.f .Vi - - '''i. Tr iV:., -ft r..fyAJ!tK huT li --' ,.-?h:- ;-;:. K -i. ?,-". " . ," A",J' -.. v, : -vrsL .-.., OX-.K4f --fa ' r i' i -. ' - v, -. .-, .- -f. J O. i Tf. ' W .-fcSJ -r. -j - -,"-' - A V.aV Tl WT2 . ' ' A. V Mr . .r. & v . ?" &J? & i. . --i':.i.'i rafSAil If r "- K' ..''.v, t ..ffasar; .. : . . m ?. ,c-u. 77bimbbhh impi wjvrvipi -. .- aa. il,st1bH.-;Pf?. iw i in ? .- p KHS'BBVPT7 -v -ffTaJiT" ---- WTB-W-- --"--t SriSKii s'3tSv,S'f,Aw5i ;fiT; yf.. .?1HKS 4i .i 2 iBBBaBiciH tanH . . in jwrnrv - - Ta im----- , m-j-nbB. k v .. r j n - wj- - ja i. , t- fmf. 'J.- i i.v. -, ivi-ri -n.- . '-v nr . - t. s-; r - ?"3 i.- -. . nov .a', k. bkieui - -a4Ev.,nL . o mmsnmBsmaMsMssssmst-: tm&:TMmamwmmm. RaaRRBBWWla.:3taV-jr' :..-; Via&L., T31 S. t " -. ?? TiJPSrs,aMP--X-l:v- s.. a-3Ki ?s;'w-c. . ir.-. ik ftg? . ss-a?i's?r?" w " - --w JiffiMBTta-vfiy ,. v- TOJiaaVaiSK ?&;? WKfcsr.aPB-wT. . fc; !-"- ?iaBK. r ' --' jf '..r,jt - ?.. i i.v . .:, - ' -tr . im t-i ? - j"a&&,' r' s , . - v - jfcstwhiBE,xjr-Pjb. 7 "-.. ,i -?: 2&--r'''-i - .x . i .-k... tm. , -bbho: mm .- , t f. t mbs-. . - &-rf tr-t. . t. j - . .. ht . -mm . . m -vmt?a - " - - -w - - - - l i- -i . a 1:1. rtr ... i '"i mmmm-mWtr -Mmm& - j - t -" .i' "i - - -ti-yr't.i s, v msflax. - -:. varvau ,j -- -t - r -sr 'vs"- 72r T . f . ' t x fmr, - r ". -ir-'ik5Vii "? ? .-rei.iiMWS- "& Af .ty' -b- ' -jL,,ti.jiK bbt -JMfcj-n- .rve i-ratrj 1 - w hr- - -r . 'ju " i -a -- 't- w ttm. r - T w Tfc" 'r '' i.l. .-. c -i tjv. , ?---t. ., jC , .r - lt l.- j anuanMi? .;'": T- t r - .-k- iiU- :v i' t HKiaiHntuv fiy2- TaMt- --.SPESl i,.!;W., r 'J.fi5?K-?'..Ji.gJt -3.t. .SfCJfier-' '. 'S' .i , . tfH -J-t- " whifCT -rM-;vv-.anag - t. ?n3.Cjef.- - a .. . kn... wWArJ!" .' - -S, XA . A. v.. b -SS "T - . SaVSSS.-' - J ;f5 " X -;-- JTk t r ... "S. ammkVLwTFKJ-. 'S 1T1W '-S T" -k.gB'S-'SSe-:.?. -i' - PBIiillH - - -" tjfy. r :-yp.Agv.f.-.ve,i;c-? IliiiiHHHfiSTsEriiEv :l . ,' x... iS.r S6.t'.- jafea!P.- .sj? - - -jr . ;:s ir!feS?Ssl?aaPg':S Ml I WH ill I ' 1MB ' i - "---- rJT- se - --k . r - - '"mm - &-ixVT"rF . .j.- "-4ir '?jr-- illl P I i Mil 'i I i II I aWWHilliiM 1IH iiftKSir 3iBKii-iHss?-f-' -r-.. iar- r' ' a. . w " ' jfc-a3Kei.si-isar.!a-aei KSiaw 3JF3t&k. f ' - ? - - - :.-- ? Vb stef-; - t :-s ' --g-fy r;, a&frjug.v --lllllllllllllllllllllllllf :SSttApfci' S . "Eternal Yi&ilaribe is Hie mice of Zibertu," and $1 50 a year is the prire of the Bed (Xdttd Chief. "1 IT- -1 lV ie l;r -", -1- T5T?- - . ' ' . .... ...... , , T . . h J- i -ytAjwfr Hf' IM- :- Hailta 5 MILES OF. tlwKHOftT J8AFgiftWWB; Council Blulm: rrAKIV srSf, ,60. HILWAUXEE miwl9li$XAWip.9vmzmirr( A - - ' - I II . tX. MK,I1 JIIIIBlflPI 'timM. -.- at' iarlrtrTt yi T ;,. li iTTnlt.li.m " - eater Facilities! AW MM M. J A more Movani ' TW uTotktr roai la Tt U tke O tf LY iiOAD kill ilKtaffm Uf whk it.flM , OT: HOTEL- CABS! I .rlitinn to ti 1 to blMMKHetwaejer i.l.r. U.iVMlRS CLASS HMUfUW E" . n.. iMIffklU ' A. flSU Bl AXXwaio. UVMIU -; .tockiistfd'Ufli; v - Jftl IflipBtftt Ifcil doll toil .r JlFiM wHk wHfcrfcf .tfJir.sa","' ir..l A kJI ' k a a . .v.. nM.rJI t 1- IHUBiMaiMM.' ildMiMMM1rM 4MiM tO DICK Pt- t A COMFORTABLE! FolliMn 8feep? m all Niffct tnM 1 IT U TBK 'eople's Favorite ".Eoute, SeXuwatt rtefS?Sai.alTaa t4ae ta bate joint Ifaiea M)MccteTaTli K aeeoataeMWM r-7articawi E NONK.OI tfekow bf iiat ati aWAa aJUm i Tick AfMte-o mm w4 iTkketi Tia tliti ai aJMck mil ibT - JHPIt rat wi, -- IA Tickkt Omnaa--l4-faraaai Street, i, 14U, sad mtU aioa PaeVtc Paet. " ?irS51-ANW:it,jr Set. aad var OaVse In Colorado" Oatrml amd Uoioa m rxciie irmjuHnr iiiuwtT- ?$ieTlekatOc r - ' ,.V naaeatea uawriuHa"J o' - bribfaBatiea. fsldcre. aps, . not ob- i atttoaie xeaet VBMm,MiareH ubj ',the'CaiBa7, or,, r -v , . , HUflKTT. - w.-.E. irnrareTT, afaaaiwftj Qaa Paj.AMt. , Aaicaco ail, . !ER BROTHERS, UEADdUARTKRS FOR WiLDiTis.Eowlkrku ifewsfiw.." BjatBlWES ROBINSON a- -- EAST J v w PI 'II "'niWlWWWl "li B" Sgg-a-rrrsrT .ill XI; -'--Tti m 1i fMMiMCBMBPnV -I'l JF- r t laHatBaalltaBar .7 j-t ' ' BTaaaaaaaaaaaaaal 7 "c 'aaKaaaaaaaalBaaaaaaaB HBaaaaaaaaHRaaL . (HBcBBBaflaBBaVavaaPtBb ..aaaaBiaVBnPBBaaaBaBBaS' .-. MKaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaa kiaaaaaaaapa ?BraEQBaaaaaB. Vf bHW ' aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafli 'K ' BaaaaHlBiaBaaf 1 'l JLaVKiaff "fl S ft aaTam aaaaaaVaaaaB '1 Mpm 1 , ' maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalLB?Baaal- '. ' Company feVPi ii .r1 5 ..CLNNATI, OHIO, , :..r-oX ... . 1 )KB.Ni -MAVir.;JUST FLN- ,r.,msaa'r vii .itTi'K: khdhsw ith t rAGILITYiOK TU fllA1WFvIMPKO.VJW MA- IsaBWBstY'irAAJi AlUa f- s,:. .aaai om rn .WSTsSKUFAC, Ej4atf-.!satrtib' '!riTt?K - -J- VrTC-la TTnVlor, " BWW " : ss-ii-' iBHeu I . .-kaVrc . - v3&ttPKINa' WAGONS. 'sr , - rffv . i.A- - - " 1 mLsob uDLoirsMtiNG yaqoxs; ?3AibtoUApB:U3GIES, J iJ? SJrfIAA-a S"""- , iUf?-urili TKWTEATEn ',' - .. r;' kRjtlagis; SeKioriigM""r - -u ?iMmtwmXR(YX co. - S'3 Jal-iasSSr C fCMMniiatl TaWll r-r aBBLaaaaBarxvvw-'' wg- .- ---, M VW1 1 -,-. w- z. - --- ------ tt3fcV .-.aaRfja BBBfc . ! ' ,t-TJbraS3tl I ' ' '1j --.aVaBa P I "j.'-J'kT!. -j-. i " r ? ria:cJaii 1. s- -V-ta2'VWv -ti. iiHmpp aaV WbbWjwJAVJA. . ii.iiy SVljt'.fBTtft, . .- j . -- j -avt. --.sr- . - w38e;East, rs"7iM.,itmr'" aWA zT-.'r :r, " rf- J ' v AeM-aaaaaaaaaaaw ?'Sii--2rw i-4ri. !-,",-' "".-'V. "-i. i Mraaarsw J &ja;rtsHF Lf-iajiasaefj.j- , ietaaatrar. P". 'i.ir '.i.. ,WW'H mtih lilaimir ' MaBActakaWtsajm aVX a9jf'aSsjPjraVJasai aTrrr jBWaj "ayWi'- - n raaiTL flSNBHESOUTH, rwUW aynesaefisueaaa ass) SClMaf v. ' -, --; .. naa aare tMaaac.ei -'jwWsJBsTm. Assam ' XwRR -tc)UJUaJBVrt. : J?J MBtaiKAPOLWiCa aW'iiaaaii -ri,iir r! . asaaaaaaa avasSaasflasa '" BaaaV' ' j VOL- VIII. nvsmsHs directory. O, C. CASE, 0fc do4r north of Garbed &6re". ' RED ClOVM, XEO. CollectioiM made & iromptly remitted. J. S. GILHAM, X TTOKXEYfAXD COOKSELOR AT LAW, 0Ccfi owe rfoor nortA pfKoley Bron. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. .JtLacJR'CinSrr ITTOMKY ABTD C0UK8ILOR ATLAW. ,-" :MCnlkW TAT AOIZT. ii .v. ieA. Mi l4M..K0.r MjPrt Atteatiea Girea to Collectloa. Ormt- wka C H. POTTER, at WA Cload DracStcr. Edwin C. Hawley. a TTommr akd coumselor at law. Oo oter Farley's Drug Store. XIPCLOTO, KXS. James Laird, . x ttorkky ahd c0un8el0r at Juniata, - Nrb- LAW. III pnwtlea la all tba Coarta of the SUte. PreItatUBtioB Klven to ll buiaeM eBtratted to bk earc, Oalce oa the eaM side JunijU Areaae. Jul7l-7 "H.8.KALET. J. L. Kalkt, 4. RlBnaainrtn. Bl Cload. Veb. Nebmka. ! KALY BROS., A TTORRRYS AT LAW A RKAL MTAT1 AGENTS. - Wm rraeUee ta all the CeaHi In Nebruka aBaorthera Kaaiar, eplleetleaa Bromptly at teaded to aad eorrespoBdeace eHcitea. 2D CL0UI, iretouri. , AlM,.AgeBt8 for. B. k M. R- B. LaBda. O. W.'K.ALKr, I. W. TBLWY8 HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Pewion Surgeon. I90fficx oyer Kaley Bros, law office. 1ES CLOUD. WIBBASEA ELBERT A. HALL Id. D. Physician & Surgeon, RED CLOUD, NEB. . AarUtaal Smrreoa B. M. n.U. IL ( ever Joaneoa k Crep&! dry t"od tor mil. V. V . VWMWW W VMI4.V J. MMOSENA. M-3. ELECTIO- Fhvsicians and w rd cloud, sn;? wnitmr aneeial atteatlon to Obstetrics aad dUewes of women Also ceneralaad tneelal lamnr. Dhuid of the Eye and Ear. Charaet Moderate. Office over Bherer's Drotr Store. Ir. Moseaas rewdeace Js 4 bouse aorta or school hoase. -Dr. ftipea' reiidenco if first house aerta of. af. . Thoaus. 25-l-y JAS, M. CALLENDER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, (aljxpatiuc school.) Procapt atteadaaee oa all calls ia the practice ef saedidaes or sargery. . COVVLES, r - - XEBn.SKA. 3. V?., MOBAXVILLE, C. F. 3IOHAXViyiE, oowiae, an, ambot.'ssb. IORiVNVILLE BROS., Homoeopathic Physicians. h: COWLES A AJinOYj KFJIEASKA. All profeatioaal ealls will reeeiTe oar aad carefal atteation. roapt it" Dr. H. A. Baird, SITU RESIDEWTDENTIST. ED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. W. . Rlcaardsoa. 8. Garber. Eichardson & Garter, DEALERS IN live stock:. RED CLOUD; NEBRASKA. r K). Bkaartsaatartarie aaldfer-kextavji eatUe. J. E.Barw S.C.8atT M.B.TaossoK. Pres' First Nat. Cash. First Late Teller First Xaak Keb. Bsatrioa Nat. Bank . stat. Bank Beat SeatiiMMeb. rUeNeb, lntmfm, NRR. Will aiake eelleeUoas ia nmj aartefthe TTnltl m1 Mstara aitie- Leaa aseaey aaea iawre 8UtaseaU MoktifttHsut BTtaefc. iaraas Receive depa-iu sabieet to atght drafts AUowial-n-i ajjea U-ae dciwdsw, Baa Vttmt actatCBcralSaaktac aasiaea-. Karaaurcaa: Oauaa Katfaaal siaak. A. 8. PaddMk. U. .6 Saaalan FkttJiaUMMl Ba New York. CaaibrUse VaUty NatiMBl Jaak, Cambridge New York. "' OMAHA - Sample Room, JOK. JACOBS. PaoraiBToa. TWO DOORS WEST OF BOY'S HOMK. Kaaae oa haad the beet brand ef Wlaea. Lteaors. Beer. Ale. aad fine Ckat. A share iaf aklia sasiaaare is soliceted. aareot4.; HE1VRY doOK; PROPRlKtOR RXD CLOUD '. Drug Storej Aad Dealer la ug, Medicines Paints, SiVARNISHE atr Line kept eeastaaUy ea the attaauaa t COOK. - w J .