The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, July 08, 1880, Image 4

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Drugs, Medicines,
and Varnishes,
A full supply of
PMrcse eeljeited and taaakfally received.
JC;?rcfJi)tSo83 carefally eotaponndei'5
t :e 1o0r south of Garbcr's ntore,
Sxcceries & Confectioneries,
jttotce Tea. Coffee Sucar Ac.
Wffite Pish & Mackerel.
Grc rr. rJd and Casaed Fruits. The beet To-
Lnccc tnd Clean .. Flour and meal con-
.fftfcUy on Lend. Ere. Butter
tied Wood
iksn in Payment.
P'prrOilag-warnintsd to be n represented.
t? 3 1 wHllo ton good.
jf' 1st door north of argna office,
Ked Cloud, - Neb.
Flour & Feed
0HAS.-3.PUT1TAM, Prop.
Corr. Ileal. Bran Chopped Feod and
ta6;B?d.CIoi)d Grocerr. Feed and Pro-
j,ttnenroa waBtsapplicafor man or
1ico ofcfearff5.V-
Store s,.!ta of Reod's Flow Factory,
Kr Cloud,.' - Nebraska.
)DEAi.i:ns is(
Csnsral Merchandise,
52 j Goods,
Boots A Shoes
"Sisgsj Iflediciues,
Oil Tarnishes,
Paints Etc
TG., ETC., El'C.
fall lino of everything kept in a gen-
.-ii to Hire, ai, me lowrjt aSll ntlCKS.
Kcon & Callender.
oowlss, .
(Successor to . II. Reed.)
Parlor Bedroom
Picture Frames,
Mattresses, Etc.
Stib rs-ys on hand and trimmed on short
.ittc.YieeMlojiraany,k the Valley.
-palrIac--f-U- kinds dose proaptly and
a Satisfactory. -F 7
CicrialSe&Siffnniished at reasonable
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'i.hpstsiarket price in cash nnip for jrrain
v .1 rfJr4sjgrOHntry produce tnken xn exuhango
iorvoefo.wJoodi delivered to all narta of town
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HVJtKTime Tteble.
TaViEr cCrs Sanday. May 2. isf)
S 5 pta I HASTINGS. :10anT
C :07 YIt . 7 :W
C :23 TLUK HILL 7 b)
7 M CUWLVH 6 :)
7 ? AMBoY f, f
7 iU IlKD CWUD s
S :00 U'AVALE, 6 rfo
H .15 HIVERTOX 5:ls
9:(6 1 FRANKLTK 5
90 1 I'EBTIl 09
p ; ALMA iSi
g 5j OXVf UCD 6 If,
Ipm ISMIASOL.V 2:.-0
Fa and weft bound freight trains meet at
Ilcd Cloud at 12:l.r..
Tain daily', except Sundy.
A. B. Toazlin. G. tf. IIoldredKO
Oen. Btaaacer. bvpu
sastssn rrvisioiT, s. v. s. s.
Westward. 1 STATIONS. I E-vtward.
7":1.M. i HAUDV. '"4:10 r.n.
10.-C0 nUIDK BOCK. - 2 :15
J0-.J0 AMBOY. j 1 :30
Train daily excpt Sanday.
O. W. INLnaruor. A. B. ToiLix.
Superintendent. Oen'l. Manaccr.
l or ivlrerliemMtt ordered hi for
an indefinite tunc, irill be rcrnlarly charged
up cueJi tccek until ordered out.
We want a load or two of stove wood.
S. C. Smith returned from Beatrice
hist Saturday.
The heaviest rain of the season fell
last Thursday night.
John Bcrenzcn was the first to pay
for the Chief for the 8th year.
T. E. Moon, ofCowlea, was a caller
at the Chief establishment last Satur
day. Green apples and cholera morbus
are now on sale at the grocery stores
in town.
Mr. Cams, of Mancha.ter, New
Hampshire, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. G.
A. Brown.
The Lincoln GMtc man was in town
last week soliciting subscriptions to
that paper.
All the bridges on "Walnut Creek are
said to have been washed out by the
recent rains.
Joe. ilolconih informs us that nearly
all the tillable land in his neighborhood
is in corn, and that it promises a large
An immense amount of damage to
bridges and fences all over the country,
is the result of the unprecedented rains
last week.
J. II. Reed will sell his persona
property and farming implements at
auction on Wednesday, July 14th. See
list elsewhere. "
The Flainvicw Sabliajh School dis
played a banner on the 3d that was
printed at the Chief oilice, on muslin,
in three colors.
Old man Kcnncy acted as umpire
for the boys, in a game of ball last
week, and got soundly "cussed" for
showing partiality.
Read Besley fc rerkins' double
column '"ad" in this issue, and if you'
need a stove or a pump or
else in their lino give them a call.
The Rev. Geo. 0. Yciser preaches at
the court house next Sabbath morning
and evening, church and covenant
-meeting at 2 o'clock r. m. Saturday.
