rr- Tmit -.- 3a jor work, RED CLOUD CHIEF Cloud Chief. The Red M Cvi:,E-2w:, GnltRfir. :'ATIbTAKrtX:M?7TST MATHER rUT.LIfHED EVERT THURSDAY AT 2SS CLSTC, K22EASSA. BY M. L. THOMAS, JMIlornad Proprietor. "Eternal Vigilance Is the price of Liberty rand SloOaycar h the price of the lied Cloud hief. -AJ.&4T- r-s: RED CLOUD, WEBSTER CO. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1SSQ NO. U TZ-i:'':- 51.50 a jcir if paid la Airasce. vol. vir. , if9f n ?. v vs-. K3'?SaES3S L f r i y V. K. V- R- R- Time TaWe. "akin eject Sondar. May 4th IsT'J. STATIONS. HASTINGS. A YR eLUE HILL CowLK RKD CLOUD iy.WAl.E RIVEBTON FRANKLIN BLHMInTO VOBTH. S Alara 5 K 7 :40 7 :"i f. tfl G-.1Q a ;.Y. Z& 5 :10am. ia ' fn T 3 u daily, except Sunday. - 1 Iwmlin. fi. W. HoMredre Gen. mnnarer. Eapt. 0 EAST x M -VIA THE- Chisago ft M-Wiiln Railway- 2, 330 IDLES OF EOAD. It . he SHORT ure and SAFE route between Council Bluffs -ANl CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE - all iwint EAST and NORTH. -.V rfciliielzhi: 2::t, Wari- rc-tresl, Tcrcstc, lezrsit, CleaTe laai, Cclss&s. It oCrrs the travtlicjc public Cheater Facilities! AND lore Advantages 1 ban any other road in the west. In tlieO.VLY ROAD between -I Oimcil ISIulTW and Chicago t pn which in ren rrLLMAH HOTEL CABS ! .tion to their and to j.leate all classes of . it dive? FIKST ULAS? .MMWai ua I ' a I'Al I Ns. at 50 cent ach. 7-i:ii Steel 2ai la reaches are tie Fisest ! Its Zqcijtaest Firrt class ! n are all Kjuipped with with airbrake. !' OcupW! and all modern imrrov--. c-t'I all of which combined. T - Fastest Sreeei! Sere and .i. r, crnecticas ! i r . -vcrythinr a. pa'Njpjrrr can desire to make a journey . "( K. Pleasant & COMFORTABLE! 1 -"--n Sleeper- on all Night Trains! IT l THE P::rle's Favorite Route. ncil Bluff the Thnxish Train of the - . Nflith-Wcitrn ana the Union Pa way, depart froui. arrive at md use the -,i Union Dcj'Ot. . rh the rt travelinc accommodations nv -rour tick.sii' by this Route -And , I ltl NONE OTHER. ' 2. Agents can sell jzz Thrcrga :. a"tiis Seal asi checi usnal 2assa;e Free cf Charge. " ket rnrss 132 Farnarc Street. U.i. and at Union PaciGc Iejt t 'uCs Ticket Offiee or. Ilrndway ancl -trcet. C 1- -W. R'y Depot, and al'acifu-Tran-frr Depnt. . t 2rrIn Olorado Central and V. nion f:c Ttck-t Offire. . arco t'fficc 2 New Montgomery bt- . Z Ow " ruitinn. fiMcrs. mar-, -j Il.tne lickit Offices, etc . uot oo ai.drets any t- u. kI.f Company, or vzt:t hughttt, V. HSTiliiXi, t; Manager. aM- -.'"- Chicaco. III. "SIXER HROTIIERS, HEADQUARTERS FOR Bs, to, Sbwb Si ABericu (5 -ElVlXiw TiJiriiiE CRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE ''v.E WAK. ts umifuii TRADEMARK. bq&...hc caff ' i ywMi w ..-x - w ? "riiiiK i3j;i,,,F" . -eTaVinc. s.- .,'ji.r inr1i':M. y ialfW.1 I !-n-l. r,l ls!lBf D!icr-irf - P m.r 14 At. nl icibt oth-r n .f tt ,.;"- , t-r'-,,r . -.r. .--. e7""-;-'8ei!w,'l ,.,-!. t--r' ' J' r ?'"-. .r ,Sl p'"J- lf , ,, i bl ft-. b taU s r-vctf t f ti a-T bj ' ""'inE GU4T JIErnE CO.. Mcanca CuCK. D.narr. Mttv. s-:ld in Rci Clocd and everywhere by all &T Self G OOD ZSrEWS. isick Time 1 Through Trains I C 5se Connections ! No Delay ! urlington Route! 7. Chicago and The East. S? - -ft rates of Fare will be made. .- h Cars will be run from B, Jt Jl. I omtf uMern Nebraska to Chicago, en minutes connection, will be made at i a- 'eii minutes connection, win ob u, .. HICMlO close connection? will alwayi t? e W me rsi.wuw" j- - J 2Ll." .