kS?', g- xr I V -j..,, ;r"W"r "- r -?.. . ? 'ir r"- i-rt;"3L E v - 6 -1 o" - IJ&S, Z". rv-fr ,. 5-c ft. BED CLOUD CHEF. M.L. TB0nxg, PiMUfer. BED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. HOME AKD FOKEIGJT GOSSIP. England has, to buy tic flour tor throe out of every five loaves of bread eboeats. A large number of eagles hare been seen recently in Cheatham County, Tcun. One killed by Win. Tcascly - measured nino feet from tip to tip. The young Emperor of China has seventy expensive wives to provide for, and their silks, and satins last year cost half the land tax of the empire. Violets arc one cent apiece in Hart ford, Ct, and a little girl who died there recently was buried in a casket made entirely of violets. The child's name was Violet. TnE largest amount of life insurance ever effected on the life of any one man was on the late Marquis of Anglesey, who was insured in various companies t the amount of 3,760,000. A little Milwaukee boy who had been in the habit of playing truant was dressed in girl's clothes and brought by his mother to school, the other day. She wanted to shame him. A NEwHAVEN(Conn.)cathavingbcen locked in a cellar and unable to get out, clawed at the wire of the door bell which ran through the cellar, and made the bell ring incessantly. The owner of the houHJ, a timid man, after repeatedly going to the-front door and finding no one there, called upon a passing police man, and the two, well armed, went into the cellar. The cat then quietly went out. An Indianapolis surgeon has in charge the case of a young girl "sent from Illi nois for treatment. The bones of botli her legs will have to- be partially rc- moved, and the little sufferer must sub mit to two painful operations. The cause of her affection is from "jumping the rope," the ovil effects of which first appear as pcriostatis, and result in the death of the bone. Miss Nellie, daughter of ex-Gov. Hubbard, of Connecticut, who eloped with her father's coachman several months ago, has learned the dressmak ing business, and is living happily with her horsey husband. The old man doesn't relent enough to speak of, but lias told Nellie that any time she will separate from the ex-coachman she will be received into the family again. An old couple living at a distance from ncighbors.'in Juneau County, Wis., discovered their house afire in the night. The old man fell from the roof, and, being made helpless, his wife dragged him to a safe distance, provided him with a feather bed, and went for help. On the way she fell and froze to death. Her crippled husband lay where she had left him five days before being dis covered. In the pastoral regions of Texas one thousand head of stock cattle, as usually found on ranches, will double their num ber within three years., This allows for losses of age, disease and accident. The net increase is at the rate of thirty-three and one-third per cent, per annum. This accounts, 111 part, for the fortunes accumulated in a few years by cattle raisers. Some of the cattle men arc im mensely wealthy. Eight men were parsing on foot through a narrow, deep canyou in Nevada, when they saw an immense bank of snow detach itself from the precipitous side and slide rapidly down toward them. Three of them escaped injury by running, two took refuge be hind stumps, and were subsequently rescued aliv.c, and.three were killed by burial under tons of snow. The depth of the snow is uncommonly great on the Pacific coast this season, and many uves nave oeen lost in avaiancnes. A Liverpool merchant lastyear took his son, who was recoveringfrom scarlet fever (i. e., was in the most infectious stage of the disorder), to stay at a'large hotel in Wales. The young man's con dition became known; and there was a general exodus from the house. The landlord thus had his house empty at the busy time, and, besides, was obliged to go to considerable expense in disin fecting it. He brought an action to re cover the loss he had sustained, and it has just been settled out of court by the payment of a large sum nearly 2,000 ; inclusive of costs. Two wild -cats were recentled trapped in Catlin, Oswego Countv, Mich., one of which weighs fifty pounds, is thirty-one inches high, and three and one-half feet long. The other, which appears younger arid more docile, is nineteen inches high, and two feet long. Thoy were caught in the trap by one leg, and have been placed in cages. One of the traps set was missing and the chain snapped asunder, which showed that a larger and more powerful one had been caught. A dog attacked one of the cats, and al though one leg was in the trap, and it was also hampered by a chain, the dog was literally torn in pieces before he could be rescued. George Mallokx ate a hearty meal at a Virginia City (Nev.) restaurant, and, laying the bill for $4.50 on the cashier's desk, said that he couldn't pay it,iorthe good reason that he had no money. The proprietor said: "Saw up that load of wood you see in front of the door and I'll call it square." Mallory walked out into the street and coolly in vited a crowd to see "the biggest fool in the State " meaning the man who wanted him to work for a meal already eaten. Thereupon the restaurant man pulled his nose, boxed his ears, and kicked him ; but this did not appease his wrath, and he knocked the fellow down, pounded him with a cane, and finally shot him. That the disease which broke out in Japan last spring was Asiatic cholera of an unusually deadly type seems to be now admitted on all hands. From the official figures furnished by the Govern ment to the Tokio Times, it appears that, up to December 27, 1G8.314 individuals had been stricken down; of these, 101, 804 had died, 47,885 had recovered, and 19,065 were still under treatment. Oat of every 1,000 Japanese subjects, 5 had been attacked, and the percentage of mortality among the attacked had reached the high figure of 62.22. " It should never be forgotten," says the Tokio Times, "that the cholera was first imported from Amoy, at a. time when the desire of the Japanese Government to enforce quarantine upon ships coming from that port, known to be infected; was overborne by the British Minister." A few weeks ago an orderly officer arrived at the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg in great haste, and demanded admission to the Presence, stating that he was the bearer of a most important dispatch to the Czar from Gen. Gourko, the Military Governor of St. Petersburg. Something in the mauls manner and appearance, although he was duly uniformed and accoutered, struck the aide-de-camp on duty in the imperial ante-chamber, who, asking the officer to wait whilelie mquired whether or not the Emperor could receivohim, hurried into on adjoining bureau, and sens uihmkko an oraer to come in stantly to the palace. Ten minutes latcrjiie General made his appearance in the ante-chamber, where his soi disaat orderly officer was waiting, and, upon being, informed of what had taken -place, at once denounced -the travestied aoMfinterasam impostor. When the