The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 06, 1880, Image 4

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Great li.ilny of millinery goods, :il
Mrs. MeJJncles.
M. U. Hentli'y 1ms purchased the
Lidtly property on tiie lull.
Among other nfllictions, the Chh:k
family is down uilh the inclif.
And still Hie prayers for rain :is
icndeth to liravor an lht dry wind".
A ear of salt jtist veci'ivi'd ly Miner
Itroi., whidi will he sold cheaper than
Miner Bros., headquarter.- for suiple
and fancy (iroccricvind don't ytu for-K-t
Grand Opening will rtjntmw from
day to day duriiiir tlu'w-iiwui. sit Mrw
Ilain we must wait for, hut hast goodr
for lowest price can always he found
at Miner Iiro-.
Don't say you ran't afford a new hat
v.hi-n you mil get one at your own
prire, at Mrs. Lut7.
Another large invoice of ICellcv
3Iar! Wire, at He-ley Jc IVrkins,
bought at low figure. 'r will not he
A partnership has heen formed lie
tween Uoli-omh Hro-. and .Mr. "Whit-on,
under th firm name of Ilolcomli I5ros.
i Whiti-on.
Holey fc Perkins have the larirest
sto-jk of Stoves west of II:i3tiug. We
want farmers to lememher that
stoves are for .sale.
Decidedly the he-t jilace in town to
huy your juilliwry at Mis. Lutz'. If
you will link around, thou call and
hee. you will he convinced.
Henry McriciU, of Vinton, Iowa,
has purchased thchiJlinrrf hall of J. .
Carr. We understand a saloon will he
opened in the place.
The town of Seward had a case of
small-po.v Ium. week, the schools were
dined and other precautions taken to
prevent the spread of the dread disease.
While in Plattsmonth htst week we
rnl lUm. J.-S. Gregory, formerly of the
S.iuniler house, recently cremated,
nmv. of the-Central City hotel, of Cen
tral City.
The implement firm of Stahier.
JVisher v (.. :ire on the h with
the largest, stock of machinery .ver
ra:ight to the Valley. Farmers give
them a call.
The Hev. ('o; O; Yeiscr, preaches at
the court house. ueUSahhath morning,
at 111 and at .s p. rc. .jhiwlay school
at 10 a. m. Covenant and church
meeting Saturday at '1 v. m.
It will he noticed that a portion of
the local page is printed with new type
thi- week. The entire paper will he
n-t in new type a soon jts the halance
of it arrives from Chicago.
We are in receipt of a hand-some
little volume containing the memorial
services in honor of the late Frank
Welch, with a haiuNome lithograph of
the gentleman. We presume we are
indehted to one of our Senators for the
Iteginnin with the first Sunday in
May. the C. P.. A- q. JL II. will run a
Sunday pacngcr train from the Mis-so-u-i
IJivcr every Sunday, instead of
every third Sunday as heretofore. The
la I. A- P.. (!. . ,v Q. an,i c. & X. W.
pool on Sunday passenger trains has
heondiroken up.
Ihnther AnJrew Jackson Kcnney
di-iftv5 as little judgement in the mat
ter oflyiirg a in everything else. On
the occasion of his telling a lie. winch,
wc are sorry to say is entirely too
freipieiy. he tells Mich a whopper that
no one will helieve it. Tins, we think,
displays poor judgement in the profes
sion that he ha- the reputation. of heinir
very proficient in.-
The IV Young .':tt'mdiocks of Sim
J"ranci.-co have had another shooting
matinee. This time Charles I VYoung,
one of the editors of the Chronicle was
shot and killed hy young Kellock, son
of the mayor who was shot last fall hy
young DeYoung. The shooting took
place in the Chronicle office, on the
I'oth of April, and was the outgrowth
of a newspaper quarrel.
