fcr.' MamBM r-riTni 1 1 m tf.Mj-i f&mtm!iiar&iMm niejuj C : v ? THE CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS. Last Monday wis froand-heg dsy. Scarlet fever is ragtag near Lisceln. Tempera dcc preaching Is bow is vogue. For goods at coft, go io Farlsy's drug store. - The doctors arc kept pretty bossy io these parts. J. C. Farley is selling out bis stock of Roods at cost. - ConMilcrable sickness among tbe little ones, of late Mr. Robert Rownd pays for tie Cuikp a year in advance. Eleven new eul.cribers to tie Cfiizr lafct week. And still they conic. The lute cold weather has revived the matrimonial market somewhat. A. Kaley returned last week from a visit to his old home in Pensylvania. 0 C. Cae has had a fearful siege of fcickuers, but is now slowly convalescing. Will Urubaker was married to Mis f-uaie Jackson, of Willow creek, but week. Tbo dauco a week ago last night at Joe Carr's ball came near ending in a iree fight, The teachers association ia Dis. 9, on the touth eidc of the river last Saturday was not a success. Post, Warner & Albright & Co. Ac, sold off all their accumulated superfluities &c., laht Saturday. Laht week we printed a brief foi Kaley Bros., the first one, we believe, printed in this county. The ground-hog saw bis shadow last Monday, which means, according to tiadition, six weeks more of winter. E. F. Burtcn has just closed a sue coaful term of school at Cowles, and has enrolled his name among those of the telect school. An hours time is required to read a column of proof, but wo sometimes read lour columns in less than half that time, when crowded. A number of families have recently arrived from Iowa and settled near Cowles. Quite a colony will follow io their wake, in the early spring. II local news is scarce in this week's istue and the paper generally 'thin", it n attributable to the fact of their beiog sickness in the Chief's family. Tbo Ciiief office has been crowded wit h job work of lalo. It will now be in order for our louc eared neighbor of the Argus to raise a howl and mako a fool of himself axain. Mr. Canfield lost Jwo children in three days, one died on Friday and tbe other oa Sunday last A sore brcave ment to the family, who have the ryuipathy of the community. Mr. Binnecker has moved to tbe building formerly ocupicd by Mr. Wil helmson, and wo underwood Mr. Hol land will ocupy the Red Cloud hotel, having rented it of Mr. Moore. Messrs. O. and A. McCall, whom we are .lad to number among the Chief's most substantial friends, made the heart of ye editor glad last Saturday, by each paying up f jr the paper, and a year ia advance. Miss Fuson who has been "teaching the j-oung idea how to shoot," over on Oak cieek has taken a contract of a more teiious tind, and will now devote her energies to teaching Ellsworth Ball how to fellUOC. This is leap year, and it is amusing to. watch some of the young men when approached by a fair damsel of marage- ablc age. In delightful anticipation of a proposal, they turn red in the face and their hearts flutter like a hirt t well like a table cloth on a clothes line. The friends of the W. G T. U. will meet Friday of this week at 4 P. M. sharp, at the school house to talk over tbe best way to promote the cause of temperance in ourmidsL Come out dear friends, one and all, and let us see what the women of lied Cloud can do. Our advise to the young men is, do not try the handkerchief flirtation, or the hat flirtation or any other code of signals of that kind, because 6ome stalwart old gentleman nny mako you acquainted with the boot flirtation, and if one of those double-soled No. ll's should get to flirting around your coat tails, you will think you are signaled by a locomotive with a gravel tram behind it The invitations to the dance on Friday night are out They are a terror to look upon, i hey are certainly the most miterablo specimen of printing, of the kind ever issued from any print shop. The manages of that affair bad bettct have paid the price asked by tbe Ceicr, and they would have got a decent job of work instead of the wretched affair sent out from