Jhtfssr' was secured, sad examined, he waafuumlto j poed of concealed nreersas; aad it is not deabted that he iasamted pmm$ Sat!": THE AX AKGEL IX A GIBBET. With both elbows on the table, and running both hands nervously up and down through his hair, there "sat Mr. John Claverhouse. Suddenly there was a gentle tap at his office-door; but Mr. John Claver house did not hear it- How could he? He was buried ia himself, .trying to solve a problem, while be twitched his hair, as if to straighten out the thoughts that thronged his brain. " He's in there'. I know he is," said a little, funny-looking old woman. "And I'm going to make him answer this knock. " With this she applied her knuckles vigorously to the door, and in an instant came the response: "Oh! oh! Whoever you arc, do come in: and don't stand there, batter ing my aoordown ! " Aunt Frilly (for it was no other than the woman known all over town as Aunt Frilly) walked in. Mr. Claver house asked her to be seated and even pushed a chair toward her; but Aunt Frilly, who bad the keenest pair of lit tle brown eyes in her head that ever a woman hail, perceived at once that Mr. John Claverhouse was not in his best mood, which was very unfortunate, she thought, for she had come on a begging errand ; "and a begging er rand, " she said to herself, "stands no chance at all when a man isn't in his best mood." Down she dropped into the offered chair a little, weird old woman : so very small that people sometimes said there couldn't be a smaller woman. But she had a heart large "enough for two such women, and in all kinds of weather she was out on some errand for the poor. " This is what I call an easy-chair, Mr. John," she said, as she leaned back, with a smile. But she searched his face in vain for a responsive look. "A,beau tiful day, Mr. John," she added. " The sun has been shining the whole blessed time. Hasn't gone under a cloud for a minute." " Sun! Sun been shining?" answered Mr. John Claverhouse, making an effort to be pleasant, while he could not con ceal that ho was very much out of hu mor. "Who knew that the sun had been shining? A poor fellow like me can't see t!ie sun in such dajs as these. Banks breaking! Stock companies going up so high you can't see 'em! All kinds of investments coming to nothing! I tell you what it is, Aunt Frilly, if things go on much longer as they have lately, the door of the almshouse will open some day, and Mr. John Claverhouse will walk in." "Thank you, Mr. John, for letting me know that my time for getting hold of some of that money of yours is short," replied Aunt Frilly, shaking her funny little head and twinkling her funny little brown eyes. "I'm glad I hap pened in this afternoon, to catch it while it's living. I want all I can get of it for my poor people in Water Street. How much would you like to give me, Mr. John?" "My good woman!" exclaimed Mr John, in a short, twitching voice, "don't ask me for any thins now. Never did sec such times. The bottom is falling out of every thine:. You don't know how much money I've lost lately. Why, if there isn't a turn in my affairs pretty soon, I'm a ruined man. I'm sorry, Aunt Prilly; but I haven't a cent for you to-day. Not a cent." "Ah! now, Mr. John," said Aunt Prilly, lowering her voice to a very len der tone, " I want you to lay up treas ure in Heaven, and you can't do it if you turn back on the Lord's poor. They are his poor, Mr. John His poor; and I want you to help them along in this world, so that when the Lord of the poor comes in the clouds of Heaven He will say to you: "My be loved John, inasmuch as you did it into one of the least of theso my brethren, you did it unto me.' And it will be a happy day for you, Mr. John, when the Lord blesses you for blessing his poor. You used to be a srenerous little fellow." continued Aunt Frilly. " I remember exactly how you looked, running round the streets, giving away every tlung you had to any poor body that needed it. But when you grewup you made money. Ah! Mr. John, you made money; and money don't always open tho heart wide, the Lord knows." Mr. John Clavcrhouso was a money- grinder, and the world said truly when it said that lie was "ahard-fistedman." But the tender voice of a tender woman was always a little disturbing to him, and Aunt Frilly's voice was spe cially tender that bright, sunny spring afternoon. "What a bother theso women are, sometimes," he thought to himself. " They do so slir up a man." But, determined to shake off Aunt Prilly," he said. " You pet and coddle them, and teach them to live on charity, when they ought to do more to help themselves. You know, as well as I do, that they are a miserable crew. Water Street is the worst street in town. You can't find anv worthy noor there: but you spend on them all the money you can get." " If you won't give me any money," answered Aunt Prilly, quietly, "will you do something else for me, Mr. John?" "Yes, yes; anything to please you. Any thing but money. What is it?" "Will you go out to-night in the moonlight (you have no wife and chil dren to keep you at home), and go through Water Street, and up two flights of stairs, where the poorest of the poor live, and " " Yes, yes, I will," interrupted Mr. John. " I like to air my brain at night, after working it all day over my money troubles. And I'll take a run up the two flights of stairs. And I'll do some thing more for you, AuntPrilly," added John Claverhouse, now actually smiling and trying to make himself agreeable. " If I find a saint, one genuine saint, such as you talk about, up those two flights of stairs, I'll pull your bell be fore I go to sleep and empty my wallet into your lap. Assure as my name is John Claverhouse, I will." 44 Give me your hand on that," ex claimed Aunt Prilly, rising from her chair and stepping up to Mr. John. Mr. Claverhouse extended his hand, but with a knowing smile, as he said: 44 You needn't talk to me about your worthy poor in Water Street. Not a saint will I find there." 44 Well, "good-bye for to-day, Mr. John. I'll leave it with you to decide whether there's a saint in Water Street or not." Aunt Prilly was gone ; and Mr. John Claverhouse was left alone, tojmeditate on the uncertainty of riches" and to deplore the fact that they take wings and fly away. His riches had not yet flown away, but their wings seemed spread, just ready for flight, and Mr. John' Claverhouse "was a Tory juudous man. ' But evening found him hurrying along in the direction of Water Street, and as he turned into the street the dim lights shone oat here and there into the gutters, and all the air seemed foul,"hot only with bad odors, but with oaths and curses. There's nothing that looks as if there were a saint anywhere around here," thought Mr. Claverhouse; "but i'ii Keep my wora ansi, take a run up two flights of stairs. There's no kaewingv though, what I'll get into. Bad place, this! bad place! What! what! Music in here, as sure as I'm alive." ' . K ; , As ho said this John OaYerhouse was standing by the first door; -a the top of the second flight of stairs, with his hand bent ready to mfeck. But he did not knock: TTe'stopj aadheld his breath to listen to the musie inside, , There ( no tuuno to sweet on earth. So name, ao sweet a Jew. 44 A taint up here, I'm afraid! A salBt at the top of this shaky, wretched staircase!" said Joha Claverhouse to himself Again there came to his cars: There 1 bo muse. o avert on earth. So Buuae m sweet aa Jesuit. 