We learn in ji roundabout, wav that
a mi'eting of the county agricultural
society is culled for next Friday at the
court hou-e. If this i the case Ave
hope there will he n full turn out, and
we would suggest to those having the
matter in hand that they let the inten
tions of the-society he known through
the papers that the people may he in
duced to- take an. interest in the mat
ter. J'artie.s rho de-ire to- prove np on
their hand should recollect that the
application for final proof must he for
warded to the land office before pub
lication can be made. Some unthink
ingly send u- a diseription of their land
with request to advertise it and make
iio allowance for the time it takes to
forward the application to the land
otfue and gel return-, and then think
J hut wedo not attend to business be
cause it is not advertised at once. The
best and .-urest way is to come to this
office yourself and bring your home
stead papers with you and the names
of four witncse.s, we keep the blanks
n hand and charge nothing for filling
ouf and forwarding them.
We are informed that when Wm. J.
2orris, who lives a few miles south of
the river reached home one night lasl
iveok ho found awaiting liim on the
front door sfep a big healthy boy ap
parently about three days old. It had
evidently been left there hy sonic one
who wanted to get rid of it, and who
thought that Mr. Xorris would "be a
father to the hoy." It is said that Mr.
Xorris, who has plenty of 'children of
3 lis own, will turn the little waif over
J,o the tender mercies of the county.
The inhuman parents should be Revere
ly dealt with for abandoning the help
ing infant in the tender years of its in
famy, at a time in its life when it most,
need-- the louder and loving care of a
Mr?. I.utz will not he undersold.
The largest stock or millinery in the
valley, at Mrs. McBride'e.
(race Church. Divine sen-ices in
court houj-o even- Sunday, at 3 j .m.
All aic invited.
Gentlemen if you want vour wives to
look chat miug, call and get one of
mo-e stunning naLs at :ara. Lutz'.
Holey it Perkins will receive this
week their spring stock of scythes,
forks, hay r.ikc and cradles, also a
large line of green wire doth for win
dow screens.
The ladies of the Womans Christian
Tempcrence Union, will meet at the
residence of Mrs. J toby, next Friday
afternoon, at four o'clock. A general
attendence is requested.
This part of the country has been
very much slighted by the clerk of the
weather. Superior and vicinity had a
good rain last week, and only km
Monday night Bloomington caught it
a regular dashing rain, in fact it has
rained all around u.s of late and the
good people have begun to wonder
why, if according to scripture, it rains
upon the just and the uujiut, that we
should le slighted.
Since the above was in type it has
rained, oh so nice and gently, and
vegitation and everything else fc'ecms
to have taken a new lease of life.
Miner Ilro. having just received a
cmg of wtandnrd prints at the late re
duction in eastern markets, arc enabled
to offer their customers a bargain in
this line.
Ladies, a word with vou, nice mil-linen-
gods to look styhYh and to show
off to the hot advantage must U put
on by a first class milliner, and the
only place in Red Cloud where vou can
get thatdone'i; at Mrs. Fowler's, one
door north of the Bank.
AlSo? J7ESB.
Final Proof Notices.
Railroad work still in the lead.
Hoarding cars left la.-t week.
Mr. Gofford, from near Milwaukee,
Wis., is building a good store room
20x40 feet, he has it nearly ready for
Mi-s Millie Smith has lcen engaged
to teach the school in Amboy for the
coming year, n sensible move in the
school board, changes are distinctive
of good, when a good teacher is. dis
missed without a good cuum.
The eighth wonder, the Amboy
school lioit-c, has been built and about
completed without any wrangling.
One of our grog shop has moved,
and we are longing for an opportunity
to say farewell to the other.
Elder S.C. n.iur, formerly of Jefferson
county, visited Elder Johnson, on his
way to Norton county, Kans., and
preached last night.
Mr. Hadley's babe has been sick for
over a week and is not much letter.
Elder Johnson is in the Bee business..
