aaaaBaWBBaaaaaaaBPSaaaaMaaPeea WT; naajfiaam . .aaj n ISK1 nxa - s i.r trf,. S3 THE BED,CLOTJD CHIEF. X. Im'TMOXAS, PaaUakcr. the afternoon for itwM.Noreraber--aad dreamed it. 'Oh, ho!" she replied "I did aot dream; and horror-struck as I was wheat the ruffians descended the stain again, I crept silently up to see if I coald find out anything; and,oh horror, I shall never forget the alghtl Do let us go." haunted rather than of wholesale murderer;. town a seaport or nc think it was a haar had had a sculi - F-V "la. -U. mnd had bAST:'- Tjs T.-4- &lffif&ttS? fKsr--yi, NEBRASKA. i.Siij3&; "' gire thcr"- the rl-f'-- -& ' iJt- - -.-. i- . u v. xmusicuuirasi icu a. vtcup - &;?' '..- L "1 ! -rroos, but was myself agam la a rr- at "-"""JiCr HCLBUiUIJJ, x.V. ', A1. "- r - f- . ..i. ,.r-r -..-, e-' k. . ?'- !Jr--i-s--iJ "rr -. svrvx- BBM-..- "' - ?- '' "I V- .-,, v- - --r 2sr -. -! "" V ''r;' "" V- ? ' - - - r-'-.gW - t-,SWrtM ' ' - 'iWBaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa: 'I r t x- --j-i - . Trr. - . ,.1 CS -as Pt ?aBaE2a'K "aaK v-;r $- 3SeeaTaaaEa9BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBak: -jl - ".f. .-? . li.y?, JSts--.y-"JL" ' 5 " -Bamaav - aadka SaaaaaaaaaaaaRllaaO - x j. - ," - u , Hrf"S5 'Srfc-'. -i. 5?w5. T "'a.- -Baaaaaaav. -s- aaaaaaar, fl -&. T-3BjaaaaaBaaaaiBHEfaaj i"r . ij - r - jTj. ? - "K r,e -,;i-' v?L vrSBaaaTf aaaW " - aaaHB9aVaABVBBvl.aaal V X r . . .-, - 'f -- - .Pl w c ILKV Itabdrr? . -.. . " ..JSsaSfei - -.J.MJmSS'. ., .i(. --. ' . .M M l l.r.tL!JILte,-? vsjas'- . :lf - ' - v, 'Tr; A-"'f -- .- .. ;--,-. "'?&. - -T l.'V HWV flMr wtfJ 'V-4r" u .-.' 3fe - 'SS.fc. at .-.v. mLA Xaaaaaaaa "" - . . ' - w d&. " - a- i - 3B-sa , -. .. . -. -ss -i -. x . at. a .. . . - j -: . .--U ,.,-.- . .VAawig-- ;rff-.. - . --' aaaaaaaaaieaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. ' " , -. a ataaaaaMaaaaWaWaaaaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaWaaaaaaaWaalMaWaaaaa .1. ' a. - - - . a -.. i n mT LaBalaaaaaaaaaaat " aapaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa .. . . jaMaaaaaJaaaaaaawaaMMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai -., Xa? -5? SaaaBf? it bbbbbbV TaBBaaBBBBBBBBam .bbU - Jaat- .BBBBBBiaBBBBBBBBBBBaaMMjBBaMaaBaBBMaBBMaaaBaaapaaBBuia""""""- - -w a " -EJ3X3i 3ET fVaiaw VaaaaaaaaaW TL- .1 WT.V5,- lifjffi "i. &-., .t - " .: ". JW'C' ' .--i-waWP'aaI- j Cloud" CMef. .Us- ". . " "' ' KEAT2STAK0 fMnmStttiST t' '.' HE - frk ' Bama JZVEjMJ if' -; ..- r-rf .. " .. s ""! ammg-iaamr. H ', b a' jttr if pM if aUfamtt. GO EAST -S- '.j? VOL. VII. BUSINESS MktiCTORY. VIA THE too & M - Wisitn s ' .Kail way- !,38Q MILES OF ROAD. It u'lhe HHOKT wire hJ 8 AFK route between Council Bluff AND JHICAGO, MHW-ATJZEE and all poind EAST and JKURTII. Tew Tcrk, PMlilpiia, BocUn, Wau- ingien, BuCalo, VtsBBrgo, CiaciiscU, ltatrtol,?orcd,2trolt, C1t land, "'CWttntaa. It offera lie traveling pablie Ireater Facilities ! -AND 'orAdvantges Than any otber road in the weU JiU tbcOJVLY EOAD between' aiicll BlHffii m Cbicag 'Upon which lu ran .LHAH HOTEL CARS ! TJ ailnttinn in ttiMH and to nlraa nil claae of I " . i. i biucTni iui:ui.'il.eailii raTeier. ii kit a rjwoi v.wrto ,..w ....- ITING B VATlsin. at 4 eenia eacn. ; Track iiSUellaUt Its ecachcs.are the finettl Its Zfidpmeni first cUm ! IU tnint re all Equipped with with airbrake. Miller'i Couplrre! nnd all tuodcra impror- jBeoin au oi wuicn cosomeo t Fastest Spaced! Sure ind.dKe CotBtetisni 1 Ard eTcrythisR a pwfenirer aa deiire to - S nake a journey HCK Pleasant & COMFORTABLE; Mailman Sleepers on sir Night Trains ! IT JS.THE tarole's Favorite "Route. PAfrCouncil Blufg the Tbroufli iTr," of. the kiatfo -"orth-TeterB ano ine unin ra SJeltailwaf b depart from, arrive at iud usottae joint Uios Aepot. .?-. O. C. CASE, A TTOUSEY AT L.IW. Office one door north of Gnrber't Store. KKII ClAiVV, KKB. Collections mado & promptly remitted. jTsTgilham, ATTOnSEV ASD COUN8EZXIR .AT LAW. Office one door north of Kalty Bros. pEDCLOUP, - NEBRASKA. THE CHIEF. M. Lv tHOMAS, EDITOR. THUBSDAY, JULY 29, 1880. W. C. REILLY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND MtAUeSTATSAaSZT. v "Bed Cloud. Nth. 3.ProiBpt Attention Givea to ColleeUoB. OrricK- with C. U. POTTER, at Red Cloud Drugstore. Edwin C. Hawley. A TTOBNEY AKD COUNSELOR AT LAW. , Office over Farley's Drug Store. 1ED CLOUD, m If yvmJih thewt trarnSbr aceotoRiodatknM m will bur yeur ticket, by this Route w-Ad ilaVTAKB NONE-OTHER. , ifliois can sell you TkrOTgk t.-ria ts.ioi and check nsiul i Free of Charge. eBSSa ' m -VMb. 1 1 .wa s-i MricmTorrir;jcs j. rsrnasi rjweei. UhVand t Union racteo pepci. t iUCs XJCKei umcen vnr. xroawny n 4reeie. O. &: N.