""EJJUgfWWWWWftUS-ilWS 'rm- .". --' vj . I Tjjsfc. - -5 rmr e "ir,Iw!Sp!Pflaarinar,- . . . .fcji ii !( ! iiiiiwui i.-1 oi'iwiewijiiii' 4 S -j-iwui' 'i'mnw fMpp mMWmm iKLiDCLOl'DCHlBi' . fTEEP CLOUD CHIEF The Cloud V rrVLTSHED EVERT TiirjRHt)AT AT BED CLGU3, 27SSBA6SA. I JOB "Wo;.!, M at a i Uy -ML. THOMAS, UtlctTt T ta t "Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty?' and $1.00 year is the price of the lied Cloud Chief Citllornntl Proprietor. tl. z ycsr is Advcace, $2. it end cf 7"r vol. vir. KED CLOUD WEBSTER CO, NEBRASKA, Tilt RS!) A V. FKBRU All Y 20 ISS0. NO. 39. Red vyHIEr l1& ( JR. V. R. R- Time Table. TAkine tffcct Suuday. May 4th 1579. fW'TII STATIONS. HASTINGS. AYK . nl.UKUILL HKI) CLOUD I-AVALG UIVERToV I'll AN KLIN ni.oo.Mivoro.- .NORTH. S :35am 8 :tt! 7:M 7 :0' r. :10 ti -11 o :ci 5 :10ari. 0 :2riira Tronic daily. cVM unlcyf. V. IL Toutlin. ti. W. IlolJrcdits a 'ua. manntf r. 3njt. ST Ckittgo & W-- Weslwn I? nil way -VIA tiii: 2, 380 MILES OF ROAD. ty4lt i the SHORT iutc ainlSArl.' r uto between J Council Bluffs A CHIC AC-OrMILW AUKEE and all j f ;i,ln KA&T .ind N'OIITH. ITc" Vcrlr, iaiiaodphfa, Beaten, TTash- ingtcn, Eufalc, rittclnrgb, Cincina ti, Kcntreol, Tcrcnto, Bctrcit, ClcaTe- lani, CdnsBss. If otirr t!r tiavilinir purilio Greater Facilities! AND LVfore Advant'ges 'J Imn any otiirr roaJ in tliq vret. It in th.O.VLY 110 M between t'Otinci. ElluflV mid Chicago l inn which it ran 'PULLMAIT HOTEL CARS ! Id mMition to thoe and to iiltfi'enll c!.isro! trmcltrr. UrM" KlRSt 0 AS .MP.lLSat it 1.A11M5 M'ATIOJ-. at.' imUwch. ItsTxrxiieStccUtU! Its co aches arc the Finest ! Its Eqnhncnt Firtt c!ars! I't- trnin an-all 1 tjii i cd ttiili vrithnirbriiLc. Milli-iV' it li tr'. and nil tiiodcrn iiuiru liiLiith! ull of winch riiTutiiicd. Tcrait Fcctttt Bpeced! Sure and c!c:e C:anecton3 ! And ecrtbiiF a ji' nnprr can doiietO tuaKc a j itirney ti;ii;i JK IMeasant k. CO-MVORTAKLK! 1'uliman Sicopci.- on al! Night Train ! it is tiii: People's Favorite Route. At Council lluftthe Through Trmn-j of the I hicJifjii A .'orxii-" e'lcrn ' iu uiunn rn- jlSc Rnilwiya drp-itt frnm.nnivcat nd use the ijiiic joait I niun Depot. Tf von Ak the Iit ti:. linsr neccininodations iu will oiiv tir liikctr 1'V this Route And VILLTAIvli N'NK oriiCK. All Tickets AgcnS can sell yen Through Tichtts via this P.cad ana chseh urial Bajjcre Free cf Charre. Caia TicKinr rr czf, 1TJJ Karnam -Street X7r lrih n.ml nt. 1'ninii 1'aeifii DetHit. Council 1 lutlhl icket Oulct- r. l.rodwnyar.d lVarl Mrcet . C. A n.-W. K'y Depot, ami c I nion i-juuuc Mii-ur L'cpn. I jlrr Otlicr-In Colorado Central snd Union 1'u ilic Tick" t rtlioo. Fan Francisco "fiim 2 Xcw Montpnncry St. For irfoniintion. folder, imp, rtf.utoli ta'nablc at Home Ticktt Uiet, audres auy :itcnl of the Cju.piny. or 1IAHVIN HTJGEITT, VT. H. ST31TS5T7, (Jen'l Jlanner, Ueu'l Pat. AkcuI Chi-.-c. III. THE BEATS THE cri World JERjBfifc v !u. "":StR5EWIHSCHItiE'" ?mmL. f W.. ; i .AaiuMOJlLL1- 7?- Tf viK.yffjMai .r,Mw v.w J j&MM VTgfeft RAN jrw-'v-''i -wwi'rw::riT SfcSTi s"vs?iaa s- ..nt .IDIIir p RV0ID1K5GEARS.CCGS.CAHS AND LEVERS.AND SUBSTITUTINGTHERrllK AH ENTIRELY NEW MCaiANICALPRlNClPLE5M0VCMENT.ARA0:CAL 1 mi)PROVmENTSEEHffAClAKBiOTDrKSIRIoErAll 'AUTOHATICDIRECT h PERFECnXTIOHW D1RYPART KOFRICTIQH.!K)N0ISt.HOftEia.H0"TAKTRUr1S rXR GETr.F? C'JTC? ORDER. ALWAYS READY70 SEtV TKEnKtSrCSKAklESTEiDS. GlVliJG ENTIRE SAnSfACri0N.;3iaSGTAlKGaARGuMDu'Ra'!Ra E'EHY-ilMTELUhGITSOtH STCRT SEaRESIH- itClATEjSltS.hIKCE TrE BEST MACHINE iXR MEKTS TOSai. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CIRCULAR. AGENTS TAMYMFGCa WANTED T 8!2 BSOAOftW WMftlLU I HEW YORK. files' Patent Safety Pin.' 1 Made from the best bmss spring wire, vd:b A conaplete and jerfect protection for the point, zn the shape of a roand shield, tormed from sheet brass, the whole being lidl Plaled and handsomely finished. This Pin is a perfect Old and the best in tbt qirUt, ,J 'We slw control the sa.'e of COLE'S FATSST HIT lift COAT B80S. Hum Hooks are made from the best Swedes IrosWirc, flattened, with points barbed. Tliey are easily driven anc gire excellent satisfaction where they are in use. We are the exclusive manufacturers of -' the above named Pin and Hat and Coai Hook. 1 p Correspondence solicited. DOUBLE PORTED TACK CO., -- W3 CHAYnEKS ST., Sew Tork City. Tho rnttKST, nALTnxESTv6Tcorni-ST an-1 BEST RKla PJiVDEU iathcrtror'.d. We solicit aa uaprcjn2!ced coraparioa with AST.othrr kind. OUAltJLXTEEU FBEK TliOS "AVJIM AMTnXJ CSnEALTUFCL aad warranted to giro perfect (tatiifwtlnn. jtsU P'Oww OlLn your urot P O WD I AsTHEl lour uroerrjor UiAR BAKING BEST is THE CHEAPEST! t k aca Take .v.i uuir.K klac. KzictBrd j STEELE fc ESTERY, icwIliveaCcnur Jib SI NESS DIRECTORY. o. c: CASE, TTORNEY AT LAW. OfSce one jfj dooi north of Oarbe's store. BSD CLOTO, 213 Collections made and promptly remitted "f. S. GILHAM, ATTORNEY' AND COUNSELOR A- AT LAW. Qcc on" f'wjr norA of Kulty Jirot. RED CLOUD, - - - WEB W. C. REILLY,. AITOIIXEV a!ntD COUNSKLOR AT LAW. ANO HOTAL. fSTATC AOEZT Ited noud. Xrb. C5.Proropt Attention Oiren to Collection". Ofmch- with C. II. rOtTCK, t Red Cloud pmit ijtflrp. ATTOKWI2Y AWD :OVN a SE LOR AT LAW. Ofiico over Farley's Drug Store. 22DUL0UD - - 2TS3. JAS. LA!RD, ttTTOKNKy AND COUNSKLOR inj.atlaw. .lurintaNclirafka. Will prac tice in nil tlic Courts of the ttato. I'rompt nttcntion piven to all business pritntstoil to hip care. Office on the cafit. fide Juniata Avcnuo. July 1 7 H. S. EALSY. C, W. EALSY ftctury Public ! Act. II. ri-M. R.R. Lnnd. ATTORN IS VS AT LAW and real oe Lite Agents. Will practice in all the Courts' inthis State and Northern Kan. Collections promptly attended to and Correspondence olicited. Red Clouj-Neb. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Pension Surgeon. OrFl'F. over Ka'.ey Rros. law office. EED CLOUD. 1'SEBASHA r:B,iu;i:r a. r all ot. d. Physician & Surgeon, RED CI.DI.D, NEH. Unripe locate 1 irmneutly nt thii jdacc. 1 will nttml to 11 tullir. l.-.y firiiiRht. f!i i-for tho iirwent at Farley's drtiK store: at nicht at hid rc-iiicncu over eirho'iie'fc rftoro. Iliu3 J. W i!BS5KXA ill D. i:x.r.cTic Physician and Surgeon, RhD CLOUD. NKR. Will fav siifplnl atlrn'ion to Obstetrics nnd ! difr.c of uoiiihti -Alo ctncral and ncial (nrjrcry. Diife- of tho he mi't tar. I 1 in ryes moderate. Oifice. tor the pres ent at Kiicrer n lrup More. 2l-y VALLEY HOUSE, P 1!. WEKTON, Iro. RKD CLOUD, - NKBRASKA. First Clc' in evejy rcjipct. Free 'bu to and I frotn au triin. S-ii.ii.lo roorai Tor commercial tncn- uo nsa trial. W. . Richi-don. 6. Garbcr. Richardson fiGafoer, -DEALERS IN IXVE STOCK. RKD CLOUD, XKBUASsKA. HiKhcft mnrkot price paid for hop jnd cattle. .1. K.SuiTit S. C. Svitii M.R.riiDtn-Biiv. Trc. Fiw t Nat. Cah. Fimt Lato Tiller First auk. Reatrico at. Rank Xat. innk neat Neb. atriceNeb. rie 'cb. W'o rs & jpioinpson, Mja oii jta S21KJI CrUJ JVJKfiJ. "Will make collection? in any part of the United ftiite- Sll exchanRC upon the princi pnl cistern oitie Loan money upon improved farms Rtcciredepo its subject to Mght draltf Allow interc.t urcn time del o.'iu, aud trans act a ccneral Banking lu-inejis. Kr.KKRKMCr.s: Om.iha Xalioral R.ink. A. S. PaJdock, U. .8? Senator: Firt National Unnk New York, CamlaiJce VaUcy National Dank, Cambridge New York. EMIGH BROS. MEAT MJUXET KEO CU)C1, NMCH. The choicest of Irch meat a. Sacrapcs Fowls and everythirr in the line that the mar ket afford?, always on hnd. A?"Shop two door? south of Shercr's drn.-torc. C, H. POTTER, PR01RIETOtt RF.D CLOCIt ' DRUG STORE, And Dealer In ' Drugs, Med!cines Paints, OILS; VARNISHES All jroous in my Linekep. constantly 09 hand: and to which I invite the attention of the public. 3AUmjr oldfricnd and many new onej as choose to do so, are inritrd to call. inl C. H POTTER. umm t Feed ty Sale Stable, Jf. D.'PosT, Prop. RED CLOUD. TRELOGmSTRfiBRMS PORTA tvBLE FARM SCALE FOR FASU 1 ERS-GIUW DEALERS. FAWUJES Wocl Gnmets and '.' f ertOR wishing a cheap, accu tite Scale. CONVENIEMT. A ASrIJTS " e , c ' I A CHEAP. Vl ScU rx&trt. CORRECT. WANTED xX tt-e best "J'aTBBaBBiraCttraaW ?at" "i i AA - Steel bearings. Sinple in construction. No pvtcf it liabia to jet out cf order. Sold t leu than haJ the pne of any other acale. Uboral "mductmtntj to Agents. Send tor Circular ard Pr re List to J. E. V.'COOKEATj. Gnri Atr.t, 3;6 W. Wad-n Si'ctb Chca3 THE CHIEF. sr K L THOMAS. EDITOR TnORSDAY FKK.26. 1SS0 Fifty out of the filtysix IelcKate.. j '" rj,c re arc being worked on elected lo the New ork State Convert. , t,,c K y R R Clet 0f Arapahoe put tion ar solid for brant, first, last and all ;. , . . the time. TllP. I'lattstuuuth Herald Calls loudly for what it terms "Marine Hospital Sena tor Paddock" and says'that there is a eick ailor at one of the rcbtaurcntd, and wants the Honpitnl "lew onct.'' TUP. T.inr-nln Mnri .. "Annfhr darkey who had "been dah." Was lSkeJ ... . I how lie hked Indiana. 'Well, tab, if 1 owned a lot iu Indiany and one in hell, I'd hell do Indiany lot and reside in hell.' A compliment to the c!ss.'ic Wabash that Dan could't fail to appreciate." THE Clay county Journal says Senator I'nddock has EOtvcd tho people of Ne braska two terms in his present capacity. Will the Journal tell ue when and where? To the best of our recollection, the neat "ft the Senator ever came to ervintx the people in his present capacity wa when he i an for Counts on the democratic ticket. JVnjt'jiicc Ji-tnucr. The greati-et .service tbo distinguished I?) Senator could poihy render the people of Nebraska wool I bo to resign. The Chicago Timts, f the 14th, de votes tievco culuinps to a carefully writ ten and very full Flatctncnt of tho ad vantages cf Nebraska for tho production of food of all kinds, and the attractions of itt rollipg prairies for cultivator) of the granit toils of New England, or of tho microscopic farms in Ktiropa. In sum ming up, the Timr sayt: "Altogether, Nebraska tu-tkos a showing that mu-t be gratifying to everybody except English l;in(lhji(L-1 who see im pending ruin in American cheep food." OEOWINCr EOT." From prosont appoarances, ono is Fafe iu the jiretliction that the senatorial fight is fair'y under wny; and that the chances of Mr. Paddock for a re-election are grow ing cee.dediy thinner as time rolls along. Governor Na:ce seems to be jut now taking thu lead, thoueh Oudge Gaslin in making fast iimo. In thu event that Mr. Ma nee concludes to come out squarely, our Dr. Duckworth, of North Platte, would mule a splendid executive. Who will second this nomination? Culierston Glob,:. We could not think of sparing Judge. Oaslin pom the juiicial bench. Let u keep him thuic till his time is our, and thenput him on the supreme bench. !ut iu iase Gov. Ianco refuses to be a tMiididate. as he has thus far, how would Kx-Gov. Garbcr. of Wclstcr county, ib? Few men in Nebraska are more popular, or can chow a better record. Naponce Banner. The Runner U sound in mind on this question lew men in the state have as good a record as ex Gov. Garbcr, few are moie po ular and none would servo the people better. Wunautaman in Pad dock's place who will look a little after the interest of the people and less after re-election. We have been repeatedly questioned of lato. as to our choice of the probab'e candidates now ia tho field for the presi dency. We say now as we have said before, Grant is our first choice. Wc are lor Grant because we believe ho is the moet avai la blc tnau. Ilccau? e we believe, that in the event of a democratic majority in both houses of Congress, he is the only man in whoso hands the people would I c willing to place the nations offairs, and because we thiuk, after the cringing, imbecile and hypocritical adminirtration of K. 1$. Hayes, that a man is needed at the htad of the government who has the will, the experience and the "sand"' to administer its ofiairs. There arc many other reasons why we prefer U. S. Grant for the d ext president, reasons that will readily occur to every thinking mind. If, however, the Chicago Convention should place in nomination James G. Ulaine, Washburn or any other staunch republican, we will lay.aside our personal preferences and be found among his ordent supporters, and while we believe that Gee. Giant is thu man that could be the most easily elected, the man who would make the best president and the man who is weeded at the head of the government, we propose to stand by the actioc of the Chicago convention an hoist at the head of our columns the name of the man that is there selected as the republican standard bearer for the campaign of 1SS0. Does Advertising Pay? The Chi cago Tribune, for a column a year receives $26,000. New York Herald receives, for its lowest price column, $39,723, and j tor its highest ?24S,000. The New York daily Tribune for its lowest $20,794, aud for its highest, $85 G48, and these papers are never at loss for an advertise ment to fill their columns. Their patro nage comes, not from any desire to assist the respective pavers, bet from business men who find it profitable to advertise. Depravitt. It is contended by soae religious creeds that the human heart is totally depraved, aad when we notice the influence which avarice wields over it, we do notwonder at the doctrine. It is now the universal order of the dav to adulter. ate -nearly every artWe of living which is soceptible of such frand. The articles of Saleratus and Sods stand foremost ia j the bridle of the horse 9 goWed aim the IlSt, Ihe