&&QWQjmWMfMM -rf -- "ilUt mmmmmmmW . ' SrwtMatjarfaaM )R SHEEER Propiii-tcr of ilic city drug STORE, , aKn 'jRiU.it is Drugs? Medicines. Paints. Oils and Varnishes. A. lull 5-'jip!y of LAMPS, LAMP xHMv-V iriCKS, C03il, B H US 1 1 K.S&C. l'ntronaci' olinit"l airt thankfully'received. ei Priori j.t?ms carefully corapoundcd'CS One dnnr outl: ofGarbcr's store, IIKI CLOUD NEB. sole dix-pence. Geo, W. Dow, -DEALER JX- Groceries & Confectioneries, Chiil'se Tea?. Cofiee Sacaric. White Fish & Sffackerel. t!re:. Iii"l ami Canno-l Fruits. The bstT.- tuoruan 'ijrat. Klr.nr nwl ute.il con- ar.t!y on nan I Kci, ISr.tter. ar.it V.'il KtY3i e ia in avmsin. i g E trythinir tr.irniute I to bo as represented. mvk .mj: A CA.I. i.lA I will tlo )iu ?ro 1. 1st door noith ofsrsiisoCJce. Red Cloud, Nkb. Mnnn 5 Pl!niti4, ran s yaiisnoer, );KAj.Er.s in( Genera! Merchandise, IJATS-AflJP CAPS, iiil.N Varnishes, I'aissta "Eie. 0 LASSW A RB. QUKKNS WA U It). HARDWARE & HARNESS KTC'KrcL, Err. A full lit'.'' of oyoryiiiiiij: kept in a funeral tore at the Liuvrst (Jasii I'kices. Itcsrtco: fully, Moon & Callender. Flour & Feed STORE, CHAS. E. PUTNAM, Prou. DEALER IN FLOUR. PEED Corn. Mce.1, Bran Chopped Feod and GROCERIES, Visit tho IU-1 Plond Grocery. Fcsd and Pro -ii'nstireihcn you iram supplies for man or l?t, Jlichcst market prtto in cash paip for grain AH kindh ofcountry pioduce ttkoc su exchange for good, floo Si delircred to all parts of town trco of cbarce. Store south of Rcod's TIow Factory, Red Cloud, - Nebraska. I?. EwtelswteiSswPfe Cheap, Cftcap, Cheap! Brsss Goods CHEAP. Sharals. CHEAP CHEAP s Boois CHEAP. i iiMifloiMtftf- Mens' & Boys" SPS & SM1DS, Cheap. Hats & Caps CHEAP. Ladies & Childrens Furs in great variety, cheap. LOTS OP OTHER THINGS Cheap. GROCERIES, grocories, GROCERIES Cheap, Cheep. At Thk Corner Store. mf. ff Sherwood. w 9 DEALER IK HOUSE l'LAXTS, FLOWEtt POTS, WIRE XTXSVS &C NICE and CHOICE articles a specialty. Kext the "old Court Uouie,' "Webster St. RED CLOUD, NEB. EMIGH BROS. MEAT MARKET RED CLOUD, NEB. Tbe choicest of I'rcsh meats. Sausages. i-V!sn'l everything in the line that tho car fcet afford?, always on haul. j-ibpj) wo doors youth of fihercr's drug etore. Misses & Ci THE CHIEF. IjOCAi. AnvinrrifEJiKNTs in this co'iiinu will be cbarsed ten cent line. No odvcrtuciacnt inserted (or Un ttoS net Correspondence from all psru of th- county ?o!irited. n taaifrsT general initreit. Make jcur Mien fb'jrl and to iltc joint. Th paper Is Tcpoufibl- for the crrcetnts arciirdin to ccpy &f lid matter and paid l-zals. only. LOCAL MATTERS. Cool and windy la.it .Saturday. Tho pic-nic season will j-ooii lo here. JapuntTC jmYa.jol3 are "all the raye." Fayal hats in the latest colors, at Mw. rvler's. Froli fih U)C5 not ?eem to be very plenty in the market. The county eonnni-ioners -were in M&ni lst-t Thursday. The Blaine ticket was defeated at the primaries in Hastings. A Gipsy woman win peddling bead pur.-- ite., in town last week. Look out for the eenus taker, he will sMjon be abroad in the land. C. 1J. Totter h:n dispo-ed of hU drug store to a Mr. Cook, of New York. Mrs. Lutz ha.1 enlarged and improved the interior of her millinery .shop. Egyptian Hire corn is said to be a.- big a fraud as the Champion plow. Wiggins tfc Son will soon commence the erection of a huge elevator at Superior. John B. Finch has sued the Lincoln Democrat for libel, placing his damages ul $15,000. There were no eauoussas held last Satutday in a number of precincts in tltLs eoiinty. A (r:r:n t-f covered wagons piis.sed througli town one day lat week, bound for Montana. .An unsuccessful attempt was recently mad'.- to blow up the litt a-tablwhment in Omaha. Positively thsi largest stock of milli nery ever In ought to lied Cloud, at Mrs. Fowler's. Bnine.'