Settlers ca So7er&mcst Lasi-,
Homesteaders and others who have not
yet proved up on their claims should re
member that the neir ruliocs require that
they fcl.all advertise at least four witnesses
who are not relatives of the party proving
up, and that the time arid place of mak
ing proof shall a'so be stated" w the
notice. Thi, it is claimed, is for the
purpose of giving parties who may have
adverse claims on the land a chance to
appear and present their claims. Those
who wish to prove up can have their ap
plication paper made out at the Chief
)ffice, free of chargo, aj th always keep
supply of blanks on hand for this pur
pose, and as the editor of this paper is
lotary Public, the affidavit does not cost
lanythrtic thus 25 cents is saved to each
loue who publishes hh final proof notice in
ItLe Chief.
LwlOffist niwta!nton Xeb. My Mi. is C,
Not!e U IttTthr fim that th fotlowics
sianl filler fcu tlfl aotic if & intmilon la
intkt Cn! proof in sappcri of hi rlaim. ta-J
cure nl enirr tbefrtC lfre Jatuj A.Tut
leTt. rlerk of ne coon of U'eblf- taaty. nt
hit office in Kl Oooi, b . to KriJr. Jane
4tb. I "CO. riu
Kf.iMm-r.oriJtBoHm l. MM arrte
tiin 17JJ. fr tbe Dorlbeut ', t M(a I fact
10 :. aoJ r:nr the Mlnwitit a bit wilnrr
et to rrOTC rcntlconu rcfit!r.r n- in.1 rnldr.
tion I tnl-i trt. ttr Mbm BlamrDtbil.
.Anruit l:Dmfctas.I.O:t . "fatn.Aa-i Wrr
IIm ltof Diue HiU.Vrb.
inirvunivJ ?. V. xtrxea. Itrrirter.
Ln-I OScf at HlooaiDctnn Neb. .Va Uh. 1SW.
No:ic U herebr ciren t!iat the f.jllvwmr
r.racl ttlrr bt filel aowr otbn mtenxion to
nake finl proof in funrt of bu claim, and
caro Snal tr7 tbfirvf tif(rr Jamr A Tat
lej. etrn uf tLc court in fcter eountr hi b.
oliicc in Ked tljud Nb.. on iilaraa Jace 5th
1st), riu
Ablotn Batter. 1IM. rrIieoton No. Wfl,
for tbc cortb-wett qcarttr. Mr-. IS. town .
rant II nl, ami natnet tb fotlowia; n bit
i!atN. tu prove coktictioai trt'virwe aita
sua cu II ration of rail tract tix: lticbr i s.
SpicKnaii. . jioian Mnucer. torto w.hrowa.
and Mla a. Weil, all ol We Ii. Svj.
waytjuneJ ij. W. S 1 fZKK. Kc cijtcr.
Latl Office at ttoroinffton Neb. April, JM. I )).
Nnlice U bercbj- civen tbal the follow in
nntncJ cttlerh Sle-J notice of bu iu'tntionto
make fir. a I proof in nivi"Tl of hi elaits.ami o
cure final entry thereof tfire Jarae A.Tul
lrv clerk of onft in Vcater countr. ar hi
office in Itel CtouJ Ntb.. on the iirtb dr of i
Hay. li-J. viz:
llifhr.l t-twi. f Cloverton. Nbr . Horae-r-teal
llutry. No. 1ISI. lor the north-cast '. t:.
lv, town 4, rrjjco II wcjt, and name the lullowr
inc a Uif witr.e?!. to proTe continuous r-i-decce
open and tuluvation of aii tract, tiz:
Alonzo I'&liin. Laurence A. Tobin. Wilii4rc K.
Toorn auH Cbarle Churchill, all of Well. Neb.
apriymay-T S. V. aWITZEH. Hejwtcr.
rtopiietor of the
Moon Caliender,
: :uiu :-
General Kcrchanilsc,
I)rv - (moo Jn,
Il00t .V MIlOCH,
II T1 fVl) 'T !
and Varnishes, Bru ndieUiH, !
