-. -. ' t ft DE SHEEEBi Proprietor of the CITY DRUG STORE, AID DKALKK m Drugs? Medicines. Paints. Oils and Varnishes. A fall supply of LAMPS, LAMP SlIDKS, HICKS, i'OMBS, BIlUSUES&c. 7atrnag solicited afid thankfully" received. -O-rVestriptioBi carefully compounded One door south of Garbcr's store, RED CLOUD NEB. Nimble Six-pence. Geo. W. Dow, -DEALER. IN- Groceries & Confectioneries, Choice Tea. Coffee Sugar Ac. White Fish & Mackerel. Greea. Dried and Canned Fruit. Thvbet't To bacco and Clean. Flour and meal con lastly on hand. Vest. 1 Hitter, and Wood Taken in Payment. Everything warranted to be a represented. IGIVE ME A CALL and I will do you good. 1st door north of argui office. Red Cloud, - Neb. Moon Callender, )l)KAI,F.n.S in( General Merchandise, Dry - Goods, Groceries Boots & Shoe, HATS AND CAPS, Drugs, Medicines, Oils TrarnisheH9 JPainfo IStc. GLASSWARE, QUEENSWAHE. HARDWARE L HAR1TESS ETC., ETC., ETC. A full line of everything kept in t perioral etore at tho Lowest Cash Pit ices. Heaped fully, Moon & Callender. COWLES - NEB Flour & Feed STORE, CHAS. E. PUT1TAM, Prop. DEALER IN FLOTJB FEED Corn. Meal, Bran Chopped Feed and ' GROCERIES, Viit tho Red Cloud Orecery. Feed and Pro - Tiiiett5torwhnjouwainjrppHesfor man or beast. Highest market price in cash paip for grain All kinds ofcoaaJry produce taken an exchange ftrgoods. Ooodi doliTered to all parts of town freo of charge. Store south of Reed's Plow Factory. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. lewSiore VewBoods lewFriees. Cheap, Cheap, Cheap! Dress Goods CBEAP. MU CHEAP. .Motions CHEAP. Women's Boots CBEAP. Misses & Ghildre&rs Boois die&p. Miens' & Boys BOOTS ft SMBS, Clear;. Hats & Caps CBEAP. Ladies & Childrens Furs in. great variety, cheap. LOTS OP OTHER THINGS Cheap. GROCERIES, groceries, GROCERIES Cheap, Cheap. At Thk Corner Store. F. W. Sherwood, mm, '9 DIALU II m?L.um.M!m HOUSK FLABXB, FLOWEB POTS, WIRE STANDS &a NICE ana CHOICE articles a spMialty. V ext the -'old Coart Soeae Webster St. RED CLOUD, NEB. EMIGH BROS. MEAT MARKET REirCLOUD, NEB. Tk ehMeeat of FreAmeata. SuiKM, MOWU ftM JTWTU1SK .m in. uiv u ilSSfefSS tof SkK'a ins rtor.. THE CHIEF. LOCAL ADVERTISEMENTS in thii colann will bo charged UnccnUa line. No advertisement inserted lor let than 25 eeuta. Correspondence from all parU of the county olicited. oa matter of general iaterot. Make jrour letter- ihort and tu the joint. The paper ia reipomible for the correetnew according to copy or paid matter aad ptud legal, only. LOCAL MATTERS. The 4th of July comes on Sunday thi- var. The weather turned off distreMingly hot after the rain. Our job work always gives j-ntu-iac-tiou. (Jive us a trial. The Htori" of.Iohn (i. Potter hiu lxien rioted hy the creditors. It is now in order for the boyA to nave up their nickel to go to the circun. W. V. ColeV moiwter circus will ex hibit in lied Cloud, on Monday, June 7th. Wheat tlut was put in with a drill in said to look well, and will make a fair crop. We are glad to note that the farmers in iIih r-cclion are planting large crops of corn. The Valley Uowe has changed hands, Mr. Alx. Rutherford took charge last Monday. Positively the largest stock of milli nery ever" brought to lied Cloud, at Mrs. Fowler'. Ed. Hawley left for other parts last Friday night. It is not known when he will return. A law Knit last .Saturday evening at A. Kaley's ofliee heljed to liven up things a little. The Ciiikf'h residence and lots will soon he surrounded hy a neat substan tial picket fence. For the last five weeks our edition has run short, we have not had enough papers to go round. The iron horse has reached Superior, and the Superiorites are juhilant over their railroad facilities. Mr. Everett now conducts the hard ware business formerly owned hy Ward & Everett, at Cowlcs. The new hearse will .