-.s of all kinds is belter since it ha been demonstrated that it can rain in thw comity. The Kiverton Eaghswym that he who duggeth a digout rideth not upon the wings of the whirlwind. A Columbus man advertises for a itout, healthy girl to take the summer are of a btnall herd of cattle. O. C. Case has just received an ad dition to his law library, consisting of a number of volumes, which cost $05. Infill G. Potter was so pleased with the rain last week that, with his usual liberality, he "set up' the cigars to his friend-. Will the lop-eared rat-terrier who edits the Argus please tell us how he happens to know more about bur busi ness than we do ourself? We are informed that W. II. Strohm aspires to the honor of representative to the legislature from this county this fall, and is soliciting support. It is about time a circus should visit Red Cloud, we know of a nun:ber of uncles and maiden aunts who are anx ious to take the children to eec the animals! Xow is the time to got iob work of all kinds and at ths most reasonable prices, at the Cnn:r oflice, a large stock of pi inters goods on hand. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' Richardson A Garbcr shipped last Saturday, 110 head of fat steers that averaged 1,300 lbs. each. This line bunch of cattle brings in a fine bunch of greenbacks to the owners, Send the CiirnF for six months or a year to your friends in the cast and let them see. that though this town and county is comparatively new, it sup ports one good live local paper. Read the advertisement of Mr. Samuel West, in another column, and when you want anything in his line give him a call and our word for it you will be pleased with tho result. The boys have a good joke on one of our worthy J. P's. They say that the woman who Uvea in the "propped house" saugh refuge during a recent storm, in ihe "arms of Justice." Trof. Williams has launched" otit with a daily, which, by the way pre-' .sents a very creditable appearance for a town the size of Hastings. We wish the cnterpriso'on. abundant success. The Orleans Sentinel says that the editor of the Alma Standard is "a graceless scamp, a dead! beat and a liar." Xow you'r getting down to business. but remember Kalloch and . DeYoumj, of San Francisco. Anyone reading tho last issue of the Xaponee Banner would be at a loss to decide weather it was in favor of Grant or Blaine for president, it has the nane of Grant "nailed to its mast head," but it talks Blaine in its columns Some weeks ago we ventured the prediction that there would be the best crop of corn harvested in this valley this fall that the soil has yet produced, and we stick to it. Plant corn and dont you forget it or fear the result. Last week the team of Wiggins &, Son, which was hitched to the buggy became frightened at a hand car that was moving over the railroad track and ran away spilling out Mr Wiggins Sr. auI demolishing the buggy somewhat. During a storm last week the Guard office in Bloomington was visited by a bolt of lightning which passed throtJgh the floor, doing but little damage. This, we believe, is the first instance on record of a printing office beiug struck by lightning. Judge G. W. Kaley tendered his resig nation to the county commissioners, and it was accepted. 3I. Kaley, how ever, will not be released from the duties of the office until his successor is ap- pointed, which will not take plaeeuntil ihe 7th of next month. Mrs. McBridc still ahead. rhUtcrfor gale, enquire of Mi.w Hale. Have you pcen anything of that aquatic corpse? Indies muslin underwear, at Mrs. McBride's. A barbed wire factor' has been otal- iished in JIa.