-t--j'--.-.-rr! - 5 ' Cr J3S9& JOB WOBlCj :D CLOUD CHIEF Chief. Cloud The Red Avn PCBLTSIIKD EVJ-nv THURSDAY AT 12D CLSUD, XEB&A32A. ' M. J,' THOMAS, ttititornnd Proprietor. tfiiSffiiH filial Viitii' rxrrvra v t HCATE5T AIT rMCTTfST MUM! life ,vsr "Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty," and -$J 50 a year is the price of tlie Red Cloud Chief. BED CLOUD, WEBSTER CO. NKBRASKA. THURSDAY. MAY 27, ISSO. NO. 12. vol. vn. 521IS:- $1.50 a year ifjalain Advisee. t-sv.m ... - -W.--V ' - " ? ' - I EAST via Tin: CMe&go M - Westers Railway- 2, 330 MILES OF ROAD. lit is the SHORT sum on J SAHI route between Council Bluffs AXI CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE and all points J.AM unl MMtni. Mn ibAf ;iihl. Uif tr.VM ii.- Hcntrool, Tcrcnlo. letrcit, Clcare lsai, Cclumfcas. It oCcrf tli traveling puldio Greater Facilities! AMI lY!ore Advant'ges 1 tikn any oilier riml in tnc wri. Itisti.rOA'IYV UOAI) between CQunct! lUuflVniiri ;liicn;?o l fori which i- rin PULLMAH" HOTEL'CAES ! I1 adiittn.n to these mid ti picnic all flaw! of travelers, it ivs HKsfT 0' A"H .Mr'ALSatitfl LAT J MS S I AT lON.S. at ffl cents ich. Itc Tract is Steel 2d! ! Its coaches are the Finect ! Tr Ssnimcr.1 Trzt fiisc ' I,t8 train-arc nil luipi..-d with Uh airbrakes. lri.llolMch combined. Tfcra'.t Tostcst Srceca! Srr'oasi close Ccanecticss ! ! And eerytbiriKii afci eer can deireto uiakeajniiriiy -VT'r't- ii .. f. cuMli'ftPIMPlirt Ql IC'K JMcasant V I O.MI'OKIAI.JiK. 1'ulluinn Sleeper. on all Night Trntn? ! IT is THE People's Favorite Route. AtCe.nne 1 VUiF tho 'IbrouKh Train of the rbiuKC'iA Nrth-Wtstcrn atiit th Union 1'n ci'Jic Rjilv:i i part from. nrri cHt ind u.e tho luiue joint I'i.icu l!iot. If vru wish the heft trmclinr ceomtrodatior. tju will liny votir tiflsi-i? by tbi Ruuto w.iid 11.1, TAKK NONE 1T1KR. All Tichet Agents can cell yea Thrsrsa Tickets via this Head ana chech tisaal Sarpare Free cf Charts. Ovaua. TtrxKi 0-vtrr -l't Farnnm Street. t - r Ittu. and at l nin rafitn ncpoi Cuicil L'iit'iicketOirirtj-..r. Uro.lway nnt J V,(rl trr-ts . A N.-.iiy ucpoi. anu . 1 nn reifi" lrtn-tr Jipoi. . Denver oai In Colorado Central and Inion I .1 r I':-,t Office. Fn Itkccii.co Otueo 2 New Moutcomery St. For h fi m'a:n. foldci". maps etc . 11.1t o!i ta'nnblc at ll-iue TtcKvt Oiriee.-. u. dre.-s any acciitof the Ciiiipauj-. or 60 It VasVIN liUOSITT. . H. STEM-.Z.I-. Ocn'l Puts. A Kent tien 1 ,v.iir.u.'r. Ch.'-?o. III. . iu:ai qcartkrs for .... ii r n R I I 3's,iDJ KEwarws n nn'Es CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE -Ta0 fc'F.. Thsort'"01"' TRADS. MARK. T i avc a4 ml Uit- -C'3 lht fella" MIU.JJ -.a .,.