" - fcwMfcfcMWCWMMBaWg Wi Syig'-- jwe ,5-1 ' !; -- sv!(- - -gnummnsra mm tfSkCJA' Hllili'1li'iir'" P CLOUD CHIEF IrUBLISHED XVrBT THURSDAY AT 223 CL272, EZ2SA52A. BY M. L. THOMAS, ditor anit Proprietor. ISS:- $1.53 a year if raid in Advance. 0 EAST -VIA Till Chicago I Ml - Westers Hailway- 380 MILES OF ROAD. It b tie SHOUT jure audSAFK route between Council Bluffs JHICAGO, MILWAUKEE and Ml point? EAST and NOKTU. lie1 ycT, xacrma, icr.cn, wacn- i2v u-uwi - j,if -. k;MkWf t,wi WWMW It cfTrre Uc iraveimp public Greater Facilities! AND More Advantages Than any other road in the wed. It ie the O.VLY ROAD between COancil ..lull and Chicago l jton which it ren PULLMAN HOTEL'CAES ! Id addition to tb-"e and to plcae all elates of tra flerr. uc.xi MM' CLAS .M K.A LS at its tAlIKO b 1 Al 1 N.-. at i cents uch. It: Traci is Steel Sail ! Itc ccaches are the Finect ! It train? nr- nil KfjuiMied vfitb with airbrakes. Milkr'r cuiI'i! nd all uiudvro iiujruv iiiint - all ! which combined. Snre and clcre Ccnnecticns ! And c erythmr a iaener can ucjireto make a journey QUICK l'lea&aiu & COMFORTABLE! Pullman Sleepers on all Night Trains ! IT is THE People's Favorite Eoute. At Council Rluff the Through Train of the Chicairo.V: North- Western ani the I nion I'a oiSie Kni'way depart frm. arrive at ind use the lauie joint I mon lH-xt. If you wirh the best traveling accommodation vnu wul Ij your tiPketH by this Route -And VILL -1AKK NONE OTHER. All Ticket Agents can sell yen Tirozgh Tickers via this Scad and checi nsnal iarrare : ree c: unarre. Ouaiia TirkKT Urirrsp IXU.rarnam street. V It ntUaUIIII . v...- --,-- "onn-il IHuPs Ticket OOiccFt'tir. Ilrodwny nntl i Or. Htn. anil at I mon t'aciiic wepnu Pearl -tre-tf. C. A N - . K'l Depot, and i I .; I'nfftlf. Tf?infer Deikt. Denver OfiVe In Cilorsulo Central and Union Pa-ifi Ticket Otlice. San Frauci?co ntBee 2 'w llontBOincry St. For ii formation, folder?, map?, etc . u.t ol tatiuLlc at Home Ticket Offices, a. dres any iiKcnt of the 0 .mpatiy. or HASV21? HTJGHITT, W. E. 3TS1T15STT, I t'hicak'O. III. MIXEK I1KOTKERS, IIEAlQrRTKRS FOR WkiieJis.HoweSs Aserica: (j SEWIMi ItIA( IIIES CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MRK. Th or.tEnUft TRADE MARK. fttok. Keiaedy: as ucrillmt curt -of CM., Spiailfr tb.lMlcual- Before TaVIoc ad.-.. l .r Alter TaVinjr. Icaarr-. VnJrr-.; L.i.ilu Je. Tub in tit But Dto.M. f Tutu. rrwMtura Oil -iC. a.nj l Dltwa tt.1 toJ w 2c.alt7 r Canciptioc aed . rrrm.:vrv Qrr: C7" ra r.ruUn tn r rt?tl, wnici ( lt!r M mi !tc fcr mH .T'"T CTTbSpiSelarfatU 14 ? 1 drmr'M ll r1 P.r fit pW f . wr wia k. Kit rr tj ail .a cpi ! U Bnaty j TRE CUXT KEnirttK ro Sold in Red Cloud and everywhere by H DruRKi?. i-l-ly GOOD jS'E'VS. Quick Time 1 Through Trains! Close Connections ! No Delay ! Burlington Route ! To Chicago and The East. I.owet rate? of Fare will be made. Throuch Car will be run from b, i M.romts in Southc-n sebraska to Ohieajro. A ten minu'cj conntctioa will be made at Pa ciffieJunton. AT CHICAGO clo?e connection": will alwayi be made to the cas'.soutbeayt end north. leeptns car ber.bs reserved at the Ltncolr ti;ket office by Telcpraph or on application, from J'SMiuri River to Chicago. TO ST. LOUIS AND THE SOUTH. The burliujtton route hare a system of throuch fleeprs aud close connections between the Missonn River and St. Louis Pasicnjrcr takmc tun line have