fesaeeBaegegagaaaEa, -vw-i,,...,. , fct --. v wwpjiewwi: I'l'wuuwjwiiijii. iul iikuniiu wmwHfmmm i -"F"-e?s, l.D fu - -- -BSr i THE CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS. 1lc i liolc graph cnilery looincth up. We arc rerinuMy contctnplaliug c.uildirp a t-hed to lire in. Plenty of ij.nr.cre in iovrn last Satur day, and lninfsfi was bik. We did a tig job oP print in: for ll tcvrn of Superior, last week. J. R. Willcci ha purchased a new fire-proof fafe fur his office. Mr. J. W. Hull renew hi faith in the Cuikf for the year to come. The farmers have been bringing hogs to market pretty lively of late. F. n. Gore has corofortably estab Jit-lied hiimelf in hi new quarter?. The CmiF enjoyed a call from Hev A. Welln, ofSlillwatcr. last Saturday. Olof Hull'? troupe ia coming to Hed Cloud in April. Be ready for the fun. Look cut for Mitchell & Morhart'p mammoth "cd" io the Chikf next week. Wolf, carote end wild cat scalps nro worth 2 00 each in Nuckolls rouutj'. Some hores and other stock were rold at auction en the street last Satur d-y. Mr. L. N. VAt-ciT), of Cowlep, favored ns vritli a call, and omc cash, last Mon day. Sheriff Warrro has pnrchacd the Naxwell property and will lake possession boon. Mr. Mosher, we understand, has fold his meet market to parties who re side at Kherton. Hon. E. K. Valentine has. to use the Ftcrcnlyrcd phrase, our thanks for valuable public document?. Mrs. Joseph Burr of Elm creek, died last Tue-day morning after a two weeks illnes-, of typhoid Pneumonia. We understand that Ike Hurcmcl, Jim, turned book npent, and will can vis for the "Foot Print of Time." A protracted meeting has been in progress at C'owles, for the last two vecks. There has been many converts, We learn that a prairie fire up on the head of Elm creek la-t Friday, did con ridcrnblc damage to the j roperty of the widow Peck. A peddler of cheap (and worthier) ood.-, held forth on the street several days of last week, and took in a multitude of quarters Wo publiwh elsewhere the indebted ness of Webster county, as correctly as it can be arrived at without a general in vestigation. Steps are being taken by certain parties, and arrangements made for build Tng a brick block ou the corner north of the Chief office. A protracted meeting has been in progress since ln-t Sunday, under the management of Iev. Jlecd, of Omaha, and our local clergymen. Mrs. Perkins, wife of onr esteemed townsman, Mr. e. Pcitin?, lias been absent for the last two weeks, on a visit to her daughter in Denver. Uncle Jake Uenneckcr moved to his farm last Saturday. II h three years johidence in Red Cloud has beea a dis astrous one to him, financially. The Board of County Commissioner "was in session last Monday, and Tuesday. We understand they have been giving county offairs a general overhauling. Those persons who are desirous that Chas. Kaley shuu'd resign the office of County Judge will no doubt feel badly wheu they Cud that he proposes to stick toil. Will Reilly has, during the- short time he has been practicing lawr built up a practice that will compare fuvoratly with that of many an older deciple of Elackstonc. Mr. Alonzo Blakeslcy ofSmith Co., Kansas, one of the old pioneers of this valley, and a valued subscriber to the Chief, spent a few minutes in our sanctum hst Saturday. The Meeting at the Court House is Brill- going on wkh unabated interest. Rev. J. W. Bead preaching every night, to large and attentive congregations. He will remain in Red Cloud until after Sun day. A street musician paraded the streets last week followed by the usual crowd of boys. The music he dealt out was, of course heavenly. He left the town in his tisual good health, no- one Kemiog to have a sufficient regard for the feelings of the people, to shoot him. The floating indebtedness of Webster county is only$lS,354, arid the bonded indebtedness of the county is only $63, 400. Total indebtedness of Webster county, only $81,654. This does not in clude the building of the bridges at Guide Rock and Inavale, a a special tax has been bvied to-pay for them. It does ns good to call the attention of our readers to a first class grocery Ftorc Such a one as is kept by Perkins & Mitchell on the corner south of Miner's. 