' .-s.4A4-i m - -3 ,-rjr j - &S?syPs.-t ;- - v-a- v-5"K v- E : s N V f r 1 i-Mll 1 I ( THE -RED CLOITO CHIEF. -5t. X. L. THOX1S, rallkr. HED CLOUD, L - NEBRASKA.. CHRISTMAS. How did thov koop iiu birthday tlicn, Tlio little f:i!r Cliritt, mi Ioii-mko? Oil. linttiv lln-rt! uiTt! to lit; lioiiM'd and fed. tAnd tl'iTt wjii no plait' In tliu inn. they Mild, t Into tlu nianiT the ClirM nnt no. To lodge with the cattle and notVltk raca. Th ox nnd the n they innnched their hay, -l'lie nuini'lied and they -lumbered, won deriiiK not, And out iu the moonlight cold nnd lilac The nhepherdni'li'iit.nnd tliu -beep wleft. too. Till thr miKelt' wins nnd the br&ui Mlir ray Guided the winemen to theppot. . Hut only the wlm men knelt and praU-d. And only the Oiephcrd cunie to c; And the ret of the world cared not at all For the little Chrift in the oxvii't. stall, And wo are angry nnd nuinxed G That such a dull, hard thing should bel Tlnvr do we ki-p hit hirtliduy now? We ring the hells mid we hiImj the f train, We hunt; up -.irlnnd everywhere And hid the tiipt-n twinkle fair. -nu leant ami Jrollc and tlicn we go lltxijk to the hiuiie old lives again. Arc wo w better, then, than they Who failed the new-born Chrint to fee? To them a helplesi babe to ua i,V' nhtncH a Savior glori'in-, r Our Jml and Friend and all yet we Are half asleep thl (JiniMiiiu- ln. Susan Vovlitlgc, in the Chrhtian Union. m . CHRISTMAS FLOWERS. The carthit so bleakand deccrted, 80 fold tin- u1ii1h blow. I?- Tliat uo bud or no blooiii will venture ASATo iieep f roin below; t IMr, longing for ringtlin, they iicxtlo B"-'"PDet,p under the nov. 11. And now, In this dreary December, Our glad heartH arc fain To ee if earth come- not to help ua; .no hook an 111 vam: lot tint tiniest bloxom I- coming1 Till spring brcathei again. t III. XaVhcrelovo takes, let love give, and w doubt not; Lnvo counts but the will. And the heart Iiiih in flowers of devotion, Xo winters can chill; They who cared for "good will" that flrst Chri-ituia Will care for it still. JiltUlIc Proctor. A CHRISTMAS STOKY. Gfn lie Widow WintfrplppliiV -ontlerrtil I)r-niii. This is just how uffuirs stood in the house in which wo lived brother Na- v thanicl and I it was a tenement house, not xvlfat they call :i 'Mirst-duvs" one, but a very nice one n the Christinas Eve beforo that Christmas niht. t - t the basement the three little chil- -tren of Mrs. Hose, the janitor's wife, were quietly playing with their dolls for uic iir. inuu in evcr:u wtt-Ks, n.iwi been sick nigh unto death, and their lpoor, tired mother was hovering about . Them, her thin, pale face lighted up with thankfulness and joy, albeit a cloud did Hit across it, every now ami then, as .she - j thought of the defcts contracted during naVlieir sickness debts which at the pros cut moment Mr. Hose having- been out of work for three long months she had but the faintot hope of ever being able to pav. Mii'the firt floor Mrs. McChilly old, iwsliimte and well, to speak plainly U11yy Mrs. McChilly spectacles on nose and head held cl'oso to the lamp, axv:is looking over for the fiftieth time the bonds, willed her by her brother, who had lalelv died in San Franci-eo, and received by her a few days before, mak ing her already in comfortable, very eonifortable circumstances what in our .J1 fcnhere if,lifo would be considered rich. ifer gniisn-iooKing granuoaumei, uj maiTiago, was darning the old lady's stockings, and thinking of the dear, Uicrrv. young brother-in-law, banished from'his home half a year ago a home "wlitrh liutl mvor been" so Minshiny since .because he had dared to fall in love without his grandmother's consent, and tlyio ish-lookiiig hibaml of the grand dauirhter, bv marriage, was writing a cUcerful, affectionate letter to the ban-i-iied one, under cover of the daily account-book. On the.second tloor pretty,gniycd-eyed, brown-haired Mrs. bummer w:ts hush ing the babv to sleep, and dropping tears on its little, golden head when ever, w hich was very often, ho glanced . -1 her husband who" lay snoring on the i- jange, having left a convivial party late that afternoon to stagger home, as he had done many times during the last unhappy year, with aching head and empty' pockets. On the third tloor jolly, plump, black eyed, rosy-cheeked, generous (out of her income of a thousand a year she gave aw:.y at leat one-eighth) Widow Tl'intcrpippin was calmly sleeping in her -Fifd. iborouL'hlv tired out bv a hard dav's work, ami Xannie, her little maid, with the eat in her lap, was dozing hi a spasmodic manner in a roeking-ehair by the kitchen tire. And on the fourth tloor brother Na thaniel and 1 were taking a late Mipper because 1 had been obliged to remain JftOger than usual at the .store where I was clerk, it being the custom of our employer to exact extra service all holi ,x3ilay week (without, however, thinking it V "ecessary to requite such service with extra pay), and dear Nat than whom there never could be a kinder brother would not, though he might be ever so hungry, eat supper until L was there toj anake and pour out tliu tea. ' It tastes tb much better from your hand, Sis,'' he used to say. Nathaniel was a printer, and had been 1 n fine, stalwart, singing, whistling fel low until that dreadtul day in Septem ber when he met with the terrible acci dent which resulted in the loss of his right arm. i ' Since then he had been on the invalid list, and sang and xvhistled and joked no more. We had, fortunately,some mon ex' saved xvhen this misfortune came ii'pon us, but it xxas noxv almost exhaust ed. And Nat began to worry about that, among other things; butlnex'er lost heart. Why should I? I had youth, health and strength, and twelve Lpjollars a xveek. And xve could manage htwjt to starve or freeze, on txvelvc dol lars a xx'cek, and Nat's overcoat, and my cloak could both be turned, and somc bodx xx-as coming home soon. Widoxv Wiuterpippin God bless her! proved an angel of goodness during our trouble, coming to sit xvith Nat her self, xvhen his arm xxas at the worst; (I dVfaad to go to the store, after the first Vtfmw A-w- nr tb( snbirv wmilil h?iro ' ceased though, they did, fora xxonder, give me an extra half-hour at noon. x-hen I xx'ent home to lunch), sending Nannie to xx-ait on him xvhen he was getting better, and making all sorts of nice dishes to tempt his appetite, and lending him all the nicest books, and "teeping the room bright xvith beautifid SSibxvers. But it wasn't this kindness that made Nat fall in loxe xvith her. Oh, no! for he had fallen in love xvith her long before, and xx-as on the point of telling her so when that cruel nia- .tiinarr errnenprt bis firm. -j " But I must give her up now, Susie," he Eaid to me xve had no secrets from each other " though I love her more than ever. 