tsm-mrrr--(rsmiM ifmm-rvmniiews: I'jWWXIIMllllllll rf' M v-ifV.J-BBSffMSf-r5 -1 -wr-. fBSf- ..:-- iw(jKti-saiw - sra Mwm--."i- wstw'-?-.'!!.. .!'."'-' 1 1 fci mW A i 1 ; Cfc .OCAL MATTERS. Feol. April fool All foaTa day! April fool's day. Hut tip yor croquet aer. Prepare yoar fitt'e gardcut. Ttw 16 tbe Cnt day of A priL ao hat for 25 cents, it Mr?. Fowler', lined aprieotr, a sice article, at Boly'i The fanabage will eooo be completed Otzrc seed for aale at the City Drug Store. All tb'c do? eltks of the tcaton, at Mru. Fowler'e. The airing time baa acme, "Gentle Aoaic." Ladies and children' gloves, at Mrs. Fowlers'. A. A. Pope will sell harvesting ma cbiotry this season. . Yew can get a trimmed bat for $1, at Mrs. Fowkr's. Tbe Red Cloud Cuief six month to . any address, for 75 cents. Perkins k Mitchell', headquarters for ttsple aud fancy grcccncs. Cbildrese jrioves for 10 cents a pair, at Mrs. Fowler's. Broom com seed by tbo pootd or bushel, for tale it Holy's. Bev. Goo. O. Yeiser, preaches at Guide Bock, next Sunday. Kev. Tbeo. Johnson, of Aiaboy, called on tbo Cuiiy last Monday. Mr. Pope is building a rcsider.ee in tbe extreme ncrth-weet part of town. Still a few left of those fast telling "hoise books," at the Cuitr office. We have added ttill another quire oi pspcr to oar weekly issue of the Chikf. Horse bills printed at the Csixr office in good style and at low rite. All kiodt ofcats. Mrs. Fowler is agent for Butterick Patterns acknowledged to tLe most reliable in use. Last Saturday' was proving up day with a number of residents on Uucle Sam's land. Bcal estato rose rapidly on Friday and Saturday of Jaw week and sailed off to wards Kausaa. We bear that a prairie fire did consider able damage on tbe south side of the river last Friday. Women's Christian Temperance Union will meet at tbe school house, ou Friday evening, al 4 o'clock. An order has bten ifsued by tbo B. k M. authorities prohibiting train men from smoking while ou duty, j A load of boys who were out riding last Sunday were upset and strung along tbe highway for a mile or so. D. G. Harvey of Furnas county, was among our callers last Tuesday. - Tbo Chief will go to his address in the future. There was not much trado in town hurt Saturday, owing to the high wind that prevailed all day, keeping farmers from coming to town. Sherer has put new shelving in hia drug store, changed thiDgs around and mater ially improved tbo general appearance of the interior airangements. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE OMA17A BEE, TI1E ANTI-MONOPOLY STATE PAPER OF NEBRASKA, $2 00 PER YEAR. Nathon Mcrru, the young man con victed of breaking into A. Garber's store at Guide Rock, was sentenced to two years in the state prison. Fred. Boehner of the Arapahoe Pioneer is, we believe, tho youngest editor in the etate. Three years and a half ago that distinguished honor belonged to the pres ent editor of the Chief. A lightening rod peddler down at Seward had one of his ribs caved in, last week, by a club in the ha ads of ob irate farmer, whom he was trying to indace to boy a few thousand feet of rod. Young Morris who was sentenced to to the penitentiary by Judge Gaslin last week, accompanied- sheriff Warren to Lincoln last Friday. He is the first man ever sent to the slate prison from this county. A commercial traveler, or "drummer,'' Llareuce E. Davis by name, has five' wives scattered over the country. They have recently gone to work to land Mr. Davis in the penitentiary, which they will undoubtedly do,' and terve him right, too. How we do love the man who cooly walks iato our office and asks us to give biaa a half dczenofour exchanges, and informs us that he does not take a county paper, too poor, and then goes off and spends the price of a years subscription for whisk ey'aad cigars. The. Republican State Central Com mittee is called to.meet at tbe Commer cial Hotel in Lincoln, on Thursday tbe 8th of April, at 2 o'clock P. x., for the pur pose of completing the organization oi the committee,, and Jo transact such other business as may properly come before the same. Last Friday while the wiad was blow ing a gale from the north a spark from the chimney of Ira Sleeper's house caught in tho weeds ami gnus Bear the house, and but for the timely discovery of the fire and prompt action of the women who first saw,it, the oowaqoeaoes might have beta slimitroae.; ."