1- W" r':STat ,.--- ." sjTyf5 &! y?3PSMaFJWSBI8H P'S"A Mttnyw'-o-ojvtt. .-. R? y- FiC ' r ---l. - 5a,' -iTtV. ?:, , ST . . l-JSftV'jf'- Tr v VrA .- 1 sefyA!e .OS rvfis: f- i V 5, H. rr Vft JIf"Siv srs-aiat- .?? &pmg$m9k'K .-! r gfc' vmJ- - .-- 1J - & ".--- -,- "-'V- j-. -J - -ap'X m ' " ,-r-BBBBi St,., if' . - -iwiliuri n --r - - r-&grB,r'- - . ms p -- -W" .k.-T " J JW - ! -JS J" K?'-' . r h'sw L J I 4Vf" . .. V-'$'j! h 5S- kj j-jaiSt L'- iv THE mslorofiilft M.L. tog Store: -i'l sv? ? ii rautEs - Drugs. Medicines - 1 Points Oils ai , . - .and Varnishes, A fnil supply -of rinrrs, 7,A;.rp shades, ivick?, -com s pRrSHES .w. atxona&e .oijcjtc 3 and thankfully j-ccclirpd. "Prcjfeiionixarerayy Viioundcvl"Ga . kei; cloud, ?cku, v. Mimble Six-pence. i a W. Dow, -DEALJ5R JNsr' groceries & Corifectioiisries, Choice Tajt. Coce Su;rar Ac. White R Mackerel. reev. Dried an? Cacniid Fruit. The bet To- bacc&B pnd iim. Flour nnd meal con.- sitjy pp liaa J. Kq;, Rotter p.ud Woovi Taken in Payment. JSveFjUjinj a-arrantcd to be a represented. (JJVE.M11CAL'L f.Jtt l Jyi 4 TJtfJU JPKjd. Jst oor north of nigus office. Re.Qj,oljb - NjB. Flouh & Feed CBA, E.. PUOTAH, Prop. ' DEALER IN FLOTJE. FEED Corn, McaJ, Braa Cojipcd Feed and. CrRQCERIES, Vbit this Bed Cloud Grocery, Fe,od and Pro ?rion Ftorcyrjion you vraRtvufplica for man or poa.t. Hilcho'tscArket prlro In cash pnip for prain A11 kinds .of conntry prodoeo t-xken n cschanhC or gond. flood; delivered o all parts of town frto of chare. store foutn o; i.taa lojr factory, Red Cloud, Nebraska. MooniCalienier, S-)fiKALEIW IK( (eneral Mercliandise, JttJry - Goods, x groceries, Boots & hocs, HATS AMD CAPS, $: Mediciiics. faints Etc. GLASSWABK, .QITBEXSWAIIE, SARDWAEE & UAMESS I ETC., ETC., ETC, A full line of everything kept in a gen 'cjrI .store, at tb,e mhvest c.sh 1'KH.k-s. 1 . llespcctfuljj", 4 3ppn & Callender. r05TLES, XEpQASKLiV. ft. JL. BROWN, (Sncccisor to "W. II. Rcod.) DEALER IX parlor, Pedroom AXD KITCHEN' . -FURNITURE, packets, ghromos, Pictvre Frames, , Mattresses, Etc, CoaniTalww on ban.d spd tntnmed.on short Botice. Trice aslow a? any in the alley. aurimc of all kinds done promptly and V?T Satisfactory. ?aril Bobcs fuvpiche! at roasonabld " "" " nites. flEDCLQUD, r -- ? NEB. ,-w- ry 35. -2 J, L, MILLER. je Cm eoostaBpy pn bayd a fall Line of "AlEis, pOLLARS, SADDLES. STORE ri i n a- Harnes Shop, i . ' . xiwwv , niDSL jpp imusw;h 1Jlv pretenslons : HMl " 1T1KKKXS Hlli. TAHa??"1; U'l'JU,J .H1- ilt J l-"sl lt- " .1- 11 !. . fi. -m ,lflw.shnn i as.' -I-.- - i. iMx"DOOR5 KORT1I .OF THE BAKK. V-SJ-s. jZ'mT. a. if"Tr4 KfJjfiA f&S.Jr?;SfZ. B) aftj-r. FIZS. w. - .4''1Js CITY y,r;. "2.- r KftS: iis.,m imr&t?T T giLr J ii . - i " 4 3.-4r.icii- t?;- Ir"" iSri -;-"- " , - of.sPirgr rwy:ffife ?, ju.-. ir--- v 3 wr'ii t - ,7.', - .-lf- J6riIMWfl. eo- OLi fft-Tw? TAnUIT, rp:l fSkVia i.HIHIIlJf -j--. VALMdiK r&T- ffZSZe TiTiS f ' . i- . i r .. "" - jf-.-.' --s- I. . - Tatfc - tv-jif f r w3Pr"1-.Y-3e N?-Sv- -r 't ji B 'HSC, j?M73m&mN tiii rfi-. ;-."n ,v..- TYset- i-. 'iiri., iwt.i. itvuxuis uue.ikfiuouia n -iiMnr.'r;ir.i,.ri;cji.-- , '.-. -s... i Kstt&.-V.;;4SvStA?t:;?'J.C'-fe - t v..k- frviffvJ- -"Tvk5-mi jtt. V. R. R. Tirae ,7kiss effee? Bandar, May 3, 1SSC. WKST. STATION. JUST. - UAGT1MO& (YR TLUK HII.X, AMBA EO CLOUD jrAVALU B1VKKTO.V KJtAXKLIK P'.OO.MINUTOS' I'BRTU EETnCLICAy ALMA XULEAN'S ()XfUD AJIAPAHUR UMHlUjXUt-: - INWANUL-V 657 - -G:2S 7i;35 8:0O 3 45 1 rfrt 9 :41 9-JK 7 2) O.if) VkVt 11:'jU 1 dipm rva 62 6 ri 5:43 5i 5:W 9i 7. CO , 5KX) 3:W 2i Kat ani tfett bonni frclrht traios meet al Ked CJorfd at lilC. Trains daily, cxc?tundayf. A. E. Touiilin. Q. W. Ilolilradee "GL-B.isatiaaer. Ssptl EATU SiyiSION, 2, V. B. 2. Westira0. STATfOSS EMtward 7 :5 8 .50 10.-00 lftlO- - SU I'ERloh. ?UIDE BOCIv. Axuyr. RED tlJUD. if nr 4:10 2:15 P. M Tn&nt d&Wr excnt Sunday. O. Vf . Haldkcdcz. A. E. To5JAL:jr. Sapcrintcadni. Gen'l. Manager. 