the Argus office. A few changes took place on tbe B. & M. R. R. last Monday. - Mr. Phillips . took charge as assistant Superintendent of the road from Plattsmouth to Hastings, with headquarters at Lincoln. Alex. Campbell assumed the same position from Hastings west and south, with headquarters at Hastings. Janes Dailey returned to Lincoln, and will be the road master between Lincoln and Hastings. On Monday last Wiggins Senior, oar grain dealer started on a pleasure trip to Jew Orleans, his old home, to be present at the great Carnival Mardieris that is celebrated every year just before the be ginning of the Ifntea season, it eoemrs this reason Feb. 10th. Mr. Wiggins 1-romises to send us copies of New Orleans papeis, with discriptioas of the earaival. He is- accompanied on kis trip by his Von H. S., the agent of the B.S M. and C. B..& Q. roads at Nebraska Cky. Eight months ago Maia street at Alma was juet$twenty-iwo feet long. Today it is tbwfc Quarters of a mile in Jeagtb. nod contains some of the very beet bad ness bousssjn tbe VaHcy -Sublet Dewier k Ce. wUl eeea re ceive tan largest stack ef mrm mashiaery ever broagkt Sate tke RepnbKeaa Veley. Tney wiH keep en nana1 and fer sale evert thiag in the aeainery line that the faraaers need and wUl sell these at the ssoet reasonable rates. Next week their large advertiseesent wiH appear ia the Csixr, which wiH give yon more infer mation on tbe snbjeet than we are able to give ia a abort notice like this, at leak oat for their "ad." Ed. Chief: Tbe whaagdoodlc con cern down town holds the people respon sible for the nigh taxes. Let see ask tbe whangdoodle if the people anthemed Mr. Lectridge to walk ap to tbeeapUia's ofice and settle his taxes for a east m.aea less than bis taxes realy ware. If the people authorized Hemael Oarber and Levi Moore to watt ap to the eeptaia's ofice sad settle their taxes for so maca oa tbe dollar? While the jtmpU walked ap and paid their taxes dollar for dollar. Did the people aatberise the eoaaty officers to levy a fear dollar lead road tax when the new aoaatitatiom positively prohibited it levy? the Railroad Company refitting te pay their taxes, road warrants issued apoa the levy and to-day tbe people have to pay them. If the people did vote a bridge tax aad school hoase bonds tbe law arotidee hew they shall be paid, why has not this been done long ago? Tbe whsagdoodlo says after this tax is paid "we can sea in it the end of high taxes." Has the wbaagdoodle forgotten that the payment of tbe funding debt bonds created without a vote of tbe people, jaet begias in 1880? Tbe whang doodle concern ought to have found out by this tine that be can't make his bread and batter by trying to humbug the people. Enquiixx. on WAsuxtrosT ram. Wasbiagton D. C, Jaa. 28, 1880. The excitement upon tbe political con test going on in Pennsylvania still con tinues, and Senator Cameron is in hourly conference with Repablicans from his state who are trying to f x things to tbe satisfaction af different factions. The CameroBS are severely dissapointed at the outlook, and are greatly chagrined at Senator Blaine, because bis popularity seems to be marchiag away with control over tbe caucus. Senator Blaiae has arrived here and is congratulated by large numbers of hiB party oa his sacosss in Maine as well as ia Pennsylvania A good deal of surprise is expressed by many that the committee oa territories of tbe House has voted down the bill to open the Indian territory to settlement and establish a territorial form of govern ment in it, after deviding the lands in eeverallty among the Indiaaa. There has been much talk about a' big lobby here in tbe interest of this bill, and about its probable passage withoat opposition. The friends of the measure console themselves with the remark tnat this is but a temporary check. They say they expect another bill substantially effecting the same result will be passed at this session. The Democrats here seem to be taking a Queer course to promote their success in tbe next campaign. No sooner is a Presidential candidate mentioned on there side than