-oon be ready to convey the unfortunate dead, of Red Cloud, to their final resting place. Kendall's Horse Books, a new adi tion, jus as good as any five dollar book. For sale at the Chief office. The Lincoln Journal says that John B. Finch "simply" hugged, kissed and "wrestled with" the girl on the lounge. McElvoy, "tho boy inurderer,"plcad guilt- of murder in the second degree and was sentenced to states prison for life. Somebody dropped a silk handker chief in our office last Saturday. The owner can get it by calling with the cigars. Hon. Geo. W. Dorscy, Receiver of the U. S. Land office at Bloomington, honored the Chief with a call last Monday. The friends of Harry Kcnyon would be glad to hear from him. When last heard from was at Lincoln. Exchanges please copy. The Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser will preach I next Sabbath at the court house, at 11 o'clock a. m., and at 5 r. m., Sunday school at 10 A. .m. John B. Furay, special agent of the Po.stofficc Department, and an experi enced and successful detective, stopped in Red Cloud, last Saturday. A train of about 15 wagons from Missouri laden with household goods and children, passed through town last Thursday, bound for Oregon. A little rain came last Thursday, just enough to settle the dust for about fifteen minutes, when it commenced to drift through the streets again. A number of the precincts were not represented in the county convention bust Saturday, the' having neglected to hold caucuses and elect delegates. Last Friday evening the outlook for rain was good but it failed to connect. Franklin county got a good soaker at that time, and we suppose it will be our turn next. A grand wolf hunt is to come ofF in Franklin county next Saturday. We understand that several parties, with their dogs, will be in attendance from this county. C. C. Coon, the pic plant and peanut man has made his regular spring ap pearance on our streets with the nicest pie plant ever grown in this or any other country. The Mr. Miller spoken of in the arti cle last week, on Orphan's Home, is R. A. Miller, traveling agent for the New York, Pensylvania & Canada Southren Railway. The boys say it is pleasant to "gather at the river" of a Sunday, with hook and line. It may be enjoyable, this Sunday fishing, but it is popularly sup posed to be wicked. Now that fly-time is at hand every one should endeavor to be as freje' from the annoyance of these persistent little pests as possible, and should co at once to Jones fc Magee's and purchase wire screens for doors and windows. 41-tf Flavins McMillan, of the Republican City New was a caller at the Chief sanctum last Monday. He is very much pleased with the appearance of Red Cloud, and concedes it to be the metropolis of the Valley. Mr. George Wells, one of the old eettlere near Cbwles, and -who became dissatisfied with Nebraska and went to Missouri a few years ago, has returned and now proposes to make Webster county his permanent home. We don't assert that -ihe Chief has double the circulation of any paper in the county, but we will show by the subscription books that such is the case, and challenge a comparison. Is he of the long ears ready to show up. Picnic hate at Mrs. McBride's. Wire ncrccn for doors and windows can be had at Jones t Magcc'a. Cigars, all grades, from the highest price to the lowest can always be found at Miner Bros. A Large stock just re ceived. A colony of fifty families parsed through town in covered wagons last Tuesday, on their way to Washington Territory. The genuine corn syrup can be had at Miner Kro. This syrup is a "new thing under the sun," and is good and cheap, when you try it once you will buy no other. Kemenilier that it i sold at Miner Bros. Call and get one of those "Horse iKxjk's, they