-Ji.-- - . Thyva'rgW m OU Settler's ?m EraaaUta .eeeatir. .Air ei W the tf 21 yaaia, haviig ia the aaaaty prior u Deatambar 31, 1874, bmj becsmcr a .member by peyusg 25 ecBts. Theyrtpess te boM a re SBMB BMMUtllj. ,Waeaomahat sarprked that Bra. JCfBBtj. vbVbm afcewa a akili aad jaage -jfttBi rarely esacHei, the baadliaf of arwnhfrWH, aloU allow his paper to wjfm a wi'vum thrauja whieb eorraa prntimtf awjr tktmkt at aaakataar, aad H. f T J , 'V -j The eorrespondent who aired himrelf so a-Ubily in the Argvt Iat week will bo doabt eipect us to answer bis silly prating. This we deeliae to do, for several reason, via. The ladies wha attended that ball doebtlera feel badly ennagh aboat the affair aiihoat any more being said on the subject. We have the highest respect for many of tbe girls who attended the ball, and it is not their fault if thcooai-ummate as who write; in tbe Atqv, and a fow other disreputable cbaiacttns acted iu kuch a manner as to bring tbe affair be fore tbe public in tbe light of a low grade variety theatre, and caue it to be talked of, and denounced by nearly all the re specUble people in town. Wo cannot answer the vile insinuations of this low born egotist because it U entirely beneath tbe dignity of tbe profession to uotice anonymous articles of any kind. If the writer will come out boldly and let tbe public know who he is. we will either coodeoeud to answer bin vilo lurs or else give bis name to the public and ask tbe public if, in its opinion such a specimen of humanity is worthy of notice ic the columns of a resectable newspaper. We cannot answer tbe contemptible sneak be cause he already has a mania for rushing into prit.t, and it would only be encour aging him to inflict tbe public with bis vile and senseless trasb. And, finally, we cannot answer tbe wri ter of.tbe low and vulgar bob in question, because we, as a journalist, have a higher, a nobler mist-ion to perform than that of spurning from our path every dirty little yelpiog cur that barks at our heels. sa aa - - UAFLS QEOVE FA5& Webiter County, Neb. 1 Maich 2hb, 1880. j Editor Chief: A few lines to your valuable paper, may interest some of your many readers. The dry weather, continues and the grumbling continues, also among some oi the farmers. Full wheat is almost dried out, bat with a little rain soon it ' may make half crop. There has a great deal been said about a coal mine discovered near Salem, Jewell county, Kansas. I have also a coal mine to report of which I learned while canvassing in the western part of Smith county, Kansas, on weat cedar creek 7 miles north-east of Kirwin, on tbe farm of J. W. Miller. The coal was found croping out of the bank of the creek, 18 feet below tho surface I of an inch thick with a downward slant, and by prospecting it was found to increase in thickness very fast, Mr. Miller was pros pecting back a hundred feet from the croping out, tho day I was there but had not struck tho vein yet. An old coal miner that was assisting in prospecting, says a yem of 4 feet will be found from 100 to 200 feet below tbe iurface. I havo a few small pieces of tho coal from the cropings along the creek bank, and it u-a very fine specimen of soft coal, the probability is that there is plenty of coal in Smith county, Kan., and Webster county. Neb. And it is only a matter of time to dcvelope that fact. P. S. Helvehn. comssiOHSfis pnocsrriiTGS. MabciT 19th, 1880. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present: A, H. Crary, Isaac May Comes; J. A. Tulley, clerk. The follow-ng official booi were ap proved: Corydon Craw, overseer of highways, R. D. No. 17. William Montgomery constable, Guide Rock precinct. Judson Forbes constable, Glenwood precinct. Tbe following accounts were allowed, warrants to be drawn as provided by law: State Journal Co , Books and Blanks, - $ 99 87 G. A. Brown, window blinds 2 00. John Murray, work on bridgo 3 70. Sam'l. Miller, work on road 4 00. Resignations of W. B. Good, constable Bed Cloud precinct, and Lewis A. Haw lew, constable Oak creek precinct, pre sented and accepted. A new road district was formed from tbe west half of R. D. No. 1, ;he eastern bouadary, commencing at the north west corner, of section 1G-2-9, and running south to tbe Republican river, said district No. 20, and Vinson D. Yaughn appainted overseer of highways. "Road district No. 21, formed from east half of Stillwater precinct, and Thomas Richardson appointed overseer of high ways for said district. The following appointments were made to fill vacancies, R. A. Simpson, J. P. Potsdam precinct, Robert Rounds, over seer of highways, R. D. No. 16. Adjourned to Friday, March 26th, 1880. J. A. Tolley, A. H. Cbaby, Clerk. Chairman pro tern. CEUHCE UOTICE. Tbe spring communion service of the Presbyterian church of Red Cloud, will be held at tbe school house of Red Cloud, on next Sabbath, April 4tti, 1S80, at 101 o'clock A. if., in tbe following order: First. Preaching. Second. Baptism of a dult and infant The Lord's Supper. Bear in mind tbo communion in the Presbyterian church is invariably aa open communion, and that no creed is required to be sabscribed in order to enter into this church. The Bcv. G. L. Little, state secretary of missions is expected here about that time. The services pre paratory to the communion will Jbe held ob the Saturday proceeding (the 3d iost. ) emmeaeing at 3 'clock P. M., at the seioa) house, consisting. 1st. Of a short leetare or address. 2d. A meeting of the.aeseieB.at which those wishing to aaita with the eharoh by letter and by profession, will please be present. 3d. Immediately after a eharoh meeting, or a meeting of the eeagregattoa, coatastlBg of all regular supporters ef the chareh who have a right to take pari ia all the proeeediags, (aa4 whs are aerahy urgently reqaertefl taattaad,) will fee held for the traasaetieB ,of imaertaat haaBaaa. aad alio ifreqaked for the eleeties of aew mamTMca.to the eeesiaa. Please be prompt and paaetaal- IJ. M. fKmv.aenae aartoi f,th rreaoyuriM eVarcB of BtiCIcmd. UVI7ZS STATM LAVS C7R32. Bloomixoto. Ned., ) Mere 27th, 1880. j Patents hare beta lately received ia this oSee fur the following parties residing ia Webster coaaty, Nebraska: In range 9. John Digby, Afoau N. John, James W. Arnsberger, Cjrus A. Arnsberger, Jacob Monu, Owen Lally, Stephen Newman, Adam II. Spraeher, Anny E. Rogers, Charles C. Bargcr, William J. Simpson, Charles L. Brown, and Frank Cboat. In ra.no e 10. James B. Cbapio, Samuel P. Martin, Jobs l. Leach, Sam uel Blight, W.rrcn V. Beal, Julia A. Skilcs, Robert JlcCune, George Latta, ArcbibaM J. Ritter, Walter W. Lewis, Timothy Lawlcr, George Laverty, James K. Ralph, Thomas P. Chambers od rnsciiu .uoorc. In kanue II. Henry S. Kaley, August F. Wabberman, Charles II. Pot ter. Andrew J. Rcnneker, John Osburo and Frederick Fabudrick. In kanue 12. Nelson Phelp.. Ezra II. Jones, Nathan A. Aycr, Hans J. Waltstade and Alexander M-iy. Parties desiring their patents are re quested to sign their names on 'he back of their fioal receipts as their name is wriiteo in the receipts, aud send tbe same to this office, and their patent will be mailed to them. S. W. Switzkb, Register. m m Now ia the time to buy your garden feeds. Perkins & Mitchell have a good varity of the best kiuds to select from, also clover seed, pure Early Rose Pota toes, Ouiou seeds by tLe pound. Peas in barrels, will have Sweet Potatoes and other needs next week, do not fail to call while- tbo fctock is fresh, Meeting of the Tizh Cozasussioa. Tbe members of the Fish Commission, Dr. R R. Livingston, of Plattstnouth, Hon. W. L. May, of Fremont, and Hon. II. S. Kaley, of Red Cloud, met in this city, yesterdaj'., Tbey made arrange ments to procure and care for tho allot ment of German carp, for this State; also for the receipt of a number of eels. Provision was also made to preparo for hatching 500,000 California salmon eggs, and to distribute tbo same. The hatch ins of brook trout was deferred uutil a sufficient appropriation was made where ffith to purchase spawn. A variety oi subjects were discussed relative to fish laws, the best fih for tbii state and the best means of distributing. Publication of the laws through the journals of the state was also decided on. The meeting was an interesting one. Journal. A large stock of the best biands of flour made in the valley, constantly on hand at Perkins k Mitchell's. a men thing about editor. "Editors are uEually wealthy," the man with tho sample case remarked. "Yes," wo said, "thoy are familiar with all the slang and business phrases of the money market; they writo about millions as ordinary men talk about dol lars; they build railroads; tbey organize mining and magnificent transportation companies with fabulous capital; they declarer war without consulting the Roth cbilds, and if all the batiks in America were ti fail to-morrow they wouldn't be a cent poorer than they are to-day. Yet, tbey re rich. They associate with the moneyed classes, they sit down at tables with Kings, and 8onie times, in happier, luckier moments, with aces; if you want to borrow money, go to the editor, he will torn to his advertising columns and tell von where you can borrow it. If you have money to loan, rather than see you surfer he will borrow it of you himself. Rich? He knows the secret of the monied rings he divulges the plans and schemes of the heavy operators to the people; he roars himself louder than the bulls, and growls among the bears; his voice is heard in the temples of tbe money changers, asking for money; he warbles his little roundelay out ou the curbstone, in a melancholy uiiuor key, when he doesn't get it. Oh, yes, editors are rich. When you want to spend all the money you have in this wild, wide world, go to your lawyer, when you want something done for nothing, hie to voor newspaper office. Then, when yon want to send some mau to Congress, send your lawyer, because you can get along without him." We paused, and a profound, impressive silcuce filled the ah like a dream of peace. We looked around upon our audience. It was asleep. Sirs. Fowler has jast received the larg est stock of millinery and notious, ever brought to this city. ' Providence has sat upon a man down in New Hampshire who would not take the newspaper He was a farmer and had a couple of ice houses which be filled during the early cold snaps of the winter. Bis neighbor, who reads the papers, bap pened along and offered him 9600 for his ice. He snapped at the hartals, won dering bow his neighbor became so sud denly insane. The next day aBotber man offeied him $2,50Qfor the ice, but he did not folly realise his capacity for wrath until bis neighbor sold tbe ice for $5,000. He has subscribed bow for six newpa vers, and will know the next time theie is going to be an ice tVuine. A nice line of dress buttons, is carved pearl jet crochet aad the cashmere colors, at Mrs. Fowler's. THE-Linoola Journal is responsible for tbe following: Women who engage in raising funds for the different public and private char ities, aBd who speed from one to three diva of each week ia equally disinterested work, will take Botice from thia, and be warned. A maa ia tbe waster part of the state took advaatage of hi wife's absence en a mitioa of this kiad recently, aad rained the hired girl. The latest novelties of flowers, feathers and trimmings, at Mrs. Fowler's. J Moaroe laylor'a Gold Medal Seda or Salsratos is cleaaeed of all imparities. aadeoataJae Urn lergeet ameaat of aU n sesmary aad wholnomo praparti whiea oaa ha coaacatratad hi the aaaaa weight; is gaaraateed to give" the maat perfect aetisfaeooaor the moaey refaaiad. It will care dyaaaiKie peraeaa, aad save the hkhofairwk) ate-ic Grocers aad IkwnuieSit. Dpot, 11 Liberty St, ewcrk. A aiee line of faacy ribseaa, at Mra. Fowler'e. Why do yoa ceaaplaia ef poor tea and coffee whea yoa eaa get the be article aad aomethiag that will go to the right pot everytime, at Pcrkia k Mitchell's. Fr a ttrlish drea or street hat, call ob Mrs. Fowhr. aa she baa agaia secarcd tb aerviee of Mm. Hoy, the oaly first class trimmer in the city. Elegant patters and trimmed hats, a great vcriety and very cheap, just re at Mrs. Lutz'. Mitchell fc Morbart are agent's for tbe Victor. Americas and Davis sewing machine, in thi county. tf Moos k Callender have juit opened a Bew era! a oi Viueensware, auti auro a nice line of Ghuoware. A rntiin1r linA of orniiBPnti for the hair, iet nect Uses aud childrens collars, at Mrs. Fowler's. The largest block of millinery and ladies furniining good eir brought to Webster Co., to be found at Mr. Lutz. Chan. E. Putnam has juft received a large invoice of the bett grades of coffee, sugars, tea., syrups, canned good and everything usually kept in a first clat grocery store. tf Crown Jewell Patent flour, can alwars be had at the store ef Chas. . Putnam. The bebt flour iu the valley. Final Proof Notices. Land Otic mt Bloominston Neb. Mircb. 29. 160. Xuticn is hereby siren that the iollowing cataoi tattler has filed notiea of hi intention to make final proof in uiurt of hU cUitn. dJ secure final entry thereof, before the clerk of court oi Webiter couuty. Nebr.. at the count? peat, on -Saturday the lit liy of Jay. l&S'J. vis: AlnnioTobin.on bomtstead entry N. 10G2. for the uutu-eatt i, Aoc 4. town 4, north of ranee 11 weat. nd natnrs tho fullotriuz .u his witnersM to prove continuous refidnnee upun and cultivation of said tract, viz: Peter II. bailor, Charles Churchill. William Suhour ant William 0. Cox. all of Wells, Webster county. Nebr. aprltpr2 ri. W. SWITZEK. Itegisttr. Land Office at Kloominzton. Xcb.. March 29. "SO. Notice is herby given that the following named settler has Cled notice of his intention to niak final oroof In support of bis claim, and secure Cnr.l entry thereof before the clerk of court of Webster county. Neb., -t tbe county seat, on Friday. April 30th, ISaO. vis: Samuel L. Milner. on homeftead entry num ber 8U3S. for the south-wot 'A. Sec. 3. town 4. north ofntuge II wot, aud nauio tbo following as his witnesu. to prove continuous residence upon and cultivation of (aid tract, ii: Mosfs .V. Wilson. David Fotz. .lohn W. r tt. and Sturifeon Kcrsbner, all of Clovtrtou, iVebster county. Nebraska, aprlapr- S. W. SWITZEK. Register. Land Office at Hlootnington Neb. Aarch 29. IS 0. Notice is hereby g.ven that tho following named settler has filed notice f his inteutiou to wako final proof in support of bis claim, and se cure final entry thereof, before James A. 'ful lers, clerk of the court of Webster county, at hisoffice in Ked ClouJ. May 1st. 1Sj0, vi Kenute Kenutezen. on huuie.lead entry num ber 3331. for tbe cast . north-wen Jf. and west A. north-cast 'i. "eo. 11, town 3, north of range II west, and names tho fo lotting as his wit nesses, to prove continuous residence upon and cultivation of said tract, viz: Henry J-arerty. Chester W. Fuller, Moses C. Williambon. and David b'vu, all of Uatin. Webster county. Neb. aprlapr29 S. W. SWITZER. Ktgister. Laud Office at Zfloomington Nub. March , tSSO. Notice is bcro'.y siven that the foUowicg named settler ban filed notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of his claim, und secure final entry thereof, btforn James A. Tul leys, clerk of tbe court oi Helter county. t his oflieo in Red Cloud, on My 11th. iaS'j. viz: 'Joono W. ttise, on homestead entry nuiubor 1222. for the south weUji. Seo. 30. town 2. norm of range 12 west, and nam tho following us his witnesses, to prove continuous rcsidenco upon and eultivition said tract, riz: Chester Dake. John KUb, Allen T. Ayers and Nathan Glick, alt of Rivcrton, Franklin county. Nebr. arlnprJ3 S. XV. Switzsr. Keititer. Land Office at Bloomington Neb Mar.'iJtb.lSSO. Notice is hereby given thht the Mlowinii named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof be-fore James A. l'ul leys. clerk of court in Webaler connty at his of fire in ReJ Cloud Neb., on Saturday, May 3d lhSO. viz; Washington W. Harvey. H'd No 4357. for the north-west quarthr of section '2 twp '1 rDge 12 west, and namos the fnllawiog as hia witnesses to prove continuous resideoce on and cultiva tion of said tract, viz: Ezra II. Jones. Charles lluntcr. Willinm A. Reck and Wtllium Wilson, all of Inavale Neb. oprljpriJ S. W- SWITZEK. Register. Land Office at Iiloomington Neb. Jar. 25th 18S0. Notice is herehy rivon that the following named settler ha filed notice ofhis intention to make final proof in support nf his claim, and ecure final entry thereof before Jamcr A. Tul ley s. eler of the court in Webster county at his office in Red Cloud Neb., on Monday .May 3d, 1S5P. viz. Ernst Miller, of Rlue Hill Neb. H'd applica tion 1731, for the northeist'soc. It town 4 range 10 west, and names the following aa bis witness es to prove continuous residence on nd cultiva tion of said tract, viz: Ott" Jlosenten. George Qtn. Fredrick Weichart and William Kort. ill of Uluo IlilINeb. aprUprJO S. W. Ewitzkr. Register. Land Office at bloomington Neb. Mxt. 23d. IS90. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler hits filed notice of his intention . make final pro if in supportof his claim, and se cure finnl entry there if. before James A.Tulleys Clerk of the Court of Webster county, at hb off ice in Kid Clond Neb., on April VCd. 1W.V Chester L- Hrocktr.in. H'd ipplication 2999, for tbe west half of the soatheast quarter and west half northeast quarter of sectiou 22 town 2 range 12 west, and names the following as his witnesses to prove continuous residensc paand cultivation oi said tract, viz: George W. Knight AlbortO Hnlc. Abfaloa N.Day. Ezra it. Jones all of Inavale, Nebr, . inar25apr22 S. W. SWITZER. Register. Land Office at Bloomington. Nob. Mar. ISth. "80 Notice is 'hereby given that the following name-1 settler hare filed notice of int ntiou to make final proof in support of bis claim and secure final entry therrof before the Register or Keccivtr ofthU. S. Land OfiJce at Hloom inaton Neb.. on iVonday. April 2G. 1S. George U. Spr nger for t be S XA N E and If li S WW sec. 22 town, 4 range 12 went, and ?tia ihn fnllnwiui- nc lii wittinrar. tIk: Ji&meii Alexander. Robert Tharp. Aloiio Tobin aad Albert ll.sprmgor ajioi wens r.v jd. niar23apr22 i. W. SWITZEB. Rejuter. Land Office at Bloomington, Neb. March 15. 1SS0 Notice is beby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aad secure final entry thereof before Jatn-a A. Tol lers clerk of the court in Webster county, at his office in lied Cloud, Neb., on the 17th day of April. IS). Isaiah Heitsxan. of Guide Rock. Neb.. Home stead No. 1379. for the south-west quarter, north west quarter west, southwest quaitex. and south east quarter, south-wen quarter, sestion IV, town 3, range 9 west, and names the following as his witnesses, viz: Shadrach Croxton. John Far nier. Christopher C. Bennett and Jacob Jtfoaia. all of Cowles, Nebraska. marlSaplo S. W. SWITZER. Register. Land Office at Bloomington Neb. March I5.1SS0. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has Gled notice of his intention to make final proof jo support ofhis claim, aad secure final entry thereof be fort.- tho K-.gisteer or iteceiver at th U. S. land office in Blooming ton Neb , on the 20th day of nril. 1330. Jaoob schunh, of I'lno Hill. Nebr., Homestead JVo.3743.fur the northwest quarter- sect on 34. town 1. range 10, west, and names the following a his witnesses, viz: GotlUb Arndt. Frederick Daak. Henry Neihaireand Fred Ncbal. mil of Blue Hill. Neb. S. W. SWITZER. Register. marlSapr!5 Land Office at Bloomingtoa Neb.-Marck Its. 1S. Notice is her by gives that the following named settler has file-1 aotice of his iateatioa to Iktake final proof ia support of his ciaiat. aad secure final entry therecf. proof to be m4o be fore Jaa.es .VT Tollers. Cieik of the Court of Webster conaty, 'at bis office, in ItJ Clond. Neb., ou the 3rd day of ApiillSW. Thomas Vaughn, ilomesteid Kerry Ne. 2367, for tbe north-eest qiurter. sretioa 9. town I. range 12 west, aad name the following aa his witnesses, vc Joeiah C Holcomb, Thomas Keanoiy. .aguat ners:sa aad Joseph W. Joaea, all of Scott. uVcbrtskA- sar.lapr.lf S.W.SVrrZR.Beaister. LaadOfiee at Bloomiagtoa Nea-Marca IslSew. '- Notice is hereby givea that the tellewiag aaated settler ha aled,aoti of hia iateatiaa to aukeinal oioofin rayyort of his elaisa, aad earaaaal entry thereof, before Jaaaea A. TaJ leTs, Clerk ef tbe Coart of Webster eoaaty. at kU oalce, ia Bed aoad. NeK. April 3rd. 18W. WHliaai a Beasa, Homestead AppiieaUec. No. 1193. for aorth-eaat quarter. teeUoa 3d. taws 