAEM MACHINERY. UV shall snare no efforts to advance the Interest of our Customers. Alwa always happy to -Hon onr gKxU. (Jive u a call. STABLER, DE1SHER & CO. RRD CLOUD. - - Nebraska. M.M-,0- - 7 KT Utl7 if fcli fftwlll i I.MMtbrr. jtli. MttMKlr. HMr . (lava. I.lnir tf air '('Ml. tUirr Itn I lit 1 11 fnper rlf. PLATT & FRKKS Iroprictor. SAM'L GARBER "-DI.AU It - 1 and Dry fjrooffs iAroceries- BOOTS jtml Nil OK Hats, Caps. &. lira it if Made Clot king! Wo have trie Larfpst Stick in the Vallf y and witf not be undersell. fJivi ui a cil', on? ami aII. Sam'l Carber Iud AV AND A FULL LIKE OF FANCV 81 g? a S ALSO A FIHST CLASS Ice Cream Parlor Where vou can always get a nice di-h of Ice Cream during the Season. A share of the public patronage is resiectfullv tohcitcd. First door south of Mitchell & Morhart's. Red Clofd, - - ebbaska. Holcomb Bros., U'ealcn in 9A-afjwa cf all kiss. Ther fell CHEAP for CASE: ni iT tky hsTc &rt vbt yea wat, It joir' Order sad tkty will fHl it. CALL ON TBE OiY door softf mthir'f,-& jfcr.lOLCOMB will vait o toy. kjirltf r s4Q rY f r.w CPlsT HP . (?) BfG& mrHl2ar f . .s iRI '.n .ZZT?z 11 .JlSWin"' g7 .HiTTOCf ..iJif. TS jLri&j roR ixr w aigs m& tjs iri 1 -DBI!lT rkSVlfl'VVJ? k. L I V J'V Tf " nr jt if ri MTM T Ml 1 l 111 V " Ant mLsrr H r - ,OT ,f . PROUDFIT L UKBZf OeXKSAT. Df.ALKJU IT )ao( STOY E S. GMide KOck. - Xcfer Y.itnV.ns ily ift Its 5rr. tUtr Hard r are Store- come send sea us aso' vill not be UNDERSOLD, . COME.. Yat Yvxt LUMBER. - ...-.. rt imm.TTiem -T- F, HV CORE Jwlr Rd Ctou4. V " jr mrtm 51 4 I w tf .1 I! W i 9-i 'a.? y-. - t&r- ... . ."!... ST. -?, '6i-r'if:-irja -r-"?- J" & r l J r m ? -: gf& : ir-vr.. ? y -y PMMSOMttMMMM r K . jfc. r tr. , i wPfcn i.mmi y J M. im mi 1 1 imi'ii 1.. ", J"" at wawaaapwaWfcW-jT A-. mm .t