only co-t 'lb cents and are worth $.r of any mun's money who owns a horse or who ever expects to own one. W. C Reilly informs us and backs up the assertion with a ciar, that he will Ik.' a candidate for the honorable petition of representative, the coming fall. Mr. A. J. Rennccker, since moving to his farm has concluded to engage in the stock business, he has fenced a ten acre lot and otherwise prepared him self for the care of stock. Uncle Jack has a good farm and can grow corn sufficient to feed a large number of cattle. This part of the "vineyard" was blessed with a good rain last Saturday. We might add in this connection that it was on hist Saturday that Webster county elected a solid Grant delegation to the fctate convention, whether this had anything to do with the rain we will not attempt to say. Mr. Henry Cook who recently pur chased the drug store of ('. H. Potter, has resolved to furnish a nice cool drink for the thirsty during the hot weather, and has put up a first class soda fountain in his store and will deal out soda water, cold as tho arctic ice bergs, to all who wish a nice healthy drink. Window and door wire screens at Jones & Maigcc's. We are reliably informed that the road between Red Cloud and Iuavale is in a very bad condition, in fact all most impossable in places, for load ed teams. It would seem that those having the care of the public highways had ought to see to it that they are kept passible so that our farmer friends up the river will not be compelled to go elsewhere, perhaps out of the county, wjth their trade and their produce. Sec. 149, Statutes of 1S79 provides that in all counties where the cost of furnishing the officers with books, blanks and stationery, shall exceed the sum of $200 per year, the supplies for such purposes shall be let in separate contracts to the lowest bidder, who shall give bond for the faithful per formance of his contract with at least two good and sufficient sureties, resi dents of the state We offer the above simply as a sug gestion to our county officials. The editor of the Argut says in the hist issue of his dirty little sheet that the editor of the Chief "was drunk and also lousy," jut think of it, a fearful charge, isn't it. The editor of the Chief will not enter into a controversy with the long-eared individual on the subject, but will cimply say that even if the charges preferred against us by the Argut were true, our condition would, in our opinion, lc enviable compared with that of the Argut editor. The man who ambles about town with a precious part of his anatomy carefully and artistically done up in linen cloths, and chewing shingle nails, might cer tainly be expected to receive the undi vided sympathy of the community. The county commissioners have made the following estimate of the necessary expenses of the comity for the ensuing year. General fund, including support of the poor, $12 000 00 Sinking fund, - - 4 000 00 Road fund, - - 4 000 00 The following Teachers have been employed in the diferent school dis tricts in Webster county. The table shows the No. of the district and the wages per month paid to each teacher. DIST. WlGt.!8T. WAGES. 1 HA Baily. 15 0)131 Mra A BarUett I2S 00 2 AL Funk. $651 132 Lisa May 2800 J COtU. $30 j Total at Mary Kin. 23 U0 Mrs. Dieken-1 125 00 42 O V Q Rorick 20 00 .- mtn i 43 Victoria Martin 25 00 3 Olive Noble 4 Mary Parker 5 Clara King 6 Loura Beard 11 Alid Harvey 15 CW Springer 16 Ida Garber 18 Klla Andrna 2500 45 Mary Smith 22 00 20 00149 JosieMathcwa 2000 19 00,50 Allie Stilea 2500 18 00.il Amy Luce 2000 20 00.53 Thomas Bherly 25 00J55 Mary Mardangb. 