-W. R'y Depot, and Jmoai'aoiBoTrAnsforDcpot. , .... qc OBe in uoiornao itiirai ana union Urific Ticket Ofice. w .. A WennnJIfet Offlcc-ifteW MOniKOr--- - - . r-y. , .- r. Oei?crx uot II. addrcu any James Laird, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Will practice la aH the Courii of tbe SUte. Prompt atUnllbn giTea to all buiine en treated to Li cars.'- Oliee ea the east aide Janiata Aveuue. V julyl-7 LHRKssBsnsSf TI. S. Kalst. T lied Cloud. Neh;. J. L. Kalkt. BlooBalnton. . . i Nebraska. KALEBROSM ATIORNEYSArTCAW REAL ItStATE "AaENTeV -. Will DmcUce in 1I "the OourU in' Nebraska and north em KjinskJi-eolleetteua promptly at tended to and corres'poBdeaeejellelted. W OttU WWUVr jtjuavmMg-. Also. Agents for B, k U, B.'R. Laae.f I. wrTIJtl,EY, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, , U. 8; J'ensfdn 8urgeon. 90fice oyer Ksfey Bros, law office. ; 1ED CLOTO. sTEIUIH ELBERT A. HALL W. D. Physician & Surgeon, RED CLOUD, NEB. AfsisUn! Sareeou B. M. It.R. R. C. 196m Office over Johtirua A Crops dry goods store; Real ilchco orcr ?i Aownause a atore. ieTovSAatiou. foldfTr:5UJne.. uot it. abje-ftt UBMTiLZZ!rwr iy. or JBITT. W. E. STENNETT, en'I Manager. . uen'i -.-. ;hicato,-ni. JWIER BROTHERS, HEADQUARTERS FOR- 1 -i? m fj'.ixt 2S1 c.5 c P1 Mulmhhm J.m.iftOS!A.m.D. -ELECTIC Physician and Surgeon, RKD CLOUD. NEB. A Will pay special attention to Obstetricd dicoFoa of women Also general and s.l rl Kiircco'. Difeitscs of the Eye nhd Ear. Charges moderate. Office over Hherer'a Drug Store. - 25-1-y JA8. IH. CALLENDER. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON; (allopathic schoou) Prompt attendance on all calls in the practice of medicines or surgery. COWLES, NEBRASKA. J. W. MOKAXVILI.E, COWLKS. MB. C. V MORAXVILLE, AUBOT. ftB. MOIIANVILLE BROS., Practicing Physicians. COWLES & AMItOY, NEBRASKA. All profeHinnal calls will receive our prompt and careful attention. 40m6 HSrWf J)r. H. A. Baird EE5l)EaTrDEHTIST. BEpXILPUD, - NEBRASKA. of Agriculture offers $3,400 for horse kTilCISS. X1IU Ol, 5WIIVG MACHINES ROBINSaN aeon iiomDanv JhTKCXSS&n, OHIO. hate: JUST FIN &iitm:noFa'HE aiATKST' iiioyuyi:i HA Au - af' TeScIeSf n 4: X.$: :-61 IcitTvr:nxS Att- W ; : .trmr,rvtt nr7rkvrc fcXS,- cJ SPB1XG WACtoXS; Wfrfei TJtemtomFST-' T2f2i.T RMEKOTOSEATED 4rt. .mr-.iir.i. rasEHX, J71V ifjxirSeRilfrsjiuaPric, to VC ROBINSON WAdON OO-v fjincinnau, viuu. : : ? -H- iy '- eoox sraj'W8& Quick TiecI TnrongV Trains I Jl; LtfVCoBBeeOoH! No Delay I W kurnngton Rouje! TO CHICAGO -AND THE EAST, - W r 'jr l . .!. .--r- i i.owesirtw" " 7"?t..;'w. . i jronra Cars iim raBHwa . m. -.Tuaj ton jakied eaaueedoa will be utade ai ?' TCUIOIUO eloae'eeaueeUflM will miwajv . tdn'M.t olliiast end Berth. leepiHg er bertha reserved at the L?bIs ketoRJce by Telegram jet.Ta -adieta3 Jf'eKOuri iuvero.ATiieKw.-. 3T.10UISAND THE SOUTH. aWritorton route have' ays test of threuH - eioee eawaayawai aevwee mm H lwl '. """ - . -... . .ITIi this lia fcareaae- eejeet ap ....' wT)asa - j eu a - .-. - . . rrowjiieiesjaaiJawaTwouxieuwfc- ng !Wierdfbn. " 8.Qrber. ; -Eichardson & Garter, - f ' .-i1 DEALERS IN IlprJB STOCK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. HigbectBarket price paid for hoiw and cattle. Aft Orleans mnn 15 in n critipul rtmi St. Louis Fair offers 12.850. diffon, hatine btitih ftttliiff n' sorho. ihVf4pul JLlhrTir ot rJeTTTdiiW fMtobittcn by a snalfa wl.Ue sleephrgl SiaW trX . mn ra anv - it n it maKT..' w .v a j- a av v j mm i, i . a 5 j - wi. . . purpose), mules, jacks, 15imcrbmitr'i(k Mmtrtt&& 8neep, poultry tnrm and garden pro- 5200 acres lying acrow ttib line of Lan-1 caster and ilass counties, ,with 5a00 acres in cultivation. ' , J. E.Sumi &OiBvnn M.B.Tnomsoj. rw. FiratNat. .ChK . Rirt Late Teller Firat Bank. BeaWee , Nit. Bank Nat. .sank aeat- StbStSX Beatrice Neb. rieeNeb. imiilroirs ipompsorr, ANKERS, sDLOVD, NEB, vrjaavmalcA -eelleetloua ia any Bart of tk 9 rjBitttater8ell exehani upoa tbe prlnei aetaYcaexalBaakiac baaiaeae. RaraaBveus:. Oaaaba National. Bank, A. S.Paddeck,U..S Senator: Firat Natieaal Baak New York. CaaabridteVaUey NatieaaLBaak. Caaabridte New York. ' ,,.' OMAHA - C - - - I -rX-i yd vjoe: Dooai iM' uB Lkuors. Be4rf.Ala.aa4 aaa CiaasC j aaata af tbe pubtk Mtroaaaa ia,aoHeeUd. t. "A 't fc t aa.J ' (hhib -nouiii IriartM Tumm.. two boo as yivrc. r -Bora cjiome. - ivwjiu uai . aaais -.. . w .i -n rf-v tMOWtlarrOf. EE,CM)tID. -': Vi jf -v k-"a"i Tt-- ZtT-, - .. -Aaa Waaler la-. ? f8? a' .?i5- -5-3?" 3t i-t'S1 "Vfi -j y ilt6S "4 .SJSl. -T-3- P!J-JV tijl reltW TaiafjaW-luil eeaalaatir ea aaaaSld W- wbre 1-JaaiWTfc" aeeatl af .BbHW M-aBBie- . TCLA- TTfc."' - . . -T.i. ENR Y COOK; VT- SES -Tblii' li-Ceonectiaaeara.. ?