II 's' - , i -? -. Y ,- -r . s . !.- JOB WOBK, .ED CLOUD CHIEF rtnji.iaaED rvr.RT tbtjutoat at M. L THOMAS, Editor ( Proprietor. tti-fafe, ftrink tict:ajr t xi ti tt keatset An Fccnnt Hxm AWAT "Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty" antl $1.50 a year i the price nf the Red Claud Chief, TSSjI?:- $U3 ft year if yid in AftrtsM, vol. vir. RED CLOUD, WKBSTERCO- NEBRASKA. THl RSOAY. APRILS, ISSO. NO. 35. araa tt tte etsW k A -asp - w ,.?J - BBBIiBBMBBBMMBfBBTanBtByBTJBBfBayBat M, i riww jBawwttojawwaB - I ! 1 ! I -I II ! II H I I I I II I ! I I aV a--l - H sH bB ..aw ibB . waa-l 1 HE KED ULOUD UHIEF. , , , H - , - - - iii - i ii ii . i ii .....--- - - - - -- !! nm 1 t 1 1 JJJJ.. a V -.. - .- aaa V -WW 9 j K. V. R K Time TaMe. Taklac eRtct Sundar. May 4 lb 1579. OCTK fp i0 pea 6: ? .v. STATION'S, south. HASTINGS. 85alB AYK 8 .-02 fcLUE HILL 7 M oOwLW T BKD CLOUD I -.35 irAVALE :W JtlVERTOS & 5 FRANKLIN' 6 ift ni.jOij(TO S :10am. 3:10 ?SDm Trains di!lv. cxcont SuacJars. A. E. Touiilin. G. W. Holdrt Je Jen. tKttiigcr. Bnrt. GO EAST VIA THE HI I W-.ll fff..l..a i- uucigo nru - w63L6rs tailway- 2,380 MILES OF KOAD. It is tb HIIOliT sure anJBAFE rente betweea Council Bluffs CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE nud all points EAST and NORTH. ITew York, IMladeiphia, Ecstcu, Wish- ingtra, Euffalo, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, itrctreol, Tcrcnto, Detroit, Cleava- l&nd, Columbia. It offer tl'c Wnvelinir roblio LW Greater Facilities! AND More Advantages Than any other road la the west. ItistboOA'LY KOAD between Council Illufl and Chicago Upon whlrh in ran PULLMAN HOTEL CARS ! Id addition to tlimennd to picn-Mlclaseof tra t-lrrr. it kivm FIRST CLASS MFMLSatiU t.ATllHJ o I ATlVfi". ai w cenui acu. Its Track is Steel laiTi It: coaches are the Finest ! Its Equipment Firct c!a:s ! Iu train are nil Equipped wilb with airbrakes. W, M iller'n Ct ut'W! nnd all imwlern impror- rucntt! all of which combined. Permit Fastest Spaced 1 Sure and closo Ccnnectiont ! And everything a pacncer can desire to niakejourney UIOK Pleasant & COMFORTABLE! Pullman Sleeper? on all Night Trains ! it is tiu: People's Favorite Route. At Conncil Bluff the Tbroucb Train of the Chienco & North-Western ann the Union l'a cifRc Rnilwaya rti'paitrroin.arrivent ind uo the i:.tuo joint Union Depot. r Jf you wish the br?t trnveiins occororaodntionj nou will buy your tickets by this Route And V'll.L , TAKE U'E OlllER. All Ticket Agents cca sell yaa Tirosga Ticict3 via this Eoad and check usnal Baggo Free of Charge. Omaha Tickkt Oi r-rs- 1S24 Famam Street, Cr 11th. and at L'i-un racifio Uepot. Jouue il HIuUk Twfcfci tifucH Cr. Urolwnr ami - Pearl :rertF. O. & N.-W. R y Depot, and I'nion I'dcifi-Tniifffr Deiot. . Denver 0 flier-In Cdrrado CenirKi and Union 4 Pa ificlklf? Office. lan Frn'icibco Office 2 -cw Montcf.nicry bU Tor icfiinnutau. fiddor. mai. etc. u.U b ktainnble at Hi me Ticket Officn. azures any uKentof the Company, or HAEVHiT 2TIGBITT, W. H. STEN1TSTT, Oen'l Mar.arer. Oen'l Fan. Agent Ch icasc III. ' iriIKit RROTIIBRS IIEADQUARTEIIS White, Dis, Howe & Amerk SEWIMi MA IlINE. 