1 hey keep a good class of goods in their line, everything the freshest and best that the market affords, and sell at rea coaable figures. Give them a call. We learn that a breach of prMiiee puit will spread; its ghastly aid harrowing details before the March tens of the District Court in Red Cloud. We have rjot the Banes of the parties, but one of our fair damsels desires $5,000" from her former lovers kind of an offset for her wasted love, and lacerated feelings. Mr; Olof Bull, the great Swedish Tiolinist Composer, who has created such a furore by his wonderful imitative and creative genius in his now famous Mocking Bird Solo, renders tbc Most dif ficult selections from the old masters with admirable grace and ease. "Pos sessed of fine presence and graceful Etage action, asd resting ap the most finished ajwlasd exhaustive technique of the in frtnmeat, bis playing is broadened and ..weliawei mi baaatifaUy shaded by a iau4 woaderfally intelligent and ncuaativo 7tt ml tbe tfewne eonuiu" Fatal Shooting Scrape. A idiooting affair accurcd in Blooming ton lajt Saturday which resulted fatally to Mr. Wm. Kich.ird-on, an employe of the railroad company, and a nephew of W. N. RicrUrJson of tliw place. The particular") as we arc able to father them are alwit a- follow: One Charles Wilkinson, employed a runner for one oflho hot:ls at BJooming toc ahked Mr. Uichardson to go with him to a restaurant to get seme oyster, and while there, being under the influence of liquor became engaged in a quarrel with the proprietor and en-led by stabbing him in the back, inflicting a slight wound. He then went to the hotel and procured his revolver and started back to "clean nut" the restaurant. On the way he oiet ilichnrdbon, who told him that the place was closed and he could not gain aduiittar.ee, he then scccecd Uichardson of treating him shab.ly and declared (flat unle-H he would get down upon his knees and beg liis pardon he would shoot him This, Richardson refused to do, where- upon Wilkinson drew his revolver and Henry Ltie'd eulogy on the life of Wash fired five shots, four of which took effect ioirton. in the body of young Richardson, from the effects of which he died in a short time. The marshal of Blonmkgton, who witnessed the shooting, procured a shot gun and followed Wilkinson to the hotel where he captured him. He wa taken to Lincoln for safe keeping lust Monday. The remains of William Richardson were brought to Red Cloud last Monday morning and interred in the cemetery on Ivst Monday. The funeral exercises were conducted by Rer. Pryse. Settlers en Ccvemacat laais, Homesteaders and others who have not yet proved up on their claims should re member that the new rulings require that they shall advertise at lean four-witnesses who are'not relatives of the party proving up, and that the time and place of mak ing proof shall atao be stated in the notice. This, it ii claimed, is for the purpose of giviug parties who may have adverse claims on the land a chance to appear and present their claims. Those who wish to prove up can have their ap plication papers made out at the Chief office, free of charge, an we always, keep a supply of blanks on band for this pur pose, and as the editor of this paper is Notary Public, the affidavit does not cost anything, thus 2o cents is saved to each one who publishes his final proof notice in the Chief. EAI1TPALL IN N2BHASSA. We give below a bhort sketch from I'rVof. Aunhey's work on the increasing rainfall and its cause:, as it is a subject that deserves the attention of our farmers, and should be studi-'d by them. We are prepared to t-ay from pergonal observation duringa residence of the last fourteen years in this state, that wc fully believe the facts as set down by Mr. Aughey in the following article, He says that Western Nebraska, which has been and still is to a degree lacking in the moisture of atmosphere and soil required for suc cessful agriculture, may reasonably ex pect a plentiful annual supply of rainfall in the near future. To illustrate, the average rainfall from 1S5P- to 1SC9 was 30 inches per year at Lincoln, the capital of tho state; 25 at Kearney, '20 at North Platte and 16 near the westesn boundary. The average