. JfJfc ' HXill'al l aOiainWal I i mill ' ' '' ai" ' '
Drugs? W-edicine
Paints. Oils
A fall supply- of
coma. itnvsiiRs&c
Itronre 4lKi:rJ and thai.fa!tjr:rt4TrJ.
Prtrirtnj cartfullr cnsiina4rdSa
One door ourh of Garbcr's ote,
Eace Hcrsos Ituined.
Fonzo, a nromisiiur nee horso. fiir
which his owner refused $3 5p0 was ru
incd recently by a cenro groom who broke
the horae't j.iw with a club. Kendall's
Spavin Cure is the most valuible remedy
ever knowo for every kind of an i"jury,
liruise, cnt or sore, as veil as for any
kind of lamenos on beast or wan. It
Es truly wonderful what hucccss everybody
ias with it. Kcad advertisrmpnt fnr
iKcndall's Spavin Cure in another col-
J. Monroe Taylor.s Gold Medal Salera
us and Soda is cleansed of every impuri
:y, and so arranged and combined that
II unhealthy and injurious properties arc
tricken out, while Carbonic acid, the
iQiy active property rcmainins, is held in
heck until set freer thus evofving a gas
ly meons of which- Bread is raised, and
each acid thus destroyed, which makes it
suitable for the most delicate or dyspep
tic stomach. Try one piper, and you
never will have any other. Grocers and
Druggists keep it.
Be Wise, and Happy.
TfyoawiU" stop all your 'extravagant
and wrong notions in doctoring yottrsclf
and families with expensive doctors or
humbug cure-alls that do harm always.
and use only nature's simple remedies
for all your ailments you will be wise,
well and happy, and save great expense.
The greatest remedy for this, the great,
wise and good will cell you, is Hop Hit
ters rely on it. Sea another column.
Land Offlce at Diootntnrton Neb.Apr 12th 150
Xotie i hereby iren that the foltorcin?
named eitler b filed nof-e of hi intention ta
tutke fin! pruoi in aapiH'rt r,t liL claim, and
recur e final entry thereof teforo James , Tut
ley. PDUiity cleric o! Webster county Neb., nt
bu office in Kcd ''loud on Friday ilav Mt'i.HSO.
Jofh W barren H'd entry N. A. lor
thenortn-ca.u quarter of section U town 'Jrance
11 wen. and name' thn follovrlnc bi. witnen
e to prore cotitmu jus rrilence on a- d cultiva
tion of paid tract, viz; llichard .. Tinker.
Henry J. .Maurer. Henry -McCune and Frans
Tennant. all ot Ked Cloud Neh.
apr35maU S.U'. aWIIZEit. Rei,ter.
Land Office at Dlooininston. Neb. April 5th. K0.
Notice is hereby tiven that the follotrin
namel settler has filed notice ol Lis intention to
make final nioofin purport of hij claim, and
aecure final entry thereof, before Jamc A. Tut
ley. Clerk oftlio Court of Webster county, nt
hi office, in Ked Cloud. Neb., on Monday June
lUb. lhSO. viz:
Jofin McCallum. Jr.. 'f Cnthcrlon. Neb..
Homestead 15IC for the Poah-ea.t . pection 2.
tonn 1. rancsll wet. and ninu? the fo!iitrinx
an his witnese. to prove ronttnuou refulencM
upon and cultivation ol paid met. viz: tt itlinm
It. Creamer, and Uenrce V. atber. of i atherton.
Neb., sod Feter L. Humbeck. and Nelson iiurt
lett. of IV'cll. Neb.
apimajO. S. V. S WI TZEU. neji-ter.
Land 0!3cct HPjtninBton. Neb. April 5th. IS.0.