9 files' Patent Safety Pin. Wade from the icst brass spring wire, with complete and perfect protection for the point, rn the shape of a round shield, formed from sheet bras, the wiiole being Jifktl FlatH and handsomely finished. This Fin i a perfect Me and the beat il tbt arktt We also control the sa of CUE'S MTEXT I!T III C01T 100a. These Hooks are made from the best Swedes Iron Wire, flaltened.with points barbed. They are easily driven anc' yire excellent satisfaction where they are in use. We are the exclusive manufacturers bf "the aboTS named Pin and Hat and Coat Hook. r - , ..... corresponaence solicited. DOUBLE POISTEI TACi CO., 16 CHA IBFKS 8T Sew Tark City. THE BEATS THE -AYERY i n m ii r WOILO weSEWIHGCHW01 WlDiKGGO&CXS.CfcHSAh'D LEVER 3. A KO MtTrTUTilKTHEREFCR AH EMTIRaY MEW MECHANICAL PrWnPLE&MOVEHENT.AWIMaL WrlWDCHTSEENnJAGLanyDCSaErWL AUIoWnCJHECT h PERFECTnONiM EHRYFARr NO FMCTl0!lH0HC!S.K0WaR,HOTANTRUMSr KORCETTIN30UTCrORQER.AlSWSREHrTO SEWT)CRtt5K;i'iISTC3. EVGrG ENTIRE WTaCTlOroLCNGTAiiCCaAlW?8IR0iD mSnsnEs.wszm. best mm. n asekts T0SOU SEWrWILIUSTWEICnCUUR. AGENTS TMBatttt ANTEDT W KM' - I' TNgMiSM . ITS- EMM . Wi MMBfcB i a. .JNi mr .-.int rr BUSINESS DIRECTORY. O. C. CASE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. OEee ost dooi north of Girbe's More. s iss clous, ysi Collections made md promptly remitted J. S. GILHAM, ATIORNEV AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office one door north of Kaley Jirot. BED CLOUD, - - - NEB W. C. REILLY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND MCAL. I8TATI AQIZT. Bad Cloud. Neb. t3.ProRpt Attention Glren to Collections. Ornci:- with C. H. POTTER, at Bad Cloud Drus Store. Edwin C. Hawlev. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office orcr Farley's Drag Store. BED CLOUD - 27ZB. James Laird, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. rV JCNIATA, - NEB- Will practice in all tha Courta of the Bute. Prompt attention riven to all bninei entrusted to bit care, Ofcce on tbe eaat tide Juniata Avenue. Julyl-7 II. R, KitKT. C. W. Kalkt. Red Clond. Neb. J. L. Kalkt, filoominrton, Nebraaka. KALEY BROS., a ttornevs at law & real 18tate Agents. "Will practice in all the CourU in Kebrarka and northern Kan tan: collection promptly at tended to and correspondence solicited. LSD CLOUD, Nebraska. Aim. Aeent for B.tM.R. B. Lands. I. W. TULLEYS, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Pension Surgeon. JQtOffice over Kaley Bro. taw office. BED CLOUD. KEBBASZA ELBEKT A. HALL M. D. Physician&Surgeon, RED CLOUD, NED. Ilavlnir located permanently at this place. I will attend to all call, day or night. Offi e for the present at Farley ' drus store: at night at his residtnee over ewhoue'g Store 19ni3 j. in. iTIosea, in. d. f. -F.LECTIC- P hysician and Surgeon, RelD CLOUD. NED. Will pay special attention to Obstetrics and dicwe of women AUo general and special surrerv. Diseases of the Ere and Enr. Chances moderate. Office, tor the present at Shercr's IirucNtfre. S--r VALLEY HOUSE, F C.WIMTOX, Pro. KED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. First ClHra in every respect. Free Tms to and from all trains. Sample rooms for commercial men. Give us a trial. V. . Richnrdson. S. Garber. Kichardson & Garter, DEALERS IN LIVE STOCK. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. Highest market price paid for boss and cattle. J.E.Smith S.C.Smith M.B.THnm-soif. Pres. First Nat. Cash. First Late Teller First Bank. Beatrice Nat. Rank Nat. Dank Beat Neb. Beatrice Neb. rite Neb. m ror5<omp5on, BANKERS. Will make collections in any part of tbe United States Sell exchange npoa tbe princi pal eastern oitics Loan money upon improved farms Receive depo'its subject to sifht drafts Allow interest upen time deposits, and trans act a ccneral Ranking: business. , IlEFKjtsifCEs: Omaha National Rank, A. S. Paddeck.U. .BSenatnn First National Rank New York, CambriJe VaUey National Bank. Cambridge New York. EMIGH BROS. MEAT MARKET RED CLOUD, NKB. The choicest of Fresh meats. Sausages, Fowls and everything in the line that the mar ket affords, always on hand. AirShop two doors south of Bherer's drag store. C. H. POTTER, PROPRIETOR RED OLOUD Drug Store, And Dealer In Drugs, Medicines? Paints, OILS VARNISHES- All roods in my Line kept constantly on hand: and to which I invite tha attention of the public SA11 my old friends and as many new onei as choose to do so, are invittd to call. j"1 C. H POTTER. Feed 4 Sale Stable, J. D. Post, Prop. KED CLOUD. THKLO&AM&STBQBBID&E PORTA tiBLE FARM SCALE FOR FARM I ERS. GRAIN DEALERS. FAMUES VYeet Grower andaHpcnerw wishing a cheap, accu. rsta Scale. Mad by -periancad Scat minis. at) tha bait CHEAP. coimecT. trial, with Steal baaring. Smala in eenatructioh. No partaf faabia ta nt ewt af ti. SoW at Itai than haf tfwsMc4sfatkarasala. Ubatal lnsVicasaarts la sens tar twexar anc rrtea ut to . J. E. WOOOHEAD. Gmtsi) Ant. 3;Yf. UMmn Street. Chicsfa. umm i CONVEHNT.M irirr - I ,1 WANTED i THE CHIEF. M. L. THOMAS, EDITOR. THURSDAY APRIL 8rn, 1880. The Senators and Representatives in Coogren hive oar thanks for a cart lovl, more or less, of "valuable poblio docu ments.'" There are two democratic editors coo dactins? to called repnblietn papen, in this vatley theae gentry preside over the Red Clond Artpin, and tbe Bloomiogton Argus, respectively. TriE Bloomington Guard is difsatieficd with the verdict in tbe Wilkinson murder case, and thinks that there was an undue influence in favor of the priaioner, brought to bear, that was ,,nwtcrions." Tns Nebraska Democracy which met in convention at Columbus lait week, endorsed 8. J. Tilden and the bat 'I, and "resolved" that they would make it hot for the party that four years ago "struck down our elected president, dispoiled him of his great office, and deprived the re public of the beniGcial result of a demo cratic government," (I) A prominent Washington lady was consulted tbe other day by a senator with reference to reform school for girls She remarked that he thought there oupht to be a reform school for cenators. Republican, We should like to give that Udy a leather medal set in precious stones. NchratJin Herald. Now Mac, we wouldn't have thought you would talk that way, and you a mar ried man, too. The county commissioners ot Phelps county, recently discovered that Thos. Downing, who had been a county com nrsMoner for five years, had embexzled county funds to the amount of nearly $25,000. Thomas Downing is one or a ring which has had control of Phelps county for five years, during which time they have issued warrants on the county to the amount of $30,000. Ex. Let's see, 'pears that we have heard that Webster county has been and is still run by a ring? Taxes are 8 per cent 1 1 A TSIU8LE C7CL01T3. St. Louis, April 3. A Pott Dispatch special from Ottawa, Kansas, siys a cy clone struck that place nbout 7 o'clock last evening, completely demolishing seven residences on Elm street, badly injuring some others in the samo vicinity. It then jumped five or six