rUe- 4' fe ,'- u .if irtft't Bl - X. IMS - Jf Wtfff' s -, ..war- T--i-c-kiw. .- . . rl-Pv ; .4; i JOB WCKBJv. J rpr?n rr.nnnr.Hii?i? The Red Cloud Chief. ; UBLIflIF.D EYEUT TUUIU5DAY AT sis cisot, ke3assa. r M. I- THOMAS, i '"Eternal Vigilance i the price of Liberty." arf$l..r)0 a year it lie price of the Red Cluutl Chief. 1 X aa. aW nr nJKUM 3B.kT. 7SSUS:-- $1.5Si jctr if jaidis Adratct, VOL. VII. RED CLOUD, WKBSTERCO. NKBRASKA.THt KSDAY. APRIL 1, ISSO. ; ki ?; x5w. &. 5 a- -rVV9 -1 -4 -- " - 1 j It V- R. R- Time Table. Takicc effect Sunday. Mr r tth 1879- ohTt. h V,iua 7:0 7:0'. fi :.V 0:10 5 :K 5 :2S 5 zlOsxa. -'.;r,tn HAFT! NO'. C:V7 YIt r f.:48 i-LUKHILL 7 v. KK CLOI'D 6 31 KAVAl.i: Jrt 1UVKKTON 9:10 VKASKMS j .vDm I1I.h.MIUTO Trains dully, el cept KuDiUy- A. E. Touralin. O. W. Hot dredge t.'co. niaosgnr. suj- - go EAST VIA THE Ciieigo I Ml - Tiiln Kail-way- 2, 380 MILES OF ROAD. Itia tbcSHOKT mi re auJJ-AFE rtiUte Letween Council Bluffs CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE and ull .oint LAST aud NOKTH. Netr Ycrfc, Philadelphia, Scsica, Wash- laatca, Snffalo, Pittsburgh, Cicdnn.ii, Hatred, Tcrcato, Ictrcit, Cleivo- land, Colzatu:. It ofJori tle liartlir.g niblio Greater Facilities! AND More Advantages Tbun any utber ruad in tho wrt. ItistrmtLVLY UOAD between Council ItliikTrf and Chicago Upon which ii ran PULLMAN HOTEL CARS I Id ydriitiou to tin c and to please all rinr.i'.of traveler-, it re FlHSr C ASS .MIMLbat iu LA'llNC S 1 ATIONS. at .V) cento cflih. 7 Its Tract ia Steel Sail! Its coaches aro the Finest 1 Its Equipment First class J Iu trains nro all luired with Tritli airbrake. V, Miller' '" uilern! and all modem iwj.rov- mvuu! allofwbich comlined. Ftrrait Fastest Srecedl Stre and close Ccaaecticrs I And ever tbinj: h jiiicmciT can Ueire to in.ikua. jouruoy f QUICK Pleasant k CO-MFOlirABLK! a Pullman Sleepers on all Night Train. ! IT IS Til K People's Favorite Route. At Council IHulft the Ibrouch Train of the ChiCHC .t North-Western anci the Union Ha eiflie Ilailwaji depart from. mm eat ind use tuo iixuc joint Liiion Ditwt. m fr If ynu vtMi the but travelms: accomnio'lationF W t M ,i lnr Tur !i.-ket(- by tbib Htute tTAnd ' WlLli TA Sft NON E OTil EH. K Ticket Ageaw caa sell yea Thrrogh Tickets Tin this Head aad check ureal BagEige Free of Charge. - Omaha Ticet 'rtrrp 1324 Vainain Street, Cur. 1-Jtli. mid nt 1'nivu IWiGc Jei"t. rouueil 1 lut'r 'licUet Otlierf-Cur. Hrodwiiy and - Pcirl -treeti". '- A N.-W . K'y l)i-K-t. and I'nion Pacific Twuilcr Ir ot. .... Denver Otlire-ln Colowdo Ctutral and Lmon 4 t'a-ific TieK"t Offu-e. . .. 4 76an FiA-jcisio Otruc 2 iw Montgomery St. For it formation, folder, maps. UC n..t ol A tainab'e at H.irc TicK.t Officii, atdrtsa auy " " scent of the Cumpany. or 1LE7IN EUSHITT, W. H. STTSSHSIT, Gin"l Jlanacer, tnT l'aw. Ancnt Chicaco. III. nJTaS BEATS THE ' Aitiiiv"y-f mm m . " 1$ 'WB AVCIPPSGRSCOCS CAriS AND LLVER3.AND SL'BSTITUTIKSTHEREFOI AN ENTIRELY NEW J!EC5iAN!CALPRUJClPLEiMGVTMENT.AP.AD!C.L IJRCYEMNTSCEMVrASlASC:-lWK!fKSi?il)BAiI AUTK.TlCJ)iR37r 4 FERFKTACnOKK DWYrpAi, N.'JFRiCTiOfiKGNOiSt.NOWEAR.HO'TANTRUr'.S riOHGETTlNGCUTOFCRDL,?..,JAVAYSP,y.IfYTO SCWTllEriKESTCKEAV!L3TK'3u3. QY1KC ENTIRE SAT!SfACTlCH.J3l0f(aTAlKOSAHQiMEHTRa,JIRED EVtRYKaiKETEIlKSnSOSi SIWT SECURES IM KtCLATESAlES.wajCETHE BEST M'XHIKE IK ANTS TO Sat. SLS5 FCR ILiUSTPJIED CinSiUUl AGENTS TAVLRYfoFGCO. WANTED T 8!2,l Miles' Patent Safety Pin Al Mj'c finiii the ltil ira "prhig uirc, With a. complete ami tcif-ct loi th: point, iu the hapc of a iojiiJ !ncli. toimcd trutn nrei dia-4, the !iii!ebcii; Aitkel rltteii and handsomely tinKhed. This Piu i a ffrfxt CM and th: bett in iitt Ktlitt. We alMjcmirol th; s,.V of CALK'S I'ilEJT " HAT 1U C01T IIOOX. 