The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 10, 1880, Image 4

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- Traip, &
Miiwmmj'i Bfwf iw u (j jwi gt.'aifA v'w
, - - "--
Proprietor of the
Drugs? Medicines.
Paints Oils
and Varnishes.
A full supply of
I'ntronnre tolicitcJ and thankfully'receivcd.
49PrescriptiutiE carefully compounded"
One door south ofCJarber's store,
Nimble Six-pence.
Geo. W. Dow,
Groceries & Confectioneries,
Choice Tea. Co (Toe Sugar Ac.
White Fish & Mackerel.
Greex. Dried and Cursed Frnit. The bct To
baccos and Cua-iB 1'Joor and weal con
aantly on hand. Kkrs, Gutter
and Wood
Taken in Payment.
Everything warranted to be a) represented.
an I will do rou good.
let door north of argus office.
Red Cloud, - Neb.
Moon i Gallender,
)dkaleus in(
General Merchandise,
JDry - Goods.
Boots A Shoe,
Drug, Medici ties,
Oils Varnishes,
Paints TStc.
ETC., Ere, ETC.
A full line of everything kept in a general
store at the Lowest Cash Phices.
Respect fully,
Moon & Callender.
cenvn: - neb
Flour & Feed
Corn. Meal. Bran Chopped Feed and
Visit the Red (Tend Grocery. Feed and Pro
vision store when yon want supplies for man or
Highest market price in cash paip for ppun
All kinds of country produce tiken sn exchange
for Roods. Goodi delivered to all parts of town
frco of charge.
Store south of Reed's Plow Factory,
Red Cloud,
levSiore KswGoods lewFrices.
Cheap, Cheap, Cheep!
Women's Soots
Misses & Children's Boots, cheap.
Mens' & Boys
BOOTS eft SM339 Cbeap.
Hats & Caps
Ladies & Childrens Furs
in great variety,
Cheap, Cheap.
At The
Corner Store.
jr. w. Sherwood.
NICE and CHOICE articles a specialty.
Next the 'old Court House.' "Webster St,
Tba choicest of Fran Ht. Sf?1?:
Fowls and eTerythinr in tke ha that taa mv
ket affords, always on hand.
Srlhojvtwo dows aoBti f Skem' tat etow.
R. V. R. R. Time Table.
Taking effect Sunday. May 23. 1BS0.
wiit. STATIONS. kawt.
S :3S pd HASTINGS. 8 :10am
6 :07 AYR T :0
7 :25 COwLES 6 :49
7:23 AAllioT .. 62
7 :M KfO CLOUD 6 :3)
8 KM 1 FA VALE 6 :O0
8.15 KIVERTC.V 5:4
9 :0j FRANKLIN 5 2
f ;20 PERTH 0 :20
9:41 KEI'I.BLICAN il
7::w ORLEANS 7 .10
9 ) OXFORD &
11:10 CAMHRIDOB 3:40
1:00 pro INDIANOLA 2 CO
Fit and west bound freight trains meet at
Red Cloud at llf.
Trains daily, except Sunday.
A. E. Toumlin, G. W. Hoi Jredce
(Jen. manager. SupL
in this column will be charged ten cent a line.
No advertisement inserted lor less than . cent.
Correspondence from all parts of the county
solicited, on matter of general intcrctU Jlake
your letters short and to the point.
The paper is responsible for the correctness
according to copy ot paid matter and paid
lexali. only.
'Rah for Garfield.
Tin; latent colors in Fayal huts, at
Mrs. Fowler'rf.
A little chiltl of Mr. John K. Aultz
died last Sunday.
Will Welwter county celebrate the
of July this year?
The census enumerators are getting
in their little work.
Everybody and his girl went to the
circus last Monday.
Did you see the elephants and
things, last Monday.
The cheapest Fayal hats in the city,
can lie found at Mrs. Fowler's.
The electric light drew a large crowd
at Cole's j-how last Monday night.
Those horse lxxilcs sell rapidly. Still
a few left nt the Chief office, at 25 cents
The circus has conic and gone, and
Webster county is several dimes poorer
in consequence.
Hastings is to have a democratic
paper in the near future. Mr. R.
Thornjison will make the venture.
Circus day passed off very quietly,
we did not hear of any disturbance
being raised, and there was very little
Some of the chronic grumblers are
now saying that if it does not rain too
much we may have a crop of corn to
gather this fall.
Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser will preach at
the court house next Sabbath morning
and evening. Covenant meeting
Saturday at 2 r. M.
Last Saturday's wind storm did a
considerable amount of damage in
diferent parts of the country. It was
pretty general all over the state.