44 1 must go ia! I must go in!" he said, nervously. He tapped ; aad, hearing a faint, soft answer, " Come," he walked in. A face bearing tho marks of severe suffering, and yet serene, looked smil ingly up at bun from a poor old bed stead as poor and old as the rest of the scanty furniture. 44 How do you do, ma'am'" he asked, rather abruptly, for he was not used to visiting the poor. 44 More comfortable thai usual, sir. Thank you, kind stranger, for coming in to see me. I am alone nearly all the time. Poverty, you know, attracts few friends. Please take a chair near the fire. A very poor fire it is for so raw and chilly an evening, but it is a fire." For the first time in his life John Claverhouse felt embarrassed in the presence of provcrty. 44 Why, she's a lady; and I'm afraid she's a mint!" he said to himself, aS he drew a chair to her bedside and sat down. 44 Do tell me, ma'am, how you came here?" he said. 44 Well, sir, I suppose I must say that poverty brought me here," replied the woman; "butaslam a King-'s child, I dislike very much to talk about pov- 44 What! What! You a King's child, and yet living in Water Street, up two flights of stairs and with such misera ble pcoplo around you ?" 44 Yes, sir," answered tho invalid, with a smile. " I am a King's child. Tno King of Heaven is my Father, and, you know, 4 Hegiveth His angels charge concerning us;' and, with angels ever around me, I am always in pleasant company. I know I am what the world calls very poor, but, really, I can not maKe myselt icel mat l am very poor, for every day my Father, the King, says to me 4A11 things arc yours,' and I tell Him every day that He sees just how it iswith.me. And oh! sir, I get such sweet answers. He says that Ho will never leave nor forsake me, and He tells me to 4 consider the lilies how they grow.' He takes all tho care of me, sir, and I don't borrow any trouble. Even in this world He is going to 4 do more abundantly than I can ask or think,' and up yonder there's a mansion waiting for me. I often look out of my window and up into the sky, en a beau tiful night like this, and say to myself: 4 It's up there! It's up there!' " 44 How can you knit stockings, ma'am, with those poor fingers of yours, so bent with the rneumatism?" asked Mr. Claverhouse, as he noticed a little stock ing on needles lying by her pillow. 44 Oh! I'm knitting a pair of stockings for a sick child on the next floor a cry ing baby, whose little feetaro always bare. I saved the money from two dol lars that were given me and bought a little yarn. I ought to do something for the poor, you know, when so much is done for me." John Claverhouse moved restlessly in his chair and left suddenly, after prom ising to call again. .Not many minutes later Aunt Frilly's bell was pulled violently. 44 It's John Claverhouse,' she said to herself; and just then he came in, with his wallet in his hand. "Take it! take it!" he said, as he opened the wallet and dropped fifty dol lars into Aunt Prilly's lap. 44 1 found a saint," he added, " and if she lives a week longer at the head of that rickety staircase my name isn't John Claverhouse." . One daj before tho week was gone, the " King's child," as she lay on her bed, considering the lilies, heard foot steps on the rickety staircase not the footsteps of angels, come to take her to her "mansion up yonder," but the foot steps of Aunt Prilly and a strong man, sent by Mr. Claverhouse, to take her to anew, bright home he had prepared for her. And as they laid her on tho bed in her fresh little house, her eyes were at once attracted to the walls; and there in Dcauiuuuy limminatca letters set in a frame and hung up as a picture, she rcaa: 44 1 will never leave thee nor forsake thee." On the other side of the room, in as brightly-illuminated letters and in a match frame, wcrethc words : 44 Consider the lilies. " Tho next day Aunt Prilly met Mr. Claverhouse, and, laying her hands on his head, as if she would bless him in tho name of the Lord, she said, in her tenderest tones : 44 Ah! John Claverhouse, you found your 4 saint, ' and now listen to tho words of the Master: 4 Inasmuch as ye have done it unto ono of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me. ' " Pawf Cobden, in N. Y. Independent. A Wise Serpent. Mr. M. of our sister city, West Point, was down on the river fishing hist sum mer, when he discovered a very wise serpent. He was sitting near a rock, under which was a snake's den. The proprietor of tho den came gliding up from a foraging expedition, and was disappearing in a hole under tho rock, when, with a dexterous movement, Captain M. seized him by the 'toil and threw him twenty feet away. The snake hardly knew what had happened, and again essayed to enter his domicil in the same manner. Again he was treated as before. Never despairing, for a third time the wily serpent ap- Sroaching the rock. This time he came eliberately, as if carefully contemplat ing the situation. Arriving at the mouth of tho hole, this time he deliberately coiled himself up and put out his long tongue, as if to take in the full situa tion. For a while he maintained this defensive position, when he carefully began to uncoil, at tho same time dis appearing tail foremost into the den. This story is fully warranted by Captain M., who stands ready to testify to its correctness. Hamilton ,Qa.) Journal. The Missing Saw-mill. The other day T. G. met an old friend, who was formerly a prosperous young lumberman up North, but whose bad habits of drinking resulted as they often do, though he has since reformed and-is trying to do better. 44 How are you? " said T. G. Pretty well, thank you; but I've just been to a doctor to have him look at my throat." 