-ttngs. A large in voire of loot? and hoo juit received at Miner Brf. Miss J,yde Halo, fashionable dress maker, one door cat of Mush- Store. I'crkiiH & Mitchell are headquarters for all kimls of Staple and fancy Gro ceries. -The neatest thing out is that new .-indent's lamp, winch may be seen on O. C. Cae'n table, it beats 'em all. Mr. We-il has opened a confectionery i-tore in the building south of Mitchell & Morltart's store. lie ha a first class stock of candies, canned fruits te., and will supply ice cream in any quantity desired. Mr. R. I). Jimei baa enclosed his hous.0 .and grounds with a neat and subitantial picket fence. We al-o notice that others are enclosing their lots. This ad'Ls greatly to the appear ance of the town, and we hope the good work will go on. The Bloomington Aryvs says that all rumors about the B. & M. stopping anywhere short of Denver are appar ently put at rest by the starting out of a large ami fully equipped R. fc M. surveying party, headed by Engineer Ainsworth, to run the line beyond where it ii now located. The editor of the Argus has been advertising the fact for the lat month that he expects to go to Chicago next month. All right, you have out permission, only remember your Iowa City experience, and if you stop nt a noiei, conduct vourseu in as accent a manner as you know how. The United States Grand Jury which convened at Omaha last week indicted "Jean" and Sutton for robbing the Red Liouu post-omec last tall, liie case will be tried in the United Suites court the ISth of the present month. MeNitt, Willcox and several others were in at tendance at Omaha as witnesses. Mr. E. M. Perkins who recently en tered into a puitncrship with Mr. Besiey in the hardware business, is a young man of more than ordinary capa bilities, and handles the affair.-; of the film with the air of one who thoroughly understands the business. We predict for the new firm, under its presentable management, unbounded success. It becomes our painful duty to chronicle the death of little Sidney Mathews, son of II. B. Mathews, who died last Saturday. It is alleged that his death was caused by eating pickled pork that was tainted with cholera. A full investigation should be had, and if meat laden with death is being sold to our citizens, means should be em ployed to stop it. It is to be hoped that every public spirited man in town and every man who has not a grain of public spirit in his composition, will plant trees this summer, and especially this coming fall. The very best time to plant ail kinds of forest trees ia hi thcfalf, and by moving considerable dirt with the roots they are sure to live and will soon repay all the trouble taken to plant them. Wc have on exhibition in our office a delightful ppecimen of the "art pre servative" that was recently gotten out at the office where they "have had 25 years experience in the bttsiness." This delightful specimen of job printing we have pinned to our desk where we can gaze upon it when we desire an emetic. Our "devil" says that a few moments contemplation of the speci men has the eiuiic effect upon him as might be expected from an overdose of cathartic pillev It seems that the Hon. John R. Finch has got his foot in it. The Lincoln Democrat publishes a lengthy article charging that he is guilty of trying to BOduee a young and pretty girl who has been domiciled for some time at the Finch mansion and attending the Uni versity. Mrs. Finch, the Democrat says, has gone to her folks in York State. The Lincoln Journal discredits the statement published by tho Demo crat and says that it belieVcs the tem perance apostle is innocent. It is a sweet scented muss, anyway. Capt. Zediker of theHfaponee Banner was assaulted on his "Way home one night last week by two unknown vaga bonds, and an impromptu duel was the result, several