- MGSlLdWftmt MrWFT9r.ir 4." wmKvWOi &.' : lmuF( BANKERS fEVM 'a4liL JasW - 5 -jfaBBBBW hadi"Ms sMibl invite the aaMie.' SLjai HEMbVY : i ivnv .Ik,' i i ii ail I aiawiin ii - - BBBBBmBaBBBBB&- ' JBBSBBBbV 'af f ' i. atsTT " 'i u rFSlji ;Jaa'ataate5&fcfe! aaraal " ' BBaaBaaVBaaaB7BaT' , 'TaBBaaBBBBBBBaaS' 'aaBBBBBBBaA PBBBBBBBBmBBBBBBVsaa9t vBBBBBBBBBS BBBBBaBT.BJr BBiBBa Bj aBBaHaBBBSSBSBBBsaaaafcS't. vij:..ftiir;mi cloud. RED CLOUD, THE CHIEF. XL' H, L. THOMAS, - - V - EDITOR. i THURSDAY, SEPT. 9, 1880. j B XATZOXAZi UOT1UCAV TXOSIT. Jbr l'rtxitlntt, JAMES A. J3AKKIRl, For Vice Prudent, ,' CHESTER A. ARTHUR of New York. ntXDEsiTZAL SLICTOU O. W. COLLINS, oPatcnee. J. M. THURSTON, of Dough. JA3LES LAIRD, orfo. ITATS TICXH. For CongrfM. E. K. VALENTINE, o Oniwi7 Co. For Contingent Cbngreuntan. T. J. MAJORS; qXatnaka Co. . y For Governor. ALBINUS NANCE, of Polk Co. For Secretary of State. S J. ALEXANDER, of Jefferson Co. For A uditor of Public A ccount. JOHN WALLICHS, of Hall Co. For Treasurer. G. M. BARTLETT, ofLanmtlcr Co. For Attorney General. C. J. DILWORTH, of Phelps Co. For CottCs. of Public Laqds and Buildings A. G. KENDALL, of Howard Co. 'For Supt. of Public instruction. W. W. W. JONES, ofLuncwster Co., COUNTY TXCIST. For Bepresetitaiive. HON. H. S. KALEY, of Bed Cloud. For Commissioner 3d District.. HUGH STEVENSON, oflnavale. For County Judge. ',? $ JNO-R. WILLCOX, of Bed Cloud. t )URYr Uo Ute Chief, us dcuL GES.'draitt has declined the xcesi dency of the Los Vegaa MinwgCom pany. , The rebels lmve clnims to the amount of $2,400,000,000 which.t6cy,fondly hope vwill be paid under 'tailaduiiuiHtratioa of lien. Hancock. ' TirE new railroRdbridge over the "Old Muddy" at BlatiBntoSffi wax tested by the railroad offidaWj0jjMilny of if ncuK, anu iuuiiu to 'iMjpencctiy safe. The bridge is a -bigcbooiu for Flattsmouth. if 'HIS?? t a The Southern Ute Indiahs.signed the treaty Ayith the government, tho 2d, and that vexed question is settled. Tho government will now proceed to the enumeration of the Indians and tho payment of money and location of lands. iB The Licdtkc-fce business is at last settled by the supreme court and it is settled just as every honest nian be lieves it ought be. That ia, Mr Liedtke or his bondsmen will have to return to the state every dollar of the amount collected. A SrECiAL dispatch from St. Augus tine, Fla., says there is very little doubt but that the steamer City of Vera Cruz, of the Mexican line, which sailed from .New York, Aug. 25, for Savana and Vera Cruz, went down in the recent hurricano which has strewn the coast of Florida with wrecks. ""All on board the illfatcd vessel are supposed to be lost The State convention held at Lincoln last week Avas a grand ratification meeting. All tho present-state officers was re-nominated with the exception of Auditor, State Supt and LandjCqin MrrJtjnrrirallich, of Hall county, received the nomination for Auditor; Mr. W. W. Jones, of Lincoln, for Supt and. A. G. Xcndall, of Howard county, for -Land Commissioner. The supreme.court yesterday morn ing granted the peremptory writ of mandamus applied for by the state, ra uirhig Auditor Liedtke to pay into the treasury of the state the amount of fees he had collected in the insurance department The amount b." About JTOO, and the writ is returnable Mon day. We understand the auditor will pay over as soon as officially notified of the action of th court Jbkmat QIS. OBAXT. Chicago, Sept 2. Ther DtwYy Xlutt prints the following written, by Gen. Grant in answer to an invitation which Gem Logan extended him to preside at a Garfield and Arthur mass, meeting to belield in New York: Manitou Springs, Col Aug. 12 My Deajf.Gn. Logan-I will ber going east the- latter part rof September, and will .gladly Attend aay,meeting. Intended to runner tne success; of the ticket headed Garfield and Arthur. I agree witb hat it will? not do lobe beaten nowsSW i Ubould never he WiMa nniil ery xnavlicousf4a, or represoit thteewharoantiljh thV ehtuneration tbgivcrepwsentaaalfc tfieiectoral an--"- . asa r- -..