Gold Medal IS MrWlr nnrw'jn.rt Mr 7iTar'ri Prw altjta l aaa and healthy. A fair trial will ensure ita'sronned. and Mrs. HarKreares- aad the S7ATZ CLU'PWaS. A herd of forty elk were teed llt week fn Well canyon, Liacola chanty. Four large two-Mor brick baildinjc ate to be erected in Crete this priag. Henry Winllcy, of Adams coacty, lo.i five children by diphtheria m tvrj weeks. An Iowa iimn will laka 2,0-X) aheep to Genoa, corral for which are uo'X build- A Colfix county farmer iuvesled $120 in aheep four yeara ego 2nd It&i rince cleared $743.W. The Nebraska City -New states that the indications for a good fruit crop in that vicinity arc very prouiidio. ncT7 ,ow CIiriMCnou licr lia been surveyed near Ar-tpahoe, and has nnn.I t mf. tinMt 9 1. jnlrl.i.j good prospect for rtctilers. Grand Is'and is in earneit about erect ing a cheese factory. A meeting of thos2 interested wj- held on Saturdry. j Oakdalc will erect a Catholic church J edifice soon. This wis tula?d of fonic lime ago, btlt was necossarily given over. It is claimed that a three foot vein of coal has been discovered in the ciuyone fifteen miles north of North Pluttc. On au avcrago one convict per day has left the penitcutiary th"n month, their terms of imprisonment having expired. The assurance is given that a $2,500 fountain will be set up in the govern ment fqurre, Lincoln, during the coming season. Tho fate ol 0. C. McNish, postmaster at wisner, was broken open and robbed on the 7th of $6 10 in cash, aud ten money orders. Thero arc strong indications of fine coal deposits in Knox county, near Niobrara, and a company will speedily bo organized to prospect. Settlements hai been made with thosa injured by the caving in of the embank ment of the li. Si M, U. K. bridge at Plattsmouth iu December. The U. Sc M, railroad will erect a ?10, 000 I rick round houj In Lincoln to ac commodate t.vclvo brge locomotives. Material is now being h-iuldd to the site. The discovery of coal in ThaycM&uuty still continues to attract great attention, and it is anticipated that others now en gaged in prospecting will meet with great success. Mrs. Hugh Salts, residing near Beatrice fell dead while picking up wood It was thought that she would return to consciousness, but after several days' watching the body was buried. t A St. Paul, Howard county merchant learned last week that oil bid been struck on land wlrch ho sold in Pennsylvania a few moaths ago for $700. The present owner of the property has refused $50, 000 for tho pioperty, Colfax county men are giving a great deal of attention to stock ruining and breeding. One firm will bring in forty head of full blooded Durham cows, and another is investing in' Clydesdale stock. The Swiss government is negotia ing with tho B. & M. lailroad for the purchase of a lape tiact of land, which, if procured, will hi sold in small lots to such as iutend to emigrate from Switzer land. Connecticut mid St. Paul, Minn., men have just perfected arrangements far tract of land in the southwestern part of Dakota oounty, and will begin sheep raiding at once, starting oat with a flock of 3,000. Beaver Ciiy officers trapped a pan? of four thieves and house-breakers who arc supposed to have robbed the .postoffice last July, and also stores and dwelling. Thay were tent up for trial. 