some of them jump upon him and cut and hack bim all to peices, ThusTilden, Bayard, Randall, Seymour, Tburman, Hancock, aad others have been more roughly bandied by their own party friends thaa by their opponents, and if this keeps on tbe Democrats will furnish a bad record for any of their candidates to go before the country on, unless they take up a new one at the eleventh hour. It is a matter for congratulation that between the President General Walker, and Congress we are likely to have a very efficient body of seasus supervisors in tbe different states. A revision of the original lists is now being made, and the poorer appointees weeded out While tbe President favors his party where ever it is possible, it is the general opinion that he will not appoint dishonest or in competent men if he knows it The Republicans have taken up the war against commissioners Hayt and Bently in lively style, and Schurx will have to get rid of them or have no friends left in either party. It seems fair to conclude that they are incapable of filling their offices satisfactorily. But as Schurx has little hope of remaining with either party after this term he will con aulj oaly his own pejudieee, probably. Knox. Closing Out! Closing Out!! Now is the time to buy cheap. Having decided Io remove my bastaam t) another point, I will sell my stock of drags, books, stationery at cost for the next 30 days, so come early and make your selections. A nice lot of wall paper that must be sold. J. C. Faelbt, First door south of bank. Esrses sad stales tr Sale. The aiidersigaed has for sale a good spaa of yoaag males, also one good six year eld mare. Short time will be givea oa a portion of the prieeef the animals, For terms 4c, call at my residence near the depot. Burr Dxwkll, 26tf Red Cload. Neb- JLSTQTICEl The Red Ckmd Cemetery Assoekrioa has ordered that the bodies baried oa theanewveyed portion of the cemetery mast ha remtved within the aext twenty days. Persons ietereeted in the removal of the ansae -wffl please govern themselves accordingly By order af the Aasoeietiea. Cbas. W Smimou, Red Cltad, Feb. 4th, 188V frwsarar. A proposition is te be aahmitted to Cedar eoaaty by the 83eax City aad Nebraska eamaaay, far heads from eleven per cents, ta the amaaar af tea pereeat on the valantioa far 1871. Was, Bargees, ef Genoa, was arrested again Thursday a the greand ef Banged usurpation of esnee. and the efcmees af that flace arose en mams aad invited the Fallerton sheriff to "skip." f 9ZDI MCX OOtlllFOaTBUCl. Gcidk Rock, Nra.. I J senary, 28th, 1880. j Earroa Chixt: Fer enee I wiH try aad eea tribe te a few ideas te yonr most Tamable paper. The Chief I rather admire, its editor is a pleia oat spoken kind of a fellow, aad I always kaaw where to ooaat him. Gaide Rock is beemiag, everybody is happy with the prospect of the raUread being completed soen, which will give as a market at heme aad eom petition in oar leeal trade, divide the trade among several, aad forever aad always thereafter arreet the trade from eat the hands ef one aaaa's dietam I am opposed to this eeatraliiaetioa of power, let it be ia vil lage, towa, eoaaty, state or government We will sooa have another dry-goods aad grocery store ia raaaiag order, also a fne hardware store. Oar aid time friead, E. L. Grabb, has planted his lae form ta ear midet aad will be ready aad willisg to deal oat to oar farmers nil kinds of farming implements from a hay fork ap to a threshing maaaiaa, at the lowest prices offered io the market. The old war horse, A. Garber, is gen erally etaadiaf behind the ooaater, with one eye eocked te catch a penny and for valae thereof measures by the yard or weighs oat by the lb the very beet of staples io the dry-goods aad grocery liae at the lowest price offered in the valley. And here too is Uncle Will Sabia, the most popular landlord that tbe world ever knew, his table is alwaye filled with the most palatable food. Squire Parker is not the least among as by any means, he is oar postoffioe man, and besides all that, he is a go between in respect to plaintiff and defendant. Hisjadgements