The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 03, 1880, Image 4

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Proprietor of tho
Drugs, Medicines.
Paints. Oils
and Varnishes.
A full 6ujjily of
Patronage nolicited ami thankfully received.
9Prcftcriiition carefully coinpoundedt
One door south of Garbcr'a r-tcre,
Nimble Six-pence.
Geo. W, Dow,
-ieali:r in
Groceries & Confectioneries,
Choice Tea. Coffee Suear Ac.
White Fish & Mackerel.
Gree. Dried and Canned Fruit. The ben To
baccos and Cipais. Flour and meal cod
aantly ou hand. Kkk, Hatter
and Wood
Taken in Payment.
I'vcrythinx warranted to lie a represented.
and I will do too good.
1st door north of uncus otSco,
Red Cloud, - Neb.
Moon 1 Caliender
General Merchandise,
Grocer ten,
Boots 4& Shoes,
Drug. Med lei ues,
Oils Varnishes,
A full line of everything kept in a general
store at the Lowest Cash Prices.
Moon & Caliender.
Flour & Feed
Corn, Meat. Bran Chopped Feed and
VL'it theRcdCIood Grocery. Feed and Pro -
vision storowhen you waat supplies for man or
Highest market prior incaah paip for jrratn
All kinds of country produce tiken sn axchangc
forKoode. Goodi delivered to nil parts of town
freo of charge.
Store aouth of Reed's Plow Factory.
Red Cloud,
Sew Store Ssw GQcdrifew Fries:.
Cheap t ClUap, Cheap!
Dress Goods
Women's Boots
Mi::s:Si Children': Boot:, cheap.
JSlens' & Boys"
IBaS & SHla. Cheap.
Hats Sd Caps
Ladies & Cliildrens Furs
in great variety,
Glieap, Chenp.
Comer Store
jr. ff. Sherwood.
-NICE and CHOICE articles a specialty.
- JJext tho eld Court House.' "Webster St,
The choicest of Freah arts. Sssfacw.
Fovkud everjtbJnria the lino that th ciar-
R V. It R Time Table.
Taklnr effect SunJay. Mar 23. 1SS0.
5 pin ITAST I X C i
6 :W7 AYR
7:: CiiwLKS
7 ;l? A.MIMiY
9.-0. ItLOiiMlXOTON
9 :3) I'KRTII
7 iV) OltLEANS
9 - OXfOKD
lrtWptn IN WAN OLA
8 :lUam
7 ;W
7 :3)
fi :J9
C A!
h :)
f, :JS
4 :
J t
5 :W
2 :i0
Kant and wwt bound freight train meet at
Red Cloud at 1:15.
Tnini daily, except Sunday.
A. E. Touialin. 0. W. Holdredre
Ueti. manftKer.
IK-'AI. AlVi:irn-T.MKNTS
in thin column will be charged ten cent- a line.
No mlvertifexncnt iniertcd tor ! than "-.jctnt.
Correspondence from all part of the cnnnty
solicited, oa matters of eci.cii.1 interett. JIakc
your letters rhort and to the loint.
The paper i responsible for the correctnes
urcor.lmc to copy of paid matter and iaid
Ictal. only.
A .'plendid rain bust week.
Mr. Abram Kalcy is quite nick.
Last Satin day was decoration day.
"What has become of the town cooler?
Did you ever see a matt to pour to get
The latent colons in Fayal hat, at
Mr5. Fowler's.
Someone stole the hand carat Cowles
a few days ago.
Mr rislu.r of Cowles. had a horse
stolen lat week.
Our Guide Rock correspondent
whoopeth it up again.
The cheapest Fayal hats in the city,
can he found at Mrs. FowlcrV.
Mr. Chan. Buhow. of HIuo Hill,
called on the Chief last Monday.
Quite a number of persons at the
court house last Monday, paying taxes.
Mrs. E. A. Real is, teaching her fourth
term of school in detract number 13.
Positively the largest slock of milli
neix ever brought to Red Cloud, at
Mrs;. Fowler'..
Two young boys indulged in a street
fight last .Saturday, which drew quite a
large crowd.
Reapers, headers and mowers are
now being got leady for sale by our
local dealers.
Morhart informs us that it wa.s a mis
take in regard to his being elected a
church trustee.
The recent good soaking rains have
had the effect of cheering everybody up
Mr. Magee and the editor of the Cmr.K
left last Monday morning for Chicago,
to see the elephants.
An old lady was in town las,t Satur
day looking for her runaway daughter,
who was supposed to be in a bagnio in
this place.
W.W.Cole, the well known circus
manager, exhibits a pair of Sea Ele
phants as an extra attraction to his
great shows.
It is generaly concecded that Hove
is the best natttred man in town. He
never bwear.s when he works at old
stove pipe. So saith deponant.
The festival at the M. JR. church
last Wednesday night was a. grand suc
cess, both socially and financially.