We heard it stated that several par
ties intended pulling up and leaving
the countrr because it has bceu so wet
lately that they could not cultivate
their corn.
It was reported that II. S. Kalcy's
fish with which his pond, near his
house, was well stocked, lit out for a
more salubrious clinicy during the high
waters last weev
A goodly number of Red Cloud's
young people went over to Salem,
Kansss, last Saturday, tct celebrate.
They report having a good time in spite
of the mud and rain.
T. J. AVard, has, we understand, com
menced suit against RV T, Root of the
"Foot Prints of Time" to recover some
thing over $400 salary. Laird & Gil
ham are his attorneys.
The census enumeration of AValmit
Creek precinct foots up a total of 34S
inhabitants. There arc 70 farms in the
precinct, and there has been five deaths
during the census year.
A young man writing home from
Leadvillc says: "I agree perfectly with
an Irishman hero who said. "If a man
can get into a penitentiary in the east,
ho is a fool for coming to Leadvillc.
A number of hog yard fences passed
through town last Friday on their way
to difcrent points on the creek above
I town, tliey having been wasneu out
and carried down stream during the
Crooked creek ww on the rampage
last Fjiday morning. The entire creek
bottom east of town- was covered with
water several feet deep, an occur
rence that' has never transpired before,
'within the memory of the "oldest in
Habitant." The -members of the lied Cloud Base
ball club and 'the ladies who accom
panied them. to Salem on last Saturday,
and .v4 .T..r-iT,VL- rtr &jm fnr tw
kindness, and courtesies -shown them
during their stay "
,. Ypungmori when" they go celebrating
with tieirdoxy Anaa'j.ould be care
AUohirea twim that will not balk at
iy&X mwbhte pr.HU 'that" tliey jcohte
-. v w wiwm -sm ww- -w .
i na . . . ' r .--..-,-
;j-joung ladies as a geral tmagoo
t ftKe to nave to get out ananaftaeup f
tbe Mft,xpeci&llv wkea it is a uuidv
last wak.v ajwl' AaaioC
'ij-. JV- ..a 4- ,- s. -iT .JBSKA TL.M
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For want of time to st it up, and
space, the commiioners proceedings
arc ommitted thia week.
I). P. Xewcomer, Col. Iloover and
Cluw Buschow, of Blue Bill, were
among our callers last Tuesday.
Died: On Monday, July 5th, lg80,
of cholera Infantum, infant child of
Mr. and Mrs. AV; J I. Howe, of Cowles,
Xeb., aged 8 inontln.
The Hasting' Xcfjradbtm says that the
storm on last Saturday night did con
siderable damage in that town. Several
buildings were blown down and many
others damaged.
-AL E. Church, July 1 Uh, S- School .it
10 a. m. Preaching by Rev. J. M.
Prjsi; at 1 1 ,. M. Preaching by Rev. J.
M. Dixon at 8 p. i. Prayer meeting
every Thursday evening.
L C. Sherman, of the south side
claim to have the best 30 acres of corn
on that side of the river, and also
boasts of having a new arrival at his
house in the shape of a nine pound
Mr. Meyer, living between Cloverton
and the Little Blue "had the misfortune
to loose four head of horses last Satur
day night, by lightning. Mr. Reillv
Lewis, living south of the river also had
a horse killed by lightning on Saturday
A bill passed Wore congress ad
journed amending section 2,297 of the
revised statutes regarding homestead
settlers, by adding the provision that a
settler shall be allowed twelve months
from the date of filing in which to com
mence his residence on the land so
T. J. Ward informs us that we were
"off" in stating that the store of the
late firm of AA'ard & Everett had passed
into the hands of Moon & Callender.
The goods are owned by Moon & Cal
lender, but the house which the "Foot
prints" claims to own, Mr. AA'ard now
holds under the "shot gun rule."
If original matter is scarce in this
number of the Chief, and if there is
nothing in the paper that is very bril
liant, we beg the indulgence of our
readers. AVaiting on the sick, five
nights in the week, is not calculated to
fit a man for writing either powerful
editorials or spicy locals.
Last Saturday evening while Cha.
AViggins was returning from Salem,
and during the storm which prevailed,
at that time, a bolt of lightning dc
cended and striking the neckvokc and
tounguc of the buggy demolished them.
Strange as it may seem, neither the
folks in the buggy or the horses were
injured, beyond a temporary shock.
Last week hand bills were circulated
announcing that Mr. David Lutz would
undertake to traverse, on the 3d of
July, 75 miles of mail route, receive
and deliver mails at four difercnt post
offices and declaim the declaration of
independence, from memory, at each
of the oifices. It is needless to say that
divine providence, in the shape of a
profuse liquid dampness, nipped this
gigantic and patriotic enterprise m the
Report from Walnut Creek says that
during a storm last week the lightning
struck a house in that neighborhood
and passed down the stovepipe to the
floor without doing any particular
damage to the house or its contents.