200061 Emily Hughs 22 50 62 Z B Hooker 20 06 20 Jfattie Frisbte 18 00 64 Lrdia Manger 20 uu 24 Nettie Whitney 25W69 Jfark Noble 27 I-aura Lndlow 2500 70 Kmma Downs 2500 72 lfrra Smith 25001 2510 25 00 2S Mm Settelle 30 Amelia Smith Regular postal cars will be put on the B. & M. road June 1st. This action is necessitated bv the immense amount of mail business on the road, the busi ness having increased so rapidly during the past year that the present accom modations for handling it have been found entirely inadequate. "This is an improvement," says the Omaha Republican, "which Mr. Paul Vandervoort, chief clerk of the railway mail service, has long been trying to secure in order to do away with serious delays of mails caused by its being csir ried past the proper stations, owing to the inability of postal clerks to proper ly handle it with their limited facilities. Special Mail Agent John B. Furay has also strenuously labored for the same object. Tlie credit, therefore, for this great improvement belongs to Hon. E. K Valentine, Paul Vandervoort'and John B. Furay, and the South Platte people can thank them for it, Mr. Vandervoort is now awaiting further and fuller details by mail from Wash ington concerning these cars. The B. & M. will a once build three of them according to plans and specifications to be furnished by the Post Office De partment. It is thought that tliis num ber will accommodate the business for ' Eome time to come."' Our Cock Crows! Because Webster County Sends a Solid Grant Delegation. THE ARGUS MAN WANTS TO INOW HOW IT HAPPENED. AND FEELS "KINDER" SICK. TES C0TOT7 CONVENTION HABHOIHOUS THIOUQEOUT. The convention assembled promptly at 2 o'clock last Saturday, and proceed ed to business by electing Col. Hoover of Blue Hill, Chairman; R. B. Fulton, Secretary; nearly all the precincts in the county were represented. The fol lowing nine delegates to the state con vention were elected by acclimation. Red Cixui Pkkcixct, Silas Garbcr, M. L. Thomas, J. L. Mil ler, S. C. Smith and L. P. Albright. Inavale Precinct, N. Ayrs Oak Creek Precinct, H. I). Ranncy. Potfdam Precinct, Col. Hoover. Walnut Creek Precinct, R.B. Fulton. It was decided that the delegates should go to the state convention with out instructions. Hon. G. W. Dorscy and Flavius McMillan who were callers at this office last Monday, unhesitatingly say after a critical examination of our facilities for work and specimens: of job printing, that the Ciiikf office is decidedly the best and mot complete printing cMab lishmeut in the Republican valley. Free soda this afternoon at Cook's drug store. Greatest and grandest display of goods, at Mrs. McBride's. The following from the Beatrice Zea der seems to be so peculiarly applicable to this place at the prcacut time that we copy it in full. We advise our people who want to save their money and preserve their health to look out for traveling physici ans who go about professing to perform miracles. We have plenty of physici ans here who have had the benefit of the best schools, and are well posted in all branches of medicine, and who have a reputation at stake, ami we ad vise everybody to patronize them in preference to the itinerant chap who is, in nine cases out of ten, an unmitigated I humbug. Physicians of Mich extraor dinary ability and skill, as are claimed by these traveling doctors, have all the business they can attend to at home, and do not go up and down the country drumming for business. You can save 25 per cent on your money by buying your goods of A. S. Marsh. Come and'scc for yourself. John Williams who lives in the south cstst part of the county was so infortu- nate jus to looc a valuable team of horses last Saturday, which were struck by lightning and instantly killed. Mr? Williams was marking corn ground and had gone to the house for his coat when the rain came up and had started to go back to his team and was only a few rods from the horses when to bolt decended upon