Notice it hereby given that the following
named -ettler hn filetl notice of hi intention to
iuaki final proof in support of his claim, and
pecuro final entry thereof, pro jf to be made be
lorc .lace? A. Talteyj, 'lerk of th Court of
Webster county, at hii office, in ICed Cloud.
Neb., on Saturday, .May Sth. 1S0. viz:
Arthur C. I'lielp.. Ilomeptead Kntry 121...
for the north-ea If. .S'"i 'J2. town 2. ranso 10
west, nnd natnet the f!lo-iinc ai bis witnepep.
to provo continuous residence ujon and cultiva
tion of paid tract. it: Jobii iachcr. Krnuk
Cwkrill. Chri'tojiher Cox. end Adam Saladen,
all of Ked Cloud. Neb.
apr8maj6 S. W. SW1TZER. Hc'ftr.
Nimble Six-pence.
Geo. W. Dow,
Oil Vn ru is lies,
Pnint.H lcZte.
CTC, Krc, KT tfl
i A full hrw ff crcrrtlrnc kc p in rfril 1 stfcjZjr
j store at the 1nvir C vll 1'hicm &t?7 . A!
2Iooa a Caliender.
A-i'.07rjS rapXuvTrr ilapS '7 x
"Vija9R !&- r v .r-
m -' -v
SKJi.1lt wvn
7 1 r5A
-. t
r .jgr
' i "'"- ifA-"
3iW A i X ,
A rfft
X v
--C - aw '
I V W."i tirf.v W - --n
tT ft. V7X.wV'-C VI I t N- Vr"
IJI IVS'.r' rt -v 'a-S, A"V "!&
-. THjrr -v k .-'.ir- iiVw
rjT3Nrak OMm
aoal'L m iff. WM TT 3TT m TW"a E -m M
TWI W . ta ." I 41 ' " X " IT AT' X. -j -.
rV- Z-JP?ZZZrrtt18Z MP?
&i4-5!ft?,2r:r7" cv; izy a ma "':;
C -- -.Ze
Groceries & Confectioneries,
Choice Tea. Coffee 5cir Ac.
White Fish & Mackerel. I . Jl! .5 'V! I1- iiS1- f !
I r .ililrl er' tf in lae tnat tac ar
Vet atford aii en lfcl
Tiih p two d rt 'Ulh of !Sbf rer" Arnt tre.
Bedding Plants.
Tinx athl Money kitc1 by onlcrinc of
me 1 have tle lar't anl U-t ctillco
lion ot ''ant' ever offfrc! for .-a'e in tin '
('. Mvcfl 1 otato, t alibac. romato
I .t III . 1-. !....! . . . .
1st door north of aws oflW anu ol"c wni" w aic in uieir Mavia.
nuurcAS n. ..,
vat-4 corvUn to Act M C.5ttt, in t& fr It": by 'KiV I i
F. .H CORE. Jewclcrt Red Cloud, fteb.
Oreea. Dried ant! Cannrxt Fruit. TheletTo-
Laccoi and Cirar. Flour and meI con-
aantly on hand Ytst. Mutter.
anJ Vvd
Taken in Payment.
EvtrytMns warranted to be as reprejenteI.
;C.IVli 31 U A CALL
and I will do vou roctI.
Red Cloud,
Honey to Loan,!.'
n cood furio. in-
lUPot X2COtiiii
CaJrCatalogues Kiee.
Mitchell .t Morhart aro aj:rn:'i
.!. ' i !..:
uprard. ?traiht 10 per cent. No Commiion. ""'. io"ci auu ifavw M!iti;
D. s. rooxB-. at the Curt IKu. .Tt: itiiehini-, n t hi county. tf
While in Plattsmoutb we met our
old partner, II. M. Bnshnell, who now 37.4-w
edits the daily Jfnterprise. Bush gets
up :t good spicy little paper. We also
met McMurphy of the Ihrald. And
the Courant fellow.s, all of whom, arc
jovial fellows.