A young lady, Miss Morris, was sitting
near the stove when the bolt deecuded,
she was stunned but did not sustain
any other injuries, although her clothes
were set on fire by the lightning flash.
A dog that was reposing by the door,
outside of the building, was instantly
killed by the shock.
We have endeavored by all the
cunning and perseverence known to
the craft, to worm from ,th.o census
enumerators some information worth
publfcbing,. in regard to population Jfce.
in this county and town, but have met
with poor success, the government,
being very particular in this matter
will not allow the boys to enlighten
tcven the newspaper men. AAc have
the promise-, however, of the total
population of thcr county and also of
the town of Rerl Cloud, which we will
give to our readers soon, perhaps in
tliis issue oftlie Chiek.
Red Cloud, Neb.,
July 4th, 1S80. )
EDrroit Chief: In answer to your
inquiry concerning the present status
of the raalitia company organized at
this place, suffice the following general
order 2so. 000, to be sufficient for an
To my fellow soldiers and camrads
ofvOompany "An, Second Regiment
Nebraska Malitia. For the hardships
yon wrould have endured and the
bravery you would have shown had it
been necweary for you-to do so, and for
the many hard fought and bloody bat
tles you would have won under your
gallant commander had he had the
courage to fight and the occasion had
presented its self for battle, you have
my highest congratulations and well
wishes. The many long, forced and
tedious marches you would have made
had the enemy turned his back to us
anujnarwiw u.ix t umC
wnimwider wouldhave-thought neces-
s arj for his fown-personal safty for you
to march to 'catch hina, I commend
J yqutp all iovers of peace. As the bat-
tle y mo longer. tMwd, peace and
go fellowship' rens anwf men.
Th.MBBof the tiiaet Swpeala ?bfjno
wars. that-jOQ oel-ne
ger, andlthere i Wfaafecuiieiit
py- bravenr tia mTtime of pwrr
vou are therefMtt jmnmt M
wrthfratataadegiiig ; be
mtM towaex Ita qwi, ow
r-"--fc- v" - -J . --!' '--
V1 V.Vl'il1vS- -t K
.?rv!KS ufmgtmmma,
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wu talcs
Breeent fML jfcaL
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, s -;jSa
Al. Tulleys went to Lincoln
Masonic business yesterday.
-aaaaaaraaa - am ar - araaaaiaaa aiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar -, , k- -ar- - - moaak -- ' -t-r-. . ,iu, -j7. MamMaamaaaammaBBBBBmaBinafaaBaaaaM' .- .-. ""aaaaaF -' r b ' m -aa. - - i-nc,- -aK t
lieU&cttedmatirMiK strr;&mm?-s&?& WWmS.M-imm'rJH ;t r mm AmM.-m.r a:Mm-m2-- M
: -"-- -'.-j---v:.-v--jl. . - --r,7.,'"ar ifaf BilViTiiriBaaM aaf wmiii i IniM iMi'" aaaa faaalaaalBaamBmT' . . XBWBataBaaaBBBBBBKjfV; maaa .mf -BTiaBlmfmBVaViaVaw. aaVafammaV aVaVaVaVaVaTaFaVI
rtt -- i-fd. .---i.. jt.-. .... -ixa,.,-..- ,. , ....-. ...-..-.ja,... ...-.... i -bbp i - - . - -. mrr.- . . -c,,. .... . ,. . T. ,- '..'Ni, v'-aTaTaTaTaTaTaaaaVU
aam.ttaammaii;j:ji3?--? - ,-jZPV.. Aaa 1-1 "nalMt MmJH ml lltl ' '-'m&-VVgz2X ' imT-' S& ' -" - ' Su'rV. V - - 3 y:f- '' '' - Wfl
"-':' i.'-Ns ::!C5.r:ti3'i-t.fcfi.'!i--T. rt-.- fi'v- rmmm'mkMmwmmmBi r wmim jm . jj HMh. vawaK. amnw 'v .mmmmB wmm i . jf -. - i - rvtm - - ' .t - . . sr . .- 5 r: ? 5-"- -mmmmmmmi
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1 ".TaamfcmTiPielamT5MBmHmyi. gygmgatBMmaT. .& $zj4&t -&SJite&!Bml3a35f-iJ. ttgg&W&'l&3IB8iG&3 r V ffimmmmmr l---HammmmmmimmmBS5iW15aalfflBr JMHaw5BtmaLfiaV tP3L -i. ' - SB
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amaaalaa-E-A.'..Aj ammmV .- xia aaaglmaBgg aeBqlfl'-?Wfc'a?'i . -.. ' .r5i.-y --- lamBmmmBr X - aamy y-i ----ij gaamamrngSS -..i. ' mm --,-.- .-v- Ts- V.
LLHLMmBMammBmamBmBBmBmBmamm mTm ' iMMMMMMhMja-lii f T JaC
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I ii niiiiiiiiiMicfc.iiiiii . - jajjjjjjjjjjjj.