44 What's the matter? " "Well, the doctor couldn't give me any encouragement. At least he couldn't find what I wanted him to find." 44 What did rou expect him'to find?" 44 1 asked him to look down my throat for the saw-mill and farm that had gone down there.3' ' 44 And did he see any thing of it?" 44 No; but he advised me if I ever got another mill to run it by water." JDetroit Free Press. jTHK.CoBctict axperiwMmt station k about commencing a series of experi mente for testing thoroughly the differ eotaMthbaaofaettiag aoifk to obtain the beet results as to cream, aad.iTpos aibk, to arrive at a daHnke ooachttoa, so that the hatter-makers may have suScieat data tb' enable them to work with" some decree "of "certainty i the prodactioa of QaMer, esteratiTt Effects ef Ceca Leaves. An interesting account has been given by Sir Kobcrt Chrisiisoa of hit own ob servations o"f the restorative and cura tive properties of the leaves of the coca plant, which have long been prized by the Indians of Peru, where the plant indigenous, as a preventive of exhaus tion by excessive exertion, a in long marches, or carrying heavy burdens, etc He is satisfied that their ue not only prevents cxccIve fatigue and its evil consequences, but that it also re stores the strength, after severe exer eise, without any injurious effect. As an example of experiment, begun in 1870, he states that two pupils, upon their return from a walk of sixteen miles, in a state of great exhaustion, instead of partaking of food, dranc an infusion of a quarter of aii ounce of the leaves, when all symptoms of fatigue disappeared, and after wajking another hour, they had a good appetite for sup per, felt perfectly refreshed during the evening, elept well, and were rested and in their usual health next morning. Ten other pupils had similar experi ences. It was also found very benefi cial for nervousness in females. The leaves have also been employed in France for several years, and Professor Bouchardat remarks that they have played as important a part in medicine as the Peruvian bark ; he ascribes to them stimulating properties similar to those of tea and coffee, and also that of retarding watc of the tissues, thus en abling the consumer to endure want of food for a longer time. Tho leaves may be chewed, ofan infusion of them may' be taken, mixed with rum and fusrar. or milk and sugar. The taste is bitter, probably on account of tho presence of tannin and a peculiar alkaloid called cocaine. The infusion is clear yellow, and of an agreeable order. In Paris it is frequently used instead of green tea, as being more stimulating and at the same time cheaper. A preparation of the leaves introduced uncler tho name of coca wine is largely em ployed by physicians in cases of j,low convalescence or great exhaustion. Smoking the leaves in a pipe, or inhal ing the vapor from an infusion of them, had a decided effect upon bronchial spasms, and Dr. Lewis found a similar treatment beneficial in cases of idiopath ic asthma and chronic tickling cough. A gentleman who was unable to sleep on account of violent attacks of cough ing, found it possible to enjoy perfect rest after smoking a pipo of coca mixed with some tobacco, without any subse quent headache or other unpleasant symptoms, and the leaves are said to bo quite agreeable to smoke, as well as aromatic. Dr. Burger advises, edito rially, the uo of tho leaves instead of the so-called preparations of coca in the market, and also states that injuri ous results have followed the abuse of this apparently harmless article. Tho plant has been culti- vjueu. succcssiuuy 111 r.ngianu. it is multiplied by cuttings. JlarjKr's lla zar. 0 The (Jrcat Tunnel of St. Gotbard. In 1870 Italy, Germany and Switzer land signed a convention guaranteeing $17,000,000 to the company that would construct the St. Gothard ltailroad and Tunnel, Italy giving 9,000,000 Ger many $4,000,000 and Switzerland 84, 000,000. Tho original estimates of $37, 400,000 proved under tho mark, and it was found that $.r)7,800,000 would be required instead. Germany added $2, 000,000 to her subsid-, Italy $2,000,000 and Switzerland $1,COO,000. The work was begun in the autumn of 1872. The tunnel begins at Goeschesen, in a de file where tho river Keuss dashes be neath the famous Devil's Bridge, and ends at Airolo, where it overlooks the fleasant pastoral valley of the Ticino. ts length is nine and a third miles 48,t)5Gfect, to be exact; it is nineteen and a half feet high and twenty-six feet in maximum width. Twenty-six hundred men have been employed Italians with but few exceptions. Tho rock, which has varied from hard granito gneiss on tho Swiss side, to gravel, sand and peb bles on the Italian, has been operated upon in a similar way to that followed in tho Cenis Tunnel, dynamito being used in blastinjr operations. Owimr to the greater homogeneity and the ab sence of water, more rapid progress has been made in tunneling through the rocks than in dealing with the softer material where the excessive infiltration of water necessitates special drainage arrangements, besides retarding more or less all branches of the work. Thus, in piercing a bed of schist, water was discharged in torrents, and often the work had to be carried on under liquid jets descending with the force of those from a tire-engine pump. Tho St. Gothard Tunnel is only ono section of a railroad running from Lake Lucerne, in Switzerland, to Lake Idag giore, in Italy. Besides the big tunnel there are twelve others, the shortest of which, Warren, is 1,100 yards long, while the longest, the Olberg, reaches 2,027 yards. The total length of these twelve tunnels is very nearly ten miles 15,578 meters. Then there arc five tunnels between 220 and 550, and twenty-five between 110 and 220 yards, making in all fifty-two subsidiary tun nels of an aggregate length of sixteen miles. Between Immensee and Gocs chencn there will bo thirty-three tun nels, between Airolo and Giubiasco, seventeen. The lino will be carried over sixty-four bridges and viaducts, the longest of which, that of Cadennazo, in Tessin, will consist of five arches, each having a span of fifty-five yards. The total length of the Gothard lino will be 151 miles, seventeen per cent, of it being tunnels and one per. cent, bridges and viaducts. N. Y. Herald. What Becomes ef All the Pins I What becomes of all the pins? asks the London Leisure Hour. It is now as much as forty years since the daily sup ply of pins from the English factories was 20,000,000, and ever since that time the daily average has been steadily in creasing, till it now stands at 50,000,000 every day. Notwithstanding this enor mous supply, one can hardly be in the company of man, woman or child for a day without being asked : 4 Have you such a thing as a pin about you ? " Of our daily 50,000,000 pins,- Birmingham produces S7,0G0,000, leaving 13,000,000 as the production of London, Stroud and Dublin, where pins are also made. The weight of wire consumed annually in the pin manufacture of England is about 1.275 1-2 tons, 2,857,120 pounds, one-eighth of which is iron wire, ased in manufacturing mourning and hair pins. The brass wire consumed amounts to 2,500,000 pounds, which at lid. per pound in money value, reaches the sum of 114,583. The iroa wire consumed is 344,800 pounds, its value 7,183 6s. 6d., and to be added to these amounts are the wages, paper and ornamental envelopes, boxes, wear and tear of machinery, manufac turers' profits and the like, bringing the whole amount to not leas thaa 200,000. According to Hcrr roa Pntthm mer, the Prussian Minister of Education, there has been a steady increase of crime and immorality in the greet tow of Germany during the hist tea years; aad the Minister declared mParfcamet the other day that this naseriewctory state of things had not beea, wkhoat ef fect oa the teachers of elementary schools, except in Berlin. This was to be attributed in a coostderaMe to the increased facilities for whieh had beea provided