The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 22, 1880, Image 4

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    mmmBBr3?nBmBmWmB&&B2&?!!frz&Zi -,--H&'?i; "t 7 .- - i
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J-ri: 75lSH.iE CHIEF.
:;"-'- 'bSSStr "MATTERS."
I - m i mw i ii i i
Tke fcraia aarket ie dalL
Tka Ice Creea kmoii m sear at head.
,vWkat Km keecae of the street epriak
fcw -
Tefceffief (age fer ale at tke Cbut
ofteC.- '
'Tka fewa vu crowded with people laet
Rer; Brat 'a bouse is approacbiof
Hew w yea like the looks of ov local
sap ikifl weel?
Mr. Cook ia building a sew rcadeeoe
feortk ef Mac ee'e.
yalfcertae, Hitchcock eoanty, kae a
'hew paper eailed the Sun.
W. B. Good aueceeded in aectir ief an
aejeiataeataa Notary PqWIc
Oa aet Satarday (be theraometer io
dtattea 90 decrees in tbe ehade.
Tbe Cwixw h bow ackaowledged to be
Ibe ealy Ike paper in tbe coanty.
We Bear of a cumber of farmer plant.
iac eara already. Full early, we should
Weeaer Oaborn bare erected one of
tkeir aeaUor power wind Bills at their
Faraaers cocaplaia a xood deal, and not
witkewt eaaae, about tbo cod tinned dry
It waa reported that two leet of saow
fell last 8asday night, ten miles north of
Tbe high wind We w bslf tEc roof off
froav Mr. Cbambsr's bouse op in Batin,
last week.
Joe. Earner bas purchased Story's
bouee, for his father who will return and
occupy it shortly.
F. M. Soow, of Blue Hill has sold bis
farm for $1200, and will go to Norton
county, Kansas.
Tbe local page of the Bloomington
Aryui is chock full of news, but the
"make up" is abominable.
Red Cloud bas more good looking
young ladies and Misses than any other
tOFO'Of its sixe in the state.
Henry Matbis bas purchased his part
ner's interest hr the barbershop' obv tbe
south aide.. Success to him.
Henry iarerty of Batin is prepared to
bore wells and insure plenty of water or
eo charge; U3ae card elsewhere.
Miner Bros., bare, without doubt, tbe
largest stock of goods in tbe county.. Go
and see their stock and get prices.
Ward & Everett, of'Cowles, have
launched out with a stock of groceries in
connection with tbeir hardware business.
Bob. Burdette, the funny man of the
Burlington IlawJceye lectured to a crowd
ed feoasa at Hastings last Friday night.
Notwithstanding tho law to the con
trary, fishing with a sein has already
commenced this spring, in tbe llepubli
Every man who owns a horse should
also own one of Kendall's "Hwrsebooke,"
for sale at tbo Chief office at 25 cents
We were pleased" to form the acquain
tance of Mr. Besley, of tbe Grnof Bcsley
& Wbitsoo, who arriTed from Chicago
last week.
If from any cause you was deterred
from planting trees on Arbor day, plant
them anyway, fley-wfll grow just as well,
only plant 'em.
Case bas so far recovered from his late
illnejs as to be able to attend to business,
but he is not a. success- as a pedestrian
oklea tec weak.
John Fitzgerald, we lean from tbe
Blopmingtbn Argus, recently sent a check
for $50 io Henry Redhead who waa hart
while in bis employ.
Notwithstanding tbe fact that we have
recently added more paper to our weekly
i rssae, we are compelled to send out half
sheets to most all our exchanges,
-. Several car loads of corn -were shipped
west from Bloomington last week. Tbe
day is not iar distant when the grain
. narket fix ibis-eaation will be tbe west.
It is said that the heavy wind last
week v was ,4he- eaaso of a number of
dogs loosing their, caudal' appendages;
wonder what effect it had on Kearney's
Saattbody wbo bas more cbfckeaa than
tbey know wbat to do witb, and- aae
actaated by a laudable desire to pay up a
year or two's Bubecriptioo, can bring them
along. .
Mr. J. W. Bryant and wife called on
-the Cortr last Monday, and left a saal
deal amount of "wealth" to iasare a
weeMStvMKt tf the paper for a long tiaae
A good horse was stolen from Ht. Fatz
last Saturday night,. Sixty dollars re
ward, is offered for the return of tbe
aaimal aad tbe capture and' aaanetioB
of the thief.
Thetisaehaffaome wbea tbe wieked
' boya go fiabisg aa Saaday. Yoa
. ahoalda't lo it, boys, bat if your arast,
tbe beat place to bay yew hooka aad fiaec
ie at Mimeb Bros. ,
- Mr.CL W, 8priager mat cW lis
'. aaleat aiaiiV aad, wa aaderstaad, wiB
itf to a portiaa af kkttaac ta preaebiag.
a baiaja;a ragakr ordaiaed atialater ia
the Babtiaiokarab.