As wc passed through Iowa we
Trtiln3 lll'll film- l.nrl tltn ltnrl on-bf
l.Ul... 1...4.V HIIJ AAC.V4 .&.CVJ 1.4l 3U111;
wind there, the light soil w:is piled up
in drifts, in place as high ns the fences.
They have recently had. one or two
good rains.
In Illinois the mud is kneo deep iiv
places and the, continuous raitj have
very much retarded spring work. If
Nebraska could have had part of
Illinois' rain and Illinois part of Ne
braska's dry weather both states would
be better off.
'Well Boring.
The undersigned will bore welb and
I insure an abundance, ot water or do
lebarse. Short time will be given when
desired. Call on or address,
Henry Lavertt,
Batin, Neb.
'Treest Trees!! Trees!!!
Go to-C.-E. Putnam for forrest trees.
Avrnney ci oonney Drowo ueg-norn eggs
6ior ?aie, $i.ou per cos.
Notice if hereby civon. that I will examine
all perponp who may do-nro to ofTor thempelvt-p
as candidates lor teachers of the primary or
common pchooN of Webster county, nt lied
f'lnud on tho Cr.'t Saturday in jhe ro nt.i of
February, jUay August and November: At
Hluo Hill on the Qrt jturday in tne months of
lanuary, April. July :iud October, At Guide
Kock on tho fiirtt Suturday in tho months of
March. June. September and December.
Examination:! to commenue at 'J o'clock a.m.
A. A. l'ui'S.
County Superintendent of l'ublic Instruction
Notice to Croiitors of C-corgo Sei33, Deccisci
In County Court. 1
Webster County, Neb,
In the matter of the
estate of George Zeiss, deceased. I, O. IF.
Kaley. County Judge of paid county, lierobv
notify all persons having cl.iim aciin- the
estate, that I hriTe npppltilri tuo Cth day of
May, A. D. 1&. for tho reception, examination
And udjupiment of paid claim.', and demand ni
provided by law, at my ofbco in paid Welfter
county, and all persons so intcreptc.l in aiiid
estate, will appear at said time and placu or
within six month's from the dato above writ
ten, nnd duly present their said claim or de
maud in the manner required by law. or fhow
cause lor not doing, and in case any ot pntd
claims shall not be presented within tho timo
fixed by this court the Dame shall be forever
Nt:ce is also given that Sophia L. ?!,
hn been duly appointel Adminisirutri'?- ot the
said cptato of Ueorgo Zciis. iteccajed. (liven
under my hand audseal. of the said county court
thisnd daj of April. A. D. 1SSU.
County Judgo.
Groceries, Querncvrare, and r
Spring and Summer Cioihing,
A u?o
-.IfC Wc call
.1 lare lot ol HOOTS VS ISO KS, UnU A
VAVH, Ac., &lv.
ftGirc mo a call, every ito-f yld at HOTTOM l'twt, Cr CS.
ilxod CloxicL - ."
3C . J i !! . ' . !. J J, ..'i.', JJ '. 1 T
vour attention to
"arusTW. B. Bobv.
Inavale, 5Lvv 3d., 18S0.
The people of this community were
greatly shocked hy the sudden- death
of Miss Mary Stevenson, which occur
red on the morning of the 27th ult.
She was sick only. 24.- hours- and not
considered dangerously ill till about
an hour before she died. She was the
oldest daughter of Sir. Hugh. Steven
son, and was greatly beloved by all the
family, and also by every one who be
come acquainted with her. She had
received a iirst class education and her
mind was enriched with foreighn travel.
The house abends with works of art
from her hands, tho music of her
voice, and her piano, will now be hush
ed. She will be greatly missed. So
qiiict and unassuming was she that the
beauty of her character could not be
realized only upon intimates acquain
tance, but site Was always pleasant and
social to ever' one. It is said that
"Death loves a shining martc," it was
so in thU'casc. She was a consistant
member of the Baptist church, and
although, wc mourn for he, our loss is
hr gain. - Betsey.
