.aumMtifodaMHiii), ' i "i wi"-. &&, " i JOJ3 AVOIiK, ED CLOUD CHIEF Cloud Chief. The Red js a i rUBLISUKU EVEIXY THURSDAY AT LED C1j"jD, .Z2,ASIA. M. I, THOMAS, f:Ilf or itinl I'rnprlrfor. i Itrd Cloud rhhf. VOL. VII. 60 EAST I VI V Till. Gfcinigo I M - Weslsn MILES OF ROAD. 380 It is the lllT -urc anJsAr i: rtutu between Council Bluffs ANI CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE :i-j a.l t..i.f LAbl and MJllTII. lll'SIXM DWECTOi: Y rr-rr- It tCir? il'f traviiii c i-ublic Creater Facilities! AND Wore Advant'ges 1 Lnn :u j other road in the wesa. Il .j t!.f OJ 1A UOAI) bc'wicn COunci! 5l!ctJI" and Chicago l I- ii wliu ii li run ! PULLMAN HOTEL CARS ! I1 ad li.: n I tl.r.-r ntxl to ilcaenll clu"n of tr.i!i-r it m- 1 UM t'" A- MIALSatit J-.A1 1N; s- 1 All' N'. at " cents .atb. the Finest ! It" tram" ar' nil I qutj-pd wish withairlinili'. '. iikj r . ui Ii tk" and all niixleni iui ro ij tut.- .nl nl whirh cuuih-jued. ?em:i Fc::eit Sreeed! Sure and c!c:e Scsrecticns ! Aud e crytliwc a .an'ncer can dcMrctu laaLf u journey QUICK Pleasant A: IOMFOKTAULE! Pullman Sleepers on nil Night Truing ! IT I THE People's Favorite Route. AtC v.vr I l'ltilt tin? 'Iliroiipli Trnin of the CI iuik A N h'I o-leni ami tin- 1'iiion I'a tfi.c liH..4li' ,U purl fr.ui. arm cat iml use the tau.ej n.l I i.li-li I'i l"'t. Ifju vi.I tin- liM trm clitic aecomtnotliitionj Tu will I ' tl'helf l tl.lS Kiiute JiTAud WILL iaki: NONE riu-.u. .V.1 T::zct Arcs. can tell jcn 7hr3ta "Tici-cls via tils Head and cheat usual Sarrare Free c: Ctarrje. (hum Tlftn opirr ItSIl I'arnnni Street. C. r H'h. anil at I'lmiii I'urifn lej''t. "uun 1 ml'-' "1 uhft Uiei- " r. I!n..lwny ntitl lV-rl Mri-i"-. ('. & S--W. K'y Depot, and I niou raifi--'lraufr De"t- . Demr H,i- In C-.Ionulo Central and Inion I .i ... Ti h rti" 8an I r.k'.-i " Ui. J New Montsromerj' ?t. I-r if -!. tion. folder, maj"'. etr not ol t.ui.nlle -u Hi me 'lu-htt lh-v?. aOdre,-fl anj tict-iit I'Siu-C mimny. or O. C. CASE, ATTOKXKV AT LAW. Offic- vur door north of Otirbn-'x Store. j:i:i 1'i.ori), m:. Ciillcclinn- mmlf it roinitly rpinitntl- J. S. GILHAM, ATTOUNIIY ASH COfSKLOll AT LAW. Office one loor iiuiilt of Kalry Bn. KEI) CLOI'I), - NEKKA?KA. w. c7reilly, ATTOKSEV AND COt'NSKLOK AT LAW. AND MEA! ESTATE AOEZT Hed ( loud. Neb. Promi.t Attention Oivcn to Collections. Orricr- with C. II- I'OTTLK. at I'.ed Cloud Drug atcre. . . Edwin C. Hawley. A TTOIINKY ASD COL'N.SELOR AT LAW. Office over Farley's Drug Store. 22D SI07?, p; James Laird, ATTOU.NKV ASH COU.SijKWm Ai w. .1 CM ATA, Ne- Will i racticu in all the Court of the State. I'minpl attention Kiven to all huiiie' entrusted to hi care. Ofl.cc on the vxt side JuniaU Aen"ue. J"1"' "Eternal Vigilance U the pricr of Liberty;' and $1) a yrar is the prir of the REI)" CLOUD, WEBSTER CO. XKlJUASKA. TIIUKSDAV. JILNE IT, ISsU SamI West, NO. ! THE CHIEF. T.-,r f---, . i;ex: Z:8r fr f1 W. A Coniifl Jll i-Urt a jiaper xt Cla Centre joon j Thf younc in-n of Ve-ta li.tv; ora-1 ntziiJ a Irsi. ijliu. j Tin Eji-cjl c-hurch a Schuyler ha. ' lten irri'atly lmnrovnl. M L THOMAS. EDITOR THl'IL-DAV. JlXE 17, 10. HlJlLTR : Tobacco, Cigars, CONFECTIONERY. CANNED FKl'ITS. or I'ruwlmt. JAME-S A. (i A It FIELD, of Ohio. For Virr 1'midnii, CHESTER A. AKTIIUK, of Sew York. Tm: DfiiuicratJc national ronvontion fomy citrtlit- 221 of the present month, in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Omaha IWs coinpliiiH-ntJiry "mmkI otl" for Garfield and Arthur con tains a world of half hidden, hitinj; 'arca.