Everybody enjoyed themselves and had
a general good time, and $65.25 was
the result. m
A new school district No. 75, was
formed a few days since, from territory
o7the Ued CI Mliiliiit, oompn'rrl of
the following sections: Number 19, 2lr
2U and 3t, town 2r range 10, and sec
tion 24 and 25, town 2, range 11.
By permission of divine providence,
the M. E. church of lleiLCloud, will be
dedicated to thrtrship of Almighty
God; on the 13th of June, at II a. x.,
by Rev. T. B. Lemon. Other ministers
will be present and participate in the
services. All are cordially invited to
attend. Joi tx A. DtxoKr Pastor.
Last Thursday evening Sam'l. Gar
ber, Jr., was out ridingr when the horse
stumbled andfellr rolling clear over
the boy but jiliout hurting him- The
horse then started to run with the sad
dle dingling under his lly, ami his
gratesue gyrations and frantic at
tempts to "buck" the saddle off him
were anutseing to those who- witnessed
the performance.
In a few days the circus '.till be here.
It will then he in-order to mortgage
out cows or cooTc stoves and attend.
Times arc ejy JtnTtl 'and money
close, but we predict a. large gathering,
.yet the question will naturaly arise
when wc see the crowd, how many are
here, who rind it pay their
little-bills in town. It is claimed that
the Americans are "always on a chase
for cash, ami never enjoy themselves
as the Germans or English people do.
If this ever has been the case it is not
so now at least in the west, for while
the majority of our people are indus-
tenous and careful the success of all
places of amusement shows that as a
class, tliey lind time for a holiday.
Perhaps it is for the best, but would it
not be better to cultivate our taste for
good theatrical performances; rather
than for the ring and clown?
It is rather early to urge the claims of
any of tho numerous candidates named
for the assembly. All are good men, and
most of them are qnaliSed for the posi
tion, yet all can not be elected and
doubtlessly many of then are Mill igno
rant of the action of their friends in
presenting their names, StiU we infer
that but few, if-any, of ths pereous men
tioned would refuse to allow their names
to go before the convention. This early
discussion shows that the people are
generally awake and will support none
but the best Ben. Talk up your man,
the CniEP is in favor of tko beat man.
and of an oldfashibedr eaap Meeting
in wnicn every wan stags
A hip lot of 4th of July hnkt for fftle
cheap, at Mr. Lutz'.
J)own thoy no, good table- linen for
3U eta. a yard. A. ?. Marsh.
Thn V. C. T. Unioo meet tbi week
at Mr. Warrens, on Friday at 4 v. X.
Buy your millinery and fancy goods
of Mir. Lutz', the oldest and most r
liable millinery liotie in the city.
The Ladiei of the cinrega'iooal
church will give an entertainment oa:e
evening next week, of which due notice
will be given.
There will be a meeting of the Congre
gational church at the cnurt house on
Saturday at 3 o'clock, a No preaching on
the Sabbath at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M.
Sabbath School at 10.
m m
Local politicians hava already com
tneuced to figure on the chances of their
repctive friends for the Legislature.
Among the many names mentioned are
the following: H. D. Kinney, of Oac
Creek, Col. Hoover of Blue Hill, Dr.
Smith of Guide Rock. R. B. Fulton of
Walnut Creek, Geo. W. Knight Inavalc,
J. L. Miller, A. Kalcy, W. H. Strohm,
Will C. Ileilly and A. J. Ketioey of lied
Married At the homo, of the brides
father at Elm Creek June 1st. by Rev.
Geo. Bent, Mr. Wm. II. Robe and
Mi?s Frances C. Grubb.
On Friday, June 4th, the la-t day of
school, a picnic will he held on the
green east of Mr. Sam'l. Garbcr'a. We
cordially invite all the patrons and
friends of the school to attend. Bring
your baskets well filled. The Red
Cloud cornet band have kindly con-
.ented to furninh nm.ic for theocca-ion.
Addre-ses will be made by lion. II. S.
Kalcy and others. I'upil.s are prepar
ing a few dialogues and declamations
for the occasion. Croquet, base ball,
swinging, fishing, and fun generally
will be in order at the proper time.
A. L. Funk, Principal.
May 2Gth, 1S80.
Mit. Editou: As there i.s no one
from these parfs that writes to your
paper I will try and jot down a few
We had a little rain hist night and
thing.s look a little fresher than they
Fanners have all given up a wheat
crop for this year.
Our merchants are fceling'pretly blue
about the prosjrect of the crops.
R. A. Simpson, has Typhoid fever,
also Peter Ui lings i.s sick.
Dr. Lee, amputated two fingers i'ur
a little girl south of town the other day
The Dr. has got able to travel agaim
after spending about 4 weeks in bed
with a broken limb.
C. Mackry has just liad a wind mill
eroc'ted at hi livery stable. Crist is a
live man and will do a good business.
An Act For the Belief of Settlers ca PaMfer
Be it anncted hy the Senate and House
of Representatives of the United States of
America in Congre&s assemMed, That
when a pre-emption, homestead, or
timber-culture claimant shall file a
written relinquishment of his claim in
the local land-ollice, the land covered
by such claim shall be held as open to
settlement and entry without further
action on the part of the Commissioner
of the General Land Of lice.