shots being fired on each side but no particular damage being done. The assault was occasioned by the appearance of an article in the Ban ner reflecting as is alleged," upon the character of certain parties. Not a week passes without an editor some where in these United States, being either shot or shot' at by sonic galoot t who does not like something that has appeared in the paper. It is becoming alarming, guess we'll have to train up, we used to be a crack shot but are terribly out of practice now. Train up, brethren, train up. F. "W. Liedtke, Auditor of State, hav ing in charge the insurance depart ment, informs us that persons repre senting themselves as agents of "The Hail Insurance Company of New York," are -at work in the 6tite issuing insurance policies against damage of crops by hail. He says there is no hail insurance company of New York I in csristance, and that no person is authorized to- transact business for any insurance company, unless in posses sion of a certificate of authority from his department It will be to the far mers interest to enquire for the agent's authority before paying money or giv ing notes to parties representing them selves as agents of hail insurance com panies. At present there is no kail in surance- company "authorized to do business in this state. Farmers look I 1 out for frauds and sign no papers. 2D C1CS3 PSZCnrCT CA7CTJ. The precinct caticu to elect delegates to the county convention wa.1 held at the court hoti-c la-t ftitunlay, and a ii usual in thi town, w a rpirited allbir. Tin-re was a straight Blaine ticket in the ficM comnM-d of the ful lowing gentlemen: A. Kak-y, A. J. SCenney, I. B. Hampton, I). B. Spain-gle, L. P. Albright, E. C. Hawley, Oia.-. Kent, W. E. Jackson, Jo-. Garbcr, II. Maurer and E. Smith. The other ticket which wa-. not compou-d trictly of men in favor of Grunt, but which was in favor of no "uwtnietion,-," and which held some of the names on the other tickpt, was as follows: A.A. Pope, J. L. Miller, W.I!. Roby, Cha. Kent, II. .Maurer, J. 0. Potter, Joe. Warner, M. L. I honnw, It. Mitchell, W. H. Whit son ami L. P. Albright. Thi; Istt.-r ticket was termed the Grant ticket. x.tu wa.i elected by a majority of eleven voK's. 'Hie best of feeling prevailed throughout, and matt e erybo.lv seemed satisfied with the result of tho caucus. A little excitement was occasioned last Sunday by the leport that tho holy of a man had been di-covered in the river lielow the mill, by Mr. John Pot ter's boy who with otheis was in swim ming on Saturday. Search was made in the immediate, vicinity of the re ported "find." on Sunday, without u.--ccs. JUn Monday morning we accom panied the Sheriff to the river, and with the boys who had reported the dis covery, and a large number of men whom the excitement and curiosity had attracted to the river, a thorough search was made in boats from the mill down to the bridge, but no bodv was found. The general belief seems to be that the boy was deeehed in what i... i. we s. iv, ;is n- ran away as sooll as lie made the discovery, being somewhat frightened. Probably the boy was cor rect in the report he made, and po-vibly some persons who might be interested in the concealment of the body, hearing the matter talked of on Saturday even ing, went and lemovcd the corpse on Saturday night to a more secure hiding place. We are in receipt of a letter from D. S. llelveru, Lincoln Center, Kuuas, which was delayed and consequently arrived too late for this issue, Mr. Hclvcrn tells us of a well at Cypress City, Lincoln county, which is a hund red feet deep, and with whieh is con nected a curious phenomena. When the wind blows from the south the water in the .veil disappears, and when the wind is from the north the water rises until it reaches' a depth of several feet and remains so until the wind changes, when it subsides. Our cor respondent al-o says that fall wheat look.