-, .r K.sr . nforeTaVlnc. jba. ttlxHtf AP.er TaVtrif. Vts.rr. rBtr!i.nlt.J. Pais in tt Sk DtoctM f Ti.Uti. rirt OU t. r. oim tt.r Putin. Ul Im'1 t.3.tj " OnOB:psi5n. ol rrrlur fir. tfT f'kJ i-mrIa!Ti to car piji!i!l. wbi:h dlr U mtl tv t-T me- l rr on-. C7"T Sr.ec !!lrtnt kl : .j .ltdror'i'!' rf pMUje.er lx bc1k. yj. ia b ? ky ljU cm tctit r tot muq y il- r.0 rt.T. wrninvr rA Fold in Re.1 Cloud and ererywhere hy nil l)mKC GOOD ISnETWS. Quick Titca! Through Trains! Close Connections I No Delay ! Burlington Route ! TO CHICAGO AKU THE EAST. Lowest rate? of F.nrc will he made. , Throucb Cars will be run from n. & 1.1 o:nti in Southern Nebraska to Chioasp. A ten minutes conaectioa trill m njftde at I a- VfClJICU'fO cl"?e eonne'tion- will alivayi bo" made to the ea? southeast end north. , Ieepinic car berth? reserved ct the Lincoi: ti;ket cSice hy Tclesraj.b or on apiuicatiOD. from j'sroun Itivtr to Chicjco. TO ST. LOUIS AND THE SOUTH. Theburlinnton route have a system of thronjrh rieerers and close connections between tnc Mi?sonr Kivcr and St- Loui laS'euj-'eRi takine this line have tno best ot accommodations. Pullman sleeper. ran regu i arlv from Missouri Uivcr to SU Louis. TO 1'EOKIA, KNDIANAi'OLTS CIN ClNNATI. AND THE SNUTH-EAST. eyThis i?tbo only reliable route to the?onth-t- Connections are niftce at Peona with the T V .fc W. and I. B. .1 VT. Railroads for lndian BoliB' Cincinnati. Columbc, and all central Rnb southern Ohio. Kemuey. ioutnern Indiana, c. HNS CASS. Bcoa iisals at 75 cents. iri. ... fn t. Ke snre and trsvel ever tbo jj M.'line if you wish to te SAFE and coi for table and desire to travel rccdily. A E TOCZALIN. P.LOWELL. Gen'l manager. Ocnl Ft J: T'Ug't If You Want Bargains Call at Newhouse'p, where you ca get White Goods, Gingham?, Sldrtiuff?, Dress Goods, Flannels, Doeskins, Jeans, Hosiery, Carpets, Hanitmrgs, Torlet Sets, Ruches, Toys. Groceries, and a great i I-Kiety Ot Otncr goous very uueap tor -" 'ri. TVnco irnnHn will he elnse ntit. casu. j-uww ---- ..-- , sail early and set bargains. j7tf F, Newhouse. JiLSlXESS DIRECTORY. O. C. CASE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office ono dooi north of Oarhe'e More. BED CLOUD, 1T23 Collections made and promptly remitted "j. S. GILHAM, ATTORNEY AND COUNSKLUR A. AT J, AW. Office one floor north of Kalry firm. RED CLOUD, - - - NEB W. C. REILLY, A' TTOUNKY AND COUXSKLOit AT LAW. AND IT3AL. ESTATE OEZT. Red Cloud. Xeb. tj.Proropt Attention Given to Collections. Orncr- with C. II. TOTTER, at Ked Cloud Drugstore. Edwin C. Hawley. ATTORNEY AM COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office over Farley's Drug Store. 23D CLOUD ME3. James Laird, A TrOHNKT AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. fV .lUNIATA, - Mf.- AVill practice in all tho Court of the State. Prompt attention given to all buincs entrusted to hi. cure. OiLce on the ast side Jumnta Avenue. julyl- H. ?. K i.kv. J. J,. KAi.rr. JMoominjrtoh. Nebraska. ivcd Cbudf Neb, KALEY BROS., 7 A TT0UNEVS AT LAW k UEAI' KSTATE . ' " ' , T, , Will practice in all tho Courts in 1rarica and northern Kanr.iv: cdleetion- promptly at- tcnjcj to and correspondence solicited. ISD CLOUD. Nebrasha. Aluo. Acnt for R. .t M. R. II. LnniK H0MCE0PATK1C