""mm- T
' xke aoaad of tbe kaamer aad aaw are
'mb VaMb) lai fkil la mil bAbb! bsbiW WaajaUImja
arTaaewciaar aa oa. all aidaa, aad tbe
aa slaaaarara are baiiy aad
aaaaecKsaaUy aappjp.
iy adaiirable.
g - "v-.-, rp teat sat ub wtumamz mm mw i eTll
'"-' t , WXforasxwI&Aaktrmy admirable. &
' U- nnjyiiopewiaprxjeruiacuieABKr- , et.tne mnanaal aeaaitioa of Fraakfia fiattar aad krd arat aaW --- r airr-i raairwuetwebuairer aaaraa aJwVtuv u wuavuww uc waw ,m T . ,
t..rS.-r;l already dene. t Racked astae ..lf,v r.i j. ', -i-J'- 7. ' "" w- aJ,,7Biaa,teaHaler. Ia ttoea aeaka aiaw St-" Paw aaaaaar kaeaartaaal jaa weaW laaaa jam .BjeV asavt eat JBJBUi aaa aaas eaaas-
-JSRfeffSaKvva?itarB o-dav. Qieir oonditiott m one !73 . "- iramm, awer low at aaaaBaaar aaaa at rata aaaa, in laatkaaaanaaaiamaaTita. . : ..-.-,.-. iiaa asaaai waamaa. ua raw era waa m aa at arxw
Battariak'a Pattaraa, at If n. Fawkr'f.
The aew Bask at Rivertea kraady Car
Mrs McBrida Ukea tka lead ia teffiaf
NewTegeUblefanbegiaatBgta aaaaa
iato market.
Far a cheap aad atybak bat, eall oa
Mrs. Fowler.
Bleomiagton, Fraaklia eoanty, baa got
tbe aaeaeles.
Lawyers are loaeeeaae lately, litigaUea
Those auction bilfc were priated at tbe
Chikt ofiee.
Yesterday waa Arbor day. How aiaay
traea did yoa plaat?
The wild flowers are scattered o'er tka
plaias, "Geatle Annie."
Potatoes are being sold at aoaie af tka
stores at $1.00 per bushel a
An elegant liae of dresa buttons, ladies
and cbildreas gloves, at Mrs. Fowlafa.
A very little saow just eooagk to
"swear by" fell last Thurdsy morning.
Z. K. Parker, representing tka Bute
Journal Co , paid as a Vint last Saturday.
Dr. Mosena baa purchased a dwelling
bouse of 0. H. Potter, nortb of tbe school
Rev. Reed lectured afthe school banseWl" Cil7 (I,L) KTi tJ'?! WM
last Friday night. S abject: jJ'Luck and
We have received by naaff.-from Kan
sas, quite a Dumber of orders for job
work lately.
Tbe Rev. Geo. O. Yeiser, preaches at
I tbe court house next Sabbath morning
at 11 A. M., and 8 P. M.
Tho largest stock of miliiaery ever
brought to Red Cloud is now oa exhibi
tion, at Mrs. McBride's. t
We are told that winter wheat presents
a very promising appearacce notwith
standing tbe dry weatber.
Lcavo orders for dresses, hats and
bonnets, at the leading millinery atore,
one door nortb of the Bank,
Tbe trial of Wilkcnson, tbe murderer,
cost Franklin county four hundred and
ten dollars and fifty-eight cents.
Tbe household furnituro of Capt.
Reed was sold at auction last Saturday.
Mr. Reed has moved to Colorado.
Sheriff Warren detervea credit for
working up the post office robbery ease
'in tbe sueeee&ful manner in which he did.
Clay county ia soon to bare anether
newspaper, which will be the seventh in
that county. There is such a thing as
laying it on too thick.
The post office at Salem, Kan., was
robbed last Thursday night, and four
registered1 letters 6tolen. The safe was
blown open witb powder.
Tbo reason why Mrs. Lots can sell so
cheap, id simply this She buys pait of
her good- of manufacturers, and is not
oompoffed1 to support a "first class trim
mer." The difereat lines of railroad entering
in Chicago have' agreed to cary passeiv
gers to and from tbo national" convention
at the rate of 2 cents per mile for the
round trip.
From the Lincoln 7era? wa feara
that Smith Bros. & Thot90B have
advertised for bids for the erection of a
large brick dwelling ho'use on their
grounds in the northwest part of Red
We are reliably informed that a Mr.
Jameson and another gentleman whose
name we did not learn, 'from Albany,
New York, will open up a Banking busi
ness in tbe building recently vecated by
Mr. Liddy.
Last Sunday tbe wind commenoed to
blow from the north-watt and before
night it was cold enough to make a good
fire enjoyable. During Sunday night
quite a little "skiff" of snow fell, but it
;peedily disappeared in tbe morning..
Tfie Blbomibgton Guard- advertises a
lost boy, Jimmy Murphy by name; who
gol off the. cars at Lincoln while the
family-were enroute west1 and- got left.
The conductor on bts return trip, brought
the boy to Bloomington where, ho now ia.
The Chief office bas received? from
the foundry a new copper-plate Jack cut.
We did not get it for tbe purpose of giv
ing our readers an idea- of how the editor
of the Argus looks, but for tbe accom
modation of the owners of tbe iestire
animal called a Jack.