are generally righteous and just. Doctor Robinson is here with his sign "drugs for sale" and a fine selection of drags he has. Here is Jad Baily the literary man, and I venture the assertion that he is teaching the beet school in the eoanty. Jad just kaows how to shoot an idea into the mind of his pupil I must net forget my friend Bauoe, when we want good and cheap groceries we go to bim. Just a little north of Bauoe is located the blacksmith shop of honest AL who is willing to pound iron for his customers at cheap prices, and Iwas just about saying that he is tbe only honest blacksmith that I ever knew. I have not, by any means, mentionel all the go od fellows in and around Guide Rock, there is Hank Bills, Higlo King and Doe. Smith, and many others too numerous to mention. There is a great deal of howling about high taxes and the bankrupt condition of our county. Oar taxes are about 8 per cent a higher rate of interest than one half the States in the Union can collect by law. What has brought all this about? A just and judicious management of county government, or a lavishing and wastful outlay of county expenses with no one ia the pilot bouse to steer the ship of county from off the rocks and snags. And it is laughable too, to hear some persons ex plain the causes. Oarlfon. county com missioners says that he knows everything is all right and straight for the county clerk told bim sol I cannot pass judg ment oa the matter and do not pretend to know where the fault lies, yet I believe there is a grand mistake somewhere. From the statement of the county Treasurer that was examined and ap proved November 27th, 1879, there must be a mistake about the high taxes the people are howling so much about. This is what he says: On hand May 1st, 1879 $ 5,826 47 Collected from May 1st, to October 1st, 1879..... 9,688 63 Amount collected and on hand May 1st, to Oct. 1st, 1876. 15,515 10 Expended May 1st, to Oct. 1st, 1879 10,322 94 Balance on hand Oct. 1st, 1879. 5,19216 This is his report aad to this all tbe commissioners say to us by pablieetioa in the Argus of Nov. 27tb, 1879, "which after being examined was approved." What waa about this to examine and approve? Only that two columns of figure added together are equal to the sum of so mach. ThU u the first proposition examined aad approved, the eeeond one is the two columns ef figures ana subtracted from the other gives a remaiadar of so raaoh? It is qaita a mathematical propositioa fer these mea to examiae aad approve, and it shows the naaaoml condition of Ireknd jast as mach as it does of Webster eoanty. Now tax payers tara to general statata, pege236, Sea. 27, aad then read what it says aboat making tk fiaeneial statement of a eeanty. Can anyone teU by that statement that this eoaaty is oaa dollar ia debt? Yet we are called apea to pay 8 per neat, taxes, what for? Aceordiag at the treeearers report wa are $5,192,16 above eammoa tide water. Let ma ask same aaa who ana tell, may eWf ear eenafty sjleen ahem em oetffc imrfearleady m finmmdtA sMtfemeaf an the km reewern them to dtf I am satisfied the there is a otee tax payer bat that weald mka ta know the fiaaneial eaadkma af his ceaaty. As eae,Ithiek there ahewM ha a made to the eommamwaei them ta appoint three ea sons to give aa a throngs, statement af ear eoaaty fiasaee. that wa may kaaw what this tax is far. Talk. Commro at Last. That J. Hon- me TarUr'n Geld Medal 8aan ar tan ta the heat article known Jar e.fcjreBmd,Bienit,Pii k ffassleas imientere are aryiaff ta rmlea off u the pnbte thew srtaoiea, say- it k GeidMenel.ee ee geed; there fore, al who woald atisasifs thear eteeaaehe aha health, leek and see that theneateerj. Monroe Tayhx ie ea the wrapper, and ha net pa aff with the npnriens hssaasa the ansehsal tells yen that it as gand. Ham nothing hat tan smnsuMfeldMeanL yeetimseeanase iu, and U will detheaiiead. Tryst. ssMLvnmr jtstxcx. Red Cload. Neb., October Itt, 1879 The partnership between J. N. Con verse, C. C. Godmaa and Baferd Hoi comb, nnaer the firm name of Convene, Gedman Co.. ie this day dieaelved by met an! eeaeeet