them. We un derstand that Mr. C. M. Barrett has in terested himself in procuring assistance in the matter of getting the unfortunate man another team. New styls of ginghams and prints, just received at Marsh's. Through the kindness of Mr. Geo. II. Brown, the furniture man, we are per mitted to enjoy the luxury of a rotary reclining office chair. It is simply splendid and we would advise everyone to call on Mr. Brown, at the only first class furniture store in town, and invest in a comfortable chair. You won't re gret it. For the lest confectionery, freshest and finest oranges and lemons, go to Roby's. De Soto spent the best part of his life in a fruitless search for the Foun tain of Youth, W. B. Roby, being more fortunate than the old Spaniard, has found the "Fountain" tobacco, the lcst fine cut in the market. tf Genuine Corn Cob and plug tobacco, 'Good enough" for anybody, at Roby's. The war in milliner' still rages. Mrs. Lutz is ahead so far." Providence permitting, the ladies of the Red Cloud M. K. church, will hold a festival in their new house of worship, on Wednesday evening, May 26th. There will also be a supper. All arc cordially invited. Johs A. Dixon, Pastor. For the best chewing tobacco in town, go to W. B. Roby's. Ladies look around, and then con vince yourselves where you can get the best bargains in millinery by calling on Mrs. Lutz'. Down they go, good table linen for 30 cts. a yard. A. S. Marsh. Ladies suits, ulsters sod underwear, constantly on hand, aj. Md. Lutz'. 1 "New patters in tabic damask colored and bleached, at A. 3. Marsh. m'4jfsm I 9W mmm 3Mgllgr--,". I Pure cider vinegar, a large supply on hand, at Miner Bro-. Ladies underwear, at Mr. McHride.. If you want wif,- scrtin for your dop and window don't forget to call on Jono fc Magc. If rcni want to get rorn; at bottom figure, go to the "old reliable" More of Sam'l. (Jarbcr. Tic?', fichus veiN and verything you need, at Mrs. Mcltnde's, New spring drr good opened thU dav. A. S. Mnrr-h. Reduction in Wall Paper ! Now i the time to buy wall paprr at Brown- Furniture Store, as the prttv hac been reduced from live to ten cent on a roll. -II -if The bent place in the Vallev to your hat und bonnet, at '.Mrs. Bride's. buv Mc- Dissolution Notice. The co-partnership heretofore ex isting tatween Thoniai J. Ward and Ora It. Kverrt t d.in; hu.iues in the town of Cowlcs. Wrb-tcr countv. .Wb.. under firm name of Ward Sc Everett. i this day dicsnlvcd by mutual con-cut, all Mrcoii4 indebted to said tirm are requested to settle with Ora If. Everett who will continue the huMne audi" authorized to collect and settle claim due caid firn. May 12th, 1SS0. TiiomsJ. Vnv. 41-W-3 Oka II. KVERCTT. m - Peaehblow potatoc- can now be bad by calling at the store ot W. B. Robv. Fayal hat in the latest color., at Mrs. Fowler's. Chas. E. Putnam, of the Flour ,t Feed store, has ju.it received a car load of choice Peaehblow potatoes from Iowa. These potatoes are offered cheap, call and see. - m - - - Ladies, a word with you, nice mil linery goods to look My fish and to.-how off to the best advantage inii.-l be put on by u first cla.-s milliner, and the only place in Red Cloud where von run get that done is at Mrs, door north of the Bank. - - -.-------.- Fow ers, one .SntiNt: V.U.I.KY, Ai-kii. i5th, 18S0. Priiuc Notick Is hereby given, that we will not be resnensible 'for. or iav any indebtedness for, or on account sub-contractors, except upon our writ ten order, specifying amount and time of pavment. Also we will not be re sponsible for the payment of labor of sub-contractor's, employees, to any greater amount than liiay be owing to sub-contractors tion eMimatcs for work done, and all claims for labor muM be made to us. befor payment of eMiniates, or they will be deemed and heM to be waived. Rky.voi.ds it .S.rur.n. Spring Valley A. Fairburv Div., Ben. Valley It. R. 4UI-S Medical men, both Allopathic and Honuepathie, concur that the Mrong alkali contained in common .Saleratus and Soda is detrimental to health, and paves the way for di-ease. They aNo occur that J. Monroe Taylor's Cold Medal Soda or Saleratus is the only perfectly harmless article in the market which can be relied upon. l'.-e it with cream tartar. Call on the Grocers for it. Their depot is 112 Liberty St., New York. HAPPILY DISAPPOINTED. Disappointment- are frequently gro viotis to bear, but having received let ters almost daily from parties who have been 'happily di.-ap pointed' were re late their experience which will be profitable for every one to remember. Thousands have written to the proprie tors of Kendall's Spavin Cure, Mating that they began using Jt without any faith that it would cure pavius, but had been happily disappointed as it dad completely cured the spavin and removed the bunch without blistering, and aftrr uninp it for various purposes, all state freely that they find it the very best liniment ever used for any lame ness on beasr or man. Plea.-e read the advertisement for Kendall's Spavin Cure. Sugar Cured Ham's, A. S. Marsii. Trimmed htt 75cts. and upwards, at Mrs. Fowlers. Try onr dried beef. A. S. Marsh. A nice line of ftDcy Ribbons and Tics at Mrs. Fowlerd. The hiehet marked prico paid for Eggs and Butter. A. S. Marsh. Wall paper in great vcriety at Brown's. French kid button shoes for $5.00, A. S. Marsh. A large line of elegant dress buttons at Mm. Fowler. New goods erery week. Don't fail to get prices. A. S. Marsh. Window shade. and fixture, at Brown's furniture store. We open this week a new tock of Dry Goods. A. S. Marsh. Men's boots and plow "hoes. New goods at a bargain. Marsh has them. Don't forget to pat ont tree?, Putnam has any amount of them. New stock of Ladies and Childrens shoes jast opened. A. S. Marsh. Go and see tbe fine stock of furniture at Brown's, before purchasing elsewhere. Ladies call at Mrs. Fowler and fcc the largest stock of millinery goods in the city. If yon want Hat's trimmed in tke very best manner, go to Mrs. Fowlers you will be sotted. Go and see goods, and price?, before bayiag, at Brown' a furnituto and wall paper store. ESPECIAL Having Bought the Entire Stock of Goods, owned by N. G. Liddy, (deceased,) at Auction, will offer them to the Public at Cost, to make room for NEW GOODS, Consisting of DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, Stoneware, Crockery and Glassware. A full Stock of Sugar, Coffee, Tea's and dryed fruits on hand. Come and see me at Liddy's old stand. RED CLOUD, A Ladic jto to Mr. Fowler wbtrc jqb ( raa gel atr'uh hat clecantlr and chat i iy trimmed br a firt cU Tuamct. Mr. MootKoojcry rralartr df l u frch milk U the intubiunt of Uh! "load. Milk dchtrrcd ctcry day, Sua daja aot excepted. Wc are cUd to Iraro that C K. Pnt naia h made arrarjgrv.rnt to npp3y trrca, Cottonwood. Ah, and Bozcldrr ta any quaotitic Urjre or rualL Kinney k Roner brown Le born etc for N I1..VJ per dot 37 4-w Miw. V. H. Hour. ' CROWT! Not the t'roan of Kinp nor the Crown of Glory, but the Crown cwir Machine, the latent, and beM machine in the Mar art. it will pay you to call at the Il Office and pre it befnre you pureha-c' For Sale by M. B. McNirr. If You Want Bargains Call at NehouM. where you can gel White Good. Gingham, Shirtitt, DreM Goods, Flannels IWlin, J-an, Ho-iery, Carpet. I larubtircs. Toilet Scis, Ruchcx, Toys. Grocetie. and a greit variety of othr good -ery cheap for cah. The good wi!l he cloed 01, call early and get bargain. 37-if K. Nr.wuousE. MONEY TO LOAN? Money to prove un with on final iC' ceipt, or on deeded land at S per. cent, and 1-62 per cent, eoujmi ion. or at straight 10 percent, no oinnu-.ion. J. so. K. Wn.uox. Office next door to Chief ofliee. 