PHYSICIAN, U. S. Pension Stirecon. JOffice over Khley Ilms. law office. BSD CLOUr. JJSBSASZA elbki:t a. ii a ix ifi. I. Physician Surgeon, EI CI.OL'I. NEII. Ilnrinr !nrtel Tiermnnentlv at thi. place. I will attend to nil will?, day or nirht. Oflire for ,1 present at Farley dniif More: at niclit at ;H rC;idcnce over wmi"e store. r.'m. J. ITS. iTIOSE'A. ilt. D. -KI.KCTIC Physician and Surgeon, Rcl CLOUIi. NE1J. Will pay cpecinl aticnMon to Ob'-letric. and HCK.c of M"ui"?i - Al: c-ner.il utnl special annrery. Iieae.- of the F.ye ftiid Far. Charccs moderate. Olficc over Shcrcr'd Iruc -Store. 2.-l-y PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, (AI.I.OVATHIC pciiool.) Prompt attenlnnco on all call in the practice of mediiinei or mr?cry. cowi.es, - r.nn.sK.. J. W. .MOItANVII.I.E. C. V. MOItANVIl.l.K, CO?rLKS. xra. AMCOV, N0. MOKAXVILLK IUtOS., P racticing P hysicians. COWLES A- AM ROY, NKltUASKA. AH profeftiona! calls will receive our prompt ..! .. :.. Jflnili 40ai'i nun laitiui aiivuiiuu. VALLEY HOUSE, F C.WWTO', Pro. KEPCLOrD, - NEHRASKA. FitSt Class in everv reppect. Free 'bu to and from all trains. !iU3iIs rooms for commercial trom all trains. Ratal S. Garber. Richariisoii Garter, DEALERS IN LrVJG STOCK KED CLOLT). NEBRASKA. ntKhest market price paid for boirn and cattlo. .T. h. Smith S. C. Smith M.B.Tnnmsov. Pre. FirstX.it- Cah. Ir'irrt Late Teller First K.ak. Uoatrice Nat. Hank Xat. Dank neat- .Neb. Iteatrice Neb. rue Neb. vx iroiIcr5 & Thompson, BANKERS, ViIl make collection:' in nny tmrtofthel Unitl tte Sell exchange upon the princi pal eastern oitie Loan money upon improved tarms Receive dopo' its Mibjcct to sijtht drafts Allow interest nt.cn time deposits, Snd trans act a general Banking business. IvKFEnr.scra: Osinht National Hank. A. S. Paddhck.U. .S Senator; First National Bank New York. Cannhriise Valley National Bank, Cambridge New York. OMAHA Sample Room, JOE.'.TACOrfS. rEornirroK. TWO DOORS WIST OF HOY'S HOME. Kecr-- on band the best brand of Wines. Liquors. Beer. Ale. and fine Cigars. A skare of thf public patronage is-oliceted. HSItfRY COOK, PROPRIETOR RED CLOTJI) Drug Store, And Dealer In Drugs, Medicines Paints, OiLS? VARNISHES All goods iff my Line kept constantly on hand: J.nd to which I invite the attention of the public anl HENRY COOK. umm Fcea 4 Sale Stable, J. D. Post, Prop. RED CLOUD.- THE CHIEF. m0 M. L THOMAS, EDITOR TIM R.SI) AY, MAY 27n?, ISbO. Tin: new Catholic convent in Omaha wad blown lown Iat Sunday cvoninj;. It is a total wreck. Since Tiilit;4 the above we learn from the lite that Omaha has been visited by another storm more instruc tive than the fiit. DeWitt, Saline county ta- the scene of a territfic ?torm on last Sunday niht. The strike at the Omaha .Smelting Works, which has boon in cxistancc for Mitc time :issumed a more serious phase la-t Friday when it was learned that the inailKsers of the wirks had brought from Ivansas over a hundred darkierf to take the plate of the white stricken;. The ncjrros had been given arms previous to their coming into the .