the best ol accommodations. Pullman sleeper .run regu arly iroaa ilic?ouri River to St- Louis. TO PEORIA. INDIANAPOLIS, CIN ClNNATI. AND THE SNUTII-EAST. S-This ithe only reliable route tothesontb eut. t'oanectiou- are mat e at Peoria with the T. P. A W. and I. B- W. Railroads for lndwn apolis' Cincinnati. Columbus, and all central sub anthem Ohio. Ken.ucy. eoutmern Indiana. DHilKu- CASS. Gc:i la!s at 75 casts. AVhcn you sn east be sure and travel ever tbo 2$. A- M. line if you wish to - e SAFE and coin Jortable and -desire to travel speedily. A E.TOCZALIX. P.LOWELL. GcaT taanaser. Genl Ft J: T'Ug't If You Want Bargains Call at Newhouse's, where you can get White Goods. Ginghams, Shirtiufrs, Dress Goods, Flannels, Doeikins, Jeans, Hosiery, Carpets, Hambnrgs, Toilet Sets, "Rrtnhes. Tovs, Groceries, and a great rariety of other goods very cheap for cash. These goods will be closed oat, call earlv and get bargains. 37-tf F. rHocsE. ft-.jrt-a The VOL- TIL II l SIXES S DIRECTORY. O. C. CASE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. "Office one dooi north of Garbe'a store. 2ZD CLCuD, 2TZS Hollections made and promptly remitted j7s. GILH A M, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR A. AT LAW. Office one door north of Kalty Bros. RED CLOUD, - - - NEB W. C. REILLY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND REAL ESTATE AOEZT Red Cloud. Neb. .Prompt Attention OiTen to Collection!. Owe- with C. H. I'OTTER. at Re Clond Drug Store. Edwin C. Hawley. A TTOttSF.Y AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office over Farley's Drug Store. BSD ULOuD NES. James Laird, A TTORNF.Y AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Juniata. - rF.B- Will rractice in all the Conrt of the Sute. Prompt attention given to all buine entrusted to h'u care. O&ce on the eat tide Junimt Avenue. julyl-i H. S. Kai.kt. C. W. Kalet, Hed Cloud. Neb. J. I.. K A LET. iWooniinirtnn. Nebraska. KALEY BROS., A TTORNEYS AT LAW i REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Will practice in all the Court tn Nebraska and northern Knncaj; collection? promptly at tended to and correspondence solicited. ESD CLOTO. Ketrasta, AI?o. Apcnt for P.. i M. R- R. Iands. I. W. TCLLEYS, HOMCEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Pension Surgeon. J6T0FFICE over Kaley Bros, law office. SSD CLOUr. KSSHASEA ELBEKT A. II ALL W. D. Physician&Surgeon, RED CLOl'D, NEH. 1In-;nI. tnrntfii nertnancntlr at thi place. I will attend to all calif, day or nieht. ffi e for fill HM "- "-- - - tj,e i.reent at Farley' drujr store: at nicht at bi rc-'iilmce over Newhouse r atore 19.tu3 J- HI. 9IOSEXA. ill D. KLECTIC- Physician and Surgeon, " RKD CLOl'Il. NEIL AVill pav special attention to Obstetrics and diea-c or "women- Al?o ccneral and M-ecial purser. Dii-eaM-s of the Eye and tar. t harge moderate. Ollice over siherer'a IVue Store. i-l-y JAS. HI. CALLEXDER, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, (allopathic s(IIOOI) Trompt attendance on all calb in the practice or medicines or turnery- COWW-S XnitR-VSKA. J. W. MUISAVVII.I.K. CUWLKS. NFB. F. MOKAXVI1.I.E. AUBOT. M.U. P.RO.-., MOKAXVILLE P racticing P hy sicians. COWLIS Jt AM1JOY, XEIIKASKA. All prifeaionilcalls and careful attention. rill receive our prompt 40mG Dr. H. A. Baird, mf RESIDENTDENTIST. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. W. . Richa-dson. S. Gaibcr. Richardson & Garter, DEALERS IN LrE STOCK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. A Hiitbet market price paid for how and cattle. J. K.Svr-1! S. C. S"th M.B.THom-sos. Pres. First Nat. Ca-h. First Late Teller First Bank. Beatrice Nat. Bank Nat. Dank Beat Neb. Beatrice Neb. rie Neb. m Srors&Diompsonf BANKERS, RED CLOUD, NEB. Will make collec.'ions i'i any part of the United States Sell exchange upon the princi pal eastern oitie Loan ironey upon improved farms Beeeivedepo its subject to sifht drafts Allow interest upen time deposits, and trans act a pcncral Banking business. KKFKRr.xrKSt Omaha National Bank. A. 5. PaJdnck.U. .SSenatoj; FirstNational Bank New York. CambriJge VaUey National Bank, Cambridge New York. OMAHA Qamnlo Rnnm JOE. JA COBS. rsoPKirroK. TWO DOORS "WEST OF BOT'S HOME. Keeps on hacd the btet brand of Wines. Liquors. Heer. Ale. and Sne Cicars. A share of the public patronage issoliectcu. PROPRIETOR RED CLOUD Drug Store, And Dealer In Drugs, Medicines? . Paints, OILS VARNISHES. All goods in my Line kept constantly on hand: and to which I invite the attention of the public 5anl HENRY COOK. Feea 4 SmU Stable J. I). Post, Prop. liED CLOUD. umm t Red "Eternal Vigilance is RED CLOUD, WKBSTER CO- NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. THE CHIEF. M L. THOMAS. EDITOR. THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1SS0. While Gen. Garfield of Ohio, the Republican nominee for the presi dency, was not our first choice, we can, however, heartily support him, le- caue he is the nominee of the conven- J tion, and because we believe that he i a good man, and if elected next Novem ber, as he without doubt will be, we can look for a healthy and vigorous administration of the national ntfain for the next four yean. Frederic Douglas i.s one of the notables who attended the Republican national convention at Chicago lat week. He is the most talented negro in the country, and he spent his life, first for the freedom and later for the education and elevation of his nice, lie went to Chicago hoping to see Gen. Grant nominated for president, leliev ing in his patriotism and ability to govern the country acceptably to all sections. The Chicago Convention. Tlie largest and mast enthusiastic political gathering that lias ever as eemhled in America convened at Chicago hist week for the imrpo-e of placing in nomination a republican candidate for president of the United States. To attempt anything like general nummary of the events that have there transpired since the opening of the convention, would, with our limited space, be futile. The conven tion news, as published in the great dailies since the work began inChicjigo, would fill more than a dozen pages of the Chief, so it will be seen that the best we can do is to give a very con densed account of the balloting, and the result, and will attempt nothing further. At the present writing, (Tuesday morning) the balloting is going on and it is impossible to give an idea of what the result will be. The following is the ballot by telegraph: 1st Rallot. Grant 304, Blaine 24, Sherman 93, Edmunds 34, Windoni 10 Washburne 30. 2nd Rallot. Grant 305, Blaine 2S2, Sherman 94, Washburne 22, Edmunds 32, Windom 10, Garfield I. 3rd Ballot. Grant 305, Blaine 2S2, Sherman 94, Washburne 31, Windom 10, Edmunds 32, Garfield 1, llartison 1. 