-nJi:-s nijyer. reJiaaaaaaU f SaaaaaaaaMaWI tkanJavBRaVa? IIMaWel twrT7A' .'tktliKMarfh. ' wHk ta (imrlaaiaa H i niMihera . .- f - .v. Vi?V "'J-- . m-I :.-. -7ri-5TKC' I."' aUaiafAWi ea naaae.MMre,aad teereJaver tbe l& UamnTnm?itMi ftMl aaaj; "-.W.Wrv J' -iaaaaaTXint r -aaa!" " aur-"e ; :i-i iTptdf-rua I As--I1W.PaalafSSr;' - i&2SfcyJBggg i aS3ggaS5j. . yiM JiSSa.fe,atf ' ' aaaSaVaaaaaVV 'Saaaaaaaf aaaaaaaaaawk&H.t.BaBBIaaV' 6 -aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVaaaaaaaaaaaV .aafw -aaaVaaalaVv Vb r a:aaaaaaaaaaaagaar' aaarTaa j ,, , JfliaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSaEsiE ' '- l-nS2Tr2-.ZP',T9-- ,"'.Ja-ar-,Pr:- Mffl HliWIB v NATIONAL MPUILICAX TXODT. For Vremdnxt, JAMES A. GARFIELD, of Ohio. For Vice President -- CHESTER A. ARTHUR, ' of New York, j' r Twenty mcs?were killed bv tne cav- 7 --. K iJL -bi iwteeBwuBK - "- -- - - - - ; - . . -am. avA -mm 'aaaaal : 111"" MxaeXA3tUl9Afl;. i a :: iOa ! 4irAaly r W- "HSflfiV JJ aaaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. .aaaaaaalaaai I ' FT ffiiT iMilli I I 'l X&L MlL .jVSBBbTE-- 7 aBaawaBaF -tr "Eternal Vigilance is tJte price of Liberty," and $1 50 a ydar is tlte price of the Bed Cloud RED CLOUD, WEBSTER CO. NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, JULY 29, 18S0. KVl Xtaaal fraV all TIT tlat f tail. Shipment of cattle from Uic western f-ing? ha legtin. The aevcsrttl valuation of Otoe cowity U 13,505,699. , A flock of 400 iftfzican sheep is bound for Fremont. Richardson county h.i jfttrried 847 itt population within a year. ntfw schoo'l hotiAe for 10.2H!L I now liaviiiKni iinirttlae alc throustJ' !. llUr Mf T ftkaKB l..Jk UMitM Wheeler eountv has a nonulation of .i.. .-s.. .1 .n.i . .t .. .. ..- 43, and will be organizcfTdiu all. hai flrtVn Irill bv. & i& irjWirawy 7 One of the most certain evidence of pnHjx.-rcHUi timti in the L. S. m the Ld that them nerer ha befiM-e in the htf tory of this country so large a denutud for'printtng jap;r. To give some klea oftiie way iirinUrr-i are now drivaji with work and the amount of paper liavd we uivc the following facts concerning the Mrge amount of work which is Wing Ami in the publication of "A Trvatie .1 . i ' 111. vi. ....... on uic iior.-'c anu nu iifeatHw mucii liMIGH BROS. MEAT MARKET RED CLOlif XKB. Tbe efeet ef frf avaeU. Saafatt. feWU aad avoii tk baa Uart (fee ar ktaVi.a)aaabaJ. . . ta eera al ar ."Mrer a r Mara. Samuel West Several people in Orleans arc turning their attention to bee culture. The stockine factorv at tlte state penitentiary, has been sold to parties ' faction that they mustnectiru the ser .. " I . r . "' . . . . . vice 01 omer pruiicrs, ami coiucqiicm' 'y a larjjq, ppnuug bouae ui lloatnn was at first tmntinz establisliinent at (."larcmoiil, X. 1!., found tliai flie book wa.n Wconiing a hopular and tfave such universal satin ing of the July 21st. 4 Hudson river tun net on Xrbraska's Annual Apportionmchl of Military Stores, this year, amounts ,to $1,500. . ,. I. P. Olive of the Mitchell -and Kctchum murder notariety, Vill have a rehearing of his case before jtne Suprcjhe' Court; the first week in August ' f , Dr. Taxxer who has undertaken to go without eating for.forty conseesjtivo days has been oflcred $600 iter week to complete his fast at one1 of the leading New, York theaters. V BBB Va . An enumerator at Plattsnrouth told a dyingimmigrant'ho could not enter the gates of heaven unless his name, ago and place of residence was on his book. The dying man gasped faintly the word "liar" and died. His address appears in the enumeration "just the same." Nebraska Pity Tress. Amoko many other churgwbrooght against Gen..JIancock';athdernoeratio jnomiiice ibr president, it is said of him tlmt lie is a Ettnuch. W nronotprc parcd to vouch for the truthfulness of tliis report, but we condole with Mrs Hancock nnd Hympatftisc with the hired.girl, all the samc And while we are about it we might add thatifthis report is true, wo wimldn't mind Teing GenHancock's priyoW secretary. The Bloomington Argvtt- comes to hand with the following, niarkesd fdr comments. Comment, we think is un necessary. "The Nebraska State Board lcinity Custer county's grain yield will be as great in quantity and" far better in quality tnan on.prcvioiwycars. . Tom Hewitt about seven mili smirtt of nioomingt?, Was struck deail byl iigiiuuiig mc vma cTcinirg.