1 ik HooU -ire made - from the bct wcd- Inm Wne, fiaUencd.wilh paiiib. bArbeJ. "flicy iic easily dttvca anr gne excellent suisficiiun vhete they arc in i-e. We arc the cclus!vc ntaiiufactuierof lite a1o"s named Pmnd Htand Coai Hock. Correipondence solicited. y BOrHLEPOinEOTKiCC, 1o r:u iKru 'ST.. w Twk rity. mEIt BROTHERS, HEAl'QUARTKRS FOR SHis.Mkrisu '! SEWING 3IAC1IISES. &?&&& -xis v tift i BUSINESS DIRECTORY. O. C. CASE, ATTOltNKY AT LAW. Office oa doui north-of Garbc'a ttore. SSS CLOTS, 2TEB Oollcclion mdc nd promptly remitted j."sTgilham, ATIOHNKV AND COUxNSELOK AT LAW. Office one ilnor north of Kaley J) rot. RED CLOUD, - - - NEB W. C. REILLY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND HEAL BbTAT AOEZT. Red Cloud. Nab. Proiopt Attention Oiven to Cotlectioni. nr',,c- with C. IU POTILR. at 1UA Cloud Drug Store - Edwin C. Hawley. A TTOBNEY AND COUNSELOR Ar LAW. Oflicft over Farley's Drug Store. e2d l'lottd - eb- James Laird, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT UW JUMATA, Sin- VTill rraetice in all the- Court of the State. Promrtatteution nhen to all bnrinMf entrusted to hn care, Oftice on tb ct tde Jnlta Avenue. JI1 11.8. Lai XV. (L w. , Rtd Cloud. Neb J. L. IvALvy. JHoouiifiirton. Nebraska. KALEY BROS., A TT0RNEV3 AT LAW i REAL ESTATE - AdENTS. Will practice in all the ConrU in Nebraska and northern Kani; collection? promptly at tended to aud correijnd ente FoljcitcU. IiED CLOUD. Kocrasia. A lo. AcenU for B. A M. R. D. Landi. iT W. TCLLEYS, HOWKEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Pension Surgeon. tSrOmcK over Kaloy Bro". law office. EED CLOUE. 1'EERASEA ELBERT A. II ALL HI. D. Physician&Surgeon, HEI) CLOUD, NEIL Having loeated permanently at this pJmpp. I uill attend to nil ealL. dy or nifiht. OBirc lor the present at KKrlc'idi uk -tore: at night at his reiaenco over Newhounc g btoro. AJ.niJ jTlfl. inOSEKA. Ml. D. ELECTIC- Physician and Surgeon, Rr.D CLOUD. NEIL Will pay -pecial atientinn to Ohntetriea and lifcai of m omen-Also itcneral awl "I""' surucry. Di-res of the Ejc and Lar. J modtrate. 0 Jice. tor tho prcdentat thorers Drug St. re. -Cil? VALLEY HOUSE, F C3.W1WTOM, o. HED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. Firt Class in every respcet. Free 'bus to and from all train. Sample roouu for coinmorctal men. Give us jl trial. W. . Richardson. S. Qarber. Richardson & Garter, -DEALERS IN LIVE STOCK RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. Highest market price p.iid for hogt and cattle. J. K.Aitk S. C.Strn M.H.THnm8o. Tres. First Nat. fash. First Late Tt Her Firtt Bank. Heatrice Nat.Rauk Nat. .Dank Beat- iJeb. RcuiricoNeb. ruoNeb. m BrorsftMompHonf BANKERS, ECED CLlll, HKU, "Will make collections in ocy part of the United States Sell exchange upoa the princt pal eastern oitie"-Loan n:oney upon iinproved fartnu Rcceiiedei.O' its subject to ?utht drafts Allow interest upen time deposits, und traua uct a general tanking busine. Rkkebekcks: Omahi National Rank. A. S. Paddnek.lL .b fcenlm: First National Bank New York. Caui'rilBc Valley National Rank, Cumbrit'se New Yor. EMIGHBROS. MEATMARKET BED CLOUD, NEB. Thr choicest of Fresh meats. Pare. Fowlcai.d cvcrjthirj: in the line that tho mar ket affords, alwaj on hand. 43' Shop two doora -uUi of Sherer's urnB store. G. H. POTTER, PROrUlETOR RED CLOUD Drug Store, And Staler In Drugs, Medicines Paints, OILS g VARNISHES. All roods in my Line kepi constantly on hacd: and to vrhii'h I invito tho uttcntiun ot the public arAJimy oit tnemto and as many new oneJ as choote to do so. arc inr:ted to call. jaul O. H POTTER. Feed Safe Stable, J. D. Post, Prop.