1 he largest deed ever spread on the Howard county records was that of 27, G00 acres of land iu ranges 0 and 10, from the B. & M. railroad to a Washington, D. C, man, and from him "to Ueu'l. Matiaser A. E. TouziHn. Con-iJeri-tions 5.",200.90 While the remains of Mis, Sam'l Sny der, of Peru, were being borne to the grave, one of the mulo3 drawing the wagon which served as a hearse caught its foot in a hole in the bridgS over which it was passing The mule stumbled and pitched over the side of the bridge, bat was kept from falling by the other likewise catching its foot and and holding the team in place while the eoSn was removed. The team fell iato the ercek, bat little damage was done. Ashlabd, Neb., is bound to bare a county fair this fall. The ground has already been purchased, and is. as far as cite is concerned, a very desirable loca tion, comprising 100 acres situated on a pieca of groend tvhere the Wahoo and Salt" creek streams meet, necessitating by natural formations, only a high fence oo one side. The good people of Ashlaod are wide-awke in' this matter and we feel sure that they tfill make a success of the matter. m What might have proved" a serioos ae crdeut, was prevented last San-jay morn ing by Cash Kiuney. The mo:her of Mr. A. K. HargreaTes, with her sou's" infant child ia her arms, was sitting in- her 0115 g j, while AUweat into the bovse for a lap robe. While he was abaest, the horse started off ami soon in a ran; Mr?. Hargreaves kid the baby nsder the seat and picking up the Kses esdeavord tostopthe' sow frightened horse, bat without avaik Cash Kirrncy, who hap pened to be passing sf the time, grabbed Gt At BROWN, (Sooccamor to W. II. Becd.) DaUtLatK 1M PARLOK. BEDROOM aud Kitchen FUENITITEB Brack uts. Chromos, Picturm Ervmbs, Mattresses, Etc. COFFINS nfcraja on bar. J and trimmed on ehurt .not tea. PPIC1C m LOW as anv in the valley Repairing ofull kinds'doue prompt- ly and satisfactory. RKD CLOUD, NKB. MRS. O. !fl. I1AWLEY, TnA-Hc.ROF -- Vocal and Instrumental w. B3Y, nmn t5 STAPLE &ni FAHC7 DHOEISHISS house plants, n.otvK'i rors, WIltF. (3TANPH Ac. NICK and CHOICE articles a specialty. Net th 'old Court Houe.' Webster St, RED CLOUD, X KB. U7 ill WUUR. A. I;i uter bach, Propr, 1) EAI.CIl I.N ALL KIND. OF CANNFD GOOD-, FRUITS. NUTS, CON FEO TIONKK V, E I'C. FB23H B2SA9,PISS, CASS?,SVary ITosa. Warm Meals at all hours, 25 cents. (-FRESH OYSTERS always on hand. Webter street, one door south of Kaley Bros. law office. RED CLOUD. - - NEBR. r7-? FOUrJD at X AST ! - .THE Adjustable Rocking Chair. SIX CHANGES! From a SEWING CHAIR FOR THE LADIES TO A CRADLE for the BABY. For Sale in Webster and Franklin coun ties only nv G. A. BROWN, 22D CLOUD -17S3 0ni7 HARNESS SHOP nv J. L. MILLER Keeps constantly on hand a full line of Harness Collars, Saddles, Whips, Horse-Blankets, Combs, Brush es, Harness Oil and every thing nstfahy kopt in a first-class shop. Two doors north of the bank. TheSlgliMt Caft Price ?&!2 ft? 2es ui Fcrs. TVUwswrVay.mciiiriae ni enn STlM,Fp:'a!; Until. ui.ou. c or aT r.ntrnri, aM ttt remove tlxt Hanrh withnat V k Bllilprinc nr r.uir a rr. rwo trtntvlf f mt it jroTr-td rjualf it f.-r ti rl.lw-y of mrlivn 9 (mack. I1k f I ! fa- ci-nttT 1fjiJ ,l.T6 S positive I.roof, arl .ur Ttni".- na..uiT-s. jiuuHEii Biiui.mi iti lteuatall'a Muatln L'dh at- afc nt aLaV incrraiiai iMrui.on avrtr. .b1 nat e W crrrr mni of ummtf rrora sinti 3. II IU. .MO rTB Bil WUIl itaw V ol ,.. va a rt.