-; splendid in that locality, and rye is heading out. More new Fayal hats, Cashcuioro tips, and all the latest uovcltics, at Mrs. McBride's. Vo have just received Pcterjon's M.ACAIXK for June, and do not hesitate to say that it has more attractions than all the other magazines cqmbiued. Xo magazine in America has such tine steel engravings, and such good cut-. The ladies at home toil us that "Peter son's" fashions are in better taste, and more reliable than any magazine pub lished. "Peterson's" illustrated articles are a new feature this year, which makes the Magazine moie attractive then ever, A friend of ours who was in Philadelphia' lat week, called at Peterson's office, and tells us that they pack fUU0 magazines every afternoon to their subscribers, lie sneaks' of th great popularity of the book. Send to Charles .1. Peterson, :;0b Chestnut at., Philadelphia, and get his great club terms for 1530. GRAND OPEN IN (J will continue from day to day during the eeasou, at Mrs. McBride's. The following letterhas been received at this oflice. We publish it in full, and hope that our readers will profit bv the hints contained therein. Lincoln', Xknraska, April 30th, I8S0. J Enrron Chief: Dkak Sik: rieaso call attention to thy following facts in your paper inrd impress upoa the citizeus of your county the necessity for an accurate collection of all statistical 'information, required by law, viz: We want the number of horses, cattle, sheep, swine, Ac, Ac. complete. Every acre of land under cultivation, and the crop and quantity raised in 1879. Manufacturing interests of all kinds even though small, as yet, should all be mentioned. Xo one is asked by an enumerator of the U. S. Census to sign his name. Look out for frauds in June and don't let your people be swindled by sharp's. Yours Respectfully, Brad. D. SlaVghteu. AUS07 ITEMS. Polly db Roberts have been offered $8,000 for their mill property. Track laid aJout 12 miles below Guide Rock.- M. E. Gilford, our new iKcrchant, was made happy last Friday night by the smiling countenance of his wife who emerged from the cars. Amboy is about to become the pos sessor of a physician. A lawyer stopped and found it to be too quiet and peacable here to ven ture a stake. Elder Johnson has gone to his old place in Jefferson county, and will re turn about the 17th hist. Ballinger is perported to be boarding atHadley's. He leaves Roberts long enough to eat. (Mattie boards there.) For supplies at wholesale, apply to Rathbun or Hadley, the leading firms of the place. What the future of Amboy is we know not, but we Tse willing to wait a little longer tiU the "good time coming comes." T. Mere sew goods, at Mrs. SlcCride'c. . GREAT DISPLAY of MUlaery goods i Mrs. McBride's. Canned huckleWrriw, at Perkins A 1 micur. w ool -m kA and tmn altrnr Livir hand ami for mlt at Minor Brv. It eu-i Uat tha?c more Gru: men bring in tb pfveinct ttuwi nctat ftr.-i supped. Tho knnlwsrr ;toro of Ward A Everett, at Cowles, h- bren tkwl by the creditor." of tW 3rtn. Su-.h. pouiui pUufc m fVfUa. A-MiiHirN-. Hut will dfe; them nrht trorn the hot ld a yo wm tlwm Hendqunrter-i 6r nit kiii of staph ami fumy Gnvrrwrt. xml i fiu-t rety. thing el-n; that the -ppi ueed, ; 3liner Uro-. Bivley A Perkin-J !uit r-dtired the price oj their 1W Win. Orx hundred pound of their wirv will 50 jtiH UK rod-, t !all and toe thtiti. Gluts'. E. Putnam, rf tho ITourIVtd store, ha. j.i.