J. N. Coitvxasa, C C. Godma.i, 25-2-w BuroxD Uolcomb. Bleak leases for sole at the Caixv ofice norm tr?. We have beea sapplied by the Bloom ingtoa land ofice wiih the aeoenmrv blanks for makiag application for final proof, and will fill oat aad forward for those wbo wish us to do so, free of charge. Call at the Chixt ofice. We keep on hand, and for sale all blanks used by Notaries Public CROWN! Not the Crown of Kings nor the Crowa of Glory, but the Crows Sewing Machine, the latest, aBd best machine ia tbe Mar ket, it will pay yoa to call at the Post Office and eee it before yon purchase! For Sale by M. B. McNitt. m i Don't snd to Lincoln or Omaha for blanks when yoa caa gst them for the same money at tbe Chikv ofice, and esve expressege. Mr. Montgomery regalarly deals oat fresh milk te tbe inhabitants of Red Cloud. Milk delivered every day, 8aa dsys aot excepted. County warrants aad aceouata takea on back subscription at 90 eeats oa the dollar, at this office. Deitirtoy. H. A. Biard will be in hi office, frnm the nrst to tbe 7th, and from the 15th), to tbe 23d, of each month. Omoe aext door to the ISaak, Red Cload. 23 If. "Old Gov't Java" at RobyV For Pitted Plums, and Cherries. Al- den Apples, CaL i'a Peaches, Seedlecs and nice Box Raiirios, and every thing else thats nice co to W. B. Roby's. tf MONKY TO LOAN, on good Farms at 10 per cent interest. No com mission. D. S. Coombs, at Court House, Red Cloud. 17-tf - ' ' m Be Wise and Happy. If you will stop all your extravagant and wrong notions in doctoring yourself snd families with expensive doctors or humbug cure-alls that do harm always, and ate only nature's simple remedies for all your ailments you will be wise, well and bappy, and save great expease. Tbe greatest remedy for this, the great, wise and good will tell you, is Hop Bit ters rely on it. See another column. Having to Decided to JUmove my stock of drugs, books, stationery Ac, to another Doint, I will sell my entire stock for the next 30 days regardless of coat. J. C FARLXY, One door south of Bank. Mr. John Aultz has secured the ser vices of the well known and popular ba ker, Mr. John Miller, who now does the baking at that establishment. The best of fresh bread, cakes, pies &c , can al ways be found at his bakeray. Call and see. 1st door south of Sherrers drag store. 24 tf. Go to W. B. Roby's for your choice confectionary for Christmas, afresh stock just opened up. Next to the "old Court House." Final Proof Notices. Land Ofice at Bloominrton Keb. Feb. 2d, 180. Notice is hereby (Ten that tbe following named icttier has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sapport ofhis claim, aad se cure final entry thereof, before James A.Talleys Clerk of the Court of Webster eoanty. at bis off ice in Red Cload Neb., on March 6th. 1830. Reaso Armstrong, for the soathweet q Barter of seetion 2 tows rant e 10 wet Lead names ta e following as his witnesses, ris: William James. Alexander James. John Arnold and Aagast Alumcnthall. all of Blue Hill Neb. febSmart 6. TV. SWITZKR, Register. Laad Office at Bleomington Neb. Jan. 31. WO. Notion is hereby Wen that the following named settler has filed notice ofhis intention to make final proof in snpport of his claim, and se cure final entry thereof, before James A. Tel lers, clerk of the court of Webster ooanty. at his ofice ia Red Cload. April 1st. 1SSO Ilenry A. McCane. fortne north wast quarter of section IS towa 2 range 10 west, aad names tBa following aa his witnesses, vis: William Hofr wortn. Richard Tinker. Frank Teaaaat aad Seta Alger, all of Red Cload. Neb. febSmaH 8. W. SWITZER. Register. Laad Ofice at dooming ton Neb. Jan. 31st 1880. Notice is hereby girea that the following named settler has filed notice ofhis intention to make final proof in snpport of his claim, aad secure final entry thereof, before James A. Tel leys, clerk of the court et Webster eoaaty. at his ofiee in Red Cloud, oa April 1st, 1880 Edward IfcCune, for the northeast quarter ef section 18 town 2 range 10 west, aad names the following as bis witnesses. Tit William Holt worth, Uiehard Tinker. Frank Teaaaat