30tf Final Proof Xo fires. - Land 0t at IiloumiDKtna Nrb Jlr 17th. lv). Notir. i. herrr in that Ihe fnlluwiot named irttlcr ha filcl nutlfp of hi intention to make final proof in mriKirt of bi.rUirn, and ifcare final entry tlirrrif before Jaror A. TmI Iy. clrrk of court In Wehtter county at bit f-ft-r in Kef Cloud Neb., on --aturd. Jane 1'.'. 1WI. rit; Auru't L IVoliKr. IIM. entry Ko :n'1. for the K Ss W ' and W , .s K Srr. ;f. town I rmnge It wet, and tiarae the folio Inc f hi. witne-UM. to trnve routinunuf residence on and cultivation of ld tract tu. HlJii.tn Vanlikp Friedrich Wnbbrrni4U. Auut Wohborruar. and Andrew J. Rennccker, all ot Ked 'lnd. Vebr. maySOjunei; S. W SW1TZKK. Kegijifer. Land Office at llloomingtoii Neb. May. Uth. hv). Notici U herebr riven that the tullnvin. named eltler ha filed notico of hi intention to "SrVfeW court ot Webster county. Nebr.. at the rountj et.nn Saturday the Ulb d of June. !. rit. Krielrich Wobbrrman. Ilumntetd Kntrj No. lt'iiO. for the routh-we.t quirtcr. rectmn if".. town 1. ranee 11 west, and ii.ttnr.-. the lollnwma as hi utnrsse, tM (irute contiuuou residenrr uM.n anl culliration of ni 1 tract, vu. I liarlo (at. I.udwic Woltrr. Charles Wobberuian and Aua-ii't W.ibocruin all if Ited I lou I, Neb. tnayaljuuelo S. W. SU I rZKK. hectster. Land Office at Hlooininzton Neb. Jay tth. la o. Notice i hereby g Ten that the following named settler has filed notlc f hi inteniiun to make final proof in support of hi claim, nn 1 se caro finnl entry thereof, before Jatues A. Tul le. clerk of tno court of Welxter county, at hit office in Ked ('loud. Neb. vu Krid.y. June 4tb. 1". u. Krii't Miller, of IIIiib Hill Nrb. IIM aMlirn tinn 1731. f .r the northeast ' ser 11 town t rauire 10 west, and names the following- as hi witne.s e to prore continuous residence on and cultiva tion of aiid tract. ix: Albert lll'juienlhal. Auicust lllumetithal.Ott. Moscnten. a.id Ceorae (le.s ullof U.uc Hill Neb tnaojunr.t S. W. Ewitikr. Hrs-ister. Land Office at lllooininaton Neb. .ljy lib. K-0. Notion is hereby ciren that the followinc namid settler hx filed notfe l hi intention lo make final proof in support of hi claim, and securo final entry thrrcof before Jamr A Tul ler. elrr ot the court in Vebter county at hs oihce in Ked Cloud Seb.. on saturou) June.'ili. lS'yi. u. Absalom Hutler. HM. applicotton No. 11.9. for the north-wet quarter. Se. 11. town I, range 11 west, aini names the followinc his witnesM. to jrove continuous residence upon and cu.tivation of mid tract vi: Itichar.i S. Spicknall. Norrntn SpnriKrr. .'eoreo V, Drown, and Hla. . Wells, all of Well-. Nh. iua;juneJ . W. SWir.KR. KeKister. Land Office at llloomincton Neb. April. S5,lvrt. Notice is hereby siren that the following named settler ha filed notion of his indention to make final proof in support ot lii claim, and se cure Gr.al entry thereof before Jatnes A.TuI leys clerk of court in Wohster county, at hi" ortice in Red Cloud Nch., on tho ?.th djy of May. 1SS0. vu: Richard Lewis, of Clorerton. Nebr. Home stead Kntry. No. IIM. for the north-eat li.firo ll. town 4. rn-e II wtst. and imtcc the follow inc aA hit witnvses, to prote continuous resi dence upen and caltiration of sail tract, tu. Alooto fobin. Laurence A. Tobin. WiliMtn K. Thorn and Charles Churchill, all of Wells. Neb. apriimiay-JT S. W. JjWITZKR. Ketister. ?A liOTICZ. Land Office at Tlootnint ton. Neb . Jfay 1th. IsV). f'omplaint harins; been entered at this office by (leorye W. Well, against .Newman J. Powell, f-ir abandoninc his Timber Culture entry N. 2313. dated December 6th. 1S"S. ujon tho North Kaat'. Section I. Township'.! N. Rauao lu W, in Webter county, Nebraska, with a ricw t tbe cancellation of said entry: the