by recent islatiofl, aad which had iajarioaab jOTeaaugBsecROBsoi tac ariaamww tszruL A5 tcixxTinc. But Artificial Lioht roa the Errs. The saoct eetcatial condition of a good artificial light, as proTctl by various and prolonged series of expert meats, are as follows: It should under all circanuUBces be steady, and neither dull nor very iBtesse; flickering iighu are always very injurious; the Argaad burner is the best; if a thade k ad it should guard the eye from the direct rays, while permitting a fair amount of lhjsht in the room; the eye should not be kept in darkness by too much .shading; a lightly tinted paper is better than pen? white for reading or writing; yellow glasses have been found superior to oth ers in some cases of weak eyes; in reading, the b'ght should if "powible come from behind 'the person, and the eyes should be allowed to rest a little every few minutes, even when they do not ccm to require it. Salt xx Wkll-Water. A serious epidemic of typhoid fever in Itochestcr has led to an examination of well-water by Professor I .attimore, and in his rcjort he lays special stress on the significance of common salt in well-water in general. No singlo indication, he holds, is of a great sanitary importance in judging of tho purity or impurity, and, conse quently, of the nafcty of danjrer of any water. Hu urocceds'then to uhow that though, from the universal diffusion of this substance in the air and in the soil, we should expect to find it in all waters, whether from rain, springs, or welLs, localise of its extreme solubility, never theless, he argues, the quantity of salt that should be found normally from the causes named in well-water is extremely small, acd, therefore, whenever "it rifes above a very few grains jer gallon, it becomes certain that it comes from some other source than the soil;" and he concludes with tho logical inference that, as nearly all tho salt used for do mestic purposes escapes by the way of two channels, the water-closet and the houc-draui, we should therefore expect, 44 what is always found on examination to Imj true, that, whatever sewage may or may not contain, it always contains salt."" It may be interesting to know that the addition of a little nitrate of stiver to water is an easy method of ruwjhUi ascertaininir both the amount of salt and of organic matter. Tho water to be tested should be placed in a clean glass and set in the sun, with the ad dition of about ten grains of nitrate of silver to each pint of water. If the water is icrfcclly pure (which is never tho case) no change will occur, while if the water contain either salt or organic matter, it will blacken after standing a little, and the amount of sediment which settles to tho bottom of tho gla. is a fair measure of tho impurity. Christian Union. PtmiFYiNO TiiK Housk. The sim plest disinfectant, and one which can bo used at the lowest cot, Is to dissolve tho common sulphate of iron of commerce in water, a pound to a bucket of water, and use in all those parts of the houso where water is turned on. The action of the sulphate of iron is a purely chem ical one without antisceptic properties. All it docs is to deoxidize the decom posing substances. Nitrate of lead, more expensive, is also a very safe dis infectant. Tho permanganate of pot ash acts even more rapidly than the salts of iron or lead. Of late years tho use of carbolic acid as a disinfectant has not been so much in vogue. Its in fluence seems to bo moro local, acting rather on the atmosphere than tho source from which tho decomposition arises. It may be taken as a good rule that, in attempting to purify a house, it is of little use to attack the atmosphere. The vitiated air, though breathed anil containing the poison and the germs of the disease, renews itself over and over again, faster, perhaps, than it can be corrected. A saucer of chloridoof lime in a room may destroy the poisonous gases. But it is the source itself which must be sought and corrected. Strike at that, purify that by destroying the cause, and tho effects must pass away in time. The use of iodides and bromides in a house is accompanied by so many drawbacks as not to be recommended. Soino old methods, as used on board of ships, are excellent. A room in which a fever patient has been confined may be rendered salubrious, and the germs of all disease killed, by burning sulphur in the room, at first having, of course, removed all the furniture, otherwise it would become rotten and bleached. There ought not to be, even with a de fective sink, a bad atmosphere in tho house, providing the source of such dis turbance be properly watched. Two or three dollars' worth of sulphate of iron, or twice that amount if expended in ni trate of lead, used a little every day dur ing the summer, must tend to kill the germs of the disease. Tho ventilation 01 a house from the cellar u thought by some who have carefully studied the subject to be unwholesome. The argu ment is that since the cellar is nearer to the dangerous ground, we take this vi tiated air and allow it to permeate the house. It would be impossible in ninety cases in the hundred to isolate the cellar from the rest of the house, though it is attempted in some cases. Tho only true method is to keep the cellar perfectly clean in summer, and to watch carefully all pipes and drains leading into it. It is there mostly that the hygiene of the house is to be attended to, for no amount of precaution above will prevent the danger which exists below. AGRICFLTURAL .NOTES. Do not seed down an orchard with oats; it draws the mice. Prune in winter and early spring for wood, and in summer for fruit. GitEEX-cOLORED apples, show their imperfections more than red ones, and do not sell as readily. To prepare ground for small fruits manure it as though you intended rais ing 100 bushels of corn to the acre. Mr. Vick thinks it does fruit trees far more good to thin the fruit than to mulch the trees. It secures better crops. A stock-kxkper reports curing many bad warts on cattle and horses, during several years, by application to each of 44 one good daub of tar." Ik planting trees, the most profitable are tne very early and very late sorts. This rule applies to all fruit-planting for market. Two bushels of blue-grass seed to the acre ia the usual amount sown. lithe seed be good it will grow, if sown ia a dry time of the year, but the best time is eariy in ine spring. Ix selecting buds for scions, it is gen erally thought beet to take from the top branches to get rapid growth, aad from the intermediate branches to get early fruiting. This is by ao means aa infal lible role, however. Plowtxg should be done only when the soil will crambb loosely y when the plow smears the upturned surface, the soil will be injured. While earliaess and forehaadedness are commendable, one should make haste wkh cantkm. Few know how easy ft is to propa gate most sarabs by root-cnttiag. Roots the siae of a pea holder are the best. Cat these into pieces aaiachloag, aad pkat them about aa iach deep a a cold frame, aad