- Jhc tannery startctl nft ltica last stfring h:w already Jurned mt leather. Extract of licnilbclcu'uctl.'in tanning. , A party of gentlemen arc considering; uio prospect ot esiabitsmncr a tork packing establishment in Nebraska Citv. Two l&fe blocks are undenvav in Hastings. -They are to be built of line magnesia stone from the Republican "valley. l BIr. Metcalf of Central City, will erect a large mill anuV elevator at St Paul if the citizens offer sufficient encourage ment. " The railway station of Rose Creek City, instead of being'located where she wanted it, will be 0110 aud a half mucs .east. - - Adams, county farmers expect 15 to J8Tiusliels of whcaU'fafr acre. Cliintz bugs to the contrary notwithstanding; CcntralCity is to have a new opefa. hiotie, 44x'.K, and 'expects toiave'it finished in time for the rc-union tliis fall. . .. Tlie wholesale trade of Lincoln dur ing the fnvt half of this year almost equals the entire sales of any previous year". , Farmers residing along Stevens creek.- rtnd only about ciirht milorfrom 'Lincoln , complain bitterly of the ray ages 01 wnivest te' Somo Dakota (idtinly wheat Holds are expected to yield 'twenty-five hushols to 4he acre, and corn pospects were ncier oeiter Vr ducts, lruit and products of all the arts, $6,600?8t. Louis offers $47,100. How can St Louis ever expect to succeed in making a good fair while she discrimi nates so unjustty against horse .races?" 1 Last spring after a careful estimate it was announced that theTcxas cattle drive tliis year would aggregate about 300,000 head, a large proportion of which were booked for Nebraska, and the figures were most accurate, the drive amounting tov 3QL000. 'Already several herds have arrived at -Ogalalla, and the shipping from now on will l gin in earnest. Several of tKe heaviest shippers will also avail .themselves of the B. & M. extension And ship from Indianola. Ex. TathcrMartiriVnew town ofPomrof , things to become a point of impor: taace. One SKellenbcrgeT, livirafln Jf ebras ka City deserted "his wifesst week, talcing with him their jwily cfcildj twa Truk Latlli'i lNftlalfaitUf. " Tlie number for Augost. contains a vast omoftnt of entertaining aad in structive reading. JS. Tobinson has an admirable; article ideecuptive of the 4,Paioh Flay'' atprjemmmergauwith twelve illustration; Geo. J. Hagar one 4m-"Some Reaaarkaale American Women at the Bar, in ike Pulpit and jam thefitege," with' soTeei teen portraita aadllustration. -"What the iananeac at", by EdwaM Gre!)-;?"CameorCut- ting, atoBi Diane an tneMatter orn.M UA Soap-BtibMc bhn A. Bower, etc, etc, are excellent articles, profusely illuatrated. Etta W, Kerce'a interesting story, i"Npt Guilty ii con tinued, and the numerous ahaeY stories and sketchea aro ry poptiTar' aTnters and of HansuAl merit "XrWeaivaone notAble toeinsj "Captain OrtisyAJcty" a liallad, amusmclv deacribaa what th 11- .: ..:" '. jt . z. AHtwarp. There is a very coakwa miaJtr1 "1lle, co?nr uirimttc, cuiuiaang an unmeoeenranety of subjects. replete with mtertaicDeflt and isiruction; in fact, the' 128 'quarto pages which each nujBBr, contains present litcraturet of tbcT hitaatwian dard, justifying the sUteiaoat'tjaat ibis jHaganne is, m -Jew of teJuantity and quality of its contents ahf4aMap? ieae m'thtr-yoaM. There nrrmar ?inh wlinhiLfoftnd abeautifelscel6red freaispiece: and the wice of a in-u icoavp-ihr 25 cents1 the amHafSuV -J. ,-. w aJ - Bavaa."! - . a a 1 a . - . mtMviwjM, Lnxnowa. auraV-Rirrsnlr :XsfceumhingT House; toTtt aad TPlc?Pbcc; New Yorkv --rt- s v KT, XMonrpe Taylor's Gold Me-lal gfiu tratea ja snch a manner as tdHM'il. ite we raoreeoonoaiiciU and KitiiYi. attyotfcer., For'fiiaarw,wiFaiLf cairjetlIfiitfeToli 20 f i :ntgmm :e? " jyWvi- fc-"-auawaaBaajajaBraaaaBrBBaMl i W.r;.,.!! CMBrit; fef-dU. from the east:, Tm1l$nm kuifl m virkt' nv.w a1rwn Hcerwe and th e mayor was forced Ho c"SKed, and a thrf demand k.-it in- Tcad the riot act. crowing another large printing nowc 4 . . . r .Jin umcigo was also engaged to nxii ttiunders county has a fivc-ycar-old , thc j fa ork it ccia uweaiaiixiNjy ne luouter ot English alone is now alOirt 2tf,00 copies- ......b U...W. ..., q tiniit and liinil thCJie re' Bratt&Co., of North Platte, have quires the services of about 120 person ordered 500 cars of the IL, J and eight largft cvlindcr preaaiV lift of in which td ship their cattle. - which are.the. improved fivi niiunig Land in the Logan vallcv has ad-''thci?tsicrerable other machinery. vanccd an average of $2 per acrir since, Besides what is printed at the three" tne 1st or March - - Plum Creek has dtfdicatetlthc now Presbyterian church and 1k(5 just com pleted a masonic hnlb A Dotlgc cpunty man cfttifed $1040 from sheep Tailing in fivo years Starting with $120, capital. . The grain crop in the South Loup country will, be as good as last year. Corn looks remarkably well. A small white worm, at the root ia destroying nearly all the squaah vines in'the vicinity of Lincoln. . establishments mentioned above it is also Injing printl