Sec. 2. In all cases where any per
son has contested, paid the land-oflicc
fees, "and procured the cancellation of
any pre-emption, homestead, or timber
.culture,. he shall be notified by the
Register of the land-oflice of the dis
trict in which such land is situated of
such cancellation, and shall be allowed
thirty days from date of such notice to
enter said lands: Provided, That said
Register shall be entitled to a fee of one
dollar for the giving of such notice, to
be paid by the contestant, ami not to be
Sec. 3. That any settler who has
settled, or wlw shall hereafter settle,
on any of the public lands of the United
States, whether surveyed or unsurveyed
with the intention of claiming the same
under the homestead laws, shall be
allowed the same time to file his home
stead application and perfect his origi
nal entry in the United States land
oflice as is now allowed to settlers un
der the pre-emption laws to put their
claims on record, and his right shall
relate back to the date of settlement,
the same as if he settled tuuler the pre
emption laws.
Approved. May 14, 1SS0.
W. W. Cole's Electric Light Show.
"On Monday. June 7th, the famous
amusement enterprise will spread its
acres, of canvas temples in Red Cloud,
and for the-first time in this city will
lie placed on exhibition the wonderful
electric light and all its intricate ma
chinery. In each of the mamuvoth
tents are three groups of the electric
light chambers, which suffice to turn
tile darkest night to brightest day, and
the-eflect produced is both dazzling and
phenomenal, and the intense light can
be distinguished miles away. Among
the many other novcltws which the
ihownian promises tt bring are
those human pyramids. Captain ami
Jfrs. Bates, two giants who reach tho
r enormous altitude of eight feet and still
maintain all the physical beauty of
mankind. A troupe of six imported
stallions will also display thrr lugh
standard of education by executing a
number of military evolutions and as
suming various difficult attitudes, and
one'of them, wall leap over four of his
companions ai a single bound. The
mammoth Kansas ox weighing 3.100
pounds; is also an important feature;
and for the first time in this country, a
genuine imported Spanish bull will be
introduced m the ring; tins animal in
dulges in a realistic battle with his
trainer, and finally bears him. fronv the
ring upon his horns. Aside from these
fresh features 3Ir. Cole will bring- a
myriad of novelties in the circus line
which will more than sustain his well
known reputation fn this city. Tlie
menagerie in connection surprisingly
large; and Uking the show all in all it
i more than probable that its proto
type has yet to be established-
ere Owes iocs cosszspsrssir?.
Gcide Rcoc, Nebraska,!
May 25th, laSO.j
Red Cijocd Cnrnr:
I intimated in my ln.t communica
tion tltat many wore the long, un
broken, dark and di-iual path of dts
enmforture to Ute early pioneer. Yet
to all tho-e the brighter hop of future
dayJ .-eeiiiitl worth living fur, so al-o
the tiumlKTS of Mttleinent inrresv-cd
from thore I Ia.-t meutmuiil to v of
nhom I now spiik, and. to, no morr
noble -ottls could le added to our band
than were Father Kennedy, Thoma
Kennedy, Jarne- Vaughn, William
Finarnore antl' other.- who rame with
them, whoc names I can not jut rail.
Tho-e were the rtr-t .ettl-i of the
outh-we-t tnirt of Welr-w-r county,
who .-elected their lands and piuhed
their tent.- on the banks of the wild and
unnamed ftp-am, whtse waters perhair
had never before slaked the thirst of
the white man, and who-e bough- anil
bran elite never .-haded the brow of the
pale face. To that .-trcam they gave
the name of Walnut Creek, nearer by
thi way and. loo, who did help to
swell the title of imigration, i- located
George Ileaton, of him oii may tally
one. ami not two, as an old settler, for
he cut no .-mall figure in the early
settlement of u clMer count v. Orcater
bravery was never di-qdaved than
George exhibited in standing guard
over the baked eoon and corn bread
earned by the -weat of an hone-t
brow. George' Well do I remember
thoe tlay-J, for I assure you we had no
snipe on toast. Again, there are many
others who helped to fill the rank- of
earlv settlement; and whe noble
deeis of pioneer life are all equal to
those I have mentioned. Among tho-e
I refer to, are J a me.- Calert. I. It.
Hampton, Khha Wood. ml, William
lawyer, William Montgomery, Joseph
Hull, Allen T. Avers anil Nathan Aycr.
To tlnwe do no !e--- belong the trials
and lianlsiups ot the trontiers-man.
In that Jong line of inarch coming
west-ward, waa the corner stone of civi
lization, society, and the mo-t beauti
ful and gniiid of our land. Those I
must not forget. The noble and brave
women who were the foremost soul
diers in that battalion, shaking the
parting hand with parents and friend
at home, leaving their place of birth
and all their school girl days behind,
did you join heart and hand with your
liu.-imnu-', marching onward, ever
willing to aid and counsel, until you
reached thin distant land, equi di-t'ant
from the tornadoes distinctive breath
and the time of everlasting miow In
the very heart of the corn center of the
globe, the lap of liberty in which will
be cradled the millions yet to come,
and follow in your footstep, did you,
noble woman, help to pitch the pioneer.'
tent. iSatuies trccuom ami white
robed peace smiling hand in hand bid
you welcome. Your benedictions have
hallowed this ground.