aad Beth Alger, all of Red Cload Neb. feb5mart S. W. Swiraas. Register. Laad Ofiee at Bloomiagton Neb. Jaa. Hth 1880. Notion is hereby siren that the fellowiag named settler has filed notice ofhis intention te make final proof in support of his claim, aad secure final entry thereof at the expiration af thirty days from the date of this notlee. via: Chester W. Fuller, for the south-west quarter of section 12 town 3 north of range 11 west, aad names the following as hk witnesses, TiK John Larerty. Keaut Keautson. Moses C William son. Henry LaTarty. aad Nicholas llaaey. ail of BaUa Nebraska. Jaa2febl 8. W. fiwmaa. Bagietar. Laad Ofiee at Bloomiagton Neb. Jan. 5th. IMS. Notice b hereby girea that the fellowiag named settler has filed notice of hie iateaUoa to make final proof ia support of his etaim, aad secure fiaal eatry thereof at the expiration af thirty days from the data of this aotlee. Tic: ataraada C. Jaeksen. fer the south-east quar ter efsaeUeaas town 2 north f range IS west. and names the following- as his witaseses. Tit; George W. Ball, AdasaBaUdea aad Fnaev M. Coekrill. all ef Bed Cload Nebraska. jaaSfeU 8. W.SWITZlR.RegwAer. Laad Ofiee at Bteomiagtea Neb. Jan. 14th. UBS. Notiee ia hereby girea that the fcltariag named settler has lied notiee or his inteatieei ta HkaSal m oof in anaert ef his rlaim aad secure final entry thereof, at the cxnirateen ef Uktydaya from the date of this notiee. Tie: Joan ll. Searne fer the I K g. W. ad W. K8.K.eee.TownSRacetW.andnsaea the relieving u his witness, ris; SKae W. Welle eTCewles Nee. aad Lewis D. Welle ef Cowles Neb. and James ft. Allen ef Ceuies iTak. 3. w. bwitzkk. Keanrtar. Land Ofiee at Bleemingtea Neb. Jan. 19th lSBn. Notiee ia hereby girea that the feUewiae named settler has filed notice ef hk intention te saaka final areof in aunnost of hie etaim. and anal entry taereer at tae expirauen ef tfcltfrr n fwa tan dmlm eT tula netiee. Tin: waiiam WUsen eflnarale Neb. fer theSeuth K North West North Went X ef Sewth West X end Let Fire (5) Sections Towa 1 weak, and names the fellewingas his The Earn H. Jen eseflnarale Xe. Hunter ef Iaarale Neh. , mil jan2feb.l9 S.W.8WITZI1, -HCTttl TOXiXIXIX. KitM ia hanbv na Ami. I wiH .11 ....!- -fc. .t ! tm rnKmrn Ik ae eamendataa fer teachers ef the nrtsaary easamesi aeheeta ef Wehatar eeuntr. nt 1 Clewden the nrst Searda- ef eaeh menah at Ca, ZJwALefOTICI. TeJ.W.erhipete. frst Vansm era that Joesnh X. Tracy haa sa mm eased .sent agaanat yen ha the Ceemty Opart ef Weesr enemtr risetssgs te leearar we seat et asm that aa erderef ana -J mtum ff mmim aatrt derernelds gslssssaab A Oa aavear anm eMend.en.the let 4a ef Slareh. A. O.ISSe.yenr oeUult weu ae . AHTfsrfltt; nanus at BenwBeTt If yen want n Irnt ckae fenr hay ef the Red deed aHK as they ere aaakieer a gennine article eaUed the Crowa JeweH Patent, the only patent fenr new fog sale in the Republican Valley. The alee snake ether gredea that are Irs eiass. Setisfaeciea girea fn ensteai work. Caestag ait leasrJsss af Out. New ie the use to hny. those thst ere in need or exneet to need geeds, eoeae eariy and snake year avta&ioae befere it is too lata. J. C PARur. a All kieds of blanks for sale at tbe Cfiiir ohsce. Jcst Ricd vrp A nice lot of wall paper at Browns furaitorc store. 2 w a For the Crown Jewell Patent loar, and all other kinds or lonr aad feed, sseal aed oats, and also for plows and harrow, the farmers will fad t m ikir adrantece to call on Chas K Putnasn before saakiag there parchasee. tf CCBTAina: A krew nristv rUlh aad paper at Bavow.fa. 2 w Aeteek of fresh eaady jast opeaed at Roby's. No Good PrwcMng. No ssaa can do do n good job of work. preach a good sersson, try a law suit well, doctor a patieat or write a good article wbea he feels miserable aad doll, with sluggish brain aad unsteady nerrea: aad none should nuke the attempt in each n condition when it caa be so easily aad cheaply restored by n little Hop .Itittcrs m m a Paase, l'awier aad ferazel! The inveotion of that superior and eoss plete sewing ssaehiae (tbe"KanjUy"Sew ibc mschine), marks one of the most im portast eras