theywffl he six iaches high aad ready to pkat by the time the garoapmtk ready- To those n-H familiar wkh trimming jmif apple trees, it is wefl to hare the. lormafatammTevmiad,withaeea- tral seem. Chaos the cat oat the btteratcdkUc braarh. War Sag aa oater circle of paralkl hraacaa. The aataral coior ofchew I a yl kwkh wake. Kagfea SUH mr stats it- If the rrram U mlkrwrd to reach too high a UMperaians a th chum, even with Jnse milk, th batter will be white. The mmm effect U reached by heating the rerd. Tfcut H will be srva that all yellow ebct are colored artiUcSslly. To bring young fruk tree forward rapidly they should be traajplanird at leat three tin, with carvfai a&d Jodi ckm rooi-prunning, Grapevine, and especially strawberry plants, are great ly improved by thU'mcans. The roots love tho fresh oU of tlx new home, while cutting their root cam." them to send oat lateral branches and thkkca up. The finest manure I made by turnip: the heap ovnr twic. Begin at each end of the pile, aad throw off tk ma nure to a distance of three feet, build- ingup tho new heap, and placing the coaret manure In the center. Then proceed until two heap arc made. Theo will oon heat, and a month or hi afterward the proccs may be revcra-d and the two hcapt made into one again Is selecting dowering plant, and es pecially shrubs, to ornament ground with, it should Iki borne in mind that annuals which bloom but once a year, maku all their show in tho sprint; when uiot other plant are in bloom, ami are kt m the multitude of licauty. Monthly bloomers give many time the pleasure, and do uot look "like wortluoM ami scrawny bushes tho test of the teason, Si'Kakimj of pruning, an exchange says. Trim moderately every year, but no't heavily uftcner than onc in three years. Pruning may now be done at any time when the day aro warm; cut off no limbs that are over an inch in di ameter. If you do not understand prun ing yourself," have it done by n compe tent person, but do notK'ud an Ignorant hired man into your orchard to cut and hew at will. Tiik Amrrican Ciilthiifor says it may Imj a comparatively slow operation to milk ono cow in live minutes, while, on tho other hand, ten minutes1 time might bo called a quick operation in milking another. Any jwrson, whose hand hat all sensitive to tho touch, will, if hu forces the milk down to the end of tho teat faster than it can escape, find the milk rushing back, meantime the cuw showing tho movement to bo one of pain. Always milk o that the operation shall be a pleasant ono to the docile animal, affording her relief in tho careful empty ing a full bag of its content. Jfakc Housekeepers of the (JirN. Among tho matters affecting our well being, the better fitting of our girls for their entrance into tho social and family world, is of serious importance. Of course, thu girls must be educated as thoroughly as circumstances will per mit. But when sho has become profi cient ia tho uual feminine accomplish ments, U that all the education necessa ry to make her a useful and happy woman? Sho desires a homo of her own, and although her mother is loth to lose her from tho homo nest, sho can not deny her tho privilege of following her mate, as the mother did before hr. Indeed, it is considered an undesirable thing by most mothers to have a hou-c full of " old maids." But it is a fact, in spite of this feeling, that many mothers do not propare their daughters for hap py marriages. Thoy neglect to teach them tho commonest duties of a house keeper, under the mistaken idea, which they hold in love and tenderness that they do not want their daughters to have so hard a Itfo as they have. So they ignore tho truth that no ono can place herself at tho head of a household with out taking on cares for which, if she has not been properly educated, her lot will bo all the harder. Many young girls begin this new home-life without even tno first elements of essential knowledge of what is required of them. I could tell ol a newly-made bride, patt thirty, though blooming as a girl, who was a thorough and popular teacher in the city schools, takes a high place in society", excels in fancy work, and is a good seamstress ; but who has no moro idea how a meal of victuals is prepared tLan a bird of the air. This may be all well enough whilo she "boards," but tho time will come when she will wish her good mother had taught her how to cook a beefsteak and make a pudding. The young woman needs, too, to know how to fashion and make garments for ordinary wear, for we rarely find un average family in our country commu nities that is able to hire all the neces sary cutting, fitting and sewing, without seriously crippling its resources for other needs. Ono need not, in order to be thrifty and economical, always be her own dressmaker, or her good man's tailor; for there Ls often real economy in getting these heavy jobs off one's hands, thus leaving the wife readier and stronger for the many duties con stantly arising, which no one clc can do so well. But the plain sewing can be most neatly and savingly dono at home, under the careful, instructed eye of the " house-mother," even though she has a good sewing-machine, and can afford a competent person to run it. Hope Harvey, in Land and Home. Had the Dren on 'Em. Black Run, as any map may fail to show, is situated in the Colorado min ing district, and the Baptist Church is presided over by an able and athletic preacher. On the fourth Sunday in rebruary last, a collection wa? taken up for the Franz Josef land mlssion,and the plate was passed around by one of the deacons. There wa present a miner from Red Gulch, who was anx ious, as he phrased it, to "putnp" for the rranz Josef heathen, but who bad -no coin smaller than a twenty-dollar gold piece. When the plate reached him, he inquired in a low tone: "How much is the ante?" The deacon told him be could contribute whatever be choe. 44 Then," replied the ingenious miner, 44 I'll chip in a dollar, and thereupon he put in his twenty-dollar gold piece, and undertook to withdraw 19. This the deacon objected to, on the ground that no change was given at that establish ment. A struggle ensued, in the course of which the plate was upset, and the entire congregation rushed to pick up the scattered money. Had it not been for the presence of mind of the presiding minister the entire amount already collected would have been absorbed by reckless persons eager to 44 jump the deacon's chum" as the h : eai papers suosequenuy cxprcsscu. k. The minister, fortunately, happened to be an old Californian who'thorooghly un derstood the true way of dealing with a Colorado assembly- Drawing a heavy revolver aad leaning it on the edee of the pulpit, he demanded "or- der," in a stentorian voice. "The brethren." be remarked, "will please take notice that I've got the drop oa them, aad any brother who declines to j go 10 nss seat, or wao loscaes mt 01 that moaey, will have a funeral at hu house to-morrow at 2 p. m. tmr nua mgfriead from Bed Gulch will please let go the deacon's necktie, or he is a dead