-tate.as trouble wasexpected.Thesmelt ing works strikers were joined by the laborers from the U. I. Shops and the nail works, and for a time bloody work was expected, which fortunately was averted, the negros agreeing to leave the.-tate at once. While the excite ment was raying CJov. Nance was called on for troops and accordingly he order ed out six companies of the State .Malitia, two of which were quartered in the Mnelting works. The working men of Omaha raised money to pay the car fare of their dusky brethren back to their homes, the majority of the darkies having come to Omaha in en tire ignorance of the existing state of a Hairs, and when they found that they were likely to get into trouble were only to glad to skip out. xraah Leslie's Popular Monthly. The June numlier of thN favorite iiiag:i7iie contains several highly inter esting and admirably illustrated arti cles. "The Ferry Across the Atlantic." by W. II. Ridoing, is replete with vivid descriptions of a vovaye on an ocean Jteatner. Captain Payne. V. S. A., in hi "Indian Story Land" relates adven tures of thrilling interest. "Merlin and the Merlinese," "Revolutionary Remi niscences," "The Alpine Tunnels" are among the other prominent features of the numqer. Etta W. Pierces beauti ful story, "Not (Jtiilty." is completed, and there are several short stories by Ii. i. Kimball, Amelia Marr, and other popular writers. The sketches are of peculiar intent, c-periallv "liosa Mon hour," "The FirM (irenadier of France." "An Antiquary s Ghost Story, etc., etc. There are numerous poems of .more than usual merit, wo may instance "netween Joy and Sorrow." by P. IJ. Marston; "The Stonelc-s Gnive," by Ivrnc-t Trevor; "Little Queen .leanie,'" "Come Home." etc., etc. The miscel lany i abundant, atlording delightful, entertaining and instructive reading. The ire-ent number brilliantly closes Volume IX. of this comprehensive and cheap periodical. Each number con tains i'2S quarto pages, about Jul) illus trations, and a colored frontispiece. A single copy is only 25 cents; $: a year, $1.50 for six. and'S 1 for four months. Address, Frank Leslie's Publishing House, 53, 55 and 57 Park Place, New York. LIITL3 CHILMSH GOING TC2S7. (From the Elmira, N. Y. Advertiser ) Mr. J. Q. Hotter lives at Ked Cloud, Nebraska. He U a hrother-in-law of Mr. John J. Curtis of this city, and also of Division Cierk Curtis of the fsunertn tendent's office in the Erie depot, at Elmira,. Some months njn Mr. Potter took from the Southern Tier Orphan's Home in tin city, five children, and found cood hotur1. for them in Nchraska. The children gave cuch a pood account of themselves m their new home, were o well behaved, and desirable in everv wav that thev endeared themselves so much to tho-e into whose keeping they had fal lcn. that their guardians could not now he indneed to part with