in German at Cleve land, mno, and in trench aud fcngitsii at' Montreal Canada. Being illiL-tmUMl with about 65 fine emnAvings. full of irrtpartarrf and rejiahle irironnatiau for horse owners and sold at the low price of 25 cents, is ther great secret of the large sale of. this hook which, is pub lished by Dr. B. J. Kendall & Co, Enmburgh Falls, Vt We being be--si rot w of placing them within the reach lof all of our readers have purchased a juunoer oi copies oi tne dock wnicn we i-iii luriiihn ai our omce. in rcgani iu the above' firm we arc informed that although the sale of their book is im mense, never having leen equaled by fin? similar ptiblicajiou, vot the larger F. NEW HOUSE, DRY GOODS, Grocuiw and Notions, RED CLOUD; - tftfttKASKA. arc rMi tics ted mv gOodi and Pifirf of tlnir biiidnprM in the manufac ture of "Kendall's Spavin Cure." which' is now lx'ing sqld by nearly all Drug gists in the United "States 'and haying, an immense sale which, like the' sale' ot the book is because it U worth nioro to fhc purchaser than itn cost It is claimed hy.fhn proprietor that "Ken dall's Hpayin Cure" will not only cure Spavins, .Splints, Ringbone, Cufhs and other similar blemishes but will remove the enlargement and that as it does not blister it is used on human flesh also with most wonderfull success in remov ing deep seated pains of long standing. Y o feel confident that any one examine ing fully their book and "circulars will find sufficient evidence to prove" to them beyond n'floubt that this is really one of the most Important discoveries of the ninetocnth century;. Final Proof Notices. Land Ofice at Blonainitoa. Neb J air 2Uh. 1A80. . -Nottca ia. kereaa'aivea -tkat tbe faUowInr named pettier baa filed aeiice of hla iatcnttea to make final, proof in aapport of hi elaJm.aad aecure final;entr7 thereof before Jaraea A. lal Ieya. clerk of coart In Wehatereoantrathbnf fi" Jn Be' Cloud Neb., on 8atarday. Aoxajt John McCoy. U'd. ratry No. 2079, for the aoutn-east auarfcr. section JO, town 4. range 12 wwL and aatneathelollowint a hla witnesec. to prove eontlnooaa reaidenraonandealtiratien ofiaid tract, via.-Srlrester Day. Nicholas Yen fen. 'Albert M. Smith aadTSHoa S. VelL. all of wel la P. O.. N ebnuka. JalySaaa6 S. W- SWITZER. Tteaister. " Ed. Grady was arrested recently "on a charge of being in the'maniifacture of counterfeit 60 cent pieces, at Platte Center. The Loup rose ycry suddenly again on the J lth, nearly twelve feet Pcr sons who were watching it say that the water roscfivc feet in one wave. .TiwiWr.i'T)irtrinnn havft tH'i-n ittHs mule and twelve seven-voke-ox-tonms hauling government supplies from- the railroad to rort IViobrara. !j Tecumseh'8 prospective ;ftptisf church plahs aro-for a stnictufejOxRO feet, and 16 feet high. The 'tower- will be 10 feet square and 60 feet high. Laai Office at tllopaToftOB. Neb , July 25, 1830. Notice Is hereby cirea taat the followinc named aettler baa filed notice of h'e' inteutlon to make final i proof in aapport of bis claim, and accare find entry thereof bsfort Jiuaea A. Tul leya, clerk of Dwt. court of Webatcreoanty. Neb.i H bijeflee raited Cloadjeb.. on Satar day. Aiunut 9th. IgSO. riz: T Mary k., liolcomb, 1W. entry No. 1783. for the nurucw quarter, ec. tLuwn ijaaawia.-waav maiaaa e aaa ' m au wttaeaaea. to noaa reaideaee, oa aad caltifatiea .vii' Tkumi. luha hinn II nl. k i-dreda; Tlf.M Kennedy, of .(Seek P. O. V ea..- gl?P!!! Land Offlcrat Bloomlnttos Neb., Jaly 20. 1880. Notice k hereby airen that the following aamed aettler haa filed notice orhia inteatloa to make final preofiii aapport of kia claim, aad fecare final aalry.thereof before Jamr A.Tal leya, elrrk ef the eaart in Webattreoaaty at bin" othce in Red Cloud Neb., oa Sataltlay, Aenut Slh, 1880 .riv , Alaaandar Walker. H"i. entry No. KaTTrer the gonth J4 ioath-eaaVK. Sec. 17. north "aarta eart H. Sec. 3), towa 2. ranre 12 weat. aad names the following aa his;witneea. to prore eaa tinuou? reaiwaaee oa and cultivation of aald tract, vis: William alter. Joseph DaiBaoa andlliram Harder of Riverton. Neb., aaa Kieta JoBenj of Red Cload. Nab. July23afW -S. W. 8WITZER. RetiMer. Hoflrncister. tlie man " who shot a Louisville man, mistaking hint for one of a party of meddlesome bovs' hfts leaving bis bonsrn6n to skipped, mourn. " A Blatr man fawdT in the bottom northeast of town, corn thatrnjeasures 12 fo 7 inches, The rayerage growth per day from time of plantimf was 21 inches. , . ' ( XaaclQIiM at Bloominftoa Neb. Joly 19th. 1S0. :taf?fiamed settler baa lied notice of hia inUatioa to larfv,- make ieai proof ia aapport of kia claim, aad aa- eareiBai entry laeteoi, aeiore JamesA.Xal leyf.clerkW tae eaart of Webater county, at bu'oSc Keel" Cload Neb" o SaiareW, A utnat 215; 1. Tin v - John AnJerion. H'd S7S2 for the aonth "aoath eat Vi aorth-eaat H aeatk-eaat! aad oataeaat Ji norih-al quarter aeatiea llUowa 1 raaga IS weet.aad'nauHetafUowia-aa bk witaeaaea to prove contiifoeaa rarideaca aaaad callivatiea of caid tract, rial, frai Hamme). David Uiaae-. Oeorf e Mkamebaad WiUiaa MaawaU. aU of Red Clead. Nek-. . jnly23aatl ,.