Mra, Botsford, wife of Jasper Bots-
I ford wbo has been with Mitchell & Mor
bast for the last eighteen months, died I
of consumption last Satarday afteraeoa,
fTbey were oaly married about six months
Ago. Tbe remains were forwarded to
Lansing, Ibwa, the- deoeaaeoTf former
fhome, for interment-
When you pick up af paper tfow-a-dayi
and commence to read an article you don't
know whether it is a boniffde news xxtiale
or a local advertisement, each are the
uncertainties of life, but there is no un
certainty in buying yqax goods at Miner
Bros., ibr yoa always get a good article
and at rke lowest market price.
We acknowledge tka receipt of a very
cordial iavitariorrram tka Sp6rtaaMaref
Association of Nebraska City, Hoa. J.
Sterling Mortoaiajfteeideat, to attend tka
annaal meeting whienfwill be held i that
city May lltb, 12th, 13th aad 14th.
Arrangements have been made for a
gaaadahootiactoBraamaai.aadaaaae of.
tka best "shot" in America will be
Andrew Jackets Kaaaey twka wears
good clotLes) and presides over tka mwd
equirter of tke lower ead of towa, levele
bialiuk squirt gaa at tka correapoadeata
of ike Cuiir, and iadalgea ia a leagtay
epistle aa tka depravity af newspaper
cafreepeadeats in general aad "Yale" af
Snide Bock in particalar. He aleo treats
kia thraadaaea readers witb a atatomaat
ef.tke faaacial eoaditioa of FrkK.
aonaty. mom let an nave a kiaaarr, af
tka BnaaomL aaadidaa ,af -Irakmd. A
Ga la Petaem fcrahada traea.
Fewkt a.
'8iaw k eat with a akaat."
gaadaatMrf. JfeBrida'a,
Pefta Dei
Baadkerabiofa, at Mra.
Sea call for meatiag af tka Ceaaty
Ceatral Caanaittac, eisewkefe.
A large awartmeai af ladias trimajad
mualta aaderwaar, at Mra. MeBrida't.
Ktaaey k Boaacy br ewa Leg kera agf
for sale, $1.50 per dez.
37 4-w Mia. W. B. Bobt.
Extra eeptea of tka Cirar Iar aala at
tbe ofice, nicely wiapped aad ready fer
mailiag, at 5 ceataa aapy.
Ladies if yoa waat aaytbiaf ia tka
miliiaery liae eall at Mra. Fowler a, wkerf
jroa will aee tka laraest aad moat eamaletc
etoek af miliiaery gaoda, bow aa exbtbitioa
la itad Ukmd.
If anything kappeae ia yoar neighbor
kood tkatyoa tbiak might be of iatareet
to others, send aa a postal card giv tag
fads, it will be appreciated.
Wc bear it reported that Mr. Liddy
committed setcide aiaoe bis return tolowa.
It is supposed that grief for tba loee af
his wife prodaccd temporary meatalober
ratioa. Wa are in receipt of a eopy of tka
goncn op paper, oaoiunea oy x n.
Thomas, who recently paid this part af
iNebfaeka a visit, aad apoo kia retara ta
Illinois gave us a very good "eead off"
for wkicb we retara thanks.
We learn that certain parties have
visited Red Cloud witb a view to ereetiag
here a large cultivator manufactory.
This would be a good poiat for such an
enterprise, and we bopa oar citizens will
give fbe necessary encoaragenwni to
secure tbe establishment of the business
From a private letter from tbe state of
Louisiana, we learn that tho residents in
that salubrious clime or luxuriating on
delicious strawberries, blackberries &&,
and have had green peas and new 'pota
toes since tbe 15th of March. Our cor
respondent says that that is the place to
live, as it is a healthy climate aad tbey
have no hot weatber ia summer as we do
We are told that tbe Omaha Republican-
recently made a spiteful and wholly
unwarranted attack on one of our most
highly respected citizens, Hon. H. S.
Kaley. We have not seen tbe article in
question as we long since dropped the
Republican aa an exchange, and no one
in this neck o' woods takes it We
would suggest to Datus that he attend to
tbe Lincoln 'Journal and the University,
and let "weuna" alono.
Meeting of the BepubUean Crasty Central
The members of the Republican County
Central Committee of Webster county are
requested to meet at the court kouse, in
Red Cloud, on Satarday, April 24th,
1880, at 1 o'clock P. M., for tho purpose
of fixing the apportionment of delegates
for different precincts, and for fixing the
time for holdiaa; a county convention, for
'the purpose of seloetioc delegates to tba
republican state convention, to be held at
Columbus, Neb., May 19th, 1880, for the
purpose of selecting delegates to the
republican national convention. A full
attendance is requested.
A. Garbeb,
Mrs. Ida Botsford, died last Satur
day, obseques were preformed by Rev's.
Pryae and Bent last Sunday, at 1 o'elock
?. ax. Waa born at Village Creek, Iowa,
Jaae 23d, 1857, so tkat her age at tba
time of her demise was 23 years, 10
months, aad 6 days. After aa iatimate
acquaintance of 6 years between her and
Mrl Botsford tbey were juiaed together
in Holy wedlock 6 months aad 3 days
before heir decease.
Stent liliafi of the Post
OAea Depart-
Postmaster Key assures as that an ar
rangement has been perfected by which
letters without postage will be immed
iately forwarded to the dead letter office.
