The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 15, 1880, Image 4

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rent into
l naraSrs now arrive from
the east at 7:35, p, m. 0 minutes earlier
tli an formerly.
Ked Cloud is still ahead. Mm. Mc
JJridc has just received a large stock of
millinery that surpasses anything ever
brought to the city.
New goods arriving daily, at Miner
JJro's., fresh from the leading houses of
the eas they handle the best which is al
ways the cheapest.
If you want to look at the Gnest horse
flesh in the Valley, call round to the
livery stable kept by Ellsworth & Thurow,
they keep some good horses.
The compositor who set up tho Guide
ltock letter last week inserted "cruel
God" "when it should have read "creed
God." Please inako a note of this.
Track laying commenced at Am boy
last Monday morning, and the road will
be pushed on to Superior without delay.
This will be good nows for our neighbors
t)f Guide Rock.
Joe. Jacobs has opened up the Omafia
ramplo room, two doors west of tho Boy's
riomc, where the best of wined, liquor,
aid cigars can be had, Soe card in
another column.
It would be a great accnaodation to
our business men if the lL R. Co. would
establish a branch telegraph office in
town, as the ioconvenieace of traveling
09 and from the depot would then be
Pope came into the office last Monday
when the typo hailed him with, "why
yau sweat, you most have been at work."
Iihave,, was -the reply. "1 have just
r-cea trying, to make a Director's report
E. II. Thomas, of Dallas, nil, a nws
)apcr man and a distant relative of-' ye
editor, called on tho CillEF last' week-
He has purchased land near Cowles and
contemplates disposing of his newspaper
and taking up his abode in Webster
-OrsnTJ ubileo at Alma came off
ye stcrJay and was a pleasant and long to
be rcnjcuibered affair by the multitude
who participated in the festivities. An
excursion train was run from Lincoln,
and maBy of the business men and others
of that city was in attendance.
Now the boys think they have a good
joke on- ye editor of the Chief. It's too
transparent, .boys, it won't work. Weex
elaim with the poet:
Ob whoaldn'twe like to eaten few.
The pusillanimous "ornery" nin,
Ob. wouldn't we give him-particular h It,
Tbe fellow that looks like u-
We understand that considerable stir
Itaa'ieen created in the north" part of
town, ea account of the building of a new
house ir tltat quarter, which report saith
will be used as a business hoase and re
sidence by a female woman. Will Reillyv
the irrepressible lawyer is-Ibud in his pro
testation.1, and saye frhat- tho "-soiled
doves' mast roost tomewftare elac
A church aaeeUne consisting of ail' the
members aad supporters of the Ptesoy
Jcrian church at Red Chad, will be heid
st the school hoase on Thursday ereaiag,
the loih, inst,, at 7 o'clock P. M., to
take ict'a cotmderatioa the erection oF a
church edifice, tlw wlaedoa af a 'suitable
fitcTor'tha same, anal ta elect oaer two
more, elders etc, . .M..Iarl.
5te kho&Aouse, JfiUS&'KSi! 7 A
Wat ivriiucB south- eaat frtsatewa,
waaimroed'td'tae grouad ea'tbeaight of
Thttfday, "April 1st. It uadoabtadly
waa tbe work of aa iaoeadiary, as aa
effort had beea. aoadea'few, Bights previ
ras.Uurn it dowa, batfalsaaVItaaatas
that certain parties Kviag in the district
were; diattisfied with Ibe-leeatwa of the
Echae) hawje. aad -were nauegaa cleft
. ihve Ike i tended, aad tie bad
ltM'fciieW, by jhV.keal strife is
tHrfi.tclixiiaiiwti the conj Wa I
litre yoa seea the new wiatl sbiII is
operatiea at tbe plow factor?? It is traljr
Nebraska prodactioa, as4 wu aeteaf ed
by Mr. Oaborae, who with Mr. Wpaer,
i bow engaged to its snaaufaetara aasl
Asibot, Ntff., 7
April 13, 1880. j
Amboy, am-a-man-now.
All is quiet now since tho R. R. work
is suspended. It's amusing for strangers
to pass through and see us all gapine and
inquiring: "la the R. R. Co. going to
make a point here or not?" Alt noami
ously answerr ,4they ami"
A good grocery store is what is most
needed hero now, tho R. R. store has
Sufficient iron is piled up here to lay
about SO miles of track, we are glad for
tbe assessor hasn't been around yet.
TicB are being unloaded hero now.
Roberts has rented his half interest k
"the-mill, lor $G0 per month.
Our i chool closed April 2d, Miss Smith
is an excellent teacher, the children love
her and so does Decker Ballinger cast an
eye at her but couldn't see past Mattie.-
The meetings of Elder Theo. Johnson
were at first poorly attended but a grow
ing interest is manifested, he claims to be
only a member of "tho church of christ,"
and is fearless in the promulgation of what
he believes to be tho true teaching of
Two men from Illinois visited this
place recently and bought 4 lots, prapos
ing to settle here soon.
One by one the Ions dark shadows
Take some form upon tbe wall;
Dimly bares the cheerless fire.
Unshed its death the ashes fall:
A lonely wife calls for her husband.
Sorrow bows the acheinr head.
As the falling ashes answer,
Dearest wife yonr husband's dead.
Darker stow the ghostly shadows,
Formless now upon the wall.
Round tbe house, night winds whistle.
Softly yet the ashes fall.
How the sad face brightens.
Bright as if with hevrenly beams.
Slecpiasr while-ar darling husband.
Booths ber sorrow in her dreams.
Composed b Mas. Jasb
husbands death.
Wosdex, titer her
The Andersonville graveyard, as des
cribed by a resent visitors is a unfre
quented spot, except for travelers from
the Worth, among wnom are many war
veterans who were prisoners in the stock
ade. There are 13;5"graves,- of which
about 4,000 are marked "Unknown."
There is a surrounding wall of solid brick.
and the place is kept neat by a- resident
superintendent under government pay.
Part of the stockade is still standing, but
nothing remains of the prison, and tbe
site is covered with bushes. Therertruo
trace of the famous brook, aer any nark
of the walls dag by the prisoners.
Rev. P N. Granger of SL Albans, Vt,
and Presidiuc Elder of tbe St. Albans
District, in a letter of recent data, says:
I will say that my experience witu
Kendall's Spavin Cure has beea very
.satisfactory iadeed. . Three or for yean
ago l. procare a bottle of your agent,
and-with it, cured? a horse of tbe kmea5
caused by a spavin. Last season nay
horse became very laaceand I taraed hioi
,Out for a few weeks wbea be beeame bet
ter, but when I put him o the road he
grew worse, when I- diseovere ibai a
ringboae- was- forcnag; I wroearcd a
bottle of KeadaM's Spavin Carl aad: witi
lets tbaa a bottle oaeedi bimsa that he is
not lame, aeitber eaav tba boaaav be
We-are glad to kara that C; JB. 'JftnV
&akJtiSmfa arraafaienr8,;tb s'apply
trees, Xsottoawood, Asb, a'ad'Boxaktar ia
aay qaaatities large or bbmIL
; j,
;Mrs. Hoyt, a first-class trinaier, can
be found at tbe fashionable aaiUiaery es
tablsabtaeatof Mra. Fewler.
Trcics! ifreesl! Trees!!!
'Go to C. E. Patuaai for forest
Wantb A sahswl, ekberia aawa'or
coawty, re bemiamediate1y.r Addresa
or caHroa 0. W.'rriagar, Bed Ctoad,
I ftrhf ISaf M, Ife, Wltk sfefcaat af
"Farm aai VlrmAm
Tbe borse m ear aobWt dostestio aei
atal, perfect ia Mractare. isapotiag ia ap
pearaaee. full of iatelligcaoTaad whea
kicdly treated gmag ia retara aa affec
two alaiost human in iu nature, and per
forming to tbe last point of caduraace the
tasks impoaed, and we our add is too
often wlg'acted to tbe hardest and harsh
est nwgc of any ofouranitaaU. and prob
ably for this reason U the most liable to
disease and blctuibe.
Many an otherwise Talaable horse is
dtfigund for life and xendered more or
Jm unfit for service by ugly fpavinn, an
sightly ring-bones, spliuta, etc Some
times thrse difficulties are not of a serious
nature, that is do aot lame the bore, or
make any materiil difference ia the abili
ty for performing work on the fana but
such animals are rtndered ansalebale. or
if disposed of, it asast be at a sacrifice of
pnee. Generally, however, the horse is
permanently lamed, uuIcm the cause is
removed, which is very seldom and often
entirely ruined lor travel or work.
Spavins are mot generally prodaccd
by a atraio or overwork ia drawing. The
bony excresence or satNitaace of which it
is composed will grow vuite fait and some
times give the aDtearaaoe of an ealarred
joint, and utiles attended to ia season
will soon beeoBM Visaed t t9 manage.
Many remedies have been devised for this
difficulty, but usually with very indiffer
ent success. Blistering is generally re
sorted to when anything is attempted,
and will in m canes, when properly per
formod, stop the growth of the spavin
but will not remove the bunch already
formed or cure tbe lameness, besides the
process is a painful one producing sore
nes and rendering the bone sore or less
unfit for service.
Some four yean aga Dr. B. J. Kendall
of Eaosburgh Falls, Vt., having a horse
troubled with spavin tried blistering to
cure it. The operation apperatioa ap
peared so painful and unsatisfactory that
ii waa aoanaoneu wun ine oeuei mat a
remedy lest torturing in its application
and more certain in its effect might be
devised. Accordingly the Doctor set
himself to work, and being a practical
physician and druggist, succeeded in pro
paring a remedy that since its introduc
tion to public notice, has achieved a suo
cess that is of the most satisfactory charac
ter. About three years since, bearing of
several cases where "Kendall's Spaviu
Care," as the remedy is termed, bad
been used with good effect, I took some
pains to ascertain the facts in the case,
and reported tbe same for several of our
t. a v
leading agricultural journals, l give a
few instances to wbicu I am personally
knowing. Mr. K. A. Games, of Berk
shire, Vt., owned a valuable bone hav
ing a spavin of the size of half a hen's
egg, aud producing severe lameness.
After trying the usual se medics with no
effect, learning of "Kendall's Spavin
Cure," a bottle was obtained and used
according to directions. The application
produced no blistering, did not appear to
be painful, and left no scar or calleus.
A one dollar bottle was used and it cured
tbe spavin,, stopping the Iameuess and
removing the bunch. I examined the
legs carefully and could fiod no difibrence
jn the site of the joints, and could not tell
tD which the spavin was located. The
horatlN2tae.a worked hard since and
upon exaaalMC m tno second time a
while since, afteV? interval of three or
faur years, was a4aaK(. find no return
of the difficulty in i aaylSK5aV?r m?ner;
one lee is as sound and Derfoat uW11 P
Dearancesa6 the other.
Mr. N. F. Weld, of Berkshire, VL,
tnated a bad case of spavin with this
remedy and iu six weeLs tbe lameness
was gone, the bunoh nearly removed and
he considered tho horse cured. 'There
has been no return of the difficulty since,
although the horse has has been worked
hard. A. A. Simpkins of West Enos
burg, Vt., has had an excerierced 6imiliar
to the above, and others might be given,
but these may be considered- sufficient to
establish the fact of the curative powers
of thhrcmeby, and also, which h equally
important, the permanco of tho cure; the
relief afforded" being cot temporary, but
lasting in effect. Equal success has been
had with "Kendall's Spavin Cure" in the
treatment of splints, curb, ring-bone,
bruises, strains of different kinds, callous,
etc. I wish to call particular attention 'to
this as a humane method of treatment,
the remedy, while it is efficient in opera
tion yet does not produce., pain or sore
ness, as is the case with most applications.
This feature is descrying of notice and is
receiving commendation from many prom
inent gentlemen in this country, among
whom-1 would mention Mr. Charles A.
Curries, special agent for the Massachu
setts society for the prevention of cruelty
to animals, Boston, Massachusetts, and
Although this remedy was origina'fy
designed for the treatment of hones, yet
it has been ased for human ailments, such
as different forms or rheumatism, or deep
seated pains of long steading, with equal
ly good effect,
"Kendall'sSpavin Cure" has been in
troduced throughout the most of this
country, and is being pot into the hands
of all the leading wholcsalo druggists
from whom it may bo obtained, or through
whom it may be ordered by every drug
gist. Dr. Kendall has also compiled a
small work or "Treatise on the Horse aad
his Diseases," of about 100 pages, fully
illustrated, and giving in a small compass
a large amount of useful information, free
from all technical terms and which will
be worth many times its cost, of twecty
five centSr to all ownera of bones. Some
thing of the favor with which this work
is being received by the public may be
inferred frou tbe fact that on? hundred
thousand coyies or or over have been sold
since April last. Should any one desire
further information upon any matter con
tained in this article, they will plea e ad
dress Dr. B. J. Kendall, at Eaosburgh
Fall?, Vt. B. B. Towut
west uerksaire, vt., sepc ieiy.
We anr reformed that the "Kead all's
Spavin Cum" is bow aokl by all of tbe
leading wbefesale draggisbi aad a- large
number ofpromiaeat reiettdragsTsits.
Experience ia every branch ef basiaesa
ensures success. Iaveatora who secure
the services of attorneys familiar with
Patents, aad tbe practice of tbe Patent
Oflka rarely fail in obtaining Patents.
The same rale applies ia all contested,
miaeral, aad laad chums brought before
the General Land Ofioe. Peaatoa blanks
Presbxct t Gut, 509 StTeath
atneL Washiactea. D. C. have bad
yn of experience ia practise ia all 1 De-
partaseata of the ueveraaseat. taeaa
sraaip for iafonMttoa.) 8cad paper te
Look Box 587.
Herding! Herding!!
Tbe aodersisraed wiB herd tattle oa
Bias Creek 9m aaafe asata. af Cowle. tbe
eeinewaeOftV " StWsUK BATE188,
2 Cowki,Neb.
f . . - -
Th yaasag lady who had tkeaaed
acres of vahsaWe laad, wbiakv aWjeaag
maa said wan saaaoiaat gaaaada' iar at
uchsaeat, did aai aaarry aa wal aa the
yoaaglUy wUbowta rVtaaa, wba bad
learned to diaaard aU.kiasia at SaWaa
or8ed,aaveJ. Moaroe Tayfer'a GaW
Medal, vbieb kaa aa aejwal oa ttaa or taa
other Cowieeet. .Go, yt jvaar Miaa
aad do ikewise; aad Detee Fo
ssaila aavyaa alae. grants iy
sisul waaat af the w balsas la area
Jfortaae wii
raaub K,
sale it.
Depot, IIS liberty atrert, Aw
Isaperial eraag, at Kaby'a.
Go to Nn. Fowler's far
WaH paper ia great Ttriety
CaHfurata aaaaed frak at Reby'a, kf 35
eta. pereaa.
A nice liae of faacy ribboas, at Mrs.
Roby Mils bead light oil, fcr 25 cents
per gallon.
A eice lot of sprieg goods, just Retired
at Mrs. Fewler'a.
Window shades and fixture, at
Browa's furniture store
W. B. Roly hat just received another
lot frabi it garden i-eed.
If you want a "love of a boaaet," go
to Mrs. Fowler's millinery store.
(So and see the fine stock offurmiare
at Browa's, before purchasio elsewhere.
If Roby can't give yoa saiitCtctioa ia
the choice grocery liae yoa aeed aot look
-Go and see goods, and prices, before
buying, at Brown's furnituie and wall
paper store.
For a stylish drew or street baL eall
on Mrs. Fowler, as she has agaia secured
rh eervioo of Mn. Hoy, tbe only frst
class trimmer in tbe city.
Chss. E. Putnam has jut received a
large invoice of the bet grades of coffees,
sugars, tea, syrups, canned goods and
everything usually kept in a first class
grocery store. if
Mr. IToyt has been employed at the
fashionable millinery establishment of
Mr. Powlcr, she a a first elass trimmer
and will give you Mti faction.
Chas. E. Putnam has a patent dried
beef cutter in bis store, and parties who
purchase dried beef can have it already
Mr. Montgomery regularly deals out
fresh milk to the inhabitants of Red
Cloud. Milk delivered every day, Sun
days aot excepted.
II. A. Biard will be in hU office, from
the first to the 7th, of each month.
Office next door to the Bank, Red
Cloud. 23 tf.
Money to Loan.....
upward, straight 10 per cent. No CosBmUioa.
D. U. Coombs, at the Court lloase. Z7tf
Not the Crown of Kings nor the Crown
of Glory, but the Crrwn Sewing Machine,
the latest, and bent machine in tho Mar
ket, it will pay you 10 call at the Post
Offico and sec it before you purchase!
For Sale by M. B. McNitt.
The Mills of the Gods
Gtind slow; not so with tbe mill at the
store of Perkins & Mitchell, for it will
grind a dollar's worth of coffee for you in
a little leas than no time, and it grinds it
free of charge.
Take Notice !
All accounts due T. J. Mo&her. must
be settled before the first day of May,
1SS0. Settlement may bo made with
William Moshcr, at the old stand.
T. J. Mosikr.
Money to prove up with on final re
ceipt, or on deeded land at 8 per. cent,
and 1-G2 per. cent commission, or at
straight 10 per. cent no commission.
Jno. K. Willcox.
Offioe next door to (JuiEr oSce. 30tf
Secure the Shadow ere the
Substance Fades.
All who are desirous of having pic
tures of themselves r of their friends or
littleoncs. are respectfully informed that
Messrs. Pryse & Ewiog are now ready to
take Photographs, Ferrotypes &c, in the
highest style of the art. Also copying
and enlarsina. Oallerv. sesoad door
north of Chief offioe, Red" Cloud, Neb.
30tf PBYSB & LWfiia.
Be Wise and Happy.
Tf you will stop all your extravagant
and wrong notions in doctoring yoarself
and families with expensive doctors or
humbug cure-alls that do harm always,
and use only nature's simple remedies
for all your ailments you will be wise,
well and happy, and tavc great expense.
The greatest remedy for this.the great,
wise and good wHI tell you, is Hop Bit
ters rely on it. See another column.
No Good Preaching.
No man can do do a good job of work,
preach a good sermon; try a taw suit well,
doctor a Daticnt or write a good article
when he feels miserable and dull, with
sluggish brain and unsteady nerves; aad
none should make the attempt in such a
condition when it can be so easily and
cheaply removed bya little Hop .Bitten
A Brilliant Publication.
Frank Ltflis'i Sunday Xafaxiae
For May in a remarkable number of this
always entertaining, iastructireand edify
inx periodical; and is highly creditable to
.the ulcnt. carefulness and industry of
tho editor. The 12 quarto pages pie
sent a vast variety of delightful reading,
interesting to all classes and calculated to
gratify all tastes. There are good, solid
articles, replete ith inforanotioa; easays;
serial aad short stories; adveotares;
sketchespoetas; biographies, obituaries,
ate., etc. all deserving of waral, eoea
meadation and scattered throughout
arc brilliant litenry cera. Ihe illastra
tions number probably one hundred, aad
exhibit the best style of wood engnvieg
The opening article, "Mobaaiaied aad
bis Religion," and "Martia Lather," a
biogranbical study, are exceediaxly ia
terestmg. in tne departaseat 01 actio.
"Be-Be, the ruatiasaker 1 uaagarer,
aad "Little Hinges" are eoatiaaed with
increasing iatereet; and there are arreral
adsairable short stories by pepular writen.
The poeaas are very saeritorioaV aad
asirarlhiny uausuaUy abaadaat, aa are
also the Keligioas Motes aad News at
Hobm aad Abroad. There are abkaary
aot ices of celebrated dTviaea, Reereatioaa
far Saaday Afteraoon, a beaatifal Byaa a
(thesaaaicby Meadel-aoaa), ate., eta;
bat it is impossible to io asere thaa
saerely ghaaa at the rfoh aad varied copy
teats. Tbaasaeaafaaiaghaoaysaoaiy
25eeats;the aaaaal aabaanatiM as $3;
mx aaoatbe. $1.30; aad foar aaoatba. tl.
Address, Fraak Jg J
Hoase, 53, 55 57 Park flaaa, New
A burre nortioa of the
m wbnlfv staawara ef the
cateta iaeideat to the use of eomavaa Sad
aratac or Soda, thereby prjaaeg diaaaae,
mmt daatrayiag health The hifjeat par
ftatioarof at haa beea ,
maawfaatarrof J Moavea Tay JtVa G4d
Medal Salerataa aad Sada. Use ease
psuefaadjoaeTrbaTeaayethr. It
wkhereaaa tartar. Try as. Feratlehr
aaaetof the Graeen aatf Draggista, aad
at wfefeeafeby tbe Trade gjtaeraQy.
Final Proof Notices.
Kssjs kt7 sivva Uat ta. tVttowia
aasa4 astuW aaa i'ri ati of aW kstraUaa t
ataaafftal sraat la tpti ef Ulsa. 4
araaal rattT Utrcf tfrJasM A. Tl
l7S. An t dark t Hr.ttr Matr Naat
kW of. ia K4 .T4 ea KrUar M HtV issu.
Jttvvh W. Vsms Jf4 airy X. 4. Ur
ta sjna-as rtr f saciioa IS ta 2 raa
11 wart, aad aasaastaa ftlwsaM kis sriusas-
Urro. cattaas rtMf, a a4 rvltlta
tloa of aaM tract, vie Mikara L. T1akr.
Hsarr J. Maarar. l(err ateCaat a4 Fraaa
intui. Mil or fU4 cisa-f .fc
aarUvaU S.W. &W1TZIS, RWtsr.
Laad 0ea at Blss!aia. Na. A aril Ua. lsa.
Xatk Is ar (itra taat ta follewlsa
aaaerd .Ulcr kas tl9l aottc l ait iitUi f
otak Snal atoofia ratsrt f kit etaiat. aad
sarara taal aatrr tktraef. befer Js A. Ta
lrs. dark aftbs Ccort ef WbUr cvaats. at
hit oe. Is Cad. Nk a Jlaiaj Jaaa
IKk.iase. tris:
Joka McCallaau Jr, H Calkrrtaa. Xe,
HessMtead IMS J-r U saatk -cart i. etlea &t
town I. raaa.ll wnt. ia4 Man ia tzhaiat
a kU wltatmtp. ia rrT. esltvuiBi r-vl&c
aaaa aaa raltlratioa ot sltt ttet. vis : H'tilUca
B. Crtaaor. ul (orrt P t. tkr. of Caihwta.
Nab, asxl Vier L. lloaskack. aaa NcUoa Ban
I.U. of Wells. Na.
aprtaiasa. S. W. S WITZER. Klrt7.
Laad 0c at Biooaslaataa. N.b. April ith. lass.
Nolle Is karafcr rirta tkal tke folUwiac
aael tettlcr has Sll nolle, of bii istealioa U
mak. final nroof la support of ku Uim. aad
secure floal ntrr th.rtvf. provf to b. csaJ. be
fore A. TelUr. Orrk of tk Cuurt of
Webster roaoty. at bit eflce. ia Ue4 ClouJ.
Neb, oa Satanlar. Mar tb. 1S0. eit:
Arthur C. 1'arlt. lloaestfaJ Katry 12IS.
for ia avrtk-rwl W- -S. ii. towa 2. raata Itf
rst. ael aasiM th.fotlowiax as bis witietea.
to rore continuous rt4oeo apon aa J raltira
IK.B of siJ tract, vis: John 'lathery, frank
Caokrill. ChrUlopb.r Com. aaJ Adas SaUaea.
all of R4 Clotti. Neb.
asrftssajS S. W. 5VXT2ER. RecUttr.
Laal OEea at Utoomlnstoa b. March. . 19S0.
Nolle U i.n tbat ike tollowIa
named aetUvr bas filfJ aotMa ot kl fnteatioa ta
aiakelaal proof In satfrt of bis dales, aad
seeara final eatrr thereof, before the clerk of
eurt oi Webeter rountr. Netr.. at tb. county
seat, on Hat unlay tbe 1st Jr of Jray. IKS0. vis:
AloasoTebia.on bosBeateext entry No. 1003.
for the south-east Vi. e- . toa 4. north of
nnieU west, aad names tbe followiag as bis
wiiBesses to prove contieuoat residtace ain
and cultivation ef said tract, vis: Peter 11. Sailor.
Charts Churchill, Vi illtam Sisbour aal William
O. Cos. all of Mf elU. Welter coanty. Nf br.
aprlaprir d. W. MVITZEK. lUUtr.
Laad Office at Bloomlnston. Xeb.. Marrb S. S0.
Notica is berebr fiveo that the following
nasaed settler has filed notice of bis intention to
stake final proof la support of bis claim, aad
secure final entry thereof before ike clerk of
court of Webster countr. Neb., at the county
seal, ou Friday. April 30th. 1SS0. vir:
Samuel L.Stilner.oa homestead entry nam
ber W3S. for the south-west ii. See. 3. towa i.
aorth of raage 11 wet, and names tVe Mkmlmm
as kas witoeses. to prve eoeiiismoas residence
rn aad ca.'iivaiioa of said tract, via: Mesas
Wilson lavid Fels. John W. frts. aad
UtarxeoD Kersbntr, all of Clorcrtoa, sVaketor
county. Nebraska.
arrlapr-Ja S. W. SWIT2KR. Rebtr.
Laad Of sea at Dloowia(toa Neb. Jarch . l-0.
Netssa hi kyarefy sT.vea that tbe fbllnwias
aasaed settler has filed notice of his intentioa to
make final proof in support of his claim, aad se
eara final enirr thereof, before James A. Tat
leys, clerk of the court of Webster county, at
hUoffice in Ked Cloud. May IsulfoO. vis:
Keaate Keautesen.on hotaestcad eal
ber 3531, for the east . north-west Vi, i
Vi. north-east ii. Sec. 12. town S. north
II west, aad names the foilowiag as
jveam. ivenuiesen, on notaeticad eairy Bum-
aad west
of ranee
bis wit
nesses, to prove continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said tract, vis: Henry Lavortr.
CbesterW, Fuller, Moses C. Williamson, aad
David Keta, all of Dana. Webster eounty. Neb.
aprlaprS 6. W. SWITZKR, RtfiiU.-.
Laad Office at toomin(toa Neb. Marth Z5, 1 M0.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler bas filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of bis claim, and
secure final entry thereof, before Register or Re
newer of the l. S. Land Office ia Uloomingtoa
Neb., on May 14th. IS), vis:
(leorge W. Rise, oo homestead entry number
122, for the south west . Sec. 30. town 2. north
of range 11 west, aad sam tbe following as bis
witnesses, to prove continuous residence upon
aad cultivation said tract, vie Chester Dake.
John t ish. Allen T. Ay era and Nathan Ollck.
all of Riverton, Franklin countr Nebr.
apiapr29 S. W. Swirzsa. Register.
Land OftTcvat Blonmington Neb. Mar.25th.l8W.
Notice Ts BeribT girsn "that the following
named settler has filed sour of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, aad
secure final entry thereof btfure Jane A. ful
lers, clerk of court In Webster countr at bis of
fice in Red Cloud Neb., on Eaturdsy, May 3d
18n. vis;
Washington W. Harvey. H'd No. 4W7. for the
nnrth-wet qaarthr of section 22 twr 2 range 12
w-asUand names tbe fallowing as bis witnesses
9o prove continuous residence on and cultiva
tion of said tract, vis: Ksra II. Jooes. Charles
Hunter. William A. lice k and William Wilson,
all of InavalcNeb.
aprl sprat &. Xf. BWITZER. Register.
Laad Office at Bloomington Neb. Afar.ZSthlSSO.
Notiea is hereby giren that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
eeara final entry thereof before Jara.r A.Tul
leys, elrrk of the court in Webster county at his
office in Red Cloud Neb., on Monday May 3d.
1880. vis.
Krast Miller, of Illue Hill Neb. H'd applica
tion 1741. far the noHbevtVf sec. 14 town 4 raage
10 west, aad names the following as his witness
es to prove contincnaa residence on and caltiva
tiea-of said tract, viz: Ottt Jfosenten. Ueorge
Uess. Fredrick Weiehartand William Kort, all
of Blew Hill Neb.
aprUpr 8, W, Ewirsta, Register.
Land Office at bloomington Neb. Jfsr. 23d, 1880.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intentioa t
make final pro if in support of Ms claim, aad se
cure final entry thereof, before James A.Tullers
Clerk of the Court of Webster countr. at his o sl
ice in Red Cload Neb., on April Z3d. 1SS0.
Chester L. Brockman. H'd appltcatioa 3999.
for the west half of the soatheast quarter aad
wast half northeast quarter of section 22 town 2
range 12 west, and names the followiog as kss
witnesses to prove continuous residence oa aad
cultivation of sard tract, rfr George W. Knight.
Albert C Hale, Absalom N.Day. Kxra II. Jones
all of Inavalc, Nebr.
ar23apri2 8. W. SWITZER, Register.
Laad Office at Bloomington. NeV. Mar. 18th. 80
Notice is hereby given that the folfrwing
named settler have filed notice of inflation to
make final proof in support of bis claim aad
seen final entry thereof before the Register
or Receiver of the U. 8- Laad Omee at Bloom
ingtoa Neb., oa Jfoaday. April 35,1880.
George U. Sprnger for tbe SKI KJanw
It& Vi sec. 22 ftwn range 12 west, and
names the followiag as his witnesses, vis: James
Alexander. Robert Tbarp. Alonso Tobiaaad
Albert H. Seriager all of Wells P. O. NeB-.
mar25apr22 H. W. H WirZBR. RerUter.
Laad wffice at Bloomington. Neb March 15.1S89.
Notice is he-ebv given tbat the followiag
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof ia support of his claim, and
secure final entry thereof before James A . Tel
lers elerkof tke court in Webster coaaty. at his
office ia Red Cload. Neb., oa the ,17th day of
April. I860.
Isaiah Ileitraaa. of Guide Rock. Neb.. Home
stead No. 1379. for tfaesoath-west quarter, north
west quarter west, southwest quarter, aad south
east quarter, south-west quarter, sejtioa 10.
town 3. raage 9 west, and names the followiag as
Uuritaasaes. via: Sandmen Croxtoa. John Far-
m'tr; Cartitoplrer C. Xavactt aa4 Jacoa jsfesisv
all orcowies, Jfeoratka-
marl8apl5 8. W. SWITZER. Racist.
Laad Office at Btoomiagtoa Neb. March 15.1889.
Notice k hereby given that the following
ism settler has Bled notice of his tateatioa to
make fiaal proof ia support of his claim, aad
taal eat
atrv thereof bebre the K.aistear
ar Receiver at the D. 8. laad office ia Bloomiag
aastMewea tbeSSth day trf April. 1S80.
Jaaeh dahank, ef Mae liilU Nebr.. Homester
JVex3M3vlbytse nerUtwest qaarter. sectma 3V.
town I. range IS. west, and names the followiag
as his wUaeetea. visi OoUeih Aradt. 'rederiei
Bank. Hearr Neihmire aad Fred Nebai. aU ef
BlaaHiU. Neb. S. W. 6 WITZBB. Register.
Netimm hereby given, that I will ezamiae
all persona whe snaa lasiss to ofer themeelvea
ae asjsssswlaaa far taaslwa af tke primary or
eemsaem seaoots ef Webster aaasaty. at Red
Ciena aa the first Batarday ia the ssvaths ef
Kearaary. Hay Aagast aad Navember: At
Sine Mill en the first Satarday ia the meaths of
Jaaaary. ArriU Jaly asm Oetaher. At Oaiste
Raakasithalirst Satarday in thsj moatae ef
MsfefcJaajsv September and Decesaher.
Jtyaiinntna ta eessmeaee at 9 e'elaek a. a.
AA. Pom.
Caaaty Saaeriatsadeat of Pwblie Inetraetlasi
Hetioe te Crtsfitan af Qestfj latai, IHimiL
Webeter Ceaaty 5ea.i
Ia the matter af the
estate at Qasraa
Kaler. Cavstry J edge ef said eaeaty. hereW
1. C W.
notify all
r aara aaxiiafJ waa Stb slay eT
lvsbsi niatms asmsawt us w
May. A. o.issa. ter use issagoasj. cj
eavislasMsrUw. at ar eenee in said W
... III - laa KM
vitaia six meatk's from the daseUet above wnt-
liaisMsaaswerrsjawMawlam. esmea
C mm mm J-" 1M ! Ml. MmmT flg
usas ahau aat a yiiamsa wsais vmm
ed ay this coast tho ansa akaffi ha
mU.Xm ! slaa : thmt. Roahie. "L.
2. mUktrnT-mt Ooatwa Zeisa. finsasssJ. K
aantanV sanVsawat wKftaajg eawar9Wansiaa J&ttanuaawnawsvasWlan aaBaa
aaai Tail hnaai and seal, ef as ana son a
. Csjenary J as
uraam jevaai racaac aajr( jaa awaiaaw.
WlaWaitaaaoawvsjfCaaa. a lsaaaa.
Tkt Isact taar ia tke raEey.
Flour & Feed
CHAS. E. PUTlf AH, Prop.
Cera.MtaJ.Braa Chy4 Feed aad
Visit the XrdOead Oreerr. Feed aad ?v
vUiaa(tore whea yea waal tar abas fcr maa er
Highest market rrW-e la rash palp fer graia
All kiads ef eematry predate ttkea sa esehaae
forra. Ooodi dtllvvrsd to all parts fut
fre of charge.
Stare south ef Reed's Pt.w r artery.
Proprietor of the
City Drug Store,
DrugSa Medicines.
Paints Oils
and Varnishes,
A fall tappljr af
retronege solicited and thaakfaUyZreeeived.
dhr-Prestriptlons earefully coBpaadedwa
Oae door aotKk eTOaxbaf ' star?
o cr
J- a
fiass r
2 ' i 9
S - O
Moon i Callender,
)dkalers inC
General Xerchandise.
Iry - Good,
Grocer leu,
Boot aft; tn,
DruKfie MefUcitie,
Oils Vmratlbe,
Potlnfn Ctc.
A fall liae of eTerytainsrkept ia a avMral
tore at the Lowbst Cass Pucks.
Koon & Callender.
Nimble Six-pence.
Geo. W. Dow,
-dialer nr
Groceries I Confectioneries,
Choiea Tea. Cefee Saaar Ac
White Rsh I IL&VMiL
Qreea. Tria aad Canned FrniSs, The host To-
aaeeos aad Cigars, near and meal eon-
aaatly oa hand. Ksjas, Batter.
aad Wood
Taken in Payment.
aadl will do Tea good.
1st door north ef arras osaea.
Red Cloud, - Nei.
Thaw sell CHEAP tor CASK: aa X
Wm art wfcatrea want, leave;
TX&EEh mTIZm it anas o X V1
trfsTaf -' AVrSKT .OaJLo AT .-A . . .L i
T ill.WiTC!s.. V ssXsasKil. -s ft VJmb f.
nsf -vcmtAY?HtH ia AslsnCf inf Ai. Jii VJrc Ls I
xjmWfcm. Z.I sOT aa 11 Jkavlx ti xyllart-.
rir-4 aeoordlaa Aat af Ossmss, 1st use year IST1. tr tts t
! OlSro of it UVmui f t t
Fa ,H CORE Jeweler, Red Cloud, ITeb.
. i KHv-wwewwwieanMwBWMwwweBnBWBaeBBasnBwasBmsBaBBM
Groceries, Qucenswaxc, and
Spring and Summer Clothing.
CAlf. Ac., Ac.
IntrGirf sae a raU. every tblag kM t HOriOM i'rkv. for CASH
Red Clotidf - aSTchrakn.
1880. f" A ItLamalLPIlif. I IS SO.
i88o. r AiimCnu jss0.
Wc call your attention to the Largest, Bcjt,
and Cheapest Stock of
Agricultural machinery,
In the Republican Valley.
Years of experience in the trade, has taught us
the wants of the Farmers of this great
Convinced that fn your Success lies the interest
of all, we offer you the best products of
Eastern Manufacturers.
Drills, Seeder's, Corn Plows with Seeder attach- t
ments, Sulky Plows, Stirring and Breaking
Plows, Marsh Harvester,
Whitney Marsh Binder, the best machine in the
market, Randolph Header, Newton Wagon,
Buggies, and all kind of
We saall spare ao effort to arTraBco iJlo rWrrt of unr Ciitomir. A!r
aappjr to show our Goods. Oir t a !!.
RED CLOUD, - - Nebraska. v
Cketrp, Cluap, (Jhtpt
Dress Goods
VkJommrim BootS
Mens' & Boys
Hate & Caps
Ladies ScChildrens Furs
in great variety,
GROCERIES, artaatnarr GROCa(ES
Cimp, Chmp.
Corner Store
jr. w. SMerxwmw.
Vnbui .unit la. ia ri.1li.Tl if tke iar-
tot sfgtas. atwaVeea asast
SOOtO) s nssssor . sns wmr-.
at aasl Mae aatwa V7riSa af
T saaa tlst IssPaMiC aasl kaat evJIee
lam af Piasma- swssr afsraJ sarsmlaia fkt
.. 8aat Petaie, CaM.Toavai.
naais far a ia taetr saaana.
W. J. Haaeam,
aaoaaaawaajs. ew.
Mitel titers. am a'a iar
tW Tsaaar. AananaaaiiasJ Daria atariaf
Iff J t ..
maai in i -si swasa oasassalsjawawmoieawwsaao.
sgajaaaaa,ia.ji.).iit. eja),sa aw,ss, j
mi a
1 3
- M
ZJ B 2
m a. lO
2 '
Aa f
Qakklsssel Tareafli 7wl
CTa Cet t SeDrkyl
Burbngton Route ! -
v t mitt L as4o.
Tinnsaa Cars m'M U rJrnt . X X.aM
faJrWw Jfcn t-ttJUF'.
' At2. Lw w W ss4e at a-
eiJeett. , .. , .,
XIi1LKOH rawi -in --
Jrss Jf's.oan JUvsr t CaJckc . y
lie fcstfsafi r' TiTml
nr a4 Ur & ai.oss w
arlrronsksolvorl-Jai. Mfmf
ease, Cs aa etsinao ao sao t yr" Js Ifljt.
T.KAW7asUi:su a W. KailrWs Uf It
sosW-Ctss4aaaUrlsW. a4 -
Ow4o.krsusr. soaeaar.
S0Cn SsttaV Sa aaS at T5 wsj "'
1 nfcOi mmA ' im traTai II 4 lOaT. I
JL.X.'KfCtAll. P.i?1,
sjsosVl asMuevrv
iMSeiaBBft:.- T&
iiM-a: , .... .-
-J-,i..-5.'? wj- -
&fc& --?- -'s,-J
r 7
trf iSii jtJf-t
Zd i?Jk
'-wCiir-V !-
' '
ssi -
S?Oig?mr tT
- - - t .XT "-.- r V .i--. JTZ-3.r -
"i -SS'i'jmS
ffcsr -e
T-b- .-
,3 f
i. .f