-RED CLOUD. MGAMR0BR1UE PORTA BLE FARM SCALE , GRAIN DEALERS. FAfcKJES Woo! Grower and all persons wishing a cheap, accu rate Seal. Mad fcy . pcrienc 4 Scaie rnakvra. COKVEHIENT. CHEAP. CORRECT. cf tne beet TuitriaL vn-h Stcl bvanrgt. Simpfe in ccnstructn. No partrf t !UbS to E out o! erticr. Soid at lt tiwn KaJ the pnea ofaay oll-.t ccaU. Liberal tfiducarnaat to Aisri. Serfl ct Circular ard Pr LH to J. E. WOOOHCtX,. Gtn AgKit. 38 Y. Jib.,:icn Sveet. Owa. USgRY i FOR FARM ERS, VI AtaENTS u wi UTr n i THE CHIEF. M. L. THOMAS. EDITOR. THUIISDAY AP1UL 1st, 1S80. Major Ulno'h enteoce of dismiI from the United State military service took effect April fir.L NoitTn Carolina "ends two colored delegated to tho Chicjgu Natioual Cou ventiou, Loth Sherman men. S?ZZ0H IY OZKSSAL 02A1TT. Galveston, March 25: At tbo ban quel, laFt night, in response to the toa-t, 'Geo. Grant, our honored guest. Grea ter armies than Napoleon's have inarched at his command, and greater glories than trow us have been hu-," Gen. Grant re plied as follows Gfintlemen of Galvc.ton: I am very much obliged to ono and all of you for the very kind reception which I have ro- ceived at our hand, aud at the hand of all citizens of this city. I aurc you that it affbrd-4 me very great pleasure to be here on this occasion, and to sec to tu..oy of you. It waa my fortune more thau one-third of a century ago, to visit Texas as hecond Lieutenant, and I have been with those who went into the con flict which was to settle the boundary of Texas, I am glad to come back now on this occasion to behold the territory which ia an empire in itbelf, and larger than many-of the empires of Europe, I wiih for the people of Texas, a I do fur the people of the entire South, that they may go on developing their resources and be come great and powciful, and in their prospeiity, as your worthy Mayor ex pressed it, that there may be do boundary between the North and the South. (Chceriug.) I am sure wo will ail be bap pitr aud much more prosperous when the day comes that there will be no ill feeling. Let any American who can travel abro.d as I have doue, and with the opportunity of witnessing what u there seen, that I have had, aud he will return to America an American aud a better citizen than he was when he went away. (Loud cheering.) He will teturu more in love with hit own country. Far be it from me to find fault with any of the European Governments. I was well icceivcd at their hatnta on every side, by evciy nation iu Europe., But with their dense population and their worn soil it takes a great deal of government to enable the people to get from tho soil a buru subsistence. Here we have rich virgin soil, with room enough for all of U3 to expand and live with the use of very little government. I do hope that wo lon may be able to get ulong happily and contented without being too much governed. CUB WASHINGTON LETT S3, Wasuincton, D. C. ) March 