them. Mr. Pot ter came back to hluura a lew days aco, with an application from substantial far mer and residents about and in lied Cloud, for fifteen more children from the Orphans' Hemic. In Fact, they "will take no other..' For ten or twelve days great preparations have been coin? on at the Home in jrcttine tbo children readv for the long ride. Each child was pro vided with a substantial suit of clothing. and a change thereof For lunch to last them for three days and two nights ride. they had cookies, rusks three gallons of milk, pressed meat and other daintkrf and jubstantials. Mr. Pottci. whose heart is "as large as that of an ox," to use a homoly parallel, supplied the children with oranges, can dies, ond other little sweetmeats, for use on their journey towards the setting sun. I 3 UK START. Yesterday morning the alarm clock at the Home called all hands to breakfast at an early hour. Two wagoc loads of little folks with their attendant, went to the Erie depot, where they were received into a Lehigh Va.Icy car attached to train 3 on the Krie, at 5:41. There wer fifteen children, and Mr. Potter and Mi?s Emma J. Curtis, of Owego, the children's ages range from 2 to 11, and are as foU lows: George Sherman 9, Fernando Seymour , WilHe Beecher 11, Mark Gcorce S. Daniel Korick 6, Sarah Ryan 9', ltoanna Brown 6, Florence Donohue S, Eddie Luce 6, Hiram MeCollam 5. George Boon 9, Emmet Coon 4, Frankie Coon 21. Robert Allon 9, Ella Spencer 4. From Elmira they went to Buffalo; the agent of tha Canada Southern road in Elmira, telegraphed to Buffalo to have a car there ready to take the party to Chicago with out change;- from there they go to Red Cloud VfitBodt further transfer. The railroad people in Elmira were very kind, the Erie folks offering to send an agent with Mr. Potter to assist as far as Buffalo. The Orphan's Efome paid for the fares of the entire party $199.0S. No child is placed without guarantees that it will be well cared for. if the officers of the Home discover that one of the children has fallen inta inrivithlA hands, the child is at race removed and proteased.- Sam'l. West, -dkaixi: IN Tobacco, Cigars, CONFECTIONERY. CANNED FRUITS, FRESH FRlrlTS. CRACKER. CIIKESK, ORANGES. LEMONS AS1 A nil. I4NE OK fAird? Groceries. ALSO A IIIWT CU&A Ice Cream Parlor, Where you can always gel a nice dish of Ico Cream dtiring the Sean. X fhare of the intblie p.-rtronnge is fesjrt'ct fully solicited. First door south of Mitchell Ik Morhart'-. RfD Ci.oin. - - Neiiii-vska. ilOLCOMIi BROS. Dealers In 3? & B W & U of all kinds. They fell CI7EAF for CASH. ani If they barb net what you want. !eav your order and they n ill fill it. CALL ON Til KM One door north ofOarberV. aad Mr.IIOLCOMR will wait ou you. aprltf JUZO OLOUD. NED. CO ftlE For Your LUMBER! DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. THB !)P,8T IS THK MARKKT Hold at Loumt Price -HY- rt -7T fV 'T ,'r (7J Pt Pf Ffp,ff H'k'irf r fe lt''ri'' riV r ' U J, ZJ Vi iV w-vW0 RED CLOUD NEB. PROUDFIT & MARSH, GENERAL DEALERS IN HARD W.lll E )and( STOVES, Gitidc RQck, - Neb. Kf cr?thin ueuall' kept in a first closg Hardware Store- come and see us as we will not be UNDERSOLD. S1.00" BOTTLE KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE is a rare cure for spavin, splint, cirb. caltJfls, sprains, swelling, sails lameness and all enlare ments ot the joints or limbs. 