-- - college;, caw casC Ms just as he pleases, andean liave it ?s nc iaHts iu m oua Trulr; WEBSTER CO- NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1SS0. 071 WASUXf Mat XXITUi WASiinwrox, D. C, 1 Aug. 31,1880.; Editor Chief: It w onC of the for tH fstvk:' t tbV"'CpHil,tt tho opinions, of both parties from all sections of the country. Republicans and Democrats alike make Wahington akindofheadquartern, and Ihey reft here for a while and take occamon to 'blow off" their accumulation of "chin music" as the hoodlu From the gene opjwiwtTwhlcn seems to be the campa among th confi alwut arc co Porter: inch will The nor, Landers; lax man, and most powerfu English who w Vice Presi damage to just the oppos It is certain that if tl vention had known the party now k have been a burd be undoubtedly ccptance has passed iot because it was was so manifestly ina republicans failed to notic it could do them no harm, and demo crats evidently feel that the less said about it the better. , It was a mere eulogy of Gen. Hancock, nothingmore. With Ohio and Indiana all right in October can there be a doubt of the general result in November. There have yibcen some things said with reference to the management of Ihe campaign on the part of the repub licans which are not altogether natter ing to the chairman of the National committee. There will always be differences of opinion with reference to the management of a- party, and it mutters little who the manager may be we will hear them expressed. It has been said that the late conference in New York was an evidence of weak ness, in the party. We do not think such to be the awe. But while wo do not think it was an evidence of weak ness, we do feel that it was very unwise. Not but what it is a good1 thing For party men to consult as to measures to be adopted, but because injury has been done to the feelings of many of the best men in tho party in the difler Statcs. They were not invited to that conference while men of less note and less importance were there by invita tion of tho committee. Men who are not recognized in their States as popu lar managers. Mr. Brown will say, "Very well, if Mr. Jones is to manage "tho party in this State let him do it "I shall not trouble, myself to take an "active part," and so far as Mr. Brown is concerned the campaign will be quiet. Another important question which has been referred to, is as to the policy towards the "Solid South." Shall an effort be made to keep up tho party, or shall the South be counted solid and no questions asked. It seems to us that thcro can be but .one answer to these questions. Yet we believe the National committee has concluded to make no effort in the south. We feel that every consideration of party policy, honesty and human fairness would require us to exert ourselves to have both a fair vote and an honest count in the South. That this will not be if we let them alone is expected by the republicans and boasted of by the democrats. Wc cannot desert the re publicans in the south unless we are in truth inhuman; These men are". there at the risk of their livjes. They'aref honestly trying to make a living. They hav -the true principles of Governiaent" in their Hearts. In many of Jwe Southern States they are in the majori ty, and largely too. Can any heaest man say it is right and proper to de prive then, of their right to vote and to have their votes honestly counted? We are told that the inillitary should not be used at the rnolls. Who tells us. this? Gen. Hancock. And why? Be cause the enforcement of the rights ol the republicans in the Bouthxen States would break up tho ootid south, ucb. Hancock docs not think the' Army should be used to enforce the rights, of the people. Hk ides, is to keep the soldiery in the back-ground to break up Irish riots and thus prevent the de crease of democratic votes, while, he wishes to admit his inability to give the people freedom of the ballot, because fetich freedom is detrimental to the democratic party. " Our firm Conviction is'.that the descr turn of the South by. our party mn- sjers ia wrong in principle, unjust to ward our friends and will surely work great injury to the party. We. believe' that'ii a? 