-i received h w; KmI of choice iVirhblow pouiooss : K,ws Tiie-ie potatous are oJferod cheap, c and see. Isky A IVrkirw will how von th-fine-t -fiction of Ranj.., .Scar, ,t. ever brought to this valley. We hare marked them down and at lmd n se!i them, if ymi ihtak of btivjnn- stove Ihi- s-pring, stii in jMl Ukk at nur t.lr ..... ...'vn. MiMiK. J. W. and C. F. MontimhV Monturille. physidn who have reernlly bn-aU-d at CowU atwl Amboy, rtfjMct:vely, iMillwl at U10 Cmikv headquarteM bx-t Moivlay. Tiiey e.xpre zi deire to stay and grow up with the country, and person living adjacent u their place of bu.-itiess, needing the servi.-e- of a phyaicinn may do well to call on them Ladies, a word with you, ui mil. linery "otKl- to hx.k stylish anl to. -Low off to the be.-t advantage mu?t lw j.ut on by a fii-t claw, milliner, and the only place in Red Cloud where von can get that done u at Mh. For. r.lcr.-, one door north of the Bank. Skk:;; Valu.v, Atini. iSth, 1S&) lVltl.tc XortiK Is hereby given, that we will not be re.-tt.'n-jble for. or pny any indebtedm Sn-, or on .11-t-uiini of sub-contractors, except Uhh our vmt ton order, npecitv in.; anittimt and tune ofpayme.it. AIo we will not le ! sjuinhilife for the pauieul uf lalmr of siil-contrctoi's e.nployee-, ti any greater amount than may be owing to sub-contractors upon estimate fur work done, and all claim- for I.ilmr muit be made to u, befor jMyintnt of estimates, or they v.tll bo duemeil and held to be waived. Rkyxoi.d- A S.u-MMrtsn. Spring Vallcv it Fairburv Biv., Ken. Valley U. K. ' x,xU TE3 GfiAi;? S0Lr It seem perfectly easy to ome for Grant to be elected to the third term, but one thing we do know that Ken dall's S).nin Cure is the very best lini ment ever diseovi red for any hlcmi-dt on horxes and for rheumatism or any leep -eated pain in man. It i- uxtil at all season. of the year with wonderful sueee-s-. Head the advertUement ft Ivendall's Spavin Cure in another to! urnu. "A foat of reason and flow of soul," said the woman, when .-he took het pan of Biscuit from the oven, and threw away four kind of villainous c-m-poumN that she had purchased, and which thf-v called Saleratusor Soda. The same lady keep- on talking, ami say- after one trial of J. Monroe Tay for (Sold Medal Soda or Salcratns, "if any one is not then satisfied that there i nothing like it, their unbelief will be their ruin. At retail everywhere, ami at wholesale by nuwt of the wholesale (Srocers. Depot, 112 Liberty Street Xcw York. Taken. TJxr By the undersigned at his residence in inavale Precinct, Xeb.. one red and white yearling steer, which the owner can have by proving properly and pay ing charges. G. W. Knh.ht." May 1st, 1SS0. 40-3w Trimiucd hats 7cta. and npwar2s, at Mrs. Fowlers. A nice line of fancy Ribbons and Tics at Mrs. Fowlers. Wall Brown's. paper m great vcrioty at A large line of elegant dress buttons at Mrs. Fowler-. Window fcliadcs and fixture, at Brown's furniture store. Don't forget to put out tree?, Putnam ha- any amount of thcru. Now is your lime to pave monev bv t buying goods of A. S Marsh. Go and see the fine stock offurnituie at Brown's, before purchasing elfewhere. Ladies call at Mr. Fowler and see the Isrgest stock of millinery goods in the city. If yoa want Hat's trimmed in the very best manner, go to Mrs. Fowlers you will be suited. Go and see goods, end price, before buying, at Brown's furritute and wall paper store. lsso. r A D Ai C D 0 f 1SS0- isso. rAlllflClldi isso We call your attention to the Largest, Best, anil fKenpcf Rl-ni-1- nf AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, In the Rejjullican Valley. Years of experience ifr the wants of the Farmers of this great AGRICULTURAL STATE. Convinced that in your Success lies the interest ot all, we otter you the best products ot Et., 'iinifaMnn. MWaVaVa IMIIMIMWttfl 0W Drills, Seeder's, Corn Plows with Seeder attach ments, Sulky Plows, Stirring and Breaking Plows, Marsh .