The E4far Revioc tlin cos:pHmnU
our well kaown townwaan, Hon. H. &
Hon. IL S. Kalcy of Tied Cloud de
livered the annual Oration, before the
Grand Lodge of Mamms. It wm a mas
terly effort, replete witli lcautiful :n
timen t-clothetl in eloquent language,
discovering profound thought and deep
research on part of the gifted author.
Ae are indebted to the enumerators
of Red (.loud precinct, Mcssw. Cha.
Gilhani and Mark AVarncr, for the fol
lowing statement of the number of in
habitants of Red Cloud precinct:
That jMjrtion of precinct south of
the Republican River 601.
Nurth of the River, exclusive of cor
poration, 071.
Within the corporation of Red
Cloud, CS2.
Total, 1954.
It must be remembered tliat the cor
poration does not include the town
proper by alnmt 250 inhabitants.
Died: July 1st, 1SS0. Mrs. Sopia
J. Tulleys, wife of J. A. Tulleys, nscd
thirty-four years and eleven "months.
It is seldom our duty to publish sad
der words than those 'that tell of the
death of Mn. Tulleys, the wife of J. A.
Tulleys our deservedly popular Count v
Not so widely known, fillin? a more
.quite and retired position in onr social
mc. .mtp. iiiueys was noi jiss re
spected and beloved than was her hus
band. Sin was pre-eminently a woman
whose sphere of usefulness is home.
One of those who by the grace and
sweetness with which they preside over
the household make the home life of a
man the chief source of his delight and
Perhaiw there was no family in our
midst where the husband and children
cared less for the pleasures and jovs.
that arise from other sources than did
this family, where home has now be
come a saddened memory and a
blighted heart.
It is always sad to announce the
desolation of a home by death, and
it is especially so when the. home life
has been the solo object of the care
ambition and affection of those who
have been bereaved.
The entire community has expressed
ih sorrow for the loss of Mrs. Tulleys
and the sympathy of all gncoutto
Mr. Tulleys on his" bereavement.
Red Cloi'd, Nebraska,
July 4th, 1880.)
The annual meeting of the Webster
Co. Bible Committee was held in the
M. E. church at Red Cloud, Neb., at
11 o'clock a. m. July 4th, A. D. 1SS0.
Services opened with singing.
Opening prayer by Rev. William
Scripture lesson read by Rev. Mc
Candlish. Comments.
General prayer by Rev. J. M. Prysc.
Rev. AVm. McCandlish now delivered
the annual address.
Closing prayer by Rev. Bent.
Ministers present: Rcv. McCandlish,
Pugh, Pryse. Dixon and Bent.
The meeting was now called to order,
Bro. John P. Bayha presiding.
OHicers present: John P. Bayha,
OHicers absent: C. A Springer,
Secretary; I)r Morris, Treasurer.
The minutes of the last meeting July
8thf 1871', were read.
Bro. Bayha then read the Annual
Report of the AVebster Co. Bible Com
mittee for the past year ending July
1st, A. I). 1880.
Rev. McCandlish suggested that we
proceed to organize a Bible Society, to
be known as the AA'ebster Co. Bible
AVe then proceeded to organize the
Bible Society by electing tho following
named persons officers for the ensueing
John P. Bayha, President; John Q.
Potter, SecreLtry: Henry Cook, Treas'r.
and Depstry.
All the ministers in tho county A'icc
Prcsidcnts. A collection was taken up and $14.40
subscribed, $8.10 in cash paid in. The
funds collected to be used to purchase
Bibles and Testaments. Thirty-three
persons became members of the
Rev. McCandlish then offered a con
stitution for the government of Auxil
iary Bible Societies to bo adopted by
this Society.
On motion the Constitution as offer
ed, was adopted.
On motion adjourned and closed
with a Poxology.
Services held in the evening, Rev.
MeCandlish delivered a very instruc
tive discourse, assisted by Revs. Prysc
and Pugh. A collection was taken up
and included in the previous collec
tion. John Q. Potter, Johx P. Bayha,
Secretary. - President.
A-Tictioii Sale!
I the undersigned will sell at Public
Auction, to the highest bidder, at mv
residence north-cas.t of Cowles, AAelstcr
count-, Nebraska, on H eunesdav, Julv
14th, 1SS0, the following dcscribel
property to-wit: One span of horses,
1 Dewey harvester, 1 three hone har
row, 1 new shoe grain drill, I Hapgood
three horse stirring plow, 1 14 inch
stirring plow, 1 Patrick breaking plow,
12 inch, 1 sulky cultivator, 1 set double
harness, I two "horse wagon, 1 sewing
machine. 1 black walnut bedroom set,
1 cook stove, also a lot of hogs and
corn, and many other things too num
erous to mention. Terms: One year's
time will be given on all bilk overj5.
Sale will commence at 10 o'clock A. x.
' J. H. REED.
vismamr or wuira.