4th Ballot. Grant 305, Blaine 2SI, Sherman 95, Washburne 31, Windom 10 Edmunds 32, Garfield I. Cth Ballot. Grant 305, Blaine 279, Sherman 9G, Washburne 33, Garfield 2, Windom 10. Sth Ballot. Grant 306, Blaine 2S4, Sherman 91, Edmunds 31, Windom 10, Washburne 31, Garfield 1. 12th Ballot. Grant 305, Blaine 2S3, Sherman 93, Edmunds 31, Windom 10, Washburne 33, Hayes 1. 13th Ballot. Grant 305, Blaine 285, Sherman 89, Edmunds 31. Windom 10, Washburne 33, Hayes 1, McCrary 1. 14th Ballot. Grant 306, Blaine 285, Sherman S9, Edmunds 31, Windom 10. 17th Ballot. Grant 303, Blaine 2S4, Sherman 90, Edmunds 31, Windom 10, Washburne 34. ISth Ballot. Grant 305, Blaine 2S3, Sherman 92, Edmunds 31, Windom 10, Washburne 35. 30th Ballot -Grant 307, Blaina 279, Sherman US, Edmunds II, Windom 4, Washburne 33, Garfield 2. 31st Ballot Grant 307, Blaine 277, Sherman 119, Edmunds 11, Windom 3, Washburne 33, Garfield 2, Conkling 1, 12 Noon. Blaine loses 5 votes in In diana, going to Washburne. 32od Ballot Grant 309, Blaine 270, Sherman 110. Edmund: 11, Windom 3, Garfield 1, Washburne 35. 33rd Ballot Grant 300. Blaine 276, Sherman 115, Edmunds 11, Windom 4, Garfield 1, Washburne 44. 35th Ballot Grant 313, Blaine 257, Sherman 101, Edmunds 11, Windom 3, Washburne 23 Garfield 55. 36th Ballot Grant 311, Blaine 42, tiarneiu oy. This last ballot gave to Gen. Garfield of Ohio, the nomination. It will be noticed that the Blaine men, seeing that they could not nominate their mafgpiade a sudden break from Blaine to Garfield, and we congratulate them on the fact that they made a good choice. Let's all "rah for Garfield. Take care of vour health and that of your children, and use none but J, .Monroe layiors uoiu Medal coda or Saleratus. It is acknowledged as being the onlv perfectlv harmless article in the nisirket; is peculiarly adapted to weak stomachs and dyspeptic persons. Try one paper and you will have no other. It is much better than any other. Grocers and Drusnnsts sell it. Depot 112 Liberty St, New York. XXTSSTX&ATZON. Fvery man should be willing, and we think should be anxious to investi gate every thing which is so Iikelv to benefit all man-kind as the discoverv of Kendall's Spavin Cure, because it is now being used on human flesh with most remarkable beneficial results for rheumatism and deep seated pains, and it has proved by experience that it is equally as good for human flesh as for any animal. It is penetrating and powenui, ana yet it can be used mil strength with -nprfppr bo forv nn a nhA as well as a grown, person. For H blemishes on horses, it never has had an eaual. Bead the advertisement for the price of Liberty," and E7AT1 CL3?S.31 Wilber claims a population of 1400. Fremont Ls to have a btnrd of trade The new bridge at Rapillion i- com pleted. ! Hastings has caught the water worK. fever. West Point b to have a Methodist church. plot-rmri.tVi !u iTiTirmj ti rva (; ' waterworks. I Tlie Loup and Platte rivers are rap-! idly rising. Ulyeses lias a new jiajer called Tlie DL-!i)atch. Crete bo-.u-L? of a new machine shop and foundry. A new bank will be o:eiied at Cam-' bridge thw week. j Tlie A. tt . stock yard- at Columbus j are comnletcd. Tl.ntr.H- tr-iiif-.r luv.t Mllu-n.ll-..,. hu arnveu at .luurum. j Tlie erection of Wahoos new bank has been commenced. A car load of wfol was shipped from West Point la.