rainfall for the next decade 1SG9 to 1S79 was encouraging, there being an average Sill of Zo inches at Lincoln, 32 at Kearney, 26 at North Platte and 17 near the "western border linn. That the reader may understand how much rain is required for the ordinary fues of tho husbandman, it is interesting to note that, according to tho "researches of Arago, the city of Paris has an aver age annual rainfall of 20 inches. As further proof of increasing rainfall in Nebraska, Prof. Aughey gives a record of 150 living springs that have made their appearance iu tho last ten- years where they were never known before; the ap pearance of streams of water in old creek beds, where it apparently had not been flowing for ages; the- increasing size of the rivers ot the state, the changing vegetation, the retreating of buffalo grass westward, and usurpation of grasses in digenous to moister climates. He like wUe points out an inerease in the spon tancous groth of t'mbcr. Whilo all these changes are the result of an increased moisture in climatic conditions, they also tend to still further attract the rains of the heavens and increase the annual supply. Different theories prevail as to the causes that are producing an increase of rainfall along the frontier of the far west. One is that the region is now in a stage of increasing moisture on account of a natural liw which seemingly rotates over great periods giving maximum and mini mumeras to the moisture of certain great belts of cduntry. Professor Aughey says that western America passed through many such revolutions during the later geological ages, and that their causes are well understood when, for example, the region of the plains was dotted with fresh water, lakes, and a moister climate must have pie vailed. It is firmly held by some that the lay ing of iron for railroads, and patiiBg up of telegraph wires, attract rainstorms. Others believe that the atoaosphere con cussions of soring trains and locomotives have much to do with preoepitatiog rain. Still others ckin that tree-planting, and the great increase in the absorptive power of the soil, from cultivation, go far toward this eud. The fact is conduxive that tie moisture belt is extending westward and whether from natural causes otby supernal grace, is most encouraging to all the hopes that aluster about that vast and enterorising host which is pashing its way and carry ing eivOiaatioa and culture into and across the vast doaaaia of the Giant Wert. BiafBiberif you want envelopes, cards, bul heads, letter heads;-note beads, or anything iB our line, you can get it cheap at the Chief office, and have " a Qod .stock .tgeleci from. ' &- raMajn ts m zi. On Saturday lam tho students at the eltct school celebrated Washington's birthday with the following exercises The afternoon sc&ahn of school opened by singing our national hymn "Ameriei." Aficr a few remarks by the priucipa', Gurtie Shercr read an excellent article upon the "Early Day of Washington." Miss Victoria Morton orNecunda, read an original essay, entitled "Washington from his nineteenth year to the time of the Revolutionary War," which was very interesting. Following lhi3, John J. Garbcr ex plained from a map which he had drawn upon the blackboard, the campaigns of Washington during the revolution, giving a masterly and through account of his movements from the time he received his co-umi-nion as ommander in chief of the American forces in 1775 until he resigned it to Congress in 1783. Misb Celia Garber read an extract from an address by Rev. Dr. Putnam, entitled "Career of Waahinton. J ii. UoUworth read an extract from Chas. Ludlow read an extract from Washington's "1'arewcll Address to his Countrymen. " Misj Cordie Shercr read an article, giving the account of the presentation of Washington's sword t the General Gov ernment by Hon. Geo. W. Summers of Virginia. These exercises were well chosen and creditably rendered by the pupils, and as this is the first time in the history of this section of the country, that an observance of this kind has taken plaee, they will long remember it. Such an exercise as this makes us feel that we are part and parcel of the greatrepul lie that Wash ington fought to save, and legislated to