...Open, to both exes. Tall Ten.
begins .Sept. 7:ends, Deeembcr 24,
AVihtcr Tcnrf begins. Tuesday, Jan. -4,
J&Sl: dB;;arcbr 17. Spring Term.
bcMoag March 38, and ends Jubo.14
.TerrioXirRXETO-Aix- Board atay be
oViMid at- $2. week: The mew.
LalSey Hfflraisire pJo4Mantti onwi
for Mreety, Iaw.Kwtt- ceaai
aosot, necMMMia,
Jk MmeimlCmarnArT
allal aWtiT illll- Walalilmatmlaallf J ' - - "' IMUIIVf 111 I IHIW W WK- I S WTI TKAp-HKfllft.
'aBafJaaaaaaBiaftaafaaaaaaTBaW aaaTaWin Am -aWaaVrl aLaaaaa4aaa1kaa 2a V
-y.T--.--, - . f ------y..o. amaaraia-ar linMlniat" nala1aaamaaaT lat . , am, IB ii a -wwa .inil r
ByrgHEiWp :mm mK&jm.mmzm 33gr ,.j- . ,- -jmiuvmimimmmmmm ,pju: .a, l : . - ;y'. ms-mm'm
.-a.-iS. ravsjajaaiiiBBi vvMaavarvatwiry amaa aaaajaa , vj-x-i " i " - - - . . -' " " ' - aar amaaaaaaami .-r ---?t
-fM3M&adiiMi3 - aifiis?sfe ns. - -JLmmm
mmmmmr:m:mm.. . xc s'';i&?;rv
i " ""M""- ' ' i ii ii i i i fii iiimwihw iiwiim urn- i " - - - liKflHR m
Ctim Mat ten.
Strict ttcrecy U enjoCned, by oati,
upon all cnUMer&tort and nothing af
fecting the statistics! intcrwts of the
country is to l?e mde public. Only
the total of population will be made a
matter of record at tho County Clerk'
office when the work of the enumera
tor U fiakhcL No other information
can be obtaisvd of the men who take
the ccrwtw. South Platte pajwr
please copy.
Brad. I). Sir-cirrnE,
SuKrvior First DisL Neb.
A Sires; fes.
Tlie following is told to
field's amount of muscle. At Pitts
burg Landing one niht in '62, there
was a rush for ration by some nwly
arrivetl troops. Colonel Morton, com
manding the cotnmi.ssary steamers
there observed a strong tine looking
soldier in an infantry overcoat, present
a requisition and snatch up a barrel of j
Hour, walking off with it a-? easily su a
common person would carry a ham.
When the wagon was loaded, the same
man stepped up to Col. Morton nnd
remarked "I suppose you require a re
ceipt for thoe supplies?" "Yes," t-aid
the Colonel, as he handed over the
usual Man k, "just take this provision
return and have it signed by the com
manding officer." Can't I sign it!"
was the reply. "Oh, no said the affable
Colonel Morton, "it requires the signa
ture of a commissioned olficer." Then
came the remark that Mill remains
in the Colonel's memory: "f am a
commissioned officer I'm a Brigadier
General, and my name is Garfield, of
A suspicious looking fellow was ar
rested recently in Hum Cre-k, who
turned out to be a downright walking
arsenal. The following is a lit -of
articles found in his possessions PN
tol 2 British Bulldogs, self-cockers,
eal. 41; 1 nickel plated Hood, cal 3S, 1
Remington, cal. 3S; 1 A'tilenn, eal, US; I
nickel-plated Hood. cal. 32; 2 Smith it
AVesson, cals. 32 and 3$. Pocket knives
1 largo dirk, with spring catch in lack
of handle; 1 pearl handle, three blades,
and one black handle, with two blades.
The value of the eight pistols cannot be
less than $100.
Inventors employing attornovs fam
iliar with practice in the Patent Olliie,
rarely fait of securing patents. Kx-.
penence ensures success in prosecuting
contcbtcd entries atid Mineral Jjuid
claims before the General Land Oilice.
Long practice gives success in securing
Presbrey it Green. Attornovs, 6(K)
Seventh street, Washington. 1. C. have
had long experience in all branches of
practice before the Departments
Parties having business should ad
dress them (enclosing stamp) for infor
mation. J. Monroe Savior's Gold Medrl Soda
and Salcrattts arc manufactured en
tirely diilcrent from any other. Its
chemical purity rentiers it as harmless
as the purest flour, and It I use will
strengthen weak stomachs and dyspep
tic persons. Use with cream "tartar,
it is much better than any other. Trv
it. Grocers and Druggists ;H it.
Dr. B. J. Kendall, Enosburh Fall.
A't., is the inventor of the "Kendall's
Spavin Cure" now used with the great
est success throughout the Cnited
S Lit es for both man and beast 1'ndor
hill & Kittredge, Concord, N. II., have
cured and removed a bad spavin with
Kendall's Spavin Ctire, and this isonlv
the experience of thousands wo might
mention if we hail space here, and it is
also being used now with wonderful
success on human flesh as well as for
beast. Read the advertisement for
Kendall's Spavin Cure.