Go to Putnam for shade trees.
Trimmed bats T5cts. and upwards, at
Mrs. Fowlers.
Don't forget to get prices of goods at
Liddy's old stand.
A nice lino of fancy Ribbons- and Ties
at Mrs. Fowlerj.
Wall paper in great veriety at
A large line of elegant dress buttons at
Mrs. Fowlers.
Window shades and fixture, at
Brown's lbrniture store.
The Liddy Stock nuikt be roldj come
early and get good Bargains.
Don't firjret to put oat" trees, Putnam
has any amount of them.
Subscribe for the Chiee, the best lo
cal paper in the Valley.
Now is your time to Fave money by
buying goods of A. S. Marsh.
Go and see the fine stock offurmtme
at Brown's, before purchasing elsewhere.
Ladies call at Mre. Fowler and see the
largest stock of millinery goods in the
If you want Rat's trimmed in the very
best manner, goto .Mrs. Fowlers you will
be suited.
Go and see goods, and price?, before
buying, at Brown's furniture and wall
paper store.
Grown Jewell Patent flour, ean always
be had at the store f Chas. E. Putnam.
The best flour in the valley.
Ladies go-te Mrs. Fowlers where you
can get a stylish hat elegantly and cheap
ly trimmed by a first olass Trimmer.
Chas. E. Putnam lias just received a
large invoice of the best grades of coifees,
sugars, teas, syrnps, canned goods and
everything usually kept in a first class
grocery store. If
Mr. Montgomery regularly deaf n-it
fresh milk ta the inhabitants of Ked
Clond. Milk delivered every day, Sun
days not excepted.
We are glad to learn that C. EL Put
nam has made arrangments to supply
trees, Cottonwood, Ash, and Boxelder in
any quantities large or. small.- -
WnmtAB, Joj. Vt. Moore, of nitio Hill.
Web?tcr county. Neb,, did on the 1st day of
September. ISTt. for Talue received make and
delirerhis one certain promissary note of that
date in writing for the ?um ol One Hundred and
twenty rix (S13) dollars, duo December Ut, 1879.
drawing interest at the rate of ten per cent per
annum from date till paid and filtccn dollars
as liquidated damages if action be brought
thereon or on the tuorUurc circn to secure the
Laaino or if tho same he not pud when due. and-
payable tu i.eorge tt. Updike or to hi order.
And Wherena en the tlth day of September.
1RT9, said Jos. V. Mooro to secure tho payment
of faid note made hi certain chattel rnortiMge
of said date in writing and dolivcrei tbosarne? to
the said George W. tpdike. and therein and
thereby sold aud oonveyc 1 to said George W.
Updike th following described chattel property
One fmmo dwelling hou V2. with IQxKU
foot addition, sianuing on l.ot rouri'rna rive
(51 in Block Twenty-two (22Li- t ho town of Blue
Hill, State of Nebraska, alio one implement
house 24x:K. odjinlnir U. B. black
swithbar, ia-hiue 11 ill Nebraska which said
mortgage tras on the 8thi dtp of- September..
's'79. at the hour of Seven o'clock and I5minuti
in tneforencou orsaiiusy. Hied lathaomceof
luu (.ouaiy ierK oi eo:r county, iMeorasKa.
And Vherea-. afterward to-wit, on tho'Jii
way ot "ember". 1573. he the said George W.
Updike for rulue received sold indorsed and de
livered said note nnd rnor gage to the undr-a
signed I. Si. Norton who i now. the owncrxand
holdroftbe same.
And Whereas default has been made in tho
payment of the above mentioned pronmsary
note or any part of it.