1 xvz qilferlixmwvtif prxlrjrfil infoi an iii(lJii)Ue fimrf mil be regularly charges up each vrcejf uuHl ordered out. Another rain Jat Tuesday, liuckcye lowens, for ia.le jby A. A 1'ope, F. If, Gore will movo his jewelry shop to the music store. The Gyinnapcuin hoys wll commence the erection of their building, soon Kendall' "Iforse books" for sale at the Chief otlice, at 25 cents a. piece. The Key. Geo. 0. Yeiscr pieacha- next habliath at iinide iJock, st 11 a. m. Repairs for Unekeyc and "iVood ma clnncs, kept hv A. A. rope. 4'Jtt i i (v i i - I led buffalo, bcaifl , . r. A Avwgoti lonil of dri lil I'HllDftll ItSIU ,11 f,t mi lasi JNUUiuaj Xew potatoes are talernbly plenty iJW,mrmn ef-or( the niarket, but. they are "orlully dear. 3fr.-s. Zeiss and one of her little girls were on the ill-fated train last Monday night, E. If. Jones, our popular County! Treasurer willed bust Tuesday and in flated our currency. County commissioner May, of the north part of the county, was in town the fore part of the week. We noticed a letter in last Sunday morning's Journal from the CHiefV old correspondent, "Betsey." The last words of the brave engineer Avhomet his death j&u tlje rail last Monday night were, "we are gone!" The Hebron Sentinel has been moved to Belvidere on the St. Joe B. It., aud is now called the Belvidere Smtinel. Mr. G. F. Can is, associate editor of the Omaha lie? spent an hour very ple:isantly with us last Sunday evening.Bcar, after tho engine-fell in the Iii JtrTv 1873. tho Bnn Cloud CniEirBout -Gh1 fo""wd and rested immediaie-lthcir was started hv C L Mather, in the eel i lar under what is now Miner Bros,. store. Friday the Bed Cloud base ball clu will go to Oriole, Kansas, to engage the Sw.cct Home club in a match game of ball. IL W. Rdson and E. IT. Foe, two of the Chief's appreciative readers, o Cowl es, were among our callers las Saturday. A Miss Bradshaw, living with hi parents on the south side of the rive was struck by lightning and instant! killed last Monday. Mr. John lloscnthal camo near loos ing his live in his gallant attemit t resque the party who was drowned, eas of town last week. Tliis is the season .of tho vear whe bald headed nion can deceive the fe tivc fly hv pajntlng a. spider in a cor spieuous place on their polished pate? Sheriff Warren liad quite a chas over m Jvansas last, wceic, alter a mai wlio skipped out with mortgaged prop erty. Tiie skipper gave tlie sheriff the slip.. Mr. Hudson has comnioncfd to built another tank which will have a capacity! of about 150 barrels of water. He hopes ore long to b in shape torn sprinkle the streets. For job printing of all kinds you. should cajl at tu Chief office, our facilities for that class of work are un surpassed in the west and our prices arc very reasounblc. M. .E. Church, July IStli, S. S. at 10 a. at. Preaching by the Pastor at 11 A. M., and by llov. J. M. Prvsc at S p.m Prayer meeting every Thursday eyen ing. . AH are invited. Tlie furniture store of James Calvert lias bceu closed and the goods takeii away by the creditors. Mr. Calvert suddenly departed for the west, -and it is rumored that his family "will soon follow him. Tho Marietta (Ohio) Times, a little i. pr mMuhvA in VPP,. smll town v pretensions says: Mrs. Lou .. . - V. Park, qf Ianeplii, a settlement away back somewhere on; Salt Greek, Neb., ris strawberrying at D. Pat Adanis', M. B: 3i" Joe-. Gtrr Iras moveri hssbilliard table ;nnd effects into the building formerly used sa saloon bv Mr. -Hopper, anq ;Mr.ifQpperhss vaved his barrels anq LboUlea mtq Joe Carr's building, thev - ... . having exchanged property! TJfns is the testation moved farther- from tiiMmd Win this ?" ? thif yicinity of qur. composing rooiri, Society intondsrfvin a rendidon of rthe drna enWfciAbQYe the-dfout! onnexi. jLuesaya i m . ,--'-r . .. . 