ia tbe history of machinery, and when we consider its great aeefuleess and extremely low price (I,i5), it is Tf ry difficult to coeceire of any invention for domestie ase of more or even equal im portance to families. It has crest capaci ty for work; beautiful, smooth sad quiet movement, rapid executioa, certainty and delightful esse of operation, that at once commend it above all others. The work ing parts are all st?el, strung and durable, and will last a life time; the bobbins bold 100 yards of thread; the stitch is the firm est of all stiobes made, scat and regular, and can be regulated ia a moment to sew stitches from an inch ie length on coarse material dewa to the finest, so infinitesi mal as to be hardly disoemable with tbe naked eye, aad with a rapidity rendering it impossible to count them as fast as made; it has more attachments than any other, and it does to perfection all kinds ofheavy, coarse, plain, fine, or fancy aeedle work with ease, aad far less labor than required on other machines. It seeds no commendation, the rapid sales, increasing demand, and voluntary encom iums from tbe press, aad tbe thousand of families wbo use them, amply testify to their aadoabted worth as a standard and reliable hoase necessity, extending its popularity each day. Machines sent anywhere to be examined before any mon is paid. Agents Wanted by the Com peoy. Address them for infnrmstion. FAMILY SEWING MACHINE CO., 7-14-ly 755 Broawat. New Yoke. For Fifty Cents: We will send, post-paid by mail, to any address, a Box of Seed worth at retail $1.00, in order to extend our trade and that every one may be induced to give our Garden Seeds a trial. The Box contains one packet each of Cream Sweet Corn, Webb's Perfection Pea, Excelsior Large Flat DutchCahbage, Ivory Pod Wax Bean, Nectar Musk melon, Texas Mammoth Watermelon, bew French Breakfast Radish, Acme Tomato, Mammoth Hybrid Swede Tur nip, Russian Cucumber. The packets are full size, and the 10 varieties are put put up in a neat box, and makes a very attractive present to any one who has a farm or garden. Catalogue for 1880, FREE. Address, 8. Y. HAINES & CO., 41 North Front Street, Phila , Pa. 24 2 w J. m. inosEXA.iri. d. -ELECTIC- Physician and Surgeon, RED CLOUD. NBB. Will pay special attention to Obstetrics and diseases of women Also general and special surgery. Diseases of the Eye aad Ear. Charges moderate. Ofiee. for the present nt Sharer's Drug Store. tt-l-y NIMBLE SIX-PENCE. Geo. W. DOW, Dealer la Groceries & Confectioneries, Choice Teas. CoKse Saear Ae. White Fish L Mackerel. Green. Dried and Canned Fruits. The bet Te- haeeos aad Cigars. Flour and meal eea- neatly en head. Kegs, Bauer. aad Wood Tib. ii P.jim for goods. Xrerything warranted to be as rsarsseatod. GIV1 MX A CALL aad I wUl de ran good. 1st doer north of arg as ofiee. Red Cloud, - Nei. C. H. POTTER, norsrxTOB bxb cloud DRUG STORR, -Aad Denier Ie- Drugs, Medicines Paints, OILS VARNISHES. Allgeede in my Line sent hand: aadts weiehl Usiae tea attention ef tneamMse. aarAUmyeUsrieadaaadas many new te ease, are larked te m C. H- POTTER. BETKTIffAMBTOnattTWI amaaSaaiaaaaaawnMaaaafcXaartSBBaja.i SaejaaaakaSaaaafani PATENTS GILMOaUK. SMXXX CO. sTiansirtafrwifr. Oflmt. TTsiAir- 2 G. I J. C. FARLEY, rttfiet4aao . -DRALKR IN- DruRS- Paints- Oils and Varnishes. A faQ seeal of SCUOOL BOOKS, aTATIONKRY. ITALL FAPKR, Jtc ratreeage saliciteJ and IhaahfuHy reIed. anrfreecrinUaas eererally emuadt4a One door eoath of Bank, KD CLOUD Na Flour & Feed STORE, CEAS. E. PUTVA1L Prop. DhUUCR IN FLOUR. FEED Cera, Meal. Bras Cheated Feed ad GROCERIES. Visit the Bed Cloud Oreeery. Feed aad Pro Tlsioa store whea yen want supaUes fer man er beast. Highest market prke la cash pain for grata All klads of eeaatrv prodnee taken sn esehange fer goods. Qoedl dsiirered U all parts f towa free of charge. Sure seath ef Reed's Plow Factory. Red Cloud, Nebraska. HOLCOMB BROS. Dealers la S4AR9&R!L ef all klads. They sell CHKiP fr CASH; aad If they have net what yoa want, lease your enter and they wlU fill It. CALL ON THEM One door north of Career's, and Mr.BOLCOMl will wnit oa you. aprltf RED CLOUD. NEB. YEISERS' k i is BOWorerflowiDf witk InTotions. InTovolties, Baskatss. Toys. Etc. Decorated China CeajM and Baacers, Vases. emC., Hicla and Rare. BLANK BOOKS, PAPER, aa4 PAPERTERIES. Tke BEST 5 aad 10 eeat CIGARS. 