preserve, and also teaches us that we have a work to do to keep unsullied the freedom so dearly bought. Tho exercises closed with a poem writ ten by Eiiza Cook, entitled "Washing ton," read by tho principal. Mr. John Lockhart, father-in-law of Mr. Wingfield, arrived from Oakaloosa, Iowa, lust Saturday. He hap disposed of his property back there and brings with him a capital of some $15 000, besides three cir loads of stock a sufficient amount of means to make a man independently rich in a frw years if properly invested. A priutor of Sullivan, says tho Pro gress, recently walked into a certain business house on his rounds, to learn who wanted anything in the way of ad vertisements, and noticed that a drum mer stood by the counter with his values ready to open. "Anything you want to say in the paper this week?" quired the printer of the man behind thu counter. "No," said the business (?) man, "I don't believe in advertising. I would't givo a d n for thff advertising." The drummer waited till the printer was half way to the door, and then slowly taking up the sample valises, remarked: "Well that lets me out. I do not care to sell on time to any one who, hi this age, docs not believe in advertising. I prefer dealing with a live man. When, I want to strike up a trade with a dad man I will go to the grav yard and swap tomb stones. Good day, sir." F. C. Journal Terns cf Court 5th Judicial District Nebraska, Fes 2880. Prrrsuant to provisions of the constitu tion and Statute of theState of Nebraska, I have fixed the time of holding the regu lar terms of the District Court in and for a portion of the ountics comprising the Fifth Judicial District of Nebraska for the year 1880, as follows: In the covnty of Adams, May 3d, Jnue 21st and December 9th. In the county of Buffalo. April 20th, June loth and November 30th. In th e county of Cheyenne, April 6th and October 2Gth. In the county of Dawson, April 27th and November 23d. In the county of Franklin, Narch 2Gth and November 10th. In the county of Furnas, October 5th. In the county of Harlan, March 30th and November 16th, In the county of Kearney, May 25th and October 19th. In the county of Keith. June 1st. In the county of Lincoln, April 13th and October 29th. In the covwty of Phelps, May 23th. In the county of Red Willow, October 7th-. In the-county of Sherman, Oct. 13th. Iu the county of Webster, March 23d, June 29th and Nov. 4th. Terms of Court will be called in cither or all the other counties in the district when the people thereof, through their commissioners desire, of which due notice will be given. Counsel are requested to prepare their cases in vaca tion, jurors and parties to be promptly in attendant on the court, as unnecessary delays in disposition of causes will not be tolerated. William Gaslin, Jr., Judge. January 1st, 18SO. Deatktrj. II. A. Biard will be in his office, from the first to the 7th, and from the 15th, to the 23d, of each month. Office neat door to the Baak, Red Cloud. 23 tf. The "Boss" 5 cent cigar has ooae at last. Roby has it. tf Go to W. B. Rohy's for the best syrup in town Pure Sugar Goods, tf W. B. Roby has just opened the choicest etock of Candies and Confec tionery that ever came to- Bad Cloud. Choice caramels &c. tf Svsm and galas far Salev lhe Mderagsed baa tor eale a gootf span of youag amies, also ooa gooa ax year old are. chert trae will be gives on a pertioa of the jriee of the animals. For teraa Jcc, call at ay raidesce aear the depot. Bust Dkwxll, 26tf Bad Ckmd, Neb. a4 larbi A'jnvavAaw --W rridc Leslie's Pep! KVAlj fcr Kitti The opening article in this comber is an exceedingly interesting one on the lifi and genius of the late Frank Lohe, by Kiclurd H. Kimball. ., There air ten ad mirable illustration, with a portrait tf the deceased. TLcre arc dr.criptiv articles of "Mantria: of the 'Bleikeller, or Vaull of tho Doui Kirrln." under the Church of St. Peter, Bremen; a very vivid description of the exploration of the Austrian? in Ka:ei Kraux Jocf'a Land, and the escape lrnurit, etc. Henry Harton linker htj. an excellent article on "The OI J Tavern Life in Kngland," de scribing the haunts or old time celebri ties "Dairy Farming in America" is elaborately treated by A. S. Fuller; and