2. raage II west, aad aasaee the followiag aa his wttae aea. vix: Agata W. Holmgraia, Heary tXSeMt.AivahT.KedaadTawuJ.Wricar. aJlorRo4CIoai.Neh. . aur.laatlf S. W. SWTTZK1U Ragfetar. X0T2CI 10 TSACSMf, Natieckharear givea. that Twill axaauaa all ) aawaaauyaastra to eftar tkeawetve aa aajiwiiataa far taaaaetg f tha ariaury ar mmw sakasls at Wc4mUt esaatr. ar Bad Cia am taa int Satariay ia tka mmtksmt Faaraary. Mar Aaawt ami. Neajaaarr At sslaaMiU aa tka Int Saturday ia tka asMis al JaaaaiT. AariL Jair am October. At Oaiaa Kaak a the fin Safearaay ia tha.asaathi at Xaiea. Jaaa: eiaaf atearaaA Deeemaec A. A. I'ore. Ceaaty Svreriattaicat of TaMic Isjtractjsa Para Jara Cofea at Rosr'a. Wall paptt in great Tcriety at Browa'a. Har jo aeea tho a aew hats as4 cag at Slooa 4 CallesJer'a. baiim aaitt aad aaderwear jut re ceived, at Mm. Lata. Uradqaartrn for Iit, ItoeaeU aad farcy Goods, at Mrs. McBride'. Cat Loaf 8aar, a jpk&dij article, for aale at KoaY'ei. Wjadow tbades aBd fixtarr, at Browa'g furoitare store. Doo't be bcbToJ ia atjle, but buy yoor bxta of Mrr. McBrkle. A full BHort merit of Califoraia caaaed fruit, at Uoar'ti. Go aad e tbo finlnck offurnitate at Browa'a, before purchasing; elxwberc. Evaporated appUw; tbe bat in tbe market. Try tbetu. For sale at Roby's. Cboioe roods aioe freab aai tiew, at Mr. .MoBride'5. Go and aee good, and pricej, before buyi-j, at Browu'g furututo aad wall paper store. Cook'a Farorile Tomato, always on baud, at Hour's. New dres gooU! New upriog etylea of prit.il New drei ginchaujs, at Mooo k Calleoder'H. Chas. E. Hutoato has a patent dried Uef eutter in hit store, and parties who purchase dried 'beef caa bavo it already sliced, Mr. Montgomery regularly deabj out fresh milk to the inhabitants of Bed Cloud. Milk delirtred every day, Sun day. not excepted. .Mocha w'offee, the le.t grade of jrreen coffee ever brought to Bed Cloud. To be had only at BouY'ti. Tama 4a T On gooil fsrra". in- ittUUCy UU iJUaUsumsofCZCOaQd. upward, straight 10 per cent. No Commit loa. It. H. Cooithd, at the Court House. Sxt Dastistry. II. A. Biard will bo in hU office, frnra tho firH to tbe 7tb, of each mouth. Office next door to tho Bank. Bed Cloud. 23 tC m Anyone lonkiug for choice article in tbe grocery Hoc, need look no farther then Bobt's Rtore. fur he always Lcep tre heft of everything, ia the shape of Groceries. CROWZST! Not tho Crown of Kings nor tbo Crown of Glory, but the Crown Sewing Machine, the lutes, and best niachiue in tho Mar ket, it will pay you to call at tbo Pot Office and oec it before you purchase! For Sale by M. B. McNtrr. No Good Preaching. No uian can do do a good job of work, preach a good sermon, try a law suit well, doctor a patient or write a good article when ho fe:N miserable and dull, with .'lucaioh brain aud unsteady nerve; and none should make tho attempt in Mich a condition when it can bu mi easily and cheaply removed by a little Hop . Bittern H-Q-y-E-Y T-dlrO-A-lM Money fo provo up with on final re ceipt, or on deeded land at S per. cent. andl-62 per. ceM coinmis-'on, or at straight 10 per. cent no com in is ion. .Tno. B. Willcox. Office next door to CntEK offica. 30tf Secure the Shadow ere the Substance Fades. All who arc desirous of having pic tures of themselves .r of their friends or littleones". are respectfully informed that MrttfT.o. Pryee it Ewing are now ready to lake Phntncraphft. Ferrotypes Ac, in the highest stylo of the art. "Also copying and enlarging. Gallery, .-econd door north of Chief office, Bed Cloud. Neb. 30tf I'HVriE & EVINU. Be Wise and Happy. Ifyou will xtop all your extravagant at'd wrong notions in doctorinz yoarself and families with expensive doctor or humbug cure-alls that do harm always, aod u.o only nature's simp'e reuiedies for all your ailments you will be wie, well and happy, and rave groat expect. The greatest remedy fbr thi. the great, wise and good will tell yon, h Hop Bit ters rely on it. Seo another column. s v m o i B H tS I g si & 3 s eg I 1 s GD CTrop, Cheap, Cheep! CHEAP. Ls CllEAP. ImToiions CHEAP. j CHEAP. tekwii 113' & Boys BOOTS St sitn, CkJ. - Hats & Cjaps CHEAP. Ladies & Chilclrens Furs in great variety, cheap. LOTS OF OTEEE TEDT&S Cheap. GKOCKRIES, grwaria, GIOCEKIES Chrp. Cktmf. AT Tux CoiTiier Store J. If . Shcrttit Flouk & Feed STORE, CHAS. E. PUTKAX, Prop. DEALTR IX FLOUR. FEED Cara.Xral.Braa Cayf4 rt-dd GROC1IRIES, Vt.lt tas RJCIa4 Onccrr. Fl aaJ Pr TUion ttraaa7a wateiplio fw iaa or bst. ltlgBMtsaarkat rk la rasa r-al far grala Alt kiads at caatrr ptaiat Uka aa gaaag forgoc4. 