22th, 1880 j General Hawley, who has just re igned his position as assistant secretary of the Treasury, has gone home to Illinois. He feels very confideut of his nomination fur governor of that state by the republican!?, and I find that tho opinion it quite gen cral that he is far ahead of all competi tors. The geuoral is a very popular mm perona!!y, aud it is supposed can receive a vote larger than belongs strictly to the republicans of his state. Don Cameron is said to have received another astonisher in the result of the Rhode Island republican convention, which selected a solid Blaine delegation to Chicago. He has loudly declared that Blaine would not have the entire delega tion from any state except Maine, and this lather up.-cts his calculations. The uews from other New England States is equally discouraging to him. It ha been noticed lately, by the way, that he has been going to Senator Blaine a good deal, and it is naturally tturmi-ted that be is making ready to abandon tho third term boom for whatever shall promise success. Blaine's friends are highly elated at these things. The claue in the appropriation bill re lating to federal election officers does not appear to satisfy cither pirty. and a strong effort will be made to defeat it in the Senate. The republicans ridicule Gar field a good deal for having, a they say, stepped into the trap prepared for him by the democrats, and endorsing the cause. He finally retreated but not iu time to save himself from much aaaoying criticism. General Grant's frientU are more and more nervous at the attitude of Washburn in this presidential fight. Washburn has declared himself for Grant and Bot for himself. "But bay, these Grant wu, cver body knows that Watubara never was for anybody but himsalf, what be is sp to is to cut Gnat's throat, aad cobble up the spoils, aad we doa't waat any of Washbaro. The rsalr J, Kfcp! n h. . Wnnn i i.. .i , j first clasri literature aad about Jt0 illas biUer quarrel between tho Grant aad j dmrbly executed, together Waehbara factions. . w-uh B handrt-ae colored frontispiece The star mate lobbyists are aot happy j Happy Days." The price oia stogie yetbya lon way. Tkey expected J ""J 2M,S 1K If61 8 Mn..r. p j . n t . , scnptioo, $3; sn moatbs, fl.50. Ai captareCongTeaadsetall they asked, j dn Fni' jy, paww,- noose, bat they are destmed to bitter dissapoiat-J 53, 55 aad 57 Park Plkce. New York. neat. Before this affair ia through t with? . T. T . 7T , the i)l L n- ; . M si.i - - -w asayvvwe ajp vcij eMdJIMUIV light. The post-oSoe oficials are not over and above happy at the manner of. their treatraeat by the Healers, and thevl feel that they have bsen tabbed sererely by Congress, Knox. s?A7 curnsi Crelo charges $3 hecsfo for a "drr." Bainbridgc, Hoilau county, waats a physician. A colony from the dast will settle north of AleZAddrU. Ice took the Fremont bridge down the Platte on the 15th. A car load of colored settlcra have gone into Buffalo county. The Mate papers art indulging in plca.i ant politic! coniroTerie. Frontier county is settling up at the rate often fauiilie.t por day. Two ntvr potttEcs in CuL;r couuty, Muriuo and Bound Gruve. Then are twenty-three patients in the blind aoyluiu at Nebraska Citli. The Iii-h rclttf fund ball in Lincoln, on St. Fatnck'a night, netted $205. A 'JS inch vein of'cosl b being operated on Four Milu, Bichardaon county. Tho annual fair of the Clay county agri