jtwtn ... wi n'f Siereta&c jisas -1 . m-fllM -I lf .JOB WORK ; ED CLOUD CHIEF Cloud Chief. The Red TR rCBLTPnED EVERY ThDHRPAY AT S5D CLSTO, i:KU.SKA. V ,M. I,. THOMAS, Cdiinr fititl Proprietor. isurrtt TV ? I TWt 'Eta-nal n-filaiice in iie pries- of Liber;;" end SI-JO a irrtr h the priee of the lied Cloud Chiif. fEUSS:-- $1.50 & jcir If paid is Advance. EAST VIA THE h!c&go Until -Into. 1,330 MILES OF HOAX). III i tbc SlIUKT.furf and.S.rii ront- between Council Bluffs AND CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE nnd all point LAST and NORTH. ITew Ycri:, liT.adelphia, Sector, Waaa- iajtcn, 2a!o, jPittcfcnrgh, Cincinnati, Centred, Tcrcnto, Eetrcit, Clcave- laad, Coluatus. It oerr the traveling publio Greater Facilities ! ANJ Rfiore Advantages ' lhan any otl.cr road in the wttt. Itii.t!i-O.VLY ROAD between ttuticil l.hcfir :u:l Chicago V Lp 11 ln-h ii rnn PULLMAN HOTEITCABS ! Id addition to thc.aeniid t'i please nil clafe of (ravrlriF. it civ. t- 1 1 R? 1' Ci A--r M V.A LS at its 1-A'llNt; .- 1 ATJ 0f. at .7) cents .-nch. Its Trace is Steel Bail ! Its ccacfccs arc tie Finest ! Its Squipaent First tlass I Its trairs arf all l'niiiMiocl with withnirhrakes. MillerV ( uidrlnnd till modern tuirrov-ment-! all ol which combine. Psrbiit Fastest Bpcecd! Sire acd close Ccu-C5t:ca3 ! And cv er thinir u jnurttifccr ran desire tn tu:i(.c a jfiuriipy QUICK IMmkiiu t CO.MFOKTAHLK1 Dullman Sleepers on all Nilit Trains ! it is THR People's Favorite Route. At Council l.lnlfc h 'IhrouKh Train? of tas Chir.'i A North-U -tern ami the Union 1'ii itr.c K.isl.vajH ici;irt tiotn.iinivcat ind life tht! iiin-jiiit '-nion lrjot. If vm wish i!ir 1ct trav-iiin nccoininoiliitions t :i ivill bi:y ur tii-kois by this Route TAnd ILL. TAIvI NUNIS OIHKR. All Tictet Agcnt can sell you Throcgli Tickets via this Iisad and cnect usual Bagasc Trzi Sf Charge. Oxuiu T"krT m n,s."-ir.2l F.iruain Street lir. I4tli. and r.t Union Vn-iS.- I)Cot. Coumil hliit Ticket Oflico C.r. Rrodwnyand i'c.il trn-is . A .n -W. R'y Depot, and I iiinn I'.i-iti-Trm-fT I-tot. . l)envtr "ifTicr-l n Colorado Central and Union I'a-ifioTi-K.: sini. f. Pan rra'.cio D:Ii'c-i New ..lor.tcomo'y bt. Tor i: fornnt'on. folder, map, etc . Uut oli tnim hlc at lloini- Ticket Oiriccii. n,.drc?i any asent f the Cjiniitnj. or H&LVIS aUGSiTT, W. H. steithstt, Gen'l Mai.ncer. Ovu' l'as. AKent. Chicco. III. nit. SEC CtROTESERS, HKAl'Ql ARTKia FOR Ipl Wis, 9is. lows ft Amsrieu itS, iKWIIVfi ITIA?IIOES. ortAY'3 i-PtCtFIC MEOICINC T??A0E MARK. T:i orrw W TRADEMARK. KZ'& l!,0", v'mt v- . a tn oit.M J Ti- ,, rf Flf- t-zi til d4r I'.crorrTaVlnc. ij.. t.t..- Artr TaViaff. )(.ri;lli.mti:vliioi pin to ibr? ciBBff T-f'n. Trn ure 0" Ar n1 bt :"r tiM lkl U.l I. lu.inll; r rimp-ln. rS fttvitcrf Ort't p j-u'J 7i'ilra'r In -.r r?-pr!i;. whiah i &wn .! ' k ' t . C7"TM "rilflf Mrllml c:4 by :l J"' tt rr rritf. er ilr ptkn ft ji rr will t xat trrt fc all oo ryt l 6 ntj T fc"",u,TjtK k.t rr.nfrtsr. ro.. Ucaica Eiacz. Oiracrr. Yird. 3 Kold in Red t'loml and srerj where by all l)rucsi-. i-l-ly GOOD NEWS, Quick Tituel Through Trains I Close Connections 1 No Delay ! Burlington Route ! To Chicago and The East. Lowest rate" of Fare will be made. Thronch Car? will be run from J. JI.Tointi rn fcnuthi"ji Netiraka to i.'hiMKo. A ttn minufes connccfioa. will bo made at Pa ilfi" JuiietioTv . . AtClllCMtO cln?o connections will alwayi bo made to the at..-outhc.it end north. . leepinp car benb- reserved at the Lineolr ti;keto:ucc by leleprajdi or on applicato. from J'ouri Kivcr to Ch:cano. TO ST. LOUIS AND THE SOUTH. Thf burliuKton route have a system of throush rieeppw and clu?e conneeticti between the Miour! Kivcr and St. Loui I'.i-enner- takins tbi v& have tbc ben ol jicctiiamodatioiif. Pullman slceper raiu rcgu rly irom Mismri River to St. Louis. TO I'EOIUA. INDIANAPOLIS, CIN ClNNATI. AND THE SNUTI1-BAST. 3"Thi i?the only reliable route tf the Jonth at. jnnection are ma-e at Peoria with-tho T P. .t W. and I. b k. W. Railroads for Indian apolir Cincinnati, fsluwbu". and all central nnb houtht-ru Ohio. Kcn.ucy, soutkern Indiana. DIlIIHCr CAIiS. Good ileals at 75 cents. Tnv---jcw?pr jcw,-lW'i- trr S2i?o3a i AVhcn voc ?o eat be sure and trsvel ever toe A- T: A M.line- if you wish to teSAFE and coin tor table and defiro to iravel speedily. A. E.lOrZALIN.- P LOW ELL. . (Ien'1 maaaser. Cen IFtiTUft If You Want Bargains Call at Xewhouse's, where you can get White Goods. Gingham, Shirtinc, Dress Goods, Elanne!?, Doeskin, Jeans, HoMcrj', Carpets, Hauiburgs. Toilet Sels, l?nnhes. Toy?. Groceries, and a great variety of other gooda very cheap for ';'lStr.bc.c,0ied m' - -,$ i'. ewiiouss. vol vi r. ? DSINESS I) 1R ECTO II Y. O. C. CASE, ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Office one dooi north of Garbe's More. ?.SD CLOUD, 122 Collection1" made and promptly remitted J. S. GILHAMJ ATIOKNKY AND COUNSKLOK A. AT LAW. Office ovr ilnr worth Xif Kahy Drnx. RED CLOUD. - - - NEB W. C. REII.LY, A TTOUNKV AND COUNSEI.OK ATT.ATV. r.riir rsEAi ETA-rrj jqezt I'.ed Cloud. Neb. CPrOEPjt Attention OJvm to Collection;. Ofr:cr- with C. II. I'OTTKR. at KeJ Cloud Dniic fitori. Edwin C. HaVvj.ky. ATTOUNKV AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office over Farley's Drug Store. EZD UIOUD ITZ3. J am us Laird, ATTOUNKV AND COUNSKLOK AT LAW. A .lUNIATA, - Ne- ViII practire in all the CocrV or Jlie State. I'rnmjit attention ciren tn !1 buoin"' rntnited to In can;. Offite rjn the eot ide JumaU Avenue. :ull- II. P. Kai.v.y. 0. W. Kalbt. Ucd Cloud. Neb, J. j. Kai.f?. JlonlV!lc",' Zt ebriska. KALEY BROS., A1 TTOUNEYSAT LAW A UKAL MTATi: AOUNTrf. Will practice in all the Court. in Nel;raVt and uorthtrn KanraK; collection" irmptl7 at tended to and correspondence r olicitcd. I ED CLC'JD. Nebraska. Alo. Accnl for R. .1 M. R. Ind. H0MCE0PATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. IVnfiion Surgeon. 53t0kfice ovkr Kaloy Hros. law office. EFD CLOUD. HEfcHASEA FJ,S3EE:T a. hall i?i. i. Physician&Surgeon, RKI CLOUD, KKH. Harint; located pTlnnnctitly at thi? place. T tvill attend to tll c:i(, d.iy or iiIrIiI. 'ffi e for the pn-feni at Farley's Duk itore: at nipht at hix rtidncc o'8r CwliDuifcf Store. 19m3 j. ill. itsosen'a.. i?l . -KLKCTIC Physician and Surgeon, Rr.l CLOUD. NCR. Will r-ny i"tiecial Htientin to Obstetrics and Iiscre of wn-Ali irenral and t-ptcul ynrcerv. Diseases ol thu I e mid I ur. 'hnrKCs tiiuUerate. OCice over horer DrtiK S()r. i-t-y ""jAsTlTI. VaMjK!VIER. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, (ALIOI'VnilC .-CIUKL.) Trojupt attendapcc on all calls iu the practice of nieiii'iiicd or surgery. COWl.l - - vr.KTJAsi; . J. W. .MOltAXVII l.L. 1 . 1 . .MOUAW ii.li:, cowt.rs. skh. ajirov, vtn. MOKANVILLE I?IIOS., P rac ticing F hyslclans. C()WLI! A AM1MY, NLi:SKA. .411 rrofp-'i'nal calls ill receive our prompt ncdcarolul attcnticii. Ointi Dr. H. A. Baird, RESIDElfrTJDElTTIST. KE1 CLOl'D, - XERRASKA. V. . R:chardon. S. Garber. Eichardson & Garter, DEALERS IN JLIVJC STOCK. RET) CLOUD. SEDttARKA. IliKhcPl market price paid for hoc? and cattle. .1. K. Smith S. C. Smith M.R.THitnsov. Pre-". First Nat. Cah. Firt Lnte T Iter Fim Hunk. Reatrice Nat. Rank Nat.mtikne.it- i. l!.. T7&I. .. Met. Neb. ileatrrco Keb. rie Neb. r x Ipllp rs & hompscn, BANKERS, RED CLOUD, NEB. Will wake collection hi anypartofthe Uniteu Statri-Sell exchance upon the prince pal eastern oitie Lean money upon improved farms Receive depo its subject to sight draft" Aiinw intprost ui en time depottoi Kitd tran- i acta ccneral Hanking busicers. Ustrrkccs: Omaha National Han. Ar S.-P'addeck. U. .S Senaton First National Rank New Tork. Camhri Ice Valley National Rank, Cambridge New York. ORfl AHA Sample Room, 0 JOE. 'JACOBS. PnorEiKTOR. TWO DOORS WEST OK ROy's HOME. Keeps on band the bet brand of Wines. Liquors. Reer. Ale. and fine Cipxrs. A share of the public patronage i. olicetcd. COOK, PROPRIETOR RED CLOUD . Drug Store, And Dealer In-" Drugs, Medicines; Paints, OILS VARNISHES. Allfroodj in my Line kepi constantly on hand: and to -which 1 invito the attention of the public. i.,1 HENRY COOK. umm i i Feea SrSfile Stable j J.- I. Post,- Prop. It ED CLOUD. RED CLOUD. WKBSTEKC'O. NKI'.RASKA. THHiSIUY. THE CHIEF. EDITOR. TIIlRJ)AY, Jl'XK 3, 1SS0. of the Jti'irning to an imprts-iimotl ap peal for the cau.-o Of the niimnity, he ' electrified the convention by a bur-t of eloquence unlike anytliinj; ever heard iu 'ebra.-k.i mil, and which would have been worthy of Inersoll hini.-elf." niSSaSGLLOirBALVAUOlf. On Sunday evening Iii1roll enter tained more pcoph for full two hours and a half than Wn ever before pack ed within ihc walls of DoothV theatre, New York. Every possible, scat was occupied, and nil jioible .tandin rrcm utilized and thouaix! clamored for ndmi-vMon in vain It was Iner sollV iir.it nirinCfa new lecture, which he call "What Shall I Do to be H.trrd?1' It was prtsilively electiic in effrct, ac cording to all the Ncv York papers' reports htiniorou.-s, declamatory and patln'lic upon occasion, and all the periods well pointed. The lecturer pointed oat what a roat m;iuy people were doini; tf be a"rpd. aitd .shook hi he4?d at all the pious methods, t-ayin, "It won't do!" His plan, which he in troduced at the clo-e of his discourse, I is very short ami .-imple. It cou-d.-ts i in prcervinji health in body and mutd, and tranmittin; health down Uic line of dcccndcnts in providing and pre prin; :mm1 tbhii"' tt vat, nud cjtlin m:l lli- denions jfbumjer and .starva tion; in cu!tivaiimjch"erfuhie?s instead of morbidity, and -ilencin the aternal talk of ollins, shroii(L, tomb-t(tnes and J toe worm Hint never die. Prcf. lice's Theory of Cyclones. In reporting the result cf liis olcr vatiotis alimp tlio track of tlic torundo nhiuh proved so fatally dpSmictivo at ilarlificld, .Missouri, Prof. Ti'cp, St. Louis, rxprcsted thu opinion th.u a!i such whirlwinds, so called, are electrical storms, not wind storm?. There w.-ii. he says, no wind attcudin the Marh. Geld tornado. Amoni: the eviiloncc of ihu elect ilea I nature of that .tonn he no e.j the fact that it dc-troy.d evcij huiidinz that had tin roof or which had any metal of any Kind in it roof. In Mnrdifield it dused directly over several buildings with shingle rool.- and tore to fraetnents others, not more cxpoted, which had metal roofs. A mill, siimted over u quarter of a milo away from the centrs ol the cyclone, had its iron chim ney torn oitt and carried a lori di-tHtice, while the mill itself Miffcrey very little damage , The cupolo of the public .-chool building at Mnr.-difield, which had a tin roof, was wrecked, but the buildim, which was roofed with shingles, was not injured to any extent. Even more conclusive and remarkable, bethinks' weie the phenomena manifest ed in connection with trees and shrub bery. The bark was stripped from the trees and bushes not alone on those side exposed to the force of the cyelone, but on all sides. The ends of the branches were not only denuded of their leaves aud bark, but were lilted into line libers, so that they presented the appearanej of little brooms. The active a?ont in such caes, he insist, va not wind, butelec tricity. Under its iiiuucncc the sap un der the bark was instantly converted into vapor gas, expuudinc two tbotisaud times in volume, and, as by an explosion threw off the bark, shattered the trunk, and split the green twis into fibers. That this is what took place is ho says, c-nclusivcly proved "by the fact that the dead and dry limbs and twigs were not affected, and though in immediate contact with the green ones, remained intact.' General evidence of the electrial chir ncter ol all tornadoes is found by Prof. Ttce in the circumstance that, as a rule, they follow railroads and water courses, and either begin or expend their greatest energy upon them. This, however, may be only a matter of topography. Rivers and railways us ually follow the easiest grades, and these would naturally be followed by wind rushes taking the same general direction. It is a noticeable fact, all the same, that the cyclone which destroyed MarhBeld followed the St. Louis and San Krancisee railroad for a distance of 145 iuile.r and lapped up all the water in the ponds atid rivers in its course from where it commenced in Arkansas to where it ter minated in Missouri. Scientific Ameri can. Ganer.1 Grant's Arabian Ecrse. The Snlhni of Turkey jrentctl Gen. Grant with two Aradiau horees which riw grace the soil of America, where Kendalls Spavin Cure is found in al most even- store to relieve the ohes and pains which everv animal is affect ed with. It is a sure cure for everv !. L. THOMAS. i i " ii i r i i i ii !' vrk'I-'IN fHI-TSl-! Tiik Chicao Inter Ocean, in it ac- ' OIAN(;i. I KMO.N I lvA jP&VS count of the Xebra-ka-tate convention, and a ici.l lint, or i-avcy IlMHi-T'i t ' yq?fif Effi!lTOHrTI pavslIMi. James Laird a very har-d- .rr-q PST,!HlSra SSXlWlvfS lome and Ji compliment. g R g g fg 3 S WWf ,rte .h. i..x ,,iht fch. ,0 aivi,-, a,, j Ice Cream parfor, immiKtM'ri' -' 1 &&. ' ncloj-atiftii, jiiid the liht under the' 7 A ijK- V WJK ? l S C2 iV" -X leadership ofJames Laird, of Ha5tin- Where you c,in alw.tv? j Ngfl r4S -- 1 V ? l!. ,, . , i cet a nice ii"h of b-e ( ri-ini dunm; SV'''. , ' TS77 ' ; i fcr f - ' , ,'i1vy 1 1 , WW wasaP?llantoe. La.rd ., a yonnjr. ,o .,n V --.- 5 -&fi : '" 2 !& man,butn,.or:,toroft:ce.tpower,rlr,d.A f ,lio ,,,. t . f? p ? " : v ; Kfl J . ; ; -; - . -lSW iin. ,. ..i ..... i...... ... .... . .......j revnpciuuiv -iiiii'iu'u riri oor ra T , 'l' ..a- ; i- zzt- . v -i . 'i 2 . - - . ...'ri:.-tAM' ri -i kind of blemish or lameness to vhch,?ZHtT"JSf!&& beast or man IS subject to. Eead the! advertisement of Kendall's SD.tvin Cure. We have" hearth of people asking for broad and receivinjr a stone. We should consider otrrslvps mnMi t-niv.-rt treated, after asking: for J. Monroe Ttv - 1 -.-' -i j r ii o i Jiumutw -1 lor S Gold Medftl baieratlK or Srahl. to- i I- , , . " ' " i. , n;iu tuine oiner Kinu painted on on , " c J i. ..iii: iius unit, our rrauers imoVod and a valnnnlehors restored-to wtull- DoOn onen at lr M ami T p if . - ZTV JLt.i i -A. - "e 7a lB 'we uae- w jaai over UeVaeiu eysj mav ClljOV the same pleasure we haw nos. Vry truly yonr. JOHN PARK Kit, wwra "l1"' -- u ' .tw neon a twrd. rheir perfunaa&ce 37,awr3jMnir. aed rut si reprewatd oa Iita-ra? 1 ever made with ;mv other ealeratus or rMJtVJHirifiJ ?JZ0L. momber, only one ticket rcnniretl ; Acotner Berat aoveitr jnt Mmrt.!. THE mvoth kaisas cx Ab a:Ureaa aorK. ,i. -m i i " , --"v.i. mis ui eddy ns ever met with soch anuli?d joccess ' J ' xnot embaneA;!T t5e l5r--l .rj--?-iT-,r tt- r-ri r-;-., ,i..wi k-' v-..-.. soda. Most of the merchants have it to our knowledge, for be,,; ar well a; tnan. ; for all r.hvertied esliihftion cf the ; buTty of a doubl & xJl atirbrttfever hrMn tBTTSaJ. nS ' " lor sale. The denot i? 11" Tihr.rtx-2 Pneesl. perbjttlo..Trnxbcttle For Jt. m.' ... - . , . t Entirely new. first and loreae- ATi IMOPT-a i?fpoaW!NG Sav:!" 2fT Tr. Street, XewYorkklSetl"utet, LJMSKQSTftTS ,re8t fchOW f thC bniVCRe' ! e featiS cf of J. Monroe Tavlor h on the wravner proprietors. B. J. KSMaiLl-(X. - . , im . j A. ... . w aiHi-no mistake occur, wjbAl'SS MWWI? 50 Ctltv - ChiMfftt 85 CflU. lAli; . ., k: .1... . y 1 luuiwttu urm n lut -ua.u. .vu.uiij if I Sam'l West, Tobacco, Cigars, COHPECTI01TERY; CiNn'kj) runt?. KKESH via n. Itr.n C)i Thoy sell C have net what you want, leave jour order and faey TJill fill it. CALL OX THEM Ono door north ofOarber'.. andIr. IIOLCO.dB will wait ou yea. aprltf RED CLOUD. NEB. CO PA E For Your 1 . .... . v .' i .T . vT Tk . w . , T 1 r I .... iTi35IIajlR E w i.n r...lh of .Mitchell .t.MorhartV. BBStfSaP: jVr , C .C 7' TTiTS?& - - Jfc&8 ,, - - nkkh i. . fljsss3 i 3 i-fsseassMCT HEAP for 6'ASH; ind if they . Pl'lgBfi?!: !rf . T s ' hlr -S.f'Tr LUMBER !,eircus, Menagerie, Aquarium and Congress of Living DKV MI.MBERASPKCIAI.TV. 1 tHB HHST I' THR AUILIiT Noltl at I-owMt I'rlcew Tt i IS 1 mnm S WflU,-n ' RES CLOUD NEB PE0UDF1T & HARSH, tlKNKRAL DEALERS IN H. I Ml ft n9.ll2 JE STOVES, Guide ROck, - Rrb. Ererythinj; uually kept in a firt civs 12aMiitiie &ore. come and see us as we will not be UNDERSOLD, Z?,. Iti R tCiS1.?? I ttom the iim-il routine i ti itivistxhi .illnn. th.it n thine ol.jrctmnaUr nr tnd-H.r..n i rxrr d'-fnl in thU n'i nl trwl mmtti tho. o o5 K pi afe Ail C IS ii o tuo to a az f - m .5 &5 N 5 si S pi S KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE if a .ure enre for f ravin, splint, curb, callon enrainf. fwelliit. s-ll latnene nnd allcnlars meats of the joints or limb. It will completely remove a bonos-pnvin without blijtcrinpor cass inc a sore. It is also a good for man n for b" it and is ued full rtrergth. p.t all simwof thcyeJT with perfect 8fery. A currjwhicb r are know ins t i n person wbi uftered 15 year wiiir a bip-joict lameuesand w perraaoently curee tno years ozo with Kendll,sSpavn care- R xncmbr we claim it irHl care a bone f pat in and completely remorethe btinch wihont blistering. Stateaent Haas Under Oath. To whom it may eern: In the year 1575" treated wuh- Kendall. spavin tares, bone spav in of eviral month'' growth, nearly halfas large a a hen'e ess. and completely stopped tbc lats ne?s ant seuiove the enl-irretcrnt. i hra ttreccein the the of the hock joint since I t treatd bim W1 rith Kundall'a SjAavin Cur. R. A.UUXES. TMAKnw.V. TIT ITW ..W 1C-J Sworn anasftb!crbl to beLre reVhi"- 25th day f p.h. i ii istq .ion , ti ikwp f P .- . ....... . ....-.-... .... , Omce ofL.S.maxshall.weftern Iikfcof jrch.lKcr-iM bi. mm- mr.. ! and; Kalamazoo Atir. 16th. iTi. r t 11 T 1. l c ! x- r o.w. n.enuan. tDwuua caii;. u uear . ST"1 reMi,vc uhe two "."" ar 15r?T,9 Cafe forwarded by express in January last. I am hsoo to Jtate that that it nerformed all votrr ZXT.' .. ;tj . i .i. ..I.. !. .t eairea wr. in .tsree weeK .iter , UFiMfk tUW 7alil NMOVUlllCij iC AT RED CLOUD, MDKDAX, An OvTv.-:;t,.'j ,tl W 't.tt M ' h' . I! i i . ! r . , : DAZZLiflC ELECTRIC LIGHT.'rAiurnElKwa i.&zi.:JLg?ar2 .c,iiates.A sr fr'7ttr;5 -a.' A "W.a-ll iK!STiarjif5OT h-l"-.'i' " MM a"- -J a HK W S'U Wf m- . M 1 V' &' ' i .. F . b. --'t , JT- :i - .W ITW-.AFi . -"-..i. l " Bfc . mm Another Pun Pi-ienvered, the r.i:Ift Ib'iifuvtt 'r n Kirh prr.'ift Inl t.-tnt, and .Miht Orion, Ii the -hadow .f uhnh sol otl.tr Illui.i.n unci rtain li'ht. Th um dreat diovc f irv W, Tf)e Cnncrntrated Marrrl .f tno Coitinnn-Einhr.icin.r 0.Ol Kir- ?rd Ktc'iMtr r'firrr Ioltt rely the (Jrand.'t Msw oo lJtth rrpie niiiPK m;) ii ! r.j tvj ! Ml- wrji i .' ni'i'i -mm m MMm Am mm m bm t t.. : . ..t ..-.M .n .ru ,. ..m m. ... ildl t'o l.oia'ban lon'l'.r.t tnui the 'ce.in t A FAIM I V V . W . LUL.D. 016 A rOurlcLC'l . uCirirnt ! ciiiMnfin nilrrtjinrartit lurp nd i.crfivt t. ,ciirr r nnlnrittt dutinet ne nut.l"",l unrinir I inr rin me iiiiiny i"'tiji. ior uur.'imi onnniN .. m" hh !-' u:-i. "wmr,, ..... ...,.. ru. . ....... . ..., -, riiL ii'ini: He own cntf. Co-tij .ud pi.tcf 'it nunl-rohf.. At"uriiine c3Vo? 1 !nrty di?rf .fJvicl wmidrn- A rct and .-ttlr ltni Jut Animal 3t were fupr"ed to bo Kttln't. The trr.ifrt Tr. er yt di"vrered. The iily 2 fO (eT Tljfrrtnf nd ttjnjrt Mlli ot tbte thnon'eil amphihuux manner. to tar cr-3t t how i om"thinK wreT of troro than a ran worf t pri ti'e-nir mwrrli, have Iat b?n fiipp'"d rxtinct. an I it w be"Tia-:loil Iit ct tti .a i nrthf r tar er xi'r.L bot th fi.ftunt circuci'tHiicc -ali'ch let to the dic tcty un I capture f to" rir fix-cimo of th iidd-n trf nrrt oftliedtp. .ted which have heretofore let n rxrlodwl fmni th it on it.re -rr f rrn 't l u to iutne pifioa- ablr riic in hcni!dicc the eTent wjtb more thn ordmur pleAiure. W r. wwiEBm i-i v m ' mm vm TT TS A fTlTIC A TT UaJtI. J.V1. V. AvAiiliU iiiliJ ilO.WJ that thev arc tho ullf.'t people ea earn. Tur 1 illk-tTIv a.s;ivom rat I'.inrn Japt. and Sirs. U. V. BAT.e.3 f .T- A Literal Avalanche of Amazing Attraction. 6E TlCm1 ABBIS TO ILL. Trained anita' a dbtinctive feature. A Royal Oriental PArade will be civen in the Jjrennoa of ;eh . day. dL-playin? th mo-t I !Grr?eou?. GJittenasOaiaJiTef O&luenOlory I . .,-.., . !. ..... :.. : " i i v--, - -r.r- :cr ., .i iiiizcr wuic cunuuiw. uisuiuctrL i;, iiu" t r.b. herilda-. KinM Kni-hlt li.iri5nirJ ' Ldie of the' Bourt. Soti , ii0-,e unani e'i in A-mo ' :L.r.s.Vi,o?h:.i: l?J! . --. - ,- - - - - -- i ier. Uattlemen. Armor of Sitxcr. Steel '""" M"". "r fortaing a eea a sIec- , dof never beJcre eaiej. Kssgisi w rffip v . : y?y " i?C" nt., "j.niijYi tmrr xar' JUNE 3. 1S?(., M r W. COLE'S WONDERS. a'li m ..i.i..... i .. . (i itwt i .hB l a vnll " '"ivi " t" - - - -j r - i U'L .....,iiu.i..i... .k.K ...! -. .-. rathiuilec l)il'th. " F TTTTu'T? Yh eirht fet h'tb. lA-kinz onTron VV SS ill. Trie tno t -x'rarrdjr.arr p-sopl that Th? gre.itMt eun'tti j in chmtro i tin. I bavejQ't rfdatd. WONDERFUL CImm TB mcrt-xonderfull and be rtrrfirmln Cfliim SEA ElfEFIEAKTS, - .Ai.k tw m-zm,- - i aLmUmmmri tVmLmW kfl km mWE-J&mmTf !mmmmL mmLwmBBLmmWmWmGt 3 Q n ZsEfflHBU-Er W-v Um BEMvmmlmm Mfeh erect on tair hind fei. Tlrey m -a Chir. -aajTjra i I wR . o. k. M.tiVtJRV. IU Mi, A - i Vocal and" iKiruSwnUi iMJ ! 2M r SIC ! V j-- s.lfr .tA. jGr. A. BROWN, r.mop. f f p' i Iiir A In wi'-Ntiiij itni pair mid ejimmrr u.h uu World - r ...A.M i. in v TSJ-F yl 1L Ol hilf nn n'h: corabiinl wirht. on- half a tn. Tcr cxined at any time In tb worrfi hur. pial attnxnos t LEAPiNC HORSE, n tv, -.-.m t 1r V- miw TV Tbtjr Drill I ke older. Tny f'na Tblox. Mffl.t. pi..ntl fitrtirl.i. a fat lliat 1 4te - (O.TT-A UJI 1L JLldL - u;irxrTtTBl3 HRACJcrri-, Chromos, PicrtflK l'RAMKS, t!.rrRr'SH Ivrcc t on 4otI bii. 1'PICK t WW r in thornr h m! Jt.'orr lu"l lt.s iriil M ff-uKfcW rtw. . . A'KI)Ch(UD. : NKl A. l,aMfrbftrb, rrr. MUI rn At L MM'" or ca.nnki ;non. ntriT-. Ntrru ro.KKriH)NKK'. CTtt. FSSin FSEA2. Til-. CAtl5, firtry mt Warm lral at U hoar, 'ii cet. l-FIlKSiI OV.TKKa ly.on htl; Vcbtrr lrrt, nn JU oatti f Ksirjr Hro. hS vG. KKD Cl.Ot'P. Nfctti T- Harixcsfi Shop nv J. L. MILLBf Kcrp contaily on hawl full !ir Harnrti Cfuf. AUMtrn, Whiif 'of Horr P.InVrt, Coniln, Hruh' c, llrtic Oil and itf' tl.lns uxuahy lnpt ill a fint'flhiM bop i Twrnlofrs nottb ofthfLanr. Tho nii:. Clsh Trice ?a!d f;r SiUi SAM'L GARBER I irji kr in tioottk nnd 'J7 tiirocerieM- HOi'S Mild MltOCM Hats- Cdps. dtv nzy Jr Clothing! Ws hnve the Largttf Stock in the Yallty ani wHl not be underttldi G(VK 1,3 A CAiI. ONfe' & ALL: Sam'l Carbcr IUi ;iond IVek F. NE WHOUSE -DEALKU IS- DRY - GOODS, GKOOERIE AND NOTIONS, Red blow. " rtekruwkrf.- The pnblie rcnrilly a'! hrarnt trf call anl ranjtf? ray jrnod nd pri, a fntfe nf the piir-mafi N 4Uifl. dr Store. r3t docV oorlh of XotL' cr". tu?at market. --ir P. nkwuoCsk. CHICAGO Lumber Ya0 f Varrf 0Qth of Hasnpfon k !U tiWl bop, or Mala rref. Kep CBUntfy fa hacJaa aatorUavtit f Uaik LVii. fklaBw. nw . '. LIbn Halrrat. Pto(r mimims r lw7 FLATT & FKBRS . 'Vt'.-, .imei&Z2$. l-iZ, i?m,i , Cvf. Cf 1. V. wyw r win rlH r tat Maak Will k atllterlZ r r- r m, - fa rruit f i t.w.. 4 fWWf J vmv 0 isuwr i iiimi ly j i tearw rwi! lA XC rCIi' vSEggBWiSs s !Sy rrSr sa-. Wm. err 4 1 i ((. Z0 a ,4 " a1 C.va M r ti ivc ' -r. iZt . f r m n ! .- f.i Wf i 13 n, ,.... ,.i ...