The Chief has just received a hun
dred pounds of new body type, which,
with the new tvne alreadv on hand will
1 .
be more than sufficient to set the entire
Wc met Prof. Funk in Lincoln last
Saturday. He w:is on his way to the
east to be absent until September next.
He ordered the Chief sent to his ad
dress. The Sherilf commenced the sale of
the stock of goods at J. G. rotter's store
last Saturday, at auction. The sale
will be continued from day to day until
the goods are all disposed of.
Festival. The ladies of the congre
gational church will give a strawberry
and ice cream festival, on Thursday
evening, June 10, at the court house.
All are made welcome, and a good time
is expected.
Just as wc go to press we learn that
on Tuesday night hist, Mr. John A.
Barber had three good horses stolen
from his stable. This is a severe loss
to Mr. Barber, and he has the sym
pathy of all good people.
Last Saturday it commenced to rain
about ten o'clock and kept it up steadily
until four in the evening, soaking the
ground thoroughly. This will be news
for the croakers in the east who say it
never rains in Nebraska.
Dr. Callender of Cowles went east
the first of the week to visit friends in
the Hoosier State. Rumor saith that
he will probably bring with him on his
return a partner with whom to share
the joys and sorrows of life.
A fine of $100 is imposed upon every
person who refuses to .answer the
questions of the census enumerators.
Answer all their questions in a kind
and cheerful manner, no matter how
foolish said questions may seem to be.
The concert given by the Red Cloud
Glee Club at the M. E. Church last
Thursday evening was a very pleasant
and enjoyable affair. We are informed
by one who was present that the ren
dering of some of the pieces was very
We dislike to publish the names of
parties who "skip out" fcnd forget to
settle their little bills at this office, but
we promised to do it and we alwaj-s try
to make our word good. J. F. Ran
dolph, who lived near Cowles is the
last to leave us in the lurch, amount
about five dollars.
Captain and Mrs. Bates, who are
traveling with W. Wr. Cole's circus, are
undoubtedly the largest couple of
human beings now living. The cap
tain is a very good looking man, while
Mrs. Bates well, gallantry alone pre
vents us from saying that she is not
remarkably handsome.
We were shown a real curiosity last
Monday, in the shape of a cow with six
legs. The animal was brought from
Kansas by the owner, Mr. A. M. Cook,
who informs us that he will shortly
start on a tour through the eastern
states to let the people see what a
monstrosity the west has produced.
A fresh arrival of millet eeed at
Perkins & Mitchell's.
Positively the largest stock of milli
ner ever brought to Red Cloud, at
Mrs. Fowler's.
3Iiner Bros, say that the report that
they are wanting to tell out at SO cent
on the dollar is a mistake, they want GO
cents. They don't care to ell more
than 40 per cent lower than other
merchants in town.
An outfit conai-tiii" of one man and
three women camped in town last week
and remained several days. The head
of the establishment furnished the bui
iies men and others with rubber
stamps, while the girls dealt in htencil
plates, embroideries &c, principally
the tfce.
While in Omaha recently wc had
occasion to call on Mr. Kimball, gen
eral passenger agent of the U. P. R. R.,
and found him to be a mort pleasant
and agreeable gentleman. The U. P.
company may congratulate itself on
securing the services of so competent
and affible a gentleman.
It has been a long while since we
have swked thrne owing us, to try and
pay up, but it is necessary for iw to
make the request now, iw we, while in
Chicago hu-t week, purchased a con
siderable amount of new material fcc,
which we needed in the office. Come
forward, friends, and help us out.
Very heavy hail storms have visited
diferent parts of the .state in the last
ten days, in some places being very
destructive to the growing crop.--. At
eight mile grove in Cass-county, hist
week, the crops were almost entirely
destroyed. The hail stones were said
to be as large as goose eggs.
Dr. E. A. Hall has just received a
very fine case of surgical and general
operating instruments. They are per
ha the finest set of instruments of the
kind ever brought to this part of the
State. These instruments were made
to order by D. W. Kalbe fc Son, of
Philadelphia, and cost the pretty little
sum of $120.
The Slate Journal, last week, aided
and abeted by the irrepressible "Gad"
(Slaughter,) got off the following:
Brother Thomas, of the Red Cloud
Chief, came in from Chicago, vester
day, over the Omaha it R. Ar. R. R. He
stated that there were lots of men in
Chicago who had their toes tramped
off clear to the heel and still couldn't
keep out of the crowds.
A change of proprietors of the town
site of Cowles has taken place. Mr.