-Harvester, Whitney Marsh Binder, the best machine in the market, Randolph Header, Newton Wagon, Buggies, and all kind of FAEM MCHINTERY. We afcsH spare ao efforts to sdraBce (he Interest of oar Customer?. Alvajs fcappy to show oar Goods. Give as a calL STABLER, DEISHER & CO. RED CLOUD, - - Nebraska. Ldie po to Mix KtWf wbr ri j na jM j, .j,5j 4. pJf tftit atHj . i v wiwww mj z um im i asar. hesjfUiorJod. A i :U Mr. MsUiMrr fp;ulr'rr 1 fr-h wt4'c l Ui I'ihxJtsmtf of Itr 'Jimwl. Mift: knri rarv day, fcy daj St tlepufi. Ma Uvfflj aad xhir kofM. 'fw ?ftivata ltrA-du. Mar lj tbea Vo sr jrUd to irara list V. K. Pet- fiiftl fill tHAilfl ir"(.Phtel. 1. .M& trrc.. Onon-oo.J. Ah, id Ux)Jc; m -- w- -j- - - m wrm wr w7 avn; t-: ..... t . for a, il.jO rrd.'z. 57-l.w y.ns. W. R. Koy. MOKEY TO LOAK! M.ncy to jror ceqtt, r oh defied i I ' tr. wm .I.U. in . 2V1.1UUL lir iirr. rrn 1 . u'urae eii uoor Niw HJd every wool. In"t ftiil t-i Rl JlrtCts. A. S. Mabmi. Not tlitt l'rin of Ii.?r- twr tUe Cfwn ' of Glory, but tl. Ccvmt S",i,jp NUcfi n tbe la; est. atal hot tmcl.im, ttt to Mir j Lvi, it -.i-ill ;ay yti t' call st tin 1 V I Office aud w it bef ra v fuirok-,.' ' For Sale y M. B. Mc.N.rr. French Li 1 buttgn 3boj fgr 3.00, A. S. M. it.-if. If You Want Bargains t (ill Si Ne'.l ll(!l-?"f- H-Iirr -..II m.n -- White jood-i. (jtaj;i;aui, Slirtiui", Drefs Gofxls, Flannel-, I)iVki-. .Jran-. Hoittrj-, Cirput-. H..a.b.lrs-. Ttt Se-. Ruclitt-, Toy. (Jro-trjcn, iml n jret .... . - . ' - ' " . variety of oritur 2oxU vry cheap f,r cn-b. Thee jto'l ill l clu-d h. cill early and ijt baiere. j " 1'. Xlu'iiol'si; We opn this .iL a m-r nok f I'ry t.o-Kls. A.S. Majwh. Final Proof Xoliccs. I.3U.1 U2irr at l!I.HtlBi:IoB .NoJ,. M.r. Utn. 1m Suite- U lirrehr txrm that ll.inr , nam- I -Hit ha Me t n Uc r.f ,., if.enti,u t maKo brut I .rt in mpi-rt r.f Hi rlitiin ; .1 Htrurv Im.il rntrjr th.r,..f. hrforn ll clerk f . cuurt ul Wrlnirr -iulv, NLh-. lh mui.It ' ,''. M,'irlar the l.'ih Ja if June ,iv. i,,: , rr.'n-h 'Vol.l.rm.m. IIcmrtiii Kntrj' ;..' 1ft O !..r thf .ii'h-n.t suartrr. .rt.,n ;., . lowil I. rl:f 11 i.f, ,nl imih'J tlie ffc!,.wit j n. tu wntrit!V. t- i-rore cimr hu t.i Urire ! uon aal pullian.i. ..r i,l irctf . xtv t'harlo , l.iit. l.uitu: Woltrr..fhrlr. U'nbUnuin ui.,1 i AHuiut HoWBerinanalUf UH f..ui Nr;, iMjai)U6rlu .". W. .sWJTZnt. IWMt.r. j Lx.riil OtTttf Mt l!!niiMini.U.. VV. t- .l . I .Jj'l'r.iu .b,"J;y f v'" ,,"', ,he oii nsnl jrrtlrr tin filed . .,,r n(bt. ,Mut , u. i. .ri, n i ip,ii m ,ij.fi oi ht rtittn. .in 1 euro 6ual furv Ihsr.f. bfor- Jmi A Tut !' "r 't. lH" n,'urt " U lr -.WBty. at .. '-ri;t'tiilVr.i.fni.ii.!i,;! v,. HM -H.lf.a !!!'" . ,f Jlh" ';,.-;"t,. lit..H irirnrr .v .,,. hum J'.nnr. .iir iVj,.ciri)t .u ImtniriM tinit i ai.l trpt. Tia Albert muwcMbjI. ! ;; "" it r T; ;; i wrnicn. a.i urtrrv I?- .tii. liiuo jim . laajSjuuiJ . W. :tzke. ILvi'tcr. Land Office nt i:iominlon Neb. Jfj 4th. I'.Sfl. Koti" l hrrfl'j riven thtit thr following naiard rctdcr hai lilol ntf;.jf hi. tntrrttion l KCX'C llml rntrj- l!u-r.Uf,.rr J3B..r A yl i.iaK.- ..n.i priMji in nii-ri hi ni i-Uun. ami ."itieo JU l'.cl Vluud tb..jL Sjtur.Ja Jutei-h. , ISSii. vix. At'teloiu IltitUr. JIM. arfliH,tton NV Jl.'9. far tita iiorlh-wrst iinarfr. . Is. tu.TN i, r.iCK' M urn, ami name-, iho full ms U.r witritf Jis. t itovo c.iHtioioui rm.rnc uoa i.mi CU liratioil of Mil tia.-t vit: Uihrj S. Muciwii-ill. 'ormu Ht.riHKPr. Unw V. . I!rwa. nn.lMI.-u A. Well. All oi Wc.l. Nkb ra..ySjje.J t. W. 6ir.Klt. IWt'tcr. Lnml Offico at blooaiiuxton Neb. Ajiril.Sl.li. N'nti.'e in hr-rrby Elrcn thit tbe fl!wliy naml stttler h-f tilr-l notiv. f bi In-rnlio to make final j.r'iif in ,ui;.irt of hi claim, ami ' care final entry thereof t.pfurc Jarur A Tul lc) clnrk of court ta Woliftnr c otr. at hi (ilhce in Kill Cl'juii rb.. on tho J".h uy of ilar. ls0. iii: HicliAr-l Lett's, of Clorcrton. Nbr . Ilnine-tc-nt Kiitrr. No. II'.I, for the nortl.