When mated hearts are mutual
The spot where love's fiifit links weret
Is hallowed down to earth's profound,
And up to heaven.
.Of some of the old settler., where sro
they? Are we not too apt to forget the
noble dead? Who has gone before u-.
and upon the woof and warp of deaths
carpet we shall all be laid. Of tho-e
who are gone to that better laud, and
have cro-.-ed the stream of time ' all
earthly .-orrow, are Father Kennedy.
Thomas B. William-. William Ihice,
Mrs. Brice, all with many others have
fallen m to that dreamless sleep in
which everlasting peace ki-.-es down
their eye-lids still. And they fell on
the line between the aggrc-siv feet of
civilization and the red draggoons of the
savage. From our fir.-t settlement on
ward they have been coming, until to
day we have among us the noble C'er
man from the Fatherland, the French
man from Im lirllc France, the Hollan
ler, from the Zuider Zee, the Nor
wegian from the Scandienavian Range,
the Iri-hnian from Emerald Isle, the
Welshman from Lovely Wales, and the
ubiquitous Yankee indigenous to.every
inch of American soil.
Every nationality blends hi happy
unison in the heterogeneous whole of
Wch-tcr county. Of tho-e live brave
souls of our race that I have mentioned,
who hunted along the timber gi.-tcd
Uinks of the Repuldican and its tribu
taries, ten year.- ago, like a sentinel on
the out posts of civilization, with their
dogs and guns as their only com
panions. '.-IJ-nU'S TIII'K MST SIXKP.''
No, the spot where they built their
lonely camplire. rosted their venison
and traped the Beaver, hoping doubt
less that their hounds which licked the
dews of death from their brows, would
be admitted to paradi-e with the dog
of the seven sleepers, the Ram Unit
Abraham sacrificed in the place of
Isaac, and the as of Balaam.
Well, 1 am told that I write ferventlr
of the old settlers, but sav nothing of
the new-comers. Perhaps in this place
the hi-torv mav pause to congratulate
itself, upon the enormous amount of
wealth, oravery, wisdom, eloquence,
virtue, gentle Urth and true nobility
that appears to have come in to the
county since its early settlement, an
amount which the pride of ever pioneer
family lends its aid to swell, and which
would beyond all douU have found to
be just as great, and to the full, as
generous in giving birth to the long
line of noble defendants, boastful of
their origin, even though the county
had not been settled by the pioneers
who first settled it. A change of cir
cumstances which it is quite certain
would have made no diil'creitce in this
respect. There was unquestionably a
begining for to develop the civilization,
the wealth and the prosperity of our
countv. and of those who began so-wintr
the-seed that germinated and ripened
m to all that may have followed, I have
chosen to write, and others may come
in their turn.
Weil, friend Argn, do yon believe
that I am the ''under dog." as you ex
pressed it? Come, now, honor-bright,
do-you think so? Well, as to ray-self.
I have never tried to be any dog, I do
not believe that I belong to your breed
or species. I hope that there are still
higher and better traits to which the
mind of man may reach, than that of a
black-guard. As to your last argument
on the finance question, I accept it in
full, as all-convincing, and believe that
the people, of Webster county are fully
persuaded that you and the whole
county finance are on the road to
Davie Jones'. VALE,
whose first name Kenney says i net
Tlie Messieurs De Comas, a troup- of
acruil bicycleists, now witn . .
Cole's great circus and menagerie, have
invented an fngenioit? contrivance,
which is certainly devised, with the ex
press intention of breaking somebody's
neck, and it is more then probable tfiat
one of tho famous Be Comas vrrll he-
'the man that is laid out." Their per
formance consists oC titling ae ordinary
bicycle upon a wire something over
rlfty feet from the gronnd, and to this
is-attached a trapezofthe usual man
ufacture, upon which two-ot the broth
ers accomplish a number oF thrilling
exploits while the bicvele nder propels
them from one end ol the canvass to
the other with die velo-city otthe wind
Mn. KtiiTDti: I1cac rail attention to
the arnuigemrnL for Cuivcr-ity Com
mencement, a fojlo-n.:
Saturday evening, June 5, Anni
versary of the Cuiver-ity Union.
Sabbath evening. June ft. llaccnfature
atc Di-rourc by tb CrutncidlcK-.
Monday evening, June 7, AUMr5ry
of P.tlladian Scivty.
Tuodny evening, Ju:m ?t Uiu'vr-ity
address by Chancellor Hammond, of
I own State Unhersity.
Wedne-duy, June l. 9 o'clock, a. m .
rttxtMl'VCKMI-NT KXltRTI-R-,
All the cxerciao will bo held hi tb
Opera IIoue.