Poyer has disposed of his interest in
the town to Col. Wm. Clapp, who, we
have no doubt, will soon succeed in
starting a boom for that place that will
bring it out of its swadling clothes
and cause it to take rank among the
many live and proc?jerous towns of the
Republican Valley.
On account of the absence of the
editor last week the Chief failed to
chronicle the death of one of our most
respected citizens, Mr. William Gil
ham, who died at his residence near
Red Cloud, on Monday, May 31st, of
paralysis, after a short illness. Mr.
Gilliam was born in Dover England, in
1816, he moved to Red Cloud in the
fall of 1877, and resided here up to the
time of his death. He was unconcious
from the time he was stricken down.
Surrounded by relatives and
quietly passed from the roll of the re
spected living to the list of the cherish
ed dead.
Amboy center of attraction.
Stock trains meet from the east and
west, and unite for Chicago via Hast
ings. We have no depot building yet but
the hands will soon be busily engaged
in the work, probably begin on the
Notwithstanding all, the agents re
ceived and forwarded to the company
over $5,000 for freights, during- the
month of May.
The people had better begin to read
up and find out when, and where they,
their children and parents were born,
for J. A. Roberts will be asking those
questions soon. T.
It is with no small degree of satisfac
tion that we announce to the readers
of the Chief and the people generally,
that Mr. T. J. Mosher has again taken
charge of the meat market formerly
owned and operated by him. In again
taking charge of the business at the old
stand, he wishes to say to the public
that the same square dealing which has
characterized his business relations
with them in the past, will becontinued
in the future, anu the people can al
ways depend on getting the very best
meats, sausages, fowls fcc., at the old
stand, that the country produces. 2-w
Besley fc Perkins have on hand a
large stock of the best pumps in the
market. Call and see them and then
have one put in your well.
Red Clocd, Neb.,
June 8th, 1880.)
Arrangements have been made to
organize a District Medical Society,
comprising the counties of Harlan,
Franklin, Webster and Nuckolls. The
plvyscians of the above named counties
will please meet at Red Cloud, at the
office of Dr. Mosena, June 21st, and
participate in the organization of the
society. A full attendance is desirable
at this our first meeting. It is hoped that
the physicians of the country will take
an interest in this society.
Dr. Mosena.
The people should not care who is
nominated for president so long as they
can get the best dry goods, groceries
and everything else that they need, at
bed rock prices, at Miner Bros.
Franklin county has and old lady
living on a homestead four miles from.
Riverton, and she does not intend
throwing up her homestead, and quit
ting on account of the dry weather but
is raising four hundred chickens and
two hundred young turkeys. She
walks to town getting here about sun
rise, where she does a days washing for
which she gets 50 cents and walks back
to her homestead in the evening. She
says God help those that help them
selves. Riverton Jhgle.
Washington, D. C, 1
June 7th, IcSO. j
Mr. Editor: With the mercury
daphing into the region of IW, and a
rowing match Haitian and Riley on
hand, with all the fa.-t nag in the
country in town training for the racer,
and the feverish excitement that gath
ers around the nomination" at Chicago,
it may be Kiid that Wuahiwnonian
between htewing and (sweating, are
carrying a heavy amount of -team.
Even the average congre?-man ha.
wilted under this high pres.-un of ex
citement, and over.-eventy ofthem have
left for the place hot .-tiit-d Co advance
the interests of their own ro-nomina-tions
or that of their presidential pre
ference. What with attending hor.-e
races, regattas doing little or nothing,
during the past winter at the Capitol,
but drawing their pay largely in the
"dollar of the daddies" these public
pervanL have had a hard time, and the
dear people should be sat i- tied if the
public business does suffer, bv the
teeming neglect of their representa
The plethora of.-ilvor in the custody
of the Treasury, demands that some
new method shall be adopted to put it
into circulation. The House refused
to providu for building additional
vault-, claiming that there never had
been an houe-t effort on the part of
the Secretary to ensure its circulation
among the people. It is certainly un
wise lo spend money in hoarding it
when it should be in the hands of the
populace. The millions appropriated
by congress, disbursed all over the
country for public buildings pensions
etc., furnished a medium of distribution
for silver that will ease tlu Treasury
redundancy. The people who do the
shoveling, carting, blasting, etc., clear
ing out creeks, rivers and harbors and
erecting public buildings feel no anti
pathy to silver. When they receive
their week's wages they will not con
sider themselves treated unfairly if
one-half or even all of their one, two
or three dollars per day is paid to
them in the "dollar of our daddies."