2: Wehavo reliable information iovthefc caffed foV Saturday, July 3d, at tnili UT0? Taylor's Gold Medal Soda ff &$31 we l!a&t i -m i - --i imiii r n i r rmiA m m a - . m ih& TtiHWGMA rf whloK a (n Koi. mmiIm ii .'... . - - .'. - i .r.i-,:l T-;mT --- ,nmmf xy. ki'ii in.ina onininn ntthA.nAAniA.ni thu for benefit ottKapiscopal Stcttt.is necessary ton Down to Death! iSerious Railroad Accident la 7)! laawr aiJri? ir. TBDmI Avwyasnoiw ncciuent cccurroa toilovc to horho became rirM r i I ... -1 . - . --.- B the engineer and fireman loat their lives. On Tuesday morning the pas- senger train failed o arrive- from the 'west, and ronl reached us tliat there Shod been a break down, and as the air tt'aH tilled wjth $11 kinds of rumore re onling tho affair we was unable (ogct any' reliable news in regard to the mat- ter uiU' Tuesday .evening when, wej )btaincd the following particulars frorfi the railroad olllcials which, may be re lied upon as being correct. Aairain o. 10 wan procceling west wap on Monday nightr and when it had reached a point a little beyond NapOnce in Franklin cgijnty, the engi ncer discovered a large bodv of water! on the side of tlm track in a ilmw where there was onlv a fiinall box cul vert to allow of tho nassaire of the water, (there having just been a heavy rain in that vicinitv) and thinking that perhaps nil was not safe, he slacked he icel of his .engine and wa mov ing at the nite of about 8 miles per tour, when suddenlyv.ahiwithout : moments warning tne iracK cave wa i .... " r Bunder the engine and it "fell backwards while the cars behind pushed the ten der forward closing the two togkthcr like a j.a.ck knife and crushing the engi ncer to death between the tender and the lwilcr head. The engineer diet! iastantly, but not so with the fireman, us leg was caught between the tender and the boilcrhcad and he was held; irmno. itf iaKJianua3rnigiitwiiercb:.co;iingfor hcrbrotlicr j wamcs, bore while the escaping steam slowlva .. . .. . , ,, TT ,. . Inroi scalded him to death. lie lived anlprol .ii. ,..--.. .. ..lu-nrm !, ,rvi,n,i ia ,,,.i.,; ii, ,... hour in this icariui predicament, all " ' '" "'-" i v s to extriirate him beineStent of inftns rolulity. The orignui cmg; of no avail, lie beiiaed most inleouslv for his comvads to shoot him and end his misery, but this they rcfucd to do The bodies were extricated Tuesday nm iah.uii i-a&i un a special tram, iiie engineer, Michael Egan, leaves a' family m Omaha to mourn his un timely end. The fireman, John BestJ was a .single man. It was at first reported that the' lengint- had fell throujHi a bridge, but Ithis w:is not. the case, there was no bridge, but simply a box culvert whichfsettle on government lands in the Iii- liad washed out leaving a large holejdian Territory is gaining strength under the track with onlv a shell of Hit beneath the rails. Had the lraiubeing started hercv T. D. Craddock, a been moving at the rate of 20 or 25ilawyer, has received telegrams from miles per hour, it is the opinion of thelEffingham, Maroa, and other places in railroad men that the engine wouldSlllinois saying thatS, number of per havo passed safely over but that theEsons will be here Monday, ready to go train would have been wrecked. As itfto the Territorv. Advices are nli r.. vv:is, the passenger coaches and ;crs were no! injured. Tlie baggagejfhundrcds of families who have suffered iy on iojv oi tne engine and tender, l.ut did not upset. L. Hill, an old scout, who was with The engine of the passenger frainicapt. Payne last spring, in which the that pitssed west on Tuesday cvcniugBparty which left Wichita, Kans., hist was draped m mourning for the dead,1 and the train men wore a solemn and awe-stricken look. A KAN DSOWITED, Agaj! we are callwl upon to ehron icle one of those sad and solemn events that under the peculiar circumstances of -this case, call forth all the pity in' the human heart for the bereaved and: penniless ones on the frontier of Kan as, to whom the news of the death of hoir stay and support must come like n thunderbolt. 