Robert James Mann, M. D., F. IL I. S , has a profusely illustrated article "Why the Wind Blows,' which is replete with highly interesting information. The de partment of fiction U more than usually excellent. The aerial "Not Guilty," by Etu W. Herce, i continued, and there are i hort stories by the author of "That 1139 o' Lowric John iJiibcrr, Walter I Kugar .McUdun, Kieanor Kirk, oua Che nutwood, and oth;r celebrated writen. There are poctna of great merit, several of them beauiifull illu-tritcd. There it a very abundant miselliny embracing a lare variety of subjects, and afforuing a vast amount of instruction and enter tai'iment. No better and cheapar ma gazine i pnblulicd, or one more decrv injf of the extensive patrontge bestowed upon it. There are 128 quarto page, over 1U0 embellishments, with a beautiful colored frontispiece, 'Nature's Own Missor." Single copies only 25 cents each; the annual subscription, 3, sent postpaid, Address. Frank Lcslio'd Pub lishing House, 53, 55 aud 57 Park Place. Now York. Canned cranberries, soniethini: new, all ready for table us. nnd it takes. Sold only by Pertins ,V Mitnhell. Money to LoanJi!rflSssiBd upward, nraijht 10 per cent. No Coniraiiinn. D. S. Cooubs. at the Court House. Sit Bring in your hen fruit and butter, riiifhet price paid for same at Perkins A Mitchell. Mr. Montgomery regularly deals out frch milk to the inhabitants of Red Cloud. Milk delivered every day, San days not excepted. m i Just Rfceivki A nice lot of wall paper at BrowiH furniture storo. 2 w County warrants and account taken on back subscription at 90 cents on the dollar, at this office. Wp keep on hand, nnd for sale blanks ussd by Notaries Public. all Final Proof Notices. Lanl Office nt I'loominRtnn Nch. Feb. 2X1 lsSO. 'ntic it horclir riven that the follnwinjr name't FPttler ha. filed notice of hi intpntion to innke finnl proof in support of hi clniro. anl ecure final entry thercofilf fore Jamsr a.TmV. leyg. etrrk of the oourt in Wchfter eonnty at hi office in lied Cloud Neb., on tho 27th day of March 1S80. Abnttn Well, for th onth-rjit quarter of ecjin i'l lown.iraree iu west, nnd names the following as bi witnesses, vix: Uarid M. Frn cl. Peter Frrachcr, Adam i'pracher and John lturton. all of Cobles Nebraska. fobi:nr2o H, V. Ewitif.r, Itcirfster. Land Office at liloominRton Neb.Feb.lSlh.18S0. . Notice is hureby given that the following named settler h Clcd notic of hi intention to make final proof in support of hi claim, and re cure final entry thereof icfore James A.TuI leva clerk of court in WoHtcr cunty, at his otlirc in Hcd Cloud Neb., on tho 27th day of March 1S0. Alonzi I. Tobin of Wells Nel'.. for the onth cat (juartcr of section A town 1 rnnxe. 11 west, and names th Aillnwinic as hi witnesses, ix: Chiles Crrirchill. I'cCcr II Sajk-r. irillimfea chorcr and William Cox. all of Wells Neb. lebU'marlS S. W. SWITZKJt. Uei$ter, Land OfBcoat UloouiisKton. N'cb. Feb.14th.18Si). Not'co is he-eby riven that the followine nnmed settler has filed notico of h"n intention to make final proof in support of his claim, nnd xecurc final entry thereof before James A. Tul lcvs dcrltof tho court in Webster county, at hi office in He Cloud Neb., on tbo 30th day of Marcn jssu. Sturgeon Kchner of Clnverton JWs!., fir the northwest quarter of seo ion VC townhip 1 nortb of range 11 vrcst. and naraes the fnlloiring as his vntHees. ix: David Fctz. Moses Wil-jn. Mil nerMercll and Robert Merell. all of I'lovcrton Neb. febl?wirlS X. W.SWIl'ZEIt, Kegister. Land Office at Uloomcngton Neb. Feb. Pth lS'V. Notico is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notico of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and sccwrc final entry thereof hefore James A, Tul leje. county clerk of Webster county Neb., at hi office is Red Cloud on tho 17 tu day of April. 18S0. Shadrach Croxton, for the south 14 northwest f and north J of southwest li of rcctiou4 town 2 range 9 west. and names the following as his witnesses, viz: J oh a Karnier Chrbtopher C. Bennett Isaiah Heiuman and Jacob Monia, all of Cowles Nebraska. febl2marll S-W-SWITZCR. Register. Land Office at Rloomington Neb. Feb. 9th. 1680. Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof before Jame A. rul leys. clerk of court in Webster county at his of fice in Red Cloud Neb., on tho 27th day of March. 13!. Henry Lavcrty. for tho W3N "WJofSec. 13T3R10andEJ$NKSscs.lST3Rllwestand names tho following a hi witnesses, vir: JIo ses O. Williamson Curtis Beal Chester W.fulle er and KenntKcnutson. all of Hatin eb. febl2iuarll S. W. SWITZL'R. Register. Land Office at Stoomington Neb. Feb. 4th. 1S-S0. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support oIIhs claim, and erwnm S..Y- . tTiMir li.fnM fl,n K.irt.fAr or f.eceiver at th U. S. land ofijc in Bloouing- ( ton Neb .on the lflth day of Mareb, ISSi. Jcvsiah C. Holcomb. of Scett, Webster eonnty l Neb. for the south-east quitter of section 101 town 1 range 1- west, and names the following I as his witnesses, tu: Thomas Vaughn William Va'ighn nod Anthony Arneon of colt Nb., and (ieorgo Uarker of Ivarale Neb. febl2marll S. W.SWITZER. Register. Land OBce at Zftsoaiitieton Neb. Feb. 2d. 18S0. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of bis ietentfoetc make final proif in support oJ h'ldaiar. and st emre Snal entry thereof, before James A.Tullers (Tlerk of the Court of Webster county, at his off ice ia Ked Cloud Neb., oa Jfarch 6th. 1S80. Renxo Armstrong, for the soatkwevt tjaartor of section 5 town 4 range 10 wesuand iiaei the following m hit witnewes. rii: William Jaaw. Alexander Janes. Joba Aroold aad Augmt Blumenthall. all of Bfce Hill Nefr. feWmart 8. W. gWITZER, Reciftar. Land Office at UloomiDgton"Neb. Jan. SI, 18 0. Notice is hereby g"Ten that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, aad se care final entry thereuC before JamcsA.Tul leyjrj elerk of tho coart of Webster county, at his cSee in Red Cloud. April 1st. 18S0 Henry A. McCone. for the northwest quarter of section 18 town 2 range 10 west, and names the following as his witnesses, tix: William Hols worth. Richard Tinker, frxnlc Teanaat and Seth Alger, all of Red Cloud. -eb fcbCmaH S, W. SWITZER, Register. Land Ofice at filoomington Neb. Jaa.5118). . Ntice b hereby siren that the follows named settler has filed notice of his intention to csake final proof ia support of his claim, and severe fiaal eatry thereof, before James A.Tal leys. clerk of the coart ot Webster, coaaty. at his office in Red CloaJ. on April 1st, IS38 dward JfsCaBe.for the northeast qaarter of section 13 town 2 raage 10 west, aad names the fctloniofaJ bis witnesses. Tix: WUIiaa Ilols wortb. tUchanl Tinker. Fraak Teaaaat aad Beth Atxer. ail of Red Cload Net). feboaart & W. Se-inaa. Bectoter. K0TIC1 TOTlACBm Notice is hereby girea, that I will eiawlae all persons who may desire to offer itiesaaoiTM m easdidatea for teachers of the priataxy cr eoauoa scaools of Webster eouaty. at Red Cload oa the irst Saturday of each scoarh ax aiaee'doek a.aa.akarp. A-APora. CoSayt. TJ. S. Iuxr Oryicz.1 Blooaiac Nebraska.) Jasia.li C. HoTeotab.liaTiBeo-tkia4aday :f February. A. D. 1888. made alieatio to .perfect sua pre-eiapttoa ae&iaraxory intern eax oa aoatbaaet qaarter ot t acUoa 19 ia towawMc 1 aorta, of rs12.west.ma4ectJM froTiaioof 'the pre-emtfea ot 1841. asxd-.aadisw aa the records or tljat eeaee that Rokect tf. Will iam baa a'so fled a hamwtaert eatry oa um saaietraet, I do kenAr oMjr mud Mitiea- tkatlhaT appoiated tte-lSU dar of Siaeea. I day all parties ia atonal wRl aepear at tim of fice aadjshew caase why tkeaaid Joaiak C Hol- . cemb5iouIiuotbesa:ow.eit-P5rf8Ctkis.coirT. law as a aay oi Beans in me yroBis ya aw& feMZmarU SVSWUZEK. Re?sterfc For the Crowa Jewell Patent Soar, aad all ofhw kisda cf AW and fee!, meal and oat. ard alo fitr plow and harrow, the farmers will find it to their dvantece to call on Cha. K. Potnata before making there purchaa. tf It gr: off into hot cikr. and i all the nsa. Perkin A Mi.chcll'a elf raising buck whet flour. . Mr. John Auhx has secured the j-r- ker, Mr. John Miller, who now do thr ! ""'": i wii caiittuinent. i be it of freb bread, cake.. pe fie , can si way be found at hi bakcray Cull and tee. 1st door wuth of Skerrers drug store. "j ,. Don't forgft that our basket fired Jap. Tea i a rattler, and goc to the right spot every rime. Also that we give pecial bargains in coffee. Perkin A: Mitchell. !.. : . .i.. ..i t. t . . Kyou want a firat diss fi.mr boj of the Bed Cloud mHL, si tber are ninkm I a ficnume article dhVd tfm Crown Jewell raieni, me only patent tlrar now for tule in the Bepublican Valley. They also Oiake other craoes that are first al. Satisfaction given in cutotn work. ITo Good Freachiiig. No man can do do a pood job of work, preach a good tcrinon. try a lw suit well, doctor a patient or write a ood article whenhe feels uiiterable and dull, with sluitiri.