'Twould have been no match, in a woridly sense, for her be fore a printer xxith only xvhat be earned from xveek to xxcek, and a pretty, voting widoxx, oxxning houses ana lands y$cient to gix-e her an ineome of a thousanu a year ut nuw il u simpiy impossible. Disabled for life, I must make up my mind to be a burden on yoa, and see her marry " " You'll do uo such thing, Nathaniel," criedJ. "What has come over yoa? iQtems to me that the people xvho are ijJFjollicst when they arc jolly are the bluest when they are blue. One xvould tkiikjM'aiortlwtkanM and legs to lMr joataBc. Dajjroa forget your fa Torfto oUo, Ufl despcraduni,' to say BOtkbjr of 'Up, guard, and at 'cm?1 " BatJfat'continucd very low in his ptriU, B frmilrf do or ay. And this it herw tJhin stood in our liouse the Chiitimm Ere before that Christmas Dv. Tke kettle had just began to boil next MoraiBg. mm L- nau just caneu out Merry Chrktas " to Nat, hearing faim stir in bi own room, when Widow WiBtcrpippin blue-eyed little maid ksocked at the door, with a " Merry Chrhrtmas," a ffigglc, and a note from her raistres. I he note read : Winifred Wintcrpippin sends her love to Susie and Nathaniel Bracket, and begs that they will, as a great favor, give her their company in her rooms this evening at 7 o'clock." And Ite got a note for every body la the house, and there's to be a rapper, mis. So don't cook no dinner, miss," said the little maid, laughing outright. (This little maid was almost always laughing, in which respect she much resembled her black-ex-cd mistress.) " Say we'll come, xvith "pleasure, Nan nie," aid I. "Yes, miss," and away she flew. And at 7 precisely, the invited guests I xvre assembled in the widows pretty parlor. Dear me! How pretty it was. Christmas greens xvere festooned all around the walls, ami anchors, and wreaths, and hearts, and crosses were hung xvherex-er they could be hung, and above the mantel, "Merry Christmas," in large dark green letters, brightened by crimson berries, greeted us as xve en tered the door. And there xvere stands filled with love geraniums and begonias, and lilies in each window, and a splen did fire in the grate and nfost charming of all there was the xvidow herself in a pearl-gray silk with scarlet ribbons at her throat, and scarlet ilowers in her hair. When Nathaniel poor fellow, how his empty sleeve annoyed him and I arrived, Mrs. McChilly and her grand children xvere already there the old lady in the easiest chair in the room, nearest thp fire, with a glass of lem onade, of xvhieh she xvas very fond (how did Widow Wintcrpippin manage to iiud out cx-ery body's little xveaknesses in the xx'uy of eating and drinking?), on a small round table by her side, and the grandson and his xvife looking over the photograph album in a cozy corner. Mr. and Mrs. Rose and the three Rose buds, as we called the children, xvee, darling, auburn-haired girls, came in at the same time xx'o did, and Mr. and Mrs. Summer, hu looking xvorn and haggard and she xvith traces of tears around her beautiful eyes and the baby made their appearance a few moments later. "And now that xve are almost all here," said Widow Wiuterpippin xve wondered xvho else xis to come "we'll haxe a dance to begin xvith. You will play, Mrs. Summer? Nannie can hold the" baby." Hut Mrs. Summer blushed and said she " nex'er played, now." "But you can," insisted the xx'idowin her genial xxay. " You surely haxe not forgotten. I used to hear you playing so much and so xvcll xvhen you iir.-t moved here, and Mr. Summer sang then, too. Many a happy hour have I passed listening to you both." And Mr. Summer, xvith a conscious contrite look in his face, put his arm around his xvife and led her to the piano. Then Nathaniel took the xvidow, and Mr. Summer Mrs. McChilly's grand daughter by marriage, and Mrs. Mc Chilly s grandson Mrs. Bose, and Mr. Boso me, and xve had an old-fashioned uitadrille dance in the old-fashioned way and a jig to end xvith. And Mrs. McCnilly declared it made her feel like dancing" herself, and she xx-ould have danced, too, I believe, if it hadn't been for her rheumatic foot. As it xv:ls, she beat time to the jig tune with her cane until her arm xvas so tired she couldn't beat anv longer, and Nannie and the baby took it and beat away, utterly re gardless of time, until all the ladies had made their final curtseys to their part ners. After the dance xve had a loxely bal lad from Mr. Summer, xvho had a line tenor voice, and a comic song from Mr. Kose, xvho had a voice suited for it. The comic song had a silly, rollicking chorus in xvhieh the company all joined with as much earnestness as though their lives depended upon their doing so. "Tra.I.i-ln-tra-U-la hi Tm-l:tln-li ami Unit will do." And then supper. Such a supper. Boast turkey, cranberry sauce, mince pie, crisp celery, home-made bread, pickles, tongue, stewed oysters, candies and xvax dolls (the dolls beside the chil dren's plates'). And xvhen x'e xx-cre all through and back to the parlor again, sitting in a half-circle around the great fire, a cup of fragrant tea or cottee in ex'ery hand, Widoxv Winterpipin, xvKo sat in the. centcr-of the half-circle, said : "And noxx', if no one has any objection, I xvould like to tell you a xvondcrful dream I had last night." "Any objection!" "No, indeed!" " Delighted to hear it!" from all sides. And, xvhile the Summer baby crowed itself to sleep in its mother's arms.and the Bosebuds, on the tloor at their father's feet each xx-ith her new doll clasped to her breast drooped their shining heads until they sank upon the pilloxx-s Nan nie had thoughtfully placed near them, the chairs in the half-circle were draxvn closer and all eyes xvere fastened on the Widoxv Winterpippin's sunny face. " 