'right and lawful for every male citberi white oriblack to exercise his 'privjleigfc of -Yoting free andun-: molested by any tin-eat expressed or unpUed,-aad'to have hk vote rightly counted, and if it k necessary mv ofder to 'secure- toahswr thk right; we!eueve in nsing the' arssy to suehatt-exten as. will aeeeanpikb ti&gmiftmc;? Itmef s sMej 1 nasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasBS. -waBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB jsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .. i i ii ftBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB iaaaJlBasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasat IBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB & BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB hrbIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBP lli:9 YtUlT UUII K'J fBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVlT;; i'-'" SaaaaiWBI BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa 1. . . a .Bils ; Jaassssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssm Be- tO aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm .BBBaw .- BasBasaasaasaasaasaasaasaasaasaasaasaasaasaasaasaasB BBC j. f?BBBBBK: I Tf'BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBE' jomaa, setof men. or r-jrt shonld e UHft-rigntfr orauoBapt to prevent army if necessary hoM fee aW to Hiwtain the majeaty of the law, ad en force the right of the wtiirw, If the States will guarantee to protect their 'Mtiaasaa. aJsel "wiM MalMt. ajeesf tsW guaranty. QVcn wctiW6fc-lf Ihcj do not, but iBttcai! do aa the Solid South has done, preremt botk a fre Tote and an hoest count, then take the army and use U yigoronaly ta if need be, erery intimiiaior has learned his proper f Nebraska City dsJTIeawrwr hatf s mule cows are uiina. t v; t jq I... a. . i Work on the Nebra&vCky aleehil works begins this week; but owing w extensive changes dissilliag will net begin till Nov. 1st. Wells & Nieman, a4" cVhttyler. ship-, ncd three car loads' new nxl week. Thev cxDCct attriiiartsve to pay out at least $4s000 .. A. A. btono, livn Adams county, dugf. n.t a death of 95 feet the uones oi an animai rescmuung au ox, only very much larger. A force is now at work building com modious stock yards near the railroad track, one-half mile went of tho Oak dale depot Cattle shipments will begin from that pi act about the 15th of September. Sutton confidentially expects to bo the point of crossing of the Omaha and Republican Valley road and also has great hopes- of securing the central branch of the U. P. A little ten-year-old son of Jacob Miller; of Fremont was almost instantly killed by -slaving hk skull penetrated by an ironram rod which the boys had been throwing in the air, descending with great force. The Fremont Creamery company have issued a circular showing up the advantages of the enterprise ana ask ing farmers to lend it their assistance. The establishment will be in operation by September 1st, 1881. The seven acres of sorghum raised in Hamburgr and Kingsburg precincts. Stanton ceunty, last year produced 548 gallons of molasses, which brought $274, the.pricc being 50 cents per gal lon. 5 e Lancaster county will Tote- at the next election on the proposition to build a $25,000 court house, and to i.suo 20 year bonds therefor, drawing 7 per cent, interest Holt county citizens, in some instan ces, are compelled to travel from 15 to 20 miles to reach the polling places. They demand more voting precincts. B. J. Arnold, a son of Joseph Arnold, one of the pioneers of Ashland, has built and-equipped throughout a loco motive 28 inches in length. The young man k a candidate for admission to the engineer's department of the naval academy at Anapolk,. Md, A German brewer from Columnar, Nebraska, has purchased Nehcr's brewery ,at Crete. He intends putting in $2000 worth of improvements and will then tiave one of she best breweries in thestaie. , . - The foundation Jbtfctol&eV & round house in'vHsstiaes hare' been finished BB SB li". and thefwork on the arperstrkc&re' .wul oe )usaeawMBKjBK wwt. .abb bnildine m to be eonstrucied 'of oricle and ironjand will have a capacity of fivejstaUs rrTEACHEh OTSr' Vocal -and Instounental aWETJSip. W. H. REED, .th '& -r-DCALER nr JRUITS, CIGARS, CONFECTIOEERY, - FRESH OYSTERS IS TatKTR