- W: Ermn, Racktar. Laad OaUa at Btooeaiattoa, Neb iaty IftVUeU NoaWj k hare aivaa that the fallewiag named eettfet kaaUiijaiiaa of hk inteaUoa te JukaaaIr-aSSrt efkk ctahf. aad aecara aaaf aatoMf. actore aTaajataf or MaaliM;e paeJaratert Stateaaewt No. situated adjaceni to Opvfngton, h telttZgj&&JS$ lv, under the new. railroad order of, aaea2 ?. aad aameetke feliawtBav a ak a aaoa DarUa. Dawna to arava cbatfaaeaa viuranff ariui. vmmm -r 1 rfeaae sauew, ueonra u Laad OffaM at MeaaaMn"ffab. -u j ..M -- .- 1 . Jiauaa ia a area vcaraum,nnu i&ow in cafjti," leaving J aWed aattkr hai if led ner wunoui a aouar. . laafta .Representatives of a Polish cplonyof juu imiueB were in vauey- eotimy tg cently Jookinir; for ,a. locations They a?t prer to the Cedar to exarainVthe Fau4jrfYaidMnTibin(edr TheKA MwilarofitandoioBS trie ?fc Joe AW. It JR. between Jairhury. and owi Viisy. xney wiu eetaousn a new station at the croseuig. $ " The aeeseed vahaavtiofl f reitaie ansr personal .nrdnertv. in f aaTmnf rr fewinty foots up about $4,37771 Tins m Muuwkeweaiv. per ceni ntgrlW UhMI tw aoBtwcfl raide of J87. a-a a . a av aa n - aii ai ceeti'r. v. waanar m t jatysaaacw B. ww. BraaTtai v -v Sut teams df Gerr. jThayeVs freight frornGahd IslanrVenPafirdngh Trd ir t&f 3t;-This farCF ,- -- - -mrv-wm . , a -. S. ", Jsir. r a "Tar'-fr , - - t .- .- ,- ir , . jeAreratherIow ib-jUbmik uunb year, ami oyerK are F4ow m arrirW kaTtiBat r'tUlmtnML- .ai-V.'?-.----' Maataaaraa laa aaaiafiai r- t. .TA aat! ItSSSi Mai kpaterk af aawrt iWaaaart eulaiaf at kk alW mr Red CSU aaZTaW JkT aaV f AaaaWlSMLjrat; r X .jr-u 5-if JffJ 1 ti: vat, aaai.wajKa fcatlai v Marie AlaaTaaJSa7i. Walk of VaHaaa. '. n. , ,; iairiUaatt t.,wg WlTttR. ReaW: Jaly M, JTaiieate aerator aire, taat tke MlMkar aaatedaataaarliedaotk of-aia mtaamaaj i make aal vaef ia tapyact af Ida eiaasTaSI !?? i!fJ WUaaal.Cara Xwaas A. TiiV aaya i eaatai'w aaa eean mt waaatarlaaaatr aaa. wm ' f. J!- &r , .-," .'.fwwy. ayaeiaa,.ra. 3m. far Jm aaatk'waat aaartar af aaatfaa 4 mwaahia X aatth fHaara 12waat, aadaaaieataaiellawiaaraa kU aa af IakTato Jaki aad Kara HJaaaa af kad .SWfTSOLl SaawlaJaiuklaaa -iSf-w itSXL SSL M'aTaeia!aaiertaf7aa Tlie' public generally to' cult and examine pTicfc, a a suase oi tire patronage is solicited. !ure, first door irortlr of SlosherV meat market 14-26- P JfKvt'HOCsK SAM'L BARBER, PE.U.KR IN Dry Grid mnd Gfocerte. BOOTS AMtl SHOES Hatvs- Caps. & Rtady Made Clothing! We have the Larittt Stick in the Valley anl will net be undersold, r Give us a call, one and all,- Sam'l Carber lied Uual STelta BESTS 5 net tne rs Tobscroo. Cigars, COafFECTIOJTEflT. CANNED KKUIT mi:ir fruits, CUACKElrf, C1fEyrt OltiS'OCS.LrIOXi, AND A tVlL U.NR OK rASCY XUQ A nr CUV Icu Cromm Pttrlor. Whrrc ytvif est! always get a nlcv dbdt of Ice Cream during the Season. Jl ahare of (he public yrfr5 l rrveclnilrjr solicits. Firt rHrr south 6f Mitchell it .Morhart'. Ru) liAn, - NY-ntMsXA. PR0UMTT4 JfARSH," O M KRAI. PJtALEW IS UJLKDm'ii It E -)andI STOVES, tiiMc RaHk, - Nth. Krerythleg naan keM la a firat alan Hmrdumre $t0re come hndstc us as u;c wilfrtdt be: UNDERSOLD. Holcomb Bros., -Pealera la DAS9WA CHIC AC aUUMBER Hp MMU CIiVa. We. Yard wwnh f H:iH-tiR JL iLiV,,mk hop, on Mw stnrU I? T A irt; v Laml r )VK, -r--l Ktp rtaHy aa k4ia waaafaawVaTVat Mfaa SSneaS9VSv aBamawaaVFV iSafaS"' alaatavfJaaa- M alfC-aaaaaia, 9tm aVattaXna- Tr at. c4if ir 4ii . LrLtc a ai a a wv r 11 1 -.1.0 j- lropristorsfd BBaB 0t aae t aula ; Till wm Mir v-a? QULIIlWL rWMM fcj Lien laMrt4fMUrf l(Mi m V Aaf ea aaa rM'a -Vit MM,MfjeHNrt warkaef an trt lTAr, TaW4w U t lew Uu atnt trtj4r ., H at r-a4abur t a WctVe i a 4a. A tir MatfVrt jaU at t Jw rtttjtfil ui ta datjtf n aaa&f faH. ?mi eea 41 alt yar Ua i M taaar,y lr yaea . V ae4 at f rya aaato ? W. Ta aaa 4 K ! af ofrry, aiTdiM a4 a r at aaatiia4it rr. II r watti arx 4avar4raTa4t tM l4tiyieaartfc 'a- WHr BaitimtHi. .V44 . Ue. 94 , rettuad, Maiee. baalaaaaat waWk t9aef H4m trt an t) W tar uaur ta H4tru a v, r Clerelud CtO CLETEiaN, rrTLOUie, sut - aaHl: 'Mi aaamaW! -ma "VK '- ''31;? g wH'j.' baalnef now before tbe aabliejroa cin raaUe money faster at work fur n than at anylhlaa eke. capi tal not repaired, we will aUrtyen. ffZadayand onward nmdeat home by the Imlaatrfoaa. mea women, boy aad arfrls afanted everywhere, to work for n?t naif It the tinm.. Ton eaa devote yoar whole time to the work or only yoar aaara momenta, ao other baeineee will ray yea nearly aa well, no one willing t6 work can fail ta make enormous pay by cBcejrinf at oace. Caitl oaf It aad terma fiee. A treat OpnortsJaltT ff a(ae- i nrnniv ttrlr and kuforM v.