-t week. Buffalo are found 60 miles above Cedar Blutfs, on the Beaver. A new German paper will be issued from Lincoln this week. Columbus talks of an old fashioned Fourth of July barbeque. The B. it M. is making preparations to build a depot at Peru. The name of the new town at the mouth of the Medicine, i.- Cambridge. The B. tfc 31. surveying corps has parsed Humboldt, working eastward. Seven wolf cults were recently cap tured by Prof. Millderger, of Madison. An expedition started from Suttdn for the Gunnison country last week. Several bridg- near Niobrara have been swept away by high water. Tlie B. it M. is running out of Lin coln about 200 loaded cars per day. Twenty-six German immigrants ar rived in Crete hist Monday morning. A Hastings firm i turning out from 8,000 to luO pressed brick daily. The B. &. M. engineer are surveying two routes through Itichardson county. A catfish wa caught in the Elkhom ; at West Point weighing fort -the pounds. j Milford has erected 42 Uiildings-ince the advent of the railroad to that town.- . P. AHemers of Dakota county, has planted 17,000 trees on his timber claim in Wayne county. The B. fc M. have made a proposition to build a branch line from York south through Thayer county. It is said that The Nebraska City Sun will be removed to Lincoln shortly. The B. & M. railroad company i building a $50,000 railroad depot nt Lincoln. The Yanderpool Brothers of Xineoln have fallen heirs to $70,000 by the death of a relation. The south-eastern extension of the B. Sc M. i-' completed several miles east of Spring alley. The quarries -;outh of Beatrice are now furnishing great quantities of rock along the B. fc M. The residence of J. n. KaLamp, of Wilber, was demolished by a stroke of lightning last Tuesday. Twenty acres of "amber" sugar-cane have been planted near West Point as an experiment. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Republican Valley rail road will be held at Hastings June 23. Cedar county voted against the pro posed aid to the Sioux City and St. Paul railroad a week ago Saturday. The West Point manufacturing com pany are making extensive improve ments and additions to their works. A man by the name of Butler, in Otoe county, is experimenting with a flying machine of his own manufacture. A prairie fire near Orleans, started by small boys, destroyed several hun dred dollars worth of agricultural im plements hist week. A valuable team was stolen from W. B. Conger, a young farmer living about six miles southeast of Pawnee City in Pawnee county last week. Mr. Frank DeForest, of Milford, was struck by lightning last Tuesday eve ning. The young man is still alive, though in a precarious condition. The piling for the new railroad lridge across the Elkhorn, between West Point and Scribner, is done and tlie new bridge will be shortly put in. During the storm at Lincoln on last Tuesday evening, the lightning struck the Universalist church, tearing out the front on both sides of the door. Lightning struck the house of Bev. Geo. Williams, at Niobrara, lastunday morning, doing considerable damage. The wind blew six box cars from the train at Yalley Station, and moved the school house" about four feet on its foundation a week ajro last Sundav. The town of DeWitt was visited bv a i cyclone on the 23 inst. A number of buildings were demolished, but no one was seriously hurt. The loss is esti mated to bc'about $3,000 Tlie 14th of Julv next is the dar set bv Judge Barnes Triest and Thomas Winnebago Indian will take place at Dakota City The two Granger brothers, who kill ed one Bowker at Seward last March, plead guilty to manslaughter and were sentenced to ten years imprisonment in the penitentiary. It is estimated that there are not less ii on n.n j t tu ? uian 8U,uw neau oi caiiie now nem in the Unorganired territorv attached to Holt counn-for revenue; judicial voting purposes. . ,. ,. . , , . A Stable near Brownville, belonging to Fred. Easterman was stuck bv licht - ning Tuesdav nicht. One horse and a colt were killed. Mr. Easterman see- inr. 4Via coVilr. iriic er fli"i mcliA ir arA got the tiird horse out. but upt until ne was consiaeraoir ournea. ine. stable was burned to the ground. Grand Island is to have a boom. The Dailv Democrat informs its read- ers tne L. . company will build exten n'ro BinT t tViot nfai'a 1 Ztax?an superintendent of the car and building department, has authorized a Mend to find him a suitable block upon which for the hanrrinfr of remove bone jpavin without bliilerinr or ean- , Cloud Chief. $1 50 a year is the price Sam'l West mni-EH rx Tobacco, Cigars, , COSFECnOSERY. CAXXED FRUIT. r RtVll FhL IT; CRACKER. - , Cll EBE. ORANfiES. LEMONS. and a rvi line or hmt ai.o A nt-T a.v-a Jqq Cream Pari OP. hrr ym can aHu Cft a IlU'e di-ll of IT Cream during the Sfa-oii. A -hare of the public patronage is respectfully solicited. Kirt dir south of Mitchell & Morbart .. Red Cutfii, - - Nkiiiusea. IIOLCOMB BROS. Dealer in S3 A R 0 W a R ? & of all kinds. They sell CHEAP for CASU. and If they hare net what you want. Irate your order and they will Till it- CALL ON THEM One door north ofGarber's. and Mr.HOLCOMB will wait ou you. aprltf RED CLOUD. NEB. COME For Tour LUMBER! DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. THB BEST 15 THK MABKKT Kelil at IwmI Price -HY- mmM & mmi, RED CLOUD NEB. PROUDHT & MAESH, OENRKAL DEALERS IN ii .i Jin lw.ut jb )AND( STOVES, Guide ROck, - Neb. Everything usually kept in a first claw Hardware Store- come and see us as we will not be UNDERSOLD. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE is a ure cure for pavrn. fplint. etrb. ealloos, (praic. iwelljars. e-Vs Iamene and allenlarr- QeniS OI luejoiDi; nr tiinue. '. ui reaipicici inc t i a er?on wno suaered la year witii a hip-joint lamene and pernjaoently cure two rear uro with Ken-1-.1I j3parin care- Ke m ember we claim it will eire a bone f parin asd cefapletelr remoretbe bwseh wihout blisterios. Suterwzt lLiis Vzte: Cath. To whom it may cweera: la the yr 1S73 I treated with Kendall Spavin Cure broe "Par is of eriral months' crowth. nearly half i larye a. a bQf tzs. and completely ftopped the lam- i nesa ana semored tne calarreaest. I hire ., ,,- ha - n rm h.rf. Ul h. i never hi bee laoe.noreot:ldIeTereanydif- SSSSSmsSL X i e. a. G a i xes. Enburzh Falb.Vi. Feb. Sth 1579. Swxra anirmbser bed to before me ais 25th day ! f Feb. a. D. iot. JOUJfG.JEXit J.p. 0fice of U.S. marshall. wenera iVu of JTh. B. J. Kendall. Enoibaxsh Fall". Vt. Dr RTrr I TrirMi thn Mm hntrle nf uur ? l I0P7tebfhSEiSS.rto J pans aaverui emex.t coiled for. In tfcree weeu after 1 commeaeed usiuE it the sparin was eatirely re EJOTed and a Talnaale hor? restored to ajeiail e. Very truly yours. JOUN PARKJtK. 