The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 26, 1880, Image 3

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    -aaaaaaaaaaaa-aaw 11
a. u thojus, mbiMitr.
I made n grave fardoad Lnc to lie In,
And I duir it deep In il jrray lilac, ,
With tni- bot it lor uiml to nl;li In,
or bird-to make Ming in through blithe
When I M retched myself on tins grat in
s-rttH-. ,
iroiHt'inlMiring Ixivc nnd how XHir ,
l ot.,rd;iyiKiiMncd tin-thought c: the mor -
Tin- lilnnV morrow,
MiouM 1m,
In which no Love
I rrliij-
'0 Ine' thou wert lull of
And pomp and dominion but yoterday,
"i -l thy Miec nitt kind and thlno cjeawnro
Hut all, now all lias lR-n Uiken away.
1 ai e, iuit thou hear?"
inoiind mil v.
Uut the wind
Only, tin- gnii on Ijvc's grave was
In tho tre. above mo i-uue. faint and oftly.
One .-ad little biight-yed, iinmuted bird.
Tho tiligltt MX I lay and wt-pt tlifr
And dew dropictl idlouil, wetting my
AIoiKMtiy ditnr vigil I Vvl thvn;
mi tins moon uroe m nur juaciu sniic
And tin air wa clmnniKl with her huncdlc
Ami my leolati hoart a oothcd and
With .not tom'diitu' iirediction;
1 wn !-wIdjtily all the nir was thrilled.
Awl I Ix-fafM, Ih tho moonlight tsnd,T,
A pnuiie more bright, and my blood
ttirm-d ilr
l"or inw .-tood Im e.w ith lncui-c of splen
dor. And my heart was made one with ray
luftrt' iliJte.
1'hilip Haurle Martton, in the JiuIejirntletU.
m a
Of all ye toothcome Vjmlli and Drinke
In J'e simmIi- Newe Kngbtnd Sttt-.
To Ibete if yin all i ; lluuw ife's I'ye
"it alive oi - PniiipkyniK! make-;
Aft vellou , litiMo
Yt liiiKgrown OMe,
And of Fin or, m Ulelie iind IJ.iyre,
None other Meale
Yt Mamie doth Kate
Wyth yo Pninpkynno can CiniMiro.
Ye tlnkee Cm-te, welle Scalloped rotinde
i' orkeoI je Kayii'Mayd'-" hand
Doth -how Itt-elf about ye'lMge;
A Crj-peand I.u-elout ilaiide;
Wheinie lit 1
I laugh' til line
And I am lyke to Crye,
I hit mil for e Fnilt '
llurrah tor e Cooke
Ami IlMrrah for ye I'liiiipkynne rye!"
tlttrtUtte, in the llniclrxjc
The red ro-e -av-, " He Mneet."
AlMl the my bid-, " i:s pine."
The hardy. Irae ehoaiulieinuiii,
" l! jKitient and endure."
The violet whl-prr-, "(live.
Nor gniditf urn eount the eo-t,"
Th" woodbine, K-ep m blo?-oming
In fcplte of chill and fm-t."
And - eHfh gniciou- flower
Han each a eral word.
Which, lead together, makctli up
Thome-MKeof the lird.
, l'folh1ij(,in Christian Uiivm.
.Jem Blake had been shot dead in his !
own doorway by Antonio Oueldo, and j
the trial wa? to come on ilircctlv.
The extraordinary interest in the f- j
fair wa h"s due to the murder and its t
peculiar circumstatiees, than to the fact j
j- peculiar circumstances, uiau io mc inc. idii. v.-oc 1 1n. Iirf iviin tri.'il ?it Son '
Saba iii any more formal court than the j
time-honored inMiliitioii of Judge j
r Lneh. Jem had been aipiict man and t
a good neighbor, with a hand alwas '
ready to help any one who was out of j
lu k, o public sentiment ran pretty
high against Antonio. If the general j
inclination had been followed as up jluix, directly opposite the caudle-box-to
that time it always had the last- on tae other, where Antonio sat. She
named gentleman wouiu nave iounu ;
very scant opportunity to make any re-
marks m hi-, own behalf. However,
things were advancing at San Saba as
well as vUcuherc, and it wouldn't do to
hang Antonio without a regular trial, ;
no matter how agreeable such a pro-
jr eding might be to the people at large.
N ran tne opinion expressed m .imige
lVolado, wiioe ideas on suen miojccus i
were usually accepted without comment.
eertheles, there was more than one
di-Muiter in the present instance, to i
k w horn it w:is by no means clear that ;
there eoutd be any sense or pront in
thus beatinr about the bush. I
Ef Antonio's goin ter be hung, why
in don't we hang him?"
This was the pertinent query of Jake .
Smith, the leader of the opposing fae-
tion, and his view of the question put it j
in so clear a light that the Judge had i
great difficulty in impressing people
with his conviction. He said that
things had gone on in an irregular way
long enough, and here was a chance to
start the law in properly, and give it a ,
f tir show. Besides, it didn't make any
kind of difference: Antonio had shot
Jem, hadn't he? W ell, then what w:is
the use of talking? All the jury would
ka to do now was to return their ver- ,
diet of guilty in the first degree, ami
there von were all comfortable. It w:ts ,
ju-t the same thing in the end exactly
I tell yer," said the Judge, who felt
.1 tt.. .-!.:.. .:.! -11.,.:. .U
Hie eini 01 "is line, uiutu inc smuc
w:is altogether one of courtesy; " 1 tell
ver there's nothin' like doin' a thing
reg'lar: partikcrlally when yer know
ust how it s comin1 out. '
er ,t i,im,', ,,nnn( .,..,.t
i..."i.:. ;i ?., ,.i r;,.,.J;nJi.;... o.
Uy 1112 mini. v - va. iu. 4 -?iii iia" ui f p.
in favor of more
Civilized '
r.:..,..l-t'tb..i tb.i ,.,tt n.i u ,.-.,e ; '
-., VJ.ilin
eided' that Antonio Gueldo should be '
tried before he was hanged.
As there was no place specially
arranged for such ceremonies, Judge
1).1.1.iiti llMClltlb!Y- rffll-rtil tVin 11.1 nt
1 14U1IUU .r,i. , vuviiii 111b UU VI
his shed. I Iere a rough table and chair
were placed for the Judge, the other
try furniture, intended to repre-
i" ilmdr tbf .if'lrw! nt.. li.iinrr
. . . . .
sent the
eked out with boxes from
Silas Baggett's
. ?
grocery store.
Jake Smith looked on at these prep
arations for a time with frowning dis
content, and then strolled down the
road, turning
the lane that led to
reached the door of
1 ? -1 ... ,
Wake's. When he reac
the shantv he leaned against the jamb
find noted his naked head inside, fan-
niug himself in an embarrassed way
ywitn his greasy fragment of a hat. He
.Jhad come there with
the intention of
aying somethinr, but
nmde him forjret it.
the sight within
Blake's widow sat there, as she had , go by the evidence, an' that don't need
sat pretty much all the time since the j any explainin'. Ef you kin make out
murder, 'staring straight before her, with j accordin' to that, that Antonio Gueldo
her chin iu her palm. The sunlight , killed Jem Blake, why, just recollect,
" struck through the foliage of the red , that's what yer here fur."
t Uiak trees that grew before the door, and I T&e JQIT filed out, and the expectant
checkered with flickering brightness the ' audience occupied itself with tobacco
floor and the cradle where Jem's baby , and whispered comments,
was sleeping. There it was, just as ft Jake Smith fidgeted about on his box,
had been three days ago ; (could it be " and cast anxious glances through the
only three days?) just as it had been open door, towards the clump of nopals
when she went out that morning to look I where the Jury were deliberating,
after the drying clothes, and left him I Antonio talk'ed and laughed in an un-
istandipr in the door by the cradle, j dertone with his counsel, and Blake's
how rond he was of the baby!) just as widow sat staring at them with com
it was when she heard the crack of the pressed lips, and a strong expression of
pistol, and ran in with an awful sense determination coming into her face,
of suffocating fright; just the same as- It wasn't long before the jury filed in
she naa touna nun lying upon the sra-
die, dabbling its white linen with his
blood, and tne baby playing with his
fiair. She screamed once, the first and
last complaint anyone had heard her
make; then she was quiet and helpful
through it all; when the men came and
lifted nim up ; when they laid him out
upon the rough bed in the other room;
when they carried him to his grave, she
following with the baby in her arms.
iTake Smith was trying to find the
link missing in his thoughts; he sniffed
with perplexity or something and
Blake's widow looked up without speak
ing. Jake nodded pleasantly four or
five times.
," Jooty chipper? " asked he.
Blake's widow smiled sadly, bent over
the sleeping child and smoothed the
clothes with a tender touch.
"Thev'rc agoin tcr try him in a
court," "lake went on, "an I don't be
lieve "
"Try who Antonio?" She turned
towaru the burly figure in the door
with a flash of interest in her black
" " Yes. The Judge is makin' a court
out of his shed. I hone it'll turn out
all right, but it seems like gmn7 that
Mexican devil a chance he oughtn't tcr
J have.'
" He can't get clear, can he? " she
I ,, i.j ti. ,.ii .rnntlp iml
askexl, rocking the cradle gently and
naumjr tne coverieu
" I don't mjc how, but he's eot some
kind of a law cuss to speak for him a
feller that stopped here a day or two
ago on his way to Galveston, and it
makes me kind o' nervous."
Blake's widow did not appcr to notice
the lat remark, for the child, disturbed
j ,y his talking, had awakened, and Pat
up in nw crauie wun a wonuenng
" l'ooty, ain't he?" said .Jake, re
garding the pmall figure with interest.
"Looks just like ahem! von. Toor
little I a" he stammered and treat
ed his hat like a mortal enemy. " Of
course he's had you've got ther
ain't nothin' I could do fur yer,
She answered with a grateful look,
but it was accompanied by a shake of
the head.
Jake bent down, and, with his big
forefinger, softly rumpled the hair of
the baby's head; then he went out and
left them, Blake's widow fitting as he
had found her, and the baby staring
down the path after him.
lie wulkcdbn until he reached the ton
of the little hill, where he eould look
i down unon the roof which covered the
j piteous scene he had just left. Here he
j itemed to have half a mind to turn
' ImcL- (nr bo In'tif Mteil ind .tontieiI. lint .
W..V, . ..w ...... ,.j , ,
he changed liis partial intention after 1
lingering a moment, and walked med
itatively onward, with the exclamation,
" Y:ill, some women do beat
Of course every body came to the trial.
The arrangements were soon found to
be altogether too meagre, l'itblado's
died was filled to overflowing, and Bag
gett made a clean sweep of every empty
box in his store.
Antonio's lawyer, a sharp-eyed sharp
featured fellow fro'm Galveston, had
bustled about with surprising agility on
the day previous, holding mysterious
conference with ill-conditioned fellows
! of Gueldo's kidney.
Jake bmitli was highly dissatisfied,
and even the Judge was heard to utter
some misgivings; however, by the time
the proceedings had really commenced
he Alined confidence.
The Court was assembled, the jury
had been chosen, and the witnesses were
all present save one Blake's widow.
I'retty soon there was a stir at the
door; then a murmur of surprise ran
through the crowded room.
" May I be ," said Jake Smith,
audibly, "if she hasn't brought her
What reason she may have had for not
leaving the little thing in charge of
somc sympathizing woman a
were plenty who would have I
0f the trust was not apparent;
ind there
been glad
0f the tmst wasnotapp:
... -..;.!.. t. .1 :. i..., I
firmlv j her arms, its bright red cheek
contrasting with her whiteness, and its
fali,ers ?mIV hair mingling with her
jark locks. "
'"With some diflieultv way was made
through the throng to her .eat, which
,ad been placed on one side of the
toot her place and never moved during
ti,e whole of the trial, excepting as shi
,...,, rpmiiriil to tcstifv. and once when
tne i,at,v tugged at some glistening thing
tiat hi" hidden in the folds of her dress,
., wi.leli she took pains to distract its
attention with a chip from the floor.
As for the baby, it sat there with its big,
i,ule rves opon to their fullest extent,
ontirclv absorbed
in the novel scene,
s.lV0 at
the moment when that irresisti
ble glitter caught its eve.
Evcrv one being now present, the
tr;al Went on in goo"d earnest. A num
ber of witnesses were examined, whose
testimony showed that Gueldo had had
trouble with Blake, and more than once
threatened his life; that Gueldo's pistol
was om. charge short on the evening of
tjiu day of the murder, whereas in the
mornig jt had been full; that he was
S(.nn tlmt ninrnino.iround Blake's house.
and more than all that Blake's widow
"-- ------ ----------- 1
had he:.rd Gueldo's voice just before the
fatal shot, and had seen his retreating
form as she ran in
At this last point the G
ver .ej tne witness a j
Galveston law-
few questions
n-crnrdino-how she knew it was Gueldo.
and how she hail recognized the voice
for his. She didn't know how cxactlv,
but was none the 15 suro for tnat.
r... ,,., lui 0 ,mnr. k, ,
some one had hc:ird Antonio make a
boast of having "done for Blake this
, ,.; :, ?. , .:' t
mm:, uui u mtic i-n; .v niuitwwi
this he could not be found now.
And so the prosecution closed.
The Galveston lawver bemin bv in-
1 - j
I volving in a whirlpool of hopeless cott
inunction tne witness wno nau sworn to
havingscen Gueldo bear Blake's house.
' nen ni! expatiated on the ease with
which one person may be mistaken for
and brought a witness to show
how Gueldo had alrcadv been said to
resemble some one in the village. Fi
nally he produced three of the ill-conditioned
fellows before referred to, who
?" or.u U,:1L AX""ni :v? w "" "1C " , l ,
I H"ntP? expedition during the whole of
.,.,.- 1 .1
I iiiu ui vu nuiku tuu iuuiuui ao .jm-
it r inv jn i-mrai t iiii iiiiinnir ii-ii t; a-ni
j . uy
I T A- a a a! f A . i- M 1 a ! T f
XL ii cicat cusu ui anui. ,iiiiu
Smith's astonishment at the ease with
which the thing had been accomplished
was unbounded. He threw a disgusted
look towards Titblado, but the Judge
was nonplussed, and didn't seem to be
mtercsteti Wltu things in Jake s vicinity.
Tknro iii? o nnnci lui(nni TKtbldrln
There was a pause before Titblado
gave his charge, and when he rose his
? fonn wna rntlior wiIqti
1 - . .vuv.. "
41 Gentlemen of the Jury,'" said he,
" things has took a turn 1 didn't alto
gether expec'. I don't know as there's
much to be said. T s'pose you've got to
j again, all seating themselves but the
spokesman, and Judge Pitblado rose,
wiping his forehead with his shirt sleeve.
" Straightened it out, haye yer?" nod
ding to the spokesman.
The man nodded slowly in. return.
" Wal, le's have it then."
" Yer see," said the spokesman, with
a hesitating and disappointed air, " ef
yer hadn't a corralled us with sticking
ter the evidence, we might a done bet
ter, "but accordin' ter that, Antonio
wasn't thar when the murder was done,
an' ef he warn't thar, he couldn't a
done it, an' ef he didn't do it, why
then of course he's not guilty."
Pitblado didn't dare to look at any
body; he stared up at the rafters down
at the table nowhere in particular ; and
then turned half-way toward Antonio.
" You kin go," said he -peaking with
great deliberation, " but I wouldn't tay
round here too long."
There wa a dead pause for a minute,
and nolxxly moved.
Jake Smith exploded a ningle express
ive word, which he had held in for some
time past, and Blake's widow stood up,
" Have you got through, Judge?" sue
" Wal I s'pose o."
"And there's nothing more to be
" I'm afraid ther ain't."
" And heV free to go?"
" Y-a-a-s."
Antonio Gueldo rose with an insolent
grin, and picked up hu bat.
The baby crowed, for it law the glit
tering thing again.
There was a sharp report Antonio
pitched forward in a heap upon the
floor, and Blake's widow stood with the
pistol pressed to her breast.
A lino of thin blue smoked curled up
from the muzzle of the weapon and
formed a halo around the child's flaxen
head. The glittering thing was quite
near the little hands now, and they took
it from the yielding grasp of the mother.
Blake's widow looked steadily at tho
figure on the floor it was quite motion
less then she turned, and went through
the wide pas-age opened for her by the
silent crowd, holding the baby very
tenderly, and the baby carrying the
The child laughed with delight, it had
got its tuning plaything at last. lios-
ton Courier.
A Siararnc Fable
A man chafed by a tiger in a forest
one night escaped Tiy climbing a tree,
on which lived a monkey and its family.
The monkey received the man kindly,
and refused" to listen to the tiger, which
advised it to fling him down while he
slept. When the man awoke the tiger
retired, and the monkey went to .sleep.
Presently the tiger returned, and recom
mended the man to fling the monkey
down. The man pondered awhile, then
gave the monkey a push, and it fell into
the tiger's claws. Awakened by the
shock and the pain, the monkey laughed
aloud. " Wherefore laughest thou,
when I am clawing thy body?" a-kcd
the astonished tiger. " " Because thou
thinkest thy claws are near my heart,
and thou art wrong," replied the mon
key. " Where, then, i3 thy heart?" " At
tlii end of my tail." The" tiger let go
its hold, but before it eould seize m
victim tail the monkey ran up the tree
and was saved. It knew who had
pushed it over, but it uttered no angry
word. When the day dawned the tiger
disappeared, and the monkey went out
to gather fruit for its guest. During its
absence the man killed its mate and all
its little ones, intending to take them
home for his wife to cook; when the
monkey came back with a throng of its
kinsfolk, it found its home made desolate.
Still it uttered no angry word only
offered to guide the man out of the
forest. They set forth together, the
man following tho monkey. After a
time the man struck the monkey over the
head so hard that the blood gushed
forth. " Why hast thou done thU?"
asked the monkey. Because I wanted
flesh for my wife to cook," replied the
man. "But if thou hadst killed me,"
said the monkey, "who would have
guided tiiee out" of the forest? Now
follow me at a distance; my blood-drops
will show thee the way." And when
thou art clear from the trees then thou
canst kill me without risk. The man
did as he was counseled. When they
camo near the forests verge, the monkey
stopped for the man to come up anil
kill it. The man killed the monkey. But
jut as he was leaving the forest he
tripped and fell, first into a
hole, then headlong right into hell.
But no sooner was the monkey dead
than it was carried straight up into
heaven. There, in a golden palace, it
was joined by all its dear ones whom
the man had" killed. " But where is the
man?" asked the monkey with anxious
sympathy. " He is in hell," was the
reply. " Your Highness must not think
of him any more." Xotcs nnd Queries.
Good Manners.
'Tis a rule of manners to avoid exag
geration. A lady loses as soon as she
admires too easily and too much. In
man or woman, the face and the person
lose power when they are on the strain
to express admiration. A man makes
his inferiors his superiors by heat.
Why need you, who are not a gossip,
talk" as a gossip, and tell eagerly what
the neighbors or the journals say? Suite
your opin on without apology. The at
titude is the main point. Assure your
companions that, come good news or
come bad, you remain in good heart
and good mind, which is the best news
you can possibly communicate.
Self-control is the rule. You have in
you there a noisy, sensual savage, which
you arc to keep down, and turn all his
strength to beauty. For example: what
a seneschal and detective is laughter? It
seems to require several generations of
education to train a squeaking or a shout
ing habit out of a man. Sometimes,
when in almost all expressions the Choc
taw and the slave have been worked out
of him, a coarse nature still betrays itself
in his contemptible squeals of joy. The
great gain is not to shine, not to con
quer your companion then you learn
nothing but conceit but to find a com
panion who knows what you do not; to
tilt with him and be overthrown,
horse and foot, with utter de
struction of all your logic and
learning. There is a defeat that is
useful. " Then you can see the real and
the counterfeit, and you will never ac
cept the counterfeit again. You will
adopt tho art of war that has defeated
you. You will ride to battle horsed on
the Very logic which you found irresisti
ble. You will accept the fertile truth,
instead of the solenm, customary lie.
When people come to see us we fool
ishly prattle, lest we be inhospitable.
But" things said for conversation are
chalk eggs. Don't say things. What
you are stands over you the while and
thunders so that I can not hear what
you say to the contrary. A lady of my
acquaintance said: "I don't care so
much for what they say as I do for
what makes them say it." The law of
the table is beauty a respect to the
common sort of all the guests. Every
thing is unreasonable which is private
to two or three or any portion of the
company. Tact never violates for a
moment this law; never intrudes the
others of the house, the vices of the ab
sent, or a tariff of expenses, or profes
sional privacies ; as we say, we never
"talk shop" before company. Lovers
abstain from caresses, and haters from
insults, whilst they sit in one parlor with
common friends. Would we codify the
laws that should reign in households,
and whose daily transgression annoys
and mortifies us, and degrades our
household life, we must learn to adorn
every day with sacrifices. Good man
ners'aro made up of petty sacrifices.
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Boiled Kice. Make a bag three
fingers long, dip in hot water and put
in your rice; tie, leaving room for the
rice to swell; put in pot with cold wa
ter; let come to a boil (put salt in the
water) ; cook from half to three-quarters
of an hour. When done, it will
turn out dry like a mold. Serve with
milk or butter and sugar. Turn the bag
often to keep it from sticking to the pot ;
it is well to put a sauce-plate in the bot
tom to prevent its burning.
To clean zinc Rub on fresh lard
with a cloth and wipe dry.
Tke JUa la the Mm.
Many years ago, wben the Professor
was yotroger than he is now, he on! to
look up at the raooa and wonder what
the queer-looking figure might be that
eemed to inhabit the bright yellow dLc.
When he asked what it was people
would say, " Oh, that' the man in the
moon," m though that fettled the mat
ter and it wasn't necessary to say anv
thing more about It; and he was left
to puzzle it out: at one time dlcoyerine
a man with a bundle of .ticks across hfi
.boulder, and another time a great
staring face looking down upon the
world like one of the pumpkin lanterns
which boys in the country proudly ex
hibit on dark night. At'that time the
Profes.or did not know that in every
age of the world and m nearly every
nation other children besides "himeff
hail been curiou about thii matter, and
that innumerable ."lories had been in
vented to yatisfy their curiosity.
One of these stories perhaps the mot
ancient, relates that the man in the
moon is the man who was found by
Moes gathering sticks on the Sabbath",
and that as a punishment for his crime
he was condemned to dwell in the moon
until the end of all thing?. The Ger
man legend, which doe not, however,
refer to .Mows tells that the faggot
bearer was met by a man who said to
him: " Do you know that this is Sun
dav on earth, when all must rot from
their labor??"
"Sunday on earth or Monday in
Heaven, it is all one to me," said the
wood -cutter.
"Then bear your bundle forever,"
ansxvered the other, " and as you value
not Sunday on earth you shall" be a per
petual moon-duy in heaven ; and you
shall stand for eternity in the moon, a
warning to all Sabbatn-breakers."
So the man was caught up with hi
sticks into the moon, where he stands
This story with variations is told in
all countries. Kven the jwicts allude to
it. Chaucer speaks of the man as,
llerln a lmh of thoniL- on hi hack
which (or hN theft niilit clime nerthe
Shake-peare, in the "Midsummer
Night's Dream," makes Quince the Car
penter sav, " One must come in with a
bu-di of tliorns and a lantern and say he
comes in to disfigure or to present the
per-on of Moonshine." And an old
poet of the twelfth century named
Necham, who wrote in Latin, says,
e thera-tic in the moon.
How hi- htimlle wi'luh- him ilown,
Thu tilt -tick- the truth repeal,
It net it pro!lt mini to -teal.
The idea of the moon as a thief pre
vailed also among the Swedes, who be
lieved that the figures in the moon were
those of two children who had been
caught up from the earth with their
bucket in which they had been drawing
water from the well Bvrgir. The Pro
fessor wonders if this story has not
something to do with the nursery
.lurk nnl r.ll! went tip the hill
To draw a pull of wuter,
especially since the rhyme is very old
and came originally from Scandinavia.
It would be easy, you see, for people to
fancy that when the moon grew old and
the Agures disappeared they had tum
bled down a hill, or gone almost any
where else out of sight.
Now the class must remember that
when these stories were invented there
weren't any telescopes or magnifying
glasses. Poor old .Job, who sat on his
ash heap and talked so beautifully about
the stars, could see no more of them
than his unassisted eyesight showed
him, and Anaxagonis and Ptolemy and
Copernicus, who were all of them great
astronomers, could see no more unless
their eyesight was better, which, con
sidering Job's afflictions, the Professor
thinks quite likely. It was not until
Galileo invented the telescope and
turned it upon the moon that all these
ridiculous fancies about the person who
was supposed to inhabit it were blown
away. What people's excited imagina
tions had for thousands of years magni
fiedor, to speak more correctly,
dwarfed into a human face or a man
with sticks, proved to be great moun
tains and pits and craters on the rugged
surface of the planet, lit up here with
the sunlight and throwing in another
place the deepest and blackest shadows.
Wise men, to be sure, had anticipated
something of this sort, and their idea
was that the dark places were seas;
whereas the telescope showed that there
was not a drop of water anywhere on
the moon. And yet the wise "men were
not so far out of" the way, for the tel
escope showed also that the dark places
were the beds of seas where probably
the waters once rolled just as they do
now upon the earth. Indeed, the moon
is nothing more or less than a dried -up
earth, and if the class wants to know
how this planet of ours would look if
the fires were all gone out inside and
the waters all drained off outside, let
them take a look at the moon through
a good telescope.
What will you see? Well, if you have
fancied a face in the moon you will find
the eyes to be two of these great dark
pits, the nose to be a mountain range
between them, and the mouth to be an
other gaping pit, called by astronomers
the Sea of Clouds. "Besides these you
will see other pits out of which rise
great mountains, and which arc sup
Kied to be craters of extinct volcanoes.
Of course, seen through the telescope,
all resemblance to a face will disappear,
and unless the telescope Is very large it
will require a considerable effort of
imagination to make pits out of the dark
spots and mountains out of the bright
ones. If the telescope is a good one,
however, you will not only be able to
distinguish these features but you can
look down into the pits, some of which
are thousands of feet deep, and see the
immense rocks and bowlders with which
the floor is strewed. The best telescopes
bring the moon, which is really 142,000
miles distant, within one hundred and
twenty miles ; that is to say, through
one of these glasses a mountain in the
moon five or six thousand feet high will
seem about as large as as the White
Mountains when looked at by the
unassisted eye from the Catskill Moun
tain House." That is about as close a
comparison as the Professor is able to
Some of the mountains in the moon,
though, are much higher than that. One
is calculated to be sixteen thousand feet
high, and the astronomers think they
have discovered one which is not less
than twenty-three thousand. On the
whole, considering how bleak ad barren
the planet is, ana that it has no air,
water or vegetation, and, so far as dis
covered, no inhabitants, the Professor
thinks he would very much prefer living
on the earth. Christian Union.
When I have pieces of cold roast
pork in the house, I use in this way:
Chop very fine, and if you have little
piece of cold roast beef "or beefsteak to
chop with it, it improves it- Season
with salt, pepper, and sage, moisten
with a little milk or hot water, make
into little cakes like fishballs, dust with
flour, and fry a nice brown on both
sides in lard or beef drippings.
The Church of God (German Bap
tist), founded by Dr. Winebrcnner, will
celebrate this year the semi-centenary
of its existence. Special contributions
for benevolent purposes are asked for,
and some $30,000 wanted for a classical
Paint splashed upon window glass
can be easily removed, by a strong solu
tion of soda.
9 m
Two ounces of permanganate of po
tassa thrown into a cistern will render
the foulest water sweet and pure.
far Tent.
It !" common practice ataoec
tone dalrymca to give their cow,
when dry," bet caaty living. When
a cow crae to giv milk, or L dried
up, aay ferd 1 coa:d?ml ! ewwxa
for her. I think thi I a great mUtakr.
and the result U a diminished product of
milk, both In quantity and quality, when
he doc come in. " There U a large
draught on the rtn to u.tain the
calf while the cow L carrring it , and
to keep the cow In grjd condition goud
fcrd i as important a when he t giv
ing milk. It is my opinion that oac
dollar's worth of food when the cow is
dry i wvrlh one and a half dollar after
he comes In. An animal In poor con
dition can not digwt as much food as
an animal in good condition. If the
cow is poor when hc comes in she will
not digest enough food to support thr
yslem, and, at the same tiiae, to mike a
large quantity of milk. bulletin Ameri
can Jcrcy CattU Club.
We Mjppns4 that not even th rot
practical epicures enjoy their dainty
dishes more than the arcrage human
being docs his early spring i egetablos ;
and, considering how comparatively
cay it Is to have some of thes, the
wonder is that more is not done to get
them. The reason, perhaps L that few
think of it till the springtime comes,
when it Is too lat to do much In the
way of getting them. Thii is the time
to "begin to think aloul these things.
Many vegetables start into growth with
verylittle heat, and even the protection
of a fence will often bring things for
ward some davs before Uiomj which
have ground anil bleak winds to con
tend with. We know a garden, near
this city, which has but a low wall,
about four feet high, around it; but
even this is a wonderful screen from cold
winds. I'p under the north wall of the
little garden, iu the full .-outhern sun,
i the rhubarb and the asparagus; and
this little advantage alone gives them
near two weeks' start on their
neighbors with these two vegeta
bles. It is not always convenient,
or even desirable, to hat e a wall like
this ; but almost any one can have a
thick arlor-viue hedge, which will an
swer nearly as well. Besides this
much can be done by hot-bed frame,
a they arc generally railed, although
when no manure is utl to make an
artificial warmth they are by gardeners
called cold frames. "These, placed over
crops bring them forward considerably.
Beds of asparagus can be made with an
especial view to hating them covered
with sashes in this manner, and when
the spring comes loth radihc and let
tuce can be sown on the earth under the
glass, and will grow on and do well
without much interference from the as
paragus growing up between them. So
with strawberries. A few sahes set
over the plants in a warm and dryritii
ation brings them on wonderfully. Of
course, when one begins thee practices,
some judgment will be required in
the management. As a general
rule, the sahes should be
left off in hot days, putting
them on only at nights, to keep off the
white fronts "and keep the ground warm.
This warmth is also aided by witting on
the sashes early in the evening, so a to
inclose a body" of warm air leforo the
I sun entirely goes down. If the sashes
are kept on all the time, the plants be
come weak, for want of air during the
growing day-time, and are then more
liable to injury by night. It is on these
littlo matters thai some judgment is re
quired ; but it soon comes as natural to
one with a little experience as swimming
does to a young duck. Just as in the
case of a duck, too, it is a sort of judg
ment which uo newspaper nor any thing
but natural tact can teach. Let all who
have gardens look around just now and
sec when it can le tlonc. They will
find more chances for these little fain ly
enjoyments than many of them ever
dreamed of, and no doubt will thank is
for the suggestion, when they find how
well their thoughtfulness now" is reward
ed by the fullness of early spring garden
things. (icrmnntoum Telajrajih. '
I keep nothing but pure bred fowls
and those that are acknowledged by all
the best breeders in the country to le
Ihe best winter layers that there is in
America, tho Light Brahmas. I gener
ally set my hens early in February or
March; this gives me early pullets,
which commence laying as ca'rlj- as Au
gust, and keep it up from that time till
spring. When cold weather comes I
see that all thccracks are closed in my
chicken houscTand everything made
snug and warm; at least stop the cracks
and not let the fowls set in a cold
draught all night. I get a supply of
gravel and place it where the fowls can
help themselves, when they want it.
Next give them a box of road dust to
wallow in, placing it where the sun will
shine on it as much as possible, and
throw a handful of sulphur in it once in
a while to keep the lice at bay. If you
watch the hens when they are taking
their daily dust bath, you will see that
they enjoy it very much. They need a
bath as" much as we do, anil
it does them as much good.
For feed, I have a common camp kettle,
made of sheet-iron, into which all the
dishwater and refuse of the supper table
are put. When I make the fire in the
morning, the kettle is put on the stove,
and by the time I have eaten my break
fast, the contents are hot. I take a
patent pail and put the water into it and
then stir in shorts and corn chop until
it has taken up all the water. Make the
mass as thick as possible. Use two
thirds shorts and one-third corn chop,
I have small wooden troughs which I
empty the feed into. If the weather is
very cold I give them in their morning
feed, once a week, a tablespoonful of
cayenne pepper for every 12 fowls, ami
at least twice a week, I give them in
their soft feet, a handful of salt. At
noon I give them a wry light feed of
wheat screenings, oats or barley, and
for the last feed, corn, all they will eat
up clean. Be sure your fowls go to roost
with a full crop. I take care to give them
all the pore clean water thev want. I use
a common milk crock, which is as good
as any thing that I have been able to
find; it is easv to keep clean and
williast a longtime, if you do not for
get to throw the water out of it some
cold night. In very cold weather I give
them water warm. "Hens require a great
amount of water. They will drink the
last thing at night and the first
thing in the morning. Plenty of good
clean water goes a good ways toward
keeping them in good health and laying
condition. Unce a week 1 give them a
mess of green xood, such as turnips,
cabbage, or potato, cooked and mixed
with meal, and by all these small de
tails I make my hens give me plenty of
eggs in the season when every one is
complaining, "My hens don't lay; I
don't see whv. They have all the corn
they can eat." That is the trouble,
too much corn. I suppose there are
some farmers and others who will say it
don't pay to go to so much trouble and
bother, but it wiE be those who think it
too much trouble and bother to put their
reapers, mowers and plows under shelter
out of the rain and snow which wears
them out more than use. Such farmers
think it too mack trouble to do any
thing as it should be done. We have
oe of the best States in the Union for
poultry, with good markets, and there
is more mosey in it than any other thing
the farmer can do or raise. " Fowls must
have some care as well as other stock,
asd sot be left to scratch for their living
on the frocen ground and roost in the
trees, if we expect them to pay for their
keeping. F. E. Jiank, Jfanhnttax,
Kans., in Kansas Farmer.
HI5TS reft THE RwtSEIfL.
Tto Tfi&U.
."Icd-cp" Dfniwr TV Us
cr div w bad a fricl ehlckrn far
dianrr. and. cf cocrw. had a Btt-V kit
Vol MKitifh li Wirta m-rr it tmolt ,.
- - - , - " - 1
woe dLh br ll4f, bai oa l tbur ,
pnm.k$ng tftti thi w31 acy
mutate to wwc horror of cTrrv aextww
nrr. anu U w wry ac ut a tea
xpooaful of cmns-tAflar ibV a ptnt cf
Dour, and thro work In a bpte tk
5infcl of buurr Add thtv-r-Kicrih
of a cap of milk in which half a tr
ftpcunfu! of jkxla aod a pisch nf cah
hate been dvMolmi. Mtt a oujclr .
poIbk. divide, aad roll nrarfr hall an
isch thick. Ituttrr a small "dth ot a
thnwpial tin badn. aod lay in
piece of the dough, brtneins it wrll up
at the ide. Hare tho pivc of chkrkrn
-- t -ta w- . - 4 -
cut from the Ua. aaU Urthrn oa
the crut, put i two or thrrr tabl-
upoouiuu 01 gravy, poi tojitrr ptrrit,
dut over it a ry littln tiour, and ut
on the other crut- -cutting t r thrtv
iocWon acru lh center Prr it
well down at the cdg. am! bakt In a
rather quick oven for more than an
hour. Heat the gravy, and if there i
not enough, add a Htil tuilk and a tea
iHonfnl of butter, utirrioij In a hitle
flour (well rahts! with milk) to thicken
Millioiently Cold roat or iew-d teal
L nearly as me a chicken, uvd m llm
same manner.
When I have a cold roewl of lef
which will give me no more thin lrpr
slices for the table, I make a tew Cut
the beef iu sni.tll thick Hce, and put It
in a kettle with water to cm tr it, will
ing a little gravy if uu have it .Salt u
taste, etiver eloelv. and while it mm
mors, peel and Alctt five or i mall
potato?, according ti the quantity
of meat, and Uu god-Mxcl carnt
Put them in the kettle, and. If there U
not water enough to jut cover, add a
little 1!H gently fur three-quarter of
an hour, taking care not to let the water
boil nui. Mit a tabic poouful of flour
smooth with a little milk or water, and
stir In gently; when It thicken, let it
boil a minute or two, and serve a
quickly a possible.
Of cohl mahcd jKitatoos, cold bulled
rice or hominy, I make crtHpiette.
Take a teactipful of either, mah fine
without wariiiinir, noil an isr well
ing-pau. ami drop in the mixture, a lea-
vonfuI at a time. Iirown mcelv n
loth iidfi, and .-en'e very hot. 'I hee
are very nice with cold meat..
I make a puddingonce in the while, t
wiiich u-e up all mj piwa of lry cake
and gingerbread. 1 1 U a real economy
pudding, and h gioil. Take two cup-i
fuN of cnimbs broken or rolleil line, two
cup of milk, two of ilour, one of tuo- .
laves, two egg?, a teasiM-mful each of
:alt and ola, and jiiice to tate. Add
a cup of ndsiiK or currant, or a little
citron, or a cup of dried sweet apple.,
which have .soaked over night and are
well drained, lluttor a pudding-pan or
t ,it,l ijiii- in fit,, tittfttrf. inil ttfiim
it two hours and a half. Serve with any !
auce iireferrcd, with gutter, or cream. '
Somctimcjs, if I have imch cako on
hand, 1 maks a larjrer iiudilinjr, a it
will keep two ir thri' wc.k in cold '
,t.ntltr tvnrnitntr ,ti-r s n.tllir,l .. t
......i, -..m ".. ' iv.iii.-. j
I or. oj the iiuu.choil.
To gi e .stoves a good polish Huh
them with a picc of lirusAoLH carpet
after blackcninir them.
A mixture of oil and ink is "rood to
clean kid boot with; tho first sot tens ,
and thf latter blackens them. ,
A flannel cloth dipped into warm wap
sud-?, then into whiting, and applied to
paint, will instantly removu all gn."ac.
New linen may be embroidered '
more easily by nibbing it over with lino "
white soap ; it prevents the thread from
A .salve made with turpentine three j
. . .1 Y I ....n ....... .t.t I .. .1...
p:irin unit tarti iu jiiiius mumii uu nnj
teats of cows after milking will cure sore
To rcmoye jrreaso from wall-paper
Ijiy several folds of blottinir-naper on t
the spot and hold la hot iron near it mi-
til U is absorbed. j
Guinea fowls will keep all bug and
injects of every description off garden
vines. They will not scratch like other
fowls or harm tne most ueucaUi plants, j
To take ink out of lincrw-Dip the !
ink spot in pure melted tallow, then
wash out the tallow and the ink will
come out with it. This is said to b un- i
If brooms arc wet in lioiling suds
once a week they will become very
tough, will not cut a carpet, will last
much longer and always sweep like a
new broom.
To remove rust from a stovepipe j
Hub with linseed oil (a little goes a (
irood wav) ; bnild a slow fire at first till i
it is dry. Oil in the spring to prevent
. , . r .
lo clean brass Immerse or wun
it snxeral times in mlllr r,r wliw.
rhwnnll bmrhten it without pcounmr.
t. .1. T. l s.i. t.7
it m;i) men uv acuuicu vtuti u uoicii
cloth dipped in ashes.
Ammonia U good for a great many
things. It cleans gentlemen's coat
collars and felt hats nicely. Dilute with
water one-half, usu a cloth same color,
rub well, using several clean cloths if
very much soiled. A few drop in a
bath water, especially if hard water, i
refreshing and purifying. It cleans
glassware, silverware, windows, paint,
and bottles beautifully and easily. It
takes up the grease spots from the floors.
Is good for a stimulant to housc-plantA ;
one teaspoonful to one gallon of water
once a week. Put a few drops in a basin
of water, wash your hair brushes in it,
and see what it fa good for. It is good
for catarrhal cold, and stings of insects.
Inhale for colds, and apply to affected
part in stings.
CaBstHBf Ua CmrX.
Ax old phjridan, retired Iron practice,
karlnc had placed In his band by aa East
India missionary tbe forzanla of a iaplc tcj
etable reraedj for the speedy aad peiaoaaeat
cure tor Cou'UiapUoa, BroscsiUs. Catarrh,
asthma, asd all Throat and Lunr ACedloca,
also a positive aad radical cure tor 'erroe
Debility asd all XerToss Complaista, after
harinir tested tU wonderfal coraaTe yrmtn
la thousand of caJes, haf fdt it H daty to
raake it known to ail mileriae feUoTa. Ko
tuated br this motlrc aad a dcsln to reUere
htnnaa a2ericp, I wfil aead free of civare to
all who desire it, this redpe, !a Gennas,
Freach, or Eaz&th, with fall dlrectioas for
preparice aad asisg. Seat Vy siafl by a-1-oreAsiarwith
itamp, nasaicKthis paper. W.
W. SHazaa. Ii9 Poen BUk. ILxXuUs, JT. T.
"A Brop T Jr ta Kverr VTerA,
F Lrif iAOTuy. Humerdoa Co, S. J.
Dr. E.V. PitKcr. Buffalo, X. V.:
Three Esociha aro 1 u brokra oat with
larze ulcer and sores os ay bodr. Hsiba ami
face. I procured your Goldea Medical Dis
covery arid ParzatlTe PeJJeta, and hate takes
fix bottles, aad to-day I asa ia zood health,
all thote uzlj ulcers haricz healed asd left
zay slda ic a catsraL healthr cosditiog. I
thought at oae ticae I coda sot be cared.
AJtfcoccb Teas bat pooriy express asy grati
todetoroB. yet there i a drop Of JojiaeTerr
word I wrae. Toara tnalr.
Tawnta-cal Mmmr Trim
R. L. Moscr. of Moatrtal, Caaada, certI5ed
Sept. i7, lira, that he had aoffered terrtWy
Xroai uyspepsia. aad vu completely cured b
taiia3..VarBer'SafeBiUr. Uexjz -ity
appetitt i -ind, aad I bott v3t 10 iscon
Teniecce from eaar feeartr oeal." Tbee
Bitters are alio a apeciacfar all Srfn dfa-ease.
Good to take certafa to esre bottle kre
Ioc Kaall 23c or f L CairacSeiistks ef
Piso's Care for Coasaraptfoo.
Ir jsa wxata good vatcJs. Aotp, vrlte for a
caulosse to I be Stzadard Ajaerkan Waica
CeapaaVj FIuaobi, Pa.
Vegetoce. sas ntiertkileS to effect a esre,
jrfThic toa- aai nreugth la the jn-ea lictil
tiatd ly diiiise.
i - -..,.. ...... Aamia niifiMt .n
I r..... t.t. U..a fear, aatir li . w m.---- --- - hi, ,
t fr A Urmm mJ ty tJk f
mt Or Mm tt !,
M wTTK. t ? "T"
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UliSffclo aU c l;l m Ctl fc4 -J v
ur. trv, mi 00. iwiimwi-uj ajm
tmr ctmiv-K J mMOIUJ4u M. UJ, U.
(uiad. IViki, m IMIiM
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ImiKII I1UC mmtm
mt H lnA4 tk I .
mat mtJUri mi I 1
aUTIM .t:
? mU 4rurMI (MlttMlIM J f Miu. ti ft
net.. tW. OT mnmmw4.knmmXiimmtm.T.
allel rrrfr Sift.
$10,000. ,.-;r:'".w.
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I m. Mifc , ....f i...
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Ai!i:VT WAVITh- "-.'
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cvniplft Ubt UMlltr kitw ilw ml kw I
tliirwrli-n u ";
nwiilriii4llwlM.l1iiii.itM rb-
lvaBtlt. TbU l l-rlf-ltliUi 4 ln
taanrt lv-r- W r!rtn'J lotiAll.t
I( liru.4r l rti inmii at' Mr
4nIL IXUKt Ckl K. I mlK M
JL EJLI tmmJ Jl tCj
ZU-Z.TTjyjZtV'Jt'JTjf'r Z
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A.-.- tto4t.t4.l.
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! I HJn.. laJiltn
& II.V-.
tr . ..m.
n--' C u.-v cu,.n i . i -iuki-
cash paid for
Scrap Iron & Metals
m M R Mmlm tTu
yom, J3 u. im Xortli Muti fetrct.
A,lllr,: kt. Ix,ns rAPta witHMoiHr.
i, o. iioxswi. T. iavi, mo,
i U. IMJX :I7I. "' ' ?"'
For all Ladies
Clajan.O. Kvft 2. un.
Mr. "TU.Xf
lnr .-r I Un Ulrn u-r-rsi tU J r'
rirr and to I IMIm yt'jn t u?rr-r lrw auri, rxen- I
!U:nU. I "III fMwmra-fxl Uw Tri I tntKt ll K r
hnl"l tn T-t mnrj. blmt. l H WttlH I '
wuc-.iptiiis. Mnr vruuiiH I
Ityi unni Mrrrtam.
U Wijv ramK at tli-tl
cauva lhi rrmiAUnXA it mi.rl al
lrtwrtla ta mtmi inXl H upa lha wiKlw
i ratJ.aiUMla'iT4li"T.rt'ana-air'jfmlrr-
u-.Mimineriuihq,rrrjj!uiiMii -
ai-lpalailnUfcarar.. m fa tJVf.t.1rfi-
I -tri u r-iir ia iu mr Minamiu ti ra-
1 roaWcXa. it m arar Tailei U u lnaiarv
It is What is Needed
Female i
I ! yinfl, laws. ., J aT.
ii. a. wts. tto
tjr'tr ftr Tur X Vt U 1 hs b-o trmtAl antu
FnmnU nYfkri sox a weak, aloaio IrrlHn Mi ln
.Uwarl. xbA Utroetit lb miirUx firtri I trVd wir l:
TKi,KTIK. !l 9tl a rX kX l d l-l 1 ra
rroummt UlmxSl vtSrrint tmea Ui-" rwojAahrt. "
Xmrs. fprtUUltJ,
312 faorta HJrtt.
Scrofala, Lirer Cosiplai&t. Dyspepsia,
EheomatLw, Wealtneat.