Now therefore public notine is hereby givey
that I therati I. M. Norton, will on Saturday.
tholSthday of May, A. D. 1SS3. at the hour of
1 o'cIock in the af.crnoon of said day. nt 'he
said mortgaged prcru ses in Blue Hill. Webster
county, Nebraska, sell at public vendue to, the
hignest bidderlorcuu all the above described
chattle property or so much as miy be necessary
to pay the muount now due on said mortgage to
wiuSIJi. and tea pr cent interest thereon fronv
September 1st, JS79, and $15 as liqusd-ited djma-ges-
DaUd May 1st. 1S.0, may-6-27
Trees ? Trees !
A car load of Maples, in fine condition,
just received; Two years old-, from two
to four feet high, will sell for So per
thousand.. Also, a fine lot of Evergreens,
,at a bargain.
JSP'Money must accompany order.
Lsvi Snell,
3S-2w Lincoln, Neb.
i he Lanrcst,
and Cheapest Su k of
Agricultural machinery,
In the Hepublican Valley.
Years of experience in the trade, has taught us
the wants ol the F.vrmhrs of this great
Convinced that in your Success lies the interest
ol all, we oiler you the best products of
Eastern Manufacturers.
Drills, Seeder's, Corn Plows with Seeder attach
ments, Sulky Plow, Stirring and Breaking
Plows, Marsh Harvester,
Whitney Marsh Binder, the hkst machine in the.
market, Randolph Header, Newton Wagon,
Buggies, and all kind of
We shall frparc no effort to advance iho Interest rf nr Cmtoaier. AUtra'
liaijy to h1jw our Joodt. (rtro uia aiiL
RED CLOUD, - - Nebraska,
Ssw Store lew Sod Ssw Frits.
We Have also a Large Stock of
Barbed Fence Wire, Staples, Nails,
&c, &c,
Flour & Feed
Corn. Meal. Bran CHoppeoFaeiaai
Visit the Bed Cloud Grocery. Feed andPro
ruion store when you want supplies for man or
Highest market price in cash paip for jrrain
'JkXL kiedsofcountrr produce tken sn exebanse
-Jbrcoods: Soodi delivered to all parts of town
fmmn rf aTiv
Store south oEod's PIott Factory. J
All kinds of TIiV, COPPER, and SHEET
IRON WORK done on short notice.
Call and Examine . Goods, and get Prices.
Chmp, Cheap, Chrep! 1
Dress Goods
en? p. j
Shards !
Women's Boots
ifaiiCiiii'ij'ifoi:, ::;::.
jSlens & JBoy.s"
Hat & Caps
Ladies ScChildrens Furs
m? vv
Red Cloud, April 27th, 1880.
'MB, Jrk ffm TtrTi -
fi3 m
si o
i')t Vour
-Dlrs in
Red Cloud,.
Having Bought the Entire Stock of Goods,
owned by N. G. Liddy, (deceased,) at Auction,
will offer them 10 the Public at Cost, to make
room for NEW GOODS, Consisting of"
Stoneware, Crockery and Glassware. A full;
Stlock of Sugar, Coffee, Tea's and dryed fruits j TTTn
on- nana, vjome ana see me at Lauuy um
stand. . SL
Xsg- 9
Os docrinbfGrj?r'tei ifr.nOLOJMB
will wait ou yox. afltf
rT-x m ATTH Mcooici-a RED CLOUD. NE&
in great variety,
Cheap, Clitnp.
AT Corner Store. LUMBER !
Ji. Tf. Sherwood j dry lumber a specialty.
,tK ti.r J5 TfiX yAECX?
f all kis4f.
iTher itil CHEAP fcr CA3IT; asd if &r
I !vit. srt wtt 700 vast. le yevj
order a&J M7 UI fill iU
w mm
JjJi:fiftyO fc23 T
svtfis'ucruBr umu
MCE and CHOICE artirf a ipeciilty-
yt th oH Qrt rLxrut' -Rbtr St.
f N
'N -
;... -.
; v-.
-t :
M '
' A.
.".1. 3
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