- AddreM. True Cc., AufBJU, Malae . ,, - nXt- jaaaaaaaaaw BBBBBmmBk. RRAVIN CURElB f famaaBBMaBMBwajaaafl H aaai mw Wmal M m mam. .. m an I 7WC m ; fVaaaat 1 tUmiirztm- emfytrea.- - leeu aad daaaaaf MkUr. KendaU's S awtaajMaafB! trl.mura m if ' Hed vroofjelow. From Rkv. T. N GRANGEKr Preeldini Elder of the fcl. Albaaa DkMct . St. Albaaa. Vt. Jaa. 39th. 1HB0. Pa. B J. Knraatt Co.. QealK 'In reajy to Tour letter!, will aar that my eaearieace with 'Lendsll't Searia Care' baa been in aaliMC tory indeed. Three ef foaryeara af tf I atoenred a botUe of yoar afent, aad witb it caVad a kovre ef laaaaaaat by a aeavta. Laataeaoa my kwre baeame very lama aad 1 ttfraed kiaa oat fbf a few weeka whea ha became better, bat wires I nat hha ea the road aa grew waraa. whan I dis covered tkatariacbaaewaa fermia. aroearfd a boUle of XaadaTl'a Seavia Care ami with la than a bolUe eared kaat fft that he k Sot lama, neither can tadbwack aa fbnnd. ,-. Itataectfatly yeara, P. X. GRANGER. PERSEVERANCE WILL TELL. fHeechtea, Maaa.. March ICth. 1W0. B.J. Keadall a Co QeaUs-Ia jaetiee to yoa aad autlf. I thiak I aaakt U let yea kaea that J bavrremoved two aaaa vaetriBt ara Mea 4aii' Stawla Caaa.' aaa Try larf a aae. daa't daow how loata ikaaaavia aad .aaaa tVere. J have owned the fcJeraa eikt moatha. It toed ana roar montha to take the toraaene off aad twoJW the email one. 1 have nati tea botUea. Taa horse U entirely welL act at all atif. aadaa haack to be aeea arfelt. Tkk k a weadernrl medkate. Itkaaawtkia here, aatifkdoea for aU what it kaa dene far me in aale will aa vary great. RaaaecttaHy yaaaa. " Cms. B. Patsaa. 5ead adama far ttaetrated CireaUr ahiah ai tUadi fivaa eorHeve atgef ef k Thnaaa. It reaaedy haa arer erne witk aaek aaaaal lad aae aaaato aar ka alaahia. fcr baaat aa wall aa maa- Prieetl.aaraaUaeriUjaoMa far A" Draggku kale H or aaa gat ,te Tim. J be aeat to any addraw aa aeatot Jykar th w. FaakVi, araaelaaata. Ti . Wk.mMVMu f-rr.i- ataaaaaeaa , of all klada. They taff CfllKAF for CASH) have act what yon want, leavl order aad they w HI fill CALL ON tl One door north of (larber'a, aud $tr will wall oa 70a. IlD CLOUD. - t COM UUIV1BE '""X" f V1 . aw"T-, -Tm Jpc , laamBTBrnW' , .ml Fvr . 1 ?m'j w fSLvrl "v Ml waaar AW aaaaaW--"mi THff AW V JaMTa ' - -PWBrS SaWm 3S: " ' ? aaaaal j. J?f'iei r aaaaal Cf- ef. r JMP aatm 3 "l m mw 111 imi aLSdja2t twa J i- 3IHF WNITKD STATSS. L ' V -3WamBaaaV' "' '' "' I WR'" immw I s aaaa4 amjtwaaMaMtaay-. . aajaaaaHbaaaW f? BMBBaaatV adlMA. j IB" tmUmmF- . naw"nl f"aa aaBVawama -BrmaamTTaaFaa' fBrfB' "awaaa J aWflBJt taaal aWfaaa aad aaae H taair war aflaar arkaj aa aaaaaamaffamL afeaaaataaT aTaaBaaaaTsaaaaaVat Bamaa aamaVl. Baftafaaa aamaat aaaaaaaWamf aaaaTaaal a'ajara frn laral awaaa""? r,mal vBBBjI BW BWBBBaBBJl HBBaVBaBBBMM -w B BfffBfW fBBr'M aJT MMe VPSSBjBWa , flW"' WWr f VWBp mf a amfatBT - -' J.' . iJiCi BVlwaaB fwa7Pa " "PwBwy pirnaBj era; aaaavv pvafBmamBBBaW fmw AX M 1 iaVamW aaaaaam aaaaaaammamt aaaaamaaaBamtf C .aBBBJt BJlBBIiaaBPal WfW (5"BaaW aPeBfaWJBB-BaTaawaaama Urn aaaajaaaaa-awamaaaf . Jkr" " M A n" a i. v -. '-T iMf r-- sr - Drtr LUMBER A SPKCI Tat, BRT IS THIt Maid at Laetaat rrU -lf- W1S-W, BED CLOUD Nl - a W " C? e 5 o 9at as i 1 a 9 i. I 6 madf! aaaaaBma''''" i f "fcJ3FSiBmBaBaBaBm Pr rtSF---''-'--"' 1 IIMIMI llhi v TllvBmBaal "'" h "lmaaa! ' .Bam. js tr. --b5,wsJ "a, r "aa bTbTbTI ;. - PfmVk. -jjmy V y aff-.BaBBai 4. - 'aaaaaaaaaBaBaaaaaaBaaaaaaB) 4 W 3i?Wfc.' ,Jf J b "i maaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaBai J . VSaaamaf VB:tll ? f '"aaaaBBaBaaaaBBa amV haa' .mBfmmBmaB' ' -'' " WMHAm&. jmBBBBBTBBBBBmBm Ba h gmmj .aaMmB'ijBm6 jamsBafamffBa Bar ' mm ImBm ' .mBjTBmBBBaBmBcBB amBmBmBTtBmBTBTBmp'' "ak4 w BMaamaa - aaammmmmaaaaamnwlSF-- -mBanmBmBW' vaV". 'aa. .na aaaami -!a y. aEdi 1 'BamaamBT am av mm I TamBmBnaamBVmmBmBmBmBmak .m CEr v -mBmBmar "am : T aaa a mBmBfTarvmBmBmBmBmBaamaV Cv.-aavt -aamm'V iBam 1 r .' bTbt BamBma a.mBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBBBTBm. 'ifJ: JFs. aaTr-X Bam . ' J 's ' .BTBAmBTBTBTBki'mBmBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBH "eT B " tMBI . 'tHe-' JaaanaaaaaaaF aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBF?' l' S.l T J VaS' i .LiLi.aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlr3 fi Kljfc BTBTBTBTBTBTaBmBmBBTBmBmBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBm A. --' $ 4 -'"" bTbTbTbTbTbI t"1-.