blocks, and again struck the ground near the river, where it dfctroyed several residence, and tore the roof off K. C, L , & P. R. R., at d overturned several freight cars. In North Ottawa twelve or fifteen residences are totally demolished or badly damaged Tbe evening train from Lawrence was caught at the junction a mile north of town, and one passenger car and two freight cars upset Ono passenger was seriously injured. The storm then pro ceeded to the northeast, destroying the Spencer and Wilkerson and two other farm houses on its way. Among the persons seriously injured, are S. F. Boner and family, J. Marshall, A. H. Baldwin, Mrs. Black, Mrs. Hastings, and Mr. Jones. A child of Mis. Black's was killed, and sone twenty others slightly wounded. Lumber and furniture are scattered for blocks around, and in some cases were burled through the air. OTO WASHNGIONLETT?!. Washington, D. C. March 29(b, 1880. ) The report that General Grant will withdraw from the presidential canvass turns out to have been a hoax. There was no foundation for it except the- re fusal of the Texas convention to instruct for Grant, which many people interpreted as a hint for him to set ut of the way, and rebease in Kansas, Iowa and other states. But Grant is not a aoaa to take hints of a delicate foature, and it is now more firmly believed than ever that he will stick to the race until the end is reached. Grant's friend? accuse Sher man's friends of having invented the story of withdrawal in order to help their candidate. They demand however that many of Grant's friends favor hi with drawal, and don't like the idea of his entering into a scramble for the presi deocy. Bat it seems that the old fellows who used to flock around the Grant ad ministration and live upon its favors have more influence on tho General than those who are disinterested, and all of them are clamorous for another chance. The resignation of Commissioner Payne has a eifaificaace which mast be reco gnised by Congress shortly. Tha salaries of the commissioners in the Interior De partment are iaadeqaate to the responsi bilities, and good men cannot be had for the places. Hayt, who went into the Indian ofcce as a reformer, came cat badly smoked, chiefly beeaase he found he could not get a living withoat specu lating outside of his ofltce, and that led to objectionable and almost eriauaal prac tices. If we would have good men at the head of each departments we mast pay such salaries as will attract good aaea. It is worse eeeaesy te pay toe meagre salaries tbaa to pay te Kberally. The antes loads to eorraptiea aad ia eficiency. The Waaaban fee has dwindled te atetbingaesa, la feet k never aasesMtei to a great deal, but aow that it appears Washburn himself is running the third term boots for the dear purpose or cliiai ing the third teras strength if Grant get out of the way, tbe little boom is looked upon with pity and dugout. Washburn la always for Washburn and for nobody else. m It is remarkable what people of an tagunistic politic- come together in Wash ington society. Politics make strange bed fellows, but society stranger. At Senator Btains popular Saturday's recep tion, Blackburn, the firy democratic lea der of Kentucky. Gordon of Georgia, and Johnson of Virginia, partake of the Radical Senator's fair and enjoy his good eh ear as freely a the most approved member of his own party. Knox. ctatx