Choice Seward -Bacon, at Perkins it
Gillctts AA'ashing Crystal. Save labor
and soap. For sale by A. S. Marsh.
Headquarters for 4th of Julv goods,
S. West's. 45tf
The choicest assortment of canned
goods, at S. AA'csfs. 45tf
Gold Coin line cut tobacco. The best
in the State, at S. West's. 45tf
Buy your table butter of A. S. Marsh.
Cool "a Ice. (Best in the market.)
The choicest and best brand of smok
ing tobacco, at S. AVest's. 45tf
Crown Jewell Patent flour, can al-wa-s
lo bad :it tho store of Chas. E.
Putnam. The best flour in the valley.
Aurora Baking Powder, warranted
to give satisfaction, at S. AVest's. 45tf
Positively the largest and finest as
sortment of confections, at 3. AVest's.
r or the centime com svrnn ao tc
Miner Bros. There is nothing in iho
shape of syrup to equal it, in the
Chas. E. Putnam ha on hand a larjrc
stock of canned goods, which the public
are invited to call and purchase. Terms
Miner Bros, have a lares lot of excel
lent sugars which were bought before
the advance. It will pay you to call
on them when in -need of anything in
that line.
Go to the pormlar crocerv store of
Peckins 4c. Mitchell when in need of
groceries, ami save money while buy
ing the best grade of goods in town.
Miner Bros have on hand a very
large stock of canned goods which the.
are anxious to dispose of at a email
advance above cost, to make room for
their new goods which will arrive in a
few days.
At the Flour jt Feed store of (Thas.
. Putnam you will find a first class
stock of groceries, and when in town
you should not fail to call on him, rc
uinuM n wiu. vc io your interest to
do so. tC
For groceries -of sail lriaa .yon. will
awj wuxruifcreevfo can on Jtiner
. They Jure the krres and best
agMjetaatacofK of groceries m town,
' W.. Jfc Rob? keeM fe JWt assortment
fi Jjatom. fndtL Jaiplet, . Beaches,
He also km am fci lor
. k. '- . j--fc. j BBLBBBBBBr HBBBmmiH BBBaaaaBBBEaaBBBrBBBB' atamaai v mmm-i w - - aaia aaBam -bbbbbv BBBBBBBBBamat
maBTBBBaaaBBWBBBW ' aaaaaakavK- ;ar a ' " - w - -a. -a
Market Report,
crRcrn rr to thr rnjca or occw
to rxvfie,
" Alii 1..4, MMM 3 to A
KosherTs ico List.
From and after thii da the pnc of
fresh And nlt nial. aiiat, fowl
Ac . at Mttther meat xnarkt wffl 1?
as lollow.
PorterlHMM? A Sirloin
stotik - p?r pound, 10 eta.
Round, Uuuip and
hofild?r steak,... M
Boiling mrat..
Drivl Bcef,M.......M
AllltlOll... ...... ......
Frtrh Pork.
Salt IVtk,. . ..... "
ftC' i n .
Prime iird,
Ik'logna Sauugi,
Turkev.. Dnscd, "
(nucben. "
Stewart Bros. Hums
Stewart llrw. Hams
Sa 10
4i a
Highest eah price jwid for fat cattle
and Htultry. Fanner, bringing ?tock
to town to Mill, iimy depend on Kttiiie
jut as much for it a though we went
to their farm to look at it
Red Cloud, AVednoday, Juno 23, 180.
GrtDK Ri k, Xkh.. )
Juno IStit. 1J80.)
Tlie firm of A. Gnrber A- Co.. i this
day dissolved by mutual consent, I. W.
Crarv retiring. A. Gakmkr.
4Ttl I. V. Crary.
Xot the Crown f Kings, nor the
Crown of Glorv, but the Cr.iun Sewing
Machine, the latest and let tuuchine
in the market, it will pay yon to call at
the Post Office and see it lwfore vou
jmrchiL-ief For Sale by M.It. .Mc.Virr.
If You Want Bargains
Call at Xowbouse's, where you can get
white goods, ginghams, shirtings, drej
gools, flannels, doeskins, jeans, hosiery,
carpets, hambiirgo. toilet .-ets, rucln.,
tovs, groceries, and a great variotv of
otln r good very cheap for cash. Thr-se
good will be closed oiii, call early and
get bargains, 37tf F. Xkwhoi:.
Money to prove up with on final re
ceipt, or on deeded laud at 8 per cenu.
iuiiM-ft2 per cent. coiuiu:4?ion. or at
straight 10 per cent, no commission.
J NO. R. Wm.IjCOT..
Office next door to Chief office. 30tf
J. M. Sr.t.t.r.ns, Phjician and Sttr
geon. late of Pennsylvania, ih to
say to the people of Wcbter county
that ho has located in Red Cloud, to
engage in a general practice of medi
cine. Particular a attention given to
surgery, chronic diseases and
of the eye and car. I have for several
years been treating Hernia and Piles,
of which 1 perform a radical cure.