aViSOsT, FRUITS "ETC., FIC, ETfX Ctotr Fas for FAJtMEBt FKODTCE. mm iaCC ll SiTJaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBX. "tJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBaaaiM timM mW.m-MLLMMXZZZLLLLLLm-L . laBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBm ' CnMntniiT 'aimlasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasas arill 1 C It JUfcUIBBUiL I nhAaBBaBW'1SBBBBBBBBBBBBBBAM.iA-. - I AllOia BST7B aJPBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmaJBBJBB'VWCaBBBBBjaMa .ra. Rf'ssaW- naatsTsM Aaaam saaa assaaasad li stsWRasr aRaP-W TlaWBaRaafi SaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaR ' Qnaa Cauinvd I , JLiE5Tf--ajrA3r -; BaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaRaal h W HaVaRaaaRaaRRT T A AsVo'ssaagjaRaaW-SFBt ,sRsa rwilr,aaaRaRaBay -,,- bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbk -- DMl"tnil . " JaiVsRaaRRaaVd I raW!V79BaRaaLaS' v SBasBaaaasH - -. -BiM7 wat'. ifBawanc. aarar1 TrwaFav.aBaawawaF, sa. .bbvbbw -.. - - - . . - .. I RaaVURURf " a 17,aRaW 'f49aeaRW ' BBBBBBBBBBMRaaRBaBs7aaRff4sBaW - ff A aSRBBBBBBBB . RaRRRR . .RRRRRwRRRRRRW m ' aaBBaBgat -.ATa '.BRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaTl. j-T- aaaRaaaaaiBBBRRBaRaaRaPTaRaaRaaV AaBBaARaBBaJSBawaRaBaaaaaaaBjBBaajBaaj eawsawai bbbbbbbb' aBaBBBByaaBBaBwaBBBBBBBBBBBBBawaawawa AM T - a- r- " I - aaRaaRaaRaaRaVaaRaRaR? BaRaaRaaRaaRaaV .RaaRaaRaaRaaRaBBh. RBEfeBBJTitRVaiRRRRBBBRm -SfV ' aaaRaaRaaRarRaaRaaRaaRRaaRaRaV ,VBtBBka-s aBfKsaaawaB m..aaar - - tRL. aVaaaRlBaBBBasSBi sbbbb. W - SResaayr-tW pab pattUlsajgejC- rj5BBmLaRRaaRaaWlRasa9QBBaR ' 3WBVai aRt SaW;WMMaaRf .,7 f? ?--IJ?5 ' '' hVavBlRffXptaiKsRn ' '' a&ssyssttBsasrfs '" ; XaSaVajevtkaaasrpaVMBakeaa ' BaajrjBBTeaaasTaasSJaasaasssa. ,T." ," ?-" asm Vr-r haa-rsf aW;: i- ?ssBaRaaaaBasaL RR?'RaT 1 ssaaWKa- :-aSsaaaRaaRaRRPBRW ' 'aBBBBsRtRaatsS t -Z-" j. rW- -? - , f-lr7-2222Blaa P?5tRT:!P -IP? -" ipTHssSPssO. :- f3a kjjj -: r -j ' W' " t - '"rirV- -ggyfe iMgVanianBaaassaaaBasas; tQialMBartlijii i ft ist isiTii 1 rr f :-WjbJl "" '' T' tat PaagtMaTaV - Isf alj sti I Jiajj aaaTlsTXlliTssSaf Wssf ,":' . .' . -'- f. - tex ti i? -"iv ! T-j" " itSBi ii' -"- - 7 iy&SsrBaRaraRF. I aaWRaalBaaaSaBCHBJSBaSBat ttt - EMIGH BROS. . MEAT MARKET KKD CLOUD, W; s- --- Ta. rboinvt of f-rB aMH. iHHtM. Fowss aad rrerrtaiac la taa H tht U. - kat aaleaas. always a haai. safiaea twa doeta seata f Hherer s dra Han. F. NEWHOU8E 5 JALt:K IX- OODS, Notions, NEUR.VSKA. tlly are rvouoiitcd c my gMHif Htid the iiAlronmre is north of Mother's F.- NEWHOUSE. L GARBER. DKALRK IN Dry Goods and Groceries. BOTS and SHOES Hats. Caps. & Ready Made Clothing! We have the Largest Stock in the Valley and will Mt be undersold. Give us a call, one and all,-- Sam'l Garber lied Cloud TSeh, BEST; bulnc now before the public.rou en make money faitcr at work for us than at anything tl. cavt- taJ not required, we will Hr you 51- a dy and a p wards nadeat home br the Induitriout. lata women, boys and airU waoloU everywhere, to work for ui, now it the time.. You ran dtrote your wbolo time to the work, or only your (are taootenU, ao other busine will pay you nearly as well, do oae willies to work can fail to make enormoai pay by encsRins; at once. Cotut out" fit and terms free. A rreat opportunity r mae Ing money eailr and houorably. Atldtt. True X Co.. Autusta. Maine 47yl Kendall's Spavin Cure. The bios t aeCMfal tleuedjr erer dtseerered. a it is certaia ia its afecu aad dots not Mliter. Kead aroof below. Fkom Re P. X. GRANGER, Presidiav Rider or taeKU Aleaas DtKHet St. Albans. Vl. Jaa. 3Ha. !. Da. B. -T. KiKBsLL Co., GecU: In reply to roar letter I will ray that ssy esperienee wkk rLeadall's Saavia Care has bee XTT aatisiac toryiadeed. Tkreeor foaryearaaxolareeared a battle of yoar ageat. aad with it. cared a aerse ef lasseaesa by a f patio. Last seasoa ay aerse beeasse very lease aad I tamed kiss oat for a lev weeks was be becasae better, bat when I pat atat ea Ute road he grew wane, whaa I dis covered that a riacboBe wm formia. I proeared a bouie of Keadall's Scavia Care aad with lets thaa a bottle eared Bias so that he U aot laaie. aeithcr eaa the baaeh ha fosad. IteeeaetfaUr years. I. K. QRAK nKR. PERSEVERANCE WILL TELL. KtoBfhtea. Msec. March 16th. 19S0. B. J. Keadall