9ed ddreJ for illattrated circular, which we think pirea potitrr proof of it Tirtoe. S o rea- I to our knowledge, for beast as w eddy ha erer set wita sacs asvuali&ed vaccs well: BEeitore i?roaToritwM b ceat to aoy address m receipt of price by tae J Pnn0"- u. J. KJ.-Vu a -? CO Q - E 1 I 11 a fc 5 CD J H s -s rA c ted M B s -. cry $1.00 WHEL. BOTTLE. flriS WalkC, tne tWO .nd ;ce.l falltrereth.atal! rimn-oftiie vear . The execution " with perfect safety. A cttrejwhich we are know-j of the Med Cloud Chief. JUNE 10. 1SS0. FARMERS LOOK HERE! IF YOU WANT FARM MACHINERY, RKMRMBER THAT MITCHELL AIND Have Just Received tho Largest FARM MACHINERY EVER BROUGHT TO THE EEPUBLIC AN VALLEY. -. Ww B m km vi4, V Wkf 1 iV ' i-rBBVJr -w J1 J JJC i4XShmmmmmzGmiZmmmfimmBfemm& kIbta jy ' 4 tji t JFu 1mttmVtllmmmWT!mWmmmwmmM9'mmMbr SULKEY Stirring Plows, Harrows, Corn Planters, AND HAY RAKES. And Also The Celebrated Champion Reaper and Mower. A LARGE tOT And the Largest Lot of SHEIiF Af HEAVY SA1DWAIE, And Ever)rthing else usually kept in a HARDWARE MITCHELL & MORHART, NO. U- MORHART, OF PLOWS, Breaking Plows, Cultivators, Check Rows, SUPPLY OF 9 STORE. Tinware JOB WOHIv, fCK 6t4,H-Sui:, Ctalin&. EJtxcrTtft to oom tx xmt ZZATUJ AKirFx KHTS7 iiAKI JLP AT .rrT Km P Cr4.m4 juw .HKJt. . M. IIWLKV. Vccal and Instmncntal G. A. BROWN, 1IM-()K.UiVkI)KOO1 itNtff KitchvH FUKxrTrjA.ii: FRACKE is, CliROMOS, i'ltTt'Rh FraVIR, M TTRl-SE.s, liTO COFFLVS aiwirn e Wao.1 ad lriml ITICK U1W f to ibcrahVy JairHepiUlne of aK kiaJ Jora roturt ry atvl Mtutartnrr lUinal Kt ftmt-Url at rootebl ralM AKP CLOl'D. - .VKH. uqbt wmm. A. Latrrlmcb, Trmpr PtAi ck tx all rir or cannkd tioorx. ntrrra. NXTS. CONKKITIONKUY. LTl rsrsz S5ZA5. ni:. :jlix:. 2rar - Warm Mc-aI at H bear. 25 crU. Itf-KKKSII OY5TEILS aU.y.oB Uwl. Vcbfrr trct. b dwr "outh of Kalcy Hru U oflicc. 11 KD CLOUU. - - NKII. tl-V Harness Shop -nv J. L- MILLER Kcp cofntaittlr cm lit'l a full !mr of llarnc C)lar, hl!ic, Whit, l!or l!Unlrtn CooiU. HrmU- c. lUrtifM Oil nl erirjr- ihmc usually i"'t in a firt-cl tKip Two !or north of th taol Tie Elgic:: Cwa Mci Txli !zr Ziitt ii Tzrt. SAM'L GARBER, rra! tB l.- Dry iioottn and GrocerieM. BOOTS anil Nil OK Hats? Caps. & Utady .Made C lot kins'. We have the Largett Stick in the Valley and will nit be undersold. GIVK US A CALL, ONB 4 ALL. Sam'l Carber Red dead Xirh, F. NE WHOUSE, -DE4LKH IS- DRY - GOODS. GROCERIES AND NOTIONS, The rmbhe rcnflrallj ? rvi3'.e'J U nil ami ciamiiw: ray jrood rd pnc, n i thare of tbe paUunac ia tohitfL BUT Sun. 5rt door ttotiL of Moth er's seat market. 1t-VS f. 5EWH0USK. CHICAGO Lumber Yard KED CIiUD, lXehm Yr4 vyvth of Hptao & Rai h' bop, os MaiaKivct. Kp e9Stxa3y b ha4aw tMmsat f lumber. lMtt Mil. xr la. . U Mftlr (!. rmmmr 1UI fiyif . PL ATT & FREP:S mmtivmiitAirwOtm 3rp. fjait ,yK- w C . . ttr tmy "I-' it mil. -T nam t wifkw(. fA is Ti.c nv Hb. rrm IZ. t tf iii t frC a f tmmm. M kw mm, V r az?T u a,m QU v ffc ba VN w im W A Wnt ii 1 1 W7tarMkiwwflMitM aw &. W.twnllmrnttif- w a . a.v I r no-w w It iw V8fWiidRrliBr.t. 7. 5 .&i,ri Ma.TTiBiu f. t.um rrzet :-gr yon Wrf m tear a hmrft T3 4 tmmgitSf ipi mafMn, 1 mv 1 i i. f iE. f ?5f fj iwiuuecji)ujvuic. 1 ki uuuu a umiiu; xesiuente. t, r, (ros; Cooaiu.A1.0mai5b 7-rr-ly RKD 1:1.(11 J T) - WKr-ict-i SOX BT atUGXSTm V "w' "-"-'-j -,-.. -r BHBHHBhtaj.BBBBBBBBB tbsTS T .