1 xx-cnt to bed hist night," began the xvidow, in a low voice, "x-ery tired." "1 should think so," "said exerv woman listener. "And I began to dream directly. And every body in this house xvas In that dream," the widoxv xvent on. "Yes, children and all. I thought it was Christmas night, just as it is noxx, and Nannie and 1 xvere xx-aiting, just as xve did to-night, for the company to arrix-e. And they began to arrive as the clock struck seven. First came Mr. and Mrs. Bose and the Bosebuds, looking so smil ing and happy that I said at once, - You hax'e good nexvs to tell me.' "Mrs. McChilly -dear, kind Mrs. McChilly (Mrs. McChilly sat bolt up right ia her chair and "closed her lips firmly as her name xvas mentioned) has paid the doctor's bill,- Mrs. Bose began. And promised, she having so many business actpiaintances, to look out for a situation for me.' said Mr. Bose. -And she saj-s to-day is the birthday of Iho Saxior and lie dearly loved little children, and she is going to lox-e us for His sake and be our friend always as long as xve are good,' said the children, beginning to sing the Sxx-eet By-and-By so loudly that we did not hear Mr. Aubrey come in ; but there he Wiis, his face glowing and his eves sparkling (Mr. Aubrey xvas the grand son with whom Mrs. McChilly had quarreled) ; and he cried o'ut, - Go'd bless her! my mother's mother. I knew she could'nt stay mad long. She's forgixen me and kissed Alice.' (Alico xx-as the young girl with xvhom he had fallen in love xx-ithout the old lady's permission.) " And all of a sudden there was Mrs. McChiUy among them, being xveleomed with loxnng words, and hugs and smiles the eldest Kosebud had a glass of lem onade ready for her and saying, Dear, dear, what is a little money to gratitude and affection like this?' "Nothing,' answered Mr. Summer, xvho vras there all of a sudden, too, with his wife and the baby, looking as hand some as he did when I first saxy him, nearly txvo years ago, and as for Mrs. Snmmer, her eyes xvere like stars and her cheeks like roses, and she stojejsoft ly to my side while he xvas kissing the baby and singing a merry song to it. and whispered : - A promise has been my Christmas gift, a promise worth all tbe !Told and Jewels in thr T-rll l .nl And then Susie Bracket danced in, and ulyly held up a letter from somebody far away, that I might ko ant. rejoice with her. And Nathaniel what a ridiculou part of the dream tliat about Nathaniel J Bracket was. Keally, I don't think I can tell it." "Oh, butyoa mast," I cried. " Indeed vou must," they all cried. " Well, if I must, I must," said the widow, with a sweet, little nervous laugh. " I thought Nathaniel .followed ! me into the dining-room, whero I had gone to take a last look at the rapper tableoh, it's too ridiculotw." " Nothing of the sort," said Mr. Sum mer. " I don't believe :L I've no doubt it was the most sensible thing Nathaniel ever did in a dream." " And plane, go on," begged his wife " And he took my hand," the widow went on, "and said oh! I can't tell you all I dreamed he said, but he ended --- by saying: 'And so, of course, I inn ,. 1 think of vou no lonVer a noor. critniled I fellow like Hie.' And I said " . .. :.! " .0 . . '. ' UTinUWd you say?" cried Nathaniel, f springing to his feet and looking eager- i ly toxvard her, totally forgetful' of the 1 rest of the comnanv. " Nathaniel Bracket, you're an idiot!" j Must as I expected," murmured 1 y examining tne miner, can not ten ) crCam, sugar to Utste. Beat xx'ell to poor Nat, sinking into his chair again, fwhat salt has been used? J gether, and bake with two crusts. Cur- "If vou Jmve lo.st vour arm vour I Vrhaps no single item tells more ef- nn (dried) instead of rabius areMrx right arm," the xvidoxv 'calmly proceed- j fectually upon the product than the , n-ce. ed, "you haven't lost your "head, and , churning. I believe more injury has, Foam s.m,.4. 0ne twlctIp whitc that head, as I happen to knoxv, con- M-wn done by faulty churning than by f H three-fourths of a cup butter. tained the usual, perhaps a little more than the usual, amount of brains, and if, as I hear, a thousand or txx-o will gixo you an interest in Tom Allen's busi ness, xvhy xvhat is to prex-ent me, having a little money at my command and no one to take care of hut myself, lending it to you for the sake of your sister, of xvhom I am very fond ? 0r, if you xvon't look at it iu that xvaj xvhy can't become a partner, a very silent one, and you manage for me, taking a fair equix-alentfor your services?' And that's the end " "Nex-er!" shouted Nat, springing from his chair once more, and taking a 1 fexv steps toxvard her. "The dream never ended in that xx'ay. Nathaniel made some further remark, I'm sure he did." " I bcliex'e he did," said the xvidoxv, knitting her prett- broxx-.s, as though in thought, while 1i rosy blush overspread her face, " but dreams grow so shadoxx-y at the last, and this became so very in distinct after I had spoken of goinginto the printing business myself that I can scarcely remember " " That Nat Bracket said," prompted Nathaniel, " 'God blas you for a dar ling! and I'll accept the offered loan on condition that you'll add to it a Christ mas gift a gift above all price your precious self.' " " Well, xvell, hoxv did you ever knoxv?" exclaimed the xvidoxv in pre tended surprise. " Can't imagine," said Nat, his eyas sparkling xvith fun for a moment, and then, as she rose from her seat, became and stood before her and said entreat ingly, " But I don't knoxv xvhat ansxver youdreained you made." " Nor I," laughed the xvidoxv. " But J do," said Mrs. McChilly, xvith an emphatic raj) of her cane. " 1 do Mrs. Nathaniel Bracket." And xve all shouted and clapped our hands like a parcel of children, and then xx-e all (not one of us, I'm sure, could have told xvhy) cried a little anil xvere quietly feeling for our handker chiefs to xvipo axvay the tears, xvhen the old lady spoke again, looking doxvn on the Bosebuds, xvho xx'ere still sleeping. "I will be a friend to tha-e little ones and their parents," she said, "a good friend. That part of the dream shall come true. As for 1113 grandson " " Here he is," screamed Nannie, xx-ith a hysterical laugh, as .she thing open the door that led into the dining-room. And there he xvas, to be sure, xvith his sxveet-hc-art on his arm, and in an in stant they xvere both kneeling before their grandmother, xvith one of her xvrinkled hands in blessing on each boxved, young head. Mr. Summer turned from the pretty tableau and bent and kissed his xvife, and softly xvhispered some thing to her that made her "eyes like stars " indeed, as she exclaimed" in a voice trembling xvith joy, "My part of the xvondcrful dream has'already come true." "And mine came true this morning," said I, as I took the letter from my pocket. " And mine," stammered Nat, as his only arm stole around the xvidoxv 's xx-aist, " can it come true?" " It cm," said Widoxv Wintcrpippin. Margaret Etyngc, in Detroit Free Press. - - I88O. January. July. m ,31 w s- w. 3 10 3 10 4 .". 4- O C 1112 1415ilG)17 1112 13 15 1G;17 IS Ill20i-!1133;23,S1 IS 19 20,21 25 2G 27i2S,29 30,31 25 2G 27 2829130:31 .. ,. .... ..j ...... I February. August. sr tIw l"i4 9 ion IC17 IS 2S 24 25 ft Jtwt r 1 S G 13 G 7 14 21 28 1 &U IK 4. 1.1 to1 15 on 19,20,21 -i:ifft i-rtieio'on 2G1272S 22t23!24!25;2G!27 29 30 31 I March. Septembsr. w 1 S 1 : 9 4 11 IS 10, 5 G S 10' 1415)10' o 1 00 17 19 20 12: 13 11 IS 16 'f' 25,20,2; 19 20'21 2223;24'25 2S 9!3031 'JI on'a'iac'an'nn1 ,Ui.l-Ol-,OU iLvlvIuirl" April. October. w W; 1 3 10 17 II 2 4 I G S 9 3 G s' a 11 1215 15 1G 1011H2 14115.16 IS 1920.21 22 23 24 17,18'19 20 2122,23 25,2G.27,2S.291:.0 ..'2425.2G27 2S.29.30 IA"t it l-tf.uljj j May. November. !r! w.Tlr s "l S itefcl jr Is 56 1213 1 8 2 Sl 4 2! 3 oi oUnll 910111213'14 la 14 15 16 17 IS 19,20 1G17.1S, 19,20 21 22 21122 2324 2526,27 :xi 28 24!25!2g!27 23.29.28,29,30 S0 3i....j...J....". ! j j June. December. a t wx v X T W T r IS 4 5 3 4 01 1 9 10 11 12 6 1314, i: 16 17 IS 19 12 9 1011 13 20 1 15 161718 20;21 J22j23j24 oa.tn 21 am 232412S -si-y u .. 26 "i 27 2S29 -S29303 - 31!.. I" "I" JOHN JU.I.7S 1TIDDING. Half a pound of bread-crumbs, made fine, and mixed xvith half a pound of prepared flour; eight eggs, one pooad af Tatoaed raisins, one ojf suet, one. of trashed, dried, and floured currants, half a j-pound of mixed lemon, and orange, and citron. candied, peel, enejounce of mixed spice, mixed xanth a full pint of sweet, fresh cider, and boiled five hours. Serve vritb. burnt sauce. -Give a girl long eye-lashes and small ds and she will pat np with No. 6 i . . i hands and sne wiu put up j feet and marry all around a curly- I hoortorl mr r.Ltnncr nnM nnil n l.olf i headed girl wearing ones and a half. 11 2 3 41 51 i) All'f tO' n if FA8X TOPICS ChMrolnc. Every Men in the production of fine!.,..!- ,;ti ,t, irrnnM Mmn u..tt. butter require care and correct oWr- . vatton, intelligent thinking and iJuIIfol hands to notice, understand and iw-l ing ami watering the covr to packing the butter for tnarki:t(ha4 lis Fii!icaiict and reouire to be done with kill and at i 1 the right moment, or the product xrill ii-.iiinv.iuic l-mui' JiCiu, u.h arc m:iy j. wxJtCj cither in UlC ChUTO or ' - - c-uiuprii in tno caprvi-Moii '' ouuer-ou, th raid 4trr biinr. till th liaiiM J making." Lvery little act. from feed- j ,. nff t..,r mininrtll l.,rii(..r t hj acprcs-eI in merit. J;.verr act, much liut!nuilk to rwrnire an amount however, doe? no, tell with the .same of woriin,,, crt. ( doac in the Rio-t effect, and things arc Kimetinif insisted , j-jjj, manncrf lbat wm m-tcrblh m on which an; of httle or no confluence, i jlJre tjM. jJq t thc by-ter, and inake It may make a difference whether the it apear gn-Esy and le-n it fin tla cream is raUcd in -six or SC hours, but vor an1 httrry 0'n a st3jtf aMil 5tnm;: fla. it will require close dicnniiuation to j vor AIJ tfjL; lalxr ani injun. catl determine xvhether the preference is in , -,.:,?w.i 1... iM.Mt., s iim,. ,tlthe . .-. .1 fau,r ' 'onger or tliu shorter time, 1 anu 11 in iavor 01 ie laiier. wneiaer me j difference will nay for the xaluabletime, i 1 : ii I - .1... ; ur.u uwir aim niuney .vniui ui-wmii 1 means to Inirry it up." hverv vea vear thousands of dollars are expended in trying to convince the world of bmter makers xvhat salt is b.t for seasoning. "ut what doe-, it matter when exerts, t any smg.e act in ihb .process W1 v , tMt n fl om. ..beaten reason for thw w that it is im,H-s,ble to ; u f1Cn place over the fire, and say definitely ,u,t what ought to be done : , ' v t J .. ()f SWCl.t mUk u all eae,s. hor example, there can lie 0 u:ilh t no precise rule laid doxvn iu to the exact , , ,, , " , . taiijxrulure cream should have at the I -Chocolate Cake: One cup butter, beginning of the operation, because it is two "l tw cup. Hour, and four better it should van- xvith the sie of the ; i' ' C"I ""v two tMt.poon bak-butter-globules in the cream. All other ( g-IIer; bake 111 jelly tin; for the circumstances being the same, cream 1 hocolat" grate line and mix with weak from the milk of the Jersey and other . a!, the right consistency to spread. Channel Island cow, in all of whose Stuffed Oyster: Chop hue a d n milk the globules are large, will churn oxsters; mix with them the beaten yelk asxx-ell at Mdog., as that troin the ax- erage natix-e at CO de, e"., or from the lAhe size of the Holstie 11 at C' deer. It.it "lobules varies not only with the breed ' but xvith the individuals of each breed. ' and xx-ith the food u-ed by thecoxx's, and ' also xvith the lengtji of time they have ' been in milk. Then again, the temper- j ature needs to xary some xvith the rela- J tix-e proportion of liquid to butter in the j cream. If xx-e churn the xvholc milk, a . certain temperature xx-ill be required ; if the cream is mingled xvith half the milk j then xve need another and a loxver tern- -.-.-. -- -, - per.ttiirc; if only pure cream is churned, ! men a sun loxver degree xviu uo oeuer. It will, therefore, in each particular case, be to some extent a matter of judgment and experience as to the tem perature to begin xvith. The chum itself is an item xvhieh en ters into successful churning. It should be adapted to the xx-ork in 'hand. The poorest churns those xvhieh operate Ivy friction or merely stirring will churn cream made up of large globules, es pecially if from xx-ell fed coxx's not long in milk, because such cream churns x-ery easily. But xvhen the globules are small and from coxvs long in milk, and particularly if the cows are poorly fed so that the globules are not xx'ell filled, the friction churn, or stirring machine, fails. The butter comes xvith difficulty ami imperfectly, or not at all. What is wanted for such cream is successix-e shocks of strong pressure or percussion, which will operate on the entire con tents of the churn at once and alike, such as can be obtained in the old dash churn xvith a large dasher, or by lifting the cream and letting it fall xx-ith n thud, as xvhen dropping from side to side in a rectangular rotating churn xxith deep sides iu the direction it rex-olves, or by the blow gix-cn by the cream against the end of an oscillating churn as it sud- an oscillating denly reviTscs its motion. The large and 'small globules are then all affected alike and come at the same time, xvhieh they xx-ould not do in a simple stirrer. Ow'ing to the fact that cream is gener allv made 1111 of large and. small globules . 1 . ... t f imxeii, stirring maenmes are coinnioniy inellicient and unprolitahle. They churn the larger sooner than the smaller globules, and either leax-e the latter un changed in the buttermilk, or if churned till all come, the butter xvhieh comes first is xvorn out and becomes before the last is churned. jjre:i-X' A xery common error arises from al lowing the cream to become too sour. The excess of acid decomposes the butter-fats into fatty acids and glycerine, inclining it to become ropy, and stale in tlax-or, and the stale taste to be trans ferred to the butter. The uhiiriiing.too, is more difficult as the souring increas es. Early churning xvill avoid such faults. It should not be delayed be yond the first appearance of acidity, and it is better, if the cream or milk has been xvell aired, to churn just before acidity begins. This xx-ill secure higher tlax-or and better keeping -quality to the butter, and the churning xvill be quite as easy. Though it is notorious that in common practico sour cream churns easier than sweet, and makes a more desirable butter, yet it is by no moans certain that souring the cream adds any thing to ease in churning, or is any benefit to the butter. Hecent observa tions seem to point to the corrosion of the delicate membranous enx-elope of the butter globrdo by the free oxygen in the air as the cau.e'of making the en velope so tender as to bo easily rap tured. Cream churns easily, not ac cording to'age or sourness, but accord ing to the atmospheric, exposure it has rcceix-ed, and the temperature at xvhieh it has received it. Facts are alo tend ing to the inference that the fine aroma and fiax-or acquired bygixing the cream some age, are tine to a similar oxyua tion of the light oils in the milk, and that the effect upon flavor is finest xx'hen the oxydation is pretty rapid, as it is xx-hen the exposure is somewhat ele vated, or not below CO deg. Well aired sxveet cream, twelve hours old , taken from milk heated from SO deg. to 120 deg. or 180 deg. and then cooled down to bO deg. and kept all the time at GO deg. xvithin the txvclve hours, churns as readily and makes as fine and better keeping butter, than cream lightly soured at forty-eight hours old and taken from milk of the" same quality and kept all the time at GO deg. Such facts xxiiich hae often been noted, and many others of a similar character, jro to corroborate the inference that the free orygen in the air work we have all lias been uoinjr tne along been ascribing to acidity, llie common obcrx-ation that sour cream churns easier than sweet, does not militate aralnst such a conclusion, because the sxveet cream, in . mm-. r.,t; ; t,vn ,r, -JL-. 1 .UfJLlAULJ lll.X.ilX.V A-7 k,-V.Iwt V SJJlm belore the envelopes of the globules and the flavoring oils of -the milk have I been sufficiently affected by atmospheric action. It'may be xvell supposed that the results would be better, both upon the churning and the flavor, when the cream was allowed to stand a little too long than xvhen taken much too soon. There is a point somexvhere btxven the extremes at which the bet results are secured, and facts seera to be fixing it a little in advance of the appearance of acidity. The presence in milk or cream, of acfd as the product of fermentation is indicative of incipient decay, a con dition of things not very likefy to con tribute to the welfare of such a sensi tive product as butter. One of the largest errors in churning is in doing loa much. Not one in a hundred stops xvhen he has done enough. To get the best batter and bring it into the uest style for cleansing it of butter milk, the hxning should be steady rather than violent, and stop when, it has come enough to nse and separate distinctly from the buttermilk, and appear in fine particles or granules, whichthough soft, will be nothing but pure butter. Then the xvhole contents j of the churn should b mlucrd with i cold water, or what ! Iwttrr, cold brinr. I .fWt.1.1 fctA ri-.M Mft.m ft Ikklf.. .w.l,f 14M I !, ,hr,t RSI. n! rhitrl crr m.vlnr. to about W ami rburrird tt moder ately till the grannie! become m di- .j and banl .j,,. y w u, ibm kicking tosrthir; allthcchum- in? n,iwI wij llom!. .Utcr u,K it ..jrrW t -u rtthnnt anv wor Lineal aii. i7,!je churning continue. a m ,-i ,.11 fi. .ft,.r t !,lt nhnnnl into 0DC or a tcvr Uimp,. H will incW .-j . ' --'i'tr . - , --. butter i in granule, and cooling and wahin" a- de locribctl. .. lrW, in v. - friLt.n. III.M.S FOB TBE HOUSEHOLD. .Vlcr TIilnc fur (liritina. B.tisin Tie: Ouu ogg, une-lialf cup of ni''mi Well stewed, one cup of mmm "i une c, mm um-M-a mi uiwi- crumb-, a tables poonful of thick cream, "alt and pepper to taste. Fill the shells. -"- . rounding them nicelx on the top. r.roxxn ' a quick oven. To Broil Oysters: Dr.tin off all th liquor, dry m a napkin, dip them in cream, roll in bread crumbs or grated cracker (seasoned xx-ith pepper, suit and nutmeg); lay on a wire gridiron, broxrn on both .sides. .Sorx"o on a plate first cox'ered xxith a txvice-folded nap- kin. Fruit Cake: One pound butter, one pound sugar, one pound Hour, eight eggs, lliroe pounds raisins, two pounds currants, one pound citron, one-half ounce nutmegs, one-half ounce cinna mon, onetcaspoonfulof mace,a sprinkle J of ground cloves, a large wine-glass of brandy and the same quantity of wine. Christmas I'tidding: One pound raisins stoned, one pound currants cleaned and dried, one pound of beef ' suet chopped fine, one pound of bread crumbs (.tale are the bt"t), one pound of brown sugar: then cut in small pieces two ounces of lemon, orange and citron, ' candied peel, half a nutmeg grated, half a teaspoonful of ground ginger, one tea spoonful of mixed spice, half a salt- spoonful of salt, eight eggs. Mix all xell together xx-ith your hands except the i'lZi which must bo beaten yelks and whites separately, xvhites to a froth xvith the back of a knife if you have no egg-, heater. s'ov mix your eggs xvith the" other ingredients, it must be quite thick or it will fall apart ; if not moist enough j add one or two egg. Half this quant 113' , is enough for a small family. (Iroase , your mold or bowl, fill xvith the mixture, I p-eas. a plate and put over tli ton xvrong side up ; dip your pudding-cloth into boiling xx-ater, dredge it xvith llour ' and tie securely. Have a larg. jXot Of ' boiling x-ater ready; plunge your pud- dinir 111, mox-inir it about for a minute: alwax-s keep your pudding covered xvith x-ater; keep" a kettle boiling near by to ' replenish xvith ; nex-er let the pot go off the boil, or it xvill spoil vour pudding. Hoil six hours the first day, and when you arc ready to eat it boil two hours more; before untying the cloth, plunge thu pudding into cold xx-ater, then your pudding x-ill not stick. t'ox'er it with finely powdered sugar before .sending it to table. To Ilako a Turkey: After it is dressed, salt and pepper it inside; make a force meat of bread or craeker erumbs, .ca.son xxith summer savory or sweet marjoram. To thi- forcenient chestnuts ninv be added. Thev are put ox-er the fire in a sauce-pan to Inirst the skins, then boiled in salt x-ater. Or, xvhole oysters xvell seasoned may be added to'the stuffing. Truffles are also used. A couple of "eggs added to anv shilling improx'cs it. ioiled, mashctf, 'and seasoned Irish or sweet potatoes are also used for turkey stuffing. When stuffed, tie it in shape, lard the top or lay slices of bacon over it, xx-et the skin and sprinkle it xx-ell xvith salt, pepper and flour. Have the ox-en not x-ery hot till the turkey gets heated through, then increase the heat. While the foxxi is cooking, boil the giblets, the neck, lix-er, gizzard, sxveet bread chop them tine and xvhen the gravv is made add thctn in if To nviki thi' ot-ivv nffpr tho to It. lO Ill.lKL lll gr.ix, .unr Ulu turKcy is remox-eil irom tne uaKins-pan put the pan over the fire, tlrcdge llour into it, and when broxvned stir in ooiling water or stock ; skim off even- bit of fat, add the giblets, season xx-ithsalt and pepper. If chestnuts -are u-ed in the stuffing, add them al-o to the grax-y. Oyster stuffing should be used just be fore the turkey is baked ; xx-ith other stuffing it is xvell to let it remain a num ber of hours before cooking that its flavor may penetrate tho bird. Turkey is served" xxith cranberry jelly or xvith currant or plum jelly. coaaamptioa mrrt. Ax oW physician, retired from practice, having had placed in hi. band, bv an East India nU.Ionary the formula of a simple Tce etablc temedy lor the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitl, Catarrh, Asthma, and all Throat and Lunjr Affections, also a positive and radical care for Nervous Debility and all Ncrvom Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powera In thousands of cases, has felt It his duty to make it known to his suffering fellow. Ac tuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge to all who desire It, this redpe, In Herman, French, or English, with full directions for preparicc and using. Sent by mall by ad dressing with tump, naming this paper. XV. W. Sheeue. 10 "-' 28-r. i:cArr. -V. Y. m The E.Meac AectimBiates. 11. J- Footnek, of Toronto, Ont, cerUSes that Warner's Safe Pills bare cured him of biliousness and sleeplessness. G. A. J. tid boK of Brookiille, Uauaila. certls that the Mafe Fills and Safe Bitters have cured hlra of malarial difficulties contracted In Texas. E. i L- "PfeH ofPMJadelpbia, certifies that I Lc Sztr Pills and bate KlUn.yand UrcrCore have nearly tawl him of a bad chronic liver complaint, And like testimonials keep com ing In. Foe diarrhasa, bloodr-flnx, cramps in Etom acb. and enlic, whether aff-ctlnadalU, chil dren or infant. Dr. Pierce's Compound Ex tract of &nart-Veed i a fovercim remedy. It is compcded from the bet brandy, Ja-E-.iica ghager, 5mart---eed, or water-pepper, aodjtie. aoothin? and healiny Rums. For colds, rbemrtatism, ceuraJjc affection, and to break: up fe.trs and inflaiamatory attacks, It is invalnable and -honid be kcot in evenr aoas-hold. Fifty cectj by dragist-. Pi-tsossU-teadlnto bcrl- to aay theledgziae5 daring the approacb in seaaoa, iU find it to their advantaje to -rnte to e-T. D. Appleton fc Co., Ker Tork Qtr. for terms. 3iar. .pp!etoa & Co. publish a complete !ttt of all tie leadia snagszine-. both dome-tic and foreign, a copr oi which they wfll forward, m, to aay u dreae, apon application. m MViu;Ts"ayaakoapbT!!ri3, "has co egual as a blood psriier. Hearing of Its jnany wonderful curt-, after all other reae die? had f-iled, I vited the laboratory and-courinced rsyKir of its ceiiume taerit. It r prepared frocx brks, root rl herbi, etch of which L highly- rtlectire, and they arc com pounded in miiz actr a to jvrotlxa; atotuhic? resalts." For a cot that other rctiie xrill sot cure, we recoraeBd Pi-O'a Cure for Cos- I aauioB, ." .-..v. .- "... .-. . -- . C. fiiucw' tAwa urb I. li t b5v --1 r -"w --" "' J' ""F . . - - A . . v - f G6uS&t2SSlSSl rZ: ,,. . , B 6 jUairiuSr Mi.iTiisiMi'N mn fr JMt iwrfxr.itr rw.fUXroilM.iH. Vt -- r (Ut Pi.K tu K. tM.lt OPIUM ii.J .kTK..isU Antitia ttwucsriTn.twc-xT. VI-i w rw n-i ga. mn.a v,urtK rrru. fd. TtT- U iumt rli fi tSfa. kwi Um an U4 a U bX4t Ja4 H r- fUXJU Ctl9Rclvrr rntrt-i t'HiltM lUnO &. Ctttt n, ih WMts llSlWti fC j, nn ,rAtlnrr JW 4 rb3 r tZU ' n r-.fct T?rriitt.ti''5ji,&,srT ixitwrt. ml t imnt fcWu iruinK tziacuj xl. ajM.i4r o. r-oiip. n. : vA t-tu wvt--i -- t yr Me-rt!fc--t-sl !--;"-. r, i i-. rm ( .m TV f n- ni-it t--- u r,4tt5r-x r xkemms-u a -- --? t-fcT . ;t Un-l' "- tmn4 M-v n 51 P1L r-u t. . M . .4 - t .-ii eta - . .. .1 m - t- r-.i.rMilH-' r.l,MM.iriUbii --i. TW3- J . ..iMl." ------.-' ' 1.. 11 ..-- cu. x.i r. ti-. Tit LOArl rnON-I Chntrlt n. VilUc. pw1tj. - SSrtr-r- lr .lh u.p I U-m 'Jt Iw-tc A-etUi.rul .th-" M.r--,y. t"iLtTUK AT SIX PER ClNTi AGENTS READ THIS. W-iarai j.tmt-. t fU r" ew-U r-, 111I..1 1 t cBnl--- l -! ,- -! wu-i-rr 4 laTrtitloov "! ri- -' r v H tfw. A-ir ailUU-lAN k. CO, tra. MWJv $IO to $10,000 nrtdln 5rnCC.itOp-rallonlntocW. t t. . .1. , . f.. . h. it unw I1K Ktt lav&L. Intr at rd In Sync cat Operation InStoc-a. T t i.n ra ittt .jrti wmta ith a ia.v mral rr-aitl tJ tt!K lr Kit"i h- f I,l-1- 1J f lti-M.t 4Uj, fit. ItMVUtM tlilI.lMrk.lV'.lcr,i(i i.- -t tt ol " l,l tJrljMif -ti lr iMt sJf. A-irt LVAUlMaUNLaMO, CuK.i -I 1JMJH..S V Slallcd I'rcr Tor Hi Lts, l'-r far l. iKIO.Olli, . y i !-, . i ciruo ti-r. i 11 IlltVt f .t C Jt . - " 4 . ;r. k . t - rd . VI I 1 $10,000. SAFETY LAMP. .5 Neton' 5f'y L-mp to.. Factory r- Off ce. B nhimt. U.K. tjnvttt rrt-rtanJ hatitlt Tfrmttrttnfrrr.t. Tl"nt timal:m Ant tlrckrr II !.. ('hlrkrrln;. Mnllitxlirk. tMorj A irtj. l , tmitft -trj j-ilrj A(miiOr;n. .; cwIawI fur t atojj . ;! ivr 1 .'v". STORK - CIBP.y 'US-K ' "V.t CATAKKM Saxntile of Care moiled FREE. jf&bi JlJJL- . ,Dil.S, MmT KKI.NtH nPrt-i. CATARRH CURE SJKr . Al-n trlii-iirt I f( nlvrrli, J3Te V..-im.! 'It, AUii:-.l't.. I -Us TMr. Tr ... .-,.... .f tr.. I .. linl.t.7l.1,,rSt Li-l.l (lUlabll.IirU 1H73). Live-Slock Commission, KANSAS CITT STOCK-YARDS, MO. MM-rt trvrt ITUM-UEn rKfll Lrtu-w M Tf I frrapniirlTtMflirtrrt. Oim"ir'lfle"'ia '-llbri-al Aaniirr. uiaroui."oul;iiii.c.il.. -TI XXItIt.4MI IHW II ii I b mi Xr: ' I i-iiK. Willi liitnirt.n lj whlcl .f (4Tti o ;iilr III wtn.tTl-il 'il.n it. 1 r, I l.'-w t)fT t'irm ll'-ikr' nurrrlirfi, soir.J s'-tit Irai In K -iUt-1. . JiMimal Sti hj. t.nrit.fif .n n-M lrl r iir L, nisll J1XK 1IA.NKY 1: CO. 119 .,u .st. .N V CUSHING'S MANUAL Of Parllamontary Practico. Th! I th" milrfII. af?sl una trttf la all th rlti" Ml- o-i rul" .i 1 onlT of Wl. I r 10 iti( tnm hn.i t t-rnfilH:!mt h. rt l.i U' I t .cl'tl w (obcr.tt"l frth'rWI-n'itl' "I clt-n-hip I il.liltl-'irK will ltinl Itn-IuabK Iloc. Uln.IIIl.,r-nlUlrlntloTtV cul -ic tIrt. T-tlr innnMIn cf anr kll. ri1n. 73 coi- Nxit bj ni-ll on rfr!M of prlc. THOil ISO.X, BUOtT S S. CO., ruUH-en. 4-. REWARD or mi'.m, IJltn-1. Ite in, or Utrtl l'llr. that llninr- I'lla ltcliinlT 1-11 U-ciiix. OI Immnllatf rllC tuii- f of lon iUlwllU- In I vrek. n.l ordlnarr cari In 2 dafv CAUTION S(m yri-in t( lJ?Tl'-itll,r-illaiuitMrt. I'hibt. aiVul Wl Fraliarucsm-. H-i.t 61 mill b J. P iii.ji ". Kopr.. 3. W. ear.TehU. k4 Arc- bu.. nai--!.tl.'- VEGETINE T.RY0US DEHILITY, Nervous Debility ami Slccplo.ss iie.s. in 'tm all ca-w Jiyrj-n4 1 a m.pfii f mm'-o'lirr ritvav, and can w.17 l rnM -1 -f IV rrmoial of tlw latlT 11 rrr.,uenUx tv-nrrrr .1 to civiiiln-n: imturrai to rw.5T It wwx-irj lrt trpitel as an olatoal rtt-r- In--n' mrntal n-a-v.t fn-lncI up toiKr.ol of tli t tT'U l3ceaijhaMt.ttO.I-i-'t-al if rvter. al ' ir-fUi'il.i?-itl'ncin!i an- frri-f tep--o u.l .-i.i- -lhjt l.it lnlilmhlnt ifSvTlt XIViKTIM.! ami anr t--rn - cannot 1 Irrp nlenU Ii"-il nu , it s flurr t irrp a lU if lil Kin of rr-KJl-i ' al.aii la U.r l-Kiv. aiKl to tak! a -!?? 4 II I-H . tlliln- Ut th rJeM. It l.l l " l" P I Natar"- vtifstonr. awl to It il louw ia. . .,... r r- . . ..... .. ... ' . I tr;r-inr.c -TTiiin nn-r -n-u "," v '',,' I mCrh In wvil f. Frr aaiatl cH1ri amtcwl '.Ui InO. mlu c tmnt. arm t! asm-. -tl 1 arw- paiiji!l-ult Iprttln?. ncuiin- n i - ,,'" . bfttrrthan affwilr pict TKUKIINK. It "III atone n . ,r ij-lt to tfc- ti-rri ijttra. irt Jji rt V a natural awl rasr 4imtr AUNxi-h tlV.cnsn rw talna not w pxlticl'' -Mom of oOiit n rrlc In any Ir or fim. It irt ba a mt M.tMr.c -'t mi Us h'l n:n. axal mtnt. In raaj-ftcaoa WHO jUt. la !, relist, SMnii. XERYOUS DEBILITY. Kcv. O. T." "Walker Says : raoncrxcx. B. L. ICI TtaasJtttrwt. I fwl bwand to rtrr with rur tiara:-! t tiizh Tlai.ple- up-nrnr VKI1M Mri',,"T trwI itjirtl-ttwujar la iwrttw dUUirltu tntaluattf. and 1 reer-nmixl Is H U cu a! aa lTlran. nn iralla fnlc . IJ.T. WALKKU. rttrmrrlt I lor ef muta nre C-re. UaJUra. . ' Ds'spcpxia, Nervousness and General Debility. c xa-xri. o. A?rfi 9. n. Mr. H. IL Stxttm: .... , - . DrnrStt I tare M ftml bottle of ytzr'Wt tn tnv7rtn. Srttnvivu t 'irartnl ftriittir. al X emu atj ur I ttrrrrtaA a rrta'.lT " la tt- '; 2trrtrc 1 rtoue K aU 3Trr XV t itTy t XTH: ta; 41 Cuart tut. VECSTINE raPAit sr H.R. STEYENS,15oston, Mass. Yegetine is Sold by All Druggists. Yells, S1QQQ fected-BUTTER COLOR nnV?&m&Vl?Z, -?,tt-!---.T-E-T-atf- A' t -t wbo -vail ---era to i-t W. wax. . ! E2ISE2 Dr. Pierce's Gotlea Medisal ieoTry ccrea an Msaaara. trvta te rant acrraa a t eosaw-i Utk. risatc. or U-cIb. Erralecla-- -, rrrcr mm, , "SleSSS? S'.rtst-BeT ta ric Tettr. ;,--. H, C1 tleCV-Ve rye-. ftramitM Sara. 4 -WtJUap, Wit -). -itiw r Tkic irvm feet dasi, dnra-T, t-niUM. t 3-r catsc e i- r yewMjr-wa p tm Tare er Urfr, freqiest or ri':-ie, ted tvts Is 3"s, s-wa - ai:erc--l Ota rt tMe. in-niar pje.i u-p- -. j, -w-.m i---. r- .1 !-- .- irit'iniiTi' ... M.--. -- - . l?Mt-4l laa-err aa o enJ. a It i In Ha care of Bratebltla. fMr;re Cfc. rU !&-, aa-t tmnj atajr- . t.p- --"- - j.. - , - nr'3. U ta -4aiaCil t aetk-4 taesOtr. - ----- pr-S pf-WiUt tt 7at.t se-i ftHcoT-iy cX Cm act- 6-44Jj' ilrajj-vu. raeiiu. w-r-r. I-nftJeciWrr-ilTnsH-fiUt. Tfco; rCet IUJ- 8a are a-sreetjr larscr t - rJ G T "i - ., Lijv-. MrriflKte? rs li rn-ln-l CX f-CXA ie minr -tTue, WT vT. O- ! liet. "V.-vV exs r-.timi-a T- - Ii- OsJ C-rt. bl Ato-ai. KMla f c:-4f to -Ss. reel KM-rcruapa-k . HIJILHI B-MI llllf r-b- . raf C .? l2lt?!JZi mfHH. - fli MiKl '.. 8s-Hr P---i ? l-irSFiiimrlslsL s . Ar ni o xa MiWXl mJ-.: ".J:"! Tfc lt Jw-v ?BMKKKKHm flF -".-... r JP ti . wi- r..KV M 4 ! . . .. . Tvv 4 J I - " rr" Jr JT ! .-- Lrrl KZim I it m s BijBb jTi JmL 1 w, -i. .. B.Jn liti sLnBk --. ' -K K1 i tb - r - kB I.ITr!r!r -" - - KlH 1 1 ! tr j , 1 t. - -- W TTm, ! Fir Chills and THAT DOES XOT t-Ja Qalcier, Art.ic It eiatr ralMBOu in Tat Dypp;, Ca itlFilaa, vat lick HtUe-. r txuiu XC&VOU kr-falk. er Ft k il E, litlt. Diitft r aT B!ee4 dUfj ! t Trlg Km. si iy. Ti---" -lf i all Inder It. tw OrargUt Pet It- A k V. f. MUX, rrtfmUn. LUl'U. ... . RAGS! 3k. RAGS! Threeand One-Quarter Cents per Pound r f n.l7 XJU1 l!f T--CV -lt I- -r nut -Mjrrl m l ml 1? iwnU ,4 i - KIMBERLY. CLARK & CO.. NEENAH, WIS. 6RAEFENBER6 VKUKTAHLK PIIIS Mlldett evsr known, curt MALARIAL DISEASES. HEADACHE. BILIOUS NESS. INDIGESTION an, FEVERS. Then 1I1.I.S Tono uo.hs ytim and rttpr health, to thote tufferinf frnni rnir dbllttY an rttrvoutnets. Sold by all OrumritU. -3U3 Ooxxta or Xoc MWtrl I M.Ti t ;: Wmrnrr'n Httff tHIlm nr n lmmIll t:tn-"u lor Torvld .lrr. aii't r (f llimnw, tl.rf-kl. II 1 1 It , IM lout IllnrrlMrM. Mailarli. mrirr Atur. an.! ar uft- at I sm In nfly H illM.r tn can tt in arnl rnrtlf ctltt.r Itif IVir:, iitj4t ariuo mr an rial roUen. 1 Tie. S3 rU a -. Wttmr'm af Xrr4nm qt-W K.4 ajt't IMni to tlx unvnncr-rc 1 M-beand ruralln. frrvrala l n tA la il...tfastl, toe ! Irnllou bruuent i.n by rfr-al rtf!nia. crrrr fk tnitl hc- atnl r cu. It rririH in jiiM II n:i-c5l 1 r-r. rt injur-- 1 tlw.ra lci Tt 1-1 f fcit Jtrnlart. Ilotllr itt I Wf 'U I (irlc-s. &a rta. ctl l. CWAR'r " Rar.k. r -M MnnMi A Hlr. 1-MrVUI-r .rjW.r. H.H.WamfriCo. rr-y.brl.-. nociitsii-K. 5.T. cj - r,-', ' n. nt i rt 1 5rti ' ' tin unnairnas uaroiB. l awnxu. ChrifitTnas Gifts. itt&SKfSZZ ttxirtui ok okm. 4.siium: r - -. r of US- ta'rtj or tiUr tjt ffo IS l I ram. an J l-wl-alo- & frw to ti bondrM jvir j -1 1 Vrr. Gbri8tma3 Gift. i ,,tv tnyt. lWaJ nr Orefi"V- Urtmo a Vll U-t iUi-r vraJ. a t-T'. arij T7 Isvtmts yaliM-cX. r.Irft-, fiMtxtm -in i J t rtjt u.o-i) it Dn-Xfci--o- i5tt:.i:t-Ti-'-ii ccllnt 52 rlri7 litt-Tirv )!- .t . Tierr. Trti--iSc4.-IHrrKiyW. ; fOcu.,i-a-aVif-ttia-.l- -"-. Tiw U1TriVf-l Vs r.TEnACK i JfcWXflvOet, . 3 trtttwal ta lra.l K-mi m-iini. , Abj !- taa-M fr nt-U prtca. CLIYER DiTSOff ft C9.f losttft. C. H. t-II-a-i fc C.. 3Bra4-ir.T. T. K.S.L. jr. r. eii-m t c, -.. . u- -, .-,.. .t. t. X ITl rrmms wmirtxm r ABrmmrimr.Ri. mtrmmm mmjf y-i mmtm tttm tlrr-.tl (-li fsr. lrrfir-i ( !. aaif ir tlr-l - t-tcMr BsM--eesam I rwrit-rTrt.r-tt;--ifTrlt J!tltt.wt6 I ni I I in r4UnuVT . J f t rt rH tieuiinBiUTBiinix vNoc 'XXX- yvk7A xix r Kk.r i .wr. YJWA r m.V zw BkitT. rM iiJir MM Jffi I iRBaiiiSQ ' lWWrir?Prf3l fiHMBl mP i lHTnlPil H IIIil3i HaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV M I " HOLIDAY MUSIC! J . ! . . .. i in rii i i --w . a a, reascaj rer ai - nm a. -'--. a- It --. perlecl aiH radicat er-. . -can . .. ttcaa. 13T -T-rrate wlttwot H.tr-o k ti- r -ccrintios. ycr Ja-adtw. Sclxrt, -Dro e-l. IWh in et o;-n. taie r. flcxa 'J-t i-MrEHt Pell-ta. lTiiril 1-finiTTlT rmri rr - . . -. . r w, -.-,.--- -.Mk.- OHNSON'ST a. Blood Syrup. . U St., Ittw Yrk City. , -? r H-t 1 Re-tedy Kaewa t XaaI l -. Ji-Hwl ( r.rtt WwiMSt 1 Mi . i j-i r-s4 .w-t.iv - - - -!-- m wvi t Bw, U w -- vm tJ tw t -- -f M ------ !. .- - - f . r.t r - m - MVmwO(imia rr w"'". l-t-il ! , tt ji V .- tn k xuv Wrjr H w t -! - r.--A. 3 . rr-WM w - tSf w" " . - f !.- M - M fc. V wm' rf fc n'" .u-.-hiU, a -- v - v - Ur iw t ittiMtM ,- J J n,i W . w w mK -. .t-v W&btstetkla, th M4leit kU K l V It T-1 mm tu.lu-4 Rmiiu 4i klMpa 11 --. II art nr Mfr. ttm .mk ! ll-r. II rlMr tbo !- II parlflx. th- Ml- MI.I.lM lit . i! I 4ll Ik nrmm . W.M.IM llfrt)-. .. HIIIM. L- . - . . -.. 1 rn- " lai lr. - miTm9m mm mJwKm r t -M4H IM-T -ltHHrVsllr.-i. kW-i. k-H W-MW ). tTm Mi m --- -' hMtr t . fa ivl 1 11 M. mu in l tif I lunl- t-tMiV tk- M-a-l W-,N tnt rt !), - ' tmm0 rm-tri m Uk.-ti. Cm-SSC T-l Ott-lCM of Uh KHrttui frMiii-o f imm mm. wtxa I mmh. at a Mtat lanaUi mU1 , mmmrm aad miltmtUt MH.n'-T. tot M tl vr Met Tti ineti. r tn nnrr. krl0t . rH. rtlem. Il fc-trtbtji"! htkfM. r - eTf Mr lUvtnan. !. airtl tr a t r-tl t at-nr al fai fU t wf4l 8 mtCUHf U rvmninvt. O. oct-, iln-i Tt 4rHnm nm tt J --. A H-Wrtf at maaUntifftMlwwi- Dr. Clark Jahn.an'a INDIAN BLOOD PURIFIER. rriea of Larr WttJt ... tl.M rrlei f fcaall BsttlM M HraA U raianUfi Ulr?t, T f-Tta ht i-n nir tr lf I tlr .tn.m ! jrl r9 vur nw tV3t. TESTiMOlflAlsF CIHEt Sick Haiei Csrt. rt-TBI lUrt t MfJ . I . 17 rrrr JHr i h, ut y Im4Imm IoJ jr np rr -k 4 -f . ffi H fc dimMiiiwvHM It 1 IW rnmrif . rjct-( A Vtry Cxcrfflt Bi-ki-. Xir.w. -fM. ?-, ! IS. 173. ttrr Mr IfHtof t! " lli -l-4a;r ntiin; fm( I -. I &" ? jl titV -U Jt M Irt-lJ a ra4 fWl-W-nrWV-. AJt kwtn(! (f- - tojjf l tt wj rC-t - JI r4 . o4 Ubrr 1 Ul W to - U Vfll tt. lUltVUS Xt-- Fettr aid Ajw . xr.Trai tv-i-iO Xfc.r- in. M?. Irr fitr IpffcaH tJir'. a , jf tq In.tlaH Rlwl ; r p. "-fc91,-'MT-4 tiunHF rrrf m A- - .VTrM li Cacvit-JIA I WW Mat r Vn.mm l"W. -vttJ ilittUJL Analher StilTirer frwi Dff.-. ftro.Mui?V-f. ..!- Mrrtt.l'. jlll . UvvMrtl tar a Wm fVa -! in- rr jm I m ln-i4l r a fw rrta a4 IniW. al fi v a ji-vj. I UVM rf- xn-i. w - iFirw, n- t!S IbntM iT r-T laaua KU4 Hyri,,l (- cttit-ivnti ttatrU?'?- fiV! tsfrWMim. I uatxrmu M-JitHf- Sirt Cre'f-r Dyfal. wt ro-r.cMrrr. . J-.I . lb fm" $ fr i-rl j-..H fcar r1tt -wy UyuKSt lrl UM tw cf Jwr I 4.1 mn Htt .r-)j.M tri s - -i-l- I wt aw-L I waM aatt -Rst )r atnevtir- ta , T' xi.c,j-x-n.r. Lhrer C-fiii, r sraorsa. f. On'y. 9 f Jr-I -- MVI aw ViH H t-r r I !iUwTO-K-lillrtM.Il.WrB. li II-I trrvaj. H-f l-- IMbtn t.wmto&trrairrfVirAKU,ttnpWim9rt'.'iit tad ni ft it a wrt C. - I - tr, i !-- nu ar9 U a a4 r. -r ( 3 to fxcan6f t, & n1 - tm t-s U B7eec v J-.-VTMl-.J. Scrtftt. lTr. r-r-a f-,. . -----T- la-Ua HIm4 -ri - C-4W-rfif i!rTt-lk-l-(W -vr.r.j., jj-jjp-a;. Wh M f e WllJM-t K. Strx-r. -r C-r. ?-- . IS-1 frrrtr- Kivwlrw I-4-i W---4 mfrn 9tSd;-Ma - em-sl --: Uf i S Sr(r U-CC-T - - -WtfW-W o KHH- XiC --. i c.ii-5:t- Sif BKe ei---. , cJRBn.tvi-i.W--T.l.If7X zfc--r.T-i irtt t-fcy yg gg rftet I-la 3lti y"J5 ?J?z2hl rt -as t-r k- !t-7?laftjf rMifr--t-i a - - - - tf a K --: rat . e w Krsty. jn-s. caJ-ti. xiv unftxix ttx t. M. S-C-. ,.sLitt-r. CarefirSieJt Ktatfacltt. -irfU.a k -tfi-a;ti! i uaM jh- -'-i?2:24?' i Carts K-nraH-t- occ y .ar ---. g- Cmt a---l4 la ew-ftr wt t-t mimmmn3mwmaramH jut gru. X c-rfay---ar-w-i, GCT S-f-T-t. XWAM. or bct. 3-a o.?.J ?; us- ?!?!S eii y-ii. jafrHar;rtr MCC-S, IC--Ia I (CT m ii-11- lit r-tiT. W. CLAW N3?S - t '.! t3KBK ,w Iff tf "L TB Mail an BBk f I i 1 l 'Ki L a, EdwU Umm. te lmM Mium imMhI1m Awiummx. A tawl -twM I ih-afi V?