A pair of onions will go for two-stents.
Nitro glycerine aad dymaaite mast be
forwarded at risk of' sender. If they
should blow Biathe pottmaster'akanda
he cannot be held responsible,
Wkcn letters are received bearing bo
direction, the parties lor whoa they are
intended wil please signify tka feet to the
postmaster, that may at oaaa forward.
A stamp of tka foot ia aot samcieat to
carry a letter.
When watches are seat tbroagk the
mails if the seeder will pat a notion on
tbe outside tbe postmasters will wiad and
keep it in running order.
Poems on Spring aad Beaatifal Saow
are rigidly excluded from tbe anile.
This will be joyful aews to tka editors.
OH maids, feather bade, and laflated
balloons are unmailable,
John Smith gets his mail from 6T27
peetofiee, heace a letter directed to Joka
Smitk, United States, wiMraaek'aitm.
Wbea candy is seat tkroagh the aaile
it is aaraeatiy reqaeeted tkat both eads
ef the package be left open eo tkat tka
employees of tke Poataaaee any teat ka
I agt arrajt aailekle unless tkey are
freak; aad ekoaMf tvey. beeeaee ekickaaa
before reackiag tkelrdeatiaatioa tkey be
aama tka praperty af tka P. O. Dae't.
Alligatora over tea mat laac
Yauag ladies deairiag to
Saratoga traaka kr Bail to wanunaa; paiaat
danae: tka aasaiag aaaaaa akaald aatiry
tka Postmaster General at aaaa. Tfcejr
aaatBaaka avar,aeTam mat laag ky
tkirteaa wet kigk,
Batter aad lard ara auk mailakle ia
tka Suaamar atatka. Wran-tmaniaa
fbMafaannMBaar apaa at natk
laaarml araagaa, at lUky'a.
WaM ( j,
eta. per can.
IHltatBUky'a.nK 15
RaW aala kaaikgktali, Iar 2$
per ta.
Window akadea aad latere, at
Brewa e faraitara stora.
f W B. Raby baa jaat reeeived aaatkar
laiafrBUHgardaa seed.
Dea't forget to pat out treat. Pat
kaa aay asoaat af tkem.
SunacciBt for tbe CHIEE, tka beat la
cal paper ia tke Valley.
-Go aad aee tke f ae etoek af farmtwe
at Broae'a, before parchaaiaf eUawkera.
If Reky caa't give yoa aatUfeettoa ia
tka caofCB grocery Kaa yen aeed net leak
-o andaee goods, and prieee. kafere
bayisg, at Browa'a furcituia aad wall
peper store.
Crowa Jewell Patent I oar, caa always
be bad at tbe atore ef Cbaj. K. Pataam. vat aoor in me valley.
Wa are glad to leara that C. R Pat-
baa made arraegmcata to supply
trees, Cottonwood, Ah, and Bowlder ia
aay quantities large or smalL
Chaa. R Putnam baa jaH received a
large invoice af tbe beat grades of eoffeev,
sagars. teas, eyrap, oaaned geoda aad
everything usually kept in a frst clam
groaery atore. if
Mr. Montgomery it f a Urly deals out
lk,Lt?..the babiUntrof Red
load. Milk delivered every day, Saa
day a aot excepted.
" m ii i
H. A. Biard will be iabi oSee, from
tbe brat to tbe 7tb, of each month.
Office next door to tke Bank, Red
Cloud. 23 i
Treesf Trees!! Trees!!!
Go to C. E. Putnam for forrest trees. .
Money to LolnV
npv&rd. stniskt 10 per cent. No Coaabjioa.
I. 8. Coomm. at the Court Uonse. 27tf
"Well J3oiing.
The nndersigned will bore welle aad
insure an abundance of water or no
charge. Short time wHl be given when
desired. Call on or address.
Batin, Neb.
Not tbe Crown of Kings nor tbe Crown
of Glory, but the Crown Sewing Machine,
tbe latest, and best machine in the Mar
ket, it will pay yoa to call at the Post
Office and see it before yoa purchase!
For Sale by M. B. McNnr.
Herding! Herding!!
The undersigned will herd cattle on
Elm Creek one mile south of Cowles, the
coming season. Stepubnl Baylsss,
2w Cowles, Neb.
Money to prove up with on final re
ceipt, or on deeded land at 8 per. cent,
and 1-62 per. cent commission, or at
straight 10 per. eent no commission.
Jno. R. Willcox.
Offioe next door to Coin omoe. 30tf
i i
If You Want Bargains
Call at Newhouse a, where yoa enn get
White Geod. Ginghams, Shirting,
Dress Goods. Flannels, Doeskins, Jeans,
Hosiery, Carpets, Hamburgs, Toilet Sets,"
Kucbes, Toys, Urooenes, and n great
variety of other goods very eheap for
cash. These goods will be dosed oat,
call early and get bargains.
S7-tf F. NrtvHousx.
Ho Good Preaching.