1 1 will completely remove a bone pa via without blistering or caus ing a sore. It is also a good for man as for beast and isued full urerjth. at alt simes of the year with perfect safety. A currwhicb we are tnow higU.is a rerson who suffered 15 years with a hip-joint laUcnes ar.d was pennaoently curec two years ojn vrith KendU.s3paTin ctfrc. Be memtcr T( claim it will cure a bane spavin and completely renorc the bench wihont blistering. Statement Haie Tfcdsr Cati. To whom it maycncern-In the year 1S75 I treatrf wish Kendall's Spavin Cure a bone spar-" in of s'viral months cn.wth. nearly balfas"larj;e a3 a hen's ezg. and completely stopped tie lam ness and scmored the enKtrxement. 1 have woiked tie horse ever since very hard, and he never has bee lame, nor could I ever see anydif terencCra the fixe ol the hock joints since I treated him with Kendall's Spavin Cure. K-A.aUXES.- Enesburch Falls. Vt. Feb. 25th BTC. Swora and sabser bed to before me this 23th day Of Feb. A. 1. IS79. JOUiVG. JX'. J. P. OEc of US.xaanhall. western listrof ifich. Kalamtzoo Apr. Eth. 1S79. 3. J. Kendall. Enosbnrsh Falls'. Vu Dear Sirr-I received the two bottles tfl oar Spavin Care forwarded by exrress in January last. I asn happ to state that that it performed all your adTcruemei.t called for. In three rreeks after I eommeaeed usiur it the spavin was entirely rs mored ai Twiaaole horN restcrcd" to usetnll aes. Very truly yours, JOHN PAKKKK. Sthd address for illustrated circrlar. which we think triTespositiv proof of its Tirtues. Norern eddy has ever met with sn;h ncjcaliSexTstrcceas fa our knowiedxe. for beast as well as man. Price J3". per bottle, or six bottlej for $5. ALL BtceoisTS nave it or can ret it to rou. or it will be sent to aay addrese on receipt of price by the ' proprietors. a - JO ft O . CO . . rr t? K T S u a- n ? -a E 1 H I a :S SB 5 ' I I m 3 c3 3 Xt mmam ra ,?- r- 2 m &5 r:- s- a bs f ft T. CV3 S 2 -" ts " , i -i M o 2 TZ-l Z & . w 2 U 2E a 5S 3 AT RED CLOUD, ffaW ftA'il r IWI An Overwrc'nitng and A'eolutc MottatIi DAZZLING m&MBAY 27?&i Stfr&X&3Ztt -SLi.tfK4r:J3; - 'jm-Tjr3.ij-r-rr-,'-s'.Bw- trL csii. a-'' t i wBb .4k e k at y' v-at m- -' " - t-,,TL,- kirr.A. i. r fSl0wZ) I tegs--; .- '-v:.H!VtS;l iwMW-rh lrMiw? s y --.:-'' i city l ft"StlfNgsl 'y-JS'- p. r& - Vui ' -u.P'&',-' can.nkh nooi.t. kkcits. mits, asSS&pfevafiJS. feu Wi'ft ffH-ASV. - '?"f,j ftarKitKin)VsrKK..i.rw. i Another Sun Discovertd, the gram!el IHumin.it r .n Eirth ptrf.