-mt (. Se 1. tonn I, runire 11 no', and mitnrf the Mi inc ax hi r:w.'tei. to i.roro eon ir.u.ia. rr. dncc uptn ml cultuation uf nail tract, mj-Ali-nio rnbin. L.anren -c A. 'lokin. Wjlijirfl K. Thorn rul Ciiarle-. Churehill. all f Ve.. .N'.h. aprlViiM.? rf. V. aWlT.KK. Kvcutvr. Lanl OCice at Rloominxton Neb. Apr. 12th lW Notice in hcrrliy civrn tliit the f!loirios rame-J fctller h fi'el notice of h'n intentioa t ujikcGn-il proot in furi"irt of hi elaim. anf ftcare final entr? thereof Itcfore Jarari ,. Tul ley, county clerk of U"ebter cwnty Neb., at ' bu o'Jice ia IU.I ' luu 1 on r'riJ&y M.tv I US 1J J..rri.b W arrei JIM entry N-. UUft. Jor t!icii(.rtfi-e-itniiarr of section Z Imn 1'ranco 11 wit. ami name thn fotI.iwiu a bi wttne" o to frove contiu'iou rct.deneo ti a.fi cultiTa- ion of will tract, rit: Hichanl A. Tinker. Hcnr' J. .Maurer. Henry MCjo and Fran Tenuant. all of K-l Ct-iuil Ne. arr!CTnal3 S. aH'ITZKB. Rerif.er. NOTICE T0T2aCH23s! Notice is hereby riven, that I vill xaailr. all peroi who may utyir in nCr tfcemiJ.' i candidate for tearben of the primary or coainon tebooU of Welter county, st fitti rioad on the Srit Saturday in the u oth of February, Haj Au.rut an'l November: At Blue Hill on the. 3rt Sttanlay in the cnoctM ot January. April. July and October. At tiuiJa Rock on the fimt Saturday in the month of March. June. September an'l IceruLr. Examination loronizzenae atVo'eloek a.x. A. A. i'ora. Coanty Soperiatendent of Public Irutrnetion the trade, has taught US k- -7 at t urn a . i 1 h af t 11 t j r. 1 .- -- VLTiZf v i ja"w mvi 1 v v r n jv - wr -wb-v ' . iwRtniieui, 1 iyj;'jiw a, ,r-Ti riJZ V? IEVSSa"-!! toCHtu-,,. xf H-r -. . uT f W 1 ayj"iMjMMiMwa l '"' in " ' '" ' "",.'' T-t . T n at W J rf' -. -v Vk Tv V i wr - mr.. iii 1 iii 1 r 11 1.1 1 ' - -- r m ' "' " '" ii S?:MIl2me2 4 ' aCG.At j W x 1 m i fcnV ! "! f :tra tsriie t Aat v i ? t ta . l- ' T .ir A a. M.a 'j V-w L -c I V, 8b Cr if f vf&rtantt&te ii&m.m- mm - . 1 . 1 1 " fMt. ij,i t i r 1 . i ixvr- - ft 4 ..rf 'T ' r . i - apnthonfl?l ie BkA i2-lf 1&$L ffe7"??U liud . s ,-p X&SllZS&rrttZV-' -TSXfSSSg'- H. - Li 3 .-! S . -:;; . TEE'WSJbjMWJXi. F. .H GORE. Jeweler. HedClcud, Keb. tAMWMMha4 iw-laal il JOHW C. I'i VS . ii- tSt 1 B. ' V n ' 7 tl H' ' , I J j j( V i W ' iliQ ; - Al ilY A largo lot of KOTtt A KIJOKN, liaU A XcTUitc eia a call, very tb ijf k. I at !U)T!M Ptw frJ'.-lf. J G- POTTER Rod CMoud. - TsVbmrkn S m'i ri K H at ii P Having Houjrlu the ownctl bv X. (;. r.idclv , i wi I i oirer ihcm lo the room for NTKW GOODS, (7oiuUting of DRY-GOODS. GROCERIES, BOOTS L SHOES, 4 ' " ' VilULKtlV (Stock of Sugar, Coffee, on hand. Gome 'and stand. A LU jLJm, 6 V J I? ? lv 1! J D CLOUD, I1 W Wkf BESLEY & Mn IIHADQUAIITHRS l'OR UUfP AMD TINWARE. -AD STANDARD GOODS ft I VA J fe M P1LTTI? I IV il Jlit lll BOUCHT AT B 0 T T 0 M We Have-also a Da,L J C-a..- HI" PiM hm c, All kinds of .TIN, COPPER, AXD SHEET IRON WORK done on short nn Call and Examine Goods, and get Pw B w Red' Cloud, April 27th, n a 1 1 am 'i fa - f - t t ' hrrxiMio. fcr - f ' ', i . POTTER, U IN fi 3 1 a n W &P V3 n 9l " B Groceries, Oucensvare, and and Summer Clothing, - SO Iuuirc Stock of (ooik (dct'cascJ,) ;it Auction, Piiliiic nt Cmi. in mnkt .UH1 V. I lU.SSW III C. V Mil Tea's and dvvd fruit sec me at Uddv's oi ' r 4 "r fiiTCr. JLV MJ . JLu. K7 M Ii ts NhBRASK PER! W ALL TflK- rO MAJBKBT, PRICE Large Stock of - i mi e Staples, Na lis. c. CES. -a. Oil 4P-. 1880; ST0E VI .1 1 I h- il " Til 4 i 9 iJ -- V, ff- ? - r --