8MOK1NG k CHEWING TOBACCO. ALSO Geaeral Ageat Tor tbe sale of tbe Great aad Popnkr Remedy of tbe age DOBY2STS' SURE CURE i CATARRE. This simple sad iaaoceat remedy baa given relief ia n rery short time te assay saferine from this terrible disease. Re lieree Nearslgia and Nerroas aeniacbe ia a Tew miBOtea. iasr To DeaWrs specie! rates are girea ie tke sale of this ratable remedy. R. D. YEISER. RED CLOUD. . NEBRASKA. First seer soeta ef Arses efiee. Iiw Ston Itw Eoodi In Fricn. Ckmp, Cktap, Chmpl DruaaW VLoodm CHEAP. Shmwlmt CHEAP. SotionJi CHEAP. WonMn'B Boots CHEAP. Mens & Boys" BOOTS 5k OSS, a BLats & Caps CHEAP. Ladies & Childrcns Furs in great variety, cheap. LOTS OF OTHER THI5GS Cheap. GttMJIftlES, grwearnm, GKOCIKIES AtT CJorner Stbre- llejaU Jr4mnV AAR m -. menfennnnnemnnnn una laiumn eywamanaaaawsssna !m .annnnnnnnta.n ' ZsmnBMnr' ' ' .Ssatxnnw ll anV nunununununst ll nfaanrl'nW'' nnnannnnWannnaavt 1 H na snunuesnunannnBmr "OV na ''ManVI manai - VrrT: " "" -"- -.-.--- . ,- -.-;,-., mter4 asesrdin te Anherf Qganraee. w Be year 171. by CHU a m.. Sa the OSBfra or U i-ibriUi ct CmcfK at "Waawjasjlan. For further information call on F .H CORE Jewelers Red Clout Keb. HARDWARE STORE. MlTMLIe e nOttlIA2tT, lVeipa Wc keep on hand at all times, a large and com plete stock of Hard-ware. We also keep a supply of FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Give us a call, as we feel sure we can suit vou in quality and price Remember the place, opposite the Chief Office, Red Cloud Nob. amnnmnnmnmnmmnsmssssaaaaem niUKJ iimU JOHN C. -DEALKIl DRY GOODS.!- Groceries, Queensware, and Fall & Winter CLOTHING -ALSO - A large lot of HOOT ANIIOK, hU Jk mT-Gire me a call, crcry tluD; sold st BOTTOM frico for CASH. J C POTTER. , Red Cloud. - UNfebi'Utokri IWoon Callcnder' GOOD ISTlfiAVS' J Quick Tits el Through Traift I sn sum am nna m gtk am. n Cloe Conaeetioa I No I)by ! NEW uUUUo i Burlington Route! STew Goods! We hare added largely to oar DRV GOODS stock, and are sellisg at the lowest cash prices. We keep constantly oa band a full stock of Groeerie, Boot afc flhwt3M9 HfitaeV Cape . Drnipi, 3f etilclsie, OIl YtrBlahc, FaianiH Kte. AliO HARDWARE NEARNESS Fixtures. ... . , aaolts'Clariaaati. Mlp, J TUl Gtre ae a call, we sbov our sood.'asbtati.raOit.Kre tur. star tmlu.. with pleare. RespectfttHy, Moon L CaUender. COfTLBH iasEna akramaM J. iSTEY & fiMBRp a5fej yH mmmnmmWB&&AFiLmmwmmU emunmammamnmnQBja- nnW.- BnenaamaaaamnWA ezmnnnwmnmnnnnkgwsr BBri .. wS wnnwnmmmnm rnnanwannnnnnsnaia SawBnr ul. " ajaMaJnnnnnnnnnnnanT l--aHB-n5:4TttB JamnnHBnnmnnnmmLM smnnnH GBB9Bm&M2" U ananaanunni BRAHLEBORO, VT. Oew w Org?, siiprcsely Cammels, etc in frwTinj y x Be tmre te seael far rJ! nmrckoalB? stny ollter. THE UBGEST W8HKS (CF Ulastratc1 Catalogue s-u fr .-f I ,5iBri -, POTTER, IN- To Chicago aiid The East. Lowwt rstat af Ff will m A. TtirBH C "ill tnn ttitm 9. Ji Jt.rUu la feeetnt'n -ru)ut Ui CUUt, A l jalro'rt fatittt'n will ! -! al P "slflic Janrttoo ATfHICAOO 1m e-aMtTf! H slvsis fc mkii io tba t. rjth. u4 n-iik, tfping r bnb rra4 alia Llla C tljrt)Tn' b Ttirtrih r oj srfliMiUe. V trutn A'ttoofi klrr to Ctlr,' TOST. LOUrs&TIIK SOUTH. TaatarUestva rvatshara a rrti.mtibtott llf a4 ! ferttei. balve U ' MtMoeri Klrer a4 fct lal. FMi.tr.rt Uklar litis lib- nave lb Wt f Sfrrvfoau-llSHc. raltsnaa lypvt ran M arlr lrM Mlr1 Hurt V 84, LnU, TO 1'KORtA. INDIANAPOLIS. CIN CINNATI. AND TIIK SMTH-KAST. jrTHIi Ub eslrrvtuW reta t ll (- a. waftMtiftt r rt rrt tae rr. J. vr. tA i . i w jummnO uj t;u e- II.1M lxnHri ia t UtACSul vvk- uriae a&a tm iir ynnj. rt,6.''i'i.i '. r 1'fi.i. i.rtl.Mrr uj Kia T'Mt't COMPANY, - WkW ft i' AV desisted, tar Saneay Scfeenl. descripii-e CatmleejeK before . TIE W) Oil TEE GLOBE i a J :i r iV '- j, f' - V i? a YXr. CsSSs ijtt&tp-- I ra5B- .--; ". E jPiP, . ' . iaam i .. ---- -, .