H. R. Smew. 8i
I barv brn pnrtlrtl.t b34M tor 13 JWX. l s
m rot rS X r fmfvla. Lr 0npti. .
fc ttrrr IvorA lt rrxiX ibjt-w.utr2.rn::!-
PTTara.sBd I vrt mA -Ka t-tsnl. n
wmnki laraij traxmoval K ta Vsrt la ar f a lt
lit. V UMi lT-Jtt.
st li, UTS.
rttzTAMzxt r
H.B. STEVENS, Bast on, Xass.
Yegetinc is Sold fay All Druggists.
taMaaaiBataarM-a-aii ,! maa- UU 9Wm I trnti. TVi laa-aaaai aaaaa- 9mmmt WHWi tU -
in-aj-ia,, mmi aaHaaiiilM aa.. . ....a T1 i In iltaMar III IIITT I
?--4ar Dairy "r ITJ FMtFstCT. CaaOyauuowaa miw. fV1!
in iliaiuli ulaafti WflXUL atlntasTtMMI at - Faaaaaaaaaaa, aBaaaaVaaw Tt.
Dc r.ataa', Qaaitm Marffcaal
tXarsattA nm tec 1
Tar lly.
atavikal Diaeerarr
Xa tMMMt
m lSTsVTI'X mute bateC
JLTfc' J8-'
J WW TIKI 11 1 1 t
aaMffaaaa. aaaakfjaaa.
AmM Xtaii Haaafaaajtaal. BAaam aaaaaaa; aaajaa- aa; asaa. aar mwt mjufwmmm uw-Jm
fcaMjaal kaaVlaaaM T 0aJMM, MM Mia ! i liaa. anant, am ar aaaaaa
Mtl.,'lnwkr aaajOM. aas aa4I. 7WCT Lff,
MBtaBaaaaaaa.' A IIIHJ "w am mvm aasaai n faawi vmnrnm
mm 90 ensai. aa t faMi wwtaaat -talitil wna
aaaaaaaaaB, K
mm nai aaai saaahats. senrr. aaas ajaaaaaaa aaavaaaaaaaa avaaaaaaaaai aa aav
T . "tefa tara. lip ilil . m . iy
aa 4
aaiaaHL ,
mmmmmmmmm m-.m- mtmmmmm BMa aaaaaaaa; aaaaBMaaaaaai aaaaM aLML W W-
m laa A mIhi w aaaa fM
yte - m m r ' y,Ti
tT 1 n "-
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U ail
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, A . a.
. af -x CATAJ5HN COH
a CBflKrc - J i'?li
r ajrMMU - v-rV'fM?
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mm rV J - !
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ft CUk mi Ftttf
rar Mm n
tl Ut AV
UT rAwwm wrf
rtr rrtjtmi.
umum, n
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U lrm ft 7
jrUtrMll- A
tne mm. tr
'br, !.
MM4t mx !-,
Tr ws IK n,, ' ht.n J
i(Trtfti frM- 1 j-"Tf
rrownt. $ol by ail OrvrrH.
MB Omzxtm xv JHom.
(t-.llllt.4 ?).
Live-Slock Commission.
K.A51A9 CITT iTQCJ. !., M'f.
lulrtrr'inMUMIt.IKIi. Mt
fl f; f 1 1 ...., ( - f.JK-. ii
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vsat ,iMilW
l,w- k ii M l-t -
i 4 Hl H-rv.& WIHM ft-
H... B.?.r - i r
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.! Kt .
I . .-.- .-j... -j - .
Haul M wwlfw KM! mm Hmm l .
I -
L B-fiiSs lizd fc h!u i Ea.7.siii,
K? .U.t-Ti-': : fl K 4-J
TVtlmt mt Ik JU1mw wl.:ii 4nrlt ! f
w ,r fL-.S
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frrit -(. a ! W " n"
)iMir,f .. t m -, ll
IM tawruti4 tr j Jmx ( -Kvir
w.1 r rt . t (miuM
lUH4iW-ii. ' IVar "
mmtm -rn-ft lilt . : l : -
r1 tr ShK IH, l .! ?
a -t ; t H mm Vm'
tf-Vw-M ,wt rrw( "ill hm tni It W f i f
t j ii i. it m uiu aw
furCli-toU iMUMMHiait
It - H t trt(ll 4rw1V MlW
CnyniiJ 4 It vt tit IVl IM Urtfi.
timitt rrJ V Mr C4 I4 9JP -,
ui vi vmmnM.
Emerson's Anthem Boot
s I. o rnufciv
rrv iiii.wiitx3-i
Dill ! Ut l-m ItfNTh W .
f- tjKmtm tilltHI ...-. tfa trM
Ula J rt. MiM rrf -. r MoMN )
aim i' itr".- wa iii. mp t vcn
Katur 4 kit -0f n " to rA4.
Iiilim Imiii.ii t4 m-nrf im p lltan
tiik ortTj. ntm
iiuiuirr d J sap w
' Tm tn Wlf - Ihwt It H a tM
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' IBI; MUl-M Im uwUNifs U l " a aJ
tal U -bUll T s fcrfr-4 W Imw "lli afVr
!' 5aal T M It trf.
wj tixx; noun?
fcaa rtralrM bta ! trU U kit Unrrft mhm
trMOlBU- aatO(artt4Majhwtl, fmKaaaal
aot a-mttt
aao4Mita in Uaenin l m at ft-
t t It Tr
w : it : i
arl lSww Ul
AJ t o-t p!'. rUM jVa
C M. !! M J, - laaa at f :
iIniii VI. lTSMala M I'aJla.
ftiwlf fHVl A-V C )
K rMMa yrrfm.r''&i af ta aa- MM
nii7 v 1 -mt"- r ra-a Sjaiaaa.
tHmtmrtr. mrtml a I J. laBr, Liavr. mm
I rimmrj S.rira.
r"TiitJu-aisrtfe! 4etefJIaprf
2f 'b"alljtoiU. r
rraf fw t-ir- vt BkmJ-trm, -tH ?- War.
arr! mtm IXiaWty air
mm-rvt tfc ntm ttrttmCm VHt V 4fer
C r.l tit Wrsar'B lkm$m HimUrf
aal ajarvfairv.
W by Dn&fitt
n4 Deaf? U
Mewklft ettry
reiAWmiarosrvvstim. Tmai
Ml aaaa tr-, jbiars K tUimuc.i
raaaaaaMa.aa.S4 7t
. AerfMwidaat
ta ul
aeewima. wt
L.H.U !-
Dliiii r 1 hm iTI arm tt twrst IniNti a a
mTm9tmwmm MmmmWkm WW mmmk aaaaajs. ajpa aaaaaaiaaai wj aaaa, fvwi
aawai AaaBaaraaaaBaaaaa aaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaBBBa. -aaaaaa -aaaBBa-aBBBBBBBBBBBBBr
aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaau wmmm am asaa nmanh
m mmmmZ mmmmmf mmmmmmmMmmmmm tmmm