currxsQS. Immigration u still increasing. Soap works established in Crete. Alma is to have a graded school. West Point has nearly 400 rcbool child ren. Rivertoo will organize a fire depart ment. Tbe Elkhorn valley is receiving many settlers. Coal has been struck near Beatrice, at a depth of 80 feet. Lincoln's new big hotel, tbe Arlington has been opened. Not more than half the corn crop in Dodge county is marketed. A new truss bridge is being built across tbe Elkhorn, near Bell Creek. All of our state exchanges make men tion of a great rush of land hunters. There arc only about 7000 acres of B. & M. land yet unsold, in York county. The Beatrice foundry will soon bo start ed, tho machinery having already arrived. A large hotel and a $5000 school house are shortly to be erected in Strousburg. Lincoln is tbo largest organized county in the stato. Jt cootains, 4.658.8S0 acres. Tbe depot at Arapaboe will soon be unished. it is 2Sx5G k-et, two stones high. Two or three Canadian colonies are to be settled somewhere on (he line of the B. &M. St. Anthony postoffioe, Platto county, has been moved one and one-half from its old site. A mixed herd of 500 cattle from Mis souri were unloaded from the cars at Lin coln and driven to Fremont. A man wax brought before the Hastings court charged with being a tramp, who squandered $1150 in two weeks. An effort is being m?de to establish a postoffice, to be called Eva, between Amazon and Macon, Franklin county. Knginacrs are to be put on the survey of the eStp, Paul, Omaha & Chicago rail road, in Wayne county, this week. The housu of A N. Yost, ten miles north of Fremont, was totally destroyed with all inii on the 24th. Loss. $1800. A large party of excursionists from Illinois aud Pennsylvania lately started out to protpect iu ihu state tiutu L'tieoln. It is said that there is coniildrable thieving of timber or government and school lands ou tho south side of the river near Naponee. The Coluuibns Journal say a corpora tion has been formed there, with a capital stock of $100,000. to establish atock yarns and a packing house. The new twelve-stall round house of the B. & M. at Lincoln will be a model in its way, and work will be pushed for ward' in April. A cae of smallpox (or suppose 1 to b; such) is reported in Bell Creek. It was brought in by a family recently arrived there from Virginia. Tho growth of Oxford, the new railroad town on the county line of Harlan and Frontier, is very rapid in 20 days 15 houses were built. Last June there was not a house in Fullerton, now there are 35 with 13 more under contract, and more will be built this coming season. A good future is predicted for the lodge of the Independent order of Foresters (.the first in the state), organized at Cen tral City, on March 17th. A couple of Ulysses grain buyers had a little war among thetni-elves, a few days since, in which a revolver played a prom inent part, but uo shooting was done. A Wisconsin sheep grower has purch ased a tract of land near Hebron, and will drive his herd theft thi opting, in tending to go largely into tbe business. A stable belonging to a farmer named Martin Lighe, in Lancaster county, was burned on the. night of the 23d. The stable comainea seven head of horses. An eligible tract fir fair grounds is offered fur sale convenient to Lincoln, and stroog efforts are being made to effect the purchase of the land for tbe purpose