-m. H. S. Kaitv. C. w. Kai.it. Hcd Cloud. Neb. J. L. IvAi.rr. lUoomn-cton. Nebraska. A ivME of the leading pajierd hitterly ileny the report that Garfield, the re piihliran nominee for jreident, wai at one time a Camphellite preacher. illz'-zy. iiu (nnl ' .i a '! . . l.n -. 111. Ucn'1 1'acS. Atclit J.ER BROTHERS, in ur UT1 R- F It i l li m gdLPi-sjggSj KALEY BROS., TTOltNKYS AT LAW A ItEAL ESTATE AtiESTS. Will pm ct ire in all the inirtii in Nebraska and northern Kan.i!. rolli-c-tioim iirowi'tly at tended to ami correspondence -ohcilt-1. LSD CLCUO. ITebrasia. Alo. Apent- for II. A M. It. U- LamK I. W. TULI-EYS. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Tension Surceon. 8ar0rntE over Kaley Hros. law office. SID CLOUD. S2S2ASEA "ei.bkkt a. ii all si. d. Physician Surgeon, It EH CLOIH, NEIL llavinc located ermuiieiitly at thi place. I will attend to all enlU. du or nieht. fli e lor the present at FarleyVdrujr nre; at uipht at bin rcMiit-nri- over Nevhoiif s Store. lJ.in- J. HI. .HOSE'A. I?I D. -kli:ctu Physician and Surgeon, Hr.D CLOUD. NEIL Will pay -penal atten'ion to Obstetric- and li'eoiM of women-Alo ccucm! aid special uri:er. D'ea.-e of the Ki and Ear t harKes moderate. Olheo over Shurcr' I 'rue Stori;. li-i-y "jAJ!i. M. CALIiEXDER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, (ALLor.vrmr t'lioou) Trompt nt'eadar.ie on all calls in the practice of medicine or urt:ery. oH. - SK1ULV.K. TiiEGn-enhacker.- at their conven tion in Chicago, June 11th, placed in nomination one Mr. Weaver for the presidency, and Gen. Chandlers for vice-president. It is needle.- to i-ay that Mr. Weaver and Mr. Chamber will not gel there. ASH A 11I.L USE OK r.lSY The -tore of ICohert.- Itrw., utuU:j. wa.- burglarized lat week. The count v liiiuor hee of Gusre KKEII 1111" IT.-'. county ha? been ratred to J5.). CH U"KElL" CHE1E .-t. raul expi-etf to double Her jkijiu- OllAN'til.-", LEMON lation teiore me .inow n:e. The frame work of the new Baptist 'hurch at David City i- erected. Druwnville i to have a new ft-rrv boat, calieU the "lirowiivxHe IJelle " A wiirh-out on the A. A- N. occurred , near Fall? City on Wcdno-day !a-t. f A wornunV Christian t'mpenince union has been organized at Dawdj Citv. David Cirv -rortint: men have club-' .k e ff rr X. AI A HK.-T iLVv, bed together to build a race track. The cirn crop in Kearney county i- said to be double th Ice Cream Parlor, When ou can s!ki el a line u.-i ! ! l. nam uurixi tin .N'sjoII. 1 A -liarc of the pubhi piitronaire ri"petHill mi'h it'l rT! !'' s..utb of MiUht-11 A Monmrt - II HERS LOOK HERE! G. IF YOU WANT FARM MACHINERY, REMEMBER THAT ml of last sun-on I.. II. Thompson, offlrd, i- held on a Ked Cum i, - - Nu.ka-kv charge of shooting with intent to kill. 'rt... f n . i : .i: . .!..., I i Jit" t i jih" jiiiti iiij; iii-Liiii" v lau ei at their dillcreiit sUition- in the state. A man wa.- -hot and in-tantlv killed at Louis', ille Friday by mistake. I The rlo-ing exen-i-c- at th Normal , School, Tern, took place the lGih in-t. j L:iiicH.-t'r county receives $"is.4I.' oj in taxes from her railroad-, annually. A little girl was abducted from Wil- J low island iy a couple oi adventurers -..j-i,, IFOrL' - rh Kverythinc usually kept tn a Srt cl-i PEOUDFIT b MARSH, OEXEItAL DEALERS IN II .1 MID HNIrf ANI( STOVES, muh'J:T.Vf.i: SEVIX5 MA IIIES "" ROBINSON Wagon Company, J. W. JloltANVlUi; COWLKS. SFH. MOKANVILEE v. r MOKANVIl.LE, ahkoy. eu. IlliO?., Practicing Physicians. roWLEs. A AMIJOY, NEI5KA-KA. All irofeiona fcalls will receive our prompt and careful attention. -JOino C1N( 1NNATI, lot OHIO. THIS COMTVNY HAVE .TlST FIN ISHED COMTLETE SHOPS WITH EVFKY FACILITY OF THE LTE-T IMl'KOYED MA CHINERY. AND AKE l'KEPVKED TO M VNFFAC Tl'ltE Standard Trade Vehicles, -SCCII A5- FAKM WA(JONS. Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDENT DENTIST. RED CLOFD, .Tamils A. GAixriELH wiu- born in Ciiv:iboL-:i eoiintv. Ohio, ill 1S31. IIL-H parent.- were in humble eircum-tance,-, and his early life was spent in labor upon the farm, and afterward as a boat man on a canal. His education com menced rather late, and was obtained mainly by hi unaided effort-, lie graduated at Williams college, Massit-chu-ett-, in IS'iO. Senator IngalK of Kan-as and ex-Senator Hitchcock, of tin- state, were with him at that time, student- in that institution. After his graduation he was for two years prin cipal of an academy in northern Ohio, at the same time keeping up the study of the law. in LS."9 he was elected to the Ohio state -enate, and at the break ing out of the war he was appointed colonel of one of the Ohio regiments-. IL' was early tran-ferred to staff duty, and became chief of staff of the Army of the Cumberland. In the campaign which terminated in the battle of Mur freesboro, he was promoted for gal lant services to the rank of brigadier general, aud afterward to major gen eral, and in the autum of isf,2 was elected to congress from the western reserve district of Ohio. To that posi tion he has been re-elected every two years since that time. Last winter the Ohio legislature chose him as .senator to succeed Allen G. Thurman. and he will take his seat on the 4th of March, 1SSL NEBRASKA. W Kichardiion. S. Garber. Richardson & Garber, DEALERS IN LXVE STOCK' KEDCLUUD. NEBKAJ-KA. -:0. Hicbc?t market price paid for hoc and cattle. GSSSSAL G2AS7. J K Smith S. C. Svirn M.IJ.TmimRox. Pre. First Nat. Cash. Fint Uatc Tiller First Bank. Beatrice Nat. Hank Nat. uank iieat- Neb. Beatrice Neb. rufeNeb. m Jjrors & ;hompnon, BANKERS, RED CLOUD, NEB. Will make collections in any part of the rr :...! c.n'ou.ll errhantf utiPH the princi- 1 ....i oC,1.rn i.itioc l.onn uioner upon improved . rrmM lticei e depo in subject to f ipht drafu SPRING WAGONS. Allow interest men titne.depofits, and ttans- . . act a cencrai Banking business. l'LATFORM WAl.ONr , isKrEKr.srBS. Omaha National. Bank, A. LUDLOW FR1NG AGONS. FTXXDAKD TRADE 15UGGIES, ELE('ANT RREWSTER BUGGY, F VltMERS" TWO-SEATED ca1ikiages, i:tc. i:tc, etc. Send for e-iirns and Trices, to KOHINSON WAGON CO. 40.v Cincinnati. Ohio GOOD INTETWS. Quick Tixce 1 Through Trains ! Close Connections ! No Delay ! Burlington Route ! Tc Chicago and The East. Lowest rates of Fare will be made. Throuch Cars will be run from k. Jl.romt! in southern sebraj-ka to Chicapp. A ten minutes connection, will be made at i"a cifliclunetion. . . vrriHCAUO close connections will alwayi be made to the ea?t. routheast end north. lcepinp car berths reserved at the liineolt ticket onice Dy leiegrapa .or uu iiiii'-"". from M Ssouri Kiver to Chicago. TO ST. LOUIS AND THE SOUTH. Theburlincton route have a system of throuch elecjicrs and close connections between the .Missouri Kivcr and St- Louis I'asjeiieere takmc thi line have the oct ol accommodation. Pullman sleeper .run rcgu azly tram -Viesouri Kiver to St. Louis. TO l'EOKIA, INDIANAPOLIS., CIN ClNNATI, AND THE SNUTH-EAST. yjbis is the only reliable route to the outh-it- Connections are ma e at Peoria with the T "p & W. sad I. B. A- W. Railroads for Indian apolis' Cincinnati. Columbus, and all central nab soathern Ohio. Kea-.ucy. outkera Indiana. jnTXJwS CA2S. Gc:i Heals at 75 cents. When you go east be sure and trsvel ever tbe 3 &. M. line if you wih to t e SAFE and com fortable and desire to travel speedily. A E.TOrZALIN. P. LOWELL. Afc Gen'l suaaser. Geal ft i I'tAgl S. Paddck. U. .S Senaton First National Bank New York. CamhriJce Valley National Bank. Cambridge New York. OMAHA Sample Room, JOE. 'JACOBS. PnornncroE. TWO HOOKS WEST OK BOV'S HOME. Keeps on hand the bes-t brand of Wines. Liquors. Beer, Ale. and fine Oipars. A share of the xmblic patronage it roliceted. HE1VRY COOK, TBOrBlETOR RED CLOU Drug Store, And Dealer In Drugs, Medicines Paints, OILS g VARNISHES- All goods in my Line kepi constantly on haid: &nd to which I invite the attention or the public 3ul HENRY COOK. During the recent canvas, when everybody else was watching the dis patches, Gen. Grant has not had a tele graph wire to his residence, has not even been in frequent communication with his friends. Few men in the na tion have manifested less personal in terest than he. He has been entirely willing to leave the whole matter in the hands of the American people per fectly contented to abide their choice. Because he has attached friends to him with bands of steel, many suppose there must be some secret influence that he has been exerting, to win the nomination. This is undoubtedly true. But not in the souse intended. It was the secret power of a great nature, operating silently, unobserved by the crowd, but all the more potent. There is no ina:i to-day that attracts the heart of the American people so strongly as does Gen. Grant. Even those opposing him for the Presidency, instinctively do him such homage as they do no other man. He is the first citizen of the nation not less so in his quiet home at Galena than he would be in the presidential mansion. A'e-braxkan. i i. IOM V l.-1-fw. j A drove of 1300 -heep passed through t Pawnee City on their way to York; county. j The county clerk of Pawnee paid out $131 for wolf scalps lrom January to June 1st Nearlv IJm.OOO head of cattle are on the road from Texas to Kansas and Nebraska. Nebraska has ,&'2'.i miles of railroad with an assessed valuation of $9.'Jl.V I'JiaU. The Alboin depot has been located. The road will cost, on average, $6,000 per mile. Burglar- made a successful raid in Ballard's hardware store, at Hasting-. Iat week. A farmer and his wife, leVulixit; m-ar j Srhuvler. were si-riouslv injured bv a run away last week. J. W. W.mmI. of North Platte, was .crushed to death last Wedncsdav, while colliding a train at that place. Tbe State Spoilsmen's As-ociation will have a several days shoot and a game supper, at Milford. in September. The new iron bridge on the Elkhorn. at Pilfer, will be completed thi- week. the cost will be about $1,000. An engine was disabled on the Beat-' rice divi-ion of the B. fc M. la-t Mon-j day. causing much delay to the stock j shippers. j Tbe Wilbur and Beatrice gla-s ball j shooters had a match hist Saturday, in I which the Beatrice shooters came out ahead. Col. Towne ha? resinned his position. as superintendent ! tne - v - rail road, to as-ume a -ituiiar position on a I Kansas road. There are three hundred and eitrhty j ton-of government and Black IIill-l freight, awaiting tr; Running Water. Dr. Reed, of Peru, has x Herald office, and his nephew. Frank Reed, formerly foreman of the Sheridan Post, will be tiie editor and manager. The U P company have offered to build a bridge over the Platte at North Bend for $14,000. and subscriptions are being solicited for that purpose. A Stanton lawyer threw a book at the head of a witness who displeased him. in the court .at that place, and was committed to jail for ten days by the MITCHELL AN D MORHART, HartUrare Store. come and sec us as we will not be UNDERSOLD. IIOLCOMB BROS. Dealer; in 53 ft R B W v: i p of all kind). They oll CHEAP for CASH, and if they bate n". what juu want, le.no juur older aud they Mill fill it. Have Just Received the Largest STOCK OF FARM MACHINERY EVER BROUGHT TO THE REPUBLICAN" VALLEY. CALL ON TIIKM One door north of Garber'. and Mr.HOLCO.MlJ will wait ou you. aprltf RK1) CLOUD. NEB. COME For "four LUMBER! DKY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. THK BB8T IS THF. 2iAliET So lil at Lownt Price I1Y- ansportation at I .., . ,. ,-v .. RED CLOUD NEB. Judge. Mail carrier Keith informs us that John Burton, aged sixteen year-', son of I). H. Burton, of York county, a drowned last Friday while swimming in the Blue near Fillmore Mills. Several of the well diggers in Danne brog precinct have penetrated vein- of soap-stone while sinking for water, and also veins of oily mineral water, which they deem good evidence that coal l not far off. A. K. Na-h corps, of the St. P.RR crossed the summit the head of Coon Creek last Saturday. Mr. Wakefield will continue the line to Norfolk, run ning clo-s by the side of the U P line. The Columbus Journal says Mr. An derson ha dispo-ed of more than 300 stock hogc, to farmers in Platte county, who have a surplus of corn on hand, and wish to fatten hogs. The 4th of July next is the day set by Judge Barnes for the hanging of Ed ward Priest and Thomas Walker, the I two Winnebago Indian-. The execu tion Avill take place at Dekoux City. A man named Warren Owens, who recently arrived at North Platte from Kansas, made an attempt to take the life of his wife one day last week. Crazed with whisky is the excuse offer ed for the man's misconduct. -3 X -id u o I t t n i 1JW l J 1 m -m 3 3 -? t - ., : VvV7-. ?J-i Af . Kr5-'iSSii-' ".-. W 22 - ? CJ H T3 a a o" m 9 3 -2 -" 1 t 3 o o mis. o. n. n.iiVLKr. i . r cud IH uHrtiiwa.! m r s u A. BROVlTltf. parlokViTkdkoom and Iiitctivn KrnXITlUK IRCKr rs C-HKOltS, lCTl RK l'lt.WlU, COFFINS Uj- n h.I 4 tfful (kK Um 1 ft'?? ITICK WW o U-w Rc)'MMU f M kTi4 4mmrt W V d r rr- !urti It.i- ,rl4ld t rmx'Hmtktm rl. A'KDCLOfP. - NK1L 8ABET m WTAWIT. tK.irji ti All Mt or ( A.N.M IM.OOIK, FHIITS. NUTSSr vu KKtn i ( . rk v. iriu rir:H zzz, ts. zxzzz.ZTtrj x. arm Mcab at M bvo.r. "2& Mots. ftsTKKKSH OVyTKIu- .Iw.w, UhJ. Vcltrr in4. n dr uth f Klr) ifrwk taw &cc, HKI Cl.ll'l). - - NKIl. Harness Shop -IlY- J. L MILLER Krrrr imitnt'r a !iat! fn! Mn llarw.- t'1r. saddl- v !, H.T I'tankrt' C,.r,1 Hinok op. Hanirn ()! nd rrry thin; uua!i) ki-t m a 5rt 4a h t Two dir otU of tk l-anl. r lid ?Z?l. iies SAM1 GARBER. LKal i:n t,1 fe (fe) ,NJ e (Lv) 5 SULKEY PLOWS, Stirring Plows, Breaking Plows, Harrows, Cultivdtors r Hoods ami Groceries. KOOTS aud SIIOKH Hats? Caps 6l lluuhj Mndc Clothing! We have the Largest Stock in the Valloy and will not be undersold. GIVE I'd A CALL. ONE 4 ALL. Sam'I Carber F. NEWttOUSE, -DciLnt irr- Corn Planters Check Rows. DRY - GOODS. GKOOERIES AND NOTIONS, $1.00 BOTTLE. KENDALLS umm i 4- Sl Jjlllllii. Feed $? Sale Stable. J. D. Post, Prop. BED CLOUD. Feterson's Magazine for July is on our table ahead, as usual. Even num ber of this magazine has some special feature, and the one, this month, is an illustrated article on "Eoyal Beauties of This Centurv."' Among other por traits given is one of Louise, Queen of Prussia, mother ot the present Oerman Emperor, one of the most beautiful women that ever lived, if we may judge from this engraving. Then there is a colored fashion plate; a colored pat tern; numerous spirited wood engrav ings; designs in embroidery, and a score or more of the newest fashions in dresses, hats, bonnets ifcc. The stories are even better than usual, and that is saying a great deal. Among them are the opening chapters of a powerful novelet "The Lost Talisman of Monte zuma," by n new contributor, besides other original tales, all by first-class American writers. The price of "Peterson"' is but two dollars a year. In clubs, sut copies are sent for 'nine dollars, with an extra copy for a year, as a premium, to the person getting up the club- Unquestionably 'Teterson" is the "cheapest, as tcell as the best" as the publisher claims. Specimens are sent, gratis, to persons wishing to get up clubs. As a new volume begins with the July number, now is a capital time to subscribe. Address Chas. J. Peterson. 305 Chestnut Street, Phila delphia, Pa, A couple of young fellows from the C D A l I M CURE rnnntrv mit into i little trouble over w"twib w one of the fair sex in Beatrice and one SiK .cn" iiSSS i OI mem urew a reoner. nit; cat- mea:$ ot the joint or limbs. t wui completely was settled before Judge Hill bv the reiuoce a bone spavin without blwterincorcaus- sXj - y . young man with horder-rutllan proper.- "TOSSl 8.?jgEtf&ZX ?S fc Q Y 5 sities paying a nne. AND HAY RAKES. .And Also The Celebrated Champion Reaper and Mower. A LARGE SUPPLY OP . with perfect fetr. A cnrelwhteb we are know- T-tl 1 1 l al lilt II U B Ti?uil w ajw rutiu tr aw j cir Mr. Dibble has been Shearing tills j,i;-j0jnt Umenwand w rertnanentb- cnr-e week and got a fleece from a Pelaine two years oso with KeaiUjSpavia cure. P.e- . i..V.;.K-rt;.rIiol ,imU it olovn taeiabcr we claim it will care a bae f tiu mad mux w hicix w eiglieja 4 pounds at eio tn con:rleteir nni0Xe the bnncb wiboat bllnerinir- months growth. This ram was winter- e,- y.aH ?r-ae- rav ed wintered with the flock, and was 5J . ta- u - W - , .. i.i I:.. l .,.. To whoa it may cneern: In the year Is.j I neither blanketed or received an trtated witi, ReDdair ravin Curt bnpaT- spccial care. Beatrice Courier. , in of seriral montlr'crowth. nearly balfa larje L , . . as a hen's csk. aaJ completely opped the 1am- trT ftt ntn5"'jv? new and emoTed the ecUrcetces 1 hv All AVSt W i-l.- . I worked the horse eTer since very hard. an4 kc We live in an ace of as is evident to all when & Thxw&VGf Ked C!om4. .ebrk:i. The jnWi xcotrallj ar? riu''tel to call ind xarotnc ray zyl aou pnesa, a. a harc of the xrnromn x o)icxnd. Sk$T Store, firt door north of Ioh cri meat market. H-2C' P. NEWHOUFK. CHICAGO Lumber Yard KI CIAtVIt, el. Vard sonth of Haropton & Hal toaJ bop, oa .Mil a Hrect- And the Largest Lot of Kex roovyrstly s Laa4a aawrtasret f l.tttntr. IjbUi. lilrl. w la. 4w.Umr HalrCrMral.PlMirr MmHAimg Prnjr etc. imnrovements nererhasbee lame. nor coald I ever se any dif , ,.. .;,!, fereneeinthe siie ol the hock joint since I 1 we consider .-,,IW4 him with Kendall' Smtio Care. the wonderful discoveries which are- K-A.GUXE5. coming to light day by dav One of sJiSSiJ the latest and most wonderful is the 0f Feb. a. D. is:9. JOU.VG.JKNXE-J.P. diseoverv of Kendall's spavin Cure.. 03ee of U. 5. marshal', western ii- of Jieh. which nill cure a spavin splint, curb, K SSf5K'S1S callous or ring-bone, and remove the shzl received the two bottles of our Spavin enlargement witilOUt even blistering or Cere forwarded by exrre ia Jancary lait. I cAnsinr a ore and it ha recentlv been . ?hf? I'fe'J1 VfrlAH I??l tested for deep-seated pains, rheuma-1 1 comaeaced nsi eg it the spann w entirely re- j J m mflft V Mk M tism, enlargements and many similar " od -Ver?SVonrst ToPAKKB. H AKU W AlSlL difficulties on man as well as beast, and , c . . . ,. . :i",J . -, w:.v . B w m it has been found to work so well that j, pTes porf proof of itsvinue.' No rem it is now believed to be tbe verv best eddy b.4S ever met witn sacb nnnnalied sneceis liniment for eternal xmSV'ia: ai.x. has ever been discovered, it can be dkcggists have it or cachet it lor yon. or it will SHELF AND HEAVY HABDITABE, And Everything else usually kept in a PLATT & FREES STORE. used full Strength at all seasons of the tax to acy addrae oniMspl of pnse by tie i . . ' -. i t nrnnnnnri. aa r. u.i i.- uu a u- vear -with perlect saiety. iieaa tne ad- - Enobarxh Fails vt. veruscmeni xur jxeuuau - ckivui v.uic. v. x, uuvvau, a. h --it. ; wc. .At4l 9C.a am. """ffl"" RED CLOUD, MITCHELL & MORHART. ....... ,j Nebraska, mf XX. tr?T7iIT. uif arivrTaatac. "...- r.ra( ti:jiai. Tmtm la um . ni.i. T T. A"iitan Oi4 . mt nf WJtm !wi m In.i pj tr O hip aim. f ri wr. mr"'atmr''irtm. C77h jnaac Hxmsm 9.rta Wm tn jmtH mm mmmpt w a : ttlnntu scu r. f rcJ uj ru-r-vV Braa. brail i I I 1 n gfSal