-....,! Ur T.?ninT?! -zz7' :vRS r i i, in t a- L23a jJtYfV J - - - ficcby Telegraph ,or on applicaUon. v -" " r-pouri River to Chicago- ; fc ;. LOUIS AND THE SOUTH. - - "riington route have a systcas of through eV -" and close connections between tne m r - River and St. Louis i-"cr.ecn taking ihi. line have the best ot e. .latndations. Pullman sleeper. run regu- - r trua Missouri River to St. LK)Uii. 'V 1'EOBIA. INDIANAPOLIS, CIN " ClNNATI, AND THE SNUTH-EAST. iK?-'--is is the enly reliahlts route to the.south , i anneciions are mace at Peoria, with the -'p v. adI. b. W. Railroads for Indian--; "Cincinnati. Columbus, and all central sSb sluLnern Ohio. Ken-.ucy. soutkera Indiana, c " ;5irnT!5 CASS, ffwi ls a 75 certs. v-un Tun eo east be sure and trsvel ever tb n VrhM yhne if a Lh f SAFE and coxn vVb'e and desire to travel speedily. . TOTIZAlxl. I' '-u;'-"- -"" GeflTDAncfer. Gcnli'tJtT'U't BUSINESS DIRECTORY. O. C. CASE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on doo: north of Garbe's tore. BED CLOTO, S22 Oollectiona made and promptly remitted T. S. GILHAM, fORNKY AND COUNSE1 A TTORN COUNSELOR AT LAW Ojjic. rnir. floor north of Kaley Jirox. RED CLOUD,- - - NEB W. C. REILLY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND RKAL. tBTtTE OeZT Red aond. Neb. Pronjpt Attention Oiven to Collection. OrriCK- with C. II. TOTTER, at Re Cloud Drugstore. . Edwin C. Hawley. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office over Farley's Drug Store. 2SS UL07D KES. James Laird, A TTOIt.NEY AND COUNSELOR AT law. - Juniata, Neb- Will practice in all the Court of the State. Prompt attention given to all burineM entrusted to hw care. Ofl.ce on the eat nde Janijta Avenue. julyl-. H- s. Kai.kv. C. VV. Kaikt, Red Cloud. Neb. J. L. Kalkt. RIoominitton. Nebraska. KALEY BROS., A TTOUSEl'S AT LAW i REAL ESTATE AOENTS. Will practice in all the Court in NebrwVa and northern Kan'iu cilleetionj promptly at tended to and correspondence solicited. SED CLOTO. Kebrask. Alio. Apents for R. A M. R. E. Land?. " i. w.Tcixiirs, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Pension Snrgeon. IOffice over Kaley Rros. law office. BED CLOTO. HESSASSA ELBERT A. HALL, Ifl. D. Physician & Surgeon, RED CLOUD, NE11. Havinir located permanently at thi place. I will attend to all call, day or mtht. Offi, e lor the present at Knrl-y' druc ftore: at nutbt at hie re-iarnce over ewhotjie s Store. lS.mi j. in. wosex a. m. d. ELKCTIC Physician and Surgeon, R&D CLOUD. NEB. Will pay special attention to Obstetrics' and diea.e of women Abo general and special sunrery. Diears of the Eye and rar. harjea moderate. OHice over Sherer's Drug toi- J. AV. MOUANVII.l.K, t. F. MOiaNVII.I.E, AMBOT. sib. MOUANVILLE BROS., Practicing Physicians. l-OWU A AMItUY, NEKRAKA. All pnfciionil calls will receive our prompt and careful attention. mb VALLEY HOUSE, F C.WimTOJir, Pro. KED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. Fir-t CIhm in every repecL Free 'bn to and from all train. Sample rooms for commercial men. Give ns a trial. W. . Richardoa. S. Garber. Richardson AGarte, DEALERS IN LIVE STOCK- RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. $. Hichcst martet price raid for ho and cattle. I E Smith S. CSmrn M.B.Tnomso!C. Pni.FirftNaU Oa-h. First LateT-ller Firjt Rank. Beatrice Nat. Bank NaUnank aeat- Neb. Beatrice Neb. rieeb. nh rorHithompsonf BANKERS, RED CLOUD, NEB. iv:n maka crvll-rtion? in any part of the United States Sell exchange upom the princi pal eastern oitie Loan money upon improved farm Receive depo'ita subject to sicht drafts Allow interest upen timedepoats, and trans act a general Ranking business. REFCRKSres: Omaha National, Bnk. A. S- PaJdeck. U. -S Senator; First National Bank New Yrk, Camhrilge Valley National Bank. CambriJEC New York. OMAHA Sample Room, .toe ljACOPS. rsopRirroK. I JOE. JACOBS. rsorwrroK, !