No man can do do a good job of work,
S reach a good sermon, try a law suit well,
octor a patient or write a good article
wbea he feels miserable and dall, with
sluggish brain and unsteady nerves: aad
none should make the attempt in such a
condition when it can be so easily aad
cheaply removed by a little Hop .Bitters
nn (Irnt- nft rlnoVii. filfl anitA AB
rfdeat tfiat be caa be elected for tba thud
term If he will only accept the position,
but we know of thousands of man wbo
say that Kendall's Spavin Cure ia the
very best remedy that bas ever beea dis
covered for spavios, spliats, curb, callous,
ringbone or any lameness on beast or
man, Everybody should investigate
those subjects aad read the advertisemeat
for Kendall's Spavin Care.
"Thou abalt aot steal." it an
which no one disdutea, but which very
many evade, and seem quite willing to
forget its teachings. UnserapuieuM
peoplo have, and are still, imitating J.
Mearoe Taylor's Gold Medal Soda aad
Saleratus. Wa make mention of this
fact to put all persona who want the beat
article on their guard, and our advice ia
to bey no other, aa that, ia oar jadgmaat,
ie the onlv article that should eater tke
stomach of aay one who oaree for health
and good Urea or Biscuit. Meet ot our
Grocers have it for sale. Tba depot ia
112 Liberty Street, New York.
if a ear ear for naria. eoKat.
tyroiM. jwelliBga. rll teataea aa4 tJleaanr
BMtatf tke joist er Hats. It will eeaatetetr
reaere a Mae saevta witfeoat Neaertar at aae
iacator. It te alee Mg4 fer aaaaaac Waat
aa ie awe! all eiae eftMyear
witk aedeet eafety. Aeafaewkieli-weartkaew-tecto
Maenawa aaffer4 15 jeaea with
ata-jetat laaeaeaaac wae aaeaeaiiy
twe yean ef wita Kealelljapavia uara.
aeaaerve cMiaMvWeaMskeaiiasH
eeaaletelr reaere tke aasraa wikevt aaah
jttttmrnt Halt Vaiar Oath.
Ta wkea iCaay eaeraj Ia tka yea? UT5 I
liealea aith F Jill'i fiaiTle fate aiiaartT
i af eriral aeatka grawtk. aaair katfaa laia
as a kea'e ear. eeaaletely ateae tka laa
aeae im eeaeTed tka aUaqeaaU.. Ikaya
'wetted tka karae aver aiaw rery kaii. ami aa
erec kaa aee laae.aereeal4I era aee aay ear
faeaaaiaUN aaraf ta keek Jeaa aiaaa I
.waitei kia wilkiTeaiell&aaTia Qy,
anmaaaaa rauc. Yt.rea.mta
ar'aa.A.D.Kr. JQJfa.JMSM.J.T.
nveca. aa aaey.aed ta
OSlaa af TJ.S.auiekaB.1
9.1. KaaialL TTaiikaiak Falif. Vu-
laaWTaa ta twe aecuee ei aa
a aata taae. thai itl
ate aiaeaafct eaHai fer. Ia
Final Proof Notices.
lv(ta m kry jHve lkt tks falUvta
muw SmI eMrr Uewrf K,for, ! a7t5-
IS",!rTyJ!i'S.r.w?Tt iV N-M
PU eiiMM nti4m- vi njUr-
toman 8. W. WIT2C ;....
U40BUaiat.k.A!. iu.
utiuiMMiin nit-port f UU UI i,T
m ai VltaMM. to tAT Cvmtinaoul rSJ.
kar.m mrnua .If I..!.-. Ir V J"M W TT
Ua40ee IlloealBftoB. NtV. April Mk. lam.
Ifetiee u lenbr circa tkmt tbe followla
IUA Cload.
fur tke
Catry 1215.
raa 19
nr "; .irj".,""",??Nrv
kms -.!- . .
a aad cuttira-
aawaaye 8. w. SWITZgR. Htrt.
la4 Offiee at Bleoaiagtoa Neb. Mant. ia
flout U ktrahr
m - . . -
V"!? thV.?he Wlowlae
Bled notice of hi lateatioa to
ia MBtoOri tit hi. .I.I-. I
iwm eecuer ami
"" aaai aroei ia raaaort or ki e!IL ..J
Aloaio Tebia. on boucetead eoi
loriaetodin-cMt M. xc i. mn
raatell wauend uaae Uie followinr ae kit
Wltaeeaee lo tirova aoatiimnn .. .;.!..-. '
aad ealtiiratloa cf U traet. ii: Peter H. Partor
Ckarla Ckarekill. Wiliiaa ilxhour aif WillUa
O. " " Wtll Wefcet eoaniy.
ayTlayrg . WSWIIZEK. UecUtar.
Laai Ofice at Blooaiatton. Neb.. March S, S0.
aaaed aetller kaa aiedTaotiee of hU inUntion to
aake laal proef la rapport of bU claim, aod
"!! ,iBJVDtrT thereof before tbe clerk of
eoaof Wetater couatr. 5eb.. at tbe couBty
eat. oa Friday. April 30tb. lS. rii : v
l J5S'VIj."Br.on homeefesd entry aam
L83; for tbe soBtb-wwt M. Sj. . town 4.
aorta or ranee 11 wet, and name tbe follnwinr
aa kit witaewes. to prore eoatinuous residence
apoa and caSthration of tald ttraet. rii; Mmt
Jf. Wileea, DaTid Pete. Jobn W. u. and
MtarcroBKenbner.ali of Cloverton. tVebeUr
coanty, Nebraska.
arrtapr29 S. W. 8WIT2ER. Befiitcr.
Land Office at Oleoaiaatoa Nob. Jareh 29. MO.
-. NSlle?.t U J,er,i7 Firea thl th followtnt
named settler bat filed notice of bit inteatioo to
make Snal proofin support of hit claim, and i e
eare Baal entry thereof, before Jemci-A.Tal-leyt.
clerk of theeonrt of Webter coontf, at
bU oBceinRedaoud. May lt. I&SO, rii:
. K8", Kenuteien. on homestead entry num
ber 3331. for the least Jf. north-west . and west
34. north-east V, ee. 12, town 3. north of ranxe
II wat, aad asiaee tbe followies; ae his wit
nosees. to prove rqntinuoas residence upon and
caUiration or said tract, via: Henry Urcrty,
CbMler W. Poller, iloses Q. Williamtoa. and
David Ketx, all of Batin. Webster county? Neb.
aprlaprffl S. W. eITZKR. KecU ter.
Land OMce at bloomington Neb. Mareh 29, 1W0.
Notice is hereby fivea that the fuUowins;
named I settler kaa filed notice of his intention to
aake final proof in support of his claia. and
eeare final entry thereof, before KecUteror Re
eeiverof tboU.H. IndOSke ia Blooaington
Neb., on May 14th. 18S0. vis:
iSJ0?.!: HUh on D, entry number
1222. for the south-west M. 5ec. SO. town 2. north
of range 12 west, and names the Mlowins; as hi
witneeses. to prove eontinuou residence upon
and calUratinn said tract. tIk Chester Dake.
,i"r ', AC?,T Arrs and Nathn Olick,
1 ?f RivertoB, Franklin connty. Nobr.
apriapr29 8. W. Swirira. Reeister.
Land Oflce at Bteetmnvton Neb. Mar. 23th. 18S0.
Notice is hereby efren that tbe roilowiwr
aaaed settler has filed notice of hie intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
secure final entry thereof before James A. Tal
leys, clerk of court In Webster coanty at hU of-
n Red Cloud Neb., on Saturday. May 34
1880, Tii;
Washington W. Harvey. IIM No. 43.77. for the
north-west quarthr or sectiea 22 twp 2 rae 12
west, and Barnes the fbrfewinr ab witneeses
tp prove continuous residence oa and cultiva
ttoapfaaid tract, vis: Kxra U. Jones. Ckarla
Hunter. Wllliem A. Beck aad William Wilson,
all of Inarale Neb.
aprlapra 8. W. 8WITZER. Register.
Land Office at Bloomington Neb. Jfar. 2.5th 18W.
Notice is hereby given that tbe following
aaaed settler has filed notice orbit intention to
make final proof la support of his claim, and
f eeare final entry thereof before Jamrr A.Tol
leys, alcrk of the court ia Webster county at his
ewe ia Red Cloud Neb., oa Monday May 3d,
kfrntt Miller, of Blue Hill Neb. H'd -application
1731, for tbe northeast1 see. 14 town 4 range
10 wast, and names the following as kia witnees
es to prove continuous reeidtaee oa aad ealt (ra
tten of aaid tract, ris: Otto AfMenteu. George
dees. Fredrick Weiehsrtaad WtfTlea kort, all
of Blue Hill Neb. .
aprUpr29 8. W. Ermia Itagieter.
Lead OBee at bloomington Nek. Jfar. 234, 18S0.
Notice is hereby given tkat the following
Baaed settler kaa filed netiee of his iateatiea te
aake laal areof ia support o f his claim, aad se
tn fiaal entry thereof, before Jama A.Talleys
Clerk of tka Court of Webster county, at hU of
iee ia Ked Cloud Neb., oa April 234. 18S0.
CkesIeyL. Brockaaa.H'd aapiieatioa 3999,
for tke west half of the soatkeast quarter and
west half northeast quarter of section 22 town 2
range 12 west, aad Barnes tke following aa hie
witaeeeea to prove continuous residence oa aad
oultivatiea at said tract, vis: George W. Kaight.
Albert 0. llale. Absaloa N. Day, Kxra H. Jobs
all ef laaTale, Nabr,
aar2Sarr22 8. W. 8WITZ8R. Register.
Lead Oflee at Blooaiagtaa, Net Mar. 19th. '80
Notice is hereby given that tke following
aaaed settler have filed notice or intention to
aake laal proof ia rapport of his claim aad
secure fiaal eatry thereof before tka Register
or Keceiver ef the U. 8. Lead Oaee at tsfooa-
tagtea xfeb..oa .Monday. April 25, 1890.
. ueergeu.Bpriager for tbe a
) 12 west, and
Barnes tke fellewiag as his witaeees?--ie: Jaaee
Alexaader, Robert Tbarp. Alenso Tobiaaad
Albert H. Springer all or Wells P. O. Neb.
aertSeprS 8. W.8WITZIR, IUristar.
jion sec. ii town e range ii
, NoUeeflkereeygivea,thatI will exaaiae
all persona who aay desire to offer themselves
aa eaadidatea fer teaehett ef tkt primary or
eeaaoa aekools ef Webster eoaaty. at Red
Claad aa tka lrt 8atarday ia tka acaths ef
Kebraary. May August and Noveaber: At
Blue HU1 ea the first Satarday in the aeathi ef
Jaaaary. April. July aad Octok. At Qaide
Roek oa tke fiirrt 8atarday ia the aeatka of
March. Juae, September aad December.
RxaaiaaUoBS to eemmeaee at 9 o'clock x. a.
A. A. I'ora.
Ceaaty Svperiateadeat of Pablio las traction.
la Ceaaty Ceart, . 1
Weeater Ceaaty, Neb. .
, lfthe aatter af tka
aetata ar Qeerge zetav aaeeased J. C. w.
KaJey. Ceaaty Jadge ef aaid eoanty. kereey
aetifrall aereeae kaviae elamis aaeinrt tke said
tkat I have appeiated th th day of
-Man. A. D. 18fiS. fer tke reeentieeL. eaueiaatlaa
ajMaejaasaeataisaMeJatau. aad aeataade aa
aravidad by law, at war oCee ia said Webster
ewaaty, aad all persons so intereeteel'a said
aetata, will appear at aaid liae aad ptaee or
wUkia six aaatk'a ftea tke data last above writ
tea, aad duly present tkesr said elaiaa or de
aaadeia tke aaaaer reqalred ky law, er skew
aaaaa far net so de-tag, aad in caee.yay ef mid
eleiae shall net be preeeated within tke tiae
axed ky tkia eoart tka aaa skaU ka fererar
jfatiea is alea girea tkat Sophia L. Zeiw.
aaakjeasddyafwijrtedJUataietratr1x ef tka
at weorge eas. aeeeaeeo. utrea
ay aaaa aaa see 1. 1 tae eaea eeaaty art
aeWtAnril.A.P.iafa. m.mrw
Ceaaty Jadga.
Be Wise ani Happy.
If yea wiS step al jav aztraTagaai
aaai an aaw aarioaa a iaatariaa; yaaralf
aad faaiaaa with exaaaatre Joetera ar
aaavaceare-aisetaaiaw kana ahraye,
Mia Baaay. aaaaare area exi
Tka ajaalea raaaiy far tkir. tke araat,
w m anvvm .aatamai om aruav aa iuv tanaca
epare fieel entry ikeraof. rof to twaZle le-toJ-
A- Ta lent Clerk of ikiTSiTtTf
niBHtrmnBtv at mw .ai..
.. AH Hal nnlav M-ataA. t
------- -: . -
Arthur lL.I tt I ".".'.
r wt- --e veaw rwa. iwt-t via
wv-i rvlLl'r?!'
bJ aaaa tkaValiaJu. .. .!.
Flour & Feed
CHAS. Ee P ITraAK, Prop.
Cera, Meal, trsu rrl Feed aad
Visit tke JteJOewd Orrery. Fred aad Pre.
vuiaa eurewhea yea weal rarrH1 ?
Higkeetaarket art la eask help fer grain'
AU kind ef country rredace tkea a eiekaage
fergeeda. Oeedl delivared to all aarUefUwa
Sree of charge,
gtere eeatk ef Read's Plew Faetery.
Proprietor or the
City Drug Store,
x9 etAtsi t
Paints- Oils
and Varnishes.
A fall (rupply of
ratrenage solicited and thankfully! received.
avPreeeriptioBt carefully compouadedfva
One door south ofUarber's store,
O ?
s - s aa
3 O
h - -86
a. tf
GO Lt J -
i Callender,
General Vercllandise.
Drags, Medlcia.,
Oils Taratiiilicse
- Paints Etc.
A fall Hoe of every thins; kept in a general
store at tbe Lowest Cash Pbicks,
Moon & Callender.
Nimble Six-pence.
Geo;W. Dow,
Groceries L Confectioneries,
White nsh I Mackerel.
Grata, TMal asjd Caaaed fjtaeU. T&aaacTe-
aaeeee aad Cigars. Wear aad aealeoa-
saatlyeaaaad. . Bcpa. Battars
Taken in Payment.
aad I w31 de yea gead.
Red Cloud, - Nei,
mmmjmmmWmmunwnmmMm'3BmSSG0BFmmjmm!SSB "m inimiii
i a. j - i a .
a iBaa
r MaefaakjiaiBaj arBa".i wmu'wml nj
?swSr laisv" -JI vxi- w u"
-ntard actwrOlae t AalMCote, UtXa
F. .H CORE Jeweler, Red Cloud, Kob.
Groceries, Queenswarc, and
Spring and Summer Clothing, ..
A Inrse lot of itHTM &HUOKHv hat
ire me a call, every thin wW at
Red Clond, -
Wc call your attention
and Cheapest Stock of
In the Republican Valby.
Years of experience in the trade, has taught is
the wants of the Farmkrs of this great
Convinced that in your Success lies the interest
of all, wc offer you the best products of
Eastern Manufacturers.