-h braiu and unsteady nerve; and none should make the attempt in such a condition when it can be so easily and cheaply removed by a little Hop .Bitters Be Wise and Happy. If3-ouwill stop all your extrnvngant and wronc notions in doctoring yourself l r .?.... :.i. . uuj lamuici wiui exjuin-ive uoctM or humbug cure-aIN thit do lurtu always, and ue only nature's simo e rcincdiea for all your ailment you will be wise, well and happy, and save ureal expen-e. The greatest remedy for this, the treat, wise and pood will rell you, it Hop Hit ters rely on it. Seo another column. Blanks! Blanks!! Blanks!!! The onderMgned keeps on hand and for sale a large supply of blanks uf all kiods, nuch as chattel m.irtgajc, blank deeds, leases power of attorney, mecban ics lien, bills of h-iIc. search wirrant Ac , and all blanks uvd by Justices of the Peace and Notaries Publij Ac . Ac. All blanks sold at Lincoln retail price. The Ciiiep. REMOVAL F. II. (lore has inoicd hi? Jewelry Stoic to tli building formerly ocupied a"- a restaurant, by Mr. Holland, where he will be happy to meet all his old friend and customers, and also as many new onea-as cIioomj to cill. Not the Crown of Kinps nor the Crown of Glory, but the Crown Sewing Machine, the latest, and best machine iu the Mar ket, it will pay you to call at the Post Office and see it before ynn purchase For Sale by M. B. McNrT. Nimble Six-pence. Geo. W. Dow, -DEALKU IN- Groceries & Confectioneries, Choice Teas. Coffee 8ugaric. White Fish & Mackerel. Green, Dried ami Canned Trait. The be't To baccos aud Cigar 4. Flour and meI con tantly on band. Ken. Uutter and Wood Taken in Payment. Everything warranted to be ns represented. rtlVR ME A CALL and I will do you good. let door north ofargui office. Red Cloud, - Nrb. lVoon & Callender NEW GOODS! N ev Goods ! We have added largely to our DRY GOODS Ptock, and aro veiling at tbo lowest cash iricei. We keep constantly on hand a full stock of Groceries, Boots & Shoes, Bats& Cap, Drags, ifledicitieM, Oils Varnishes, Paints 'Etc. ALSO HARDWARE & HARNESS Fixtures. Gire us a call, we show oar goods wkk pleasure. RespectfaVr, 2oon & Callender. GOOD ISETVrS, Quick Tine l Through Trains! Close Connections ! No Delay ! Burlington Route ! To Chicago and The East. Lowesftates of Fare will be made. Throsgh Cars will be ran frota a, & M.Tofntf is Eoatkera sebraska'to Chieago. A ten minnfes cormecrioa will be made at Pa cific Janetioa. AT 'lire AGO close ecnawtioas will always be made to the east, southeast end north. Sleeping ear berths referred at the Liaeolr ticket office by Telegraph or oa application, from Jf'sconn Rirer to Ckioaco. TOST- LOUIS & THE SOUTH. Tko DarliactomreatebaTe a ryitem of thraagh sleepers and close ecaaectiots betweea taer MtsaowcJ Kiver ad St. Loais Fasaesgen taking thk line kate to beat of accommodations. Pallmaa rieepon.raa rea arly from Mrssoari River to fiu Ioaia. LTO 1'EORrA. INDIANAPOLIS, CIN CINNATI, AND THIS- SNUTff.EAST. J9-Tkls is the onlyrelUble roate to te semtH oaat. Ceaaectieaa are ma e it Porta with the T. P. ft W.aadl. a- k W. Eailroad fer Iadiaa ajorai' Cincinnati. Colombo, aad all cnlm tk aoatkera Ohio. Ken jut. soatkern Indusa, SHaUS? CA1S. Gl li at TSctri. Wmeaycmtcat be tare and trsreJ OTer the W. k M.iiae if yea wish to ee 8APB aad jom fortakle and desire Jo trarel spcedQy. Uealmaaazer. GeaT TtJ: TU.t DE- SHARER. Proprietor of the City Drug Store, iia et&ttx i Drugs. Medicines. Paints- Oils and Varnishes. A fall f apply of LAMPS. LAMP &HnKS. iriCK3, CO.MUd, B R USUry ic I'atrosage olictJ and ikmaaf-tUy Trlt4. irr'rrsenptlaas crfnlly eooapo!M!J- One door Kuth of (Jartcr's atorr, RKD CLOb'U NKK. Flour & Feed! o i unt, CHAS. E. PUT1TAM, Prop. DEAilR .N FX.OTJR.li!;!): Corn. Meal, Uran Chotf.el Flu.l