cultural society will be held Sept. fc-10. Lumber for the new Harlun county court huuje h now on the nay from Chicago. Tho Republican Valley railroad will enlarge their depot at Orleans waking tt 130 feet long. Alma expects to soon havo completed the best postuthue building in oputh western Ncbra-ka. Ir U reported that the B. & M. will lay " " Nuclolla county uuttl after the j spring assesmeut Genoa, Nince county, expects to have railroad communication with the outside world by thj first of April. A deaf mute wis knocked off the track at Highland, and his escape, which was the oeuond tiuie, wii quite miraculous. Sutton is agitated over the question of w. ether to continue its urgauizatiop as a city or go back to village organixalion. A reward of $2,000 has been offered for the apprehension of the fiends who burned the Dawsou Mills no man Ljaihuim church. Ilev. J. W. Greenwood of New York state, eiilers unoii hu labor as rector of the Episcopal parish at Gtaud Islaud aud liar-ling April IS. Instead of giving up work in the West Poiut paper mill, more business thau ever be lore will bo doue, new machiuety having been ordered. There are no delinquent taxes on real estate in Frankin enmity. A Burlington, la., firm paid $1,200 for all tho certiti cates, representing 3U0 lots of laud. Tho first child born in Fullerton, Nanco couuty, is to Mr. and Mrs. B. D Slaugh ter, which ii a little interesting from the tact tlmt Slaughter ie the supiivisor of census. The bridge over the Platto at Central City i? Cnished Already the depot is completed and with connection the B. & M. should put ou that through passenger train. Columbus had a rensatiun over the elopement tf Ctiarlie' wife with a iravehug horse-doctor, oho came back alter the bpeli wai broken, but Charlie refused to capitulate. The fina ladies' horticultural society iu this part of thu e mntry at any rate found ed in bruukhn county, is in a prosperous condittou aud much interest is beiug mututcsted iu it. The county commirwioners of Cuming, Stanton, Wayne, tierce, Madison and Antelope counties will ueet at Stanton ou the 23 J inst., to take steps towards encouraging immigration to the E.kburu Valley. The Liucoln Globe comp'ained that the school boys carry concealed weapons, and whip out a revolver by way of clinchiug au argument One yuucg follow dic.v a revolver ia u has ball game last wee. There is a man liviu near Jamestown, Dakota, who Sv-ut his lime girl four miles turougn a biiuuing euow sioiiu to uuy l.itu ten cents won h of stuuKing tobacco, a few days ago. Wheu she arrived in town she was nearly frozeu to death, and had to bo carried home by one cf the kind lieurieu cttizeus. Advocate, Sl Paul: Of late a number of reports have been circulated to the effect that the Union Pacific wan about to abandon work on the new road to this place, and would pay the forfeit of $10. UJO. It had the effect to cause some to cease work for the lime; but the renewed vigor of the company iu establishing the roadbed duriug the last few days, xud the arrival of the engineers and ctintrac.o'ri at this end of the mad has dt-pelled the delusion. Building is going ou as briskly as ever, and the transfers of real estate are frequent, and at good prices. Frank Leslie's Fwalar lisathly. Tho April number of this admirable magazine comes to us vry richly freight ed; the coutents are invariably brilliant in the literary ami artistic departments, but