-tt Piroj V rf SpWtd.r A ItcnddennR, Mrilliant, and Mighty Orion. In the sh.i low of uhnh a'l ot'o r Ii:-i.n:t --. .ue and gbtiioer w,:h an uncertain light. Tlie otic Grt.it ;di-. uf the World W. W. COLE'S Circus, Menagerie, Aquarium and Gongress of Living Th Corcentrnted Marrel.'of two Coattncctft-EmHMrins 10.VO IUre und KTctuiife Fetnre. l'orftittly the OrsndJt Skw n IUrU. Itpre.-cn!. k a eyrli renn arrir of the ferld mo: choice wi. l-n f on r.vtiJbjoet'Tifhiiii Antitnr . . WW rlftTf C1n T3AvftAi u''o rii nally dirtote ra,h ud rrerr rnoTmenl f iM lrwttc etrrrl. t !ht t . W. bUililr, IwOiC XrOPricLOr. lurTjcti-t t tucuariiiiteean rtritin-nt piircnnl nr:l t- JesreHiiMlr dMIt lromtheuualrnuHiiei.lcnvap exhe ition." 1mI tne Lnr.dre.l di.riiitf Ko.iiej'rian..fjTe funny r.il. uinif its own Mr, fc-tlr and porrenui ar.I added l wo I.etia'ban Monsters from the Oecn'r A FAIM .: - -" - ' hi ii sals that were supposed t" he Kxtinct. The itrei'Mt wrn-ler yet dicvercd. The only ITiVti feature TheeaptB-i and aqaiet Mltton ot thie phenorrenal atnphibiou monters to mv crat show i -owthin wort'r of tnor tha (.&"isi; word of pri 0-rni marreU. hve Ion been suppo-M extinct and it bw been questioned hr se ent ti ai n wether Jfier rrrT exist-J. bat th fortscaU Asia. its circuru'tince Tiiicn let to me aueovery ana cap are oi laerr rr 'itouot. w unico wron- i ui unf, and which have bcrttnf. re btn rxtlr.lrtl from the irquii'ir eys ufrnm. leadt u t as ame parJon- abie pride in heraldirc tho event with more than ordinary pleasure. TWB- OWEBIK CJAPT. 1. V. BATES A2TD S1O.00O tht they are thj uHet ptoplo oa cartb. ii?e -ri"3a ivirtt kW - fc T- T eVS- A Literal Avalanche of Amazing Attractions. OHE ticket admits to ill Trained animals a dHinrtiTe feat ere, A Itoyal Orieatal Farxae will be cives in the fore oooi or !ch day. displaying th most tiorxeous. GlitterintrGa'axvcfGolJenUlery ever witnerei oa this eonUDent-ifirrovlrcinit uor wild beasls. more nea. wutcea and horses, more curiosities mararSsierts. ward robes. srrOiis. KLcrs Ksirhts. Idyjaardj Ladies of the Court. Soldiers. BatUexses. Horse Guards, clsd In Arraorof SHxer. sUel and Gold P!attin$s. fomica a ceita spies -dor'nerer betore equaled. Docts- open at 1 p jr. and 7 p.-sl, 1,200 Cushioned Opera Seats. He-' member, only one ticket required for all abvertise'd exhibitions- of the UrCSI SDOMT Ot Uie Universe.' I hpt. and Xrs. H. V.S ATE3 f 3 f $ b - -vv. V vt;r -: -Mce; t j-l i r ir 's- tr w-. 9 Admission 50 Cent. - - 9 IN snri:; Tnt.r.-..v.rt an.l Vrr mk:.C k- Ivt" Cn."tvd 'tM't. 1-- IIvkI? I r..'