The country store keeper with whom
they will spend a portion of their earn
ings will not refuse to take it and pay
it out again to the fanners for corn,
wheat, bacon, butter, eggs etc. The
farmcrand his fnigalMolly will welcome
it, and spend it hist preferring the dol
lar which will not burn, and which tim
mice will never choose to make their
nests with.
Where shall we go this summer? is
the question that Is propounded to
pater fan alias at the breakfast table by
many llaxen-haired beauties. The
whole list of desirable places is discuss
ed the expense of each calculated, and
the oppoitunhies of a tine hit in the
way of beaux taken into account, and
soon you see a grand cavalcade of
humanity moving out of these man
sions uniformed in dusters, fiats and
other Mimmcr regalia flanked with a
battery of Saratoga trunks, band-boxes
and budgets. These deserted mansions
will have the appearance of dismantled
forts till the ides of September when
freckled, tanned and perhaps mated
for life these pleasure seekers will re
turn to battle again with the stern re
alities of duty at home. Yes
"The world hath its delights
And its delusions too,
But home to calmer bliss invites
More tranquil and more true."
Hanlan as an expert in rowing, has
certainly honored Canada, but Vcnnor
had better drop weather making and
take up wood chopping. We prefer
"old Prob's charts. Vennor had us all
in mourning because he figured out by
his machine that from the first of May
'till the middle of June it was tole cold
and wet, after that to be dry, extremely
dry. As a fact, the month of May in
all sections has been so hot and dry as
to seriously injure the prospect of the
hay crops. Please now Mr. Vcnnor
fell us in your next prophesy what you
know about farming, and let the
weather drop.
Before this letter shall have reached
our many readers the great gathering
in Chicago shall have voiced the sen
timents of the vast Republican consti
tuency from Ocean to Ocean and from
the great Lakes to the Gulf, each politi
cal contest in this country is a crisis in
the interest of the weal or woe of its
mighty future. Eternal vigilance is
the price of liberty and no true citizen
can lay down on his arms and feel that
there are no more battles to iight. One
thing is certain that the great mission
of Republicanism is not yet accomp
lished. Mightier than the interests of
any candidate, are the issues that 'ct
confront this continent, andthat must
claim a settlement in the immediate
future. The convention is not with
out an array of honored names, any
one of which, when selected will be
hailed with an enthusiasm presaging
victory at the polls, in November.
Disloyalty to Republican principles at
a time like this would be turning back
ward the wheel of time and putting
ourselves in the hands of our enemies
in the dark days of the rebellion. Hav
ing escaped from the Egypt let us never
hanker for its flesh pots. The work of
to-dav is before us, and whoever shall
be selected as our standard bearer, let
us flaunt his name to the breeze and
with a devotion and zeal, inspired by a
good Providence, who has cared for
this Nation in its infancy and its man
hood, be true to ourselves, to Country
and to God, and never cease our en
deavors till victory shall perch on our
banners. We must not forget that our
enemies are going to secure their ends
by fraud, corruption or any other
means and we must stand united with
a determination not to be cheated out
of a fair election and an honest count
and the inauguration of the man who
shall be elected as the people's choice.
You can save 25 per cent on your
money by buying your goods of A. S.
Marsh. Come and see for yourself.
Chas. E. Putnam, of the Flour & Feed
store, has just received a car load of
choice Peachblow potatoes from Iowa.
These potatoes are offered cheap, call
and see.
De Soto spent the best part of his
life in a fruitless search for the Foun
tain of Youth, W. B. Roby, being more
fortunate than the old Spaniard, has
found the "Fountain" tobacco, the best
fine cut in the market. if
J R. Willcox w.o nprxiintcd County
Judge by the conmn.Knj-" ve-trrdav.
to take the place of C. W. fcalev, t'e-eigned.
Clriitiaa Celerities Kcttir.
The co-ojieration meeting of the
churches of chrvt, in and for the !
county of Wdst.'r, will U- held at the
Harmon school house in the north part
of the county, throe miles south-ea.t of
the Wells P. U., beginning June ivth,
nt 2 o'clock ! m., and continuing over
Lord'e day. Presuhing al.-o on Friday
night lx'fore, at : r m A cordial invi
tation i- extendi! to al! who are inter
ested in rehgiotia work.
TllKn. JvHNK
Co K a u e! it.
(Froa the Blootciaftos Arcnj.1
Mrs. Dunt'an Kerr, once a "Umuie
Highland lassie," but now a sedate
matron of Harlan county, recenth dug
ami finished a fifty-three foot well,
with no assistance except her two little
bovs enrht and ten ejir?.
ilricks are manufactured successfully
at Republican City.