in the present one are even more so tbsn usual. "The New Irish movement," by N. Kobinson. gives a clear insight as to the political upheavals whi h have led to Obsruction" aud the agitation for a "Peasant Proprietory.'' The article is profusely illustrated. "Shetches of High land Character" treats of Sheep Farming and Drovers. ''Gentleman George." by Alfred II. Guernsey, is an article of great interest, especially in refennce to the times of Georze the Fourth of Engund, the trial of Queen Caroline, etc., etc Among the numerous illustrations are protraits of George and the Queen, Prin cess Charlotte, Mrs. Ftuherbest, Lord Chancellor Eldno, and of the coutrse! who were engaged in the celebrated tritl of the Queen. There are a variety of articles nighty aieriiorious any aaasually interesting; stories, sketches, etc , by Etta W. Pierce, Eleanor Graotnan, ) Edward Greey, Frank Leslie and other popular waters. There are poems by Bret Harte, G. A. Davis, A. Alphonso Dayton, eto. There is. ia fact, anaban daBce of good things which will prove to the reader a source of the highest erati Dcation, enteruiaoaeot aad instruction ! ' aumber couUins 128 aaarto pages of j iUABjubd .Tiarco itn, oy er. j. a. DixoB, at the residence of the brides father. Mr. Sahlon Points, of Nes county, rxaiwaa, to m Zuieika To- &" of Weaker coanty,r Nab. ; Simscciw for the CuiB, tie best lo- eal paper ia tho Valley. PF.OUDFIT & HARSH, OCNKKAL DEALEX.S IN HARDWARE " AND s TOVES. Galde Rck, Kteothlo: anally kept la a Ctntlt4 Hardware Store- come and sec us as we will not be under sold. F. NEWHOUSE i -DEJLKR IN- DRY - GOODS, GROCERIES, AND NOTIONS, Red Cloud, - Nebraska The public generally are requested to call and examine my goodj and prices, as a r-haro of the patronage is r-olicttcd. 3r Store, first door oorth of Mosb er'b meal market. 14-2G F. NKW HOUSE. SAM'L GARBER DEaLLR IN Dry Goods and Groceries. IIOOT& and MJIOEt Hats Caps. & lit aily Made Clothing! We have the Largest Stock in the Valley and will not be undersold. GIVE US A CALL. ONE k ALL. Sam'l Garbei-9 lied Cioud Web, CHICAGO Lumber Yard 1&E2 CX.O iUD, Neb. Yard fcouth of Hampton & ?al ston'. shop, on Main street. Keep contaatly on hand an ajtortmtnt of l.arobcr. Itlk, Hhluslra. Iera W'ln duMR.LIme llstlr OHtrat. IMwatcr MtillUlBia; Payer e. PLATT & FREES COME For Your LUMBER! DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. TSS UR8T 1$ THB MAEKT Sltl S La west Price -KY- mm& & fflftsiB 9 REOCL0U3 NEB. fh 6. mwi DtlLIE IS douse riJkNTs, rLowEa pots, WISE STANDS iiC NICE and CHOICE articles a specialty. Next the 'old Co art Hoate.' Wefeter St. KED CLOUD, NEB. PKOV4KB4 "The Richest Blood. Swecest Breath knd Firct Skia ia Hop Bitter." A hale Hop Ditters fives bi doo or bills and tone nwkaesi" "That iavalid wife, tarther, sister or hi id eta be atadethe picture of health With Hop Bitten." When worn down aas ready tw take hraar bed, Ho Bitters U what you M." Doo't physic aad physic fir it weak im and oestreya, bat take Hop Btttters hat bail! ao eoaf iutnliy. "Physieuaai of all ehoN Bse aad re-) jouitusuJ Hop Bitters. Trt thru." "lieallh w Leaaty aad.y Hop oit- Icera xire health aad beauty. ' T.aere are aiare, cares aiade wita Bay Bitten thaa al other awdiciaea." naea the aram wearied the laerrs uastraaa;, the aausclas weak, ase Hop Bitters." Taatbw, aerroas fever, waat of Weep aad weakaaaa, caBs for Hop Sit- - . lffCati Cera tmiFiLilelief if