0U 4tUrrt4 ta all svUvftvti rro ofcaarga. Stora vmia cf lUai's Flow Ytun. red Cloud, NEBrbSXA. DE- SHEERER. Ftoprictcr of tho City Drug Store, iSD saaiai tsi DrugSt Medicines. Paints Oils and Varnishes. A full supply of LAMPS. LAMP 8IIDH9, IFICKS, COMBS, BBUSUE3 4c. Patronage soIiciuJ and taaakfally'rwcrtrel. PrcfripUoBS carsfulljr eomrurnIvl'a One door wuth ofGarber' store, BED CUUD NEB. Veni Vidi Vici! MARVELOU3LY Cheap Goods ! Are now to bo bad at Yeiser's Bazaar, come now whise fie 13 sell- 1NG OIT. Gloves. Hosiery. Collars, ShirU, Hoot R XobccoM9 CigarM, PAPHB3, kc, kc flc defies Competition. R. Da YEISER, BED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. First dour south of Argus offier. KFoon & Callender NEW GOODS! New Goods! We havo added largely to our DBY GOODS Mock, and are selling at the lowest cash price. Wo keep constantly ou hand a full ktock of Groceries, Bool 4b Slioejfa ataV Vp, OrngN, Medicine, Oil Taruinliesa PjiiniM Ctc. ALSO HARDWAIIE&HARNESS Fixtures. Oire ut a call, we show our goods with pleasure. Respectfully, lloon & Callender. COfLE9 - KBB Nimble Six-pence. Geo.W. Dow, -DEALER IN- Groceries & Confectioneries, Choke Tea. Coica Sugar Ae. White Pish L Kackerel. Oreaa. Dried aI Caaaed Fraiti- Tka WH To bacco and Cigar - Flottr as 1 ! eea aaatlr on haad. Kgrs. Batur aad Wood Taken in Payment. Ererjtaiac warraatad to a aa rrarcfttad. GIV MSA CALL asdl vQldoTvasTood. 1st daor sorta of argw efise. Red Cloud, - Neb. HOLCOMB BROS. Sttief iSASWSSS afallkiad. Jkar sa.1 CHEAP Ut CA3M. a4 V Lava ari wfcat ram vaat, Ia jaar ttaramiVUT wUHsttit. CALL ON THEM 0aWartafWs,aJXr.OCCeKt RED'CLOUD. NEfi 3aaf ijg&ljm Mf ftHL laj Bp?l. At amJPBBBBBfsBaaC 1 W tat sbbUbbbjbbbbbWBT VL S -cU U aeorUlc to At )f Cearaa. ta Mm ram I all. Cft tr a t,3 riflt of tl LitrrUa f Cirr W.. F. .H CORE Jeweler Red Cloud, Neb. JOHN C. -PEALEU IN DRY GOODS. Z- Groceries, Queensware, and Spring and Summer Clothing, " -AliiO- 1 Inrse Ut ! BOOTM St CAPf ie me a call, crery thine ld at Red CloucL - I a m .? a -a 2. ta. ta - T . a. lisK' - x.r-a - c 1 " . n f sir,- -.:& Kxri ??, 3 Us Mils c ?5r B?ff . a zj - w fHfr - .S. .3- ? 11. Mtxaa. 9 Miner DimUrt In . . a a b t m m,09 saf iy-ns TrllZ-iJt-il CiI?i 251" S 1 H .-" r-t: r m .. m ERCHANDI8E. VI i l WvkMPMKftaGllr oa hauda fall kkf G I DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, 4c. j 9 Clothing. h I Pl'iitrft Caxs. I 6- Boofcs.? Glassware, Queens ware and$ CROCKERY. I v t 0r l ,Wc buy our goods for casm, $and defv competition. When 6 V in t--Mifr irtt. ttc r.l V in town give us a c. 'OaaaW Soatk aftaa PaUOJUa. I Red Cloud, $ 1980. P nlllwICIIv I 18SO. We call your attention to the Largest, Best, and Cheapest Stock of Agricultural machinery, In the Republican Valley. Years of experience in the trade, has taught us the wants of the Farmers of this great AGRICULTURAL STATE. Convinced that in your Success lies the interest of all, we offer you the best products of Eastern Manufacturers. Drills, Seeder's, Corn Plows with Seeder attach- m ments, Sulky Plows, Stirring and Breaking Plows, Marsh Harvester, Whitney Marsh Binder, the best machine in the market, Randolph Header, Newton Wagon, Buggies, and all kind of Wa aliaH saua mm --- a - k- . sa. ... a.Ms...waa at. sf RED CLOUD, - iKflN fSi, POTTER, kUt Ac, 4c. BOTfOM I'rtco fur CASH. J C- POTTER 3Sobvafelc. m f--r 7 - m a . - -w ba a safaaal W tJ k-: 5 - ? Z - ? c t. Si S?F7 o m aaaasaa a ar w aa a t e WSawSfJM 'JUL! J. L. Miata. T Bros. 1 all Had of . 1 5 1 r 4tt. ,. V 9 - I?. 1 5 BBaafirrBa! sAalvlll. J - .- m L.. . , J.U.. j!-- . . . I Bmvmiwnvi - mtmi -s.s.a r B taa tka lata at at aa Cat nan aavGaa. OttwawaaalL - -- - U Paataaarw. AJf r "- Nebraska. A f n w an i i? rf P .i k3 1 '" vj - - -.-f ' -. p.i : t