Will answer
! calls night or day
Ultice one tloor
rout!: of the Bank.
J. M. Skllkiis, M. D.
Final Proof Notices.
Land Office at Illooraincton cb. July 2-1. S0.
A'olico 1 hereljy riven that the tollnwinc
Jinuied KeMlerha filnl nolico o' hit intention
to make flncl proflf in rupnortof hi claim, unit
Jccare final rntrr thereof, before Jftinr A. Tul
leyi clerk of tbe court f Wbiter eownir Ni.
iit the countj teat oa Satnnlr Atrmt th. 15i.
John Honrey. hoortrs'I "So. 2X9. for the
snutb-wrrt quarur ot'tolwu -I tuwnbip 2 north
of ranee 12 wtU and nnnio. the f'tllnwlnr bU
wltnecs to proro conlinnous rrtMeuc oix'n
and caltivatton nftsid tract, rtu tfptre W.
Knight. Jo.eph laiion and John (.' Myer
of Inaralo iN'eb. and Etta. It. Jcnei of l(ed
Cloud Ncbratka.
JuU8aus3 S. W. SWITZEH. RetUtcr.
LandOmceatHloomlnnton. Neb. July Cth.lSSO.
Notlcfl i hereby ircn ihnt the fotlovlor
nameti settler hn AIM notk of hi inter.tinn t
make final prtf in rapport of hi eUim. and
ftcure final entry thereof, pro-f to be snada be
lore Jaa.cs A. Tulley. Hrrk of the Court of
VI ebter county, at his office, in U4 Clou J,
eb.. on Friday. AaKiut2Tth, IMO. ri
John 11. 3!earn. homestead No. 3tn for the
E-JjK. W.Jiand W.4 S. .. Ii of rtction Z5
town 3 rane V wat. and natnen the followinr a
m witnewes to prove tontinuosi revtdenee upon
and cnltiration rt Mid tract. Tit- Wla W.
Helli. Lewi D. Well. Jamea R. Allea aad
Abram Kctm. all of Cnwle. Xeb.
JaljSaui b. W. bWITZKR. Stbter.
Laad OSc atBlooninstoB. Neb, Jaaw 14 MM.
Notice is hereby alrn taat 'ha Mlowlnc
named Mttler hu filed aotice of fail latest ion to
make final proof in itjpport of ht elala. and
secure final entry thereof, belbra th clerk of
coort of Webjter county. Kebr.. at the county
seat, on Hatsrday the l.tB ly of Joly. 1J0. rit:
Darid Acdervtn. hotne5tead application ntm
ber 15nl. for the onth-wnt ,;. Bfc 20. tows 1.
ranae II writ, and name the fcllowier asbi
witaeaxee. to prore continoom rniJrar aa4
enltiraUon of aaid tract, Ti; John Bentlr.
Iard Dlssee. Walter C. Wale aad Fred P.
Haramel. all of Red Cloud. Kehr.
jaaelTjy)5 8. W. SWITZKR, nejrbter.
Laa Office at BloosIactaB. Nab. JttozU. 1W0.
Notice 1 hereby firea ttfat tlr followin
aaaaed eettler ha Sled ndlcof bU ia'tetioato
make ina proof in rapport of hi claim, aad m
ears isal entry threif before Jaaea A. Tal
leyf clerk of eoart In M"ebter coast, at hit
office in Red Cloud Neb., on the 17th day or
July 1M0. yi'x:
Stephen McCoy. n'd.applicaUoayo.aBTf. for
the footh-wett qaarter. tSee. H. ub . rasa J2
wrtUaadnameathe followiaaa hU wltee.
to proTe crorJnaoo renideaceoa aad call iratioa
offkid tract, tic Simoa Jfc'cy. Nieholaa Yea
fen. James Alexander aad Joha MUltr. all of
Well p. 0-. Nebraska.
innclTjaly 15 t. W . SI TZER. Reakter.
LandOffiee at Blonainrfoa Neb. Jaae 8th. 1S).
Notjee j htniy airea that the followta
aasaed atttler ha fled notice of hti isUatloa to
atake fioal proof In npport of hi claim, and
eareaaai entry utereoi. before J aee A. Tal
ler, clerk of ta ermrt ef f ebtter coasty, at
hit effice ta Xei Cfoad. Xeb" ea Friday. Jsly
lh. lag. Tic
Joka Aadersea. II 'd 5SZ for the acath Kath
net K aerUi-eaat f aoaUi-eaat and atarat
M aarfaaat tmmrttr aeetion 12 town 1 rasa 12
we aW saaaae I Mlvwl aa htt tritaeeaee
to yrvre esatiacaaa residence asasd eaitiralioa
oTfaMtraeCTia; Vrmi Ilaaiatel. Darld Dian.
Grre Maainiet a4 Wiiliaaa KaxwdU alt of
A.ciaai. at. -
iaMHf Ij9 8, TT. Evrraaa. Rcawter.
taaai 0c al tlttmhtUm KAJm toh.imf.