.,. t t ELECTRIC LIGHT. &ri&te&&i naRUHmsBMneasi if ilnnir objecti tnt.l or iii.lerAu i rrr atrcteie.uu ti ntT ami iruir M' . ClowoMow hu wired beautiful Il4rv. 6r hun .red i. mn asdohd rn. Trot ilr r - robcj. At..un iitd ellcot. Ihutj Uentvt .o.H?al won.ler- Airi.iaiciii;iipioim Fix'.liotlllwi Uipth.s EA ElfEFMAK-TS. WIFE. aiKtt;?r?.l&nK The srcitcs: cariotiU.s ia chrutca 1 al Earh eiirht fet b'sh. Ia Vine onl one I lave just added, WONDERFUL co F fr .4flB&fo i ir -r.. it rs.ssrrr. "stjmmjz- i.uiiin -f 7,A3,a y iii - W jr v v5A Mr B9 HBkdTV.r l' ?l iU BSf W laaiESSS aBaBaaS3Bj3awr S flf rPBaBHMr Tna ntAtf vn7flf m9 Vt nvfAoii C1tAr Sen L t.4 "1"V. t. -v - - I tSarch erect oatbeitiiQd feet- They tit is ChxL-. Taer DriH lifc Sei-linnL Thrf fns TaMeasr. i rk4 All pertunaier taretaer at cue aaJ tare saae Lac One ishm artrai baein f thr ttkn. Tkrv- i r saw bw a Dcaro. isetr penunBaaee are ataauairr. aEdjaiCuretnaeafvf trtW sia Unreiills. Is fact these ecutae wanders pericTs BwxAe of teerediMe Tla4?B sa4 dirytsy a d'TeofiBteIlirBesferrancraoytMflrtswerl!tfcwrrr ciBJ wajref inim nln rinli Aaotaer gerat noTelty just uses red. THE MAMMOTH iASA6 OX. A xif otfff. cTost eaphaiieaJty the larxK nxciatea of the eattle speck ever dieoeri Vl baad t&e yl bility of a doubt the cost (inatie brate crer bmd oe tie nm4m ertimrnt. juoreiy aew. ant aad foremost. a iwnitJ i-js.rt:uittiriu sAffiSrs oucu i:s- dceiag ti featnrM cfms BiH8 t-HTl-Stit- ittttur tj- alIAlLg &mfM. ii m; ;. SMSse?w3S lAHl1-, half on icebj comLInH wrirht. on iatf fti. evtr exited at acr tldse la tl wr A.tcr7. as spctui sttrictloss th LEAPING HORSE, Children 25 Cents. ! nits o. n. Hvt.HY. 1 ! Vccol ana Intrcsianial ! M r S K ' ,. ,. V II ReW 1 MOtt ." PAHLOH. HKiUUKU! and Kitchen IVLMlXiTriMi ! lUAcnnr. Chkovio, M.ATTJIEE5. ETtU COFFINS ly Warxt d riai Harness Siiop J. L. WiLLSR Kcrp4JttttitV on hand a f'I Hft df I lnii( ('"tiir. SWU. W kip, Har P.Uoka. ChiU. Hrth. et, ilnrw Oil al Vt- lltina twwahjr krpt !w a Hrt-n tni TwodMH MHth oftkiwil. tSjitct Cah Tr!: "Aid fcr SMi nd Fin. stj tr,at rti tr fPr fJoottx mid Grocer fax- BOOTS a tii! KlIOM!? Hats? Caps. & Rtatty Ma tie Clothing! We have the Largest Stock in the Valley and will not be undersold. GIVE !.S A CAM ONK k M,,t Sarn,l Garber. I5rd lUonel "Siht F. NEWHQUSE -Dfc.ii.rn i? BRIT - GOODS 1 GltOCKRlJilS AND NOTIONS, Th imiWk jrnwraIy ara r-nafrt! Uf U &n. tarotitf my jroul awl prie&t j a hae ff the r'r.aace it Mi.icttrJ. sir 5torc. firt dr crth of Jlfc cr tncat market. H-'JI P. NKNVflOUSa CHICAGO Lumber Yard Yard Mth oniarajton & Kzl itoo'J h0, oa !ni txett. Kep e5Ustlr 3 ttwl9 iArtsat cf S.TOifer.Latls. fthjct.ftfvr tli 1owm. Llu lliilrftftl, Vimnlr KuIIiIIhs fniirr t. PLATT & FItP:ES ' ltt rrwfnm ikr Httnc riJMiit' Wfcj JMltrtT -f e ' o iM.'f A . b jJtj Cs i. c tr k 5 . rv at ar-4 Uf rt-tiW : Wl JrKJfWl Utllf7.h&U t W.F' CK. It i W- CtM. If JUkt . m ul . - Ytvrmt k 6-t-M.'.? . -...-.-- ' . kjjjm-. omrf rvn ks ir - rwUaiweH .t rn rga4 -Kl-!S' 1 WjWflHt fFvt tvr - 'xtf3 ire.y fes Sa.y ;. fjw r-rt an flp? ect im j "r w rtT t ka2f Kra. Wt Jl'KurjW. U t iii iiiiiiB .i !. r' r:.,- -r- , -v a -'"-.- uqnw K.w arf Uiimni cat rnMrwdl Kmjr. W s,v M4 fM fTiirfiWfwrlitkm ' M fcar Uw J S ttm' IwritM w Ato-9 asr f 7bftuv. a. Ul . i Jwr . i;Mfiw3SgttWiUMJif.U.S. JUarU.OS, -s SAi-L 6ARB v Ht i " t " AvfCA.2rSe -4. - -rt - -- J ea