Drills, Seeder's, Corn Plows with Seeder attach
ments, Sulky Plows, Stirring and Breaking
Plows, Marsh Harvester,
Whitney Marsh Binder, the best machine in the
market, Randolph Header, Newton Wagon,
Buggies, and all kind of
We shall spare so rfforti to aJraace tke Internet ef utr Otfaw. Al 4ft
bappjr to how our Good, (lire u a ei!l.
RED CLOUD, - - Nebraska.
Inr Sisn Im Ssssd Iiw Frieif
Cheap, Cheap, Cheapf
Dress Goods
VQommrim Boots
Miens & Boys
15TS A SMOBS, He35.
Hats & Caps
Ladies & Chilcfrens Furs
in great variety,
C4am, Ckji.
Ax Tib
Corner Store.
Tfce sasieeeT aT Fraea aeaas. fiaaajw.
yewtoaad iMjaVaalaBaaDaaaaat atosaar-
aw aawWwarafa aatTaraBaa w)aa aWwaaBV ,
C InkWrHwt mfW0Wr0f9m
r t7J. fey tKt i
ac., Itr.
I101TOM I'riera ft.? CASIf.
rrtrttid .. z1 -j i1 i.'
to the
Largest, Best,
: t
QakkItaMi Tfli TnSml
CUm Cowaaati mi I iUVekfl
Burlington Route
Ijimmtt maimw aTtM mM tm I
7VreCaMasM rfae i,iX,?)(iM
fa Setiseea. swwsay '?.
A.ji saiaae ea'aosw-f M e vUiK?ir
aMaasF JaJaatMa
W aaa fa Aa taWs aaaar aaaaaWs&aatJwt mm ara
aaaaain aw aa ajaaawsssyaaiajsaew'wa ayaai jayssaaw
jMeee-iaereae- aerae immtrtti a. Um6
Taeaaritaegeei reatekare iyvwaefaw4
m t !. i w& - - a c
rsw x sea Wfasiwieai
4MB W4
aaiaraweJiejer tare- ae vmht
aeweaeieiaa. fjwaea iss wr rear rw'
MMu' ZFWWsa aWJVaVwSarw aWjVVw'er w9 tfaMf9'waae-
i&vmiOA. ixfiijyrAPOLis, cur
tawaaaaaWawaVwawawawaaB aa al it a liaHWI
aaWsW WaaWfJ aarwaaWW aaaaajp aaa aay
aw a
ay- 1
&&$0$&&& . 1 ""J1-? lll,ls "w,WftMtWwUleT be M order, eatefk. . Baaa.aerealerBlaaUelileieeaWwJiakwe au MInirrfj iafwrnad that r w rtr mrmtf IM,:l?artZJy . J&&EZ&J&JX!2r.
TlBg P- . 9M " -.iw rmjm m aa;tha .fair- - -- jM j-rg J - ffitt?-1 SttT?SE CALL ON THEM. A WaSatS, M. ig-m. Saa
'fSt Mm ifcaiBiawai and af eeam aaHad ea ef Aawaaad tire as Llatk:iaiaTbt a, aaaa. SaaSTnSrZSS &XJ! gggSaV ... amnBaagaaU. a..slji.. at., tka aayn JiIi.iii Jim JOftaf mtlf . nt laaf at g aagjt
-- Z iT7 --'-aaa'nairaw p. -. a-x ----i--a-' 1 - .--, : ...i- TT . an, leaiaaaa, ejajtaaai aaaaa- !MaaLaeaaaaeeTaaaaaea aaraKai itA.j.f.L. n au. , . a ra i -i -ani waraaam '" 1 ---"mmm .-. - ....- . m -
Vii5:,.Hi any a that apphwaiina taaaaaaam wadifiaa l Ue Uad af yaur iara bava smalbj baaa aariaaab iajaaad paaeamia WinS2& STSSLT -&- - -j-j'" " ' lf "-PIM"' w....,,. . . .- mJfe'iZ&iZgZ 5&iJ&JZ?
amaayam. - at a f zm-. " m a -ia a. " - - "" ' aa akatla aavaw BaBaaUBBal maV laaBraam ffaa aafaTeraya BaT aaffaT aTaaram ffaaraaTaawnaTaTaW UaraaaBBBUTTa ' aBaaaaaaral BaTaTaTaBT mna aamaWatBjl YBaaaU -TIHBIHHHaa 4mV awflBpavarw eaTerS aaaraTammB m BBBT -r amanar aarvam vmBam BB a-BI Bwf a-aa9a - - --
amaC-!1 mm,JJilm fcvufclfcerX Gwa ua ail tba Ul) wbiktrjiaft w aaaaa an ekmr baada a mimtFimi t ?Pf"rg,jr miWlTtZ&mBrttcEmTlUkr w"wmlWfc '" n,n,r n iir7riT-S makJarfaaiaia.ireKawaW., f
aaaaaaaaaaHC&Lx As&s&ry !-j&-aBBBawMBB$u3aBBBwK jBj&dc? '-9b9ssHttflBSxv,at pa fii &&. "st-i . ie mTi "wi7iiniiiTiirii'teiTiifcMaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
WfTii Tiiiia
mmmmmwB3.&M3mzm7mBCMtammim.iBE?2mz.&. 3C-,r,rai,ii- -a -- narHiMk