named. The congregational church of Hav.iags installed tho new pastor, Rer. J. I). Stewart, on the 29th, aod also held aani versary exercUes of the Sabbath school aod church. V General Manager Touxalin, of tbe B. & M. makes a reduction of one-third in freight bill of Harlan county for material for tbe new court heaee being shipped from tjbicago. Work is being puhed on the grade of me railway oetween uisaaie ana ueugn. rlalt tbe work was done at odd times during the winter, and the whole will be completed by May 1st. Bailding is livelv ia Beatrice and theety five baildiags arc now ia progress of erection. Tae first business house has been pat up oa the east side of the river. aad a aoter will also soon be built oa that side. The machinery for sawisg and rubbing stone ts bow being set up ia tae peaitea tiary, aad will be raaaiag sooa. A aei forth-five horse power eagine w also being but an.ia order to give more power te the brick machines. Tbe capital guards (colored) of Lincoln have made aypncetioa to bovernorfiaaee to be famished with thirty eight stands of state arms and the neeeseary accoaire meats for their oompary ,Be Wise and Happy. - Ifyoa will stop all year extravagant ' and wrong aotioeria doctoring yoarself and famines wkb cxpesstve ejectors er humbug cure-alls that do harm always, aad ase ealy aarara'a aims'e remedies for all year ailments yom will be wise, wefl and happy, and save greet exams. TttexraatsxA raeaedy sW taitvthe great. wise aid good wiU'aeH ye, is Hew' Bit ters refar ea it. See aaetker coksaa. FEOUSFIT & MARSH, GENERAL DEALERS IN n.iRD n:in je )amd( STOVES, GaMe Ratek. Nek. Kverrtaiac asaaL'y kapt la a lrst etaas Hmrvcare Sfre- come and sec us as we will not be UNDERSOLD. F. NEWHOUSE, DEALKIt IS- DRY - GOODS, GEOCEIES; AND NOTIONS, Reel CUsjsj. - Nebraska The public generally are requested to call and examine my good ana prices, as a hare of the patronage is toliotted. gaT Store, first door north of Moth er s meat market. 14-26 F. NEWHOUSR. SAM'L GARBER, DEALER IN Dry Goods and Groceries. BOOTS And Nil OEM Hats, Caps. & Ready Made Clothing! We have the Largest Stock in the Valley and will not be undersoil GIVE US A CALL. ONE ft ALL. Sam'l Carber Red Cloud Web, CHICAGO Lumber Yard KEI LOUI, Web. Yard south of nampton & ?al ston'. shop, on Maiu street. Keep eoaicaatlj oa hand an assortment of I.Msater. Ijttkt, MblNfic. ar Hist !. Mate Hair t:mci. Plaster atalldlair Paper etc. PLATT apFREES Propriotors. COME For Four LUMBER! DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. TK BB8T I Til MAKES? 14 at LatvMt Price -BT- RED CLOUD NEB. w, . mm, DIALBB STifUuiFAieiElElS, HODSI PLANTS, FLOWER POTS, WIRE ftTAKDS Ac NICE and CHOICE article a specialty. Scat tha oli Ceart Haas. Wtfcttar St, KED CLOUD, NEB. riCV4RBJ "The Richest Bleod. Sweetest Breath knd Fairest Skia ia Bop Bitten." - A Rttle Hop Bitters f es big aoe or bifls aad kmg atekaeea.' "TbatbTalidwiie, another, sister or Aild eia be made tha ektare ef health with Be BHters." When won down aad ready te take ear bed. He Bitters is what yew beed." Doat physic aad phy we. far it weak and aeetroys. bK take Hep Bittters vkaf- kutrf a, fci.lM,B '"-""s-"""-""". . V rbyeaae el aH ehel mse aad ree-1 ad He Bitters. Test thm." "Health is baaaa aad jey He Bit ters aire beakh aad beeaty. ' Tbere are aaere eares aaade wkh Hop Bitters the al ether aMiictee." Wlies the