man." This address, together wkh the minister's knows repaCauoa as a pistol shot, favtaatlj restored order, sad the deacon picked up the scattered moaey, iadadiag the twcaty-dollar goM piece resumed the collection, aad the service proceeded wkhoat farther ia- . acc .xir j. una. The submarine cables new working Wlvfrseaaaiaaceef?7,000mflefT XHUEttAL TIIXSAJ..!. Am t4ta mi Ifc Tjf mtm crbm tf awn. ". rrww w tr m.ht.1 la e aH em ar w!1 other ea thy ac ass. Th. iht or at uf mhjJ wir Ks caB4 ativ. WaB k 5 a afaral wrsrfwrt. Imm4 b4 ki aawtWr wiWttlhMto only wha teaad pK 4 ar4.r uceW ahAakaliy ef eWwJeailT wHh rther Mtfe. Nw r fer ao rtrdfe ki tfc awul wMeh U thdr hi. a, foe ruuapK sine; here th cJer. Mrrak. aJWiJy mad weight, all vary frew that f m that k beam ae nf-eaWaa la either in appearaacw tr thykl jH tlrs. The mme U tnse of aUchkr, earboaate f epfer, wbkh hrn as r sejaMaace k th asetal, TW Mxttf encc from the wrtallk: feawe ha gnsAt timilarltT t tho aa thin U prw che!cal roWathMM a la Utara tory wk; yet,whlk? k U !, k I by no roea tUlrrr!. Tha. lead or uuaiiv lewotc ieau, - taken "for lead, aad amy pr, oa melting a pkw of rock eeatalaisg ga lena, and eelag the lead ran oat, woM imagtno that they were tMreAy writing out tho lead j bat ia reality nallr lead i not known. Of tho varioa aetI whw ore are found. It i a sigalhVaat fact that omhj are practically always found aalivc, aad other nrer o found. Tha, goM U aa example tf iht Sr claw and Iroa uf tb (tecuml, the only native Iroa bc'ag fouad l rock uf mtttvrio origin. Again, Mm mctab have a great adlnUy tx yolpbur and oygca, and U hi thU e!a of metal that ate anr found native. This. Iron ha thU affinltr. iHtftlcalark for oxygen, especially In tW presence of . liirt ti muMurc, h that U ail tno iron in 1 jrlobo hal origiaaUy been native. would not over have been found .ow, as in oonseouence- of tlc action of In f air and mnhmtre It would all bo rutcd. Gold and platinum, a they hava no -uch affinities belong to the firt cla. but, besides that, there l tlll another ela of itietaN which occur native, ueh a silver, copper, etc. This nrlv from tho fact that the combinations which they first formed were readily decotit jiosed and tho metals wrt free. Tho question arUcs, whence came all tbe ore-? A It U well known, they are generally found in veins or rather then? aro what were aprcntiy ftMirrs in tho earth, which aro now filled th the.-o ores. Tho old notion wa that the interior of the earth was a val reservoir of precious metals, aad that In tho proce of cooling cracks or fis sures were formed In the earth's crmt, and tho matalbc compound forced up from the center in a liquid state, and gradually cooled and eryta!!d. In other Word, they were upped to bi of tho ramo origin as tho numerous trap dikes that wo find everywhere. But these dikes which wcro formed In this way never contain any trace of nietalllc'clements. What, then, wa the source of all our metalliu ores? Iu a word. It wan the primeval ocean; this was th!r grand source. This Is no theory, utarcly, but is capable of demonstration. J ho waters of the ocean, even to tho present da, contain traces of the. precious metals; silver in exceedingly small quantities, but gold is present In very appreciable quantities. A French chum 1st, after many analyses, found that sea water contained on "an average about ono grain of gold to thu ton, and from tho amount of rea water, It Is estimated that thero is !o-dy present In It mom than U),(XX,,lXX),O0U Umas tho nmotiii that has over been mined. How can this enormous wealth bo obtained and util ized? This is the problem for some modern chemist to solve, to obtain some substance which will precipitate tho gold, tho same rvs a plate of iron will precipitate the copper from a solution of copper sulpbato. To explain how this ancient ocean contained all there metals In n state of solution, we must go back to tho condition of things at this lime. Before there was an ocean tho water was all In our atmosphere, and even when it began to bo precipi tated (t was in a continual tato of per turbation, and the first water formed must have been under an Immense pres sure and have been Intensely hot. Now it is well known that water under theo conditions has Intense solvent power, and would dissolve even some of our hardest rocks. This experiment lias lwon tried, and water has been inclosed in utrong glass lulws containing iliffcrcnt ores and rocks, and then Intensely heat ed, when it was found to have dbwolred part of the glass and attacked the most olidiirate ores and metals. Quart, cs jccially was particularly affected. In our National Park, the solvent power of hot water is seen where tho geyser are surrounded by stalactites of quartz, which have been formed from tho water flowing from them. Tills extends also to ores of metals. Now nearly nine tenths of all such ores arc combinations of the metals with sulphur and oxygen. Now the sulphates of all theee metal are soluble, so that being disaolred by this ocean they remained in a state of olution. This, then, was thu condition of the ocean just before it began to bear life. A chemist once bad a solution of fuI phateof iron in ajar, which upon ex amination one day, after having been long forgotten, was foend to have par tially crystallized. On breaking open tho mass of crystals, he came to a quan tity of iron sulphide, in the center of which he found the bones of a mouse. The mouse had fallea into the jar, and sulphate of iron crystals had been de posited about its body. The iesh then began to decay, getting the necoMary oxygen from the sulphate of Iron, which was thereby reduced to sulphide. This little accident completely illmrtraiM what went on In that old ocean, where by it deposited its treasures of .metal. Life appeared, and death and decay en sued, rhe decay of all this animal aad vegetable matter reduced the sulphates to insoluble sulphide, which were de posited. In thu way do we account for the dhffasioH of various sulphides throughout the great mi uses of stratified rock. Thus pyrRes are found every vhere, and the most fostlifcros4 strata contain the greatest deposits of sul phides. This does not, however, as yet, ac count for the veins. They were er ideally formed by ialltraOoa, in tome cases, that is, being under waler, the metallic subsUaces were Sltered into them: but, wkh the exception of a few veins of chloride of silver, thk does not account for their formation. Min eral veins generally are reins th-vt traverse varies of the strata of dejxmted rock, aad vary ia dip anu. ib. wMiM aoa ncsBoas accoramg to what strata -they P thrtwgb. These veiaa coataia snecsssira Jayenef deposits aad freqaeatiy cavkSss ia their center, laaspedaseaahowa were suc cessive layers of oaartx, iaor spar, cal cite, together wh various sulphides. The-richest parts of sack retas are those which traverse strata ia which the me tallic ore is the moat wiiely iftmssisated acd are commonly ia poroas saasLstose. Let m suppose such a atra turn to be traverse by a smre,tae hot water paawag through gnsasr' rmthemlphaftss to soWUe aalp f ! aaawoau carry them hate the rekt, where they weald he dtfssatss! agaia by the aetata ef sulphuretted hydrogen These, tBeaysmr ha geeeral the sue ceaMveactioas that took aJaee. fine theTtiasby vmm fw by the jwsses nsrsseaama saw m ml raise fey the , them ssssitcd aa ssaV mramammamm mrar amsmmmmmmmammasmenr amtsnmsise aasi 1 ef saJf hatiskd hyaty. In mm I Ci!s4. Kr;V!. hi the mtU tI r ! r, MrtJyite4 - " -Wted at lh a- t. wM a( oe Imawr f thwlTft!w whkhlh rrjMak .