-n'o dooks wbst of bot's home. Keeps on hand the best brand ot me. Liquors. Beer. Ale. and fine Cigars. A share of the public patronage is soliccted. C. H. TROrRIETOR RED CLOUD Drug Store, And Dealer In Drugs, Medicines Paints, OILS. VARNISHES. All goods in my Lire kept constantly on hand: and to which I invite the attention of the public -ss-All mv old Cricnd and as many new OBM , rhoo to do so. are invited to call. . j C. H POTTER. JFeetf 4 Si7 Stable, J. D. Post. Prop. RED CLOUD. Go to Pat nam for fchade trees. Crown Jewell Patent Soar, can always be had it the fetore of Chas. E. PntDtm. Tbs best floor in the valley. Tallest Man and Woman Living! INTERESTING FACTS CONCERNING THE ISTXLLIOENT COUI'LIC DESCRIP TIVE DETAILS. TUE GIANT'S CASTLE THEIR JTRNITUKE THE CLOTHES THEY WEAR EJOHTY YARDS OF SILK IN ONE DRESS! THEIR THEORY ABOUT GIANTS. A DE VOUT CHURCH MEMBER THEIR BRIDAL TOUR BtFOEE QUEEN VICTORIA. fSt. Loij Stolx DeaaocraU April 2S:h. For Mme time pan the public mind h , boonexated by the wondrol rtonw which the newspapers of the country have published about a remarkable coup:e, saiu to ue uie ia.ie .nu ...gc.. iia r m. i i a la iiibi a W.J- (.vP4nrliri4rp couple and asceitain the truth in regard , to them for the benefit of our readers , It was no imi hob. and it ma?t be ac- r . V , , '. iif .:! A. K00.wa'E. --, .1. r:.i " "Tr riJ:; J detailed to tackle any such weighty eub- ptneuce mc " "-" ... . , jects. From the report?, it was expected to nnd two very fleshy people of large tat ure, po many of whom arc advertised as wonders, but who are. in fact, monstrosi- ties, their immense aeveioyuienis uemg . --.-. , . .. !.:.. the re.-ult of disease. No more fallacious I idea coala be loruieu, nowever, auuwucji the reporter, after having pent in his card wis politely ushered into the pres ence of Captain and Mrs. Bates, he found himself comfronted by two as perfectly Formal gentlefolks as he had ever fceen. The nrt imprest in was one pi awe. anu it occurrea to tne inierviewer a iumu iuai half the truth had not been toU. A feeling of insignificance overcame him, and he appeared to sink to the lilliputian dimensions of TINY JACK THE OIAST KILLER, that historical personage so dear to the juvenile mind. Having recovered from astonishment, the polite and courteous greetings were acknowledged. Captain Bates remarked as he extended his hand, that "he was an admirer of the pres." and he fully demonstrated his affections for it when he allowed his ono hundred square inches of palm to envelop the in Mgnificant member of ita representative. .Mrs. Bates received with a stately, court ly bend of the body, learned probably in the halls of royalty, and it is feared that the reporter awkwardly recoiled, as her towering form yielded, from an uncons cious fear that something was about to fall on and cruh him. But a brief description of these re markable people must be given in order that some idea may be gained of bow they differ from ordinary mortals. Captain Martin Van Buren Bates was born in Whitesburg, Letcher County, Kentucky, November 'Jth, 1846. He is seven feet eleven and one-half inches in height, and weighs 47.S pounds. His father was about fix feet tall and his mother was a ledy of ordinary stature. He was the youngest of twelve children, seven boys and five girls, and the tallest of his fam iiy. except himself, was a brother killed at Vicksburg during the war, and who was six feet and two inches in hight. No cases of extraordinary size have ever been known in any of his ancestors, and his axtraordinary