NoBm hereby arrea) aat tk Mfis
MaaaaMawiMaaleaflito ratawtaaif
aato taal araaf ! navart ef Jtia eJaiar. aa4
eeare faal ea'u tharaaf fcatara Jaaar A.7af
leya. alcrfc at Uae ewatt KuWaatrr eafrat kia
Se ka Ka4 Ctaad S es ijaaaraay Jy ITtk.
w' Wiaam:Cole. S'4 KIL tar tka atajfc-eaat
9cttrtt aaaai TA aaw4 naellarau aad
aaci taw Mtama aa kr vitMwal to rere.
mmtomtmt jaairai aa aad eMrJ ef
1 taaa. wiat aaai MAmtr. rtrtm Tatti.
WmMmmai Mmm WaanvaN af CW-
Go to w,
Staple i Fancy
Choice Nuts Fruits & Confections
Fjh Frnita asrrJ Veil j-4! tri
janq pun
niuoi 40S noA joyu
ai og nxv owto0
ijsro ui tpjo.w aju Aoiji nuj jsnf joj $po'o3''
Anq ui:d iioa ojchjaa sonuuuoD jus isrtj oiJ,
" - Tf
Wc call your attention
and Cheapest Stock ot
Agricultural Machinery,
In the Republican Valley.
Years oi experience in the trade, has taiigh
the wants of the Farmkrs of this great
Convinced that in your Success lies the interest
of all, we offer you the best products of
Eastern Manufacturers.
Drills, Seeders, Corn Plows with Seeder attache
ments, Sulky Plows, Stirring and Breaking V
Plows, Marsh Harvester,
Whitney Marsh Binder, the bust machine in the
market, Randolph Header, Newton Wagon,"
Buggies, and all kind of
ip-ajrm MAciii;rsrjEe,:r. ,
We shall uparo no ellort to aih.tiu e the Irtlttewt of tr UtoitHMft. .XlMbpi
a I way k linppy to h w our JuhI'. tJjve it ii val.
RED CLOUD, - - Nebraska.
Arc Ki only in th
Full, tun ili!
Iimrr to onr
I - - - ---. - -wrf TTi-'
WlnVh r.o nrn prcpprciUa foil fit im!.lj Ff-jiiro. Wo are Aotit
for tliu OMirnte! f "
Kelley Barb Fence Wire.
lM- .jm-
rtiXTjTDa.fc4ratxwyut W
Miicli, for Qtiality and T-t tanU without a BiraJ.
BaamamBMrnmamBamBVaPKCj r i-5SL " ''
lamBmBmBmBmBmnSammmm H' ," 'i
mvjajajajajajajajajajBmmvjajamvja as L 'S
mmmmmammmmmmmmmmmmajB' SI - ' ai5- -1- al
mBmaamBmamBmrnammBafmmBf V "-'" - (fe I
BmaBmfBmalmBmBmBmViBaamLS - -' ;
BmBmammBmamPBmamBmamBmammBi Mt''
aVamBTamBTamamfemBTamBTaaTaVaTamBTaml - L'1
AmLmtVrSB9Lm Q -CV- '
ammmmmmmmanmmmmmmKmmmmmmaPa - - m$n? 1 V mW
mWllHnHPaS ' A-l7 mt'l
JCXBmBmBwaB"3BmaaaamaaT4- .-! Hw "" '
ft Pricen Tm Suit The Time.
We arc Hcadqnarters for Iron and Wcllff
- Pumps of every Dcrcrijption
taW, eO1 ATC J0 tfMaWrj
b; ROB? '9
Groceries, . f
( .mtMiMl
. -
sS3d juoa mwm cf
uiciut oq ;aa oa puy
3QIS d(1
to the Largest,
ti vik r. i!!wEf!5C?
rko U
WV iuW ihe atdrntion of
. . W aa WflM RaBalaWB
SSLQammaBml mC VIMammmmaiaA JY 4 ml
j '. " " -mv mmBmBBmBBrc a, mm
.j--- . :mmBBBBBBBWr',r maa. ami
ajr irmr
X '". -- 'mmmmmmmmaf Smml aV mmaf
..JL& 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmi mmmV ammf
.:, ; ggF 4mmmmmmmmmA ml
?" -' -".-." i-j- " m-" '1'mmmmmmmaf mn B
( . ii -- mmmmmmmVBv! ml
MlfctV-.. . - mat- - ml - mWmWmW W
4" fc ""t i. - ' mmmmmmmmta'mf .m
v- v-ft- v- -iir-y mmmmmmaflafmahmml
- ji;' --aHkaWaVVmaaaammllrW-
L .- . fflSK a 'Jt M aa?BammmVmBl
-' c'-- - jlr'Ti"9Baavm3BajBafB
fHi-' ! '-sa- ivQ i
a Waal -"'drV&A. . - C j-." . ". JI. . i w . . av- P - VI .
. 1
""'i iff '
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" .mB
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ammmmmmV mV AT
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