Napouec inu-t have a now school
liou-e or stop school.
Naponee has organized "a house of
representatives" for the purpo-e of
mental improvement and the uiHu-ion
of political information.
The Grand View post-oflice, Harlan
county, has been moved to Oxford.
The station at Napom-e ha- In'en
closed for want of sufficient business to
ju.-tifv it, and good.-for that point are
now l-!llct to liloomiutou. e sup-po-e
it will be reopened as soon as it
will pav.
The inevitable chicken with four leg
turns up in Furnas county this spring,
according to the Beaver City Times.
A bicycle lias laid up nnt of the
adventurous voung men of Beaver
Orleans is organizing a colony to go
beynng the Rockies.
A dead horse Mifl'ocates the people
of Orleans, but there i-m't energy
enough among 'em to haul it off.
The wife of a man named Puekett,
near Lcwisberg, eloped with a fellow
named Evans.
II. L. Ballard, of Oxford, has COO
sheep and 1,500 acres of jiusture.
Two little Harlan county boys, ten
and twelve years old, drove u wild cat
away from her kittens ami captured
three of them alive.
A herd of 500 ponies, belonging to I.
P. Olive, passed through Arapahoe on
the road to Plum Creek.
II. B. Ware has charge of the station
at Indiauola.
Cambridge, between Arapahoe and
Indiauola, is growing rapidly.
The people of Riverton are repairing,
paiutiiiKand improving their buildings,
and making themselves generally com
fortable. A mare belonging to Al. Holdredge,
Riverton, walked on to a railroad
bridge, but fell off ami killed herself.
The Franklin Mills will be turnini;
out flour in a few days. Notice will be
given of the exact time. The firm has
secured a large amount of wheat, and
will be able to manufacture a fine line
of flour, having one of the best and
largest mills on the Republican.
Window and door wire screens a
Jones tfc Magce's.
For the best chewing tobacco in town,
go to W. B. Rohv's.
For the best and cheapest good in
the hardware line, call on Besley &
Perkins, "and don't you forget it."
Wire screen for doors and windows
can be bad at Jones it Magce's.
Peachblow potatoes can now be had
by calling at the store of W. B. Roby.
Genuine Corn Cob and plug tobacco,
'Good enough" for anybody, at Rohv's.
Go to the ban! ware store of Besley A
Perkins for your hardware.
Miner Bros, say that it is immaterial
to them who is nominated for president,
they will continue to sell goods at bot
tom prices, all the same.
Down they go. gol table linen for
30 cis. a ynrd. A. S. Marsh.
For the best confectionery, freshest
and finest oranges and lemons, go to
STKAWnEHRIE? W. B. Roby will have
a case of fresh strawberries on hand
each evening.
If you want wire screens for yonr
doors and windows, don't forget to call
on Jones it Magcc.
Now that fly-time is at hand every
one should endeavor to be as free from
the annoyance of these persistent little
pests as possible, and should go at once
to Jones it Magce's and purchase wire
screens for doors and windows. 41-tf
Spring Vai.ixy, April 25thr 1880.
rursuc Notick Is hereby given, that
we will not be respensible for, or pay
any indebtedness for, or on account of
sub-contractors, except upon our writ
ten order, specifying amount and time
of payment. Also wc will not be re
sponsible for the payment of labor of
suli-eontraetor's employees, to any
greater amount than may be owing
to sub-contractors ujon estimates for
work done, and all claims for labor
must be made to us, befor payment of
estimates, or they will be deemed and
held to be waived.
Reynolds it Saulpaugh.
Spring Vallev &. Fairimrv Div., Rep.
Valley R. R. 4Ut-8
Go to Pwtnam for shade trees.
Trimmed hati "Sets, and upwards, at
Mrs. Fowlers.
Bay yonr White fish Mackerel & Cod
fish of A. S. Marsh.
A nice line of faDcy Ribbons and Ties
at Mrs. Fowlers.
The highest marked price paid for
Eggs and Butter. A. S. Marsh.
Wall paper in great vcriety at
A large line of elegant dress bnttons at
Mrs. Fowlers.
New goods every week. Don't fail to
get prices. A. S. Marsh.
Window shades aod fixture, at
Brown's furniture store.
We opea tlis week a new stock o.
Dry Goods. A. S. Marsh
Mea's boots amd plow shoes. New
goods at a bargain. Marsh has them.
Don't forget to pat oat trees, Putnaaa
has any amount ofthem.
Headquarters for San Umbrellas, Par-1
a sols & Fans at A. S. Marsh.
Go and see the Sae Block of furnituie
at Brown's, before purchasing eUewhere. I
Ladies call at Mrs. Fowler aod see the
largest stock of millinery goods the
If ya want Hat's trimmed in the very
best manner, go to Mrs. Fowlers you will
be saited.
Go and see goods, and prices, before
baying, at Brown's furniture and wall
paper store.
Crow Jewell Patent Soar, can always
be bad at the store ef Chas. E. Putaam.
The best floor in tbe valley.
Mr. Montgomery regularly deals out
fresh milk to tbc inhabitants of Red
Cloud. Milk delivered every day, Sun
days sot excepted.
Market Rkport.
cownxTrr it to thi. iuk b or going
TO 1"KI.V.
Wheat... - $ l fx
" (., i)
A TTI.J-, - - 3 to $
v. - 3 1 j
Not the Crown of Kief ? nor the Crown
of Glory, bat the Crowo Sewm Mschioe.
the latrt, ami best tusctooe in the Mar
Irt. it will pay you 10 rail at the Pol
Office and we it before vou iarcLx!
For Sale by M. II. .McNrVr
Reduction in Wall Paper!
Now i tbe time to buv nn!l pajwr at
Brown's Futmturf tir. a the pnre
ha.- Kt-n reduced from Jive to ten cvut
on a roll. 4 t-tf
Money to prove up with on final ic
ceipt, or on deeded land at per. cent,
and I CJ per ccM. comuiu.-on. or at
straight 10 percent, no cotutm.ion.
J .no. It. Wnxrox.
Office, next door to C11 1 r.v o5c 3tnf
Final Proof Xo tiers.
LAbdOfico at Hlouminctoa Nh. Jaa Mh. 10.
Not if. , hetrhf tltra that (bo folio-m
nstntxj Killer lu file-1 oetiro of b U Ictrotn to
tnakr final pruoffn api-ort if hi cUiw. an! .
etr final en, ry thereof. b.r..r. Jame A. Tul
Ur. elerk of the mart of Wetntrr oant al
hi. efficr. taltej Uou.l. Neb- en K.ldaT.JuIr
iotn. Iw). tii; An Jetton. HM 77K for the tooth -wlh
ea.t ', north-ra.t , walbtul', anj .ouUwa.t
north-eat quirler tet..n 12 town ) inr. l;
we.t. an I name the foltowinr a hit Kcr..,
to prove contlnu ui reritlrnce nnarU rullitallon
rsiil irjet. vlt. FteJ Hummel. DattJ Ihn-.
T5! H7t"Jl.1 ,nJ W"'u Maswell. all of
Ke-i I loml. Neb.
junelOjuljV S. W. wmt. Uecl.ter
Land Offire at Hloumiocton Neb. Jane Mh.lVul.
Xotif U herrbr siren that the followins
nanirl tettlrr hvt filed notice f hit intention to
make final prf in rapport nf hit claim, and
tenure final entry thereof before Jam.r A Jul
lejt. elf rk of the reurt in Webtter roiintr t M
office in Red Cloud Neb., ou Saturday July Kth.
H ). Tit.
William Cole. H'd Irill. fur tbe .ntilh-eatt
quarter of sectirn IS town t ranee III writ, and
name tbe follow int as his wiincnea t nmra
cuBtmuuus retidenre upwn and rultiration of
tain iraci. .is: uran .wuner. Terra Tboit.
William Jintr and .Wot Wilson, alt of CJo
tenon. Nebraska.
juuelOiubS S. W. SWITZKK. Kecttirr.
Land Office at Blooraiorton Neb. June 1st. KSo.
.Volice i hereby siren that tha ollowin
named tettler ha filed notice of hit intention
to make final proof in support of hi claim, and
tcrure final entry thrreot, before Jauic A. Tol
leys clerk of the court r Webtter cuunly N.b.
at the county stMlou Saturday July loth. 10.
Henry Herl on Declaratory Statement No.
SsTii. fur the North ' North Weil and .Vorth
X North Kjitt ' be. .11. Town 1 North of
Itancr I'Z e?t. ami namet the lollowinc as hit
wiine-i. to prove continuous resilience upon
and cultivation faid tract. vii: lohn PeTlin.
JoniK teller, tleorte Ileitrn and OliTer hiinni
all of Walnut rrecinrt, Webir o . Nebraska,
june-ljubl. S. W SIVITKK. Kecitter.
LandOCiccat Hl.miiuttun. Neb. May rth. I).
Notice it hereby riven thai the following;
named tettler ha file I notice of hi intention l
make proof in upirt of hit claim, and
secure fm:il entry thereof, pro if to be made be-
lore Jan.c A. 'lulle, I'lerk of the orrl of
ebttcr county, at In office, in lie-l I'lond.
Neb., on Saturday. June Zftlh. Is!, vlx;
Harlan W. 1'arkt. H'd application N" 3077.
for the outh-wet tiutrter. .return IS. town 1.
ranire II west, and name the foHowinr as hit
witnette. to prove continuous residence n ar4
rultivntion of said tract, vii: 1'et.r Hornbeck.
Jacob '. Altl nid. Nrlum ilarltctt and Klver
vl . Tnttle. all of Wei's. Neb.
raaj-JTjune.'l S. W. SWITZKK. Hcsitter.
Land Office at HloominKinn Neb May 17lh. Ifl.
Notice it hereby riven thnt the followins
named settler ha filed notirr of hi Intrnlioii to
make final proof in sup-Hirt of hisrUlm. and
secure final entry thereof brfurr Jame A. Tul
ley, e'erk of rourtjn Webter county at his of
fice in Ite-f Cloud Neb., on naturda). June 1'J.
SS. vu:
Autrnn L. Wolter.MIM. entry No 2S"d. for the
EVfSW'f ami W ' S K ',. VC. -). town 1.
mnre 11 w n't. and ruin ft the following; at hi
witnees. to prove rontinuou reiden'-o on aid
cultivation of said tract via: William VanDjke.
Kricilrich Wobberman, Aucui Wohberrnan mf
Andrew J. Hennecker. nil o Il0 t'loud. Nebr.
maylllj-anei;' S. W SWITZKH. Kes;iter.
Land flicc nt Iltooininxton Neb. May. Ilm. IiK).
Nolle i hereby uivcn that iho olowitiK
named fell It h:v filed notice of hi intention to
in ik lln.l vitMif in support of hi claim, and
(cure i nnl crlry thereof, betvrc thn clerk of
ourt : lVe''er co-inty. Nebr , al the county on .""niidar (be Utb day o June. 1H., rn
Frirdricb WoijVrman. Ilnm.ird Kntty No.
lrt'0. for the outh-el tc'i"n '.;.
town 1. range 11 wft, and iMinct the followins:
at his wiitnetet. la prove robtrutron rrttltar.
upon aod cultivation of :id tract, vii; Chr-
Gut. Ludwie Wolter. Charles Wobberman and
Aujrutt Wohberronn all of Ke Cloud, Neb.
may3IjunelO 8. W. SWITZKK. itczistrr.
TAI2 KOTira.
Lasvl Ofice at I'toominzton. Neb.. Jfay 4th. 1M0.
Complaint Having: he en entered at th! Office
by (reorre H. Well, usaintl Newman J. I'd well,
Pir abandoning; his Timber Ctt'iare entry No.
-TllO. dated Iccu.bcrb. 1STS. upon tbe NortV
Katt ;. Seetion l&.Townbip2 N. Kanae 10 W.
in Webtter eeenty. Nebraska, with a view to
the cancellation of sakl entry: the said parties
are hereby summoned to appear al this Otflce or
the 15th day of July. 1"0. at J o'clock a. - . i
respond and furnbn testimony concerning; said
alleged abandonment.
Oio. W. DoBsar, 8. W. gviTxta.
Receiver. 1 Register.
By virtue of an xccntion Ls.umI by James
A. Tullers. Clerk of the I'i'lrkl Coast of the
Fifth Judicial District in and for tb Cbuaty of
Webster and state of Nebraska, and to ate de
livered, in favor of ('. II. AS. J. MeCbnniek
plaintiff, and azuic't W. Ft. Fuller defendant. I
have levied on the following; described goods
and chattel, at the property of the said Vt . It.
yallcr. to-tit: One McCormirk harvester and
self-binder, which I shall ezixiie at public sale
to the highest bidder, for cash, in frmt of Al
bert ItlumestbaUV saloon in Itlue Hill in -aid
county on iheiAth day of June. 110. at V o'clock
a. ia., to satisfy said execution and cotts.
Dated tbe 3Hn iLiy of May. ly.
ma27iun2l Jos. W. W.bkk. Sheriff.
By rirtrae ofan otiler f sale usumI ovt o
the District Co art fur the 5tb Judicial Iitrict.
in and for Webster coanty. Nebraska, opon a
decree of foreclosvre. in an action wherein
Wheeler Jt Wittoa Manufaetarinz Company is
plaintiff. ati James K. Boll and Mary K. Bull
are defendants. In aecordenre witk saVl erder
I shall offer for sale at public auction, at the east
door of the Court House, in Red Cloid. of said
county. onSaturdar. the ZBthday of June. A. D.