IraM as weantd tbe aerrs aHraeg, tha asclen weak, ase tie Bitters." "Ii law, aecreaa ferer, want ef wiakaeta, aaJto far Hep Bit- Uf QmOBtmitilxUliUiitm- roftVaALSBT K-t-l . S.SRKRl:. JtactC&er,5e FARMIRS LOOK HERE! IF YOU WANT FARM MACHINERY, REMEMBER THAT MITCHELL AINID Havo Just Roceived thti Xiargtmt STOCK OF FARM MACHINERY EVER BROUGHT TO TEE REPUBLICAN" VALLEY. maw I earn I Ram aVvapLam aaal Bamv BmmVaRaBa"BBBBBBaata aaaaaWBammT BSai bbbbbbbV amBB BbT ft aaaWB VfSBBBBaBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBf ABBBBaiSaBmBV BJ 9aBBBBBWSBalBBWBBaaaVmBBBBBBBBBBBBBm SBBBr t BaTatl H 1 imBaBBBBBBT TBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBaaTmBBBBal K at l Al-maaT aaa.Blil I iA BBBBbSbT M m Tl BBBBai BBTaBBBBBBiBBBBT I BbW sLQHbbbbbBSShbt' lvi WW "5w, Mi I . - ilwvWBi- .MS IM-f ' iMoWiinl i Srr'i lis Ml v , Valfi JvB XSsEBBBBKrMfiL?-1(VaJ IEImali9HSaH.mSISBHH.mK SULKEY Stirring Plows, Harrows, Corn Planters, ANO HAY RAKES. And Also The Celebrated Champion Reaper and Mower. A LAROE SUPPLY OF ores & Tinware, And the Largest Lot of y mWDEEsT UTD MEATY And Everything else usually kept in a HARDWARE STORE. MITCHELL ft MOIHJWT, RJsD CLOUD, - Nebraska. MORHART, PLOWS. Breaking Plows, Cultivators, Check Rows, Vocal and Intranatal MUSIC. O. A. BROW1V, Saetaar te W tt Kk1,J MuLaa x PARLOK. BEDROOM mmd Kitchen FX7IINTTXJB33 Brackets, Chromos, Picture Frames, Mattrrssrs, Etc. COFFt N J aUija a ae4 a4 titssaaM o att atiMi. rrtCK LOW at as la tha vUy aarRrpalilttg nf alt tl dae fratt Ijr aa4 tUarr '' rVKD CLOUD. NKK. urn? inraniir. A. Iaailcr ssaclit PraHr MALES IX ALL KIMh OF CANNKD OOOD, FKUnV. NUT CONrKCI IONKUV. KTC TUSK llXA9.nXl. CiXM.Xrarr Xnt, Warm MtaU at aM houss, "JA eata. arF!ltS!l UVoTKiUS Uaye U4. Webster lrrt, one door aeath ef Kaly Uroa. taw eaVse. REDTLOUD. - - NKH. FOUlffDrntZ-lLSTt TIIK Adjustable Hocking Chair. fix ;a.;r:s! Krew a SEWING CHAIR FOR THE'IiAWES TO A CRADLE for the RAatr For Hale la Wabtterand FraakHncaaa tie o.it.r Mr G. A. BROWN, m m7 Harnoii Shop -BT- J. L. MILL Keeps eeastantlr en hair) s fnH Ha ef IfarneM Collar, Haddrea, Whip, Horse Hlanaeta. Comba, Brash e, HarscM Oil and erery thing aiaaliy knptin a &rtcl&4 shop. Two door north of tha bank. TsellgaNt Caah f- Fail kr AIM aai rm. TM fimtiAU IfrSV.M wW fmf i,M. tti wiN rm tat itMki T, Sa IM.H frW L M tml ,!. fW eea wpR & iimi;tiMtwj ABhBaa P H sawaapa aaswaaw awspsawew asaJVsaw SmSww tpaRv asr m. ',iy ati sw iaYsaaw Pr,wj ayaaawew r vv , " . BT -. f'l'iiii'ia m)nin W,a M(MW)M. h a ' .tt 7 tt'.t mmm .fe . . ma rtr i-a taw " ' se ear aarwawa! M i ill; .mi' 4 t ff 9m fSr i- uiifMi.Mut aru as. tt rk4 tt tmrm T M ,.fmAlrnwT4lit. a r it r fw v-) dRi m"1''" cwf.- Mr " s Vm. r.mrtT4U.ut , P to to- aa to arfrawf.A. p.xa a m Wag s fjmM . im lmmm KMU i SMMawta I"- f OLB BT mUOOHT. V hm m mrtm.. aaetcia TlUSa MASK. TtoaaaMi MU&t Baprt a KaSwaTaatog. a; mUm AAar mtmrml tm1itt. Ttm la StoSttta. TKIMUTRlMnil a.i ewg14 ia t4 OsW sad Trrtr Wr alt w-m-tW JITPaUTL Ei' me Ksr frfm wTsi want, Yrs. Bssf-tV Cawaarr. C-aL2 sjiasL BVaaBBvav "aa wb - - - w m. 1 1 I f f,rMM a. aaar tow Baa tT saaBMaw la tm $mm. aa la aaaakraaatawyaJk 87t StoBMaaSs lrlxaS fwaao.raM aaBatoSv sa. m to mm Sraa MS aa nm) af at aaa ( JPbSE.. lwaVaBBSIBB4BQBVaBV' 'QbbbbBbbBbbLVbW ' S OJto,taa iwBh. -BBaKi., BBBBBvBBaVB4 4 J " ft v. y V ' -. ? A .Jti, zr?aky & y -- 5. Jt . Lfsa- ,- w 5