-ct iKrr ttxlwp .!qraic oi KWCKt-iuicfinnn. imn ! la mini ... k p-fAit iaawnrn .1 l wan arallca. ua -Kradair 11 tnrt any ,wU. Hi -npu-. ym tOiet. arj w.i Usalt. rr 0 (parln of Mvrral W l"Uj tnrnl t jrar" m.vjijrrrrtri,c-!r faf. - " " - ' half M tL-ie a. a hro"i (f pnjftBi Kn yFvJc.rJ!.rtrlr. -dipped 9 ' 5",J, li laoirTrw and n.fwnl am C"r. V ftv tk nUmrrrment. I jt F . tcTt t,n, vorkrd thi l.ne rrcx tuxt W M ai al tytiTl aad IxarTrr saltan M bpt oath, an lBK,uutanl&ttTrfcT4Mm ' tMT ftftarc H the ilsc or tVe knrk "a. ezasjnrd U . tiue- t tmud him 5h aW. re saaor Jaa-aaavU'a SpoTtn Cnrr.n M t- . . K.V.RAINRI l"'" Eb5!,ralU,VurAS.laTX S L SrtrnacJ nxtMcHbtl U 4or nae tfeSf f r SiOi OiroflcbreajT. A.D.T?.- a - J.. i. jDOiZ, W JtjrcorUM Pnr. 45 SeadaOirm s Hlrtrtlr4 rlmilar lo Dr. B. J. 3IbW. Itg-rtitH. ro t raiityrfi Tal't. Yrrm mt V . SOLD IT DRUGGISTS T hot unite 'The Richest Blood. Swee'est Breath knd Fairest Skin in Hop Bitterc" "A little Hop Bitter saves bi: doc tor bills and Ion; sickness " "That invalid wife, nntoer, sister or :hild cia be mads the picture of health with Hop BUers.' When worn dawn ani ready to take our bed, Hop Bitters is wTiat you jed." Don't physic aad pliy3ic, for it weak ns and destroys, bat take Hdp Bittters hat haiH in rrvatifjnal'r. Thysicnns o! all cbonN ase and reo-1 lommend Hop- outers, lest thm. "Health b beaut and joy Hop Bit :ers sive health aad beauty.' Thero are nnre cares made" vfith Hop Bitters than all other raedic'ies." "When the brain U wearitd this bervB aatruajr,- the mossier weak, use Htm Bitters. W -raatlaw, lirvbtA fever, waat of leep tmi weakae; ails Tot Hop Sit- ters.' I a&tgk'CaTtaPaisttlWfirr.e-' Itcftra ami Ci?. tos sale h B.' K. Sn'KRKR,- Good For 30 Days. In mrAtt t raa rwra ftir Sftlttt Prb, LUHT cl'lBC lrjr-fiH4. tUvl,aile. tf t t4 far at pnrrt ibat wtli 1 j Bt6j ia tAnt tb matrt anriMcr in kla Ut. lnut tVut ft 0 C" aTlV-gTVtralrfeA4rargC ll. MlM. I Miner Dealer. In f! MERCHANDISE. i 0 VTa kep con'tanltr ?DRY GOODS. 9 ' Clothing, 5 Hats, 5 O O LASS WA R E, CjU CROCKER Y. r a ; V JWc buy our goods for cash, $and defy competition. When? 1 in town give us a call. (Ct VOnerJoor ?oath of the r.rtOme. Q Q Red Cloud. 0 -!l0i'Q-Iyr? VCj--Q-Q-Q, t-if 9 0 F. NEWHOURE, -DEALEIl IK- DRY - GOODS, GEOCEEIES, AND NOTIONS, Rc.1 Cloud. IVebraska The public i;cnerally are reouested to cH and examine my eood and price, a a thare of the palnaa)je is r-ohctted. gg Store, first door north of Mosh er's meat market. 14-26 F. KEWHOUSE. SAI'L 6ARBER rxabsa. nf Dry Goods and m irocerics. BOOTS mill SHOES Hats- Caps. & Ready Made Clothing! W ! ths Largest Stick ' t Vairty and will Aft G1VK- US A- GALL, OI2 !& f Sam'f, Carber- J. L. Mt'K.ijf Bros, all Ltohf on LunJ a fall ttwk of GROCERIES. &c.' 9 $ Caps Boots, 0 li ENS WA R E AN D wob.i n mrmmmm COME! For t"onr LUMBER! DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. THE EBKT 1 3r TKX 2IABKKT fluid at liw?a( I'rlcrt " i'M? fj n:t fFt'r? CTW.-t REO CLOUD NEB. cmcAco Lumber Yard Varii south of Hamptoa at ?xl etoa'j shop, on Mub street. Keep MsalaxU? a hi'Jxa a.wrUBst cf Latabr. Laalb, "aklaiclea, faaara MTfa. , Lltaa MMlrOaaa-MI. PaWlr tafllallara; rr ct. PLAIT & FREES Proprietors. nnER RR0THEI.-9. I HEADiJUARTERS FOR tMabftilk S aafaPA rV.W ft jOLUWS. .aaaaaW JaaaaaaaaaaK 7 &Qaaaaa? jt -n MtSit . V fc nw ! mpfozrr-'J - Tktvkf. - r. a 0 . aiii p ,. m . . .11.1 . th - a. te a . w t mm . 'ti Ut4t erit r. aiaU A -! ".4 i rrr W aff I r Ik. f- 1 . "' ' Utk Kki... r WOtXK t-r? . .. aafaW"! ST "T. '." r "- ' . '-"'k.-M T ULfi I -AH akw-'vasu . at a a t, ' .l .. v .-. tta .. w.l .. -- .. W c ..- ""'J ti. p4 -. . 1 paw . r- a-.-... r -- -' )" H i ..--- -t-"jfc . 4a.-iV .an a4 k.." - . vy .-t -.-,,.- 1 . -.at. waVat t - -r- - 'i.i-.i . ..4 a. ,.! ... -1 . " S! Sfc . ... tw - -" - - .at J . . -. f-H .. .- 1 a . , a "IsJ , ,.aMM..Mak.,' -.! lbMwM...a - a "-i !.. rJKa. a ' rN.t!U ' aV. . .an-a4 nat3 nccY co.wt ctns Ma.aai a4 fciA ?. 6f . LO3U fO. BOC!CSrn"rV15LLIO?J ji'WrS ITftTIrlX Vn'.jl-t t A' -- AV 44 aV f- !- a . aVM - aatat 1 I r 4 f f- .-- t --- n.- I . m f ai., L.w . lf r.- ' . - , .-4 r.,ai -TKC PKIVATC MKOICAL AOVffWRL m rt-U. t-Mrf r.a, M .s'r.yMaii t,.fly - aV .. 1 1 jm .. ., .,&. a .i hii. t 1 wi , 1 w a, a i . ... a .- 1, .. ! a.,r , fw w yy, .. . 5 t W f ".. f(a . . -z r r t .,.. pt. HUtTV UffgWHArl talin a t. ,aaaaaaaaaaat a, 4.. m . . . tit. H, . --. ,-V' ,.-, il A Wr. feaaia) 'naraaiXl laaafja' , r "l t t t r. v h Mhr.rat ai u f rr'ttHli . J ar ) 4 MmM IV IM IUr w k i i W tV J - Mlf Aturv. II la at s riM. i PROF. HARRIS RADICAL CUMf id2lflb?itoexh(sa; ' 'A: "r.EfiiJMAJ. PASTiUtEt H wr . - ' . a.a. ta aa.i -M4f w ,- I. , a . f.iufc,! SMuaa, ti jm r rut t - -a t i . a a" v. . . .. -. . . -n)at yu! V'-A '.- ' (aat,WTMa"Va. T M d b i. i - a. h wy"N a WBaaaaaWF , aajP wW Wr. f r. l i . -. iv a. tunai !! - i i If a. Wfc' a.! A, .a. - MfHM w r-r a a 4 Vm aana4 taif''T. - " r6a" t ?aa. iHrf, iJWH- H 4m A a. &4wr. a-f a W fce Mara- ! -ta iayx i"jr"t w i MM fw-awt aatur-l Tirw. -1 aw4 - ara . .iy . . , a - 4 ri aC ia. K a...-4 .r-tm- Mi" f.iai'a. i .. w I im .. ' .. frf ar . W - M-f -4- a i ' t a -.4 .w.a .a a; r4lai.ai u),..avia ay wm,kmiW Lsiw. Ja.rra l-wfa. I l. v a -wj I9 . a. Mom at , a f....w ant - ! ?, (-af - wim, a r i'i.i . . - ax m , r Vf -.. - .?... 31 a.rfcjrr1;)a.-i wJla-tvaw car-r jwdr - V '' - faV , tf .Va. wit- 'i .- m m" m 'taj'g W la Iv,)hH ',-. a v. 3 a- a I nM fc 'i.A J, ijr.niin r.rEir oo.rrc &1&1W Ui. il tvJ ;u ttt. ST. LOr3,M ftW.lfcH'irtlM EAST'S B.3IM5 SAW iASKiKS 7aa axrr TS.uia o ut. Wej ava r " r 4A 7?&(M2 .? anf ' 4 tat Cna a"r. ACKKTS WAMTCOa' Br, WHITHEE .. ib ... .v . t i 0l a. r - - -. a asiataraevJ.a yywTTrga atwiwa,rf Jna -arirai'--- - y - van a , - Xrtt-j!r avf ( Je-jCT, a t ' arrata a aVaVAaaa. m. r-s. aaa. r Oi-, j: mwc ' 3UTa-a aw Mt-a vrs. C-aiafaaCSrt.af a-ayarw-ai . rvsr: a0i ?itJac (v.. rv a caB C K . MARRIAGE I Al?. &. j cuide ta jwey sr jracy. Caw JaV , sistarrir jntaSr jfuCwsa aVa,Vr.' - .WMraS iurr.aia ad. a. JtAV-t. !--. y-V MC "0't - i. JtaytW. i vaT. ?a-a7, ryv if-.- kl!M(W."T au aina. j-fari.m.iaj 44j .jgj. ij.iiw f AVfiOMi, y.Vf t r" aawwraaaMarxt f-r- .it-T apai I aoM-va.ar.v :a.H aaa aw aaaaaaaaa aa aaaaa. aai aa aa aa yw.in jMirjptJaVTafti Kre-vA. ur? m nrvaaw.iv'f m m a " v- a ww i. I i5a3aWars.SNarr. K-ai iXifr " J - - m llallVlan I I II 3j aa a' aTSaiiiilBM BiiT I3.!' ft fCx:s IdUMftV 1 AaaVCa. Mfttala, J K Ja ?racs a UbaiM7HTBniuL i ,t .- reSf ".' , t? tK. 1 Snss. faaL X Sumx 1 anaitf X"K - -r ruUW J jarT ?"'' ? ftatC? afaww.'witw ,...""' y--a .s -aaay- PRTSORfFfTUH ?R5M x jjaj HaamaBaaaBi" Wt aaBBBBBBBBBBBK Use, Try it. 1 dhfU-aaMsAvd-oot of tW bvgfjt MMi Cla i'ajJFiMtaaw t t -" -