3Ir. Young, avIio with his family Iivedlelauns before the General Land Ofiiee-- in western Kansas, was forced on ac count of the drouth in his section, to. : .1. r -. 1 .! iB he might maintain Ins family. He secured employment on the railroad at! tliis place, and was at work upon one of the bridges east of town at the time he met with the mishap that ended i death. It appears that he and some of his friends were in bathing, an being nnablo to swim, was soo drowned, despite the efforts of thos present to rescue him, Tlie remain were recovered and brought to towrr. ana were snosequeniiy ptacca in a pine box -and "buried in the Potter' field Wo havo been dreading the tlim henitiyo'ald be necessary for ust publish a call for the meeting of oui people to form a county aid society, but it has at last come. Tlie wolf can not be kept longer from the door of aj jjfcreatiBftny citizens of this countv. It .8 Teportecr to lis that there are whoh families actually Irving on corn n something is not done, and'tbai soo J Khey3rilrstar'e to death. The-meef. every townshm to be xepreser. Aisisa Question that concarm the in'J -.-u.uumecHiuuui oriw uy "evait!i street, Ellington, 1). C. Imvo gthe20thinst.&Aract.rrAvn-TTCfln in -tm- ..Kvl Ileal Cloud enjoj-etl a HttJo exdto- racnt in ihic tray of ah doiwmont Wtl Sunday. -Th fcot in the ! are nboytaj follow;. Curt Evan., ouc pf hedirv-ruen tjf towrn broughe his stf;r L from AIilU(J Ui keep itwte fyr him, which duty-ehe lias faithfully pcr fqrueti for fGayn: time, but vbcu a young man, Frel Hj'ckwon by ame, Binncaretl unon the ?caiu mul n..T .'. " wn. '""" "' !.- 4 o to keeping house for the other fel low. This did not meet with the ap proval of tlv brother, and he entered a solemn protest, but as the mpicl proves, without avail, for the young couple, pn luatniHony bent, hired a conveyance and skipped out to Kansas where we suppose their dvire w, pcsdily consummated. L'p to the. time of tho present writing thev hav not returned and no wonl )ut been receiv ed, from them, Since the above was in tviuj weleam that the runaway couple stopped in this bounty, south of the river, and that Judge Villcox went over and unitod theni as man and wife. Select School taught in th old school building. Commenced Julv J2th. to ast six weeks. Terms: $1.00 per montty primary scholars, $1.2i for in termediato. Would ncctfully solicit the patronage of my friends. An'N'a Ikysk, Teacher is out tnat .uothcr bhtptons ihccy is the cresition often London tor of the prophecy said h was written in 1S41 in a London tap room. He further says that Christians iu all parts of the world regard il as a wonderful prophecy, am? that one church (the Advcntists) is founded upon it. The reason there has never been anything said about its origin before is, that the entered into a solemn compact never to divulge until IS80. Lincoln Journal. Sr. Locis, July 10. The scheme to Iiliiilv . nnrl'miiin n Lnnm in 5fa n,,.... ;... tun dice; wags tent tore passcn-lccivcd from Western Kansas . that wash-Efrom drouth in that country are on way to Oklahoma. A letter has been, received from II. Monday, arrived safely at their old headquarter and found corn and vege tables planted in the spring in fine con- llition. Jack Butler, a scout from Fexas, was found there, and he stated hat a thousand men from Texas would )0 in the Territory in ten days. Hill vrotefrom Arkansas Citv, at which mint he telegraphed to. numerous laities along the Atchison, Topeka & mta Fe Ibulroad to push on at once. ftrjnoks as though the invasion of the erritory would be formidable, and lit if the military are instructed to ject the intruders, there will be a con- ict. Tiumber, laths, lime, shingles, cement. hair, plastor, building paper, doors, windows, blinds, mouldings and every- fciung else usualv kept m a lumber ram. for sale cheap at the Chicago Lumber Yard, Red. Cloud, Xeb. 4'Jtf A Uew Hearse. In connection with mv undertaking business I have added a line hearse, which will be used when desired, in this and adjoining towns, at reasonable rates. 4f-tt G. A. Brown. Inventors employing attorneys fam- lhar with practice in the Patent Office, . .. - . . rarely fail of securing patents, fcx pcncncc ensures success in prosecuting k-nmrslml Mitrirs sinn Alnipml IjiiuI Lohg practice gives succe m securing pensions. Ajtraivy u. "itT.li, .iihiih:vs. w.r had long experience in all branches of practice before the Departments ranies navmg uusmess snoiuu at Ircss them (enclosing stamp) for infor mation. TOIVZ3SITT OP ITSBSASKa. Open to both sexes Fall Term "- -' w.". -ww....-.. .i. jmiii sotiT t- run I menm mr j 4. 4, vinter lerm begins luesdav, Jan I1SS1: ends, Mirch 17 boring 'lerm eghis March 28, and ends June 14. Tbthox free to all. Board may Ie obtained at $2 a week. The new Ladies' Hall ftimishes pleasant rooms for seventy .ladies, ltent aO cents a yeek; each roorq being furnislied with tfiror-fi flrwr.t lwvlffnr! j'liiiirs t.-ililr l'ood-box: and waslistand: ladies pro- Inding tlieir own beds- and bedding. A Musical Conservatory has been stablished, which will open with the- Term, 'i union $30 a vear. i.le- imentary Vocal Class free to all. - For catalogues and circulars gmng It farther information, send to E. B. Fairfield, 47-3t Chancellor. Lincoln, Neb., June 22, 1880, fe; He is tlie happiest who does the most ? jnake others happv. The inventor" inis.saying tht the use of the- Gold tteqal cannot fail to make a happv loutehohL Our better half savs she riQtfearofour ever frowmng as as she ,cn tret the genuine J. Eomoe Taylor's, We sav snecesa to ho inventory and if everybody- knew ow gooaix is, no oiner wouitt caused, .'good many of our JMerchaats have L. Their depot is 112, liberty Stree ; Vfaat-SrrxOtTjStr. , The G'ht4 -wy that the doctor arc Vcit li.y iu JUcwuninxfon. Frinklin eotuity t dt-nntiwinj tJjo fcasibiliiy.of orgawing maliu'a com pany. Tle Gaunt says that the rivTdt OxsA point i higher tlian was ever known lefore. The Bloomington Anjn ba ch4ngrl kamls. 3Ir. J. G. V, HiUiobraud a Mimcs contrtJ. The approaches to tlw lrid acros. Uie river at Superior u ere dnruag by the ecent Hood'. Tlie celebration at Superior on the H was well attcudnl atul L ?ajd to have been a -uccen. 0mll is the name of another new pftolUce in the Driftwood Valley, it is iu 1 1 itch tock comity. TUv ( iipjrt a small (taper pnML-lied for a short titue at CuHKJrtMn, IJitcli cock county, has stpended, Tlie Valley tnlitors, or a onion of them, met at Orleans la--t Monday and organized an editorial rwx'iation. A man by the name of Jus Uurg was drowned while attempting to cro. Muddy creek in Furna county on a raft. The Harvest Home Association wi)f meet at Uloomington m..xt Saturday. They will hold a festival sometime dur ing the fall. The Uiverton tiiyf? .-ays that late census returns give Franklin countv a population of 5,219, and Webter county 0,240. It Ls reiorttnl that 3-1 htes and mules have been .stolen in Furnas county within the iast five weeks, and loiM! of them have been recoveretb The recent heavy rains, savs the uckolls Co., Ilrrntd, have done much image to bridges and the railroad track, in the southeast part of tltat county. A Mi-s. Chitwood living in Macon precinct, Franklin county, recently gave birth to tlirce 5lb girl babies. The father survived. The Bepuhliean valley beats the world. The Bloomington (hmrd h:is a wom an's department, presided over by the "better half" of the editor of tliat paper. She does all the work on that depart ment of the paper, including the sel ling type. J. Q. Potter ha leenapKiiutcd agent of the American Sunday School Union, to succeed X. I), llillis, who resigned. Mr. Potter is the right man for the position, and will continue the good work commenced by Mr. llillis. During a recent storm the lightning struck the dwelling house of Hon. It. X. SimOnton, of Xuekolls county, and passing down the stove pipe knocked Mrs. Sinionton i-enseless, she soon re covered from flu shock, however, and fortunately escaped any serious injury. We notice in travelling over the county that corn is thin upon the ground in most fields, so much of it not coming np, owing to the dry weather following the planting. l?ut what there w, and there is a great ileal, never looked more promising, and is shooting right ahead. llhvrlnn Eagle-. We hear that the mill dams at and above Rivcrton, about Kirwin, Orleans and Prairie Dog, five iu all, are all washed out. The Xaponee mills are running day and night, and has had no trouble, nor been in any danger. Tis true that we luive one of the best mills, and the best power in the valley. Xaponee Banner. Wood light mower, for sale bv A. A. Pope. 4'Jtf Cheaper than ever. Lumltcr at the Chicago Yard. Gilletts Washing Crystal. Save lalor and soap. For sale by A. S. Marsh. Headquarters for 4th tf Julv goods atS. West's. 45tf The choicest assortment of canned goods, at S. West s. 45t f Gobi Coin fine cut tolwicco. The best in the State, at S. West's. 4Stf Buy your table butter of A. S. Marsh. Cool as Ice. (Best in the market.) The choicest and best brand of smok ing tobacco, at S. West's. 45tf Crown Jewell Patent flour, can al ways be had at the store of Cluis. K. Putnam. The best flour in the valley. Aurora Baking Fowder, warranted to give satisfaction, at S. West's. 45tf Po-dtively the largest and finest as sortment of confections, at S. West's. For the genuine corn syrup go to Miner Bros. There i notliing in the shape of syrup to equal it, in the market. If you can't come yourself! send us your bills by mail ami let us convince you that we are selling lumber cWkper than any other concern iu the valley. PlattA Frees. Chas. E. Putnam has on hand a large stock of chinned goods, which the public arc invited to call and purchase. Terms reasonable. Miner Bros-, have a large lot of excel lent sugars which were bought before the advance. It will pay you to call on them when iu need of anything in that line. Miner Bros, liave on hand a very large stock of canned goods which they sure anxious to dispose of at a small advance above cost, to make room for their new goods which will arrive in a few days. Save money by buying lumber at the Chicago Yard, lied Cioud, Xeb., where is kept the largest stock av the lowest prices of an v place in the Republican Vallev. At the Flour &. Feed store of Chas. E- Putnam you will find a first .class stock of groceries, and when in -'town you sliould not fail to call on him, re member it will be to your interest to do so. tf for groceries of all kinds you will find it to your intaret to call on Miner Bros. Tliey have the largest and bent selected stock of groceries in town, "V7. JB. Iioby keeps a full ertmnt rf mM.Av Wtttff TM-Jif ruwinlifu y &-" .-",-a. . !'!""" J"-"' STtTi ntickleberricft. hLickbernfis ami rher-'u ries. He also keeps on band and for eneirpotxtps;;abbage3ic, 1 it cnemrss trfvTQ thk hob or soma Xoshers Price -List " From ad fU.r thin date Ilia pric of frtsh ailjh meat. auiaRre, fv xc . at Jtumr iihvai ianr:vi. win & i jif follows r IV)rtcrhowe & rtrhdn elcak...-... .i?er pouud,1 JO t Kotjad. Bump ana Shoulder steak,... Biling matM..M itvl Bvf.w -... "-t 7 4i & " IC ! lift Mutton.... Fn-h Pork.. Salt Pork, Bacoti.MMM M. S Prime l-tn!,............. 