Katt ua, fare aai&sav. ro& SAixsr R. B.SHERKR, lv-r-l Bxb Cisa. ya. FARMERS LOOK HERE! IF YOU WANT FARM MACHINERY, RKMKMBER THAT MITCHELL AIND Havo Just Received tho Largest STOCK OF FARM MACHINERY EVER BEOUGHT TO THE EEPUBLICAN VALLEY. B WaL I 4 I & H 11 m .raaaaaaaawL H .BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaraTBEZaWBl V VI'Baeaaw . .aYar Yfl .a.taaaw awl t V SlalEaBBVaJBaaBBaBBBBBa' .aWCSk i ft tnau aVaWaVaVaaaVaVaaBaa i v H ilr HHl tatBeaTetaX I i;i Hi i lVilaav ljaf l ISh a a aM aWaW " aBalBam.C W f'aaalTaaaaawaTTaa aWBaaaaaaaaaBWlaaBMnaV V. J jBAliB4aeareaHBBjBK t fai 3 xaBIB& 'ta. w9aaaVaallllBMB!BWaBBaSlBa SULKEY PLOWS. Stirring Plows, Breaking Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Corn Planters, Check Rows, AND HAY RAKES. .And Also The Celebrated Champion Reaper and Mower. A LARGE SUPPLY OF And the Largest Lot of SKEU? AND ME1VY HABPITABE, And Everything else usually kept in a HARDWARE STORE. MITCHELL MORHART, RED CLOUD, - Nebraska. MORHART, Tlnwatf, : nun. m. m. a frvtjcv. jTccal and Instrumtntil Mu$le O. A. BROWN, plALMl I PARLOU. UEDKOO.M and Kitchen PQBOTruay IkACKKTS, CUROMOS91 Picture Fiuvmils. Mattressks. 1tc. COFFINS Uay Kl 4 trtatevd on hott ntw. PPICK . LOW a. t.r ! Ue tlly M-rtepaiimj ""n bihI l tp rapt. j aad atllctqty. VKD CLOUD. - NHII. SAXSET ilS ErSTAUlaUTT. A. l.nMlerback, PrHr. DkALfctt IN ALL MU Or CANNKP .OD Hit PITH, KUW. CONKKdlONKUY. KtC 7Z1Z2 :a-ir. r:::. cixr:, txj Km. Warta .Mm! at ail hour. "Z$ oebtf. fair Kit Iv-11 OYSUUIS Uyio hafrl. cbUr tret, w Aoar aonth f Ka!f Hro law cthc. RKD CLOL'D. - - NKM. FOUlffD at XmABT ! tiu: Adjustatlo Rocking Chair. IX (HA.(! Fjoui a SEVIKG CHAIR W3 THUDIES CRAOLR rep the BABY: For S!e in WUuraal KraakUa ticao.Mr ur G. A 1JROWN, rf KZ3 e7 Harness Shop -nv J. L. MILL avep conuriUr na aatr'l a idl ita Ilann.. Collar, S4.Mfc, Whip. Hore Hiatiket. Cofftlw, ItriMfc el, IIarao Oil and fy thtn nanaliy krpt Id a firt-eia- 'hop Two doir ftoilh of th lank. naSIxbML Cms trln Pali asl ran. to Hm t r-h fV tt a4 -r .! MMltlv pr-f. f rrtt. J Mail- m al wr" f ' mm i a a a j afri t rW H mmtm frJ mWt WpH a r yrafat gat W 4 fm a 4 utt. faaiaaiT r Zt wr -KM-HiTt fr4 M.f l Oil 1. OT Cm9 . Vl . am wfl . fw Tm4M t fVVtil. Mf . mrv il w r trf M a aBBw ha.L . nL ai m yt i iiwii mw t ar i- t !- -fA t - .I ..4 Jk t. liHr La. W4 1ii. ur tnmJK t rrtt tml 4 'f Ti hi. ata-aaalTa lNv1 er.' tr . i.-rra rn--rJTI.r5l,tlJ,l. -4 at a V. a k7 v( irmmrT' -- A. U mW Ii It r. CLTX ;wtfutrni. 5i wa tm, Vm4 Ttv is W4 vMrol f-KH KbUk CM-. 1 1 f. SOLD BY DmUOOIITl V M.T't aCirtU MlWiCfoii Ummttjt 4 a- arf Ttalaw. ib. hIi. tnarTialWai at tu-w ' r a aao, ryw Tn.f'ii,m (f,aM i. fr rMM ata jt'iyri.jjtrt.,f . f7fi4pMv(tMiOTrtM,MMr.aa wwlaiiinw ryWtrIMiHn Milr'f)aUH a. an ' i.MtiM)iaitfaKiiiiiaii t vol aiT wcaxriva cw- ilM DraM(. 7-J-fy mtkttt. tmCUH nut. Ml HISS RJCSCa." JtoTnaila, XftWaraat. AtJC IfY aWCWaaviaeaa0 tPV WrV IIA JwaWlaifinajfo aw . Thaa w ircnaati aaiaa.W J rtiaig,aaiiiaVWa1taMiaOtiti T( 5 shwt; wwawaa W f eaap arawwx"w j- 4 . Br. 9 T- - . 'rva WMaaaai fKiEfv jv aa a a W a lrei wt f- f'ff T i4"' J-rt-J. a - U i'nii S'w -4 )nir Uh -By am aV?aVHr " ' mWmWG "jBftmJ " rr tmWTmm J?t "'lf aB JU jBVnfB aa aMaBaBaal ""' -waa Bm0 f ap aaaaaaaaWaaV aBVSjaTB BSrftaBp BB)B; BBBjp UmmmWEmmmmJSammmi XmKWmMmWSSmWCmmmlmfl1 SmmmMmw T aVaaaVatafiiJBa" 1 " K BBaaaBV& -ar-. V. k-. Slv. 'kfwaJE, - - -'-.. ..f tt- fc .35" rtC?: