j2 .-- , I'r- ir?-- -v- "-V r - r V I 4- t34m- ,-r SJW"BI "VtiJcS -.'swj.-' ya- u)i HI WH WW 4, 4-jNt ?- fe - jf'- S ' a mm iBr-i " RED CLOUD CHIEF KKD CLOUD CMIKF JOB WORK. AtVttjj tr r rx A"! jtr" SXUSCwMCs: 5fJBS rlut SMto gw,wi. Red v Cloud Chief. X HJE rCBLISHKD LYFJtY THURSDAY AT V BED CLSTO, OTMASXA. M-1. THOMAS, Editor miicI Fraprlt-S.-. "H. "Eternal Vigilance is (he price of Liberty." an $1.00 a year is the price of (he lied Claud Chief $1. a year In Advarce, $2. & t end cf year. VOL. VII. ED CLOUD WEBSTER CO, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY. JANUARY 2U 1SS0. NO. 25- T5JS-.-J ie? jbc- ,yuii . .S!5 4?IsSL$l 5T, g3 . . &m ! V ) t V R. V. R. R. Time Table. Taking effect Sunday. Mjr lib 1679. tOCTK T -55 jibi :'7 : 7:t T :55 "8 :?0 8. ... "9:10 RTATWNS. HASTIXU& .AYR LUKiirr.L HKD HiUD T'AVALB H1VEUTON FIIANKI.TK HLOOMInOTOit KOHTW. 8 j-V.ma S:0Z 7 :10 7 :nr f. -SIT, 6:10 5 5 2r 6 :10am. 9 :25pra Trains daily, except Sundar,. A. E. Tonuiin. G. W. Hoi Jrcdte (jtn. roan tiger. Fo.pt. Agents "Wanted ! The New M.vle "FAMTLY,55 $25.?.E1Y,i?S MAbnincis THE USUAL $65 Machine deduced to $25 ta -a pa si CO pa OS t to The Cheapest andltesi in the Werld ! Too Lcng in Use to Tht its Snperlcr Heritr. KO U01TEY TO ?AY UNTIL 1IACHIW3 ISDSLIVShED TO YOU AND EXAMINED It niakrc thefhuttle.louLle-t!ir-na.lorl-titrh tho Hino on bo:!i ido oflba work), wliidi re TiTil tlir higliet nwnril at tlio lVntftinil Ix Libition. l'hilhdcliiliia. I'n.. in 1 87. And p com iilrlo with a Lurgor As rtmcut of AtUrbinrult 1 r fine work tbuii any other luucb.nr. Mid Hi- Uucrd to only ;.. It in Rn caryand rlcannt machine t tinip, quirch tht-Icrfftcjrc. produce cvny variety if work, mid will Inrt until the nrxt rcntuiy "berins Stromr. Sitm 1b. HnpiJ mid I.dirient. Vto it once, -lid you will a-e no other. TIib money rui.M rfulb refunded if it will iidtUutirork nd JutltttiT in.achine utd uble the price. ARcntK foil them fjMrr than any other in con npquenco of their bo n;"thc boi: and theLumt l'nec." Kadi narfiino thoroutb'y imrrnnted with writton puiirnttH-i fur live rcaw. Kept in order , Free of 'hdrBe:iuon:y refunded at ouee il not M .ntiflaptory. Itistlio mot colid. reliable and fatitfactory - marbinc ever invented tor nil kiuds of family "work. It an acknowledged unciuivcual me- . iiMiiial neci!.. thnroashlv tested, and lined in th naiidf of bo vs. -n efjeiont. silent. lajiM. r liable, and eter-ie.id lulpcr titbo wearv nsfe or 8-iui)Mre. it will do the work of u fxiuily tor r lite-tinic. or it will earn troui 51 tof. terdHy for rn) one who wibe to trxw or a living. Thi innebineeoft? lc.- than Iljlf the l'ricc"f ny new nuchinr of likeoiia'itv. Has extra lour, lnrcti tired buttle, ennly reiuord I xtru lurce rized It bobbinK. holditiR K0Hrd-oi threat, duitt nnny rith the freijiient rewindins f bobb.ni. It I? built urtrencth and c nt:mt hanl work. In- lerchmiEciblo workinc pi'V. nuinuf.u lured of fino iohhed strcl. H ill run for .rarx without repaire: i imj e to learn, eacy to mau.'tre. uti- leiptood in an hour, and alnayt lead in a in?- went to do cvrry dciripiitin of heavy or fine work at le- eon or trouble than anr inacbine at ny price ever diJ. or ran do. It will rvtf nnythitiK a needle can ierce. lroit. laco or cam- Wic to lrc.iv cloth ir Iiarnc. with any kind of .road. nndTtill run off twenty yanl per minute: it uea strouc. ytr.iijtht nonll-s and never breaks tbeiu- ltcauniit uiN" or droit a atitili. ravol or 1'ireak the thread, lfjou havcanyother mnchin I uy this and have bcttr one. The eu-e and mi'iditj of iL luotiunjnd cju ility of it? work, aro 1i bSl rcconiiner.dat imiK It will hor.i.fcll.luci. biaid.-cord. bind, cathcr.fluilt. ruffle, pleat, fold. ' a allo. birr. roll, ba-te. cinbruidtr. mil up bieadtha. etc.. with elenJlico. caso and cwiuuts, nul"''ed liv any m tehino ever itiventcd. liKWAKK OF UiroSlTIOX. The Prices for our. SEWinachinef aro le.a than those aKKed by dealer in M-coud hand, rebuilt find refini-hed in chines, or tho-ics-elliticout old toct to clo-e up business nuny uch iuteiiur ud old h'jlo inacbiues beinc offore I aa new at 7TeIuced lice?: beivaie of imposition asd o l buy Miw machine. There aie no Mr firt-claj machine offered as low as the" Family." by uiauy dollari. Machines sent far examination heart ;- mm' of Hill. Extraordinary inlueeinent. offered to Hercr- rnen.Teaeliers.StoroiceepcR'.ctc .to act as Hffcnta. lioro and wason iurnihed free. I 'or te.-timo- t.iala sec recriptivc boot?, mailed lrce with tiuiplei of wore, liberal terms circular?, etc. if Addre-h. FAi!ILt,, EWINS MACHINE CO.. 755 Brcadxay, Nt Yeri. TaWTonrkblnMdiclat niHcure Ppt'Irn, Sp'lct, L Curb. Cl!otn, ic, r anr rnluxcintnt, una will remove the llnnch withoat k Blistering or cauiln? a oir- Jo rrninly rrcr riiMurrted rquti It turcrrtainty ofactloa A Lfth n tloppinc tht lanicnru and mniutg tha :. H.ii.tw a . me v. k--. .. .lhis. a...k potlUre proof, anu Jur nearest a- rrmarkiVlc furceta Uiuuub4 hava had vita Kendall'a Hnatln Cura Htate- & iu troum; au urmitnraon Donti ana 4E& tens tverr kiml of UmrjKt frvui ohatevrr e onw. il na aiu ticn t.acl vita e r X it penVct turcrti in enp-trateQ pauia ci lorn iianuinpinnun. uurnra lVco nenaveui niina aa nip-ti aii ii ii Tintic v r lanimut ol U mn uunuun. 1 yam- 1S7S I trtaicd mf . il'." r1' lt haa with "KenJaJU M' "tanijn.iurumnaa pinCan:"a tme IIrrt.andaa finally per iiiTin of aevcral H niaiwuOr cured toyvra jnonth'arrowth, nearly U P. tatter ! ytara cf half at Ursa a a licn'i C u?T'JWlthKe K and complrtclT Hopped W Unll'a Nj.avita ' the UowtirM and rrmorcd p Car, e Cv th eulantanrnt. I have W . Wlow a tUlruxtiit vorked the horse crtr lnee V Jf alch ai uiaca trjy hard and heiterrrhu been bff under oath, and Hinr,noreou!dIcAerecanrIif- a c hava ftranoe In the Ue of Hie hurt T. examined th jMntt aincc I treated him with v. horte nuny MteadaUTaMiuavlnCurc." X timea a R.A. nvisrs. Enoaburgh Talli, VuFcUSS. 1ST3. ftnra and rabacrlbad to Vrfnre tat this SXi day of 1'ebruary. A. D. 1K9. Jiutx c:. Jraii. ou Justice of tha Feces. Snt addrcM tor lUnatrated eiirular tnlr. B. J, KaUAlX Co., iJiOburjli i'mlli, VcnuuaU SOXiD IT DBUGGISTS L I A KING POWDE Tfco PL'CKRT. RHILTHIEST. STK0 Tfco PL'CKRT. RHILTHIEST. STK05GIST aJ BEST limihO PA1TDU3 la the TTorlJ. Vfo solicit an naprrjadircd roMparicoa rritk J15T other kind. UVIU5rKEt VltFK FU0I ALUM OK ANTTBnu USHEALTnFCIi and varraatMto give perfect utltfKtlflc. Ash wurOnwrfwCZAR BAKING POWDER d take 50 OTUKR kind. As THE BEST is THE CHEAPEST! iUau&uUred by STEELB 4 EMERY, - MEISSnEOBBbrOdT (talkBtrtlaaOaaraatara. ROST BBSS UK nam. K) .aleatJr aaor.a3aklne beenu : 10 Jlich Tub ir. ; I Mutt FoaaUi Tes; 2 5ml rtout I iilttt-jAtXri n...V- nun Holier: I Itublr-tiB Pcil: 12 fiat CataV .-jr.; It s)ti Car Paper; I tM ftaak ttut Umt Poea. sa CbMMc Stmt tor flaunt Jlaca. (t mosey actlHit a. trtM AU meal for TMt Cents. Sua takrm. Adircaa, CARPENTER SAWS .hap. BmiT jrrm mm remaps (. io any rrff l bGnHl States. Illuvtra:eJ CireutaTVre. fJamdAfmtUMmnfrrrjfttMtiimMm: .a. imi Jt MBTM Si MM9., em . JiSKt huodreds of letters from men tu'uaf cZjlmcbat wbo wy tby woold not take tt fcr tt. j.Z-M mm asisiAA MONTH! A5ZK73 WAXTZSI VVrmll7rltal8eaina;artittMlatWWSrU,aaatB.' p WltV plofre.. AdJArW0NSON,Sxt,ltek t f UTPII IO.WO EfSHtIS BTCKETTS. of Th!ch I jV IBj I r UBMkIUKktyK2eCisitt.et,r.o vCaftaLaMtab lliBiBlBftia( AbbBbHSbV bbbLbLbBmLbLbL f 'AD flaiilK I bbbbBbbbV nrr 0LC Ub SI NESS Dl RECTORY. I. It. Willcox, ATTORNKY AT LAw ndlj. S: Catcnla aioner. ('olloction promptly atteuded to. Office onedoor north ol Chief 091 c. EEC CLOUD 1I2B .0. c: CASE, ATTORN BY AT LAW. Office one dooi north of Garbc'n More. BED CLOTO, NEB Collectioriri made and promptI remitted j. S. GILHAM, ATVOHNKY AND C0UNSKL0R ri AT LAW. Office one tfaornoith of Kalty Iirot. RED CLOUD.. - - - WEB wTdREILLY, ATrOHSKY AND COl'NSKLOB AT LAW. AND REAL CBTATE AOCZT. Ited Cloud. Neb. 3-I'ronpt Attention Oiven to Collections. Orncr.- Ub C. H. I'OTTEK. at KeU aoad Dm? Store A SKLORAT LAW. Office over Farley's Drug Store. ED3',i;n NEB. JAS. LAIRDp jfiTTOKNKY AND G0UNSKL0R (pi at law. Juniata NcliriMca. Will prao licf! in all the Courts of the ftate. Prompt attention piven to all business entrusted to his care. Office on the caht hide JuniHta Avenue. July 1 7 H. 5.EALEY, Act. II. d; M. R. R. Land. 0. W. KALEY Notary Tublic ATTORNEYS AT LAW and real es tate Agent. Will practico in all the Courts intliis State and Northern Kan. Collection promptly attended to and Correspondence solicited. Red Cloud Neb. J. W. JPULLEIS, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. lVnfion Surgeon. jQfOrFirE over Kaley Hros. law office. EED CLOUD. NE2RASEA EXRERT A. HALL Iff. D. Physician&Surgeon, HKD CI.01I1), NKII. Having loeated permanently at thi place. I will attend to all call?, day or nisht. Oinee for the prcoentat r.irley'a diur itorc: at ntirht nt hi rrijince over cwhoues Store. l'Jm.'5 DK'SHKEEE, 1'ioprietor of CITY JBri;g IOBS, Dialer in DRUGS, MEDICINES, Faints Oils, VARNISHES. Etc. FJc. VALLEY HOUSE, P . WIiVTON, "'ro. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA. First CltM in every respect. Freo 'bn to ind from all trains. S imple roociJ for commorcial uieu. Give i a trial. W. . Rioh-i-dis-i. S. Garber. Eicliardsoii&GarlDer, DEALERS IN JLrVlH STOCK ltKU CLOUD. NEBRASKA. Highest market price paid fur hogs and oattle. .T.E.Smith S. C. Sstru M.H.TnnmBov. Tres. First Nat. Cash. Fin t I.ato Teller First ank. Beatrice at. Bank Nat. Dank neat- Ncb. atrico Neb. rieoNeb. B :ors & tompson, BANKERS, "Will inako collections iu any part of the pal eastern oitio Loan money upou improved farms Receive depo its subject to sight draft? Allow interest upen time deposits, and'trans act a general Banking business. KcrencxcKs: Omaha National Rank. A. S. PaddAek, U. .8 Senator: First Natiaal Bank New York. CtunnriJre Valley National Bank, Cauibritijo New York, D. G- "Walkei-, CaiUPElTTER L BUILDER, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA. All kinds of carpenter -work done with neatness and dispatch and satisfaction Kuaranteed. Leave orders at the store of 0. E. Putnam or at Perkins & Mitchell's. 1 ll-tf EMIGH BROS. MEAT MARKET RED CLOUD, NEB. The choicest of Frh meats. Sausages, Fowls and crery thing in the line that the mar ket afford, always on hand. SShop two doors south of Sherer's droc store. Feed $' Sate Stable. J. D. Post, Pro?. RED CLOUD. xc ii 23EC1vSbbbVbBbbhbbbmi3bhm.4 THE CHIEF. M. L. THOMAS. EDITOR THURSDAY .TAN. 29, 18S0. The bill introduced by Senator Saun der for rectifying the bound try Hoc of Nebraka and Dakota, will, if it become a law, add about GOO ,000 aero of good land to Nebraska, aod also some Que timber. We hear it rumored that Judge Gaalin will b; a randidtite fur Senatorial lionorn. The Judge would doubtless make a very acceptable representative of the peoplo of Nebraska, in Congress, but ho can't be spared from the Judicial bench just yet. Mohf. than one democratic paper of Nebraska fava that if Gen. Grant's name is presented at the national convention at Chicago he will bo nominated, and if nominated no power under heaven can prevent hid election, which goes to hoiv that the heads of a few at leaat of the democratic editor.- are level. The Journal speaks thuIy of "we'uns" at Lincoln last week:, "We aro not given to flattery nor do we wish (o soft soap tho hoy-; but we do say boldlv and without fear o' contradic tion, that the pros gan of this .State, now sojourning in Lincoln, aro without exception, tho finest body of representa tive men of tho elate that havo graced the State Capital in many year, and wo have had sotiio large assemblages iu this city, too." The Naponeo iimtner makes the fol lowing MMiMble icmarks; It is claimed that Pennsylvania will declare herself for Grant, as candidate for pre.iidt'nt, at the coming republican State convention to be held on the 4th of February, and that Indiana and Illinois will follow iu the wjrk thui eet in motion, thus making his nomination almost a fureg.ipe conclusion. All right, wc can Mand it. If we'd had a little more Grant during the last four years, and a little less truckling to southern traitors, the country would have beer, better off than it now is. Tins from Mrs. Msgio Mabley's papor. 'J he fair Magcic mu.it hav bceu learning some of the ways of the naughty men. ''In the game of euchre in Maine, the republicans held the three higher trump cardti I lie right and left ''bowers" and tho '"joker' Blaine, Ualcand Chamber laiu with tho supremo court for suit. It is little wonder that the ftt'ionists lost. Had the game been one where a "full" counts, the fuMonists might have proved tiuccci-sful with the three "trays" and pair of little deuces Garcellon aud Smith but as it was they lost the "pot," and now growl because they did not choose another same. Euchre is a good game, but they do not appear to know how to play it.' Affairs in Maine are becomiog more complicated and threatening, tho State house is guarded by three compinics of troops and a galling gun. An outbreak is nightly expected, the Fusionists have secret meetings, with seciet grips, pass words &c, and have ordered from New York 200 carbines and 200 revolvers. It is known that they have arms of all kinds secreted in their offices and resi dences. TIir republicans manifest a dis position to have "no moro fooling" and will disperse the bogus Iegistaturo. Later: It is reported by telegraph that the Fusionists have enlisted 2,500 men for the purpose of attacking the State boufe. The republicans have pos session of the arenal. It is believed oy many that the Maine difficulty will ye: be settled without bloodshed, but present indications are not favorable for that re sult. The Omaha JVieic, which by the way professes to be a strong Bbino sheet, contains the following sensible remarks on what it terms the "third term buga boo." The Neva had better come out and say plainly that it is iu favor of Grant for the next president Here is the article: The News has some reasons against the renominating of Grant, which it has ex pressed candidly without sacrificing self respect to the opinions of friend or foe. But the third-term bugaboo has sot and will not be among these reasotui We can see no objection to a third term when it is obtained through the honest expres sion of the publio will. There are objea tions however to any positive limit of terms, either by constitutional enactment or by precedent. The moment one citi zen is denied the right to hold an office to which another cititea may aspire, that moment personal freedom is abridged and popular liberty itself ceases virtually to exist If a maa believe that the prin ciple of "rolatiow ia office" reqaires that an official should ftot be elected to a pub lic posit tea for the third time, if he be lieve that by a.coBtiaoatioa ia power of the "ins" the "outs" do not get what the Westerner calk "a fair fcUake," let Lis say so in so many worde; bat the aaomeat he bases bis objections oa "danger to free institutions" or "violation or the highest unwritten law of the republic," or any kindred hypocrisy, he degenerates into a I demagogue cr n igcon-iiw, a- EJTsa:a. (jEMxiat. Land Ornrc W.hincrnn I). C. 1 January 17th, 1SS0. f RCQUfTEaS AND RkCWVKK. United States Lind Ofilx. Gestlemfn: Referiog o circular of April 15th, IS7U under Act of March 3, 1S70, re quiring published notico of intention to make final proof in Homestead and pre emption cae, you aro now instructed to require claimants in all cases hereafter to "pecify in Form No 1, the day and Jntr on which they will af pear wi h wiineaw for the purpose of making proof, and io Homestead cae, they inuft give the official nam and residence, of the officer before whom the proof is io te made. You will abio require etch chitnait to name four witnres of his neighbors who may bo able to testify a., to his com pliance with the law, any two of whom will be competent witnesses when proof is made, such a course will prevent much inconvenience and delay. The post office address of the witness should be given in all cases, it i not sufficient to cive county only. You will see that the fore going requirements are corporate! in form No. 2, (Notice for Publication.) The object of the law requiring stpjli notice is to give to parties having adverse rdainis or filing'', or those havinz knowledge that claimant has not complied with the requirements of the law, full not'eo of titno and place of presenting proof in order tint opportunity may be given them to bo heard prior to the per fection of any entry. You will use the blanks on hand, mak ing tho necoisary alterations, until you rccuive new or revised blanks from this office. Very Respectfully. J. M. AroidrrtONo. Acting Commissioner. U.S. Land Office, Rloomingtoo, Nebiaska. I hereby request a ttricl compliance to the above rulings from and after this date, January 21st, 1SS0. S. W. Switzfr, Register. OTO WASHI17-T0N LSTT?B. Washington D. C, Jan. 21, 1SS0. If Bon. Butler cinnot have a scat in Congress himself, he purposes to have something to say about the seats of others. Doctor George B. Lornig, tha eminent rgricultural authority, was elected in Butler's old mth District, and Butler will not f irgire him for it. He is hero trying to convince Congress to unseat him, and seat one Baynton, a greenbacker who ran against Mr. Lornig, but I am told by a Democratic member of the House that Bayuton has no case, and Butler will add another to his many political disipointmen(s htely. I learn this morning that the Maine fusionists rent mesiges to prominent democrats and grecnbackcis hero asking advico upon various points in their case. Upon one or these points they received a very decided answer from most of those whom they asked. They were advised not to bring their cae to Congress, for that is just what Mr. BUine wants, in order to give him a chance to open up new on them. I am told, however, ly men who ought to know, that they will ask Congress to interfere. The movement here in aid cf the desti tute peoplo cf Ireland is a great success in a profit way. The aid ipcelings are large, and tho subscriptions arc liberal But it is doubtful whether the bill of Mr. Ellis of Louisiana can be pafBed, appro priating half a million dollars to tho same object. There is a popular, and a just predudice against payiug out of the treasury money's for such purposes. And it is also pretty clearly against the constitution. The agitition still continue in Repub lican states over the primary elections and the carl contentions lobe held in Pennsylvania and New York. A com parisou of news yesterday showed that Republicans generally thought Blaine would have a majority of the delegates from the former, and Grant a majority from the latter. The contest is pretty even. The late foreign appointments of the administration have given universal satis faction. The transfer of Mr. Lowell from Spain to Great Britain is especially pleasing. Mr. Lowell from his literary renown, and his general abHitkais aa honor to any position. I find an increasing desire aa1 belief that Congress may get away rsry early. Many members set the final day as early as April 20th, while hardly anybody now anticipates a session before the lOtk of 3Iay. The appropriation bills are all ia a forward st te, and there is no reasoa why they should not all be reported withia two or three weeks. Nothiag caa cava a long mshob bat soae moforseea poli tical discussion, which all seem disposed cot te have. Kxox. Mart ha a little oora ape her little toe, aad every where that Mary west the oora waa wre ta fo. Ex, . T Only $500 wiU be fered at the iajt State Fair for farm products exhibi ted by ecmaty Societies, while $3,400 will he offered for speed! What u a fair for? The atate fair has Oaaha. bloUdft i L, r.r i. Ci. " i: r rEPAansCT c? 1 Scsicsuts fo& Tile Cuicr. -' G. A. BROWN, Successor to W. H. Reed,) DEALER IK PARLOR. BEDROOM ami Kitchen Brack rts, Chromos, T Picture Frvmes, Mattresses, Etc. COFFINS always on hand aad trimmed on short aoiice. PPICK as LOW . auv in the vallor Itjr Repairing or all kinds -loue prompt ly and satisfactory. tfKD CLOUD. - - - NBB. "STr5. o. aIoVwlev. rOrSA.CHER OF. Vocal and Instrumental w. !, mm DULlllS- UOL'SE PLANTS, FI.OH'Ett POTS, WIRE rtTANDS ic. NICE and CHOICE articles a specialty. Next tho o!d Court Wouie.' WcbiUr St. RED CLOUD, NEB. City BAKERY and RESTAURANT ! A. Laulerbacli, Propr, OEAI.KU I.N ALL KINDS OT CANNFD GOODS FRUITS. NUTS, CONFECTIONERY, ETC. FBZSH BB2AD, PISS, CASES, Zrcrj Xeca. Warm Meals at all hours, 25 cents. 9aarPKSH OYSTERS alwayson hand. Webotcr street, one door south of ICaley Bros. law office. RED CLOUD. - - NEBR. T7-9 FOUND at LAST! THE Adjustable Rocking Chair. J? IK CHANGES'.! From a SEWING CHAIR FOR THE LADIES TO A CRADLE for the BABY. For Sale in Websteraod Franklin coun ties only nr G. A. BROWN, RED CLOUD, - Refer. urn i HARNESS SHOP Bl' J. L. MILLER Keeps constantly on hand a full line of Harness Collars, Saddles, Whip, Horso-Blankets, Combs, Brush es, Harness Oil and every thing nsaahy kept in a first-class hop. Two doors north of the bank. ThaHighsst Cask ?r!:3 Pali for Hides ani Furs. D.T.THOMAS DEALER IN H1I.OW1I.E, SHELF5VARE AND: General Merchandise Afric-Mlfaral ImplesmeaU rail kiatals. Highest Market Price paid for country produce. -53-ar5" COW-TO, - IfEB. PKOTKB ' 'The Richest Blood, Sweeet Breath kad Fairest Skta in Hip Bittern," "A Utile Uop Bitters ivcs bis doc- or bilk and long nekacs.' "Thattavalid wife, rarther, stster or child eia he made the pietare of health with Hep B'uers." Whew won down aa-i ready to take kawrbed, Hap Bitten is what yoc Doe't physie aad phye. for it weak lae and destroys, b uk Hop BitUers that baiit ap eMtiaaaliy. fhyrewas at aa eaeoi a aad ree- HoftvBktera. Test th'ai' Heakh is beaatv aad joy Hop Bit- kers aive heakh aad beaaty.' "Taere are anre eares saa-le wnh Hop Bkten thaa aH ether Btesticiies." Waea the brua w wearied the r araar, the aiasaka weak. Hep Bkten." 'Taatww, aerreas fever, waat of deep aad weakaeae, caua for Hep Bit SL- latCeua CvtaaiPaUltaif it Tim- laa,SftaBdah)aa. ro salesy R. E.SHERE8, ,. li-T-l JU Ctoc, Sei. iiIi T. Cpeclit! " Economy is I ho road to Wealth. Goods bought before BEING SOLD AT BOTTOM FIGURES, at LIDDY'S cash store. ld - iBlankcts, Check, Plain and Plaid Flannels. 'jean, corrojunia ah wml caoimexkji hhakl rati, wMJtr, KKlBT-i. llUOaiKKY, OLOVU ANU CNDKKWEA, DRY - GOODS In endless varietv, and at prices that will provingly, and immediately purchase your winter supplies at LIDDY'S. A large assortment of Chicago hand made Boots & Shoes, every pair warranted and the best only at LIDDY'S. Groceries. Crockery & Queenswaro ; l pricoc tbmt bob Ma but, sU few ta.L 1 Remember, for fair square dealing and always- at lowest cash prices you will find it to your advantage to call on Bed Clonal. LIDDY. 0 H,r4oomooiM-a -xvo Ou. Mtmi. J. L. Mi.'p I Miner Bros. I DJtrtinalik!aiof bKunAnui9Li? A W kp eomUntlr DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, leg Clothing, Hats, Caps. $ 9 Boots, 0 Glassware, Queensware and 6 1 CROCKERY. $ 1 - a- 0 6r , J, We buy our Pand defy competition. Wheni I in town give us a call. I $ One door South of the Pt Ofiei. Q Rod Cloud. - Neb. $ 0 wmmmmmmmmZmmmmMmmmmmwmwmmmmm-mmmmWmmmmmWM-eBmmWmmM-- F. NEWHOUSE, -DEALER XX- DRY - GOODS. GROCERIES, AND NOTIONS, Rett Clotial, - iebrakJi The public sjeaerarly are renaested to call and ezaaiiae asy coeds aad prices, as a share of the ptrae w fcelieitrd. jay Store, first deer aerth of Moah er'smeal market. 14-26 F. NEWHOUSK. SAM'L GARBER DHLS 1 Dry 6rf rrmceries BOOTS mad 1HOEI Hats. Caps. & Ready . Mmde CMhinX! W hiv th Larct Stock ii th Viltoy aii will t h erKSwIaf. QlYE US A CALL, OSI ALL. Sam'I, Garber, Bel CI4 Xelt,j the advance, and stilm a r maks you smile ap I the celebrated M. SeU fitting made, for said V U q "n had fall ftok of goods for cash, a II Q COME! For Vour LUMBER! DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. TIC BKT IV Til MAE HIT aM mi Lwes rrJcMjl BED CLOUD NEI. CHICAGO Lumber Yard BED CliOUD, If elf. far seath eTHaaiptea k RaX tt'j ahef, aa Naia street. Kir esUaa haeJaa mmrtmtmt. of .alH aim Wiaw . ri..gy PLATT & FREES MMBI BBOTSEstn. EEADQUABTERS FOR kfylmllarni sLwmo XACHliB bVbVbVbVbbbViWbW sr BTaBfBVBVBVaVBssssB bVbVbVbVbVbssb bbWH BBsssBsssWBBVBVaVBassa l BV ' JBSSSSSsk -.bH ssssC'OasBssssssssssssssswaV's a,U a i M,-0, l- tt i nF 0g - Cr- t-rti f - ttart mummm I . V. Mt.tMt - . ! aayiagv rjc mi T-nrrj. Mt t t-4 tte4 4 & I'r t . UmLR2i!L!R9SEUcV3aI 4 j tt - Lit- fefc -, M. WOKETf ix Awr h ifTirwn ns. r aba. fcA o.n m ttt.Mw2r 'w4H lln $ . r- ?- Mf..4 .'" y - ' m, ht , k. ' .' r 4Jk T. ,im,., .. t H i ft m 4 a.rfta1 ' r - i-W.ll t.. n,. r.j, 1tmt0 mm - vi4 t- .M4 !, lfl -.. , I. .. , Jc . w -" llltt. I"-. l,tW(t - !- . .!.. 4 - M rvk HX ". -.. Ka f 'r. , .- j. ,h - H' " "1 V j ,c t--. v .. .i .-' a m 4r4tM.M t t -1-1 - w Wafl U lkttUm.,. o-r- -tfVKimfmr rwttkxVtMM t V - . iiARBts ncrcuYco.rrtoC2ti MtWit 4 CCi ntu CT.LOVi.MO. BOOXSKMlLLtOH kVWAMiJ a ...w . -,,. v . -. : . ..... l rfywrer t jtf. .M..rww. m TTt.T.fl?U-l rfuuinvM- ' rmv A- 1. - a.- tr,..., Pi ""., ti , t ,. - ' , mrm tukr. .Utm n mmfhmii 4 frr.mt , iui i i a-4, kj tkf W-J4 Urn 4 -M W. .' ' h4, I Wa p ' mm4 tn . ,1 m j. ,.$- -, n-t m iav 'i. m ? Ma. II v j tu ii .,, i, , . . va -TM PRtVATK MEOICAL AOVI4M e tftM- 0nrt Ot-r, wMr. Th1h . U tmttMlVMl. i.J I ww f .)$,' tli.liWw, M mrl t ,, A tui y MiSaun , rviM.t ip rfi r-UM .. t 4 t.,.1 Imf t l-4 tmHx rttfrf . ! 0$ uim, 4 m $ M vt t i t iaM .., , . fmi ,i,rl - " - .! ') w f- .1. n w mJf mm . a l (WlfMt wf, rrjJF Jl" ,.r..,,XM MllMAImm f X . - JM r. ," V- ) 9-0i f-M TV. tfr tt .i f-4 ytjt )rt KW, i t -4 ( .i i,fpi&f.Mi fiii ,-r f:).W l , t p4 4l-rIM n j, t w. i t r. .- ril a trf ! r . BkT-ra t- I aa aa i a aat vf - .- - - - atf!-.- a i a--a m ia taef M-af -aie ayt-i rw--4 a-aiav ,.-. ik,.MfftHriw !,. avi ff tawtif hh. tH ffttttHAa ?. . ar, l-44 tSk ATifiint - tMr wi rwr TtP ! M a i.t.i MM. .j.4. ..4rp4.4.ti. W Tuft. yn x VTT $', r t..Wr fff . Ml . - t Tr, f 4lnHi r19,tmMtt 4 mtm . ai WI 4., ril . aJj,U - tl I. T I i.immh,)-3 tmf .!. 4. 4 arM W m It Bv T . U Jtk 4,-M. fa. . PROF. HARRIG RADICAL CURE rOJl CCT1IT0E2HGA."' raMawBsXLaBB I' ,"- t--. . t ir . .. i ,. f t ?imuI SwmmP A i . W v . r" I f hriit". " . V , i a -MufViifcJji rr Irt.ff!rteUtti Pf. 1 -- -. - - .j .v i,t.j. A wrj ... t (., -Va trrr t ,-.lf m-4 -i -f, J ifc. miHI f m. r . M ,M. -- I ,.( r , H.ir(lilHl 1N' f ' t& f . wi v4 jwi-oarr. rrt TtMm V ej1jT. (rr ' ., rirt i-, A- IM. t iVMUt.r .-. a ft f tr. rti wMMr4 ' ,yt,Wiv uv -H)n tU ViV. ! r Mft 3 ,f'"t P T r- tS S .j"i'il vr m ! 'J ' k., mr - -mi. n " -t - - - - - f - 1 1L..i( a,,h,Mni 1 nl mrt . a , . nzrimrr, -J . MjtTmr t tir . krm J' t r -. , 'ity.iwr,' tpi.,. r t i (. , -t h.' t I, IM -. 1. 1 - t-h wi wfcj . , MWM ft )''"?' ai fc-v cf . x s t fii ttf. ! t-m. tit Jt. i, ('km ! ". ""w -n.e 4 Mffuiv . r? vj , . " " ?- rt ! in ut. f HUvwa-'i, - S w ffm L 4M . V 4 ,. MV' .., rj a , t r 4 , m 4 imm. W ijU'.-f'r' iJiH.t tfir HASR13 hehesy co.cfccjobts. L.jt:: tti CCt SU. C7. LCHItS. MO AST 3 RiDUIS f AW MACHiHE H :? r n hxit TXijro ocr. TrYii f.a 4U' r -? -r . Viffc ;. r -41M. a , fW4 wr ti9 avt ACCK7S WAMTZ1C. r.J Da. WH1TT1EE 17 it. CttatrSaa Mraet, Si. UftU,Xe. 4)lweiiMfli BfeaaOftg-iriiV.r JkfX is 9 NfJL lUtl- r-rti.a-tS-1 Ijtmm.m . t' iitm tt-tm. u Hmiti.M (IU mw i (iatinHW -wt rr . jr X&attu-. avii CtSKrjr Jts?i w4 K r atafi-an-1 A tmjitm: ff - .Ownaufciur.. A4. . CffHi,iS. iwirrr rYrrffT i. aVonrim ZWaMT s Tt? t)mr K MJdAm n rtx m mm tlr)tl miminni. ar-a-itnaM jm. m. ?, 7rMTti I 3St a)C$nr.u2VB-y. in m -. rriHr rajrr vrrj . C r -aaaJ . . fy 1 U im-i.i W irtfrtrK1i-t. kur i?as,wiHcrr,K.iw. , ( a.t fi,J tstt JCrVJL. w.a'fi Imam, at aavs aat ft MARRIAGE! UltL awravTTJi aM-KKBteSo ane rtt -ti -v in)r-c-r. ftaatoMti fcray. Try iMi)j.1.a arfcf. Win.ll ' -"m4. r-it ), Tt tynS-timmrry. M,wnnm avi. TWaar- rwi'l'.iW awrr ia B.-t avj jkV ( 3"-y auHii,WttK)i.ii' ZJZ9mmjm&elK&Am MfM wawfaiat uw ii f iKj, fmrnnmrnm fir Xt wwxt U4r fjk&jrJt mmfrt,-1 . t . An' '' t ITi JAVTtfie. p!t,,lW5 rt s W -i. A rat?wi44. ga 4aWw Mfer w'i ' a flti ma uni U4 4 -. In v mt aima aa$ ia ata aa - (ajl a"aB,a"BSi eaHaa er ejv itnMh- .nijai ' i MafMaBjBiywBBaaaaapwaiiii I iy'-T ilTrSlTfTrHTO -V fit" T I i m bW3F i it f '1 Vfl a j. i -iwJ?-& -. i .t Ja tfM M 1st IHfWtit A mMM Tl JJ J v- BBwaBaaiaHWfis-v TmKrt irv i "3. law m . !, a ... ,... f'l-la lr flaaaBAaaBBBkaaj j "-i - IawSalBVaSiBwL 7 'fmtmmt irJL"lla11" " " r'l ar XSteri ,v , jBBaBaw i2 WBajaBIB"aaBjtELkc .BbBbSkF