183. at I o'clock in the afieinoon the followins
described propeaO.iVtril:
The west half of the north-wnt qnarter. asni
tbe west half of tbe south-west iuuer. of See.
twenty. (20) Township two. (2) north of Kant
twelreilij wwt, of the sixth i. M-. is aaid
connty of Webrter. and itate of Ntlsnuka.
Uiren ander or hand ibis 25ih day of May.
ISiii. J. W. WAKKBN.
may27ja8eJ4 feTitriff.
Whereas Henry Jennrn-rs nJ Elisabrtli Jeo
ninr. his wife, parents and lawfol zuardeans of
Sarah itnwland a minor, did on the lTtk ey of
ay I.'MI. make a s'p.eojtaitraTTritiDr'loly sworn
to and subscribed ip ike prejenee o( .tro wttnes.
es before me. C W. Kaley. Ceunty Jodse in and
for websler eonnty eb that they ToIanUrlly
relirwiui'h all rirht to the easto.y and power
and control orer Sarah iiowOnd. a r:ir rluld.
to th end tliM tbe sola Smh Itowbrtu WiaJI be
fully :dopteJ by W. E. Jaclx-n. of KeJ Cltai
And whereas the wid W. E. JseVwa did on
tbe hoc date make a s-a.eraeni in wruic; duly
worn to aai Basred befoe me in Uie pre
eccr of two wiinesse it h free'y nd Titian
tarily adop s ihe said 5?nb ilowlud bb owa
child, and has tnaiie app'icstiO i to thi eoart
fera decree of adon-oa in acsordaace wita said
lost raestioned sUtetneat.
Now therefore all peinn interested ta said
aaaUer are commantlcJ to be and appear Itefor:
me CImtIcs W. Kaley. Couj.y Juure hi acJ fox
Webster cjuntj. on Use H dy of Jane. A. D.isW.
to show eau-e if any there 5e why such deeree
should not be granted. And publication hereof
shall be made sa th Red Cloud Cnisr. a paper
published and f central escalation, in said
county for three ooasecadre weeks trora date
Dated at Red Cload. Keb.. May 13. A. D. 1.
Coaatj J a. 'ge
Ia aad for WeUter Co Nebraska.
S0T2C3 T0TS1CS32S.
Notice is hereby irrrsje. that I win nasafe
all persons who saay desire to offer theasawlTea
at eaadidaua for teaeiMTS of the prirsjaryor
eoma-aa schooU of Weitter coanty. at Bed
aoad a the first Satanlaj to the aj-ntas of
Kearaary. Jrfay Auxust and Xotetaber: M
Blue Hill oa tbe xrt satardsy in the BseataJ i af
Jaaaarr. April. Jary aad October. At Oalda
Rock oa tbe ftirst Satarday ia the soataj of
March. June. Septe-aibef aad DeeexW.
Ezamiaaliacs tocorsrseaee at 30 docaa.M.
1 1 Xtrtmm
Ceucty 5-rril!ieat of Fshlie Isttractioa.
Having Bought the Entire Stock of Goods;
owned by N. G. Liddy, (deceased.) at Auction,
will offer them to the' Public at Cost, to make
room for NEW GOODS, Consisting of
Stoneware, Croekerv and Glassware. A lull
Stock of Sugar, Coffee, Tea's and dryed fruits
on hand. Come and see me at Liddv's old
ll .$
We call your attention to the Largest, Best,
and Cheapest Stock ot
Agricultural Machinery,
In the Republican Valley.
Years of experience in the trade, has taught us
the wants of the Farmers of this great
Convinced that in your Success lies the interest
of all, wc offer you the best products oi
Eastern Manufacturers.
Drills, Seeders, Corn Plows with Seeder attach
ments, Sulky Plows, Stirring and Breaking
Plows, Marsh Harvester,
Whitney Marsh Binder, the ukst machine in the
market, Randolph Header, Newton Wagon,
Buggies, and all kind of
Wc shall rjarc do fflurls to olvanro iho lnicrrM of our CuMuuicra. Alway
happy to ahow our (too'Ii. ('ivo tin a call.
'""WAR, $T0E
y n
Wc Have also a Large Stock of
Baited Fence Wire, Staples. Nails, "
All kinds of TIN, COPPER, and SHEET
IRON WORK done on short notice. A .
Call and Examine Goods, and get Prices.
Red Cloud, April 27th,
Nfbrsk, .
"-w & My-ltJ-Bttt,
, I
4. '
-: i
a -
.; J.'s'r-