said parties are hereby summoned to apix-ar at this OCice on the 15th day of July. -. at V o'clock a m . to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. Omo. W. Uoastr. S. W. w-iTixt. Rtceirer. Itegister. LZ0AL I'OTICS. '- Whereas Henry Jennine." and Elixtbeth Jen nirrs. his wife, pjrents and lawful cuar.leani of Sarah Rowland a minor, did on the ITtb eay of vay 1-rAmakeas atementm writing .Inly sworn to and subscribed Jn the presence t two witnes es bafore me. C. Vi. Kaley. County Judge in and for webstcr county Neb., that they totuntar'Iy relinquish all right to tbe custody and jxiwer and control orer b'arab Rowland, a minor child, to the end that the said .Sarah Rowland shall be fully adopted by V'. K.Jackson, of Red Gaud Nebraska. And whereas the Mid IV. K. Jsekson did on the tame date make a statement in writiag duly sworn to and subscribed before me in tbe pres ence of two wttne-ie that h freely and solan tarily adop the said tarah Itowland as hf. own child, and has made application to this court for a decree of adoption in accopUoce with said lost mentioned su lenient. Now therefore all p-r"ns interested in said matter are commanded to be and appear before me Charles W. Ka'cy. tunty Judge in and for Webster county, on toe 14dy of June. A. IM.-. to show cause if anr there be whr such decree should nit be granted. An1 publication hereof snail be ma'le 10 tbe Re.l Cloud Otter, a paper published and of general circulation, in ssid county for three evDieeutire weeks from date hereof. Iated at Red Cloud. Neb . May 1. A. D. 1. CUAS. W. KALKY. County Jo 'ge. In and tor Wets-ter Co- Nebraska. "kOKCS T0TSAC222S. Notice ij hereby giren. that I will examine all person who miy desire ti offer tbemselr it candidates lor teachers of the primary or , common schools of 'A'ebsier county, at Ited , (load on the firs: fc,atnrdy in the m-nthnf, VeSiruarr. Jar Aorat and November: At , Blue Hill on the first Saturday in the month' of January. April. July and October. At liaide Rock os the fiirst Saturday in the xsosthi of March. June. September and Heermber. Examinations to commence at S o'clock a. v. A. A. Pora. Coanty Scperintendcnt of Public Instruction NOTICE! Nebraska. AI: m m?W' SBk Aotifnm.' roA 1K !? Sf A :U HV. B T" r aTaW m X taaWaaLaP BSriH 1 I i " - Cnlr4 aoeerdln to Aaw f Codtm. taUapw Xw71. by faak a n at lt OSc of it L.ltrarUo r Conjn". at aauvcw F. .H CORE. Jeweler, Red Cloud, Neb. ! 1880. FARMERS ! c caJJ your attention ami Cheapest Stock of AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, In the Republican Valley. Years of experience in the trade, has taught us the wants of the Farukrs of this great AGRICULTURAL STATK. that in vour ! . . . ' ot all, we oiler you the best products ot Eastern Manufacturers. Drills, Seeder's, Corn Plows with Seeder attach ments, Sulky Plows, Stirring and Breaking Plows, Marsh Harvester, Whitney Marsh Binder, the bkst machine in the market, Randolph Header, Newton Wagon, Buggies, and all kind of Jpj3Z I! M A.CITI IS" K RY. w hail rpare no efforts to advance happy to show our RED CLOUD, BESLEY It, "As. HliADQUARTHRS FOR Dw AND TINWARE. -AND STANDARD GOODS IB flfi BOUGHT AT BOTTOM Wc Have also a Large Stock, of Barbed Fence Wire, Staples. Nails, WUl- ttafCt All kinds of TIN, COPPER, and SHEET IRON VVORK.done on short notice. Call and Examine Goods, and get Prices. Besley t Rcd Cloud, April 27th, t 1880. 1880. to the Largest, Hcst, Success lies the interest , , , . the Interest or our t'uatoincra. (looiN. Give ua a call. Alwaja STABLER, DEISHER & CO. Nebraska. .! LJ3!w PERKINS. S nVt RE,sT ALL THE- & it a PRICES. Perttdiur.. 1880. HAMMER , " t t j -21.314 s I Zr. " n ' .-' . J.--' ytrS't:, i" '"'i, r t-fSP' Si " - "& j ' 'i 'rf?s J ? -i?. ,.-x--w &' -TC-W ' L ZHf' $&y'-Jk' '-"i: - - FW