4 Beloicna Amnp,....VM uholcsaht -Jrk. Turkey-, Drfd, Oiiehns, " Stewart Brtv, Hams toarc Hro. Ham. II " )C - ' Q , 5- S 124- HiglM'st int,h prici jvaiil Atrfat rattW and (Mttiltry Farmers brinfit trjt.k o town o sll, may dottd on gtuin jtut as tench ftr it n thotigb we wwtt to their firm to lk i u F J MOS'IKl. Itetl Cloud, WedneMlav. June ''J. I3a". nssemixo:; Gum: KtwK, Xwt.. June listh, 1S. j Tlie firm of A. UiirlM-r.V Co.. tbi day dissolved by mutual sjn-rHt. I. W Crurv rciiring. A. Gauiii-k. 47H I V C'mry. CEOAVX! Xrt the Crown of Kings nor the Crown of Glorv, but the Cmwn Sewing Machine, the httst and bt luaebiiies in the market, it will pay you to mil at the Post-Otllcf- and st it before yon purch;isei For Sab by M. B. Mt'XtTT. i If Yon Want Bargains Call at Xewhouse's, where you can get white g(KxLs ginghains, sldrtings. drv goxb, tbnnels, dosskiis jean, luiery, carpets, hamburg. toilet-et. niche's fovs, groceries, and a great v.trietv oi other goods very cheap for cash. Tlie.e gods will b (-lljt.it 1 (ut, call early and get bargains 37tf F XlA I'lot'si. MQgE7T0"L(Ag! Money to prove un with on final m ceipt, or on deetled land at s per cent., anuJ-C per. cent, commk-ion. or at straight 10 j)er cent, no -oinmivion. J.vo. It. Wruiv. Office next door to Chief utfbe. .TOlf J. M. Si:lli:us, I'hysieinn and Sur geon, late of Pennsylvania, wihe n siiy to the people of Welirttcr county that he has located iu b'cd Cloud, to ctigag( in a general praetiee of miili cine. Iiirticuiar attention given to surgery, chronic discuses and di-eas(s of the eye ami ear. 1 have fur pevural yeais btfii tretttiug Hcrum anl Tiles, of which I perform a radical eure. Will answer all calls night or day. Office one door south of the Rink, (I'p-Stairs.) 4.-tf J. M. Ski.i.kils M. l. SSTBA7 1I07IC2. Taken up br the undersigned on bis enclosed lands in Walnut pminet. Webster county. Xeb.. on the L'ftth day of June, A. D. I8M). A light red teer about nine months old nitb n white spot on the forehead and white belly with red spots, and has a white .tiot above each foot. Half f his tail ii white and th other half is red. AnsrsT PiKitsTorr. July lutli, A. I). 1W0. Final Proof Notices. Land Office nt Rloommictofi Sh. July M. lMii. A"ic 1 lurcbr jlren that tie) ollowini nnu-l mler l.w filott notieR nf tin intention to make final proof in nirrt of hi" claim, eri'l secure final entry thercnt. Lffure Jimr A. Tul Iy clerk of the aiurt of WeUter can!r Sri. t ihcmtyM'atfo Saturday August ?tb.Ii'a vix. Jobn HarTey. hntotAteml N"k Sid. fr tli imtk-wcct ouurtiT -f rct'nn t tovrn.hip 2 aorlli of ranjre 12 xert. anI namcr the followinc m bit witcewes t prove cintinuonn nfiienc? upn nml cultiralioH ffi-l tract, rli.- ftrit Kaitht. Joseph DariJiton aoil Jhn t. Mcytr of Inarale Neb. and Kzra II. Jean of ho J Cloud Nehrajka. juIySautf . W. S WITZKR. Rcfr. LaodOSreatrtloominrton. Keb.July 6th. l60k Notice ii hereby eirrn that the fultowinf named settler ha file-1 notice of hu tDtention t make final proof in upwrt of hi rfarm. and r ecure final entry the rrof. pf f to be ina.Ii be tor Jaae A. 1ulley. llrrk f tie Crt of Webcr connty. at lit office-. In HeJ Cloud. Neb., on Friday. Anut Z7th. !?. vin John Il.eam. Immetead N. 377 far th E. Ii S W.j; and W. Vt S. E. ' , of aection 2S town 3 nnzc 9 west, and oame the following aa his witneetoproTe eontinnon? rcfidrnrewpAa and cultivation nf Mid tract. Tit; Kliaj W. WeIJ. LewL D. Well. Junin R. Allen art ALrara Keevcs. aU of Clc. N4. juljKauirS S. W. aWIT.KB. Ret ii ter. Land Office at Monmintton. Neb., Jane 14. lir. Notic hereV itiren that the lolloxhv naiceJ fettler ha filed noti-e of hi inteMJoo t make final proof in upjort ofbi" eVaim. aod j .cenre final entry thereof. Uforr the clerk of coaztcf Webster county. Xebr., at tb eoasty cat. on Satordiy the 17th day of July. 1V0. riii ' Davi-J An1eron. tiooietea4 apMication na-n- ber