developments must be viewed simply as a freak of nature, as it oannot be accounted for on any scientific grounds. Nature, as usual, did not propose to do things by halves, and in 1S49 Miss Anna H. Swan was born in Colchester county, Nova Scotia. As the sequel shows, she was intended as a COMPANION FOR THE BIG BOY. Her parents were rather small sized people, her father being but five feet and tour inches in height and one hundred and forty-five pounds, while the mother was five feet and two inches, and weighed one hundred and ten pounds when in robust health. She had three brothers and five sisters, all of ordinary size, and no other cafe of remarkable growth has ever been known among her progenitor.. Mrs. Bates was as tall as her mother when six years of age, but she continued to shoot cpward until to-day she is ex actly the same height as her husband, seven feet eleven and one-half inches, her weight being four hundred and thirteen pounds. Both the lady and gentlemen are per fectly proportioned, every member corres ponding and aiding tn produce a sym metrical but colossal fieure. When the reporter called. Mrs. Bate, who is an exceedingly fine looking lady, was dressed in a handsome bluesilk, cut in the most fashionable style, with bands of delicate white lace at the throat and wrists. She wore a quantity of very elegant jewelry, and her hair was dressed high, thus mak ing her appear taller than her stately lord. Captain Bates is A TERFECT APOLLO IN FIGURE, and quite a Chesterfield in manners. He ha a frauk pleasant face, giving clear indications of the massive heart within him. He affects only a neatly waxed mustache, his broad cheeks giving evi dence of a close intimacy with a keen razor. A TALK WITH THE GIANTS. Capt and Mrs. Bates are people of more tLan average intelligence, end show that they hava improved the opportuni ties they have bad for acquiring informa tion of people and places during their extended travels. "Do you think you have stopped grow ing. Captain?" asked the reporter. Lapt. "Well, 1 hope I have. 1 have reached the height of my ambition, and have got things perfectly well fixed to enjoy life as I am now." liep. "Were you brought up to any business?" frtf taT am TnAn il pwmy ' T was brought up on a farm, and now I own one myself at Seville, Medina county, Ohio. I have cne hundred and sixty-two acres in fine dupe, and take great pride in it." Bep. "Yo have A GLVXTS CASTLE on it." Capt. "Yes, we have a pretty good house; the lower story is twelve and one half feet in height, aad the epper one twelve feet. Our doorways are eight and one-half feet Ligh. while ordinarily they are selden over six and one half." Bep. "Of course yor foraitve eon paies with the building?" Capt. "la every room we kave chairs for my wife and ayself, bat of coarse we have ordiBarv furniture for our frieads &nd servants. Our owa furniture was I people in toe wur.u. ou e.-.-, ue iboal No j- an(J made fof eteirt$p?mehjmznin Seville. My hat are as it was learned hat Capt Mates j a nine, my collars twenty-five and lady were making a tour of the e,t . d ;f ,ove9 were a reporter of the Globe Democntra paused they would run up to at let HUTmtrhed to interwied the eicantic 5 .. v i... .t . i.