A Co., ReU. Ia Jaeake te ye aad aiysclf. I thiak I ought U let yea kaaw that I have reaioved two beae saavlns with Ka dall's 8pavia Caee.' oae very large oae: deal daew.kaw !oac the saavia had ,U.i there. I hara ewawl the hetee eiaht saaath. It toad Me foar sseta a take the lara ftmmk tM fcir. the mall eaa. 1 have a.d tea Vsattes. A horse, is eaUretr welUaot at Raiiff.aa4a baach to he see or felt- This m a weaderfdt saeeUeidc. Ittaaaawthlaa here, bat irk Sees JeraU.waatK MadeaaSM-aaa iujaMwttiJN Cbis. K. Pabkkc; ad address tat Illastrated Ctrralar whieh wa thiak" gives positive proof of Its virtae. S reaaeJr has aver met with sack aaaaaUSed sa- eees ta ear kaewtedge. Tor beast as eM m ssaav Triee !, bottle, er six botMeSifsr SsV Alt Frieafl.perhetUe.erelx bettlasfer SsV Draawists haieitoreanaet.it fer ram. erit snu a seat to aay add! ess ea -eeeipt or artee y. r-a-i VAljUic&r. JbsbbbbbbTbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV. 7 7KENDAUk WINCURElB ar I M M Btwarteiers. s. J. a.aiAi.icr. si ca RaaBBBBBBBBBaa. . f--l iaetauska'aXsVC 6 SP s . , . flsBBBBBBBBsRaal - 1',Jg?,,,,',Jg: ..Jiaa. .flB - 1 -T7 rRaRtBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaSx.SBV "- -Ba "i ilv. m b ail aff -at' "' " sfaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaW ssajeaakaYV TaasaBBBr-asSBrJr,mBaw . sWbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW m f RRsbbt RraT ' RaTMRaT ThbT O- , aTaRaBRaBRaBRaBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSaw yriy,Raj2RaRaVmTBvrjB -aRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRt' f a. Mj9tr r --kLwmmLLLLLmSmLLkMmKLmm RaaRasaRR BaRaTsaVBaaW s9m. 1 ' BBBaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaR VfBRWV.CkaRaRmiJr-- iiSi r saa- ajTii pa ass Tirf. Raataal ara - -. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbs aM"Bjffe"'"',"'"syiwi'aBfrjBBBBBBaBWaMMiBaBBB amaamaamaamaamaamaamaamaamaamaaaamaTau. IZ "St T7T -: V -SvC V aw" SBaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRa I bbb If SL -V-jaaSsV Asa. bT.ja1L JaRSXsfsawf.' - . .eVSRL . , - SBaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRa' ro.Acco, 4B M&VL&SmLW?IWW SRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR ' ' MsBnfflBV ''r? ' RaaRaaRaaRaaRaaBRsl FaRaVJlV JlfSl rS .RRRRRRRRRRRRRRW TtMwZLWaL 9 b 111 ilaT bbWIrT iffll g-fMfc ' -saaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaa sal RaasT' TV I ssRPaTsV 'HssaVsHaHaafR FaDW ' "---' bsbA' astX ... '" RRaaRaaRaRaaT ' bbbRV TsbtsV- sal At aRaRar- J saBsaRtRfaTt aTJTW ' .- aSsaaRaRaR avTaRaaRaaRaaRaaRT - RRaV 'l - BRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaR I Rat sbbbM. " MLW9fcmllt - ' -i saVBTSBRaaRaaRaaRaassRwb'-' JaRaaRRV -'aaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRR H '"BaRaaaawBsl ' WXAsrA dfSal ? HssBarV,aeT 9 15 Jr'L VP4aBBaataa. saaRRaaRaRaaRWRaffRRaaRRm N gV ' H SaRaaRaaRaaReaaaat KaRVaRRaF! afW RaaTaRaVAVeRV4 i - W WaRtRaWRtBhBBaRaaRaaRaaRRtf M ' RRVasVaaV'' , . sbbRbbRbbRbbRbbRbbRbbRbbRbbRbbRbbRbbR I sRsRRSsWTl.nMBl..sal V'UMsaRRRMm atVrV WrTI 4rsRRrDL sflU:f t " RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR sat BBRBBRa.m WtaR.leTsBUaBf kl .aRaraaaRaaRaH IirV afssaaW tLaaaV asSsaRaaRaaRaaRaaCsVaast M K sU' mLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLT I QRaRRVaRRV RaaRaaT V:Wss JBsHT ' 11 LbI BaaVsama. eRsV. -- Sal'' --v , , zVassBRaaaBTlaV'aRaBBsBBBaRaaRaaRaaRaR RbbV saTal bbbbbV aRRaft aRaaRaRaaRaaVRRaw mtkLmkLmLm mkk, SLmLmtmwLWmmmXtm Iff J Vsb saVaBBBBaaf7K.' iaasS isAb " WFsLW ,9mKm -mWtMWd&WjdttWmXWLW Alt ART eaRaa - I ar BaRWBasaaRw'TJ saaRaaRRaRaRT I mmUamimmmZM.mFm AW mUkLLLLLLLr t aBRaaR"RBaa7aBBT -i- ""' . -bbv -.",BBra, H s R .Mkv&SRRsBBL eRhajPsajssfaja9F MmmmuLmmmmr -bb BaSsuaBaa ciaV R. aaRTaasar bRbbbRRb; BBaRaaaRRTaL PAaaamaai aJaav-' S .BBRaaBBfiVBaBWTSRSDuBrB9BBBBRaB -aaB .aw.waBaaBa.wajBaaaaw-wsaBBaa , lasaasBBaHBBB A RRRaawaBaBakma;2aBBfeB2W1sa9S7r'aRaaRaR ''" mtkmimw ma tm mmSmmm - BBaaaaaiAAlBl .AWaaDaSBBalaalBB?lBaVBTBWawaBrBBsas.'AB aBWaBBaWAaaBaat awawawaw wmmmmmmmmmmmwrwMrm. n 'BBBBBBSBM SBBBWBiaBWBaBBBflBt r Mmr j C MViVBBK WBBBBBBBBBBWMa BBFBEaBBBBBBBBBBBr a---. - . mm. . - mm. BBBBMt mmmm . NO. 5. Samuel West, TolMOQOi OMgmJmf COXFECTffilERT. canned fruits, - ' fksbh fwjit ck.vckeks, cheese, ORAN0,LIOw?; ami inru. lwr or