-'- caBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaw.-i r f-' aaaaaBrl mmmmmmmmjmBaaafamsma v . t. aaaaaam t BTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBmBmTimBtBBe - .r(BParPB mBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTBTnBTBaBaaaBTBm -vi-i'M ' W 'M h-Bt . 3"?'S?B?Sil--'-f f - Bf i al 1 aaaaaaBBF " -ijBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaafBaaaaH "'ir mV BT -fe- aaBrnt m 'aaaaaaaaaamo l7BnBBBjBaBBaBaBBTWnraBBBB S'''-'V 4 F- a bBBbV 9 mmmmmmrj jj j T "Vt It aB-aB'B'BaBBaBmmmmBmi sk' jj.f, i. - jjr,1 jJ-m aaab t amTaTma P J l1 i atJw''3W'vls .. J . .' -ai JbISBMe"-.. f fc -By-V'lg r- '3KH BaaB-B-BBB-B-B. BBSam.2- -mWF ": "W mm tit? aWamaBa' . BM 'afar S??" "TBaBaBaBaawSal T?" . tml '-kilBBhBTi JaaaaM5 f aaaSc -2 5 , t t r ilirrhaaiMAif f h 1 I ffr J alaaaaaamaV''- " -.aaaC """ V: daBaBaBaBaaV aaBaaai S iw FAtmY ieiM tr mm )Mf g VT jL 'fyfl aftm il--","w --"""- WaBf BBBBBBf-aBBaVam - wwBBBBBBBaBJK, v BBaHBaBaaaBaY ii ' '- at. Z a ami JV ilaBaBW ' - Ar - " X-? - - BBBBBmR -ftj . J aaB afa" aaaBaBtBaBaBmV. -L '" m W'jWmAf "---- r'aaT " Al W 'UaaBaBaBaBaBaaaaaV i Uttf itf BaBaBBaamaar '- .BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBh V - aamn - aaaPv-'.aaBBT t jama. kWBBa,Baaa arAaaaViSBaaaBaBaaaV ' -1 J -' a.amWal -t 1 mBvan BtaMMau&4 , -jamamaf t at.. ' B-amavaB bT" a am 'mBbaa.BBa-aBmiBBHBBL mateaaaBammBf "";'. aawmaPJ"?-' ,m , kBFm , , vBB-B-aBiBBBBBi.rBBBBaj)BBBBF ',W W "- ' Tf 'C -?1 '-w -J"BaaeBi agn; MmaamaBBmaa' -I,vaaBaaa!r -a-A'Bi f . lmaeaaaaayaaBaiMaalmbaBaBaaaaBTa - - team . - - . . .. ' " ''''--BBaaaaaa cbjbai . . jy v B i- BBBBBT BM. BiaBMI.taBMI A . u. BBBBl-kL. .Bl .E 4 .T Bl .c " T i - Fff- a, -crv "i1 at- . - jjK&jgj, 1 rioka aa. taB9aBaaaBBBaa -. tl. ... at atMBt i --'-' ayaaaBBBBBBi aa aav faaaamareBBjBjmH& t Txa. ?' li"- -, B . aBm'v - BVeaMaaaawamiaBBaataaw!BSHnfnmaF- 1S' r 5;ia- mI' - aaaaaaaadii ij' ... - . "i '" -JGf'wL'M V-T"S "m- . jmmml v '' - - - v -"-"i!."? "ijiv ?klkMBBmL iAw bb?'8l aaaa waHaa aaaa vBaa-aaB-v bbbjbbbbi: aw rr' ' - aj Pbt bbbbbbbm.. . ,. - ehk jT' ajs a'saTH&Ef ai fc-- ? wmim.wmmmmmmm M.MMi.aMaMamB mgV "ma """yin . aT raaBpV,' :BJflgt4.BBBjyJMBaaBaBaBaaaaBk'aBBBa 1V rJ-V aatBaP TaWmBaBBaBaaBmV , BafiaaB7i'V'fTIl.fJ mamBmBTflVB. "' ""a aB -" ji amTamW Tar T ? g - ar yw B rJ-ma aVBaV ABaaVaaai & B C3fe C"iraaaaaaaaaaBaV'- "'Bbw " .'BaaaSTBaa?' "-" f' VjR raiaZ. 4 '"JaaBaBaaB':vV-''jyBmMM. -lti aTam. - - . '-S BjamBmBmBmBml - sr. MmBmBrnVammaTBC IS'-tLaaBaaamBmafl lElTBaiiHl -iS,H2-ftr "3rf . -S )Z $? : j i & . fsr p!-a-esa5ai -$.yvm v. r'Awm tmjmr4rxr - -c LmLaBBBBaBaaaaBaaaaaBaaBT JaaBaaaaBaBaBaBl 8BPaBaBamaV aataaammV W fc.aBv imB" BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBB l" Bt ' I" J vSvBBaaBBaBaaPBaa'aaBmf A aaaaa S' V aBarBmT BaaaaaaT "maV Jaa4 JaaBaC BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBB av am.- " -L " laimlljPaW . , 4 aZavBaBBaBaami o?aaSSVBBaw H aV. VaaaBTvBf? aaaaBaBaBaBB lXBl:' Ma. I ..jr'.J-I "'Mllta-fameawiSS-JLir'Jl -a. aJLlBa- T- BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS - V Baa Vf.'BKBtaaBaBaBaaBaaBaaBaaLaaaaamT W L la -m- z "aamav. "jmr- 4 r f ' nam .aaaBTLaTvjBaaBaaBaml aaaaaav . af f ' BaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaaam .i Tj ''-aaa-- aaav jaaaaamr JraaYTaaaaVaV I riVf WatafflbC VflrtaBmlS T I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam " ' " aTBBi fvadaSLSLvrf aaVTJMJBaer aJOVaSflv A 'T ', V " ' lBaa B IM I itvI2x5a1 demSafaaa3aaBaaataw' ' '-aaaBaaaaaBaaaaaiaaBaaBam " ---maaBal M BV BV V 'w fcniSSB .1 Baa?yBaBaB --laaaaBm ! " B9 -. . .. A- IU 1. .MiBKmaT I- a.B?BFrViBaBaBaaL.-mBaV.a.": s-BaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBaBm . IHAl lav 1 TaTammT aMkari fl aaBfil. ml BsL4l4VBaaBaT?BrV. BM'.'U: 'BaBaaBaaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBF '. t' i BmllBYlAi-m-BBBB -W " aaMg f' tK BSamBB "9aBBBHHHP S U I dHSvST llBBf-MuBP.BBBB SmjtKrJJkmmmMAWmVL'l i;twtBmf ' jWtttUtmmJ WfKUU- Slf TBBh. I ' BBaBaTaaBBaaaa. BaaBamL-lJBBaT M aBflBaaBaaBaaaBaaBaaaBr mV. aaSBaaBa?aaBBal -f "aBBBBaB-Bj. BBF awBBBBaaBaW.J " i 1 3aaBaaman. mBaaaaaaVBaaBaBaBal . BaT . .aaaaBaBaBaBaBaBBT 'BKmaaaw&BVbmBBB I , t ' - ' - -c - -1 rBaaarBamaa.. . B-BBaaaBa-JTaBaaaaTama w mVaW AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBT -BaaSBBamfi,-' BB I U ' -"r-JL- - - - a-" - -'--- m aTJ aaakaar. . aaaa iai rfc B fTB aaiaaBatP iBaBBaBaaT S'LmMkh't " - w-- -- , 'm r 1 ni ai iibi a lei 11 1 aaaaaaaaa aaa me ii am n ' a?a.'aamam-BamaH. mmmmav.. -r-'-v- m !! WlfrSSlllllH :l r iumt ' . 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