- -:.w made epecil!r for u by Herndon, of Cleveland. The bedntemd i eifbi fett and four inches lonjc. and 6re feet six incne wide. Tht chair?, bureau, wah sunds. and. in fact, eTcrytni0? corres' ponds We experience a eTfeat deal of inconvenience when traTcHec. on account nf the diminutive fciie of tbe ordinary furniture. I took a fancy to a rprinz bed, and had one made at Hartford. It is a bijt tbtnz." Rep. "'Where have you been nee vo left the fru.?" Z Capt. "I served in the Fifth Kentucky I infantry dannf; the war. Confederate, you know, but it wuj one of the bravest brirades the world ever uw. Since then I have been amusing myself mostly travelinz about looking at little tueu and 'eD4The J ,. . .,v. . t.:. ti :. , . Lant. Tot a bit. I here h not a sinjcle garment or article I u.e but what . - -. , Pciallv for mc Mv r ciolhe mV fl trousers in fact. You bb a 4 m w nil 1 V ! A . .. ,, . ,. , r .... ,-, . t " " i'K"i iur ujcii ui uiuiuaii rii-j, Pr of pants, for me consume, an immen.e I ouantitv. unle-s the nan runs both ways. My wife says it takes a boat TIIKKK TIMR A MIV1! CLOTH for my clothe as for men of the usual eizV Kep. "Captain, doe your strength correipond with your ?ize?"' C(j - Capt. "I thiuk it would if I develop- Kep. "DM you ever hear of any per son as large as yourself? Capt "No, sir. 1 am satisfied that 1 am THE LARGEST MAN IN THE WOKI.H, and probably as large as was ever born. j haVe devotej much tune to studying subject, and I am pati-fied that there never existed a race nf giants, as is claim ed. There h actually nothing to cor roborate the theory. They claim that men of gigantic stature are vouched for by the Bible. I claim that wc know nothing of their bare of measurement, and that the standard has increased rinco thoe times, so that a cubit might have been a very small measure of length." Rep. "Mrs. Bates, I presume your large family enjoys good health?" Mrs. B. "Excellent." Rep. "I presume that you arc the talle-t lady in the world?" Mrs. B "While ire were abnad the most emiucnt phyicuns and scientists assured me that tbero was never before a lady within eighteen inches of my height." Rep. "Excuse my inqui-itiveness, but how many yards of silk are there in the dress you wear?" Mrs. B "Well, this is rather scant, there are only sixty five yards in it. My full evening reception dres requires EIGHTY YAM OK MATEKIAI-" The reporter did not become too in quisitive, being exceedingly modest, hence he left many questions that sui: gested themselves for the ladies to ask when they attend the reception in this city. However, he iaw the tiny tow of a dress boot peepine from under her skirt, and mentally decided that it would be called a narrow twelve. Rep. "I suppose that you have your special pew in church?" Capt. B. "Yes indeed. We have a nice new Baptist church at home, and have had seats constructed for us. My wife is a member of the church, and a very devout Baptist." Bep, I beg pardon, Madame, but did they baptiae you in the river?" Mrs B. "No, indeed, sir. I was immersed in the baptistry." THEIK WEDDING AND PRESENTATION TO THE QUEEN. Of these events the gentleman and lady gave a very interesting account. The wedding took place on June 17, at St. Martin's Church, Trafa'gar Square Lon don. A a bridal tnur they visited the "Star and Garter Hotel," a few miles fiom the city, and parsed two days in that fashionable and expensive retreat. "It is a fine place, oaid the Captain. "Our bill was over seventeen, pound, and it was as long as my arm, every inci dental being put down, I hav it framed at home." On returning to London they found an order from the Queen awaiting them, requiring them to present themselves at Buchingham Palace at one o'clock on the 21st. They had previousl appeared before the Prince of Wales and thc mem bers of the Masonic Lodge, of which he is a member, and it is probable that he had arou-ed his mother's curiosity by bis description of them. At the appointed time they were graciously received, there being present the Princesses