VM. for the MnUY-irfr: 'i. i5'- 2W. town 1. j range ii w, ana njicr me ruiiowinK a ni witntwf. to nroTfs rontinaons ridcnr an4 raitiratio of W trart. Tin John Bpilf. larid l)bs. Walter C. Wi and Fred 1). Humnte). all of RoJ Ooad. NVbr janelTjuylS S. W. 5WITZER. RrIUr. Land (MTjc at BJaotnincton.XeK Jane II, 1.W, 5tif i herl?y cires ths the foIUnria; named etUrrhJ.!d notice oJbw iweJin to make final proof in ropport of bo elahn.aedta roM Gnal entrr thereof Iwrfore Jamef .V.TsI- Iey clerk ecart in WthilK i-'WJty. at hia ' oSce io- ReI Cloud Stb., on tke 17th day of j Jnly I8a0. tic Stepbea McCoy. HM. ap?Ittion No. 20(73. for the 9Ut-etqaarter. rec.23.tova 4. rane 12 west, and naa:e? tie folIoKiscas bvitses. to prore eontinooar residtaeeoa sndraltira'ion of aaid tract, ris: Sitaoa Xcf'T. Nicholas Ta- en. James Alexander and Jobn illlitr. all of Wei! P. O.. - ebruka. junclTJaljla S. W. SITZER. ?,i.!f. J LasiiOfecai Rfooaicrtea Neb. Jaoe Sth. 1S-0. Hotfee i hereby c-tcd that ths fGlIoirisr ! named MtUer na filed BetWofhb ictestwa U f JSSSSAt reys, rferk f t bia cBe u ISta. IS. Yia: iaBdaond.2.Vo--c. Friday. .W J Jo at John AnJerfon. Il'd 2T32 for the cataKott 4 north-eafl aoarter cfinn 1" ttttxa 1 ns If ui;'4 flviM-ra? FtniiT3H'i aas Fwufn i wm a.axt niaM tfe. fattovrtfif. KJ nfiMiH ! te prore eonUassa retideaee osad caTriratlss of Mid tract. Ttt. rrm Mcet&sel. Darid View. UMrreiiaasaaci aad WUItam Maxwell, all Red Clend. Xeb. jaaelOjurjS 8. VT. Zitnz. RedeUr. - JCCTICS 70 I2AC2S1S. 2Ttieekrer circs. tBAtTvfll ' alin9BwsaVaWir t efar theaaTe cm4i4wtt ,li imAki of the vizrj K eBea ekols f Webttcr ca. , CIm4 m fast fhltlBib mztt SUe HUl oi the f m Stmtir is ti ertk y Jantrr. AtrS. Jtr a wwser, ai " Tli, k u rT. e.wu DMiakr. e aim siwi9mw - Exmii u 9e " c9tre4MP'lwi- - r .,, rat - Market- R&tojtr .i -- - r ?vZ3 . - j 55- '&rr T - t ! tl iTl V. TiTT -17l 11 ' Vfe; V 'V ."$& m mf fm -1 Jji, Stirce i F-Aey Grcer: -YrtJT - IV TOWX. Choice Nut. Fr ufc Maunq niv ijsuo in ijo oj ADip nuA snfiOf spo'pS Ancj uuo uoa DJOti sonuuuoo jus isn J i3quinx8iiuospoog t ' INMOO farmers; 1880 Wc call your attention to Jmc Ltrgcstf and Chcapcsttock of ., AGRICULTUBAL In tyUopublican mlley. Ycar.s of cxvftrncc in the trade, has tautrjn m die wanfefof the Farmkrs olihis great AC5IO CULTURAL STTE. Convincpcrd that in your Success liethe interct ofrdl, we offer you the best products of ' Eastern Manufacturers. r I Drills, Seeders, Corn Plows with Seeder aptfeah- ments, Sulky Plows, Stirring and Breaking Plows, Marsh Harvester, TL Whitney Marsh Binder, the bkst rmichhicilthe market, Randolph Header, Newton Wajfon Buggies, and all kind of k . FARM MAOPIIISrEBTr W - It tW v suaii spare no otiorit io aiiam C always Iuipiy tosb-nv STABLER, DEISHER d. CO. RED CLOUD, - - Nebraska. ATTENTION Aro ika nlv iu the Field, but at the Huyor to our Wliieh ro are prejrml to vll at fr the (Vichr.itnJ Kelley Barb BESMSYi FEMKIMS 1 ." ITaV XMf iife vvw b m m Wlitch, for Quality and Tet hUiimL H4t5ttt a IUval. VK MAKK A SI';OfXlTV OF- STOVES and RANGES rvMMS39l&RiKil &.-z0 at-JJ MIL UM IlllaW W-t -J aaaaaaaaaafc ltlrt' tmrnmif a fJEOTSr ff JPriceTo Suit The Tim ttr TTJ arc Headqnarters "UlTlpS Ol.CVCiy .4 Yfe"BT'aTr r ihbwvb, . Ai3fJL.-tAj4 -HAlID-WOfJU LUMBER Call aadice ta, we caa-s-re yoa icGy; HED CLOUD, r lSCj - ?iJl"-IJ! AU & Confection s8 aoA jucu J Sd 3GIS df MACHINERY 5 the iniert1! TSC't!timef. Apwv trKvvN . Gi- uraSfrU----.---- " , m. . COMPANY! Front. We Stock of Invito th ftiftitiflvtt of " ' l't& Ilrtoriahte Fjjriire-. wv nn ApMitt Fence Wm fls C5 '' . , - r g Ri W Jf 'AftfaJ ' .W 'j ,cr . f -w - v for Iron and VVbQdcn- lCrCnptiOn. .r WMsmMXMX9 ih fr. AO. AC. , All kL -JsS R? . i?0f' . - 'ft JH f ' A MM & w .jav. v - Sl i ? . ' K 1 HI I X -1 J: I i Jmt V.. ...i" ! mm v-1 -:.-. - N-tf - VT" i5-vi ?.-- LjL. ' - f i' Bl-