Arrangement-- are made with thn
different Railroad- thnt all wh-t tid
the ExcrcL-iv, ami luive (Mtid full
in corning to Lincoln, may return at
one-fourth faro. ujoti a certitiil'
i-Mied by the Chancellor. Th-eritu!n
tickets arc good until June 17.
E. B. F.iinniu.x.
Lincoln, May 21, 1S50.
New Hoods and .-mall profit.-, at Mr-. 1
I .tit..
Window and door wire -croon- at
Joito- t Magee's.
Indies suit.-, u!.-ters and underwear
constantly on hand, at Mrs. I.utz'.
For the be-t chewing tobacco in town,
go to W. B. Ruby's.
Wire .screen for doors and window.
can be had at Joue.- Sc Magee's.
Ju-t the thing for circus days, at Mr.
I'eachblnw potatoes ran now be had
by calling at the -tore ot W. IJ. Kobv
Genuine Corn Cob and plug tobacco.
'Good enough" for anybody, at Rnhy.
For the hot confectionery, fre-hot
and finot oranges and lemon-, go to
SrKAWHKitWE? W. B. Roby will have
a case of frh straw bcrrio on hand
each evening.
If you want wire screen- for your
doors and window.-, don't forgot to call
on Jones t M.igee.
If vou want to get rope at bottom
figurcr go to the "'old reliable" stole of
Sam'l. Garbcr.
You can save 25 per cent on your
money by buying your goods of A. S.
Mar.-h. Come and see for oiirsclf.
"First class" goods, "first das-" trim
ming, and "first ejus." satisfaction
guaranteed, at Mrs. Lutz'.
Chas. E. Putnam, of the Flour t Feed
-tore, ha- jnt received a ear load of
choice Peachblow potatoes from Iowa.
These potatoes are offered cheap, call
and see.
I)e Soto spent the be-t part of hi
life in a fruitless search for the Foun
tain of Youth, V. B. Rolv. being more
fortunate than the obi Spauiaid, ha
found the "FiHintain" tobacco, the best
line cut in the market. tf
Now that fly-time is at hand every
one .should endeavor to be as free fioin
the annoyance of these peri-ent little
pots as po-sible, ami should yo at once
to Jimes .t Magee- .uid purchase wire
screens for doors and windows. -Jl-tf
M.rjtii:i: At the Upland patronage,
.lewcll countv, Kan.. Mav 7th, isso.
by Rev. J. '. Walker, 'l.'.-v. Lewt
Barr. of the Nebraska cinifer:ier.
.tikI Miss Pruadia T.S.-ttelfe, both of
Rel Cloud, Neb. Superior Guide.
Market Rkport.
to rues.-.
Cottx, ...
n so
3 00
Dissolution Notice.
The co-p-ulucrt-hip- heretofore ex
isting between Thorna- J, Ward and
Ora R. Kverett, doing business in the
town of Cowles, Web.-ter county. Neb.,
under firm name of Waxjl.-t Kverett, i.s
this day di.-solvjiV-ry""niiitual consent,
all persons irtuebted to said firm are
requested to settle with Ora R. Kverett
who will continue the husine-s and is
authorized to collect and settle claims
due said Jim.
.Mar 12th, 1380. Tnorvs J. Wakd.
41-W-3 t. R. KvEitinr.
Spuing Vai.lby, 25th, 1S50. Nonr: L- hereby given, that
we will not be responsible for, or pay
any indebtethress for, or on account of
sub-contractors, except irpon our writ
ten order, specifying amount and time
of payment. Also we will not be responsible-
for the payment ,ofInHr of
subcontractors employer::. to any
greater amount than may be oing
to sub-contractors upon estimates for
work done, and all claims for labor
must be made to us, befor payment fif
estimates", or the will be deemed and
held to be waived.
Reynolds & fAri.r.u'Gii.
Spring Vallcv it Fairburv Div., Kep.
Valfcv R. K. " 40t-8
Go to Putnam for shnde trees.
Trimmed hatt Tocts. and upwards, at
Mrs. Fowlers.
Buy your White fi.-h Mackerel & Cod-fi-h
of A. S. Ma?-h.
A nice line of fancy Ribbons and Tics
at Mrs. Powjerd.
The highest marked price pnid for
Eggs and Butter. A. S. Marsu.
Wall paper in great vericty at
A large line of elegant dress buttons at
Mrs. Fowlers.
New goods every week. Don't fail to
get prices. A. S. Marsh.
Window sharks and fixture, at
Brown's larnHore store.
We open thi9 week a new .-rock o.
Dry Goods. A. S.
Men's boots and pIot .-hoes. New
goods at a borjiirr. Marsh has them.
Don't forget to put out trees, Putnam
has any amount of tbcra.
Headquarters for Sun Umbrellas, Par
asols &. Fans at A. S. Marsh.
Go and see tbe fine stock offurnrtcre
at Brown's, before purchasing elsewbwe.
Ladies call at Mrs. Fowler and see the
largest stcck of mjliioery goods in the
If yon want Hat's trnnraed in the very
best manner, go to Mrs. Fowlsrs yow will
be soiled.
Go asd see goods, and price?, before
buying, at Brown's farnitute and wail
paper store,
Crowa Jewell Patent Sour, can always
be had at the store f Cbas. E. Putnam.
The beat Soorin the valley.
We are ld ro learn that C. E. Put
nam kas wade arrangmenta to seppjy
trees, Cottonwood, Ash, and Bozelder in
any quantities large or smalL
Mr. Montgomery regularly deals out
fresh Bilk te the JnbabiUnts of Red
Cloud. Milk deli.ered every day. Sun-
dya not excepted.
O R O ."NV IST !
Not the Croa of Kinr nor tb Cravn
of Glory, bat :JeCroo S-nr fjn
lb? lalct. and bct r&Mrbioe is the Mr
let, it mH py you to cad t tl iV
OfHcc and c it bfr roti j3rlK
Ferine by M. . .Mc.N'itt
My22 I -rt tSm1 ttrWn 4nrr.
Red "1-Mtai Nrh To ) in ltr
f Hnrv K obrnr. Mrtt. Mo, ()no
drwn .v p thn. o
d:!-l Ajtril 27lh. IrM. t $J5tU, j
drwnbycDH j
Reduction in Wall Paper !
N"W t- tbf tline t.i a; x ,11 ul4-r l
Br,. ii. urttitiir.' . . u.e pn
b.-l M relu-.I f.,mi ne t ! n "eti"-
on a r.
4i j
Money to rrovp up with on Sail c- I
cript, or on deided hnd at yx. cent. :
atxl 1-C'J per ceit. c"Uiuion. or at j
straight ! t cent, no tvnitmvin. ! R. Wiiiro.t. 1
Office next door to Cincr orTtcc. ZnH
Final Proof Xotices.
,VtW Lftr eitrn Ihil ti tlUin J
lnilr Jul vtf b i'f-.rt f h rl&lnt .il
rt f b rl&lnt il
.rf..... IH.I ..,.fr .&.B.K..t r - f .u. A T"..l
lr eUrk of tbrrurt f rt Ut4r -nty N.W.
t the euanty ct u tnlar Jnlr Jt.. l
7 J'-.u. sw i
trtacat N '
Henry Srl en DrtaniVrT
ti- .V V.-.l. .. v.. ... .. i i ..k.
j 's ;.rt& , ?c. i. I or:li '
.-.. i ur 'iih - ..r.H . r.fc , Mr l.'ja i
llDfV. to (irMVe runtlatinii, rt.xl'ttr vi3
xmJ cujitttion of !! tre!. u Joan I't.lin
John Srlr. Cieotif llraton att "hirr tBt
a!1 f lattale Wr:r 'Vapt NKrk ,
june3 jtibl. j. W. -.iVIT'Kll.Rccltirr.
LanI0Sir"it llWminrtwn. Nrb Mr 2Vh. !W
tlr i hereby clvcn tt thr f..lirr
B'nl cttlr b f.'l nutK' ( hi lotntkn l
rr.r S'ul rrr-if in .ujn.rt "f fc.. .... .ml
frup fin-l mtrr thrte(. fm f t. .e m Ir br- I
Int- Ullft a. lullr... t irk of th nrl f
Wf.trr.-nntv. at hi n&fr. n lt-l 1 Umi.
Nr.. cu s.atorl.r. June ii;,. m t,.
HarUn W I'.rV. Ifl t i!i-j-n N- T.
fr th outi nt iurtir. rtMn IS. ta I.
ranz IJ wr.t. mmI tiiim the f'll-wirn as hi
ittic"r. in irr r.nti U'. t" lo- a ami
cutttrntKin ! iil ... rir l'r H.irDl.s..-.
JictthC. AtlUn.i. Nrlfun llart.rtt ".fxi 1-Jtr
W.Ti.tlr. at! of .VpJ.. N..
taay-TjuacM S. W. SWITZKit. Krlt,r.
Land OlSrc t Rlootntnrtnrj Neb May 17i!i. lv
Notii-e ia hrr-y rirn that tbe fullnwisc frtilrr ha Slr-1 notirr : hi. mtrntton t
m.iVr Onl tr.iof in ntt'rtof . nJ
ttcutt fitul cTry thrrr.f l.rfrrr Jam- . Tnl- I
Wyt. rl.TK of court In i!!frfouii) at hi -f-fi-f
in Hci CliJU'l Nct.. uri .-atunl.). Jane 1.
1-A vix;
Atliru't I.. "otr. IIM. entry No 2J. fnr tj
K S W '. awl W ', S: ... . 3 ,s.
mwo 11 wi-t. rti'l birai tk folU-wmc j ht
wttnr.r. to tr- poiiiihui.u rrMilrnr n a-.l
rtiltivati"n if nM inn fif Wil un Vcli,.
Fri'ilrirli Wohhrrinan. Amrut W tiH.riqi amt
AnlrfT J. KinncoVrr. all .. 1 C i lu I Nbr
u-.iOU'sr-i; S W .SW I r.IJR. ICsi.r.
Laml OC:ce.t lllMimiiipin Nrb M:).llth, lisi).
Nitt- i herrhy cif lb. Iluin
samrt pttltr li- W I ntttioe of l,i to
ninletitil priMij rn upcort f hi rUnn. atnl
rcurc finril titry tbrrrf. lxfore thn clt r .4
court .t Wrlrttrr .untv. Srhr at th rt.uttt on J-atunlny the l.'tb i of June. lSi. vo
FnHrieh Wol.brrtuni). II. nieMrail Unit So
1C.W for the '.mili-wc't 'pnrtrr rwu n 2B.
town I. rm.Krll we.t. nl tutnr the tctl-trini
:i hi, vriitnrn'r. t prove r. iitirif.-n rri tpHce
Ut"n un.l rulttrntion of .ul iTirt, tli t birl.
(iii.t. Lndwu Wnlirr. 'Larlr Wutibrmiti and
AurtMl Woi.ticrman all t f Ki-I t "Uu .NP,
m.-i.njuaelu -.. . .-,W ITZKH. Krifi.ter.
I.andOiTire nt IMoomiriKton N. Jf.ty lih. IS H.
.Voticn i hrr!.y p un that th follotvinr
n.iini-l -rltler t.- tll.t n-tir of In- intention to
vj.l;e tin. 1 1 proot in cupi-irt ol hi 'laitn. nrnl e
cure cmry thcrcf. I) J mu- .Tul
ley, rlerk of th. rotitt of Weltr c untr at
hu ...Th-' in Roai'loud. Nrb. on r-nJay. June
Ith. lsv. vir:
Krnrt Miller, of Ittup Hill Nrl. IIM .,.rV..
tion 1711, f r the northr it ', ee llt'.vn I nnee t
intM,niw i.amos n.r lullowinca ln wittn
cs to prove eoiit;- unu rti.rnr on and cultita
ti.m ot fni.l trad. ir Albert lihiinrnlbal.
Ausu't I Moenteii. and i'rttt
H- allot Hue II II Nib
injtyuncl S. W. f TctTira. llci'trr.
Land OCce at liloomincton N'h. .V.iy -Ith. H-l.
Sotir- ii hereby civen that the followinc
named settler ha file I r.otjre ot hi inUntihn to
make final proof trifupport of hin elaim. and
ecure final entry thereof h.'fre Jamr A Tul
Irrc. elrr ot thp efiurf in W.ocff, .tmni. , V...
oGire in Uel Lloud Neb., on SaUinia) J.neMh.
Abt.iiom Rutler. IIM. apptiettion N-. 11'.
Utr thn iiortb-wtft uuari-r. .-e". Is. town I.
r.tnscll wei, ami n;un- the fnlloumr m hi
wit'ices. in r ivu coktinot'iM rr.jd'n.-e upn
and cu livation of rail trart ii: S'
N .liuan ptiiiirrr. iimrert . lllown.
and llJ. Wells, all ot W'dt. Ncli
uiat;jun.l . W. SWIT.KH. Itexiatrr.
". n""T--
Land Office at I'loomingtoa. "-b.. ilty Mi. 1V).
'"ompliint hvinc been enter! at tbi 'fljffl
by tiroTV H. Well. aint Nexinn J, I'.i-rrll,
for abandoning hi Timber Cuituro Hitrr N.
'JM'i. dated lleeea.ber Cth. 1S"S. nrwjn th NorUi
Knt '. Sccti m K). ronhtt2. 10 ) .
in Wetoter eounty. Nebraoka. with a vjex t
tnc eanreilntion of raid entrj: the rud parti
are hereby win in cried to appear t tni Olll'-e on
the 13th da of Julv. 1S-1). at '.' o'clock a. . to
respond and furnun tejtiinuuy concarniot laid
alleged abandonraer.
Oko. ". Uoi;?r.T, 3. "T. SxiTita.
lleceirer. ltejiter.
By virtue nf an rxecntiin ined hy Jarne
A. TuJIey. Clerk cf thn Putritt Conrt of the
"iflh Judicial iM'trici in and for th t'onnty of
Wcbiter and tateof Nebraska, and to me d
livcrol. in favor of t. H.A S. J. MeCormi-k
plamtitT. and seaint W. K. Fuller defrndant. I
luave levied on tbe foltowinc dejenbed od.
and ehtttcl.i. . the propwrt' of the id W. 11.
Vulltr. to-Tjtt One Mc"orniiek harvester and
relf-bindir. which I ball ejrHJj'at putvcle
to the hiche-t biilder. for cah, in front of Al
bert Hlumentlia1t floon in Illun Hill in iid
county jo tbertli day of June. l.-0. at 'J o'clock
a. in., to .atify aid execution and cost.
Dated the J6th dy of ilay. 1H7.
maJ7juD'JI Joi, W. Wiiek.. Sheriff.
mmtiti.! i mi it
Hy rirtne of an oriI"r f wle ined oat oft
tbe Ditrict Court for the Itb Judirul Pi.trict. I
insnator ebter coimry. ebrak. npoa a
decree of forccloturei in an action wherein
Whteler A Wilon Mannfietnrin? t'orupa-'y i
plaintiff, and Jame- K. Hull and Alary K. Bull
are defcndanU. Ia aocrdeicj aid oniT
I hall offer for rale at tublianc'.ia. at tbe e ir
door of the Court Hone. in ltd Oi d. of ?id
county, en Stunlae. the Vdh day of June. A. I.
I'M!, at 1 o'clock in tbe ailTOOon the follow tar
decnbel property to--f j
The wet k-elf afthe horth-we qaartT. and'
tha wen halt of the outh-we5t qovter. ot S-e.
twenty. OiiTowu'hip tao, (2) i,orth of Kacre I
t-clve'12j wet. or the rixth I. t-in aid '
county ot IVeb'ter. and rtte of N'ln'ka. '
tiren udir my hand ttij 15th day of May.
l-.S. J. W. WAltltKN.
mayJaaeSt HheriiL
Wherear Henry Jennicr arrd EJitaVeth Jrz- J
av-r hi wife, parent nnd lawful ccrdenrtof t
Sarah Rowland a minor, did on tbe 17;h eay of j
May 1?M). make at aleaeatia wntmrdaly ora j
to and raltjcnoe-J in the preene) of two witne-
rj before rac. C. W. Kaley. County Judce in and 1
for -e!:tr court Nth., that thy volanur'l '
relic'iuub. all riht to tbe eutly and f-ower i
aa.1 sotjtril over rarah lUnrtwi. a nsinor ehild. j
to the end that the said .arah Rowland iall fc
fally adopte-i by W. K. Jackoa. of I'.ed asd
Nebraska. j
And whereth- arj W.'t:. Jac'oon did orr;
the same date sake a natement ir wntinr daly
swore to and ubcnbl hfor! me ia Ice pre" -ence
of two witse&e that hj freely aad Tf.tao- ,
tarily aiop tb said .Sartb itowlao'l a hU owa
child, and has made application to thi ctrsrt '
fsra cereeorlrVicrm accorlasca witi :4
lost taentioacl natemesi.
Now therefore all trera iaterrte-I in aid
matter are commanded :o be and appear beforw
ae tkarle W. Kaiey. Coanty Jadre in arl frr
Web-terenuaty.oatae Wdy or June. A. U.KW.
to (how CMsr it aay tbr? be why aa dtcree
ihould not be zrasted. AnJ puM.catlwn hereof
ball he made in tht Red Ciowi Chic-, a papr
patli'heJ aad of xecerai eircvlatioB. in atd
cotraty far three eunec3tiTe treeki from date
lated at Red Cioad. Neb . Mar . A- D. US-J.
County J a 'fa
la aad for Webster Co., 2ebrala.
2I0TIC3 77 TSiC
Notice ii Tiersby gi. that I wOI txjuciz
easdidate for teaeaerj of tie prisary or)
com aeon .chools of Webntcr county, at Hed
Cloal oa the first satsrdaj is toe m'ctcioi
Kehraary. Jay Aursn aad 2OTeraber: At
Bine II ill on ue tm sararday in the month of
Jaaary. April. JaJy aad October. At Gaid
..March. June. Spt3br aad Deccabw-. j
j Bncgmez99aik.ii.l
JtocK oa tee fimt sataraay is tse seostat oi
Havinc Bought the
owned bv N. (. Liclciw
I will offer them to the
room lor N h dOODS, Gonsistingot
; ,
ib tone ware, (.rnrtrrv
, -
Stock ol SiiEar, Coflcc,
- 7
nana. Lome and
gL .
j ) G f ,0 LT t)
1 1JSSO.
your attention to the Largest,
and Gheapest Stock of
. i o
e can
In the Republican Valley. 4
Years of experience in the trade, has taught U5
the wanes ol the Farmkrs of this great
j Convinced that in vour
of all, we oiler vou
Eastern Manufacturers.
Drills, Seeder Corn Plows with Seeder attach
ments, Sulkv Plou's, Stirring and Breaking
Plows, Marsh Harvester,
I Whitney Marsh Hinder,
market, Randolph Header, Newton Wagon,
Buggies, and all kind ol
We -bll kparc no efforts to advance tb5 InforrC nf turr (atotnerii.
happy to hnw our (ood. (live u r call.
We Have also a Large Stock: of
Barbed Fence Wire, Staples, Nails
j All kinds of TIN, COPPER, asd SHEET
j IRON WORK done on short notice.
Call and Examiner Goods, and get Prices
Red Cloudy Apfil 2th,
Kntirc Stock at Goods,
.deceased,) at Auction,
Public at Cost, to make
1 Glassware. A hill
Tea's and drved fruits
t - i i I I
see me at i.uiavs oui
Success lies the interest
the best products ot
the brst machine in the
- Nebraska.
h4V f
3- .
k-&-K "t"-.7 - .
aanwi imir .Tmaijriii m