Louise and Beatrice, and Princes Arthur and Leopold, besides lords and ladies. The Queen was some what reserved, but asked them how they liked the country and grvernment com pared with those of America. She made them both bridal gifts. The Captain re ceived a tnas.ive gold striking watch, the case weighing nine ounce?, and the entire watch over a pound, while with the im mense neck chain the whole weighed over three pounds. The bride was presented with a splendid diamond clust-.r ring, containing seven white jewels. Rep. "How did you enjoy the inter view, Captain?" Capt "I was thinking all the time how I was to get out, as I had ben told that I must back out bowing. But we were much relieved when the Uueen arose and passed out of a side door with m meefol nod. We were inrited twice aiterwara.o, wnen tne tueea eiucuu when desired to exhibit u to some of her rela tions, and ebc was then very cordial." The reporter suggested that everything would have to move on a grander Kile in the world if there was to be a race of giants such as they. 'Yes," responded the Ca ptain, if! 1 D" . The interview is intensely interesting and we are elad that the community at large will have an opportunity to ee and converse with these immeoseand highly intelligent nembers of the human family, on Monday Jaae 7th, when they will visit Red Cload. with W. W. COLES GREAT CIRCUS AND MENAGERIE holding their levees both aftersoon aad aigiit. Taken TJpI By the Hndersigned at his residence in Inavale Precinct- Xeb one red and one red and White yeaning Steer, which the Owner can have bv proving property and pav- ing charges'. G.W. foicro re me diuu iruuuic wuu Hz? 1st, 18S0- 40-3V Sam'l. West, DE.1IXK IN Tobacco. Cigars, comcTioircRr. CANNED Firm. FKKU FRUITS. CUACKEltf. CHEESF OHA(U LEMONS. AND A FULL U.NK OF Fancy G ANCYUEOCEEIES. A I J-J A HU.-T C1.V-: Ice Cream Parlor. Whero you ran alwa nii-e li.h of Ic- C'rcani dunnc get a the .NM'tm. A -li:ir of tin publir jwitrimn;; i- rcpei-tfully rohritil. Firt dr -outh of Mitchell A- Morhart'-. Bed ("ujt't, - - Xkbkv-kv 1IOLCOMB BROS. Dealer in u a 8 swaii of all kinds. They sell CHEAP for CASH, and if they have not what yoa want. Iear yuur order and they will fill it. CALL ON THEM One dojr north of Garber'. and Mr. HOLCOMB will wait ou you. aprltf RED CLOUD. NE13. COME For 1 oar LUMBER! DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. TEE 11KXT IU THR SIAKKKT ft Id it I.awet 1'riee -BY- RED CLOUD NEB. PROUDFIT L MARSH, GENERAL DEALERS IN H.ino n9.i i: e )and( STOVES, Guide ROck, - Rein Everything usually kept in a Ant elaM Hardware Store- come ana see us as we will not be UNDERSOLD. o -3 3 wfi wKk m 3 paw 1 S zj o K E s S J. - if p 2 2 1.00 A BOTTLE. KENDALLS SPAVIN CURE it a tcrv cure for rparfa. f rlint. etrb. eallon?. epraias. welli3ps. rH Umenea and aJleniars mtnu of th joint" or limbs. It will eomple-.ely reaore a bone'parin wjthont bIi.:enccorcao- in; a sore. It U alo a. sood for man a. for twaf t aaIi md fall nrer.rth.at all sisa of the year ; ff ZS&SSZXriZSr hirrjomt lamenesaml wa permaoeatly care two years oyo witn" KenlISpaTin cere- Re mesber we claim it will eire a bone parin aai completely remove the bnaeb wihost blisterisr. SUterurt ads Uider Ca. To wb it way caetrzz In the year 1573 I treated with KeadaJIV caria Carea boe;aiT- ! in of srriral month" rrowrh. nearly half as larre as a hen' eca. aad completely (topped the last neaa and teasored the enlarremeat. I haTe wotked the horse ever since very hard, aad he erer bat bee lame, nor eontd I erer see any dif ference in the sixe of the hock jotall tiace I treated Sua with Kendall's