rxxci. ALSO A JTRe-r CUXM loei Ormmmt Pmrlr, Vhe re yo can always get a nice tlLh bf Ice CreMt durinaj tlite Season. A share of the: public ftroe m Tii!cctfuHy koIh'IHhL FirM. door otith of 'Mitchell A- SforhartV. Rkd Cijovu, - NcwtwKA. " PROUEFIT llCARSI, OBSKKAL DRALRRS IX UA KB WA Mt JS STOVES , BaMe Stftefc, IVcK Krrytalar ataallr kept Is a Snt etaat Hmrtwmre S$on come and sec us as wc will not be UNDERSOLD. Holconib Bros., Dealers la fi&n$wfrpt of all kiads. They teH CHKAP for CASH; sad If thsy have art what yoa waat. leave ar order aa4 taay will rut It. CALLrON .TIIEM One door Borth,of Oarber's. aud Mr.OOLCOMB will wait oa you. x aprllf a HED CLOUD, NRD. CO For Yoar LUMBER! DRY LUMBKR A SPECIALTY. THE SJSHT II T8X YAK at XT ffeta m iMmfl Frlca RE0 CLOUD NEB. hr u o o aS o 5 n n 3 M at at 9 51 . -esar 2f u " au. O sc 0 K-.-Si asawai, . .. m''?WLW ''Q&em&nJ f-S j -flt M aaasa - .Aaaaajaassa b at S 'e'l "" """ g, g - . jn Miivi Oa W AaW ataaRaRRL le SJBBBjBBl aBBBBBBBBBBBBB) sJtjB aTraW sT'J'sR s'BBpW lsrs"S"ar"JRJ jris H -awgwmBMt-T--.B- miMm 4 CHICACQ rAi.. jEED CJMlTBf If . Bar 6. mmmmmS.mmmMmm.--mW BBLBRaBga)aBBjaBPBBBk '.jjBBT . SBBBwSjfweiTaVsas) vm aw . Y&i &th of lUmj4,m A RaW', thttf, m Mb rU fiai eiemaaHy isJ4 BMBMaafsaa. Rssas. Sjbs WaVa,i ala4rfiaaea,fc. VLATT k FREES 3rojprito i, u. . a serasa aa eery saeHC fvLaMjrBL-fu. Saajs- bbbbbT RwaTfaJRtl Jffji ffaW'aasT'PBTsl vM RfRRfJ.S laitsatad Sua By aarlUaefaMi to MM . Aa a ma boeoasa a swemwl at &fk mJ art ! ra tWelfr . The U aa Id that alMK ev ers sidy satiwmaa. 1 " '- - .. .Tt 7iA .-J- i. I ref"r ehla? I JS sabarffWf i airewt tM pattsat rr kdeva. AM aim eaaaaa ss-aha rvsaaeiar ea eaa daeeta all yoaf Jssasae aha S arts ass. at ak- mar twev ! se4 sr4 ha ea frai rshM4rar4aM. Y tap df H a-WeSJ a ther. rail Strsesfaas s torawrae. K sat, oi aad sKnte - aaa.s Srakov aw aseaiaBi SaTBLaaM BMakaaamaLaa - VSjnarTr I essaa. 4Vt M awaaeaj jfS aaaa aaarsvaw iarasBttBMo4BBaa HsHBah woifc as iacto.trytva sjaHhaa sagassi Staf ! ttk t ?- rertUad. Pis sf Watar sass sat Vst sr MRt WOLFF'S BLACKINO. SaaJf.VaftilamaW jsjjfcgr SPsRattReRRMsRstt sassarlsl VRawaBBBBBBBBBBBT lsSR?ofsTB9; 4TReBtIyaBBssTVV HO FAsHLV SrrOJiTk WTTHeOT iTd ARK "YOUR DKALJEfl FOtt IT. I TH nntWCi-OTtCt 1 sTlsTssal 1st e777 DULUaC MaRasV - "KJ -I.' - Cilsal3aH? ' Ol3s5rBBBORr.sTlraa aa4 a, battaen gBiaaajaqSRajrsaa: taaka, UcaUr to JU JasasaM sas39RaaV assaVaa, i a jjiMa -u ii i i TRAM aasWTa, fftfksaaMIMMr sssaTaRaaii iyfZ aRiBBaWBRaP l-aaRaaRT BaRaRasal Wkmt atuRufssI RaaVRasaaP ssssaaRaaRaaRBaRssaRW RaRamr k V'Ram w "a aaaRTLssE aaaRaaRaaRwBaasasTsam FV a asmn aBSkAsajaaf RaaRaRaaRaRal aaRaaRaRhRaB av Assl sbbbRubsB '' P KsRaaKsVBRaRW I atJtht V--MsKh,BfB asBBBaaRaaRWBaiaaRaaRaV P,yK,BjKfc VasaRRv 9 9saaB t- VaVsaBKeaaRaaRaaRaaRaaRHVaRaaT MtM I saSsaalptasfK abase: a lass SsasBsaMSSslRRA, U laslSSSf raia ia the vQSAS. J!L'iMTMl ler wtkststjsjs JsjsjagQajKer HsT y I dreNisg , t "rfTaiHU'ir SV. i. aBaaa)eaawBrsseeaajtjPsiriirvt,ssisat S4-5el wjll sag uai S'SsflsV. 1. KTUki Ossaha. lSh.t 'Wkti eeU 4-a-lr . .aSUSSt "" aRRaa) bbb V SaRaaB aRaRaaV i- I .-- . J CUaTKLAUP, 9Ut9, aKJMvV lUsay ; st " '" mm ill hollow fin UNITED sashlasidsMlars, ta4aWetssedsMaetMr4 wayefUarkaaaaaawsetoaaalseefcei eeat. arpsaasrsaejaav asL aaassaaaaed. Favaaw lb. mM mmmmmmgMmm mmmtmmMmA mM mmmmmf& mmAMmmi mmmmmAim&jf Mm W mWmmmwW Vmjmtm WW Ty PWW MVHW leasd by tbit Ceesaaey. Their iae ef Caak aasf MeatiM Steves fr my hW mtM. I aawaeaM iaf a.. p. dkaaal Haloia RsVataV ftaasa BaVaBaBaasaa Ct jaRSBVaSBw SSraagass, acyjjBS WTajefssay sess bjmbfsv spsbbbv SSwaBflBjBcarv snssT awaBBsaaaar lasSataiaseeiiwiihiBiistsssssirseii ;.-,----. , 'sa. . U eaWa)ssJ ikaTMrt Wtf wiismatW b. B-faaasap i r . fl mrr :a LL - '-ATasl j&- W'- if TM ' ; -dk- ?BPtft 4 A 1 tf si 'iH t -laJt' fe-- - 'ft v tot? f 'ssr i &oexckwfcitytbWavei ?"?- r--tii I'i-iJA-: - r" .. 'V ' I?5! v- !- Vi "i T '" .AAv w'i rv,-r -.-.vV xsr :-. wis WfgsijesA,; . " - JT " . .'Wf-,i:i.-v,r!- -l ' . r -- j?.. -?S'-iS.iM rs&-r ,JSi?wSII .t XilTi-tiW,. 2. SSSCS -f -. i, V iiVT3? B "- "--"- ST.. r r iaS2 T- ibS-iSV . ."Vlyi.' -"- ,.r , ; , v ,. W&'Gfe u$$& IP5tJ33f.5.:-:3; ?.i :r-. - A' :: ' -JSRaBVSeS - :.u..'iBw..--,.jjaKiai. HB-ris i i i in ii iihm ip i i mmiiii imi i iiiiim iwibii iniMMiiMaei au