I Visit tb Krd ClouJ Orofrr. Fee.! an i Pro I isit too RrdCtouJ Orocry. Yl ant Pro 1 Tisi in store when you want luifllc hr man or bet. llirhratmarkrt prlre in cash pif fer rraln All kinds of country fro-lnce sm tn ricbce for gnods. (JuoOi drliTcrrd to all tarts vf town freo of cbargr. Storo"outh of Reed's Plow Factory. Red Cloud, Nebrask A. IIOLCOMB BROS. Dealers in $3&8WARE. of all kind Thy sll CHEAP fer CASH, sad if they have r?t wht yon want, eae your order and they will fill It. CALL ON THEM . One door nnrtb ofOarber's. and Mr.nOI.CO.MR will wait ou you. apfltt JtKl CLOUD. NRH. Veni Vidi Vici! MARVKLOUSLV Clicap G oods ! Arc now to ho had at Yeiser's Bazaar! COME NOW WIILK UK 13 SKLIs ING OFF. Gloves. Collar . Shirtn. IIooiN Rh- ching- EpinsV TobecoN, Cigar, PAPKItt. Ac., Ac. He defies Conipctition. DOBY2STS' SURE CURE & CATARRH. This siintile and innocent jxroedy has given relief in a very fihnrt time to many ufferinK from this terrible diMiase. Ke lieve.i Neuralgia and Nervous htndachc in a few minutes. t- To Dealers spcciil ra(cj are piven ie the tale or this valuable remedy. R. Da YEISER, RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. First door sooth of Arms effiee. lew Store lew Ssods Iew Prices. Cheap, tteop, Oitcp! Dress Goods CHEAP. CHEAP. Notions CHEAP. f CHEAP. Misses & (Siildrsns Boots, ebeftp. Mens' & Boys" Hats & Caps CHEAP. Ladies & Childrens Furs in great variety, cheap. LOTS OP OTHER THIHGS Cheap. GROCERIE3, gnomes, GROCERIES Cheap, Cheap. At Tuk Corner Store. T. IF Sfherwoe CO' DETHUOIKWmlTIOI w J toe- m msj ! r i m, cr- TT;jiUr Katie !ttin.LMIimr k i. 3 D.Niir .m,mm.mr m I n i ! i m f leMMI 1 .tik ia- t. r h. murvnc w. CrW t ttm. r r Kl -. t- la L' ryT "JJ J Mt' ar4mmFeS, - .vJ h?W' ft V JT- j. M - JM sZ-V " T ?. '-jalrf.r sm nms . L-,R." Jr3 . ie vrvimT roHMr Jn JEEPHY? lS,zM a. m m, a taw r 14 li t vy IVlrYOUR S Jt2c& a. tlll V'ITV. DHtUST ! I T , ' K M- ra v hM-Jno &&)'&. ! esU!.' ej"ULlU,oS 4 " ri fl MM mm Sr-1 accoMicg tw At iHonrMc ta the . os ii. For further information wall F. .H GORE. sfl II W W sf Wc keep on hand at all times, a large atui com plete stock of I I.inl-warc. v o a" " FARMING IMPLEMENTS, Give us a call, as we fed sure uc tan suit vow in quality and price Remember the place, opposite JOHN a ii:vu.n DRY 600 Groceries, Queensware, and Spring and Summer Glolhing. AIM) u A large lot of KOOTN A K IX O KH, tuiL fc ferGir0 mc a csll, errry thm r M at I'Ol IOM flf (,If J C POTTER Red Cloud. - INVbm.'-lc mmmyr 1880. r fi n juf r n o 5 1 ss. 1880. i H II Iwi k ll W a I.WSO. ' We call your attention to the Largest, Hoi, and Cheapest Stock of Agricultural Machinery, Ie the Republican Valley. Years of experience in the trade, has 'taught us the wants of the Farmers of this great AGRICULTURAL STATK. Convinced that in your Success lies the inticregt of all, we offer you the best product! of Eastern Manufacturers. Drills, Seeder's, Corn Plows with Seeder attach- , ments, Sullcy Plows, Stirring and Breaking Plows, Marsh Harvester, Whitney Marsh Hinder, the best machine in the (3 market, Randolph Header, Newton Wagon, Buggies, and all kind of FAEM MA.CI-ITTJ3RY. Wc jhall tpsrc no cflforts to a'Jvaoc! the STABLER, DEI3HER & CO, RED CLOUD, - - Nebraska j. estey & jmMBBBBPTBr'Vs?'??-- aSmmmv9 ammmmmmmmmmmlmmaP9BJP,BWWMPMmtasm.f fJ mmmmnJsmf mmm&sMfs3&st9mmmmmmmmlHmmVMaAmBe ?F Ksll F A B3TjW!sJi tTI& mmmmmWki ymmmmmmmmbmmmmmmt VmX myEJr 'VJ'L-fc-mt.-J,-',5(' JmPSm "mmOmmm?jJjft BRAnLEBORO. VT. Oar xjcr Grssaz, cr?rcly dssisiicfl for Scrufsy Sc2ioot dt?el3 ctc Ia proving a. X!c sure t cil faar TaJl dniZcriptlra CatiilHre TmGms! $ pnrcbnslusr -T other. THE U8SBT W& (uF M BID &W HUB 2rME2 r ISKJM Cx3& V" N: V ' V wy , f n - fmj a .a.st U I a V-FJU?Vr r3 V ii I ". I t VT 'Vi . . . ir. 71 J S . . J-,-sw- a. rA v . s; A rWCT: iAB?Vrfctv. WW"'U Ji fe CL1" :" J" .lA l P 1 tr 171, kr tt, t A t tr' " r -. 4i V on Jeweler. Red Cloud, ffeb. 11 J I W O- a U r v t i lMVTf Jt'9 the Chicf Oflicc. 'wi.- Red Cloud Neb FOTTE 5 in nrysz swajjmy jsjsms- nei me a n , es sn as. I in wm - ar rei si amei i ai Ini-rr rf oar CxnlQatr. sm&m. u i 2 mi"' inr tu . -t m 4 1 . if i --- I'P'S . .- "fLrj! -- 3-rr . -V-, E.ffSV i.',aKt JA . yie &I.ftfcVV.