Spavin Cera. K-A. GAINES. Enbarrk Fall. Vt. Feb -JSth 13. j Sworn aad sabsenbed to before a;e tht 25th day OCce of U. S. aarswall. western list, of JTieh. Kalaaazoo Apr. Iota. iSTS. B. J. KeadalL. Enosberrb Fall. Vr. Dear Birr I reecJTos the two bottles f woar sparin Cere forwarded by exvres ia Jaaaary last. I aai aapp to state that ta&t itperSaraed all year adrertkeaezit called for. Ia three weeks after I coeseaced asiag it the pvin war eatireiy r wtOTei aad a raiaable horse rortorad to overall na. Vary traly yoara. JOUX PABKKU. Seat a wire for ill watratci circular, which wc thiak aires posttir proof of itsTirtaes. 5srea eddy hai erer met with foah caaaaiiSed saaces to OIr kBowIedse. for bealfas well aa bis. BrcCia hare it or eaa ret it fr tom. or it will i iiimi. pcrwuicoiiu aewn ur j- fci- a eat t any addxwaa ow rweriwt of rrice ay tha - m-2-XSSSSaSL' Plfl a F. cori5, AftU Omasa 'eh. -r.-s LOOK IF YOU WANT FARM MACHINERY, R1LMHMI3KR THAT MITCHELL AN Have Just Received the Largest - STOCK OF FARM MACHINERY EVER BROUGHT TO THE REPUBLICANS" VALLEY. aT'ApwVUkL aTaau1- Jb rV -P"ifr wwwLwwBKwHLw0'wwa?wElwVLV. SULKEY Stirring Plows, . Harrows, Corn Planters AND HAY RAKES. jnd .Also The Celebrated Champion Reaper and Mower. A LARGE m v And the t&v SHJ5L.F AHD HE1VY H1BDWARE And Everything else usually kept in a HARDWARE STORE. MITCHELL & MORHART, RED CLOUD, - Nebraska. HERE! D MORHART 5 PLOWS Breaking Plows, Cultivators, Check Rows. SUPPLY OF ?e xuLwai Largest Lot of Vccal and Instrumental :m rs i V- C. A. BROWN, iinj)i;V,HKiKO0M mnti Jk'ilrheH HRCKKTt ClIROMOS, i'lCrt'RK lRWIBS, Mattrrssks, Htc. I'PICK IA)W ae m tballr rHrnc pf Vi'l prwwft )y th! ttfJn H'srul K - fHl Ai. rrtwlw: ;KDCLOn - NEK. SiSSS! uo'isunuT. A. IiulrrlMtcl, rrr. tKl a l ALL ktMm UI CANNKI t.fJOfM. PHUT. MTTiJ, cuMKriio.NKUY. r:rt tzzzz 2iiAv, ?:z:. :jlix5. iTjrj ya. Watru MraU at all hours, 25 cent. fcrKK-'l! OYTKilSaUajraon hanJ. Wrh'rr trrt?t. nc lwr iath of Kaiy Br law ofBce. rkd n.orn. nkiu Harness Shop nv J. L MILLER Kcrrx conatot,t oo iu fnM lin llarriew t'ollar. talU U hi, HrM? HJanlt'. (VrU Brttah o, llrtj Oil anl crjr thins tunalij' kept in a firl cl&i hp Two 'liif Uvtth of the bank. of v. rt.v.. :i:i ?ii tZT lUl SAM'L GARBER rrjiir.K im Dry Goods and Groceries HOOT and MifOKH Hats, Caps & Runty Matte Clothing! We have the Largest Stock in the Valliy and will net be undersold. tVK la A CALL. ONE A ALL. Sam'l Career Ilcii Cloud J F. NEWHOUSE, -VZAWM in- DRY - GOODS GKOCERIES AM) NOTIONS, Keil CIoMd. - frhraaka- The ;ab?H rjnrany"! rio4 to call arvl eiamirxr my iyU awl -tkk a a hire of the taLrnixe t wlciiwl. fcrT ?tore, firt i-ytt north of Moli cr's :oeal tuarkei. lt-2i F. NKWHOUSr:. CHICAGO Lumber Yard BED CLOUD, 'eb. Yard sntith or Haa p ton it f!al ttouj txp, o Ma Misct. Ktrp enanlas-tly oa haadaa awrtsa: f immUr. Ljath. ftte I -!, wrw Wl. low. LJwae Halr(Ml. rtewlcv VaJtalaijr Tr . PLATT & FREES rwlSK-vM ' . JWJ IHIi... M - . .- . M"T Mimm J A9' f i'..ii II. . lB I 7"r mt .m. m i - mm am Cr. wr Vrm, r &- s. rxxirixrfVrwrVHtm aM -4 . fc lo,fcBllwori. WW, mm. w tmr " I cnax m vaa aPL arw Mf M.rn r yww Cat." m? am J"- wra oi mrMm-t V-- mm Am V w7 imm fi ionrt. wwrSX fc &rn iTJwil rmtjm&r. W.X ' wjP Kiwiii CoJ Proprietors. W-r- oni r.wii tav ftetk wwtm T rm i i t l, in jt mmmty w Ci wb, im m?f 4 hum m J mmrf m T V bmtr. frm t- irw tr Hwiir sws Mf un wwr. t. m. Vk yaa iAmwt. Ulr mwirtmm AAA. WI hi.iii mu 1hWiW m 1 wvsv gw . M.nMtrB r4a Car Vmt aMmiafiiWoWMWnnuJ 7 j-- -. -f . . r r . -, ,),, Wi im U tea . ! n4 via w'wiWl na iTf IT wa WW tP soi. mr iwc cists. wf f U: Si ? r 3- 5--S- aE&B&acssses&i