- frae4, whSra ha afUil t. 1m WerSft W hWK la-- fr. ths cfal iMapm f la rrpvri $ t kvit rf a eftr, aoher5Cirot itH Ns ia. o tv4 tfo. Th rih d? Ha an always foad ttwc : of dira tl-ratltk. a trgltm 94 attefa', N1 U t wJt Va" that Wtwrr fei$rtf dffforrat na aa ffectrk rarrwt U !j mU Th Iwn great m of differ- , thrrfpfe,laalaTPt tUry. k th dflncp l l $" and wer elating threes th pm. atUa cuotataed olphal of pf? la jwlation, whkh Mg ey 4m I! br a wrsk current, th 4ji vm & htw the two trab, .. that aJt copper i tfc ralt f nral eJedrk1 d cJhwI1 U Kjw h?e thcwtjtht that tK coffer thrown ap la a dike, hot tht t, a thcro art? fi-ur-t tn It 4aM ilvrf. which wvxdd la thxt o )m titrated an alloy, moreover. U i bm4 aoeUksI with raUnt. which U awj obtalsed frum a w4;itka. Scotch C . pwtnl f Hgr and ejjc. half a jwxml wh Hour ami meat, aad threo-putf'r t Mxml of butter; a gill of brandy at a nutmeg. HKKMtT Count. -lH ?up Wter. one and a half vup J"r, I bee rrr. ! oo tr-JupooRftll of all klmU d Ditlv-fA, I half traMwxmful la. !H4t la a 1 1 tic wter, mix up Uff ahd rM Warruta. One quart of mUV, tferr egg, two tea'poonhiu uf UAUag-f' Jder. oae tablrpooufu! eaeh f WwHrr and sugar, aad flour emmh to taax UR batter. Hake In wafJtp Iron. Cakk Without Ks. Hvp t rtitor, twu cup of sugar. tninjw f milk, one-halt cttp of butttr, two t sjKott fuN cream tartar, one uf !, mm coffrcuj of rabdn, and nutnwg t taste. Cmivk Cakk. Twu cups tbtmr. hlf cup inula, one-half cp butter . hm half cup milk, two egg, twu euj f raisin, ono tcaapooiiful of odn. Wait teasjHoRftil each of clove, olnaiH.n and allspice, half a uutmeg. 1't.Al Al'fLK HatiCa. Pare, quarter, and core them; put them lnu a aue pan with Mllucleni cold water In nff tho apple, place them on the lire nd imll gentlv until they are- tender, tkH drain and mah them to a pefilt smooth pulp: add a inodUcd htmt "f butter ami a uan eiuior meg or ground cinnamon. -1 .. . of gratitt am Chaiiam Bkkau.-To two pound -f firaham flour allow a pint of milk, a pint of water, a wlneglasful of mkiw, . tcavpoonful of salt, half a eaonfMl of soda and two tablespoonful of t(g yeast. Boat tho yeast, iuoIsmim, phIa and salt In lukewarm milk or water. Stir in tho flour until too stiff to u sv spoon. Knead and bake as usual. Poor Max's Pt'tunnu. A quart of milk, half teacup rice, jwlt to tati, and ono teacup sugar j plaeo In tba ovn cold, ptlrriug occasionally while ih rte Is swelling. It is better to IkiVo qUc slowly about two hours. It luuld ! cream-Ilka whun done. To vary thU a small cup of raldus and a tMvpom mI lemon or vanilla may 14 added. Mountain f'AKK.Ono pound of pul vnrlxed sugar, half a pound of butter, stir thu butter and sugar to a iiioaiw. then add six egg, leat the yIk ainl whites separate. Add the yolks to thu butter and sugar: ono pound of lltntr, threo tcaspoonfuU of baking (wmdwr, one cup of milk. Add the whites of thn eggs the last thing; one. waoonful of vanilla. French Bolus. Tako threo med. um-lzcd Irish potatoes, boll until soft, mash In tho water In which they wer boiled, add enough (lour to makit It thu ' consistency of cream. Soak an yeast cakn in a cup of tepid water, IkhU In two or three eggs, one tablesjutonful of sugar, one of salt; mix th whohi to gether ami t It tn rise. When rien work In flour, In which ha been ruhtwd ono tablespoonful of lard, until stiff enough to handle easily, Iet it rUn again, then mako (mt tho roll with your hand, flatten until they will fold over, and spread a wry llttlo butter, lust enough to keep It from slicking, bake quick. Tho above xecipo will make thirty rolls. k Fsmwr's Besserate Knrsanter wllk Famishing Welr. Valentine White, one of the oldest farmers residing In Bradford County. Pa., had a ;lesjKrate encounter with two almost famished wolve a day or two sinco. He has cleared a good-?d farm, ami U to some extent itolated from his neighbors. Around Mr White's farm Is a dense foret, almost untouched by the p4oHeer. Bar, deer and wolf are abundant, notwith standing which they are seldom dis turbed by hunter. In the rear of Mr. White's houc ts a huge framo barn, with great cracks caucd by decaying board. On going out to the barn hi heard a great cjufmotkni. Thinking some of the animal had broken loo, he did not open the front door lt tb?r should escape, but juee,ed himHf through a large apertHn? left by a broken board. A soon a he entered tho uproar increased, aad he saw in tbo middle of the bars aVxra heler which hail torn herself from the tanehion by main force, and broken one horn in tht act, Clinging to her muzJe w large gray wolf, with k long, sharp teeth faotened In the miaul' with a ball-dog grip, while aaothr was trying to hamstring the poor crrat are. The bellowing of the heifer, thenrf ing of the wolves and the rattling of th loose bera oor made a deafezwag racket, and the human intruder ww noticed- The cow shook the wolf Uit v j. a limp rag, aad pounded the Sd of the. stable wkh k. bt ia Tain. M White's anger at the attack or. bUsfxk eTermastertd alt feellse of prudece. and, seizing a pitchfork, he prepared himself for aa attack. Ko sooner dvl the wolves perceive him, thaa, jsvui- '' deaed by the taste of Wood, they tunwd . twm the heifer aad attacked kiau X one of the Infuriated aaXasal sprang toward the eld maa, he deakks mighty blow wkh the fork, sending k into a corner. JJut the other aasasal cxai ks teeth ia the old maa's right ccat sJeere, aad ia sack ek juartcr that the wesaoa was of ao avail. Af ir kicking uie4y at the asimsl, he f rrasoed ks throat wkh his left haad, aad sheked the w, If uadl it let go. Then seizing agala the pitch fork, he desk, a weU-dirsctrd blow aad broke the leg of one f the sausa!, wbkh thea dodged throng the bo& bthiad him aad hmaed asT, howha dismsifr. The other wstf held iu groaad, aad whenever epportaaUy of- ferwf sprang at tae oW maa. bow asu thea fartesiac ks teeth iato his arm. Though hseedieiT profstsely WbiUfcoa thMMl the ftgat. aad kh weU' directed thran ef tho pitchfork. t the tmes through the amaTs hear kSKsg it almest mstsatly. The dead wetf was ef large hk, gaaat wkh hsa gar, aad wkh a gTJ ceat ef hgat gray. While's clethes ware Sora iaso hat lace, aeex sast deasdr bv the cktws ef U -fMnry Ckrwvfc. Ti U p - a $.. - fr s ST v- I J "'&'J& kr-- - r?. .-v. -efetv V vi t-: " i- I- , ".- ' tWi frrV B ,y3fc ""ki Z.i 'SZfA--. n. 3vf - v. v- - VS . 1 sT -1 J .3 ": - - - .1S ?? tw ASursfervsvca V&.Qr? ) J1 . .i.ftM in 1. f. i, jM,.tfflnaiWi,tiiai,'to '! -.' -9 Vn2 -r T-5-:.t T J --. -111 MNan ililimimiiiili w 1 ' S?f